WW ""'; 'rv V :T, JK A vPf, .y 19 L.AHCABTBK DAILY INTELLTGEGBB THUBSPAY DECEMBER 4 1884 1 COLUMBIA NE (VS ITEMS. JTItUM OUK KKilllliAK OIIHMK8PONUKN Ihe llniimgn ilrlnKInt Water Oharltable AMOtUtlenii.llngt l'eliniiedttam. nbuui tlie ltntlreadTunu Notes, Tlie report that the Impure water furnished te Columbines Is causing a great deal of sickness in Columbia tuny or may net be truu. Our pkysleians dllTcruu tbls point. Bums claim Micro Is but lltlle siuknejilu the hareugh, ami what there Is Is (tern dllTereut ovises, but net attrlbutnble te the iuillty of water. Others say the Impure water Is the oauae of mueh of the atokueBi new iu Columbia. It is nn undisputed fact that the water wns Impure teme weeks age, and it np ticars te be of n Jgoed quality just new, The e Heets, however, wheu It was Impure may new be just muklug its appearance. I? ynu h tve net purohated your tleket for the bouellr, te be held In the Metropolitan tluk this evening for the Columbia relief otseointlon, de se at once, evon though j en cannot attend. It la for the peer of Columbia, and evmy citizen who can airerd te de se should buy at least one ticket. The success of the affair Is already assured, and tboae who attend this ovou evou oveu lug will enjoy thomselvcs. A grand march at 8:30, and oue of Strauss' lleest selections by the Columbia band will be tbe leading nttractrSu. The fljventh tiimlversary of the Wo We mon's Foreign Mlrileiiary society will be celebrated iu the Columbia M. K. ohureh Buuday evening. Kierclaas, whieh will ba el a highly interesting ohvaetor, will com. ineuce at 7 o'elook. Mr. W. U. Darr and Mrs. Win. It. Uiren, will oaeh render a vocal Botcetiou ; tbe pnter, Itev. It. W. Humphries, will deliver au nddrei, while the oHiec' report will centiin many points of Iutercat. A oemmltteo, at the oenolualon of the pregramme will sollelt names for membership, the prlce of which is ten cents per week. poisoned itoes Twe hogs owned by Kdwaid Smith, a ilngman en the I'. 11. It., nud who resides en Seuth Frent slrcet.dicd from the ofl'eets of jhjIheii, en Tuesday evening. Mr. Smith at Jirht thought the animals bad hog chelrra, but as their symptoms did net substantiate this belief, uien an examina tion belng made, poison was found in their btomaeliB, The vlllUu who committed the deed Ih unknown. A AKJOT run nvtMieiD. Four cirs'bf a Mexican rallrea 1 company were sent te Columbia yesterday te be repaired. Tbe total ameuut of oeal and weed used en the P. H. H. ouglnes bent from Columbia, Hit mouth is as fellows : Ceal, 11,210,000 Ibi. ; weed, 1l cords. This is probably tbe largest consumption ever known iu Columbia, One bUIe of the tool houses situated iu the west jard, was crushed In last night by Ftcdorlelc division engine Ne. 11 nhift. ing cars against it ; the building stands at the end of a passenger Hiding, Hereafter liouse ears nre te be known as hoi cars en the P. It. It., orders te that oUret having rccently been issued. Filbert Jaoksen, a drunken tramp, fell en a railroad track beneath the It, & C. sbiller yesterday, and broke his nese atid gashed hi rialit cheek. iewn notes. Mr. Jue. Naw, residing en the Lancas ter pike, last night urove a weuld-be robber who was attempting te cnter his houae away at the muzzle of a shot gun. Mrs. Goe. Weaver, residing en Cherry etrcet between Third aud Fourth, was the rocepent of u large birthday surprise pary last evening. It was a mist delight fill aifalr. Fosfe, aged 13 year-i, residing near Iren vllle, last bat unlay while doingsemo work strained lilt back nud stomieh se severely that en Monday hn died from the effect 3. He was buried at Ironvllle yesterday. Mr. Jewph Yennir, wel' known In Col umbia, died In tbe 70.li yeir of his age, yesterday, at his home near Ironvllle of general debility. Mr. Jeseph Lutx, en Fifth street, Is Buffering greatly with rheumatism. Au Intoxieated man from Washington borough, uame unkuewn, fell from his liorse at M nutl w alum streets yesieruay afternoeu, and had his faea and head badly cut. The Vigie bjys took oare of him until he soberod up, when they seut him home, The Shawnee ilre company, Ne. 'J, will meet tills evening. Se will Osoeolo triba, Ne. 11, I. O It. M. At tha Masoule leJge meeting this evening thorn will ba a banquet and nn election of uflloera for 1833. Charles Haldemau male during the past beating e isen 100 miles in hU Ilaclue pleasure beat. Mr. Fnnk Mu-Ber ia again able te be about. Jehn HisifiS$r prceeuted the Columbia Ilre oempanyTCue epasaum he eaugut yes yes terday. Aldus Leenard, residing en Seventh Btreet, gave au olegauUupperto a number of his friends last evening. Common Pleas Court. jikfeki; jnuen Livingston. The suit of Jehn Evans vs. A. F.Sheuek was given te the jury this morning, and they had uet agreed upaa a verdict wLen court adjourned. The jury this afternoon rendered a vor ver ver diet in favor of plaintiff, and assessed the damages at $23.00. The next case attached for trial was that of Benjamln F. Myota vs. Jehn Kshleman. This was au notion te recover en a me me me obanie'a Hen. In the winter of 1883 the plaintiff built a house en East Walnut etrcrt for Kshleman, at a contraet prloe of $3,497. He receiveu en account Irem Mr. Kshleman $3 270.03, aud far the dlfforence between theso amounts and $51.83, extra work, that the lieu was filed. On trial. James Weed, Llttle Dritain ; Jehn D. Wilsen, Fulton, and Jehn O. LewiB, Drumere, were appointed viewers te in spect an Inter county brldge rccently con. btrueted en the Octoraro eieek. Annie Miller, wife of William Miller, wna granted the benefit of tbe net of As sembly of April 3, 1872, giving te married women the bencllt of their aoparate earnings. two or A KINU. Oce vreut Dp In it lUHoen Tha Otbcr Didn't. Scenk I. IIe was a venerable and digni fied Bchoel diroetor, and in hia official rounds he Baw hanging en the walls of a Hepublleau soheol rnarm'a room a pleture of lllaine. Deuiring te twit her a little, he asked what bonevelont looking old geutlcman that portrait represented, and upon being told it wa's lllaine, be said, penderingly, "Illalne? Blaine? Ah I let me see, wan't that tbe centleman who was lately snowed under?" The same it was, he was assured. rJcENB 11. Hame uirocter revisita same school room. Bchoel marm, inclined te iudulge lu tominlsceneea : Ah, Mr. glad te eco you. Alter you bad left the otber day ene of my llttle girls asked me who that nloe looking old gentleman was, and when I told her your uame she eald : Mr. J n t n, J n t-n ? Ia that the gentleman who advertised te go up in a balloon and didn't ?' " Exit school diroetor, A JO( riend. Jehn Woedslde.rodding en New street, near Duke, is the owner of a valuable double nose polnter bitch, whieh recently gave until te a utter et noe pupa, a nam. ber of which were engaged by different pittice who intended purchasing them rieVeral evenings age a thlef broke open the deg house and, after killing one of the pups , carried another off. THKI.OWKIt KNU. a liikteti ei Keeeut ileal KlU Hales, Lite1 itf ami personal flew.. Frem IlioOxfent Pres. W. D. Pasaen, of Christiana, has sold bis farm nf 141aercs in Coleralne town ship, te William and Harry 1'uxsen, for 400 per nore. .. Franklin Telllnger, of Fulton township, has sold bis farm of 02J aeras te Jacob Fray,of Maner township, at 6115 per acre. Samuel Derrey has cold Ids mill proper ty and four sores of land,nt Peach llotteiu, te William Oorsueh, for $3)0. The property of the late Gee, W. Miller, deeeased, 131 nerri, iu Fulton tewunblp, was sold en thn 7th tilt , by thn adminis tratrix, te II. Uaumgerdupr, of Laneaster. The purchaser afterwards sold It te J. O. llowers of the same township, for $7,300, The Christlaea literary society has been reorganized for the winter campaign. At tbe second meeting, en the evening of the 2-Hli ult., W. H. Paxseu wna elected president and Llzzle Oeatcs secretary for the ensuing month. William Ncal, of Musolo Shell, Mentana territery, formerly of Fulton township, ia visiting friends In Laneaster and Chos Ches tor counties. He baa been in the west six years, living en a cattle raueh. Mr. Neal brought 2,000 head el cattle te Chicago aud then came cast. The oengrogntlon of Unleu l'resbyte rian ohureli, Coleraln, oxpressed their geed will in a sub lantlal way for their pastor. Hev. Dr. Stewart, en Monday last. They held a social mceting In tbe afternoon at the doetor'o residence, bring lug with them an eudless variety of geed things that nre bandy te have In and about the houae. The feed bins of his str.ble and hia bank account also recoived their liberal attention. Among the gifts was a hand, some parlor suit of furnlture. Biisr.riKO or tiik. duuteus. A 1)111 tTverei furtliB lr.inellaliuieut ul n Blate lluur't el Kxninluerr. The December meeting of the Lancaiter eity and oeunty modieai soeioty was held en Wednesday afternoon with the follow ing members present : Doctors Atlee, Albright, Urysen, Ulaokweod, Ucrutholse), liecklua. Ulaek, Ilrebst, Craig, Cliuger, Ehler, Herr, M. L,, Hcrr, IJ. F., llcrshey, Kendlg, Kehlor, Livingston, Lcaman, J. It., MuBser, J. II,, Muster, F. M., Musscr, II. E., Mewcry, II. A , Miller, Meutzer, Neteher, Itobrer, G. It., Itoebuek, Kiem Kiem Kiem onstiyder, G. II., Reland, Hlngwalt.Hhenk, J. II., Showalter, Summy, Urban, Wentz, Wolehaus, Weaver, Witmcr, WesthaelTer and Kiegler, J. P. Frem reports presented by thn several pbysleiaua it appeared that the health of the oeunty is geed. Dr. J. U. Keberla of tbe Philadelphia Medical society, addressed the society in favor of a hill te be introdueed at tbe next session of the Legislature, prevldtug ler a state .Beard of modieai examiuers. A leugthly discussion followed the ad. dress, after which a resolution was adopt ed favoring the passage of the proposed bill The main features of tin bill are that the governor shall appoint a beard of examiners, composed of physicians of the allepathy nnd homeapthy echoels and that belore any graduates of any moi'icalcel lege ean praotice medioiue lu this xtale, be shall pass a ratlsfaotery examination nud tccoive a oertilicato letting forth that feet. TltlllHTKS 'IU HIE llBAll, Tlin Vietrr Si. .lahii'M Aiteciiife. ou llielr Lute The vestry of St. Jehn's P. E. chureh, the lector presiding, last evening made the following minute en their rcoeids : Death having invaded the oircle of the " rector ohureh wardens nnd vestryman of St Jehn's ehurch," and removed from us our beloved brother, Senier Wniden Thes. E. Frnnkliu, it is proper that the records of this veBtry bheuld bear lesti. meuy te his cmlnenr wertirnraTflavrtind a Christian. In all the walks of llfe he was a weithy oxemplar. Noted for bterli-g iutegrity in a secular profession whieh he followed for half a ceutury : for his all'eotlenata dovo devo dove tlou te his family, tempcreJ with a wise discretion In all things ; for the fidelity with which he discharged the various public aud private trusts confided te him ; and, ubove nil, for his devotieu te the cause of his Master and his church, his humble aud ilrm faith In the Werd el Ged aud tbe meaui of grace as set forth iu tha Uelv Scriptures and aeoepted uy this church ; all combined te reall.e the poet's ideal that a "Chrtetan Is the highest style of man." In tendering fiurcoudelonco te the bereav ed family we are net uumindful that even death has its oemponsatiou wheu the departing soul reaIize3 that ' vain is the help of raau," nB it confidingly truBtu te the " One that is mighty" in crossing the dark river te cnter into that " rest which remaineth te the poeplo nf Ged." U. A, It, umccrsKleitcd. At the meeting of Admiral Reynolds Pest Ne. 405, O. A. U , held en Wcdnea day evening the following e Ulcers were elected for the ensuing year : Commander Washington V. Ham bright. Senior Yice Commander' Hubert C. MoDennell. Junier Vioe Cetntuauder Smith Swords. Quartermaster L. Itathfen. Surgeon Dr. J. S. Smith. Chaplain A. O. Lcennrd. u Offlcer of the Day II. H. IteU. Ofiloer of the Guards Harry Illickeu Illickeu derfer. Couneil of Administration Jehn S. Kendlg, six mentha ; Adam Dellet, ene year ; Jehn 1). Leng, eighteen months. Hopresentatlves te StatoEeoampmout D. Hartman, jr., 11. O. MoDenuull ; alternates, L. Hathfeu, James Ciaw Ciaw ferd. Janitor Jehu Dornmyer. ills tint lioeu, Iu leailng down the old Foidney home stead at the oercor of Christian aud Lew Btreets the ethor day, the workmeu found in the garret iu au epauing betweeu tbe lloer and eeiling, the llrst pair of beets ever worn by the tallest man In Lancaster big PeteFerdney, tbe ice man. The bsets are a nice little pair, nnd were made U7 years age wheu Peter was a ulce little six y ear-old. IIe new stands 0 feet 7J inches in hlssoekp, but it inuBt no satu In ula favor that hia feet grew lesa rapidly than any ethor part of his body, for teven new, notwithstanding his great length, he wears a number 0 shoe. Peter would uet take a 810 bill for his beets, although they are a little run down at the beel. Lnnefttr r.cetarers Abroad, Rev. J. Mar Hark is advertised for a leoture en "American Llterature" befere the Yeung Men's Missionary society e Bethlehem this evenlng. Pref.E O.Lyte, of Mlllersvllle, deliv ored a lecture ou "Teaching Manuers in Schools" befere the Yerk oeuuty tcaohers instltute en Wednesday. This morning Prof, fihaub, of Millers ville Nermal school, went, te Yerk, where no will lecture ueiore tne county teaoher's institute, en the subjeet " Culture et the Memery." cass fccttled. The oase of false pretense, brought against Martin Llepplejby Adam Mislieb, was arranged last evening by the accused paying $100. He afterwards left for Ueeatur, Illinois, whero he lutends te locate. BUjur' vuurt. Four vagrants, tlie inmates of the station house en Wednesday night, were dUobarged by the mayor this morning. JOHN F. LURU 1JKAU, Ouu of l.nnrntUr'n (ilrteit Ituilncu Men l'AMtia Away Hit Alirmoeu, Jehn F. Leng, drugglflt.dltd at his resi dence Ne. 129 KastOrange street, shortly bofero 3 o'elook thin afternoeu, In the 78th jesr of his age, after an llluens of afew weeks' duration, Mr, Leng was born In this city, and after receiving an education In our local schools, oulured the drug stere of the late Jehn F. Heiuitah. whero he roeeived tils first lessens in pharmacy. He after watdsoempletod his studies lu Philadel phia, and returning te Lancaster com menced the buslness en his ewu ncoeunt, nnd oeutlnned It through hia long and aotlve llfe, belng at the time be rctlwd, a year or two age, ene of the eldest If net the very eldest business man in Laneaster. He wis appointed oeunty treasurer in 1811 and was afterwards nominated by the Whig party and elected te the same office, belng the first county treasurer ever oleetod by popular vete. IIe was n member of Trinity Lutheran chureh and served for soveral terms as a mombcref the vetlry. He was ene of the charter member of Woodward Hill oemetory, aud a director iuoveraLturunlko companies. Mr. Leng married Louisa, a daughter of the late Itev. Jehn U. liaker. Tnclr cblleten are Jehn C. and Charles E. Leng, who succeeded their father in the drug business, and Jacob 1). Leng, broker, be sides two daughters. Ills wlfe aud children nurvlvehim. 1' or souie time past Mr. Leng was suffer ing from a complication of diseases, bu the immediate cauBO of death was heart disease. ltuliruad Uullmeu at (lilurd. A freight train going north and a passen ger train goiejr south, en tbe Philadelphia & Uaitimoie Central railroad, collided with great vielecca iu the yard at Oxfetd, Wednesday morning. The freight train had backed into a siding te be passed by the passenger train, and left tbe switch wrong. Tbe passcuger train plunged into it, and struck the freight engine with such force that both engines were badly dam aged. Au Adams express ear was wrecked and a baggage car considerably damaged. Conductor W. 13. Tayler, of the passenger train, was thrown violently te the fleer by tbe force of the collision, aud sustained nn abrasion of the t.gbt hand and arm. UaggageuuHtcr Heward Tayler had his head badly cut by being knocked ngaiust the Bide of his car. All the passengers were severely shaken up, but escaped without serious injury. The accident caused ever an heur'd delay, as extra engines had te be proeurcd for both trains. I'ronntitlleu le 1'rut. Ilsflf. Prof. F. W. Haas was SI years old yes terday nud the Liederkranz Bectety, of which he Is the musieal director, deter mined upon giving him u surprise. They assembled at tbeir ball, marched te the professor's house, gave him a serennde, after whieh they escorted him te the hall of the society, where au elegaut bacuuet bad bfwu pnpued under tbe dirccticii of A U.-eriji'. Af er tbe Biipper Prof. Haas was pre.-Liitcd with a geld mounted baton suitably rugr.ied. Levied ou by ttm hlicrllT. Executions were iesued this morning againBt OeoNre IS. Keliauin, furniture dealer, for $30,000, nnd his poisenal prop erty was levied upon by the sherift'. The execution ctodlters ere the Lancaster County National bank for $18,000, Jehn P. Sebaum, $0,000, nud Max Deiculer, $0,000. Later in the day Mr. Scbaum aud wife made an assignment of their property for the benelU of their creditor,! te Jehn P. Schaum aud Max Deichlcr. raleUetiBerbcMlce. A few gentleman of this city have ar ranged te start a district telegraph ser vices iu this eity. A central ofllce will be oper.cd, at which a number of beya will be stationed, who can be called at nuy time te run errands, ciny messages or de any kind of service. In all large cltlea this servlce is ured and it is rapidly being iutre duced in the smaller cities, whero it is bound te beconie popular. L,ncuy Uuntitirs. The Yerk Daily of this morning says : " Met srs. Wolf and lialtz, of Laneaster, came te Yerk en Tuesday morning ou a hunting expedition, aud left for Lancaster yeaterday with thirty-four rabbits as the rciiult of their day's work. Yeateiday Jehn CIIue nnd Adam Burger, returned from a ten days gunning trip in the lower eudef thoeouuty. They brought with them -11 partridges aud 11 rabbits. Ulcitidfty el it well Knuwu CllUtn. Yesteiday was the 03th birthday of Qoergo lirady, thn well known baker at Llme and Hist King streeta. He was presented with a beautiful ebony cane by Mt. Jey friend and an elegant geld bunt ing oase wateb by friends of tbia city. In thueveniugthu Gordenvlllo band serenaded him. (.atceujr uae t)luilul. Dauiel Ficster and Qoergo Geriitzki,the young men ebarged with stealing Joe liaer's llsh en Saturday night, appeared nt ' the ellitn et Alderman AlcUUnn rer a bear ing en Wednesday evening, The prosceu. ter failed te put in an appsaranea : after waiting n reasonable time the alderman dismissed the cases. ADOtur r Oeergla vendtr, Jlntiie Lee Priee, of Cartersville, Georgia, anether oleetrio girl, who will appear in Fulton hall te night, gave a private exhibition of her feats te some invited guests at Cooper's hotel this after noon, ncd mueh they marvelled at her maguctlfctn and muscular strength. OUlclal llenu Appceved. The efllalal beud of C. V. Stener, tegls. ter oleet, iu the sum of $37,300 with A. W. Ilarnleb aud Sam Mat Friday as sureties, waa presented te the oeurt thia nfternoeu and approved. Kight gaseline lights nnd one olectrie light net burning was the oflleora reports ter Wednesday night. 1'reparaterj Krrvicen, Sorvlues preparatery te the coinmunten will be held tliU evonlnr.alse te morrow evening, In the I'rcbyterUn church at 7JJe clock, 1'nckiiga rally. Admiral ltaynelds pest. Ne. t05. annul Army et tbe ltepubllc, intend holding n mu sical entertatument and package party In their hall en Saturday ovenlnir, Oecomber 10. The musical clitcrtalnmcnt 111 be under the dlrccllun et Prof. Win, It, Hall. The proceeds efthaevenlUK will be ter tbe bencllt et the pest. HcrvloMle Uaptlii llrethreu Olinren. There will ba English preaehlnic by llev. McFadeu, or Hugeratewn, lid., in the uaptlst Urethren church en Mulberry street, between Orange and westKluj, Sunday, December 7, Cervices will commenre at two o'clock In lle alternoen and seven In the oveninif. Theie 111 be serv Ices every oveulnjr during the fel lowing wcclr. Lf ctnre nt tbe Oenn uauis Te-Mgnt. illasrrantes K. Wlllard, who will address our citizens this evening In the court house, en the principles and eblccts or the Weman's Christian IVraperance Union an arganlza tlen numb.irlng ever !M local unions In I'enn. sylvanla Is president et the National W. V. T V., new established in mostet the states aud lerrltotleset the United Btates. Tbe great purpose of the Y. C. T. U. is te jecure sobriety t retn the use of intoxicating drinks by educa- KKW AnTMKTlHBMKMTH. liM.INM St IJMKRKMAN. CHRISTMAS GOODS -AT- FLINH & BRBNEMAN'S. The Largest Bleck and Lewest Trices. We are new opening our annual oxhlbttlen el llOMUAx- OOOU8. Uella, Dell Carriages, Kxpreas Woijeiis, Spring aim Hebby Horses Uhoellyg ami Volectpoaes, Tin and Mcchanlcat Toys. ' JM-ifsrchatits, Cnurcliea ami Sunday-schools supplied at New Yerk Prices, FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, E ;i,KllhT 11ULIDAK UltUIIU, Cliristmas 1884. The nellday Snasnn Is near at hand and te meet the wants of our trade we Lave nlnccd lu our ceses u lull Unuet '' ELEGANT HOLIDAY GOODS. i -IX- Watchee, Diamonds, Brenzea, Silverware, in Sterling and Plate, Jewelry, Spectacles and French and American Olecka. We Mill attention te the laet thai with our complete ractery we can fill any special onions ler DLUIONJ MOUNTING, MASONIC OR SOCIETY 1JADGES, Or any aittclu In Geld or Silver Jewclir. tSTFlrat-eiuea Repairlng Iu Every Brnneb of Our Bualnees, EDW. W. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, tine tlie peeple te a knowledge el tbe power and danger et such drinks, and thu peace, lupplms uud prosperity whlcb lollew from abstaining liem ttienl. MI$s Wlllard Is liluhly Cllted with a mind iralneil and stored with cliaslcal and modern lore, and conseriueutly U an lmprcslTO auuoleiucnt publle spnalrcr. 8ha should reculve Marm welceme te lai. caster. jiAjuiiAtij; Wiur-KinTZ -On IU0 2.1 el April. 18SI, by the Itev. W. T. Uerbard. at Ills rosldcnce. Ne. 31 Kant Oiange street. Mr. Myers K. Wllny. te Mi's Laura K Klrtz, both el baucajter city. It ItJCATllH. tMitiiOn the Jdlmt. In Ibis city, a terun I'lnves of tliree ineutbs, Jehn A. Mnltb, In tlie 3d year ul btaug'i. Notlce et luneral buruiltcr. Loxe Dec 1. l5!l. lu Lnncmler, I., Jehn 1'. Leng In tha 7Sth ye ir of his uge. Netice of fnueial Into-merrow'd papers JVJ5I JLUV (.HTtSiiSltSXla. lIIK MAbB. J' AS Suite of Parler rurnlture. In in a enlv cljrht nientbs. Apply at KO. IS SOUTH 1IUKK 8T11KET, It Lancaster, l'u, STimtuis AND Comrelealou WnroheuBO, DANIEL MAVKlt, dcc;-lyd pi ml Chestnut street. r ni ii in ii- .,, i,w nn.. i luli O MrtiiU a situation te ifu lljtlit work. Cnn niake iivrsuii useiui in a niere. hiies store pretcrred. Qulclc und aecurnte at flKures, Apply at this oillce. d4-"t milK S1KI-AT NUVKLTV-HlUlt IMiKDKMT X ter boys. THE I'AKLOK TAKUKT U1F1.B. 1 lies a hollow rubber ball, no danger, no ramrod, no arrow, no dart, can't break the window net nick tlie luinllure. Kauh ene In nice box, with tliroe hollow rubber balls free. Fer sale by JNO. 1. HWAlllt, dl B0 North (J aeen street. SKI' OUT t OKI' OUT I OrandbourKreutSotOiit this (THOUS. liAY)civenln'. Four dlnoreut kinds et the finest beer In Lancaster en draug.t, viz: 11 Jchestcr, Spranpcr'a. Unlmbachur and KuU cr, nt 115NOUTU ciUUKNHTltKKT. ltd J.A.aNVDKK, I'roprletor, OK ((( WAKTKll, lNIKKKIT O l?MI ClJiUUu cent. Security will be drat and only morlgageon llrdtclnsi city leal estate costing oviTtle.OjO. jeiw collateral ilre In In BuraiiLe will be given, a pply te HuauAN& neiiNi. Insuianceuud Kual Kstate Agent, I dl-tfdlt 10 W'oslOmnKeslruot. piciimi:. Ten need net e te New Yerk or l'hlladet phla for ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS, As I have brought tlinm hore, rntiKlng In prlce Hern TWO TO HI.VrY. OOLLAltaeach. OHAS. H. BARR, 11 I'enn Eiuare. IiAHLlbllKU, 1770. H. C DBMUTH, MA.NLfAGrUnKlt or -AND- FINE CIGARS, NO. 114 EAST KING STi Wu have new lu stock a FINK LINK OF UOOUS suitable ler C1IUI8T3LAS rilESENTS, Censl'tlng or FINK MEKUHOHAUU and UIOAIt AND OIliAUKlTtt UOLOKKS, OIGAK, CIOA11KTTE and MATCH OASKS, InTuikey Morrecco, Itusla, Allltjater, Oalt. Sual, Heg Bklu and Eele Leather. di 3n d AMUMSalKbTa n TEOlUHB, Miss Frances & Willar.d, I'llESIOENr OF '1HK WOMAN'b CHUISTIAN 'MSHl'KItANUE UNION, Will Addruss the Clti.ens or Laucacter ut the COUliT HOUSE, -ON- T1IUU9UAY EVENING, ATS OOLOCK, ON THE Principles and Objjet of W. 0. T. D. Aaf-Auniusieu rrce, e-iv TfULTON Ol'lSHA UUUaU, TUltEK NIUHTS. THSJ119IIAV, FUIDAY AND 8.L.TUIIDAY, UEOKMUEU 1.5,0. Matlnce-SATUKUAY AFTEHNOON at 2:31 ler Laales and Chlldien. The Original Bosten Ideal UIME MUSEUM AND SPECIALTY CO. rreentlng a strictly first-class Specialty Entertainment c&relully weeded el ail objoc ebjoc objec tlonablo feature. Eupeiier te and far nur pw slug all ethurs in point et artlstle merit. Tnecbcap prlcjj otiulmltslen de notdetract trem the merits et the onterlulnvneut. AU Is conducted en llrst-clhss principles. Ker further mrtlcuuvrs bee large bills and banners. Entire Change ei rregramnie each night. OKNEUAli AUMISSION 10OENTS. ItEaEltVfcD BKATa Si CENTS. Iteserved Beats new en saie wltheutextra charge at opera uouse. di-5t Lancaster, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. MJBlHOAh, rUUfl UITTEItS. mm linn oe w r w rr.v n n it u it i) www vr .v.v .v " Rn!,a nnn unit m p w w vw ri j x it n n II e WW WW mm n Cl NNN K NN 00 w w Bfia1 it ni ii u ii ni mm oe nv r II II (I NN K Hltn O O N N N II II RO ON NN II II U OO N NN TI1I1 I Ii JH Mil Imn ii a ii mn T T T Yi n1"' ! .! I T T I'.jfc ean . una II W V Kh3 It h ShS This medlclnn, combining Iren with pur vpReuibln tonics, quickly anil completely CU11K3 0SI'KISIa, INfelOESTlON, MA LAItlA. WEAKVKS3. IMI'UIIE IILOOD. UllILLSandFEVEItandNEUKALaiA. Uy ruptd and ilioreuh usslmllnllen with the bletKl. it reaches eviiry part et the system, purines and enrlchus tbe bleed, EtrenRthenB tbe muscles and nurves, and tent'3 und nivlg nivlg erates the system: A fine Appetlzer Hest tonic known. It will euro the worst case et DvaneiMla. removing all dlstreeslnc symptoms, such as Tasting the Feed. Uulchlng, Ileal In tlie Utom Utem acli, Ueartbarn, utc The only iron mcdlclae that will net black en or injure the teeth. It Is invaluable ler dl30ase3 peculiar te women, and te all persons who lead sedentary lives. An nntalllnrt remedy for dlseases of'the Liver and llldneyg. Persons satlerlug from tbe ellect et over work, nerveus troubles, low of appotlte. or deblllt'. oxperlouco quick relief aud renewed oneriry by Its use. It docs net cause Headache or produce Con stipation OTHEU Iren medlclues de. causes 110 mnrte4s4njTt9 rtrratntiinii ami dniKgl3t3 rocemmond it as the beat. Try It. The Kouulne has Trade Marie and crossed red lines en wrapper. Take no ether. Made only by BROWN OHEMIOAXj OO. s'pMydAlvw Haltlmore. MiL JV.EII ADVEUTlUKMUNTa "lirAISThU-A IKlUII UIICI. ON A rAltSI T T eeven miles from the cl'y, te de Kenerat uuuiuvuik, iippiy a. uis oiuce. iH-u Git A Nil bllfllllINU MAT Ult VIMt Twenty ttve (25) i tne Turkeys at Goergn Umbe's Hoiel, Ueievllle. Lancaster County, l'a. enSATUUDAV. DEOEMUEll.O.l'il. d3 3td WANTKU A1I1UXUMAN IVITtl SS.000 Capital In ltetalt Ceal Uuslness In 1'htl adelphla. lluslnea cslabllsbud lour yeara. iiuur s, r,n. wiuuiii, ne-2diud l'hlladelphla, 1. O, IOU A 1IAK1S Til K AT, ' ' MATCHLESS KINO TKV (lLAItlCn'H Of OOFFKE3. blnnilod.at'ZJe. 4 lbi. Urannlated Huimr for ila. atneiiy pureepiccsat uuttem puees. OLAIUCE'B. Ne. 83 WestKlnBHtieet. HIUU fKST UAUSl'IU miUA, InFlvoI'euud Tins and In Hulk, Seda Aun and liannnr Lye for Seap Muktnir. nt HUULKY'S DICUO 8TOHE. U(;V0tnd 4 West King street. A" UfcMB WAN1KU TO UANVA3S If OK the COLBV WUINGEIl COMPANY. Address with roleroncc, NO. 3 SOUTH TENTH STHEET, uevlS-lwd I'htlndelphla. TBUOUT10N IN UVKKliDATS, Lv In order te reduce our large stoel: et Fur Heavers, Meltons, Kerseys, aud Corkscrews, for Overceating. I will, for the next 00 days, make tneua ud te your erder, In Ural-class style, at greatly reduced prices. All uarments are guaranteed te nt perleet and only tha but duality el trimmings are used. 1 A.H.ltOSENSTEIN, Flne Tailoring, 87 North Queen Btreet, oppealto the 1'OitotHce. uvil-OmdR J.K CALDWELL, .V OO. J. E. Caldwell &Ce. Jewelry, Silverware, Watches. Bronzes, Porcelains, Clocks. IMl'OIU'KU rANCY.GOOIJS. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, rmLADELTHU. SECOND EDITION. THURBDAT BVBNINO, DEO, 4. 10Q4. DOINGS IN CONGRESS. FKOUEBUlNdi IN llOIlf UUUaKS, Th rretentatlun or Various llltU and lteiolatlens Fanniylranlanf Nom Nem Nom leated for Federal Ufflct. WA8IUNOTON, Uee. 4. Among the bills Introduced te-day was one by Mitohell, granting a pension te Gen. Grant. Cameren (l'a.,) Bubmlttcd a resolution whieh hodeslred te He ever aud be printed, saying be would take early opportunity te eall it up for consideration. The resolu tion reeltes the faet of our expert trade beiug depreascd and nverB that American produeo is languishing for want of a market that might be leached if tbe shipping trade were in the hands of Americana. It dlrcets the llnanoe oam eam oam niittee te inqulre if it would be expedient te expend the surplus revenua of the United (States In all owing rebate from tatiff duties en forelgn goods imported in American vessels, The resolution was laid ever. TO I'llOTIDE FOIt INAUaUIlAL BIWrLtCITr. WAsniNQTON, Doe. 4. Sir. Iloblnsen, of New Yerk, has prepared a joint resolu tion whieh he will elTer en Monday next providing for a return te the simplicity of the inaugural ceremonies as praotieed by Jeffersen. It prohibits the ereotlen of triumphal nrches and the display of bayonets in Washington en inauguration day nnd provides that the ohief justice shall call upon the president.oleot nnd aoeompany him cither en feet en in a plain oarriage drawn by net mere than two horses and without decorations or livery te the eapltel, where be shall take the oath pro pre pro aeribed by law and address sueb. citlzens 08 may be there te hear him. Hill submitted a resolution rceltlue therein the present industrial depression nnd depreciation in wages of labor; the re commendation or the l'resldent that the coinage of silver dollars be stepped is calculated te oreate alarm and aggre, gate difficulties of the situation, and declaring it the opinion of the Scnate that no valid reasons exist for restricting either the oeinago of silver dollars or tbe iesue of silver oertifloates. At the request of Hill the resolution was laid ever. Callem pressed for consideration of the inter-state commerco bill, but it was final. He made a speeial order for Thursday next. A message was then received from the president, whereupon the Sonate went Inte cxcsntlve session, and wheu the doers re opened nt 1:40, adjourned until Monday. Among the nominations sent te the Sonate te-day were Luther Harriseu, of Pa., te be assistant commissioner of land offices; Stephen F. WilBen, of Pa., nsse otute justice ei the suprome oeurt of New Moxlce, and Geerge P. Shrle, of Pa., com missioner for the district of Alaska, te reside at Wrangel. IN THE HOUSE. By uuruimeus oensent the sponker called the Btates for bills nud resolutions as of Monday. Among theso introdueed and roferred was ene by Morrison, (111.), authorizing the secretary of the treasury te apply the surplus revenues iu cxoess'.of Siuu.UUO.OOO te the redemption or united States bends, and ene by Doekory, (Missouri), te abolish the speeial deputy marshals at the polls. Mini from VLIna anil Japan. 8an Fuancisce, Cal., Dee. 4. The steamer San Padlo, whieh arrived here yes terday, brought Heng Keng advices te No vember ltb, and Yokohama advlecs te November 17tb, as fellows : The manda rins of Pekin have subacrlbed $1,000,000 te aid the government in carrying en the nut ugniua, iiauuu, Beveralbrntal assaults ere ropertcd te nave Deen oemmutod by tne ciucers or tne American ship Una AtintaJ,. at lleng Keng, upon the erew. The American cenBulwas obliged te dlscharge nil the officers except the captain from the ship. Tbe red sunsets have again made tbeir nppearancc, The first telephone line cver constructed in Japau Is new being built in Tokie. tlereesand ears Ilurned. lJALTOteitE, Dee. 4. Fire this morning destroyed Hall's Springs passenger railway depot, in the extreme north western part of the eity. Many of the oempany's ears and Qflyone horses were burned. Thore wero sixty eight horses in tbe stable, of which only seventeen were rescued, some of them badly scorched. Ten ears were burned. Less, $20,000. The fire was Incendiary. Orelteis Dselare a Ne Kent L'ellcy. Londen, Dee. 4. TJie Skye crofters nre declaring in favor of a no rent poliey. They are resolved te retain the grazings, whieh they took and te iguore the writa of the landlords. They maintain that the island by light belongs te tnem and that they have been illegally deprived of their grazing lands. Tne Oannlbnti his Murderers. " Londen, Doe. 4. The oeurt of appeal iu the case of Captain Dudley and IiIb mate, oenviotod et murder in killing the boy Pnikerand eating him te sustain their lives nt sea, decided te day that the act ameunted te murder and the conviction must he afllrined. Kelllng BlIlu tu Keinme, CmcAoe, Ills,, Dee. 4. The North Chicago rolling mills which shut down two weeks age, will rcsnme operations next Monday, and will oentinuo until February at least. This will give employ ment te 11,000 men. Sentenced Cor 1'lruvy. Nlw Yewr, Doe. 4. Henry Ueinez, mate of the vessel Julia Baker, whose captain died in Southern waters, whostelo the cargo and appropriated the proceeds, was oenvicted recently of plraey. When arranged in oeurt te day he was sentenced te state prison for 8 yearB. Mnrdcr and Anen I'reDnble. OAMnniDOK, Md., Doe. 4. The house of Caleb Hurley, in the southwestern sec tion of Dorehoster oeunty, was burned yesterday morning, The body of Hurley was found la the ruins, but no part of bis heai oeuld be discovered. It is suspeeteu that he was murdered for his meney. Au Editor Senteueed for LI Del. llAiUSDune, P4., Dec. 4. Jehn Moere, editor of the Sunday Telegram, who waa oenvloted a few days age for libelling a saloon keeper, was sentenced te day te undergo 00 days' Imprisonment and te pay a flne of $800 and the cost of prosecution. Wneletale Arreil e KegulateM. Mt. Stehline, Ky. Dec. 4. Sheria Day has arrested seven men charged with belng members of a band of regulators who a few days age killed J. , O. Hughes in lle wan county. Twe of them have confessed, implicating 10 erv13 ethers. Three Lads Drewn. Ronueut, N. Y., Nev. 4. This morning Jehn Tully, Antheny Broekloy and Geerge Bush dared each ethor te go en thin ice of Qrers' pond in this city. The ioe broke and the three lads were drowned. Uattle Uls Irem Pleure PoeuuieuU. Dkesden, Ohie Dec 4. J, J. Ingalls, a farmer of this county, has lest 13 head of cattle from a disease suppoced te le pleure pneumonia. The oattle ctrue from Chicago last spring. MMaet Rfleeswrallv ttunkw. J CllESTKtt. Pa llan. A. Tk- ir ;. Bteamer Dosten was successfully kaaehMl at Roaeh's shipyard at 13:30 te day. i WBATUEK lMUtUATlOHa. f Air weather, southerly winds. MAHHMtm, Q2 7Jide Extra deVtnsMOTT pL SJftf W SUQ3 CO) winter clea ii'tewit," KJL'h, w N" Mi Mlnnl eVtnvelear 11 tOOi Oil straight, U oeat Oi wTseeaTtB elea. ;s0l St straUhteT! wMt" rmU? patentAM 2oseJt spruiffdO, -7JB. ityi flour nrm at 13 BOOS 75. i.h,ea,lWilt.nnrtr,,lbBr'"l,f WO. Iwsrt 890 J Ne. 3 Oolaware de. 88a. ,.S;iri,.,flrmer.wlth ' derana steamnr. irNU,"0" anaue um " ArffieNe. TO48 rejected. K Olie N e iinlxed, 02QMWc. ' Kye nominal at Mgcae. n ajods-cieverseod dull at 7O70 I timothy dull at $H0l i nursed nrm it ft 7 Winter Ilran at 111 73015 Provlilens rairly active and flrmt India Ua?s JJfler. IIOWijjh city de. sis mi paeen ' lOke tSmekeit Shoulders. 7M .oe'doVoi0' sme68d Jiamii ua? Lard stfadri city rellned, SVasUei leeM ethers. 77 J prima stci tfalfal 5e .ii??Snn or choice, but dull ler medium '?niS?,r.u.tul;ai;'rynextra8. itsoet western de, SSSleSeTa MC W03U)ra 8 W llells nt 18Ble J packing, saise. 15KKS S.rl.ler lr.e8n bU J, which are scarce i extras 23331a r Western, laaiDWe- tfboeso-markot steady. With quiet demand New lerlr mil creams, nt UUfllSc i ?JJ?.K,al' ohe'co. Jl012e; de fatr te prime, 8aUiei l'a. part Bklms, 09701 de lull, I'etroleum qulet 1 Ueflne-t, ilia. Whisky dull 1 Western at tl a). new Ter nrn, Nw Yebk, Dec. 4.-riear State and West West ern quiet and rather weak. aoulhern dull and Wheat M)la tower and hsavy, with ialrly aotlve Uadei Ne. 1, White nominal! Ne.a (ted, Jan , siJi flSJJfe : Feb.. 83VQ3Se ; March, 87Ke ; April, sje 1 May, WiflVic. Oornenoneu kid'ie lower; Juter advanced iOXa; Mixed Western, spot, 439330 t de tuture, l-058e. Oats WfSliolewnr nnd dull. Ne. linn.. 31ic: JKn.,3JKU3liei State, 3IB33C ; West ern, a-SdlC. f miftaeipnia. Quotations by As30etatod.J?ress. Stocks steady. Philadelphia 4 Erie It. n. 12 Heading Hallread ....,... in PonnnylyanlalUllread.... 61" Ixihlsh Valley Uatlread ccj unlted Companies or New Jersoy 197 Nerthern l'acine. , is Northern Pacific I'reJerreJ 4t Northern Centrn.1 Rivllrnil 67 linlgli Navigation company......... t Werrtswmn Uaurtmanr.. .-?...-(.. .ssrl CeutiulTrnnsnortaUen Oemminv.. : 36H Onttale. N. Y.. nnd Phlladolehla 4 Llttle SchuviklU liUJrrvul.... , 5J new lerK. quotations by Associated l'ress. Stocks stronger. Meney, 1X923. New Yerk central ,. 91 Erie Hallread llji Adams Kzpreis 142 Michigan Control Uailread 5 MIchtKen beuthern Uuilread K,Vi Illinois ceutrtd Ballread... w Cleveland A JMttsbarKh llaUread 1S2 Chlcaxe A Uentc Island Uallreait UIK I'lttabnrKh A rert Yuyne llaUread llt Western Union Telegraph Company. ttljf Teledo & Wut axui ss New Jersey Central it 431 New Y'erk Oa'.aria A Wiwtnrn. 13 tsteeK aiarseu. quotations by Ueea, UcOraun A Ce., Ban. cie, xniuvaaiur, x a. II w. 12k. Sr.M. Missouri raciue., Michigan Central. new Kern central.. New Jersey central 91 uuie cenuau uuu iui:J. nt IT Urtlvtll, 1 QonYera Rie Grande, ueu lacic. n westerti 108 KTIQ,, ...........,. ...... 14Ta Kansas A Texas 17K Lake Shere cs Chicaire a j, if., ceui.... seu N. N ent. 4 Western.... 13 Bi.jrauiaumana VacWc Mn.ll Itechester ft l'UUbnrgb.. st, Paul ,. Texas 1'aclflc... Union Pacific.... Wabash common Wabash Prorerred. West'rn Union TelOKrapn. LoutsvllleA- Nashvllle... N. Y.,Chl. A St. JL Lehigh Vidley Lehlgh Navigation. rennaylvanla... Heading.. ,, P.T.A iiutnue Nerthern l'aclde com... Northern 1'aclflc Prof... 51tf sit? 13 CO 91 91K 43K 5V, les'i ius 17W 17K Gift 681 il 13 IJH -j'i. SIK 6IV3 am 8i uy. lsn neil wx MM 7fe .... I3'4 OIK (3j ' "SJ .... 00 41X 61 51)J "fj A'i 18 t W raj si I0X iitniuuvuin,.,......,,,,,,, ,,, Phlludelphla & Erie Northern Central Underground....,.,,....,, ... Canada Southern. oil.,.. ...... ......... ....... 7v, Pnmiie'sl'ftH'wnBcr. ... Jersey Central OrcgnnTninscenttnemaL ... 32 n lteadlnuOonerol Mtus ... ... Hl'KUlAX, NOTICES. That weak back or pain In tbe sldoerhlps yen will Und Immediately rclleved when a Hep matter Is applied. It strengthens the niuacles, giving the anility te de hard work without sintering. Take none bat this, 'tis suie. UOUQll ON COHMS." Ask ler wclU' "Jieueh en Cerns." He. Quick oemplota cure, Hard or elt corns, wuru, bunions. (i) Kicked Oat. Hew many people theroare who are strug gling te rue in this world that ere kicked dnwii and out by envious rivals. Thema JCelcctrie OK never " kicked out" its patrons, it U true blue. Fer threat attractions, asUvma, and catarrh It Is a certain and rapid euro. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and, 133 North Queen street. UKAHT FAINS. Palnltatlen. Urenalcal Swelllnm. Uizzlnnaa. Indigestion, Headachu, Slecplessness cured by '&' ' Wiills' Health Uenewer." Q) - y Sews Streng; Bllndert Areinta Can regulate their husbands amarlnh--Vast, sheald they notde their duty. Jlunleck JtmeA Jllllert are a geed regulator or the clrcdki clrcdki tleu. Thov are exclusively a bleed lenlu uk renDequently HrikcattUe root or many serledsV ailments. or tale by H. 11. Cochran, drug- Biai, in iuiu us, nutm viueeu tvruuu Itegnlars, One or the strongest proofs et the vstaaef Kidney. Wert as a remedy for '.all diseases et thokldneys, liver and bowels, Is the tact that it U used and prescribed by " regular " phy sicians. 1'MllpC. llaUeu.M. I)of Mosktea, Vt., says : " Take It all in all, it is the most successful remedy I have ever used." ABBt, t54,O0O,O0O. Burpla., SI J.OOU.eefl. - .J T11EEUUITADLK LIKJS INSUICAMCB CO., gSi OIT NEW YORK, ...,.. -vrnw ' '-J ' does tha largest Insuranee business la Ut wet Id. Policies lncontestlble. W. J. MAOUKN, Manager, - Ne. 10 NortblQueon street lever jueng's arac ,". $ sterel. ecJ8bI ,f " UUOUU-1'AIUA.' Oulck, complete cure, all Kidney. IUadde nd Urinary Hiseeses, Scalding, lrrlUUa,' and Utene, U ravel, Catarrh et the lllaader. H, Druggists ID COLDxa'a Llfjuld Jleet Tonle Is endorsed by pliyslcluns. Atker Celdcn't; take no elAtr, X)l dmggUts. dMwdeedw HI1UUUUUHBATS," Clears out rats, mtce. roicliej.flles, anti m4 bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gopher.' MS. Oruugtsts. ' " ' - rer lAinn uaek , hioe or . ! LOH'3 POHOU3 PliAflTKK-Klee, MS Sold by II. II, CochreB. drelt, w fiMlli ., North Qneen street. lAneMter. wbliwrtf . ,J ret. Ceuirbs. make a timely dm el Hsrt lloiiev et Horpheund and Tr. Pilte's Teelk- acne Drep cure la one minute, dl-lwdeerUW s 11'KOrAUi.KS-NO ONK 11UT A S h in underatandlDK the eye eaa m. unn wiiiiiiliblaBLitu. lkeD a lull supply 01 Superior Rpeoiejigi lllusea. All diseues of Kyeaad J8r UK. U. H. 11KOJJN, NO. W itl lisncajter, J.'.- fvav esm3S tmt mtSwm i "i )"i M3 vjI .V M 1 . 4Kl4 m fj)W.a TC'1 "m Ji tfa-a vsA 4 v, - m M m '$ iiS i fl ." VT$ i1 i ? f"M m M v-si Xli M4 rilCi "i m iVi7' at .?v A.' - i a fKi V'lff ..--y3 M t' 'j' . 1i n xV .-' rt 4- 0 ; .5 f,i ' .4: :S J . '.i-r' VjJm iJV dfi