sijfp.1 l-4. jn fttfi,-TfSif)?t'jii5M W'H'f V V"J? ttfataS 1 "Wll vIMVV V . "A! -1 e i'-l J Wj Volume XXlNe, 80. LANCASTER PA.. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1884. Price Tire Owta. "J Ik V-isLE .sYH 31 " BSttMitxi "TwwvnKtivfrwww 't' i& :1! 1 .1FWMIMT, DIAMUNV1, JtV. H. Z. KBOAD3. CHRISTMAS WATCHES, ' SPECTACLES, DIAMONDS, PEARLS, SAPPHIRES. OATSSrSS, PAINTINOS, OKA I t8, LOCKETS, SILVERWARE. SILVER JEWJBLRt, EttORA H. Z. RHOADS, Lancaster, Pa. Ne. VMM uuuva. rwArn amu auAu. LADIES' AT- Metzger & JHauglmiaii's Newmarkets, Russian Circulars, Delmans and Jackets. CHILDRENS' COATS, for Pall and Winter. Our Assortment of Centi ler Ladles and Children wu made expressly for us by tbe beat makers el Mew Yerk and Philadelphia, and are Tery cheap. METZGER&HAUGHMAN'S CHEAP STORE 43 West King Street, (Between the Cooper Heme and Serrol Herso neTMydaw N KXT lMlOa TO TUK UUUBT UUOSB. FAHNESTOOK'SI LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. IN ALL TflE NEWEST STYLES. SEAL PLUSH OOATS! FROM 420.00 Onr Stock ei LONG and SQUABS Breche, Paisely, Cashmere and Blanket Shawls ! Ia JlOW FULL AN D COMPLETE AND WOKTUY THE ATTENTION OF T1I0SE IN WANT. E. SB. FAHNBSTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. J. B. MABT1M A DO. At the Itfcent TEADE DALE el one el the Largest New (Secured BAKUA1NB In HOLIDAY GOODS ! Barely met with, and Inland te gire the publle Full lioncfltet the Lew Prices. A many of the articles were purcuaswd at less than coat el Importation, and consist of Decorated China, Bisque Figurea, Amberina Glass, Bohemian Ware, Carlsbad Flowered Goods, &c. AT TU18 BALE WE ALSO PUBCUASED A FULL LINE OF TOTS, 'GAMES AKDrDOLLS, WHICH WILL BE BOLD AT LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES. We Invite the publle te CALL AND EXAMINE enr stock, evon If net prepare 1 te pur chase, and Judge ter themselves whether the above goods are net lower In prlce than the same can be purchased elsewhere, J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King and Prince Streets. LANCASTER, PA. CAUPMXB, C. CaiBKV OABPBT BALL, BABGALNSI -AT- SHIRK'S OAEPET HALL. Selling Off te Clese Easiness. Everything Mast Positively be Sold. A Feil Line of BODY BBUBBSL8, TAPESTBY. and All Grades of INQBAIN CARPETS, UUB, BLANKETS, COVKULKTS Bad OIL CLOTU. GT ALL AT A 8A0RIFI01S.13, W Prompt attenUen given te the Manufacture of Bag Carpets te order. AT- SHIM'S CAEPET HAIL, OOB. W. KTNQ AND WATER 8T0 feb23-2mdaw BXUVKB, pe uu, vrtuTM m uaaisauijuu, -BANKERS.- PBIUK RAILWAY BKCDBITIE8 ALWAYS ON HAND rOB INVESTMENT, MINNEAPOLIS UEAL EbTATE 7 FEB CENT BONDS JfOB BALE AT 101 AND IN TEEEBT. PEOPBIETOBB OF " POOB'S MANUAL Or RA1LWAYB." COBBE8PONDENCE 1N Vll'ED. ,,- Ol-lvdeed "ALL8T NEW YORK. 7SuMBOMtTIOM.-I BAVI m. POSITIVE yj remedy for th above disease i by lu uae tbouaandsetoaaeaol tbe worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, se strong la my faith In its emcaey that I win end TWO BOTTLES VBKE, together with a VALUABLE TBEAT1SE On thU dlseate. te an v sufferer. U lye ex press and P. O. add ress. iJt.X.A.8LO0UM, niMflv04Aw lUftwi8b,K,i GIFTS, 1884. OPMMA GLASSES. OBAPOSCOrBX. MONAOLES, TELESCOPES MUSIC llOXBS, MAGIC MIRRORS. VINOS. 4 West King Street. COATS Hetel,) LANCABTEU PA. AH ATTRACTIVE STOCK TO 6ELECT F110M. UANDSOMB ALSO, TO $50.00. Lancaster, Pa erk Importing Houses we Opposite Stevens Heuse. BARGAINS ! LANOABTER, PA AUOTIONKKK AMU KKAL JCSTATK AQENT. HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTIONEEB AND SEAL ESTATE AQEMT, 61 North Duke 8t., '.Laneaptar, Fa. Everything pertaining te my business wUl receive my personal attention. Terms reason able, eivemeacau. lanll-ud 159K 159K Watches and Clocks. BAROAIMS IK Watohee, Oloeku, Obalna, Rinsa, Bpoetaolos, ote, Bepalring et all kinds will rocelve my per per sensj attenUen. LOUIS WEBEB; Ne. VOX North Qaeen street. Semember name and number. Directly op moiryHeMJ,aMPefta'aDcDQt, jyjuy mmuiuAi,. rilMKV ItKLIKVM AT MMUK. " IlKKrHON'H A. Canclne l'lattnra urn tirnmni. thnrnurrri and highly uiedlclnal." Dr.O. V.U, Konnedy c UriUUItA 1IKMKD1HH. OUTIOUEA: a positive cube fob bveityfohmef bleed disease, fbem pimples to.scbefula. I have had the Psoriasis for nlne months About Hte months age 1 applied te a doetor nt?r. u.0tn, who helped me. but unlmtn. palely I hud te leave, but centlnned taking the medicine for nearly thrce months, but the dltoa'erlMnnllcavo I saw Mr. Carpenter's lett. r tethe Philadelphia Recerd, and his rase perfectly tiercnbed initie. 1 trled the Utmcuiu. Hkmsdies using two bettlss Hmelvkht and Cc-rioVKASeAPln proportion, and call uiysttlt compietelycured. L. F. DABNAUD. WaTkreeru, N. J, KtZBHA TWENTY YKAHB. Uured Net sign of Its KeappearanM. Your Ccticcra baa dene a wonderful euro ler me mere than two years age. fseta sign af Ite reappearance slucu. It cured me of a very bad Kctemawhlch had troubled me for ""V,0 ,.htt.n ' Wl llty Jtars. I shall al ay speak wen el CUTtcuttA laHiagrratdealetlL . FBANK C SWAN, Druggist. Uavehrill, Mass. HKST rUK ANlTlllnU. tlaving used your CvncuBA ItiUsDiss for plghtctn months for Tetter, and dually cured It. 1 Rtri nnvlmi. ... 0. it ... .ah ...-....- sten. I can recommend It bevnnri nc rnmn. dlt-s I have evor used ler Tetter. Uurns, CutH, etc- In lact. It Is the best iredlclnn 1 have ever tried ler anything. it, a. UOttTON. Mtiitl, Mies. BUKOrULOUH CUBES. 1 had a diwen bail sores upon my body, and trled all remedies 1 could hear of. aud at lest trlodyeurCtfriauKAlUiiMis and they have cured m ' , jse. U ASK ILL,. Ubbbek, Thayer Cetnty, Pcnn. ' Every speeles el ItchliiR1, Ecaly, Pimply BcrotuleuB, inherited and Contagious ilu mers, with leis el hatr, cured by Cuticcba ItcseLvstrr. the new Bleed Purifier lnttmally, and cdticeha and CirrictmA beap the great Bklu Cures externally. Beld GVprvwllrn lrlnf rnrlrrm KArt Seap, a cents. Keselyiikt, tl.W. Perrsn Unco ado Cukkical Ce., Bosten. BEAUTY. Fer Chapped and Oily Skin, ctrriccRA Seap. ri'UK UUTIUDBA KKHKDlKH FOB HALK J- -H.l..Cecnran' UniK otero, 137 and 139 North Qucen street, Lancaster, Pa. ! SNEEZE! Snceze until your head seems ready te fly eil: until jour nese and eye discharge ex. crsslvu qtmntltles el thin. Irritating, watery, fluid juntll your headaches mouth and threat parched, unit bleed at tever beat. This is an Acute ( atarrb, aii'i Is Instantly relieved by a single ilose and permanently cured by one liottlnetbANFOUD'a KADIOAL UUUE for CATARHH. Complete Treatment, with Inhaler, $1. One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Bolventand ene Improved Inhaler, in one fiucKuge, may new be had of all druggists ter LOO. Ask for 8AnreD Uadical Cces. "The only nbselute epeclUu we knew of " Med Timet. " The lie.t e have teund In a llfetlme of suQcrlng." Rev Dr. Wiggin, not ion. " After a long strjggle with Catarrh the Haeicax. tlVBii has oeniiuereil." Rev. S. W. Menree, Lturtibui gh. Pa, "1 have net teund a cuse tnat it did net relieve ut ence." Andrew Lee. Manchester, Mate. Petter Dbueakd CnixieAt. Ce., Bosten. SAMDFOHD'HKADtUM.UUKKreltaAl.E atlhrun'a DriBUirii.iitfi.-'''" uduu evs.wb umuLwikOk COLLINB'VOLTAICELKCTBICPLASTEUS. Fortherellof and prevention, the Instant It Is applied, of Itheumatlsm, Neuralgia, sciat ica, coughs. Celd, n tuk Hick, Stomach and Bowels, boellng l'alns, Numbneas, Hysteria, Female Pains. 1'alpltatten, Dyxpepsla, Llvrr Complaint, Bllleux fever. Malaria and Kpl demies, usu Cellins' Plasters (an Klectrle Bat tcry combined with a Pereus Plaster) and laugh at pain. 25a overy where. decl-lydW.B Aw G HKAT INDIAN MtSDIOINE. KA-TON-KA, THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE, -reu THE Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. It la made by the Indians, usea by tea Indians, Beld by the Indians. it is Purely Vegetable Itsurely cures all (11301308 of the Stomach, Liver, Bowela and Bleed ltlaaluiesta specific for all forms of Bheumatlsm. It will cure disease when all ether remedles have fulled. Directions are plainly printed ou every be tie. All tribes et Indians have their medicines, but Ka-Ten-Ka Is a remedy of the Paclne Coast, and Is used by all. It Is composed et roots, herbs and barks gathered and prepared by the Warm Spring Indians of Oregon, And la favorably known and used In all parts et the world. 'Xhe sick or ailing should net delay its use. It will prevent as well as euro disease. Its price Is one dollar per bettle, ei six bettlc.i for five dollars. Ass for It and see that you get It. It Is for sale by all Druegldts, and by tlm OUHUON INDIAN MEDICINE COMPANY.Cerry.Pa. Medoc Indian Oil THE QUEATEST PAIN MEDICINE . N hAllTU. IT HAS NO EQUAL. Meneo INDIAN OIL Is certain te euro Toothache In one minute. Headache In Ave minutes, JCarame in ten minntes, bere -xnreat in ene ulght, Neuralgia In three te five mlu. ut?s. Mount! INDIAN OIL la used Internally bj well as externally. Every family should have a betue wiimn reacu. it is a uocieru heuse. . . for sale by ail Druggists. Price 250. per bettle. Large slze bottles, Wc. Indian ceuuu 8UUP la a -nremnt spec &O0.1 " -T" . .- . . . . eclnc ler ueugus, ueiua and uung uueajses. rn er Deme, ita-um aa, aiwiue inuiau uu undindlan Cough Syrup ter sale (wholesale and retail) at Cochran's Drug store, ne.w and 133 North Queen struct, Lancaster, Pa. mS-lydWABAw UliUCXitlXH. D U XUU ABB. WUI WE SELL THAT SPLENDID Light Colored Syrup, SO CHEAP 1 Only loe a quart. We bought a large let and sell se much. W by. the people come lrem all parts el thu ctty and county ler It.; leans Hei WehavetbeUenutne New Crep Open Kel tle New Orleans Molesaoa. uhis la what you want ler geed Christmas Cakes. We sell It at 16 and 18 cent a iiuart. Bemember, that much of. the se-calle t New Orleans Molasses and ettered se low. Is only cane lulce and wUl net bakoageodcake. rOB THE BEST, OO -10 BURSK'S, WO, 17 BAST KINO BTREDT, OUB WORLD'S FAIB. IU UMKA.T NKW UULEANB SHOW The liszillnft sptetacls Thai Will be Setn tVhen the tlreat rlr of tbe New booth lias rainy Uutned. Few Nottbenicrs bave a preper appro appre appro eiation or tbe cztentlve tcale en which tbe appreaablDR world's fair In New Orleans la projeetod. Hew mueh ptcater Ih mafi mafi ultude It will be tban many such cxblbl cxblbl Hen may be Inferred from tbe faet that tbe entire bulldiugs of Paris and Vienna wbleh were devoted te tbelr fairs oeuld be pat Inte tbe main building of the New Orleans exposition, It is about one-third larger tbau that of tLe Oentennial at Philadelphia. It Is by all edda the largest edifJoe of whleh history gives any no ne no eoant. The Celiacum nt Iteme, a struo strue struo ture whleh gave a word te the world by whleh te express magnitude, deca net compass half as rauobxpaeo as this expo sition at New Orleaus. But of course this is net as lefty aud subatautial us the Coliseum was. The ODgines te be used for lighting the plaoe alene are mero tremendous than all tbeEO set in operation at the Philadelphia Centennial by tboEmperor of Draziland General Grant at the moment of opening the exhibition there. The whole arrange ment is en this vast plan. It is worthy of the country. It is fashioned after it la its vastness and its splender. Out in the Mississippi, lording the whole soene, will lie the Great Eastern, seen te arrive from Europe a tit companion of tbe grand event. tije erLENDen oe decoiutie:?. There will be about 73 acres under reef and the grennda and approaches te tbe bnildings will ba of brilliant appearance, mingling natural with artificial doeoratlon Joaquin Miller, with the cye of the poet and painter, thus sketcbes this aspect of it ; T j "Te me the best things here, ithe best, most impressive, most beautiful, most marvelous of all that is bore, or can be brought here, is the army of aneient and wide beugbed oaks that stand 'in solemn line. In their gray and priestly garments of mess they guard the exposition build ing about and down te the banks of the great swift riter. Bring what you may here, geld and silver andt silks and preoleus things, I shall turn from them all te tbese gray old bearded and impressive drnldB for contemplation and companion. ship. "Tbey are net dull In the least, like tbe great traes of Yesemlte, lefty, (leafless and desolate in tbelr glgantie glory ; but they are bread beuzhed, green and evergreen. The leagt one of this wonderful avenue would shelter from sun or storm an army of tbeusards. And the grass grows green beneath them, even up te the tre mendous tcunlc. And then up the trunks the ferns have found their way. And far np and far eat along the spreading beugbB the ferns grew rank and green. There .are no sueh oaks anywhere els in l,he world .j Bat the wonder and the beauty of them, bajfeund. a singular and rare dignity i,nither gray and majestle beards that flweep almost te the earth. Moving in the wind, moving te and fro with" a graea and restlessness, even lu the calmest weather, the travels; Instinctively uncovers lila bead in their; presence, as if ut fcti wl i hwfn.a III intnlanf ilnlllns . Qf.1 UTO. I u I COItQEOnSNESS orceLon. "This is aolimatethat net only tolerates but invites, even cempels1, Scoler. Nntute seta the orample. Tho'beundleas blue skies compel seme sort of nalief and con trast te their gloriens monbteny. And se the green fields hore are 'arvidly green, There is no geld be geldenjaa these erange trees. The leaves en tije trees are like banners, and ee we have njany banners in the ene hue. As you rlrive out up the new and fashionable street bore, toward the exposition grounds,1? you see some heuses that are painted in all tbe passion ate hues of the rainbow. Bome are yellow, seme are red, all colors. "And it is net the least bit in bad taste. In Genea, under the same kind of skies, the same oustem prevails, And I think no ene can accuse the Italians of bad taste in the matter of oeior. Yeu may romom remom romem ber hew constantly Dickens refers te his residence there in Genea as "the pink jail." Rogers, tbe banker poet, in writing of the heuses of this same city, says that they are se full a( oelor that it haB flowered out all ever tbe walls, ''And se I find tbe five miles of approach te the fair grounds, from the heart of -the elty te tbe upper taps of it, a most tleli tleli tleli oleus and vivid tle? read. The whole way la through a gteen greve et magnolia trees, with theBO burning bits of color dashed In here and thore, Just as nature would have dene it. 1 The read is geed, perfeet ; tbe same sort that prevails in Washington, And the perfume of roses is peured out everywhere. Here Is a per fect riot of red perfume. Perhaps the very next spacious dooryard as you dash past up the read toward the grounds of the exposition will be a bed et snowy white. A snow wbite house with a dooryard of tall and intensely green magnolia trees, and these trees full of birds, and then a littie sea of red resea, with an undoreur rent of fervidly creen grass, and all these nursed under a deme of sipphlre and this is a dash of color wbieh you.eneountor every square en your way te the fair grounds here In Deoembor. " Sometimes tbe oelor of the house is ehanged ; then all the ether hues save these of the sky and the grass, are ehanged also. Ne violence, no raahness or reek, less oelorlng is evor neticeable among the Latins or any people bem and broil where the sun prevails. " And se a drive of many miles up tbla read under the magnolias aud amid the Deoembor roses puts you in a splendid mood te lilt your hat at the heaven of banners before you as you approach the exposition. And you will lift your hat, my word for it, and wave it tee, ami Bhaut with exultation and delight ; pride and joy at the achievements of the land as you cateh a glimpse of this city of ban. ners above tbe tops of tbe magnolia trees. The sense of life aud movemeut here, the oeuntlecB multitude, the oeming and going the shouts of youth and the tranquil do de llcht of ace. the victories of peaec tbe triumphs of art, all thoie will make the day memorable as one into which years and years were crowded," TBE DISPLAY TO BE MADE. The buildings are new lighted by oleotrla lights and present a magnificent appear ance Tbroe or four thousand ear leads of exhibits have arrlved and two hundred are oeming dally. Tbe states are all repre sented and many foreign countries, and tbe Seuth American and Central Amerleau oeuntries. But Mexico bids fair te earry off the palm. With the eldest civilization en this continent, ber wenderful history, tbe baa mueh te begin with in the way el sentimental Interest. Aud then her pro ducts are rleh beyond parallel. All these things are te be displayed tee in a building apart and set modestly aBide. The ple turesqua quarters are away down in a oerner of the park. This building, though oemparatlvoly small, Is of itsslf an attrac tion, being one of tbe best and brightest things lu the way of arohltecture en the whole ground, The generous aotlen of tbe Mexican government in promptly contributing nearly a quarter of a million geld te tbe enterprise, the flne bobavler of the offleors In ebarge and the celerity and ability dis played in perfecting tbelr work have wen for Mexico mueh geed wilt and admiration already, both from Americans aud strangers, Tbe Mexican exlblt Is ready. Here yen are te see heaps and heaps of proeious stones ; opals, pearls, diamonds, rubies, indeed all things that are bidden in her ereat, rieh heart. Heaps and heaps of geld, rieh and yellow from the mines ; silver in bars and ingots and brieks. ;Great teams of sliver and geld tbrcaded in to gether that bad been hldden away in the mountain's heart, where it wan placed by Ged's Unger en tbe day of creation, until te-day. Threads and seims and fhkes of silver and geld that never saw the light until a little time age ; a glittering beuse of geld and silver and precious stones is this of Mexico. 80,000 feet of spice has also been sc oured for it in the main exposition build ing, and a large soetlon of agricultural hall and the park roserved for fruits, exotle dowers and plants and forest trees that will form no incousiderable part of Mexioe's exhibit. Anether feature will be a famous Moxiean band of fifty pioees, a regiment of eavalry and another of In. fantry of tbe Mexiean array. A portion of the infantry regiment arrived several days age, and is quartered in the barracks ereeted for the troops in the oxpositien grounds. Only less in importance te tbe Mexican display will be these of the Central Amer ican republics. In comparison with their population and wealth these will be fully abreast with the exhibit of their nerthern neighbor. Tbe productions of the tropies will be exhibited in great number and variety and will serve te stimulate the trade between the United States and ether American nations, lu faet, this is ene of the great objects et the oxpositien and all the probabilities are that it will ba fully attained. THE C0L0BED MEN'S EXHIBITS. The negre population of the Beuth has shown the liveliest Interest in the oppor tunity offered te evidonee tbe advanoo advaneo advanoe ment of the raee during twenty years of freedom. Theleadera of the raee in every state in the Seuth have taken the matter and effeoted n systematic organization, and are making every effort te secure a creditable display. Enough Is Known of the success of tbelr efforts te watrant the assertion that this department of the ex. position will be a genuine surprise te these who have net olesely follewod the progress of the raoe in the Inventions, the moehanlotl and flne arts, thn solnnces and in educational matters. Tbe objeet qf the exposition management In grouping together the ovldencea of the rapid development of the raee, and in making them a distlnotlve feature of the enter prise, is greatly appreciated by the colored people, and the appointment of ex-Sena ter Blauohe K. Bruce as the head of the department has added te the feeling of satisfaction. The department will be con trolled exclusively by oelorod men, and the exhibits will be collected and for warded by the oelored commissioners in the various states, whose oxpenses have been generously assumed by the exposi tion management. Tbe department of oelored exhibits was the idet of Director General BurRC, and is only ene of the many evwences oTntts-aatnira'ble "quaUu "quaUu eatians for the position he oeoupios. KLEPTOMANIA L'LKAUKir. a. Yeunc Utlintnnl wtune 'lliletlnc tnstlneli Uauie I rum uirtn ana Traiuiufj. In tbe trial en Tuesday of James Heath, seu of a formerly wealthy citizen of Louis Leuis villo, Ky., for stealing two sealskin oleaks, the plea was made that he is a klopto klepto klopte maniao, aud was se doveloped by the peculiar oircumstanera of his birth and childhood. Heath's father testified that the boy was born en May SI, 1SC3, at Lex ington Ills mother was an Intonse robel, and beardod in a family holding the same deep prejudices, Bhe went through the elty of Lexington begging for the soldiers and aoeepting anything, from a postage pestago pestage stamp up, and thus it was that the un fortunate son was born in tbe midst of in tense feeling aud prejudice. Tbe mother had se worn horself down by mental ex citement and labor, that after the birth of ber child she was unable te raise it. A oelored wet-nurse was hired, and about the time the child was old enough te be weaned she was discovered te be an icoerrigiblo thief. After the war Air. ueatit anu ms lamuy removed te Louisville, Ky. James was then old eneuch te teddle around, and frequently accompanied the nervacts te the groeory. IIe invariably roturned with semething niched from the groeer's stoeK. It was shown that the boy's father was formerly in geed oirenmstaucep, but had been impoverished in oensequonoo of ha v. lng attempted te keep bis son's misfortune from tbe world by paying for the misdeeds committed by him in his weakness. "Sawdust Used Medically." this Is ene et the latest lleas lu modlclne. Hut wuat evor you de with veur isawdust, don't take It Internally, llathe your head with It, scratch your back with It. or make a Bticklng plaster et It-only don't swallow It. Thu great medlclne for debility, weakness, djspr-iisla, rheumatism and liver troubles. Is llrnwn's Iren lll-tera. Mr. Jehn Jenkins, el 183 Jetlerseu strret, Haltlmere, says, " Malaria lett me vury weak. Brown's Iren Bitters gave me health and strength." The Dead Line." Many old soldiers remember "the dead line'' at Amlersenvllle. It was ainlRhtydanuoreus neighborhood. Dvsnepala. bllIousnes, and liver and kidney dlsmtsut are lull ut perils ler the sick, but Burdock Bleed IltUert ure a cur tain ramedy. Beh" everywhere. Fer sale by II B. Cochran, drugslat, 137 and 130 North Queen street. 1 Wish avorjbeuy te Knew. Kev. Geerge II. Thayer, an old citizen et this vlclnlt" known te overy ene as a most Influential ultlzen and christian minister et the M. E. church, Inst this moment slepped In our Blnre te say, " I wish everybody te knew that I consider that both myself and wlfe ewo our llv es te Simen's consumption uure." it Is having a tremendous nole e or our counters andlsglvlni; perfect satisfaction In all ceses et Luuir unlooses, Bueu i iiuiuiuk ujbe iitu dene. DUB. UAlUUCl'i' A ritANLiC.i BeDBBOir, Ind, tnuvi aitun jaauv iki aw May 15, 7i Sold by II. B. Cochran, djugirlat, Nes. 137 and 13a North Qneen street-Lancoster. lebUoedl Dents the World, Thlalawnat 11 G. llabnrman. a drnimlst 01 Marlen, Ohie, says: "I'Aemm Kclectrie Oil DiaU) the world. Kelil nine bottles yesterday and te-day. One man cured et sero threat of elitht years sttndlntf. Is splendid ler rheuma tlam Fer sale by II. B Cochran, drugulst, 137 and Hit North Oscen street. Buekles's Arnica salve, The Best Salve la the worldtfer Cuts, Bruises, Bems, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Beres, Tetter, Chapped Uands, Chilblains, Cerns.and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It U guar guar guar anteodtegive porlect satistacUen or meney refunded. Price, "S cents per box. Fer sale by 1L B. Cochran, druggist, 137 ami 139 North Uuoen street, l,ancasUir, A ureat DUeivrry. Mr. Wm. 'Iheinas, et Newton. Ia.. says "My wlfe his been seriously allected with a ceuli ler twenty five years, and this spring mero severely than ever before Bhe bad used many remedies without rellet, and beliiir urul inirviir. Kinu's New Discovery, did se, with most uratlljltm results. The first bettle relloved ber ery uiuch, and the second bottle has absoltilely curt d her. Bhe has net had se geed health for thirty years." Trial bottles free at coehrau's drug store, Nes. 137 and si North Qucen street, Lancaster, Pa. Large alie, .W, (l TOBAOOU AMI V1UAHB. TjOiAULlBtlKD, 1710, H. C DBMUTH, MANUrACTtTBEB OF -AND- - FINE CIGARS, NO. 114 EAST KING STi We have new In stock a FINE LINE or GOODS suitable for CHRISTMAS rilESENTS, CenslMtng et riNK MEEHHOUAUH and FltKNCU BBIAB PIPES, MEEltBOHAUM CIUAB AND GttlAUETTtC HOLDKBS, CIUA1C, ClOABETTE and MATUU CASES, In Turkey Morrecco, ltussla. Alligator, CalL Heal, Heg Bklu aud Bole Leather. d4-3-d enuKU LAWN TENNIS -AND- RACQUET CIGARETTES, Made of straight out tobacco, mud and et nne flavor, it Is the longest and renounced the beat Clgarette In thu uarkeu ;WTUYIT.-W Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, Cigars and Pipes, WHOLESALE AND UETAI, AT- I. L. Stehman & Ce., NO. 116 NORTH QUEEN ST. marSMvd LANCASTER. PA. VLVTUINU. T K. BAIAL1NU. GREAT SLAUGHTER -IN FINE- OVBEOOATS. We offer te day a reduction of 25 te SO per cent. below lust month's prices. Cromble's colebrated and popular Overceatings, THE BEST IN TUB WOHLD. In all thodHTerontshados and styles. Ely Blaus, Furs. VoleuM. Vicunas, Laflapels, Ka unas Mentanak'a, Astraclmns, ote. F. ft U. Edrodens. Cxarlncs, Duffel's and Patent Heavers, lleyal Irish Frelze, Oarryowen, Pe tersham. Meltons and Kerseys. These goods can emv ou u&u ui if uuiuk uuuaua iu iku cities and range In prlce trem (SO te two. We are selling lliein lrem $30 te $30. Alullllcoel Domestlc Fabrics, ranging In prfces from sis tot JO. SUITINGS OF EVE11Y DESCUIPTION AT P11ICE3 COIIKEBPONDINULI' LOW. All oelor are suldected te a thorough chem ical test. Our work Is of the best and ulghuat style or art. Our long oxperlonco In business and clese Inspection onables us te be thor oughly fatnlllar with all the host manufucturLS and latest Btyles In the market. Ulve us a trial and be convlnced, at Ne. 2 West King St., & Centre Square. inarlB-lyW&a ULABH A.HD UUMBXHWAHA. H lUIf & BIAKT1N. -AT CHINA HALL. HOLIDAY GOODS, -1N- GLASSWARE ! DESSEBT BETS. LEMONADE BETS, BO- QUET IIOLDEUS. KKU1T BOWLS, FLOWEU BASKETS, FINUEU BOWLS, Ac. All the latest Bhapet, DeslitnB and In all Celers. Examine our stock before purchas ing High & Martin, 15 EAST KING STREET, LANOA8TEB, PA. LKUAL HOTICSB. 17BTATB Olf tVlLLlAB WKLSH, LAT8 It or Lancaster City, deceased. Letters el administration en sold ostate having been aninted te the underslxned. all persons Indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate payment, and these having claims or aemanas against iuu sauie, wiii iirejvu them without delay ler settlement te the un Mltmnd .Afllillnirln thn nitv nf I.AnrAltAr. "'" WALTEK WELB0. J. a. corn, Att'y, Exeouter. decft-Stxleaw E statu; of fiiaMS uinN, latib e Lancaster oily, deceased. letters tes tes tamentAry en- said ostate having been 5 mnted te the nnderslgned, all persons In. bted thereto are requested te make lmmo lmme lmmo dlate payment, and ihese having claims or demands avalnst the sme, will present them without delay for settletnent te the under slsned. residing In Baldclty. j W. F Bwtrr. J. II. B. WASH'S, Atternejs, BUIDUET QU1NN, - rr.-i.- .-?-? f xeouters. aecs-BtdeawW IHAty HPKUIFIU BBOIUISE THIS IT Ureat English Bemedy. An untaillng cure for lmpetency. and all Diseases that fol fel low Less et Memery. Universal Lassitude, tnin in thn itAntr. iilnineaa et Vision. Prema- ture Old Ane, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Pre mature Urave. Full particulars In our para nhlet. which we desire te send free by mall te everyone. The Bpoclfle Medicine Is sold by .ti.tniir.rutaii.tsi eer neckiuc. or six pack- .,c ier t-. or will be sent frae my mall en the rucelotet the auaresaing me agen v. receipt II. B. OdclIHAN, Druggist, Nea. 137 and isa North Queen street, Laneas- (nacceunt of ceunterlelts. we have adopted tlia XellQ w Wrapmir t tha only genuine, uie l0U,Jwrt.Uj5iJUAY JaEDlUlNK CO-. StlSAie,M.Tt VWOTHtXU. lti r ! There may be mere attraetire i leading matter than advertte-'; ments, but If you are in need of geed Clothing at merely nomi nal prices, enr message become vitally important. Our steck.4 has yet many choice selections of goods that can be bought at prices that would astonish yeu.1 A. C. YATES & CO., 602. 001, 600, CHESTNUT STS. riULADSLPUlA, (Mmd w IS AUK UiriNU GREAT BARGAINS -IN- OVEKCOATS! nxv vueTta&.nn A.1ZT rivic aan OVKUCUATB AT MAN UlTACTUKEBB OUB A' l'JUUE. OVEHCOATB In all colors, styles and quali ties. eVEUCOATB fn all sizes lartrn or sm&IL OVKUCOAT3 ler old men plain or fancyt . OVEBCOATS ler young men ltKhterdarkr, OVEUCOATB for boys geed and cheap 2 OVEBCOATS ler children as low as L. ALSO 100 Dezen Knit Jackets, Just received and selling at Lewer Pilces tban ever heard of ter same qualities et these comtertablo ana usetal articles. ENIT JACKETS from BOc up te $3.75. NBW LINE Or Glevda, Underwear, Neekwear and Blue Flannel Bhlrta, BOLID SILK POrF HOAKFS at 250. SOLID SILK FLAT SC ABFS at 210, SSc, 43c. All en account of wan tin the room they occupy te make way ter rebuilding. HffiSH & BROTHER .!. COENEUOF NOBTlt QUEEN ST. ft CENTUE SQUARE, LANCABTEU.PA. UK llUZZABO-S UlS'l-OKlt. Would fill a velume1 aud a pretty big one t but If Abe had oejoyod the opportunity in catty Hte et WEARING SUCH CLOTHING AS Til AT MADE BY BURGER & SUTTOT, THO. 24 OBNTRB 8QTJARS, lie would have bad tee mueh pride In himself te become the notorious thief that he 1. Every Man Feels a Thrill of Pride When be puts en ene Ot BUBQER ft BUT TON'S 8U1TB, and he teela au agreeable sen sation In tbe region et his pocket, loe, for their suits are the cheapest of the cheap. CALL EAULYAND GET T11BILLED. Burger & Suttbny MERCHANT TAILOBS AND CLOTHIERS, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. LANCASTEB, PA. feM-lvd TJ'ALl. AMMUUJIUaatKJIT -or- Fine Tailoring -AT- H. &EEIAETS, Ne. 6 East King Street. I have new In stock the most complete ak ohelceat assortment of FINE WOOLENS; FOB THE FALL AND, WINTER TBADE Kver offered before ta thUelty. linstn rtety Of LATEST BTTLKCHlldKED BDIT. IN (J. CORK8CBB WB In all shade asd Ml ttles. A splendid assortment et UGUT AND HKAWT.intH'lW OYEROOA1 iHO. . i.miru THE LOWEST aad ail soedswarraated r repr4aid. U H. GERHART., AkULLianM of LuuiixAKsm sumi and Fountain w eat TDhassi, Ala, .H ws J .5, T "si ,'f Ai t m ?,.VS ;& ,m rrt " i. m irai m -r3 y& rM v. JV y V - tt f't$&tj& t Vr'V'S.rNj