z Emtfti: 1 TV Telnme XXl-Ne. GO. LANCASTER, PA.. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1884. Price Tim Ceatg. ?V ty vTABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsswlBBSBBMa s?bbbbbbbbY bbb -j tw i bwhh HTPTaHBeOLsiiTTT i?i i r nr rir sr.rv' Zl MJiflMMRlfJMKrJSgi ,11 I lyjl y M. E. I .11 I.I II t. J " " "' - - -' J,f. H. L 1 t I : . . tstu tll.OtJKB, WATcnica, P. 11 ItllOAOI. NOVELTIES ! Graphoscepos, Monocles and Magic Mirrors in Walnut, Ebony and Olive Weed. Achromatic Binocular Opera Glasses, direct importation from Lcmaire, Paris, in Pearl, Alligator and Morocco. Alse French Carriage Clocks, Diamonds and Fine Watches. H. Z. RHOADS, Lancaster, Pa. uux uuuita. G"-' AIM ANl HIIAWLU. LADIES' COATS AT IMCetzger & JETaAighmaii's Newmarkets, Russian Circulars, Delmans and Jackets. CHILDRENS' COATS, for Fall and Winter. Our Assortment of CeMs ter Ladles anil Children was uiadoexprcsjly ler us by the best makers ut New l erlt mut 1'hllntlelpblu, ana am very clasp. METZGER&llAUGHMAN'S CHEAP STORE 43 West King Street, (lirtwieu the Cooper Heme ami Serrel llersu nevl-lju.tw STOVES, 11KATXUH, ,tC. s TOVU3. mm mm f AlUUfaUUj A.UAAUA ' N UKKAT VAKIKTV AND AT PBICE8 TO 8UIT EVEUYIIODY. K '.ALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THK Dual Draft Deuble Heater, t nw Slove el imtlii'ly iiovel construction and design, strictly dewn-drart, perfect coin cein lnntnii, e iniiet emit gas or smoke because It consumes all tlie gasses nml smeku, dopeslts n root in tlie pIpeH or llue-j, has no grate or llru pet te burn out, requires less attention tn tt any otlier aiore, li uniter perfect control anil IB clean, powerful anil economical. Aii-)le Pleasant Heme and White Star Parler Heater, NEW, BEAUTIFUL ANI IN EVEKY KESPECT FIItST-CLASS. Albien and Indies' Pritle Cook Stores. Conqneror Cellar Heater, With KI.EcriUU UKOULATOIl te control tlie tire, which can be set te any degroe el beat desired, nml reculutej ilie J inner automatically. AH stovej me i;uaruiiUt 1 te gle satisfaction nml lloaters pet up by first class work' uien. GEO. M. STEINMAN & CO., Nes. 25 and 28 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. eJluldW&SAImw vam-mtb, jce. D" l.'d U.Ull'KT MALI,, B AUG AXNS 1 -AT SHIRK'S OAEPET HALL. Selling Off te Clese Biwiness. Everything Mast Positively fee Sold. A Full Lliinef neiiY HlllJSSKLq.TAPESTUY, and All UraUes of 1NQ11AIN CAKPKTS ;e8, ItLAItKLTS.UOVrHLUTSandOlI. CLOTII. nuefl, C3T ALL AT A at Prompt attoutlen glVbii te Uie Manufacture of Kac Carpets te erdei, -AT- SHIRK'S CAEPET HALL, DOR, W. KING AMD WATER BXS InlSlZ-lmCltm WINES AN S. OLAY ,ui , Wines, Brailies, Gins, Old Rye Wniskies, U Ne. X PENN SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. OAltPJil VLKANINU. CPKOIAI WOTICK. GET YOUR JARPETS CLEANED -ATTUE- Carpels tlear.ii'l ami ilellvuriMl same day. C irpeU snuiautuetl against Injury. Carpets thoroughly cleaned and renovated, THK ONI,T WAY TO HAVK OarpetB Thoroughly Gleaned -AND- MOTHS DESTROYED. If your cnriHi matter hew old e. s tnlured In any way, no vern, we will replace It Ua most delluutelabrlca can wtth nnuwnnu. be run tureuKli tlie jiuclilnu without Injury, Ofi'lUEAND WOHK9W1T1I Lancaster Organ Factory, COK. CUUUCII AND DUKE STB. arTlephone connection. ectl8-tfd AMUMSaiJiNTlt 3? ?UJ( TlUSUUEAlMUjr UNION HAUDWAUE CO.'S Rink Eeller Skates IH LANCASTEIt, 00 TO MARTIN RUDY, niaue i?n.5ler 1" IMcycleu, Tricycles, Etc, .X) Il.SUOIItJ NO. 9 KA3T KINOSTUEET. lovele HlJlntt Bchoel. 81 W. Cor. Centra r "-3 ..... .yi.... ...1. - -i ..- I HUH 1TVSV Bi"lIH5t es-tiaA Ne. 4 W. King St. Hetel,) LANCASTEU, PA. VTOVK9. mm. xauuivau, BARGAINS ! 8A0RJFI0K. - a LANOASTBR, PA 11 LIU WHS. MILLBE, IIUOKa AMU HTATlOMMitr tjuuucjii ueukd. SCHOOL BOOKS TO I1ETAIL 11UYEUB AT THK Se-Oalled Wholesale Prices TO AVHOLESALE BUYERS, AT LIllEUAL DISCOUNTS. AT THE ltOOKBTOUK OP JOm BIER'S SOIS, 16 and 17 North Queen St ,, LANCABTKO. PA. HOUTB ANU HHUtCB. 1UOT8 AMU SU0K3, WM. H. GAST Ne, 105 North Queen Street, BOOTS AND SHOES VOltlALL AND WINTER. We are well prepared with a full stock of Heavy and Medium Werk Werk ler Celd Wuathnr 1 also a lull line of ltubucrs. Notwithstanding the toot that all of the work exhibited at the lata fair in competition wiiu euru, was uiieeteu in new lorranueiso lerranueiso lorranueise where, our own manutacture el Heets and Shoes was awarded the TWO HIGHEST PREMIUM3. 3-Customerg can rely upon getting suit such work as we exhibited. Olve us a call Prices, guaranteed te be as low as any In the eny. U1MIUUW miiineAMi. Nu uiiuitT ttr that nKNnuri'n Capclne I'Uster. are clean, reliable, nulek-actlng and highly medlclnal."-Dr. II. V. riowers. CLTKUEUM, SALT RHEUM. And Every Speeiea of Itching and Burning Diseases Posi tively Cured. E aZKH A, or Bait Rheum, with Its agenlxlnR I Itchlnit and burnlnir. Instantlv riilimrmi by a warm bath wlthfuncuaA Seap, and a sin. Kle application of Cuticura, the great akin Cure. This repeated dally, with two or three ,'00.!,0' C'ctieura. Hkheltirt, the New Illoed 1 utlller. te keep the bloeil cool, the porsplra persplra t en pure and unlrrltallnfr, the bowels open, the llvtrand kldneysaotlve.wlUspeodlly euro Kcteina, Tctter. lilnuwurm. Psoriasis, Lichen Pruritus, bcnllwl Head, UandrntT, and every spoehspf Jtchlnp, Scaly, and Pimply Humors el the Scalp and Skin, when the bust physi cian, and all known remedles tail. Will McDonald, SSI1 Dearborn SL, Chicago, Kratclully acknowledges a cure of Bait Itheuui en head, ncek, face, arms and Ickh ter nnvnn' teen years: netable te walk ezcenten hands and knees for one year ; net able te heln him. self ler eight years t tried hundreds el rome reme rome dlesi ilecti.te pronounced his caee hopeless i iMiriiianently cured liy Cutietjba Keselvkrt (bleixl purltler) Internally, and CtrnunA and CCTiemiA BeAr (the great skin euros) exter, nauy. Chas. Houghten, esq., lawyer. 28 BtateBt., Bosten, reperu a case of Salt ltbeum under nls observation ler ten years, which covered the patient's body and limb-i, and te which all known methods el treatment had been ap plied without benefit, which was completely cured by the Cuticura Ukxsuib), leavlue a clean and henlthy Bkln. T. II. Drake, esq., Detroit, Hlch., sunenu untold terturts from Salt ltbeuin, which ap peared en his hands, head and luce, and nearly destroyed his eyes. Alter the most caretul doctoring and a consultation et physicians failed te relieve blm, he used the Cctiwjra Ukmidiu, and was cured, and has remained otedalo. Mr. Jehn Thlnl. Wllknittlflrrn tA wtllnai i I have sultered from Salt Kheum ler ever I eight years, at tlmes se bad that I could netl nttene te tnv business ler wpii t mime Three boxes et cvtIcura, and leni bottles Uk- I belt.ht, havcntlreiy cured me of this dread till illRHiun. Beld by all druggists. Prlces CuncvsA, Met Hmelveht, tl.OOt BeAr. 24 cents. Perna Daue ahd cubkical Ce., llosten, Mass, Hand far " Mew te (Jure Bkln UlNMti." CTITTC.7,B BOAl'' AnoxqutslteTeUot - llath. and NnranrvRnnnllirc. llatb, and Nursery Sanative. ri'UE UUTIUOKA HCHEU1KU FOK HA1.K JL at Cochran's Drug Btore, 187 and 1S9 North Queen strwjt, Jancaster, Pa. CATARRH. The Great llalsamlc DlsUliatlen et Witch Hazel, American Pine, Canada rir. Marigold, Ulever Ulossems, etc, called BANreUD'B UADlCAb UUKK. ter the Immediate relief and permanent euro et every lerm et Catarrh, trem a slmple Celd In the bead te Less el Smell, laste and Hearing, Cough nml Ca tarrhal Consumption. Coin pinto treatment, consisting et one bottle lladlcal Cum, ene box Catarrhal Solvent and one Improved In haler, In ene package, may new be had et all druggists ter Sl.OU. Ask for bANrOUD'S HAD1UAI. CUUK. Complete Treatment, with Inhaler, $1. " a ne only ahtolute speclflc we knew et." ifed. Timet. " The beat we have teund In a liretlme et Bullerlng." Rev. Dr. Wiegin, not ion. " After a long struggle with Caturrh the 11ADICAL Cult, bes oennuered." Rev. H. It'. Menree, Lewitbutgh, la. 'l liave net leund a case that It did net relieve at ence." tndru Let, ilanahttler, Malt. Pettkr Dnue akd chbkieal Ce., IJosten. OAWHKOtlU-8 ItADlOALUUltEFOltMALE O at Cochran's Drug Stere, Ne. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Lancaster. Pa. COLL1NB' VOLTAIC KLXCTltlC PLABTKU8. rer me roller and prevention, the instant it Is applied, or Kheumutlsm, Neuralgia, Sciat ica, Coughs, Celd, H wile Hack, btemach and llowels.Hheotlng Pains, Numbness, Hysteria, einule Pains. Palpitation, Dyspepsia, Llvr Complaint, llllieus Kever, Malaria und Kpl UenilcB. usu Cellins' Plasters (an Klnctrle Hut tery combtned with a Pereus Plaster) and luughatpaln. 25c everywhere. nevl-lydW.8 Aw nilEAT INDIAN MKUIOINIS, KA-TON-KA, THE GREAT INDIAN MBDIOINB. -rOUTHE Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. It Is made by the Indians, Used by the Indians, Sold by the Indians, it is rureiy vegetauie. It surely cures all diseases el the Stomach. I.lver, iiowelsaudlilood. ltlsolmestaspeclno for all forms et liheumallsm. It will euro disease when all ether remedies have failed. Directions are plainly printed en every bot tle All tribes et Indians have their mcdletncs, but Ka-Ten-Ka Is a remedy of the I'aelfle Coast, and Is used by all. It Is composed et roots, herbs and harks gathered and prepared by the Warm fc'iirirg Indians or Oregon, And Is favorably known and used In all narta et the world. 'Xbe sick or oiling should net ueiay us use. it win prevent as wen as cure disease. Its price Is ene dollar nor bettle. or six bottles for Ave dollars, Abk for It and see that you get It, It Is for sale by all Druggists, and by the OUKUON INDIAN MEufclNK cuiirAS x, cerry, ra. Medoc Indian Oil THE QKKATEST PAIN HED1CIN fc KAKTH. IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOU INDIAN OIL Is certain te cure Toothache tn one minute, Headache In five minutes. Earache In ten minutes, Sere Threat In ene night. Neuralgia lu three te nve min utes. MODOU INDIAN OIL Is used Internally as well as externally. Every family should have a bottle within reach. It Is a doctor In the beuse. Fer sale by all Druggists. Price 230. per bettle. Large size bottles, tee. INDIAN COUUU BVUUP Is a prompt specific ler Coughs, Colds and Lung illneutea. doc. per bottle. Kit-ten ka, Meneo li nor bottle. Kit-ten ka. Modea Indian Oil andlndlau Cough syrup for sale (wholesale und retail) at Cochran's Drug store, Ne, 137 and 13J North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. mS-lydWASAw sit noun ur.tL.r.n run DR. IIITNEK'B PILE CURE. It 1 an Elegant and EffesUve Preparation. 17-emiiw GtlAJCS BPKUIiriO HKDIUlrlK TUB Ureat English Uemedy. An untatling enre for Impotency, and all Diseases that fol fel low Less et Memery. Universal Lassitude, Pain In the Back, Dimness et Vision, Prema tura Old Age, and many ethor diseases that lead te Insanity or consumption and a Pre mature Grave. Full particulars In our pam phlet, which we deslre te send free by mall te every one. The Speclne Medicine is sold by all drngglsts at II per package, or six pack ages ter 13, or will be sent free my mail en the receipt 01 the meney.by addressing the agent, II. B. COUHUAN, Druggist, Nen. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancas ter. Pa. im account of ceuntertelts, we have adopted tha Yellow Wrapper 1 the only genuine. THE QUAY MEDICINE CO., Buffalo. N.Y. (WHKHtlir ALL STYLES ANU AT AMU U flit as iew as ine lowest, at JlAUTMAN'S YELLOW 1TB.ONT CIQAR STOKE. DEMOCRACY'S FUTURE. HOW TUB PART OAK Keep POWF.K, UUviltna Will Adh.re te ih. Ucnlaratlea el i-rlnclplM IM& llewn Id th. i'l.t. form and Lead HU Party. from the Philadelphia Kvenlng Telogrephi November 7. The utmost quiet rolgne 1 evor the Load Lead quarters of the Demoeratto etate oem mlttee In Guy's hotel this raornlefr, and a straugcr would net have known that the party had just come out el the great tight with colors flying. Save (or the prescuce of a few atragglers the outer room was deserted. Iu the inner room sat Chairman IIcdsdI. Lettors and telegrams lay en the tahle befere him Pens and ponells wero eeattered about in careless oenfuslon lilts of letteie, Boiled envelopes, and tern newspapers littored the fleer. A. knock was heard at the deer and a messenger entered. A dispatch was banded te the chairman. He tere open the envelepe with his wonted energy, read the dispatch, threw it en the table, and resumed the task of paokieg his satebel: which bed been interrupted by the arrival of the messenger. "Yeu bee me paeking np," he said. "I'm going home as seen as I eau get ready, probably te night. I'm net sur prised at these dispatches. I think we have wen the fight. I don't expect the Republicans te elaim it any longer. The Western Union Telegraph company and the Associated Press were their mainstays and new that the; are coming around, there will be no continuance of the claim. They may perhaps oentinuu te claim Mr. Blaine's election until Saturday night, but have then te give it up. "The returns," continued the euatrman, "indicate very plainly that there has been a complete breaking down of party lines. A vast number of men bave out loose from party affiliations. Tbat circumstance and the laek of any leading question en whieh the Parties differ materially will lead te a va.d nnnanrvAttlrn nntlfltr nn tllA 11lrt (tf tltA innnmlnir n.lmlnUtmtirm If. will hn a. aifn l"0,0"1 K. ,uL ' VL,nC if u Jil r.nn and wise polley. 1 think It is very for tun. ate for the country that thore are se many eminent Democrats who have the utmost coeildoDcu of the publie and of the commercial interests of the oeuntry. There are great moral and material issues te be met and settled, and Cleveland can easily summon around him a cabinet fit te grapple with thorn. The revision of the tariff, the abandonment of the centralizing methods of Republicanism, and the adjustment of oerporato and popular rights are soma of these. The Democratic national platform is plain en all these, and te its declarations the Demoeratioadmlnistration will adhere Whoever wants te knew what the party policy will be can And it laid down there, "These are spme of the great issuts te be met, as laid down in the platform : "The Domeoraoy pledges itself te purily the administration from corruption, te restore eoenomy, te rovlve rospeet for law, and te reduce taxation te the lowest limit consistent with due regard te the preser vation of the faith of the nation te its orcditers and pensioners. The Demoeratto party is pledged te rovise the tariff in a Bpirit of fairness te all intorests Iu niak ing reduction in taxes it is net proposed te injure auy domestic industries, but rather te promote thelr healthy growth. Frem fliA fnnmlallnn rt llilu irnUArnmHtit tilYAtt oelleoted at the custom heuse bavn been I tne cniet source 01 leuerat revenue, eucu they must oentinue te be. Moroever many industries have te rely en legislation for a successful oeutinuauce, be that any ohange el law must be at every step regardful of the labor and capital thus involved. The process of referm must be subjoet in the exeoutlen te this plain diotate of justioe. All taxation shall be limited te the require ments of economical government. The noeesBary reduotlen in taxation can and must be effeetcd without depriving Ameri can labor of the ability te cempete sua cessfully with foreign labor, and without imposing lewer rates of duty than will be arap'e te cover any inereased cost of production whieh may exist in oensequonoo of the hlgher rate of wages p evaliing in turn country. The federal government should oare for and improve the Mississippi river and ether great waterways of the republic, se as te secure for the interior etntes easy and cheap transportation te tidowater. Under a long period of Democratic rule and policy, ear merchant marine was fast over taking and en the point of outstripping that of Qreat Britain, Under twenty yeata of Republican rule and poliey, our cemmerce has been left te British bottoms, and almost has the Anierieau flag been swept from oil the high seas." "What will be the effoet of Cleveland's election en the business interests of the oeuntry." " I presume a few piule-stricken and light headed Republicans who think the day of judgment has come will try te force a severer fluanelal and business stringency than they have already im pressed upon the oeuntry. But very seen a greater degree of publie oeufldonce will come te prevail, More conservative and less speculative business metheds will oemo into vogue. The dead weed will be burned out and the driftwood be floated off, but the country and all legitimate business enterprise will enter upon a new career 01 permaucm prosperity. ouuie balloons will be exploded and some kite flyers be wrecked, but all solid commeroial interests will find relief " "Regarding the l'acifie railroads and ether corporations ?" "On that point I have no doubt. I think that the great Paoifie railroads and ether corporations will be oempellod te meet their just obligations te the general government." "Yeu think then tbat Cleveland's administration will bring about a period of permanent prosperity and warrant a continuance of Democratie rule ?" "I de. I think that Cleveland's ad ministration will be baneQeial te the business interests of the oeuntry. I thick values will no Uxed and that lnoreased Srosperlty will fellow. The poliey of the lomeoraoy is a wise one. Cleveland will adhere te that poliey as laid down in the platform, and the result will justify a continuance ei Democratic rule." UniUNOLlH UKATU-SONQ. A Touenlng Beans In the Il.ath-Chamtjw el the Ureat Tener. Frem the New Yerk Morning Journal. Brignoli sang his death song. Fire minutes before his death, after Dr. Car Car Car noehan had given him a tnlxture of am monia and cognac, his e)os sparkled and, after trying his voice te see that it had net been impaired by his illness, he exelaimed with creat animation. " Ah, llrigneli will be en his feet again tomorrow I'1 The only persons present when be expired weie his faithful friend, Dr. ('arnoebau, his de voted and sorrowing German pupil, Sillier, and Bigner O A. Gbizzela. Although at at taeked by a complication of diseases, among whieh a complaint of the kidneys was the most aggravating, his dying hours were comparatively free from pain and he passed away quite unoensalous of his own dissolution, lie sang sweetly and stfeaely just before he died, aud these lu (the ebambcr were deeply affected. Many amusing aneodeto; are new re- called of the peculiarities of the doceasod, one of which is In oennootion with the very ohnreh of Bt. Agnes in which bis rcqulem WM sung and from whieh his body was carried te the tomb, He had agreed upon a certain occasion, at the request of Father HoDewald, te be present and sing a sole at the 10:30 a. m. mass. lie eame into the oheir, and after divesting himself of threat coverings, tumbling ever musie stands and nearly setting the oheir eraty by trying bis voleo and delaying the sorvieo, he Anally concluded that he was " in voleo." By the time Brignoli get ready Father MoDewald had begun Lis sermon, but Brignoli leaned ever the oheir railings and tried te attraet his attention by shaking his head, gesticulating with his. hands and saying in a voleo audible enough te be heard in the choir : " Me ready for ze sing 1 Sleppa ze preaeh 1 Steppa ze prcaeh 1" And the geed priest aetually did out his sermen short te aaoemmodato the Impa tient tener whose voice rang out with aueh fervor as te thrill the devout worshippers. Carljl. a. m PollUeal Force. Frem the Pall Mall Uazotte. Carlyle has proved himself te be one of the meat potent political forees of our time. We see it every day contributing te strengthen the distrust of Democracy (n itsulf. We eall our government constitu tional and parliamentary, and se, no doubt, it is in form. But in fact we are governed by a succession of dictators. Yesterday it was Lord Beaconsfleld, to te dar it Is Mr. Gladstone, and whenever any difficulty occurs the cry is ever te increase the power of the new sovereign, Carlyle could net have been mero loyal te Oliver Crorawell than Is the caucus te Mr. Glad stone The outeomo of fifty years of re form is that power almost as absolute as that of a czar is entrusted te him whom the nation believes en the whole te be its ablest mau ; or, as Carlyle used te say in his curious philology, the canning or king, the man who can. The great doetrino of the free band, or the recogni tion of the truth that when you appoint your ablest man te carry out your poliey yen must net overrule his knowledge by your ignorance, but allow him te act aa seems best in his own eyes, is distinctly Carlylean. This Democraey whieh he scorned has preved mero amenable te his teachings, mere reoeptive of his doetrines, than te theso of any ether teacher. He may net bave founded the school of be be lievleg radicalism of which he dreamed, but there is very little vital faith in the radicalism of te day that dees net ewo mueh te the inspiration of Themas Carlyle. The Pnouegrapb, Telephone Telegraph, anil kindred electrical mo'sengers will all ue utilized by order, for BOZODONT, which will be Hashed und sound ed ever the wires. It Is as well known abroad as at home, as a cleansing agent for the teetu. nl-lwdoeilAw The Man With Cress Wife. This man may have high ambition and no ble aspirations, yet he cannot be expected te cd Jey very geed health, especially If the lady scolds blm while at meals. This Is enough te five any man schrenle dyspepsia. If he takes Irown's Iren Bitters he has a splendid chance ter recovery. Mr. O. A. Wlahtman. Thomas Themas Thomas ten, Conn., says, " I used Brown's Iren Bitters ler dyspepsia and have been greatly benefited by IU" Weras el Warning ana comfort. 11 It you are Buffering from peer health or languishing en a bed el sickness, take cboer it you are simply ailing, or 11 yen feel weak and dUplrlted, without clearly know ing why, Hep Bitters win surety euro you. It you are 11 minister, nnd have overtaxed yourself with your posterol dutlei, or a mother worn out, wttn care and work or u man et business or labor, weakened by the strain et your everyday dutles, or a man of letters telling overyour midnight work Hep Bitters will most surely strengthen you. If yen are snirerlng from ever-eating or drinking, any ludlscrotlen or dissipation, or are young and crewing tee fast, as Is often the case, " Or II you ere In the workshop, en the farm, at the desk, anywhere, and reel that your system needs cleauslug, ton ing, or stimulating, without Intoxica ting, it you are old, bleed thin and Impure, pulse feeble, ncrves unsteady, faculttes waning, Hep Bitters Is what you need te glve you new lite, health und vigor." It you are costlve, or dyspoptte or suffer ing from any ether of the Humorous dis eases et the stomach or bewels, It Is your own tanlt It you remain 111. If you are wasting away wiui an iui iu et Ktdney dlseaje, step tempting death this moment, and turn for a-cure te Hep B ltters It you are sick with that terrlble sickness. Nervousness, you will And a 'BalmlnUllead" in Hep Bitters. If you are a Ire a mlasmatle 1 tern again st equenter, or a resident or, district, barricade your ays t the ncouree et all countries Malaria. Epidemle, llllieus and Inter- -mlttent Fevers by the use of nep -Bitters. If yen have a rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad breath, Hep Bitters will give you fair skin, rich bleed, the sweetest breath and health. isce will be paid ler a cese they will net cure or help. A Lady'a Wish. "Oh, hew I wish my skin was as clear and selt as yours," said a lady te her friend. "Yeu can easily make It se," answered the friend. Mllnw ftl InntilrAil Ihlt flrflt. lull V. "By using Hep Bitters that makes pure, rleh bleed and blooming health, It did It ler me, as you observe." . . . 49-Nene genuine wlthent a bunch of green Heps en the white label. Shun all the vlle, poisonous stuff with "Hep" or "Heps" In their name." e53-lcidTu,ThA5 Postmaster Hauiutl A. rienltt. Of Monterey, Mich., delivers himself iu this wise 1 " rer colds, burns, sero threat, and rheumatism, Ttiemat' Jieleetrie Oil cannot be beaten. I say keep It up te the standard, and ltwtll Batlsfy the people. 1 shall send for a new Bupplv seen. Ker sale by 11 B. Cochran, druggist, island 133 North Queen street. An Belter's xrlunte. Thoren P. Keator. editor et Ft. Wnyne.Ind., Oatclte, writes : ' Fer the Dast flve years have always used Dr. King's New Dlscovery, for coughs et most sovere character, as well as ter theso et a milder type. It never falls te effect a speedy cure. My trlcmls te whom I have rocemmendod 11 speak et It In same high terms. Having been cured by It of every cough I have bad for flve years, I consider It me only roiiaeie una .uru euro xur uuuhiui Colds, etc" Call at Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancas ter, Pa., and get a free Trial Bettle. Large BUe, 11.00. (2) Bcekl.n1. Arnica salv.. The Best Balve In therworldtfer Cats, Bruises, Beres, Ulcers, .salt Bheum, Fever Seros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns.and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guar anteed te give perfect satlslactlen or money retunded. Price, 25 cents per box. Fer sale by IL B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. i wish stvwyoeUT te llnew. Kev. Qeerge U. Thayer, an old cltlten el this vlclnltv known te every one as a meat Influential citizen and christian minister et the M. E. chureh, lust this moment stepped in our store te say, " 1 wish everybody te knew that I consider that both myself and wife ewe our lives te Shlleh's Consumption Cure." It Is having a tremendous sale ever our counters andls giving perfect satisfaction In all cases et Lnng Diseases, such as nothing else has done. DBS. MATCHETT&FBANOK. Boussek, ImL, May 15, ri8. Beld by II. B. Cochran, djugglst, Nes. 137 and IS9 North Queen street. Lancaster. tobUeodl All Admire llaud.ome race. A pure, clear skin will make any face hand some. Manifestly anything which strengthens ami enricnes tee uioeu win uiiucny uiicti iun whole person. All eruptions of the skin dis appear when Burdock JlloeU JUUert are em ployed. They are a vegetuble remedy el in estimable value Fer boIe by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen strcut, UUCMUi. H UNTU HKMKUT. Thirty YcatB Koceiil. Endorsed by Physicians. HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER EEMEDT. Never Known te Fail. CUKES ALL D1BEA8E3 OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVEU, ULADDEK, AND UUINAIir OUQANS, DUOl'S V, QUAVEL, DIABETES, IllUtlllT'S DISEASE PAINS IN THE BACK, LOINS Oil SIDE, NEUVOUS DISEASES, UETENTION Oil NON.UETENTION Or U It INK. llY TUB C8 0 THIS HEMEDY, TUB STOMACH ABB BOWSXS BrBSDlLT RIOAIN THBttt STKISOTH, AKD TOB B LOOD IS rmUtlXO. It is raonecROSD bt hcxdiixds ev tiie best DOCTORS TO BBTna ONLY CUBE FOB ALLKIHDS or KlDKIT DlSBASBS. It is rreiLY ybeitadlb, ard curbs wasn OTItin If BDICIHXS VAIL. IT I TRir ARBD BXTEBSSLT FOB THIS. DlSBASBS AHD HAS RBTXB BBBB KBOWK TO FAIL. OKB TRIAL Will. 00BV1HCS TOD.jre SALB BT ALL DXCaOIITS, -PBICE, 1.28.- Sbsd for Pakthlbt of Tbstuieslau. bdni's uehedi co., Jyl-TuThBAw-ly 1 Vrevld.nes. K. I. A UKEAT .HDOUESfl. HOP PLASTER. This tioreus Blaster Is famous for Its qi nlct and hearty action In curing Lame Back, li! Lien In enrinir Lame Back. Klicu- lieu matlsm. Sciatica, Crick In the Back, blde and Ulp, Neuralgia, Stirr Joints and Muscles, Sore Chest, muney Troubles and an pains or acnes elther local or deep-seated. It seethes, Strengthens and BUmulates the parts. The virtues et hops combined with gums clean and ready te apply. Superior te liniments, lotlenB and selves. Price, 23 cents or S ler $1.00. Sold by druggists and country stores. Mailed en receipt el prlces. Hep Matter Com pany, Proprietors, Bosten, Mass. A GREAT SUCCESS. 49-The best family pill made Hawley's Btemach and Liver Fills. 25c. Pleasant in action and easy te take. novae-lyd&w (I) A 8BL IUB MBS. KNIGliT'S SOOTHING SYRUP. sl'-CmdAw pABKEK'S TONIC. Where the Lire is Out. Ma kIe Ne More! a MyBtery Boen Frem Acress the World, "Haroun et Aloppo,"seld BIr Philip Derval, "had mastered every sccret In nature which the nobler mugle seeks toiathem. He disco v. cred that the true art or healing Is te assist Nature te threw off the dlsose te summon, as It were, the whele system te elect the one eno ene my that has lastened en a part. Ills processes alflncludodtheroinvlgoratlonot the tnU tnU tnU ploetllte." In this the Eastern sage morely ct pated the practlce et the best physicians et te day. What llle ltselt Is, nobody knew then nobody Snows new. Butwe have learned something of the reasons why the mysterious tlde rlses and falls Provided the great organs et the body are net Irreparably dostreyod. medical sclonce can always rolleve, aud elten Bave. Yet no repntable physician new adheres te the barbarous and stupid processes of deple tion, such as bleeding, by which It was at tempted te euro disease by reducing the pa tleni's ability te resist it. Newadajs we de net tear down the fort te help the garrison we strengthen IU In this Intelligent and boneflcent work. It Is conceded that PAKK Kit's TONie leads all ether medicines. As an lnvlgerant It acts Immediately nnd power pewer power lullvupen the circulation and the organs et digestion, thus giving Nature the assistance she calls for. It fellows that all ailments et the stomach, kidneys and llver are at once reuevea or curea, no einur rtruimntueu em bodies the same qualities or produces similar results. It is delicious te ubu, and the best known antl-lntexieant. Prlce, We. and II Uisoex 4 Ce., New Yerk. ecllmas&w PABKEBS BAIB BALSAM ANU PABK er's Tonle for sale at Cochran's Drug Btore Ne.187 and l39Nertn Queen st., Lancaster, Pa U81 DR. BITNER'S LAXATIVE POWDER, FOB TUB CURB OF COSTIVENEB8, FEVEB& TOBPIDITY Or TIIE LIVKli AND BOWELS. ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH. EBUCTA- TIONS DYSPEPSIA. i i. a mitii LAXATIVE, producing no In convenience ana devoid et the harshness usually producedby PILLS, and can be taken in all seasons 01 the year. CTUls pleasant te take. Ask your dealer or It. sepl7-mdAw U8" MILLER' 8 COOGn BYBUP. IT 13 THE DEBT, sspl7 OmdAw COAX,. B. u. ABI1B , Wholesale and Betall Dealer in all kinds 01 wnmesaiewcAeru.u .. rard: Ne. 430 North Water ana riince streets above Lemen Lancaster. us-lyd B AUMOAKDMKIU JKIYKKUH. COAL DEALERS. OFFICES. Ne. 130 N0BTH Qtnm STXBBT, ABB Ne. 664 Nobth:Pwbeh Btkbbt. YAHDSNebth Paiaea Stbbbt, nui BlAD- laa Dbtet. LANOAflTEB, PA. auglNtM M. V. B. COHO gSOMOMXa WATMM BT., Lanemtur, Iu,, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the TUephonle Biehanf a, Yard and OfflCO Ne. 830NOBTUWATEB 8T11EET. tebSMvd p J. BWAUBJtCO. COAL. Offlee-No.iOCentro8o.uars. . , , Yards-East walnut and Marshall Streets. (Stewarts Old Yard.) Beth Van! and Office connected with the Tolepheuu Excliange. -! iriullllUll Winl A HVnilATTT I gcll3-CIOdMF,H OZOTHlITif. Oar continued blew about the quality and prices of our Cleth ing might ba doubted, but if you vill call en ub for the facta, you will find that the goods in quan tity, quality and low price are unexcelled by any house in the city. A. C. YATES & CO., 602. 604, 600, CHESTNUT STg FIUiADKLl'IIIA. s3-4md "REMOVAL ANU UPKNIRQ. Lancaster, Fa., Bept. 10, vat I desire tx make known te my lrlemln and customers, and the publie In general, that 1 have romevoil from 23 North Queen street te 121 North Queen stroet, formerly occupied by the firm et Bmallng A Bails man, where 1 have epened with a large as sertment of English, rrnch and German Novelties, together with a large Unn et Domestle rabrlcs. Compewlaa tny new stock Is, of new goods and new stylus, 1 tool assured that In soliciting a centlnu ance of your pitronage, you will have n opportunity of making selections from aj' stock unequalled In Its variety and adapter cd te the present demand, which Is ler geed values, gentlemanly styles nnd ' effects, and exquisite fit. Nothing but the very best et workmanship 1 and prices te suit everybody. Ploase laver me with your ordera. Yours very truly, D. R. WINTERS. TjlAL U AKHUUAUKBlISNT -or- Fine Tailoring H. GEKEATO, Ne. 6 East King Street, I have new in sleck the most completa an A choicest assortment of FINE WOOLENS rOtt THE FALL ;ANU W1NTEB TltADK Ever offered before In this city. A great va rlety Ot LATEST STYLE CHEOKED SUIT. 1NU. COBK8CKEWS In all Bhades aud qual ities. A splendid assortment et LldllT AND HEAVY-WEIGHT OVERCOATING. Prices AH LOW AS TIIE LOWEST ana all goedswarranted as ropresontod.l H. GERHART. L. OANHMAN BBO. SUITS OUU VAUIETT IN8U1T8 IB LAUOEB TEaTT' JSVIiU HUB UUAi At (fi.00 and S7.50 Goetl Busiuess BaltnyJ ellKhtlv mixed. At S3 60. 0 and S10 we Will-' ef.il vnti r. tin tnnnrtlcle. 112- SIS. IU. S1& and (v.5 S19, a Line of Flue coshmere Bults, Including' y uoatananeuuy siyies 01 cueca- ncettun niuiar?; cntaways ana sacks. In Corkscrews, Dlager nal, Basket, 4c, our assortment Is superb yf . ri,if; Overcoats I - Overcoats -!$ t&M Neat Fall Overcoats. tlM Flnu Chinchilla Overcoats. 19.50 Dress Beaver Overcoats. Ill fiO Whitney Beaver Ovoreoats. .iinmlltr l.tnrul llleirnnal Ovnrceati). These goods are specialties anil are lully tr . worth double uie prices asseu wr uieui. - ,j I AW J.l. ...w ....V, uu -w. - 0 ' t 1 at prices wmen are u;eu Ar .'--r v-V 7 ' i calculated rate or preflt and that a clese one.- J . Huiia ler.iaanu udw --- - - - 1 hese are only ngures. Quality tnasiym will be all right ; these yen mast soe. - 4At LGansman&B: . Tha FASHIONABLE MEncHANTTAILOS' AND CLOTUIEBH, V Ne. 6&-68 NORTH QuHN 8TRHT, Bight en the Boathwest.CornerloI Orwge 3 LAKOASTXB, pa. "7 n- Net connected with any ctter dethlaf house In the city. M1 IIXKKH Black Liniment, Is anew combination wJfSE bHSsI tlcally compounded, and contains m mmiW? known ingreaients or lue buw w BUKUMATISM. NEUBALaiA. u"UAV,5Surulssui?eiAl SUIT Neck, Pain In the Sides, 8ack erJISs,JJ ' swelling el tte Jutats. And aeneral 8welllupKxlttby UbMtBMtJt j oneeiioiu- .sjimMitfm.viwMiwifHi , $3 U3 m ysS m 't!s Mi 8i A m v -m t3s 8 m r Si - j . 0 ""n." .&r, 1 i t -- y.. u