arw,,w-'nffHF" " K!?'" ''-l-HjWWr SPOJW " ? " ' xs aaaiu - -nArt-.rrnt "V&r 1 tf1 ,v rr' ,- -, it f 3s" r v 9 W k PHF KtH " P V. , 3 (.'. If v. a -Jfc- Ewwtet Jntefflgentct, i g wmpat wwm era iM Mtt JHBVHDA. 'Iff MriMtyl IM rteertt counts another :, ". .... AMI tare uveal eh '" Ml iTtyM efay V I tP, , VMMrt ! aatibed-recerdi 11b t I ' Ji ... .it.... h.t rttil 1 aver ' WMW"""""!"" " .. . . a In s year before, tulsust l,'T OMmtkMtwe. nynesn ass """""-' It m net te anon try ttm ai by rasatea. All U frays taere-lale or true,! -inllliJtearr - " ' "tWMPOW W.ABT8. gtevt eM l"nrat UUtler Decera- Tfce following thorough and praetieai jimUmi tnr the management of hense !A.tI -. V- TMin IX. Ttsrlrnr at a w 'mMl society. nd will doubtless be ?'.' useful te many of our readers' : Du Mr. Barker named as the first and most gh "' essential requisite for the cultivation of W fcewe plants, a jtoed window facinc the aenth; a bay window 1 preferab as 'A wlvinv Hcht en three aides. A Rlaia deer l V or aaehei te ahnt off the window from the I i & , mom la desirable te eselnde dnst and oeld I i dranghu when sweepintc erTentUatlng SH' tin room. Ventilation should always be g-i glren at the top et the window. Oleanll- .h. bcm cannot be tee well attended te ; It Is iri as neeeisary te the health of plants as te ?r- that of enr bodies- Washing the leaves ,' V iv .. with wster at the aame VtetfrnfiUm ,tthe worn, Wfi&""v7 well as an oeoaslonal sprlnklinjc en a fine tkMfi, day. whieh may be done with a small rilbst 1..t etian aa avrtntTJa Mnnflr OnnTfltlfflntl '? be used, will be a great help. 'f.V' There Is nothing mere annoying te the r" oaltlrater of hense plants than the green ! At i emekinir with tobaeeo is the best remedy, bnt however closely the partition between the window and the room may be ahnt, the seent will get Inte the room 'f tobaeeo made by Ailing a pail with stems and pouring en worn an me water the pall will held. This should stand twenty-four hears and be used in the pro portion of half a pint te a pail of water. The plants should be turned bottom up, placing the left hand eyer the top of the pet te preTsnt accident, and then plnnging it In the solution onee or twiee, until the files drop off. Seme of this solution should always be kept en hand and used en the first aDDcarance of the crecn fly. After using, the plant must be rinsed In cleS wa&: of th'e ssmTnrature as the room. A florist In Philadelphia kept Slants clean In this way without fuml sit.1 ft'tRMiT-iDMuv uiuiu'uumiTien en oleanders and ether thlek-Jeared- pJanf, adhering oleseJy te tlie stems and leaves, is set se easily destroyed. Ttiese may be washed with whale oil soap and water. A sponge dipped In a little sweet or keresene oil, and wiped np the atom and under the leaves occasionally, will keep off the soale effeetually. The speaker had applied this sneceufnlly te plants which had been scglected and get very dirty, using kero kere kere seeo se freely as te have some misgivings hew it would affect the plants, but they are new showing remarkably flne growth. The method civen for destroying the green fly and seale will also be effectual for the red spider. Injudlolens watering is a great injury te plants ; tee mueh water Is eftencr the trouble than net enough. The soil en top of the pet will indicate the need of water by looking dry, and, when water is given, it shenld be done thoroughly, and net in a mere driblet, that will net go half through the soil. Ne rule can be given for water ing, except te give it when the plants need it, and never without taking off the chill, if oeld. by letting it stand in the room or adding warm water, Plants in warm rooms require te be kept moist at all times, bnt net Baturatcd . As . tha Iara grew Joe(rer-nmf-tno"STjrrget higher, ana the plants begin te grew and flower, mere water will be needed. Fer plantB oleso te the glass a box filled with sphagnum, in whieh the pets may be plunged, will ba of great help in keeping an even degeee or moisture, and avoiding spattering the soil en the shelves and glass. In regard te heat, a geed rule is that when yen feel comfortable yourself the temperature is about right .for-hOuse plants, most of tham being' from tempe rate elimates. But never be without a thermometer in the room : from 7CP te 75 by day, and 45 at night, will be a geed guide. The blinds should be ar ranged te sllde betwoen the shelves and the glass, and there shenld be outside shutters te put np in unusually oeld weather. They should be light, and in small sections se as te be easiiy put up by any one who happens te be at home. After giving the above general direc tions, Mr. Barker named several planU of easy management, for training up wires, or hangieg in festoons. Among them were Ceitna seandtnt, trepceslnms, and man randyas. Fer hanging baskets, Sax'raga umbreia or Londen Pride was recom mended, also the Lytimaclda known as moneywert, and the handsome Tertnia with its oempaot foliage and profuse bloom, rer standard plants, the gera niums are conspicuous, ana suen annual plants as petunias, mignonette and candy tuft. The soft-weeded plants are te be nearest the light. Bulbs, as hyaeinths, oreouses, and tulips, are net te be over looked, nor the oxalis, sparaxis andtri andtri temas. OrUKKAT VALUE TO VOOALI8TS., Wsstchmtbb Ce., N. Y., August 20, 188L 1 had carolesily oxpeied myselt and sua talnedavery severe and tight cold en my chest and In my tbreat. I procured Allcock's J'oreus Plasters and applied one en tbe chest. well np en the threat, and rellel came readily ; 'the soreness et my chest was removed,and my . Teeal organs were kept clear the entire pest winter, enabling me te luinil public engage ments In different parts et this country. no morn may ee said than that Allcock's roreus riastera, It opplied by afflcted vocal Is ts, will greatly assist their vocal rendition in public a. Fit A3 KLIN CUUUCII. Ii Mm Diamond Dyea mero coloring Is given than in any known dyes, and they ulve laster andBUjre brilliant colors, loe at drug. UH.WdH Bicjnarasen a, Ce.. llurllngten. yu raiunie caru, joiers, and book otulreo- VAssi iwi v wuny Benrcaa of Frent. xnere are many sources et pronnethoan deck Bleed JlUten are a souree et preflt li terv wiv. Thevbnlld nnthn hennTi .nmu speedily, and enectually. which Is saying a great ; deaL or sale by jl. B. Cochran, drug Ittst, 137 and U9 North Queen streeu no ueoepuen Vteil. Xtlsstraneeaemany peope.Ul continue te sutler day orter day with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, ConsUpatlen, flour Stomach, Gon Gen eral Debulty, when tbey con procure at our store lUlLtJU'8 VlTALlZKli, free orcest Sit i!f SS1?." 0Sl?.UeT0 ttenLrrtce. 75 cents. SSJSk r " u ."e0?111. druggist, Isj and Uw KorthUueen street. Lancaster, ledloed tflrtc-Ulsui Dsauce. IniUTtiWltli Themna rIWn rut t i. v. ttS.1 hS?1 "oted et insurance we w ou By Un u you are euro te earritw UM at BO cenU and Si men. Vei Vale by -11 B bran. druggist, 1S7 one. aeTrttuein Me Ten Belimi it. Ttet te this town there are scores et persona !- nni tAM Af.ra Ha k iiwi1' S!tS$L, lWSSiS.9. S5WS UDaUen. when JnrTv- .ii -i. - . 1 1 Hwiiiwu, uver :nm. ll2.Ti,1?SAh?rI,teeite c . MlT.1. ...! . I I argist, os. Jtwrut wueua iret Hurwuu VB r aPBrvsm l CaMjIlfieJ :' WSJiaM An Bad te IMM Seraplng. Kdward Bhenherd, of narrtsburg.lllSM Mil "Harm received se mueh beneftt from Kl co co Me Bitters, 1 feel it my duty te let suffering fcsmanltylrnewlt. Uaveliad a running sere en my lea-for eight years i my doctors tout snel would have Te bar I be bone scraped or legtiiapuuted. I usd. instead, tbiw bottles et Uleetrte Bitters and seven box Bucklen's Arnlea "aire, and my leg la new lennd and well." Kleotrle Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, ana Buesien's .arnica dit w w. narbnx by IL B. Cochran, dmgglst, Ne- ltf and 119 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. Avoid cheap Boeda. The ftp Mailer euret pains and aches where ether plasters simply relieve, te cents, at all drug stores. Uatarrn. Fer twenty yesrs I was a sunerer Irem catarrh et the head and threat, lly a lew applications et Kly's Oream Balm 1 ro re eelvect decided benefit was cured by one hot het tie. Charlette Faraer. Waverly, N. Y. 1 waa troubled with ctironle catarrh and gathering In head t wss deal at times, had dl- nose. Belere the secend bettle et Kly's Cream Balm was exhausted 1 waa cured. C. J, Cor bin, 923 Chestnut 8t riilladelphla, Ta. d8-2wdoedaw CetDaa'a Llqnlil Bef Tonle is endorsed by physicians. AiKer Celden't; lae no ether. VI drugitisie. dl-lwdeedAw ULABB AJtD UVKKNHWAJim. H ltlEI O MABT1K. -AT- CHINA HALL. HOLIDAY GOODS, -IN- GLASSWARE ! UES DK-rtUBO.150- FLOWKK BASKETS, F1NUEU BOWLS, AC All the latest Shapes, Deslgna and in all Celers. Examine our stock belore purchas ing. High & lartin, 15 EAST KING STREET, LAKCABTEB, l'A. 11ULIVA.X GOODS. TT . rx IB A FAUT TUI OOOHRAN. the Drusrglat, Kes. 137 g g,K. STllKET- nnzsnAsr aeuns. . me -lowest Prices in Lancaster. Why t Because J boegr&t-rrom Importers ler casb, and Is satisfied with quick sales and small profits. Mr Call and examine. its 6md H OLIDAV HOODS. Walter A. leinitsh, NO. 28 BABX KING STREET, LANCASTER l'A. TU18 IS THE l'LACE TO BUY YuUU HOLIDAY GOODS, -IN- Faney Cabinet, Oabinets, Bric-a-Brac, Easels, Pedeatals, Slipper Backs, Bloekiug Oases, Commodes, Hat Racks Tewell Beeks, . - , Boete BaekB, e., fea A very Large Line el these goods, and always a pleasure te show them. WALTER A. HEINITSH, NO. 28 EAST BUNG STREET, decs 6md , hbdivaaj. rUAMur. as a The fallowing article was velnntartly sent te Mr. 11. K. SLAlMAKKlt, Agent for UKIO AHT'SOLD WINK BTOUE, by a prominent practicing physician et this ceantv, who bes extensively used tbe Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is cemmended te the at tention et these amicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDIOLNE. This new mncu abused Alcoholic stimulant was never Intended as a beverage, but te be used as a medicine et great potency In tbe cure of Beme et the destructives diseases which sweeps away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive, we pre sent te tbe favorable notice el Invalids es pecially these afflicted with that miserable disease, Dypspcpsla, a speclfle remedy, which is nothing mere or less than BRANDT. The aged, with rxeblaappetlte, and mero or less debility, will And this simple medlclne, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy Fer all their Ills and aches. Be It, however strictly understood that we prescribe and use bat one article, and that U Reigart's Old Brandy, 8eld by enr enterprising friend, n. E. 8LAY AIAKKK. This brandy has steed the test for years, and bag never tailed, as far as our ex perience extends, and we theretore give It tbe preference ever all ether Brandies no matter with hew many Jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth et the money that Is yearly thrown away en varlens Impo tent dyspepsia specifics, would suffice te buy all the Brandy te cure any such cese or cases. In proof et the curative pewer et Reigart's Old Brandy In ceses of Dvsnensla wecan mmmnn num. bers et wltncsses ene case In particular we will cite t A hard working farmer had been afflicted wltli an exhausting Dyspepsia ferannmber of years : bis stomach would reject almost every kind et feed ; he had sour eructatiens con cen con stantlyeo appetite In fact, he was obliged te restrict his ulet te crackers and stale bread, and ai a beverage he used McUrann's Beet Beer, lie Is a Uuthedlst, and then, as new, preached at times, and In his discourses often deolalmed earnestly against all kinds ei strong drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy In his case, he looked up with astonishment t UUtlLlter hftflrintr nt life wnmin..,nl A.r.n . ruie icases of some et his near acquaintances, he I atlas consumed te follewouriulvi. iimiuui i.?.in.S? &.Wul,,uy an" steadily i the Urst ,n,i??M?a,l".PIM,,,tean,, before the secenir was alt takehe was a sound man, with astomachcapaDleotdlgesUnganytlilngwhlch he cheese te eat, Ue uu k"ep it and uses a little occasionally j and Blnoehe baa this modi medi cine, he has been of very little pecuniary ben cut te the doctor.- iYaertcina i'A iielan. H. E. SLAYMAKER, Agent ler BEIOAllT'S OLD WINK BTOUE Established In 1785. ' Importer and Dealer In Old Brandy, Sherry, Superior Old Maderla, imported In 1918, 1S.7 and IMS, Champagnes of Evury Brand. Scotch Ale, Perter, Brown Stout. Ne. 29 East King St., - Lancaster FOBQKEAT BABOAINS. In Underwear et any kind and price. Knit Jackets. Woolen and cotton Shirta u. of any size end quality, Working 1'ents, Over alls. Comforts, Uleves, Mitts, and a variety of Notions. Most et the above goods are nelllnir at nearly one half the price they sold berete- uiu. au uicniws iu uie market u the cause, same as wheat, i'leose cell eud ex amine before you buy. UENBY BEOUTOLD. INe. M North Queen at. IiANOABTER DAILY IKTBUjUGENCEB 1TBIPAY rern bat.m. rruiB riMB kesiurneb and iieusb Lallntnlnft belen glngte Jehn S. llebrer, are oflered at private iftle. Persons doslreus et viewing the property will please call en tbe owner, JOHN 8. ROHRKR. ' Or.BAUSMANA BURNS, epl&-tid Real Estate Agents. OUKMVr'SJ 8AL.B. ONUOMDAT, DEC. 15, ISM, at in o'clock, a, virtue et sundry wriu ernerf aeiai, i win expose w puuiiusaiani. tbestorereoms of UEUUOK B. 8CUAUM, NOS. 2T, S3 and 81 SOUTH QTJKKN ST., In the city of Lancaster, the following per sonal property A large stock or furniture, consisting of Mahogany, Walnut, Oak, Ash and Cherry Bedroom Suits, 811k. flush and ether Par Par eor Suits. Hall Stands and Hacks. Par Par eor Cabinet. Extension and Dining Tables, Boek Cases. Writing vests, Lieunges, nmoeoaruj, Centre Tables, Cbalrs. Keckcra Music Btands, Mattresses, Bed Springs. Cradles, Cribs, etc Selied and taken In execution as the property et Oeorge B. Bchaura, and te be sold by dl-StdAltW ' SherlB. VALUArlLE C1T fROPIKTT AT PUS lln Ruin, nn MONDAY. DKCKMBF.K?!. 1SJI, will be sold at public sale, at the Cooper Heuse, en West Kin ng street. Lancaster city, Pt. thA tnltniptnff m'tl nvtAtn. vt Ke. 1. All that certatn three-stery Brick Store and Dwelling Heuse with a large two story brick back bnlldlngt Ume-stery brick conlectlenory, three-stery bnck lce house, brick bake house, engine house, elevator, brick stable, carriage house, etc The let trents 31 loot, Ji Inches, en the west sldoet North Uueen street, and extends wet want In depth 214 leot,mero or less, te Slarket street. Tbe property Is sltuate Nes. 138 and 138, en the west side et North Queen street, and 1 In nrst-class order and rcptlr ; and ler a confectionery establishment ihere la nene superior in me ciiy ei i,ancaair. . U. ., ,i uuv vi want vu-a ,, j a. muti .. .. v ..- lng beuse, with trame kitchen attached also, another trame house In rear, well with pump therein, irult trees and ether Improvements t and let el ground thereto belonging. Tbe let trents 31 feet, mere or less, en the south slde of Weit Orange street, ana extending In depth liatf. The properly is situated Ne. 418 West Orange street, and adjoining property of Abraham Erlsman, Mrs. Helbein and Mrs. Su'er. Ne. S, all that certain two-story brick aweu lng beuse, with a two-story brick back build ing and balcony attached t a troed w water ; also, cistern water In the kitchen, lnir and balcony attached t a troed weU et . cistern water in me micnen. i no let trents 20 feet. Bere or less, en West Orange street and extends In depth 105 tcet, te a ten rent wide alley. This prepertv Is situated Ne 637, en the north side of West Orange street, and adjoins property et Chris topher LUler and Jehn Lorentc. 5e. 4, all that certain two-story brick dwell ing house, witb one-story brick baek build ing! well et water, hydrant and cistern. The let trents !0 feet and has a depth et its feet, te n ten-lcet wide alley. The property Is sltuate Ne. 121, en tbe cost side et evtn street, and adlelns property el Isaac B&rden and Charles Bewman. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., of said day. when attendance will be given and terms mane sudite uy jjr.wiB sail in, WILLIAM SPAETH, Executers of the will of Louisa Sattler. dee'd. 11. s Bunznr, Auctioneer. d'J tsd OATS ADD OATB. w.u- BTAUFrcIC. JOllN HIDES -TI1E- PEOPLES HAT STORE, THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK or A8SOKTED Hats, Caps, Furs, Rebea and Gloves, in THEcrrr. All the latest styles, the TAPED, SyUAHE C110WN, the young men's favorite. FUKS AND FUR TRIMMINGS, Including a well selected stock el BEAUTI FUL BOUES. The best Goods ler the leait money at W. D. Stauffer & Ce., (Shultx's Old Stand.) N03. 31 i 53 NORTH QUEEN 8TBEET, Lancaster, Pa. tnylO-;y F UK UAI'S. SHCJLTZ'S Only Hat Stere. We have aa flne an axiertment el FUR CAPS, IN ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES, As yen will 11ml in the cltv. Alse, the Latest Styles In SILK, STIFF AND SOFT HATS. FOR THE WLNTKBAND HOLIDAY TRADE. These Goods are aU'sww and handsome, and we are determined te sell tnem. If you want any thing In our linn It will pay you te take a leek atthe NEWEST stork in the city, from which yeucan suit yourself at yourewn pnee A FULL LINE OF GLOVES. 144 North Queen Street, (GUNDAKER'S OLD STAND.) marff-dAw xinwAam, v. rputt CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY AT LOW PKIOBS STOVES, HEATERS. RANGES, COAL OIL LAMPS AND GAS FIXTURES, -18 AT- JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, Ne. 21 Sonth Qneen Street, febtt-lvd LANGABTER. PA. UUOLKULKB, D lOO AUK wax WE SELL THAT SPLENDID Light Colored Syrup, SO CHEAP 7 Only 10e a quart We bought a large let and sell se much. Why, tbe people corns from all parte el the city and county ler It.; We have the Genuine New Crep Open Ket tle New Orleans Molasses, 'ihls Is what yen want ler geed Christmas Cakes. We sell it at 18 and IS cents a quart. Remember, that much of the BO-called New Orleans Molasses and eilered se low. Is only cane lulee and will net bakua geed cake. FOR THH BEST, GO TO .BURSK'S, NO. 17 EABT KING BTRBBT, WAHTKD A lOUKUMAN WITH SIS 000 Canltal In Retail Ceal Buslnnia in thii. adelphla. Business established four years. Address, S.U. WRIGHT. nev23lmd Philadelphia, r. O XT AOKK 11UUTHBK. CHRISTMAS GREETING. ( We takotjleaauro in ttaklns your attention te i very larsre collection of doeda in our line, oelootod with special roferonoo te the HOLIDAY TBABH. We offer the lttteat Noveltioa in Ladies' Winter Wraps. Plush Garments, Newmarkets and Russian Circulars, i jLtoieooo euva uuum ou a uuuia, ur vapes ana j? ur XTimmingB, Dress Silks and Brocaded Velvets. LACES, Dufchcss, Point, Spanish and Oriental. Handkerchiefs, Neckwear and Gloves. FINE TABLE LINENS, Table Cleths and Napkins in sets te match ; also, Fine Towels. CURTAINS; Turceman, Tapestry and Madras Draperies, for Curtains and Portieres, with Poles, Drapery Chains, Etc. PRESENTS suitable for Gentlemen in Overcoats, Suits, Silk Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Neckwear. Ne. 25 West King Street, JNO. H. tllVLKlfc LADIES' COAT DEPARTMENT. FOR CHRISTMAS TRADE, we have marked every Ceat in Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's, and Plishes, Cloaking Cleths, Shawls, Skirts, &c, at Prices te sell them, as we have net the room te cary any ever the year. Anyone wishing a Ceat will de well te leek at our Goods before hiying. Yeu can secure a useful Christmas present at a small price. JOHN NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. -pewEita a iiuitsx LADIES-Our nil-wel Black Cashmeres at 40a, 60c., tse., 73c, se. and 41 00, are pro nounced by these tha hav examined and benshtthem te be tb best shown ler the meney. Remember, no, that we deduct 10 Eer cent, Irem the atuuntet sale, which will uy your linings, l'laae give us a call. 10WER3 A HURST. "X and 1 North Queen street. LADIKS-Onr Blackllllcs at 50c.. 73c. 37Xc 11.00, 11.15, tl.30,$1.73 ant 12.00, are choice goods ler the money. Ten per cent, dedncttf from all ales at HOVERS HURST'S. US and fcNertA Qaoen street. LADIES We have Al-Weel Tricot anil CIeUi Suitings one anda-balt yards wide, In all the new sbades at Lw Prices. De net lerget that wi dtnluct 10 per cent, from our regular Lew 'rlccj. JOWKRS A HURST, M and as North Queen street. xouaeco JJii via Alia. "rVSxAULlHllKU, 1770. H. C DBMUTB, MANUFACTURER OF IS -AND- FINE CIGARS, NO. 114 EAST KING STi We have new In stock a FINE LINE OF GOODS suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Consisting of FINK MEERSCHAUM and FRENCH BRIAR PIPES, MEERSCHAUM CIGAR AND CIGARETTE HOLDER, CIGAR. CIGARETTE and MATCH CASES, In Turkey Morrecco, Russia. Alligator, Call, Seal, Heg Skin and Sole Leather. di-3wd Q31UKB LAWN TENNIS -AND- RACQUET CIGARETTES, Medo of straight cut tobacco, miid and et flne flavor, it is the longest andprjneunced the best Cigarette In the market. WTBTIT.-Wl Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, Cigars and Pipes, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, -AT- H. E. Stelmiaii & Ce., no. no Neivrn queen bt. mertl-lvd LANCASTER. PA. VAVJUt lIAAUJItUB C. UAKE3 W. FRY, WE HAVE MADE SELECTIONS OF OVER 23,000 PIECES OF WALL PAPERS, FOB THE SPUING AND FALL TRADE, from Reliable Manufacturers, which are being shipped as test as produced, consequently we ere opening NEW LINES Hlmestdativ .com prising ALL GRADES OF PAPER HANG INGS, from the Lewest te the Finest Gilts. The colorings and designs nru beautllul. In. eluding Freezes, Borders, Celling Decorations, c. We bave paper from 8 cents a plece up, and our prices for banging are 5 cents a ploce for Common and 10 cents a plece ler GUU and Decorations. Theso prices are lewei than they have ever been either ler paper or work. Glvens yenr order new, as you can eaveblg money, as these prices may net remain long. We employ geed workmen and nre prepared te de work promptly and In a first-class man ner. WINDOW SHADES IN Plain and Dades of Every Description LACE CURTAINS, PULES, Ac, PHARESW. FRY, Ne. 67 North Quoeu Streot, LANCASTER, PA. DECEMBER 12 1884. VMT HOOIS, . HAGER & BROTHER. S. GIVLER Ne. 26 and 28 North Queen Street. LADIES We bave geed Illeached and Un bleached Canten Flauntls at 0e., tc 10c. , IS'ia, 13c. and 16c All very geed and heaTy, with le per cant, ilcducted lrern the amount of sale, which makes them extra cheap. BOVVERS A HURST, 10 and it North Queen street. LADIES We have Sheeting and Pillow Case Muslins, all widths and qualities, at very Lew Prices. Ten per cenu deducted from all sale. BOWERS HURST, 23 and i North Queen street. LADIES Our assortment et Ladles', Men's and Children's Hosiery Is very fine, with prices low and 10 per cent, deducted Irem every sole, large or small. BOWERS HURST, Vi and 23 N crth Queen street. BOOKB AJflt BTATJOHMMt. i OUN HAEli'd SUNS, OHRISTMAS! Holiday Goods, New Engravings, Etchings, Photegra yurea Water Ooler Sketches, Prang's Obridtmas Cards and Tokens. Illustrated Beeks, Bibles, Prayer Beeks, Children's Beeks. Writing Desk Werk Bexes, Jewel Bexes, Toilet Seta. Pocket Beeks, Card Oases, Photograph Albums. Scrap Beeks, Scrap Pictures, Water Celer Bexes. Painting Beeks, Tey Beeks, Fancy Stationery, AT THE BOOKSTORE OF JOHI BAEE'S SOUS, 16 and 17 North Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. OOAln B. amis wholesale end Retail Dealer In all kinds 01 LUMBER AND COAL. JSVTardt Ne. 430 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen Lancaster. nD-lyd "OAUMtiAU-UNKUa J JEBTKBIKS. GOAL DEALERS. erFICEB. Ne. 120 Nesm Qumwm BTOSSr, ASO NO. 664 N0BTB PB1KOS STRBR. YARDS. NOBTH Prikci Stmst, STBAk RlXD- lie Bitet. LANCASTER, PA. sugls-Ud riesx, M. V. B. COHO 0SO MOJUTU WATKU BT., Jbaneatur, jfaj., wholesale and Retail Dealers la LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With tha Telephenle Kzcbange, Yard and Office NO. 830 NORTH WATER STREET. Vb?8.1vd rtAMKavr ALL HTsLKa AINU AT f UIUEH j as low as tbe lowest, at IURTMAN'8 IELLOW FRONT CIGAR sreuc. Lancaster, Pa. Ge r, HATHVOH & CO., LANCASTER, PA. LADIES We have White and Scarlet Me Me rieo Vests and Pants, ail sixes and Qualities, for Ladles and Children, whlcn we have marked very low. Please rail and examine them. Ten per cent, deducted Irem uvery stle. BOWERS HURST, 10 and 23 North Qneen street. LADIE3-We have full assortments et La. tiles' and Children's Weel and Kid Mittens. Cashmere Uleves In Black and Celers. Black and Colored Kid Gloves. Silk Mittens at all prices. Ten psr cent, doducted from each sale. BOWERS II URST, Mand 28 North Qneen street. LADIES We bave Silk and Linen Uandkar chlels. Cellars, Cuds. Ruchlngs, Corsets. Leath er and Plush Satchels, and many othernetlons all at Lew Prices. Ten percent. deducted from all sales. BOWERS HURST. LADIES New is the time te buy your Christmas Presents, with ear regular Lew Prices and 10 per cent, dedncted, will make your money go a great ways. Please give us a cell. BOWERS A HURST, 28 and 23 North Queen strcet. VAMM1AOMB, C. DLE1UUSI HLE1GUSI Sleighs I Sleighs I EJDCrBIWjETr Ac CO., CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MARKET BTRHBT, REAB OF POSTOFFICE, LANCABTEB, PA OUR LARGE STOCK OF Portland, Albany and Deuble Sleighs, which we Oder at LARGELY REDUCED PRICES, are decidedly the finest In the city. ttr Don't fei get te encourage work that li at tcayi reliable. Call and gt a bargain. All work warranted. We have in stock every Style BUGGY AND CARRIAGE deslred. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO. One set et workmen especially employed for that purpose. nx-tfd&w N OBBEOK A BULKY. PUBLIC SALE -OF- SLEIGHS 1RBECU MILEY'S GREAT rUBLIC SLEIGH BALE -0N- WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17, 1884, AT 10 A. M. 4 1 T. M., at the FACTORY, Oerner Duke and Vine Streets, LANCASTER, PA. THE LARGESTSLEIGn BALE EVER HELD IN THE COUNTY. OVER 100 FINE CDTTEBS. Beth Portland and Albany, will te oflercd te tbe public en this occasion. Theso desiring a FlrsuClas Article at Lew Figures should net fall te attend. Every sleigh wUI be guar anteed.. Terms cesh, and en bills et One Hun dred Dollars a credit et GO days will be given. Don't lerget the date WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17. ISSt, at 10 a. ul, sharp, and IX P- m. NORBEOK & MILE Y. B. F. Bews, Auctioneer. Nera. A Fine Let et Buggies, Carriages, Pbsotens. &e.. In stock will also be offered te these desiring te pnrchose. and en this stock a credit et Four Months will be given. i-lATAHBU. ELY'S CREAM BALM CURES COLD IN HEAD, CATARRH, BOSK COLD, HAY FEVER, DEAFNEtsS, HEADACHE. Easy te use. Price, BOc Ely Bre's., uwege, N. Y., U, B. A. HAY FEVER. ELI'S CREAU BALM Cleanses the Head. Allays Inflammation. Heals tbe Seros. Re stores tbe Senses et Taste and Braell. A quick and posltlve cure, se cents at Druglsts, wicmuby mall, registered. Bend ler circular. Sample by mall, 10 cent. ELY BROTBBRS, JMeedAw Druggists, .Owego, N.Y, TMArai.WK ttvinm, D BAOINU ft UOLUM1MA M, . AKBANUEMKNT OrrABHENUjull TKAINI SUNDAY, IfAT Urf.k 18M. M0UT1IWAUU, Lain. QnarryTlUe.. ....,..,,.,,, Lancaster, King el.:...::: caster, ,,,,,,,,, ,, Manbelm.. ,.,. MaiietU Junction UMnmbia. uuura. Heading A.K. A.M. T.B0 8 11 7:M 7:80 .... 0:45 BOUTUWABD, IBATS. Ueadlns;..,,,,4,v,,,,,M4v aaaiva. r.M. r.M, ..., 30 .... S:0 It&l 1:00 IfS 4 1:01 KM 13 te 8:40 1CX) S.B0 r.M, MaiietU Junction. at annum... Columbia., Laneajiter,, ................. Lancaster, King St.....,,, Unarryyllle ..-. :J0 tM Trains connect at Heading wliu trains teand inim rniuuieipnia, 1'eiisTlue. Harriaen lentewn and New Yerk, via Bound iiroek Mente. At Colombia trtth trains teand tram Yort. Hanover, Oettysburg, Frederick and Balta mere. At Marietta Junction with trains te and Irem nhleklM. At Manhelm with trains te and from Lebe, non. SUNDAY. Leave ft .arryvllle, 7:00 a. m. Lancaster, King street, 8.00 a. in., 4 SJ p. m. Arrive Heading, 10-Ou a. in., 6 33 p. m. Leave Beading, 8:00 a. in.. 4-00 p. m. Arrive Lancaster, King Street, sC7 a. m 8.60 p. m. yuarry vllle, 0.4?. A. M. WILSON, Sunt. LBHANUN a LANUASTKK JOIWX L1MI ltAILUOAD. ARXAKaiusnT ev rAssiicuan tiuibs. SUNuir, NOVEMBER 16th, 1S34. A.M.I . r.M. 1:K1I 8:10 r.a. t9 lt1 7:B8 S 1:VS 7t40 VS& HAS M . i e 8:u r .... :! 10. .... .K NORUWARD. Bundav. Leave. a.m. r.M. r.M. a.m. r.M. King strcet, Laneaw MO 8.0) 4.M Lancaster 147 XM P.08 8.10 4.4s Manhelm , MS l.M A.7 8,45 B.18 Cornwall 7.1 J l.M 0.07 Mi B.47 Arrive. Lebanon 8.00 7,i 6.S5 O.ti 6.03 SOUTHWARD. Leave. a.m. r.M. r.M. a.m. r.M. Lebanon 7.S0 12M) 7.E0 7J0 11.30 Cornwall 7.3 ltd 7 4W.50 13.00 Manhelm 803 US 8.18 Ul MS Lancaster 8.5! 110 I U 9.19 fi.ll Arrive. King Istreet, Lane 8.(0 &SS 97 S.M A. M. Wilsen. SupL R.AC. R. It. J. M. Hav Ann, SupL C. and C. A ML U. R. R. Oaoies KLTteurt. p-ft IL1LR. all-lyd MAVMIHKUT. II EATERS UK FUUNAUIS9. i BEST" STEAM BNGLTSTB AND BOILER WORKS. Heaters OR Furnaces, FOR Private Dwellings Schools and Public Buildings. Call aud see thorn. MADE OF HEAVY IRON. SIMPLE OF CON STRUCTION. DURABLE. ECONOMICAL. THE MOST RADIATING SURFACE OF ANY HEATER IN THE MARKLT. Neuima cheap bui ins raws. OUr Own Patent. W-Uavlng been. In use la many el the largest residences In Lancaster in the past ten years Is tbe best ei evldence et its merits. ADDRESS, Jehn Best & Sen, Ne.(.333 East Fulton St, LANCASTER, PA. JaalB-lvdA- HAVING DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP and permanently dosed the Chestnnt struct Iren Works, i dcslrtr te Inform my old pitrens and tbe public generally, that I am still In the business, being located In the Penn Iren Company's Works, North Plum street, where I am making Iren and Brass Castings Ot every doitriptlen. and will be pleased te serve au who may favor me with their patron age. Frem 40 years oxperleneo In the business and using the best material and employing the best mechanics, I am satlifled I can guar an tee entire satisfaction. Castings mede rreit a mixture et Iren and steel which are mere ri- liable for strength and durability than the best cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a specialty. Cost lngs mode et very soft iron, and brass cast ings et every description. I have aU the pat ters af the well and favorably known Mowrer Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted and Improved. Alse en hand, mills completely fitted up or In pans, vi replace eiu ones wnicn nave oeen in use ter years, guaranteeing them te give sat. lsfactien. anali-emd R. C. MeCULLIY. UOOIB AH D HHOJS9. T300TS SSI) SHOES, WM. H. GAST. Ne, 105 North Queen Street, BOOTS AND SHOES tOItJALL AND WINlEIt. We are weu prepared with a lull stock el Heavy and Medium Werk ler Celd Weather also a 1 all line of Robbers. Notwithstanding tbe tact that all of the work exhibited at tbe late Valr In competition with ours, was selected in New Yerk and else else where, our own manufacture of Meets and Shoes was awarded the TWO HIGHEST FBEMIUMS. Asr-Customers can rely upon getting suit such work as we exhibited. Glve us a call Prices guaranteed te be as low as any In the eity. leU-emd&w OLD STOCK UUNMKUTlLUT'OIUAUs. 11 ler tse. Cen be relied en as strictly Cen. nectlcut at UARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. ' fit. f. if u , ' -' 1. ., V. f,"r ' r- .".-. '.( .-VAfrt: te45rtsttitf'' ,J-fcl V-vii - t. JUl&WJA ' $ ,. .