r J",vTi- f D-' ' '?-. A -r" ' , t , V K'?. V, 1 w" -. r.-rt. V .1.1 '. a e fr N IN A MOB'S HANDS. m.triut.ii:, jkikuta, iii:i.i vxiu:ua iti:wx or rvniwiu The Tiihii Trrmrltrit by 11 (June nl firnprnite nml Drimkiju lltiniaun An linmrn.i- Atiieiiiit r Proper!) HrtMi)'il lliu CHUrm I'fpiulnj: fur llcfcm,.. 'l'lie nrnieil moll of Km inch, which nn Sutunliiy ntlnckcil unit nililwil tlie court home nt Tmvcine, Dakota, miit r.irrk'tl iiwny llie sate te Wllmet, Imi nnt yet run It lnvv. ilefyinp; celli-M", Hr-fiim ninklilK llie ntlni'k iihtreiiKyiiitul.iniiii'ilMltli YYIiiclicMi'rrille, wnxivtntleiiptl nt tlie fml til every Mrt'et nnil HO one vmim jieriiilUiHl te iMiler or Ipiive llie town. An Immoiite luufiiiilt of iiriipcttjnvA'v ileslm.veil. Met tnillillcit Willi tlie Inrirmwifti tlie meli iiltm'keil nml iiirrieil nlf nil llie pri vate prejicrty tliey eeulil find. Hut fevv of tlie people r'rrctveie wure Mitring tvlicii lliu mob itrrlviMl. .siM'rllH'eiiiliitfH ntumipli.'d In rrsNt tlm meli, lil win Itiuticillatcly cnvervil wllli iIemIi Wlnclicntcra The pcople, net wishing te kce MiKnUlinl, nuile no rmUfnncxv Tim mob roinalneil tilieutiiii hour nml then ten with the sjTe nml private lirepciiy. A cpy lrem Wiliiiet hnvn tlmt n I'lmfcreiii'ii nl' lMi men wiii Miijj held hi Mnuu'H olllie, lit Wllmet. Tlievhulrinaii, Atumlliiu: "it top nf thoMeU'ti wile, fmlil tlmt tlie (.'einlilnntinii lintl liccu telogrnpheil for, mul tlmt ir It were net rwclxi'il by Niiml.iy meiiiln tliu nafe wenlil holileuh ejicii, uml mkeil tlie iniet iniet lien : "What Miall we le If tlie lioel.ti iire net In thesirii7'' A motion wan inaile nml carrleil, ninlil fliwrtt mul linvvl, In co te 'Frnveise nml ki k nml hum every Imllillnjr nml linmr every nuitl Annul, All llie men it tlie niOfilnn were aimed with WluclieMcri mul nhetitiiu. On rp-ltit of tliii new tt tlieTmvcrv elllccr ordered llie vinmen uml flilltlmi loleuvo town, nml the order U Wing nipldly ubeyitl. Tlie nielj Is net cxpcctril te rwn-li h'ore much Ijcfore dnrk. llulldlug are lcllitf Itirrleadcd mul tlicreiuc ruiincmniit nil err the county ler urnii nml men. Tlie force In Tnivermj Is tather (imiill for "Uieli mi eiucrgi'iiry, hut the men en the ground nre well iirmrd nml will mnkondc-tpcrntellisht. All tlievvciik-kiifetl have been nikfil te leav e tow n, but 110110 Imv a left. Men from tin' iiortlieaMcru part of llie itiunly nre nmiltiK te the rewiie, hutuiny net KOt here In llnir. Iliiwruer I'lurve w 111 'linve troops Hi Traverse ty Memlav evrnlne:, but they iiIm) may In1 tee Inte. The eilkvrs nre oeolnml will make the most of their rlreuni-utanet-. (4ecninr l'leri'e tiiesraphctl te the Miprlll'terall exery ni'in In thoeeunly te his aist.nu'e and note turrvimu who refuvsl. l'xillcuirut runs liluli. The comity recenlH hne lirenstsTe'ed, niiit'noeiiocvcpt the reg ister of diesis known where. .w;n uneii, I'lilillmtliHM fur tt H11II1I43S urtli llieluj;. 'I here Is no mero n ratifying way te IiiiIiiIke the t.iste for chrlsiin.is presents than in the purcha-se, the bostenhig or icceivlng of iKmks. His the realm in which oery l.iste can 1k xatlllsl ;c.pemlitiiies may be rcgu UtiMl by the means te nieel theiii.aud iktvuis of all apes and dispositions -au U' Mipplled w itheut txxinj; tlie liiKcuttity el these who have Ions lists of presents te delect. While allrnterpiislns publishers calrr f-jH-S'Lilly for the Christmas trade, the charm or ImkiUs lies In the fact that most of tlieui nre perman ent ticasurch in the household nml mi un fjillii(r source of sitlsOctlen te l)helr recipi ents. What, for insuiuce, could U a giaiter do de light ten family of children than n bound volume of that sterling puhlleatieti rer' leiui; iVsyi'c for lssl ? It make- a iKXik of KK1 pnsres, of ileau, wholesome, jiiM'iilIe lilernturu, copiously ami e(Tcctlely lllus. tratcsl, Itsctniteutsiemliliiiiig prolllahle In In stnictien nml delightful eiitertaiiinieiitiiith.it luppj dej;rtf which has cunblcd It te sii plant Minuich that wnsMekly ami -' much mero Hint as deleterious In the jmblh-atleiis with which the'O of tin ler minds went being supplied soine jeni-s iiue. uch writers as W. 1. Abb n, . lames Oti, Jehn llablH'rteu mid I.ticv C. I.illle arc making " Harper's Yeunj; I'ceple 'iericii " a collection that imrcuts tun buy without mis givings, ler bevs and girls, of from 10 te ID years of age. The last, " Left ISehlud, or Ten liaysn Novvsliey,'' Is the narrative of a lad stranded m New Yerk, vihe fell nmougthe uovxblie.vsof that city, vuh a healthful tone and moral that cannot fall et geed hiilucuce with lb young readcis. l'ji. an. Harper Iire. J. II. t.ippliicett A t'e. publish with a I.cn I.cn deu imprint, an adaptation of a French work, en a similar plan, entitled " Yeung l'elks' IdcaH," a sltn-j-, v liich is, In fact, a connected narrative of domestic doings and familiar talks Involving a large-amount of useful in fiiriii.iiiim for ihili1ri.il mi the plan of ' Whys nml Wherefores," published by the same house. It conveys In a much mero enter taining and instructive way Hum text books useful lessens In geography anil science, mid gains largely by the lundsoiue letter-pre,s nun in iiiusiraiiens. lit -i.i. The same publislien have added te their scries of charming Uermitn tr.uihlatleiis by Mrs. A. I. WIMer. "A Penniless Girl," from the German of W. Helmburg Mr V.' eminent taste In the solccUen of German authors nml her skill as a translator nre long established and recommend every new work from her en. l'p. AO. At the age of "O.AutonleGallcngii L.. Mar Mar letti, un Iullanbv'blrth,niicxtensIvetr.ivelcr in America, l'nglislniian by adoption, diplo mat, journalist, iiiemlier of Parliament and iiewspajKr cerrcsismdcnt, f-lts down and write his e.xjiorieiices niuce he quit Italy for nsojeuin miieiig l'nglUli-sieaking peoples. On the prluciple that any single lffo-stery frankly told is of ixtrsenal Interest, the hook can be read with iine pleasuic Ip. lWJ. The recent centcnnUI celohr.itleu of Sir Mews Iontei)ero in Culaml, h.vsnvalcencd a general epnlar intciestln this most ro re ro markableof liviugceiitennrl.insand the verv n.itit.f.icterj' blogreiihy by I.ucien Wolf, published by IIaricr llres., comes timely te Katisfy this demand. I'diuund Yates, "Flfly Years of Louden Life." is a chatty book nneut his ew n life, net the least Interesting chapters of which relate te his experiences in this country. His busy career as u Journalist, wide ucqunlntaucH with and intimate views of uoiable men mul events, givenchatui te the book, which gains nothing fuuu his way of telling. IU Pp. II I. The ad mirable series of " l'nglish M'en of LctterH," which has new become a lllmiry In Itself, keeps uptotliehighst.mdaid of biogra phy with which it set out. II, 1). Tiaill's ' Coleridge" is the latest number issued. Of complete biographies of the poet mul meta physician thcie is none, Hut in the narrow space in which he had te work, the author has most nuix'csfiilly finished the story of lilu llfe anil a crltioue of his literary oxcellcn excellcn (ifsand defects. Pp. l!i!i, Harper Ures. T. Iluchnmin Head, artist nml poet, en shrined In his" Wngonuref the Alleghcnies," ene of the most iectie episodes of early life in his uattvu state. As we get l'uithcrlieni the old modes of travel and transportation the " wain fiem Conestoga wlththuir merry strings of bells" become mero mid mero plcturosqiie ilguies. The Wild Wag Wag oner Is u dnmiatie creatluu. ami the ieeui illustrates Mr. Head's best ixiwers. The present edition of this pocni.neue, Illustrated with dniwlngs by llevemlen, (iiitill, Law and 1'fiui, is published by Ltpplucetts in Philadelphia mid Louden. Pp. 71. All of thonlxiveiirorecclvod from Luther Pun DcrniiiItli'K lioek Htoie, Xu, 10 Kast King street. Mails Tunlii'ft rrlcmU. Mark Twain ascended the platform in Jluf lain, nml standing before it crowded nudieuce said: "Let me Introduced man whom you regard whom I regaul as the greatest living modern writer of ancient fiction ; a man In whom all genius, all honor, all Integrity, all virtue and all vices coiublue te make the perfect num. I forget, his name Is Geergo W. Cable." Mr. Cable read a solectlen from "Dr. Kevicr." and then proceeded te intro duce Mark Twain, who referred te Ids former residence in Iluihile, as fellows : ''Mauv changes have taken place since I was u citl ren of lluilale. I miss and we nil miss many friends. Heme have gene te the tomb seme te Uie pillows uml some te the White Heuse. Let us se live that hi the un rcrtalnitv which attends this llfe we may be prejurist for nil three of these fates." Ywiu i:ii. Heller skates, In the opinion of u "Friend of Humanity" (sex net stated), who writes te the Kocbcster fufeii, should be classed Willi corset, as twin evlla, and tho'rusebo prohibited by law, though the users oft lie ene go uml the ethers ttuy, THE IIAUVH CllltlSTMAH. Merry CluUlinnl'ihaby Henri" I'nVe my ilUtsnl greeting, IVIili h ulhwnrt tlie tiiewllt nil t.evbiKly Hie south whnUbisir, Ullllllll lttlVMlllllllg Jlciry ChrUtmiM, baby ikili lM Longnfleilllttliii'lilbl, Willi n huurt all glowing I'lein u wewlriiui luve ter tlici) In DnllikOiciii.tluit fair illy Oil, myitciy past klintrlun t TliU day inn bem of Jluiy mllil, Mary Mann tnautcii itiit I'iiiu beyond Leinptirliig i Ke v It lit it her BpelltiM bleilil (list muni den ii from lieircu Iniesl, I'ltluiiiiit noiien daring, Ile.n1)' all llitugii te ctiilurc. Whilur's viluilaiirti hlenlugditiii, Ne man gives Mill gns'lliig Till tlioliligileng, iluwn lolled, 'I'lilllU llie nlivilinl by Hie fulrt, O'er their llecks watch kccihi 1 het they kneel In Jey mul feat. Tlmt child opened licnv uu te I lac, I'llU'ilearl defeiithiR All tliy fees t Willi merry brail Kieiitlic. Unt. Ner o'er ilcpat I, A the years .is llcctlng, from thy cIiIUUhhaI'. ilnles ulee. Hear h child dealt frcu from fear, Heed these vt'enlj cnienlii( i t.ltlle eneii, cmiie unto ine, j Heaven Ik fer nuchas yn," Jlny thct'ixl chtlcllile-liig Kver keep thee, liaby deur I - Frem the llettan TVunrcrlji. The Mini Who Tnlka .Vliiih. Wu want tetaya wunl te you who lnnken liv ing nlthyeiirtniiKtiu. Ven certainly inuat have n clear, ttreng velcti te eiijjiiKe your listener. Dr. Tliemat' l.'cleelrle OMer seiu thrrxit, celdi, nml hiMrene Is uiiuvrcllcil. Una unit wluilii'. Fnrwilnliy II. It. Ceclimn, ilrucgitt, lS7uiiai7J .North Qceeiislicet, VOUM1 mi:.v i-ui:au THIS. Tub VotTAte llrtx Ce., of Miimhiill, Mich., eirir tef-cml their eWehmtud KLianno-VeLTAio IlKtT niut ethei KLVCTinp.VirLIAM't-flen trial rerthlity day, te men (nld or yoiiiiKliiHIIcteil with nervous ilelillllv, lejs of vflullly anil lnniilioeil, una nil klndnil trenhlc. Alte for ibciiiiistliin, ncunil. i;la. imi-ulyst', anil many ether kindred iiImhikc. Ciiintilcti! lvjlunitleti te health, vluer unit man hoedcimninteed. VerlkV Mtiicuried as thirty iliys filat It ulleweil. Wrltu them nt unce fur Illustrated lulinihli'tflee. ileciUjilAw MOTIIIHIS If j mi nin fulling breWnn, Hern and norveui, iie " Wells' lludtli ltciicwcr," tl. Unit? gun. t2) -llrr Him Out." 'I'M- Is a roimiieu teniark when roughs and nmilysliiiiiltpiihlleiUTrniy hy their uiieeiii I v vi ays. IiyniicnsU Un liurild imre. I'lrolteut with Uunt'Kk llliMxl llltleri. Voiimndelt. for snlu hv II. II. Cwlu-an, drnggUt, 137 Olid loll North iu'ii tlct. I,rt Inilli I'rnll. Let the farU he known. Let us iindcixtand Unit u hull, or mi ulcer, eriicuitnnick'.ijruiiy eruption or hlctnUh of the "klu Isnurc timeur nwny unit itlsnpiMsir when Jturileek Uloetl Hit tert am eiupleycd. This wonderful inedlclun nets directly iqien the circulation nnd thu ri-n-KOiiler lt uinte thi'li'foie olivleti". for sale ly II. II OKhnni, driiKK1''!. ' n"1' 130 North ''men lUieet. "IIOUOII OX COUUlls," Ak for " l.'eiiiih en Coughs," for Cough, Celd, Mere Tli Ii l I, llerivuecs. Trechm, lie. l,.U.l,iV. (i) " " ItAI'll TltANsn" Thu Intent nud he-t form of rapid transit Ik fur a teien liTiiihtcd n 1th u Hick headache te tnWe a doe of lir. Leslie's special Prescription unit m hal a rapid tnihslt Inilu thu iillllctleu take ler Its iti'inrtuie. Mi- advertli-cincut In nuethcr leliium. ilcc-.'O-lyd(t) TII1X I'l.Ml'l.i:. " Wells' Health Itrni'wrr " if -lures heslth and vigor, cures l)yicpilu. Iinimtrncy, hexiial lo le hlUty l (J) Pll.l! l'll.K-!! PILLS!!! "ii lit cure for llllnd, lUccdltignud Itchlnu Piles. (Inn he has viiltsl the weit etiecs of "Je years' standliiK. Stiepc need iiirertluliiluutcsiiller ii.lni; W llllain's Indian Pile Olutiticiit. It itl itl serhs t iimtM-x. alia; Itchlni;, acts iw peullHc, ple In-taut rellur. rrt'iHiicd only for Piles. Itchluuef the prlinte paits, nuthlUK else, fculd hy drtii?ttMnutl tiialtcd en reilit of (nice. II. sold by II. II ( eehl-an, 117 nnd ll Neilti IJneeii stri-el tl) lilt. t'llA.U'ir IklOT IlITTKIt". Kr.i7lcr'i4 ISemI Hitters arc net a drum hop lc crage, hut arc strictly medicinal lu ccry -line. They act utrenslv upon the I.Ucrand hldneys, keep the lien els epi n und legulnr, cleans) thu bleed und sjsteinet et cry impurity. Sold by ilrucKlits, !. Mild by II. It. Cechniu, 1.17 anil 1?) .Ninth Queen stieel. (.') "KOLC.II ON PAIN.'" ( urcs eellv, cnnnp. dtarrhn?.t t cxtciuully fur Kern . ikiIiis, spriln, hisidsche, iieiinilxla, iheu uulUiii. Cor nun or bcut. i nnil .Vv. (?) M.tciiixi:itv. ir i:ati:hs eh fuhnaiji:.s. .. BEST" STEAM ENGINE AND- Beiler Works, HjWERS -Oil- FURNACES KOU l'rivale DwclHiitts, Schools ami Pub lic ISiiililiiiL's. Cull and ee them. Made of heavy Iren, aim plu of ceiibtriicttnu, diiiahle, cconeiulcal, thu nichl llidlallug bin face of nny Heater In the market. Nothing Cheap But the Price I OUR OWN PATENT. fl-lla lutr eccii In ime In many of thu InrgUHt ieslileiic.es In ljincaster iu the pint leu jeursls thu bent of evidence of Its mci ltd. AildiceH, Jehn Best & Sen X. 3lS! ITI.T0S STHERT, JuiiIJ-ljdAw LANCASTlilt, I'A. HAVING DISSOLVED PAUTXEIlSHIl" and periiianelitlv ele.ed the Chentliut Mieet lien Weiks, 1 dvaliu te Inform my old patrons und Ihtipubllu geuuiiUly, tliutlulu Hill In the bUsliii'KS, being located lu the Punii lien Cempans'it Weiks, Neith Plum utiect, vihvre I urn making Iren und llra Uutlngs of every de de scilptleu, und villi be plcufied te BCrve all who nmy laver lira with their patronage. Kiem 40 earn cxpcTleuee, In thu butlucas and usIiik the best luuleii.il mul employing thu best mechanics, I urn satlsllcd lciiugttarauti-ucntlruiaithiiacllen. Castings iiiiule fivjm u iiil.xturu of lien und steel which iiim mere relhiblu for stieugth npdilum. hlllty than the best ta.t Iriin known. V teeth roll pinions, lolls und rolling mill work u apec l.ill v. Castings intulu of very teft irea.nmlbrii ciisiIiiks el eveiy ilescrlpileu. 1 have ull the put term of thu well ami favorably known .Mewier Cern nml Cob trtuher, refitted uml Improved, also en hand. Mills completely tltted up or In part, te leplure old ones which huve been In u iorveurs,Kiiai'autvciugtbcmtn(;lveaatlafactlen, It, C. ilit'ULLLV. HUg-lUwd LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1884, MI'.mvAu lliri'HHH. "HON It Mi Itnil IX) w tr w li n ft te e vrvrw vj I lllll llllll II 11 WW WW i n It h (i e ww ww ieb k K oe w w pre II h u oe Iiim iinT?rni it-!; ? i mil II v t Thlsiiiedlrliii'.ceinblnlnu lien w lth piire veire- tnliUt ten fen. line eeiiipieiciy i;iiki..s liVullL'llkil ( IVIlMUkUllif tl tt till t WKAKXl.ss mpiriiK III.OOH, Cllll.l.S ami FLVKItandNKCUAI.Ul.V. Ily rapid and thorough n-linlliitleii with thu bleed It reaches every pint of the nysti'iu, purl- lies nnd enrUhea the IiIimkI, tienittlieii I lie luuaeleaiuid iicr)en, nud tones uml lnlgerules the syateiu t A line Appcllri'i - Heat lenlu known. It will cum the worst cum of llyapcpslii, le. moving nil dlntleslug nyiuptenm, such as Tnst. lug thu t'iKnl, IU Idling, llent 111 thu hlumiieh, Heartburn, etc. tiie only lien medicine that will net blacken or Inliiru iliuleelh. It Is Invulimblu for dlwaie peculiar te weiucn, und te ull persons who lend sedentary lives. An unfailing luiitcdy furdUeuscs of thu Liver mid Kidneys. reraensaulfciliig fiem Iheelfeit of overwork, nervous tieublis, les of nppctltc, or delilllly, xpurluuiu(Ulik irllef uml lenewcd energy by It line. Itdis's net cause Ilciidaehu or produce Conall Cenall Conall pntlen OI'IILII Iren liH-dlcltiesde. It I thu only piupanitlen of Iren that cuiie no Injurious ellects. Phyalrlaus und diiiggleta recommend It ns the best. Try It. The genuine baa Trade Murk nnd crossed nil lines oil mapper. Take no ether. MndiMinly by llltO WN CULM ICAL CO., IULTIMOIIK, Me. cptHydAlyw J AMn HACK. HOP PLASTER. This poi-eus plaster Is iibseliitely thebrtt ever made, cetuhtiilmt the virtues of hops u lth gums, balsam nnd extracts. Its pewerl wonderful In curing dlM'Hses whi'tnetherjihisters simply ru ru IIpye. Crick In the back and Neck, Pain In the slde, or Limb, hlllf .lelntsuud Mimcles, Kidney Troubles, llheiiiiuitUin, Neuralula, foie Chest, Affections or the Heart and I.tier, nnd ull pains erucheslitmiy part cured Imtnntly hy the lien J'lmlrr. Try It, Prlce 2V cents, or five for ll.ce.lf s Mulled en lecelpl or price. Sold by ull druggists nnd country stoics. Ileji VUtiUr Vampanu, Pio Pie Pio prlctera, tkisteii, Mass. LAME BACK. ifKorceuillpatlnii, lossef nppctlte and dl dl cncerthlHiwcl tuke ll.i ley's Meinarh nud Liver nils, tncent. dJlyiliw(.l) iDAWNnn mrrhiw. PAWNEE BITTERS. LOTZ & CO.'S TONIC -POU-- Lier ('(Miipliiinl, l).vsicpsiii nml Cramps. IIOSK 1 u lnblcsmunfiil beluieeaclilne.il. mm rAi-imte ami run sale ur LOTZ & CO LAM-V.STKII. PA nmrJliuidMAS rpllOCSANDS OF CASKS OF SICK lleaduihe nrw pemiaiiciitlv cunsl uverv year (ns tb hundreds of tetluienUln In my po--.ee.liiu will testll) ) by the use ur !K. LESLIE'S .Sm.cImI l'iirrlitieii. This llenied) stands to day without a ilia), and with scarcely n com petitor In the world 'thousand or Thy Mclaiii throughout the count ly huic nckneKlcditcil their luabllit) te cure II. and am nun- prescrib ing llr, Leslie's .special Prescription fei ull cases of sick HEADACHE In cither Its ncrveut, bilious or cenijcsth e form, niUlns f rein obstruction, congestion or torpidity uf the liver VV hen I my that l)r Leslie's SPECIAL 1'iescrlplleii will cure the ino-itelislliiulo cases of sick Headache, 1 mean lint what I say. und that U, tlmt It net merely i-cuuvcs bin; POSITIVELY cure, no matter hew long the case may have been standing. I have testimonials from person who hae been mulcted ler twenty years, being confined te bed two or three days ut n time every two wceka, that have been permanently cured by te buttles of l)r Leslie's bpecial PRESCRIPTION se that lhy have net had nil ntluck for ever live years. , If you are t run bled with Sick Headache and wish tubs CURED he sine ami give this icmcdy atrial. 1'iiicu, l.te. B. 11. AISCHKIt, Saratoga springs. N. V. reit HALK1IY imUGGISTS. d.lMv.l Ter sale only m J. It. kALT'l'MAVS llni" Stoic, Ne. .V, North Qui imi sticet, Luucaster. Fer celus, use Kaullmau'a Ceuyl) Syiup, thu hil lgct uuti ucai lur a ccuis. Gun TY, OUILTY, 'JUILTY. J. W. MILLER, Of WAslllNUTOV llOISOireil, PA., Is guilty of Manufactuiliig MILLER'S SjTI And the Verdict of ull w he ube It Is that " IT JS THE UUSTl" " IT IS TJIK IS EST!" " rr is the lsEs'vr BLAOK DIAMOND COUGH SYRUP lf THL 1I1T. M'd7-iiinil,V.w M ILLHH'S BLAOK DIAMOND COUGH SYRUP. seplT-Uiul&w H UAI)QUAUTi:iW FOll THU IND'A.NMEU Cl.VES Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere, NO.'JKAVr KI.Nd bT., Luncabler, Pa, jyiN'T you FemrirF itvitTat COCIUIAX, THE 1)U0(3IST, NOs. 157 A I'd NOKTIl OUIULV feTltl'.KT, has the llauds.eincat mid Cheapest Line et Toilet Cnes, W'eik HetiM, Ladles' Companions, bhavlng bets, e Jte, Why J l!ecaui.e he liny for lu-.li. und heflei es lu IIVICK tiALUS Ap HUAlh PllOKITd. (.ALL AXb LIAV1INK. NX wfcn"i Sw S" 5 s H tt H PBH, H KH rWIB N Nil KK llltn HKKKfl KK Si H FBSf rtnt .lAt.i: en nt:xr. IJIOIl IlKNT. 3 The ft low lleiiiii illul Hivelllng, .Ves.llnnd II CqiiI li I, iiurcti nl eeel. f nun tlm llrst of Aurli next. 1 he steru leia one of the bust esUibllMied nnd lamest wholesale nnd retail cigar nud to bacco custom lu the city -tl''J,,lr,,,,,,ST0; dlu-tfd Ne. :m Seuth (pKeii Hliiiut, V" ai.ua iHdTiTnsinnNOK at vuiimc HALK. On PltlDAV, DLL 91, llie lui1"r. signed will tell nt titilille nh' ul the lirais- held, Ninth Ijnerii street, llie ihiee-slery niidnllle IlltlClt JWJ;LI.INI1 HOl'fi;, with Ihnii-stery and nllla back building, known n Ne. Ml Lust Omnge Ktreijl. centnlulng II loom und two hugu gurrcU, w lib nil nieiteiii cenyctilenccs and Benign connection. The let la WxilV feet, menu or lcs, te Marlen nllcy, w lth mi uhiiiidance of rriiltln full Is'iirlng. ..... , (ale te eeiiiiiienVent 7 e clock, hen terms "" ''e1'i"0W""yiir.Nitr himiii.uT.Auci. YAM'AIIIiH t'1'1 PUIIMC MALL, 1TY I'ltOrnilTY AT OX tlllN'DAV. IlKCLVIIILIl ffl.tssi. will be nelil at public sale, nt llie Coeih,t llintae, en t Klngalii'ct, IjineUter city, I'll,, tlie lul lul lewlng real eebile, viz ! e. I, All that certain three story llltICK MlUlli: AMI DVVKLMNO IIOlMi:, wlthul.irKU I o-tery brick back building tthieo-stery brick iieiifectluncry, thivo-ateiy bilck lie lieuau, brick bake hoiieu, engine lieiie, elevnter. brick stable, canlngu house, etc. The let fienl 3: feet, 1B Inches en lliu weataldis of North queen street, nud extends westward lu depth it-1 ft ut, mere or lens, In Market street. The property is situate Ne, m nnd 13s, en the west slde of Neith ynecn atriet.niid Is In 11 rt-ehis elder nndiciMlr: nnd rorucenfcctionei'ycstidillahiiicnt time li iioue superior In the tliy of Ijimaulcr. Ne. s. All that cerwlu ene story lit A Ml. DWKLLI.M 1IOUSL, with Inunn kitchen lit tin tied uImi, another FltA.MI. HOI si; In rear, ell with pump Ihereln, fruit trees and ether lniireienieut t and let of ground thereto be longing. The let fronts 32 feet, mum or leas, en thu south slde of West Orange street, and ex tending In depth liJJJftct. The property UalU uatoNe. 41fl West Orange strict, and nde!nlng properly of Abiuluiui LiUmaii, Mra llulliclr.and Jlr. Muter. Ne. 3. All that certain two-story IllllCIC nwr.l.UNO HOI.'Hi:, with n to-sterj' hrlck buck building nud bnlceny attached ; n geed w ell of water t ulae, clslerii water III thekltiheii.The let IrentsJI feet, nun e or less, en West I Iran no street and extends In depth leWccti ten ten-feet wldn alley. This property 1 situated Ne. IV7, en the ninth side or West Orange street, nnd ad joins property of Christopher Llllcr and .lehn LoieiiU .Ne. I. All tint certuln two-story IIItlC'K IiWKLI.IMi HOUSK, with one-story brick back building! well of water, hydrant and cistern. The let lienWJl fed und has a depth of HV feet. Ien ten feel wide nllcy. The property Is altuate Ne. lil, en the en tame of Nevln tr et, and ud ud Jeins pieperty of Isuae Harden and Charles Bow Bew man. sale te co uieiice nt 7 o'clock, p til , of said dav, when 'cudauce will be given und terms made knev by LHWH SMITH, WILLIAM hl'.VLTII. i:v ciilorsef the will of Louisa 'attlcr.dec'd. 11. suinKnT, Auctioneer d9-tsd TJU1II.1C SALH OF CITY l'KOl'F.HTY OX TUKSIlAV, 0KCKMI1KUS1, 15S( At the titilille house of Henry Itahlcr (Umne Hetel), North Ouecti street, thu underslKiied will etrer the following city piepcrlies at public sale. Ne. 1. A three-story llltICK I) WKLLINO HOUSK und store umiiii, Ne. 331 North Mulberry street, und u let of ground, situated en the southeast corner of said North Mulberry atieet nnd Went I.eiueu street, having u I rent en said North Mul lierry street of SI recti inches, nnd extending In depth tit feet 3 Inches, udjululug Ne. 'i en the south. Ne. !. A three story HUIC K OWF.Ll.INI, HOL'si;, Ne. 319 North Mulberry Btreet, nnd let of ground luivlng u front oiisaidstreetef 19 feet, and extending In depth M feet, 3 inches, adjoin ing Ne, 1 en thu north nud Ne 3 en the south; together with the use. In common with ethers, of the private nllcy leadlm: In North Aich alley, and or the nllcy lending from s-ild street, In com mon with Ne. 3: and together u lth n let Ne. -en drutl, extending '.Sleet along said private alley nnd having n depth of "H feet 3 inches. Ne. 3. A three-story IlltlCK OWLLLINO IIOl'-K, Ne. 317 North 'Mulberry stieet. nnd let or creiiiici. luiviiigntroniensaiu sireeiei iicei, and evtendlng In depth IS feet. J Inches, adjelu- lug Ne. i en llicteutl iin: loiremcrwiinincriuciie use, III couinien with ether, the private alley .', in dint leading te North Arch ulley, the nllcy leading from said street In common with Ne. 2; nnd to gether w lth a let. Ne. 3 nil draft extending -' feet uleng.sald prlvatu alley, mid having u depth southward of '34 teet, 4 laches Ne. 4. A three-story 1IU1C Iv DWLLLIVG IIOl'SK, Ne. 31V North Mulbcrij-street, nnd let of ground, having n front en said street of l'J feet, and extending en the north, along Ne. 3, IU feet, riluehes ten private alley ; thence ulengaldullcy southeast, li feet 7 Inchc, thence along said alley east, 10 fi-ct 4 inches, thence south U feet 8 inches te said North Mulberry" sticet s together with the light te ue, In common with ethers, the said prliate alley leading te North Aichulley, and alley lending irem ald -trect In common with Ne. 3. NO. S. A threc-sterv rtKICK DWLLLINO HeCs L, Ne. 313 North Mulberry sticet, nnd a let of ground, having front en said street of l'J feet, nnd extending en the north uleng Ne. I, Iji feci 1 Inches, thence north uleug Ne. 1, 2 feet s Inches te u prliate alley, thence cast nleng said nllcy 4 Ret. theuce south 23 feet Mnchca te the property of 'i.miuel VV, Tayler, thence along same piepetty Ul feet 1 Inches te said North Mulberry stix-et s together with the right te use, lu common with ethers, thu said prlvutunllcy leading te North Aichulley, and the ulley lead-In'-' fiem said street In common with Ne 4. Ne. 0. A three-story IlltlCK DWKLLING HOCSL, Ne. Hi West Lcuien sticet, mid a let of ground, has lug a front en said rrcet of W feet n lnchc.3, und extending en tha west along Nes. 1 and i neuthuard 31 leel 0 Inches te iipHvatu ulley, t heiicii north along said alley '-' feut .Vlnches, theuce south along said alley -i feet 8 inches, thence southeast uleng same '.I feet '2 Inches, theuce cast nleng aaine a feet t Inches te property of Uarten 1!. Martin, thence north uleng said property Ul feet 2 luihes te West Lemen street; together with the right te u-i ,lu common with ethers, the said private alb leading te North Arch alley ; ami together with n let Ne. l) en dra It. extending iVuct along said private alley and having a depth south" aid of 'tcct2lnchcs. Ne. 7. A let of gieund, flouting en North Arch nllcv, .3 feet, and exteudiug In depth west ward. 5ci feet, adjoining property of Samuel W Tu lur, en the south, whcicenn IlltlCK STAHl.l.', ja teet hy 22 feet, J Inches U creeled; together with the right te use. In common with ethers, the said prliate alley along the line of said let. (A draft of the premise composed of the seiun purports above descilbcd can be teen nt -aniiiel W. Taylei's grocery, Ne. 3JU North Mul berry sticet.) Nes. 1 and 7 vi 111 be offered for sale lu cunucc cunucc tlen. Ne. K. A two-steiy HUICIC DVVLLLING HOl'SU en the south side of West .lames street. Ne. 331, and let of ground having a front en said sticet or l'J feet, nnd extending in depth el Kel, Mithallci in uuunien with Ne. 9. Ne. li. A tivo-sterv HUICli DWLLL1NG IIOC'-Len the south slde of West James street, Ne. Sy, and let of ground, havlngn fient en said btieelef l'J feet, und extending In depth til feet, with nllcy In common with Ne. 8. Ne. lu. A ono-stery IlltlCK DWELLING IIOC.-L en the north slde of West Chestnut sticet, Ne. 211, and let of ground, having a trout en Mid street of 21 feet, mere or less, und cAteud lug lu depth, t3 feet, nunc or lens. Ne. II. A two-sleiy IlltlCK LIWr.LLlNli HOl'SK, en the north slde et Last Chestnut street, nuiuhcicd 317, and a let of gieund having a Hunt un said street et 10 teet 11 Inches, mete oi ei lers nud extending northward et that width '-' feet, mero or less, then widening towards thu cast 1 feet A Inches, mere or Ica&i, uml thence ex tending nei thw mil ten 5-tuet common alley, thu entire depth Hern said stiect being Id feet 4 Inches, mole or less, having an alley en the wist side. Used lu leuuiiuii u lth thu adjoining piop piep erty. eneludf of the niiiehau money et cnth piop piep city. If desired by the puichaser, can lemaiii chaiged nien the nmc, secured by murtgage w un liucicM, who propel lusurancc. Mile te commence nt 7i. m , when tonus lll bu Hindu known by theiindeislgiieil. MAUV IJAIlt, MAUV K II. S1ILNK dei-fifAdlSHtd 7)J" OOOO.V. N ri:v oeouy. WATT, SHAND&CO. Ilaie lcclied upwaids of l'ifty Cases yf NKW l.OOHs, selected especially fur CHEISTIAS G-IETS. mi.u iiani)ki:i:ciui:ks. silk mckklkus, I.INLN HANliKLltOlIILKS LMUllUl DLIIEI) lIANDKKltCHILfb. CLNTLLMLWii TIEs. SCAKK. i:tt. SUSPKNU- AN IMMLNbK AsbOUTMLNT OP CHOICE HOOKS, sultublu for "Veiing and Old, at ONK-HALK USlf.LPltICL. PICTl'UK IIOOKs, hTOUV IIOOKk, AUTO UUAl'lIaud s(,it.p HOOlis. TOVS.UAMl'.s, 001.LS WOl.K llOXI'.1, WIllTINO DUSKS DULSblNa CAsKb. JLWKLUV, PKllKUMLltV, lite., Ltc. EW YOEK ST011E NOS. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST., LANCASTKn, PA. otehaoi; ij -ami COMMISSION WAKEHOUSE, DANILL MAVKi:, UCC- ld pi Wekt CtvStUUt ItUCt, .vrcnAxjcAT. rum A LINN A. miBNUMAN. CHRISTMAS GOODS - -FLINN & BRENEfflAN'S. The I-irget Sleck nnil Lewest Prices. We nrO new Opening our Alumni exhibition of llOLl UAYiUHWI. Oells, Dell Carriages, Lxpress Wagons, HpHng nnd Ilebhy Horses, Phoellyg and Velocipedes, Till nnd Mechanical T ey. W .Merchants, Churches und Fiiiiday-schuels supplied nt New Yetk Prices, PHOT & Ne. 152 North Queen St., iwr oeoiti. ttaeh""a iiiiefiinit. ccce ii it rtnnrt ir sns.s ttttt mm mm a rsss l Oil 11 H It II R H T MM MM AA H 8 O II (l H II H T MMMM A A H O llllllll UIlllH II HSHS T MMMM A A bSSS f! it (I It II II H T M MVI M AAA H O II H II 1 R H T II MM H A AH H CCCO II U It 11 II PSSS T M M M A A 8SSH We tuke pleasure In nsklng yonrntlentlen Inn very large collection of GOODS IN OUU LINK, led with special rclereticoletho HOLIDAY TllADl.'. selected Willi spec! WK OFILIt THL LATL'-T NOVELTIKS IN LADIDS' WINTER WRAPS. Plush Garments, Newmarkets and Russian Circulars, Misses' and Children's Coats, Fur Capes and Fur Trimmings. Dress Silks and Brocaded Velvets, LACES, DutehCBS, Point, Spanish and Oriental. FINE TABLE LINENS, Ttible Cleths and Napkins In Sets te Match. Alse, Flne Tewels. CURTAINS, Turceman, Tapestry and Madras Draperies for Curtains andPortleroH, with Poles, Drapery Chains, etc. PRESENTS MITAIILEFOKGLXTI.KMEN, In Overcoats, Suits, Silk Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Neckwear. HAGER & Ne. 25 West King Street, B OWMtS A IIUIIST. CHRISTMAS DISPLAYS BOWERS Nes. Q6and q8 North OO NOT I' AIL TO SEE Useful and Fancy Goods EVKKYTHIM. Dress Goods, Silks, Shawls, Skirts, Blankets, Quilts, Hosiery, Lk Gloves, Silk Mittens, Fine Handkerchiefs in Silk and Linen, Fancy Bexes in Plush and Fine Weeds, Etc. IN OL'It DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT WE II VL JIST OPENED NEW STYLES IN Prints, Percales and Indigos. New Stock of BEST MAKES of BLEACHED MUSLINS Just Opened, EVERYTHING MAULED VEKY LOW, WITH 10 I'Klt C LXT TAKEN Ol'P OF EVLltY CAbll SALE, WHICH WE SHALL CONTINLE UNTIL FLltlHElt NOTICE. fifPLEASE GIVE US A CALL.& BOWERS & HURST. "W"'' AT WILL YOU nUY? USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS METZGER&HAUGH MAN'S. A LADY'S COAT. A GlltL'S COAT. A PAISLEY SHAWL. A 11LANKET SHAWL, A 11LACK THIBET SHAWL. A 1ILACK SILK DIU?. A 11LACK CAbllMEUE. A CLOTH DUES' OF ANY COLOK. A CALICO DUESS. A PAIR OF ULANICETS. A COUNTEItPANK. A CAKPET. A PIECE OP Ml SLIN A HANDlvEP.CHlEF OP SII.K, LINEN Oil COTTON. All UMUUELLAOF SILK. ALPACA Oil GIN'IM. A GO-SAME. FOll ANY OF YOL'U FJtlENDS, 01! ANYTHING LI.sL IN OUU LINE YOU CAN UL'Y AT THE VL'UY 110TTOM P1UCES. letzger & Haugliman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER. tf llutwcen tliu Cooper Hou&e anil Serrel IIoise Hetel N UXT I100H TO TUT. COL'IIT IIOUSK. FAHNESTOOK'S. HANDSOME SEAL PLUSH LADIES' REDUCED $50.00 Flush Coats llciluccil le $40.00. $40.00 riibh Ceals Itciliicetl le $:0.00. x $30.00 Plush Ceals Iteduced le $23.00 THESE ARE RARE BARGAINS, AND NOTHING MOKE SlITAllLE FOlt A HANDSOJIE PUESENT. ALSO LONG AND sqUAUE UIIOCIIK AND I3IITATI0N INDIA SHAWLS. R E, FAHNESTOGK, Next Doer te the Court Heuso. VAUVVTS, AC. cuinic'ti CAKl'irr HALU K- BARGAINS SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Selling Off te Clese Business. EVERYTHING MUST I'OSITIA'ELY HE SOLD. A 1'nll Line of IIODY IHtllflsr.L". TAPESTY, uml All C!i-.ulc of IN0UAIN CAUPETS, UUOS. lll.ANKL'lb, COYEULET3 uml OIL CLOTH. ALL AT A SACRIFICE. Prompt Attention Given te Uie Xunufactuiuef ltag Cai pets te Older ut SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and AT - BREMAI ? Lancaster, Pa. oeo rtrtnn rrxr. rr.r.r, ttttt n a n it v. v. t (I It K K V. T e nnnit i'Ei: i'kr t h oe it, n F. I', T II 11 It UK K T r.oe u it i.r.r.r. v.v.r.i'. r i nm n noe INN NO U I N N N O IN N N O IN N N O CO IN NN O O , I N NN OOO PRESENTS BROTHER, Lancaster, Pa. AT- & HURST'S, Queen St, Lancaster, Pa. Ol,'K CHOICE DISPLAY Of Suitable for Christmas Gifts. IN THE LINE OF -AT- COATS. IN PRICE. Lancaster, Pa. BARGAINS AT- Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. fubS-SiniHw eLJiiir m TKAtmjat'.i ntnun ' - .T( T ANOASTIJU AN1J MaLKWSVIU.K JH II. II. TIME TATlLKn . 'i , van Inive Uinrir fur MHlMftll it tm, ' UlflBiirt II jiin. m,iiiiaiW (wAui IM.S 8.0U ami lern q. m, una j, a.v)B, it.w jJiiTtsS Q i,mirave .Aiiuuravilla Rr lnlr nt Ml ., LEltAXON li.VN'CASTER JOIST LINK n.ULUOAD. U,B1 xmuxatuEXT errAMtsflin tntiim, SUNDAY, X0VKM11EK lOTil, IS$I. NOIITUWAUD. l.prtve. A.V. KliiKlLLnnn.. ,i LiMemtrr ... it.17 Miiulicliii .. 7.1V OiiriiHiill,, . 7IJ Art I vi, Lvbiinmi ("01 SOUTIIWAIID. Invc. A.r Ia'Ikuhiii.. ...,,, 7,'Jl Cem null ..,,. 7.M Miiiilii'lm Ml Linicnutcr &S.1 Arrive. Klnitht.. tdiuu. H.ltl A. VI. Wiuiex, Mlipt. WHIirtilJf. r.x tiVi" i l.Dtl an r.v, im R.IH fl.W7 a.m. r. iv.ni 1.11 v.vt .V.lfl aai e.n ,m '.M, u 14 O LIS am r.M, T..l 7.11 It A.M. 7..M 7.CI Ml All r.n, li.ni ll.Vi Ml till tiir vvi it. a :. .I. M. llAVAIin. Hum. I'. llllll V. A Ml. II. II. II. CJkeiuib KtTf, Suiit. P. A, 11. It, It, " !na-iya TjrJADINn.t COLUMBIA, " AUIt.VNOKMENT OF 1'ASSk.NaElt Tr.AlSK, SUNDAY, MAY W, IMI. NOnTHWAItD. leave. a. f. r.v, r.i. OuuiTyvIlle.. il:i' .... iu Uinciitilcr, King Slrcet.... 7U .... 3:10 I.iuir.iKtcr., 7.H1 !W 3:VJ Munhelm., 8.17 1:3.1 4;iV Miulettii .Junction......... 7..V1 l.ei let Celumtilu 7:-'W 2:10 3.10 AltnlVL'. ltcaaing ,. 0.13 iM tM SOUTHWAItD. , tKAVE. A.M. M. T. M. Ilcaaing ,, 7.10 12:0i) 0.10 AnnivK. i. u. Marietta Junction. fUrt uii 7.30 -Munliclrn.... , 8.9) lriV 7;KI Columbia H.iV se.1 8:2.1 I-unciistcr. li.u jw B:13 ljincaster. King Htrect.... 9-i". .,,, n.iV Ouarryvllle 10-.M .... Or;) 5:.'J) Titiiin connect nt Ilenaing wllli tmlm te nna from PlillailrliihlJ, Poltsvllle, llHrrtslmr liihiJ, I'ettsrllln, llHirlslmrir, ai New Yerk, via. Hound Uroek icniewu una lteiitn. At Columbia with trnlim te nml from Yerk, Ilnnevcr, Uctt vgtiurs, I'rcilerlclr nnil D.Utltneru. At Marietta Junction Willi trulua te una from Chltkles. At Maiilicim lth trains te una from Lebanon. SUNDAY. Leave Qanrryvillc, 7.00 a. in.; Lancaster, King Street, 8.00 u. m., X p. in. Arrive HcaOliiB, 10 Ottn. m., 6.33 p. in Leave ltcudlnK, S.eiiii. m., 4 p. m. Arrlve Lancaster, King Street, n 37 n. in., AM p. in.; OuarryvlUc, C.li). A. M. WILSON, Supt. nXNSYLVAXIA RAILROAD SCIIEU ULE. TraliiR leave Lnncutcr and leave and arrlve at Phlldelnhland lotions : Leave WKSTWAUD. Phllauelphlu. Lcave ljincaster. lisuu. iu. ii.30 Ml " D-3J " 9.50 " 9..V1 " l.:iVp.m. 1:13 " 2 SO r,:-a " 7;w ' 7il') " 11:11 " 1:35 a. m. Arrlve at .-.u-ni. r.Ajux'sx ........ i:juu. in WavPasengert ,.r.... '4:30 Mail train via Ml. Joyt 7.00 Ne.SMall Train ..vU. C Celum'a. Nlairara KxnreH 7:inu.tn. via. Celum'a. . ll:l(ia.m. via. Celum'a. via. ML Jer. , 2:11 p.m. , 4:40 , ,V10 " . U.ie " . llrW " Hanover Accem Knst Llnet Frederick Accem.,,, I.iuicisti'r Accem.... llarrlsburi; Accem., Columbia Accem Ilurrlsburs Exprc, Wcntern Lxpi-el .. Pacific Expresst..... Lcave EAhTWAItD. Mull Exprrset " -Pbll'a. ExjiieasS .. Kitst Llnet Iliinlsbnrg Expreus Iaiiicnitcr Accem. ur Columbia Accem.. s-cashore Kxiircwi Johnstown Express! Sunday Mali......,.., Dav Kxnrenit Luncaitu tiir. PhlladPlphlu, l.euu. in. 3.U3 U. 111. 4"M 7iV) KI'S) " xla. Ml. Jey. 11:4.111.111. :i:l.l n. iu. S:0S " 2.27 " 6.T1 " ll " S:53 " U.ml 2M p.m. 2:21) " 2: 1 J " 5:1S " fi:15 " A'.M 7:a J.43 Harrlsbui's Accem.. The 3lui-lcttu Arcoiiimeil.l1 ten leaves Cetiim- liLi ut ii: 10 a. in. nml u-nclics Marietta at ti:33. Alse, leavci Columbia at 11:13 u. in. unit 2.13 p. in., raichliiKMaUcttu at U:0t and 2:3.1. Leaves Mar ietta at '2M p. m. uml in lives ut Columbia ut 3:05 j also, leuvei ut 8..13 nml nrilvcs nt S: 11. 1 he Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7:10 uml nnlvea ul LancaHtcr at 8.00, connecting lth llarrl-lmn; Exiircus it 8:10, The Kix'ileilck Accommeiljtloii, west, cennect'' lnaut Ijincuxtcrwlth I'll"! Line, vebL ut-JUJ3 p. in., will run tlnnuith te Frederick, - Tlie Frederick Accommodation, cast, leave Columbia nt 12:23 and reaches Lancaitcr at 120 p. iu. Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting nt Lancaster with Masura Kxprcnsut9.30a. in. will run through te Hanover, dally, except Sunday, Past Line, went, nn Sunday, when llajracil will slepnt Domiliigtiiwn.Ceatevlllo, l'aikcsbur, Ml. Jey, Ellzubclhtewii and Mlddlctewn. t The only trains hlch run dally. On bnndny the Mull train west run by way et Columbia. Lcuvc dally except Monday. OUXWALTi AND T.K1LVNOK AND COLEUEOOIC VALLET KAILUOADS, KOUT11WABD. Trains lcave Lebanon il.illy (c.vccpt fiiinilny) . . ut fi.0 a. m.. 12:3) anil 7:ei) n. m. Arrlve ut Cornwall t 6:Wn.m., 12:10 p.m. and 7:iu p. in.; at Concwapre at7;20n. m.,jrjsnn48rju )i. in., cenncctlnB with the 1'cnusylvunlaltalliead lur points cist uud went. seRTiiWAnn. Trains lcave Conuwuije ut 7:30 a. in., 8:30 and 8:2.1 p. m. Anive nt Cornwall ntS.-OT, a. in.. 4:1S anil 0,05 p, in, ; ut Lebanon ut 8:20 u, in., 4:"(0 uml 9.13 n,ni,. eenncctliiK ut Lebanon with Philadelphia unrt Keadlnft Itutli-eud for points eat nnd -neet, anil the Lebanon uud Trcmeut Ilmnch for Jones town, Pincjjreveaud Tremont. ThaS-Ma. in. tralu will step only at Cornwall, Celebi oek and I'.ollalie.. 1LIT.S -lA'i VAVS. ATi:STSTVLl3IIATS AND CAPS. Slmllz's Only Hat Stere IS FULL Of THE LATEST STYLUS OH1 Seal Caps and Turbans, Seft and Stiff Hats, Silk and Cass Hats, Children's Turbans, -AND- GLOVES OF ALL KINDS. ALL NEW AND OF THE FINEST,. MANU FAOTUHK. S3- Persons wishing te inake Christina Prcs- cuts In our line will profit by exainliUuu our stock before pui-cluislut; elsewhere. 144 NORTH QUEEN ST. IGUNDAKElt'S OLD STAND.) OLIDAY GOODS. H OHUISTIAS PMSENTS. ) FOll GENTLEMEN t i Fine Silk Huta. Fine Stiff Huts, Nice Seal Cap. -u" Nlce Plush Caps, NIce'llcavcr Mufllcn, Nlce v "S uruvcriiuiiniiuiB, iiuuusemu urey j:uxieijk HuiuUoine Wolf Hobes. h.', FOll LADIES t vA ucniiiiiui ceei .ea, iicuuiuui ecju tupt.irjK. Itcautlful Seal Mull, Fur-Lined ClrcuUr,yi HeuverCiipca. UcavcrMulfj, Otter MulM, Flnev; ; Mlk l.'inbitlUis. v, ;i 3" Even" pcrnen who thinks of clvfiiK UbEFUL CHIlIbTMAa PKESUNT dheuht e lis u can. L.OU1U cany in tun uay, fD, STAUFFER S CO., JhulU' OKI htand.) xsea, ex as oe norm iuuuii ourtrew:; lancasteu, VA, myiwr;, ib UTOCK.S. 00H, WHITK& CO., BANKERS.!.- PltlME ll.VI LWAV SECt'!!lTir.8 ATAYAY9 OX HAND I'OU INVESTMENT. x. MluncapelN Ileal Etaln7per'ent, teWW Me Kile ul 101 ami liituriht. I'reprielflmf rfn&f Manual of ltallwayll.', Correienaee favKM. 45 Wall Sboet. New Yec cl ocil-lyueeit A iiuuehriitKtfriiCiWAlifflJi Ux. cer, much dcnivMi04WQnititj(u5l ellentlvv and hut IHlle j: iinrvMnOMrufthB cbcekr rrthlKt UM4 aaTm .nrilt'drfiie'tfrfiii. if tkirlv mmiived. I- l S'CKIV'S uud TIlAlflliS of nil kl without mln or ujlutr the knifiv I lev ra-a'K, Chronic uud rrivuMi in ...lit. ItX ,,M(f 1... UK: II. V. nml M. A. 16 onice 13 Lat waluut Urcet, t ai,l,itf Li,, frfm tt vv-.-..-. --. . ----- sJi. u i-1 J 3 ,.WJ ll . J ' r' n '2 y i?S't' 'S zsn e.ilM ''SSSS . ,'i wi &. , m i $1 ., v,; te ,.; s:?1 'k ' , r-Jr : - is- '--.V' vv j-l