1 ;'iv t-r- WT-"- A TpifSf jffWPff ? TNCASTER DAILY INTKLLHMNCBR MONDAY., reTJEMBBB U 1884 NWfj V ps5p -r.,"?' vs 4--"Tr iKU' .4f, ; . -. B-"fL' rf 1 r i iHHmtrt' .sJmrlUtjefUCT. MX- at ynmnf met.. 4, w, v " . IH.BTsHiAMai'B FUMOI. HtatmOlV X" MUte. emtM e Mtatewi SI'S Of tfe- 0tOl WiOU ' r4r. PihlM u.wimi,M r ..-- t. kniiuti ana mauaiaeiu ChMtfi f she aeaatnr ed the effeet 5? I!SiTMltrtlen ob these M V fBBBBBsBSBJ J.Te. HlkAH ..a.eleee . MM I -J H"" wimiww. B OMHwnktle party ie made up of tHfttfeeas ana werkingsien. t Is it eerUinlv emum geed realises that all tke people hfAatrnns telassrw that reealt. W haw MOW 000 people, alesest beaad. itKM rssoureee, baatlreda or th strongest MMMlftl loititailent la th world, Smuh af eeterpr.slQt sssrotaaets, the Mart sklll'il taaoafaetarara and the most 'HttJwaat larmersaii werkiugnten en tae fsee of the earth. New, serelj a country With theee oheraeterls'ioa hii every qaall testtee ler a eelld, permanent prosperity ft' will he my aiat and the aim el all Blissse sjteeetstea Wlia nse ia uie suauuDi ui Bistre at tTeehlDgten te elve the people of she' United State a aafe, eoneonloal and limirTB' government. The faet that steer business men and mannfaetarera 'a4 worktegaen voted with the Deme "ttte party is thla election shows that they war net afraid of a efceege ia the administration. Th DesseeratrO parry in it OhteatTO plat jterm. meant what it aaM and aald what it r'aMtt, and will earry eat the prevision of tvShat nletfmm whlah relate te the hnslneaa 'Sfcrterestoef the country Inte effeet. The Btest Important thins; is the restoration of '' jKHiBdeeee and the determination te for vV''st partisan beat and exeltement, and te 'lerete enr lives te the things whleh tend '; te the substantial welfare of the country vaedell Its people. In this Tent every 'manshnnl-' fsel that he ha a part te t errerm." ' ih William Samson, a oelored man, called 'yen Gov, Cleveland In Albany, en Satar- ,lay, sent by the oelored people of Flerida, ,jt: te get an expression of his views toward 1Jv ,tbe oelored raee. The guvrcer received W Jtlrn warmly and said : "Ge be te yenr ? people and nay that the next president, , , ivsueagn ee is a uemoerar, is tneir iriena, :.?rra8dthat he will see that they are felly '- syceteeted in all their rights." 'Itnills .li. war nimTllL n . . W NKW TtlKK I.KUl'ai ATOKW. 'SHl . ""t te te riertia tei' year eengh leBsleoW.asyeai.. -wkTynme, e and pine & . e 1 1 found . ". -,,.;. aefeesa in fenr Aiicecas --"X"' i was kwe en my hek and two en rkt && tri..w. J, tnr nreved a perfect ,u""r ' l:,nneunienTa f hese plasters also cvlre I T tn rheumatism in the shoulder, wh, h . -H ,bs defle-t medical skill. I have ttmtK ,a. ' !T ".. .,., and absel-itelv pain. 1 w1: '? ....i ,.m,H. e&nba J-1 less. ID Druisr uu MW.UIH v- - - ere enectlve." Allcoek's " Is tns only genuine fertun . iaten buy Doetherand you T..A MW. WW .J tiieatrd. 49-Tea vf 111 ft- Happy Make your old things leek llse new by using the UUmt.nd Pves.anrt you -HI h happy. Anv of the HibTenable e Ien. for loe -at tne drusgUU. Wlis,ntcbardsen Ce., Burlington, , tm TrvH-c elm Isanlrreslstable tellew. brim lull or stories. 1s. wiu..j .-.-, -- -- , - Ivui aut-. ir-avervt king medicine they wse every-t- wksr-, and are sold every "here, for sale bv ft- H. B . eehn-n, drnguUt, U7 and 1 Mertb iFk Queen street. i Utioesanns Bay no, Ir.T. W. AtHlni, Glrard. Kan nrltess "I aevsr hsltt te recommend yeui siectne Blttrre te my eii'temr rs, tney slve entire sat isfaction and are rapid sellers." Kleeirla Hitters are the purest and best medicine known and wil pelilely cure Kidney and Liver complaints Purity the bleed and reg ulate we bowels. Metamlly can afford te be without them. They win save hundreds el dollars m doctor's bills every ar. Beldax lltiv cents a bettleby 11 B. Cehraa. druggist os 117 and lsa N ertb Queen street. Lancaster. VS. '' De tan Hallaa. Ik That in this town mere are scores of persons passing our store every day whose lives are made miserable by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour and dismissed stomaen. Liver umt- filalnt. Constipation, when for 75c we will sell hem Shlleh's Viull-er. guaranteed te cure them, sold by H. H, Cochran, druggist, Wes. 17 and 1W North Quen strent 7eb7edl Urn cereiul of tne HaOlM. If your child en am threatened with crony rati) threat iiraculty apply a raw drops et Themat gelsefiis UU It is the nlst-st m-e. elite ter the little ones we knew eL l"or sals by li U. oecMa. uruggtsu 117 and in North Queen street- , nruvel nuasenuia teaeea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer In the world. will most surely quicken the bleed Whether taken Internally or applied azter Bally, ana thereby mere certainly BKLIBVK FAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It Is warranted don den ble the atrength et any similar preparation. It cures pain tn the aide. Back or Bowels, ere Threat. Bbeumansm, Toothache, and ALL ACH KB, and is The Ureas Believer el fm BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PAN ACBA" should be in every family. A teaapoentul of the Panacea In a tumbler et het water sweet. ned.lt prererredl, taken at bedtime, will BBBAB, OP A COLD W ennta bottle. aurin lawIM W "MM V4UAKH AT SLMS ratal IICJU I tired, a tetter cigar than U sold by most MlTVaWnLLOVT FKOBIT CIQAK fllK. LAHUKIT, HKT AnU MUST DUM 1 piete assortment et Playing Cards in th SWIK? LLW'VBaNT CM AE tM. TtLSXD'S CLK.UTXliM SUstlS. And all Republicans. DenseersU, rrehlbW Uenltls and Butler tes will be served ss nera nera nera toiere with season ble goods at unusually low nees Al TUB WOBKINUatCN'a hlOttSL A t etn supply last received. Underwear, Weslnrv.. nuiterts, Werkla Pants, Overalls, Seres, Ul ts c our apecUltles, and will be Old te OUy (.ompetltlen. UivnkTBK'HTOLD. p. ft! NucJi Qneen -t'fet. u DR. BITNER'S LAXATIVE POWDER, 0B TKB STM 0 490TTTKint!S, FrTfBS. TOSPIDITY Olr ISi una nv uewabsjitiiui'i'i ur TUI "T'lataUll. EttUUTA TIONSA DVSParslA. It lsatnlld LAXATIVK, producing no tn navenlence an- devoid et the harshness n.ally prednend by 'ILLS, and can be taken In ail season et the rear. Witts pleasant te take- Ask your dealer ear It eenir-amrtftw AH is XeD eOf rnKiwu MUSS uUlSJIB) e occasion for It. " VIOTOBIA CORN R1MOV8B jMJJeee the work etteetnally ara without pain. tTMni are imitations, said te be 'iu.t as geed," i.ir or i.nai iidih uiinv" leniTnn naiiiMVia ir af-h muW liwlk ll.a 9 a.lrt ...aI ItteA I, hn. there tt rrsemblance ceases. Get the genu tae. Stildeulyat BOOHIOUO'S DRUG 8TOBB, Me en ttTOMw "TBltBT. come' Charlette. dl. ' vd A SJIUritatAb Ctwmbsien and Storage Warehouse KAT4BLISHKD. Tie undersigned having lcitety become ds i MMed el Ihe Large and Bpxdaus BaUalng, . f , BUIIhCk WABEBOCnK. Ka1WET CUK1INUT bTUKkHeleM te " renna K K depot. respectfully sellclisp' b- )averiminiiage. ji is my intention ten com. . asealaiai the publln lu "t eritur Torueco in ,lae, riiiarc. heeds. Fruit. Furnttara and - ' ercavsdtM In aeneral. Liberal aiivaneas sseAe it utstred en such goods as are con- f ned te be sold en oemmlwlon. I will give all business Intrusted te my .Sere etexa. prea.nt ana leraenal at'entinn 'rAf'sreasenablaaj goods Insured at own. ws Maies I " nn see maf DAJIJILa. MATBK, l a West GsVkVtsvrt M. , mmoteAr. rrxuNKT-wuMr, THE BUSK CURK tOU Kkbisy LHseaaea Liver Complaints, Constipation, Piles and Bleed Diseases. PBTaiCIAXa BKD0R8B XT BKART1LT. Klrinev-Wert is the mrat succRastnl rem' edylever used." Dr. P. C. Baileu, Menk ten, Tt. Kidney. Wert Is always reliable, Dr. It. je, Clark Be. Hore, Vt. 11 Kidney. Wert has cured my wlte alter two years suffering." Dr. 0. M. Snmmcrlln, Sun Hill, Cla. IN THOUSANDS OF OA6.E9 It has enrel wnere all elne had fulleri. It U mtld.but pfflrlent, UKKTAIN IN ITS AU TION, bat harmless In all cases. SBI ru.. .. Bloe1 unit strengthens ann gtTct new ma te all the impenant ergHtis ofthsbedy. The natnral aoiten el tne hid neys Is rettered. Th Llreru cleanwl et all dlscsse, and the Bowels move treely and healthrnlly. In this way the worst illae-iaei are eradicated tromthe system. Price f 1 liquid or dry. Sold by Druggists. Dry ean be sent by mall. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., BUJH.15QTON, TT. KIDNEY-WORT dlVeedAw (I) K1UNKT-WORT tan's Drns ate rult HAL.B AT UIIUU tan's Drns store. Ne 137 and 139 North On in Street. Lancaster. ra. HOSTBTTBKS CELEBRATED STOMaCH BITTERS Hestettsr's Bteraach Bitters Is a fine bleed depurent,a rMlenul cathartic, and a snpere antl-btlleus speclfle. It rallies the falling en. ergles el the debilitated, ana checks prema tore deesy. raver and ague, bilious. re-nuieai. "- "m0I" v. re'nltteat, dyspepsia and bowel com among the evils which It entirely In tropical countries, where the "verana oeweiaire organs mi uniaroraeiy fleeted by the combined Influence of climate, diet aad water. It is a very necessary sale guard- Fer sale by all Druggists and Cealers generally. 4 ImdeedAw pAt IIBS tilTTKBS). I0TZ & C0.'S TOHIC, VOK OOHPLATT, DisrnrsiA CBAMrs. UTKK ASV OtB TwoTablespeonlul before each meal. XAHWACTOKED AND rOUSALB UT LOTZ & CO., LANCASTER, PA. ft-emdstas (JLAH ITO UUBEtlrlH'JitiA a lun m ssaktim. Glassware I Glassware I -AT- CHINA HALL. The Largest Assortment In Plain, Colored, IngTAvad and Cut GLASSWARE, DOHKSTIO A5D rOUEIOS. Comprising artlelss usetnl as well as orna mental and nevau All et th9 latest . shapes and styles. ruiesa TMRT LOW. MATl&TAOrlOa OUABAXTMBD. JV HTJI Ol A OALU -SJS High & Martin, IS EAST SING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. IMaUMAJfCJC rpHW Prudential Insurance Ce. Ot AMIRIOA. Bea Office JTEWAEK, H". J. Ths Pmdsntlal eaTsrs a plan by which every, one may secure a tuad sefflcisnt ter bnrlal purposes. This oempany is endorsed by the leading business men and manufacturers or Lancaster oeunty Claims paid within W hours after proof et death. -CALL AT AT Ne. Ifl SOUTH DTJKB BTRBET, FOS CnOtTtASS AS ISTOSMATIOIT, 90 BellaM Awt Mauled. and rta4JIa atO rpuss CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUT AS LOW PKICBS ST0TES, MEATERS. RANGEP, COAL OIL L4MP8 AND GA8 FIXTURES, -U AT- JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, Ne. 24 tjnth Qneen Street, ItAXOASTJIB, IA. PAWNEE BITTERS rnn itAhn. FUKHAI.B MM HfPIT Ne. 419 West Chestnnt street Mne Uoeincd Jlrlek llwel inn. Metlurn convo cenvo conve nlcnrrs. Let 41x150 leet. lmmllate ihhoes Blen Klvrn JOHN II. StKTZIiKtl. SS)S,UAWtrd NO. S3 DukeBU riinK rlNK HKKIDKNUR AND IKIL'SR L ndnlnlnK bAlnnqlngte Jehn S. Hohier, arc ettered at private saie. Toraenj iii-nireus el vlawln the propertv win plwue p'i en the owner, JOHN S. HUHIIKK. Or, BATSMAN A III KNS. epl5 ttd Ileal Kstatu Ai;cnta. PlllVATK nAI.R A 1-et et O round In the villain el Mount vllln. Ml loot front en Columbia or Mn.il. strict. 0 lent deep. te a 14 ti-et wldeftley. a twostery and a hair IIIIICK uuusr.. le atnrr back bulldlnsr laiire aide vanl. mabld room ler three hunce, carrlane home het? rcn. jieultry hotite, weed an i coal 1 en, Irult and Krniies. Che ce varlctlc Well adi.ptcd ter two lamllles or any buslnr ser Vro(e'len. Half or twethlMs el he pur. chtaomenny iay remain scenred te be paid In Hiroeannml piymenlsat 4Sper cem per annum Interest. II net told by Docemler I, they "HI be ler rent. nlilwd JOHN M.OKKIDKII PUHL.IU BI.K-()N BIIMMV, UM1M1. 1IKK, I, iS-4 will On fold at public sain by the nniterlitned, commit' hje' Simen "In le, bv virtue el an enier et t it Court el Cemu en l'h as el Lancaster county. I'a at the coo or Heiipc. en West King street. In the cltv et Lancaster, l'a, the following Valuable Hi tl Kt-ute, atluattHl la the city ei Lancaster, te wit: Ne l.a TWOSTORY IIIIICK DWKLLl.Vt. IIOUSK. with twostery bca bullillnir at tached thereto, and ether eut-bulidlngs situ at den the northwest cotner el West Oranu street and si arietta avenue, and In.ei ereunit. coetalmnK en said Marietta avsnue I W leet, t Inches, and en said Orange street ITS feet, I Inch, and extending back te property Ne. 2, beretnalterdescrlbeU. 1 he house Is larKO and conveniently arranged, and contains kui and tim let has Irult Uvea and K'ape vines. ThM proper y Is beautunlly lecatsd as a private resl.lence Ne 2. a TwoSterv llrlck Dwel'lng lInue, and ether out buildings, and let et ground, situated en the west side et said Martnttn aveune containing en said Marietta avenue. IS teat, 2 tncts, and extending In depth 75 leet, mere or les, te property el Charles Mats Ne. 3, a Twe-St ry Brick Dwelling Heuse, and ether out bn Utings, and a let et ground, situated en the west tide et Marietta avenue and a 14 leet wiiie alley, containing en said Marietta avenne. 10 feet. 6 lechia, and en s lid alley, 7 leet, 7 Inches, and extendtnz in depth 7a feet, mere or le s, te property et charlus Mats. Ne. I. a Frame Stable and a let of crennd situated en be -nuth side et It toot wide alley and adnlnln Ne 3, above ile-crlbe I, en Uie south containing en laid alley 4i leet 1 inch and en Ne. 3, above described, te leet, n ere or le, ann a eng property 10 the raid Lbailci Mats 41 teet Sale te cemmsnes at IS o'clock p m en said rtav, wtieu terms and conditions villi;) made known by FKAmA ITu.1 KEIl, Commutes. Hkiixt 8wnr. Auct. nev4-i td A8ltnEr'ALlllirTtlK LASnaSTrK 11 )UT OHKs-On TUEHDAT, t-OY V, 1831, at thnOraF Hetel In the city of 1-an-caete , the undersigned assignee of the Lan caster lielt C mpany, win sail at nublle silo the real estate, aneps, inaehluery, Ac, et the Lancai-ter Belt te 'paay. The works are In geed or eraud nave been nsed torseviral jearsasaiuanutactorvef Carriage and Tire Holts, axle and spring Bar illps. ,tc. Ihn BtiLl weiiis are situated en uarriseurg avenue and are within easy aceess el the l'ennsvlvatila and the Beaelng ft Columbia railroads. The let has a frontage el about 40 tret and adepthotabent 1'4 leet, extending from llarrlsburg avenue te Mulberry street. Ibubulhtlnicsareab ntSOzliOteet '1 be works h ve a capacity of about Je,ww carriage belts a ujy. Persons desiring te view the premise, or wlshiiw mrtbir lntormatleu. will aDDlv te the umiei signed, at M), 116 .North Alary street, Lancaster. bale te oeramence at 7 o'clock, p. m , when terms will be made known by B F lUTiXQ, Aiitgnee. 11. Secbsst, Auctioneer. Alse, at the sams time and place, the loUow leUow loUew lng property : e i a let ai'letnlng property of Lancaster Helt Company en the south, fr ntlng 41 leet en Mnlberry street and running back UJ fort, containing une substantial tramu W4I1K. 1J(IUK 40 teet square auil two and ene-tialf story high rrame stable, Brtcic atere Keem, ISxts feet one story high, with trame addlUen i hrrete, lately ued as a store loom by the Lancaster Uelti euiranc. e. i A let adlelnlng property of Laneuter Unit empan en the south, fronting about 43 leet en llarrlsburg avenue and Arch alley Bnd running baea i feet en the south and 19 lertenthe north .le, co tatnlng two two twe two sterv nunt. DNKLLlNO HiiUaEi and a one story llrlck Butldlng.abeutUleet square, connected wttn Helt Works. veJ. let adjoining tne two properties named above en the south, and lreuiingrj feet en ilulberry street, running back 340 leet te Arch alley, with geed two and ene-halt tery (liAMtt UeUtaal ob arcti alley, nne In. It trees, a c Mil i he property, 17 and Z North Lime street, consisting et a lnt Iixl22 fa t, with two two anj one halt story IIIIICK DVTKLL1M1 HOUSi-s, each having two-s ery Brick Back Hull ting, slate roots, all In thoieugcly geed repair. At the same time as above the private resi dence, -Ne 81s Jorth alary street, ety of Lan caster, will be ettered at nublle sale. This la a two-s ery UtiliK HUILDIMU, with attic and twostery Brick Baek Building, with two story rrame Kitchen attached, containing In all nine rooms. Including bath room, having1 het and cold water and the necessary conve niences, out buildings. Ac. Let 14x13 lest, with ullev en side and rear, centalnlnc grape vines, irult trees, Ac, and sltuaWd in a vary deslra le anil arrewing part et ths slty. HOV19 luTh-Ali fuuribiuna. B rAUrifUL Hand -Fainted Vaces Prciantaa with every One Pesad Can e VOUWIH BROS.' Ferest City Baking Powder Xvsry Can warranted roll weight and roll strength. All grocers selling this Powder ara I authe Ised te guarantee It la every retjwet. . We make this liberal 1 dnbement In order ts ' thoroughly Introduce ear Uoeos, well know ing that If you will only try them yea will see no ether. TOTJWIB BBOA. llssufasturers, Cleveland, Ohie. JOB SALE At BURSK'S, NO. 17 BAST KINO BTRBET B. u. SSAUTtat Wholesale and uet&u Dealer in all kinds Of LOiniBU AND COAL, sarfard: If a 433 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen Lancaster. ns-lyd l&UBUAuuHZLua a jesticeiks, COAL DEALJBaiiS. OrrlCES. NO. 1SS .HOSTS t!DTS STSSZT, ATtD NO. 664 NOfcTH 1'uscs STSBST. TAKDS. Mebts ruses Btbut, stssji Sjue is Direr. LANOABTKK.PA. angli-Ud FILIAL. M. V. B. COHO SSa IfOUTB WATMMt at., Leneaner, rvt, Wholesale and Ketall Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL Connection With the Telepbenle Bicbvnjs. Vsrd sal Office Ra KONOBTU WATJtU STUKET. I6h2S.lvd M' LLKUS Black Llnlipnt, Is answ combination scientifically and pras UckI1 coiupeumlol and contains the BKaT known lngredlenu for the corn et HHKUMATISM, NUIKALliiA UK AD ACI1 E T.lVrn.tJHE, UOILs .VUBUNCLHS, Stiff Neck I'aln In the ldea, sck or Leins. Cnts, Urel e. or nrus, Lameness, Hwelung et the lelnts. An" Oeneral Swelling produced by Rheumatic attectlenn English and Uernan directions, 17 Btnilftw A t)K IUR MRS KWIflaTI SOOTHING B.Y.RUP,, 17-tedAw L AUIKS'rALL AND WINTBBVTKArB. HAGER & BROTHER. Ladies' Fall and Winter "VSTras. Children's and Misses' .Coate. Russian Circulars and Newmarkets, Dolmane, Jersey Jackets, Flush Garments, A complete line of Novelties in LADIES' CLOAKS, te which we invite examination, Weel Cleakings, Seal Cleth, Fur Trimmings, Fall and Winter Dress Goods. Daily receiving New Lines of Staple Materials and Novelties of the Season at the Lewest Prices. Ne. 25 West King Street, B" WEItS tS 11UI18T. Extra Inducements Oflered te Buy Dry Goods and Notions at Bewers & Hurst's, 26 and 28 North Queen St. We will deduct 10 per cent, DAY. NOV. 22, 18S4. Our Goods are all Marked in Plain Figures, and as Lew a9 the sme qualities can be bought elsewhere. Our stock is large and contains choice assortments el Piack Silks, Black Cashmeres, Dress Goods, Shawls, Skirts, Black Crepes, Black Crepe Veils, Ladies', Men s and Children s White and Scarlet Merine Underwear, Ladies , Mens and Children s Ho siery, Ladies' Kid and Cashmere Gloves, Silk and Weel Mittens, White, Scarlet and Grey Blankets, Muslins, Flannels, Prints, &c. Remember, all goods are offered at our Regular Lew Prices, marked in plain figures, and 'then 10 per cent deducted from the amount of each sale. ssJessssWskissssssssssew. BOWERS & HURST. J.O. GlVLBtb BLACK AND MOURNING GOODS IN THE OITT, AT PBICE8 TO BUTT KYBBTBODT. JOHN NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. C3TP S.IELEPEONE CONNECTION WFTB B70RB. UAXm AMU UAf. irirr ahd host baiD, SHULTZ'S Only lat Stere. $s the place te buy the estreat Styles et STIFF AND SOFT HATS. OnrSS 00 ATirr HATwe guarantee te be the best in the slty ler the money. All kinds of i Pur Caps and Turbans, AT ALL rmcEs. WCall antl examine our steek, which Is new and haadjems, -AT- 144 North Queen Street, (OUNDAKXri'SIOLD STAKD.) mar?7-1Av W.U RTAUrVKK, JUBIf SIOKS -THE- PEOPLE'S HAT STOBB. TUB LAEGK3T AND STOCK BEST or AIS0ETED Hats, 0ap3, Furs, Rebs3 and Gloves, IS THEClTr. Allthalaun styles, theT.tr KB, IQUABJC CUOWN, the young men's favorite. FUItS AND FUlt TRIMMINGS, Including a well selected stock el BEAUTI FUL KOUK8. The best ttoeus ler ths leait money at W. D. Stauffer & Ce., (Shulu's Old Stand.) N03. 81 A U SOUTH QUEXX STBEKT, Lancaster. Fa. ssylO-ly l'AJ'Ktt BAXUMHtM, AC. )iiabks w. war. WB HAVE MADE SELECTIONS OF OTES u,geu pieces or WALL PAPERS, rOK THE 3PBINO AND rALL TRADR, from Keliable llanutaeturers, which ars being shipped as last as produeod, consequently we are opening NKW LINES almo'tiiatly.cem prising ALL QitAUKI or I'aPKK Ma.NO In Ul, from the ewrst te the finest Ullts. The colorings and dsilgns are beautllnl. in e ndlng rrreses, lleruer., Celling Deoeratlous, Ac. We have paper from 8 cents a piece np, and enr prices for hanging are 0 eenls a piece for Common and 10 cents a piece ler (411 ts and Decorations These pilots aie lows than they btve ever been either ter p ipvr e work. Uive us veur order new, as you can i.ve big money ss tnese prices may net reinMn long. v, e employ geil erkmen and are .'spared te de work promptly and in a Ursvclus man ner WINDOW SHADES IN Plain and Dades et Kvery Description lack LimrAiMB, pules, as. PHARESW. FRY, Ma C7 North Queen Strew, LANCASTJd. FA. DMT n moees, ma. HAGER & BROTHER, en all Cash Sales, large or small, JOHN S. GIVLBE & OO. ABE SHOWING TUB BIST LINE OF S. GIVLER VAMMtAUM; me. TTIIBBI UJaHBIAGB UI71LUBBS. THE STANDARD Carriage 'Werk I Of LAnCABTUttCOONTy. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARIEaTT BTRhTBT, HBAKOrFOSTOririOB, lakcabtkb, fa. Vfe make every style Bnggyand Carriage desired. Ail work finished In the most 00m. fertable and elegant style. We use only the best selected material, and employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality of work enr prices are the cheapest In the state. We tray ler cas h and sell en the most reasonable terms. Wive ns a calL All work warranted. BKPA11UNO PKOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set et workmen especially employed for that ouTDeee. n-u JdAw N UBBEUK m BIILXT. Sleighs I Sleighil 81eighs! AT- NORBECK & ILET'S Cerner Mt and Yiie StrwU, LAsTOAtTKB, FA, OTJB ITO0K CONSISTS Ot OVER 100 FINE IGOTTIS, ALL ITTLES AND PBIOKi. SOW IB TBB TIKI TO BUT. DON'T WAIT SJMT1L TBB SBASON IS IN ITS HElaiHT. CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK -ASD- evr PRiew. We are Selling rar ttelsw eUsr dsalsrs res same quality goods. CsU astal he seavinceS snsh Is a Usl Tf B WILL SILL AND WILL Net k Fancy Prit38, WB AMO MAVB A LABfll ItwwS -or- Buggiei, Carriages, &c., Always en hand, both New and Iseesd hand, ttepairlng promptly attended te. amine.. MILLER'S OOUOW mTBUP. IT IB THE BEST. ee17 SmrtAw u SB MILLEB'S BLAOK LINIMBNT. English and German directions. sl7nrtjrw M MA. mUktTw Seething Syrup 18 DECIDEDLT THB BEST PBEPABATION FOB THJ FLAMTSOr QIILDBEsT. SaMBwBV COX IT Lancaster, Pa. for i days, from SATUR G O V. aVATMVOW & CO., LANCASTER, PA. vj.utttiau. w IlLIABIBOB sTUSTBK. EEESE ARRIVALS HATS BBBN ADDED TO STJB ALBBADT UBAVILT LOADBD COUNTEU3 -or TBBCOATS AND DBB8S SUITS. OenslstlnEOtrtne Worsteds, Whttneya and rar Beavers el the Latest rasblens, the prlees ler which range for Suits from 118 CO te IsUSa, and Overcoats from tit 00 te faVOO, but TUIUTEBN DOLLABtt Is the price et a Terr Dressy Eaek Ceat, et a Duk Ail-Weel Caaalmere. It Is one of our Special Bulls. LADIES rUE CAFB8, Hntls, Bess. Cellars, Cellarettes and a general variety ei Ladles' Furs. The Latest Novelty Is a combination rur Muff and Batcbsl. It la very handsome and a Dsclded Novelty. WINTEBOSP3 el Seal, Chinchilla, Ceney and various Miner rnrs, as well ss a large as sortment of heavy Cleth caps from Me te 73c. BUC'SHEIN O WIVES AND MITTENS. There are many varieties el liuck Ulevea and msnv that are sold as snch are NOT BUcK SS1N. ear Buckskin Gloves are made from the best quality or Deerskin, which Is tanned ky such a process that ihey are tree from oil. Tney are net gummy er sticky In cold weather and will net gather dust when the weather Is warm. This appilee te the Best Orade of Uenalne Buck tileves. hut we kaep always In stock a tall and large assortment et all the eheapest grades. BUBBEB OVEB8UOBS VOB WINTBB, In Light Oesaasner. the Belt Adjusting Overshoe, Tee Caps Sandals. White and Scarlet rieeee Lined Bait Arctles, Full Arotles and Lsdlss' Butten Arotles, and a large variety et ether styles and makes, bat they are all Kub ber Overshoes as tar as the Bubber is con cerned. The dlflerenee In the styles Is tn the material that the outside oeetlng or Bubber Ujsut neon. The light material or gossamer will net last as long nor Is It as warm as the rieece Lined Aretles They range In prien ac cording te e.uaUty, the lowest betnn 0e, the Williamson & Fester, 12, 84, 36 and 38 11ST KING FTRIIT, LANCASTER. FA. XUBAUVO AMD V1UAMM. 8"" LAWN TENNIS RACQUET CIGARETTES, Made of straight sat tobacco, mud antl et Sns Saver It ts the longest andr"Jneaaaed Us host Cigarette la the aaarkat. BTITa'sA Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, Cigars and Pipes, WMOIaEBAUl AN BETAI -AT- E. L Stebman & Ce., NO. UO MORTB QUEBH ST. msrtl.lvd LANCASTEE, PA. OimUBBBM ABU L AOEMT. BKAL KSTATB HENRY SHDBERT. ADCTIOBBBB AND BBAL EBTATB alUST, 01 North Duks St, Lsnearl'ar, Fa. Everything pertaining te ssy business will eeivem my personal atteatMa. Terms reason ansa mv ivoseaeau. irvaw-uu TnAVMLBM'B UVIDM. IBAUiMUaVULVMHlA U. H. f A BB A fttdwUMfctm j.m m . mmma... M mu . .am t wnnaawi via r Aoean v ajn. a jtjixjiv UMDAY, MAT 16M 1884, HOKTIWAUD uuva, JearrjnrUle - -- - i " A. if. 6: rat 7-40 7ISS vue ft aaat "faster, King Bt. Marietta Junction VMIUIIUM. aurrm.. Heading 7.W 0:43 Beuruwuu LBATa Rssdlng.... Aaaiva. r.st. r.tt. sWlO .... M 2 ft) 60 StV .... 4:04 3 43 3:40 JW B.50 r.st Martetu J tactien Ghickies.... ........ ........ a. me 6:19 uemmDia ..,, Lancaster. ,,, Lancaster. KtngAt N"l iuau.i..,it, ,, IX.0 Trains connect at Keaillm ng with trains teand Ills, uarrubunt. Ah iron rnnadeipnia, rettsvi! lenwwn ana new ier, via Hound Ii roost At Colombia 'rtth trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, rroderlek and Haiti mere. At Marletta Jnnotlen with trains te and Irem (lhlnklni. At Manlielm with trains te and lrem Leba non, , BHNDAT. Leave r. arryvllle, 7 00 a. m.t Lancaster, King streei, 8.0O a. m., 4 85 p. m. Arrive Heading, 10-OU a. m., n ?5 p. m. laeave Ueatllng, &oe a. m.L 4 oe p. m. Arrive Lancaster, King Btroet, 7 a. m S.B0 p. m. quarry vlile, 6 4). A. M. WILBOrT, 8npU LBHANON LANOASTBB JOIKT LIMSl UAILKOAO. AKaUnasarssrr or rASssssKK tbaiks. SUN. r,KOrBMBKU Hth, 1884. NOlllUWAIlD. Sunday. " Leave. am. r.M. ruu.M. r.w. King Street, Lane 6.41 S1O8.01 us Lancaster 147 'J.51 r.eilsts .4S Manhslm Ms its s 718.4.1 MS Cornwall 7.U l.M 0 07 0.25 B.4T Arrive. Lebanon 8.00 ! U S U 9.15 6,et HOUT1HYABU. Leave. a.m. r.M r.M, a.m r.M. Lebanon 7 te 12(0 7SD 7.30 list) Cornwall 1i 13(1 741730 11.00 Manhelm BM 1 'H 8lS4i B.I 5 Lancaster 8 53 2t0 8 4S 9.I0 5.41 Arrive. King fr troet, Lane 8 10 8 IS 9 57 1 W A. si. Wilsom, Supt. It. 0. II H. J. H. IIavard, SupL C. anil O. A ML II. It. U. Uaeaas HXtz. ft'rt. I" ft It. It. II nli-lyd MAVHtHBUr. TiMrnH8 e niiutacr-.i BEST " STEAM BNGINB AND BOILER WORKS. Heaters OK Furnaces, -reu Private Dwellings Schools amd Public Buiidlnga. Call and see thorn. MADB or HEAVY IUO.V, SIMPLE OT CON BTKUCTlON.DUUAIlLk;. ECONOMICAL, TUB MOST UADlATKaU SUItrACK Or ANY IIKATKrt IN TUB UAltK T, NOinUfO OHRAPDUl JIIB PEWS, Our Own Patent. AVUaving been tn use in many el ths largest residences In Lancaster In the past ten years Is the best el svldoneo et Its menu . ADDBESB, Jehn Best & Sen, Ne. 833 East Filton St., LANOASTEB, PA JanlUvdA- rpBUB BAfJKDS WATIB SIOTUM a vats most JtCONIlMIOAL POWER KNOWN fOB 1BIVINQ LIUHT MACUINBBT. It TASTSa DOT UTIU BOOK. It axvas errs etrr or bstatb. It esst set blew up. It BBqcwe sre wumu it wisds is ksanrjHB. Tbjmb is sre dsxat i we Fiaiaa ur, NO S.SBBS TO OLBAST CT. Ne xtra iKsnsaneB TO rAT. NO RSFAtaiSO sscsasiBT. NO COAL BILLS TO rAT, AST) 1 U ALWATS BBADT WO CSB. It Is Invaluable ler Blowing Church organs, for Uunnlng Printing Presses, Rawing Ma chines, Turning Lathes, Screll Saws, Grind Gtenes, Coflee Mills, Hausage Machines, reesl Cutters, Cern Mills i" meters. Etc uall a lis. Klevatera. Ica Cream call at J. L. Blnkiey's Qroeory Mere, corner East Kins and Duke streets, and tee ens tn operation. four-horse power at 40 pounds pressure et water. It Is neisel ss, neat, oerapaot, steady, andabeveallltUTKBTCUkAP. friee SJIS toaseo. Bend ter circular te E. H. DILLEll, Agt, NO. IK V. DUKE ST., LANCASTBB, TA, The Backus Moter will de mere work with lees water than any ether water meter In ex istence, aturll Swd HAYING DI8UOLTBD PAMTSiKBaHir and netmanentlv closed the Uhaatnnt Street Iren Works, l tfeelra te lnterm my old V, patrons and the nublle senerallv. .that soil In the business, being located In the Penn iron Company's Works, North Plum street. where I am making iron and Brass Castings am maaing iron ami uraas uasun, ds'trlptleii, vind will bu pleased eteve ery ae'iripueu, vvna wiu du pteasee te serve all who may favor me with their patron- age. rrem 40 years experience in the business and using the best material and employing the best mechanics, I am aatlfled I can guar aniee entire suuai&cuen. uaaungs inwie mn a mixture et Iren and steel which are mere re liable ter strength and durability than the best cast iron known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a specialty. Cast ings marte et very sett Iren, and brass cast ings et every description. 1 have all the pat ters af the well and favorably known Mowrer Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted and Improved. A'se en hand, mills completely fitted up or In parts, te replaee old ones wulch have been tn tue ter years, Knaranteelng them te give sab Istactlen. entrlS-Smil B. O. MeTULLKY. asiLLKM-a COUGH SYRUP ! PUT ON THS MAIir.K'1 'N ITB UKUU'3. SB-Try it. Ask Your Dealers ler IL sepl7-emdw A.M 4. r.st. 71 U'O 8:10 III r.st. TM tfcft .... 8:96 ?!. S 8.-S6 : 1 X10 8-.K ) .... S-S 10 M .... 9M 4 M m I'l ..a rfc ij flsisj WLiSmm