"ppf v r jv : . ?"- mmm-HK. "..'' .V" ' w ' m-l "- V A. M WTI iP1 LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY, DEOEIMBEK 20. 1884. BESS W 1 J f,f 21- w. ,&': r& Hi ;& ?r- tjS'W r jr. V& t ;i .Vi tO PJMftT IMTELLIGEWCER ib every evening in the year H "" i(wt uetme.) VV STEINMAN A HENSEL INTELLIGENCER BUILDING i. W. CORNER CENTRE SQUARE, ,"; LANCASTER, Pa.- tKfCENTS A WEEK. FIVE DOLUR9 A YEAR,. OR FIFTY CENT8 A MONTH. HTiM FREE. w bVERTEMENTS FROM TEN TO FIFTY F" .CENTS A LINE. !' WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, "IT v iJE, (EIQHTPA0E8) S . , uuivuutn rurav wrnfurftriAV MnnNiua K. .ty T O011"' V m ABvct. CORRESPONDENCE Solicited from every PART OF THE STATE AND COUNTRY. CORRE- ffONDENT8ARE REQUESTED TO WRITE LEGIBLY AMOONONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY! AND TO yj, WON THEIR NAMES, NOT FOR PUBLICATION, BUT fw IN PROOF OF GOOD FAITH. ALL ANONYMOUS S.tETTERS WILL BE CONSIGNED TO THE WASTE ituver. fit A A0MES3 ALL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS TO 'U . THE INTELLIGENCER, . I AwriCTrn pa. 4, $bc mtc aster Sntclltacnccv. iifflr" LAXCA8TKU, lECE.MIIElt S, ML ,,'PLi The Intcr-Statc Commerce BUI. S-' 'i no iiense or iicpresemauves is ueuu tf lug the Reagan bill te regulate the charges 'ftfia Interstate commerce by railroad com sonnies. "We arc net new sufflciently & familiar with all the features of the bill te A M . . i . . ..... state an opinion as te theiu, but the gen- eral result Intended te be secured is one which we heartily approve. In seems te have beceme essential that Congress shall legislate upon the subject. It is one which no state can justly handle, lecause it can control only the railroads within its $ borders and it is. net practicable te put restrictions upon them which will place them at a disadvantage ever competing reads through ether states. The need of each state Is te secure te its own citizens rate3 of carriage as low in proportion te dis tance asnre obtained by theso of ether states who use her territory as highways ever which te fetch and carry their goods. But Pennsylvania is pre vented from protecting her people from unjust discriminations by the fact that such discrimination is forced upon the rail roads she controls by the rivalry of thc-e which nnj outside her borders. Congress only, therefore, can adequately legislate upon this subject ; nnd Its power ever It is ample. AVe undoubtedly need legislation which will enforce the precept of the common law requiring carriers of goods te carry for all upon equal terms. The railroad companies are new in fact the legislature of the count 0 se far as Its traffic is concerned. They regulate it at their will and according te their ideas of their interest, localities favorably situated for competition in carriage obtaining the advantage of the lowest rates. Pennsyl vania suffers severely from this power of IfeJiils te determine the prosperity of localities, since the chief centres of railroad competition areUast and "Wet of it. Mr. Thelps of "New Jersey, declared In thellouse that the lailieads would net obey the law if it was passed ; and that they would cease te work their Hiips if they could net defeat it in the courts or defy It under support of popular opinion. Ne doubt thej would kick ugaiuit theie theie strictlens imposed upon them, but tliey would net be strong enough te defeat the law, which would lmve the hearty support of the people"; nor weuUTinie injurious in the end te the railroads. They would all ceome under its harrow and their ruinous competition would be abated. It would give them such a schedule of rates under the protection of the law as they have for some time been "vainly attempting te en force among themselves by agreement and penalties. The railroads new in their eagerness for business fail te keep their peeling agreements : and they ought te wel come a law which would bring them all Under the obligation te charge one rate of freight ier mile of distance ceveied. The Wring tr Cllts. There is danger that the beautiful and highly symbolical custom of giving Christ mas presents, like the bestowal of bridal gifts, will beceme inexpressive, burden some nnd Anally perferce fall into disuse by reason of the prevailing tendency te extravagance in social life. The old saw of net looking a gift horse in the mouth is a very proper sentiment, and no mere the giver than thu ene who gets should con sider that the appreciation of a present depends upon its cost. Whenever one be gins te calculate the pi Ice, or te underesti mate the fitness of a gift because of its moderate cost, or te consider the exchange of values in the reciprocity of present-making, It is manifest that there is something lacking of the proper feeling te character, ize the custom. Again, it Is by no means the most costly articles that are the fittest or even the most acceptable for presents. Delicacy of taste, appropriateness of design, the gratification of wholesome sentiment and often the adaptation te necessities me considerations te which cost should nlways le subordi nated, nnd In the hard times this gene rally may be due te the comfort of these Who set out te purchase gifts. Let all the conditions of theso en whom presents are te bobestewed be carefully st lulled and a preier regard for them will solve many of the problems of expense new bothering hauls Intent en buying Christmas gifts. Above all let Emersen's memorable words Imj ever kept in mind : " The only gift Is n portion of thyself. Theu must bleed for me. Therefoie the ieet brings his poem; the shepherd, Ids lamb; the farmer, corn; the miner, a gem; the sailor, corals and Shells; the painter, his picture; the girl, a handkerchief of her own sewing. Flowers and fruits am always fit presents; ilewers becauvi they are a proud assertion that a ray of lieauty ' eutvalues nil the utilities of the weild. Fruits me acceptable gifts, because they nre the flower of commodities, and admit of fantlstic values bring attached te them." Mi The City Finances. We have waited In vain for sumo ene te , explain en behalf of thu present admlnis " tralien of the city government hew it pro poses te carry en the necessary work of thu 'municipality when some of the uppropria upprepria j atkms for the fiscal year are exhausted at j the end of the first six months, and of rtfepw there are net left mere than from ' JS te5 per rent. Wenrenet disapjielnted , ttiaf no ene essayste make an explanation, for obviously there Js 110 escape fiem the , dilemma that such management either ex. pesw the city te great risks or Illegal debts mf about te be created, It must be remembered that Lancaster cty has reached the limit of the constitu tional debt. Ne mere Iwnded obligations can be Issued, no temporary leans can be made nor floating debt Incurred. All ex penditures in excess of the appropriations nre illegal ; all debts se created are void, and councils have expressly declared that committees or city oiMcersautherlzingsuch expenditure shall be held individually liable. With this plain state of facts before them the councils should at the next meet lug over haul the municipal finances and rail their committees and city officials te account. This is December; the lineal jcar does net end until Slay 31, next. Meantime the water and market rents for next year arc te be absorbed for the present year's appro priations, se that the city Is alwa s at least six months ahead of its means. These things need attention. Tin: facility with which Jeseph Ilereg, for years, has pursued the business of ob taining from our banks the discount of forged notes seems te show erv clearly that there is some thing wrong in the man ner in which they are accustomed te de this business. As neari all the Kinks In the city have liecu his victims, the fault seems te Iks in the system rather than in the negligence of the officers. One lesxm they have learned is that it is net well te trust tee much te fair apiear ance. They are said te have been great admirers of Mr. Hemig's business methods, lie nlways paid his notes before they wcie due, and did net ask for their renewal. Tlie-sj are excellent recommendations te bank officers. They make a few das in terest and seem te have a prosjwreiis cus tomer. Liberality and promptitude are seen te be virtues which the Muewd swin dler puts en as a cloak te his schemes. Thesk ulie nre interested In tlie Iumiiu custom of niHtrlmeulnl presents and few thcrenrc who de net, willy ntlly, heloiigste this category, should take pause when they next think of sanctioning this social barbaric linblt. The particulars of the r.ixten-Wi'.lard clopementaro still fresh in the public mind. Thoyeunglady,lt will be rcineuibcreil,wns en gaged te a distinguished son of New Jersey, nnd the cards wcre out and 11 number of presents already sent, The father of Miss Willnnl was en his way from Kurope te bless the union. Meanwhile Mr. I'.wten and Miss Willlard were quietly married, lca ing the New Jeivey suitor in the lurch. When the father of Miss Willard reached Washington' nnd was mide acquainted with the change of the young lady's mind he eaued te be 10 turned te the donors the wedding presents w hlch had bscn sent te his daughter in an ticipation of her marrying the ether fellow. New comes Paxton, however, and threatens te bue his fnlhcr-In-law for their alue, both for himself and wife, taking the ground that the presents belenged te Miss Willard, new Mrs. Paxton, and te 110 0110 else. BusiNnss failures nnd divorces eem new te have the call. These nre strong words that Senater Ilayard uses te etprcs the great labor that President-elect Cleveland must fnce en March 4: "Mr. Clmelaml Is confronted with an enormous task, the like of which has hardly n parallel in history. The Democratic inirly Is the legatee) of the most monstrous mj tem of mismanagement. Kvcry detriment of the pu jilic service is misinaiuigeder conducted in mich 11 way ns It should net be." And yet nnyone who lus given any attention te the career of the next president must le.ich the conclusion that he is the tlttest man for the emergency. He has liecn tlghtingcoritiptlen In city and state for many ycar, and the armor of honesty with which he is luueidicd has ireed unassailable te t en the most skilful thrusts of unscrupulous jobbers. It is fitting that his gieat work in thu list should recoive for its castoue the coming roleini in the national administration. With the crisp, bracing air of te-day romes te the well-clad n feeling of healthy satisfac tion that their lines have been east in pleasant places, nnd Insensihly with it a desire te reach In the pocket for means te lift the less fortunate poeror brother te the same happy piano of enjoyment. Citizens of I.aucastcrh.iNe much te be thankful for in their sanitary sur roundings, The thought, jicrhnps, does net occur te them until comparison is made with ethor places. Prof, Adlcr has iintcd out that in two blocks of houses in tlie Hcnd of Ilaxter and Mullwrry streets, New Yerk, there had been no less than IK3 deaths in three years. In ene house, Ne. 31 H.iNter street, there have been eleven deaths in twelve mouths. Tlie misery that must ensue en w intry days in these human pens exceed the power of pen te express. 'fur. glory of the Washington uiemuiueiit is te be short-lived. An Iren tower of the ns ns teulshing lielght of 1,000 feet Istobe erected In the grounds of the Trench exhibition In 1689. Hven dimples cm be manufactured en women with soft, pulpy cheeks or chins. A spot Is smeared with colorless glue, and then the llesh Ls presed In with tlie point et 11 pencil. The stillened Indentation retains the shaiw of a dimple, Care must be eWrvd hi smiling suddenly lest It be fractured. PERSONAL. Fkiidinami Waiii is u scamp, but he showed geed tnste in the selection of his library. llKNnv Waiik Hi:r.c'in:n will net lie in vited te the anuunl dinner of the New Ku glnnd society this year. The intended snub Is for the purpose of punishing the Ply mouth dl I110 for net supporting lllalue. MaIIV Anueusen talks of npiearing in Paris, but net only would the exiieiibe be very great, but It is an open question w bother there would lie u Hiidlclent muu muu ber of jKJople in Paris who would support 11 drama acted in KnglMi, h'.lTVX 711 f.ir.s. Tlie Dead lte.lyiif an Unnkiiun n Mini I'miml In An rni)iciiliil llullcllui;. A mystery somewhat similar te the Carl Carl eon hotel horror has been develejied in Phila delphia. Pier Ne. 0 .Seuth w harves Is used by Cope Brethers, shipping merchants at Ne, 1 Wnlnut street, as a landing place for the vessels ojieratcd by the linn. A Unit twenty twenty ilve or thirty feet from the water Is smn'll ene story frame shanty nUmt fifteen feet long by about ten In width. The place has net Uen used for seme time. This morning 0110 of the firm of Coie llrothers, seeing that the weather was gradually getting colder, sent ene of his empleyes, blirove D. Smith, a young man, down te the wharf for the pur pur pur poseof letting the water out of the boilers there. Just ns he was steeping te open tlie valvu which would allow the water te turn out, his feet kicked something en the fioer, and reaching down he felt the leg of a human being. He was overcome with fright ami meduli belt for the deer, heisting It oil its hinges. Werd was at once sent te the coro ner, and the body which was thai of a man amiarently about fifty years, wus taken te li? m,erKU. The Unly had 01 Idenllv U-en lying In the shanty for some time, iis the flesh en several parts or the body was eaten away by the rats. The nrms were folded across the Uxly, nnd the Jlesh from the this or the lingers up nbove the iillxiw s was eaten elTclear te the Ixrne. The leg., from ihe tern or the rough leather shoes up en thuknee-s, w-eronUedovoldofilesli. The ,ttlli v Jilc-h at one tlme was covered with a thin growth or gray hair, wan Jleshless mid the liatutes wero totally unrocegnlaible, A Dearth through the pockets or the clothing brought tp light nothing which would llPiew anv light en the question as te w he the muu w as iIKllE AM) THERE. There were three accidents en the Pennsyl vania railroad en Thursday all caused, It Is said, by the sudden cold snap. Twe broken rails nnd the fracture of n loeemotlvo wheel llange, nwukened the attention of lussengcrs te the icrlls they sutler from the oxikisute of metallic railroad equipment te sudden clmnges of the w cither. The new iisphnttum pavement laid around tlie public buildings in Philadelphia, when it get the first covering of snow en It presented a surface se slippery thntthc smoothly-shed horses of the street cars found It lniposslble te get along. They fell nt almost every step nnd ns many ns a deren cars blocked the line nt a time. It was hours before the dlflleutty wasebI.itedand the usual ten trips dally each way of the cars were reduced en Thurs day te nine. The reute of these cars, ' hlch are expected te traverse the distance twenty times a day, Is front the ferry te Perty-first street. V There are critics nnd critics. At ene of the crowded popular receptions te Henry Irving in Philadelphia the ether night, n cranky old man said bluntly te him : " 1 took inv family te see you In "Hamlet. Yeu can't play jramletuA d bit." Jehn Stewart, lawyer and politician, who is an ardent Slink speraean student nnd critical jwtren of the drama, praises living's Hit mM te the ex treme i nnd ex-enater Charles Jt. Uuckalew sjxtiks in lavish praise of Kllen Terrj's nc cnnpllshmetits. 9 Ten or tweH 0 earsage In lug was known only ns a comedian. A gentleman who paid two shillings te see him w hen he was the rage of Londen six years age tells me that his support there was immeasurably better ami the magnitude and exactness of his stage appointment in Louden far exceeded the nrcsentatlen et his ttlnys here. Yet most of the people who ee him here pay $if0 for the privilege. One of the most noeompllshcd journalists of the country recently undo this observn ebservn observn tleu : "I don't see hew the New Orlcnns show can boa very successful affair. I was down there a few weeks ngu nnd was sur prised te llnd en w hat .1 siue the scheme has iieen laid out. The preparations were as ir for tlie Philadelphia Centennial. New Or leans is a thousand miles from prnsjivrity nnd dense population, the ceutre et ti peer coun try, mid 1 don't see where the jeeple are coming from te keep their turnstiles imsy." Nevertheless the management has gene te work with n geed deal of grit nnd deserves .success. Seme of the Pennsylvania editors arc talking nljeut devMiig- nu excursion te go down the lat two weeks' of January. Wliv tliey de net propose te wait for M.irifl Gr.is 1 hnv'ouet vet learned. , It Is rumored that the Philadelphia CAreii- irle-Herahl has at length concluded upon n plun te make a journalistic sensation nnd attract te Itself the attention which lias thus far failed it. Wharten Parker, its owner, proposes te writ up what he knows of the Inside of the (.inrfteld udiniiilstrntien, nnd of the scheme which was en feet te get up a difficulty between this country nnd Knglaud ever Canada, resulting in war, conquest and annexation. Tlie Dominion Was te have passed tariff laws discriminating against tlie mother country nnd in f.iv or of United States Lnglaud's refusal te ratify these or te permit them was te have been the pretext for Inter national difficulties. And then llirkcr will iclate the ne gotiations nt Chicago which failed te nominate Harrison, nnd which were modified te permit Illaine's nomiiia nemiiia nomiiia natien ; and hew much money was raised and sent te Maine, nnd w hat part of it was returned. The Chretnclc-HrraUt may vet be a jmpcr. s Ne slight decree of indignation is felt among the Philadelphia Democrats and by the per-enal nnd political friends of Mr. Itnn dull nt the high-liver style or denunciation in which Mr. Wnttcrsen Indulges, ever his pro pre lmscd visit te tlie Seuth. Hopeesasho went before at tlie inv Ration nnd as the guest of many eminent Democrats, piolessienal nnd businessmen, who are anxious te niltiv ate n better ncqualntaivti "f the masses of tlie Southern people, with trusted Democratic leaders of the North. Denunciation of such interchange of (siurtcsies iuailvauce is, tesay tlie least, unccuereus and the tlcry inliter lit tlie Le-usville fawner has only given his 111010 generous fellew-citicns n pietext te pile 011 their hespltnlltv. Dan Kniicutroutiseneof the Pennsylvania congressmen who will likely take in tlie New Orleans Exposition during the Christ inas congressional investigation. .. As I write I luive lying lieloie 1110 11 Iittle lirown-eevoied volume, bound In muslin, plain nnd meek-looking. The title nigt heart this inscription : I.AY-)OFMYIH)MK ami oriirei I'OEMs nv leit.N ;. wnn-rii:i:, 1T03I, ITIU.IAM p. TICKSOIL MUCCL'.M.lll. There aic lii pages or It, containing the earlici of Whlttlers p-xmis. The volume Is dedicated te Jehn Piere)out nnd the' ede of dedication concludes with the stan.i: Aiicl girded for thj' constant tlnlit wlthreng, l.lVu .VchcinLili lighting ulitlulie nreiiKlit Tlie broken uullet ten, even thy nng ltrttli a Hide mnrtliil tunc, a blew In every tlieught. And en the margin et' the iige below, sonie ene has written in jiencll "Nehemlah IV. IS : 1'orthe builders every ene had his sword girded by his side." I recall the extract readily, bcuiie the story of Nchcnilnh re building Jerusalem's wnlls by ordering cv cry man te put up that part w'hlch ran by his own heuse Is an etlnetive way or enforc ing the lessen of delnir. political work hi de- uu or any niuer Kimi 01 werK ler Hint mat ter. This "old edition of Wlilttier used Je sell ntWcents. It was the second work et poems he ever published. Hut the edition wns sin ill ; the numbers or It nre se rare that 0110 of the jiect's biographers says Its existence is even questioned, and I presume that book hunters would eagerly snap it up nt f 10 n copy. 8i.vnn. Imitation. Yeiiarr ieiiicntcil tecullnt the old postelllcn building, Centre Sainnre, Lancaster, I'.i., whom ulll lie given n inictlcal exhibition of lleckpi'it Self raiting Iluckw hent unit Fleurs, Wednesilay, Thiirsilny, Fildny nnd sintiirdiiy, Dec, 17, If, 19, it, lssi, Ladles specially tin Itcd. declMtd Most v lelcnt explosions or mnglung nra stop step pcil by ltule's llniicy of lloiehound nnd Tnr. I'IKe'h Tnnthuelie Urnps cure In one minute. iliviwlcnd,tr A " IVenifii's JxihiiiiKi-.' The stun uiLsdlili)fdniidNOiiu!lKKly vient In te see 11 u mini uhn mis tired of his ulfu could pe thuic unit trade hcroirferiinnthcroiie. Fnuiul It liiiinirtU-.ililc. The best exchange for women Is that which la promoted by Ilrevin's Iren lilt leis. Kxchanitu peer hcnlili for geed. Jlrnken UeH-nand ili'liilitnted Indies with lmpverished bloeil Jlnd vigor and Jey In the enrichment which this pi luce of tonics bestows en them. am cm: ji i:rs. jl'LTON OPintA lldl'Sli Monday, Docember 22, 1884. Thw Kmliicut Tliigedlun, Frederick Warde, supported by nil LXCKLl.KNT COMPANY OF AUT1M, In MiakspvniVa hUterlcnl piny, In 11 e Acts, EICIAED III. New- Scenery, Cnttiiiiii'H, Anunr, riep.'rtlcs, nnd nceuilcie urtUllc lt'iiruHentatlen, I'ltll KS AS I'sX'AI.. Jiewrvtd seats ill Opera Heuse Olllce. declS-ltd JlULTON OPKHA HOU.SI1 TWO NIUIITs AXIl SVICIIHAY MATIN jrf. DECEMBER 19 & 20, 1884. Till! IIL'ICXINC XOVI.'LTY. THE McGIBENY FAMILY. IN TIIIUII NI!H III.IOI Ml'SICAI. AXPMJ. MKT1U L.STl.ltTAl.NMI.NT, (ivatt'rit Mnilc-d Finiilly In the Wmld, Four teen In nil, riitlicr.nietlii riindKChlldivu, FL V, FACTS AND FAXU1KS. i-.'iVi",,'."' -0 s CKXTS. LII1I.DUI N, . . .j5 ( KNTS. MATIM.h I'llHT S, . 10 AV l LXTl Itcsj-rv ed fceaU. without extra chaivc speciu t-uNilly tli'U't. iKlunulttlni; four pciw.iis leiv. kcnudrcatn, !.&. dl7d hooks. TOHN ilAUH'S SON'sT CHRISTMAS ! HOLIDAY OOODS, NKW HNOUAVINOS, KTCIIINQS, PHOTOOKAVUnUS, WATKIt COLOlt SKKTCHKS, PIIANO'S CttmSTMAS CAltDS ANDTOKUNS, illustuati:d hooks, hihl1s, puaykil hoeoks, CHILnitlLVS HOOKS, WIUTINO DKSKS, WORK HONKst, .n:vri. iteNi:s, TOtLKl'SLTS, POCK HT HOOKS', CAHD OA5jI"S, PHOTOOKAPn ALUUMS, sntAP hooks, SCUAP riCTUUl'S, WATHIt COLOR HOXUS, PAINTING HOOKS, TOY ROOKS', I'ANCY S r.mONl'R v. PRICES LOW AT Till' BOOKSTORE -OF- JOHN BAER'S SONS, 15 nnd 17 North Queen Strcet, I.AXCASTF.U, PA. . ;( ir.iiM;. Tl- CALDVXLIv"(:0. J. E. CALDWELL & Ce. SILVERSMITHS, Teaand DinnerServices, Ornamental Pieces, Ferks and Spoons, Complete Bridal Outfits. Op Ifins nnd Kutlmitrn furnUhed en ap plication. All' Inquiries mid mall order recelve prompt iittentleu.' 902 CHESTNUT STKBET, PIIILAIIKLI'IIIA, PA. Teii.tcca A.xi via a its. ySTAHLISHnD, 1770. H. C. DEMUTH, MAXL'FACTl'IIKKOF Demuth's Celebrated Snuff -AND- FINE CIGARS. NO. 114 EAST KING ST. We have new In mock 11 Fine I.lnu of (iend hultidiln for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CmmUtlng of FIXK.MKKltSCIIAir.MAXD FIIKXCH ISItlAK l'll'KS, Mccr,chuiuii Clsnr nnd Clcurcttn Helders, Clifiir, Clitnrette unci Mutch Owen, in Turkey Morrecco, ltiibsla. Alligator, Culf, Scut, lleir Skin nnd sole Iciither. Ul-Jwrt J.ITSTKILMAN A CO. " Holiday Presents, MKEUSCHAUM SSIOKEItb AND l'll'KS, TUltKISH PII'KS, FItEXCII IlUIAIt l'll'KS, CIUAIt AXD CKJAltKTTK HOI HKltS.CUJAIt CASKS, BMOKKK'S 8KTS, CKJAltKTTK CASKS, ASH ItKCKIVKKS, HATCH CASKS, CAXKS.Ac. All liiBrcBt v uiict y nnd nt very low price. -C'ull nnd einmluu our ifoed. e trouble lonlieir Ilium. L. STBHJIAN if CO., Ne. 116 North Queen Street. Ol'IS WKW'H. WATCHES AND CLOCKS. nuij.u iy WATClli:-, CLOCKS, CHAINS, IIIXGn, hl'EC. TACI.l!a, Kle. Itcpnlrlneef ull kind w 111 lecche my poraeual nttcutlen. I.OLls WKllfcll. Xe. lWj North ijiirun Mrcet. Itememberiuitne nnd number. lUrecllv V' mIi'Si y '' IU'"r l'""n'a Wepet J CLOTitrsa, The Inst month of the year is rapidly passing, and we rally all our forces in efforts te clese out Winter Clothing. We are full of bargains, some of them real "Drives." The advantages are all with the buyer new. A. C. YATES & CO., ;(- (504, tiOfi, CHESTNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA. t'-liml R LMOVAL AND OIMININH. I.ASCABTER, l'A !pt. 10, lsl. I dctui te nmLe known te iny friends nnd rutteiucra, nnd the public In Reneral, tliat I have ivmev cd from XO.M XOIITII QUKEX STItKKT, teXO. t:t XOF.TH Qt'KKX .sTItKF.T, formerly occupied by tlie firm of hunttlng A ltjiinnmn. where I lmv c opened with u large iHiertincnt of Kngllsh, French nnd Gcrm.iu XeveltlC'j, tegether vtlthnljirgc I.tne of Demestic Fnlirlct. Cem posed ns my New Stock . of Xcu lioedsmu! Xew Styles, I feci iiMUtfd that tn vellclttiiR n continuance of your pntionafie, you will have nu opportunity of making fclectleni from n stock uncounted In in variety and ndiptcd te the present dciiuind, which I for geed values, genllemanlv jlcs unit etTcet, nnd ccnutslte tit Xeth Irit the verj-letef workmanship i nud prices te suit everybody. I'liine favor me w 1th yenr oilier Yours Very Truly, D. R. WINTERS. -"ULL ANNOUNCKMr.NT Ol' FINE TAILORING VT- HENRY GEHHAKT'S, Ne. O East King Street. I have In rteck the most complete nnd eholce mill of nnertment mm woolens FOKTIIK FALL AXD WIXTKIITISADK KVKIt OFFKItKU IlKFOrtU IX TIIH CITV. A gnatvarietvef I,ATK-TsTVI.KCIIKCKi:i 'I'lTINO. COllKt'KKU'i In all xhiidix and qualities. A sl'LKXDII) As-sOllT.MKXT OF l.IOIIT AND IH'.AVY WEIOHT OYEKCOATIjNfG. Price- LOW ASTUK I.OWKbT nml all KtwxN warrantcil n.- repri'Hcnti!. H. GERHART. B CHGi:U .t SL'TTON. THE PLACE TO BOY ! The place te buy ! where they ell The best goods for the money ; A place w here clerks arc .nre te tell A Rtery lhat U funny ; ThoHtery i that tlrst-clu-. muff', Iho best In any city, I Beld ut prices cheap enough Te make one nlng n ditty. This place Is found at SI, In Centre sqn:uc, Fast uugln, We state It no you'll find tlie deer And thus avoid nil tangle. Ell & SUTTON, Merchant Tailors aiitl Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANTAhTi:', FA. jutr aoens. WATT, SHAN D-,& CO. lliiverecjved upwards of Fifty Casen of NKW OUOlls, (.elected especially for CHUISTIAS G-IFTS. I MLKIIAXIlKKItCIIIEFH. HII.K MirFFLKIIH, L 1.1XKX HANDKKItCIMIlFS, K.MIIItOI- T iii:iii:ii iiA.MKi:uciiii!F, UKXTLKMi:N'S TIF.H. SOAIIFS, btlbl-EXIl- i:ks. AX IMMK.VSK ASsOltTilKXTOF CHOICE HOOKS, Siiltabln for Veuuif nnd Old. at ON'K-IIAI.F Vir..I. l'llICKS. l'ICTUIIK HOOKS, KTOIIV HOOKS, AUTO lilt.Vl'll nnd (-CHAT llOOKrt. TOYS.OAJIKS, I10LI.S, AVOItK UOXKS, WltITIN'0 IIKSKS, DItKSSIXG L'.iK. JKWEI.UV, FEHFl'JtKItV, Etc., Etc. HEW TOM STORE, NOS. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST., LAXCAtaTER, I'A, RKADV VOll KMKUar.NCTKS. NOTII lug Is he Imndy te lmve In the heuu as Hen neiiV Cm j ill ue Fhisterv. Highly nisdlctnul. 'iSv. VhOVKS, .ltlltnOll.1 tust epi:ni:d. Ghristmas 1884. x Zahm's Cerner 1884. JUST OPENED Tin: t.Aitfir.sr axi) uiii:Ari:r i.int. of Erencli Clocks, Mirrors and Bronzes vr. iiavi: i:vku ( itun:i. Music Bexes of All Grades. A FULL LINE OF GOODS TO SUIT ALL TASTES. -- VT ZAHM'S CORNER. HOl.lllAV .Ml. .S. OIVLCIU Mrl0LIDYG00DS.I Children's llwrslin'ii Heekin Milts. I'nr Tep?, 25t bilics' llaicrslewn Heggin Far Tep Mitl., 25f., FFI.I. LINK OF IjADIKS' AM) OKNTS IIAUKIiSTOWX (1I.0VKS AM) MIYTS. LADIES' KID GLOVES. Silk Knit Mitts and All Kinds of Gloves. OKNTS KID, I'ASTOII, BITK, CLOTH, SCOTCH AND SILK tiLOVK All Kinds of Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. Silk Umbrellas for Christmas Presents. J NO. S. GIVLER &CO., HO. 25 EAST KING ST., J. It. MAKTIJf A 'l. w OL1DAY DRY GOODS DE-PIRTME-NT. Raw Silk Stand Cevers, Jute Table Covera, TurkiBh Tidies, Plush Tidies, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Silk Handkerchlefs, Susponders, Nockwear, Qloves, &e. CARPET DDPyqRTMCJMT. Smyrna Rugs, Moquetto Rutfs, Sheep-Weel Ruffs, Art Squares, &e CHINA DEPARTMENT. Embroiderod Glass, Amberina Glass, Carlsbad Flewer Vases, Bisque Figures, China Fruit Plates, China Dessert Saucera, Musical Decanters, Water Decanters, Teto-a-teto Sets, Smekintr Seti, &e TOY DEPARTMENT. Mechanical Toys, Christmas Troe Ornaments, Deg Carts, Mules and Horses, Steam EnRinen, AND A THOUSAND OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cor. IVcht King anil l-rince Sis., I-ANCATI'.l!, I'A jfrei.iiAY prisi:nts. Don't Strain at a Seap Bubble and Swallow a Football, But Drink Geed Tea and Coffee. CI.AItKK KUIU'S TIIH FINEST I.I.MJ MEN ORIGINATE. LOOK AT OUR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. AI.AItM CLOCKS nnrt OKNAMKNTAI. WAItl: or Kirr- Kind till Klvrn nwny te pmcliimcra of myTKASand t'OFKKI.b. FlN'EllltOCF.MF.-5Mr,l AT COST. M"lnit(iMV Otvcii Cern, liic. Kiki'r'H (irefii Cern, lie, Ileil "mil (irt'cn Cem, He, l'rfh Tabln Toiiinle.1.. lie. M!(SA Its Four I'eiuuN liniriiilnti'tl.'r. Four iiemuU U'liltr, 'JSr. Tim LlgMfHl Sr. bui;ur In tlie city. Try u pound of our .MutchlciM Kliiiref ;effew IIIi'iuliHl nt 'iV. ,r l'ninen, H:, Mi: nmt IV". hci'tllrm ItnlxliiH, U)Jc. Men ruii, Se ncr qunrt. CLARKE, NO. 38 WEST KIX0 STKKET, COAT. BII. MAUTIN, t WHOLESALE AMI! nUT.UL Dealer in All Kinds or Lumber and Ceal. . ir-VARD- N'n. 4J1 Xertli W'uter nnd I'llnce Htirptu, iiliern I.uineu. Uiucuatrr, n'Myd B AUMa.MtDNr.itSA .iKiTi:iiir..s, COAL DEALERS. Ornrei! Ne. la North Queen utrwl, nnd Ne. EC I North I'llnce Htrrct. Vauim: Xurtli I'rlnie ulrect, near ltcidliic Doiiet. I.AN't'ASTKII, I'A. nuI.Vtril c .OAI. M. V. B. COHO, SMXOItTIl M'ATKlt Kritl'r'T. iJinemtiT, l'n., WUOLKHAli: AXliCtTAtl. UEALEU IX LUMBER AND COAL. CosM-cTiex wirii tiik TsLcriiuxia Kxnusor Kxnuser Yaiiu ami OrriCE! Xn. Sll .N'OltTIl WATIIK 8THF.KT. frtiaijil Q J. HWAItlt A CO., C01L. OvnrK) Nn.iu(VntreMimre. VAitnai liiMt Walnut imil Ihi'mIi.'iII fitiretK. .(Mev.iiFhO!i1 Vurd.) . On.l. 1 ,..,1. .. ............ ...t.t. ..... l..l. "'ill iiiiiiiiiiu unii'u I'diiiivcii'ii null i,iu n" ldione I.t'liiui;u. 0-Kl.MI,lMl WOOD A hl'KCIAI.TV.'Sa iHtlSiuilM.tFIE QTOUAOB O -siw OOMMIS3ION WAREHOUSE, IUXIEI JIAYKIt, dvel 1yd 1U West (. ueetnut utri-et. AMI JIHOXXVS. fMIODA. Hi:i). V. HAT11VO.V. LANCASTER, PA. G?008, J Opuosite Slneiis Heuse, OF TF.Art AMI COFFKF.S IN' Till; WOUI.li. MONKEYS IMITATE. . LAXCASTEK, PA. anevr.nir.s. 1rrVQxvSGeaviKxciij'v VVVTKU, I J, 13 mid 14 emit per pound. , vm ie.F.N" i.iMi:i:uci3. -l.lT Ullltr.AAB 1I.I1AI .HUl.Aftftl.H. (iiKHtnt liie, Ik-at nt Ilk', Fnneyiit IKoneriiiiart. l'UIti: VIUTKHUUAI'.fte.; YIIM.OlV.Sc. wr pnuiul, nnd n lull el Imcn t of NKW HO 1. 1 II AY iJHOC'KltlKs. OKO. WIANT, dl5JU Xn. 112 WphI KIiik Wiwt. A T lUm.SK'H. HOLIDAYBARGAIHS. (inimilntcd Snirnr. "e.i I'ure Whltu HuuHr, Gc. Ileuutirul I.lKht llrnwii, 5','c.j Itrnwn.Sr. 1'iire Frrh bplri'H. i:icnnt llght-oelnrcd, only 10c. fiiiurt. .Vera- Crep N'uw Orlcium .Meliucn, bent nt 18tj Koeo, iBi-.r 1 y . 'i v. Ferelirn nnd Doincnlle Fnillu Italnlnn. Cur muU. Citren, I.i'ineu 1'eH, FIk, Fri'iirh nnd TurkUh I'runi'u Pruuclliu, Krnpumtcd l'earlirn nnd ApplM, California Kvitpemii'd ApilcetN,ctc. Xiitw Fliionew I'upcrhlii'll Almend, Crviuii XutH, Knullh Will nu In, FllticrUatid l'rcnnn. FLOItlliA OitANlii:-New U our t Inte te liny llerlda Omnifcs. Wn nurer had thorn e chunp liofero, IlnkliiK llutler mid Flwvnrlui; Fxtniutn, ltenu IVnter, ftp. CONFhXTIONS lliind-iniide CUur Tevn, Mixed Candy i t,n fur 'iV.j better nt 13 nnd'Ju rcntuptr pound, BURSK'S, NO. 17 BAST KING STREET. 1'. 8. Ttilcphone connection, Coetlj dcllveicd teull piirunt the city. 27tOinTlTNT. . Thu btore Itoeui und Dnelllnjr, Xe. linud 41 I'euth ijuceu utrcdt, from the itrst of April next, THv Htore )ia out) of thu hxnt ivtulillxhrd nnd laiW'Dl wliolraale nnd retail clfur mill te. Uiri-a fiulen.n In the city Apply te , W. 1M1KINTON. 119-tfd Ne. WSeulUtJuccu Street. . '"it ftWa V