Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 27, 1884, Image 1

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Ml.l.AXUr. 01' JVI.'M.V -.VJ vemmi:xts
ex nr.t.wievs Tenes.
What I. of Minim Inlere.t ti tint Varleu. De-
noiiilnalleii Hely lh) el "'" Holiday
Sua oii-Cenidalnl of Celd tint rrlie.
Neme Aiir-nlulr. of Clerical
Tlie lliri'0 greater lmly days which Itiuiir Itiuiir
dintely fellow Christum I My SI. .Stephen'
Day, yesterday, SI. Jehn, Ihti F.valigellil's
Dny, te-ilny, nml thu Hely Innocents to-mer-iow
occupy n Milium hat rt'innikiible posi
tion. An Hplrioepnl writer, nfler rt'ft'ri llifc te
Hiefnct thnt lla-der nml Pentecost have melt
two, nml Christmas three festive dnys fellow.
Ing, suy ! ' Hut nt Faster mid Peiitifent the
days at e connected l.y unuie with the festival
Itself, whciea, nt Christum they nioiww nieiww
elated with thu mimes of Mints, In addition
te thnt continued commemoration of the
nativity which belongs te Ihcntns te the ether
duysofthe octave." Oue explanation of this
It Unit Christ King tin) Head te which nil
the niomliers are Jellied, thioe kinds of mem mem
lers nre Joined te Illm In martyrdom, ns
mystically signified hi the Heng of Songs
(v. 10.) hy the words, ' My Beloved It vvhlte
anil ruddy, nml thoiiilefostiunong ten thou-
Celd Chiirche. Complaint d or.
Frem Hip l'hllnilclililii Ledger
It (loot net appear fiem the published no
count In the Clntinnnll t'niimrm'ui of the
brief last lllncer tlu hmh1 citizen, Heubcn
Springer, whether tlie cnthislnil (where he
first felt the ehlll thnl vvns the warning of
ilenth) vvns tee het or loe fold.
The actual miw of hit de -ease, thioe
ilayt thereafter, wnt only guessed nt
hy hit attending physician, nml wnt sup
posed te Irosnine ilogeuerney or disturbance
In tlie heart's action. It limy hiive been
inerelyn coincidence In point
the fnfal symptoms weru first felt during Hut
tlme of hit Hit te the church building. Hut
it eallt nttvntlen te the fact, that nt thlt tiiuu
of year the most of mieh edifices nre kept
cither entirely tee het or tee eeld, nml In
lint few Instances nre projierly nrrunged for
the occupancy of n large number of pontens
In their winter clothing. They nre mere
often exer than uuilcrhcntcd, mid In thalcnsn
tlie congregation runs the double risk of
sleepy Inattention te the service nml of n
sudden cooling nlf nfterwnrds en going out
Inte tlie air. Whereas, In the dnuip or ehlll
old churches of HiireiM-, It tt the custom of
tourist visitors te provide themselves with
extrn wniiw nml toot Manner for going in
out of thestrrcL If It It net cesy te regulate
the amount of heat nml ventilation prnicrly,
then It should become the custom in tint
country for congregations toil rest neisjrillng
te the reputation of the edifice. Fer chili
lloer niiJ draughty utiles extra w nips and
well protected loot" genr would be In order.
While for tlie structures whcrentimuicrhcata
prevail ueleak room would lien geed annex
for these members of tlie congregation w he
will net dlsrolie themselves In their hiws.
l'hyslenl, nt well ns spiritual health should
Is) the result of the .Sunday or week day nt nt
teiuliince en ehureli serv ici.
vvi.vir .si:..s.iTH.s.
Iter. II. libber Nruten rinally te lit
laki ii In
'nun the Itt-penl'i e Yerk ri.rrrsimiidcoee.
Hnv. H. lleber New ten U turuin in het
wnter. He scenn te have liken advnntage of
thendvent nensen In his eliuivh te ilerlure
that the "doctilneof the soeoml ceinln-t of
Christ," In which his church mutt deveutly
lielleves. It hut nn old wife's fable which lilt
own modern learning hat oveluteil out of ox ex
litcneA Thlt hat proved n llttle tee much
even forllieKood nature of hit isinsurviitlve
brethren, nml they new think Hint he
"eiiL'ht te be ashamed efhlmself." Heme of
the lirethren think, and nK':ik xtill niore
Mtrennlv, and there is net the Hll;heit doubt
that Hrether Newton will have the chance te
Klve mi account of himself liefervmi ecclesias
tical court. They ileelun1 that the church
has new enlv Its choice lietwecn two thiiifr
te reatllrm tlie old din-trine of tlie fathers, or
te adept New ten's panacea of "nn organic
reorgaulratieii of huinaii society" ns
Its 011. Assistnnt Hlsbep Petter
hntiroueonntrlp te the West I milt, nml
wlllbe absent till the latter part of .January
nml in hit absence It it lmiossible te de any
thing. At neon at he leturnt notion will be
taken te corner the nlleed heretic, mid this
tlnielt will be pushed by Dr. Dlx nml ether
eminent Kpltcepnl elercyincn. Thlt time
Mr. New ten has jone se tar thai he will liml
no defenders among the clergy of the church,
nml the likelihood is that he will be mus
iended or deposed fiem the ministry. In
that event his church will hecede from the
Kpiscepnl fold und set up mi luleienilcut
Heck et Itt own.
KnUr-epal flnliii Aiiietit; Ilie I'lillarlunH.
Frem tlie .Vew Yerk Sun.
Ill Ikisteu Hev, l'hllllit llroeks draws
nbent lilin n congregation largely composed
of peeple who Inherit n prejudice against the
Trinitarian laitli. In u Unitarian city he it
liv far the inerit esteemed or clcrgymeu, tlie
templet'ef worship nt wlilch nre proclaimed
the dectrinet or Channingnre poorly attended,
whileMr. Hroeks prenchet ulwavH te great
and most fashionable audiences. Tlie clunge
which hat coiue ever Hotten, the l'urtalu
capital, during the last gcucratleult Is very
striking he far ns Hi oeclosiastloal hymiMthlet
ure concerned.
A few wcekHnge, In u Massachusetts vil
lage, nn Kplseepal church nrchitcctu
ralbeauty wnt dedlc.iteil with mere than
usual pomp and ceremony. It wnt tlie girt
of ngeiitlemnn who erected hi it a monument
te the memory or hit wlfe. Hut net only wat
hIie a Unitarian who belonged te n family of
Unitarians, but houlselsfjl'lhat faith, which
formerly steed in total opposition te the the
ology lilschureh It built te preach. Hurd by,
tee, Is the old home of Jonathan IMwnrdi,
who hated nil Anglicanism with bitter
,!eeith Cook Crtulietl Again.
Mr. Jeseph Cook nddretiscd the Congre
gational club of San Francltse the ether day,
urging Its members te htand up for orthodoxy
no straight as te lean Imckwurd, denouncing
the "new movement" In theology unspar
ingly, nml declaring that the editors et tlie
three most prominent Congregational journals
nt the were hoblgetoil in their ndlior ndlier ndlior
ence te the "new movement" that they would
net nllew criticism ofitteentortlielreolumns.
After he slopped tnlklng the club pretty
unanimously nml emphatically expressed the
licller that hit statements were net correct,
and oue brother naltl they were "ridiculous
and absurd in the extreme."
vi. r.n i ca i. a .i:ci e rr.s.
y hlie fMHS V Singular "Krrer or n llurr.ile
A let of girls were practising nome choral
plcet for the forthcoming Christmas services
tn the Kiiug and luxurious Trinity chapel of
IlulTiile, X. Y. Hrether Dlx it nelhiiif; If net
intensely literary In hit worshipful duties,
nml he wat just tickled nlmett te death bo be bo
eiiuse he hnd liecn nble te borrow some mi
elent inusle written in the mlsxal Htyle or the
sixteenth century. A lingo imge of the prec
ious incleilv. with notes us big at nlaiiues,
and embellished with heads of Haintt
mid angclt, wat displayed en nn ensel
in front of tlicm. They w ero expected te en en
thuse mightily evor thlt trensure el art and
religion, nnd rnlse their velcen reverenlially
te the mummllled tune, There wnt oue girl,
a high, squeaky Hoprnne, who eeined te
have a vocal explosion nt a certain point,
sending one nole up like n sky-rocket. Dlx
was a little startled, unit let her try It ever
und ever again, but ever witli the same phe
nomenon. " I liegyenr pardon, M 1st Bephle,"
he Kaid, blandly, "but where de you find
that nete away up lit hlghfl?" She gazed
ilxcdly nt the organ sheet or inutlc, with itt
cotiglemerntlon of notes and cherubim.
Then she emitted ato-he and said: "Well,
doctor, If I haven't been singing the head of
that buld nngel overy tlme I catue te It 1"
Tem oue en liim.cir.
Ilenry Ward Jleocher It evldently net
blind te the tact that the member of hm con
gregation sometime!! glve thomselvci up te
nature's sweet rettorer. Jlore It a goetl sterj
that prnvet it, from iiw own niw : " A regb
U1UV ili,w ai Hvm ,w ,..,, ,,, , - -V IVUI'
input of lumbermen, big, tall fellows, six.
feet-five, from Mtilue, wuie putting through
Hroeklyu In Yii There were nlxitit 1,000 In
nil, mid I marched them up te Plymouth
church, Invited tlmiii in nml gave every ninii
of them a whole HOnl with n cushion In It.
Thore they nil natwlth thelr kliiipsnekH en,
nml I get en the platform nmf began te
proneli. My friends, it's the only tlme in my
lire I ever preached u whole cengi ngntlen te
tutvnvn srr.s.
Tim ArritiiRrinent. r.irOmrrrrliiR lm Pallium
en Arrlitilnliep Itynn.
The arrangement of the dutnllt or the ccro ccre ccro
meulot liicldeut te the conferring of the
pallium en Aichbithep ltyaii, te be held
Nundny, Jauunry tth, hi the Philadelphia
Cntliedrul, hat net been porfeclod. It it
understood, however, that HlshepO'Ilarii, of
Scrnnten, will celebrnte the high
inaxs, nml Arehbtsheji Cerrlgnu, of New
Yeik, will dellver the itildrcss. Aichblshep
Oibljens, of Haltlmeie, ofikiate In the coro cero core
luony of iuvostiire, although Hint function
jiroierlv pertains In the jirolate who colo celo cole
brntet the mass. Many of the hlernrchy
from the various dlocesos hnve Hlgnllied their
intention tn be iireseut.midte ennbln at mini)'
as K)ssihIoer tlielncnt clergy te attend, the
Archbishop will itutherlri) Hicm te dlsciie
vi Hit the hist matt en that Sunday.
A lloelii In rutin.
Since It hat been undortteod that I'retl-dont-eleot
Cleveland vvlll nttend the New New
Yerk Avcniiu Presbyterian church, Wnsh Wnsh
Ingten, 1). (.'., the demand for pews tlioie lint
Ihx'eiiiu much greater. The chinch isover isever isover
llewlng new, nnd vvhen n lepiescntallve or
flovcrner Cleveland called the ethor day te
ee about securing a place for lilin, the imsler,
Hev. Dr. W. A. H.irtlett, proposed te give up
hit own hiw In the middle aisle In erder te
ncTonunednto the coming president.
Ctirl.tiui In 1'url..
There wat a Christmas trce for
miners at the Illppodremolu Pnrlt en Friday
night. The great building wat crowded te
lit utmost rapacity. Fully 11,000 porsem
were present and thousands wero uuable te
gain admittance. Mesdamct I'erry, Kestnor
I'leiiuct presented the toys, clothing, etc., te
the people. At the American church en the
Avcnue Heehe a collection vvns.taUen up for
the benefit or the Knglish peer.
A Drroreus Cnlebmtlen.
Contrary te oxiwtatlen the O range doiuon deiuon doiuen
stratlon nt Ilarlier Orace, New reuudlaud, en
Friday, paned oil" quietly. About 1,000
Orangemen paraded thteugli the stroeLt, but
they abstained from Intrusion en their oppo
nents' ground, nml any hostility en the part
of the hitter w as prev euted by tlie proseuco of
n strong ferce of military and xl ice, aided by
the presence of n war ship in tlie harbor.
DriHMCil liy tlie llWltep.
The iippcarnnec of Ilev. Alexauder It.
Cmwfenl recently befere the altar or the
chapel annexed te the Ilplseepa! he-ipital, at
Fnmt street mid txihigh nvenue, Phltndol Phltndel
phln, In an intoxicated condition caused
comment among the congregation nml hit
immediate resiguntieu und departure from
tlie city. Bishop Stevens hat signed nn olll elll
clal document dojietlng Mr. Cmwfenl freiu
theniinlstrv of the church. t'ultj.
The results of thoeflortslatelv putlerth ly
the delegates from all the Lutheran svuedt
Meuth or the Potomac, te tecognizetlio South
ern general syneil. nre nt surprising ns they
are gratifying. The basis of union was
adopted Willi u unanimity scareely ever
found in similar eisieslnstlcal conventions.
The adoption of this baslt by the district
synods will place the new general body In
tlie foremost rank of oenftwslouil Lutheran
boil let in America.
lUe.llt Atrocities
A niimlwr nl bandits entered a Catholic
ehiiniiand the heusn ortheprlostntCartolot,
in Spanish Oalicla, rer the puepose or pillage.
Falling te get money they lied the priest
iua heap of straw mid burued him te death.
Loek out for linj;ereiH I'lur.
Aii incipient ronil.igr.UIeu hi a Hroeklyn
church last Sunday sUrtsd from an lien line
which was in contact with timber. Hew
many niiirn smoke Hues have similar con
tact or clev proximity ? Loek after thorn.
A Deuble I'attonile.
Tlie Hev. A. Marcallut who was recently
called te the l'rosbyteiian church in Atglen,
hat also received ii unanimous call te the
church In Christiana, l'a., These churches
are united in ene patteral charge.
Ao.e)iiiim1 ltutiep of NntchltorlieA.
Dr. Hurler hat lieen appointed Catholic
bishop of Xiilrlillnchc, Leuisljiia.
a iiocTeirs
A Itciuarluilde (', of 1'unili.U ltultliitf
rrem llloett relviultic.
Dr. Hoergo II. Atkinson was Instructor in
gcnlte-urinary sin-gory at the Leug Island
college hospital, house surgeon of that insti
tution nnd holder of a large general practice
in Hroeklyn. In August last he attended
three iiiticnUatllictcd with poisonous dlscasa
and performed operations ujieii them. He
did net notice while he was doing thlt that
he had a very small scratch above the
knuckle en the second linger of thu right
hand. A few weeks Inter, however, this
scratch attracted hit attention by develeping
Inte n sere and spreading. Then he began te
treat it, but did net roeegulzo it i origin even
then, for the were many cjusej from any
of which it might have sprung.
About two weekt nge he began te feel a
lest of power in the right leg, This spread
te ills right iirm. lle le.ired that paralysis
wat coming utieu him nml he tried te light it
oil', but one morning, u little inore tlinu n
week age, lie nwoke boron or jiewer te move
hit HmlHerurms. Since that time he hat
been steadily attended by nome or the liesl
physicians efXctr Yerk nnd Hroeklyn. All
their ctl'ert.t have been In vuln nppareutly, for
he has sunk. Tlie seat or the trouble is in
the brain, mid that it lint resulted from bleed
jiolseuing there can be no doubt. Three
days nge the patient's tengue vvns paralyzed.
He It conscious, however, nnd communicates
with hit w ife by signals, such nt moving hit
eyelids or opening or closing his left luiml,
which he ran yet move. Thore is no case
preiiselv like this in tlie annuls of medicine. Splendid Ire Castle.
The contract for the loe hut lieeu given out
ami the work commenced en the Ice "Con "Cen
darn," or cairn, about te Ikj ereeted en the
Chumps de Mars, Montreal. The structure
it te be round nnd tapering te u point, Its
diameter at, tlie luse measuring 60 root, and
its height 75 feet. It will be built in n series
ofheven stories and lluishedupwitliacrewu,
nnd it is intended te ropresent ene of tlie old
Kgyptlun castles, w hicli nre named Condaras.
In the construction of tlie mini 12,000 blocks
of ice will be used. On the topmost block n
colossal ligure of a snow suowsheor will be
placed, holding hi oue hand n torch, the
lntter lighted nt night by electricity.
LMectrlc light will also be used te illuminate
the enirn from the lusidoef tlie structure,
which it Hanked with eight turrets Inuring
tee llags ei various nciiens. vv erK nas nise
been begun en the ice palnce te be erected en
Dominion snunre, oppesito the Windser
Iliirnt WtdlnrinjIugKaiitii (iuiia.
Thrce eases of serious burning en Christ
mas tiny ure reported from the suburbs of
Hosteu, in which tlie victims were drossed
at Santa Clans and were engaged In distri
buting Christinas presents. Mr. Walter (1.
Mcdreger, a prominent citlreu of Hroekllne,
was Inking presents from n Christmas trce nt
ills house, when ills false beard took ilre
from n eaudle and he wat badly injured. Mr.
Jehn W. Fixter, of Salem, vvut similarly en
iraicd. lle was drossed in a suit of cotton
batting. Ills Blecve caught llre rrem a taper
and he wat very seriously burued nil ever
bolero the suit could be tern from him. A
young man named Cresby, In Hevcrly, lest
lilt hair and eyebrows and had hltfuceand
hands blistered in the samu way. He will
probably lese hit eyes.
Antheny Cointteck Insetted.
A suspicious Ikix wat taken te Iho Amerl.
can tract society's office In Nassau slrcet,
New Yerk, Friday morning, nnd Mr. An An
theny Coinsleek, upon exaniinlng it, found
that It contained mi Infernal machine, charged
with nitrla neld and iriuiDewiler. The ma.
, w,w n uw,,.j,v
1 Mr, Coiusteck.
I'hlnolsbellovod te have been intended for
Tiinv.i: vi:hy vi.vahast hvsuay
nt. Jehn', taitlii'raii. HI. lelm' Kil.reml nml
Trinity Lullirrnii Humlity Scheel.. In
IV.tlve Array Yeung nml Old Kidey
Ttiniiiiirlvr. nt Mimmrrrlmr Halt. '
A large niidloure assembled nt St. Jehn's
Lutheran church en Tnesdny evening, the
occasion lielng the minimi Sunday school
entertainment. The church wat handsomely
decorated. On the railing of the nltnr wero
garlands of green, In the rear or the pulpit
wat a lurge green cress, nbove which wns a
wreath and In the wreath wnt n star. The
rollewing wat the pregramme of oxerclics.
All the piirtlclpantincqultlrdlhemiet vet with
credit :
rnoeiuuMK. ,
Ovorture " Knrlmnlnieiit," Ore lietttn.
Anllivm " llnrk 1 Die llcnilil Angel. Hlnj,"
HcrlpturB llcudltn;.
HIiiRliiR "Amitiid the Clirlstinat Tnc," uun
day bcliiMil.
Iteoltntlen " Come, l.ltlle I'cepte," Ijiiim Ir
ving. Itocltntlen "OiiCnrtatinai Dny," Lulu Man Man
en. Uhllil' Seiib Jelly Old .SI. Mrlinlm," Katie
DIulOKue of Flnuers Twclre l.lltle (ilrlt of
In rant .school,
" Leng- Are en Chrl.ttuiis" tnfiiiit Hchenl.
Iterltntlen "Tlin Tlirre Klni?," David M'lil
Anthem" It Cme Upen tin Midnight Clear,"
(election " Mnrltnnn," Orcliflstra.
AilJrciMreni Clirlttinni Festlvul Nera llrewn.
Hliiffliiff Tlinnlcs m te Oexl," .lumlny Scheel.
Itccltntmn " One I.lttle Mtecklng.'' btcllii
Itccluitlen " If I vrcrn hiintn Clam," IMIlli
Hest Hole Tim Piiliiin," Jehn 0. Wnrfel.
Iterltntlen "The (,'hrlitinas Prnycr," llertln
sinKliiff " We t'mlse Tliee," Siindiiy Scheel.
Itocltnllen "The Unity's Htecklni," Hey
Uocltillen-" Why llte Mht Wus Dark,"
llcrtlm DoAnven,
Klnictiur "Trlliiite of I'mlse," Snntlny srhnel.
Itecitutlnn " Tlie Hely Crem." Itcillxil Otter.
sinning-" Itlng the Hell, for Christmas"
lleniUne "The Chrlttiiins LeRcnil," Ainella
Anthem" Hark I What Mean Thoe Hely
Voices," Choir.
Itccltntlen " Chrlttmiu Day," Sante Ilursk.
Slii(ln(t "Cnlm en the I.lst'nlng linref Mght"
Choir und Sunday school.
Hocllatlen "Sanlu Chilis' Dream," Albert
overturo "Crown of Oeld," Orchestra.
MliiKliiK Anel Oiinrdtnii.," .ttiiulay kchnel
Trinity Sunday Scheel.
The main department of Trinltv Lutheran
Sunday school were the pnrticixints In the
third or thu Christmas festivals this season.
They assembled In the school room nnd nt
7:15 marched Inte the church nnd llled by the
altar. At the scholars passed tlie altar, they
dojiesited a special gilt in money, for tlie
benefit of the seminary. The jirogramme
consisted mainly or the singing of ten carols,
nil of which vverovvell rendered. Hctwecn
each enrel Hev. C. I. Fry made n brief com
ment. Tlie audience wiis very large. The
next musical ovent at Trinity w 111 be en next
Wednesday evening in the chapel, under the
auspices of tlie Junier Missionary soclety.
when a cantata, entitled "New Year'a Kve"
will Is) rendered.
St. tlellll's 1'pllCOJMl.
The annual entertainment of St. Jehn's
Kpiscepnl Sunday school was held en Friday
evening, in tlie lecture room of the ehureli.
Twe large trees were erected und these were
tilled with the gifts or the members of tlie
church. A number were also received from
Mrs. Yeungman, of liiiladelphl.i, a former
member of tlie church. The progrnmme was
made up or hymns ami carols, scriptural
readings and an'address by the pastor, Hev.
J. W, l'ratt. Onoertho features of the enter
tainment was the singing by the infant school
of "Te-day In Ilcthleliem hear I sweet nngels
singing." Tlie school was led by Mrs.
Fnlincsteck, who was assisted bv Mlsses Leu
Fahncstnek nnd Mnrylloyer. The gifts were
distributed after the tlrst part or the carol
"Oather round the Christmas tree."
During the evening Mr. W. F. Umble. en
licliairet the teachers, presented Hev. Pratt
with a basket or fruit.
The Sunday school is in u proipereus con
dition, und Is steadily growing under the
supcrintendanee of Hev. Pratt.
vmi.intr.x mahise mj:iu;i:
a I'l
Irnant Kvridiic at Mifiiuerilier Hail I'ae-
leiiiiini. aiui iiniKing
Tlie "IJinder Fest" or the I.nncasier
Miennerchnrat their hall last evening was
much onjeved by the large audtouce in at
tcudnucc. It consisted or u pautomime by
the childien, ene or Havclle's, cntltled " The
Living Stntue." It was preimred under the
direction or Henry Huhlc, and the man
nor in which the children carried themsolves
through the piece rellectt upon them a grent
deal or credit. The pantomlme por
trays the oft-told tale of a htcrn father
who millet upon a suitor whom
his daughter disllkes. Tlie final success of
tlie acceptable lever it brought out in very
prcttv style. The parts were taken by Mas
tort Iteichinnmi, llocfel, Hatier, and the two
Loguemid Hlcker boys. Master Hecfel, ns
the lierelue, made up in very fomltiiue fasli fasli
Ien mid acted in true feminine style.
After the pantomime was concluded, pros
cuts of candy nnd fruit were distributed from
tlie two Christmas trees en either side of tlie
stage ten host of little children, who were
made very happy thereby. Then the daneert
took possession of the fleer, keeping tlme te
the sweet strains of Tayler's orchestra until
an early hour this morning.
ClgnriuakerV Hull.
The clgarmakcr's of this city held a ball iu
Hetliweiler's hall, West King street, last
evening. The attendance was large and
everything passed oil" pleasantly.
A Tumi) Way or 1'revliig hLI.ett.
(leorge Sowert, aged 20, is lying Friday
evening at the point of death In I'ottstewu,
the cllects et'a shot inlllcted by himself. He
is a young mechanic, employed nt the works
or tlie 1'ottstewn Iren company. On Christ,
tuns he took hit cousin, Miss F.ttle Millard,
out sleighing. On the read he talked leve
te her, te which she refused te listen, and
tlicv muirreUed. When he said soed-bvo te
her, he remarked : "This it tlie last sleigh
ride you will ever take with me until you
go te my riineral." Karly en Friday young
Sewert's uncle, witli whom he resided, heard
a pistol shot and round hit nephew weltering
iu lilt bleed. The wound it in hit right side
and the bullet almost passed through tlie on en
tiro iKsly. Sovvertsaid Hint he committed the
deed out orpure leve for his cousin.
KnlghU of l'ytlda. Olllccri.
At the meeting of Inland City Ledge, Ne.
83, K. of P., held en Friday oveulug the fol
lowing officers were elected for the ensuing
term :
Past Chancellor Heward L. Zoe!;.
Chancellor Commander Henry lk'kman.
Vlce Chnncoller H. Frank Zoelc,
Prelate 1C. Grelver.
Master-at-Arms Martin 11. Herr.
Inside Guard Jere. A. Adams.
OuUlde Ouard Hartley Megulrc.
Kceper of Hecerd nnd Seal Jere. IUfe.
Master or Finance J. H. Markley.
Master orKxchenuor Jehn ICeudlg.
Trustee M. J. Weaver.
Commendable Iurly Clettug.
A movement Is en Teet nmeng the mer
chants of the city te close their stores at six
ii. in. from Jan. 5 te March 15. It Is veiy
proper that this should be done. It net only
relieves tlie much-worked empleyes, but is a
saving in gasandwenr-and-teartoeinpleycrs.
The few who shop In the evening could with
llttle iuconvenlcuco de It In the day time,
nnd have the additional satisfaction of knew,
lug that they wero ministering te tlie com fort
or ethers Iu se doing.
Cleveland llcndrlck. SjhlrU.
Clevclaud Hendricks Shirk Is the iiame of
a llttle boy whose arrival blessed the family
of II. E. Shirk, of Hphnitn, en Tuesday. II
thore It anything in a name, the boy's sue sue
ecas In llfe Is beyend per adventure
A Lonely Light.
Only ene gasollne light was reported as
net burning en Friday night.
Hie (Irnrrnl Moi-Irake lloiiilhelilrr I'llnn lllll
III i;iilly te I'errr lour,
A bill III equity wni flksl In Iho Unlled
SUilet Cliwilt Ceuit olllce Phllndclphln en
Friday, en Iwhnlf or A. T, Antelle, Wharten
Darker, Chariet L. Herla, It. II. Ceinegys,
Thnnins MeKcau, Samuel It. Shlpley, II,
McK. Twombly, Jehn Waiuimaker, Kdwnrd
S. Wlielcn nnd Chariet H. Wright, against
the liilludelplila and Heading railroad com cem
wny nnd Stephen A. Caldwell and Ocorge
dolt. Kclm, Its reeelvers, and the FIdellty
Insurance, trust nml safe deimslt company,
trustee, under the general mertgage of the
Heading company, dated July 1st, 1874, nnd
Intended toseeuroC0,000lKiudsortl,000oach.
The ceniplaliiant.s claimed te represent
f 2,600.000 worth of fi",000,nilO worth of Ijends
Hint had been lsttied, and alleged that the
defeudnutt had net IssiusI the remaining
KJ5,000,tXK) worth, and could net de se, except
te retire or pay off the existing prier mort mert mert
gaeo leans. It wnt also averred that a stipu
lation of the general mertgage agreed te by
the company mid the bondholders en June
Wth, 1877, relatlvoletho payment of sinking
funds had net been complied with for Iho
years lSl-'2-'.T and 't It wat further
nverred that the company wat unable te pay
the smut niontleiiod, and that, by reason of
the defnult, the trustee under the mertgage,
or a receiver tobeap)ohitcd, bad the right
te soil the preperty mid distrlbute tlie pro pre pro
reeds. It was nsked thnt defendants be made
te apjienr and aim we r ; Hint the rights of the
complainants Ik) declared j that a rocelvor be
appointed te take possenloir of the property
of the riuil, nnd that general reller Imj
tioineor the Illitr.leni of I Vnil Willi Tate
for Itoek.,
It is said that the snle or hooks and pictures
for Christmas presentt In Iineuttcr was
larger this year than ever before.
The Institutions en Colloge hill will !e re
opened for the winter term en Thursday,
Jan. 8, when the address will lm made by
Prof. W. M. Neviu.LL. I)., en "The Twe Lit Lit
ernry Soeletlos."
Hen. Jam os V. Wlckenliani, L.I D., who
h nt present engaged en his history of educa
tion In Pennsylvania, Is talked or at the
nonilnce of hit party Ter the seat In the city
school beard made vacant by the death of
Jeseph Samson.
One of the featunii of the Jlefennetl
Church Messenger' Christmas number was
the poem by Prof. Nevin, ro-printed en tlie
third page or te-day's lNTi:t,Men.vcnit. An An
other wat the Christmat Illustration which
adorned the Mcssciiner'a tlrst page, designed
by Mrs. J. H. Kloller, of tills city.
The CI ion mct'last evcnlng
nt the rosldcnce of Mrs. ICate A. Miller, Ne.
WJ North Dukostrcet. The jaier wat read
byW. V. Hcntel, en "The Hngllsh Con
stitution." The next meeting of the asso
ciation will be at Mr. Hensel's and the inper
will be read by V.. K. Martin, esii., en "Kng
land's Commercial 1'ellcv."
Mnsenlc Oinccri InttnlliMl.
At the regular stated meeting of Caslphla
ledge, Ne. Ml, F. A A. M., of Mount Jey, the
following eillcert were elected Ter the ensu
ing year:
Worshipful Master llarrv L. Stager.
Senior Warden Heuben V. Krlncr.
Junier Warden Milten C. Hewmnn.
Treasurer Hcnianiin M. Grcider.
Secretarj' William M. Spera.
Trustees Levi HIckteeker, Harry S. Staut
fer nnd J. M. Dunlnp.
Hoprescntativo te (iranil Ledge Jaiues V.
Tlie ofUcers wero installed by William A.
Morten, district deputy grand master.
The meeting over,thc members nnd guests,
among whom were n number rrem thu citv,
sat down te a line supper at Harvev F.
Shellv's Hed Lien hetel.
Oil In Janctttcr Count.
I'ruin the Ml. Jey Herald.
A year or se age there wat a geed deal of
excitement about nil having been found in a
well in Stackstewn or Ilidgoville, near Bain
bridge. Though little hat lately been said
about it, at leatt iu print. It appears the sanie
line quality of oil It Mill round thore at
formerly. It comes up through a liole drill
in tlie bottom of the well of about ,10 feet iu
A lease or the prcniiset has just Isjen taken
by M. X. Hrubaker and D. It. Heller,
disville, who will at ouce make a thorough
test by "beiing for oil." On Tuesday Mr.
Hrubaker showed us a bettle or tlie oil which
he took out of the vvell en that day. It was
net nt pure iu the specimen we had seen bo
lero; yet It was much clearer than tlie ordi
nary ci title oil. The matter it In enterprising
hands and we shall seen knew whether the
Garden county is also nu "oil region."
Ileal UiUte Sale In tlie Lewer Unci.
During the last week the rollewing sales or
real estate vv cre made In the lower end :
A farm or 130 acres near Kirkvvoed,in Cole Cele
rain, was sold by W. A. Oalbraltli, atslgnee
or Jeseph Hobinseii, te Levi Ilinehart for
J02.V.O per acre.
O, J. 1'. Haul), assignee or Daniel 11. Sehuer,
sold the property in l'den township, known
ns the Mnv pest elllce, witli 33 acres, te Lizzie
Irwin, offspring Greve, fer?32i50.
The property ero. D. Gall, of 19 acres, near
Qunrryville, was withdrawn at ?J,150.
Along the SiMiiucluinna.
The ice in the Susquehanna broke up nt
Wllkesb.irre, Friday night, and Jammed be
tween Plymouth and Nntitlceke. The water
hns i Iseu twelve feet above low wnter mark.
Hailing en the Susquehanna is said te be
deemed. The two bridges nt Ilarrisburg
hnve considerably reduced It, nnd new that
the piers of a third have been built by the
Vandcrbilt peeple tlie lumberincn say that
the danger or collisions will make it uti uti
sare for them te raft, nnd they will hnve te
pationlze the railroads.
Hit With nu i:init lieu.
A hid named Doer-ein, residing in the
Eighth ward, was very seriously injured en
Christinas afternoon. It appears that a young
man named Cunningham ami Jereme Fry,
had a quarrel about a keg of beer, nnd In his
ungcr Cunningham threw the empty keg at
Fry. It fell en Deersnm's right hand and
mangled two lingers. The wounded hand
was dressed by Dr. Warren. Complaint was
entercd befere Alderman Patrick Dennelly,
of the Kightli ward, but en Friday evening
tlie suit was withdrawn bv the prosecutor.
Pellio Ciuf.
Challet Filers, Juceb Banner, Jeseph
Duval, Charles Mustolle and Julius Wank,
burnt, wero eemmited te the county prlten
thlt morning by Alderman Hiirr for llve
Jehn Guudaker, nt tested Ter druiikenucss
and dlsordetly conduct, wat committed for
tw ciity-feur hours by tlie same magistrate and
Patrick Conley a stranger paid costs.
Eighteen vagrants who ledgod at tlie
station heuse lust niglit were discharged this
This morning Alderman Spurrier sent
drunks te Jail as fellows : Themas Mouo Meuo Moue
ghnn, tedays; Jehn Hitch, a; Jehn Welsh,
jj, ami .Martin uioeiy 30.
llit.liiCM Tieublm.
The sole of the personal preperty of Jaseph
Herzeg was concluded last evening and
ulKiut 3,500 was realized. Nearly all of the
stock wnt purchased by Dana Graham, the
execution creditor, and it Is said he will eon een eon
thiue his daughter, Mrs. Herzeg, in the busl
ncss. The sherlll' te-dav sold the personal prop
el ty of Israel H. ltohrer, fnrnier, of Jinn-
helm township.
A Lane-later Honorary Orator.
At Iho third anniversary of the Heck
Point lyceuni, le be held in the Ilethcl
church, Maytown, l'a., en Thursday evening,
Jan, 1st., lbS5, Wm. N. Apple, esq., of Lan
caster, w 111 doliver the honorary oration, the
subject of which Is A Year's Flight."
letter Stay at Heme, Jehn.
Frem the Lancaster Inquirer.
Jehn A. Helaud, of New Helland, Is a
candidate for Scrgeant-at-arms or the Heuso
of Rejiresciitatlves. Mr. Iteland Is a mem
ber or the Republican utate eommittee from
this county.
MXKTtXH Of rm:
unevxv ceMfAxr.
I'ortenal and Leral Item. Around tlie Town
Itcllgleu. Inlelllirencc Item. In tlie
Atnuaeinent World The Flr.t Tram
Crewes the Itlrer Iloreugti Ilrlrf..
Itegiiliir Coriripnndctire of IxTiLUaexcrn.
Celumdia, Dee. 27. At a meeting of the
trustees of the old Columbia Public Oreiind
company, at J. C. rfnhler's last evcnlng,
Fred. Hucher was elected Judge and Jeseph
Tyson nnd William Heyd, lntpocters for
next Saturday's election, when threotrustces
nre te lie elocted, the terms of Jna A. Slnde,
Jainet I'orrettnt anil J. I Pinkerten, expir
ing next week. Tlie nominations have net
yotbeou innde. A statement of the doing of
the trustoet for tlie past year will be printed
and circulated next vvcek.
Mult Ill-ought. .
The Columbia band hat entercd complaint
against the Kelly ,t Connervarloty troupe,
for damages te a bass drum, which had beeu
leaneil the company by the bnnil. Ofllcer
Wlttlch Is en the case.
William linker brought suit against the
trustees of Ollve nranch ledge, Ne. 77,
Grand United Order of Colored Odd Fellows,
last evening, befere 'Squlre Frank, linker
claimed eight weeks' sick bene lit, but as the
constitution requires a inembcr te be confined
te his heuse, It was rcfused. Suit was then
entcrcd. A. J. Kauffman, esq., for the ledgo
quickly sliewed that Haker was net entitled
te the benefits and had the case dismissed.
1'er.enal and HeelaL
Miss Aunle Kunkle, of Ilarrisburg, is the
:ucstOflier aunt, Mrs. Henry Hletz. Miss
Cunkle formerlv resided iu Columbia.
Mr. F. V. D. Miller is en the sick list
Miss Jcnuie Taggart, ofWest Clioster, is
stepping with Miss Annie Zeek.
A sleighing party from Marietta and two
from Lancaster, visited Columbia last even
ing. Columbia ladles and gentlemen new hnve
the coasting fever. It Is certainly a henllitnil
Miss Irene McClure, or Ilarrisburg, Is vis
iting Miss Amelia Wilsen.
llellgleut Intelligence.
The Christmas entertainments of the Cook
man chapel and St. Paul's 1'. V.. Sunday
schools last evcnlng were largely attended
and proved Interesting In the extreme. Tlie
former was held in the chapel, and the latter,
after Christmas carols bad Ix'cn roudercd lu
the church, In Vigilant hese heuse, where a
beautiful Christmas tree had been erected.
Hore also the children amused themselves
witli games, etc.
Mr. James Zerger, of the Gettysburg theo
logical seminary, will otliciate in St. Jehn's
Lutheran church, te-morrow atlO&Oam.
emd7 p. ui. The usual services will be held
In nil ether churches.
M'lle Hhea, tlie famous tragedienne, will
make her tlrst bow te Columbians, in the
opera heuse, en Saturday evcnlng, Jan. 3,
ls85, when she will give her original pro pre pro
sentatlon of her latest drama "Yvonne."
This actress it se well known that surprise
will be caused ifenly n 'Tair-sized audience"
greets her.
"Uncle Dan'l," B. McAuley, passed
through Columbia te Yerk, yesterday.
Tlie Columbia pole team again easily
shewed thelr superiority evor tlie Metropoli
tan club last evening by winning three out
or reur goals. The Mew were glven the first
goal, as the Columbians refused te claim a
foul when it liad been made.
Nete. About Town.
Mrs. Samuel Sumpmau, or Irenvillc, dled
yesterday nt her home. She will be interred
en Monday ut 10 u. nu Deceased vvns aged
about 40 years, nnd leaveta hutbaud und
seven small children.
Suecessrul revival meetings have been held
in Irenville during the iiast week. The
quarterly courerenco is being held te-day. It
will lie continued te-morrow.
Tlie Keeley steve works are having n holi
day until January 5th, 18S5.
Six farmers attended this morning's market.
A row ethers wero In town, but disposed or
their goods at stores. It was the poorest
market, Marketinaster Briner says, he evor
exiic rlcnced.
The president or the Huntingdon Driving
association, or Huntingdon, Mr. Gee. 1
Gage, was a former superintendent of the
Heading et Columbia railroad.
Harrison llinklc, who has been ailing for
seme months past, was taken te the Lancas
ter hospital this morning.
Leuis Lvle fed smoking tobacco last even
ing te his chickens, mistaking it for poultry
Teed. Ne bad Directs were experienced.
On Christmas night an intoxicated mau
from Lancaster insulted a Columbia lady
at the rink. Ills name Is net known, but he
is by sight, and should he again be caught iu
Columbia, he will be n sight te sce nfter seme
or our young men are through with him.
Probably en Monday Columbia ice mer
chants wifl begin filling their Ice lieuses.They
are new engaged In cleaning snow rrem tlie
ice en the Susquehanna, The lee covering
the river is llve Inches thick and is of an un
usually tlne quality. The first team of tlie
winter from Yerk county crossed the ice this
bainuel Small' Christina Cldrlly.
The venorable Samuel Small, of Yeik,whu
has been distinguished ler his private chari
ties and ids many ucts of public benevolence,
has added another te ids many geed deeds
by formally presenting te the trustees
of the Heme for Friendless Children, of
that town, a large substantial building, front
lug en Philadelphia street. It It designed
for a school room mid hall en the second
story and a playroom en the first story, wiUi
ether apartments of convenienco, verandas,
etc. It is substantially built of brick, Is well
lighted and ventilated and furnished com cem com
plete witli all modern appliances. It is con
nected, with vvide verandas, witli the caiia caiia
cleus three-stery home, which Mr. Small
twenty years age erected en a beautiful plot
of ground comprising several acres near the
centre of the town, and presented te the
trustees as a home for frlendless nud orphan
At the dedication of tlie new building many
person interested iu the institution attended
tlie exercises, mid tlie generous donor, though
ttl years of age, wns nble te lie present and
take an active part. It was a beautiful and
touching sight te witness this aged man, sur
rounded by the happy throng of little child
eu, recelviug their acknew ledgementt for
his generosity and in return giving him their
blessings. In congratulating the institution
en its splendid Chilstmas gilt, speakers made
allusion te ether public gifts of Mr. Small,
who in recent years lias built nml endowed
Yerk Collegiato iusUtute with the Cassatt
library and Yerk hospital and Infirmary
with n froe dispensary.
I'ratturetl III. Hkull by Jumping from the
May Kxpre...
A man, giving ids uume as Michael Dono Deno Done
van, and bis age ns 40 years, having no stated
home, was admitted te the University hospi
tal at Philadelphia, en Friday morning with
his skull and right thumb fractured and seven
laceratqd wounds of the head, caused by
jumping from the day express en, the Penn
sylvania railroad, en Thursday evcnlng.
The man get en the train at Ilarrisburg.
He said he was a track boss en n railroad iu
the western part of the state and was en hit
way te New Yerk city te visit relatives. He
had n ceuple of bottles of whisky and drank
frequently. Sovenil times he tried te go out
en tlie platform, but lie was provented from
doing se by the trainmen. Finally lie get te
the trout beat, und when the truiii vvas at
Kim Station, and just as the brnkuman vvas
steeping befere the steve attending tlie fire,
tlie man made a dash for the platform, which
he reached, nud either Jumped or foil oil'.
The train was steppod aud backed te Elm
Station, where the man was found sitting en
the steps of the signal tewer with his head
leaning en his hands. He was brought te
this city. It was said at the hospital last
night that he was doing well and likely te
nor nrrwr.Aits
They tin en n Drunken Hpree In n Itarn nud nre
Arretted Wlille Aftlerp.
On Doceinbor 10 "Fexy" Sarge, Joreuio
I'irlght, Hebert Meycr nnd Jehn Hothgable,
cut their way out or Iren cells in thejnll et
Lebanon. They wero known at the boy
burglars, or "young Alie Buzzards," ami had
occupied a shanty en the outskirts, which
was stocked with stolen goods nnd flre nrmt
when they were surprised and nrrested.
They vowed they would escapa and get
square with a boy dctectlve named "Sixty"
Faust, who Joined the gang te bring about
their nrrett. The prisoners kept their word,
and en the evening of Dec lf,,oseaped. Slum
then they have been robbing varleut places
in the Lebanon vnlley. On Christmas ove
they slole a herse, robbed sevcral stores and
went en n torrlble spree.
They took possesslon or a hay shed at
night and placed a dezen blankets In the
mew. Tlieylind wine. whisky nud ethor re
freshments and carried en their ergies until
five o'clock Friday morning. Meanwhile the
officials hail been notified, and thovciimeand
surrounded the place. The shirlli, knowing
that the dotpemdeot were heavily aniicil,
vvnlted until they had geno te sleep, when nn
ellbrt te gain an cntrance wat made. Tlie
doers wero found nailed shut and had te be
battered down.
The convicts were round covereil with hav
and drunk. Hlrlght nwoke and cried out,
"Stand back, sheriir: vve'll murder befere
wo're taken I" The ethor thieves nwoke nnd
pulled their pistols but the sheriff nud his
men had them covered witli seven cocked
revolvers. Hlrlglit made en ellbrt te sheet,
but he was quickly overpovvorod, and the
four thlevcs wero hnnd-cuiTed and brought
back te the Jail in sleighs. They wero steeped
In liquor, and ene of them remarked that it
was a geed thing for thoeIUcers that they put
eir their visits as late as they did. The pris
oners wero heavily armed nnd woie pledged
todeasHlright had declared befere submit
ting te arrest. They will be tried en alxnit
fifteen Indictments for burglary during the
next January sotslent or tlie court. Thelr
ugctare from soventoon te nlnotecn vears,
and seme of them have doue time iu Jail lie
fore. svzxa Tin: vi:sti:ux vxiex.
An Action Ter lhiinai;ps for l'ullure te Deliver n
The Yeung Mens' Christian association, or
Franklin and Marshall college, through thelr
attorneys, Jehn W. nnd William N. Apple,
entered suit In the court of common pleas to
day against the Western Union Telegraph
company. Tlie association claims 5500 dam
ages for thelr fallure te dellver te them a tel
egram sent te them by Hev. T. PoWlttTal PeWlttTal
macc, announcing that he could net lecture
en Nev. 20, the evening designated for him
at Fulton opera house. The eommittee in
charge or the lecture net having received tlie
telegram, went en and made arrangements,
and en the cvcnlngorthelecturoagood-slzed
audience assembled at the opera heuse te hear
the lecture en Ingorsellism. After waiting
until nfter 0 o'clock, the chairman of the
eommittee dismissed the audience with tlie
statement that tlie association could net no
count for the absence or Mr. Talmagc. On
the day following the locture they received
word that Mr. Talmage had telegraphed two
weeks befere thodate of the lectuie that he
could net be here. On Inquiry at the tele
graph olllce In this city they learned that no
sucii disjtatch had been received hore. The
suit it brought te rocevor the damaget sus
tained by reason of the carelessness of the
telegraph company.
Ttennure Treve.
As a dealer In overgrceus was examining
u let of his goods in Centre Square,a fevv days
nge, he discovered a llve chicken, about two
weeks old, iu the branches or ene of the cedar
trees. Tlie fowl was taken te tlie restaurant
of Cuba Myers, whero It Is being raised se as
te be fit for spring. The troe was cut near
Mt Hepe, Drumere township, but no ene
knows when the chicken get en it
Anether gentleman, te whom n ceuple of
colored boys delivered a let of tied crew feet,
found a black Jug empty with a corn cob
stepper, in tlie bottom of the box containing
the greens. Tlie Jug hat lieen filled.
limirauce OIHcers Elected.
The following were elected officers of Uie
Tanners' Mutual Insurance company this
afternoon, for the year 1885:
Directers: Hcubeu Garber, David Miller
(farmer), Jehn Strohm, Jacob M. Frantz, A.
O. Ncwpher.
Appraisers: Aiiwi II. Sliumau, Henry
Coppenlietler, Emanuel 1". Keller, Jehn
Seuchrlst, Abraham llnckwalter, Samuel C.
Tell the Truth. Commedore.
1 reiu tlie Marietta licgUtcr.
There is a story going the rounds here,
which evidently explains the cause of the
newiy-clcctcd congressman from this dis
trict receiving the solid support of tliocelored
voters in thit vicinity at tlie last primary
election. A mistake iu kissing, unllke
ether errors of labial demonstration, tleea
net always wetk that way. We will net ox ex
plain new. Some ethor time ; It's tee near
the new year. It will keep, and becomes
better, like " old rye," with age.
The Only Genuine Abe ltuzznnt.
Frem the West Chester Lecal News.
Tuesday night a stranger went Inte the
restaurant or Jeseph Duttonhell'cr, this bor
ough, nud called for a plate of oysters. Wlille
eating them he get in conversation Willi Mr.
Duttcnheller, who Inquired of him where lie
resided, etc., but failed te get any satisfactory
reply. Alter nuisningiiis meal the stranger
bade the proprietor geed evening and said,
" Yeu can say te your newspaper men and
the pollce that Abe Buzzard was In your
place te-night," and left.
Mioeiing Match.
Y'esterdny nfternoen a sheeting match took
place at Mr. Yuditli's place, near Millcrsville,
between sevcral gentlemen or tills city. They
each shot nt four birds, nud It resulted ns
fellows :
Wm. Snyder moo 1
II. Uardner 101 13
v. Wise 11003
l'etrrDemincI 10012
Tlie "HeceM" Ceiniuuiy.
I.ast evening Conners, Kelly, Conreyand
npnmsnv'rt e Ttocess " miiui'inv nnnenred ler
the fourth tlme in the opera liouse and, al
though the nudlence wat of geed sire, It was
net as large as upon the previous evcnlng.
The pregramme wat the same as at tlie ethor
jicrfermancet and the aftor-pieee of " Oh, I'll
de well here," made a great hit.
ltemciiibcrlng the Peer.
Frem the New Helland Clarien.
Wm. Ellmakcr, although confined te a bed
of sufieriug, did net forget the peer lu town
en Christmas. As Is his usual custom, lie
ordered Baker Shaubte lcave aleaf or bread
nnd seme cakes nt the home of overy peer
Never Will Shave.
Frem the Chicago News,
Overhcard evor the teleplione lines: "I
swear it." "Swear whatr' "That I will
novershnvo or cut my hair until I urn olectod
president." "Loek out I Thatt'aaresh vow."
"I don't care : I swear It." "Who are you,
Hen HutlerT" "Ne," "Who thcnT''
"Helva Loekvveod."
Tntr Chance for III. Itccevcry,
Albert Felker, the young man who vvas
Injured se seriously en Wednesday at ML
Jey, is much improved te-day nnd thore is n
fair cliauce for Ids recovery.
It. Corporate Ktl.teuce Kxtcnded.
Tlie Comptroller of the Currency has ox ex
tended for twenty vcars the cornerato cxls-
teuce of the Lancaster County National bank
of this city.
Property Withdrawn.
The property, Ne. 131 East Orauge fctrect,
eflereil at pnblle sale last evening by Auc
tioneer Simbert, was withdrawn ler want of
n siUficIeut bid.
Sale or Western Market Heuse Stock.
David K. Grube, sold te-day at prlvate sale
te A. 8. Bard 0 shares of Farmer's Woitern
morket heuw stock at 51 par share.
Soup ltatleu.
There were 355 rations of soup given out nt
the station heuse this, morning.
it .tint tihkh von ntv xxvterMH
coni'ettAriox. .,;
Supplies reurhiE In for the Ittilrr of th Watfcv
men Trouble win, Imported Laber
Slngln Men Quit the Vntley
Come ttim for Werk,
Celumuus, Ohie doc. 27. Nollce iwr
given yesterday by the Columbus & Hoekiij'
lug Valley coal nnd iron company te thelrf s M
bend holders net te present coujieiis for pay. "fScf. 1
incut until nfter the Jnniinrv nientbitr nf Dm ?i J
nent until nfter the January meeting of the
directors when previsions will be ni.iilole
pay thorn. It It claimed that the oxtraef
illnnryoxpciises incurred nt the commencc
ment of the miners' strlke Is Iho cattse of Iho
delay, and only roceutly hav'e the roeoiptM
been sufficient te pay the extra oxpensos for
hiring guat ds and bringing ltJ a new set of
miners, nnd thus create interest en tlielr
bends, about $3,000,000 of which nre en the
market. The bulk of the bends, are owned
by the original Incorporators Iu this city.
The Trnuble With Imported Laber.
CittcAfie, HI., Dec. i.7 Mark L. Craw
ford, who wasdoputed by the trades' imom imem
bly of Chicago te visit tlie Hecking Valley
miners' reports that the cause of the treuble
Hes with tlie Imported negrees, Swodes and
Pelet and net with the regular striking
miners. He rcjoiumed thatmoney collectod
forthem hore ba ferwarded te thorn in the
form or beets and sheet and ethor useful
Lcnvlug tlie Yalley In Numbers.
Yesterday nftomeon two young men,
shabbily drossed, wero nt the Union depet
Pittsburg, walling for n train east. They had
Justcome from the Hecking Valley, They
said thatthoyeung men, or rather the un
married men, wero leaving the valley by
hundreds. Some are new at work in the
l'ittsburg district. "There Is no doubt,"
said ene of them, "but that the miners
will finally win. Contributions have been
coining In during the vvcek from labor or
ganizations all ever the country. The young
men who left sevcral weeks nge hnve begun
te scud back a portion or their earnings. Last
week the donations were much larger than
ever before. I am liappy te nay that thore
are nene starving In tlie region new. The
Hungarians ami Indians sent in te take our
places at the mines are net giving satisfaction.
All are Hred of the strike, and J think a
compremlso could really be eilocted."
xmuevfi Acmnr.xT Arr.nTm,
A Track-Walker Dltcevcr nu Infernal
clilne I'lnccil upon the luillr.-nil.
Philadklpiiia, Dec. Ti. A special dis
patch from Kasten, l'a, says : What might
have been a torrible accident came near hap
pening en the Jersey Central railroad yostor yestor yoster
day botvveen Fanwood and Wcstfleld. A
track-walker wlille making his rounds found
a large square icl:age with two shawl strap
wrapped nreund It near tlie eutside rail en
the down track. The man thinking that
probably tlie package had been dropped from
a train, began te examine its contents. On
tlie top he discovered a square hole',
nnd belew It a blacking-box niled
with parlor matches and arranged
be that they could be easily ignited. After
removing them lie found 58 cartridgei of
dynamite and a let e'f Ne. 1 giant powder.
Up te this time the trnckmen saw no danger
and continued the search. He plcked up ene
of tlmrartridgus and wns about ie place ii en1
the rails te ferce It epen-wlth his hammer te
soe wnat it contained, when a resident of
Fanwood came along nnd proventod the ex1
A hand car was thou precured, the infernal
machine was taken te I'anwoed, nnd an
official of the read In for med of the discovery
Wlicre tlie machine came from nnd whero it"
was Intended te be used is n mystery. The
opinion of the railroaders Is that by placing
it within a short distance from the track
it leeks as if wat lntonded te blew up a train.
Had the package net been discovered by Ui
track-walker, It is bolieved Hint it would
have been struck by the next train and
many persons killed.
Masonic Installation in riillmlelplila.
Philadelphia. Pa., Dec. 27. Te-dav bev
ing St. Jehn's day, it was duly celebrated by i
grand ledgo of Pennsylvania. The fellow.
Ing officers wero installed : H. W. Deputy
Grand Master Jes. T.lchbauin, of rittsburg,
It. W. Senior Grand Warden Cllflerd V.
McCalla, H. W. Junier Grand Warden J,
Simpsen Africa, R. W. Grand Treasurer
Themas R. Patten, B. W. Grand Socretary
Michael Nisbct. A grand banquet followed,
the ceremony.
Lessr.s jtr tm: flames.
Ilrewery nud ltarn Destroyed In Werce.ler,
Mais. lircs lZlieirhere.
WencnsTEii, Mass., Dec. 27. Oicar Gal
ick's brewery nnd barn wero burned at an
early hour this morning. Tlie proprietor at
tributes the llre te a dcfoctlve chlmney, and,
places ids lesi at 318,000. A portion of the
stock was saved. Tlie buildings were of 'jf
weed, nnd the delay In rincini nn alarm in. -'v.Ji
sured their total destruction.
Tlie insurance .ii
is 5,G00.
Twe New Yerk I'irnii Ajuign.
Nkw Yeiiic, Dee. 27. Wnrrcn Ewen, jr.,
aud Jehn M. Kwen, composing the firm of
Ewen Brethers, cotton brokers, nt Nes. 31
nud 33 Bread street, whose recent specula
tions caused the expulsion of oue of tlie
members from the cotton exchange, te-day ,
made nu assignment for the bennfit of thelr
creditors te David M. Hlpley, without prefer
ences. Jehn II. Chase, jr., nnd Sebastian Duncan,
., of the firm or Chas. Ii & Duncan Pickles,
110 Warren street, assigned te-day te
y L. Palmer, with preferonce of WJ27.
Terrible EflecL nf an Earthquake.
Madiiiu, Hec. 27. Later details J
ing tlie carthquake show that the damage le .
proierty and less of life wero both muck J f-
greatcr man at nrsi uenoveu, ine provinces
et Malaga and Grenada suilered mesL At .
rni lnwi 1 fJ nml nt n,rif!n nl.nn JA miMAtll
j..j uuiiu iuv unit ... ............ ituH.viv . , r,
psnsneu. swij;
. .. ,----. - , ,
. r . - . -ia
. iicMiience iiunicu.
CAnLiNaviLLE, III., Dec. 27. The resl resl resl
dencoer Gcerge II. Hughes was totally de-,
Btreyed by fire yosterday j less, ?10,000.
A Ilerrlble Outrage,
Si'itiNancLP, Ohie, Dec. 27. Last niglit
Mary Canney, a young Irish girl, wat way
laid in the Mr cot by two men, who robbed
her and cut lier threat. She Is seriously hurt.
Dry Duck Columned. t '
ni.miinTir. V. .1.. T1u- "7 Tlin fenlinf " x
fin Intnunnrlnllnn nAninntivlii li- dwlf- aft J' sB
..... ...?2'v. M-tav. .j'w.j J ..wnf .n2.
jMizaocuiperi, was ucstreycu ey nre eariy;
this morning, Less, 3,000. , .
Inteutcly Celd Bewu Hatt. V
Uosien, Dec. 27. The weather report frefl,,
Maine, New IJampshlre and Vermont wwn
the mercury raging from 20O,te atrObrteW :
zero, the latter nt Houlton, M9. . Sfv
Wasuinoten, D. C Dec 27 Yet
Mlddle Atlantic states partly cleuay w
and local snows, with posslble iniNtt
soutliern portion, cast winds, hlgftW M
Uiurv, lunui uarvuiinvi.
A Heavy tee.
Chicken cholera, the. i wrM OuMiMHtr
iiatcrts, causeA tut annual nm mjUmaUm t
10,000,000 in tbi ceuntry: