,- i " fS&iSKC r?f -)v t . t; 4f"- rr'7ir7srsr "jKVy V- X irfv- """H j 31) ymitel 'v,fc?. V I WVV Tolnme XXl-Ne 80. LANCASTER, PA.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER , 1884. Pries Twt Onte 1 Jm i .TJTirJtI,r, VIAMOltOt, MO. H. Z. HMUADS. Fer the Holiday Season, 1884. Everybody, with a very few oxeeptlons, U tendef goedrautlo, and, with this Idea lu mind, we would call attention te the beanttful, new and useful Musical Noveltlos that ar rived trem Switzerland a day or te age, and have Just been opened. We hare MUBIO 1101 K8 be-vutlfully finished in every way, from one te lerty-slght airs ; Musical Decanters, Elegant China riult Stands, Singing Birds In Cages, very natural and llio-llket Musical Tabids, Ac, Ae. In tact, we hae everything that la made In tlie tnnslcal novelty line. In addition te all these new and bcautttnl thing), we have bWIBB WOOD CABVINQB and STONES Or THK ALPS. Our MUBIO BOXES are at PRICES TO 8DIT EVEUYBODY and a call te sce and hear thorn will repay any person, se e very body Is Invited. H. Z. RHOADS, Lancaster, Pa. Ne. 4 West King Street. vhv uuuva. N KXr UOOH TO THK UUUHT HOUBK. FAHNESTOCK'S! SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS! DOUBLE AND BINQLE. i'u me et all. Large and Attractlre Stock el Shawls new open. PAISE1.EY, CASHMERE AND BLANKET. Te Suit the Taste ant Alse UUOOADK BILK VELYET8 at $1.M, worth nearly deuble the roenoy. SILkal87c,$..uennd$l UXrtever before equaled. Tboseln want should see tuem. R E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Oeurt Heuse. riOATH AND SHAWLS. LADIES' -A.T- Metzger & JEIaughmaa's Newmarkets, Russian Circulars, Delmans and Jackets. CHILDRENS' COATS, for Fall and Winter. Our Assortment of Cents ler Ladles and Chtldren was niade expressly ler us by the best makers el Mew lerk and Philadelphia, and are very cheap. METZGEIi & HAUGHMAN'S CHEAP STORE 43 West King Street. (Between tlie Coe)Mir Heuse and Serrol llorse nevl-lydAw J." MAUIUI & UU. HOLIDAY GOODS ! IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. China, Glass and Queensware, DOLLS and TOYS. LAUQEbT LINE OF WAX, UI8QUE AND OUINA DOLLS. BISQUE TOYS ATD FIGURES, BISQUE NOVELTIES, NOVELTIES IN PEPPER AND SALTS. 1 EVERYTHING NEW J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King and Prince Streeta. UAMMTBf.&V. JiiiUli'b OAUl'KT UALL, BAEG AINS 1 -AT SHIRK'S OAEPET HALL. Selling Off te Clese Business. Ererything Must Positively be Sold. A mil Line of BODY nilD83KL8,TAPK8TBY, and All Grades Of INQHAIN CAltl'ETB, UUS, BLANKKTS, CUVKULKTS and OIL CLOXiL BT ALL AT A BA0MFI0E.13 air Prompt attention glyen te the Manufacture et llag Carpets te order. -AT SHIRK'S CAEPET HALL, OOR.W. KINQ AND WATER BTS ... LANCASTER, PA febW-Zmdaw -IATAHB1I. ELY'S CREAM BALM CUHH8 COLD IN DEAD, OATAKItlt BOBE COLD, IIAY HKVKlt. DKAFNK3S, UEADACUK. Xesy te use. Price, Sua, Ely llre's., uwoge, N. Yn U.B.A. HAY FEVER. ELY'S CUEAM DALM Causes no Pain Olves Itellet at Once. Thorough Treatment will Cure. Net a Liquid or Snnft. Apply Inte Nostrils. U!ve It a trial. t0 cents at druggist. eecantsbvuiaU, Bend for circular. Sample bottle by mall, loc ELY BROTHERS, DruggUts, Owwre, H.Y. J96eeltW 3Mt bsxuKsr, iK3T Anu must ueh . plete assert raontet Playing Cards in tb ty, from Se per pack up. at ilty.fromSepe tAAXMAii'l aKiM ttvf,A mwAJij 11 LACK Lancaster, Fa COATS Hetel,) LANCASTEB VX. ia AND DE3IRABLE. Opposite'Stevens Heuse. BARGAINS ! 159K Watches and 159 Clocks, HlKalMS IX Watetaea, Oloeka, Chains, Ulnar, Spoetacloe, ete, Repairing et all kinds will receive my per sonal attenUen. LOUIS wkueu: Ne. 1S9H North Qneen street. Ilemember name and number. Directly op ltecitv UoteL, near Penn'a Depot, lysuy Nutiuk ie rKKirasiuKi anu uum NBUS. All persons are hereby torbklden te traspess en any of the land of the Corn wall or B poed well estates. In Lebanon and L&ncaausr cuuuues, wueiner incieseu or UU Inclesed, either ter the purpese et sheeting or tuning, as me taw win de rigidly ontercod against all trespassing en said lauds of lhe nnderslimed alUir this notion. WM. COLKUAN JTtKEUAN B.PKUOYALDKN, KDWAUD C. VREliMAN, lAtteraey ter K. W. coiemea'a uein. a Kit IV A u. QUtUK AUTINU ANUHIIKM "I HAVK known a single Duusen's Oupclne Platter te euro sciatica." J. u. Allen, Druggist, N. Y flUriUUKA ItKHBUlKD. OUTIOTJEA: A POSITIVE CURE roll EVEUYlTOUMOr bleed disease, from pimples 10 .scrofula. lhavn had the Psoriasis for nlne months About flve months age 1 applied te a doctor near Bosten, who helped uie, but uniettn. nately 1 had te leave, but continued taking tlie medicine for nearly three month,, but tlie illaua'ortl'tnntlenve I saw Mr. Carpenter's lett rtothe PblladelphlaJtactnt.and idscae pertectly aet eribud initie. I tried tlie Curiscni ltKMiDiss using two bettl,s Kxselvxrt unit CtTicuii a Heap in proportion,, and call mysult completolycured. L. F. BARNARD. W..TX8E0RD, N. J. ElZKHA IWSIlII YISAUH, Unred Net Hlgn el Its Mtappestranee. Your CtrrtcvRA has done a wonderful euro for me mere tlian two years nge. eta sign af U roappearauco slnce. It ettrnd me et n very bad K tenia which had treuulud me for tnore than twenty years. I shill always speak well el CtrricmuL 1 mil a gnat deal of It. rilANKU BWAN, Druggist. lUvjcamtt, Mass, 1IKMT rillt ANVl-IIInO. Having used your f.'trrictJBi Rkueeiks for elKlitecii months for Tetter, aud Quallycuiud It, latn onxleus te get it te soil en commis sion. I can recommend It beyend any romo remo rome dlis I liaveever usd for Tetter, Hums, Outs, etc. In fact. It Is the best rrodlclne 1 have ever trio I ter anything. K. B. UO ttlON. Mtiitli, Mies neiiOFUt.uus buiiki. I had n dozen bad sores upon niy body, and tried all remudle, lcnuld heir et, mid ut last trledyeur uutiel'ka KtiBDiBS and they luive cured me JNO. UASK1L.L. I iimne.t, Thayer Cov nty, l'enn. COLLINS' VOLTA10 ELS0T1H0 IL48TK113 Fer the relief and prevention, the Instant It Is applied, of ltliuuimitlsm, Neurnlgla, sciat ica, Coughs, Celd, U tak Hack, Bteuiach and llowels, sheeting Tains, Nuinliness, Hysteria, Female 1'alnr. falpltatlen, Oyspepsla, Ltvr CempIuln llllleua Kever. Maluila and Epl. demies, use Cellins l' last era (an Klnctrle Olat Olat tery combined with a l'oreus I'laster) and laugbatpatu. S3e everywhere. deel-lydW.H.Aw riltKAT 1NUIAM MEUICIftr. KA-TON-KA, THE GREAT INDIAN MEDIOINB. -FOUTHE Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. It is madn bv the ImllanH, Used by the Indians, aeld by the Indians, It Is 1'urely VcgoUible. It surely cureH all dlsoases of the Stomach. Liver, Uowelsandllleod ltlsiUmesta sncclBe for nil forms el Uhuumatlsm. It will cure disease when all ether rcmodles have fulled. Directions are plainly printed en every bot tle All tribes et Indians have their medicines, but Ka-Ten-Ka Is a remedy of the I'aclfle Coast, and is used by all. It U composed et roots, herbs.and barks gathered aud prepared by the Warm Spring Indians of Oregon. And Is favorably known and used in all parts et the world, 'lhe sick or oiling should net delay Its use. It will pruveut as well as euro disease. Its price Is ene dollar per boltleot six bottles for rlve dollars, Asc for it and seu that veu guilt. It Is forsale by all Druggists, and by Urn OltbUON 1.SU1AN ULUICl.Nli COMl'AN , C'erry, l'a. Medoc Indian Oil THE GREATEST PAIN MEDICINE hAKTII. IT HAS NO EQUAL. tN MODOU INDIAN OIL U certain te euro Toethucbo In one minute, llead&cba in flvt minutes, Karactie In ten minutes. Sere Threat In one night, Neuralgla in three te Ave rain- Ut'S. MUDOU INDIAN OIL Is ued internally as well as dxternally. Every family should have u bottle within reach. It Is u doctor lu the house. ter sale by all Druggists. Trice 23c. pet bottle. Large fdze bottles, Wc INDIAN ueuuil tm:Uf is a prompt spei 60c. eclnc (or Coughs, Colds and Lung disease?, pur botue. iia-leu km llodeo Indian oil Indian Cough Syrup lorsale (wholesale and and rutull) at cecluan's Drug store, Ne. 137 unu iej nuriu ijuuwu stxuet, -L-ancusicr, rn, inS-lytlWAS&w neuTa amu nil una. J )OllT3 AMU S1IOIW. WM. H. GAST Ne, 105 North Queen Street, BOOTS AND SHOES BOM ALL AND WINTER. We are well prepared with a fullstoekot Heavy nud Medium Werk ler Celd Weather; also a lull Unu of ltubbers. Notwithstanding the tact that all of the work exhibited at the late Fair In competition with ours, was selected in New Yerk and else where, our own ruauutaaturu of UoeU and Shoes was awarded the TWO HIGHEST PHEXIUJIS. 3Custemcrs can rely upon getting suit such work as we exhibited. Glve us a call Prices guaranteed te be as low aa any In the city. tell-GmJAw UUUCJMIKH, A" T UOIMK'H. Anether Campaign Opened. Whieh will prove tavorable te all parties. That ELEUANT L1UI1 r SYltUP, new sailing at only loe per Quart. New don't only cemu for the bargain yourself, but tell your neigh bors t we have enough for all. QOOD HIUE, four pounds for 23, New Choice Carolina, thiee pounds ter 25a Three pounds KhKNCU PHUNE3 iorSJe. New French Prunes, 12, It, 16, 18 and 20 cents. NEW UA1S1NS, 10a per pound. FIOS, threo pounds for 25 cents. Alse at 13 and 20 cents. CHAMPION MINCE MEAT, a splendtd ar ticle only 10a per pound. Have you tried our UIIANULA.TKD COHN MEAL. It soils fast. That NEW COHN, thrce cans for 23c, (s a Special llargaln. TOMATOES at 7,10 and 12 cents, A Full Line or All Kinds or FUESU QBO CKU1ES cheap. At BURSK'S, NO. 17 BA8T KIHQ STREET UUTlOMJSISlt ANU HKAL AQENT. E3XAT. HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTIONKKU AND IlKAL ESTATE AUENT, OI North Duke Bt., Lanoo?er, Fa. Everything pertaining te my bnslness will receive my personal attention. Terms mason Able. OivoBeacou. lauw-ua OUR POBEIGN TRADE, THE ILLU8TKATIOH HIIAZIL OIVKfJ, Urent mlt.ln the World's Warksbep, America needs rertlsn m.rkeis Her bti.ra In Inlernattecal irade, rrem Secretary McCollech's Repert. The all important question, therefore, that presses itself upon the publle ntten. Hen Is, hew shall the oenntry be rolleved from the plothern of manufactured goods and hew shall plothern hereafter be pre vented ? It Is obvious that our power te produee is much lu excess of the present or any prebable future demand for home consumption, The existing iron, cotton, and woellen mills, if employed at their fall capacity, could meet In six months per haps in a shorter tlme the home deminil for a year. It is cettalu, therofero, that unless markets new practcally closed against us are opcued; unites we can share In the trade wbieh Is monopolized by European nations, the doprepsien new se severely felt will oentlnun and may bo be bo eomo mere disastrous, The business of the whele world has been revolutionized by steam power aud the substitution of machinery for hard work. If net the inventor of the steam engine, Great liritain took the lead in utilizing It in manufacturing, and she thus became the great workshop of the world. Fer many years she had a monep ely of manufacturing. The raw mated als from nearly all nations were taVen In her own ships te hci own ports and returned in manufactured goods. It has been tbepuflt of this combination of mauufaoturep nud commerce whieh ias made her the richest and most powerful of nations. New, however, all Western nations are endoaverine te use thelr raw materials at home and te enceurage and sustain their manufactures by protective duties, the effect of whleu has been gon gen eral overproduction. It is this great revolution caused by steam power nod maohlnery and their general use that will make the labors of the commisalen ee arduous. All the leading nations of the world are new on en gaged in manufacturing, and all but Great Dritaln are fencing themselves in by protective duties. Among them the United Btates has bcen aoniplcneus. Has net the time ceme when a new departure is demanded ? Cobden, ene of the ablest and roost fnrsceing of British statoamen, predletcd that the United Btates would in time net only become a great manufae turiug oeuntry, but would bcoemo a competitor with Great Dritaln in the Seuth Arotietn markets. In the oeurso of Heme remarks upon the condition of British trade he Bald : "Members of the Heuse of Oommeus and ethers are constantly crying out that there is very great dourer threatening this oeuntry from Russia, and they ncgleat te obscnethat the great danger te the su premacy of the oeuntry is net in Russia, but in the competition of the United States of America." WHAT THE COBDEN CLUB FEAIIS. The Cobden club is the ohannel through which the free trade sentiments of Great Dritaln find expression, and yet, at a re re ro cent meeting of the club, the following language by ene of the prominent mem bers of Parliament was e'icercd aud ap plauded : ans..EaronscGmte .miulcUi.nt the eueet of tun reduotien-ot the protective duties ia America weuhl be te enable us te Heed the United States with our pro pre pro daetioos. Ter n short tlme, jirebably, it would give a stimulus te our trade, but in the long run the cfTeet of It would be te cheapeu Amotieau productleus, and te incrcnte the competition of America with ua iu ether parts of the world. We should have te meet that oempotitiou. We eqeuld fiud the Amorieaus very eerleua competitors, aud we should have in this oeuntry te threw aside many of the beuiie which new fotter our induetty." The present oendition of our foreign trade Is net as fully understood by the publle as it ought te be, or thore would be greater uneasiness in toward te what may be the result. Loek, for instance, at our trade relations with Brazil. We sold te Brazil last year various artieles te the amount of 88,015,201. We bought of her varieui kinds of nor own productions te the amount of $50,203 889, leavlng S41, 020,023 as the balance against us. New, hew is this large balance liquidated ? Net by jseld, but by the sale of our farm pro pre duett), for which thcrp ia a large demand in Europe, It is our cotton, our wheat, our petreleum, our beef aud perk, whieh ean be produeed mero oheaply in the United fatatcs than nnywhere else, whieh create the sterling ezchange that enables us te carry en thla one sided trade with Brazil. New, if by the failure of enr oreps or very faverable eeasens en the ether aide of the Atlantle, or what Is mero prebable, by retaliation, our experts of theee articles should materially decline, what then would be the condition of Brazilian trade ? In stead of depending upon the experts of Eurepe for the means te cover the balance in favor of Brazil, ought net an effort be made te cqualize that trade by our manu factured goods ? Ought we net te en deaver te verify the prediction of Cobden by becoming a oempotltor with Great Britain in the Brazilian markets ? Ought net this te be nttompted in the interest of our own mtnufaeturerB ? OCR. 601TH AMERICAN NKIOIlBOnS, Koferonco is made te our trade with Brizil because it Is mueh larger than that with ether Seuth American stales, but enr trade with all of them is of the same one ene sided and unsatisfactory character. Ought it se te continue? The Seuth American States are our neighbors. With the ex' ceptien of Brazil, their institutions are meulded upon ours. They would be glad te establish oIube trade relations with up, which could net fail te be of mutual ad- vantage ; and yet be little intercourse bave we with thorn that supplies for our ships-of-war in Seuth American ports must be paid for in sterling exchange. Drafts en Japan could be as easily negotiated in their ports as drafts en the trcasurer of the United States. When the real oendition of our foreign trade and lhe cbaraetcr of the competition in whieh we must sooner of later engage are fully understood, It will be found that enr Inability te make that trade ae free as our best interests require, lies in the necessity whieh exists for heavy Impert duties, whieh, although they may be levied for revonue only, must be in a large des;rce proteetivo. It is upon sueh taxos.thereforo, that our gevernment must mainly rely for its large current expenditures and the reduction of the national debt. Large revenues will be derived from the taxes ou whisky and tobaceo. If the tax en the latter artlole should be retained, but our chief revenue must be.derlvcd from import duties. Te show hew these duties may be Imposed and distributed fvs te neither imperil our manufactures nor obstruct our foreign trade, while the treasury U kept In easy oendition, will be the task of the oemmla sien. That the task will be a very diflleult ene is certain; that it may be successfully performed is certain also. In oempotitiou with Great Britain in the Seuth American markets, Great Britain will have the advautage by belnir already ia possesien of the trade, bat this advan- tage will donbtless be counterbalanced by the abuudance and comparatlve cheapness of our agricultural productions, That we are te be a competitor with Great Dritaln in foreign matkets, especially in the mar kets of the Seuth Amorlean states, is as oertaln as anything in the future ean be, The steps which may be needful te make this competition sneecssful It will be for Congress te detormlne after the commis sion has perfermed Its duty, Te me it seems certain that it cannot properly be done bofero. A nation with fifty-six mil lions of people, doubling every twenty Ave years, a poeplo distinguished for onterpriso and iuventlve power, in possession of a oenntry of vast extent and rleh beyond comparison in devolepod and undeveloped reseurccf, ought net much loncerbe pro pre pro ventcd from having a full share In the honor and gain of International trads." m w UUNOIIAIULATINU CLEVELAND. Yeung Ladies el a Mar, land Academy In vite Ills Presence Uominencemeut May, Frem the Baltimore. Suu. During the recent presidential contest the young ladles of Mount St. Agnes academy. Mount Washington, Baltimore oeunty, Md., wero deeply interested in the result. Bome favored Cloveland, while ethers championed Dlalne, and strongly advoeated bis election in their own way among themselves during their leisure hours in the salon. It was agreed that the winning faction should be granted permission by the Sisters of Merey in oharge of the Institution te write the suo sue suo eesstul candidate a congratulatory letter. The following has been sent te Get. Cleveland at Albaey : "Mount Bt. Agnes Academy, Mount Washington, Baltimere oeunty, Md., Ner. 20, 1881. Te Ilia Exoelleney Grever Cleveland, Governer of New Yerk and President elect of the United Btates : We, the members et the oenier class el Mennt St. Agnes aoademy, hasten with joy te tender our heartfelt congratulations te our Demoeratio president en his accession te the presidential ehalr of Ameriea. Al though school-girls only, and therofero ex cluded in a measure from the bustle of life, the Inmates of our academy, and cb. peeially we, the members of the senior department, bave taken the deepcit inter est in all mat ters regarding the late eloo eleo eloe tton, and it was with emotions of delight that we learned its happy thrioe happy result. And new that the brightest hepes of our girlhood bave been realized, may we net crave a favor the honor of seeing our loug-wished-fer president at the seventeenth annual oemmencomont, whieh will take place en Wednesday, June 24, 1883. We oannet express the gratifl gratifl eilinn it would glve ua te reoelve our graduating honors from the hands of our Demoeratio chief. Hoping that our re quest may net ba denied, and again offer ing you our very best wishes for a pros perous administration, we are yours, nffcotienately and respietfully, Rese L. Evans, of Colerado; Frances II. lilnes, Carrell oeunty, Md.; Angela M. Maguire, Baltimere county, Md.jj Alieo M. Mo Me Mo Kewen, Baltimore. The congratulations wcre beautifully written en tinted paper, embellished en the top of the first page with the national colors, painted by one of the young ladies. Of all the numerous acknowledgements, this is probably the first ene of the kind received by the next president. " -i.i-.CWiU.UUe for Yen T Brown's iron Illtters will drive out dyspep sia nnd malaria, and make you Atulabie. Illand, calm, Dillghtful, Klustle. nourishing, Genareus, Hepelnl, Indopendcnt, Jelly, Kind, Leving. Muscular, Nlmblu, Obliging. Patient, Quiet Itoasenable, Smiling, Thankful. Untlr ing Vlgorens, Vl9i. Xcellent, Aeuthlnlnnd Zisttul. It cures all dyspepsla, llver and kid ney complaints. Hear mm. "I feel new. I wa aillloted with sick head ache and general debility, but Murdoch Jltoed llittert brought about an lmmedlate Improve ment in my gencrnl health. I consider them the best family modtclne in the market." Adelph Lalez, Uullale, N. Y. Fer sale by It. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1W North Osccn street. A Buttling Dlicerery. Mr. Km. Jehnsen, et Huren, Dak., writes that hbi wlfe had bcen troubled with ncute bronchitis ler many years, and that all romo remo rome dlos tried gave no permanent relief, until he procured a bottleot Dr. Kmg't New Discov ery ter Consumption, Ceugbsand Colds, which hail a in'iglcal tilect, and produced a peruia. nent cure It U guaranteed te cure all Dis eases et Threat, Lungs, or ilrenchtal Tubes. Trial Bettlos Free at Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 117 and 139 North (jueea street, Lancas ter, Pa. Large blie l.0e. (5) KucKIen'S Arnica tJalve, The Hest Balve In the world ter Cnts, Bruises. Beres, Ulcers, Salt Uheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all sklu eruptions, and poslllvely euros PUes. or no pay required. It H guar guar antued te give porlect satUlactlen or money refunded. Price, 25 cents pertKix. Forsale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 187 and 133 North Uueen etroet, Lancaster, Don't be Palnt-hcaitea. If you are In treuble leek np held en, give the blues geed by. If you ure In pain, havaii lameness, have an actie et any kind, go te the druggist and ask him ler Themat' JCcUctrie Oil It will de veu geed overy tlme. Fer sale by II, B. Cochran, urugglst, 137 and 1M North Queen street. We Unaneiiga tne World. When we say we bellove, we have ovldenco te prove that Hhlleh's consumption Cure U dotldeilly the best Lung Medicine made, In as much as It will cure a common or Chronle Cough In en e-halt the tlme and relieve Asth ma, lSrencldtls, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show mero cases or Consumption cured than all ethers. It will euro where they fall, It Is pleasant te take, harmless te the youngest child and we guarantoe what we say. Prlce, loc, 60c. and tl.ue. If your Lungs are sere, Cbedt or Back lame, use Ublleh's Pereus Plas ter. Sold by II. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 1S9 Nertn Uueen stroet. febl-ced 1 ULAM.t JLNli UVJSXNHWA.lttL. H 1UH A JDAUT1N. HOLIDAY GOODS ! -AT- CHINA HALL. We have new open a ery Large Line ei HOLIDAY GOODS, -IN- Faney Goods, Doeoratcd China, Ivery Wure, Qlasswaie, Lampa, &e. Don't purchase until you hi ve examined our assortment. Geed must preve satis factory, or will be exchanged, T PRICES LO w. -s High & lartin, 15 EAST KING STREET, LANOASTElt, PA. OLD BTUUIf. DUNNKUTILUT ClUAltS, 11 ter 230. Cen be relied ou usjstrlctly Con necticut at UAUTMAN'B YELLOW FB0NZ UlQAB .STOBE. MBVlOAt. H Ol' FLA8TEK. SHARP PAINS. Crick, Sprains, Wronches, Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Pleurlsy Fains, stitch In the Hide, ltackache, Swollen Joints, Heart Dis ease, Sere Mu scion. Pain In the Chest, and oil pains and aches elthnr local or diep-scatcd are Instantly rolleved and speedily cured by the well-known Bep Platter. Compounded, as It is, et the medicinal virtues of fresh Heps, Uumi, Balsams and Extracts, It Is indeed the bett paln-kllllng, stim ulating, seething and strengthening Por Per ous Plaster ever made. Hep flatten are selu by all druggists and country stores. V cents or flve ter f i oe. Mailed en receipt el prlce; Hep Platter Ve , Proprietors and Man ufacturers, Bosten, Mass. HOP PLASTER. -Cea(od tongue, bad breath, sour atom rich and liver disease cured by Ilawley 's Stom ach and Liver Pills 25 cU. nerM-lvd&w(2) VWlUlBt, R KMUVAli AMU UPlSflltf Liwoasteb, PaVBept-110, 1981. I desire te make known te my friends and customers, and the publle In general, that I have removed from 23 North Queen street te 121 North Queen street- Jsrirerty occupled by the Arm of Smallntf A llaus man, where I have openod with r. large as sortment or English, French aud German Novelties, together with a large line of Demestic Fabrics. Composed as my new stock Is, of new goods and new styles, I feel assured that In soliciting a continu ance et your patronage, you will have an opportunity of making selections from a stock unoqualled In lis variety and adapt ed te the present demand, which is ler geed values, gentlemanly styles and effects, and exquisite fit. Nothing but the very belt ct workmanship i and prices te ult e very body. Pleue favor me with your orders. Yours very truly,' D. R. WINTERS. T li. BMAL1NU. GREJAT SLAUGHTER -IN FINE-- OVERCOATS. We offer te-day a redaction el 23 te SO per cent, below last month's prices. Crombfe's celebrated and popular Overceatings, THK BUST IN TUB WOIILD. In all the different shades and styles. Ely- slans. Furs, veieurs, vicunas, Lauapeis, Ka unas. Mentanak's, Astrachans, etc F. All. Kdrodens. Czarlncs, DntTel's and Patent Dcavers, Iteyal Irish Frelse, Uarryowen, Po Pe Po tersbam. Meltons and Kerseys. These goods can only be had at leading heuses In large cities, and range In nrlce rrem (50 te tlOU. we are selling thorn lrem W9 te $50. A lull line et Demestic Fabrics, ranging la prices from $15 te let. SUITINGS or KVEItT DESCBIPTION AT PlttCKS COUUESPONDINULY LOW. All colors are subjected te a thorough chem ical test, uur weric is ei tue oust anu nwnesi style of art. Our long experience In business and clese inspection onables us te be tlior tlier nnchlv familiar with all thd best manufactures and latest styles In the market. Olve us a trial and be convinced, at He. 2 West King St., & Centre Equate. marlD-lyWAa A SKVKIte: UALK. The gale that visited this tcctlnn en Sunday was very sovere, and Finns, chimneys, Ac, went down with a rush ; but, low as they tell, they failed te get l As Lew Ml iisllislta AT- Burger & Sutten's MEKCU ANT TAILORING AND CLOTHING DOUSE, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. NOW, IF EYEB, 18 TUB TIME FOB OVEECOAT& A VEBY FULL LINE OF WHICH CAN BE FOUND AT I. U Centre Spare, LANOABTEB, PA. febl-lvd T lUG NOTIOB. INVITATION TO ONE AND ALL. OUB ENTIUE STOCK MUST nE BOLD OFF BY JANUAUY 15, TO HAUK BOOM FOB BUILDING. HIRSH & BROTHER, GREAT BARGAINS ! IN EVEBY DEPABTMENT. Men's Overcoats as low as $100. Men'a overcoats, geed quality, for $J CO.'rr Men's Overcoats Corkscrews, Meltons and Fur Beavers t one-half ei their actual value Men's 8ults. all kinds, whole stock, prices choaper than ever, as they must go te be out of our way. Children's overcoats as low as I1.J3. Children's Suits as low as $1.W. Underwear as low as Sue nit Jackets at We.. 60c, We , 00a te $3.t0; Ecarfs, Gloves. Silk Handkerchiefs, Neck wear, Cellars, White and Woolen Shirts, AT YOUUOWNFBICKS. O-iU at ence and secure your share ei the Bargains, Bargains, BTRSI & BROTHER Perm Rail Clothing llouse, COBNEB OF NOBTH QUEEN BT. ft CKNTUK 8QUABK, LANOABXXB.c'A. vLeraau. v The time ia rapidly approch apprech ing when heavy goods for hard weather will be a necessity. Conductors, a class that need worm uiebiuiig, may una goev heavy Blue Suits at the low price et 812. Strongly-mad Overcoats, plenty of pockets, $12 ; worth mere money. Storm Overcoats and Coachmen's Oeats are also largelyrepret ent ent edineur stock. A. C. YATES & CO.. 602, G04, 606, CHESTNUT STS. rUlLADKLrUtA. sMmd VYKB3 m llATMl-O. OVBECOATS rOB MEN, FOB Y OUTIIS, FOB BOYS. Keraeya, Melt en, Fer Beaver.Ohin- Beaver, PlaUiBMKTMr." " They are olegant In quality, style and ma terial, and are offered at prfeca which defy competition. These OVKHUOAT3 ABU OUK OWN MAKE. We can therofero recommend them truthfully and without fear el being: gainsaid. COMB AND BEE OUBOVEttCOATS. Nene Equalling thorn 'are Offered Elsewhere ter the Same Meney. OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT IS A11LY MANAGED. Competont Cutters de net loll te gratify the r&est critical taste In their fits. The line et Imported and Demestic Goods In this department is unequalled, and we have every faculty te please as te material and styie. Myers & Rathfon, LEADING LANCAbTEB OLOTIIIKRB, NO. 12 BAST KTNQ STRUT; LANCAflTKB. PA. r UAHBHAX BHO. CLOTflIM We have heard et Clothing given away, that Is thrown Inte a promiscuous crowd as en advertising dedge. The next thing te giving them away is te sell them at the low price we are new selling thorn. 7.e.', a great return for little money. A snlt that is geed enough for any business purpese. iien-t wear Bneuuy ana ancient mark downs when you ean get sueh Suits and OveroeaU u e sell at $7, W, $10 and $12, te say nothing et tne i tner 'rnings at sis, ll. sis and no i warn. UlllLiUHttn'B APIJJ UUIB- BUHB AND OVEBCOA1S at tlie very bottom reached prices, SUirSASI0WAS$1.50. OVERCOATS AS I0W AS $1,25. OUB CLOTHING SPEAKS FOB ITSELF. We are ready ve meet the wants of the times. Wages are low and times and payments are slew, one dollar te-day should buy as mueh as $1.60 a year or two age. L.Gansman&Bre. The FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOK ANU CLOTUlXttft, Ne. 69-68 NORTH Bight en the Beuth west Cerner; LANOABTEB, FA. i" Net oeunected with any ether eJeUhlsg uouhe in ua eiur. TjVALJb ANNUUAUJUUUIT -or Fine Tailoring -AT H. GEREAET'S, Ne. 6 East King Street. I bave new tn stock tee stest complete u choicest assortment el QnHBF, P"SM1V y FINE WOOLENS.; FOB THE FALL AKD WINTER ' TBAOM Ever offered before ta thUclty. A greet t rtety et LATEST STYLE OUEOKED SUIT. I N U. COBKSCBE WS In all shades SAA ! tllea. A splendid assortment el lwut and nuMT'irxuvrr - OYEROOA1 iHG. Prices A LOW AS " (JUI 4I goods warranted as renreeate4. H. GERHART. ; V-.ANKM(jVAia.HTVLIUAWAT I j as low as the lowest, lit .-'ii"' V'uiBTMA JELLdFBfWIOWAJi; - $2 -ill t -SB -aMS ,AJ ws 4S r w 0 39 n.m ti! m .3t TlV V' . t.? V ." nfe; r '-. ,v a rX.it 1 .Aa q rV?ife