iJfBFm .' JjfcVftv rx&RWVH PW w v : ra U: .-i JK - . '.MPr iwrv! 3iSMK6!lK24ntJtSi -;r-.r vi " jvi vt'--'vwir--- VeIiumb XXl-Ne. OS. LANCASTER, PA.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER L2, 1884. Trice Twe Onte. 'rtiV!i"$ .rffflMft!fyfcKWjU. - ., sa ,mjmwwm, est a i v N H . t 1 . . fl lijrCfi.("iJT?'7,.- T&. "i . H JEi '! m . .. v -i v" li 111 ri Vi I 1 1 lw-T 1 III ri 8 S II r ill V i M n m iH Vl.UVKn, HATVIIHUXV. 11. ItllOADS. NOVELTIES ! Graphoscepcs, Monocles and Magic Mirrors in Walnut, Ebony and Olive Weed. Achromatic Binocular Opera Glasses, direct importation from Lemaire, Paris, in Pearl, Alligator and Morocco, Alse French Carriage Clocks, Diamonds and Fine Watches. H: Z. RHOADS, Lancaster, Pa. Ne. 4 W. King St. iiuv ueuim. COAT M AND bll.VVt I.S. LADIES' COATS AT VEetzger & JETauglimaiii's Newmarkets, Russian Circulars, Delmans and Jackets. ' CHIL DRENS' COATS, for Fall and Winter. Our AFerltiunt of Coats ter Ladles anil Children was made exprcsily for us jy thi licit iiinkim el New erlc unit Philadelphia, und mu very chtup. METZGKll&IIAUGlIMAN'S CHEAP STORE 43 West King Street, fflKIIIVjti.. "MO IHH1UT OK TIIAT-'MIHim'S J.1 Capclne 1'Jantrirs nre clean, reliable. imlrk-nclltw mi t . Mowers, highly meillcliial." Dr. M. SA TIUIUU.1I. SALT RHEUM. And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseasea Posi tively Cured, G" ""OX KM A, or Hull Itlif urn. with Its agonizing Itching ami burning. InstnMly relieved iiyawBim tmiliwltht LTICimACOAI', Mill n Sin gle application el LUTIOVRA, U10 great Skill euro 'I his repeated dull v. with two or thteu tlOSOS Ol CUTICOIlA I1E10I.VKNT. till) NOW IllOOd 1 utlUcr, te keep the hlned cool, tlm poionlnv peionlnv poienlnv tori vine mill uulrrltullng, the bowels open, thnllvnrnnd lcl.-lueyaiictlve.wlil speedily euro f.cse 1 a, Telle r Mnuwerm, I'serlnsl'. Llchun Pruritus, t-enlled Head, Dnndrall. and every specif s of llcliltif, benly, ami 1'ltnply Humors el tlm train ami Skin, when the host phjBl clans anil all known remedies mil. Will McDennlil. Mil IXurb tn St.. Chicago, grntelullv acknowledges ucuioel Suit hhuuiu en head, neck, lam, anus unil legs ler sovnn sevnn U en years t notable te walk except en lund mill knees ter ene your j net able te liuip htm iil ler tight years t It led hundreds til lutim dies 1 itocteispiotiouncol hi case hopeless! petmiiuunlly cured b CtrricuiiA Kkselvient (bleed purlllcr) Imernully, 11ml Cuti eiia anil CL-rtci'itA SeAt- (tlie Ktfcut ulilu euies) extt-r-imlly. Cliiw lleiiKhtnn, esq., luwyur. M Htuteft, lloslen, ti'perts n cuse el fait UliitUiU umlui li'Holi-iit-vuilen le Inn ycaru, whluii ceviiri'il lliu putli'iilV limly unil llmbd, anil 10 wh ch nil Known inullieilH el tri-utinent had h?tm mi IHIt-il without In nillt, which win coiupit'tel uuri'il ty tlm Cimcm llKXnuw.i, leavlnu a cliian ami hi'iilihy tUn, I'. II. Druku, esq., Dutrclt, MluU . utlcri'd tintelit tertiiiix truiii Salt Kliuum, whlvu up iwai.il eji hli Iniiiil., hi nil aim Inte, ami iicntly ili'itieM-ii hjx i,ca. AltiT thn niesl caiclul ilocerlnj; nml a cnnsuliatlen et phy.lrlaes fulli'd te ri'llnvu him, ln uimI tlu citicuiia IlKMmuKM anil vu.t cim.il, anil has rrinaliied nnteuaiu. (lletwcrn tliu Cenpur llouse anil Herrol lloine lletul,) nevl-ljilw LANCAUTKIl, l'A. N JK.Sr IJOOlf TO I1II5 I'llDUTIlUUDK. FAHNEBTOOK'SI Wu Would Ailvlse All l'orneM) la much tt Ladies' and Children's Coats, Ladies' and Children's Coats, -TO VISIT- FAHNBSTOOK'S COAT ROOM WH.'ujiin wllinuitu I.11 k anil Attrnrtlve blecU et thec noe.ts In .ill that la Sew and Uislrahle, 110111 triiue tMW. JIUiNiriCr,Nr ILK VLUSH COATS, IVem $20.(M) le S50.0 E. E. FAI-INBSTUOK, Nest Doer te the Court Heuse. Lancaster, Pa VAltl'BTlh ,1V. v-i.lWy UitU'KV HAl.l.. e BARGAINS ! BARGAINS AT- SHIRK'S OAJXPBT HALL. Hellinu Oir Je I'lent' UimiiK'.ss. Krcry limit; Musi L'liHitivt'ly Iio Selil. A Fall Mnoel HOOT HIU.SSKUJ.TAI'KSTIIY, and All Unules of 1WUUAIN CAUl'&TB, UtUS, lU,ANKBT.,C(VEliI.Er3tnd01L. OLOTll. fS ALL AT A 8A0IUV10X.-&i I'renipt attention ulvun te the Maiiufacture et Kast C'arpets 10 nritei . AT SUM'S CAEPET HALL, LANOASTHR, PA Mr Jehn TIiIkI, M HUisliartc, I'a., wiIIch:--I have hiitliTi-d Irein ha"t KhPinn ler ever t'lKhl yiarti, at Unics no hud that lioulilnet altuini te my hunliiff") ier weeks at inline Tlirt-ci uoxcHet I'LTiLViik, and lour Ijellles ltu BOI.vT1 havccntliely cuiodmeof this dread till illieu.ii. Sold tiy all ilrucelsl. Price: CtmcunA, M)e; Huhelvkjit, ' 10; Seap, i'l centH. 1'enBn OhVO AND (.1IUMICAL CO., llf ttOll, JlUflU, Sunn ler ' liuw te ViurnMila lllttnii-." fTTTIHIKA SOAP. An eXfiulMltn Toilet v-1 w lluth, und.NuiaeiyMauutlVt. Till! DUTIUUIlA Kr.MKUIKH Mlt hAl.li 1 Ht Cetlini'.'s Urui? tere, 1S7 and lsa North yiieeii Dtntit, Laucister, l'u. CATARRH. The U 1 viit llahijiiilr Dlailllallen et Witch Hazel, American Plnq, Catmiht Kir, Marigold, t'lever Ulonteiiii, etc.. called iiASt'UUU') It.MiUAI. ULltb, let- the linuiuillitu rullil and pvriiiaiient euu el every lerra elUii'uirh, 110111 aHlmplu Celd tn the himd te l.e-f) et bmull, Tanlii and Ileurlin;, I'eiigh ami Llu turrlinl Ceninuipiiun. Cemiih'tu lieutinuut, censlailni; et one lioltle lladleal lure, one box catarrhal Solvent and enu Improved In haler, In one pacK ui , ii-ay neu he hud et all ilriiKKlsts tei l ok. Ask ler bAM'utlD's ItADli.AL. LUIIK, (JempktB TKatmtnt, vith lubaler, 1. " i nnenly i.helutn speclllu we Knmvei " Hitl. Timc$. "TUn he.it e have teiinii In a llli time el nultiitiiK."-AVr. Dr. IHiim, Hot Het Hot ten " Alter n lunt; struitcle with L'uuirin the Uakical t ei'K hud cemiui i,l "I!c: ti. II'. Menree, Ittvibuen. J'a, "i havonellomul a can that It old net relle.u at enic." -iluJreir Jjte. ilanchesttr, Man l'OTTKIt Dia'll AMI L'llKMll'AL CO., HlUtOll. ALL RKCOBDS BEATEN. Um'Att1f.!.HL.KU TIMI-. OF 1)IAUII M, Ky.. iiui:t. riii' n.ii.r. Itimt "toie. .Ne 1J7 and 13'J North Quci'ii street. Lancaster. I'a. yANDHilill's K WHO n kj at C'ecln un's CiOI.I.INS' VOLTAIC hl.fcCTltltil'l.Ah'l BUS, for tlie relief and reventlen, the lnitaut 11 1 applied, of lihuumutijin, NuuralKla, -clat-i oeuaiH, Celd, weak Hick, Stomach and l!e ,i n -i oetniK 1'ntriH, MiuihUDiH, Hysteria, ri. ' IMm, I'ulpliatleu, l)ypepsla, l.lvi r Ce iini, IIIIIeuh Kfei, Mulatto mul hpl dei ,KU eiiln' Plaster (an Eiectilc Uat tei . i einhtiied with a 1'orem l'lu-sUii ) and lai hkl pain, 21e every whure nevl-lydV,S..tw I -- 00n. W. KING AND WATBU STS.. fi.i.JJ-iiiidaH DKt OUWA. Alllfl V0.-!Z.1. WATT, SE&HD & CO., S" VAUl'Kl VLKAA'IXU. r.ci.vi. nexiur;. GET YOUK CAKVETS CLEANED nu.ui NCS. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST. Invite the Hpei lul attention et 1 u'les te the pepnl..r KiirmeiilM ei ttie ..casen. NEWHAKKIiT COA'lTi. IIUSSIAN CLUCULAltH. SEAL PLUSH COATS. WALKING JACKETS. In all the newest styles and shapes at pepu lur pi Ices. St'U'IAI. liAUOAISS IN SILK PLUSH COATS, iULLJ.fcr.UTll, a KAC11. Upwards of Twenty Styles In HOYS', Ulltl.S' ' und MlSSEb' Coats and Havelecks, Fieia t te 10 years at very It cnsenahlu Pi Ices 1,0(0 D07.KN I,AllKS',UKN'll.r..Mr.VSandClULIUEN'S Merine Uiiderwear In All Sizi-H nnd Uuallttis at Prices te Suit lliu lmiei at tne NEW YORK STORE, -AT Til K- he Tretn Mill en tlm l.xtiif;tnn, Jrirk In J.OU 1-l'i.iiihuiUsui Alncinif tnefipct iters M:tud 8. Lau proved Iiprsclf (reatcr mnretbnn her Intoewnor, Mr. W II Van Van derbiU, or lier present ew.. r, Mr. Hubett Hemier, ever thought rl" was Hiram WoediulT, the old tlrae ttitumr of trotting horaes, laid it down an an Iren elad law tbat "jeit could never liave a fast mlle after ireHt had struck preuud." LiHt week Ice Conned repeatedly and took tlm olastielty from tbe soil. Suber headrd men like Ur. Herr said It wa8 tee lite for Maud S. te attempt te de what no bone except herself lias ever dene. Enthusiasts, hewever, pn'iletPd that tbe roeord would be broken ou Tuesday. The day was bright Cor November. Thiretvana large KiitherlnK of the best pnop'e of the " blue grans " region " at tbe r,ir ground track In LexluKter, Ky, Uuufl.ijila of church geiiii; peepla wcic precciii, atnecK them several divines. Mr. Benntr was ((ratified te eeu a placird couspleu'.i,ty posted en tliu Krand stuntl brsriqi; th words : "Ne bettii.t; n"ewud." At 11 UO Hair came out h'nd the tiUPen and Rave bi-r a wartni;i) up mila in 2 20j Tlm jud!C8 and timern were Majer II. 0. MuDenell. Colonel R. West and W. II Wllhen. In the oppevlto Rtaad veern Mr. Ilentier, helillnr; a time natch in his hand ; General J. P. Robinson, L. Uredhrad, Mr. Hicliard Andersen an 1 Hamilton Iliihby. I'l e couditiens tisnli r which the perfuiniaiipu was madii weie written in tlie rtceid bui.U : "Maud 8. will start te beat her own record of 2.09, and should she beat the record Woodburn farm, wher? Rhe TTTi bred, will commemorato the achievement by awarding te her, through the Kentucky Trettiuj: Herso Brcrdeis' asoeiatiin, a cup with tbe time rasvle by htr engraved thcrceu." Hair jeRRed tbe mare ateund tbe traek, went te tPe head of tbe slroteb, rams down und netliled for the weid. Maud H, did notmake a niagle mi-take The time el the lltft qaarter was !)2J ami the half mile in 1 01. Tlie thrtit) ipirirter jiole was reached in 1.37, and here Mr. Hewerrnan joined her with u runner hitched te a sulky. The Uuisb was string and the judgei) Plopped their watqhes at 2 00. A majority el tins outstue watc'ics nutle tne time 2.00. The ace i.p when the 'queen returned te thp s'and ler IJiir te w iuh was ii'dn scrilublu. The crowd bllnl the quarter stretch nttl elieerrd until their threats wcti) httsky. It was thi (rcntest perform ance of the kind ever 'wltneFsed and tbe Kuntuckia&Kfchetited menjy Kentuckians can. Mr Ueunir was1 e itipratulttfd ou ever) Side. Pfnminent bit'eilers lilee Getl W. T. Wuhi'is, M. 1). Seti:-it and Mr. Toribunter p'P'ntd ferwaid 1e take him by the hand. When Or.mt, the oelored Uienm, was coelini; Maud S out en the lawn, hcerrs of 1 'ilies gathi led around and asked for th privi'ejxe if touehinj; her en tbenesi'. Mi. Henner's (irst cenyra'ula tery diipntch was te Mr. VunderbiU. Tlie tn.ire Wfl new be turned out ler the wittpt. J shctKTs of both Athens and Hecking aounties. Sheriffs' IJraner and Carty, With the managers of the Cututnbui oeal ex ohange and ether onie'al.i, held a oensulta tlen with Governer Heinly, and the latter his luniied orders te flve companies of the National Ouard te assist tbe sheriffs of the counties named in tiuollieg any tronble which nuy arlee. i m aw. .n A Drunken uoettcr. Frem the Cincinnati Knqnlrer.' The Tall Sycamote of the SVebash has a first cousin In tbiH city naincil Dan W. Voerboes. In 1870. when the latter day saint of Deroecraoy y.tmtiel J. Tilden, wan elected, n'ycaillnjr " Leghorn " rooster was named nfter him. Mr. Voerhros took the Tdden out en the street and poured beer dewi him nnd get hlni drunk. Since that time the roestor baa bren nn iuvotcrate toper. He (jet drunk ever Tilden, again ever Ilishep, then ever Newman, acd dually ever lleadly. Wednesday he started out ou a rearint; old time ever Clovelaud'n elcotien He will drink whisky straight, but perfers beer. Thursday he was druuk tliroe times en mixed driuk, but after filling his ctaw with oern was all right yestcr day. A reporter waa introduced te him at Andy Gilllgan's, and kai? him drink half a glass of bcer. The roestor was be drunk at the time that he staggered when he walked, but would never rcfuse a drink when presonted. When taken out en the street he pxeitcd tbe admiration aud envy of all. He is a veteran, an thewn by his spurs. n c llie Citlhulte flniary tiiiinill, The plenary council of Hiltimnre, as sembled at the spruinary of St. Sulplice Tuesday, and the consideration of the work of the liret chapter was taken up. Tbe members declined te give auy information in regard te the subjects wider considera tlen, as their action will have te reeoive the approbttiea of the pipe ba'ore any thing will be promulgated. Tnesday afternoon a confetonoo was held at the arcliiepiscepal leMdonce, composed prin cipally of priests, but their notion ife kept tw Rtcret as that of the council. Aich bishop Alemany, of Su Francisce, aud Konnek, of St. Leuis, nre tbe only members present of that elder who atten ded the lltst plenary council in 1852, and of the bishetifl who attended the seaend i plenary ccuneil Archhirheps Elder, Lamy uuu rceliau and t'.ithepH llennessy, uo ue uo Gecsbriaud, Loughlin nnd O'Couuell are the only survivors. Monday evening at the vespetBntthe ctthedral Bishop Becker, of Wilmington, prcnehed en "The Church nnd Soienco." IfBlllVAlK ok:at.huecks.i. HOP PLASTER. This porous plaster Is tameui for Its quick iti and hearty action In curlni' i.auie HacR, .. IIUUU mutism, Sciatica, Crick In thn Hack, side and illp, Nuuralgia, Stilt Joints and Muscles, Hera Cncst, lllilnuy Trouhlei and all pains orachei clthur local or doep-sTOted. It seethes, Strent huns and Stimulates the patts. The virtues el hops eouitilned with ijuma-clean aud ready te apply. Httpurlnr te liniments, lotion unit salves. Price, 23 cunts or S ter fl.OJ. Beldhy ilruirnl.U and country storm. Mailed en recolntet prices. I top Matter Com Cem pany. Proprietors, llosten, Mass. A GREAT SUCCESS. mado-llawley'a i"jc. L'lcasAUl In -The best lamilv pill Stomach and Liver l'llis. action and easy te talte. neras-lyd&w ti) MILLER'S CUUOH ISYJtUr. (U.i)TlltNtt. IT 13 T1IK HKST. eepl7Cuul&w Black Lmimnt, Is a new comtilnstlen sclentincnllv anil prae tlcully coinpeundo.1. and contains the UKiT known liiKredlunts for the euro et KlIKUMATiSM. NKUHAMJIA. UKAUAUIIK. TOOTlltJIIK, UOILS .'-xlUUNCI.KS, btlir Neck, Pain In the sides, . ack or I-eint. Cuts, ltrul-ei or r-urns, (.anieiiuss, awelllnn et tliu Joints, And UoneiulSwollliiKprortucodby llheumatlc ullcetlens. hnitllsh and UernKn dliuctlena. aUUinHltw Hew He 1 KNiilnsr U -f-Kl.SS. rirfnrtcn ttilsc m Train A IiHllruH: I'lnee IJeturuiiHil. Ills caicer wb9 short ami wenilirlul. He ro-e tmui Hlme t iicitlimir ami liiciime tlie liresldint et srveiul Ktnt ratltea Is huildenly lin uoetoiu ceunnaml hlni te rotlre lreui li.isl neaa. tt he wou'denve his life. Overwerk Hid it. Ite wlse hutoiuevoi work Rets tlie Uutteref you. Tiike llienn's Iren 'Hliteisaud keep up jO'irBtrenlh atnt veur nervMoiie. K. SUjur ill lliiienne stnet. New urleani', sa s. " Noth Neth ins li-lps mu like Ilrenn's Iren IJillers. It acts HUuachariii." Carpets cloauedunil dcllveied tame day. Cirpet6 suarantoed against Injury. Carpels thoroughly cleaned nnd rouevatcd. T1IK ONLY WAY TO IIAVIS Oarpete Thoroughly Oleaned -AND- MOTMS DESTROYED. ir your cirimi is lniuieu in any ay, no matter hew old or worn, we will replant it with n new one. '1 he most delicate Inline cau be run through the inuchlnu without, injury. Or'FICK AND WOJIK3 WITH Lancaster Organ Factory, COIt. cnUICUI AND I1UKK bT3. Tclcphone conuecilen. ectlfitirt s llOtHltS AUtl HTAXiUHttii CUOOI. llOIUlt. IMiVUAJiVK. flMtll Prudential Insurance Ce. OB AMERICA. Heme 0race-NB?7AUK, H. J. Tlie 1'rudeutlal offers a plan by which every. ene may Bccuru a litiul sulUclent ter burial purposes. This company Is endorsed by the leuding business men ana inanulaelnrers el Lancaster county. Claims paid within '.'I Leurs alter proof et iluatli. -CAI.I. AT Ne. 13 BOOTH DUKH BTRBET, VOH LIKOU.M M lJWlBMATIOy, t0 Koliiible Awl" Tauted. 3-3md SCHOOL BOOKS TOKETAIL 1IUYKU3 AT THE Se-Oalled Wholeaale Prices. TO WHOLESALE BUYEI1S, AT HIJKUA1, DiBCOU.NTB. AT TIIE HOOK STOKE Of JOII BAEE'S SOUS, IB nnd 17 North Queen St, LANCASTERPA. I111UI 1.NIUAH MtUIOl.M. KATON-KA, THE GUHAT 1NDIA.N MEDICINE-. -KOI! TIIE Bleed, Liver, Kidney3 aud Stem?.;b. It Is tuadii by the lu IUuih, lleuil b the Ir.dlain, Held by the Indians, It Is l'uiely Vegetable. It suiely cures nil diseases el the Stemich, LImt. liewelsuud llloed ItlsaliuestaspeelUc ler all Mi ins et Khuumatlsui. It will cine dlsunye when all etlnr remedies have failed Directions uie plainly piluted en every boi bei boi tle. All tithes et Indians have their medicines, but Ka-Ten-Ka Is a leiiiedy or the 1'aclUe Coast, and Is used by all. It U composed el toots, herbs, and uaiKS K"ue. ; .iei (treiianiu ny me Warm Spring Indians of Oregon, And Is favorably kuen n and used lu all parte et tnoueild. '1 he sick or nllint; st'.ettld net delay Us use. it will prevent as well us cure disease. Its pi Ice is ene dollar per bottle, ei Mx bottles ler Ilvo dollars, Ast for It and see that ou Ret It, it Is for hale by all IHuijKlstM, and by tlm OKhUON INDIAN MEDIUM. COMl'AM, Cerry, i'a. Medoc Indian OU THE UKKATKaT PAIN MKD101N -hAKTII. IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOC INDIAN Oil. Is ceitaln te cute Toethuiho In one minute, lleadache lullvt minutes, haiuuhe In ten minutes, boie Threat lu one night, .Neuralgia In thieu te live mlu-uU-h. MODOC INDIAN OU. Is itieil Internally r. well iiHiixturnullv. hveiy family hniild Imvi n bottle within leach, it Is a oector In tut house. or Bele by nil I)rugslts. l'rlee Mc. pet bottle, l.urye -Ue betileB, liOe. INDIAN cOllUll blltUi' U a preinpi speclllc ter Coughs, Colds and l.nng ilbeaes ."KM. pur lioltle. Ita-len ka, Modou jiitllan Oh and Indian ceukIi syrup ler tale (wheiesali ami lelull) nl Cechian's Drutr Mere, .Ne. Mi uud UJ erih (Juceii street, Liiucister, 1'u, ina-lnlW.tKw HUll 'ldtf Kteinliie iinquiiqni (N'ewMixIcn) Jeu nal. Frem II. 1). FeifiiiHOii, efip, who oame up from the S.iuth en the Atohineo, To Te pr ka is Sai.ta Fe pastrrR -r t'alu Friday ein'it, we learned of emi et the most das t.uilly a'tenip's nt trntu v.re.ekiu(; nud rehb-ry that lus ever bcen known in tbe tiotithweiit. Mr. Fergusen tell- the thrill injj steiy with all tlu vim and feeling of ene who waa present when th( affair no ne no euricd. He said : " Jiibt nfter IiIpuNe. 102 left Borocco, with J. K. lledtlek t9 conductor uud James Bkuse as engineer, and when it bad (,'ena perhaps two miles, the traiu stepped, but almost immediately started up aj;ain with a tremendous jerk. After this jatk a promiscuous llnufj began from both sides et tbe track, but the ttnin kept moving en faster and faster All the paascuKers, et course, Ret down between the scats, and it looked for a wbile like a prayer meeting About 50 tibetn wpre tired. Every ear in the train was hit aud many of the windows broken. The con ductor, who stepped out en tlie platform, came near beinc killed. One bullet passed through a sleepiui; ear window ever lue heads of two ladns, nud waa thttteucd en the oppe'ito sidoef the ear " The story of th affair was told Mr. Fergusen by the engineer when tbey nrnved at the next station. Said the on en aincer: "I Eaw ahead el me an ebstruc tien en tbe right slde, which consisted of a pile of stones fully twelve Inches uuote the track. I stepped, of oeiirse, aud then told the fireman te net down and roiuevo the hteues. It was moeLliKht, he that I could sce plainly. At tin moment I stepped I saw three meu jump from be hind a clump of trecs, and pointing their ruus at me, they haul: 'fcitep ! We wan't you. Wo've (;et you.' Quick as light ning I saw our predicament, and decided what te de I told them 'All right, don't sheet, and then te the Unman, 'Drep down.' I gave the throttle a jerk wide open aud dropped down myelf. As I jerked they lne.l into tLe cab. I didn't knew whether we should jump the traek or net, but I wasn't fjem, te have my passengers nibbed. The obstruction damaged Iho cowcatehor considerably. I saw three men en my rii!bt, two ou rey left, and ene ou hersuback." The j nseugeis, after realising the great danger through which they had passed, aud the dariug but upleiulid prcbonce of mind and tlie bravery and decision of the hcroie engineer, niade up a purse and pro pre Bunted it te him as a token eC their appre oiatien, nnd nearly all thanked him per senally Cor risking his own life te save his passengers from robbery. It was a splen did net, and James Bkuau v ill go down te history as a real here. An KuItnr'M Jrieuie. Theion P. Keator. editor et Kt, Wiiyne.lml., Onzctle, wriles: for i he mat Ilvo years have uliva ued Dr. King's New Dlscevury, ter cpughs el most -ii.uni eliaraeti'r, as well as ler these et a milder type. It never lulls te eltetl a speedy euro. My lrlaiuU te whom 1 n ive iccomuieiiueii li pi iik ei ii lus.iinu iuku terms, llavlni; lnn enrel by It el every cough I have had ler ilve years, I consider ft tlie eul reliable and euru cm ler Coughs, Colds, etc." I alt at Cochran's limn stote, Nes. 137 and 13U North (Juei'ii street, l.nnois l.nneis ter. Pa, nud get a frets lit it lioltle. Carge blri'.tl.ue. (i) TIIAVM yftlUllflU MI5UIU1WIS TUB VT uieat Engllih Hemcdy. An unlallln cure for Imtietency nud all I).(uimu that fol fel low Less et Motnery, I nlveiTiil t ussltmle, Pain In the Hack, Dimness el Vision, Prema ture Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insu. lty or consumption and a l'io l'ie l'io inature lrave. Kull pattlemats In our pam phlet, which we dcslre te tend tiee by mall te every ene. Tne Specific M illclne Is soul by all druggists at it per package, or six pack ages ler tt, or will be sunt f en my mail en the rccelptel the money.by addressing tliu agent. II. It. COUUIAN, Druggist, Nen. 137 and 1UU Werth Queen street, Lancas ter. Pu. n acconntef counterfeits, we have nuepUil the Vellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. THE UllAY MEDlJlNK CO., I'.utlale. N.Y, We have heard of Clothing given away, that le, thrown into a piomiscueus crowd a8 an ad vertising dodge. The nest thing te giving them away is te sell them at the low prices we are new selling them. Mrii'n (loed, Wnrm Uvurcent., . 98 00 men's Oeml Fur Heaver llv rcelr, S12 OO Blen's Streng U?9. hulls, - 810,00 Fer the mere fastidious we have Suits and Overceatd up '.e $35.00 and $40.00, A. C. YATES & CO., (502. 001, GOK, CHESTNUT STS. rmbADBi.puiA Mmil Al IC3. ItMCUI'll Seething Syrup 19 DECIDEDLY TIIE 11KST l'HEl'AItATION 'OK THE PLAINTS OK C1ULDKEN. sl7-Rmdw 0051. U1 si: DR. BITNER'S LAXATIVE POWDER, pen Tim cubb or COWIVENKSS, KEVK11S TOEI'lIUT O. 111E I.IVKItANDHOWEI.S.AClDIll Ol' THE STOMACH, EllUCTA- TtONSi DYSPJCPrilA. It Is a mild LAXATIVE, producing no In convenience uiiu devoid el tlie harshness usually produced by HILLS, uud can be taken In all euasnns el the year. -Itls uleasant te take. Aalt your dealer or it. benlj-fimdAw titn. I'lvnsant, healthy gilns are ern-n only en the faces el healthy persons. Tlie ilypiipllc and dehllltncil can smile only lu a hali-ueartud way. I'urlfy the bloe'l. lene the iimu .nil. and stieugth"ii the tissues wlm Ilurileck llloed JiMem, It you wish li laugh well und eilen. i or cale by II II. Coehran, Uiuggi t, 137 and 13") .North Queen struct. isaeKlmi'a arnws salve. The Hest Belve tn th world ler Ctiti", Urulses. Hores, Uicara. eult Uhcuui, Fever Bores, Totler, Ctiapped Hands, Cldlbialns, Cern?, nnd all stein eruptions, und positively euros I'lles, 01 nn pay r'.qutcmL It Is guar antisj.1 togive perluct ssitlslaauen or money rolum'eit. Price, S cente per enx. forsale by II. U Cechrau, druggwl, U7 and UJ Neith Uiinen street. Luncastur Will It ItOHily Cure Khrumutl.m '.' We answer, honor bright. It will euro rheu matism, and tlm pmerist ess1 s loe. Dr. Ihemat' ICcleclrle OU w a specially tuepareil lorthe ih' uinatle and laui'. Noilee lutters from the people relative le It i nu-i tt-. tn near ly every pipei lu tin. cunfy. ter sale bv 11. 11. Ceehrun, diugglsl, U7 and I (J HerUi Queen Btit.uL i Vin r.ierju.iur in It new. llev. Ocnrge II. Thnjur. an old clllzeu of this vicinity known te every one as a most liitliientlal clllien und christian minister el the M. E. church, lust this meiii'int stepped In our store te bay, " 1 wish uverybinly te knew that 1 consider that both uiynull and wife ewe our lives loShlleh's Consumption Cure." It Is having a tiemeudouBsuie ever our counters ami Is giving perluct satisfaction in all casus et Luug Diaeiu-es, such as nothing else has dene. MIS. MATC11ETT a IffiANCE. liuucneR, Intl., May 15, '7a. Sold by II. li. cechiun, druggist, Nes. IS7and 13'.) Noun Queen street. Laucxslui. Iubliend4 UA.TO AM VAJ'A. IKliQftlAS'U. "MIGHTY NICE." OUU STOCIC Of MBOKIIES, DRESS SHIR13, OOlitARS, ODFFa SUSPENDERS, STOCKINGS AND UNDERWEAR. AT EEISMAN& Ne. 17 Weat. King Streot. ir K31UVA1. AfU HfKlt" li firi' Anu HOl'-, tiATn. TUHAUCU AUli lilU AUK. O MOKK SHULTZ'S Only Hat Stere, We are new prepared te show you the most couipletollno et SOFT AND STIFF HATS (II the most approved styles overellerod In the city ler young men. Helng In constant communication with the leading uianuhieturers or NEW YOltli end PHILADELPHIA, we can guarantee our styles te be as icprcvcntcil. and will wager that there is no nealer lu the city who will glvoaeu better and lower priens. fa-Cull and oxamlue our stock, which Is all new and uamieome, -AT- 144 North Queen Street, (UUNDAKEll'S OLD STAND.) mur27-il.w LA.NOASTKn, Pa., Sept. 10, 1E8I. I dcslre te make known te my lrfenils and cutomera and the puhlle In general, that I have romevo I from 23 North Queen street te lilNertliQii'jun streft .'rc-eriy occupied by the firm of Smalm te lUus man, whom I have openo I with large as as as Bortmuntef English, KrenLu a. el Uermun .Novelties, together with a large line of Demestic Kabrics. Cotneoiedas my new stock Is, of new goods and new styles, 1 lei'l assured that lu sellcltlni: a centlnti ance et your pitronage, you will have an opportunity of making selections from a stock unefiuallmt In 1U variety and adapt oil te the present demand, which h ier geed values, irentleiniinly Btylus una ettects, nnd uio.ulstte fit. Nothing but the very beat et workmanship ; nnd prices te suit everybody, Ploase favor ma with your orders. V ours very truly, D. R. WINTERS. A1 i.Asr. Election diysnt Inst are ever. And thn country's nate Irem harm, It ler lllalne or It ier (irover, Ail men want gee J clothes, and warm. 10 -18 AT LAWN TENNIS -AND- piATAKUU. ELY'S CREAM BALM CUKES COLD IN HEAD. CATAltKH ItOSIt COLD, HAa EVElt. DEAfMi-S. HEADACHE, Euiy te USD. Pitco, bec. Ely N. Y., U.S.A. Uie's., Owege, A hit I'tiU illtS. KNlOHT'3 SOOiniNG S.YHUP, Il7-faiit4w HAY FEVER. El.'S CltBAM 1IALM Causes 10 pain Hives Hoilet at Once. Tliemugli Tre.aiiie t will euro. Netu l.liiuldei'bmiti. Apply Inte Nostrils -oive it u trial. ;,e Vents in druggists. CU cents by until, send ter cuculitr. humplu bettlu by mull, lee. HliV BROTHERS, ISoeiliw Druggists. Owcke, N. J . bit YOUK DK;.i.r.K 1'OIC Ml. lilTNEK'S PILfE CURE. H.ls an Elesant anj lilvilnoPrcparatlea, J7-inaT7 Miiulittlui: tlie Uuzc-tia' 'lrlcbu. Turre was a geuetal jail delivery te all prisoners v. he debited te leave at Ebens burg, I'a., Tuenlay afternoon at lo'cleok. At that time many of the prisoners wero in the corridor of the jail, when they attacked the turnkey, Reri Luther, a seu of the bheriff. and put him l i a cell aud locked it. They then vieut into the dwelling department efthejad, whtrothe sherill lives, and took the keys eC the outer deer fieiu Mrs. Luther aud passed out through the jail yard, and aiveu pritenera walked out free. The uhertll was in Johnstown en official buiii. as ut the time Tbree eat den, Bihwartznian and IJUcry. The turnkey is the same who wjh in charge of the jail ut the time JIL-' y Smith, the convicted murderer, cscapt.ii. lU'infu " u uu utuvuii uiiDlin a a taw t.m tiutui jree el the escaped pnaeuers wero re pturfd. Theso at large am Ream, Ger RACQUET CIGARETTES, Madn of straight cut tobacco, mild and of ilnoilaver. ills the longest nnd pronounced the host Ulgaiettu lu the marlcut. S-TitY IT. 'Se Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, Cigars and Pipes, WHOLESALtJ AND UETA1L, r u. STAUriTfcK. juiin siuks KUEEI KREKI FREE I Grand Exhibition et Hats, Caps, Gloves and Furs, AT THE People's Hat Stere, NOs.ai AND 33 NOKTH QUEEN ST11EET Can bu seen at any time t he llnest nsrertment el fashlonable Derby, bla k and brown, all the huest blocks, flexor and lull stilt. The T d'EK SQUAIIK DOWN, tlm Very late-t this season. Nutria, seit felt, rough anil ready cru-li Hats, and all that Is new and novel for both young and old. A specialty et bCHOOL HAIS and CAPS. Our Fur Department em em biiieiseverylhlngin the line ei Seal Coats, heal Cups f eal Cellars and Mulhi. f-eal Gloves, Heaver Oloves, Capes, Mulls and Mulllurs AltfO, a line assorled stock el less expensive Furs, snltable ler owjrybedy FUlt TltlM At in ns et ail kinds lleaver. Cliluchllla.Ceuny Orev Fex. . Don't Ferget '"lhe Oriat Vaik Down :" Ueml Hats lormen as low as Uta! unodbclteolUtpsaslow as loe Weiueaii toHhew ourcusteineis we can glve them the heal goods orthe least money. Call und be cenvlnee.il. W. D. STAUPPER & CO,, (Sbultz's Old Stand.) N03. 31 & 33 NOItTil QUK.EN 8THEET, I.ancuster. Pa. myie.ly Bniger & Sutten's Merchant Tailoring and Glelhing Jitere, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. Piece Goods and Ileady Ileady Made Clothing IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. CALL AT ONCE AT TUB Gleaii Bargain Stere, Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, lebMvd SOUTHEAST ANGLE. 31'lSOIAl. HOTIOK. sr NEW LINE -OP- AT- I. L. Stehman & Ce,, NO. 110 NORTH QUEEN ST. tnarSl-lvd LNUASTEK.PA. JlUUltt ANI AiiOi-'d. ltllll'3 AMU ttliOKS, HUILDLXU MAI I.UIAU Iruups Ordered ta JIucHj;; Valley, The shilling miners m tne Ileckluj; Valley, Ohie, still maintain a lawless and delUut attitude, paradinc trshtly in and areunj the mining ti Tbe entire t. ii.nl iliiitl linn frn.-n. I l.iirniinlilu aurmed that they nteni"' ai-.y fear the destruction et both Hie prepctty. A check has been placed upon the cshibltien of lawleteuess by the.timely aitlval,eI tbe JtKMOVAL IIAY1NO IIEUOVKI) UY PLANING MILL -TO- No3.-lllte -417 N. Mulberry St., And Increased my faculties ler work. I am new prupaiiHl te de oil fcludaet weikiniuy tne utsbortest notice. elmil W-m WelllflfiU. Ot.u sreuK. uuNiihiai.iit tinAits, n ler 3Se. Ciu be rulicu e: i s etiistly Cen nectlcut at HAUTUAN'3 YELLOW FU0HT UOAU iSXOUE, WM. H. GAST Ne, 105 North Queen Street, BOOTS AND SHOES BOll I ALL AND WINTER. We sra well prepared with a lull ttec.nl Heavy and Medium Werk ler Celd Wealii.r i also a lull line or llubhera. NetHlihstuudlug the tact that all nl the work exhli lled at the lutu ulr in coiiipt-iltlen with ours, was selected In New Yerk and fie where, our own nianuiuoture ei hoots unil Shoes was awarded the TWO HIGHEST PREMIUMS. jre-Cuetemera can rely upon petting ult ....I. .. . r Ka WM UShlLltOO. UlVO US U Tilll Pilcei iniaruutced te be as low as any in itm rltv Ini4.tiiiiii.tw MILLER'S COUGH SYRUP. H)pU7-Guia4W WHIf H WE WILL MEASUr.K TO TOUU OUDElt At Snrprl-Ingly Lew Prices. Among- them me souie ery Fine Corxscrew iVoisteds, In four shades. line imported CniTir?r, illlluient cehns. atyllsh 1'ljld Suitings una l'untuloenlngs. OVERCOATINGS lua'l the Popular Materials, Similes. Quali ties, nud ut ptlees wulcli canuet be equtuluU ler cueapuess. Alse 2,000- Overcoats-2,000. -FOU- JIKN, YOUTHS. HOYSanil CIIII.DBKK, Cram Sil.X'itC aSHOD. KxttannUnary Bargains In U.VDKCCLOTll. INO. UNUEUYEAUiuL0wa JJCtmta. HIESE & BEOTHEE. CORNER or CENTUM! tSOHAttK & XOUT1I UUBEIT ST. fcANCASTEU, PA, 11 S f3 t. ii i-.. m 'Kl m &f m Dfi M .i" v?' n '.Ef :m m M m '& -jji. r J fctC iU nSW' -J .Juif) . , i.vjrf t -;! --U..V , - . ,-Sk. t , Mv S . . . JlkU91