Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 10, 1884, Image 3

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    '"," ,f?r r,Tf 5!5!r
WJ VS '""'S
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The Arret! el Twe Van! Itnattnen ler
Knrder In Ranllenk, N,v. 21-Liteat
llaupeutng. Afaaeii Town,
A probable murder oeourrcit at Nantl Nantl Nantl
oake utt tha evening of Ner. St, 1831, the
particulars of which are as fellows :
Captain of I'eunsylvaula canal beat
Net. 220 and 330, Uenjamin Lltey, white
Id the eablu of ene of tbe beats reading te
his children an artlole In a paper, whieh
told hew a negre had outraged a white
woman, A short tlme afterward Samuel
Tayler, aged 33 yearn, and evidently under
the? tailuenee of liquor, bearded the beat
and eutered the eabin. Ills app'aranee se
startled tboehlldronthatthey uttered shrill
serfama of fright, hciring wbleh Oapt.
Lltey opreirod and oerapellod the negre,
who had m business Id the eabin nor en
tbe bpat, be net being an empleye, te
vacate. When en deek Tayler was
knocked Insensible by the Infuriated
Lltey, by a blew en tbe bead with a piece
of weed. He would bare fallen overboard,
but a hawser caught and prevented
the aoeideut. Tayler was in a dangerous
position, iceing wbleh, the captain,
nidrd by auetber man, rcseued and
laid him upon the deek. Oapt.
Frank Wagner, allns Duteher, of
Pennsylvania beats, Nes. 800 and 810
juit then appeared, and as he passed the
uuconselous form of Tayler, he inllleted
several brutal klukaunen his head, Tayler
was then removed te his borne, in aoritleal
condition. An attempt was mode by
Alderman J. F. Donebuo, of Wllkesbarre,
te take his auto mortem statement, but the
negre was unable te speak. Warrants
wcre issued, and plaoed iu proper bands te
be served, but befere this oeuld be done,
the beatmen wnroen a seuthern trip. Yes
terday Alderman Donehuo oime te Co
lumbia with the warrants, placed them In
the hands of Offieers Wittlck nud Gilbert
and last night Lltey and Wagner nere
captured along the Tide Water eanal.
Alderman Donehuo took the ptlsoners te
Wilkesbirre this afternoon. The beatmen
are well known in Columbia, Lltey favor,
ably, Wngner otherwise On last Monday
Tuy'er was supposed te be In a dying con
dition. TOWN NOTES.
William Messier, residing 011 8. Frent
street, between Union and Lesust, Is
hourly oxpeetod te dle from goneral
Owing te the uen. assistance of parents
aud beard of directors of tbe Quarryville
soheol, Key. MuCauley, of Columbia, was
compelled te reslgn bis position of teacher
last Satuaday. lie oeuld net aione
manage the unruly pupils.
A key was lest between the epsra house
and the houne of Chief Burgess Irwin
last night by that official.
Several piues of glass wero broken In
tbe epera house restaurant last night by
an unknown person.
Mr. J. II. Zsatner is quite ill.
The Marietta rink opens te-morrow
evening. Columbians should return tbe
visits of the Marietta folks by sending a
delegation te the opening.
After tbe two beats new at the II. & C.
wharves nre leaded coal shipments from
that point will oleso for the year.
A literary and rousleal improvement
society is being formed in Columbia. The
commit tee having the affair in charge is
Misses Lillian It. Welsh, Annie Uruner,
Maggie Purple, Rev. F. J. Clay-Motan
and A. C. Bruner.
A small niiriloneo preeted Dsnman
Thompson, in Jeihwt WAiteemb, in tbe
Columbia epera Inst evening. The
pby was excellently rendered and porfcetly
sttistled tbe few preient The orehostra
is a magnificent organization and their
music was the lluest ever heard in Celum
bla. Tha treupe uppsar in this
Thoatre going is played out Iu Columbia.
There has net been a troupe here this
season which made expenses.
The Columbia relief association will
meet in the epera house te-morrow at 1)
p. m. A full attendance Is requested, as
mueh business of importance is te be
Orien ledgo, Ne. 870, 1. O. O. F., meets
this evening.
Four traiu jumpera wero arrested at
Sheck's Mills yesterday by P. It. It.
Officers Pyle and Kennedy. Squire Frank
gave them 10 days eaeh, in jail.
(taught iu flagrante Dtllcte,"
Harriet MoKinney. a light colored mu
latto, and Jacob Sweigart,u white man, re
siding in this city, were arrested en Tues
day night by OWcera Stermfeltz and Mer
ringer. Harriet is a married woman, tbe
wife of a Strasburg barbtr, and Swelgart
is laid te be a widower. Swelgart
made the acquaintance of Mrs, Mo Me
Kinney at titrasburg last summer,
and from that time it is alleged she teoelvod
Swcigart'a attentions whenever her hut
band was absent. McKinney sometime
age became euspioieus and when his wile
made an oxeuso for coming te town )06ter
day, he decided upon following her. He
loarned that sbe met Swelgart and he
finally traeed the pair te the heuie of Mm
Carnerry en unurcit street, ana tney wero
arrested in au up stairs room together.
Complaint was made against Mrs. Mc
Kinney nnd Swelgart befere Alderman A,
F. Dennelly for adultery and fornication,
respectivuly,and in default of ball they weie
committed te prison for a hearing.
Tbe cases wcre called for a hearing this
afternoon but their ceunsel waived a hear
ing and tbey were committed for trial at
tbe January teim of court.
mera uetti Changas.
Geerge 8. Guyer will take tbe Frauklin
heuse early in the new year, and Mr.
Bohlett, the present proprietor, will move
into a new heuse en North Queen street,
nearly opposite tbe Northern market
heuBp, for which an application for license
will be made. Mr, Guyer is an auotleneer
and resides In Warwick. He was a eandl.
date for register at the lat Republlean
Jehn Eepperllug, a well-known man,
has taken possession el the Washington
hotel, en North Queen street, near Lemen,
wbieb until reeently was kept by Jaoeb
Seheetz. Mr. Kepperllng has tbe beuie
Improved and refurnished.
Cellar tiilevat.
On Monday night thieves broke into tbe
heuse of Bamnel Hoever, a mile and a
quarter Irem Falrvllle. After taking all
tbe edibles from tbe cellar they had a
feast In the kltehen. the fleer of whieh
web oevered with bones and sernps of
vietuals yesterday morning. They oarrled
off a let of potatoes ard ether previsions.
On the same night a herse and wagon was
stolen from a neighbor of Mr. Hoever.
The next day tbe animal was turned loeoo
by some one, and It returned home with
out the wagon.
Tim Uf or ntklkers.
Dr. S. T.Davis, of this elty. Frank Bleed.
of Conneaut, Ohie, and Jaoeb M. Kepler,
editor of tbe Tiecesta, Ferest oeunty,
j;mocra,were en a deer hunt In the wilds
of Ferest oeunty last week and succeeded
in sheeting nine fine deer. Dr. Davis re.
turned te Lancaster te-day, bringing with
bim a fine fat dee. The-reat of the game
was divided with the ether hunters or dls.
tributed among friends.
Arretted ou m Precess.
Isaae Means, who was under bail te ap
pear at tha last term of oeurt te answer
tbe oharge of being the father of an Hie Hie
gltimate child and who failed te answer te
bis name when called for (rial, was
arrested by Conatable Bewman en a pro
cess issued by tbe court. Ue ai ledge!
in the oeunty prison.
Ui vrkf r nml On.rl. ThnmH Pleaded
tlnllty tn Velmititry MuDiUutht'r.
Tuttday Jfttrnoen Tbe trial of Jeseph
Haider, of Columbia, for maintaining a
nuisance, oceupiod the attention of tbe
oeurt all of Tuesday afternoon. A large
number of witnesses wcre called en the
part of the commonwealth, nil of whom
testified that defendant's bone boiling
establishment was n uulsanoe and injuri
ous te the health of theso residing In It
vicinity. Fer the defeose a number of
witnesses wero called, nud testified that
their plaoesef business worn within two or
three hundred yards of Haider's establish,
ment and they wero net nnueyed by the
smell. On trial
Tutiday Ettning.Cowte concluded
argument In the Haider nulaance nase,
tbe jury retired te dellberate and had net
agreed upon a vordlet when oeurt ad
Hilten Rupert was Indleted for sodomy,
A number of witnesses were called by the
commonwealth and tcBtllUd te the facts
of tbe case. Fer the defense a number
of witnesses testified that tbe necused was
of unsound mind. Tbe court dlrcetcd the
Jury te ronder a vordlet of net guilty en
the ground of Insanity, and Rupert will be
transferred te the county insane asylum.
Wedntiday Morning a the ease of
oer-mon wealth vs. Jeseph Haider, main
taining a nulsauoe, the Jury rendered a
vordlet of guilty, with a reoemmondation
te mercy.
The first defendants called for trial this
morning were Lewis Parker and Charles
Themas, tbe colored men charged with
the murder of Jehn Dixen, of Salisbury
township. These men were with
Wilsen, en the read home from a dan 00,
wbeu Dixen aud Wilsen ongaged In their
quarrel. They did net Interfere te provent
Wilsen from killing Dixen, nud were
Indicted, with Wilsen for his murder.
Wilsen was tried at tbe last term of the
court nud onuvletod of voluntary miu
slaughter. Iiofero a jury was orapanellrd
this morning U. F. lMilemau and W. T.
Drewn, counsel for tbe accused, withdrew
their plea cf net guilty nnd ontered a pica
of guilty of voluntary manslaughter
CouubeI aaktd tbatscutonce be suapended
until Saturday, nnd that request was
granted. They further stated that under
the otrcumstauees, the commonwealth's
attorney joined with them in a plea te the
oeurt for a light sentence for Parker nud
Themas. The prisoners were remanded
te prison until Saturday.
Jacob D, Warfel was indietcd for falae
protenso. David Killinger appeared as
the prosecutor, and be testified thit War
eol Induced him te onderso a note for $100
by representing te him that he was the
ownerof two properties and that a man
named Shirk owed him 4 G00. The note
went te pretest. Killinger learned that
the representations wcre falsa aud he
entered this snit.
The defendant testified that he was tbe
owner of two properties when Killinger
endorsed the note, and in support of bis
testimony deeds for two properties in
Wnrfel's name were offered iu evidence.
Iu rebuttal tbe commonwealth 0 tiled n
number of witnesses who testified that
Warfel's reputation for telling the truth
was bad, nnd thy would net beliove him
en oath. Jury out.
Thn New Vurk iq'iednct.
The New Yerk lmt of this morning
states that the coutraet for building tbe
big New Yerk aqueduct, en which promi
nent Linoaster contractors nre bidding,
new lies between Urewn, Heward & Ce.,
of Chicago, the builders of tbe Nickel
Plate railroad, and Jehn O'Brien, of
Rbinebeck, Dutchess county, the builder
of tbe Sidling Hill tuutiel en Vauderbilt's
Seuth Pennsylvania railroad, a double
track cut ene and oue-balf miles long ; of
the two government canal basics in Mon
treal uil of tbtt 2w Verlc -&. OaumI -
railroad from Whitehall te ltouse's Point,
the latter work Involving an expenditure
of $1,000,000. The Aqueduct oemmissiou
ors, at Tuesday's meating, were eveuly
divided upon the question of giving the
Dutchess oentraotor the contracts, after
an examination of his sureties and his
roeommoudatlons from the private corpora
tions who have employed him iu the past.
Mayer Edsen, Controller Grant, and
Commissioner Dowd favored the Chicago
firm, nud Commissioners Spenoer, Htld
win, ana Thompson veted for Mr. O'Crien,
ICILLKO II V Til 15 U.Mlt,
A Hr iBeumn tjiiaeezm te lleatn at Itllciulc-
This morning A. E. GreQ", n brakeman
en the freight train attached te eugtue
Ne. 853 of the Pennsyvania railroad, was
killed by the eirs at MIddlotewn, shortly
after ten o'clock. Ue was engaged at
coupling cars near the switches, when be
was eaught botween two bumpers nnd
rqueezed, Ue died in 15 minutes. The
deceased man lived near Lindisville. lie
was 24 years of age, unmarried aud bad
neon en the railroad but a short tlme.
After an inquest by tbe oerontr of Dtupbin
oeuuty the body was brought te Limns
dipped by Wluter'a Frosts,
A oeuicauy with Edward Newhard at
the head was billed te play "Prof. Geld
sehmldt" in this oily en next Friday and
Saturday evenings. Mr. Ycoker has re
ceived word, however, that the show has
gene under nnd the dates are thcrefore
cancelled. Mr.Newhard is a lesident of Al
lentewn aud is au actor of some ability. It
was he who started tbe sebeme of playing
"Pinafere" and "Rip Van Wiukle" in
Pennsylvania Dutch. Ills oempany wero
professionals. The cold wave aud skating
rinks tcura te have been tee mueh for him
and be thought best te clcse iu order te
avoid a long walk home.
Oieilne Werk ler the Winter.
Frem the Columbia Hurald.
Werk en oenstruotiou en Lancaster nnd
Lebanon Joint Line, Manuel m & Mount
IIope section, having been oleeed for the
wlnter Superintendent Wilsen en Saturday
dropped from the rolls tbe men employed
en the ballast train, between thirty and
forty in number. The men were paid wages
due them en Saturday morning. Many of
the smpleyes were from Columbia, ethors
from Chestnut Hill, and a few from Man
helm. They have had steady employment
for several months and wero paid the high,
est labor wages or $1.30 per day,
UIu Need el lielp.
At the last meeting of the Ladles'
Dereas soelety the treasurer announeed
that tbe demands upon the society through
the summer, and ui te that time, had
bfieu greater than ever befere, and that
she had net suQioient money te authorize
the ladies te give eat any ruore orders for
oeal or groesrlea until the treasury was
repleniihed. It is hoped that the soeloty
may receive substantial aid and encourage
ment during the winter, se that the geed
work may be continued.
rilteeu Oar Leada Iu One l)y.
Frem tbe Heading Times.
Cel. James B.Ammen, Heading, is tlelu?
a large business in sandstones. He has
tbree or four quarries in Lin onto r
oeunty, One of tbem H near Relu Relu
beld's station, vrhore he has employed a
large for 09 of men and a number et tnami,
and shipped as many as flftoen ear leads
in one day te Rsadlnit for the building of
the Penn street bridge.
Arm lireken.
Yesterday afternoon a lG-yoar-eld son
of Jehn SieUs, residlug at Ne. 21 Seuth
Mary street, was thrown from a horse aud
had ene cf his arms brokeu and dislocated
attueolbew. He, M. L, Davis teduced
the disloeatlon and set tbe fractured bone.
IiAUIKS OuraU-woel Dlsek risahmerea at
40e, (we., Ma, 7S3.. sie. una 1100. are pre-
neinceil uy llioje iriai imvu tumirei.
beuirhtthiin te be tti ban shown ler the
money. Itamemoer, a'an, nut J""",'
lr COnu ireill mu Kiiijm. , snic, whiwu
Iiuv veur lliilnza. rieaan mva ua can
W and 28 Nertu quecn street.
I,AIIl'B-Otirl!!aekSllkaatBOO.. 7S0.87Xc.t
II 00. 11 21, II S0,l,7 ami II 00, areohelco goods
ler the inenny,
ion per oent. tlsdueteil from all sates at
58 anu 21 North Qneen street.
I.Al)lKi-Ve have Alt.Woel Tricot and
Cleth buUtmrx. ene ami a-hll yards wide, In
all the nowMiaiteaul Lew Prices.
neiifitliirRiit that wn deiluet 10 per cent,
from our ruKUlar Lew Prima ,
20 and 28 North queen stret't.
HTULEM uueus are tin u.
Thrliank Thut UeDambl iiewmnn
Vertuuntalr ulioercrert.
Uoustable llewman has been steadily at
work looking for stelen goods upon the
Welsh mountain aicce tbe oapture of
old Dill Marrball, the Greens and
ethers. On Monday afternoon be
was very lueky. He was walking
along, what Is known as "Whiskey
Patch," en the mountains, wnen no no
ticed a trunk wbleh was partly secreted
beneath a let eC brush. He uoenvored the
trunk and enencd it. flndlnc 204 riieoesef
joweiry of all kinds, some of wbleh Is geld
while the romainuer is net. 1 uore wero aise
n let of stockings, gum oeats and hats, five
boxes of oartridges, auspenders, line shirts
and ethor goods in the trunk. All except
the (ewclry arid a ladles caba wereidentifled
by Messrs. Hersbey and Herr, of Byers
town, whose stere was robbed some waeks
age. The trunk has been identlQed by
Jehn It. Wilsen, of Spring Garden, Balis-
bury township. It was stelen from bis
tailor shop about the tlme that the stere
at Hyeratewu was onterod. The plaee
where the aoeds was found is one half
mlte from Blue Heek,
The Tnlril Cremation.
The bedv of Washington E. Schmld, in
obarge of hia father Peter Beblmd, of New
Yerk, reached Lancaster nt 1:35 this after
neon unci was at ouce taken te tue Lancas
ter crematorium, nud prepared for ineicer-
atien. We Icaru from Dr. M. L. Davis
that the farnace was iu full blast this
morning, but that the body will net be
placel iu the retort until a late hour this
afternoon. The deceased was 23 years of
ge and died of pleurisy in New Yerk en
the 2d. of November.
Heed of the County Tremuier.
The bend of Jehn M. Greider, county
trrauirer-eleet, iu tbe sum of $100 000
( $100,000 te the county aud $GO,000 te the
ntute) waB presented te the oeurt this
Afternoon and approved. The sureties are
Jacob N. Greider, Jeseph Grnider. Jaoeb
Seitz, Jehn Peny, Jaoeb II. Hershey,
Jacob Freelicb, Jehn I. Hartraan, Geerge
II. Hartmac, L-iwis 8. Uartman, Samuel
Cheif aud Jehn Hertzler.
Impacting InUr-Ueuiily Mtldgra.
County Commissioners Bummy and
Hitdebrand, the oeunty commissioners of
Chester county and the inspectors
appointed by tbe courts of Ltneaster and
Uhcster oeunttes,to-uny are inspecting me
inter county bridges ou the Octoraro at
Pine Greve and Kirks.
A IMOW 1'aprr ler H.rtl.burs.
ILirriaburir in te have another morning
daily, the first number of which will make
its appearaucu en New Yetr. Mr. It M.
Sturgeon, the loeal editor of the Hairisi
UUITS JTJiriU, Villi UO rt fJMIiUGt ," ,UW
iniKlleltrly fo.ipencil.
The centennary meetlng In Duke street
M. E. obureb, announecd for te morrow
(Thursday) ovenlug, has been indeiiritely
Illy LUhlli.
Forty-flve gaseline lights wero reported
na net burning ou Tuesday night.
1 flrptieDB Conuecilen.
I)r. The. M. Llvlncsten. Ne. 211 Walnut
street, Celnmblt, Is connected with U10 tele
phone czchauge.
Daiman Tliompten 2ViifffTnla evening
Deninnn Thompson will appear here .In his
creation el Jethua IFVideome which has made
him lameua lllaenrapany la llrst-claaa, and
he carries an orchestra el oleven musicians,
who play new and sparkling music, making
It a taking fcatnre et ihoahew.
" nan's Tribulations." te morrow evening
this great comedy can' be aeen at the opera
houae.;w)iero Mart Han ley's company appears.
Plenty et no w tun, songs and music are Intro
duce!. 'Ihocempiny have already been here
tula season, and the extremely hotweatlior
only prevented them liem bavins a crowded
house. They tuen ijave the beat 01 satisfac
U ast. On tlioieth lint, In this city. Cenrad
Cast. In the 7.M )&r nl his aue.
The relatives and frlenda el the faintly, Blae
Lancaiter Ledge, Ne 07, and Washington En
campment, Ne. II, 1. 0. O r.. and Lodije 43, F.
and A. M., are respeetlnlly Invited te attend
the lunorai.trein hU late rosldence, corner of
North 1'rlnce and Jamea streets, en Bfttnniay
alternoen at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster
cometcry. dl0-3t
Bard. -December 10, 18H, In this city, Jacob
Bard, In hU 07th year.
The relatlvea and lrlenda et the tamllyaie
reapecttully Invited te attend tbe tuneral
lrem hUlate roaldnnee, Ne. COS North Queen
s'reet, en Sunday morning at 9 30 o'clock at
the bouae and 12 o'clock at Mechanlcsburg.
Service? at Mechanlcsburg.
4 pounds ORANULATKI) for S70. PUItE
TK VS. CO ITISKS and bl'ICES at Surprisingly
Lew l'rlees
CLAUICK'S. Ne. BS West King Strfet.
capital In lletall Ceal Buslneaa In Phil
adelphia. Business established lour years.
Addr aa. B. U. WllIUIlT.
nevijlmd Philadelphia F. O
V?tlK H.-.LK Hit UK NT. A
V house with stere attached. Ne. 330 East
Ornniteattoet. Bakery and utable In the rear
en Grant street, lnqulre or
11. r. DAVIS,
Ne. S Seuth Duke atreet,
d8 2td Lancaster, Pa,
nublle sale, esmmenclng te-morrow,
(WR1NEDAY) evening, at Ne. 1W North
Queeu Htreet, next te Filnn A Breneman's,
my entire stoelc el Itonly-raade Clothing,
1-lfce Goods, He, Bale te commence at 7
O'clnek, p.m. J. A. ilUHUANK,
d8 3'dTu,W&F Merchant Tailor.
L II. nt Ne. 411 West King street, a let of
Household and Kitchen Furniture, such as
boils and bedding, ene tl)re-ply parlor car car
pet, chalra, cupboards, one geed Ne. 7 cook
Htnvn and narlur iilove. Alse, one f et Black
smith Toels, all new. One new two horse
wagon, thlmble sscln, together with many
ether articles tee numerous te mention.;
Saie te commenco at 1 . m
il. UWAU1I A CO,
emce- Ne, 20 Centra Square.)
larda-East walnut and Marabou SlrceU.
(Stawarta Old Yard )
Beth Yaid aud omeo connected with the
Teleuhene Exchange.
vmr neon, .
Ne. 26 and 28 North Queen Street.
LAWKS-We have goert llleichea and tin
bleaclinil Canten rinnnHi at C'40 , se, 10e.,
ime , ISe. anil le. All very goea and heavy,
with ll par cunt, dodueted from the amount.
el.a.0. whluu n-tSSSVa'iy-8Ti
30 and !8 North Queen street.
IA.01K8 We have Sheeting anil'l'lllew
Case MuallDS.all widths ami qualities, at verj7
Lew .Vrleea. . , ...
'len Dr cent, deducted fiem all sains.
2 and 23 North (jueen atroet.
liAOIKS-Our assortment el ladlea'. Hen's
anil children' lloalery la very nne. with
prices low ami 10 per cent, deducted Irein
uverv sale, large or small.
20 and 28 N 1 rth Queen street.
jh AJtrjmvitiBm.tcriti
- AT
The Largest Stock and Lewest Prices. We are new opening our annual exhibition el
HOLIDAY GOODS, Dells, Dell Carriages, Kxpress Wagons, Spring and Hebby llereee
Blioeflys and Voleclpodes, Tin aud Mechanleal Toys. '
-Merclmuts, Omireues and Humlay-schoels supplied at New Yerk Prices.
Ne. 152 North Queen Street,
riLKuatir iiulidav oeuns.
Christmas 1884.
Tlie nellday Peoaen la near at hand and te meet thu wants of eui trade we liate nlnced
In our casus a lull line et
WatchQB, Diamonds, Bronzes,
Silverware, in Sterling and Plate,
Jewelry, Spectacles and
French and American Clocks.
We call attention te the tset that with our complete raetery we can fill any special erdars ler
Or any artlcle In Geld or Silver Jewelry.
C"Flrot-eloB8 Repair in i? In Every Branch of Our Buaiuees.
ED VST. J. ZAHM, Jeweler,
hkw AurtsuTiaismjsiiTa..
Commission WarotaeuBO,
dec;-lyd 18 West Chestnut lre3U
In order te leduca enr laree stock el Fur
raniBiuraonie yenr eruer, in nrst-emia
style, at greatly reduced prices. All carmenta
are truarantevd te Ot perlactand only tha best
quality et trimmings are used.
ilne Tailoring,
87 North Queeu street, oppealto the Voatetfleo.
till VAVS.
Only Ha,t Stere.
We hivoes flne uu aaiortineut et
L.B you will llnd In thn rltv. Alse, the Latest
Styles In
These Goe Js ar jtijsr and handaeme, and
we ure determine tiJ.wiltbetn. If you want
anytningin our iineiit win pay you te taana
leek attheNKWEST stork In the city, irem
wutcu yen can uu yuurami at yourewn price.
144 North GLueen Street,
J. E.
Direct Importers
Fine Diamonds.
Purohaserodoalring flrat-elBaaQema
obeloe and fine In overy partleular,
are Invited te examine our magnifl magnifl
cent oellootion of DIAMONDS and
Diamond Jewelry.
902 Chestnut Street,
T1iVeAVn,.rrn,J!ep,.n "fV nd,Pcsrlet Me-il".v-0.?.l,nd
Pants, all sltcg end OuhIIiip.
ur iwuei anu (Jhlli rrn, whlen him
thSS" Jrery ,ew ''ae rail in" e,nne
them. Ten per cent, ilinete.i irnm eve?
.n.n .?S'KI18 "OUST, 7
;BttndM North cjueeu atreet.
,1'AD1K8-We have full assortment n I .
dies' anil ChlMrtm'a Weel ami KM Uutcii?
Cashmere lnva In iuncic Bn,i Cnlera 1 nK
anil uoter.,1 KM U loves. 811 k Mlltens at all
pr ess. Ten per cent, deiluni from each
28 ami w eth qncen atreet.
LADIKP-We linve Silk anil Llnen llanekar.
chieta. rellara.Ctina, UuehliiRi.ceraet. 1 LeHtht
eraml Plugli Hatchuls BnilmanySthBrnollens
all at Lew Prices. Ien percunt..le.luc"'l irmn
nil sales. HOW Kits A illtiiiT
LAUIKS-New Is tha time 10 bny "Var
.hrletmas Presents, with enr regular Lew
Prices and 10 per cent. ileduetmt. win .!,-
yourmeneygongratwayii. Pieaae olve us
a call.
IIOWKIIR A llirilul.
28 and 23 North Queen atreet.
'" c
Lancaster, Fa,
Lancaster, Fa.
AVUL.L LINK or nt'Ktt AT l'ltlUES
tb it dety competition nt
In Underwear el any hind and prlce.
Knit Jackets, Woelon unit Cotten Hhlrts, llose
el nny elae end quality. Working 1'ants, Over-alia-.
ComferlB. Ulevca. Mltta. and a varletv el
jtEEFeTSrSS1. Vrfe'?lVC?rt1!18e"fcrfre?5
wu. ai. iiverMucs in inn niarset M tile
cati8e. Sarae as wheau riease call and ox ex
amine bolore you buy
Me. 52 North Queen at.
1unt.iu hai.t. iv VAi.UAiir.i-j kml
ISG. nKc:MBBK 17, 18I, at the Leepard
lintel. In the city el 1 uue mnr, n larne double
twoatery lllllUJC DWKLL1NU HOUSE, with
twoatery IlrlcW Uuclc Hull ling atniched, nml
let, of ground adlacent therete, trentlnir about
41 loeten the north aldu nt Kan Orume street
and extending iu depth 215 feet te Marien
street, la the city el Lancaster. Heuse Ne.
711 ICast Orange street A very choice vnrlety
et Irult trcea and grupe vines are growing en
this attractively located let.
Hale te commence at 7 o'clock p.m., when
the conditions will be made known by
IlKnnrSncnitttT, Auct, Btddlo,l3,l5,le,l7
Alvzee S. (Iillutt, l'reslilent.
Jamus It. ALVeitD, Vice Pres. and Trsaa.
Kdwih tr. MauMLL, bnaretary.
Juuea U, Allkn, As-t't. Sec'y
Assets: One Millien, Twe Hundred and
Fifty-nine Thousand, Nine Hun
dred and Sixty-seven Dollars
and Forty-nine Cents.
AU Invested in solid socurltlej, Lossea
promptly eoltled and paid.
Rife & Kaufman,
Ne. 10 East Kins Btroet.
eutsit i rr-s HALK.
ON MONDAY, DEC. 15, 1881,
at 10 o'clock, a. m... by vlrtue et sundry writs
of rterl facial, I will expose te puolte eale at
thoaterurooms et G EOHG B II. SOU AUM,
NOS 27, 21 and 81 SOUTH OUEEN ST.,
In the city of Lancaster, the following por per por
aenal preperty : A large stock of Furniture,
consisting el
Mahogany, Walnut, Oak, Ash and Cherry
Bedroom Suits, silk, l'lush and ethor Par Par
eor Suits, Hall Stands aud Hacks, Par Par
eor CablneU, Extension and Dining
Tallinn, Boek Canes. Writing
Desks, Leunges, Slilobeards,
CVntre i unit a, Chairs,
Keckers MusleBtands, Mattresses, lied
Springs, Cradles, Cribs, etc
Seized ami taken In execution as thu property
et Geergo B. Schauui, and te be sold by
jeun ii. man.
d5-8td.tltw Hherltt.
tmt OO W W W N.V N " el
i ii
unit e q
n no e
ii it oe
ll ii ii v w w t i w : " m
Vl"WlVV IM IU ,1 -1
ii np
ii it
Ii mi
nrm oe nv n
i I ii ii n n n
mil i) e n n n
11 It K O O
11 11 u oe N
rc-i iJl,
!! K 1
PasaS $
This inedlclnn, combining Ireu with pur
vegetable tentca, eutclily and completely
By rapid and thorough assimilation with
the bleed. It reaches overy part et tbe system,
? urines and enriches the bleed, strengthens
he muBcJes and nerves, and tonus and invig
orates the system:
A line Apputlxer Beat tonie known.
It will euro the worst case el Dyspepsta,
removing all dlstrcsalng symptoms, such as
Tasting the reed, notching, Heat In tbe Utera-
acn, umrieurn, etc
The only iron medicine that will net black
en or Injure tbe teeth.
It Is Invaluable ler diseases peculiar te
weai en, and te all persons who lead sedentary
An nntalllnc remedv ler dlso&gea eL the
Liver aud Kidneys.
Persons suQerlng Irem the ettect el over
work, nervous troubles, less of appotlte. or
debllity, experience quick relief and ronew ea
energy by its use
It does net cause Headaehe or preduce Con-Btlpatlen-OTlIEIt
Iren mctlclnesde.
It is the only preparation et Iren that
causes no Injurious edects. Physicians and
druggists recommend it as the best. Try IL .
ThOKonulue has Trade alark and crossed
red Hues ou wrapper. Take no ethor. Made
only by
stplWydaiyw Ueittmore, lid,
r B T
buu ii v
Tny Adept Itrioletlona DneuarlOK tha
Ueal mud rrlchtUomnleatloa by wnlcb
Maeafactarea r Uepreaacd,
Kbadine, Pa., Dee 10 Copies of the
resolutions passed by the Read in it beard e
trade were sent te-day te every railroad
oempany in this soetion of the country.
The resolutions endorsed the movement of
the Eastern Pennsylvania manufaetnrers
te held a meeting next month te pretest
aealnst the continuation of the oeal peel,
and also deolare that the business depres.
sien in tbe Lebanon and Schuylkill vat.
leys Is dne te tbe oeal combination whleb,
owing te the consequent high price of
oeal, Is virtually shutting up many manu
factories. The resolutions also denounce
the freight moneply.
The Eastern Pig Iren association will
meet In Philadelphia Dee. 20, and among
ether things vj ill consider the subject of
"ehcaper oeal as a necessity te save the
pig iron business of this eeotlen from
abselute ruin " The matter of lower
freight rates will also be considered. Pig
Iren manufacturers oensume 1-12 of all
the oeal mined In thn state, and the iron
trade generally uses of all oeal mined.
Ceal and iron constitute J of all the
freight earried en the railroads in this
state. The iron men de net propose te
reduce the wages of their men. ltailread
monopolies must bs shown up and the
responsibility of dull times and no work
placed where it really belongs. If oeal
prlees wcre net kept np te an exorbitant
llgure by the peel (whieh amounts te a
conspiracy) then oeal would be eheaper,
and the iron men oeuld go ahead and
give the people work. The Iren could
be produced cheap enough te compete
with Seuthern iron. Prices for oeal are
at least $3 per ten higher than they
should be. wages in the East among
iron workers are far lower than theso in
the west, simply because oeal Is higher
in price here. Tet in East Pennsylvania
is the best coal and the Almighty his
placed it there In the most abundant
quantities. Then why should working
men starve because a oenspiraoy of oeal
kings keeps up the prices of coal and
thereby steps mills and furnaces and
throws thousands out of work. A strong
appeal is te ba made by the iron men te
the oeal kings, and if eheaper oeal is net
forthcoming the fnrnaces will have te be
oleaed. The P. & It. Ce. and Lehigh
Valley will be apeeially appoelod te. The
P. & It., by its high oeal rates, has lest a
great deal of business.
Election of Officer ler '83 ana '86-ltepert
et tne secretary.
HiRiuanoiie, Pa., Dee. 10. The busl
ness of the morning's session of the State
Orange was devoted te hearing the report
of tbe eeeretary, Robt. Themas, Tbe
latter reported the total reeelpts for 1884
tn be $5,507 and the expenditures $5,750.
Ue also reported bwu granges In tbe stae.
The officers elected wcre aa fellows,
and will sorve during 1885 and 1830 :
MsBter, Leenard Ithene, Centre oeunty ;
overseer, J. Q. MeSparran, Laneaster
oeunty ; leeturer, Dr. Jamea Calder,
Dauphin county ; Bteward, J.E. MeQarrv,
Westmoreland oeunty ; chamberlain, W.
II . Ilolstein, Montgomery county ; treas
urer, Wn. Yeeum, Berks oeunty ; secre
tary, R. H. Themas, Cumberland county ;
gate.kceper, Charles Uartzell, Northum
berland county ; oeres, Mrs, Anna M.
Helatcln, Montgomery! oeunty ; pamena,
Mrs, Ilinnah Eger. Lycoming county :
flora, Mrs. Eliza D. Calder, Dauphin
county ; L. A. B,, Mrs. Maggie 8. Rhene,
Centre oeunty
news mux rtinmui) xaNua
The King of Oaiubeala compelled te Hlgu a
Treaty by the Fre mm.
Paris, Dee. 10. The Figare, in an ar ar ar
tloeo entitled "IIew n treaty Is signed
under the Republie," states that King
Noredom, of Cambodia, refused te sign
the treaty placing his dominions uuder a
Froneh protectorate. Thereupon M.
Thomsen, tbe French governor of Coehin
Chins, forced his way into the king's
palace, attended by a body of marines with
llxed bayonets, entered the royal bed
chamber and compelled King Noredom
In peril of his life te sign the doeument.
Vienna Dee. 10. The Bohemian
Mortgage company la in great diffleulty
owing te the erials in the sugar trade.
The minister of finance has asked the
banks, both national and ethors, te unite
in an effort te prevent its oellapse. Its
collapse would invelve tbe dew nfall of
forty savings banks and bring ruin te a
host of peer depositors.
lia.e Hall Men Meet.
New YenK, Doe. 10. The Amerlean
base ball association met in annual session
at the Fifth Avonue hotel this merning1.
The minutes of last year's meeting were
read and the convention went into confer
ence en the amendments te tbe constitution.
One of tbe first questions that arose
was the oeurso te be pursued rela rela
tlve te the number of clubs in tbe
association. The number of clubs during
tbe past year baa been twelve, but Teledo
and Columbus having withdrawn, the
debate was upon entering two clubs te fill
the vacaneles or reduee the number te
eight. The matter was entrusted te a
oemmittoe and a tecess was taken pending
the repert of the committee.
lllg rire In Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Dee. 10. The six story
building Nes. 941 and 243 Levan street,
oceupiod by Clark Ures. & Ce., manufac
turers of household furniture, was de
streyed by flre early this morning. The
less en Clark Bres., stock is 830,000 and
en the building $60,000. A number of
houses in the vieinlny also took flre and
the household goods et several families
were burned. The total less is about
Uongresalenal Proceedings.
Washington, Doe. 10. In tbe Senate
Hherman presided te-day in the absence of
Edmunds. The chair laid before tbe
Senate an invitation te that body from the
oemmisslonera of the New Orleans Ex
position te partioipate in the opening of
tbe exposition. It was laid en tbe table.
In the Heuso seen after assembling, thn
IIouse went into oemmitteoa of tbe whela
en the military academy 'ouprerria.
Btnnld era Deride te Take no United Action,
PiTTSDOUe, Pa., Dee. 10. At a meet
tag of the maehlnery meulders te take
action en the recent 15 per cent reduotlea
ordered en tbelr wages, it was deeided te
take no united action en the reduotlen,
but te leave it te the individual members.
This virtually amounts (te aceepting the
the new soale of wattes,
A Hank In tbe Ilands et a Mectlvtr,
Syracuse, N. Y.. Dee. 10. Atkinson
Iires , private bankers, are oleaed this
morning. Their aflalrs are In the hands
of a receiver. The firm bad a capital et
$500,000 and was rated very bleb. The
Atkinson failure is thought te involve
about (100,000.
A Murderer Granted Mew Trial.
Philadelphia, Doe. 10. Jamea Sulli
van, tbe sailor, who was convicted of tbe
murder of James Tomuey, was granted n
new trail te-day.
WAaraaTOrT, D. O., Dee. 10. Fer tk
Middle Atlantic state, generally fair
weather, north te west wlnn, bcoenlBff
vatlable, higher temperature,
rruiadelpnia marftat.
T"rmh. Dn- M'-lenr market dnlt
H 71 iln VMr.f.':7-?!? .". "
Weant n7 . l rn. ninny,
SJ?11 S?JL!t,".ht. fi Wisconsin
cleat Mi 7ft4ZV utrmiaMa i ,i.' ,...
patenUM 2lS09i anrin deTlJ 74 .
"J wsarmaa uiuili aaia tnfaj9 VaW
Whfwit steftdv hntnnliiti NAiniiAt w.
TJHOpQ Ne. a de, aae JNe. i p, d t0Be t
Ne. 2 Dataware rte, 85e. , " i
wOMKet a ftU yeUowanctae mUwl 474u
wrii iirin, wnn BOOil aBL&B(.t ttMlTiftr
"O. Of VUIfllil
a a
Oat dell ami I,1v tin i rhit
31HO?SO Ne. 'Ide. SSJiei NaS(1n,83flSVei
rejncHwi. nnsiKO e, I mixed. Me,
8ed ClOTomned wmktSVnUn iTimrlke
dull at II 40O1 i nexiMvd nrm at II Ufll M.
uiiur urea uau m ii everii.
Prevision marlrAt dull. hiitnriMittHv,
India Mesa llmir. siasea-mi t:itv m. aiaaikai
!' Mess l'erk, ,S8jQH00; Beet uatns,
120 G0Q21,
Bacen. llkHei BtnnkMl Rhnnliinra at Tea
7i0 OKei Smoked Uama. 10k
HKei plrkled de. BKQlOe.
rd dull I cltv raflned. SaMVa i lenaa
batchers. 1U1ia i prime ateam 17 '.9.
Butter barelv ate&drt Crtuimcrv nxtra. at
300 1 w ctarn de, de. Wit no rf. O. A N. Y. ox ex ox
traa,2tJCt27ei Weatcm dairy de,20 Westaru
giniU VU VDItlCH, MB .C
neus nt wrjiac ; paekina;, ni:e.
Kgn qulet and easier) extras, VW'.t a t West
ern. 19QWHC.
lihoeao tnaiket aready. with quiet drmand
5?w .YerK,.uU trtraa, at K4lSe
Ohie Klau, Choice, UMQltet de fair te prltna,
sKtiailVici i'a. part uems, 0U7ei de Mil,
i'otreloum quiet t Keflned, 7Je.
Whisky dull: Western at II se.
new xerlt Siarkew.
Niw Tesk. iee. 10 Flenr fltntn and Wait.
em dull and still In buyers' aven tseathern
Wheat UflWc lower and heavy, with leas
doing : Ne I, White nominal : Ne. s Kpd,
inn., EOUQfnket reb., 82IaXet March,
8Je Aprll,87!4OS7X0i May, 89HOSXe.
uurunaniiiiDer anu nrm 1 uwi nreei
ern, tpet, 47QV5c t de tnlure, ISMnSlKe.
unta a auadn atrenger and quiet t no. S, kley,
Uc ; Htatu, stasia t W intern, lilie.
Qnotatlens by Uee4. MOGrann M OO-.
era, Lancaster, i'a.
u a-a,
Missouri Facifle
iisr. sr..
Michigan Central.
New Yerk Central 03
NewJeraev Central tali
Ohie Central.........
Del. Lack. W cs tern.... ion
Denver Hlo Grande.... 18
Krie Ufl
Kan eas A Telas........... 17
Lake Shere...., ..,., 07V1
Chicago A N. w com.... ECi
N. N Ont. A Woatern.... -...
st-PaulOmaha SI
PaclDc Mall..... &3X
Hochestor a rnuburgh
St. Paul 77k
Texas Pacific i
anum Paeifie............WU
naaasu common......, ....
Wabal PrerorrecU
Weat'rn Union Tolegraph Ci;
Louisville A Nashville... se
N. Y.. Chi. A BUI,, ....
Lehigh Valley
Lehlgh Navigation.,..,
Heading HH
P.T. A Buffalo ....
Northern Pacific Oom... 17K
Nerthern Paclfle l'ref... J
Philadelphia Krie
jtercnern uemnu
Canada Sontnern.;. ....... ....
ou...... ........... ......... i.
Poenlo's Paasenirer. ....
Jersey Central.... .... ....
OrcgonTranacentlneniaL ....
HeadlngQeneralMura.... ....
Quotations by Associated Tress.
Stocks steady.
Phlta.llnhla M RrlA 11- R.. ............
Heading Ballread 11K
Pennsylvanla uallroea 0174
Lehlgh Valley ltailread WHi
United Companies or New Jersey 107?
Northern Paclfla lTVi
Northern Paclfle I'retorred...... St-Ji
Northern Central Kallread...... B7H
Lenbth Navigation Company H
Norrlatewn ltailread .lOiK
Central Transportation Company. 36k
Bullale, N. Y..and Philadelphia 31
LltUeachnvlKUl u&uieiul e-n
Ask ler " Heugh en Coughs," for cengbs,
colds, sere threat, hoirseuoss. Troches, inc.
Llauld, 23e. (4)
Well as Kver,
Lettlo Heward writes from Buffalo. K. T.,
Mv avstum beoame craitlv debllltateu.
through arduous professional duties. Buttered
irem nausea, aieir neauacne, ana uiiieusnsss.
Trlea Burdock Illoed mttert with tne most
beneflclal enect. aiukuU aanyer." Korsale
by ll. B. Cochran, druggist, 17 ancU3 North
Queen street,
Stinging, irritation, inflammation, all Klrt Klrt
ney und Urlr.ary Complaints, cured by
'Buchu-Palba." II. (4)
Avoid cheap goods. The Hep l'lasltr cures
pains und aches where ether plasters simply
relieve, 23 centa, at all drug stores.
Poreua and slrengthenlng, Improved, the
best ter thu backaehw, pains In chest or side,
rheumatism, Neuralgia. 25c Druggists or
mail. (4)
Nerm Peln Kxpedltlent,
Prlze flghti, lotteries, walking mitehes, and
balloon ascensions nreuKn-dly ham bags tha
worst Bert, Dr. Themas' Eelectrie OH la net a
humbug. It la a quick cure ter aches aud
sprains, and la lust as geed aa lameness, for
buIe by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IN
North Queen Btreet.
tiik liens ur tub w atien.
Children, .low in develenmenL
-elepment. puny,
Wella' Health He-
aerawnv and delicate, use, " Wells' llei
newer.-' (j
lietter than Diamond,
and olgreator value than fine geld Is a great
tonle anil lnvlgorater llke Kldnoy-Wert. It
nvnela all itnlannnue linfnnpa fmm n hlexbfl
.... ....
8154 S81!
..V. 1
lrsk iwvl
14J 14"
105, W.
8X "J
9 7ei
7 M
3lX )2
TOJS 73)
fliW seX
.... ee
. Bl
US 111-tS
17 1X
tU WjJ
tones up the syitem, and by acting directly -?.,;
en tue must imperuinv organs ei oeuy,
stimulates them te healthy action and restore
health, it has effected many marvelous cares
and ter all Kldney diseases and ether kindred
troubles it Is an lnvaluabla remedy.
Benman Thompson,-:
ouppertea uy nia original ufM7 (i ,
ThlS laulOUB or.eosira, wiuiu.e-vi u viaYvn wi-v
.Mu.MHit.hB., mn,IM,n. vlll nlnv thft fnllnwvI. -
Rbvuiuiiiuitvu ., .. ... rj , . ., j -
lug QllfllO BtMwvllUll UObWSQU U1Q ew i 1 '
1. Overture, " concert ". '
a u.ii t ainp.tlnn. Una et the rineat ' wltfc" .
bell sole -0laHde., '," iJ
3. Idvl. " Th Forge In the Ferest," Mtchaelte. ; rj
., Htiiuciieu iruuK iiarriKnu Jirn -- wt i
. ---"---- 77" 7. .---,.W .- U. 1 M U
inv-H lniiaLiau.-' Willi Aviuuuuua iwutr.,, u.--
liiivni ........ JlrahDiY'iff.
5. concert Pelka, "KeJKrell" Schalt.T
0. March, " Welcome te All "...MZlmiaermuu -V' ,
rillli&3ADUDUAU. .
Sf euro your seats. Beserred seats at ppaflt , , v.
house. ""
I W. Hanley's mm,
resenting Edward UarrlganVXasrlartsa
i t- i" .
peopieiuueTte)Htro Neff Xef1?ZpgU
coming Heme Irem Uoellng. Hatte V W4r
Lever as LeugastUa World Uees kais4.
UounteiuToew. LltUa Sfcia Doer.
rnieESASUSUAU itaata ur gmmamm-
lOPsraUOttMJJoxeuJM. s ,v, -
" -m
-, 4,u
hi '
' fs )
r Mn
.j. "&i$&M4&mtgi&&t