'"i.,iBrSci;J-rfP'js'-''i "i iwST.js-s.:i JyCvSsKS7ir; . ' ' riu5 r t vpe- ir--"';TT&5 " , v';'" ,:r '.'jA'- '-"W-r Tigww ;.' , , - i! - - :-v. -". a. -"- .-, , ,.k. jt-ji."'. xW'.L.' ,V. tCc:. . TfTTESBBMn .4r V' -, S " - " '"$? -J IX tv ?4i (Stye tetf>e sSl . Jte W'i ' T '- I! '-a ' VlWvii ?.i xVl .'5' TolHine XXJNe. 85. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1884. Price TweCmta. SttteUxa - V ill i .TiTWitEKr, TT X. HHOAU3. CHRISTMAS nuryrffff, SrXOTAOLKS, chain, toeKicra, SILVERWARE. DIAMONDS, PBARLB, sapphires, eats byes, paintings, a It. VSR JJS WBLR r, H. Z." RHOADS, Lancaster, Pa. itjcr ueuua. riUATB AMU 8UAWU. LADIES' COATS -AT Metzger & JHaugliman's Newmarkets, Russian Circulars, Delmans and Jackets. CHILDRENS' COATS, for Pall and Winter. $& 5"jffw YSJi.iiLiartwJtiais bs.maaoexi,re9sly ,or na by ibe heat METZGER&HAUGHMAN'S CHEAP STORE 43 West King Street, (Between tha Coepor Heuse and Serrel Herso Hetel.) LANGABTEB pa. nevl-lydAw WMt UUUB TO TUB CO OUT HOUBM. FAKNESTOOK'SI LADIES AND CHILDREN'S COATS. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. IN ALL THE NEWEST 8TTLE9. AN ATTUACTIVE STOCK TO SELECT FKOM. ALSO 11AND30MK SEAL PLUSH COATS! FROM (30.00 TO (50.00. Oar Stock el LONG and SQ.UABE Breclie, Paisely, Cashmere and Blanket Shawls ! la hOW TOLL AND COMPLETE AND WOBTmY THE ATTENTION Or THOSE IN WANT. R E. FAHNBSTOOK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Fa J.D MAKT1M A UO. At the Heecut TRADE BALK el one et tbe Largest New Yerk Importing Houiea we Secured DABUAlNS in HOLIDAY GOODS ! Bsrelyinet with, and Intend te glvothepubllo Fall Benefit of Uie Lew Price. A great many e the articles were purcbasid at less than coat et Importation, and censtat el Decorated China, Bisque Figures, Amberina Glass, Bohemian Ware, Carlsbad Flowered Goods, &c. AT THIS BALE WE ALBO PURCHASED A FULL LINK OF TOTS, GAMES AND DOLLS, WUICII WILL BE BOLD AT LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES. We Invite the publle te CALL AND EXAMINE our Btoek. even If net prepared te pur chase, and Judge ler themselves whether Uie above goods are net lower In prlce than Uie tame can be purchased elsewhere. J. B. MARTIN 8c CO. Cerner West King and Prince Streets. LANCASTER, PA. VAHVMT&, JtO. OaiUKtl UAlll'KT HALL. BARGAINS I - AT - SHIRK'S CAEPET HALL. Selling Off te Clese Business. Everything Must Positively be Sold. A F nU Line el BODY BBOS3ELB, TAPESTBY, and All Grades Of INGRAIN CARPETS, UU8, BLANKETS, COVKULET8 and OIL CLOTH. OT ALL ATA BA0RrFI0B.& JV Prompt attention given te tbe Manufacture of Bate Carpets te order, -AT- SHIM'S CARPET HALL, OOB. W. KINQ AND WATER SXS feUM-Jradaw BXOVKB. T)UUB, wuirs UHSUIMUUUU, -BANKERS.- PBIUE BAILWAT 8ECUIUTIES ALWAYS ON UANU reU INVESTMENT. MINNEAPOLIS UEAL ESTATE 7 PEB CENT BONUS FOB SALE AT 101 AN U IN TEBEST. PBOPBIETOKS Or POOB8 MANUAL OF BAILWAYB." COBBESPONOENCE '1N VITEO. oMTdeed 45 WALL ST.. NEW YOBK. CONSOMPTION. 1 I1AVK m. POSITIVE remedy ter the above dleoase t by its use thousands et cases et the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, se trenir I. mv faith In lis oflleaev that I win send TWO BOTTLES FBEE, together with n VALUABLE TBE AT18E en this dlseaie. te any suOerer. Ulve express and P. O. address. DB, T. A. PLOOUM. VIAMON01, JtV. GIFTS, 1884. OPMMA OLABSKS. OBAPOBCOPBH. MOltAOLKS, TELESCOPES MoawnexKs, UAOIO MIRRORS. ENORA VINOS. Ne. 4 West King Street. Opposite Stevens lleuse. BARGAINS ! LANOABTBR, FA AUOTIONKKU AMU llKAL KSTAT1C AGENT. HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTIONKEB ANO BEAL ESTATE AGENT, 61 North Duke St.f ILaneaftsr, Pa, Everything pertaining te my business will receive my personal attention. Tenus reason able. Give me a call. lanrMfd 159 159 Watches and Clocks. AnOAIHS IK Watohes, Oloekfl, Chains, Rings, opeoiaoios, oie, Bepalrlng et all kinds will recclve my per sonal attention. Leuis WEliEit; Ne. 1WX North gneen utreet. Hameaaber name and number. Dlroetlv en 1 1st city Mew, nswfenB'n Depot. jyJUy WABITATBAQBDY. Lamentable Death of Twe Yeunjr Ladles ana the Narrow Escape of tha ThlrU Cincinnati Oemmtretat Onutte) Net long age a mother and daughter called attnoefncuolaprointnont New Yerk pliynl f ." Ah0 young lady was lalrel fare, graco grace 'u', et lerm, with a complexion Indicating health, and let her mother .aid there was vry ludlo&Uen te her that sbvaa the prey ptioinjmystTleus illsonler. At her request ? Physician wade a soarehlnKezamlimtlon. nothing was discovered. At the Important ties el thu mether, anether physician wai cailed in and another examination made with the same result. In less than threo month the young lady was ilca'i. In the eame city nntitlier promlnent physl. clan was visited recently by a young lady el attractive a idrcst, reQned manners and win. some aortnrance. mm hud scarcely stated her eofe when her UK?,1Lvo,e.i'llerfaee J,ll0,li her arms drop ped te her side, and Bno was dead. .. ' "J1 yP'L0 lln ner physician, and sos ses l,dS.!i,nJ,can,1ttl nt a Pst meruru examination showed that her death was caused by a convulsion, and thu volce of i: . . ""? adbse are lacu which can be substantiated It noed. UeUlcul totence docs net tell us all we ought zr """ .man sausiaouen ler us that desth must lay our Irlends low befere we can And out the nature el their diseases. Llle Is a great mystery i and It Is a sod commentary en preseut human attalnmenu that death ft the only key which In many eases can unlock the deptliB el this mystery. There Is something rr ere te be dreaded than cneiera, mere te be teared than consumption, which Is preying upon the health el pnr young people, becauie, unllke them, !w appreich Is In.ldleus, and we ,in. ,w ..Hf . " .pwsoiice only by the death It brings. Mr. Oharlca K Stephens, Louisville, Ky had an oxperlenco semewhat similar te thu mother whose case lsabore re lated HU daughter, when but nine years el age. seem d nuclclenly te droop. Bhe was ex. cueillngly languid, was lrquuntly prostrated with headaches and nervous depre slen, and the feeling et exttome ratlgue grew upon her constantly. 8he could scarcely breathe could retaln nothing en her stomach, she bleated se that she measured IS Inches around the waist, and it deemed that, Bhe would go mad With BffOnv. Kvnrv mnnth aim crnt wnpaa audworteund finally, as death seemed te be obtaining the mastery. In alarm her case and treatment were telegraphed te a promlnent New Yerk specialist, who. after due delibera tion wired back that everything possible had been dene and that oho could net recover. In threo months from that time however, she began te amend and In a lew weeks was clothed with health and In her right mind. In the nrat case mentioned, death was caused by what Is called brlght's disease of the kidneys. In the second It was leund that uremic bleed poisoning, caused by the same dlscase, produced the latal convulsion, nnd In the third case death was threatened by the same disorder, but was averted, when every ether means tailed, by wainer's nate cure. This result was accompli hed three years age and the lapse et time has shown that It was mini lurru ininperary eucct. It Is evident that medical men de net knew everything, and yet hew etrange it Is that peoptecrotlltlhelu with orauUclenca and die In the delusion. 'l am net surprised," says a canuld plnslc'an, "when 1 knew ttielgne nitice unci Incapacity of the proiesslen con cen ccrnlngsuch dieuidurs, that that compound U doing such eUectlve work. It it can accom plish what we cannot, people are v..ry loellih It they de net resert te Its ue " It seems te us thut tbeve tbree casei convey a lessen a lessen and Indicate a ceurse of pro ceeding which parents and young poeplo can can net aOerd te Ignore. XOHAVVO AMD V1UAMB. TjVSiAULiaUKD, 1770, H. C. DBMUTB, MANUrACIUIlEB OF taffirlMtel w -AND- FINE CIGARS, NO. 114 EAST KING STi We hara new In stoek a FINE LINE OF GOODS sulUiblofer CHRISTJI4S PRESENTS, Oensl'tlng of FINK MEEH80HAUM and FlllCMJlI llltlAU PIPES. MEEltSUllAUSl OlOAIt ANO CIOABETTE HOLOKIts, ClUAlt, ClOAUETTE and MATCH OA8E3, InTurkey Morreeco, Kussla. Alligator, Call. Heal, Heg Skin and .Sole Leather dt-iwq OMOKB LAWN TENNIS -ANU- RACQUET CIGARETTES, Made of straight cut tobacco, mud and et fine flavor. H Is the longest andf-jnounced the best Cigarette in the market. -TKYIT.-: Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, Cigars and Pipes, WHOLESALE AND BETAlf , -AT- H. L. Stehman & Ce., NO. 116 NORTH QUBHN ST. marSMvd LANOASTEB.PA. ULAHH Atfl) UUJKKXnlVAJtA. H lUtl A BAttl'lN. -AT- CHINA HALL. HOLIDAY GOODS, -IN- GLASSWARE ! UESSEBT BETS. LEMONADE RETS, BO- QUET IIOLDEI18. FBUlT BOWLS, ILOWBB HAMKETS, FINUEH BOWLS, AO. All the latest Shapes. Designs and In all Celers. Examine our stoeic bolore purchas ing. High & Martin, 15 EAST KING STREET, LANCA8TEB, FA. I70HQKKAT 1IAHOAIM8. In Underwear el any kind and price. Bnlt Jackets, Woolen and Cotten Shirts, Hese of any size end quality, Working Pants. Over, alls, Comforts, Gloves, Mitts, and a variety et Notions. Most et the above goods are selling at nearly ene halt tha prlcnttiey sold hereto fore. An overstock In the market Is the cause. eame as wneat. neue can and ex ami de before you buy. UK. NBY 11K0UTOLD. W?.W,flMtttteiaJ, THE TOBACCO MARKET. OBOWEIIB SOW 11USILV STIUPPIRO, Oemplalet et T-ecal i"lrs Agalest the Ha vana AdVles te Vaimers In Krg.rd te AMortleg-Tne Blatkets Very Dull, The paat wrek has been a busy ene with tobacco growers. The continued wet weather gave them nti opportunity te take irera tue poles a portion et their 'el crop, and a great majority of theru took advan tage of the faverable weather, and for several days past have been stripping and preparing their leaf for raarket. Frem interviews had with many trrewcrs. we learn that the Ilavami seed leaf Is olean and fine and of geed oelor, espeeially that whieu was cut early in the seasen. A few growers aoknewledgo that there Is soma " white vein " amongst the plants that were out late, during tbe very het weather of September. The tobacco then cut dried tee rapidly and did net euro properly. The same oemplaint neidB koeu against the native seed leaf. Dealers, as usual at this time of year, shake their beads ominously and say they don't want te buy, because trade is dull, the market is overstocked with unsalable goods, Humatra leaf Is in demand and Is oeming in in great quantities at low duties, etc, ete. And although the dealers a year age were unanimous in advising our farmers te grew nothing but Havana seed, and te preve that they meant what they said bought up tbe small quantity then grown, at high prices, they note say that while the '63 Havana seed was very pretty and eremiscd well, It has net sweated well, but oemes out of the eases in mneh the same condition it was when cased a year age. And they fear the '81 crop will de no better, perbaps net re well en no count of the terribly het weather prevail in'; when it was cut. Be thev sav : but farmers will de well net te plaoe tee mueh reliance en the uniavorauie opinion or the dealers. Tobacco sMdem leeks well in their eyes until they have bought it. Let the farmers carefully strip and assert their crops into proper grades, and they will be apt te get for them all they are worth befere next planting time oemes around. The season is early as yet, and trade will brighten up befere the winter is ever. Following are the only sales of old tobaeco that we have heard of : Of the crops of 1881 and 1882 about 150 cases, and of the crop of-1883 ever 300 cases. Only n few dealers are in the market. Many of them are in the West gathering up tbe crops of '83 and '81 Wisconsin, whieh are eald te offer favor faver faver able inducements for investment. TIIE HEW TOUR MAItKET. The Tobacco Ltaf eums up New Yerk market this : Western Leaf This department is well covered by the monthly clreulars of our friends. The reported sales for the week ineluded a few hogsheads for Italy. Virginia Leaf Very little doing in Vir ginla leaf the past week. A few bright eutters comprised the sales. Manufac turers are net disposed te buy until after the holidays. Spanish Havana fillers sell but very moderately ; 800 bales changed hands at from 80 te (1.10. Sumatra 200 bales eoraprise the sales, prloeH varying from 81.80 tp.81,05, -TrraR no one-was oetoptaintntr-or being hurried the past week, and we have heard of no trausaotieus beyond the usual retail demand. Ihere is a determined effort among the jobbers te get rid of old storekeepers befere the eud of the year and then start ofresh. It seems te be slew work, but it will be partially suoeossful. Prices for goods from reliable manufac turers continue firm, and we see no reason for any further concession for eome time en geed tobacco. This will also apply particularly te reliable blaek goods for expert. Blaek wrappers appear te be very soarce and high. The experts were 250,015 pounds. Smoking Average weekly inquiry re ro re perted. Cigars Demand fair, but lacking in'; briskness. sales of seed leaf in new yebk in NOVEMDEn. The month of Nevember dosed with re ported sales In this city of 3.805 easos, acainst 7,053 cases in October. In detail tue nusiness et the mentu was as annexed : BALIS. Ctep Ol lSJt. Pennsylvania ca Crep el 1S31. New England Hi Pennsylvania' fill New Tort Havana Seed. M Ohie ?H Cases, Fer expert.... " 'iw Crep of 13SI New England u " .... Pennsylvania U0 " .... Ohie ;co " de Llttle Dutch 400 " .... Wisconsin Havana Seed. 4U " .... Total 3,E0I 1W The distribution was as annexed : Te manufacturers 1,800 cases. ie ciiyirauu tea Toeutot town 1,500 " Te oxpert ISO " Total 3.S05 " Expert et Beed leat and cuttings since January 1, 1S31. 8og:ecascs. Game time last year ,,...,33,018 " BALES IN 1553 AND 1SS1. 13SJ. 1861. Cases. Cases. January 7,3ce 4,eoe February ..6,150 4 we March S.SuO 0 310 April 5,?us 9.800 May 10,110 e.tn June 1S8H 7,(UI July 10.9C0 5,700 August 8.137 4,000 Seplember 22,160 0.310 October 10,900 7.052 Nevember 6,245 8,t03 T0DACC9 MANCyAeruim tlf sw Tens TT IS aOVBUBEB. beoend Dramicr irgw venK. Manul'd Tobacco t 16.153 80- 23l.')21 bs. SnulT 31101 3.EW7 Iks. Cigars ,. ,. 3H,1S9 CO ll.Sn.SCONe. Cigarettes ll.iei te- ?J.W,fcC0 " THIRD ntSTlttCT, NSW TOrtU, . ManuTd tobacco 25,n.i 68 01,158 ta. 8nuU..., 3)3 31- 4.W1 ' Cigars 147.701 ;0-49.23l,UoriNe, Cigarettes..- 7,7e8 00-15,3J.,,0C0 " flew comparatively dull the mannfaetur lest trade was in November may be readily Been in the above figures by theso who remember the similar returns for this eity In the month of October. Whit with the less of one day and the exoitement inol inel inol dent te the presidential eleotien the man ufactures of tobaceo here exhibit the very neticable deerease. But, en the ether hand, business in all brrwehes of trade was very light, and for the same reasons, during the past month. 0158 WEEKLT ItErOnT. Sales of seed leaf tobaceo reported for tbe Intellieenceb by J. 8. (Jans' Ben & Ce., tobacco brokers, Ne. 131 Water street, New Yerk, for tha week ending December 8, 1681 ; jinn ..... 1QB9 riLir. t . irn .- WW UKD WU, WUIU ft. y 1VU VUOP, 1883, Pennsylvania 810e. ; 100 eases, 1881,Pencsylranla pt. ; 200 eases, 18S1, Pennsylvania CQlOe. ; 100 cases, 1833, Wisconsin Havana 10c ; 100 eases, 1883, New England 1335e. ; 150 eases, sun. dries 528e. Total 1,189 eases. PniLiBELPBIA MAUKET. There has been tome Improvement in the trade In manufactured tobaceo. Fine euU nre dull. Tbere is an improved demand for smoking tobaeoo, Alse for eigar TheBnujrtxtwe U fiOr, Seed Leaf Anethor week of draggy and unsatisfactory business must ie elaimed for handlers of elgar leaf, A few houses have done a fair business, while tbe bulk admit that few customers pay their usual visits, n overt ucicss, wuen summed up, tbe aggregate sales for the week show an inorcase ever the previeus. Tbe prloe remains steady for all rcllable goods, while nondescript of tbe various grades have fallen off in figures. Sumatra sans, and win se long as it uas snob, enthusiastic admirers. Havana tbe past week sold In very moderate quantities at full prioes. Receipts for the week 00 cases Con necticut, 233 cases Pennsylvania, 80 eases Ohie, 03 cases Yerk state, 113 eases Wis oensin, 20 eases Little Duteh, 47 bales Sumatra, 183 bales Havana and 181 bbds. Virginia and Western leaf tobaeoo. Bales have been 55 eases Conncetiout, 311 eases Pennsylvania, 02 cases Odie, 57 cases Yerk state, 85 cases Wisconsin, 17 eases Little Dutch, 44 bales Sumatra, 71 bales Havana and 10 hhds Western leaf in transit direct te manufacturers. Expert of Leaf Tobaeco Te Antwerp, per str. Switzerland, 47,329 lbs. ; te Liv erpool, par str. Illinois, 0(1 013 lbs ; total, 113,811 lbs. BALTIMOKD MAItEET. Receipts are small, and with season for active business drawing te a oleso, shippers are with lljzht orders. Still all desirable samples of Maryland find sale at former figures. In Ohie leaf there is nothing worthy of nete, oxecpt the linbt stoeks in factors' hands continue te held firm. The only sales uiuce our last were 10 hhds. taken for oxpert and 10 hhds for home use. Okakek, Mass., May 13, 1SS3. "Mywlfe was troubled with catarrh of the bladder, Inteuse pain In kidneys and loins, urlnutlntr with great agony. 81x bottles of Hunt's (Kidney and LlverJ Bemedt complete ly cured her.' II. S. Fuller, New Heme Sew. Macli. Ce. d9-lwdeedw Les. and Ualn. CUAITKR I. " I was taken sick ayeir aae With a bilious level." ' My doctor pronounced me cured, but I get sick again with tcrrlble pains In my back and sides, and 1 get se bad I Could notmevol I shrunk I Frem 223 As te 12(11 I had bcen doctoring fnrmyllver, but It did me no geed. I did net expect te llve mero than three months. I began te use Hep Bittters. Directly my appo appe appo tlte returned, my pains leltme,my cntlre sys tern seemed renewed as 11 by magic, and after using soverul bettles, I am net only as sound as a sovereign, but weigh mero than 1 did be be leic. Te Hep Hitters I ewe my llle. It. YlllV ATRIClt. Dublin, June '. '81. cmrrEB n. "Maiden, M B.,Feb 1.1E80. Ocntlomen-I sulTerul with attacks of sick hoadacbe." Neuralgia, fomale treuble, ler years In the most terrible and exarnclatlng manner. Ne medicine or doctor could glve me relief or cure, untu I used Hep Bitters. ''l he first bottle Nearly cured me," The second made me na well and strong as when a child, " And I have been se te this day." My husband was an invalid for twenty j ears with a serious " Kldney, liver and urinary complaint, " Pronounced by Bosten's beat physicians " Incurable 1" awm-iiGUles otyeurBlHer. cured njm and I knew oflhe " Lives et eight persena " In my neighborhood that have been saved by your bitters, And many mero ate using thorn with great benuflt. " They aim De mlracles t" Urt. K. D. Slack. Hew te Gnr Sick. Kxpwe yourself day and night; ett tee much without oxerolso ; wers tee hard without rest ; doctor all the time take all the vlle nostrums ad rortlsed, und then you will wanttn knew hew te get well, which Is answered In thtoe words Take Hep Bit Bit ters I -None genulne without a bunch et groen Heps en the white label, Shun all the vile, poisonous stull with "Hep" or "Heps" In their ame." nSS-lmdTu.Thas Plea.ant Words from Pleasant Urava. The place Is In Pennsylvania. Mr. Timethy Leek, who lives thore, was for two years ?:rloveusly vexed with dyspepsia. He writes n say that since he has taken Brown's iron Bitters his treuble nre ever He Is greatly relieved, nnd recommends this tonte te all who are troubled with dyspepsla or Indiges tion, it also euros liver and kidney com plaints. i Wisn every buur te Knew. Bev. Geerge u. Thayer, an old citizen el this vicinity known te uvery ene as a most influential citizen and christian minister el the M. E. church, lust this mement stepped In our stere te say, " I wish overybody te knew that 1 conslder that both myselt and wlfe ewe our lives te Shlleh's Consumption Cure." It Is ha vim; a tremendous sale ever enr counters and Is giving porfect satisfaction In all cases et Lung Dliuoses, such as nothing else has done. DBS. MATCHETT FBANOE.2 Botraaeir. Ind., May 15, '78. Beld by 11. B. Cochran, djugglst, Nes. 137 and 133 North Uueen street. Lancaster. Iobl4eod4 II ear Him. " Ieel new. I was afUloted with sick head ache and general debility, but Burdock Jllced Itllteri brought about an immediate improve ment In my goneral health. I conslder them tha best family modlclne In the market." Adelph Lalez, UnUale, N. V. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North escen street. Uucaien's Arnica aalve. The Best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Beres, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Beres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures PUes, or no pay roqulred. It 1) guar anteed te give perlect satisfaction or meney rotunded. Price, 25 cents per box. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North (Juecn street. Lancaster. Don't ba Faint-hearted, 11 you are In treuble leek up. bold en, give the blues geed by. If you are In pain, have n lameness, have an actie el an v kind, go te the druggist and ask him ter TAenuu' JCclectrle Oil. It will de you geed every time. Forsale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 18U North Uucen street. A ureat Discovery. Mr. Wm. Themas, el Newton. la., savs "My wile has bcen seriously aUoetodwitha ceuh ler twonty-hve years, and this spring mere severely than ever before. Uhe h.ul ivereiy wan ever uo:ero. una n.ui useu many remedies witneut. relief, and being urgeu veiryur. King's new uiscevery, did se, with most gratllylug icsults. The first bottle relieved bcr very much, and the second bottle has absolutely cured her. Bhe has net had se geed health for thirty years." Trial bettles free at coehran's drug store, Nes. 137 and Mi North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. Large alie, 11.00. (6) GHAT'S RPKUiriU MKUIU1NK TUB (ireat English Bcmedy. An unfailing cure fur Impoteney, and all Diseases that let low Less et Memery, Unlversal Lassitude, Pain In the Back, Dlmness et Vision, Prema tura Old Age, and many ethor dleeasesthat lead te Insanity or consumption and a Pro Pre maturo Orave. Full particulars In ourpam eurpam vrtilet. which we deslre te send free bv mall tn every one. The Bpeclne Medicine is sold by IU1 uiuhkbvb ub lick iiuuKu, ur BiA. liaCK ages ter K. or will be sent free my mall en the receipt et the money, by addressing the agent. II. B. COUHIIAN, Druggist, Nen. 137 and ltt) North Queen street, Laacaa Laacaa ter. Pa. , en account of ceunterlelts, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper i the only genulne. THE QUAY MEDICINE CO.. HuUole. N. Y, TVTOT1UK TO THUirAHIKltl AMU UUN ll NEBS. All persons are hereby forbidden- te trespass en any el the lands ei the Cern- wall or Speedwell estates. In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether lnclosed or un Inclesed, either ter the purpose et sheeting ei flshtng, as the law will be rigidly enloreod against all trespasslng en said lands et the nnderslgned alter this notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN B. PKBUY ALDEN, EDWABD O. rBKEMAN, A Attorney ler B. W Celeaaa's Heira IBDIOAZ. H UNT-S KESf BUT. Thirty Tears Bocerd. Endorsed by Physicians, HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER EEMBDY- Never Known te Fail. CUBES ALL DISEASES OF T11K KIDNEYS. LIVEB, ULADDEB, AND UEINABY OUUA3S, DBOPSY, OBAVKL, DIABETES, BKIQUT'S DISEASE PAINS IN TIIE BACK, LOINS OB SIDE, NEBVOUB DISEASES, BETENTION OB NON-KETENTION OF UBINE. Br tub usk e Tms BEMEDY, tub btoxaer and bowels BraanrLT iheaik tbeib btiussbth, Aito tu Bleed is rtmuisD. Ir is rnoxetrxczn nr mjuDnsDS or tub dist oeotoes te KSTua ONLY CUBE von all kinds OF UlDNBT DlSXASKS. It is rtmuLT vaaaTAnLn, ahd cxhes wubk OTBKa MEDIC1BM VAIL. It is raxr-ARiD sxtbisblt teb teesb disxasm AND HAS NkVXn BKKH ZSOWlf TO TAIL, OHB TRIAL will uenviHca tou.;feb bau dt all druoeists, -PBICE, 81,85. Bskd rea PAurirLXT or Txstuiesials. nUMXIS KKMKDV CO., lyl-TuThS&w-Jy Pr OTldene.. IU I. r Ami: BACK. HOP PLASTER. This porous plaster Is absolutely the bet ever made, combining the virtues et hops with gums, balsams and extracts. Its power Is wonderful In curing dlsoases where ether plasters Blinply relieve. Crick In the Back and Neck, Pain In the Blde or Limbs, Stltt Joints and Muscles, Kidney Troubles, Bheu matlsm. Neuralgia, Bore Chest, Affections of the Heart and Liver, and ail pains or aches In any part cured Instantly by the Hep Platter. A9-Try It. Price, 23 cents, or flve ter U 0. Mailed en receipt of price. Held by all drug gists and country stores. Hep Blaster Com pany, Proprietors, Bosten, Mess. LAME BACK. MfYet constipation, less et appetite and diseases of the bowels take llawley's stomach and Liver Pill., ss cents. danvaaw(J) ( UILTV, OUILTV, UU1LTK. J. W. MILLEB, Of Washington borough. Pa., Is guilty of man ufacturing MILLER'S h Dim ug set, And the verdict el all who tue It li that " U JS TIIE BEST l" "II IB TMEBES1S" " I'l IS THE BES1 1 BLACK DIAMOND COUGH SYRUP IS THE BEST. sepl7-6mdAw A11W. KNIGHT'S Seething Syrup 13 TUB LATEST AND BEST PBEPABA TION FOB TUB COMPLAINTS or TUB Little Ones, And It Is giving the utmost satisfaction te all who are using lu iHmusv Vs DR. BITNER'S LAXATIVE P0WDBE, veb tub cuu or,' C03TIVENES8, FEVEB8. TOBPIDITYJJOF THE LIVEKAND BOWELS, ACIDITY OP THE STOMACH. EBUCTA TIONS DYBPEPalA. It Is a mild LAXATIVE, producing no In convenience ana devoid et the harshness usually prodneodby PILLS, and can be taken In all seasons of the year. 3-ItU pleasant te take. Ask your dealer ler It, Bcpu-einaxw M1 ILLEll a 11LACK DIAMOND COUGH SYRUP. septl7-mdAw OBOCMKZKB. D O YOU AHlt ITUlf WE BELL THAT BPLENDID Light Colored Syrup, SO CHEAP J Only 10c a quart. We bought a large let and sell be much. Why. the people ceme from aU parts of the city and county ler It.: We have the Uennlne New Crep Open Uet ia Nntr Orliuui Uelaues. 'Ihla Is what VOU want ler geed Christmas Cakes. We sell It at 18 and 18 cent, a quart. Bomember, that muen of the se-called New Orleans Molasses and ettered se low, U only cine lulce and will net bane a geed cake, 1TOR TUB BEST, GO TO BURSK'S, NO. 17 BABT KINQ BTRHBT, Aruui link ,uv riftsu at pmiukm that defy oempetitlon at MARIlaAN'a YELLOW rKCNT 01QAX ClOTBlntt. 1 ftt! k:- r - w TIlAHA MAB ll ma. .11 At ' uoieiuaj UO Uiure KUHODn .V, leading matter tnan advertiM-I mente, but if you are in need of geed Clothing at merely nomi nal prices, our message becomes vitally important. Our stoek has yet many choice selections of goods that can be boueht at prices that would astonish you, ik 1 . .sp; A. C. YATES & CO., 602. 004, GOO, CHESTNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA. B24md w ARE UlVlNU GREAT BARGAINS -IN- ONETHOtrSAND AND FIVE HUNDBKD UVJEKLOAXa AT JUAHUrAUlUttEUS VUSA' I'lilUE. OVERCOATS In all colors, at vies and n fell I. lies. ' oveuceatb in ail slzea large or small. OVKBCOATS ler old men Dlaln or ftuicv. OVEBCOATS for young men light or dark. OVKBCOATS ler boys geed and cheap t OVKBCOATS ler chUdren-aa low as LS5. -ALSO- 100 Dezen Knit Jackets, Just received and selling at Lewer Pi loes than ever heard el ler same Qualities of these comlertablo and uselul articles. KNIT JACKETS from 50c up te H5. HSW LINK Or Qloves, Underwear, Neekwear and Blue Flannel Bhlrts, SOLID SILK PDrr SOABFS at VSc. SOLID BILK FLAT 8CABF3 at 24c, SSe, ISO. AH en account et wanting the room thev occupy te make way ter rebuilding. MESH & BROTHER COBNER OF NOBTU (JUEEN ST. A CENTBE BQ.UAEK, LANCAST EB. PA. UK HOZZAKU-M UlS'lOltl. Weulu fill a velume' and a nrettv blir en i but If Abe liad oajejod the opportunity In early llle el WEARING SUCH CLOTHING AS THAT MADE BY B UEGER & SUTTON, NO. 24 CENTRE BQTJABB, lie would have bad tee much pride In himself 10 uccouie me notorious iniei ruai ue u. Every Man Feels a Thrill of Pride When be puts en one et 11UBQEB A BUT TON 8 8 CITS, and he feels an agreeable sen satlen In the region of his pocket, tee, for theirsults are the cheapest of the cheap. CALL KABLY AND GET THRILLED. Burger & Sutten, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. LANCASTJCB, PA. febMvd J LU AHMUUAUKMEMT -or- Fine Tailoring -AT- E GEBflART'S, Ne. 6 East King Street. I have new In stoek the most complete and choicest assortment of FINE WOOLENS rOB THE PALL &ND. WINTER TRAD Hi RTAr eOrd before In thlacttr. A mat va KKI SUIT. rletv el LATEST STYLE CHEllKKI INU. COBRBCBKWS In all shade and Ml ltle. A splendid assortment el LIGHT AND HI A.VT.1fH HT OYERCOA1 XHa. Price AH LOW A8 TOB LOWEST $Mi all goods warrantea m repres.uieu.i H. GERHART. ABTUia. L1B U LOtULLAHUII II.MI , -, and fountain tine eat Tobaeee, Ale.'' (' nwt-olassSmeklBaTobaeoeeatr ft 1 1 -V4 Mi sM Ail Si ?t ?M . v '3 ? 4 .K '&" . v KfJ. ' VK H ' nu v . J5$ sw'JA: ''3 ! Jt'd sim v r'v i f.-t ". V !$; m $&' 'M s&A ' && & sji.". m , Si ?m m j &?t V i -rSt M i M m rt.V m m s7J i. M 08 J2 "5 4 Vl. m 'm v Jt ' ,?-: Tl J- " in-V..' V. iJ 5t - &&y .' , 3 " " i. 5 ' . l