'w-SWSfrfiwr a-MIS. ,WJ - .r. . -a .. .& 1 - -w.LMW jy .-. ...fyw - v-iie "t tw -si' '" s l IiANOASTEKOAHiY INTELLIGENCER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14, 1884 t ".sf IV V: fc.f s ft i &- X j,; W" m & fe& M.isi,' Si'' V w ,. i 3 ?i ti&? 3itaV; A rxr V Wm T ,4 IW c fttmca-Jtet JntelUgeiuct. k , today amnaxa, nev;, U, um. , ,..,, . " '. " A-MDnOKKKK TKAFFBP. .v(rMtlrtt Winters Cal s Tat He Killed Twm UttHaai. ;' Greet Bead, lad., te inteeaeir exelted rant develepaenU in tke mm of The odere l-H!Hm, who wh found dead en Sunday lt neon the traek of the Erie railroad. vltdrrlbl mangled from haying been ran & etr by a train of eert, bnt having a thirty eight calibre bullet la his breast, proving ,;v L that the ewe wu one of Berder rather than (aeeWent-.. After Patriek Winter, the aaloen keeper of Edge Tillage, near whose L aatoenthe body of Ollliam waa found, had been arrested, a spy wan plaeed in a room - MXt that in wbieh the aospeeted man andhls , "Wife were confined, and listening te their tf (MBTeraatlen. heard the story of the crime. Winters confessed te his wife that he did -. . Jthn iUt,a. tlmnirh for what reason he aald it, .. AtA nnf lnn Thu man In Mntnir nlan y heard ether Ulk, and, guided by what he . A heard, went te the house of Winter and .' ' found secreted under the fleer and counter -' ' & bleed v- vest. coat, erershlrt and ether garments, tie also leuna a ua-caiiere ro re ro Telrcr, from whleh a bullet had recently been shot. The shell remained in the cylinder. He farther dieoeTered a spot where eeme one baa been trying te wash, up bleed from the fleer with beer. About three and one half years age some one fired a shot at Gilliam, who was then en the police force of Great Bend, butit wasnerer known who did it. Many are new ready te swear that Winters was the man, al though what reason he bad for a grudge against the vietlm it is bard te tell. Gil. 11am was net robbed, as all ills valuables were found en his person when the body was pieked up from the track. Winters was taken te Montrese, after a short hear tag at that place. This is the seoend in in in stinoe within a few years in the county where persons having oemmitted murder have attempted te hide the crime by pUoleg the body en the railway traek. A Man or Violent Temper. 11 August Tuzhern, a farmer of near Mae Pherson, Kan., Thursday, set fire te his heuse, barn and granary, and then blew his brains out with a shot gun. The build lags were destroyed, togetber with 4,000 in money which was in the house. Total less, 011,000, Evidence showed that he intended te murder his wife and four chil dren, bnt his plans were frustrated by his wife. Ne cause is assigned for his aet, except that be was a manor violent tem per. f Jehn mcuulleush'a condition. Jehn McCullengh arese early again Thursday morning, in St. Leuis, and the day being a delightful one he ordered a oirrlage seen after breakfast and started en a round among his friends. Later he was driven out te Tower Greve park. He says that he will leave for Pittsburg to night, that he has an engagement te fill there. After tilling this, he says, be will go tight through te New Yerk. He seemed in first rate spirits and said that he never felt batter iu bis life. Mn and Wile mardered for Meney. Rebert BtandriDK and wife were dUcev ered dead Thursday mornleg in their house en the Kaccbe station, in Colerado, seven miles from Fine Qreve, a small Btatien en the Seuth Pinlc read. Circumstances ln ln dieite that they were murdered for money. Standring, who was one of the Colerado's pioneer, was quite wealthy and was widely known. He was as ordained preacher of the antl polygamy braneh of the Mermen ohureh. Unre or Kneumatlsm. Oeiahcs 1'csTerrics, Uccxawat BiAcn, N. TH March 1, ISS3. I have been a great sunorer lrem rheuma llatn. Seme six weeks age I had a bad attack and was laid up ler a month 1 nothing ap peared te me of any geed. I get a box el Urandreth's rills at last, and took three and four every night for aweek. I get better every day, and la a week I was well. On thUbcacb. we have 110 doctor, and our main rollance is en Braudrcth's rills and Allcock's I'oreus I'lasters. M. I'. HOLLAND, Postmaster. tlanses Astenlibmens. "Completely prostrated ler days wlthlndl- f;ostlen and bilious fever. Tbe effects et two ienics of Burdock Bleed Bitter t astonished met vlslble improvement right en." Mr, noun nates, ciniira. . 1. mr s&ie ej u. u. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IS) North Queen street Very Jleinarsable Recovery, Mr. Gee. V. Willing, et Manchester, Mich., writes : "My wile has been almost helpless for five years, se helpless that she could net turn ever In bed alenu. She used two Bettles et Elect rle fitters and Is se much Improved that she Is able new te de her own work." Electrle Bitters will de all that is claimed ler them. Hundreds of testimonials attf st their (treat curative powers. Only SO cents a bettle at Cochran's Drug Stoie, Nee. 137 and 139 North QueenstreeL Lancaster, l'a. Detectives and Private Unleers Usually wear their bedges et authority con cen ccalud nnner their cletblnir, but Dr. Thomai' JCclectrie Oil wears its badges In the term et printed labels attached te each and every bot bet bet teo, se that all may knew lis mission. It Is glveu full and complete authority te arrest all aclicsand pains, and does lis duty every tlme. Versale by 11. li Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen streeu no Deception Used. It Is strange se many peup m - 111 continue te surfer day after day with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint. Constipation, Sour Stomach, Gen eral Debility, when they con procure at our stere SUILOH'S VITAL1ZER, free of cost Hit does net cure or relieve thum. Price, 75 cents. Sold by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 1 37 and 139 North Queen street. Lancaster. tedl4-eed5 Hale's Henoy et Uoreheund anil Tar re lieves coughs quicker than any ether medi cine l'lke's Touthnche Dreps cure lu one ml ml uute: nio-iwdeedftw bain Diseases. Bwayne's Ulntuent. fluan'j Ointment" cures Tetter, Belt Rheum, Ringworm, Seres, I'lmples, Eczema. all Itchy Skin Eruptions, no matttr hew oetti natt or lena standing. alxM.W.r&wlv pilfc tlKUHKTlUM Of BWKAT MY TUB JL skin serves a very Important purpose, that el preventing undue elevation et the temperature et thu bleed and tissues gener. ally. All Skin Dlsoases, Cancew, Tumors, Chronic and Private Disoeses permanently cured by DU3. U. D. and M. A. LONOAKER. Omco IS East Walnut street, Lancaster. Pa. Consultation lite. nlWtdAw A UENEUAl, Commission and Sterag, Warehouse ESTABLISHED. T.ie undorslgned having lately beccme pes sessed et thu Large and Spacious BuUdlng, known as tbe KOIIUKtt WAREUOTJSE, Ne. IOWEsT CHESTNUT STREET, dese te I'enna. R. R. depet, respecttuBy solicits pub lic patronage. It Is my Intention te accom modate tbe public In Storing Tobacco In Cases. Clgare. seeds, fruit, Furniture and Merc&naue in general, lauerai advances made if desired en such goods as are con signed te be sold en commission. I will gtve all business intrusted te my care, close, prompt and personal attention. Charges reasonable! goods Insured at own crs requeit t call and see ma. DANIEL A. MAYER, "IMwfl Ne. 18 West Chestnut St 159K 159 Watches and Clocks. SAEOAiSB ia Watehea, Oloeta, Ohalna, RlngB. SpoetBkOlee, ete, impairing el aU kinds will receive my per. onaTauenUen. Leuis wmber. Ne. IWX north Qaeen BueeL Rein ember name and number. Direct! von plu city Hetel, near Penn'a Depot, tyiiiy p ryilK LATK3T MlSTUMNa. " ' JUST LOOK HERE I Veu can go the Amctlean Tea and Coffee Heuse. Ne. Si Centre Square, and buy the best Uranulauul Hugar ter Ke per pound 1 Stan dar.1 a. evej t lire WW10 Sugar, Cot a very nget ldlew ecgar, 6s, Corfees, 18, 1, SO, a and cts rr peuu a. check given with ewli ud ctery pJuud, teuie atidXe cenvlncnl. 118.71 1 MMBIOJUU G AIM HKALTH AKD HAPPINESS. HOW t DO AS OTHERS HAVE DONE. ARK YOUR K1DNKYS DIORDERKD t "Kidney-Wert brought me from my grave, as It were, after I bad been given up by 13 best doctors In Detroit." M. W. Dsvwuvx, Mechanic Ionia, Mich. ARK YOUR NERVES WEAK t Kidney-Wert cured me from nervous weak ness, Ac.i alter I had net expected te live." Mrs. M. M. B. Goodwin, Kd. CtirUlltm Monitor Cleveland, Ohie. HAVE YOU BRIQUrSDISEASKt " Kidney-Wert cured me when my water was Juit like chalk and then like bleed." rrank Wilsen, Poabedr, Mess. SUVFERINO 1-HOM DIARRTKST " Kidney-Wert Is the most success tul remedy 1 have ever used. Gives almost immedlatore-llel."-Dr. rhllllp C. BaUeu, Monkton, VU HAVKTOU I.IVKR COMPLAINT T " Kidney-Wert cured me of Chronic I.lver Diseases after I prayed te die." Hcnrv Ward, late CeL 69th Nat, Guard, N. r. IS YOUR RACK LAMK AND AC1UNC5 t Kldnov-Wert (1 bottle) cueh! me w hen J was se lame I had te roll out of bed." C. M. Talmage.MUwaukee, Is. HAVK YOU KIDNKY DISEASE t Kidney Wert made me sound In liver and kidneys alter years of unsuceosstuldectorlnR. Its worth fie a box." Sam'l Uodges, WUllams- iewn, nest vb. ARK YOU CONSTIPATED T " Kidney-Wert causes easy evacuation and cared me alter 10 years nse of ether medicine." Nelsen FalrchUd, St. Albans, Vt. HAVE YOU MALARIA t "Kidney-Wert has done better than any ether remedy I have ever used in my prac tice." Dr. R, K.Clark, Seuth Ilcre, Vu ARE YOU BILIOUS T Kidney-Wert has done me mera ceed than any ether remedy I have ever taken." Mrs. J. T. Galloway, Xlk Flat, Oregon. ARE YOU TORMENTED WITH PILES T "Kidney-Wert permanently cured me et bleedlns titles. Dr. v. c. Kline recommended It te me." Gee. U. llerst. Cashier M. Bank, Myerstown, Pa. ARE YOU RUEUMATISM RACKED ? " Kidney-Wert cured me niter I wan Riven np te die by physicians and I bad suffered 34 years." Elbiidge Malcomb, West Bath, Me. LADIK8, ARE YOU SUFFERING t " Kidney-Wert cured me et peculiar trou bles et several years standing. Alany trlends use and praise It." Mrs. II. Lamercauxi.lsle La Motte, VU It you would Banish Dlscasa and Gain Health take E3DNEY-WORT, THE BLOOD CLEANSER. aoeuw KIDNKY-WOBT FOlt HALE AT UOUU ran's Drug store. Ne. 137 and 1X1 Nertu Quwn Street. Lancaster. I'a. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED Hestelter's Stomach Bitters Is a One bleed depurent, a rational cathartic, and a superb antl-bllleas speclflc. It rallies the falling en ergies et the debilitated, and checks prema ture decay. Ifever and ague, bilious, remtttent, dyspepsia and bowel com plaints ere among the evils which It entirely removes In tropical countries, where tbe liver and bowels are organs most uniaverably aflected by the combined Influence of climate, diet and water, It Is a very necessary sale guard. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. nl-lmdcedftw Vjiixnii-a COUGH SYRUP 13 PUT ON THE MARKET ON ITS MERITS. WTry It. Ask Tour Dealers! ter It. seplT-CmdAw M; ku. ixtdeHra Seething Syrup IS DECIDEDLY THE BEST PREPARATION JTOR THE PLAINTS Or CHILDREN. sl7-tmdw COM- H BADQUAltTJEKa TUil TUE INDIAiN MEDIOINES, KA-TON-KA AND MODOC INDIAN OIL -AT- LOOHER'S Drug Stere, VU KAST KING SIREKT, I.ANCASTKR.PA "iILLKttS Black Linimbnt. Is a new combination sclentlOcallv and prac tically compounded, and contains the llttsT known Ingredients for the cure et RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. HEADACHE. TOOTHA.OHE. BOILS CARBUNCLES, Stiff Neck, Pain In the Sides, .ack or Leins, Cuts, Brulies or Hums, imencss, Bwelllng et the Joints, And General Bwelllngproduced by Rheumatic aflectlens. English and Uemin directions. s!7 fimdAw rjHAYtl HPKUiriO MKOIUIMKVUB VT Ureat Enstlah Kimeiv An nni.in.. cure for Impotency. and all Diseases that lef. ?TLes.s. !. Meery. Universal Lassitude, Pain In the Bac. Dimness et Vision, Proraa Preraa Jure Old Age. and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Pro Pre mature Grave, full particulars In our pam phlet, which we desire te send free by mill te 7.erretiS,.'Xha 8Pclfle Medicine is sold by aU druggists at II per package, or six packi ages ler 83, or will be sent free my mail en the receipt et the meney.by addressing the agent . a. B. COCHRAN, Druggist. Nea.i37andll North Queen street; Lancaa- thV vSf0' eountertelts. we have adopted the Yellew Wrapper 1 the only genuine. the Gray medIuVk Se., Bullale,N.Y. 8K YOUtfiltSAkEK reu DR. BITNER'S PILE CURE. It is an Elegant and Kffectl ve Preparation. 17-mdAw A bK tilU MRS. KNIUUT'S SO.OTHINO :S,Y R U P . 17-emdAw a juc vuUBUrrKuinu vrnu coitus a. J10 occasion for It. VICTORIA CORN REMOVBR Dees the work eilectually and without pain. There are Imitations, said te be 'Just as geed." or ' tbe same thing." Don't you believe it. They may leek iike It and smell like 1L but iSSe8oTa,enlySt,lnCCeMM et tUe Benu- BBOHTOUVS DRUG STOUH, Ka a;WMTORAHGE STREET, corner 01 Cbarletu. ul-'vd STOMACH BITTERS rOM BJLZB. mint riM.'c HKsiDKRea and Heusai L adjnlnlug, belonging te Jehn 8. Rearer, are ettered at private Bale. Persons desirous et viewing the property will please call en the tlUl )IIN 8. KOIIRER. Or, BAUSMANA 11UKNS. , Real Estate Agents. sepli-ltd s )UL1U MLR UT VAX.TJAHLH RBAb . Kstate.-On TUESDAY KVXN1NO. MOV. th. bv virtue of an order of the Orehans' Court el Lancaster county. Pa., w&l be sold nt the Keystone llense. In the city et Lancosier, all that certain let or piece ei jireund .situated en the west side el North DiiRe street near James street, bounded en the south by property et Bernard Mulhattan, nud en the north by an eUht feet wide alley, centalnlnsln Irent fifty-nine feet and eleven Inches, and In depth ninety feet, en which Is erected a one-sMV FRAME DWELLING HOU8K.Ne.510. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. m., when tcrnra will be made known bv DR. 8. T. DAVIS, Administrator et Maria RudtslU. II. SatBXXT. Auctioneer. e-tsd PUHL1U HALK tir VALIISDLR CITY l'renerty.-On WEDNESDAY, MOVEK. BERK), 1SS4, will be sold at publle sale, at the Leepard hetel. In the City of Lancaster, a let et ground situated at Nes IS) and 111 East KtnK street. In sld city, containing In front en sold Kast King street, SI feet, SI Inches, and extending In depth northward S5 feet te n 11 leet wide alley, upon which are erected a large and substantial two-story brick DWELL 1NG HOUSE, with atUe, K teet, .1M Inches, by 53 tect. Including a 3-reet private alley, with a one-story brick building; attached, 11x10 test. Hydrant, fruit trees, grape vines and ether Improvements. This property from Its slxe, legation and Im provements make It a very desirable Invest ment ler purchasers. Sale te vommence at T o'clock, p. m.. et said day. when attendance will be given and terms mede known by MRS. LOUISA PRICE. Executrix et the Xstate et colonel Samuel II. Price, dee'd. Uxxbt SHrsutT. Auct. nll-TaAFUd PUKL1U BALE-Olf OUilUsT, UICSH. HER. 1, ISM, will be sold at nubile sale. by the undersigned, commit! ?e 01 Simen single, bv virtue et an order et t.i Court or Common Pleas et Lancaster county, l'a., at tea Cooper Heuse, en West King street. In tne city el Lancaster, l'a-, tbe following Valuable Ileal Eiate, situated In tbe dly of Lancaster, te Ne.l.a TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with two story back: building at tached thereto, and ether out-buildings, situ, nud en the northwest corner et West Orange street and Marietta avenue, and le.Oi ground, containing en said Marietta avenue t&feet, 4 Inches, and en said Orange street ITS feet, 1 Inch, and extending bacJc te property Ne. J, heretnalter described. TBe bense is large and conveniently arranged, and contains gas and the let has trnlt trees and grapevines. This property Is beautltnlly located as a prlvate residence. Ne. 2, a Twe Story Brick Dwelling Heme, and otiier eut-buUdlngs, and let et ground, sltuated en tbe west slde et said Marietta nvenue. containing en said Marietta avenue, 18 leet, 2 lncea, and extending in depth 73 tect, mere or less, te property of Charles Matt. Ne. 3. a Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Heme, and ether outbuildings, and a let et nannd. situated en the west side et Marietta avenue and a II leet wide alley, containing en said Manntta avenue, 10 feet, 6 Inches, and en said alley, 7 leet, 7 Inches, and extending In depth 7feet, mero or lees, te property et Charles Ne. 4, a rrame Stable and a let of ground, situated en tbe south side of It leet wide alley and adtelnlng Ne. 3, above described, en the south, containing en said alley 41 feet, I Inch, and en Ne. 3, abeve described, 09 toot, mere or less, and a'eng property fe the said Charles Uatz 41 leeu sale te commence at TS o'clock p. m. en said day, when terms and conditions will be made known by TRANK lTKIFKER, committee. IIiieit SrrcsKBr. Anct. nev-iitd VALUAULK CITY PKOVSKII AT TUB L1CSALK. On MOVrtAV NllVrunvn 17, 1834, will be sold at publle Bale, at tbe Cooper Heuse, en WestKlngstreet, Lancaster wji . u iuuuwiug nai estate, VIE : Ne. 1. All that certain thrnA.atnre untrir STORE and DWELLING HOUSE, wlthalarge i.wTJwi u&.ia. ukk duuiud kuree-stery Brick tkjnfectlenerv, three-story Brick Ice Heuse, Brick Bake Heuse, Engine Heuse and Elevator, and Brick Stable. Curium iinnu etc The let fronts Zt feet i Inches en the west side el North Queen street, and extends westward in depth S43 feet, mete or less, te Market sureet. The property Is situated Nes. 136 and 138, en the West slde of North Queen street, and Is In first-class order and repair, and ter a confectionery establishment there la umuu auiretiux: m me city or .Lancaster. ae. -i. Ail that certain double one-story FRAME DWELLING BOUSE, rrame Kitchen attached ; also another frame Heuse In rear, well wlthnumD therein, rrnlttmna nrt mh Improvements, and let et ground thereto be longing. '1 he let fronts 32 teet, mere or leas, en thu south side et West Orange street and extends In dentil 1tie feet. The nmmrtu la situated Ne. 416 West Orange street, and ad- Iujiia juujjeriy ui jveranam frrsman, airs, lebeln and Mrs. Suter. Ne. 3. Ul thst certain three-stery brick SWf kHW "OU?.B with twotery Brick Back Building and Balcony attached, a geed well et water: also cistern water In the kitchen. The let fronts a) leet, mere or less, en West Orange street, and extends In depth lOSteet.toalOfeetwldeailey. This property Is situated No.0e7. en the north side of Vest Orange street, and adjoins property et cnrlst cnrlst cnrlst opber LUIer and Jehn Lorentz. Ne. 4. All that certain tveatfira nninir DWELLING UOU8E, with os.e-story Brick wv uuuuiuk, wwu vi water, uyuranc ana cistern. The let fronts 20 leet, andfias a depth 01 it-, icui, 10 ien ieei wine eiiey. The prep- ..jr .a n.huuM;i ,u. i&i, uu Ule e&St 81U0 OI Nevln street, and adlelns property of Israel ItHrrinn nniteha.ini tnmmmm Sale te commence at 7 o'clock n. m. en said day. when attendance, will be given and terms WILLIAM HPaVtTI Exocuters et the Will or Louisa Battler.' de. II. tiucBXRT, Auctioneer. nl tsd l'Al'JSU UAXaiHUB, C pUAUES TV. VBT. WE HAVK MADE SELECTIONS or OVER 23,000 PIECES Of WALL PAPERS, roil THE SPRING AND TALL TRADE, lrem Reliable) Manulacturers.whlch are being shipped as test as produced, consequently we aroepemngNEW LINES almo8tdaUy.cem. prlelng ALL GRADES Or PAPER HANG INGS, lrem the Lewest te the finest OUta. The colorings and dailgns are beauUlul. in. eluding f reeres. Borders, CcUtng Decorations, c. We have paper from 8 cents a piece up, and our prices for hanging are 8 cents a piece for Common and 10 cents a piece ler GUta and Decorations. These prices are lewe. than they have ever been either ter paper or work. Give us your order new, as you cansaveblg inoney, as these prices may net remain long. We employ geed workmen and are prepared te de work promptly and In a nrst-class man WINDOW SHADES 1N lYJe1 cUuaSr AiNfs.Krv5irEs?SfriUea PHARESW. FRY, Ne. 67 North Queen Stre LANCASTER. PA. UUU0XMIM3. AT HUHSK-S. FLAGS! Chinese Lanterns -AND-j Fireworks. The winning party wUl want these aoeo. DON'T DELAY. BUY AT ONCE. At BURSK'S, NO. 17 HA8T BUNQ BTBBIBr, TTSE J MILLER'S BLAOK LLNLMENT. English and German directions. sl7-fimdw OLD UTUUK 4JUNMKUTICUT CIUAsTTl neetlcuta?- WUed 0a ? HARTMAW8 Y K UMW tUONT ClUAU L A1HH rati, AN u Tf INTER WRAPS. HAGER LADIES' FAIL CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' COATS, Russian Circulars, Newmarkets, Delmans, Jersey Jackets, Plush Garments. A complete line of Novelties in LADIES' CLOAKS, te which we invite examination. Weel Cleakings, Seal Cleth, Fur Trimmings. FALL, AND WINTER DRESS GOODS. Daily Receiving New Lines of Staple Materials and Novelties of the Season at the Lewest Prices. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. B 'Ottkrs a uuiwt. NOS. 26 & 23 NORTH QUEEN Ladies, we efler Special Inducements this week in Unbleached Cotten Flannels, at 6A, 8, 10, nyi, 15, iS and 20 cents. Bleached Cotten Flannels at 10, i2j, 15, 18 and 20 cents. Spe cial Lew Price in Ladies' White Merine Underwear ; choice qualities at 33, 40, 50, and 75 cents and $1.00. Ladies' Scarlet Merine Underwear ; call and see the splendid quality we are offering at $1.00. Elegant Lines of Ladies' and Children's Hosiery ; we have many ladies tell us that they always get such geed hose from us. Special low prices in Seal Skin Plushes and quilted Satins and Satin Linings. All-Weel Black Cashmeres very low. Black Silks very low. Please give us a call. BOWERS 4fe HURST. TWO. B. U1TLXB. JOHN S. GrIVLEK & CO. HAVE THE LARGEST ABSORTMEMT OP LADIES' MISSE'S AND CHILDREN'S COATS, SEAL PLUSH CLOTH AND CLOAKING, Quilted Linings, Seal Ceat Leeps, Fur Trimmings, &e. IN THIS CITY, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. tW N. B.-SIORE COKXEGTED WITH 1ELEPBONE EXOEANOE. JOHN S. GIVLER NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. jLStUBXMUXTa TfOK THKOUEAFJOr UNION HARDWARE CU.'S Rink Reller Skates IN LANCASTKR, GO TO MARTIN RUDY, Dealer la Bicycles, Tricycles, Etc., NO. 9 KAST KINO 8TREET. WBlcvcle Hiding Scheel, S, W. Cor.Centre Square and West King street. 08-tld man MNNEROHOR Skating Rink. OPN DAY AND EVENING. -AT- M2E1NNERCHOR HALL. RORTH PRINCE &TREKT. MUSIC BY WORRJELL'S BAND. OPEN. iSSncS-nfae!' ADMIS3ION.10C Evening, 7 te 10. - ADMISSION, aoe. SEASON TICKETS, 18 Admissions, S3.0O. JOSEPH M. KREIDER, Manager. nevSttd BOUdM AMU BTAXIOMMUt' 8' UOUOLIIOUK3, SCHOOL BOOKS L.TO RETAIL BUYERS AT THE Se-Oalled WhelesaJe Prices. TO WHOLESALE BUYERS, AT LIBERAL DISCOUNTS. AT THE BOOKBTORE Of TOO BAER'S SONS, 15 and 17 North Queen St., LANCA3TER,;PA. aXUVKB, -poeu, wiuiMfl uainnuuuu, --BANKERS." MINNEAPOLIS REAL ESTATE 7 PER 255S2OWD8 0a BAiB: AT 101 AMD IN- PROPRIETORS Or POOR'S MANUAL Os" RAILWAYS." CORRESPONDENCE IN- Ol-lvdeed 48 WALL BT NE W YORK. GKOKUst rt.!CK, (TAXIDKBMIBT, NO. IS WEST GERMAN STREET. Birds and Animals Btuded In a superior man ner and at rtwsenable prlces. J, eJMwd m ATiKMr, And wait a ew days and we will have either JameeO. BlalneprOreyerCleteland for pres Idenu MeanwhUe It will be sale te buy veur Underwear, Overshlrts, Knit Jackets. Pants Ovetalls. comforts, Oleves. Mlus, ind 1 a full llnsoINeUons. ftvase call and examine be. fore you buy. iHNiit li kchteld. Ne. 6J North Queen Street. P. BChoIee BnBewg BWue and wiarp Band for sale. My DJir eoeiM, me. & BROTHER. AO WINTER WRAPS! BOWERS & HURST, STREET. VAUPJSX VLEANIXU. JPKOIAL. MOT1CK. GET YOUR CARPETS CLEANED -AT THE Gariet Clene Werk Carpets cleaned and dollverod same dav. Cirpcts guaranteed against Injury. Carpets thoroughly cleaned and renovated. TUE ONLY WAY TO HAVE Carpets Thoroughly Gleaned -AND- MOTHS DESTROYED. If your carpet Is Injured In tmy way. no matter hew old or worn, we wUl replace It with a new one. The most delicate tabrlca can be run through the machine without Injury. OFFICE AND WORKS WITH Lancaster Organ Factory, COR. CHURCH AND DUKE BT3. AS-Telepuone connection, ectis-tld OARPMIB, LVTAULISBKIJ 1830. CARPETS -AT Philip Schum, Sen & Ge's 160 SOUTH WATER STREET, LANCASTER, PA. We have a lull supply et RAO AND TILL 1NU CARPETS. We enlyjnse the best of yarns. If you want a geed, serviceable carpet, please come and examine enr stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we will soil as cheap as the cheapest. Come and see toryeurself and be convinced, as we always have the reputa tion et making first-class Carpets. CUSTOM RAO CARPETS A BPECIALTYI COVERLETS. COUNTERPANES. ULAN- KETS, CARPET CHAIN, STOCK. 1NU YARN, Ac, I , Dyeing Dene in all Its branches at short no tice. COALI COAL I Of tee best:q.nailty,;eczpresuy for family uk. TRY A 8 AMPLE TON. REMEMBER THE OLD STAND. PHILIP SCHUK, SON & C0U Ne. ISO south wa?:er btreet, ima r.ANCABTER, PA. VOAlt, "O II. SXAUVIX Wholesale and Re tali Lealer In all kmda of LUMBT1U AND COAL. Tara: Ne. tse North Water and Prlnee streets aUevu lui ion Lancaster. n3-lrd naUMOaBUH BKM m JKWJUIIJH. COAT- DEALERS. OFFICES. N A. 130 Nebtb qim BTXnT, AWD Ne. f m NoKTft;Paraea btiit. YARDS. N Stsl Pawca Onm, nu Kaan. las DareT. , . . M XANOABTKB, PA. augis-tfd. COAr" . M. T. B. COHO 8SU HUUXU WAXEU OX., Ixtneetur, rt, Wholes le cud Retail Dealers in uUMBlSR AND GOAL. OjnnscUen W. Itfcta Tlepbenle slschanga. 8TrR,i.na ,ee m0K"iB LANCASTER, PA. G KO K. KATUVOl & CO., LANCASTER, PA, CAUlilAUSa, v. Tj'IWJS UAUU1AOK UUILUKUS. THE STANDARD Carriage Werk! OP LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET BTRBBT, REAR OF l'OSTOFKICE, LANCASTER, PA. We mate every style Buggy and Carriage desired. All work nnlshed In tbe most com fertable and elegant style. We uee only the best selected material, and employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality of work our prices are the cheapest in the state. We buy ter casa ana seu en tne most reasenauie terms. Olve us a call. All work warranted. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO. One set et workinen especially employed ter inai nurueee. njj-uuaw N OUUEUl S3 MILKY. Great Redaction in Prices or- NORBECK & MEET'S CARRIAGES, Cor. Duke and Vina Sis., Lancaster, Pa. All lobs remaining lrem sale wUl be sold at UREATLY REDUCED FIUUltE. New Is the time te buy, as ear summer stock must be closed out. Jobs win be xeld at coat te make room for ear Blelfh and Winter Manufacture. Don't tall te procure a bargain when you have a chance, as by purchasing new yen will save at least se per cent. Call and be con vinced such Is a fact. LOOK AT TUB PRICES NEW BUGGIES AT 00.00 AND UPWARDS, According te Quality. Carriages, Pbmtena, etc, etc, In proportion. Remember these lobs are net a cheap article, made especially for cheap prices, but our own first-class inanu facture, and will be guaranteed as such. Patronize theso who benefit you. Don't pay normeus prices when you are net compelled te. As proof of our quality of work, we re ceived all the highest and only premiums at the Lancaster County Fair, for light work, our specialty, and the three highest premiums at Bute rair In Philadelphia, and had the nrst class and high priced builders of that city te compete with. CALL AMD EXAMINE OUR STOOK. NOTE These deslrlng a One Blelgh thte winter at a reasenable nrlce, will be benefited by calling and examining our stecs In season. 49-A large stock second-Hand Werk ler sale. Repairing promptly attended te. TNN ClOAKS AT Sl.ilB FCR HUM- XT dred, a better cigar than Is sold by most dealers at 11.75, at . , UARTMANB YELLOW'FEONTCIOAR BTOKE. lATAHKB. ELY'S CREAM BALM CUBES COLD IN HEAD, CATARRH ROBE COLD, HAT FEVER. DEATNEeS, HEADACHE. Easy te use. Prtoe. 60c, Ely Bre's , Owego, N. Y., U.B.A. HAY FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM Causes no Pain Gives Rellel at Once. Therauah Treatment will Cure. NotaLlquIderBnuO. Apply Inte Nostrils. S-Ulve It a trial, te einU at drugglsta. ee cents by mall. Send ler circular. Sample bottle by mall, 10c HLY BROTHBB8, JXeedAw DruwtsU, , Owego, N.Y, XtLArMLBWH UV1VK. ft AMUAHTKU ANU MlLI.EHMVll.l.ta K'll I JU Cars run as fellows i iwve incaster 1 1'. iv. iuvui, ui. n V.SO a. w,, and a, 4,0 and 81 M p. in., excetit en Batnrday, when the last car leaves nt u-Mp. in, . Leave Mlflersvllle (lower end), at 5, 8.anu 10 a. m., and 1, S, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run dally en abeve tlme except en unday. "PKADINU COLUMBIA M. II, ARRANGEMENT OrTASSENUER TRAINS BUNDAY, MAY Urn, 1881. NORTHWARD. uava. i a.m. r.v. v.u. tea SmW .... BIO l.Ki 0.90 .... 3 33 a 4 M 1:10 U.U 8:2. 5.W qnarryvlUe I 1133 7:31 0.10 wtueiwri nuisQ-, ,, 7JU 7:e 7:!T. 7.M 7 ISO i.ancuiier. ,.,,. ,, Marietta Junction Ooinmeia.. aaatva. aeading... 0.45 SOUTHWARD. LI1.VB. I A.K X. r.v.i (1:10: r.x .... Readlnff .., .....m.. 1 7rfl IM0 aaaiva. Marietta Jntiotlen....... C hlckles ....... . Celnmbta..,. Lancaster........... .... Lancaster, KlngBt 0.14 P.M. tin n:a VM B.40 0.SC U.41 8:1C -.a 8-is 6:30 8:r I'M eta UuarrwlUe 10-40 30 1 xnuns oennoci at luvuiin s; Ih trains tuand from Philadelphia, PetuvUle. lUnlslmrg, lentewn and New Yerk, via Bound il Ab reek Knnt At Colombia irlth trains te and from Verlr, Hanover, 4ieUyabnry, Trederlck and Baiu mere. At Marietta Junction with trains te and from Chlckles. SUNDAY. Leave QnarryvUle, Ime n. 111.3 Lancaster King Street, 6-ou p. in. Arrive ReaillnK, 10:00 a. m., 7:10 p. in. Leave RendlnK, 8K n. m., 4-03 p. in. Arrive Lancaster, King Streot, lO.tiO a. m 8:06 p. m.t yuarryvllie, 1x6. A. M. WILSOHBupt. LEDANON LANCASTKll JU1MY I.INM RAILROAD. ARRAHaiMEKT OV rAHSSMUSR TRAIHtl. UONDAV, AUUU8T 16th, 1SSI. NORTHWARD. Leave. a.m. Kins street, Lane... .' ilanhelm 7.W Cornwall 7.4) Arrive. Lebanon 80S a.m. SOUTHWARD. .Lcave. a h. Lebanon 7.1ft Cornwall 7.3ft Hanbetm 8.17 Arrive. King fctreet. Lane... 8.S7 A.M. J. A. Wilseh, Supt. R. A C. J, 11. llAVAnu, tSupL C. and ttvndav. r.. 43.1 a is S.M 6.1S r.M. A.M. 8.OI r.M. 6.(1(1 8.4 8.43 9.2A CM 9. IS 8.15 r.M A.M. r.M. 7.3U 7.W A.M I'.M, 70 1130 7.50 UN) 9.21 B.S4 9.10 10 00 r.u. k.u. 6.05 r.M. R. It. r.. A Ml- II. It. IL. UXOaOl ELTS, BUPb I" A K. R. It. all-Iyil MAVHMKHT. H KATEHS Uli MIKNAUKS, (i BEST " STEAM BNGINB AND BOILER WORKS. Heaters OR Furnfetees, -FOR Private Dwellings, Schools and Public Buildings. Call and see them. MADE Or HEAVY IRON, SIMPLE OK CON BTRUCTION. DURABLE. ECONOMICAL, THE M04T RAD1AT1NU SU II FACE OF ANY IIKATER IN THE MARKET. NOiniNQ OUEAP DUT THE PRIOE. Our Own Patent. ! laving been In nse In mnny et the largest residences In Lancaster In thu past ten years Isthobestof evldonceot It) merits. ADDRESS, Jehii Best & Sen, Ne. 33IJ East Fulton St, LANCASTER, PA. JanlS-lvdA- rilUB BAUKU9 WATER AIOTOIl IS TUB MOST ECONOMICAL POWER KNOWN FOR DRIVING LIGHT MACHINERY. IT TAKM BUT UTTLS ROOM. It nu sbts ect ev iispaik. It oak set blew up. It bjwjuibk he tckl. IT IfltKDS KO XHOIKBSR. TBIKS IS VO DSLAT I XO VIRISU Dr. Ne asubs te cxaAs ur. NO BZTBA IBSURAICCB TO PAY. NO nSFAJElSO BBCBSSABT. NO OOAt BILLS TO TAV, AKD .... . , It u always rkadv ob Via. It Is Invaluable ter Blowing Church Organs for Running Printing Presses, Sewing Mai chines, Turning Lathes, Screll Saws, Grind Btenes, CoOee Mills, Hausage Machines. Feed Cutters, Cern Mills, Elevators, Ice Creatu Freexers, Etccall at J. L. Blnkiey's Grocery Stere, corner East King aud Duke streeu. anil see one In operation. Four-horse power at 40 pounds proasure et water. It is noiseless, neat, compact, steadv. andabeve all It Is VERY C11EAP. Prfce-siVg teSOO. Bend ter circular te "- E. H. DILLER, Agt, NO. IK N. DUKE ST., LANCASTER, Va. The Backus Moter win de mero work with less water than any ether water meter In ox ex ox latenee. mwll Smil HAVING DISSOLVED l'AUTKEUMUP inrl TetmRnnt l rlnaei i.n m -. Btreet Iren Works, 1 desire le Inierm my old patrons and the publle generally, that 1 am seu in the business. belngVated U the Penn Iren Company's Works, North Plum st root where I am making Iren and Brass Castlnn el every deitrlpueu, and wUl be pleaswl i te aerve all who may laver me with their patron. JfJS ye? exportenco In the but mess the beet mechanics; limmiiStffiSg'gS ft5a.tieWweVSrSe "--- ,-rw"' buu uuneiiity man the ! SKSSJU .T-K!L i. Jj.!w?.fit. ters af the well and iaverably known Mewrer Cern and Cob Crusher, rentuid and Improved. Alse en hand, mills completely rated 110 or In parts, te replace old ones whieh have been In Uiacubn. givcsat. anaiwatf R. O. MrcuLLEY, .ft