viWffTfif w; -fir " , -wv H"S",f ' -f lt' 7 ' 'KjiK' ' ;7W v "V A Stye Jkm&: 'tfj $A "& ra ' 't Volnme XXlNa 87. . .. a- LANCASTER, PA.. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1884. Prtee Twt Ceslff. -A'M efHfl JFtrHLHY, VtAStUKVi, t7. -pLKUAMT HOLIDAY UOODS. Christmas 1884. The Holiday Se wen Is near at hand and te meet the wants of our trade we barn placed In our cases a lull line et ELEGANT HOLIDAY GOODS. -IN- Watches, Diamonds, BrentTM, Silverware, in Sterling and Plate, Jewelry, Speetacles and French and American Olecka. We call attention te Uie laet that with our complete Fastery we can Oil any special erdars ler DIAMOND MOUNTING, MASONIC Oil SOCIETY BADGES, Or any article In Geld or Stiver Jewelry. S?TFIn3t-oleBS Repairing In Every Braneta of Our Business, EDW, J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm'a Cerner, - Lancaster, Pa. MOVMll uhj auoea. rwAra AND SHAWLS. LADIES' AT Vf etzger & JETaughmaii's Newmarkets, Russian Circulars, Delmans and Jackets. CHILDRENS' COATS, for Pall and Winter. attar! oeTvSr'kna rm.iaeiU,nl0anirihechTa1i.maU0 lprCSSly 'r US by the be8t METZGER&HAUGHMAN'S CHEAP STORE 43 West King Street, (Between the Cooper Heme ana Serrol Herso nevl-lydftw N KXT UUUrt TO TUB OUUKT HOUSE. FAHNEST LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. IN ALL THE NEWEST 8TTLE3. SEAL PLUSH COATS! PROM 20.00 Oar Stock el LONU and SQUA11E Breclie, Paisely, Cashmere and Blanket Shawls I la KOW FULL ANU COMPLETE AND WOUTilT THE ATTENTION OF THOSE IN WANT. E. B. FAH1TBSTOCK, ' " Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Lancaster, Pa VAUVMTB, eaiMK-B Oalll'KT HALL O BARGAINS 1 -AT- SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Selling Off te Clese Business. Ererything Mast Positively be Sold. A rull'Llne et UOUY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, and All Grades of INGRAIN CAKPKTB, UG8, BLANKETS, COVERLETS and OIL CLOTH. OT ALL AT A BAORIFIOE.'Wk mw Prompt attention given in Uie Manufacture el Hag Carpets te order. -AT- SHIM'S CAEPET HALL, OOR. W. KING AND WATER STS.. rabtt-lmdaw UATB AMU VAVB. w.u HTAUrriut. JU11M HIDES -TUE PEOPLE'S M STORE, TUE LABQEST AND STOCK 11E8T or A8S0KTEU Hats, Gaps, Furs, Rebss and Gloves, IN THE CITY. Alltlie latest styles, the'TAFEU, SQUAUE CUOWN, the young men's favorite. FURS AND FUR TRIMMINGS, Including a welt selected stock el BEAUTI FUL UOBES. The best Uoeds ler the least money at W. D. Stauffer & Ce., (Shults's Old Stand.) N09. 31 A S3 NOUTU QUKEN 8THEET, LancaBter, I'a. my 10-1 y F OB OAVi. SHULTZ'S Only Hat Stere. Woh&veaHdnnan assortment el FUR CAPS, IN ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES, A.E yen will find In the cltv. Alse, the Latest SILK, STIFF AND SOFT HATS. FOB THE WINTER AND1I0L1DAYTUADE. These Goods am all'aaw and handsome, and we are determined .te aall them. If you want anything in oerllnn:ltwlU pay you te take a loekattbeNEWK8Tatock In the city, from which yen can suit veurselt at yoqrewn price. A rULI. LINE OF 0 LOVES. 144 North Queen Street, (QUNDAKKU'S OLD STAND.) BUUf74W COATS Ilotel,) LANCASTER PA. O C K'SI AN ATrttACTIVE STOCK TO frELECT FROM. HANDSOME ALSO, TO $50.00. XV. BARGAINS ! LANCASTER, PA XOUAVVU AH It VltiAUH. B atABLiaBKO, 1770, H. C DBMUTB, UANUFACTUBEU OF V -ANU- FINE CIGARS, NO. U4 EAST KING STi We have new In stock a FINE LINE OF GOODS suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Consisting of FINE MEEUROHAUM and FUENCU BUIAU l'H'KH, MEEKSCHAUM ClOAU ANU CIOAUETTE UOLDKKH, CIUAlt, C1QAUETTE and MATCH GA8E8, tu Turkey Morreooo, llussla. Alligator, Call, Seal, Heg Skin and Sole Leather. dl-3wd DUUKl LAWN TENNIS -AND- RACQUET CIGARETTES, MbjIe et straight eat tobacco, mud and el One flavor. It is the longest and renounced the best Cigarette In the inajkut, JW-TaXIT.-W Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, Cigars and Pipes, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, -AT- H. L. Steliman & Ce.. HO. lie NORTH QUEEN 8T. mnJl-lYd LANOABTEB,PA. mmviUAL H UNT-U MKHKUV, Thirty Year Uecenl. Endorsed by Physicians. HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY. Never Known te Fail. CURES ALL DISKA8K3 Or THE K1DNEYB, L1VEU, ULAODElt, AND URINARY OUGANH, DROPSY, UIIAVEL,DIABETK3. tUMOHr'S DISEASE PAINS IN THE HACK, LOINS Oil 8IOE, NERVOUS DI8EASK8, UETENTION Oil NON.UETENTION OF UUINE. riTTnxcsBer this UEMEDY, Tn stomach AMD nOWBLS 81-KKDILr RK0A1A TUHIR BTIUtNOTII, asdthe HLoeDiaruntriKD. It is piioifeuHCKD nr hdkdreds or tiiis best !0OT0R8 TO 11BTIIB ONLY CURE TOR ALLK1M13 OF KlDHKV UlSKABBB. IT 18 rWlKLT VKaBTAnLK, AHD I'UllKS WUBM OTUBnVEDICtKES FAIL. IT IS PRKrARBD l!irr.E3SLT rOR TBESB DISEASES AND HAS NBVKII DKHU Klf OWlf TO FAIL. OSB TRIAL WILL C0XVIKCE TOD..KOU SAIJI Br ALL DBCOOISTS. -ritICK, 81.33 Send reR 1'AxrnLE-r or Testimonials. llUNT'S) KKB1KDY CO., lyl-TuThSAwly 1 Providence. It. I. r Amis HACK. HOP PLASTER. This porous plaster la absolutely (he bet evor made, combining the vlrtnea et hops with gums, balsams aud extracts. lt power Is wouderful In curing diseases wbere ether plasters simply relieve. Crick la the Hack and Neck, l'nln In the Hide or Limbs, Still Joint and Muscles, Kidney Treubles, Illieu niatlsm, Neuralgla, 8ore Cncst, Atloctlens of tlie Heart and I. Iver, and all pains or acties In any part cured Instantly by the Hep 1'latter. -Trylt. Price, V cents, or flve ler 11.(0. Mailed en receipt of prlce. Held by all drug gists and country stores. Hep Plaster Com pany, Proprietors, Bosten, Mass. LAME BACK. . a-Ker constipation, less el appetlte and diseases of the bewels take Hawlcy 'a Stomach and Liver 1'llls. 23 cents. d'iu-lvu&wO) G UILTV, GUILTY, UU1LTX. J. V. MILLElt, 01 Washington boreagb. Pa., Is guilty et man ulacturlnt; MILLER'S Black-Diad-(!(iiiti4yiiijF And the verdict el all who use it Is that "I IS THE BEST I "U IS T1IEBES1 " " IT. IS THE BES1 I " BLACK DIAMOND COUGH SYRUP IS THE BEST. sepl7-flmdAw -y 113. KMUUT'S Seething Syrup IS THE LATEST AND I1E8T PBEl'ABA- TIUN rUH THIS C(IU1'1,A1NT3 OF THE Little OnteS, And It U giving the utmost satisfaction te all who aie UBlnglt, 17-emdftw u SB DR. BITNER'S LAXATIVE POWDER, ren TUB CUTIS or, C03T1VENE8S, FEVEttS. TOKl'IDITY'.O THE LIVEIIANU BOWELS, ACIDITY Or TlliS SIUMAUH, EltUClA TIONS 4 DYSPEPHIA- It Is a mild LAXATIVE, producing no In convenience ana devoid et the harshness usnally produced by flLLS, and can be taken In all seasons et the year. Atf-ItU pleasant te take. Ask yenr dealer ler It, "Vf ILLKllH BLACK DIAMOND COUGH SYRUP. septlT-fimdAw UMOCMMIJtB. D YOU ABU WUY WE SELL THAT SPLENDID Light Colored Syrup, SO CHEAP? Only loe a quart. We bought a large let and sell se much. W hy. the peeple come from all parts el the city aud county ler It.. We have the Genuine New Crep Open Ket tle New Orleans Molasses. This Is what you want ler geed Christmas Cakes. We sell It at IB and 18 cents a quart, ltemember, that muea of the se-callod New Orleans Molasses and edercd se low. Is only cane tulce and will net bake a geed cake. FOU TUB BEST, GO TO BURSK'S, NO. 17 HAST KINO BTRBBT YrXLOW VKUNT UIUAK. WAKKANIKU clear Vuelta Abajo Havana, tiller, the best Be cgar tn the state at UABTMAN'S YELLOW FBOnT.CIQAU 8TOHE, PENSION FRAUDS. UIUU 1IMBTO UAl.LTUKi.unu HALT, The Kalds rn the Treasury Uspartmeut- llew the Uuvernratfit' Ueneteiliy Has Abuicd. Frem the Kaltlmore Sun's Washington Cor respondent. Tliore ate psudlnff bofero Cencrcss sup plomentary pension bills, whleh if pzised will add many mere millions te the already almost ineredlbly vast sums wbleh have been taken from the treasury en this account. The opinion is becoming very strong in the minds of the tnore judicious members of UengrcFS that it is blah time te call a halt in this business. Heretofore these who would resist what they knew te be legislation net only portilelous te the morals of these te be aflcetcd directly by it, but unfair and unjust in the must ex treme degree te the peeple at large, upon whom tbe burden was te be laid, have been oyerborno and eterawed by the rant of demagogues and the fear that sueh aotlen would be Used te their own pol'tl pel'tl pol'tl eal detrtment. It is te be hoped that no sueh considerations' will in tbe future deter them from delBg their duty te the country and te tbeir constituents. Ne mercenaries who ever Ilieked te the standard of robber 'king or ehleftian in anelcnt or iu modern ilmes received glfti, rewards or plunder exeecding the rieh largees which has been poured in a continual stream into the laps of men con nected with tbe suppression of the rebel lion, from the great csptalns down te the humblest subordlnate, net excluding tbose who, by the broadest latitnde of oenstruotioa, could be brought into seaming rotations with it. Yet tbe lltorc llterc lltorc ture of the land Is top heavy with song and story, with poem nnd oration, holding thorn all up na patriots tried and true, inspired euly by the leve el country. Ne soldiers wcre ever better fed, better olethed, better paid than the soldiers of the Union dining their cntlte term of service. A gratifiil country, after the war was evor, iu still further recognition of their services, provided pcnilens for theso who, by reason of wounds or ether incapacity acquired in the scrvice, were unable te maintain themselves or their families, and for the families of theso who bad died from wounds or sickneea. Had it stepped here no voice could be raised against it, but step by step has the deer been thrown open, until te-day the ranBlen leniBlatieu upon the itatute books of the Unit' d Btates offers s premium te fraud and perjury. There can be no doubt that untold millions have been and are new being paid te men, or the representa tives of men, many of when never smelt the smeke of battle ; mat); of whom, in fact, perfermed no service, and many of whom were of that worst e!ar3 of desert ers bounty jumpers. THE OOVKUHMENT'S OIIEAT BOUNTY. It is interesting te note tbe unbounded generosity of the government te its soldiers. In the four years of the war tae government spent for their olethlng alone 1336,651,400. It paid $130,990,792 for herees for the cavalry and artillery, and quite $1,500,000,000 te pay its men. It paid in bounties alone 8140,519,335, and It has paid te the different states $50,000,003 moie en account of moneys expended by them for troepa, and it has paid for pensions the colossal sum of $727,!!G9, 839. Last year the payments en account t-..,.i .....j-i .w .rti.nnn.nnn-the,! entire expenses of every chnraetcr of the government for the year 1800. IIew the pension list has grown can be eeeu by the following, which, as well aa the figures abeva given, Is obtained from official sourees. Iu 18G6 the total expenditures for pensions was $15,005,853. In 1863, three years alter tbn close of the war it was only $23, 782,330. 'In theso years recolleelious of events was fresh, identifl catien was easy, and fraud and perjury were at a discount. But as the years rolled en, succcssive aets epening the doers Indisorimlnatively wero passed. Claim agents and lobbyists took held, seruples of elalmants and of their friends vanished as ebanceB of detection grew less, until as asserted by a gallant volunteer officer, for a long time a member of the oemmittee en military affairs, it Is mero than prebable that ene third of the money whleh has been paid en account of pensions within the last half dozen years has geno te persons who even under the loosely con structed laws have no title te it. Iu 1870, fourteen sears aftsr the war. the pension pay roll had Increased te $33,121,182. In 1880 it jumped up te $30,777,171. Iu 1883 it was $00,01i,I"i. SForthe preseut year It was purpose. - ff rvs down te aa,vi),2)ai, but in the year Zi oemo it will se up again. Of ceurse ths legislation new en the books must Bland, but tbore should be no controversy as te the iciue that the limit has been reached. They would be nene if it was net for the opportunity whleh dem agogues, time servers and tricky politi cians are always en the alcit te eoize. In disousslenon some of the later prepositions extending the previsions of the ponslen laws, such a man as Senater Sherman, of Ohie, has had the nerve te speak and te record his vete in opposition. It is te Re publicans like him that the country must leek te put up tbe bars against lurtner raids en tbe treasury en this aoceunt. In striking the balanee between the govern ment and tbose who fought for it, ene great Hern of credit en It? slde should also be taken into consideration. The blue book from 1865 down te the present time shows almost countless names of soldiers of the war holding ofllelal position. Thore is net net a custom heuse, nor posteflloe in the big cities, nor an internal rovenue office, net a department of the government in this city wbere they nro'net borue en the rolls, and n very large proportion of them receiving pensions at the same time. i TlSKt: 1'LANl'lNU LAW. Seme of lis Previsions He Objectleuaula That It uas HeMi l'ractlcailr Dl.regarded" by tne irarui. rs el tbn Htate. Frem the Gcrmantewn Telegraph, When the law was passed by the Legis lature paying owners of property for planting tioes along the public highwayu, it did net rcoeive our approval, and tbe grounds of our objeotlon te it were fully realized. The law provides that one del lar is te be allowed (or overy four trc:s set out one year previous lb demanding the read tax, wbieb, en growing and being proteeted against damage, is te be de ducted from tbe read tax ; but in no oase shall sueh dcduotlen amount te mero than ono-feurth of any one's read tax. Elms are net te be set nearer together than seventy feet, maples or ether forest trees less than fifty feet, except tbe locust, which may be set at thirty. Any trees that rr ay die are te be replaced : but in case that any of these trees should be out down by the owner the supervisor of the reads is te ue paiu utty cents eaen uy tue owner of the trees I This, te make the best of it, ia a shabby onaetment. If a farmer has te buy the trees, pre teet thorn against his cattle and subject bis land te a less of crops from the shade and roots, we should like te knew where the benefit is toeome in, unless he desires te plant trees en his own aoceunt ; and in saeb event he would net likely te wait for this peer legal bait. Be far, however, co Information has reaehed Information lias reaeneu us that any one has availed himself of tbls law, nor de we believe It Is at all probable that enough will oerao te hand te show that it has influenced any ene te plant trees along his frontage en the highway. The objeets of oeurao is shade te tbe travelers ; but as shade is dcslrable for only about four months la the year, It Is very undesirable the rest of the year, inasmueh as it is seriously affoets the condition of the read, in preventing it dryiug after a rain and keeping It miry for the greater portion of the time. Even in winter, and with turnpikes, the offeet of even the de foliated trees is te be seen and deprecated; and sueh portions of the read cost two or three times as much te keep them In geed order as tbe ether portions net favored with trees, and then they ate never in such acceptable condition as the rest. Any supervisor of tbe dirt reads or aupor auper aupor Intendont of turnpikes, will glve you prompt and unmistakable information en this point. Again, owners of preparty have a to te to pugnanee te a law interfering with their rights in regard te the management of affairs oenncoted with their etUate, and very properly refuse te place thomselves under the control of the agents of a petty law of this kind, in whieh they subject themselves te a flne for rotnevltifj from their own premises tree that for reasons of their own may be objectionable That the law, tborefore, should preve te be a dead-letter is net surprising, but it would have been had the farmers et the common wealth aecepted it Mid put themselves nnder anether Interfering onaetment with their natural privileges. We have tee many laws already, and are, therefore, properly chary with voluntarily leading ourselves with ethers that are either ob eb ob tienablo or unnecessary. KIddUa With llallets by Itegnlaters. Jehn 1'. Martin was shot and kllled by regulators, at Farmer's Station, llewan oeunty, Ky., about forty mlles east of Lexington, nt two o'cleok Wodnesday morning. Martin had a quarrel with Floyd Telllvar at Merehead, Ky., last August, in whleh shots wero exchanged and a bystander killed and Martin seriously wounded. The parties met in Morehead ou the 2d instant and tbe quarrel was ronewed. Telllvar drew his pistol, but Martin fired first and killed him. Martin was taken te Winchester for proteotion from the mob and in the night he was put ou tbe train under guard aud startled for Merehead te be tried te day. When the train roaehod Farmer's Station it was bearded by twenty-flve raasked men, who held the guards and riddled Martin with bullets, killing blm instantly. It is oharged that the guards wero taking Martin te Morehead en a forged erder. Ha KnslUnman it Uentlenisu. Frem Truth for the I'cople. Mr. Julian Hawtherne, tbe novelist, has added a fresh blttemcf s te life by giving a new impetus te that old question, " What is a gentleman ?" In a recent leeture he ventured en the statement that no Eng lishman can be a gentleman, becauBO he is continually looking down en somebody, and looking up te Bomebody olse, Thore is no Englishman, he says, se humble or se high that is net at ence condescending aud humble, a state of things which he coueidors fatal te all ohance of geutlomau-heod. A Uhlnntnan Klnpet with a White Ulrl. A Chinaman and a handsome veune "-name te the ofllea,.9C Alderman I iawui iu r.rie, la., juuuuay eveuinK ana wero married undr tbe name of James Ynng and Maggle Kenley. The brlde said she was an orphan, butbetraved the secret that they were elopers by rnking the alder man te hasten the coremony. After tbe wedding Yung bad his cue out off and arrayed himself In civilized apparel. The couple then returned te Ohie, whence they prcfossed te have come, nreitker ueji' Heccesalul Strike Trouble has been brewing for Bometlmo among tbe breaker boys at the Ilerbine celliery, near Minersvillo, Schuylkill county, which is owned nnd operated by J, K. Sigfrled. Tuesday they struck for an advance of wages, additional heat in the brcakerand the immodiate disoharge of the breaker boss, Tbe first two demands were acoeded te by the Oen. Sigfried and the boys, seventy flve in number, resumed work Wednesday morning. A llloedy Trncdy in Kentucuy. Life Gammens and James Oavine, of Bradford, Ky., were quatrelling, vVod vVed vVod nesday, when a son of the latter shot Gammens through the head, killing him Instantly. W. P. Gammens, father of the murdered man, then stabbed Davlne twloe with a pocket knife, inflicting be rietts wounds. OnANOE, M AS3., May 13, 1ES3. "Jlywlle was troubled with catarrh or the bladdar, lntense pain In kldneys and loins. urlnatlnsr with great aceny. Six bettles of IIdnt'8 Kidney and Llver Kkmbut completo- iv cured her." U. 8. Fuller, New Heme Sew. Macb. Ce. trj-iwuoeu&w " l'lultd Oat." This Is what a onre prosperous merchant saldethlmselt, tha ether day. His business had laded out, credit wm geno, ahd the sheriff had sold his goods. The trcuble p.eceeded from a prolonged attack et dyspepsia, which prostrated and unsettled him se tbt he could net aitend te his nUalrs. l'lty he hadn't thought of Brown's Iren Bitters, whleh would have saved him. Mr. A. J. Lawlcr, 171 8. Broadway, Baltimore, save, "Malaria and dyscepsla troubled me ter nlne years. Brown's Iren Bitters gave me rollet." "The Head Line." Many old soldiers remember "the dead line" at Andersonvllle. It was n mighty dangerous neighborhood. Pyspepsla, blllousneis, and llver and kidney disease are lull el perils ler the sick, but Burdock Jlloed Jllttcrt are a cor cer taln remedy. Belt' overywhere. Fer Bale by II. B. Cochran, druzglst, 137 and 18tf North Uueeu street. 1 lVlin r.Teryuuuy te Knew. Kev. Geerge II. Thayer, an old citizen of this vicinity known te overy one as a most lnQuentlal citizen and christian minister et the M. E. church, Just this moment stepped In our stere te say, " 1 wish everybody te knew that I consider that both uiyselt and wife ewe our lives te Blilleh'a Consumption Cure." it Is having a tremendous sole evor our counters anu is giving poriect sausracuen in au cases et Lunir .Diseases, such as JJ13' nothing else hat dene. DUS. MATCUETT A F rUANCE.M BermBOif. ind.. Mav id. it. Sold by H. B. Cochran, djugglst, Nes. 137 anc 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, leblleedt Sold by H. B. Cochran, djugglst, Nes. 137 and Uests the World. Thts Is what 11. C. llebermai), a druggist et Marlen, Ohie, says : " Z'Aemat' JSclectrle Oil beats the world. Sold nine bottles yesterday and te-day. One man cured et sero threat et eight years standing. Is splendid for rheuma tism. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1SB North Oscen street. lloeklen's Arnica Halva, The Hest Salve In the world ter Cuts, Urulses, Beres, Ulcers, Salt Uheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chupped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns.and all skin eruptions, andpesltlvely cures l'lles, or no pay required. It Is guar anteed te give poriect satisfaction or money relunded. Price, it cents per box. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 133 North Queen street, Lancaster. A ureat UlseeTcry. Mr. Wm. Themas, et Newton, la,, says "My wile has been sorleusly aUeetmi with a ceurfh ter twonty-Uve years, and this spring mera severely than ever before. She had used many remedies without roller, and being urxed te try Dr. King's New lilscevery, did se. with most grulllyliig results. The first bottle relieved her very much, and the second bottle has absolutely cured her. She has net had se xoed health for thirty years." Trial bottles free at Cochran's drug stere, Nes, 187 ftnd 139 M0rth Oaeen street. Lancaster. Pa, Large iue.ti.09. W Lest and,UalB. CTUrm i. " I was takan sick a year age With a bilious levet." 11 My doctor proneuncod me cured, but I get sick again with terrible pains 111 my back and sides, and 1 gotae bad 1 Could net move I I shrunk I Frem 213 As. te HOI I had been doctoring for my llver, but It did me no geed. I did net oxpect te live mere than three months. I began te use Hep Blttters. Directly my appe appe tleo returned, my pains entlre sys tern seemed renewed as II by mnglc, and after using several bettles, I am net only as sound as a sovereign, but weigh mero than I did be fore Te Uepllltters 1 ewo my Uie. U. FlTZTATBICK. Dublin, Junt I 'si. eairrsK tr. "Maiden, M s., Feb. 1,1880. tientlemen-1 suffered with attacks of sick hcadaehe." Neuralgia, lomale trouble, for yeus In tbe most terrlble and oxeructatlng manner. Nomedlclnoordootor could gtve tne reltei orcure, until I used Hep BItters. "The first bettle Nearly cured me." The second made me as well and strong as when a child, " And I have been se te this day." My husband was au invalid for twenty j ears with a serious " Uldney, liver and urinary oemplilnt, " Pronounced by Bosten's best physicians " Incurable I" Seven botllej et your Hitters cured him andl knew of the " Llves of eight persons " In my neighborhood that have been saved by your bitters. And many mere are nslng them with great benefit. " They aim De miracles f " itr: B. D. Slack. Hew te Get Sick. Expose yourself day and night t cat tee much without oxerclse ;, work tee hard without rest ; doctor all the time take all the vile nostrums advortlsed.nnd then you will want te knew Aoie te act well, which Is answered In three words Take Hep Bit ters I 9None gonutne without a bunch el groen Heps en tbe whlte label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hep" or "Heps" In their name." n251mrtTu,ThA5 vmw ueuva. t Ames ULOAKH. ffATT, SHAD & C0M NOS. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST. AN IMMENSE VAUIETY OK LADIES' AND CUILDUEN'S COATS AND CLOAKS. NEWMAUKETS, UU88IAN C1UCULAUS, JEU8EY NEWMAI1KKT, SEAL CLOTH COAT8. New Uoeds I Latest Styles I Lewest Trices I HPECIAL ATTRACTION THIS WEEK.' DOUBLE FOLD WOOL FEE GASHMBBE, UKe,ttYaid,, Anether Case or theso Excellent - - 6-4 DRESS CLOTHS; In Fepular Celers, 73c a Yard. 15-liicU Heavy Twilled Cleliis, 75c i Kegular l'rtce. $1.00. ONLY ONE CASE. VAVJSll llAXUlltliB (. pUAHK3 W. WHY. WE HAVE MADE 8ELKOTIONB OF OVEH 25,000 1'IECES OF WALL PAPERS, FOU THE SrUING AND FALL TUADK, lreut Uollable Manufacturers, which are being shipped as last as jjrodueod, consequently we aroepenlng NEW LINES almost daliv . com prising ALL OBADES OF l'Al"Ktt HANG INGS, from the Lewest te the Finest OUts. The colorings and deslgns are beautllul. In cluding Freezes, Borders, Colling Decorations, e. We have paper lrem 8 cents a ploce up, and our prices for hanging are 6 cents a ploce for Common and 10 cents a piece for Gilts and Decorations. These prices are lower than i im v htivii aver been either for nanfar or work. Glve us veur order new, as you can aave big money, as these prices may net remain long. We employ geed workmen and are prepared te de work promptly and in a nrst-class man eor. WINDOW SHADES IN IMaln and Dades of Kvery Description LACE CUUTAINS, l'OLES, AC PHARESW. FRY, Ne. 67 North Queen Street, LANOABTEli. PA. UZAHU AUD QUlUSNItWAJlJtk. H 1U11 a BA11T1N. -AT- CHINA HALL. HOLIDAY GOODS, -1N- GLASSWARE ! FLOWKlt BASKETS. FIN OKU BOWLS, AC. AU the latest Bhapej, Designs and In Ml Celers. Examlne our stock boiere purchas i lag. High & Martin, 15 EAST KING HTttEET, LANCASTER, PA. riUlB liAKUKMr, BKBT ANU MOST COM X ptete assortment et Playing Cards tu tb "WSSRRXIS YSBONT CIQAtt 8TOUK. -TT Illll TK8T UAU8TIU SUM. tl in rive Pound Tins and In Bulk.Beda I Ash and Banner Lye ler se-jm Mating, at UUULEI'B DKUQ STORE, augs-emd M WwtJUJtgttmt CEurnjurw. ""'fv ""- ik te-. There may be mero attractive leading matter than advertise ments, bat if you are in need of geed Clothing at merely nomi nal prices, our message becomes vitally important. Our stock has yet many choice selections of goods that can be bought at prices that would astonish you. A. C, YATES & CO., G0!J. 001, GOG, CHESTNUT STS. rUII.ADEMMUA. ":', n&ft Mmd WK aiib uirmu GREAT BARGAINS -IN- OVEBCO ATS ! ONE THOUSAND AND FIVK HUNDHKI) OVEHCOATB AT MANUFACTURED -, -- rT-yiJiiyiSfif OVJCKCOATS In all colors, stylus aud iun.ll In all slzes laro-e or small. OVKU.COAT3 for old men plain or fnnuy OVEUCOATS for veunsr man luht er.lnrlr. OVEUCOATS ter heys geed and cheap ; O VEUCOAT8 ler children as low as l.. -AL80- 100 Dezen Knit Jackets, Just received nnd selling at Lewer 1'itcct than ever beard et ler same uualllles of theso oemlortablo ana useiul aiilcles. KNIT JACKETS Ireui We up In $1.73. HEW LINK OF QIoveb, Undorwear, Noekwoor mill Blue Flanuel Shirts, SOLID SILK HUFF SCARFS at 230. SOLID SILK FLAT 8CA11FS at 2JC, 33C. 43c, All ou account et wanting the room they occupy te raake way for rebulldlui;. HIRSH & BROTHER UOUNEU OF WOBTlf-gUlCIW,aX.CJCNTltKK8(JUAKK, LANCA3TEU.rA. A 11B HUZZAHO'S lllS'l'OHV, Would All a volume' aud a pretty big ene i but if Abe had oujeyod the opportunity In early Hie et WEA11INO 8UC1I CiOTHINU AS THAT MADE BY BURGER & SDTTfflr, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, He would have had tee much pride In hlinsel! te become the notorious tbtet that he Is. Every Mim Feels a Thrill or Trlile When be puts en one et UUBQEIt A SUT TON'S SUITS, and he feels an agreeable sen sation In the region et his pocket, tee, for their suits ere the cheapest of the cheap, CALL EAULYAND QET TII HILLED. Burger & Sutten, MEBC1IANT TAILOBS AND CLOTHIEUB, NO. 2,4 CENTRE SQUARE. LANCASTEU.l'A. febl-tvd J LL ANHUUAUKMBnT -OF- Fine Tailoring -AT- I. GMKAET'S, Ne. 6 East King Street, I have new In stock the most complete and' '. p eoeiceat assortment " FINE WOOLENS FOB THE FALL AND WINTEK TUADsJ Ever offered before In this city. A rrreat va rlety ity 01 1.A11.0T bxilsvusi Ot LATEST 8TTLK GUEOKED hUlT. INU. COUKBCHKWBinausnaaM anaqui. ltles. A splendid assortment 01 LIQUTANDHEAVT.WEIVHr OYEfi&OANa. PriM AS LOW Kin LOWMT AM all .,'f goods warranted as rgranl,a. H. GERHART, ArULLUNK Of LOkULLAJM-a t-LSXi and Fountain flee eut Tebaeee. Alse, ' nnt-daaa Smoking Tefeaeees at . . .' ' ,; XvJUU m m -a r& Xi axa k iisS MS ii m m m ?& m m te m &m "Vi A fj? i"i&i r.i. . Hi , ,),. JH'iiitf:-; .. n.,, -y, ,ii yd e s, -jntel - .11,':1-t ".JMlfepil. ... M.W.-A'. :j&Mitt&&&Mti