hR"tjrswlr"ij. -'pisP8WRjH IfK ' ' :'t vMWBnwsi " ' ' mKBaiHviK.t 'jn J .-r ?.'( ,y j --,, v "KVT J1!"!! P"W VVr ".' vfj-'3r j -wc r-."nv-,- "t-W ? ( H m, si ?rsrw 'lll$(P?M.SppM mSBiammmmx. Totniue XXl-Ne. 02. VI.UVKH, WATVlUSi, C7. I I .. KIIOADS. f JNTO VELTIE8 ! Graphoscepcs, Monocles and Magic Mirrors in Walnut, Ebony and Olive Weed. Achromatic Binocular Opera Glasses, direct importation from Lemairc, Paris, in Pearl, Alligator and Morocco. Alse French Carriage Clocks, Diamonds and Fine Watches. H. Z. RHOADS, Lancaster, Pa. ititr uuuim. lOAlfl AMJ HllAttLM. v LADIES' COATS -AT- IMCetzger & Haaglam.aii5s Newmarkets, Russian Circulars, Delmans and Jackets. CHILDRENS' COATS, for Pall and Winter. Our Asserttnunt of Coats ler Ladleiaml Ctillitren was madeuxprcssly ler 119 by U10 best umber (it (suit ) erk unit Philadelphia, and iiru very cheap. AIETZGER&llAUGIlMAN'S CHEAP STORE 43 West King Street, (Iletwcen iliu Cooper Heuse Ami Herrol Herso lintel,) IIOVl-ljdAW N .TKXT IIIIOllTII 1IIK COUllT IIOUSIC. FAHNESTOCK'S! We Would Advlie All Persons In bearch 01 Ladies' and Children's Coats, Ladies' and Children's Coats, TO VISIT FAHNESTOCK'S COAT ROOM Where you will find 11 Latge and Attractive Stock et these reeds In all that In New mid Desirable, Hern ta ou te MAGNIFICENT SILK FLUSH COATS, from $20.00 te $50.0 E. H. FAHNESTOCK, Nest Doer te the Oeurt Heuse. VAUl'MTB, .TV. '.l.HK3 UAltl'KT UALI., BARGAINS! -AT SHIRK'S OAEPET HALL. Sulllui; 01V te Clesu Uiisiness. Ewrything Must PesitiTely be Sold. A Full Line of IIODY 1IIUS3ELS, TAPESTRY, and AH Orttdes Ot 1NUUAIN CAUPETB. IIUUS. HLANKhra, COVKUI.KTS and OIL CLOTH. ' t& ALL AT A 8AGRIFI0E.-& r Prompt uttontlen given te the Manufacture et Bag Carpets te onto:. -AT SHIM'S CAEPET HALL, OOR. W. KING AND WATBIt STS tiliiv;imlnw I II. HIAKIIM a HO. CHINA DEPARTMENT. An Elegant Assortment of Glassware suitable for Crystal Wedding Presents, &c including the Latest Novelties in Cut Glass, Amberina Glass, Engraved Glass, Embroidered Glass, in Water Setts, Liquor Setts, Lemonade Setts, Ice Cream Setts, Celery Stands, Finger Bowls, Comforts, &c, &c. TOILET SETTS, In ten and twelve piece setts. Over ioe different patterns te select from at lower prices than ever quoted at before. Just arrived, five crates of English Printed Toilet Setts at $3.00 a sett, worth $5.00. j. B- MARTIN & CO. Dry Goods, Carpets, Queensware, &c. Cerner Vet King and Prince Streets. Opposite Stevens Heuse. OVAL. B. U. S1AUX1M Wnnlu.mle am, llntnll Dealer In all kinds el LUMHKI1 AND COAL. CT-rnrd; Ne. 30 North Water and I'llnce streels nbovulmen Lancaster. n8-lyd II ,Otnt)Aitifiata juimsuiKa. COAL DEALERS. eyriOKis. Ne. 13U Nenm Oemih Smsirr, akd Ne, (61 Neirru .l'BiKtm Stbixt. YAKDS, North I'iukus Stbhit, nu Uiad- ins Dktet. LANOAHTKim'A. auglSUd ZIOAI,, M. V. J3. COHO nm SOUTH WJiTJBU AT., Lanwitr, rxt,, Wholeaale and Ketoll Doalers In L.OMBER AND GOAL. Ounntotlen Wltb the Telepbonte Kichange, Yard and Offlne Ne. 530 NOIITH WATEU HTUKET. KJilvI l .1. HWAH!t0O. , COAL. Otllco-Ne. rf Centra Square. Yards-East Walnut and Marshall Streets. (StawartaOM Yard.) Beth Varil and ofheo connected with the Telephenu J'.xclmnge. - UINDLINU WOOD A 81'ECIALTY. cctlwmur,K Ne. 4 W. King St. LANCASTEll, FA. 5 Lancaster, Pa BARGAINS LANCASTER, PA VAItfJSl VLBAtflMJ. Sl'K KOIALi NOTiOK. GET YOUR CARPETS GLEANED -ATTI1E- Carpets cleaned and dallyored same day. CirpeU guarantced against Injury. Carpets thoroughly cleaned and renovated, THE ONLY WAY TO HAVE Carpets Thoroughly Gleaned -AND- MOTHS DESTROYED. If your carpet Is lnlnrcd In any way. no matter hew old or worn, we will replace it with a new one. The most delicate fabrics can be run through the machine without injury. OFFICE AND WORK3 WITU Lancaster Organ Factory, COB S pfBCU AND DUKB 8X8. Xi' rtcoauMilea, eu.l-tn LANCASTER, MMUlVAt,, TJUNT'8 KKMRUr. HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LTVEK REMEDY. Never Known te Fail IT IB A ;8PKUIFIO Fer Kldney and l.lvur Trouble. Iil.ii.ii-r Urinary and Mver Dlseasi s, Dropsy, Uravel and Diabetes. IT IB RELIABLE In cuilng Ililijtit'a Disease, Pains In tr Hack. Leins or Hides, ICctentleu orNen. Itutonllen et Urtnu. IIIOULY RECOMMENDED. It cures Biliousness, Iluadache, Jaundice, sour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation and IT WORKS PROMPTLY ami cures Intemperance. Nervous Diseases, auneral Debility, Excesses and Female Wtakuiii. USE IT AT ONCE. It nuterei the KIDNEYS. LiVEIl and HOWhLS, te n healthy astlrtn, and CUBES when all ether medicines talL lluudieds bave been paved who have bien given up te dlu by mends and physicians. ITice 1.2. bend ler Illustrated Pamplilet HUNT'S EEMEDY CO., l'rovldenco, 11. 1, 801,1) BY ALL OHUUOISTB. y8Tu,TbASAw3 A OHKAT .HUOOB83. HOP PLASTER. This porous plaster Is lameiis for Us quick and linn ty action In curlim ijiuie llaclt, llhou llheu miitlsni, Sclatlctv Crick tn the Hack, blde and Hip, MuuralKla,SUtl Joints and Muscleu, Sere Chern, l utney Troubles and all pains eraches oither local or dceiVBt-aUxl. It poethoa, etrent hens and Stimulates the parta. The vlrtues et hops comblned with (rums-clean and ready te apply, auixjrler te liniments, lotions and salvi-s. Prlie, ! cents or ft ler ll.O). Sold by itriiintlfts and country stores. Itallwl en receipt el prices. Hep Master Com pany, Proprietors, llosten, Mass. A GREAT SUCCESS. -Tlie best tumllv pill inadn-Hawley's Stomach and Liver 1'llls. i5c. l'leaeiint In action and easy te take nevsMydAw (1) U8B MILLER'S co u an syrup. IT 13 THK BEST. 0pl7 Ciniliw A r ILL. hat Black Liniment, Is a new combination scluntlucaliy and prae ttcttlly couipnunded. and contains the liKsT known HiKredleiiU for the euro et KI1KUMAT18M. NKUUALUIA, HKADAC11K. Tes'TIU JHK, IIOl Li V.UIIU.NULES, Stiff Neck, I'aln In the Sides, .ack or Leins, Cut, llrutu" or Hums, Lainences, Swelttnir et the Joints, And (ienurul UwollliiKpreitucodby lthoumalle atlectlnns. Kuntl9li and (Juri-nu directions. 17 ( GII.VVM lil'f.DIKIO RlKUIUlNK-.TUE Ureat Knutllsh llemcdy. An uutalllDK euro (or liupetuncy. ami ah Dlfteases that fel. low Less et ilomery, Unlversal I assliude, l'uln in the Hack, Dimness et Vision, Prema ture Old Age, and many ether dlseascs that IiaiI te lima lty or Consumption and a fre lr.Hluru l.ruve. Full particulars In our pam phlet, which wodcslre te send fioe by mall te every ene. The Spcclllc Medicine is sold by alldriiKKlstsat tl per package, or six pack pack hres ter te, or will tie dent free my mall an the receipt et the addressing the agent. 11. II. COulIKAN, DruRUlHt, Nen. 137 and UJ North yueen btreet, Lancas ter, fa. n account of countertells, we have adeptad the Yellow Wrapper t the only gonulue. THK OKAY MKDIulNt CO., Uullale. N. T. M Its. KMUMT'S Seething Syrup IS DECIDEDLY THE BE3T PUEI'AUATION rOlt THE I'LAINTSOr C1ULDHKN. S17-fmdw COM. U1 815 DR. BITNER'S LAXATIVE POWDER, reit tub oena or COSTIVENES8, KEVKU3 TOKriDITY Ol THE LIVKIt AND BOWELS. ACIDITY Of THE STOMACH. EllUCTA- tiens mavai'HA. It Is a mild LAXATIVE, producing no In convenience an.) devoid el the harshness usually produced by HILLS, and can be takeu In all soeaons et the year. 44-11 Is pleasant te lake. Ask your dealer or It. eepU-tiiudAw OUT HUVlte. T AlMKt)' UUIAHS. WATT, Sill & CO., NCS. 8 & 10 BAST KING ST. Invite the special attention et Ladles te the popular garments et thofcceson, NEWMARKET COATS. RUSSIAN CIRCULARS. SEAL PLUSH COATS. WALKING JACKETS. In all the newest styles and shapes at popu lar pi Ices. SPKCIAL UAKQAINS IN SILK PLUSH COATS, FULLLKNGTH, $23 KACH. Upwards of Twenty Styles In HOYS', aillLS' and MISS Eb' Coats and Havelecks, Frem 1 te in years at very Reasonable Prices l.oce DOZEN LADIES', OENTLEMhN'S and OllILDHK.N'3 Merine Underwear In AU sizes and Qualities at l'rlce te Suit inu -limes uime MT?A7 VfDlf CTfYDl? that it bad grown te large dimension in llJCsYY IUIvJV iOlUllj,lhoriteuiachaudwasthocauwother III- PA.. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1884. TEE TOBACCO MARKET. a veuv uvlv WKte'itH tkadinu. Political Uxrlipment Oceupl tn Time or Uealrr as Wall aa el Other People New Yerk and i'hlUdelphia inarksts. The tobacco ttade all ever the country ban been almost at a stand still during the woek, tbe Intotise oielterneut DttendlD(j the cloBely contestod presidential clcotieu oceupylug tbe tlieuffhtR of every one aud nllewltiR no tlrae for trade. Tbe home market has been dull, only a row hundred caees el leaf having ebanged hands during the vreek, and even the farmers bave been be much exercised about politics that they bave ueglecttd te strip tbe small per per por et tbeir crops that is fit for stripping. NEW YOIIK JIAltrET. The Tdbuce Leaf thus eummarlzes tbe market in New Yerk : Western Leaf This has been a dull week In commercial and manufacturing circles ; and no wonder, considering tbe attention paid te politics te tbe exclusion of trade. Tuero has been inquiry for Western leaf by Ilsie buyers and tbe regular trade, including manufacturers, aud sorae fair cales were elToetcd ; hew many wu cannot far. Virgiula Leaf Very littla was dene in Virginia leaf the past week. Some few bright cutters were sold at 30 te 85c, aud a few hogsheads of expert leaf at 10 te ISc. Spanish Havana fillers In very moderate demaud : sales 800 bales at 80 te ei la. Sumatin 100 bale Eceuipris? the transac tiens ; prices $1 u0 te 91 Oi ; Sumatra wrnppers, 81.1)0 te 81.00. Plug The demand was en the usual weekly kind, but the transfers did net aggregate a large amount for tbe two fold reaseu that it was election week aud trade is inherently dull. The experts for tbe week were 211,870 pounds. Smoking Thore was a geed inquiry for smeklDg tobacco throughout the week, that mild stimulant being wanted by nvorybedy interested in politics te ropress doubt and Inspire hope Cigars The business of the week, as well as the month, in cigars was fully up te the average high standard, dans' weekly nr.reHT. Sales of seed leaf tobacco reported for the iNTr.LLiecKCcn by J. 8 Cans' Sen & Ce., tobaeco brokers, Ne. 131 Water street, New Yerk, for the week ending Nev. 3. 200 03;cs 18S3 Pennsylvania 0llje ; 180 cases 1SS1 de Senile ; 165 cases 1833 New England, 12(71)34(3 ; 103 ewes 18SJ Little Dutch, p. t. ; 112 cises 18S3 Ohie OJe ; 150 casrs stiudrles 0(3,38e ; total 909 OdSCS. I Ilammnrhteiu, of the Tobalee Journal, s,i)s : "During the week business was virtually suspended, nod thalrjde had no inclination te pay attention, te anythtug else but politics. Neither did 1.' lie even neglocted te open his tobaceo ex ex aliaege, about whieU. he has se long breu talkiug se much, but g V(8 bis readers the following Interesting articles en the oinditieu of the betting matket : " The exeitemetit of the election brought evety attempt at the leaf market te it dead step, and in the turmoil that reigned supreme, tbe l.tte vicissitudes of tbe market were forgotten and the chances of both candidates were debated en nil sides with vigor, often running Inte threatening vehemence. The leaf market is ever whelmingly Democratic ; both of the pa ades held show this conclusively. Nevertheless the Republican element managed te kcep in tbe foreground by showing a plucky defense for tbeir c.mdt. date at all gatherings of members of tbe trade, and betting en the general result waB indulged in te a surprisingly large ex tent, especially when the oensorvatlvo notions of the leaf trade in general are taken into consideration. The bets made were for large amounts in many instance?, though as a whole, they ran from "a llve dollar bill or u tiilk hat up te ten and twenty five dollars. The largest betu'vrere made by Mr. M. Stachelberg, the elgar mantilaeturer, whose enthusiasm for aud conildence in Cleveland induced him net alene te participate in both of the leaf trade parades, but who staked nearly (1,000 en his favorite. I. lien, who is rendy te sacrifice his head ter Illalue at any time, and who, weeks age, oame near making a dinner of Jimmy Ertbeiler, an out-and-out Democrat, bes 2500 00 tbe general result. C. F. Tag has about $400 en Cleveland ; Vigelius staked about (400 en Blaine ; Jake Uullman has (250 en Blaine ; Leep. Cehn has. (300 en Cleve land ; Hammeistein, of thn U. 8. Tobacco Journal has (1G5 en Clovelaud ; J. Hod Hed man has 8250 en Cleveland ; Q. Jl.ijer has (100 en Cleveland ; Fred Oppeuheitner has nbeut (100 ou Blaine ; Weil, of Sahwarz & Weil, has $100 en Blaine ; members of Lozane, Fondas & Ce., risk about (350 en Blaine ; A Lautcrbaek has $75 en Blaine ; Held, of Spear & Held, has (5 en Blaine ; Morten, of Vegar, Morten & Ce., runs in with $250 en Cleveland ; Aaren, of Well & Ce , has (300 en Cleveland ; Abe Cehn has (100 en Cleveland ; J. Cullman has (23 en Cleveland ; ltosenbaum, jr has (75 en Cleveland ; Aaren Behubart has (80 en Clovelaud ; Ueess, of Frieohen & Kefsn, has (75 en Cleveland. Silk hats aud (5 bets abound." rillLADELFUIA MAHHET. The Philadelphia leaf trade is thus stated : Fine cuts are bought and sold in full sympathy with hard tobacco. Smoking Sales have been very meagre except for low grades, which shows an iuoreaso. Cigars As a general thing this braneb for the trade has been brisk for a long time especially for reliable stoek, but the past week the general dullness has te some extent effected tbe cigar interest, bunce a falling off of orders is notieoablo. Snuff An ordinary trade is claimed. Receipts for the woek 1,241 boxes, 1,118 caddies, 1,373 cases and 118 pails of flne cut. Exported Manufactured Tobaceo Te Liverpool, per steamer Indiana, 18,000 lbs. ; total, 10.292 Iba. Seed Leaf Handlers of dear leaf have found busiaebs very quiet the past week ; but few goods bave been sold. One let of 150 eases '83 Pennsylvania was shipped this week West ; tbe balance of business confined te smaller purehases. Desirable seconds bave beoeme exceed ingly scarce, while reliable old fillers are rapidly outerlug into consumption. Deal ers de net speak encouragingly of business prospects, Sumatra baa been bandied te a limited extent. Havana, as usual, still tied) favor If quality is shown, tm m A. i'atlent Advlted tu Vail, Mrs. E. M. Estabrook, or Elmira, N. Y has becu ill for several mouths with a disease that has pnzrled tbe pliysieiau. A fortnight age she called in Alfred Qillett, who styles himself a olairveyant physleian and saya that be aeu iu diseases through direct communication with spirits. Hit informed Mrs. Estabioek that sbe bad swallowed a snake three -rears aire. and ucss, lie said that the euly way she could be oured was for her net te eat or drink anything until tbe snake becoming hungry and thirsty, crawled from ber mouth in fleareh of nourishment, whieb it would surely de. Beth Mrs. Estabrook aud ber husband bad faith in QUIett's statement, and for thirteen days Mrs, Estabrook allewed neither victuals nor drink te pass ber mouth. At the end of that time, en Tuesday last, she was 00m 00m bellcd te take nourishment te sare her life. She Is new en the third day of a BPoend fast, nud friends, who Ieek upon Qlllett as an imposter, have interfurad te have his treatment brought te an end. If in no ether they will caute his arrest for practicing as n physician without a diploma or a licenie. A Hey WI111 ought te He Hull. lied. Patriek Mulvey, of Locust Summit, Penn., is 13 years old. Ou MenJay a pi ay ma te of his accidentally hit him ou the nose with a baseb ill bat. The blew broke his nose. On Tuesday, while play ing with his father's gun, it was dis charged and a lead el birdshet ledged in ene feet. On Weduchday bii mother left a set of falee teeth ou a stand within the boy's reach as he lay in bed aud went out of the room for a few mements. When sbe returned sbe found her son blaek in the face from suffocation, he having attempted te fit the teeth in his mouth aud they had Blipped into bis threat. lie was nearly dead befere tbey could be taken from his threat. On Thursday he was cuttlugan apple with a razor he discovered iu the stand drawer. The razor slipped through the apple and out oil the boy's thumb at tbe root of tbe nail On Friday his mother helped him into the kitchen uud placed him in a chair iu freut of the stove, A kettlu of boiling water stejd en the hearth. The boy upa t it in some way and tbe water was thrown ou his legs, sealding thorn from the knees down se that the skin peeled from thorn. This ex traerdinary eeriej of mishaps has left the boy seriously ill. I'ukrr la dlitsuuil. Frem IhoNew lerkSun. " I used te be fend of poker," he said, and the expression of his face became retrospective, " but since I get four aces downed out in Missoury, I hev' serter gi'n up playln' tbe game." " Your opponent had a sttaight flush, did he?" " Ne, be hed five jaeks." " That's impossible." " Stranger, hev you ever played poker in Missoury ?" "Ne, Bir." " Well, If you ever de set down iu a game euttbare, and n red eyed man whose olethos smell of cattle wbittles a corner off the table, and allows that he hcz tlve jacks, jest bunch your kiards in tbe pack and say, That's geed.' " Don't TrlUn With tne Teeth. If our Ueth were renewed as our nall, they mlKhtuotneeJ constant care llultcethdeu't upau themselves utter childhood 'lhe proper thing is te u SO.ODONT, which pro pre sen ob their health and beauty. It never falls. n11lwdeed&w 1110 iirbftllleu. The srunts of the Internal depart ment sometimes lobel, an I rnlse a riot LlTiTtcts torpid and sulkily refuses te so se so ciete uud dispose et tuu bile. Hletnach be bo be cernea uneasy and declines te digest. Heart ti-els slew aud wants te take a 11st, liloed grows yale and don't circulate llttlit Then read tne riot act and kIve u few doses et lliewn's lten liltler.i. Uloed inrlclnd makes heart work right ; and imp oed liver shakes hands with renovated steuiach. The rebellion U ever. Memorandum buy llrewn's Iren llltters. One dollar. I'estinaitrr tiumuM A. newltt, Of Monteroy, Mich., delivers himself In this wise: "Fer colds, bums, sere threat, and rheumatism, Themas' JCclectrta Oil cannot be beaten. 1 e ly keep It up te the standard, uud ltwlll satlsly the pneple. I shall send ler a hew supplv seen, ter sale by II U, Cochran, ilniKgbt, 137 and 131 North Queen street. Au Kultiir'a irioute. Theren I'. Kenter, editor et Ft. Way no, lnd., Qatetle, writes : ' for the riast llveyems have altta)s used Dr. Kind's New Discovery, ler co nu ha et most eer.j charncter, as well a ter these et a milder type. It uover tails te ettect a speedy euro, ily friends te whom I have ree inmended It speak et It in same IiIkIi terms llavlnn bi'in cured by It et every cough 1 have had ler live yetis, 1 consider ft the mils reliable HUH sure cuie ter Cuui;Iih, Colds, etc." Call ut Cochran's Diuu Stere, Nes. U7 and 119 North uu-n strput, Lancas ter, I'll., and get a tree lrlil Uettlu. Large Site, ll.ue. (2) linemen's arnica salve. The Hest Balve In thC'world.ter Cuts, Bruises, Seros, Ulcers, Malt ltheuin. Fever Seros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns.and all skin eruptions, uud positively cures Files, or no pay required. It Is guar anteed te give ported satisfaction or money refunded, l'rlce, ss cnU per box. Fer sale by 11. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and W) North Uueen street. Lancaster. I Vlu liverjuuuy iu Knew. Uev. Geerge 11. Thnyer. tin old citizen et this vicinity known te every ene ns a most lnUuentlal citizen aud christian minister et the M. K. church, lust this moment stepped In our store U say, " 1 wish everybedy te knew that 1 consider that both myrelt and wife ewo our lives te bhlleh's Consumption Cure." It Is having a troinendounsalo ever ourceuntors and Is giving perfect satisfaction in all cases et Luug Diseases, such as nothing else has dene. DltS. MATCHETT A fit AN UK. Hocrbeh. Ind., May 16, 'IS. Sold by II. I). Cochran, djugglst, Nes. 137 and I3vi North Queen street, Lancaster. tebl4oed4 All Aunilrett liandtieiiia tace, A pure, clear skin will make nny lucu hand geme Jlanltestly anything which stiengthens and enriches the blend will directly atlect the whole person. All eruptions el the skin dis appear when llvrdeck liloed Jllttert are em ployed, lhey are a vegetable lemudy el Iu Iu ustluiable value. Fer b.ile by II. I). CecDraii diugKtst, 137 aud U'J Mirlh Queen street. TUHAUVU AH It VIOAUH. S' 2IMOKB LAWN TENNIS -AND- RACQUET CIGARETTES, of straight cut tobacco, mild and el flne Uaver. It Is the lengest uml pronounced the beit Clcarette In the market. 49-TUY IT.t. Chewing and Smoking TOBACOO, Gigarsand Pipes, WHOLESALE AND UETAIL, -AT- H. L. Stehman & Ce., NO. 116 NORTH QUE1J1N ST. marSMvd LANCASTEH, PA. MILS. KNlUllT'3 SOOTHING SYRUP.. llT-CmdAw TVermef WarnlDK una Hern fort "It von nre sutTerlni from nnnr hnnllh nr languishing en a bed et sickness, take cheer 11 yuu uru simpiy aiung, or ir you 1001 weak and dispirited, without clearly know ing why. Hep llltters will surely euro you. II you are a minister, and have overtazod yourrelt with your pastoral duties, or amother worn out, with euro and work or a man et business or labor.weakened by the strain et your everyday duties, or a tiianet letters telling ever your midnight work Hep Hitters will most surely strengthen you. If you are sufTerlng from ovcr-eatlng or drinking, any Indiscretion or dissipation, or are young and growing loe last, as Is eften the case, " Or 11 you are In the workshop, en the farm, at the dek, anywhere, and reel that yenr system necda cleansing, ten. Ing, or stimulating, without Intoxica ting, 11 you are old, bleed thin and Impure, pulse foeblo, nerves unsteidy, ficullles waning, Hep ultters Is what you need te give you new llle, healtn and vigor." It you are costlve. or ilvsnontle or milTer- lng Irem any ether et t the numerous tlla- eases of the stomach or uowels, Ills your own fault 11 j ou remain 111. It you are wasting away with any Inrin et Kidney disease, step tempting death this mouieitt, ami turn ler u-cure te Hep Hitters It you are sick with that torrllile RlcKncss Nervousness, you will nnd a "Halmln OUead" In Hep Hitters. If you are a frequenter, or a resident of,' a miasmatic dwtrlct, birrlcade ye r sjs lent against the tceurge el all countries Malaria. Emdmile. Illlleusand Inter. mtttent Feyers by the use et Hep Ulttrs. If you have a rough, pimply, or sallow Bkln, bulbreath, Hed Ultters will gtvoyeu fair skin, 1 Ich bioed, the sweetest bteath nnd health, fs 0 ill he paid lera case they will net euro or help. A Lady's Wish. "Oh, hew 1 wish my skin was as clenr nnd selt as yours," said a lady te her lrlcnd. "Yeu can easily make It se " answered the friend. "Hew 7" Inquired the llrBt liuly. "By using Hep Hitters that makes pute, rich bleed and blooming heilth, It did It ter me, as you observe." J-None genuine without a bunch el grcen Heps en the white label. Shuu all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hep" or "Heps" In their name " eJ3 lmdTu.TlutS UATts AM) VA-Ta. s irr Ani) son uars. SHULTZ'S Only Hat Stere. We are new prepared te show you the most completo line et SOFT AND STIFF HATS Of the most approved styles ever oflered In the city ler young men. Being In constant communication with the leading manufacturers or NEW YOKK and PHILADELPHIA, we cau guarantce our styles te be as represented, and will wager that thore Is no uealer In the oily who will give you better and lower prices. 49rCall and examlue our stock, which Is all new and handsome, AT 144 North Queen Street, (QUNDAKEU'S OLD STAND.) mam-dAw w.u , bTaUi'ifr.K. JOHN 3IDK-J FUEE t FltEEt FHEE1 Grand Exhibition et Hats, Caps, Gloves and Furs, AT THK People's Hat Stere, N03.31AND33 NOllTU QUEKN HTUEET Can be seen at any time the 11 nest assortment et fashionable Derby, blank and brown, all the latest blocks. Flexer and full stilt. The TPKlt SQUAItK DOWN, the very latest this season. Nutria, sett felt, rough and ready crmli Hats, and all that Is new aud novel for both young and old. A specialty et bCHOOL HATS and OATS. Our Fur Department em braces everything In the line el beul Coats. Seal Caps eal Cellars and Muffs, f-eal Uleves, Heaver Uleves, Capes, Mulls and Mulllurs Alse, a flne asserted stock el less expensive. 'uis, HUlUible ler everybedy FUU TKIM MINUS et all kinds Beaver, Chinchilla, Ceney Urey Fex, Ac. Don't Ferget "The Ureat Mark Down :" Uoed Uats ter men as low as IV: t Uoed Scheel caps as low as 10c. We mean te show our customers we can glve thorn the best goods for lhe least mouey. Call and be convinced. W. D, STAUFPER & CO., (Shultz's Old Htnnd.) N03. 81 A 3JNOUTH QUKEN 8THEET, Lancaster, l'a. mylO-ly VAUl'KXH. lMTAIILlHUEU 18BO. CARPETS -AT- Philip Schum, Sen & Ge's 10U BUUTxl YVAiJll Blllt-til', LANCA8TKU,l'A. We have a full supply et UAO AND FILL- INU CAltl'KTS we only use me best el yarns, if von want a geed, serviceable- Carpet, nleaau come and examlue our stock heletu purchasing elsewhere, a we will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Ceine and eoe loryeursolf and becenvlncetl, as we always have the reputa tion el making flrst-ehus Corpets. CUSTOM HAQ CAKI'ETS ASl'ECIALlYI COVEKLKTS. COUNTKlll'ANES, ULAN- KKT8, CAUFET CHAIN, BTOCli- INU YAUN, Aa Dyeing Dene In all Its branches at short no tice. COAL I COAL I Ot the b08t;quallty, expressly xer family use. THY A SAMPLE TON. HEMKMUEKTHE OLD STAND. PHUilP SCUUM, SON & C0U NO. 150 HOUTU WATEU BTBEET, IMmi f.KO8TKB, I'A. 1IV1LU1MU XATJBItlAH. "iikmevai. UAVINQ HKUOVED MY PLANING MILL -TO- Nos.-illte 417 N. Mulberry St., And increased my facilities ter work, lam new prepared te de all kinds et work in my lue at shortest notlee. aie-smd -Wm Wehlsen. Auvriuncctt jau iusi&TA. AUENT. HENRY SHDBERT. AUCTIONKEU AND BEAL ESTATE AUENT, 61 North Duke St., JLanoaater, Pa. Everything iertalnlng te my business will roeelve my personal att,euUeu.tTenns ruaseD able.. UlvOBOcU, ,Hal-Ud PrijTweCrrt.a ncnrtirwH, We have heard of Clothing given away, that Is, thrown into aptomiscueuB crowd as nn ad vertiBing dodge. The next thing te giving them away ia te sell them at the low prices we are new selling them. Men's O001I, Warm Uvcrcea'p, . s OO Men's Uoed Fur ilea vr O vet euitr, SIS 03 aleu's Streng cats. Hull, - . It 10.0(1 Fer the mere fastidious we have Suits and Overceatd up te $35.00 and $40.00. A. C. YATES & CO., (502. G01, COG, CHESTNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA sMmd Tallin MAN'3. "MIGHTY NICE." OUtt STOCK OF NECKTIES, DRESS SHIRTS, OOLti AR3, OUFPS SUSrENDERS, 8TOCKIN03 AND UNDERWEAR. AT EEISMAN'S, Ne. 17 Weat King Street. TJKBlOVAL. ANU Ol'ISMiriM LAKCAimcR, l'a., Sept. 10, IS8L I desire te make known te my friends and customers, and the publle In general, that I have romevod from 23 North Qunen street te 121 North yuoeu street, anrerly oceuplod by tbe firm of Sniallu .t llaus. man, where I have epened wltl . large as as sertment or English, Frenc-i. uud Uerrnau Novelties, together with n large line of Demestic Fabrics. Composed as my new stock Is, of new goods and new styles, I tool assured that Ip soliciting a centlnu ancoet your patronage, you will have an opportunity of making selections from a stock unequalled In Ha variety and adapt ed te thBTircsent demand, -which" l3ter" geed value, gentlemanly styles and effects, and exquisite fit. Nothing but the very best el workmanship) and prices te suit everybody. 1'Ioaee favor uie with your orders. Yours very truly, D. B. WINTERS. X liAHT. Election days at last arc ever, And the country's sale from harm, II rer lllalne or It ter Urever, All men want goof clothes, and warm THe Placa te Get Geea niellies -13 AT- Burger & Sutten's - Merchant Tailoring and Clothing Stere, "M NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, l'A. Piece Goods and iloady ileady Made Clothing IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. CALL AT ONCE AT THE tan Bargain Stere, Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. SOUTHEAST ANGLE. febf-'.vd s I'tSUIALiMUTlUK. NEW LINE -or- WHICH WE WILL MEASUltE TO YOUU At SurprUlnL'ly Lew Prices. Among thorn are soiiie very flne Corkscrew Weisteds, In four shades, ilne lunierteil Casslmhrcg, ditlemnt colors. Stylish Fluid Suitings ana I'anUUoeulngs. OVERCOATINGS In all the Popular Materials, Shades, Quill, tics, and at prices which cannot be equalled ter chtapness. Alse 2,000- Overcoats-2,000. -reu- MKN, YOUTHS. BOY and CHILDUKN, fscm SI.V3 te -S OO. Extraordinary Uargalnsln UN3EUCL0TU. INU. UNDEUWEAUttSLewa J Cents. HIESH & BROTHER. ceunkb or CENT3K S0UAUK MOUTU yUBICJt.UT. t LAHCASTI,FA. X iWjl A8S . &$ 11HB Wi J&' & T..if m,n m m .M. 9& K, m ' m W Wk ii 'iM m fS jA't .irvi -; 3 4.' f k. .1 vAt- S.v . f i l lrft4 i.'lt-.-.. - VJfA" K-A