1?" '"' "' -'St (.v.- : ;;-'?" .' LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER JsttfePA DECEMBER 15 1884, v73V!V,ftf"VT ,1 -IT .- ia'." he1' i Si S5 lif' W.-i fk ET- ft; r w-. .' . . ..-. "X-'' ty tr ,. m ' - mmmmp' :; jttjiiJ-jLiMi'aM rirnr -"-- m jVbbfbBbbbbb. neHrnvna .MsbswMBibEwSsT Cfijn u fit S; New YatV, of HMMO te KTlMwqr mbM kWy te ibis In vM mrvfttiTriy .& been MMniBg Mba OMwaUtemir -HMVl '.Ss.ft. ?. h i.-V '(- ' V- . .V- y 'ij. - M-.'a. :'i Bt! .', .2? ; te iHiiii 1 omHHew wm Jum H. SrfftSfL JH!i?S ;. ".! ashw ib xmm; wa ma - M OB BM Wat BBMUBBM OB te -& ehild) w la the Man a theatre. He hm te America ;' 1918 with Manager Helmes, and hu Aawrieaa debat at Charles tea, B. C, ia Nereesber of that year. He wae a aeaa of weaderfel energy aad had mtuy epe and dewae, both ae aeter and Btanager. In 1817 be managed a theatre !a the city of Waehlagten : in 1818 he batlt a theatre in Petersburg. Va.( where Junius Brntne Beeth played in 1831 ; ia January, 1820, he engaged the French theatre in New Orleans and gare the first season of English performances ia that elty acting himself all the leading high oemedy roles, such as Beloenrt, Dorieonrt, Duke Arams, Benedlek, Yeung Wilding, Charles Burfaee, Felix Gossamer, &a. He oemmeaeed the ereo eree ereo Wen of the first English theatre in 1823, and opened it January 1; 1824. He had JaniasBratna Beeth for his stage man ager there and Edwin Ferrest as an actor. Tf 1AM ba hnlll tha N"aahlll thaitM in ii'lW7, he altered a building into a theatre . s i'M . i BIOJLX, TOM BALM, ZM? ifeA Hw , r.v ti?e& la St. Leuis : in 1823 he oemploted a theatre in Natchez. Miss., and in 1833 he bnllt a fine theatre in Cincinnati. He eoeaweneed the first and the finest theatre en the site of the present St. Charles the, tre, New Orleans, en the 0th of May, 1835, and opened it en the 80th of Nerember of the same year. He retired from the stage en the 14th of January, 1843, appearing as Vapid In "The Dramatist." In the Interval between 1830 and 1833 he bafft ether theatres besides these named, inelndlng one at fluntsrille, Ala., and probably at Sarannab, Ga. and Mobile, Ala. The circuit held by him was sold te Rnssell A Howe, theatrical managers in these days, the former being the father of the famous actress, Mrs. Farren. Al though beset by all the trials and misfer. tunes of snob, an adventurous and uncer tain business career, Mr. Caldwell preser red the highest character for probity, and In the end justified the confidence of bis friends by his business success. Ha was very fend of public life, and became a leading eitizen in New Orleans. He was the first presldsnt of the "Gaslight .aeaessT..whtab.haestablUaal there. He was in Baltimore ia 1818,,wktr MnRom MnRem brandtPsaie begar tne manufastering of . .jiiWanfriatiDir gas at the old museum, after- wads the City hall, en North HeUIday street, and gare great attention te the processes of gas making. His experienee evidently led him eventually te his suoeess ful effort te introduce it in New Orleans, which he did in 1833, thus lying the foundation of,' the great fortune that was bequeathed te his son with the significant name, "William Shakespeare Caldwell," and by the Utter te his two daughters. Mr. James H, Caldwell was twiee married first te Mrs. Twemley, of Fredericks burg, Vax, and afterwards te Miss Rewe, daughter of Manager Rewe. He continued te reside in New Orleans until 1863, when efaaflng under the rule of Gen. Butler, he left there and went te New Yerk, where hn iMaI at thtt ,. AfTA em n tane His grand daughter. Mary, was bem in the same year. The writer of this sketch met him in the Crescent city in the winter of 18S3-'53, but a few years after his retire ment from the stage, in the prime of his manhood, already opulent, nseful, and full of adraneed business ideas that had after. WO.rf1a fih mlftin Am.l.ltnM 1.1- -- S daughter at this day te lay the fossdMJeaa geed results of whieh will doubtless entend te the end of time. QAIM BKA1.TB. ASD MarilHBBd. (5- HOWt DO AS OXIUBSHAVJE DONE. a aw rntra tnwwa ntnunvnvn "Kldaey.Wert broeKbt me from my grave, as It were, after I bad been given up by 13 best doctors la Ostrett." a. w, urvsaAuz, stecnanie, lenia, aticn. ARC TOUR NKRVK8 WKAK f Kldner-Wert cared me from nervous weak. new, Ac. alter I bad net expected te live." Mrs. M. M. B. Goodwin, Kd. ChriXian Monitor Cleveland, Ohie. ITAVE TOO BRlQllT'S DISEASE T KfflnAVaWnrt llra.1 ma whnn mw .(.. was jast like chalk and then like bleed." niuen, roaeouy, jaass. SUrrKRINO FROM UIABRTES T S Idney-Wert Is the most noeesslul remedy iimiuviM usvi), VITOQ UU.USk.lUUlOUinUlaV llet."-Dr. Phillip C. Ballen, atonkten, VU HATE TOO L1VKR COMPLAINT t " Kidney. Wert cured me of Chronic I.Iver Diseases after I prayed te die." Henry Ward. late CeL eth KaTu Guard, . r. ' IS TOOR BACK LAME AND ACHING t Kldner-Wert (1 bottle) cured me when I was se lame t had te roll eat of bed." C. M. Talmse,MUwankee, Wis. IT ft w vnlT lr,t.wuT n.aw.ne Kidney. Wert made me sound In liver and kidneys alter years of unsucccsstuldncterlnir. its worth no a box," Sam'l Hedges, Williams town. West Vs. ARE TOO CONSTIPATED t " Kidney Wert causes easy evacuation and cured me alter 10 years nse'ef ether modlclne." Nelsen ralrchlld, St, Albans, Vt, .. . n.AVK TOO MALARIA T "KIdnoy-Wert has done better than any ether remedy I have ever used In my prac- " via.a, euuwiictv, w y. a- r . . aiUK aT0U BIUOU8 T -....uv -,, v..uae wuau.e ujuiu kvvai .una any ether remedy 1 have overtaken." . . . uwuksjti "i ui, uregen. ARE TOO TORMENTED WITH PILES T vilS,.dney:Wer$. PS"nnenUy cured me et 5SdS.pliSS. Dtr,' 7, - KUne recommended Myeww"n?p2: " """ CMhler M' "' M ARK TOO HUKOMATISM RACKED t "Kidney. Wert cured me alter 1 was given up te die by physicians and I had snoered SO years." Klbrldjfe Malcomb, West Bath, Me. .. kAMKS, ARE TOO SOrrERINO T " Kidney-Wert cured me el peculiar trou bles el several years standing. Many friends W8Mdpraise lU"-Mrs. 1L lamercauT, lie 11 yen would Banish Disease and Gain Health take B3DNBx--WORT, docedi BLOOD CU!ASER. tjhjk sat.K OSt KKMT. JT Ne. 41S West Chestnut street. Nine Roomed llrlck Dwel'lng, Medem convo cenvo conve ntenoes. Let SSxISO feeu lmmedlate posses sion given. JOHN 1J. MKTZLRft, sa-s,Mawtrd Ne. b s. Duke St. TBM riNM KKMDBROai AND HU03S, Hi1nln bqinn glngte Jehn 8. Rohrer, are oBered at private sale. Persen desirous et viewing the property will please call en the owner, jui scplft-Ud 3I1N 8. HOllllKR.. Or, UAU8UAN A BURNS, Heal Estate Agents. PUBLIO BALSS US VALOABMC MKAt. K9TATK.-On WEDNKSDAT EVEN ING. DKOKMBKR IT, lSt, at the Leepard ii,ici ill luutjihjr ui ikiiuaniiir, aarKU uuaeia two-Story BBIUK DWELLING IIOU8E, with two-story Brick Bask Building attached, and IU.U1 H1UUUU KUIKUVUV IUC tVll,, J IKllIOK RUOUl 41 loot en the north side of Kast Orange street and extending In depth 41 feet te Marlen street. In the city of Lancaster. Heuse Ne. Ill East Orange street. A very choice variety ei nun urn rdu grape vines itj growing en ...Ik .....uj..,.,,.. fjn.A ,m when JOBN McQI.ANR. id aiu,i3,is,is,ii BJI 0OOJW, , f I r - - i. - iriiiiri)Binii 1 I W" a a t iiMtftjh .,... .. i f J."!-" iEaB1BaSSS I SC -'' wxuamsuA SB, this attractively located let. Bale te commence at 7 o'clock p.m., the conditions will be made kuetrn by Hsirav Bncsiirr. Auct, RWAl. ESTATH AT P0BL1O RALtC. Estate el Catharine McCatTerty, Co Ce Co cease'l, in partition. By virtue et an order u. iuq urpuaus- iuuri ui Lncasier county IS Unil.Ml.ll&l will a.niu. In hh,.,Im ,.! u. iuqiiiuiua uuiiii ui ..iinaier VUUUlV, the undersigned will expose te public Bale at rr.sDAY, the seth fifty et DE the Feunta1 lr f:llv nn pvUDlelt . tt certain twe story BKICK n III UAIIi?. ,u fUUUU BWOI1, nn. Seuth Queen street, Lanras- II. A, lliu OOllllJHyOI XfEb 164. at 7 o'clock, p. in., that - nurnif iiurvf I tri ... w.m..u .n-e....j A....U.X viTEiUUinu mill ether outbuildings and let of ground, et the estate of said deceased, situated nn the south siueni nrai vinesireei, e. it, in said City, containing In front en said West Vine street, .IrtV f..! n.l nv,nn.1ni. In Hah,,, n. .,.. width, south te property e( the estate otthe iai uuruani Diiuru uecvaseu, lllir.yIWO leeu two and a hair Inches, mere or less. Terms of sale i Five per eent. down at time of sale, ten per cent, en confirmation el sole t and the balance et the purchase money en the first day of April, A. D., 1SS, when possession will be given, and a deed et conveyance de:iv ercd. Persons desiring te view the nrcmlvi pan call thereon between ttie hours et Ureand lour o'clock. In the lUtorneou.ot any ilsy pre. ceding the sale. .T.H.B. WAGNER, KtfJ. 6t.decs.H.iyri.s Trmtes. Hssar sacrxRT, AucC TjaaKR i BBUTUBUU HRIOTMAS GREETING. XXraltiike Dlaaaure In aski 08" your attention te tt verv lnrcrn nniianfin n n..-, .. ... apedal riferonee te the HOU1 'AY THAHB. Ws effer tba lateet NevelUw ln no Be,eet- with adies' Winter Wvn.-na PlnnVi ifaa.rTnftnr.R. TJatxtty. arketa and Riiaaia.n nineinim Misses and OhUdren's Coats, Pur Capes and Fur Trimmings, I .Dress s.uks and Brocaded Velvets. LACES, Dutchess. Point, Spam :sh and Oriental. Handkerchiefs, Neckwear and Gloves FINE iTABLE LINENS, Table Cleths, and Napkins in sets te match ; alsopineTewcls. at"Y T YrV A T1a.T t T - T - Mai.u is - ,f ATf v a m uiiniiMa, lurceman, iuiiwiii.y -uu. aiaaras urapenes, ler Curtains and Portiere. wirh .i-eies, Urapcry Chains, Etc. tiHIH saitiblj for Qentlemen ia Orerceats, Suits, Silk Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Neckwear. AUAMQBMXMT OrrAUINaBTBAIsTJrj DMjDAT.MAT ISn.lMs. HOKTHWARD, feansr, KlBst. ,. it.nhZlZ. "Ml aanneim., ,,.... llarletu Jnaetlen...""! vTi.??l KIDIBT-WUKT l"OB 8 A 1.15 AT UOOH .. tvSf u?9 Btere' Ne- W7 and 138 North Uuen Street. Lancaster. Fa. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED Trouble Over a Cigarette from Life (Londen.) lam astonished that none of the great dailies, -who beast of special correspon dents even in Bulgaria, hare noticed the following incident, which, I hear-bas" between Prlnee Alexander and his Russian protectors. After a court dinner given lately by the prince, when all the rest of the com pany had withdrawn, the Russian envoy remained in the dining-room, smoking, with a Rauian sUfl'-efficer in the Bulga rian service. The conversation was inter rupted by the court chamberlain politely calling the officer aside and delicately re minding him that it was against etiquette te smoke in the dining-room, there being a special smoking apartment. The Russian envoy being informed of this by his com patriot, took violent offense, and left the palace hastily. The prince hurried first thing next morning te express his personal regret at the occurrence, and actually dis missed his chamberlain. Fer my part, I heard of various immunities attaching te the pest of envoy, but I never heard that they were exempt fremtharulea of com- WSSJSWm tAl t-AMA .- TraMaffAli ! f 1- . -. possible te Russians. STOMACH BITTERS. IncaMflOf drarvflniirt (lnhinn .... .. --"-! awuiiijf lUDUiuausm ;SIew "ne,i,Ter "emP'a'nt. Inactivity or the kldneva and hlrl,i ., .. J H"r tJJ1.0'16''" Stemact, mi hMtwi.TV . "men me modi medi cal brotherneod have lent tbelr proregalenal sanction, and which as a tonle, alterative and household speclfle for disorders el tbe .torn .tern acn, liver and bowels has an unbounded pepn larltv. Ter sale by Dragaists and Dealers, te whom A4,fMJr vr auv(o(iexa ipnnn or 18SS, mdeedAw YAT.DAHLB OlTr fROPKKTT AT Wtl. lie sale, en MONDAY. DKCKMBBtta. 1SI. wlllteROldatpnbltetal at tlie Cooper Heuse, en West King atreet. Lancaster city. Pa., tbe tollewlnR reil estate, vie t Ne. 1, All that certatn three-story Brick StoreandDwelllnetllouso. with a large tvo tve tvo stery brick back building j thno-sterv brick coDtectlenory. thrco-tery bnck Ice hetse, brick bake uensft, engine beuse, eltvaier. brick stable, carriage house etc. The let trnnts 31 leet.IVi Inches, en the west stdeet North Uncen street, and extendi west ward In depth ia feet, mera or lis, te f arket street. The property Is situate Nes. 36 and 13S, en the west side el North Qncenstreet. and 1 In flrst-clus enler and rep ilr s md for a confectionery establishment (here U none superior In the city or Lancaster. Ne. Z, all that certain one-story tramalwell ins bensa, with trame kttchdn attached: also. another trame hente In rear, well withpnmn therein, Irnlt trees and ether tmprevenenU and let et greand thereto belenirfnir. Tie let fronts 3 ' teet, mere or less, en the senti side of We-t Oranse street, ami extendlnslrdenth lKt. The properly la Bttnated Ne. 411 West Oranse street, and adjoining prepety or Abraham Ertsman, Mrs. Helbein axi Mrs, enter. Ne. 3, all that certain two-story brie dwell Ing house, with a two-story brick bad build ing and balcony attached i a geed well et ,?V:a0inclslr? w&ter ln taa Wteien. The loltrents se tswt, snera or less, en West Orange street and extends In depn 105 feet, te a ten rent wide alley. This irenertv li sltnated Ne 637. ea the7nerth or Weit JLr5?sr08J,,IBet' en1. adjoins prepcty et Cbrla Cbrla tepher Llller and Jehn LernntE ""- Ne. S,aU that certain two-tenr brick dwell ing house with one-story brl bck build i?Ur . ' e' "ater. hvdrant anl cltern. The .lw.&dByis&8 Bewman. "aniuaKu unaries Sale tocemmsnee at 7 o'clock p. mn of said ne'kSSwnV'108 WlU Blvea " LEWIS SMITH. ?ci!1t2I.Sf IH? Vn et ieuu?88a?ue"d "c'd. U. Sbvbsst, Auctioneer. U9tsd PCBLIO SAM U OITT PRUfeTT. On TUESDAY. DKCKilBKU .. inhllr. hntiaa rt 1ah -,.. . k VJUIMMAUMB, die. C1MUUHB V HLEIOUS I Sleighs I- Sleighs I ""EDGERLEY & CO., CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MARKBT STRHHT, BKABOrrOSTOmCE, LANCABTBU, PA OD11LAHGK 8XOCKOF Portland, AlbiDy and Deuble Sleighs, which we ener at LAUQELT Kxmiririi PllICKS, are decidedly the flnest In the ell". Mht Don't for ntt fn meammj ..t. ... . ..T. Ttnli-" Wt "V'"'- www at- work warranted. TnA Tinnllrs tinnaa s-if If An -i.. ," iSS-..S?"? th "nderibiSed nln i. "" ".jr ftuporues BI BUD- nnni& - ,th.ree-9,ery BEICK DWELLING IIiiUSB and store room. Ne. ssi North mi K?f8J?:tAandRlote, ftreund. sltnsted en lunwuiuuaiteiruw UI sjllll buwi nnu w est I I en aata Monte-ia Inches, adjoining Ke.2 en the south. Ne. 2. A throe-sterr-'ilHIpK DWELLING neuSB. Ne 3t9 ,wrin juaierrry street, and r rw aasassTS uw iuh a iiiiu a, sin siisin mrrmar rt leeU and citenaine in depth 6 J loot, 3 lnch-n xtMuUmi'Ta-depth a reel 3 HAGER. & BROTHER. Ne. 25 Weat King Street, Lancaster, Pa. nuwKKa si uiiitST. ehristjnj:s display At Bewers & Hurst's Ne. 26 and 28 North Queen St. De net fall te bee our Oholeo Display of TJaeful and Faney Qoeda eultable for Ohrlatmaa Glfta Bverv taBntlinl?frDfnv,vS.Ukfl,tha"l'19klrtf'B,aDk0t8' Qullte Hosiery, Kid Gleve., 811k Mlttone, Flne Handkorehlofs In Silk and Llnen, Fane y Bozes in Pluah and Flne Weeds &e ", In our Domsatle Dopartment we have ju Ht opened New Styles in Prints,' Peroales and Indises N.m Stoek of Beat Makes of Bloaehod Musllna Ju ut opened. Everything marked very low. with 10 nereent tav-r. eS of every caBh aale, whleh we shall centl nue te de until further notieo. Ploase give us a eallT BOWERS & HURST. OLASH AMD UUXMNH WAMA. H lOM m BiAKTllf. HOLIDAY GOODS -AT- CHINA HALL. CHRISTMAS GOODS JS OOStJ AMU BTATlOlfMM -IX- DECOBATED CHINA, CUT8TAL AND COL OBEUGLASSWAKK. 1VOBT AND BISQUE WARE. LAMPS! - - LAMPS! Assortment Large. Prices Lew. High & Hartin, .s.c,.yifTi X7Ttq-tvmsi3irx, LAWCASTER. PA. let n ,.uua na 19 leeu and ezteadlnir in dent adjeining: ife. l en the North, and Ne. S en tba C2.UXMIMU. All CAKUGE"el?eld.0Tery 8We mmX AND BKPAIBING PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO One set et workmen especially employed ler taat pnrpese. nijS&SJ VTUBBEOK A BllLKr. OrnKSATVAMB TOVOOALI8TS. Usiesvttia, WsstchbstsbCe, N. Y., August 20, 1882. 1 bad carelessly exposed myselt and sus tained a very severe and tight cold en my chest and ln my threat. 1 procured Alloeck's Pereus Piasters and applied one en the chest, well up en the threat, and relleicamereadlly ; the soreness et my chest was remeved.and my vocal organs were kept clear the entire past wlnur, enabling me te lulflll public engage ments In different parts el this country. Jfe mere may be said than that Allcock's Pereus Plasters, it applied by affleted vooal veoal voeal Uts.wllIgreaUy assist their vocal rendlUen In public B, rUANKLlM CUUBCII. sria Iks Dissma uyes mere coloring Is " uuu in auy Known uyes, ana they all wwrana mare uriiiiAnc mnm known dyes, and they aive 411IS flAlAu IMn . J rrtsita ureiisi uinha.H.A. m. rJL ." XLrfmE,e 9ard Bt colors, and book et dlree' twns ler se stamp. .. GREAT SLEIGH SALE -AT- NORBEGK & MILEY'S -OK r; jTH, Beurcas or rreflt. ' wSrlSa'S' J,ca.01 reflt te ttese wae are ingenious and nntnrWii.ini. .. BlOOd SUterfa, b unrni nlnwid.i- Bfc,T5SI .fi? itt.W.? Mwly. C :eWeT.ale bVU ?GS&235 i Uueen street. gist, M7 and 19 Nerm Me iMflaptten used. ill continue ipsia, uver ruiacu, uen . It tos&angesemany pbope I MaatTer day alter day with Dyspe Complaint, GonsUpaUen, Sour fitei imi II Aflll It V whan Ihew . -. i - VS2iSTjL!r Cochran, druggist, 1S7 and U9 JlortaUueea street. Lansasuw. tedled WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17, 1884, AT 10 A. M. A 1 P. M., at their PACTOBT, Cerner Duke and ViM Streets, LAN.CA8TEB, PA. Over 100 Cutters ,ub .. wm iu. .,w. n,f iuiu ju. 9 en ine south; together with the use, ln common with ethers. . el the private alley leading te North Arch al'ey. and el the allev leading from said street, ln common with Ne. 3; and terether with e lnf Kn.e nn ,l. l.,l"'l?L.ue? S0reft"lncIes?tB aU h&nB a l'epU, ' IIOU8E. ."7er'ta KlesTStSS Intnf irrnnrwi havlnrr ss rns .sTT-.I' Jl vt 19 feet, and eitenuintf in deptb 6i teet, 8 inches, adjoining Ne. 2 en t be north and Ne. in common with ethers, the private alley 1 .w.un w 1'uitu n.u suitjy, me alie? jcauinjr irem fl&ld street In common with Ne. 2: ane ss fcet alenff sela private alley, and havles:a. tlATtth atrkiitHssrav- n fl u . s-i -. est T . T - " M lUUUtrB itMiiaV tul.IS5St?iT. ?.& DWELLING uuwuu, .,u. u iiuhu iuuieerry street, and let el ground, having a front en said street el i& ?u sad extending en the north, along Ne. 3,02leet,sinihestea private alley, thenee along said alley southeast. 11 feet 7 Inches, thence along said alley east, 49 feet 4 Inches thencoaeuthO feet 8 Inches te Ne. 6. thence west along Ne. 5 12S feet inches te said North Mulberry street ; together with the right te use. In common with ethers, the said private alley leading te North Arch ally, and alley leading irem said street ln common wlta Ne. niiiraw S'VAS.i. S." ""'''A'", let el ground, having a front en said street Ne. 1. 1 feet 4 Inches, thence north along Ne. 4. e leet 8 inches te a private alley, thence east along said alley 4 teet. thence south SSieetS Inches te the property et Samnel TV, Tayler, tnence along same property m test 4 inches the right te use. In common with ethers, tbe said private alley leading te Nerta Arch alley. meVwitU nS ! g ,r0m MA ,tr8' larem.' nnnK val?10?7, BB1DK DWELLING HOUS B, Ne. 214 We jt Lemen street, and a let ?L??.anl.L UavlnK B 'ronten saldstreet eris Jeet 8 inches, and extending en the west along if.Sl'.AJ"!!1 a .Butnwa,1 Weat 9 inches te a prlvaw alley, thence north along saldslley S .Iwl . ir "r"",w ieTsi aieng same B leet 4 inches, thence east along same 0 leet 4 Inches te property et Barten B.Jlartln. thence north along said property 01 feet a Inches te West Lemen street! together with tba right te use. In common with ethers, the said prlvate roVt-iengyaMVrTvatrley'aaft depthsouthwardetasteetainciies. Ne. 7. A let of ground, fronting en Nerth Arch alley, ra feeC and extending indentb! S. fJy . ,Ieet adjoining property of ;i r .r.";rfc-,."i:s?. ".i ";5,' ncnes is w.wvmm.. wkv.ucc- n.iu fcuw rigui le UI WV.U..UUU .liu ULUDIB, U113 BU1U paissiAfcu. Wil GMstias Prams. SIXSHIIITS ler3.CO. PuIT Scurls, Jflat Scarls. Knit Jackets, Stock- legs, Socks, Gloves. Silk Humors. SlXBHlBTater saw. HemsUtclicxl and Plain Linen llandkerchiefs. Satin and Hilar Suspenders. Linen Cellars and Cutis, a Fancy Bex with each halt dozen. Rtr.TT IT A w 1. Ui.iirrw wa Pocket Beeks, BUI Beeks. Card and Letter Cases. Large and finest stock of Cigar Cases, at .ERISMAN'S, NO. 17 WEST KING STREET. H.1 ft JL .C BSSBSUM r , . OsHsVal EP'-i IX" . - .'.' Im-tnass iBseraaee. alJSlSS:71U. T"""' Xclictrta OIL It is the ftewttf 2 i!?LmeUlea e1 tasnraice wS S""""". u7 its USB VOn ant anrn tn....n iSteu,a??fiai.w,JSn.aP,n- feltcleiaxe -TiTTr ? V ' , ur IU8 DV 11. H. -swiHiat, in ana l NertirQueen S SVUMT IS. rTlathWtewiSJ i-J. "U? .."J aaaaa aBHawaeia Sres of persons " uvea are "Tspepsla, . Liver Cem. wswuiaeu rtssTV l V.l.JW.' naa)ed3aVaaa r-rf MSSatr flmMTlanitiiii WET -:, -MTes.tmTrJZS: f- ATsTTSlS.?0.!! - "-win "MfSbSSEf fu ,I...WABBitn.X.rf7.ft.TI . v 'rf' tK45.,w aSSSMt'PWiMft ilfit T IV .a. l1 . A T, .i. iftJireillTMeBSl was e - HSU a at i. A0.1.0 K seleet frea. M WIUNil Portland and Albany, Twe-Seat Plesanm in'dSnSAPSJ.eeSe D0M,AiLVlgU8ATKI0tE TEBM8 CAEH-mils evsr I'CO a credit el 63 JJays wUl be given. NORBEOK & MILEY. is. r. Hews, AucUcnetr. NOTVIK.A tin. T, m BH .- . Fh"IaHL"''9SnA In alongtheilneoTialdlou "" P""1 "'' v uiun ej me premises composed el the seven purports above described can be seen at asKSJV.Jiy?ert firoeery. 0. 9 North Nos.land7wlllbeoaered ler sale ln con cen con n&ctien r,JJ?,D& A two-story BlfltJK DWELLING t "" a-... us tsswuuu Aiav lutsj n iron en ??VL?.tree.i;?,J?re6tttnaexujnil'na in depth 01 leet, with alley ln common with Ne. S. nmVa- ,tWOte,a: 'BMM DWELLING i!!iV? 2,,th entn side et West James streoi.Ne. 33,and let et ground having a Irent depm 64 leet,wlth alley ln common with Ne. s. iiSiV' A one-story BUtUK DWKLLINU street. Ne. 811. and let el uroend, having a Irent en said street el 21 faet, mere or less, and extending ln depth, 85 leet, mere or less. I10U8E, en the north side et Kast Chestnut having a front en sail street of IS toot 11 inches, mere or less, and extending north, wardefusat width S3 leet, mere or less, then widening towards the east 1 feet 0 Inches, mere or leas, and thence extending northward iX,ur?'.coalme,, aiiey, iue entire depth from said street being PI leet 4 Inches, mere or TESSUVAL AMU UPKHDn LAwcusTM, Pa-.Sept.!10, 188t I desire te make known te my friends and cuatemars, and the publle ln general, that 1 have remeved from 23 North Queen street te 121 North Queen streeL janrerly occupied by the Arm of Smalln at Hans man, where I have opened wit h r. large as sortment of English, rrenca aad German Novelties, together with a large line of Domestle rabrics. Composed as my new stock Is, of new goods and new styles, I feel assured that In soliciting a continu ance et your patronage, yen will have an opportunity of making selections from a stock unequalled ln Its variety and adapt ed te the present demand, which Is ler geed values, gentlemanly styles- and effects, and exquisite lit. Nothing but the very best el workmanship j and prices te suit everybody. Please laver me wlta yonrerdera. Tours very truly, D. R. WINTERS. JOHN UilCKS buns' CHRISTMAS ! Holiday Goods, New Engravings, Etchings, Photogravures, Water Celer Sketches, Prang's Obridtmas Cards and Tokens. Illustrated Beeks, Bibles, Prayer Beeks, Children's Beeks. Writing Desks, WerkdxesT Jewel Bexes, Toilet Sets. Pocket Beeks, Card Oaeea, Photograph Albums. Scrap Beeks, Scrap Pictures, Water Celer Bexes. Painting Beeks, Tey Beeks, Fancy Stationery, PRICES LOW AT THE (UOOKSTOItE OT JOO BAEE'S SOUS, 16 and 17 North Queen Br,.i LANCABTEB, PA. TUBA OVU AMU VIOAMB. "PSIAULISUKU, 1770. . H. C. DEMUTB, MANUrACTOBEU OT Cltai M AND- FINE CIGARS, NO. 114 EAST KING ST. Gore9D8Tuditaoreonr "NK "NE OF CHRISTMAS PBE8ENT8. consisting or riNK meerschaum ami FKKNCU BRIAU PIPE87 MEEBSC11AUM CIGAR AND CIOABETTE SuLDIRB CIOAB, ClOABETOE Md MATCII CASES: in TrS:ey Morrecco, Bnssla, AUlgater. Call seal, Ueg Skin and Sele Leather. aUia GBaOKU LAWN TENNIS. -AND RACQ0ETCI6ARETTES, -TaxiT.-e Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, Cigars and Pipes, WHOLE8AL AND BETA!.. A.K. e liS 1M TM e-u BOUTUWABD, A.K. ...! ...,.,.M.ff tsUTB, aaaSW '..t..t. Jf?k-etlOB Columbia .mTiTVdJ, .... KESfi TBt.M vwirnus.,, TrasaaiwMiBa frees Phlladaip wwb ua T:l S.SS ss- HIS :l i ie.a r.K. 1W 1:1 1:01 143 158 lT0 1:41 ins ts " AW.4E9I a eeet at Beading witt UprettsTUfaTBa 4 Hew Yerk, tU a '& fi IM MO UI .w. siiel 7147 S:SJ a. m.I I M wl All tJal f.TJnei titHsl RaUnsTrurr. AM sBeuma ureeBi Aft tAsssiSssafMlak aelk. . . I aZ!rXS"SiiniS 19 lerfc. j., wun nuwiu man must irinraeV'nncU0,, W,th trta At Manhelm with trains te and Irem Let non, 8DNDAT. KiTf?5?Zi''iriyTUle'.7:0) Lancaster, King! Btreec, :00 a. m., 4 OT p, m. Leaye-Kwullng. 8.-00 a. m., ixe p. m. A"ive ineaster. King Street, A1 a. ta.. :W p. m.i Quarry vtife,6:y. ' . ss. w ilben, Bnpu T.J,,,!f..1'u JuiKxia. AasAMssiCBirr or rABssnasa tssiss. BUNnir, NOVEMllKlt 16th, 1831. t.i'0RlaWARU' Sunday. King street, Lane iue s.ie Lancaster ui jxm r.es Manhelm 7.13 l.ss 5.7 Cetnwall 7.0 .m s.07 Arrlve. Leuanen aw 2.11 0.13 9.13 8.08 BUUTUWABD. Leare. a.m. r.w. r.w. a.m. r.at. Lebanon 7.S0 12S 7.W 7J0 1XSB Cornwall 7.S1 1J. 7 417.60 lS.se Manhelm 8.0s 1.1s s.is . S.1S Lancaster 8.33 1(0 8 43 8.19 B.41 Arrive. King fctroet. Lane 8 40 8.W 8.57 I.M A. M. Wilsest. 8upU B. A 0. K. B. i- IIavard, SupL C, and C. A Jit, H. B. K. GaoaeB Kits, feucu ' u. It. u. . att-lyd A.W 8.01 8.10 8.4S 9.35 r.K. 4JS 4.U B.IS B.4T icstijrjMtr. H ATK1M VU. rUUNAOKS. M BEST " STEAM ENGINB AND BOILER WORKS. Heaters OB Furnaces, -reB- -AT- H. I. Stehman & Ce,, NO. 116 NORTH QUEEN BT. mara-lYd LAHCA8TEB, PA. Private Dwellin Publio Call and see them. Schoeln nnrl uiidings. jj. MADE OT HEAVT IBON, SIMPLE or CON STIIUCTION.DUBABLK, ECONOMICAL T11E MOaf BADlATlkG SUKrAOE ' Or ANY IIKATKK fN TUK MABKBT. NOWINa OUEAP BUI WB PRIOB. Our Own Patent. I , "llavtng been; in ase ln msny et the I lamest rasldenena In I.oi,en.,. .... . . years Is the best el evidence et its inerlts.j ADDBESa, OOA1 OMOVMM1MB. A TUDBSK'S. HOLIDAY BARGAINS. Granulated Sugar, 7e. Pure White Sugar, Be. UWUUIUI UKHI UIUWU, DKCi .UrOWn, DC. HOLIDAY ueuua. OOOHRAN. the Dnnrgtet, Nes. 137 and 133 NOBTU QUEEN BTBEKT lias an Elegant t tock el ' tti HOLIDAY QOUDB, at the Lewest Prlees ln Lancsster. Why T Because he bought from Impeners ler cafh pretlu. 8Uflea w,tl1 aulck sales and smaS W Call and examine. d8 md O B. B1AUIT1X WHeiessie and Betail Dealer In ail kinds of LUMBEB AND COAL. """""' .,".s"sxd: Na 430 north Water and rnnea streets above Lemen Laneaster? iSlyd OLIDAT OUUDS. Pure if rash Hplces, few Orleans Molasses, best at lfe. Elegant llglit-coierod Syrup, only 100. at MAH AWtn MAaf !. BLaT . I e -. . goea 16c, lake ana ltc Irffte tA nntwiha.f. evedU el JTenr Months wUl be given. On this stock a Tmf. PABTB WHICH FOHH THH SSIU. tfembedyf MyOn0 0t lmUr iU" " 4rmasrTrw-r"'"fcr"rT,Mj, UVAUIU DV ABhssi. n. sVf. aaa m a- LONuakkr having an alley en the east sld'e used in uwmen with the adjoining property. "PT" "' ne purchase money of each nre. ... jvn. . "" muuaj 01 eacn pro perty, II desired by the pui chaser, can retaaln charged upon the same, secured by mortgage with interest, with proper insurance K8 sale te commenoo ut7 p. in., when terms WlU be made known or the undersigned MABY BAIB, dec818da.decl.9td A"UN. WnreAsm and UnmMtfn sfrnftsi naisiinai - rants. Citren. Lemen Peel, rigs, PrencKand Turkish Prunes, Prunellas. Evaporated Peaches and Apples, Calllerula Evaporated Apricots, Ac. Nuts-rine new Paper Shell Almonds. Cream Nuts, English walnuts, filberts and Pecans. r LOBIDA OBANGES-New is your time te cheap belere. uaKing u utter aua riaverlng extracts. Bess liuiiriijijuijs-nana-maae Clear Tors JMieacanayaiofclerasc., better at lEc.and BURSK'S, NO. 17 HAST KINO BTRaWT, P. 8. Telephone eonnecUen. Goods deUr. ered te ail parts of the city. WT as H Walter A. leinitsli, NO. 28 HA8T KINO BTRBaT, 0 LANOASTEB, PA. TfllS IS TUB PLACE TO BBT TOSIR. HOLIDAY GOODS, -IN- ' PIOTUBK FRAMES, IN BBONZES OF ALL COLORS AND STYLES. ANTIQUE OAK. PLAIN AND KKK UK D OAKS. CHEST. NUTS. EBONrjlOLDT GILT. MA. uunni, HAliKlll AND IMITATION WALNUT" FBAMESmadeupatene hour's'netlo). All styles and prices. ,.. WALTER A. HEINITSH, NO. 20 HAST KINQ STBMT. decs emd ' JgAUSSUAKDJISUtS a JErs-suusra." COAL DEALEHS. orriCEs.-Ne. ise Nesra qnnsBmsr an NO. G64 Norn Pr SiT2?""T AXD YABDS.-N0STS: Panras Stbbxt. SA UHAn. fid TlBrw)-vaa siir angl5tBt Jehn Best & Sen, N0..333 East Fulton St, JanlUvdA- LANCABTEB, PA. LAN0A8TEK,PA. QO, M. V. B. COHO UO XOMXM WATMM jr., Zameawsr, n, Wholesale ana Betail Dealers 1b LUMBER AND GOAL. Oonneettem With the Telephone stxeluuige. mK - '""lw T1MWAMM, SO, OAUS'lfAAtw, TITI1.LIAH8ON TOSTEB'a SILK HiNDKERCHIEFS -rett- rrtHM CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUT AT a TTIOH TEST UAVSTIO SUDS, I Ash and Banner Lye ler BeapMaklng, ai- I HSiXad MWesitJUjagHmt. TTKADUUAitTKKtl rOK THH INDIAN MEDICINES, XA-TON-KA AND M0D00 INDIAN OIL -AT- LOOHER'S Drug Stere. NO. EAST KING STBEET, LAKCABTES,PA, GRAY'S BPBUiriO BSEDI01ME-.THE Great Knsrllih Bemedv. An mumiin cure rer Impetency. and allDlseases that let lfiW T.skae rt UaamMVr ltnlwnual Im.s Pain ln the Back, Dimness et Vision, Prems.' tnre Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Pre mature Grave. Pull particulars In our nam. phlet, which we desire te send free by mail te everyone. The speclfle Medicine is sold by all druggists at II per paektge, or six pack- 00 wai iree my mail en the Wn ?G lu. "Mrent. Laness- LOW PEICBS 8T0VESs HEATERS. BINGES, COAL OIL LAMPS ANDIGASJ FIXTURES, -18 AT- JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, M. ubhib. Oil V. ages ter H, or will receipt et the meney.by addressing the a H. B. COCH BAN, Druggist. Nes. 137 and us North Queen street" Lu .AW II, un account or oennteneii tha Yellow Wnmvir t I hn nn TUB GBAY MED Its. we have adopted only genuine. EDIOlNK CO.. jbubie,X(,i, Ne. 24 Seuth Queen Street, LANCAflTEH. tetiTT-lvrt PA. A COTIOMSUCM AMI iX. AGENT. MHAL ISBTaVTa HENRY SHDBERT. AUCTIOKEM AND AX, EST AT B 01 North DeS Bt,'jMMft0t,f. 11 1 a ...1- CHRISTMAS GIFTS. UOeSktSnmnMmtMnnSS TerfbeamtUulana rangeia prlce lromaieto BjVGlOTes. -wmvepnng Plsk, Clark A riagg's Beayy Stitched Back Pine Kid Gloves ler a pair, and a very large asssortmentet handsome silk Neckwasx In Tne very latest tashlens. lneladlng the New ciandent Bcait, Twenty-live Cents te ne Dellar. fllr VmtiwiM.Mit B..aHAHA .. . . ?I,J5lcWe or 0,u' aaa enat et twitted SUk fttiif VStmarisis swissafiai ha.j..- a. . . ciiSiZVZZ? """ ""' un.irsvs initial scarl pins, esff buttons and shirt studs, and many ether articles that make agreeable and sensible Christmas Prasants. Seal peles and Children's Jersey cloth Cans. All the popular styles ln Belt and sua Kelt fiats. Gsnt's Pur Driving Gloves and Mufflers. Ladles' Pnr Mutts. Cellars and Beas. UUM"' Carriage Bobeset Mountain Geat, Wolf and Buiiale, and a large assortment el Buggy Whips. The latest styles In Gent's Ovoreeatsand Suits, as well as Studying Bebes, Bmeklug Jackets and Morning Gowns, Ladles' and Gentlemen's Slippers, Ladles' Slippers In Kid, Footle and curacea Kid Gent's, embretukred or plain, in Pebble. Geat, Turkish Morocco and: Alligator Hide of Bed, Black and Tan Celers. B 0I Alse a large variety or Beets, Shoes and Bubbers at tEe Lewest Prices. I illiaiDsen & Fester, 12, 34f36ud 381AST KINQ mBIT, .,. -,, irfj..' TCn '. ' -T. -. '- . .' 1 fM