- r t"Ti"r''sr''Jiil!WlPx,'",V'"rirVf'fr' ,, - -C -" LANCASTER DAILY IOTELLIGIBNCEB WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 10 1884. ifeV-f f 'a & ,'li? Tt: W, L'tJ' ' wfe '. vr ' Iw '3 ' v."-". M-' . .( IV''- SSsW- SW'i Efaf' sr t , C wrW-" y,' ft. m 5. CUV Y. U r w E? ? 6Pr ,? Kj . - lawutet JnteUlgetuct. JiraDMaBDATKrwnNa dko.ie. bb4. TDK HAW A If HU rue inn went down, net came the itui The steamboat Neptune held her way In middle stream, between tbe bare, Btratght down the rlTcr te the bay i And ss the cnglne tolled and panted . The deektanda lolled at Mae and ehanted '" a quaint and curious roundelay. Tem Simpsen, In the engine room, Was chatting with grimy mate Who watched the Ringe, wbUe, llke a loom The pistons moved at eTen rate. Impelled as by a lawappaRIng, Forever rlslBer-ever tailing. Unpauslng as the handel rate vTbcn suddenly the pilot's bell Bounded a solitary streke ! It echoed llke n funeral knell, 8e unexpectedly It broke Upen their talk, upon their laughter ; Tem said t " New, what's the old man alter 7 Slew her down. Jtm-er lVt a )oke t " ','Joke or no Jeke, I'll slew her down," Answered the grimy engineer s Just skip above and ask old Brown What alls hlin ; It Is 'tarns! queer, On such a night, tee, clear as crystal i I Jumped as xhoegh I'd heard a pistol Aflrcd en agen my car." Tem Simpsen turncdupen his heel And sought the pilot I Brown sat there, Ills wrinkled hands upon the wheel 1 he breeze blown through his slivered hair " 11 clle 1 old grand-dad, what's the matter Yo're makln' all this blasted clatter 'When everything Is calm and lair 1" The mlstl the mist I" the pilot cried, " The rlrcr'a thick leave efi the steam." ' What mist, old lunkhead V Tem replied. " The night Is clear, you de but dream ; Wake up, old pan." With sudden shiver The pilot pointed down the river " The mlit is heavy en the stream." i' Hew, dash my buttons I here's a case," Tem grewled; and then, In queer surprise, lie looked hard in the old man's lace And saw the mist there In his eyes. "Eh. what's this, mateT Beuse up, old el- low . The moon shone en him seu and mellow, .Llke seme lar gleam et Paradise. Renso up I'll call the Cap'n, Brown ; Yeu are net well ; held up your head." Still ominously pointing down The river ; " See the mist t" he said. " My Ged 1 he'e dyln', " Tem low muttered " The mist 1" 'twas the last words he ut tered. The bell had rnng- old Brown was dead. .Franed Heward WtMamt. The Sheriff's Story. Trout the Chicago Herald. "Talkinc about prisoners jumplnc -threueb. car windows te act awav from their keepers," rcmartedTan old sheriff, as he Kept uis oye en two men who were handcuffed togethor and occupied the seat In front of him." let me tell you a lit lit tle story. About fifteen years age I was taking a chap up te Joliet one night, and as I always thought myself geed enough for any oue mau, and as he was a quiet one, anyhow, I took the clamps off him. I had had him in charge several months, and I thought him a big ceward: se when he asked permission, te go te the end of the car I let him go, feeling confident he would never iump with the train trelnc forty miles an hour. He didn't come back directly, and then I get scared and looked ler mm. une wwaew was wide open, and it was tee plain he had made the lump. I stepped the train and we rn back, get out lanterns ana loesca ter nun. j. expect ed te find him dead by the side of the track, but net a sign of him did I discover, ex cept inai l teuna uis nat wncre fie had jumped. The train went en and I stayed there, swore, in a posse from among a let of section hands, and offered a reward. But I never found him net even a track nor a sign, save that hat. It was alwavu ene of the greatest mysteries te me hew he get away. Ten years afterward I came across that man in thQpen-At ioiiet, ieiiet, whcre'h(rwas"irteirarcar burglar. He told iue hew he get away, and laughed se ever it that I'll bet the day he get a ehance te tell me of his cleverness was the bright est ene he had passed In many a year, He had simply climbed out of the win- dew, reached up the ventilators with his bauds, and pulled himself up te the top of Uie ceacli. 'ihcre no lay and heard us talk about catching him. "When the train "went en with him. and wlthout-me'ho was very nappy. As seen as no get a chance at eue of the stations he jumped upon a freight train, and from that out was nothing but a common tramp." Southern Xureaces la IMatL A Chattanooga (Tenn.) correspondent of the Atlanta (Ga.) Conttilutien writes: "The Gonttitu(ien' correspondent has had an interview with ene of the meet premi nent iron men in this section concerning the Iren outlook. During the conversa tion he said: 'Slnce November the 10th there has been a constant Increase In the iron business throughout this section. Werk has been resumed at flve ere banks in North Alabama, and fully 300 ceke erens have been fired up owing te the in creased demand from the furnaces. Ore has been advanced) 10! per eent. within ten days.' The manager of thelargcstTurnace in mis noigiiDernooa Biaieane ma orders te run the lurnace lour months. lie has refused te contract ;te deliver pig-iron at present pnee alter January i. The Ultloe furnace Is filling an order for 0,000 tens for a Philadelphia foundry." JSVln the Diamond Djcs mere coloring is Clven than in any known dyes, and they give las ter nml mere brilliant colors, loe at drug Rlitfl. Wells, lllchardsen Ce., Burlington, vu Sample card, 32 colors, and book et direc tions terse stamp. Bootees of Frent. There are many sources et profit te these who are Ingenious and enterprising. Bur dock JJloed miter are a source et profit in every way. They build up the health surely. efleetually, welch is saying a great deal, for sale by II. B. Cochran, drug- gut, 137 and 139 North Queen street. no Deception Used. It is strange se many peep . Ill continue te sutrer day alter day with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Sour Stomach, (Jen eral liebUIty. when they can procure at our tore UIULOU'a VlTALlZEU, Jreeef cost II it 'J2f? Set f .urS ,r, "" ve thorn. Price, 75 oenta, ??'i??. " " Cochran, druggist, W and 189 North qnoen street. Lancaster, tedlt-eeda JFlrsi-GlMs insurance, lnsure with aVlBmej' BeUclrle Oil. It Is the cheapest and liest method et insurancs we knew et. By its use yon.are sure te escape many grlevleus aches and pains, Policies are obtainable at all druggists in the form et bot tles at SO cents and uacb. Fer sale by II. B Cochrin, druggist, 137 and 133 North Queen These are Heiiil racta. The best bleed putlner andsystem regulator ever placed within the reach et sunerlng humanity, truly U Eloetrlo Bitters. Inactivity Hi "io,''lver, lilllousneea, Jaundlee. Constipa tion, Weak Kidneys, or any disease et the sr. h.j::7-..r'"".r"s"i,H". w" a (,, ':"' " uiuuvvmanuiKi, DOldatnitveanta a betUe by H. B. Coehran, drugSlst Net m and I8J North Queen etreet,'a?ca'47,fV ,J jrSmnrb ESSeHfS lw. troubled wttn e5renl5, cetlnh n,i gatherlngin headi wsiaeSatUmtlirtdul cUarBs trem ears, unable Sb breatMthrenilh noje. Bolero the second home et klv'VuSi'm "aiuifss exhtustwiIwaseSraltic JdSS bin, M3 Chestnut HL, I'bllidelphli. ri, cer , dg-2wdeedw Or. rnutcra Hagie Ulntment. The greatest blMlng that has been ii. . sure cure ter S.ppHard'aT ii,. .,..; :rj" .r"r "" a uni eunier Cerns, . lllntr nennnL mam. and-ltarids. Pimple. Md-BIoIchlrtee'B80 Sold by Pragicljta. Beld by 1L B. Coehran urvKKim.uf nwx iw Aorta waeen ttrett. it) nVBKBAT YAM) TO VOCALISTS. Vmewnus, WsstchsstibCe , N. Y., August 20. 183 1. 1 had carelessly expoed myself and sus talnedavcry severe and tight cold en my eheetand in my threat. 1 ptecured Allcock's Pereus Flaatera and applied one en the chest. well up en the threat, and rcllolcamereadllr : the soreness et my chest was remeved.and my vocal organs were kept clear the entire past winter, enabling me te tn1fl.ll public engage ments in different parts el this country. Ne morn may be said than that Allcock's roreus Plasters, ti applied by Billeted vocal ists, will greatly assist their vocal rendition In public. B.FRANKLIN CUUltCH. Amu, 34,000.000. Harplus, 12,000,000 THE E0.U1TABLK LICK INSURANCE CO., Or NEW YORK, does the largest Insnrance business In the world. Policies Incompatible. W. J. MADDEN, Manager, Ne. 10 North.Queon street (ever Leng's drug tore). ecWJmd Bletneri I metnersll Hethersl Are yen disturbed at night and broken ei your rest by a slek child suffering and crylnz with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If se, goat onee and KtabettlentMU3. WIN BLOW'S SOOTU1NO 6TUUP. It wUl relieve the peer little sufferer lmmedlauuy iepena upon It i there is no mistake about it. Tbore Is net a mother en earth wbe has ever nsed it, who will net tell you at once tbat It wUl regulate the bowel. and elve rest te trie metber. and relief and health te the child, op erating like mugle. It is perfectly sate te use in all cases, and pleasant te the t&ste, and is we prescription ei ene ei uie eiaesi auu dbsi female pnysicians in ine uniieu states, seia everywhere. 28 cents a bottle. tnvsi-tvaM.w.Hw rex save. FOtt 8ALK OK KKMT. Ne. 413 West Chestnut street. Nine Boomed Brick Dwel In?. Mrxlern cenve niences. Let 43x150 feet. Immeillatn posses sion given. JOIINII. METZLKIt. sa-e,Muiia no. a a. uuke St. rpDK riNE KK8IDKWOE AND HOUSE L ailleln lna. bolenalncto Jehn S. Ilnnrnr. are offered at private sate. Persons desirous et viewing the preperty will please rail en the owner, .iwii.-n e. uiHiur.K. ur.iiAuuiAs a liuu.vs, teplMid Ileal Kstate Agents. PCHLIU BALK or OITT PHOPKKTT. On FK1DAY. DKCKMIlKlt 12. 18JI. at tbe rranklin lloaje, a two story Brick Dwelling, 131 Nevln strcet with ono-stery Fraiie Kltch en attached t ball, five rooms, kitchen and garret, hydrant and pump, let 23 by ISOteet, side and rear alley, fruit, etc. Sale at 7 o'clock p. m. ALLAN A. niCim A CO., Agents for B. r. Miller. IliMRr SncBiirr, Auctioneer. n23-tsd PUBLIC 8ALK.-ON WKIK1RSDAI, uee. 10. 18-4. at 7 o'clock. D. m.. will be sold, bv order et tbe Orphans' Court, at the public house et Albert Kohlhaas, that let ct ground situated en the south side of Manoretreot, Ne. 764, with a frontage et 92 feet, mere or less, and a depth te Lafiyette street et 230 feet, mere or leas, en which Is erected a two-story brie DWELLING UOU3E, and ether Im provements uiiuanjj UAUAniiuan, Executer of Jehn Vfaldbeetter. n. Secszbt, AucU nW,Z7Ad4,10 TALeanLE eiTir rsepsKTr at fuii fuii lle male, en MONDAY. DKCKMBEU29. jkh, wui de beiu ai paoue saie, at tee uoeper Heuse, en West King street. Lancaster city, Pa , tbe following real estate, vie : Ne. 1, All tbat certain three-story Brick Btereand Dwelling Heuse, with a large two. story brick back building; thrt e-story brick contectlenery, thrce-etery brick ice house, brick bake house engine house, elevator, briek stable, carriage house, etc. The let fronts 31 leet, 1i Inches, en the west side et North (Jneen street, and extends west ward in depth "M loot, mere or less, te Market street. Tne property is situate Nes. 130 and 113, en the west side et North Queen street, and Is in first-class order and rep ilr ; and ler a confectionery establishment ihcre is none superior in tbe city of Lancaster. Ne. 2, all that certain one-story iramedwell ing beuse, with frame kitchen attached ; also, another lrame house in rear, well with pump tnereln, fruit trees anil ether Improvements : and let of ground thereto belonging. The let fronts 3 feet, mere or less, en tbe south side of West Orange street, ami extendlngln depth 1S2K. The properly is situated Na 413 West Oranse street, aud adjoining property of Abraham rtsman, Airs, iieiueln and Mrs. Bnter. Ne. 3, all that certain two-story brick dwell ing house, with a two-story brick back build ing and balcony attached : a geed well et water : also, cistern water in the kitchen. The lotlrenta 2u leet, mere or less, en West Orange street and extends in depth 1CS teet, te a ten feet wide alley. This property la situated Ne 637. en th north (Kloef West Oranse street, and adjoins property et Chrls Chrls tenUer Lttler and Jebn Lerv nts. Ne. 4, all tbat certain twe-tarj- brick dwell- infrnense, wiia one-siury ones duck Dunn ing I well ei water, Hydrant and cistern. The let fronts SO feet and has a depth et Its feat, te a ten-leet wide alley. The property is sttuate Ne. HI, en the eat Bide et nevln street, and aaielns property ei Isaac Barden and Charles Bewman. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., of said day. when attendance will be given aud terms made known by LEWIS SMITH. WILLIAM SPAETH, Executers et the will of Louisa Sattler. dee'd. It. fcuusuT. Auctioneer. daud aJKltlUA.. G UILir, UU1LTY, UU1LTX. J. W. M1LLEU, Of Washington borough, Pa, is guUty el man. ulacturtng MILLER'S And the verdict el all wbe use it is that " II IS THE BEST!" "I'l IB THE BEST I" " II IS THE JBES2 I " BLACK DIAMOND COUGH SYRUP IS TUB BKST. epl7-0md&w -KU3. KAiaUT'S Seething Syrup IS THK LATEST AND BEST PBEPABA- TION JTOlt THK COMPLAINTS or THE Little Ones. And It.ls giving tbe utmost satisfaction te all nuvuD uaiUK 11. 17-CmdAw u SB DR. BITNER'S LAXATIVE POWDER, rea tux curb or; C03TIVENESS, PEVKUS. TOUPIDITY'O IflB LIVK11ANIJ BOWELS. ACIDITY OPTUK STOMACH, EUUCTA- TIONS A DYHPKPSIA. It Is a mild LAXATIVE, producing no in convenience and doveld et the harshness usually produced by PILLS, and can be taken In all seasons of the year. AVItls pleasant te take, ler it Ask your dealer eepl7-emdJtw M1 ILLKMtl BLACK DIAMOND COUGH SYRUP. eptI7-u)dAw YS.L.LU W k-KONT OltiAK, WAttlf ANTHU .. v.neit AbaJ vana rUler, the tlKt.P5,?,u: ,n the state at ' UAUTUAK'S YELLOW PUONT GIQAB 8I0UK, CLOTH11T9. IKISHAM'S. "MIGHTY NICE." our stock or NBOKIIESj DRESS SHIRTS, OOLtiARS, OOFFS SUSPENDERS, 8TOCKLN08 AND UNDEHWEAH. -at EKISMAJST'S, Na 17 Wart King Street TJKMOVAL AMU OPKHlfl LAircuLSTBa, Pa'Sept.'le, ISM. I desire te make known te my friends and customers, and the publle in general, that 1 have removed from 13 North Queen street te 121 NorthQaeen streeu artrerly occupied by the Arm ei Smallitii Bans man, where 1 have opened w It b. a large as as as sortmentef Kngllsh, rrencu aud Uerman Nevelties, together with a large line el Domeslle rabrlcs. Composed as my new stock Is, of new goods and new styles, 1 teel assured that In soliciting a continu ance el your patronage, you will have an opportunity of making selections from a stock unequalled In its variety and adapt ed te the present demand, which is ter geed values, gentlemanly styles and effects, and exquisite fit. Nothing but the very best et workmanship ; and prices te suit everybody. Please favor me with your orders. Tours very truly, D. B. WLN'i'ERS. M iu a tuiurua. ALWAYS RIGHT 1 TUK BTTLE OF OOtt CLOTHING, THK MAKE OF (1BR CLOTHING, TUK qiJALITT Or OUK CLOTlltNO, THE l'UICK OF OUU CLOTIU.NO. In these lonrpetnta Ten are alwaya sure et ilfaltng te the best atlrantaKe whan buTlng here. In the preparation 0 enr KKADY MADE CLOTHING we use the pattern! cnt by our bout Custom Ontten, aid la tbe mak Ids tbereet much of the work is done by the sameSewlnp Tailors ai make our Order Oar menta In the lectien et materials and trimmings we exercise tbe same painstaking and care as In the purchase et the Tery Finest Urrtes et Woolens and In the maktng et prl4 we're placed them at figures as forbid underselling by the lowest of ourcempetltora. This year they are mere reasonable than at any time wttbln a period et ten yeata. HOLIDAY1 SUITS TOR MEN, UUL1JAI BUHS FUB TUUT118, IIOLID AT SUITS rOKBOTB. An elegant assortment el GOODS INTHE PlKCE. irem which te make selections. Noth ing te equal it elsewhere. -8lTeuaa call. Myers & Rathfon, LEADING LANCAbTKB TA1LOUS, NO. 13 BAST KING STREETi; LAHCASTER. FA. UAJtBHAH HBO. CLOTHING. We have beard ei Clothing glyen away, that la thrown into a promiscuous crowd as an ail vertlslng dodge. Tbe next thing te giving them away U te sell them at the low price we are new selling them. 17.00, a great return for little money. A suit that Is geed enough for any business purpose Don't wear shoddy and ancient mark downs when you can get such Sulta and mwf"j -wis Mlintvr, s.-viOBim ii,-te say notblnget the lner Things at 113. $11, IU and upward. OHILDKKN'3 AND HUIH' SUITS AND OVEUUOA'IS at the very bottom reached prices, SUITS AS LOW AS $1.50. OVERCOATS AS 10 W AS $1,25. OUR CLOTHING SPKAK8 rOU ITSELF. We are ready te meet the want of tbe times. Wages are low and times and payments are slew, one dollar UMlaysheald buy a mueh as 11.60 a year or two age. LGansman&Bre. The FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TA1LO Hi AND CLOTU1EK3, Ne. 66-68 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Bight en the Senthwett, Cerner, et Orange LANCASTER, PA. Net connected with any ether clothing house in the city. TTriLLIAMBOlf FOSTEK-S DISPLAY -or- Holiday Presents Exceeds all prorteas oOerts. In every Department we have a large and hind- tome assortment et holiday goods. SMOKING JACKETS AMD GENTS' HORNING BORES, of New and Fashionable Shades. The Newest Styles In Overcoats and Sulta for Uenta, Youths and Heys. Alse. New and Original designs In Children's Kills, suits and Overcoats. BILK UANDKEROlIIEra, FANflV TKl'll anmn BILK BUSPKkDERS, tbat are hand embroidered. Fur Tep (lleres with patent spring, cardigan Jackets In all qualities. Fancy Toilet Ar ticles. Soaps and Perfumery. Ladles' Seal Skin Hau, litaver and Nutria Capes, La dies' Mutts el Seal, Otter, and ether rash, lenable Furs. Fur Trimming tn Heaver. Nutria and Elder Down. Children's Jer sey tueib Caps. Genu' Far Gauntlets and Mum us, as well as a general assortment et Fashionable Uata and Caps of all kinds. PRESENTATION SLIPPERS ter Ladles. Our assortment consists tit Fancy French Kid Biippen, Ladlea' Vel vet Embroidered Threw strap Sandals. The pretty Princess Slipper, Ladles' Vel vet Kmbreldered Oxford Ties and a fall range ei sices In Ladles' and Misses White .ma cuppers. FOltOKNTS: "The Harvard Tie," Gllk Embroidered Velvet Fronts and Patsnt Leather Racks. Alligator Uldn Slippers in Red, Blaek and Tan Celers. The Kveret Bllpper and Gents' Turklsn aforrecco Slippers tbat are band-sewed and lined with kid. A large variety of Dancing Pnmps and Warm, AH. woof Felt Slippers, ler Invalid, SATCHELS. Ladles' nandkerchlet or Hand Satchels, In a variety of colors of Plusb, Velvet, Stamped Leather and Alligator, Uiamsen & Fester, 32, 34, 36 md 38 11ST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. PENN UlQAIta AX wl.XS fKK UUK. . fired, a better cigar than is sold by most dealers at tl.7 at UAUTMAira I VBLLOyjr'FBONTCIQAR O lUUJI, H AGKltAHIUITllM:. CHRISTMAS GREETING. We take ploaaure in tutklug your attention te vety large oellectlon of Ooeda In our alne. oeloototl with opeolftl roferonco te the HOLIDAY TR ABB. We effir the lateat Noveltloa In Ladies' Winter Wraps. Plush Garments, Newmarkets and Russian Circulars. Misses' and Children's Coats, Pur Capes and ?i?ur Trimmings, Dress Silks and Brocaded Velvets. LACES, Dutchess. Point, Spanish and Oriental. Handkerchiefs, Neckwear and Gloves. FINE TABLE LINENS, Table Cleths and Napkins in sets te match ; also, Fine Towels. CURTAINS, Turceman, Tapestry and Madras Draperies, for PRESENTS suitable for Gentlemen in Overcoats, Suits, Silk Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Nt:ckw(&r. Ne. 25 West King Street, je. t), UlVLKlt. HOLIDAYS, Handsome Lines of Black and Colored Silks, Black and Colored, Plain and Brocade Vel vets, 6-4 Cleth Suitings. Fine Line of Dress Goods. Black and Colored Cashmeres. Ladies' Silk Mitts and Hosiery. Merine and Cotten Hosiery. Kid, Silk and Cashmere Gloves. Hand kerchiefs. Colgate's Fine Extracts, Soaps, &c, &c, &c. CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK, JOHN NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. tST P. S.VOXXE01ED BY 1ELEPHONE EXCHANGE. nut uuuva. T a in W ULUAU). WATT, SIMD & CO., NOS. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST. AN IMMENSE VAB1ETV OK LADIES' CUILDUE.N'S AND COATS AND CLOAKS. NKWMAKKKTS, UUbSIAN CIUCULAIIS, JERSEY NEWMARKET, 8KAL CLOTH COAT3. New OoeJ $ : Latest Styles I Lewest Prices 1 SPECIAL ATTRACTION THIS WEEK. DOUBLE FOLD WOOL m CiSHMM, 12Xc, a Yard, Anether Case el th090 Eicellent 6-4 DRESS CLOTHS; Iu Tepular Celers, 73c a Yard. 45-luch Heavy Twilled Cleths, 75c i Ucgular Trice. $1.00. ONLY ONK CASE. HATS AMU VATM. s Ty u. BTAurFEit. JOHN tllDEa -THE- PEOPLE'S HAT STOBE, THE LAROEST AND STOCK BEST or ASSORTED Hats, Caps, Furs, Rebas and Gloves, IN THE CITY. All tbe lateat styles, theTAPKU, SQUARE CROWN, the yenng men's favorlte. FURS AND FUR TRIMMINGS, Including a well selected stock Ol BEAOTI. UL ROUES, The best Goods ler the lcait money at W. D. Stauffer & Ce., (ShulU's Old Stand.) NOS. 31 A 33 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Lancaster. Pa. mylO-ly l'AVEH JIASUJHUB St. UAUKB W. TRY. WE HAVE MADE SELECTIONS OF OVER 23,000 PIECES OF WALL PAPERS, FOR THE SPRING AND FALL TRADE, trem Reliable Manulacturers, which are being shipped as last as produced, consequontly we are opening NEW LINES almestdaliv .com prising ALL UI1AUE3 Or PAPKU HANG INGS, trem the Lewest te the rinest Gilts. The colorings and designs are beautltul. in. eluding Freezes, ilerden. Celling Decorations, tc We have paper trem 8 cents a piece up, and our prices for hanging are a cents a piece for Common and 10 cents a piece ler GUIs and Decorations. These price are lower than they have ever been either .for paper or work. Give us your order new, as you can save big money, as tucse prices may net remain long. We employ geed workmen and are prepared iu uu u iEuuiiu,y nuu iu a ursi-ciass man ner. WINDOW SHADES IN Plain and Dades et jcvery Description LACK CURTAINS, POLES, Ac. PHARESW. FRY, Ne. 67 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. (lAMKgur ALL HTVLES AND AT PHI O KB J as low as the lowest, at UARTJiAN'a YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORK. tbat small crusts lerm lashes. upon anil -All Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Threat-also, Chronle and Private Dljcasej-successiully ireauxi uy Dlt8. H D. and M. A. LONGAKER. Offlce-13 East Wainut street, Lancaster, Pa. Consultation irec. n USJtdiw irtsir AiirxHTiamxKMXh- Poles, Drapery Chains, Etc. HAGER & BROTHER. JOHN" S. GIVLEE OFFER FOU TUK S. GIVLER 11UUKB AJTU BTATIOHMMM. jOUN llAlSK'S BUNS, CHRISTMAS ! Holiday Goods, New Engravings, Etchings, Photegra vurea Water Celer Sketches, Piang's Obridtmas Oards and Tokens. Illustrated Beeks, Bibles, Prayer Beeks, Children's Beeks. Writing Desk Werk Bexes, Jewel Bexes, Toilet Seta. Pocket Beeks, Card Oases, Photograph Albums. Scrap Beeks, Scrap Pletures, Water Celer Bexes. Painting Beeks, Tey Beeks, Fancy Stationery, AT THK BOOKSTORE OF JOII BAEBS SOUS, 16 and 17 North Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. IlMWAJtM, tf. rpiic CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY AT LOW PEIOBS STOVES. HEATERS, BANGES, UUAli ULLi liAJirS AND GAS FIXTURES, -IS AT- JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, Ne. 21 Seuth Qaeen Street, lebn-ird LANCASTER. PA. COAX. B. 11. MAUXIM Whelesile and Retail Dealer In all kinds el LUMBER AND COAL. .Jw-Yard: Ne. 120 North Water And PUnee streets above Lemen Lancaster. ns-lyd 13AUMGA1UJNEKS JBrFKUUSB. COAL DEALERS. OFFICES. Ne. 120 Nena Qtma BrmT. ad Ne. C64 North Paurea Stbubt. YARDS. Nebtb PaiHcm Stxist, nui KtUD. ma Direr. LANCASTER, PA. augivtid M. V. B. COHO tSOirUBTU WJ.TMB ST., Idtneetut, ,, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. OonneetleB Wttn the TeUpbenle Exchange, Yard and OOc Ne. 830 NORTH WATER STREET. teM8-lTd I Portieres, with Lancaster, Pa. G ke m, ttATureif & CO. & CO., LANCASTER, PA. CAMM1AUMB, MO. OLEIUUSI MLBIOUSI Sleighs I Sleighs! EDGERLEY & CO., CARRIAGEBUILDERS, MARKBT BTRHBT, REAROFrOSTOrriCE, LANCASTER, FA OUR LARGE STOCK OF Portland, Albany and Deuble Sleighs, which we ofler at LARGELT REDUCED PR1CE9, are decidedly tbe Qnest In tbe city. nrDon'tfeigtt te tneeuragt work that tt at. uayi reliable. Call and gl a bargain. All werk: warranted. We have In stock orery Style BUGQr AND CARRIAGE desired. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO. One set et workmen especially empleyed ter that purpose. n'Ai-ud&w VOUUBUK BXILET. PUBLIC SALE -OF- SLEIGHS N0RBECK& MILEY'S GREAT PUBLIC SLEIGH SALE -ON- WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17, 1884, AT 10 A. M. A 1 r. 11., at the FACTORY, Cerner Duke and Viae Streets, LANCASTER, PA. THE LA11QEST SLEIGH SALE EVER HELD IN THE COUNTY. OYER 100 M COTTERS. Beth Portland and Albany, win teeflered te the pnblle en this occasion. These desiring; a rirsuGlas Article at Lew Figures should net tail te attend. Every sleigh wUl be guar anteed. Terms cash, and en bills et One Hun dred Dollars a credit et 60 days will be ttlvsu. Don't lerget the date. sva. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1881, at 10 a. m., sharp, and IK p. m. NORBEOK & MILEY. IS. F. Rows, Anotleneer. Nera A Fine Let et Bnggies, Carriages. Pbsstens. Ac, tn sleck will also be offered te thesa desiring te purchase, and en this stock a credit et Four Months win be given. iielidax ueuva. Tt IB A FAUX THAT COOHRAN, tbe Dnifirglst, NOS. 197 and 139 NORTH QUEEN STREET Has an Elegant bteck et HOLIDAY GOODS, at the Lewest Prleea In Lancaster. Why t Becanse he bought from Importers ter cash and U satisfied with Quick sales ana small profits. Or call and examine. at emd H OLIDAX UOOOH. Walter A, leinitsli, NO. 23 EABT KINQ 8TRBST, LANOABTKB, TA, THIB IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR HOLIDAY GOODS, -IN- Faney Oablnet Ware, ua eine te, uno-a-Brae. Baaels, Pedestals. , ., Bllpper Baeka, Blacking Oaaes, Oomnedea, Hat Raeks Tewell Raeka, Boek Raeka, &e., &e. A very Large Lin el these always a pleasure te snow them. goods, and Curtains and WALTER A. HEINITSH, NO. 28 HA8T KINQ STRsWT. dsct lad TMArMLBH'K OVMVB. TKADINU COLVntllA It, K. AKKANUKHRNT OFPABSENUaR TRAINS UNDAY, sfAY Wrt 1884. NORTHWABD tain gnarryTlUe. Btanaeim. , S5"sjjnnouen:::::::: 0ln2i5!i AJuuva. Beaeinf... a. st. A.M. 6:M .... .... .... .... 7:40 mi 7:66 7J0 :t SOUTHWARD ..ST" AM. r.w. 6:1C 7:IU 7l47 846 8:11 8:S r. iHwumsT. ...,. ..... 7.1 ii . UUTB, Martetta Juctlen Uanhelm... Columbia r. 8 80 1:4 lixs i.l8 X(0 as KSft fl: 1 uin easier. 6.11 6 83 Lancaster, King St.. Unarrwllle..." g.e lenl axains conneci at Heading Iran Philadelphia, Petuvuli with trains teand tontewn and Hew Yerk, fte Bound Broek At Columbia with trains te ana from Yerk. Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Balu mera At Marie tta Junction with trains te and trem Ohlektna. At Manbelm with trains te and trem Leba non, SUNDAY. Iiave rt .arryvllle, 7-en a. m. Lancaster, King Slrcec, M a. m., 4-JJ p. m. Arrive Reading, 10:00 a. m.. B.SS p. m, Leave Reading, 8:00 r. m.. 4:00 p. m. Arrive Lancaster, King Street, 9:67 a. ra t-M p. m. Uuarryvllle, ;W. . A, M. WILSON. BnpL aaunnia. i-nttAviiia u.ni.hnM u LKIIAMON LAMUABTKH JUIHT LIMB HA1LROAD. AKJiAaeamurr or rAsssnasa tiuiks. SUNutY, NOVEMI3ER 18th, 1861. NOiUUWARD. Bun&av. Leave. a.w. r.K. r.x. a.m. t.m. King street, Lane 8.40 6.(0 8.0) us Lancaster 1.47 1U0 t.m 8.10 4.46 Hanbelm M5 l.ia 6. 7 8.45 6.18 Ceinwall 7.4 1.68 6.07 0.2S 6.47 Arrive Lebanon aoe 3.16 45 9.45 6.05 SOU Til WAR U. Leave. a.m. r.K. r.M. a.m. t.m. Lebanon 7.20 HS4 7.t0 7JU 12.80 Cornwall 7.S1 1'i.U 741 710 11.60 Manhetm 803 LIS 8 18 1.21 6.16 Lancaster 331 ZtO 8 48 8.18 6.41 Arrive. King fctroet, Lane 8. 0 au 9.57 8.M A. M. Wilsek. SupL R. A C. R. R. J. U. Havard, 8upL O. and C. A ML II. R. R. GsesdsKLTJ. SuwUP-Alt. ILli. all-lyd jtAvuirnsuT. H KATBHS UK FUHNAOKS, BEST " STEAM BNGLTSTB AND BOILER WORKS. Heaters OR Furnaces, -FOR- Frivate Dwellings Schools and Publio Buildings. Call and see them. HADR Or HEAVY IRON, SIMPLE Or CON 8TRUCTION, DURADLK. ECONOMICAL, THE MOST RADIATING SURFACE OF ANY IIKATEK IN THK MAJiKtT. N01HINQ 0HBAPBU1 2 US PRWB. Our Own Patent. -Ilavlng been In use tn many el the largest residences in Lancaster tn the past ten years Is the best et evidence el its merits. ADDRESS, Jehn Best & Sen, Ne.,333 East Fulton St, LANCASTER, PA. JanlB-lvdA'- HAT1NO DISSOLVED FAKTMBSUHIP and petmanently closest the Chestnut Street Iren Works, l desire te lnterm my old still In the business, being located In the Penn Iren Company's Works,- North Plum street. w uvm i am maaing iron and Brass Castings et every deurlptlen, and will be pleased te serve all who may taver me with their patron age. Frem 40 years experience In the business ana using tne best material and employing the best mechanics. I am satis ni I mn n antee entire satlsiactlen. Castings made frei a mixture et Iren and steel which are meren. liable (or strength and durability than the best cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a specialty. Cast- lngs et every description. I have all the pat ters arthe well and layerably known Kewrer Cern and Cob Crasher, refitted and Improved. A'se en hand, mills oeinploteiy lit ted up or tn parts, te replace old ones which have been In use ter years, guaranteeing them te glvesat tslactlen. anal44m4 R.C. MeCULLET. BOOM ANV HUOB8. TJOOTS AND SHOES. WM.H.GAST Ne, 105 North Qaeen Street, BOOTS AND SHOES I OR I ALL AND WINZER. We are well prepared with a full stock et HeavY and Medium work ter Celd Weather t also a lull line or Kubbers. Notwithstanding the taet tbat all of the work exhibited at th lata Fair In competition with ours, was selects 1 tn New Yerk and else where, our own manutacture of Roots and Shoes was awarded tne TWO HIGHEST PREMIUMS. jWCustemers can rely upon getting suit such work as we exhibited. Give us a call Prices guaranteed te be os low as any In the elty. Iet4-emdw OLD HTOUtt OUNMKOTlUT OIOAKH, It ter SSe. Can be relied en as strictly cot ncctlcut at UARTMAN'S YKLLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. r.st. r.st. .... t .... 8:40 2 61 8-50 1: 6 . l:ei 4.-04 UJ S;40 360 5.60 It k -' C kJ- rfh4 V&. jiaiaft "a;- .j.jt ,-.3 -aSat- , & j-ijrf ; j5&JsU-