Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 07, 1884, Image 2

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    ma ijjpwm .," j ,. , .imv. i. " .'a --v -fe-ir. "'v,5
liter IntcUfacnttt.
fHOtt VKKIN HOY., 7, 184.
a J C'MtpIracy or the Telegraph.
, 'At l:t.pMttbri o'clock ea Tburs Tburs
'4i"ViiriiOen, two days after theelec
W, th Bepnbllcnn national committee
' HiaM a proclamation or tue iriumpn
tit election of Blaine and Lesan," by
' Ma tot of every Northern state and
' jewel lent and New Jersey, and claim
f tag a probability of the vote of Virginia.
r fJTiWlr chief organs in new xeric ana
ft 'Pnlludi!nlila. Mm Iritiunt and the 1'rCSS.
5 tie next morning maintain the claim
ft Of Blaine's election.
- &' But at the same time the fact is known
f ' lb be that Blaine and Legan have net
j-been elected ; and that they have net
ram-ted every Northern state but Cen
&. wpctlcut and New Jersey, nor have they
,v Xui nhancA f cnrrvinir either of the Vlr
Kkiniaa. And at neon of Friday Jay
'should admits it, the Press fellows, and
' Afc.. ....... -.. Mnntn .nmlillnn aflat
f i "V l umei uiuei, tuiuu buuiunun "-
3cl Chairman Barbour, of Virgluia, re-
:4iSl(lle te the Republican committee's
; v assertion that his state is doubtful, by
"fr'thfl ifep.lumtlnn that it la net doubtful
f' --' ' Bud hn riBVprhcpn doubtful at anytime
fc M- 77 . .." ;," J , .ut
j race me election, no utumicn iuv 11.
&1pectede it by his committee, and that
felthe telegrams sent ever the country
have been se wanting
gsta any foundation as te suggest the
' IIUIUD VUl TOIWjnittliJ iaiiu iu
falsely claim the state for some wreugtui
! Mm X3a.AwXnh-m annrla fl-nm Tllrllana A
vf. Imilar statement. lie tee declares
K?t$ that Indiana has never been doubtful,
BiW. that Its maieritv for uieveland ana mm
G tenlf ta Iao. llian HinilQfinri inil
t ii JWll ID iiui. lice mnu K"W uue..., mum
-i- that the agent or tne Asseciaiea ivess
;i-li intaritlnnnllv nxnt fnlan rpnnrtfl .of
p". iffr Indiana's vote out te the country.
,.)& Iu New Yerk state we find a similar
Charge made about the Associated Press
..m"wperts, substantiated by the plainest
t 4al AEJ mbwa A I a. SV At-, mm nm an .-k AM AAlTprul t n
'40 lueuce llliiu mey iiiivc ucvu tuuikcu iu
tenre the purpose of claiming the state
L,'or Bla'ne. Tnere is today but one
b" MWBDaDer in New Yerk city that con-
C'Stxtlnuts this claim, and that is the 2r5-
, iltne, the organ of the national committee
'-it.ind of Blaine. The bun. which Is
i$ ?alnst Cleveland, gives him a majority
ifA or tne states, it says mat it. nnas me
Vif it has bten accustomed te rely te be un
vSi' special means of obtaining the vote ei
M. the precincts. This almost unanimous
feS charge of the press against the Assoc In-
ern Union telegraph company's agents,
la abundantly sustained by the examl
nation of Its reports, which have been se
clumsily prepared te deceive as te de
clare en their face the deception at
tempted, in their contradictions. It is
toil clear for successful denial that nn
attempt bat been made iu the returns,
aent ever the country by the Western
Union telegraph company's agents, from
the Vuglnias, Indiana and New lerk,
te conceal the true vote of these states.
It is nlsoclear that thi deception was
known te the Republican national com
xnitte and Its organs when they, afttr days observation, claim the election
of tbelr ticket. It is a fair presumption
thai Mr. Blnlne, nn astute politician,
thorough!) understood that lie was de
feated, when he united In chorus wltti
bis committee and organs in claiming
bis election and demanding that he be
net defrauded out of it.
New what does all this mean ? Dees It
Indicate that the Republican national
committee and Its candidates Intend te
claim the presidency or was It only a
scheme of Jay Gould te rig the stock
market ? The presumption Is that the
claim of election was made with
Intent te enforce it by the most desper
ate resources. It Is hardly credible that
Blaine and his commlttee would claim
yesterday what they knew they would
bave te disclaim te-day or te
morrow. A formal declaration of
this kind isene made te be maintained'
And yet we have no idea that this one
Will be malutatned. Mr. Blaine is a bold
and desperate man, but he has net
and enough for such an enterprise ; nor
will he have the needed backing. We de
net fear that his party will stand by him
under the demonstration that his claim
of election is falsa. The temper of the
people is altogether against forcible and
fraudulent election settlements. They
;i ... u . ....u i... m...!-
?."". . nftrtHnnn filtrht vpur an will limf. k Ipimt-
,-?,t'.ls generation. We had Batlety then
y5$? 01 such methods of settling elections-
VCBrt h3 WT "'' " ,iu VIJ UIH lUi i)Ll
t$?j. Blaine, as ttiey will have te Uht te seat
P. ?gct faitn If he Is net eleeted. Tula Is tee well
riW'iiadersed te bs doubtful, and a Qght
f- $$ eannet be get up by a few. All the pee
P "1Sll,, wiIJ nave t0 8I)e11 tot " before we get
irT i ana the people de net spoil for it
'atull. Cleveland and Ilundricks will
nA M Hettcil npunxmv. Kir. lllilnn n,l
Ehl3 committee will back water speedily.
y 1 1& Their ally. Mr. Jay Gould, has set
S , p tbem the example. Mr. Qjuld may have
t 'i bean scared into his nnlrnniiTlailiTmanf nt
fej, 'Cleveland aud his congratulatory dls
1 ,vpicn Dy tne demonstrations of the peo pee
'tipleand the uuceveriug of the millcieus
j, falsehoods of his telegraph company, or
U$M may simply hive deserted Blaine
i(jw ma uauuuai committee wnen
vSka bad no further use for them
MJiaA have left them te stick iu
tea trap lute which he led them.
-fggMr. Giuld has a habit of deserting h.s
jjwve iu nwiit eBuuiuiiuua aim gelling
T. ant at the back deer whmi h lnm num.
feared his profits. Quite probably Mr
t Gould has made a pretty penny en
-We stock exBhunge aud in election bet-
- (! b hla manipulation of the election
,KPr8 le createn doubt of the result-
vi.aVi new when his preQfs are readv te
$. iltk Iu he Quickly picks them up, deserts
ft ; Jltaliie and hails Cleveland. ThlB would
jj? m Jay ueuld ull ever. Mr. Blaine and
, his committee perchance may be part
- hs In i he speculation and havereaned a
IjH ,-Aaraef the ureflis : In whleti cass thev
- kava cash as a consolation for their
MM-t'fkatlen. Or they mav have been
f. Jaft'eut in the cold lu Gould's xetreat
Mam4Are nothing but a bitter n.emery
iWHwedeeDfldeflce tetake with Uimb
$,." ,.f
3KU e'3-
In their collapse ; In which event their
condition is pitiable Indeed.
Tne doubtful states seem te be elimi
nated new, and Cleveland aud Hendricks
com 210 electoral votes with a solid
Seuth reinforced by New Yeik, New
Jersey, Connecticut nnd Indiana. Mich
Igan Is still somewhat uncertain, with
however strong probability that It is Re
publican. It seems that the wonderful
crop of doubtful states was made se big
by the dellberatlngly false news of the
tnWrniili. There never were nnv verv
doubtful states but New Yerk, and that j
was really doubtful until last night.
New there Is an a?sured plurality in it
for Cleveland of net less than one thou
sand, which may reach two thousand.
The New Yerk Sim's tables makes It
1,194. The Yerk New limes foots it up
1,270. The Herald makes it 1,050 ; and
the IFbrM about 2.650.
An, hall 1 The era of honest govern gevern
tnent has come at Ian 1
One theft of the presidency in a cen
tury is far mere- than sufficient.
"KsEr the rascals out" will be an up.
prepriate slogan for years te come.
It will 1)9 never .IJ again that the
preaidoney of this oeuntry was stelen.
Tnr. Associated Press has discovered
that though it may He, llgures will net.
WiXTKn-QUARTEB of the Butler
Dana-Qrady political side shows Salt
Dear Beaver, don't talk." Your
nail faotery will new require your whole
The wrong of 1870, the most gigantic
in the history of civilization, has at length
been avenged.
The flood gates are new lifted and a
full flew of Demoeratio water is rushing
in. Loek out for same fine grinding.
Seme peepla in this county will new
begin te understand that there is a
Demoeratio party in the country, after
Bek. Butler onea derided the Domoo Demoo Domeo
rasy for lu failure te take its rightful
property in 1878. He will net have a
chance te de it again.
What de the Fremont Republicans
think new f Tfley hive son their first
leader laid low, and new their "Piumid
Knight" is foreed te bite the dust.
The Widow Butter may as well pur
chase her mourning weeds bafore the
great Republican demand for them causes
a rise In the market.
GnAKD old Judge Black's prediction is
new realized : "The mills of Ged grind
low, but dreadfully flue. Jutiets travels
with a loaien heel, but strikes with an
iron hand."
The bitter Republican partisans who
have been longelalmiug that the business
and Intelligence of the oeuntry belong te
the Rapcbllem party will new have a
ohanee te learn same necessary truth te
the contrary.
ni tsoutssear ire.
" Where ars jeu going and hew nre reu
" Thlriy Uf ; nnd I'm going te pretest," aba
8 ywl,
"Anil w&at U tte lortune for wtilcn ycu are
mtule t
" My laee U my fortune," the lima note
Frtrn thi Brtek'.yn Eaglt.
These who are unscrupulously trying
te defy the will of the pejpla iu tha great
state of New Yerk doubtlessde nettealii
the tespensibilitiea they are taking upoe
tbemselves. Suspended ever their heads
hangs a Damoclean sword, and when it
falls nothing can save tbem.
Docter BrnfiiAnD might proserlbe for
Mr. Blaine In his present enfeebled een
Jay Gould nny psrbapi learn te his
sorrow that the man who stands before a
Demoeratio aralaneas will nover live te
tell the tale.
In the great stronghold of labor in the
oeuntry, New Yerk, even St. Jehn has
put Butler te flight.
Dr. Jas A. Reed, superintendent of the
Uixeiuue insane as)lutn, died suddenly
luuiBuajr, ui uiuuej ClIBeaBe.
Marquis or L'jdjderrt 1b dead.
His lull uurne i (itfeige Iluury Rebert
unaries William vane lempeet.
Rev Jehn V Murput, pastor of St
Mary's Reman Catbohe church in Bauier
Me , has been app tinted viear general of
the dioeesd el f eriUnd
Lieut A. W. Greelt was presented
with an elegant nivur servloe by the
ureeiy testimonial oemmittee at new
burypert, Mais., Thursday vening,
De Yee, the meteoreloxlst, says that
potatoes left in the ground after the top
are ueaa rapiaiy lese their uaver, and if
net dug before November 1 are practically
useless for human feed.
N. Slatuaker, jr., of Silvertoe,
Colerado, aud fuimrriy of tuis county, re
turned te h s new home at Bllvorteu, Cel.,
ou the 11:10 last evening after a pUasant
visit te bis ptrenU iu Paradise township
Right Bex. Henry Fawcett, Eag
land's postmaster gi-iiaral, 1b ded iu Lon Len Lon
eon, at the age of 01 years, lie lest bib
Bight by an aoeident while out sheeting
in 1853. Wheu Mr Gladstone became
piemier, in Apr!, 1830, he made Mr,
Paweett postmaster geurrat, and he has
managed, despite his b indness, te din
ohargethe duties of that position with
Tbe uuilaeu fertltin nf surer l'lume,
CelurtUu, llarned.
A speelal from Bllver Plume, Colerado,
te the Denver IVibuni reports that the
en Ire busiuess portion of that tewu wan
burned Thur)tday morning. The len wn
reaeu 4100,000 The streets are tilled wi h
orewrtH of exuited nuil luirnnlii!. iui,.,.i
H-veral lives have beeu lest aud but oue
oedy has se far been reoevered Silver
PlnmH Is a Hmall tnlniriLf ,.umn .
hundred Inhabitants, three mllea wf at f
Qdurgetewn. It is lmpjeniele t pieeut
te obtain an acourate aeoeuoiof the Ien of
ins and the amount el propel ty dentrnjcd.
Kireen Dauphin otreet. Mobile, Ala.,
Thursday nlgbt, destroyed F Diem
berg's piano aud fsuey oeds store und a
millinery store adjeluicK und damaced
ether property. Lew, MO.OQO,
ji-seoec'a- -i raa
mi . AT rv
..aaw "j"J "u" v
rrreljrnt Ulerelnud Uengraialittea lj ,l)
Uuaul, the (itcat KriiuUMcnu Jobber,
IVfte Threw Up the Speui;eNew
lern, A.w Jrrffj, Connrclleut
una lnUIti "elldly
By AmerlOAn RapM Telesraph Cetupiny.
New Yerk, 9:30 a. t., Ner. 7. Mr.
Jay Gould concedes the ele lien of
Cleveland, and has pout htm a dnpU:U
congratulating him en his success.
The result of the presidential eleotieu 1
appaiently net lu doubt. The Indications
a te the electoral vote of the several
states nreas fellows :
reR CLE vela :,.
Alabama 10
Arkansas 7
Connecticut G
Delaware 3
Flerida 4
jterpiH , 13
lUU 141)3 (,,, Je
lVDiUCB.Va .,. 3
LiOUlSlQCtl. c
Olirj lAutl e
MiFsiSf ippi g
Missouri 10
New Jersey 0
New Yerk 80
North Carolina 11
Seuth Carolina n
Tennet see 13
Texas 13
Virginia 12
Wts: Virginia , 0
Total 219
Colerado 3
Iowa 13
ivanais .......... ........ .. ........ , f
i'laiUO .a..aa....aaaa......aa........ Q
Massachusetts 14
Minnesota 7
Nebraska , 5
Nevada 3
New Llamphire 4
Ohie 3J
Oregon 3
PrfnuBylvanU , 3d
Rhede Island 4
Termen t 4
letal 123
California 3
Illinois '. S3
MiehiRan 13
Wisconsin , 11
Total 01
thk uFtfiuiAt,
ecretary el Stte L'arr bitys There Ii INe
Ch.ue ul atrallne.
In an loterview with a Trey, N. Y ,
Telegram reporter Thursday niht at Al
bany, Daniel Manning sail : "I think
Cleveland has carried New Yerk by 1,500
Governer Cleveland "I believe I have
been eleeted president, and nothing but
the eresst-at fraud can keep me out of it,
and that we will net permit."
General Carr, secretary of state, who
lives iu Trey, was seen at his heuae
Thursday evening. He Baid : ''There is
no chance of stealing this state, net a
loot; as I have charge of the affairs. I
don't propone that anybody shall steal
the state. If Mr. Cleveland has a plurality,
large or small, he will pet it The same it
true te the ether candidate. I don't pre
pise te play any Southern game. Ne
matter whether it Is friend or fee with me,
be lias te have justice."
The following table of pluralities in the
different counties of New Yerk has been
compiled from tha official returns trans
mitted by the Associated Press and lrern
siecial dispatches :
t bunuugu
Clinten ,
Columbia ,
Cerilutid ,
Delaware ,
llucbeta ,
Krie ,
Ej.iur ,
l-ninKlln ,
1,4 4
3 331
Fulton and Hamilton
uenesva ,
Lewis ,
M.idl-en ,
Miintuemery ,
.Vuw Yerk
O run e
Querns .,
KeckluTid ,,
St. Lnwiuuce,
hUlllVUU ,
J, Ml
3 2J
42 ire
41 Ul
2 3 H
bS,3il 70tl
r2 816
Tbn AmkeUHH Pre. n.j- (hit 01"VUna'
iliiraillijr will tt'itcn l.tioe
1:03 a in. OlUilal returns from West
Chester county, New Yerk, eive a Dutnn Dutnn
ctntle gain ever previous Ujures of 488,
This nukrps Cleveland's plurality In the
1:33 a. rn. The ofQehl oennty returns,
nnd very ekse figures en Uxe twelra oeun-
, jK
":: SrfeWst:. JtLkaev:
ties which have net been IU tally reperttd
ami aempvrd, indlcite tn t Cleveland's
plurality will be ceniiiitetably lucreascd,
iratuiuK muriy i,m"U iu me siaie.
The official returns hat reeelved have
s',0"n beaTT Demoeratio gains compared
with the votes tlist forwarded.
tlrcAt lielelclng Ut.r i-uioc:tle Sucre, In
Nr Yum.
The full official ri'tttrns from every
eeuuty in the state give Cloveland New
Yitkbva izoed pltirai-tj The 11'erW
e'aims 3 US, the J7fi' f 2 000, the lme
1 -100 and the Sun 1 SHO. There is gteat
J 'teiue here, the R'reets belnj; full of
1 .ipIe shouting and uheertng. The feeling
that the Asioeiated Pifis was trjing te
alter the returns se at te enable Gould and
C rnell te speculate antied bitter nutau nutau
etiium Merchants hiM a meeting and
spj emted a cemtnlttt e te 0 mfcr with eral
ueut l..wyenj and the n.Uli ual committee,
aud teselved tr prevent any repetition of
tbe fraud of 1876.
I was learned that .lav Oenlii. A 11.
Cutuell aud S. B. E kma held n conference
after which Gould and Mr Cernell met in
the Western Union building, examined
the Associated Press election returns', and
Immediately the Afsoetatod Prees changed
the feim of its bull tins aud bejau claim
ing the eleetiun of lllaine Crowds gath
ered nd sang eut: ' Ne no no mero
1870 1 ' and posted the Iribune, Jay
Gould's and tbn We-prn Union buitdincs
withalaree buirini; Cleveland's
pic.ure. Thousands of people marched
the (.tifp'R eryinir: "Blame niaiue
centincii al liar from the ate t f Maine.',
Ciu.ain Williftins und his brutal police
m'tiuiadt an enalauuht upon the crowd
and sctttertd them about. He gave no
warning, but exhibited his rank partisan
ship in bis usual manner. He has heavy
bets en the result.
Fearing trouble, seventy armed police,
men bave been stationed in and around
the Wenteru Union building, but all lb
quiet at midnight, and no trouble is auti
Chairman German, of the Democratic
national committee, has issued an addict
deelariug Cleveland aud Hendricks
riectcd with 310 votes and that no fraud
uli-nt count or cennivauce at fraud will
unseat them.
Nnw Tour, Nev. 7.-12:30 a
tins hour the Sun's ruturns
plurality of 1,317 for ClevpHud.
V. At
show a
C S. Lenn,
Managing Editor Sun
New Yen Nev. 71 a. m There is
net a bbadew of a doubt that Cleveland's
pluiality wdl be ever 1,500 en the ufllalal
vete. County ret'imn, nearly complete,
show this. CuAnLKS R Millku.
Editor 2me$.
Mr. Daeiel Manning, ebairman el the
Demoeratio state committee, ha sent the
lollewink! te thu Nuw Yerk Evening rest:
Altust, Nev. & By the official tetun.a
reperitd irem every county Clevdl.iud aud
Hendricks have carried New Yerk s'stu
by a safe and sure majority Ne ma
cbtnatiun?, or falsa claims, or pretended
duubts of Mr Blaine'a maunders cau
chanjie thu re mi It. Friends of honest
government and honest elections can be
everywbere assured that the Democratie
niebu UUilill Ul UUUVe.-B3in TIU BCO lUat IUO
true vete la correctly doIared.
Daniel Mankine.
A Uencrrte 1 KlTert tu Uitptare trio State
ler mains.
Sew Yerk DItpatcU te the Times,
There is no doubt about Cleveland bav
inir a msierity of some 2 000 ever Blalne
in New Yerk ; but it may new be regarded
as certain that concerted action has been
taken te manipulate and reverse the ma
jority. Jay Gould and Elkins have been
in consultation frequently since the elee
tien, and they have decided that Blaine's
election must be claimed although they
knew him te ba beaten, and that the vote
of New Yerk niunt be manipulated e
transfer the state from Cleveland.
The preliminary step te this centempla
ted lntroductieu of fraud as a faoter in the
contest was an order te thtj leading erirans
of the party te claim net only New Yerk
for Blaine by several thousand, but te per
sist in elaimlng Viruinia, West Virginia,
Flerida and Indiana for Blaine, although
they knew that all of them are lest.
Blaine's eleotien is, therefore, te bs
claimed as secured without New Yerk te
inspire the party te support the fraud that
must be praeticed iu New Yerk. By the
time that the fall vote of the ether states
elaimed becomes known, they hope te have
perfected and executed the fraud in New
Yerk, without whiiih Blaineis defeated,
The organs have been iustrneted and new
claim everything net only New Yerk, but
both the Virginias, Flerida and Indiana,
and dispatches are new sent out from
leading men oeuncottxl with the head
quitters claiming large majorities and
Ulaiue'a eertain oleetion. They knew that
ibey must drop all claim te the ether states
in a day or two ; but they mean te ooncen eoncen oencen
trato everything te manipulate Ntw Yerk
as their final effort te save Rlaine. Hew
or whtrd they will strike is net yet known;
but the associated press repDrts of te day
and tn-nibt bavu bseu colored and raad
confusing as far as Geuld'a Western Union
leuld de it, nnd te morrow will prelubly
develop where and hew the Blaine, majority
is te be manufactured as directed by Gould
and Kikins, Tbat thny mean te de it, is
no leuger doubtful. They will atop only
when they see tbat they cannot or dare
net de it.
Chairman Mauniug takes in the whole
situation iu his bulletin of this evening.
He has the effljial returns from every
oeunty ; he knows that Cleveland has the
late und he proclaims the purpose of the
Dtimoeratlo beard of canvassers te count
aud declare tha vote as it has been east by
the people. But for the beard ofeonvasseis
Ueuld would nndnub'wlly nucoeed In thti
attempt te r i turn Blaine by fraud ; but ouataelu is insuperable aud the fraud
will net i-aoaeed. If attempted It will
creatly disturb the country, but the aeutl.
rnent of tbe entire business community
hern is intensely hostile te any aud every
form of fraud, aud it will bj very danger
ous for Gould te persist in h s despeiate
attempt te oemrait the necend theft el thu
Uuimultt nr llfiui.e tie lawyers ap.
(ulutsil la 8uprl)elhe WurK.
A meeting of nralnent lawjers was held
at room 71, Fifth Avenne hotel, New
Yerk, at 8 o'clock Thursday eveulng, te
commit and takonetiou teiLkurea.crutlny
aud fair eanvass of the votes east at the
late eleotien. There were present Aaren
Yanderpoel, ex-Attorney Gen, C. B. Fb
child, ox-Governer Bedle, ox-Atteuiy
uenurai 1-raueis u. Htvlew, William U
Whitney, Geuveriietir P. Lewerv, Friiuels
it. Ueuilrrt, .lames U. Carter, Francis h.
Stetson, District Attorney Pe or 1!. O ney,
Charles B. Miller, Albeit Stlcknej, W.
G. Peekuatn, W. S. Opdyke, ex Srorelarj
United States Treasury Benjituiu H. Bris
tow, Ceugressmau A. 3. Ilewilt, W. 11.
Uaruum and ethers. Mr. Jatuee O Cartrr
was eleeted chalrmau and Mr. Charles P.
Miller, scetetary.
After remarks ami discii-wien reizardiiiK
the eleotien laws iu the slate by Vandor Vander
poel, Carter, Peckham, Stetson, Lewery,
Llller, Coudert, Brietew, Whituey and
ethers, tlie follewiui; was adopted :
lieselted, That a oeiumltttoo 01 five be
appointed by the ebair te take such
me.isure as may be suitable te ensure full
ana lair returns el the vete in the recent
eleotieu iu the city, and te take such fur
ther actions as they may deem advisable
lu respect thereto.
Uttektil, That a oemmittoe of llve be
appuiuted by the chair te procure, all ue-
lui luiormatten concernitti; the recent vete
iu the ceunMea of Richmond, Kui.i,
Suffolk and Queens, aud te ebserve the
canvass of such vete aud te tnke Mich
ether measures as may be deemed ndvisi
bio te ensure an honest canvass ami dec
laratien, with ponerteaiid te its number."
Toe names of the first oemmittou of
lawyers ate : Aaren J. Yandex peel,
Francis O Barlew, Francis L. Stetbeu,
Albert Stickuey, Charles I. Mtller.
The names of the lawyers te act in
Kings,. Qaeens, Richmond and Sutielk
oeuntteN are : E. M. Suepud aud Herace
E. Ddtuing in Knit;s cetiuty ; Jeseph S
Auerbich, iu Qieeus county; D. J. II.
Wilcox, in Richmond oeunty, aud Wiluiel
Smith iu Suffolk county.
The lTectus by which the HIUcUl Vete t,
fllmle Up.
The state returning beard of New Yerk
is composed of Jeseph B. Carr (it p ).
irerttaty of btate ; Alfrt-d C. Chapm
(Dem ), comptroller ; Eluatban wee
(Dem ), state surveyor ; Deuuis O'Brien
(Dem.), attorney general aud Rebert A.
Maxwell (Dem.), state treasurer. If at
any time one or mero of thoae f,til te
attend the meeting of the beard the va
caneies are filled by calling lu the mayor
and recorder el the eity of Albany. Beth
el tbeae are Dctnccrats
The proee.k by which the returnq of a
presidential election, outside of New Yerk
and Brooklyn, rcaeh the state re'uruiug
beard is as fellows : The thrca Inspectors
of eleotien iu eaeh district ae reqmrtd te
attach te th'j papsr en wlue'j the state
meut of the number of votce cast are
made, a oepy of uch of the electeral
ticket found iu the box. The statement
must be written out in words, partly ou
the attacned ballets and partly en the
paper te which th'jy are attached. All
original batlets re j .-ate 1 by tbe in-pe3-tera
as dfetive muit also hi
attached te the p.ipjr containing the
statements. The ertw;ual copies of the
returns are required te be filed with
the tupervisur of the tewu or
ward within tweuy four hours af'er Tbn
p jlls olene, and a copy of the original wi'h
the town or city elerk. The ballets are
destrojed, but the poll lists must be filed
with the town or euy dorks-. The beard
of county einvausjis ceusUts of the beard
of supervisors of the ceveral ceuntiac,
whleh are required te meet as a bea'd of
canvassers en the Taenday preceding tha
election, at the ofttVe of the oeunty clerk
in each county. Before tha e niuty re
turning beard the original cjrtilijates
must be produced by the pnveral nuper nuper
visera holding them direct from the
inspectors. The canvass uiade by the
oeunty canvassers is given tefuacmnty
elerk duly certiQed, aud he is required te
immediately rnake threo certified oepics,
ene te be sent by maii te tbe governor aud
one te the secretary of state. Tne third
copy is required te be disposed of in a
roundabout way, whleh was provided for
before traveling by railroads cnie Inte
Tbe county clerks of certain counties
are required te send it by rasas te te the
county elerk of Reme central county, who
in turn, must send it by mussenger te the
seeretary of state. The beard of state
canvassers isrequirel te mec at the ullije
of tbe seeretary of state in Albany,
en the Wednesday after third Men
day in November, whleh will ba
this year en November 10. The efflsial
county returns from the lata eleotien are
due from tha several county beards en
Tuesday or Wednesday, next week. Until
these are received Republicans here are
unwilling te oenosdo that Cleveland has
carried the state.
Democratic lualana.
Official vote en complete returns from 89
cinnties ene third of state givea Blaine
77.830 ; Cloveland, 73,419 ; Hawn, Rep.,
for secretary of slate, 09,179; Meyers,
Dem. 07,073. This shewa a Demociatie
gain of 5.744 and a Republican gain of
9 037. Net Republican (jain, 3 913
Mr. E. Hendersen, chairman of the In
diana Domecratio Btate committee, telo tele
graphed at neon, Thursday, that Indiana
baa surely gene for Cleveland.
Gov. Hendricks telegraphs that Indiana
is Domecratio by 8,000.
Weat Virginia Hurely Democratic,
West Virginia is as sure for Cleveland
as Texas. As lu October, tha Associated
Press has sent out the grossest mlsntate
ments of fact aud has attempted te make
this state doubtful, The latest and most
reliable information is that Cleveland's
majority will be net lens than Q 000 a e de
of 3,000 ever Hanoeok'a majetity in 188'J
After the state campaign the Fusieuiats
abandoned all hopes of carrying the state
nnd pound their rnoney into the First nnd
Fourth oengresaional distriets, where the
Democratie majority was small. The
result shows Republican gains in these two
distriets and Guff, Republican, is probably
eleeted iu the First. The Second and
Third show heavy Domeoratlo gains iu the
counties reported and ns in October, the
Demoeratio oeunties are the last te report.
Cleveland has carried every county lu the
state and his majority will range from
4,600 te 6,000,
New Jeriitj,
Full returns from everv ceuntv tu tbn
state give Cloveland a plurality or 2 610.
The state Senatn Is Republican by 1 ma
jority aud the Heuko Republican by 10
majority. Theetlljul ruturns will reaun
.the seeretary of ntiit Fiiday.
hula ul Miek,
Jacob B. Leng, broker, sold te day at
private sale 85 shaies Columbia water
pewer stock at $8 per share.
rilieru t,lrftit Out.
ThA nnltnA rArmrlffl nnn nlprttrln anil
feurteeu gasoline lights as net burning en
Thursday night.
1'KNfaYL.VA.MA i.r.ulMiAl UUK.
tlm Mvjnrllr Will lis About
Vtili Mrcn. it.
S btlRckinner, K
1 N II t!,lt.
.ImiuM 1. llinliain, It
II K Hvml. It.
. 1 Klkln, It
Jehn I ewry. It.
Wui AltlllHIl, It.
Jami's erih, I).
1. S T IliivU, It.
i W II tini'lim, 11.
X. It li Courtney, It.
IijeI Iten-prr, It.
Henry u. rail It.
2. i elt M SnrxlKm8 It
s. I,. .M iwiuniHiy. u,
S U W lilcliiinla. It,
I. a. (J llol'i'ilsen, It,
S W l linixll, u.
! M l.iitr, ny. it
U W .MtHire. It.
3. W Klhniiiiwnn, H
II l iMiiiHile. K.
C Jehn cot. It.
Uilltim lltiten, It.
I) .l. nn. It
ltubt Deiuliurty, It
11 T stir!m,r. It.
V 31, II.
K S AbIiceiii, It.
C l' Oil' eun, It.
1 II l) H.
A l Hinltli, 1.
: 1.1' O herfley. I.
Ilt-iil luim U it iter 11
t" 1 Kiwlnr. IL
M II Illinium, It
II V Meii. !.
J A bwm,y, 1),
I llurklii, II.
JnliuT Willi mm, It.
tuorxe t aroer. n.
' N U Niirtlinp. It.
It UL my. It.
IIS (leek ey. It.
.1 II Imhmleii, It
llllitll K , 1 111' V, 1).
Miaeu lfctmUur.U.
it 11 llurwich, 1)
Jm l ilnrcUy. 1.
Ilelil K Kivutir, 1).
I'll i. Dlunn It.
ltebl II Hu, It.
Je llnt.u'l, It.
It A llnreli. li.
K II lielMrtx, II.
Clerih llnttinan. It.
XV K nivKiiry. D.
Tlie J Mtvwurt, It
J n,unntnKnain,i:
V A IIhiIiIIik H.
Sim I raiut. It.
Vi 1 lleebner, U.
Oii 'iHinagii', l.
lSHHO l. lleuk, t)
Kilmuuil Sliaw. U.
S U IsenbvrK, 11.
.1 Ilgbtn, It,
I) nterUere, It.
llewtll lleeil, It.
(IpO'uuM eoype,, 11
J W Liwe, It.
VHtburn Kopiler, k.
Mu't n I'htillp, i
1 M I flumier. 1)
vUsrpli II i tiimii.ll
J C till' is II
.Vutli llnrnn 1).
tl A It.irel ty, II.
Jehn enilir, U.
J rt Mnley, II.
J A N(HKlwnnI, 11,
l.eentml lllienu. It,
Levi K Ku'iIit, It
'Ilm.i K tiielM, It
Levi fetter. It
Hli lam Snjiup, It
0 hION
It Venl. I).
A M N'eelv. I.
J II .serris 1.
J I' 11.
J 1' hnule i au, I),
.1 .1 Kiner, 1).
I" t: Kvnn. n.
XV m (jaUiu, It
Jnuiea ItllHii 1.
XV Hepi ler, 11.
Milten Ii ttett, I).
Klynni iiHCfeett, It
I M A 1.1-411 J, li.
'. 'I tien J O'lleylti, It.
3 Thes I'nrc II, I.
L Evhii v Hi inns, It.
A W llMiiinftml, !).
M.lUiu iirvnen, I)
A L trltz I).
Krrest i. Mi liel. U.
I.ercii C llertdi, It
li miles L.
Jehn rMtn-r II.
n m i, r:cie.s, l
Jean Urunnm.ll.
r a se i.i-i, it.
Jelin Kile, It.
J 11 Sh-iI. K
I'ebc lull Ick, It.
J no II Lobluseu, lv.
Warren ti Morten, 1)
1 Jai It liuruR. 1)
:. i ii hu)m, u.
h K .Na-en, It
Tbes ibermi. It.
rtturte 11 ..ewell, U.
-T 1J "piinniiMriy, L.
I'rtur errv. It.
Jin H eiu.imi, H
It tiClirt'ZiTiiin, K
J litirns s blie, I:.
J J Crmiui, It.
mlre r LxntK, I.
.1 ii i.njer, u.
J 1', U.
i i snerinHn, it."
J llliunir r
U e A -ruucli, K.
A J Lii.uurli, K.
XV. 6 Meri'in. It.
llSl. Iiln-,l.
del, litSnlKIll , It.
kii r unit.
Herace II I'acker. It.
Heur) 11 Keele, It.
Allien octieoley, It.
W J nu let;. It
Oue 3 i nsiwt-ll, k,
II H llrim tt.
It V Jonn-eii, It.
Urut Hurt It.
Uuu a i.rilmm, It.
lias 11 Uanlner, It.
T il IfurddiiliuiK, It.
U 1) Albert, u.
It e.lty, l.
A M (ieer, l).
9 T Idili rtn, U.
Cha v i.u.iins, 1).
l'J llamlmtt. 1.
11 J Mclilnnen, D.
J 1' Itoblnsen, li.
TliH return niiikei tlie ilonie sUnit 112 lie.
publtcun biul t7 Iiiiuedutlc. llie errlclal
cuuuiuiAy ui.iKuuiuivcuJiiguiin tuu lut.
i'ellce Uatre,
Obed Ribinsen was prosecuted yester
day before Alderman Ferdney, for having
oeuimiucu an nssauic aim mttery en
Grace Ward. The acensed entcrcd ball
for a beariug.
Johnvretts was arrested by OlDcer Alt,
en a warrant issued by Alderman Barr.
Jehn had been en a spree for eoveral days,
aud a member t-f hii family had him
le iked up te give him a chauce te get
Samuel F. Beck was arrested last night
ey UiUver ltees en a warrant issued by Samson, ehariin him with
larceny. -The prosecutor is Adam Stciner,
of Providenoo township, and he claims
that Reck, who was a tenant of his until
recently, moved away and took with bim
a large let of cernfudder, the preperty of
tue prosecutor, ueetc was iockeu up at tne
station house and will ba heard this even-
Jehn Jlaynard, of West HemnQeld
township, had in his employ for some time
a, boy named Henry Mjcra. On several
oceasions he trussed rnoney, aud a few
days age when (our trade dollars w6re
stolen, Myers was missing. Relieving
that the boy stele the mouey he made
oemplaiut aicainst him before Alderman
jloCeinouy aud Myers was arrested. He
admitted te the cuustable tbat he stele the
money. Uis case was heaid this ufternoen
and iu default of bail Myers was commit
ted for trial.
Thus far four arrests have been made of charged with being participant in
the Qght at Siegler's hotel en Wednesday
evening. The parties accused ontered bail
before Alderman Barr for a bearing en
Tuesday evening.
The mayor committed a drunk for ten
da te the county prison and a vagrant te
tbe workhouse for SO days.
Ralph Trewltz was arrested at Chester
yesterday en a betiali warrant issued by
our oeurt. Buine months age the grand
jury found n true bill against him for
committing an assault and battery en
Ames Rsese and Trewltz failed te nppeat
wheu called for trial. Te-day Reese
agreed te n utttlement of the case upon
tbe payment of costs by Trewltz, He paid
them and was discharged Irem custody.
Tbe Itapalille tu fting Hauled Down,
Coinmedoro Hiestand, General Simen
Cameren and tionater Duu Cameren
arrived tu this city en the fast line this
afternoon from Philadelphia. The com cem com
ruedoro reported that tbe boys in Phila
delphia give the contest up and oenoeded
Cleveland's election. A few minutes after
j the oemmodoro toaebed the Examiner
olllee their Diuirm nnd Lean llaz was
hauled in. The AVw Era Hag will be
baud diiiwhen the smart young man has
fluiabed making calculations ou the true
returns fium New Yerk.
Tlm (Jeutity ' OUUU1 Vete,
The reading of the election returns
from the several districts of the oeunty
was completed ahnrt'y after three o'elook
this afternoon. The additig up of tbe
columns will net be completed until late
Vt 4.
Ilrpnit el Mindly miti'liinmll.t-1lie (lr
miUilliii in tlm u (lumiiiltteci
Illli.r Mm I ni, Irmmntlnl
Tim Lancaster nilioel b mid met In Ne
vrmbei session at retell oVileolt en Tlmrs
ilsy evtiilnc, In rnminen cmiteil eliatnlicr.
I itiseut, MetniR llihir.lltenciuan, IJrnliis,
Iljrtm, Coehiou, l)umsictfr, Eb-Jttniti,
l.vaiis, Hartinau, J. I ; It ir, JjIiiiseu,
A llllam ; I.leluy, Matsbnll, McCeim-cy,
McCermlck, MeK llget, Nuumnu, Oblen
der, Oehs. R.tub, Km wh, Samson,
ffchwclwl, Smejeli, Phliidlr, Stittlcr, A J ;
Hpunlcr, Shlik, Watfrl, Zclier aud
Ijlvergoed, president 33.
On motion of Dr. liaruiKid, Mr. J.I.
Hartmaii as called te tlm chair, and en
motion el Mr, Kvatis, Mr. 0, Kbetinau
was chosen sicreUty
The retutns of the election were read,
showing the urntleiueii whose names were
given in the papers ul last week te have
beeu elected,
On m itien of Mr. Kvaus, Dr. Livor Liver Livor
geed was chosen presidcut by acclama
tion. Mr Spurrier moved that the silarlesnf
thostcretary ami trcnmirur reienln the
saiiie as last year, nnd Mr. Coehran mevrd
te amend by lucrcalng the secretary'.!
salary from $100 te 4175. The motleu, ns
amended, was adopted.
Ou motion uf Mr. tipurrler, Mr. J. M.
Johnsten was elected secretary by aoola aeola aoela
tuatluii. Oa motion of Mr. Obleuder. Mr. W. O.
Marhhatl was eleeted treasurer by aoela
mat ion.
Ou metlun of Mr. Evans, Mr. J, U.
Lntteks was elected messenger by Hoelama
tien. with salary the name ns last year.
Oa taking tbe chair,- Dr. Levergood
thanked the members for their reuewed
evideiioe of oeulldenco and regard, and
p'edid himself te an impartial disoharge
of the duMei of the olllce.
Mr J. M. Johnsten net yet having put
In au nppearauce, Mr. Kberm.iu was se.
leeted te act as secretary.
Mr McCemsey, from the superintending
oemmittco, said he had a petition from the
patrons of Mr. Gates' school, asking that
the nv.d school be removed te the vacant
building at the oerner of Seuth Duke aud
German streets. The petition was read,
and, en motion, it was referred te the
superintending committce for thelr con
sideration, FINANCES.
R. A. Evans, ehairman of tbn committee
en tluauces, reported the following bills,
which were ordered tu be ntd : Henrv
Y mm & Sen, repairing It-eke, etn., $8 23 ;
tveyntotie school and Churah lurniture
ceinpi), for decks, etc , 9J0 Ce ; W. O.
-MiiMinn tuaKiug (iiipueites et uupaltl
takes, $2-) : Flinu it ISreneman. iner.
chaudlRu und labor, itO.O'J : Cha. 11.
Barr, book and stationery, $7.1 75 ; Jeseph
Sameu, express ahari;e paid by him,
$1 10
On motion of Mr. Evans the sum et il
tax wan tulutided te Frederick Baebler.
ril.MNG VACANCir.8.
Mr. McCemsey, ni ter expressing gratifi
cation at the nmlcable organization of the
beard, uievtd te renew the resolution
adopted oue year age, agreeing tbat vaoau vaeau vaoau
eles occasioned by death, resiunatieu or
removal, should be filled by the party
Ieriui the member.
Mr. Warf el nilled attentien fe the fast
that, while he endorsed tills nnutiment,
sueti a resolutieu could have no biuding
force. If anythiug was te be tlone la the
matter, a rule of that sort outfit tebi
Mr. Baker thought It roeltsu te
oueumber the books with sueh a resolu
tion. Mr. Brosius thought the meubers had
no right te bind tlienMalves, and, when
the ijucstien was eillnd. the resjlutieu was
defeated by a vete el U te lit
l.A30ATK 'A ,eV. , 16S1.
Te the Heard of SiheA D.recleri of tha Villi
0 Laneatltr :
Gentllmex : Your city superiu
tendeut pn-tcuts the following report of
the pub-ie schools for the mouth of
October :
The wbeln number of jupils enrolled
was 275 in tbe high schoe b ; 410 in the
Rrat division) of the ; 001 in the
second divisions of tbn same ; 8s3 In the
first divisions of the primaiy nnd 1,171 in
tbe second divisiette et tne i-ame ; ex
clusive et the East IJtrsv, berry street
school of which the enrollment, was 43,
makin? n total enrollment of 5,
392 in the schnnU, and adding
213 enrolled in tbe night solieols ;
tbe whole number el pupils edu
cated iu the publie schools durlug the
month was 0,025. The avcrane attend attend
auce was 207 Iu the high schools, 877 In
the first divisions of the sioeudary ; 510
in the s-oeud divisions of the same, 770 in
the first divisions of the primary und 072
in the second divitiens of the same, ex.
elusiye of the East Strawberry street
school, of whleh the, average attendance
was 80 making a total of 2 003 iu the day
schools and adding 103 attending night
schools, a grand total of 8,130 The
average piroentago was 88.
The number or visits made by the eity
superintendent was 01, these made by
directors te the day soheols were 29, te
the ulebt soheols 37, total 5e, as fellows :
Hen. J. B. Warfel 18, II E Sliruker 1,
Dr. J Lsvergoed 4, J. Oahs 7, H. R.
Breneman 8, Dr. D. It MoCermiok 1, W.
Jehnsen 7, D. Smoyeh 7, II. Gast 8, Gee.
Darmstettir 2, J. W. Byrne 'J, Rev. C.
Reimensnyder 1.
With the opening oftheSauth Prlnca
street schools whieh will take place en the
17th inst., our schools will bj fully organ
ized. Some of the soheols in the northern
part of the eity are, however, tee large te
de eiiVotive work net only se far as the in
tellect is oencorned, but mere ospeeiaily
as regards morals and manuers, the beart
and soelal aifeotiens. The Wew street
advanced primary has been rtlieved by the
transfer of n large portion of the first
elass Inte t'e secondary soheol, where
they will continue their studies until they
are prepared for the secondary grade. It
will however he seen at onee that this is a
temporary reduction of tbe grade of this
seceudary school aud entails considerable
additional labor en the toaeher whieh I
could cot have required of her under the
rules but which I am happy te say she net
only most cheerfully assumed, but berself
eui'geated the arrangement.
It is net se easy te reduce tbe number of
pupils in-the East Lemen aud West James
street lower prlmaiies. Here the only
remedy is mere primary schools, and this
means mero room. With tbe rapid
extension of the eity toward tbe north and
west this will beoemo an absolute necessity
by tbe opening of the next term, and I
suggest as the bast and ebeapast means of
relief, the building of an addition te tbe
West James street school house, giving us
two additional rooms at a oest of probably
net ever 43,000. This would enable as te
enlarge the West James street dlctrlut and
oenceqaently i ffcetually dimiuUh tbe num
ber of pupils ulteiidiug the East Lemen and
West James stieet primaries.
Reipeet u ly, jour obedient servant,
It K.Bubuulk,
President Lvargeid, after reading a
note from Seeretary Johnsten, apologizing
for his absence and s tying tbat he was
sick, announced the following commit
tees :
Committeo en Night Soheols A. Z.
Ringwalt, chairman ; Henry Gast, Henry
Smeych, Charles Sohtvebel, Jehn Snyder,
a. E. Liehty.
Judieiary Cemmittee Dnlel Q, Baker,
i f i