Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 02, 1884, Image 3

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' '"wi'iKr"
J -I
Uetuititila Club steeling Arranging ler IHe
Tliiirfilny ttrltel IvlitetlHliilueet Itluk
Mnllrtr 1'utreiiHl nud hetlal.
Tb I'xctutlve oemmlttoo or the Culum
lil.i eltili ninl InUltute, met In the opera
house' InM livening with 0. B. Kntiffmrtti
n chairman, pte lew. and Jehn 8,
NIolielH as secretary fro tern. In accord
an oe with a resolution, Mr. Kaulfiuart ap
pointed a oemmllteo en ornulr.itlen, te
draft n constitution nml by-lawa, te
gevern tlie club, n cetninlttce oe nuancee,
te solicit contributions for tlie name, nnd a
property committee te nolcet a suitable
building for the elub and Iustitute te use.
A pormnneut orgnnlzttlen will be effected
en next Mendnv evening, when the oom eom oem
ralttccH will mnke their reports.
The executive and reoeptlen oemmitteos
having in almge Thursday ovenlng's
buiieQt for the Columbia rollefnsscofatlou,
in the Metropolitan rink, met last even
ini;. and mvle all nrraugements for the
affair. As the name implles tbe reception
oemmitteo will rcoelvo theso who atteud,
and show them every courtesy and atten
tlen they may deem nccef sary. The execu
tlve aommlttee deeldcd net te permit
hcIioeI ahlldren te cauvas the town with
tleketH, but will de that work themselves,
nssisted by the icci'ptlen oemmitteo ami
the I.tdicsuf thn relief association,
Manager Kelm, of the (skating rink, has
rntnlurd oenuaol topresoouto the Marietta
Jltgisttr for declaring lu ita issue of
Saturday, that the prices nt the riuk en
Thursday last " wero raised from the
regular afternoon price of 1ft eents te the
ueualevciilug price of 20 eeuta."
The WrlghtBvllle ilnlc openod Ian
Thursday afternoon and closed lu the
ovenltig, as the fleer of company Q's ar
mory wan out budly. A new riuk will be
built II the ciitzmis ojusent te patronize it
us it deserves,
Mr. Frank I. MeMakln, of Philadelphia,
is In town.
Mr. Fre I. liueher, last ovenlug, hand
somely entertalued fourteen members of
tbe Columbia Hed aud Gun elub by a
mngniQcent banquet. It wm an clcgaut
Mr. Ollvrr Case, of New Mexico, is
vlsitiujr friend and lthtlves In Columbia,
Mr. L. W. May, left for Philadelphia,
this morning.
Beerutary of tlie Columbia Ksllef assecla
tieu, Mrs Susan A. Given, yesterday, re
ceived voluntary contributions from the
following : 810 from .Mr. II. IS. Esslek,
and 10 bushels of potatoes from Mr.
Sirauel llolse. Lit the geid work een-
tin tie.
Mill Jeanetto Helslnger, who has baeu
vlsitiug Mrs. H. G. Hutti, returned te her
home iu Maylewn, yesterday.
One of if net the largest funer.ils ever
held iu Columbia was that of yesterday,
wheu hundreds of our citizens and
strangers tollewtd the lemaiusef Mrs W.
Hayes Grier te their last resting place iu
Mount Hetliel cemetery.
P. M. Jehn A Blade, of Columbia ledge
Ne. 2SC, lait oveuluir Instilled the ollleorc
of Ashara ledge, Ne. e09, of Marietta
AfUr the ceremonies the ledgo and its
guests, MciHrft, J. A. Blade, F. I D.
Miller, aud Wm. Ileyt, were handsomely
entertained te a banquet.
As seen as the water in the Sucqucbanun
falls sufficiently, the tbulcs iu the dim
w ill be reepew d.
The Yerk county lill's eulil net be seen
this memiuc for tl c huvy ten ftblcheur
liuiijr the river.
Four timbrellii were stuluu from the
Frcsbyterinn church ou Sunday eveulug.
Grant Boyd was arroMed yesterday for
Mealing ejal from a H. A C. railroad car.
Premising net te d'i oe again, and en ao ae ao
eount of his j en Ui, he was relcascd from
Jehn Loemrd at Chestnut Hill, yester
day butoberod two lare hes and a stoer.
Last tdht they wero bteleu from hH cellar
and meat house.
Getting their yearly reports ready Is
just new keeping railroad clerks pretty
"Jeshua Whltcemb" by Denman Thomp
son, en Tuesday ovening. Night school
attoniUnea is en the inereis. Mm. Win.
Bevd. dauubti-r of Mr. Juejb Snyder, at
Frent and Seoend streets, is d inKoreusly
tl.. Werk en the river revd has beeu
oemplotOiJ. Daid Ilinule, iijjeil CO
yeiri, of Wriijhtsville, died of fcoueral
debility in tht bireu;h this morning.
Ar hostler nt the Union hotel, in Wrights
ville. fell off tv ladder ycaterday and frae
tured bis right arm.
tt. IMTWtl CUNl'lnKUHNT,
llie Uiw 'Juheu et it nt liie l.neeasler
CutlTllT I'llSOll.
As was briefly referred te iu the Intel Intel
ueENcnn of Monday a disgraceful
condition of nCalrh baa revealed nt
the county prison. Gcerge Spaugler aud
Themas Bharpe occupied a cell en the
upper tier adjeiniug that tennuted jby the
feranle herse thief, Balome Whitman, aud
Francts Fither, who is serving u 00 dayn,
terra for failure te pay costs. Twe or
tbroe weeks nge tbe men cut a hole
through the partien betweeu tbe celli, und
bave been freely passing backward nnd
forward ever siuce By day they
placed what they had taken from, the wall
baek agaiu and covercd the crevicea with
Itnie given te them ostensibly te white
wash. The opeulng lu the wall was net
large eneugh te roero that permit tbe
paseage of a thin person, and as
oue man and ene woman et tlie
quartette wero inclined te be stout, the
tat man remained iu Ills cell until joined
by the thin woman ; while the thin man
Bought the companionship of the steutur
woman, Salente Whitman. All the nbove
prisioners, with theoxeoptiou of thoFisher
woman, wero sentenced te "separate and
Belitary oeuilnement." In vlew of these
revelations it becomes a pertlncnt inquiry
whether our local pilseu managemeut is
net tuore than a Boreamiug faroe. The
inspectors oensure the uudorkcepers and
the latter lay it te the rotten jail.
i i
LUlll) lMCHf,
B' F. Davie, of this city, and It. J.
Mcnaghan, of Weit Chester, will address
the Democrats of Badsburyville, Chester
county, at their oz roast ou WcdL03day.
On eemplaint of Adam Gitllsch, Martin
Lieppe was arrested yesterday for false
pretcnee, and lu default of bail was looked
up for a hearing befure Aider man Batnseu.
The amount Involved is nbeut $100.00.
Last evonieg, at tbe Yeates Iustitute,
S05 North Duke, street, before the boys of
the iustitute, and a few of their friends,
Mr. Redene, a Jaw, who has been cou ceu
verted te Christianity, and who is nt pres
ent oeuueoted with a mission school in
Baltimore, tlelivered an Intareatlng leoture
ou Syria aud Jeruealem,
bcrnk Tnlevri,
On Saturday night the cellar of the
dwelling heuse of Dr. L. A. Wurren.
Beuth Duke strest, near German, was
entered by thieves nnd rebbed of a con
Hlderable quantity of coal, and a dozen
jars of preserves and jellies. Thore is no
Ohie te the identlty of the thieves. but in
this particular caee the Buzzards are net
Tbe Kcal li.lte ainiket.
The property known as the Bt. Mary's
orphan asylum, ou Seuth Queen street,
offered at publia eale en Monday ovenlng,
was withdrawn nt $3,800.
The property en the Columbia turnpike,
boleuging te the same, Institution, subjeet
te a dower of '$1,025, was withdrawn at
I.eltcis Urnntrit bj tlia Itrclittr.
The following letters wcrn granted by
the register of wills for the week ceding
Tuesday, Deoeniber 2 :
Tkstahuntauv l'eter Btnlr, dcoearcd,
Inte of East Ileiuiiflcld township ; Audruw
llrubaker. Dtst llempllelil, executer.
Frank Qnlnn, drcensed, late of Lancaster
city ; Hev. A. F. Kaul and Brldget Qalnn,
eltv, czoentorB.
Henry K. Mentzcr, deeeancd, late of
DastCocalleo township ; F. K,,
East Coeutloo, executer.
Jehn Lomnien. deceased, lata of Eliza Eliza
betli township ; Jehn il. Kceuer, Elizabeth
township, executer.
Jehn Uotzelor, doceascd, late of Lau Lau Lau
oaster city : Jacob lietz, elty, executer,
Annle M. Ilinkle, deceaned, into of
Columbia borough , Franklin Hlnhle,
Columbia, cxeouter.
AnMiNiSTitVTieN : James MikHeb, de
oeasod, late of Warwlek township; N. O.
Fry, Warwlek, ndmlnlstratnr.
lleury Lliloman,deeeaHed, Inte of Kl'zi-
bethtewn ; Jaoeb K. Nlsuley, Eist Done-
gal, admlnistater.
Christian Glveler, doceased, late of
Kiplie tewmlilp ; Elizibeth Glvelcr,
llaphe, administratrix.
Hart let MnCurdy.doecased, late of Lan Lan Lan
oisterclty; 1'. 1). Belsor, city, adralnls
In tlie Uiiurt of Uiimmun I'1J.
nr.reiiK jedqi: livinosten.
The suit of J. M. WestliaclTer vs Dr.
Jehn Atlee, ir., was nttaehed for trial this
morning. Thii was an aotien te recover
for books and stationary, &a., sold and
delivered during a period of about twenty twenty
flve years. Tlie defendant was the attend
Ing physician of plaintiff aud his family
duilng all theso year?, and he lias an eflsst
te plaintiff's elalra. Mr. Wcsthaeffer's
bill is $312.70, and he alleges that the doc
ter s credits amount te $uu, leaving a
balance due him of $73 70, with lutercst.
On trial.
In the suit of Jehn L, Brandt vs. Albert
Hisser, counsel for defendant flled reasons
for n new trial.
The sale of property of Simen Slngle, by
his oemmitteo, advortised for last evening
was stayed by the oeurt, aud this morning
a rule who gran ted te show cuise why the
order of sale grauted te Franels Pfeitfer,
comralttce or Simen Single, who bad been
declared an habitual drunkard, te eeli
certain real estate, should net be revoked.
Jehn II Qnlnn, nu luselruut debtor, wan
discharged from prison.
A New isittarn l.canur.
from the ThitvielpliU Times.
The first step toward the reorganisatien
of the K litem Lcagne of professional base
ball clubs for 1685 was taken at the
BInghum house, Philadelphia, ou Mon
day, when a couference was held
te censider the formation of a circuit,
which In te be presented te the meeting
for regular organization en Doceinbor 12.
Delegates were present as fellows : G. M.
Ballard, Newark, N. J. ; Jehn Steel, Trcn
ten, N. J. ; E, M. Ourtii, Alteena ;
Charles Fuliner, Philadelphia, and the
Lancaster elubseint, a proxy. Applications
for membership were handed in from cev
entoeti club4, taking in organizitlerm i:
Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Yerk
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Wasbiraten
aud Virginia. It v.u (Lnmed inadvuael
te make upn circuit until after thu Auier
icanAsioeiatioti meetiii en D-'oimher 10,
and the meeliug u Mourned uutil Decem
ber 12.
Died In Itrudleg.
Frem the Heading Herald.
The death et Mrs. riirah Sehucarcr,
widow of Jehn Sehnearcr, formerly a
resident of Drlokcrville, Lanoaster aeunty,
occurred nt the residence of her Fenin l.iw,
Heury Wolf, 110 North Tenth street, of a
complication of discabcs. Deceased had
been ailing for some mouths, but her con-
ditleu vrnn uuehauaaU tttitll Welueadak
last, when she was prostrated, Shu plow
werse gradually and remained iu a ooma eoma oema
tofco state until her death. Bhe removed
from Lancaster county te this cltv about
two years ae. Her age was 57. The
surviving children ate Jehn Bchncarer
and Oliver tiohnearer, of Canten, Ohie ;
MIbh Lizzie Sehucarernud Mrs. ICate Wolf,
of thiii city; Gtorj-e Behuenrer, of Lititz,
nud Madisen Sohnearer, of Ephrata, The
iiiteruicnt will be made nt Erlckcrville,
Lancibtcr oeunty, en Thursday.
Tbe Heil man's Hull
Last evcnlnK Hed Jaeket tribe el lied
Men of this city, held their tweuty-aizth
nnnivereary ball, iu Maeuncioher hall
I'he skates wero put away for the evening
aud persona who delight te slum .uuuud
ou rollers were obliged te flive up tiiat
amusement for oue night. The Hed Men
had full sway. The crowd was very lare
and tbe Kraud promcuade took place be
tween 0 nud 10 o'elook. Among tlie
prominent Indians present were Audrew
Haker, past grand sachem, nud Uebt. l
Martlu aud W. II Dennin, membcr of the
great council. The danciug was kept up
until a late hour and tbe best of order
Oliarcrd V!tli Ulilcli'n Mteillns,
Jehn W. Bewers and Jehn Jenes were
arrcsted by Officer Uaruhelt last ni"ht en
a wan ant issued by Alderman Ferdncy,
charging them with stealing thoehiokensof
William A. Morten, n few nights age. Iu
default of ball they were committed for a
hearing. Bowera is nu old oftendor, nnd is
the individual who walked out et prison
en nu afternoon, several j ears age whleh
hitppencd te be a vUltlng day when eoveral
atrangers wero at the jail. Ha fi, town
and turned up nt Baltimore, whero be was
arrested for nu olfeuso and eorved nevcr.l
Suit Aitalutt tue I'eucnlVAuU.
A. P. Shenk nnd Thes. Whitson, atter
neys for Maria E, Bell, have entered milt
in the court of common plow against the
Pennsylvania railroad company for $5,000
damages, for tbe death of Jehn Bell, the
husband of Maria. Dell was a passengcr
en a train en the 21st of Juuuiry aud
brought a tiekct at Philadelphia for this
elty. IIe fell asleep aud was can lad ba-
yenrl the city. AtJjinuisviueiie was ejected
trem tbe train and iu walking baek te this
elty was struek by n train aud injured se
badly that he died en February 7.
Oltetlnc el Uctan l'rltencrs' Asioclatlue.
A meeting of Uuieu Prisoners' osseci
tien was held at the residence of Jeseph
It. Reyer en Monday evenluft. Several
members wero elected nnd after the
tranBaotien of reutine business Dr. J.A.E.
Reed read an intereatitif? paper en his
oanture and confinement in a Southern
prison. Cel. David Miles was soleuted as
tbe essayist for the next meeting of the
association, ou the ilret Monday of
rne l'uultry Hbe,
A roeotluK of the Poultry association
was held en Monday eveuiug and it was
deeldcd te ohauge the dates for holding
tbe annual exhibition, It was intended te
held it the latter part of this month, but
that time oenillots with ether exhiblticns.
The exhibition will be opened en January
7th and oleso en the 1 ltb,
Arreated ou a Uaplns.
Christian Bmkley, eharged with tearing
down the fenees of hU neighbor Uoero
Kendlg, wrs arrested by tbe sherift en n
eapias en Monday aftornoen, IIe made
affidavit bofero tbe court that be was the
owner of real estate and be was discharged
en common ball, until December 18, when
he was directed te produea tbe deeds of his
property iu oeurt.
The City Lights,
Twe c3oline lights were topertod as net
burning en Monday night.
A l.iirie Fantml.
Thn funeral or Mr. Al. M. Zihm took
plnen this nftnrnoeu from his losldence,
all North ,Llme street, and wan largely
ntlonded, The Cenestuga Council Ne 6,
O. U. A. M., aud Kj shah ke nee Tribe,
Ne. 22, 1. O. It. M. attended in a body,
nail thore was a large ilolegatiou
of the Union flre company, of
of which Mr. Zihm was vlce president.
The fuueral rorvleu of the Moravian
clfureh was reed by Ilsv. J. Mux Hark,
who nlse delivered nu eulogy en
the chnraeter of deceased, The Mor Mer
avlau ohelr, of wlileh Mr. Zihm
was for many years the leader, sang
Bradhury'H boautlfel composition "Hest,"
or "Aslcrp In Jesus" ns It is sometlmos
named. The following uamed gentlomen
aetcd as pall bearers : A. J. Auxer and
Geerge II. Ilambrlght, of the Aracrlean
Mechanics, aud Petor O IlmiHel and 11, S.
Oiter of the order of Hed Men.
Mr. E E. Snyder was mirshal of the
American Mechanic, and M. J. Weaver
of the Hed Men. The intormeut was rnade
iu Lancaster oemctery.
rrmn MUM nnd lilt Condition.
Frank Mlllc, who attempted te take his
life by sheeting himself nt Ephrata ou
Saturday night, is no werse, and it is
bollevcd tint be will fully recover. A
dlspateh from Llttlestewn te tbe Intklm Intklm
er.N'crcit conceiulng him Ktates" that be
tended bar nt the National hotel in that
town until a few weeks age wheu he left.
He was always a sober, upright mau. He
ecumed te griove a great deal ever tbe less
of his wlfe and threo ohlldren, whieh
occurred seme ye.irs age, and nevcr seemed
te Inve fully recovered from the shook.
IIe was born in Ha. lord, Connecticut, nnd
was a soldier iu tbe Union army during
tlie war.
liifie!llt!i: nu Intir tinntity llrtJitf,
The iuspeoters appointed by the oeurt
and Ceuuly Commissioners Mj?cr and
(Iddebraud went te Bellare te day te
inspect tlie inter county bridge recently
constructed nt that point. They will
be met thore by tli9 Dauphin county
coramisilenois aud tlie iuspeoters appointed
by the Dauphin county oeurt.
litnning i.nvT.
Mr. J E Snyder has been outered in a
law Htudent, nnd is reading with D. O.
Eahlemnu, esq.
Dliiklliinq AcknewlndRO.I.
Ilia lady inanaKers or tbe Heme gratefully
ncknewledKO the lollewlng donations High
t M 'i tin, ex dezen plates; Mrs. U.A.Dillon U.A.Dillen
baujiti, toys, buttons, tlnend, etc t Mrs. S.
Meer, , two bati nnd lulls 'lliey would also
ainbmce this opveitnnlty te nnuln exprecs
tlielr cer.ltil nppreclatleu el tlie enjeyment
CJnferrcKl upon tlie lilt e folks threjgli llie
kind prevision uiude ler thorn by tlielr de
pirtud Irlend, Mr. Uo.llrled Zilun, tocclcbrute
his lilrthdiiy by an unniml dinner. "I he mem
ory el tbe lust U bios'," nnd h's nnuie will be
cheileliMl In tlie institution In which lie was
se deeply luturested.
A Chtn i Stnw Cjmtnff -Ol late allows rIv
In;; i iiUrtulniiienis utalowpilrei 1 admission
liuri licconie iiullu imrulitr, and It lias ben
ci.i'ly elien n that lliey can de us well ua
t' ese nltlnii lancy prices. Unoef tliU cIups
will be in tills city tlie iliree last nights lu this
wtuk. ll U tlie llojien Uline llu-ietiut com cem
piny, widen eintrliis a large nii'uljjr et Hue
specially poenle. 11m firiy wurelnKcad
lri 1 t wi el: und the .Xcica sats of them:
'"1 be company nuuibcrsu dozen people, and
nllaronciers. Mem. Leuli Diipent U oneot
thi best contortionists In tne prrftosslen, The
t'aynes, musical sketch arttslf, kept tbe audi,
encu rearing and were recalled a number of
times. Tbe performance clojel with tbe
tlee'ela wendr, Mattle .oe l'rlce, fourteen
y'ara et no Hnd welgnlns 1C5 pounds, wlie
ltded a cbitlr en which tlitee heavy men sat,
tiir.-n tlie limn f.bent tlie bUe aud did ethor
foitsel ml llc uenui "
ll! ?g
.irtiui.tL. Aewrw,
Tim unlvuienl verdict, "TUoe; 1'lnsttr la
tlie bta: pjreiu planer ever mudu." Unly2i
liiuiiiit II tin,"
" Itenpli en" cm cs liiimerj, eruptlniK,
rlui'weruii", teltur, sail rln-um, Ireatcl feet,
clitlLiluliis. (3)
ivliut 'We Vnn Uirc, lI' nut ISndure
Itwecin euro an Hche, or a sprain, or a pain
or a I imeni us, ( r a tiiirn, or a lirul'e, or a bltr,
liy u-iliiR 'Ihemnt' EcUclrie Oil let's dolt.
Them'tt' Kclccirta Oil ia known te be proed.
Let's try It KorsaiebvH It Coeliran, druj;
lilt, 1J7 und U9 Nerm Queen btreuU
cettxii'i Llqnld Heef Tonle Ij endorsed liy
piijHlcl uii. Ask ur Oeltfrn s; take no ether.
Of diuj(iiita. dl-lwiicedAw
" KOtltHl ON TOtfTIIAUllK."
Instant le lit ter Neurnlul-i, Toethaclio
Ki'ceiiche Able li r " Heuijli en Toetiractio."
1) and 'iV) (J)
ifer Lauiu iiiez , skim or unest, oho Slit
LlM'S I'OllOUS I'LASTKll. l'rlce. -Ji ennt
"nlil hy II. Jl. Cochran, iliuKKlst, 137 and 139
flevtli Uueen strpet Lancaster lohlfeoJP
L1FU l'ltKMtCKVKlt.
It yen nre leilnii your grip en Hfe. try
Well's Health ltcnewur." Uets direct te
ucalc spots. (3)
Ven CenKlii. mnke n timely use et Mule's
Ileuuv nt noielieuud and 'iur. 1'lke'i Toe tu
nc no l)iei cme in one minute.
. dl-lwdoed&w
Ladles who would retain freslinc nnd vl.
vaclty. Don't Tall te try " Wells' Healtli lto lte
newer." (J)
llr.ivrnM neui-niild I'uuncen
13 the uieit elli,ct've 1'iiln UcJtreycr In the
tteild H ie-t suiely Qiilefecti the bleed
w iclher luk-n Inturiiully or npplleil exter
nally, and thoreby moie certainly UELIKVK
PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any
ethor pain allovlater, nail It Is warranted dou
ble the atreDRth et any ntmtlar pruparatlen.
It cures pain In the alde. Hack or Hew els,
Sore Threat, ltlieuniaiuni, Toetliaclie, and
ALL AClIbS. nnd Is The II rout Itellever nt
should be In every family. A toaspeontnl et
tlie l'anacea In a tumbler et het water swent.
irami, ii preiumxii. niuen ui oiwurae, will
llllKAK OP A DO LI), S5 cents 3 botlle.
Dr. rraxlur'a Alagia (Itntinaut.
The greatest bleeelnir that has been dU
cevered In this generation. A euro euro for
Iteils. Uurns, Sen, Cuts. I'lesh Wounds, Boru
Nipples. Ilnnl and Sett Cerns. Chapped Lips,
and llaiids, l'lmples and lllotclies. 1'rlcn ftue.
Sold by DriiKsl-iU Sold lv II. II. Cochran
druKRist, 1J7 und l ertli eueeu street. (4)
ESotuerd Metnrrsll Clethersl
Are you disturbed at night and broken el
your rest by a sick child sulTerlng and crying
with the excruciating pain efeuttliiK teeMil
it se, e at en co nnd act a bottlenl Jilts. WIN
aLOW'fl300TllINU 8YUUI'. It will relieve
the peer llttle 8ullerer Immediately dupend
urea It i thore Is no mistake nbeut It. There 1
net a mother en oarthwhebaa ever uoed It,
who will net tell you at ence that It will
regulate tbe bowels and Rive rest te the
mother, and lcllnt and health te the child, op ep
cratlni; llfca maufc. It Is perfectly Bate te use
In all casus, and pleasant te the toste, and Is
t 'ie preierlptlen of ene of the eldest and beat
fnmale physicians In the Unlted States. Beld
everywhere 23 cents a bottle.
Mrs Ur. Walten's forledical lev.
Mether Walten h03 proscrlbed tblj voluable
modlclne ter a ureil uiauy years in her private
nrnctlce. It has nreved an uufalltiiK snccltle
lu thu treatmuut of the many dUerdurs te
which the loinale constitution U Biibect. It
Is a sure euro for the monthly troubles that se
many wenen sutler. Mallud en receipt et
price, SOc told by II. II. Cochran, druggist,
131 ami iJ'i .1 uriu uueun wroei. 13)
IIanlkt StBAKin At Lanraster, Nev. S),
by the Uuv J- Max Hark, Mr. Themas II. Han
ley, et Yerk, te Miss Susin A. Speaker, of
Lancaster. it
ltirrrin In this cltv. en the EOth Inst., Isaae
Itutter, in the Mth year et bis age.
1 he relatives and lrlends el the family ete
respectlully Invlled te attend the lunera
lrem his late .OBldonce, no. 51 Seuth Water
street, Thursday nltorneon at 3 o'clock. In.
tvrinent at Lancaster cemetery, 3t
Kixris. Dee. 1, 18)1, In this elty, Charles
Franklin, son el Kdward and Clara Kim per,
ujed 3 months.
Tbe relatives ami friends et the family are
respectfully Invited te attend the, laueral,
The Largest Stock anil Lewest Trices. We are new- openlni; our annual oxlilbttleu el
IIOIIUAY UOOUS. Mells, Dell Carriages, Kxpresj Wagons, Spring and Hebby Horses
SboelliB and Voleclpedes. Tin nml Mechanical Toys. '
-Ierclmnts, cnurches and Sunday-schools supplied at JJew Yerk Prices.
Ne. 152 North Queen Street,
.ueuasT ituLiOAV uoeua.
Oh-ristmas 1884.
Thn nellday Season Is noir at hanl and te meet the wants of our tradejwe have placed
In our cases iv lull line el
WatcheB, Diainenda, Bronzes,
Silverware, in Sterling and Plate,
Jewelry, Spectacles and
French and American Clocks.
We call attention te tbe iaet that wlih our completo rnctery we can All nny special erdars tee
Or any article In GolderSllvor Jewelry.
2TFlret-clasu Reptilrlntf la Every Braneh of Our Buelness,
EDW. W. ZAHM, Jeweler,
uev22 It
trem the roilJenca el 111 parents, Ne. 23
North Lltce striet, ou Wednesday afternoon
at2o'c'eclr. Iu'crincnt at Lincaslcr come ceme
teiy. tiiArn In this eltv. en thelst Inst.. Clnrls
Ft. relict olthe lule Cluiitl.ui Shaub, In tbe
80th year of her uke.
The relatives and friends el tbe family nre
ro.jpccttullylnTltndteattondth8 funeral from
tlie residence el her son In-law, Ne. Vti Beuth
Arch street, en Wednesday altemoen nt S
o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery.
Hick iv.- December 1. ISM. In tills city. Eliza,
rclltt et tbe late l'hemaj lllckey, URed t'J
Netice of funeral horeatter.
l'ldlndelphla papers plcase copy. J
WantTS-a wTiiiAtT"Ti 1u"1jut iu
work.rltlierbv the day or week: can
ytvepoe 1 rufoience. Apply at
Ul) J 11 JU,31bA3i YllAQlUdni,
1 V t nnllnl In lietnll Ceal Uu-lne's lu I'hll-
ndelpbla Lualness otnbllahed lour years.
Auur us, a. ii wmuui'.
uers lmd riuiuucipma r. u.
1Ult A HAIIli TllKAr, Till ULAllKn'S
blandcd, nt SUe. 4 lbi. Oranulated Suear for
i7c. !3trictly pnre Eplces nt bottom prices.
tij.iiiKt's, no. aa Mcarivingeircei.
n bltuatlonte de general housework Ap-
plv nt
Flve Pound
'tin and lu
ilulk, seaa'
Ash and llanner Lve ler Seap Making, at
UUliLEi'U lmuu aium,
2i Weat Kln street.
hi cst Chestnut street.
Address with rolurenee.
nev2S-Iwd rhl'adelphta.
LVi In order te roduee our large stock of Fur
IRaveri. Meltons, Kersevs. aud CorKtcrew-4,
for Ov 'iceating. 1 will, for the next 00 days,
make t mui un te your order. In arft-elnss
style, nt areatly reduced prlcei. All garments
are puarantoed te fit porleet anil only th beat
euallty et trimmings are used.
line Tailoring.
S7 North Queen etreet, oppealto the I'ostefflce.
DK'vf.illIEK 1,6,0.
Matlnee-SATUKDAY AFTtUNOON at 2.30
for Ladles and chllrii en.
The Original Bosten Ideal
l'reienllng a strictly tint class Specialty
Entertainment carelully wieded of nil ohjeo ehjeo ohjee
tlonnblo features, bupotler te and tar sur
passing all ethers In point et artistic merit
Tbe el cap pilces el admission de net detract
irem tbe merits et the ontertalnment. All Is
conducted en llrat-elusj principles.
Fer iurthsr pirtlculars see large bills and
Entlre Cbange et rrograinme each night.
Iteacived Seats new en sale without extin
charge at eptra heuse. d!-8t
I r7 ITTI) il A TQ
II I V 1J I L A J r I IT).
I S v - - v v ... . r
In Duulli, Oxford, Maroen and Iliewn, cut
In the latest Uslilenu nnd finished handsomely
with silk slouve linings. We have a lull as
sortment of sizes, and prices range Irem lis
te 120. BUlTa ter Dress or Business Wear,
made el ull wool material In a large variety et
patterns Including Whipcords or Cerkscrew
In Four-llutten cutaway or Sack Ceat style.
i0 te tU. KUlt UOOl)1, Including Ladles'
Hulls Cellars, ISeas, Fur and Hlderdewn
trimming Uent'gSeal Skin Caps, Imitation
Seal, frllk Plush, Heavy Cleth and a large va
riety et all kinds of hats and caps or the latest
fashions at the lowest prices. CAltltlAUE
UOllKSet Wolf, Mountain Ueat, I'lush and
Mohair. Herso Cevers ami Stable Ulankets In
the best and the cheapest qualities from 7uc
upwards. 11KAVY WlNTKll U.1U UWKAlt
et Scarlet. Whlte and lilue Urey, both lm
per ed and Homejtle. All Weel Uoeds and
Marlues, In W hlte and Scotch Urey, 25c te 75a.
ihe W. A V. Special Weel Underwear, all hull a dollar. AlWntcrnroef lloeL Uraln
l.ather. lfleece Lined. S3 60. Solid Leather all
through, and lust the thine te keep the feet
dry. Fer thai dies we have a mil assortment
of sizes In the common benee Shee that form
erly tout at 13.(0 i It Is new cut down te (1.00.
And tbe Opera Tee, n full dress shoe all
widths, that always told ter 3 U0. we also cut
down te per pair. Ileth these stylet are
made of carefully "elected French Kid. IIO II
something quite new ler batchers and all per
sons requfrfag a waterproof everpant, These
pants nre made single and doable and are pos
itively win runted te be waterproof and will
net beeome sticky or gummy, ,1'rlce, 730 te
11,13. Alse Jackets el the same material.
Williamson & Fester,
83, 34, d6 and 38 BAST RING TOT,
ItKH AtirMMX. 19MMM1 1X3. I
Lancaster, Pa.
Lancaster, Pa.
rllOM U1TTRK9.
nun nnn en w w w KV v
II 11 K It O ) W W WW N .V ! "
nun unit e e ww-ww kw
N N-
it it
ii u
it c
it nnn oe kt
i n it e e NN N
12 1
I 1
This medlclne. combining Iren with par
vo,?euiblo tonics, quickly and cemplutely
Ily rapid and thorough assimilation V7lth
the bloel. It reaches overy part et the system,
purines and enriches the bleed, strengthens
tbe muscles and nerves, und tones and invig
orates the system:
A flne Appetizer Hest tonic known.
It will euro the worst case et Dyspepsia,
removing all distressing symptoms, bucu as
Tasting tbe Feed. Botching, float lu tbe Stom
ach, Heartburn, etc
The only Iren modlclne that will net. black
en or Injure the teetb.
It Is Invaluable for diseases peculiar te
women, and te all persons who lead sexlentary
An unfailing remedy ler diseases ofcthe
Liver and Kidneys.
Persons sntlerlng trem the effect et over
work, nervous troubles, low or appetite, or
debility, experience quick relief and renewed
energy by Its use.
It does net. cause Hoadache or produce Cen-
D,iiiaHuaui:uKU iron II10U1C1U03 tie.
It Is the only preparation et Iran thM
causes no Injurious uflecta. Physicians and
druggists recemmend it as the best. Try it.
Thogeanlne has Trade Mark and crossed
red lines en wrapper. Take no ether. Made
only by
sepS-lydAlvw Iiultlmern, Md.
Torchlight Precession,
THURSDAY, DEO. 4th, 1884.
The Democracy el the county are Invited.
The Ox-roan will take place at 2 o'clock in
the afternoon and the Torchlight 1'arade at
7H In tbe evenlng.
Turn Out ! Turn Out !
J. E.
Gat's Eyes.
Aitlstlc and Elegant Jewelling lu
Exclusive Designs,
rue Murderer or 1'retty tui WMien Hnnged
Tu-dy-Hecnes Attending the Iixcca-
tlan-Whkt lte UM te Hay.
Salem, N. J , Dee. 2. List night Sul
livan had an aQeetlni; intervlew with bis
mother, and after her departure he spent
sometlmo in sluRlne and praying. IIe slept
well during tbe night, nwakenlng oneo,
when he nte half of a mince pie. A oelorod
female prisener, confined in the cell
formerly oeoupied by Sullivan, wept aloud
and prayed nearly tbe entire night, her
piteous orlesboing heatd a long dlstanoe
from tbe jail. Sullivan was awakened at
7 e oleok. IIe smiled nnd maintained a
degree of nerve that he has shown all
along. IIe said he did net oare te say
anything mere about the murder ; that be
hoped te go te a botter world aud bolievod
his sins wenld be forgiven. IIe ate
sparingly of the breakfast provided for
Soen after nine o'clock Sullivan's father
ami mother called and a number of Meth
Odist ministers joined the parly in singing
a hymn. The coudemnod man warned his
parents net te cry, as If thev did he would
cry tee. Ills two sisters also called te bid him
geed-bye. The final separation was very
destresslng. Ills sister foil fainting and
was carried away, and his aged father and
mother soeraed te suffer great rnental
anguish. Mcanwhile Sullivan never fal
tered. but remained standing and looking
every inch the recklcss fellow that
he was. When the death warrant was
read te him he was the coolest poreen
present. IIe aseended the platform at
11:20. where another prayer was offered.
After being bound and the noeeo plaeed en
his neck, be was asked if he desired te say
anything and repiicd that he was confidant
of salvation and that when he should fall
through the trap be would fall into
the hands of Jesus. It was a inar inar
riage ceremeny for him, be said, and
he wanted te be in tlrae for the
feast with all theso geed men
who bad geno bofero him. At 11:20 the
drop fell. There was no poreeptiblo
struggle, his nook being apparently
broken and in thrce minutes he was nre.
neunced dead, The body was out down
at 12.01 and turned ever te tbe undertaker,
who will bury it this afternoon.
A Vrttcas en the Mreet la AVnlcU a man Is
Bnet Uenii,
New Orleans, Li., Dee. 2.A. J.
Murphy, who was shot last night, was
superintending a gang of men working en
the street. lie was sitting en a deer step
when two officers of Judge Ferd's oeurt
appeared. Ou ene side of him were two
men in citizen's dress, and a policeman
then came from the ether dircotien and
began firing at Murphy. The latter jumped
into tbe street and returned the llre.
When he bad emptied his revolver be ran,
bat was nhet down. IIe recaived flve
wounds, any ene of whieh would have
been fatal. The following were arrested
for the murder : ueoerdor Themas J.
Ferd nnd his brother, Patriek II. Ferd,
Court Offlcers W. E. Garfield, Oharles
Bedcr, and W. II. lluokley, nud Polieeman
Jno. Murphy.
Some months age the victim was arrested
for a breach of the pcaee and Recorder
Feri in sentencing him te pay n line,
doneunoed him from the bench as a heed
lum and dead-beat. Murphv then
placarded Ferd, making seme damaging
statements. Fer this he was indicted for
libel and the case was fixed for Thursday
next. Ferd denies nil knowledge of tbe
Galveston, Tex., Doe. 3. A special te
the A'im from San Antonie says an
unknown man was robbed and murdered
by a gang of thieves 10 miles eaat of Olarks.
ville. The gang was overhauled yesterday
by a pesse of oflleers thirty miles from the
soene of the murder. A fight onsaed, in
whieh two of the gang wero killed and
another fatally wounded. Twe of the
pur&uiuc party wero daDgoreusly wounded.
ltcsolutlen Fresented in tnn llenae en the
Uendacc et U. tl. Marshal Wilglit.
WAsnmaTON, Dee. 2. After the road read
lug of the journal, Sheffield, a new senator
from Rhede Island, was sworn in. The
chair laid bofero the Sonate a joint reso
lution of the general Assembly of Ver
mont, urging congressional action looking
te the national control of Intor-atate
Vest offered a resolution directing an
Investigation into all leases of lands In the
Indian territory. IIe said theso losses
were obtained from Indians by oerruption
aud fraud, and criticised tbe oeurso of tbe
interior department in protecting sueh
leaseB. The ensuing discussion broad
ened into a general dobate en Indian
affairs. The matter was finally laid ever
until te-morrow and the Bonate ad ad ad
journed, IN THE HOUSE.
Mr. Fellett, (Ohie), as a quostieu of
privilege, presented a resolution impoaoh impeaoh impoaeh
ing Let Wright, United Btates marshal
of Southern Ohie, of high crimes and mis mis mis
domeaners, usurpation and violation of
law. The resolution charges Marshal
Wright with appointing rough oharaetors
as deputies, arming I hem pistols said te
have esen ebtained from the war depart
ment at Washington and with intimidating
voters at the roeout oleetion. Koifer
(Ohie) made a point of order, but after
seme dlsouBsien was overrulod by the
After a long discissien, Fellatt's reso
lution was adopted, and in nocerdanso
thorewith a oemmitteo en expenditures
in tbe department of justioe will make a
thorough investigation. Tbe Heuse tben
proceeded te the consideration of the
intor-state commerco bill. Tbe discussion
will run all day,
A Derelict Uank Director's Hentcnce.
Montreal, Dee. 3. Alexander Bunter,
a diroetor of the Exchauce back, was
found guilty of obtaining preference from
the bank after its failure, and was te day
sontcceed te ten days' Imprisonment.
A Echujlklll IfeIUng Mill Kesumei.
Reading, Fa,, Dee. 3. The Behuylklll
Ilaveu rolling mill above Fert Clinten,
employing ever 100 men, whieh bes been
idle sinoe last Auguat, resumed work
Doclilea In the Uraed Lemen Uentriti
Bi'iUNariELD, 111., Dee. 3. Governer
Hamilton has just rendered his deoisien
In the Lomen-Urand oase, awarding the
osrtifleato te Lsmen, Itepubllean candi
date for state Benato iu the Sixth district.
A Lumber rirm Aiilgnt,
OsiiEOsn, Wis., Dee. 3. Talman Conre
& Ce., lumbormanufaeturors' made an as.
signment yesterday. Their liabilities are
placed at 850,000 and the Arm elalnts assets
A Wlioemio Unlrerilly Horned.
Madisen, Wis., Doe. 3. Boleneo Hall
university was burned last night, The
total less will reaeh $350,000.
WAsniNQTON, D. O., Dee. 3. Fer the
Middle Atlantic states, generally fair
weather, northerly winds, beoemiug
vuiable, nearly stationary temperattue.
VltiladeipBift Mar.
Pmn.nif.ruu, dee. a-rienr mirket (tall
XV '"V1 ' Buporflne State, nt St M
MrH?1. 80.. wn Cbr. KiS0i &
SiraM,i tl 60i Minn. extn. elMkrT
ei'...:s,,'iH"lrUut, t getta t wtatw
ir7-rr "."j1' wuj ie.
Joell, 2(e Ne t mixed, J1MT
Uye nominal nt f38MB. n
Soeds-ciororseort dull at 7Sfl flmetliv
dull nt 41 leni 41 1 FIxed flrnt at It 44? y
Winter ilren quiet at 111 73U
Uroy.H,en.s Hideti India Mesa Beet il
ea I city de, 13 sefJH en i Hess Ferk; iJ Mm
II net Heet uams, 120 Man.
llacen, lie i HmeRed 8heuldnu 7
Lard quiet t city rcflned, 8Ve loes
butchers, mT4 ( prlme steam I72SS7 SJ.
UnUer rrmrket and prices Arm ler choice
geed; t Creamery extras, at tWet Western de,
no. Siaei tl. c. ft N. Y. extras, &J70f West-
choiee,"?.0' W08Wra KOeA te
Rolls at loawe t packing, flOHc.
?ga1im 'wUh ,a,r demand; extras, W
flMet Wostern. I9rtl9Kc.
tiheesB-market stead v. with quiet demand j
new Yerk full crreim. hi. ttvaiin'.
R'iI?J,Bt cholce. H5iOl2et de fair te prlme,
SKOailtfc j fa. part skims, 807et de luU,
votrelenm nnlet j Renned, TJic.
WhUhy uiilf t Western at II 20.
Ma-w tot Mitn,
Kiw Yenx, Doe. X rienr Btate and West
ern In buyers' favor and dull, bouthern dull
and weak.
Wheat Q!ie lewer. heavy and Irremlsr,
with a me lerate buslndfs s Ke. 1. Whlte.
nominal ? Ne. 2 Ked, Dee., SOlfe j Jan ,
sAMdSJ!iHei JlMch' sa""
Cern Utilio lilbcr and quiet i Mixed West
ern, spot. 4lQ30at de luture, 430430.
Oils without decldad cbange Ne. a face,
32'i .ian.,3Jsj State, SIO38J0 Wcstern, 31
Western Oram marKSU,
Teledo. Wbeat was dull and lower t
nod, cash and Dec ateiVioaskedt J
Ne. 2
an. at
TO4? Did and 7UKO eskca t Feb. at 71Ket Mv
at J7C bid and 77He naked J Ne. 2 selt at 72
Cern was qulet high mixed at SSXat Ne. i
cash at SSe ; alt the year at sswe t Jan. at3sa
hi J and SGic asked ; May at Bie bid i releated
at 36c,
Oats were dull and unchanged i Ne. 3 whlte
at i7c.
Cloversocd was nominal i prlme at U 39 bid t
December and January at II 41 asked t Ke. a
at (130.
OBTOerr. Wheat waa drill- Nn. 1 Whlta &t.
75?lc ler cash und December 7die for Janu
ary j Ne. 2 lied at 77e for cash, nnd Decern
ber; tliie for Januarys Ne. B Bed at 6(0 f
Ne. 2 Whlte at 70e ; Michigan Selt Ked at 77c;
receipts, 18,000 buh.
Cem Ne. 2 at 37X0.
eau -Light mixed at Xe asked j Ne. 2
Whlte at 23X0 j Ne. 2 at20Kc
l'Eetin corn was firm s new high mixed at
31382X0 1 new Ne. 2 mixed at 31KO320.
Oita wero quiet sNe.2 whlte at 27Q21K01 Ne.
llye was nrm, but inactlvet Ne. 3 at (We.
l ive E tecK Market.
CinoAeo-Cattlo Ueoelpts, 0,500 head j snfp.
moms, 2 500 head: common grades dull j
cholce stock firm t expert praues. SO 20OB 73 1
geed te choice shipping, 3ia0 6) common
te fair, M2S85 0I1 Texans easier at (30383.
lloge KecelpU, 41,000 headj shipments, 4,000
hnvl ; market opeiod very actlve at a de
cline otlOet rough packing. $3 D1G4 IS t pack
ing and shipping, tl 2KJ4 S3; light, l4 30t
Shoep-ltecelpts, 2,000 head ihlpmenta, 800
headt market slew i Inferior te lair, t2Q2 73(
mcuium te goeu, ituM3S3t cnoiee. Iitt4 2.
East Liesbtt Cattle prices 15O20O leer
than .last week ; receipts, 2,071 head j ship
ments, C85 head,
Hocrselew; receipts. 7,700 bead t sblpmenti,
000 head': I'hlUdelphUu, II 3034 40; York Yerk
ers,l41504 5S.
uhcep dull andaeliai'oerT lest week's closing
prices receipts, 2,100 head shipments, none.
Philadelphia Cattle Market,
Mendav, Dee. L The arrivals et live
stock at tbe varlens stock yards were t
Fer tbe week 3,000 bceves, 12,000 sheen, 5,800
begs. Previous woek-3,0U0 beeves, 12,000
sheep, 0,300 begs.
Heet cttlle were In belter request and
prices In sympathy with the Wostauvanced a
traotlen, although no sales wero recorded ler
uiore than OJie.
We quota as lollewss
Kxuenii'.3.3Uti0;ia; Meit sales, 4e&5ie t
Kxtrn, C'iGOKQ l Geed, 6UQCC ; lledlum,
Haiiiet Common, 3tf I'ie.
h Ht cows wero dornemlfced af 2XQIO.
Mllcucews were net much sought otter at
Veal calves were In geed request at OfJOc.
Sheep and Lambs were lu tee large sap
ply ter the light demand and rates decllned
He, touching tbe lowest flgure ter the pest do de do
catle We qnote as fellows :
Extra, 4!IX , Uoed, SKffllci Mwltnm.QHO
3Kc; Common, 7Sc82Ke : Lambs, SrlOc.
Hogs wero In lair request at HXtHXc A low
In a retail way at 6a
City drossed toeves wero In fair demand
and prlces closed at 7010a., with sales et extra
common as towns Ce; Wejtcrn dressed being
quoted at KftKe.
Dressed Bhoep wero In fair request at 81
8Kc Lambs selling us high us DHc
BteeK marKBta.
Qnotatiens by itfeJ, UcUrann A Ca, Batu
era, Lancaster, Te. list. Jr..
Missouri Pacific...
Michigan Central. 00 61 60
New fork Central 91M 91 S Wi
New Jersey Control tl 41 43
Ohie Control. H
Del. Lack. wostern.... lievj loej; 103J
Denvor A llie Qrande.... 02 OH ..j.
Kansas A Texas 18'i llti 17
Lake Shero 6S2 esji ent
Chicago if. w com.... Di)i ei4 8IJ
N.N.,Onu Wostern.... 12 12J 12s
bt,lnulAOmatia 30 3" 'Q
PacinoMell H)i UX U
ltocheator & Pittsburgh 2x
at. Paul ;.... 81H 81H Rx
Texas Pociae..,. HH 14 l4t
Union l'acinc tl'i SIX Wi
Wabash Common....
Wabash l'reforred. ISJ-i
Wesfrn Union Tolegraph C2X Mil C2)J
LouUvllle NashvIUe... i: 27K 272
N. Y.,Chl. A 8r.L 5)2
Lehigh Valley MX 61 COM
Leldgh Navigation. 4IK
Pennsylvania... BIX 51 B1W
Heading. lHi lk 112
I'.T. A lluirale SK 3JJ 3)J
Nerthern raclflc Cem... 18Vi 1BU 18
Northern Pacific Pre!,., fi UK 41jJ
Iiestonvllle ...
riiiladelphia A Krle...... ...
Nerthern Control.. ....
Underground. , . . .... ....
Canada Soatnern.. fUVi
OU 71X 7.9H lill
Poenlo's Passenger...... y ....
inrsey centrai. '
Iteaulng General tutors.,.! .... ...
Uaotatiensby Assoclatedifross.
Stocks steady.
rhUodelphla A Erle U. IL.
Heading UaUread..... , 11 IMS
Pennsylvania usllread.., ............. ...... 6154
Lehigh Valley UaUread 6CJJ
Unlted Companies et New Jersey ..197
Nerthern 1'f.clnc. 18tT
Northern I'acttle Proterrot ln
Northern Control UaUread 87
Lcnuth Navigation Company 41
Norrlstewn Itallroed 1M
Central Transponauen company. se
IlnuaiO, a. I .. seu x-uuauuipuut.
LlluO oeanvmui uinu ..
Maw ion.
Quotations by Associated Press.
mocks lrregulir. Heney, lHOc-
New Yerk Central B1U
Krle Railroad UK
Adams Exnreu ...IH
Michigan Central UaUread. ......... ........ e
Illinois Centrtd ltallread 13SW
Hiif-nii-iLn BenuH-ra uaunuu ik
Cleveland A rlttsbargh UaUread 137
Chicago A itoek Island UaUread.... .I1U
Pittsburgh A sort Wayne lloUreoa 119),
gna lurt nnyne iuuireuu.,...iiv)
Teledo A Watftdh. ...... ..........,.,...,.. 4it,
ivesieru umei iudKmuu vuiuutuiy..... ve
New Jersey central ...,ui ....... 4
New Yerk Onlecta Ik Wnctarn.......... 12
fecal ateeu ana aaaal
ueparted by J. u. Lens.
ala .
T.njl.itfr mtv A rur fvxnt 1SS8... U(f
lswi... m
- BTtoret.inlerIyorf.. WH
' 4 per ct. Bchoel Lean....
4 in ler as years.. 1M
4 in Beras years. ,108
u 4 in 10 or 20 years, 199
Manhehn borough lean m
" ' BAlk STOCKS.
rirst National Hank .
Tanners' National Hank M
miten NlUenat Hank.... MS
Lancaster County National UaaX, M
Columbia National IlAUk. ,..,,..., MS
ChrUUana National Bank........... H
xnnrata National lUnk ....,,, MP
rrstNiUouallliat,Uelamb4..... M
m i
. i'
F '
-w t