r - ""V -r" w t!,. ,i LACABT-RTnAn" INTEUjIGEKOTCU, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1881. - i -v if 'v tr .V &. V t-4 i.U" B- X 'fV ' jlff-L -:? St If &f i,"i X' t-'i n i T U-" DAILT IHTELL1GECER EYtflY EVENING. IN THE YEAR " (ft-MAt tMtttW.) .y STErNMAN A HEN9EL, rOSR BUILDING W.COftNCft CENTRE SQUARE, Uncmter, Pa.. i3-1-' ii ,7?"-T- CENT' A WEEK. "WE DOLLARS A ISM YIA.Os.PrFTY CENTS ". wunin. L . k , J . -.-. alHtlVLI tt. ITS FROM TEN TO FIFTY Ul WlIKLY N,TtLLiaENCER, r " 't. f rnusr paecs) ' tVM.ttrK.0 EVtRY WEDNESDAY MORNING- . Twe Oeiu-sl Yt ni Anvtscc SJ-rM0RRESPONDENCE Solicited from every JTWn UT mtOINIfc rU WU'imft wwtni . 'fONOENTSARE REQUESrEDTp WRITE LEOIBLY i . V WO Oft ONE SIDE.UI- TMfc fAPfcH WILT , Anu lu Rfe-" hah m.. umrit tin- rn Mini inkTinU DMT 1 rnwiiinun nAnitSf nui run rwewwi ..,, - . Ur W PROOF OF 0000 FAITH, AlS. ANONYMOUS " UTTERS WILL BE CONSIGNED TO THE WASTE ji BASKET. ."aoere&b all letters and TELEGRAMS TO JiT- THE INTELLIGENOER, rs Lancaster, pa. $ l)c Cnncoetcf jlntclligcnccr. LANCASTER, DECEMBER 57, ISM. What Is He Fer . Seme of our osteema! local contempera- ftics' indulge In the rather forceful elx-rva- y tien Unit it is an anomaly, it net an aiisur Sidity, for the county auditors te surcharge j the commissioners for liills which they '? -liave paid upon the advice and ainw- v "IY val of the county solicitor. The. solicitor .JO-i ... ,....,. ... , ..,., ,i..i - IS ClCCtCCI V) UIU people, iiuu piiui ,i iiacii -' 'snlary, te furnish tlie law te the cenuiils- ( ' fcieners, and is presumed that they will iisk O " . f.m. .. .1 laVa t.li. .lt(ln nn nllji.line.1 rtt til... CCU, UUU IUKU 11U, milieu Oil IUC3-.1UI'- UI me involved in pajments of money out of the County treasury. It is even questionable whether they lmve the right te employ r.ud pay ether counsel. And yet the patent fact U that the poo peo poe plo generally elect such ioer stuff for county solicitor, that lie is net competent te give geed advice, and the commissioners have te go outside of Ids ofllce for their law and for advice. Sometimes they go te the judges for it, and then they fare worse still, and And that te act upon the court's recommendations is exnewhe te the' county and risky for themselves. Tlie proper remedy for the case is simply te elect better solicitors. A geed one, With honesty and capacity for ids duties would save the county ten times lib salary. One who is net lit for or who does net dis charge the obligations of Ids place should have no salary ; and we recommend te the incoming beaid of commissioners that they promptly rata the issue of whether an elected county solicitor is entitled te any pay if lie is unfit te discharge the duties of his place. Certainly if his in capacity requires the employment of out- C-counsel their fees should he deducted from his salary. A Fixed Star, or First Magnitude. Texas is a shite that excites admiration for many mere reasons than itsl3e,000 Democratic majority. Its extent of terri tory and vast resources, the rapidity of its rccpnt development and marvelous increase of population, are no leas notable tliau the unity of purpose which prevails among its people. It was the. first oHheikiutheru States te be reconstructed ; in fact it ic-censtructed-itself , without tolerance of the carpet lug and scalawag element ; and for nearly twenty years it lias presented a ro re maikablc illustration of what an Ameri can commonwealth can liecome under the beneficent influence of local w;lf govern ment. The indisposition of the Texan pcople te have their slatecutup into three or four smaller ones it would make twenty like Nevada deprives the Democrats of con siderable partisan advantage that they might acquire in the federal Senate, but it speaks well for the Tcxans' state pride and commands very general respect for them from all parties, One of the best features of the govern ment of the "Lene Stir" state is its mag nificent prevision for free schools. There they are free in the broadest sense of the term. Its accumulated permanent school fund, derived from the sale of public lands, is constant! inci easing though it is enough new te keep the schools open for ten months lu the year without the levy of any school tax. At its present rate of incieae Texas bids fair te rival the leading states of the Xertli In population bofero many mere censuses are taken. i Waltcrsen's M'rath. Mr. Wuttersen, of the Louisville Cburfcr-Jbtimali has the virtue as an edi tor of saying what he thinks, and the habit of saying it in an emphatic way, but he has net achieved a reputation for wisdom equal te Ids vehemence. He is net an op ep pgnent much te be fcaied by one who is paneplied in the right, and he is net sus tained by the public opinion of his section in his present assault upon Mr. Handall, provoked simply by Mr. HandalPs holiday journey into the Seuth. "Whatever tlie motive with which it is undertaken, it is a journey which Mr. Ilandall lias a right te take if it pleases him ; and in which he has a right te expect net only courteous hut a warm leceptien at the hands of a peeple from whom he deserves se well. Mr. AVuttersen runs against n very stout snag in attempting te thwart the traditional inclination te a generous hospitality of the Southern peo ple. He ought te have known that, what over they might think of the truth of Ids criticisms of Mr. Ilandall, they would net remember them against him when he was a visitor among them. Such indiscreet enemies as Mr. Watterson it is n real geed fertune te have; and Mr. Randall will find this In the fervor and extent of the wel wel wel come lie will liave in the Seuth. Cel. Dcchert'B First Mete. The controller-elect, Cel. ltebt. P. Dechert, of Philadelphia, has seen fit te :ik wlect as his chief clerk, a man without any 4 special party predilections, who is inti- g,lf tnately laiewn te Ills chief, who has a fine i military record and experience in civil anairs, nnd who fairly repiescnts in pe- ' lHical sentiment that large Iwdy of uu. fcfciaehed nnd liberal-minded voters whose , wpvert Of the Democratic- candidate '-'iwade his election (essible, j fiVVe Iwve eUfeenwl that home of the nar- n , leVinindeil ergnus of one of tlm Itepubll- $"tow factions in tlilu state jiave piessed ery ''" vigorously for Cel, Dechert'fl retention of ", lCr.,rrank WUIing Xeach in thechlef 'clerkship of the controller's ofilce, fecime by lias Jield this position under ids predecessor. Howler ex cellent n clerk he may have lccii, this wns net sulllclent reason for Ids re nptwintment. Tite Incumbent of n great efllcc, upon entering iHin it, Imsn light te have nearesthlni, and nsliis chief or staff, some ene whom he knows thoroughly and in whom he can repee Implicit confidence. He Is most likely te find and te prefer such none inn man of kindred political faitli with hlmelf ; but the first cnnMderatien must be thorough acquaintance nnd confi dence liern of it ; no doubt Cel. De.t.ihet finds this te Iks the case in Cel. l!ehj shell, whom he has selectel. He acts wisely in proceeding; slowly te oi-ganie ids elfice ; and in declaring his purposetoinnkeitps efficient as possible. He will best seiva his party by giving the city the liest administration. - m Onu wny te check the big divorce urep put the legid fees nt the highest notch. Yenic ceuntv li.vi ti tewnMilp Hint w ill mnke the Texnn wlie tiavstB of the main moth Deiuoemtlii majority of the I.one Star stnte green w ltli envy. At the pecial elec tion for Congressman en Tuesday, Coderus cast 325 votes for Dr.Swepc, Democrat, and net n single cne fur his ltepubtlcan opponent. This township Is probably the tTlepLi te which Sir Themas More hail reference, where nil Ideal political perfection wns real ized. A Itepubllcan in Coderus must be regarded ns mi ornithological curiosity, arousing the same fcnsatien tliat n black swan was went te cause among the nn nn cleuts. Tun Mermen smiles very grimly when he reads the divorce lists in llistcm cities. A clesi: obsciverof the progress of the negre in the Settlti laments the modern lack of skilled colored workmen, lie admit that they ha e advanced much in the past eigh teen years. They edit nnd support ever one hundred tiewnpnpcrs. They tench ever eigh teen thousand public schools. Tlicy furnish sixteen thousand students for higher bcIioeIs, nnd nine hundred thousand pupils for com mon schools. They raise each year 1 eO,000,0X bushels of cereals nnd 2,700,000,000 pounds of cotton. They formerly built nearly all of the houses and operated the mills of the Seuth, with onlyawhite superintendent Net ene mule in n hundred w as .shed by w hite hands. Hut there has been n retrogression anion-.; the negrees in the acquisition of trades. They have been much retarded by the sec tional spirit the Itepubllcan party aimed te mnke jcrniancnt, but w ith the w iping out of sectional lines under a wlse Democratic administration, the future of the colored man ia mere roscM.-elored thnn ever before. ANTltONV COMSTOCK Is divilllnp mite honors with timid Brittatim. di'iia- A PitiLAiiULnilA bank elllccr favors the regulation of the I'relnc1il b-ank, or Londen, that if any member of the stall" whose inceme is less thnn JE1J0 per milium shall marry he will be required te present his resignation. The ground he takes is that ostensibly occu pied by the bank, that when theyare married extra demands me made upon their blender Incomes w hlch they vnnnet nlw ays meet, nnd thus they nre tempted te stenL This proceed ing Is very absurd. Ter ene temptation that It may remoe from n wenk clerk, It will threw a hundred obstacles in the way of the union of hearts that long te co-.dcse two iK-ats into one. Tiik miUenluiii nnd the prenperity of the Reading read are booked for the same lny in the misty future. Tim Scranton Ilrjiubltcun is ene of the few venturcsome apologists for the Itepubllc-m iwllcy of taxing tlie pcoile of Pennsylvania te raise n surplus revonue for the lienelit of the banks which have the state treasurer's deposits. The Republican wants us te get ready te pay n debt that will mature in 190J. This is simply ene of the doUees of the treasury ring te get in abundant revenue for its own use nnd m-inipuUitlen. The Mniple fact Is that the state collects nt least n half million mere than It needs. About that sum Is collected by the countles for licenses nnd is turned ever by them te the state. The preper remedy is te let that money stay in the county treasuries, te lighten local Lix Lix ntien. Tncnnisu whole velume of sound sense in n recent remark of Mr. Gladstone, nnd it largely explains his wonderful vitality and the intellectual vigor he has maintained de spite the weleht of advancing years. He says : "I never allow business of any kind te enter my ehamlicr deer. In nil un un eolitical life I have neicr been kept awake five minutes by any debate in Parliament." It is this faculty of concentrating his power upon a given work and throwing en the bur den of it Immediately afterward, that enables n man toachicve distinction among his fel low s. The world is tilled with bright men, who could lctve their Impress, upon their generation. Hut they overtax their pew ers, forget that men who work, should sometime play j and, as n consequence, nc-quire nn m feebled constitution that Is unequal te the de mands made upon It by the mental portion of the human. The old saw, aye ijuetl agu, means nlse that n man must net be always doing. Tin: annual pecking of canned tomatoes in tills country avemgi.-s about 00,000,000 cases ; although it Is within the memory of the old eld est Inhabitant that the tomato was grown only for ornament, anil nlxmt 70 yeura age the first tomato ever grown In this country was raised from seed brought from Italy and planted In n gaideu in Salem, Masi. 1Iet a Itrpurtrr -Mntclml a (iimnier. Senater Oroeme, of Maryland, recently narrated the fellow ing romantic Incident lit Ids caner. Several years age, when I was a candidate for goerner of iny state, a gentle man In n neighboring town, wht.ru I chanced te be, said that he would opjieso me en tliu ground that I was a bachelor. He was elder than I was, net the liest looking in-ui in the world, and had neer been married ; be, te Hllence him, I said hi lest that I would bet him a lint that I could lnul n ladylnsldothrce vcimwhe would nurry me, and that was better, I was sure, tban he could de. I suc ceeded In liacklng him down, but I get into another dilllculty. One of thesouewHiiaiier chapH bome hew or ether get held or w hat I had said or, rather, what I hadn't said nnd the first that I knew I was published as ellcrlng te bet tlmt I would be mar ried within tbrce years. A hcrilxi In lUltlmere, te gel nhead or Ids fellows, ciitiired te give thu name of the lady In that city te whom I was engaged, l-'rem my green und salad tlnys te tlmt time I had net thought or getting married, nuich less of making u wlfe or the lady mentioned, I happened te meet her, howeer. adaver tw etitlerw nrd feri kuewher andnskcither w hat alie thought or the rumor. She told me laughingly tlmt If It would aid in mv election she would net centrndiU it until nftcrlhnil beciime govcnier. I bclloe tlmt it was never centmdlited, and, as I stibe fluently married the lndy, it Is new tee lain te deny it That newsiijer reiKirter'a for fer for tlle Imagination secured for me the Ims.1 wlfe lu the w ei Id. "l'uucli" te Junir ltliM.i-1 lamrlt "UuielI)lKLnw4-ll! Unlii-tl Xuy. you won't, Ana Wre m fund of you. Thliik tnlee uiui A.UI ,,' j.ci intae enn coine j our etllccw erk te tui Jeu don't aiTc-et the ' (Jet eminent lit iic! . , i.. , cackle.' a ' " S.uu uml J en can l ux Ttalmis u you'd lutt u Viu In home i-eliilri ; Np ou c-m'trl-sht wliat'. reii-v o'runlse o'runlsesuro n?!i?j;'.m't.:'..u,vwi't'.1 wr"it ' llternture wnat'ii trri, Jvej Veil, ternture. cinr, u III. nn f nce we euiv't rTejmi? cttllnet wy ' uv"' lrt h PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. A vjierui'.cr or ins r,ett ,i- MIX1STHATMX. Tlip Cliiriulne Vlrtiirf- lirawn by Hit- llllr t ttii- rlitl-litrlpltlA "Tlmr- l,tclT erk's llrrnt tlinrniitr MiuirVrriUrlleii renrcrtiluR 1II I'ellr. M'Ctiire' Albany lUsjvitcti teTlnie Met por-ens w he hae known 01oerner Cleveland only by Ids campaign portraits w 111 leery agreeably illsapielntel lu the genial fnmkne-s that brightens his face when In conversation with lsllers. He nldcntly hnsiuner lieen In the picture business him self te luem his political fortunes and the hardened lines of lilst face, w Inch nre gi en lu theliest cnminicu jiertralls, nre the natural resnlt of nn unwilling subject for the nrtlst. He plainly shows that the nrt or w reading his features w ith smiles te make an tittraclix e picture has been neglected In his education. All his portraits g!e him n hea, elxtlnate jippcarnnce, ludlcnting n sluglh tenqH-ra' ment and n slew-moving Intellectual org-ant-zatlen ! but If the photeernpher had caught him unawares when In conversation l-.e would hae been pictured ns he nsdly I n delightful and ready eonversatlennlUt nud with a face that licnrs the unmistnknble im press el frankness, iii.iiilincs.snud uncommon keenness of perception. His features nre s?fl. his hair light nuburn. his eyes blight and merry nnd he must nt once tench nil who meet him that he Is a stranger te dissembling. He has abundant caution, hut he does net Mirlnk from possible misunderstanding, ns Lincoln did; he does net employ words te conceal ideas but he talks freely and lolnt lelnt edly en subjects he i-lioees te dl-vuss and always means tu In' understoeil. He is a natural business executive. He le es business lldelltv. he believes in busl- lies. methods nnd he wilt faithfully fulfill hi publicly repeated pledge te conduit the ad ministration of the government en thorough linsinpss erliicllilcs. He does net meruit ltxik te business udniinlstratien as the limit of his duty In enforcing henet government. He KirrlcH his business statesmanship te the eNtt-nt of business lecislntien te promote healthy and enduring business presi-crity, and m ulenp theorist- who would retolution retelution retolutien jzonml destroy will lie ns resolutely halted by President L'let eland ns will tho'jebbcrs nnd iirelli-rates who hate s deeply stilneif etcrt df-virtincnt et our nation al authority. He understands that tariff ret isien is te be ene of the duties of his administration, as the national platforms of both parties hat e alike demanded it, but if either tariil monopolists or free trade dreamers expect te enlist the new adminis tration in their cause they will lie disap pointed. The same practical business methods that be applies te all public duties be w ill tltly apply te the revision or the tariil. nnd he will seek te de U in the most practical buslncss-like way. He leeks te the legiti mate nnd substantial revival of all the lccitl lccitl mate business Interests of the w hele country e3 ene of the foremost duties of his rule, anil I shall be greatly disappointed if he docs net se ns.iure the country by his selection for secretary of the treasury. Tin: TUKASCnV A"Nl Till. TAnil't'. Uedecs net affi-ct te underestimate the giccial Importance of that appointment. He does net hesitate te sny that hew eter ether cabinet officers might intite criticism en points of political nnd men financial dlllerence, the man charged with the portfolio te w hlcli the country must leek for the harmony of reteuues und industry must command" the trust of the nation in his practical ability and consort atlte policy. Viewing the tariti'frein the sensible nnd practicable standpoint of business, the occ-uien clearly calls for a head of the treasury who wilfbrlng te his task nene of the dregs or rescntnicnts of faction, but who can command the considcrnte sup port of business interests in framing n busj. nes3 ret cntie I itt , regardless of partisan lines. Thcrotenue standard will le the basis of all future tariffs and every step w ill be taken te cheal-cn the neces-aries of lite that is consistent with fidelity te the general productive industries of the country. The present set ere reduction of wanes lmiicri- t eusly demands every possible reduction of me cost ei ine necessaries ei nie consumed by labor, nnd our overproduction, that new hangs like a pall etcr many of our mostim mestim mostim jjertant Industries, must hute enlarged mar kets, with cheaper products te every extent consistent with protection of home lalier agalnstthe ill-paid nnd ill-fed labor of Europe. That would be the revision of the tariff en business principles. It w euld be the best as surance et legitimate prosperity te both labor and capital. It is what the Chlcaee Demo cratic platform plainly tenches and It Is what President Cleveland w 111 make the policy of his administration. Titr; civil stcnvici. While there has net er been any room te doubt that Clet eland's administration w ill be Democratic and that there will be great change-) in the political complexion of the federal offices, tie one could hcarhim discuss his citilscrvlce policy without understand ing that he will make haste slowly, and that he will make the elevation of the cit II serviee paramount te jxirty. Hels a positite bclietcr in practical civil serviee reform and he Is no new convert te it. He be-Het cs that the first duty of n public officer is te regard ollice as n public trust nnd make Deth party aud person al interests subordinate te that cent ictien ; nnduoue who knew him will doubt that he will resolutely apply his precepts nud exam ble in every cictmrtmeut of the get eminent Tlintls net what Democratic speilsmen ex pect, but it Is pretty certainly the only feast te which they will be invited und they will profit by cultivating their appetites te enjoy the entertainment It should be remembered also tlmt tin practical cltil sort ice reform likely te be inaugurated by President Clet e l.iud git esllttle premise te the bulk of the preseut federal olileers. Clet eland's standard applied te them would dismiss ninety-nine et every hundred of them, for they have, as n rule, llngrantly elfeuded every prlnciple of an honest civil sort lee system. Tiie Demo cratic disappointment will probably be less In tlie removal of the hosts of federal officials who have prostituted political power te parti san uses than in the character or the men who succeed them, and Democratic honesty nnd competency tt ill generally prevail ever these who fellow the trade or politics te har v est the six-lls. I de net mean te convey the idea that Cleveland despises the actlve jmli tlclan. He is tee bread nnd practical and honest for any such felly. Hut It is net dill! cult te draw the line between leputable and disreputable party men, nud when it Is re-meml-cred tlmt the disreputable of nil jmrtles nrenlwnys most actite nud Importunate In demanding party rewards in the nha-H-et elllees, the distinction between an honest civil tervice nud the sublime impracticable non-partisan administration that some dream or, but nene practice, must lie apparent te nil. A DnJIOCIlATIC AUMINISTIIATIOX. I knew as much about the new cabinet as unyoutside the few-in closest confidenc-e with with the new- president, nnd that Is just iieth lug nt all j but I cxiwt the Cleveland cabi net te be wholly Democratic, but wholly honest, nble and commanding public c-oiitl-denee j ami the problem the new president must solve Is whether ii Democratic national administration can make thu nation Demo cratic by dCfccrvlnir the considerate npprevnl nfthe jieeple. H he shall be successful, the me-isuie of success will rejH-at the history or Menree nnd Jacksen, who disarmed opposl epposl oppesl tion by the sweeping commendations or the country, nnd If unsuccessful, the failure will entomb Democracy fur another quarter of a century, If net forever. The new president will be progressive. He will lx conservative and progress with care, but he will progress. I low III net rum his fncu back Uien the past te learn the new duties the new occasion Imposes upon him. Hu will let the dead rest and leek forward te the lltlng Iiies or to day, te the multiplying issues of the hopeful rufuiuand te a purer und belter governiuont for the reunited pcople of eurgratid Itepubllc Theliest alms and c-irortssemclhiie fall, but If jKitrletie singleness or purpese nnd tireless and honest endeavor can crown the C'leve-l-uid administration with success the nation will point w ith Jut pride te the day it made (iroter Cli-velaii'l president An OlilSturj ef.ll.UMiiU). Mncanlay In his childhood exhibited a wen. dcrful command or words. One day, when n wce toddler, he tried te walk down stairs, but lest his balance en nec-euut of his dlmlu. uttve htiiture, and tumbled te the bottom. He vyas taken te the nursery and seethed, nnd the lady of the house w cut te him a row hours ln,Vr...nn,1,wia.! "Mv ' l-ew de you feel T " Thank you, madam,'' said the In tint Mncauluy, " for your courtesy. I am glad te say that the pnln in my hcad'has con. sideiably abated." 'Uect bless the child." said the hostess, hew vert old he Is." Ma ciiulny lit ed for many years niter this. PERSONAL. OkeiiukW.Ciui.ps distributed 510,000 In Christmas presents te his cinplO c. D. W. II. TitenxtiYKK, nretlrcl llosten surgeon, died suddenly ft-eni pneninenln 1'rU dny In that city. ItKritKSKNTATtVK ItANtlAM.lKIVPS Wash- ten tn-dny for his Southern trip. He will probably le accompanied bv Iteiiresentntlve McAdoo, of Xew Jersey. I.ei'isu MtcitKl. Is rccMtering from her Illness. The nutherilies hate etlered te re--le vse her from prison en condition that she resides outside of the deiMi tliieut of the Seine for two years. (lovKiixen Cm-vki.ami I te l tendered n ns-eptlen nt the City Club, Hulhde, en Satur day evening, January 10, fellow lngthe Char ity Kill of the mh.nt which he Is te lie pre sent as a chief patron. Atteunkv ClKxr.iiAt.Uit vv and Congrevs Cengrevs iiun Lere, both of Xew Catle county, and Mr. Day.ird's Immediate neighbors, nre men men tlened as probnble suies.serH te him lu case or his tnuisfer te the cabinet Majeii Huse, broken or his rank In the army n Tew j enn nge en n charge or conduct unbecoming nn efUccr nnd n gentleman In Insulting a brother officer' wife, is Inking steps te secure his reinstatement. Sknateiis Hayauii and Heck nre geed lit ers nnd nre strnngers te physical juln. Hampton hasn great steniach that would bate made Cnrlyle believe in human nature, if net in heaven. He takes life easy, Is fend or manly sports, and sleeps profoundly. Lir.t'T. Gknkii.u. .SumtiDAN Is confined te Ids heuse by illness, which, though seri eus, is said net te be dangerous. He Is sutlcr ing from derangement of the stomach, nud his physician has for the present restricted his feed te the juice of oysters and ordered him te remain nt home nnd rest. Hai.T7.ku Okiiu, n resident or Crawford county, Pa., for eighty-four year, diet! nt ills home, en I-rlday, aged lttt years nnd six ineuths. Deceased was a vi ell-to-de farmer and lately obtained a legacy of f;,000 which had been unclaimed for years in Ducks count. Attention te the legacy was drawn by the publication of the celebration or his one hundredth blrthdnv, three years nce Inst summer, nnd his title te the money was then discovered. Cen.NKi.ir.s Airi.TM.v., a millionaire man ufacturer of agricultural Implements, died suddenly nt midnight Thursday night, in Canten, Ohie, aged 50 v ears. He had n inirty nt his heuse and the guests had just departed. He would preKably Imvelieen the Republican candidate for governor nt the coming cleetleu had he lived till then. His life was Insuicd for ev cr $100,000, &0,Ou0 or tt hlch w ns taken out six mouths age. He contributed J(X00O te the new Pirst Episcopal Methodist church, and also contributed largely te Kenyen cel lege, sujttlie lligtit Thin-; nt tin, night -Ilmr. Frem the L-wiiten n Siitlnrl Tlie lineaster Daily iNTULi.ieKNcun has increased its size nnd denned n hand some new dress of type, nnd is new as pretty nsit is geed. The iNTKi.t.ieuscEn Is strictly Democratic, nnd its editorial utterances are alwajs liberally quoted, partly liecause of Chairman Hensel's connection" with It, and principally liccause It hasn habit of saying just nlieut the right thing nt the right time. A sillch In Tlnifi .Satm Mnn I true of elil cents, nnd months. When thn for lnershens thu tlrst defect taken "stitch," nnd nlwnvs keep the mouth right by uslni-0e 1IOVT II c-Ohti, lesi fern ncr cent than n set of teetlL it-n-lwdeeUAw .Vlude short tt'iirk of It. Mr t fi. Ritsnn, of Me Vlllster Cress Keadi, Tcim., was serelj troubled with dj spensla, He vtritcs- I have hecn uslnp llrewn's Iren Hit ters ; only used tt n nhert tlme nnd think I am a ell." it U one of the beauties of the Reed work neeempllihcd bj this wonderful Iren tonic, that It t doue se epeedlly The wert is psrainni-nt, tee. Cures wenkne-.., liver nnd kidney com plaints, etc. TlilTK MKKIT ALOM. luHBhen Allcock's Pereus 1'liu.ters the larRi-nt xalii of any external remedy In the world. If you have been uslnjr ether kinds of plasters, one trill of "Allcock's" will convince you et their n underfill superiority. FA flneADn-AV, Koeu 3.', New Yenic, March S, 1W3. Having been cured of u tcv en uttack of rheu-matl-im of the neck nnd shoulders by using All eeek'H Pereus I'Insters, I feel It my duty te strongly commend their me te anyone-similarly mulcted Tern period of several months I had ciluustcd many ether se-called remedies with out obtaining the slightest relief. Vtnally I np plled one of Allcock's Pereus Plasters, nnd found myself almost Immediately cured. I consider them u true blessing. Faithfully jeurs, JAMF.-ji:. H05ME11. Imitation. Veu ure n-queatcd te call at the old postefflco building. Centre Sjunre, Lancaster, Pn where v 111 be given u practical exhibition of Hccker's Self raising Iluckwheat nnd Fleurs, Wednesday, TJiursday, Friday nnd fcatnrday. Hec. 17, 18, is, an. 1SSL iJidles specially Invited. decl7-ltd UAl'ID -111AS&IT. 1 he latest and best form of rapid transit Is for n person troubled with n sick headache, te tuke n dose of Dr. Leslie's bjieclal Prescription and whntnmpld transit train the affliction takes for Its departure. .-co ndvcrtUctuciit lu another column dec-iO-l)d(l) Drier Jlentliiu. "I have ucd JJurdeek Jlloeit IlilUrt with great benefit for Indigestion and constipation of the bemclB." 0. I.. Laston, Hamilton, Ohie. Fer nle by II.II. Cochran, druggist, 137 nnd UJ North fin ecu street. tt'luit we Want. Cilvc Homeopath his pellets, Allepath bin pills: but for rheumatism, for aches, for imlns nnd sprains, Thomm' JJcleclrtc Uil Is liielTably su licrlnr te either. It has benc-ntndns ninny eo ee eo plens It h.is hnd purchasers All druggists sell It. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 nud IS) North Uuccn street. .VKJTIIEItSl MOTIIEItSt' MOTIIEItSIl! Ale you disturbed nt night nnd broken of your rest by h sick child suffering nnd crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If se, go nt ence nnd get u bottle of Mrs. WIXhLOW'S SOOTHlXli HVULTl'. It will relievci the iioer little sufferer Immcdtatelj depend uiwii It t there U no mistake about It. There is net a mother en enrth who has eter used It, who will net tell you nt once that It wilt regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, und relief nud health te the child, operating like magic. It la perfectly safti te use In nil cases, and pleasant te the taste, nnd Is the prescription of one of the eldest and lx-st female phslelnns In the United Mates. Held every w hen. 25 cents a tiettle. lnnyJI-lydM.W.SitH- VJtV MHOJ.S. goods! NBW WATT, SHAN D& CO. Itavnreclved upwards of Fifty Cases of NEW UOODS, selected especially for OHEISTMAS 6-IETS. MLKHAMIKKUrilllKI'. HII.K JIUFFLKUS, I.IXK.V HANDKF.ItCIIIF.FH, KMUItOl- llEltKH IIA.VDKKItClUKFs, OK.NTI.KMKN-S TIES. SCAItFS, .SUSPEND. AN IMMENSE ASSOItTMENT OF CHOICE IJ00KS, Suitable for Yeung and Old, at ONE-HALF UbUALl-ltlUKS. I'lCTUltE HOOKS, STOUV HOOKS. AUTO OKAl'lInud CltAl HOOhh. TOYP, GAMES, DOLLS, WOltK ROXEH, WIIITINT. DEfeKS, DIIE-1SINO CASES, IKWELItY, rEltl'UMEUY, Etc.. Etc. HEW YORK STOEcE, NOS. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, VA, Mi:mc.tt JTUNTCsUMlMn'T "W HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY. NEVER KNOWN TO FIL. It ciiivvlirn nil ether mrdlrbip fall, as tt net illrc-cllv nnd nt ence en the Kldnets, titer nnd Uewels, restoring them te n healthy notion. It ! n safe, sum nmt speedv cure, uiui tnuiilreils lmve leeu cured lit It when physlct.ins and trleiid lmd eh en them up te die. It is Beth a " Safe Cure " and a " Specific," It CI'IIKS nit DUen.es of the Kldneyn, l.ltel, lllndder nnd t'llnnrv Oranns i lfreixy, Uravel, Diabetes. Ill l(!ht's Disease, Nervous Dtsenses. Ktcesses, Female Weaknesses, Jniindlce, beur Menmcli. l))n-M').M. (onxtlpalteH, Piles. 1'Alns In the lUck. I.elns nnilslili-, Iteten Hener Noii'ltetentien of I'rlne. !. AT HRrOOMTS. W v.i h'i: yn et unit. end for Illustrated Pamphlet of neil d Iesll Iesll inenliils of Atisntiiir Cure HUNT'S REMEDY COMPANY, piieviiiKNCK. ::. i (i) rilON MTTT.US. nnn ititn e tv w tr x-c n m .is, H n it it e e w vv vv VT n n n c a nnn jtmt ii e vvw vvw njiv "ss II II 11 R O O WW WW N N f .5 UDtl 11 H OO W IV .1 NX n8.-a ii mm oe nv m II II II O ONN N ii unit O II N N N It I- HO O N NN II It It OO N NN nn it tttt ttvt rKR mm sss.. 1 II II T T r. U It 2 a inn ii t t ib ur.it "sss p 1 t T I T i tin HE It K It ,'li.SSa This medicine, remblntng Iren with pure veire tanie tonics, ijulckly nnd cempletelt CL'llKs HlxI'EI'SflA, IMlltiEsSION. .Vf.VI.Altl A. WKAhN't., IMl'lKE UI.OOll, fill I.I.-s. nnd FEt EKnndNI.rUAI.UlA. It j rapid and thorough assimilation Ith the bleed It reaches every part of the sj stein, puri ties and enriches the bleed, strengthens thn muscles nud nerves, nnd tones and invigorates the NVstcm A line Appetlrcr llest tonic knenn. It Mill euro the wroret casn of Iypcpl,i, ru moring nil distressing symptoms, such as 'fast lug the Feed, lielchlng. Heat In the stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iren medicine that villi net blacken or Injure the teeth. It Is Invaluable for diseases peculiar te women, nnd te nit persons w he lead sedentary 111 cs An unfailing remedy for diseases of the Liter and Kidneys. Persons snfferlng from the effect of oicrweik, nervous troubles, less of appetite, or debility, oiperlence ipilck relief nnd renewed energy by Its ue. It does net cause Ilendaehn or produce t'enstl pntlen OTIIF.lt Iren medicines de. It Is the only preparation of Iren that causes no Injurious effects. Physicians nnd druggists recommend It ns the best. Try It. The genuine has Trade Mnrtc nnd crossed red lines en wrapper, lake nnether. Madnenlyby liiiijivx cnr.iuc.ii. co , ItiL-tiMenr, Mn septD-lyd.tlyw A oni:.vrsrcei-ss. HOP PLASTER. This Pereus Plaster Is famous for Its quick nnd hearty nctlen in curing Lnme Hack, ltheum-matlsm,--cl.illca,crick in the back, -.(dennd Hip, Nenralgla,;jtiir Joints nnd Muscles, bore Chest, Kidney Troubles and nil pains or aches either local or deep-seated. It seethes, strengthens nnd stimulates Ihe parts. The virtues of hops eemblred with gums c-Iean nnd ready te apply Hupcrier te llnlmeuts. lotions and salves, l'ric, Scents, or i ler 1 no. .old by nil druggists nnd ceuntiy teres. Mailed en receipt of prices. Jlcp J'latler Company, proprietors, llosten, Mass A GREAT SUCCESS. WThe best family Pill uiade Hnwlet's Mnmnch nnd Liter Pills 25c Pleasant In action nnd easy te take nev'J'-ljd&ii () T HOUS.VNDS OI' CASKS OF SICK Headache are permanently cured every ear (as me 'luiiuruus ut icsuiuuniai in my possession w 111 testify) by the use of DR. LESLIES Special Prescription. This Itemedy stands to day without n rival, nnd with scarcely a com petitor In the world. Thousands or Physicians throughout the country have acknowledged their Inability te euro it. and urn new prescrib ing Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription ferall cases of lck HEADACHE In cither its ncrteus, bilious or congcstlvefonn. nrlslng from obstruction, congestion orterpldlty of the llver. When I say that Dr. Leslie's SPECIAL Prescription trill cure the most obstinate cases of lick Headache, I mean Just what I sty, nnd that Is, that It net merely relieves but; POSITIVELY cures, no matter hew long the case may have been standing. 1 have, testimonials from persons who hate been mulcted for twenty years, being con lined te tied two orthree days nt a time ciery two weeks, that have been permanently cured by tnolxittlcsef Dr. Leslie's .-pcclat prescriptien1 se that they hat e net had an attack for et er 11 ve jears. Hyeii nre troubled with Sick Headache aud wish te bu CURED be sura nnd give this remedy n trial. I-hick, 1 00. K II. AltCIIKIt, Saratoga bprings, N. V. FOIt SALE IIY DlttfGOIsTS. dMyl Fer sale only at J. It. KAOFFMAN's Drug hteie. Ne. M North Oueeu street, Lancaster. Fer colds, use Knutrman's Cough Syrup, tlu-laigcst nnd best for -ii cents. riATAIUUI. ELY'S CREAM BALM CUKES COLD IN HEAD, C'ATAItltll. ItOtiE COLD, IIAYFF.VKK.DKAFNKSS.IIEADACHK. Easy te use, l'rlce. rule, Ely Ilre'g, Ostit-ge, N. V., V. 8. AT HAY FEVER. ELY'ri CltEAM HA MI Cleanses thn Head, Allais lntluniinntlnn, Heals the Meres, Itcsteres the benses of Taste and hmell, A nulck nnd ImisIUvu cure, in cents at Druggists. Guccut y mall, registered, bend for circular, bample by mull, ia cents. ELY BROTHERS, JO-eedAw Druggists, Oswego, N V. TTKAIIQUARTKKS rOUTHK INDIAN MEDICINE:!, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere, NO, 0 EAST KINO bT Lancaster, l'a. c.(iri.v. i'.4 .. i. hf AI EYE TO BUSINESS. Prompt, vigilant, active atten tion te ene's calling, be it evor se humble, merits its reward. We claim te be wide awake in the Clothing intorest and are of fering bargains that will astonish you. Boe Ovorceata In Windows. 85,00 Soe Ovorcetvtfl In Windows, $6.00 Soe Snlta In Windows, 810.0O Soe Stilts In Windows, 813.00 A. O. YATES & CO., 02, 004, fiOU, GIIGSTiNUT HTS. PHILADBIil-HIA. Netici. Esllmatcs (umUlinl In clubs fur e et coats ler Ihn Iiuingiirattun, s7-lmd K. SMAIilSfi. GREAT SLAUGHTER -IN- FINE OVERCOATS. We offer te day n reduction efJiS te 3) per cent, below last month's prices C'remble's celebrated nnd popular Otcrceutlngs, tiii: iikst in nn; would In nil the different shades nnd styles Ely slans. Furs, t elenrs, t Icnnas, IjillaHls. lla Unas. Mmitansk's. Astrnchans. etc. F. A II. Ed redens, Cxarlnes, DuffePs nnd Patent Heaters, Itevnt Irlh l'rlexe. fiarrjeiien, Petershams, Meltons nnd Kcvsej s 1 hese genls can only be had at leading houses In large cities, and ninge In price from .V) te (. We nre selling them from M) te Vi A full line of Demestic Fabrics, ranging In prices from ! te Wn. SUITINGS OF hVKUY DI.-CUU'TION AT PttlCE- COIt ItLsPOMIlMiLI LOW. All colors nn subjected te n thorough chemi cal lest. Our work Is of the best nud highest Htln of art. Our long c-jporienco lu business mid close Inspection enables us te be thoroughly familiar with nil the best manufactures and latest st i les In the market, litre, us a trial and Imi convinced, T Ne. 2 West King Streot unci Contre Squtire, Smaling's Tailor s Guild. mnrl-lyWA- B L'Y Fer the Holidays, THE BEST-THE CHEAPEST. 800 MEN'S OVERCOATS, ri te w i' 450 BOYS' and CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS, AT f 1.21. 1 03, $1 Oil te fil fi. ALL K1.11VS OP NKC'ICWKAH. SILK HAKI)KKHCHIi:r.S, nesinitY, kilk susim:ndi:hh, L'XDI'.UWn,VIt, OI,OVi:9, .SHIRT-!. KN'IT JAUKirrS, UMIIKKLLAS, UUllIti:il AND OOS.SAMKR CT.OTHINO, TKUXJCS, At Prices Which for Cheapness Can Can eot be Equnllctl. HIESI & BROTHER, Penn Hall Clothing Heuse. COItNKK OF CENTRE SgUAHB AND .NORTH QUEEN STREET, Line-liter, Pa. B. II. MAUTIN, ITIlOtSSAt.-' A XI BET IIL Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber and I'eaL WYai.u N'e. tM North Water nnd I'rlncu sticeta, nbovc-Lemen, Lnucaster, n3!d OAUMOAIinNKItSA JRrFERIKS, COAL DEALERS. OrricES : N'e. 1 North (Jneen street, nnd N'e. Ml North l'lluce strevt. Yahdsi North l'riuce street, near lli-ullng Deiiet. LANCASTER, PA. uuglS-tfd pOAU M. V. B. COHO, 33UNOK1H WATER STREET, Lancaster, l'n,, in'OLUALE AMP nETAlt. UCALCn IX LUMBER AND GOAL. CeMfECTiO'v u itii Tilt: TEI.rriie.Nia ExciiA-taE. Yard An Ornci:: N'e. 300 NORTH WATER V1REET. feb2f-ljd rl J. HWAllH A CO., COL. erncE: N'e. se Centre bquare. Yards : East nlnut und Marshall streets. (Stewart's Old Yard.) Reth Vnnl and Offlce connected with the Tele Tele Tele phene ETchnngn -i;iNlI.lNC, WOOD A 8PECIALTY.-6 ectl3-0mdMAFR tlKOCKllIKS. rjO TO HUItSK'.S. FOR- CHRISTMAS GROCERIES. Fer linking Mnterlul. Fer l'ure bplces. Fer Flavoring Extracts and Roje Water. Fern Nlce, Fancy Fruit lUmket. Fern Rasket of Fruit. Fer Flerida Oranges. Fer White Oni pes. Fer Fine Rnlslus. Fer t'bolce p, h. Almonds. Ferall Kinds of Nuts. Fer Iho Rest Candy, .! pounds fei-23 cents. Fer Clear Toys. Fer the Rest CelTecs. Fer t he 1 k-s t Teas. Fer Canned und Ilettlc-d Goods. lern liuirc-l of Choice llaldwln Apples. NOW FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLa. A beantlfiil Plaque or Curd vi Ith each pound of Cotrieduiing the llellilajs. Come nud sec, it will my you. AT BURSK'S, NO. 17 BAST KING STREET. TUDUIi8IIAVUI.0NQ SINCE DUC1DUD tt tlmt the Yellow Frent 3c. "Cigar Is the best In the state, at HARTMA.V YELLOW FRONT CIOAU STORK. VI.OT1IIXU, IKMOVAIi AND OiT.NINO. t.nveAsiKn, P., Seit, IA, 19SI, Idcstrnte make known te my friends nnd customers, nud the pnblleln goneml, that t have unnoted from NO.UNOIITII (JUKI'S STItKKT, teNO.t.'INOKTIt QUEEN STItKI'.T, formeily oeenph-d by the tlrm of Sinnllng A llausmnu, wherel hat e opened with a large assortment nt English, French nnd (li-rmim Novelties, together with a Large Line of Demestic! Fabrics, Cem posed ns my New .tick Is, of Nnw (IivhIs nnd New Htyles, I feel nssuivd thai In snllcllln n feiiltuiiaucc. of jour pntiviunge, you will lmve nu eppeitunlty of making selections front n sleck tini'i-ualed. In Its variety nud udaptcd te thn present demand, which Is for geed vnliu-s, gentlriiuinlv ,les nnd rirects, nud exquisite nt. Neth l-itl the terylH'storwerkinannlilp nnd prices te suit cterjhedy, 1'lfl.isn fter inn w llh j our erdeis, Yours Very Truly, D. R. WINTERS. MY Kits A ItATHVO.V. HOLIDAY SUITS AND OVERCOATS. FOR MEN, FOR YOI'TIW, FOR tlULDIII'.N'. What worn acceptable nnd nppivrlatlin -tins for Iho llntldajs nre them than nn Etc Kiuitly FlttlOK tnlt or Oierceat ? We haven treat selection or (IOOD-4 t.N 1IIE 1'IECE, i-mbmclliL nil the lending Nevelllesln Kilt. EU1N ANDTlOMEITIc! WOOLENS, irem vi hlch It Is easy te mnkn snttsfacter)- M'tec. tlnm. Ojir Cullers nre skilled In thelreiillln-t and iilll Kunranti-i' te lit veu perfectly In nnv stlle desln-d. Our 'laflnrs nre nillilliclvd nmeiiR the best of Ijincnster ineelmnlcs, nnd their w erk nlw ays l-enrevldenrn of superior manufacture. We knew prices when they nroleivdown. We say ours nre. niten down ns thoseofnuy enennynhnre. We only usk ler a chancn te convince. ) en of this fact, lyers & Eathibn, l.EADt.NO LANOAVTER TAILORt, NO. 13 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, l'A F M.I. ANSOUNCKMKNT OP FINE TAILORING -AT- HENRY MARTS, Ne. O East Kine; Streot 1 have In stock the most cnmplstc nud rbnlca assortment nt HUE WOOLElfS FORTIIE FALL AND WlNTERTRADi: EVER OFFERED IIEFORE IN THIS CITY A great variety of LATHS f-TYLI' CHECKED sUlTl.Mi. COltK?L'lti.W' In nil similes nnd illialltlei A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF LIOIIT AND HEAVY WEIOIlI- 0YDRC0ATING. Prices AS LOW AS HIE LOWEsT and all goods warranted ns represented. H. QERHART. pCONOMY IN CLOTH I NO. L. GANSMAN & BRO. Yeu nre doubtless Intciestcdln the iiurc hasn of Clothing, nnd want the best -reeds for the least money. We are equally Interested In securing your patiennite, nnd we lmve placed ourlar-testockat prices within the reach of nil, The times nre rtpe for It. The nerkln-tmiiu nces no use In paying $13.00 for un Overcoat or a a suit, when he can ttnd nn honest nnd rikxI loekln-r article hern for 00 nnd pi no. SUITS ! suirs, ine, ji.oe, fs.(ja sill rs, no oe, tiuu, in i. BEST WORKMANSHIP. l'RICES FROM ID TO 1J 1'ER CENT. LOWER 'IRAN ELSEWHERE. Overcoats. Overcoats. OVERCOAT:, fiOO, 1 Ul, t),00.' OVERCOATS, .1.fiO, till 00, UU1. OVERCOATS, J1J.0O, $11.00, 15 110. Dent Qualities, Lewest Prices, nnd u Vast Stock te select from. Our Keeda were never se low. as new, while they nre us desirable us ever. I. GABIAI & HBO, THE FASIIION'AIILE MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Neb. 66-CB NORTH QUEEN STREET, Right ou the Southwest Cor, el Onin-je, LANCASTER, l'A. J-.N'et connected with mil ether Clothing Heuse In this City. AV ILLI AMSON & I-'OSTKIt. RBTTIRN PRESENTS. Fromn Very Large Varletv we present u few Items that would mnku suitable Re-turn Pres ents. OVERCOATS, Finui SIT Dellurs te Twcuty-fnui, DREhS HUITH, Frem Twelve Dollars loTwenty-tlve, UUS1NES3 SUITS, Frniii Seven Dollars te Ten. CHILDREN'S SUITS. Frem Twe Dollars n Nine. . JIOV'S SUITS, Frem FourUelInw te Sixteen, STIFF HATS, Frem Onn Dellar te Threci Fifty, SEAL CARS. FroivTweFirty te Eight Dollars. PLUSH KOIIKs, Frem One Dellar tu Flic, MERINO AND WOOL UNDERWEAR, Frem Twcnty-tlve Cents te Twe Fitly, bILK NECKWEAR, i tern Tiventy.tlt e Cenu te One If t y. , ... OI.OVEM, In Kid, Casslmcrc, Jersey Cleth, Unck, Saranae and Hand Knit Woolen, Fifty Centa te Twe Sevcuty-llvc. BOOTS AXDSHOEH, In a V cry Larue Assortment of the Rest Makes, for Ladles, Gents, Heys and Children. UUM ROOTS AND OVERSHOES, All Prices, und it Full Rim-re, nfslze At lit j Economy in Clothing ! II M Nes. 32, 34, 30 k 38 East King St., LANCASTER, l'A. "i 9 0