:"! wsjr-H c i w. LANCASTER DAILY IKTELLlGllNOIBB ltCttfDA DECEMBER 1 18H4 & - ' ' I COLUMBIA NEWS ITEMS. rttim l)ORKKUUt.AMUUKMESl'UMDKRX Death in uonnaeter lloyrt-IWIIread llsws Heclstr Tba Uhtiichas end Uarrecr Kveuta A Ileal In Babbit. UiiRh SI. lleyd, BRcd 01 yearn, dlfd from llie effects of ttie nceident, nn ac ac cennt of whleh was published en Friday, yesterday at 0.C0 a, m. Tlie low of a Kroat quantity of bleed, was tbe dlrcet oaue of hU death, Mr. Boyd is well known iu Oelumbla, and much rcspoetod, be being a aober, Industrious man. lie was In tbe employ of tbe P. It. It. Ter 80 years, aud whlle brlnR ene of Ita eldest oenduotot. was also oue of Km most efficient, lie served in tbe late rebellion with credit, and at tbe tlme of bla death was a member In coeu sunning in uen. Welsh I'ostNe. 118, O. A. R. whleh will attend bin funeral In a body. He Icaves a wlfe and flve children. Ills remains will ba interred from bla late resldenee, en Frent stroet botween Union and Perry, en Wednccday 2 p. m in Mount Dethel coractery. Jamca Malenoy, extra brakeman en P. H. H. cnRlne, Ne. 233, In attempting te pars from tbe tank of the enlne te the first car of his train, fell and had his right arm run ever. He was brought te Celum bla, his rcsldenoe belnfr at Boeond and Perry streets, and Dr. Craig amputated tbe in) med raomber tbroe Inehea btlew tbe elbow. Tbe Columbia ledge of Brotherhood of Railroad Brakeruen, have applied for a obarter, and it Is expected here this week. At ycsteiday's meetlng teveral new members were enrelled. A TRANSACTION IN BABBITS. A. 0. Kelley, of Yerk county, brought te Columbia en Saturday a number of rabbits for sale. Twe of the bennles he disposed of te Cbas. Orove, liquor dealer, en Walnut street, and consented te skin them for his purchaser. His wagon and rabbits steed en the street In front of the store, whlle he was dressing the rabbits. Urn Duek entered a few moments later with four rabblta. whleh he wanted te sell te Mr. Grove. That gontleman Informed him that the animals did net belong te him, but te Kelley. Duek diffored, when At. entered the atore. He reoegnUed the rabbits as his, but te make snre went te bis wagon aud oeunted It) oentants. Four rabbits wero missing. He then claimed Duek's, who wanted te fight for them. Fndlug he oeuld be aoeommodated he left, went te 'Sqnlre Yeung's and entered complaint against Kelley for stealing his rabbits. At the beating Paul Read sild be had glven Duck four rabbits te soil, but was net sure of the ones In qnestleu wero the same he gave Duek. Tbe matter was settled by Kelley paying H 00. Duek get the rabbits. PERSONAL. Jehn L. Purple Is home from a flve weeks visit te Tiega county. Mr. and Mrs. Jed Oilman returning from Philadel phia en Saturday evening had a very warn, rcccntien from thelr friends at the home of tbe groom's parents, en Walnut street. Mr. and Mrs. Harford Fraley, of Philadelphia, rosldents of Columbia quarter of a century age,aro at tbe Frank lin house. Miss Amanda Pfelffer, of Lancaster, Is the guest of Miss Maine Hippey. MlfS Jennie Oates, of Mlddlo Mlddle Mlddlo tewn, is visiting Mrs. Tayler Gable. Te morrow the Columbiana who recently visited Europe, and who are members of the "Ramblers," will be tbe guesta of Mr. Gee. Matlack, of Philadelphia, who will give a bicquet in honor of his twenty, first birthday. public and ritiVArE mektines Te-night Ce O will drill under the inspection of Capt C.ise ; Susquebanna ledgo of Odd Fellows meets te morrow night; tbe department offleors will inspect - -Gen. Welsh pest G. A. It ; the Literary Mutual Improvement will meet at lira. B,, if. Purple's ; the Columbia and Motrepol Itan clubs will phy a game of pole at the Metropolitan rluk. AMOSO THE CIIU11CIIE9. The new bell for St. Mary's Catholle M.nmii in Mlrfdletewn. passed through Columbia en Saturday. It weighed 3,700 Apeiitidc, and was made In Baltimore. Rev. J. H. Rawlins, the new pastor of Mount Zion, A M. E. chureb, preached te two large audiences yesterday. He gave entire satisfaction. Rev. Green, a colored preaeber, from Texas, who is leeturlug in behalf of bio race In that state, se that better faeilitles for educating them can be made, preaebed In tbe United Brethren church last oveulug. He is a meat oxeollout speaker, norteunu briefs. Tim i-nnncUs read committee has decided that the jury en damages in the opening of Maner, Chastnut nnd Beoena streets, iinii mri Mnml.iv. Jan. 12. 1685. at 10 a. m Tim World " combination, for the third time, at the opera heuse, Dee. 23 The tramp arrested for selling shoddy rings was released en proving that he pur chased his wares in Tork. The whist elnb had a delightful meeting at i J. L. Pinker t oil's en Saturday. believed that her volee would be restored en the feast of the Immaoulate Conception, her prayers te the Virgin having been most earnest and persistent. On the morning of that feast day last Menday.sbe Si nMW AttrMMTliEMMHTIt- fill. B. UlVLICH, I In company with the ether pupils attended thn n nVlnek mass, receiving communion After prayer breakfatt was had about 7 o'clock and then Mary with two little girls, Katie Uowlett aud Eatie Orren, went Inte the yard te play. The first two went te tbe swing In tbe southern end of the yard and Katle Uowlett asked her companion te swing her. Te her utter araa?ment otme a dear reply from Mary In the old tene of yolee, " Ne." Beth llttle girls ran te he house whlle Mary fell en ber kneci crying In astonishment. When tbe authorities and pupils heard the tidings, all was toy In the beuse. A hymn te the Blessed Virgin was sung, aud ene of the soles, for the first time in ten months, waa taken by Mlaa MoDenoush. Her fattier ana family were Infermed by telegraph and the former oame te this elty te asoertatn inn truth for himself. He was mil eh affeoted by the dlsajvery of his daughter'a restored voleo, The abeve facts wero olietod In au interview with the direotress of the Insti tution by a representative of the Intelli er.NCF.n this morning. Tbe young lady desoribes the recevery of her volee as acoempanled by no pilu whatever, the ohange balnz unknown te her until sbe spoke. Her volee Is as strong as ever and Its sweetness In slngiog)seems in no way impaired. The authorities of the institution nnd the young lady herself, (Irmly regard It an a mlraele wrought by the cflloaey of prayer. and even the .skeptically inellned find it illffleult te explain the euro by natural means. The young lady Is In ber fifteenth year. a physician's explanation. Tbe physician, who attended the young lady prier te her father taking charge et the oase was Dr. D. Tt. McCormlek, of this elty. In an intorvlew he told a re porter that tbe aphenia, or less of voleo, was net due te congestion of the larynx, but was what is known as mock laryngitis, or nervous aphenia, and was a symptom of a hysterle constitution. Watsen's praotlae describes sueb caies : "the voleo being lest en a sudden nnl returning as suddenly." This is the medleal explana tion of the oceurrenoe. HOLIDAY , GOODS ! Children's Hagerstown Degiikin Mitts, Fur Tpp, 25c. Ladies' Hagerstown Dogskin Fur Tep Mitts, 50c. Full Line of Lsidies' and Gent's Hagerstown Gloves and Mitts. Ladies' Kid Gloves. Silk Knit Mitts and all kinds of Gloves. . Gent's Kid, Caster, Buck, Cleth, Scotch and Silk Gloves. All kinds of Silk and Linen Handkerchick Silk Umbrellas for Christmas Presents. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, S P SJ fcJS 1 I..,.. ..- , I. l ffrr. kathvu: OJlUMJIll Hi V I 1 1 U A . MOftDAY BVENINU, DEO. 1 5, 1834, LANCASTER, PA NiSW AUrKttTlaEStENTB rllUAMU ritilM Ml fHH IIUMUItBO TO f Vj tlievery nnrst quality, in paccages suiv alile tortliellolldajs.nt .... ,,, STOUK. G?ir;n nc a pariv HAVlmi tmiij 3)10U.UU amount ein hear et a geed Oaslmss ePenln by wMiw,, roesK) i!8 JU1M A31t US East street. Lancaster, fa. YAfK liAVBTMBM.TMKUKSTae. OIUAH TV I II 1110 81MO, Rl . UAUTUAM'S YKI.IAW rUOMT ClQATt Tfius: TiTANTrn-liHr.HS.ntKIMU APl'llKN W ilcs. Applv at llreisraaltlnB I'urlerj, 2d lloer, (llJSWM.Wftl ukuituK itaunkbxeck. ( uairs em ikdu j, It East King street. -v.i.t i.iimk It.K lVlllnlCKY AT 75 OESTS I I mi nurt ran'i tin mat ler tlie money. Best Cherry unil Hlachberry llramlles at 60 coats a nuartnt UUIIltKK's LIQUOlt TOBK. U15 u Ne. 32 Centio Square. N1H AUrMHtlUMMUXlO. UM.IWH & UHKNKHAN. CHRISTMAS GOODS -AT- c. J, 8WAIIU.UU. COAL. Offlefl- Ne. 20 Ccntre Bquare.! . Yartls-Eiut wBlnut ana Marshall Streets. (StewnrtsUlil Yard.) . ... A. Beth Yanl anil Offlce cennected with the Tclunlione Excluinxfi. n- K1NDI.1NU WOOD ABPEUIALTY. ect5-imIMAK.K iStldRe iDspecilem. The !npcoters appointed te inspeet the several bridges reeently ereeted en tbe Octoraro oreek-made report te tbe court te day. The bridges at Pine Orove, Point Lookout, en ths read letd!ng from Oxford te Oak IIIII, and en tbe read from Geshen te Christiana, were found te be oonitruct eonitruct oenitruct ed In accordance with the BpoelQoations and were aoeeptod from the contractors. The hridge at Illaek Heek, built by James O. Carpenter was net accopted by the Inspectors, and thelr report was ro re ro eommltted te give them an opportunity te set forth the dofeeta. Kanswsy. Ou Saturday evenlnR Benjamin Charles and a friend were driving along Seuth Queen street, when thelr borse frigbteued and started te rim away. He run tbe buggy against n pump in front of Dr. Belcnliu' eflhe, breaking it badly. The men were thrown out but net injured, nnd tbe animal was caught shortly afterward. uelu wave coaiine. Au llECIITOMI'S Is the nlare te go te pbve monev In Under wear and Hosiery, fcarlet All Weel SblrU and Uruwnrs at 7Je and upwards. White and Mixed t J5e nnd up. Cem torts rrem 75e up te 2C0 Knli Jackeu, Working rants, new mattes at overalls, brstln thnmnrset. Woolen and Cotten Shirts, Gloves. Mils, and a varletv et stntile weeds suited ter overy day tn the veir. IUKOHT0L0. ' (Ne. 82 North Quean Bt. FUNN & BEENEMAN'S: The Largest Steck: and Lewest Prices. We sre new opening enr annual exiilblfJeu el HOLIDAY OOODS. Dells, Dell CsrrlaKSs, Express Wagons, Bprlng and Hebby (Herecs, Blioeflys and Veloclpedes, Tin and Mechanleal Tefs. A-Merc!iant?, C&arehes and Bnndiy-aolieols rupplled at New Yerk Prices, FLINN & BRENEMA3, Ne. 152 North Queen Street,. Iiancaster, Pa. LABOR MATTERS. rOUlt TUUDBAMU MBIT IJIBOllAItaBU. Cern Ue htelutrstirl MrlwaMlwa. Wwlcrn spot, 4Me 1 de tHMr. WHffHai IMlSIIHAhHlu.H ftl . tM' "Si- Ssfi.1 May 3,e; flul0 mTt0 ' wtra Mill- , -rfVKii&K-r uelidav uoeua. Bheilffs Bala. The sheriff this morning commenced selllne the personal propertv of Geerge B. Scbaum at 10 o'elook. Th?re is a large stoek of goods te be disposed of, but tbe sheriff cxpeets te get threueh with the sale In two or tbroe days. Te morrow's s.ile will oemruonco at 9 o'elook intte.nl of 10. UlsturDlnc atHtliEteut tneellug. .ileur sr.DAiTarAai4l.A. V""nffliann,.."amfll1- Ilerselman have been prosecuted bolore Aldermau Barr for dlsturtini? a roliifieus meeting bold at tbe Suoend Baptist oelorcd chureb, at Faogleysvllle. Warrants were issued for their nrrest. WUKN IT WAM UHB1UHBYKA1KU that pus lias Its eitKln. net from the ex ex ternal canal, but from tbe middle ear. It Is, usnallv nn nasy task te convince the person arroetcd et the danger of a neglect et the Uts Uts ease. IH'caies el the Hye, Kur and Threat also, l'rlvatu nniU Uhronie Diseases succcsstully treated by 1).H. II. I) and M. A. J.ONGA.KEU. Olllc 13 Kant Walnut street, Lancaster I'a, Coniultatlen lree. dl5 3WAw IllIK Lovell Kink Hkate." 1 he lateit, cheapest and most durable. Ne rubber pads te decay cr wear out, but a strong spiral spring In Its place. Ei try jiair uarranltd. CALL ADO BES Tn AT ISUCIIMILLEU'3, ltd 132 North queen street. AtjHIUNI'O K1TATR OP JOSKPtI HAOI HAOI sen nnd wlfe, of Lancaster city. Jeseph Hamsun and wile, or Lancaster city, havluic by ilited et voluntary assluntnent, uuled DEO. 8, ls84, assigned nnd iranslerred all their -s-tatennd eUPCta te the unrteratsned, tar the benefit el the creditors el the ald Jesnph Samson, he theretore gives notice te alt per sons Indebted le said asaldner. 10 maie py Oliristmas 1884. The nellday Season Is near at hand and te mcht thu wints of enr trade we have placed In oureasea Mull line et , ELEGANT HOLIDAY GOODS. Watches, Diamonds, Bronses, Silverware, in Sterling ixA Plate, Jewelry, Spectacles and Freneh and American Clocks. We call attention te the f set that with enr complete Factory we can nil any apedal ordare ler DIAMOND MOUNTING, MASONIC OU SOCIETY BADGES. Or any article In Geld or Silver Jew airy. tSTFirat-oleea Repairing in Every Braneh of Our Bualuesa. EDW, J. ZAHM, Jeweler, - Lancaster, Pa. Uellactla- ler h Hecking Valljr Mluers Uattnmlicrs etrlke la Uarerblll, Mus, Telesrspner ifrgsntslag In Iloiten, CmcAoe.Uec. 15. Ncal MoQaehnJrem the llecklug Valley, Is here soliciting aid among the working poeplo for the striking miners. Among ethers he ad dressed a body of Internationalists yester day, and although his remarks were of a very moderate obaraeter, at their conclu sion the body passed resolution! as the sense of the meeting "that working people should arm themselves in order te success fully resist capitalists, and that tbe employment of all means te that end is net only Justifiable but necessary." BATTERS RESIST A REDUCTION IN WAOES IlAVEitniLL, Mass., Dee. 15. The greater part of the hands atTbem & Ce's., bat faatery here, struck te-day en account of the reduotleu in wage 10 per oent. TELEariAl'HEIlSOnOANIZB AN ASSOCIATION. Bosten, Dec. 15. It is stated that yes. terday the telegnph operators, represent ing every oempany, met here and formed a protective association, and that this aotien is in oemmon with ether operators throughout the country, sueb aotien being for protection rather tnan te engineer another strike. IRON TRADE DULL IN MILAN, OHIO, Milan, Dee. IB. Thore is great dullness in the iron trade in this elty. Four thous and ironworkers have been dlsobarged. rueuKEDinus in eunubess, The Spanish Treaty Up ler Uomlderatlen In Ine Hen ate Petitions rretcitlne Against It. Washington, Dee, 15. In the Uenate, Legan presented a large number et peti tions from tobaeoo manufacturers pro testing against the ratification of the Spanish treaty. Van Wyek'a resolution heretofore offered, relating te the Spanish treaty, and requiring the committee en rules te report a rule providing for the consideration ofcemmercial treaties in open session, then oame up. After some dis cussion it wbb demanded that the subject be discussed with olescd doers, and at 12:50 the 8enate went Inte scorer, session. When the doers were opened, further remenstrances were reoeived against the ratification of the treaty. The Dakota bill waa then taken up, Alter being considered briefly in socret session, Van Wick's resolution was re ferred te the committee en forelgn rela- iOQS. IN THE HOUSE. Among the bills Introduced te day wa one by Oates (Ala.) te deelare forfelted al unearned land grants, and te provide for the adjudication et controversies in rela tion thereto. A motion te suspend the rules and fix January 10th as a day for consideration of the McPherten and Deneley bills was agreed te yeas 174, nays 87. rtillsdeiphi uattla KwMt. j A r??c,t.YA.ll,? ?' I'HrtAeatnru, Deck,- ' . -nrfmS ImS)" ""H"1 reoelpt i89 bead ' t fcsi CSSSS.V &" " wu-m.h. J!l5Splftir,l0n,"na receipts, le.ees te4 1 SiSf A.effi5.5,JI:9ai0 Umb He. . lngafwlje nd,rece,pU' 6,0W, ""' ) BteCM Mtwswtr, Quotations by Ue4, MeUraaa oe. era. LaneaiiLr. Pa. 11 A, W, Missouri Paclfle..... Mlchlaan Central. ,. New Yerk Central New Jersey Central W'; Ohie Central. Del. Lack. A Weaurn.... M)i Denver A IUe Grande Krle iri Kansas A Tezas in Lake Shere t Cblrajre H. W., com.... K N. N., Out, A Wcatern .- ht. Vanl A Omaha IttA PacineMau tax Rochester A rittsburgh 'it. 1 aul... ....... ........... 73! Texaa Fecuic laii Onion Facldr it)i Watesh Common.. Wabttah 1'rererred....... West'rn Union Telecraph B fi L03lvllleA Nuhvllle... 132 h. i. uni. a eM Jj....., .... Ushigh Velley ,. Lehigh Navigation Pennsylranla.., six tteadlmr....... n a 10 P.T.ATlurrale sjj; Northern Pactfle Oom... 10$Z Northern I'acinc Prof... s? UestenvUle Philadelphia A Krle .lonneni ueninu UHueiKniuiiu....,, ........ Canada Southern..,......, uu... ......... .............. Pnenle's Patenter. Jersey Centrnl.,.. OreannTrAnscentlnental. Beading Goneral Mtas.,.. ..... .... ........ nn rauaaeipbui. qaotatiensby Asaoctated Press. Stocks steady. Philadelphia A Krle U, H. . p.w, m .... (' K ' jjg ill'. UP E r 'dSi ei 815J it: -&B ..:: uS i ZJfit m it'i'mi 7I 71JJ &j2&a cow cog $ f .... JJffl .... CO y' ?X? Sa .... e 1 i&igH 1 ire 5, .... .... rZl S Jwft SB .... r L VTI .... ...r v tM 71 72 ,--, a k .fiM J vKA ... .... ''IS l J A' Ueadlnn KMlread liti .-'- HnnnsylvanlA Railroad M S?ai Letileh Valley Railroad..... ..i. ........ ea United Conipanles orjfew Jersey ,.IeV Northern Paclfle... lstf Northern Paclfle Preferrel. 3ji Northern Central Railroad..... 58 Lenltrb Navigation Company teyi Norrlstewn Uallread 1M Central TrausportAtlen Company... ...... snU Bntlale, N. Y . and Philadelphia 3Vt LltUeQChUVlktU UsJlrneil , 53H Itew lore Qnotatlens by Associated i'reas. Stocks weak and lewer. Heney, IG2C New Yerk Central 87W Erla Railroad UK Adams Kxnrcss ...1X3 Hlchlzen Central Railroad M I Ulchlgen Bouehern Railroad 01 I Illinois Centnd Railroad 117tt 1 Cleveland A ruuunrse uaureau m unicatce m iwm-k isiana ttiuirenu. ......... putMiwTffn ik tuiii -wa-rnptimirfmil.. wcfitcm Unten Taljgraph. Company.. w; roledeA WatMh rVi New Jersey Contrat .-.. ....... 46 New Yerk Ontario Wiwtjirn. 13g f oelBteena nenas Beported by J. B, Leng. Zahm's nevK Cemer, tfjsfr AurjiBTiatiaumTB. llies. ! UCOtitANVAssUnee. Poker.Cards In tLe tewa, from 8c per pack up, 31 Nerm Duke street. LeneasUir, Pa. I at . . ,. 31 Nerm Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. UK). A, Laws, Attorney. d8 OtdeawM A SruBll Wrtck. About neon te-day a ear of Couewago local was wiccked at Hillsdale, cast of Middietewn. Thotraekwas bloekod for some time, and the train from Harrisburg this afternoon oame by way of Columbia. Paid urr. This afternoon the pay ear of tbe I'euu sylvanla railroad arrived in this eity and tbe men rccalved their Christmas money due them for the past month's work . mayor's Court. On Sunday nnd this morning, the mayor disposed 01 tweive vagrants auu uhuj drunks. All were discharged. YAIU,IILR KUtlUKnOK AT I'UULIO SAI.K.-On FUIUAY. I)KC. 10, the un derelKned will "til at nubile sale attheUrape hotcKNerth Queen street, the three-slery and llttIO mttCK DWKLL.IJNU uuusb, wuu thrue-Btery and attic back milldlntr, known as Ne 131 Knit O run je street, containing 11 looms and 3 lare trarri-ts. with all meuern renveniencts and seworue connections, a he let is 32x115 leet, mere or let s. te Marlen alley with an abundance or fruit In lull bearing. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, when tertus tW """MY SUUUKHT. Auct. IUIIOfH U1VK LUFIU aiNUB UKOIUBU that tbe Yellow rrent 6e. Cigar is the best In tliesute. at IUHTUiy'8 YELLOW fBONTCIUAK TOU SlEUlVAi.. UR R" UAUTUAN'S YKLLOW rilONT 01(1 AU itiss. LOS3K3 III THE rLAlnKS. rar vai. ltc i 100 , 100 100 A ruUBUH WU1TK A " SIIUAK FUtt Ms 1 pounds GRANULATED for Te PUBK TK Mi, cerPKES and SPICES at snrprUlnglr Lew prices CLARKE'S. Ne. 83 West King Btrnet. Ulty Lights. One eleotrie and nine gasoline lights were reported as net burning en Saturday and Sunday nights. Tflrpnnne t onnccilerjs, Reyer A Hull, coal and lutnber dealers, Kph rata, and the Stumls house, Lllltz, have been connected with tbe telopheno exchange llKSTOllATIONOP VOIOB. A Sudden Hetern ul Vuung Laays Lest Veeal Powers. What must be regarded as a very remarkable restoration of voice took plaee at the Cathulie aeademy of the Saered Heart, oerner of East Orange and Ann streets, ou Monday last, the 8th instant Tbe faets of the oase, whleh have just oeme te light, ate substantially as fel- lows s vinnMnrv McDoneunb. tbe daughter f rir, fiimrleii MoDenouch. of Ne. 153 North Tenth street, Reading, entered the academy n year or two age. 'While net se robust as many of her oempanions, she waa very playful of disposition and was possessed et a voleo of singular and bird like sweetness. The sisters of the Institu tion oxpeeted great things or her and her volce waa most assiduously cultivated. In February of this year, during a very oeld period, the young ladies of the Institution, accompanied by the sisters, took a long sleiRhride. Three days afterward Miss MnTinnnniTh'a voice ontirely left her. The direoters of the institution felt no pattleu- OUKUIFVa SAL.K. TOMORROW (TUESDAY), DEC. 10, 1881. at 10 o'clock, a. m.. by virtue el sundry write or rterf facias, I will expo-e te publleealeat thoBtererooms el GEORGE II. 8C1IAUM. N03 27,23 and 31 SOUTH QUEEN UT., in the city of Lancaster, tbe following per sonal pioperty . A large stock of Furniture, consisting et Mahogany, wamu'. usk, aid snu wy Bedroom Snlts, Silk. Plush and ether Par Par eor Butts. Hall Stands and Racks. Par Par eor Cabinets, Extension and Dining Table. Reek Caacs. Writing DtsRs, Louuges, Sideboards, Centre I abb s, Chairs, Rockers MusleStands, Mattresses, Bed Hnrltifrn frajlllW. CrlbS. etO. Seized and taken In execution as the property et oeorgo ij. Ecuaeui, uuu l""?"l" ".,,. JUIil II, lllUlt. dlMId BUeritt. -w-kKiirlilTlllN 1M llVGROOATS Lv In erdsr te reCnee ear large stock of Far np&re. Meltons. Kerseys, and corkscrews. for Oysrceatlncs. 1 will, for the next M days, make t iam ue te your erdsr, In flrst-oless styla. at raatly rsdaced rlc. All ntmnnu are guaraateed te lit perfaet and ealy the best quality of trimmings ara used. H A. U. BOSEN9TKIW, Pine Tailoring, 87 North Quean stroet, opposite the Poetefflce. m 21-6 until BBO II ITj i.r i t BSiS Sccctt EhMOHU B. Myxas, et Yerk, who euros rbou rbeu mattsm, nervous and ether dtsoases by the lying en et hands, Is new at the Stovens beuse, tn the city of Lancaster, where he will remain until Wednesday evening next, where alU'clcd persons can rocelve treatment. Ammements, " A Midnight ilarriau."' Te morrow evening this romantic meledrama will be Riven In Pulton opera house by a company et which William Redmond and Mrs. Tnetnas Barry are the bright lights. The New Yerk Tribune says: ' Tboplecels very Interesting andbosBteod the test el contlnued use for sometlme. Mr. Redmundand Mrs Barry are I uliy proficient In making Its Incidents elloc ellec live, and Its spirit sympathetic. They were received with unequivocal favor." A OceUTen Cent Sfiew.Qa Wednesday and Thursday evenings of this wr ok the citizens el Lancaster will have an opportunity et wit nessing a flne show at low prices. The com pany Is under the management of tbe S uydam Brethers, the celebrated bar. performers, ana besides the proprietors It Includes Miss Anna Franklin, serle comic vocalist, Perry A McGrew, grotesque dancers, who were last seen here with 1 eny Paster, Koreoy uraey, All et wonder that they can appear at auchlew prices, 7ULTUH OPEKA UUU3B. WEDNESDAY AND TIlURlDAY, DECEM BER 17 A 18 THE GREAT EVENT I SUYDAM'S DIME HUMPTY DUMPTY AND SPECIALTY COMPANY. The GREAT MAU1UTTIU8 j the Greatest Clown In the World. Flrst-elasa Artists In a nr.t-cUBS olio, ADMISSION 1025 CENTS. Resoived Seats at opera bense without extra charge. dlSlt T7ULTUM ureiu miesis. TUESDAY EVENING, DEO. 10. BOSTON'S GREATEST FAVORITES, WM. REDMOND & MRS. TH0S. BARRY And thelr Superb Company In tiUAS OS BORNE'a Grand uomantle Drama, a MidnigM Carriage. Geed Aetlng, UeautllJJ Costuming. Thrilling Climaxes, a MagnlBcent Production, La Belle France In the Age et Splendor. ' The play la a mastorpleoo el art." Eotten Herald. " Mrs, Barry Is athorengh artist and charm ed tbe audience at every point " ilroetljn Will' be preionted with the same efleetas plavtid lu the Chestnut Street theatre, Phila delphia. ADMISSION S3, BOA 75 CENTS. REBEIWED SEATS 60 A 73 GENTS. Fer sale at opera beuse office. dlS-tt TWia HlriKus. nun nitn n w w w f,s N II ji k i w v ww n w n -BB RRR O O WW WW NNN e e ww ww n nn ou w w k nji ,znypn as "'IK I) I) N N .V it O N N N IT TTIT J.B., JXM 1 y RK1 i th3 11 R This medicine, combining Iren with pur vegetnbln tonics, quickly nnd completely CURES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, MA LARIA, WEAKNESS, IMPURE BLOOD, CHILLS and FEVER and NEURALGIA. By rapid ami thorough assimilation with ttie bleed. It reaches every part et the svstem, C unties and enriches the bleed, strengthens le muscles and nerves, and tones and invig orates the system: A fine Appetizer Beat tonic known. ItwlU cure the worst case et Dyspepsia, removing all distressing symptoms, each as Tasting the Feed. Delchlng, Ileat In the Stom ach, Ueartbnrn, etc. The only iron modlclne that will net black en or Injure tbe teeth. It Is Invaluable ter diseases peculiar te women, and te all persons wbolead sedentary lives. An unfailing remedy for diseases et'the Llverand Kidneys. Portens snQerlug from the ertect of over work, nervens troubles, less of appotlte. or debility, oxperlence quick relief and renewed enerxy by its use. it ueeg net cause ueouacne or preuueu uuu Several Ilulldlegs uarned la An Illinois Town lres Kliewhere. Cricaoe, Uce. 15. A dispatch te the Daily News, from Belvldere, Ills., says : "Several buildings were burned hore last night. Less, $30,000." THREE BUILUIN08 IN A KENTUCKY TOWN. Falmouth, Ky., Dee. 15. The build ings owned by Wm. O. Kennett, Jeseph Woedhead and Jehn Tendergast, were burned yesterday. The total less is about $20,000. the urealer postlen of whleh falls upon Rule Bres., olethiers ; insurance, 413,000. A BUMMER RESIDENCE CONSUMED. Pert Jervis. N. Y-, Dee.-15-Tiie summer resort of Prof. Da Ralph, of New Yerk elty, at Brink Pend, a famous resort m wu.enunurl:a.Sixmiies irem jmuera, was totally destroyeorijy-tttt.abaut.uo.on.Qii Saturday .The origin of ths flre is unkue wn. Less about $8,000 ; partly insured. Vrtlgbt WrecR en n Weittrn Railroad. Denver, Cel., Dee. 13, Ite Saturday night while a freight train en tbe IWuyer & Rie Qrande railroad was cemiutc down the slde of the mountain near Marshall Pees, tbe air brakes failed. After miles bad been run and gaining a speed of 50 milus an hour, the engine jumped the track followed by SO ears nnd all are a complete wreek. The engine and fireman jumped and saved their lives, but are badly bruised. The head brakeman was buried under the wreek. The rear ear was detaehed and stepped. Last sale iea -m 120 PJO'W 101 100 100 10! .N) 103 Lancaster City 6 percent Ibss,., 1890... M 1896... ' B ner ct. In 1 or SO vcars. " Tier ci, ocnirei ujui,,., xuu " 4 " In ler 20 years.. 100 " " lnsor20years..loo 4 " In 10 or 20 years. 100 Uanbelm borough lean 109 iu-ik ereaxM, Flrat National Bank tlOO Farmers' National Bank..... ....... w Fulton National Bank i... 100 Lancaster County National Bank.. GO Columbia National Bank 100 Christiana National Bank. 100 sphrata National Benk 10P First National Bank, Columbia..... 100 First National HenBstrasburg.... loe rint Vntinnel llivntr Marietta...... 100 First National Bank, Mount Jey.. ICO LlUU National Benk..... UO Manhelm National Bank............ loe Union National Bank. Mount Jey. 50 New Helland National Bank IU) Gar) National Bank 100 QuarrvvUle National Bank 100 prraHPncn htoezb. Big Spring A Beaver Valley i 20 t W UrlilBWerLJtllOfC8tlOO US 23 Columbia A Chestnut Ulll..v..i.;. J lelumbla A Washington 20 24.03 ConesteguABlgSprbag 2S -p Columbia A Marietta 3 SO Maytown A Ellzabothtewn...., 25 10 LancnsVeEJi lCphratA.... ..... 'Jbf 47 Lancaster A Willow Street 23 43.09 straseurgA Millport 2S 21 Marietta A Maytown 25 00 Marietta A Mount Jey 23 ai Lanc.Eltzabotht'nAMlddlet'n 100 CS LaucusterA Frnltvllle...... SO 56 Lancaster A Lltltz 23 73 BetJirsndywlne Waynesb'ff,... 50 1 LiiueutCT fc-wtllltmstewn 23 1M.Z4 Lancuster A Maner.-;,--....... ...... 50 4S Lancaster ManhnUn Si 44 Lancaster A Marietta. 2J Laneaster ANowlleuaua 100 83 Lancaster ASnsanelianna..... sna 2ta Laneaster A New Danville 2 7 S2C III 160 110 ise lis 151 155! iw; 200 1542 140 181.25 77.2 181 115 110.15 r6Vf - T 'JU 'Jlnx vs" m l-'r-.MlA t W, 'Vf 5 V! -fe V xJ'3. ' -I idiH3 m :m v,v-.2 : v' it. rrt i i& atlpatlen OTHER Iren mcllclnes de. nlv causes no Injurious effects. It Is the only preparation et Iren that is aflects. Phvslclana and druggists recommend tt as the best. Try It. Tbe genuine nas Trade Mark and cressed red lines en wrapper. Take no ether. Made only by BROWN CHEMICAL, CO. sp9-lVdAlvw Baltimore, Md. HATtt AJiV VATS. F UK UAPS. J." UALUWKLL S Uu. BVJSV1A1 MOXIOJSS. "UUUUUOH PAIN." Cures colic, cramps, dlarrhma I externally ler aches, pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rheumatlsin. Fer man or beast. 20 and We. Amu, 54,000,000. snrplas, SJ13,UOO,000 TILE EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Or NEW YORK, does tbe largest Insurance business In the weifld. Policles lncontestlble. VT. J. MADDEN, Manager, Ne. 10 North ",Queen street (ever Leng's drug store). ec23 3md direoters ei me insmuiiuu ion. uu yamuu- - - -, --- lar alarm believing it te be ene of the the Hungarian 1ngler. an. .ethers. fmnerTrv results of the cold. Dat as day these are nne actors, and It Is a we.: uoeeeded day aud week followed week, I Wltn no ouange ier iue uewii net ..i who Is a pbysieian, was summoned and he applied a number of remedles with no avail. The parents were new thoroughly alarmed and when the distribution exer exer elses took plaee in June, a prominent Philadelphia physician accompanied her father te this eity, but had finally te leave acknowledging that the oase baflled his skill. Masses bad been said for the re storation of the girl's volee and nravers were numerous for ber Intention during her aflllo'.ien. Daring the whole of the time Miss Mary attended te her regular elass dutioi,reoltmg in a very faint whisper whleh the teaeher oeuld only oateh by plaelng her ear near the young girl's month. In June last a novena, or nine days prayer for a paitieular intention, waa held for the young lady in whleh all the pupils and slaters joined. Prayers were also offered for her en August 15, the feast of tbe Assumption et ttie uiessea Virgin, whlle the young lady was at her home in Reading, Much wonder was expressed when in Ooteber her father seuther again tosehool. She waa prayed for ou the feast of the Hely Rosary, en the first Sunday of Ojto Ojte ber, and In these prayers her relatives and friends and religious in Reading joined. Still no obange was noted. In the meantime Miss Mary had net given up hops. As sua new says she JJBATJla. STtrrsL. In Greencastle, Pa., en tbe 141 h Inst., Andrew Btiflsl, In tbe OSth year et his age. The rclatlves'and lrlends of the family aie respectfully Invited te attend the luneral from his late residence urcencasue, rrank tin county, Pa , en Tuesday atternoen at 1 o'clock IfMtT ADTXUTlMSailSliTa. 1,000 HI reDSUJ UUUD UAKINu MUT TER. 12. 15 and is cents per pound. BOO DOZKN L1MEU KUUS. NEW ORLEANS BAKING tMOLASSEB. Geed at 100, Best at 16e, Fancy at 18c per quart. PURE W1IITK SUGAR, CO YELLOW, 80 Ser pound, a Full Line of NEW HOLIDAY OBOOKRIEB. UEO. W1ANT.I dlJ-6t Ne. 1L5 West King Street. -t IRAKI) 1TIK45 INSUMANOB COMPANY OF, PHILADELPHIA. Atrr.ED 8. GlLLBTT, President. Javka ll. alveud, Vice Prea, and Treat. Hdwih F. MaaaiLt, SecreUiry. Juucs B. Allbn, Ass'U Sec'y Assets: One Millien, Twe Hundred and Fifty-nine Thousand, Nina Hun-e tired and Sixty-seven Dollars and Forty-nine Cents. All Invested In solid socurltles, Lesses promptly settled and paid. Rife 6c Kaufman, :aqents, Ne. 10 Bast Kins Street, ecl-CmdM.WAi.K rjULIUAYUOUUS, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOB GENTLEMEN. Flne Silk Hats. Flne suit Hats. Nice Heal Oaps.Nlce I'luahCaps, NlceBeavur MulNers, Nice Beaver uauutlcts. Handsome Urey rex Robes. Handsome Wolf Rebes. FOR LADIES. Beautiful Seal Coats, Duauiitui peal capes Beautiful Seal Muffs, S UI'IIUVU ...bU,i.S, BcaverMnrrs, Otter Mulls, Flee Bilk Umbrella. AVEverv person who thinks or giving a USEFUL HOLIDAY PRESENT Should give us a call. Come early in tbe day. W. D. Stauffer & Ce., (BhnlU's Old Stand.) N03. 81 A S3 NORTH qUEEN BTREET, Lancaster, Pa. ruylO-ly J. E. Caldwell Only SHULTZ'S Hat Stere. nmviAL hutivjss. Ce : Brexuias. We have as flne an assortment et FUR CAPS, IN ALL STYLES AN I) QUALITIES, As you will find in tbe eltv. Alse, tbe Latest Styles In SILK. STIFF AND SOFT HATS. FOR THE WINTER ANDHOLIDAYTRADE. Pails Anarebtits Meld m Meetlns;. Paris, Dee. 15. At a meeting of Anar chists in this eity yesterday references te the explosion at Lunden bridge were received with applause. The bitterest animosity towards M. Waldeek Rousseau, minister of tbe interior, was displayed. A. piece of paper bearing his name was put in a convenient place and every man spat upon it as be left the assembly. DliaenslOQ Hetweeu Paster and Pleck. Pall Hiver, Mass., Dee. 15. The op ponents of Father McGce, pastor of the Freneh Catholle chureb here, took posses sion of tbe building yesterday, looked the doers and prevented the oelebratlen of mass. The congregation wanted a d rencn Canadian priest, but Bishop Ilendrloksen refuses te displaee Father MeQee, m Anarchist Expelled irem Bwltstrland. Berne, Dee. 15. Twe mere AnareblstB have been expelled from Switzerland. WsaTUEK IHOICATtONS. Washington, D. C, Dee. 15. Fer tbft Middle Atlantie states, oleiring weathetj lower temperature, north te west winds, higher baremeter. Well as liver, Lettla Heward writes from BntTale, N. T., " My system became greitly debilitated through arduous professional dutles. SuQrrcd from nausea, rluk beadache, and biliousness. Tried Hurdeck Bleed Bitter with tna most benenclat eUeut. Am wen as ever." Fer sale by IL B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 133 North Queen street neruKiu, It you are falling I broken, worn out and nervous, use " Weils' Health ltenewer." $1 Druggists. ji) norm fole Exptqitloes Prize tlabU. lotteries, walklnz vatmmSa. and balloon tutcnnslens ure nuully. nxraTbags tbe worst sort. Or, 1'hemat' jYotfelrie OU U net a bnuibug. It Is a quick cure ter aches and sprains, and Is lust as geed as lauieness. Fer sale by It. B. Cochran, Uruggbt, 1ST aud U9 North Quceu street. tusk rrurtB. " Wells' Health Renewer " restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence. Bexual Debility, si. (ij These Goods are all m and handsome, nnd we are determined te aeUtnem If you want anythtngln our line It will pay you te take a leek at tbe N KWKST stork In the city, from which you can suit yourself at yourewnpneo A FULL LINE OF GLOVES. 144 North Queen Straet, (ClUNDAKKR'S OLD STAND.) tnarCT-U&w MAMKMla. Decorated Ohlna. Bleb .Fancy Goods. A VISIT TO OUB STORK IS VKUT DlbUllUUUl DUmui.nui JOB UA1,B, lTUMl,IOSI.I5 ONTUllUSOAlf, IllSntSH I X BR 18. 1881, at Ne. 120 North Charlette Siretjl, nouseneiu au Ai.t;uu imuuun),wu UsUng of buieaus, settees, sideboards, sink, tabled, chairs, rocking chairs, bedateadg, era He, children's carrlage, sewing machine, tut, stands, glass and iiueonsware, a geed beuse deer and many ether articles, Hale te commence at one o'cieck p. ra. U. Sbcbxht, Auctioneer. JOHN WKYEL, rtlMt BE- 902 CHESTNUT STREET FHHADELMU.. 017) PUHLIO HSLK-.IN WKUMKtUAY. lit. CEMUER 17, 1881, will be sold at tbe late residence et Lydla A Davis, deceased. Ne, 241 East Orange street, Lancaster, a large let et household and kitchen, turnlture. consist ing el ene elegant set of parlor furniture, one handnome sideboard, hall dezen walnut dlnlug-roem enalis with leather backs aud seals, one uming.roera exiensiuu uiuie, ittu handsome sets et walnut bedsteads with dressing bureaus and wash stands, carpets, Bedy uruesei anu wmen veiveu uaimens, chairs, tables, pictures, ene cooking stove, dishes, etc., etc., etc, Balutocemmenco at 1 o'clock p. in., of said day. when attendance wUl beglven and terms made known by D.B.BUENK. 1UHBT BUfJEST, AUCUOOSCr,' IUMV fhllaaeipnta bwiii. PBtLi.Dii.rHtA, Dec. 15. Fleur market dull and In buyers' favors Superfine State, ti 23Q OJfOi de Extra de, ritUOJ (Mt Pa. family, IS 2303 Mi winter dear. SJ 60O 1 de stralKhts, M OOat 00; Minn, extra, clear. IS f.031 00 1 straight, U OOaifO; Vflacenslu cleai ''tOi 23; straights, (4 GOQS i winter patents 25rJ5 OJ : spring de, II WfiS 23. uvh nuur uuit ai iwi. Wheat dull and weak i Ne. a VI astern Bed 77'iO77H0 f Ne. S de, 630700 Ne. 1 Pcnua, du (6e ; Ne. S Delaware de. Ste. Cern dull but steady's steamer, 47Q43c t sail yellow and de mixed iSQVSfc Ne. tt, t0 4BWO. Oats steady but qntett Ne. 1 White. S5KO SOet Ne. ' de, tttHet Ne 8 de, Je i re lected, 31Xfl32Ke t Ne. S mixed, 83c Rye easlerai Cue . ,. Seeds- Cleverseed dull at 6WKe Timethy dull at f 1 1081 45 1 Flaxseed H tin at 11,45X01 49. winter Bran quiet at Hi 75Q15 25. Prevision market uail. but prices steady t India Mess Beer. rMWll Uty rte.lU6a 14 001 Mess Perk. I'' wan Ml Beet llams, Bacen.' SSOKet smoked Chenlders, fat TO TAei salt ue. BXOSHe) Bmeked Hams, HO 123 j pickled dc, DXOIOO. ... lATd svraey i Ki-y isuueu, tu , ,ia butcne.-s, 6ifi7e prime steam 17 UX07 !5. iintur tduil i Creamery extras, i G!Oe I Westornde, de, tlQZici ll. C. AN. Y. ex tras, 200270 Western dairy do,24025e West ern geed te choice, 22015c. Rolls at 18Q300 pacttlJg, 9015c. Kggsdutl and easyi exuas, 230 M e (West ern. 19O10XC. cbeesB market steady, with, quiet demaudt New Verk lull creams, at. MftOlSei Ohie Flats, choice, IIHOI201 de fair te primp, SHtiailJie Pa. part skims, SO70 1 de lull, Petroleum dull t Refined, V,ie. Whisky dull t western at si au. IKUK MKB1T AL.UNK has glven Allcock's Pereus Plasters the larg est salu et any external remedy lu tbe world. It you have been using etberkinds et plasters ene trial et ' Allcock's " wiu convince you et their wenderful superiority, CO Bbeadwat, Koex 12, wmrTenir," Match 2, 18S3. Having been cured et a sovere attack et rheumatism et the neck and shoulders by using Allcock's Porens Plasters, I feel It ay duty te strongly cemmend their nse te any one similarly allllcted. Fer a period of sev eral months I had exhausted many ether se. called remedies without obtaining tbe slight os t loiter. Finally 1 applied ese et Alloeck's Pereus Plasters, and found myselt almost Jm Jm Jm moutate'y cured. I consider them a true blssla'. ralUifully yen" JAMES B. H08MKB. n '? W ij . H& ,c '.' ? mm "M -' 'wx-JS .'2ls- rr : ?$ " I I . . . Urewdi nuoseneia A'anaeaa -"V,' Is the jt eflecUve Pain Destroyer la tVM ' - .: werw. wiu most sureiy quiexea me uius -, . waetner taken lnternauy or applied exbar- -: naUy, and thereby mere certainly KELIEVM ,8 pain, whetbsr ohrenlo or aente. than aav- ' J ether pain alleviator, ana if is wutmieu an bio the strength et any similar pioparaUea. It cures pain In the side. Back or Bewel. Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache, awl ALL ACHES, and is The Ureas KalUver tain. ''BUOWN'SHOUSEUOLD PANACEA" should be In every family. A te&rpoenlal et the Panacea In a tumbler et het water sweet ened.lt prexorredj, taken at bedtime,, will break up A cold, as cents a betue. mava-lydM.W.8w Hkta Ulseaies. "8wayn'OlBta. " ffwayns's uitumtm" carta niwr, Mitr O te -TV ' 4f. .' Rheaui. Rlncrwerm. Beres. Pimples. Keasrna ' all ltcby Skin Eruptions, no matter Aaj m , tuueernmauaiunng. uiSr" , LV. n..aV wnrn .nil IvmnAjaifO ShQPld taSf rni.inn'ii Lianld Ileal TeaJ. A . .'Ol, druggists. jr Hest violent xjieens pf oeagWaf se: steppSi by Hales sSeaey or Uorebe7I attf Tar. Pike's TpeUiache ifcepa enre u eae yR dU-lwitee4 jt t i v V nute. dl5 lwdeesUtw- H Mw YerK starana. Nsw Toik, Dee. 15. Fleer State and West ern dull and declining, eeulhern steady. Wbnat heavy and ViOe lower, with only a moderate trade t Ne. 1. White nominal t Ne. 3 ue.1, Jan., ZSHQWA0 1 rb , ntHlHe I Mar eh 83K$We ,' April, X,WC 1 Hay, 87H70. Hlefted Oat. :j Hew many people them are who an strM Blink te rife in thU world tlut.ars t down and out by envious rtrM. X0 Mtr Oil never - kiekd eui'M M ytMaMMb jtu true blue. Fer threat. aiee,.iiap iad catarrh It le a eerttda ad r rersaleby IL E. Ceehnja, Cxawtst. If? Mtl lMNrUQ t. ' - - . f w Tft tV' ?st$ M 'i? A'V tJi ? i u ,'. KJTift " rtiW. imam ki-JjJVvJ.