prifpp "yv '&. n SH IiANOABTBB DAILY iMBLLIQENCBR THURSDAY NOVEMBER 6 1884. t,-i . COLUMBIA JNEIYS ITEMS. Vllun OUH ItVUULAIi UUKHlUU'UMUKNX v The I. Uric llHiteutne AlieiK Inn hirer llurimsll Selus Pllimr Areldniiln lutcrcM in i-.leellii'i Mew. Thu Siiiiitieliuuita river rising about 01:0 lnrli icr iluy. Tlie agricultural weikn whlstle by Its rlmrt mill quid: shrieks yestctday lit uoen caused mi nlnim of II re te bu mutinied. Tbe call je of tlie dleagrettftbln and odor of tliu water furnished te Columbians, Is tbe low statu (if (be i3iisn,uehaiiu.i, mid tbe rent umeiitit or dead gratis which Ih rettcnlng H tliu river. Tlie following changes bcen made In tbe Culuiubln cii.d First Niulunul banks. Air Jeseph JetiHcii Hi tbe Columbia National taken Mr. !. 0. Piorce' position, whlle hla phoe is tilled by .Mr. .1 II. Zeauiar, of tbe First. iMr, W. JI, Moero receiving teller, takes Mr. Zearuer'd plaoe In tbe Flint, whlle Mr. Herbert 0. Lawls, of EllKabothtewn, occupies his fien.itiutl. MltN Katu Oaken lust evnulug gave a latfie n ml pleasant party te her numerous friends, nt ber bemn lu Wrightsvllle. Several Columbians wein present. Heit VniibuiKtI. i'Ru1 11 yearn, wan baillj whippul last evening by bis com cem com palens, with whom be bud bcuu dietiKsiui; tbu political outlook. II in fnce was badly biultcd ntiil cut. Henry U. lln.ll yesterday was arrested by Onictr Wittiek, lit the " Milk" mines, ntar Columbia, en a process issued by tbe Laucastet court. Ilnll sued Tr ittlck fernnehtirg bun under false protcuse, but be net only Icmt tbe cabe but had tbe cette, nmuunling te $1 -10 imposed upon bl in If e wanted te leavn without paying tlm cehta, but tbe nulhuriliis objected and Hull u new in Jail. Columbia policemen urn carefully watching tbe haul looking turnips, who lmve bren seen in Columbia this iiieni'ig, Tbe heavy wind of jrslerday blew several Iltnbi of trots down, demolished u chimney and part of ntoef of a beuse, near the dam, tern one river beat from its mnertnjr, which wasailnrwards eaught nt the dam, and loie two Mum era from their blngfB en a Uuieu slrcct residence. A drummer who bad bcuu llirlihg with Bi veial of our young I atlte.i, picked oue up, ticatul ber te oyster?, ote , und wan then benified ami disgusted that he was with a man in woman' eJjthe, rigged up for I hi ni ecial bem III. IV j Gathering autumn leaves is a plcacure blaiiB. I'ref. Dare, et HnrilsbiLg, in forming a dancing class In Columbia. Burner KautTmun is in Yerk. Ned UnhTh has returuul te bU home in Nirimtewn. ACCIDENTS. The cellar deer In fient of A. J. Kaufl man's law flics lnoke yesterday and theso who bleed i en it wcre precipitated te tbe enllar, luel.ily, however, with but little iujuiy te tLcintclvcs. KaiH I) van bad two lingers of bis left hand mit.-lud jcstciday by nu iron plate falling uien t) tun in Allisen's bookstore P It. It sLiftcrNe 4 1 knocked n freight ear from its trueUn last eveniug by runuiei; JL-le it lu tlm went yard. A b.iatuinu at tbe H & 0. chutes bad his r'vht feet eijueczcd between two beats jfitcid..y. T1IK ELECTION. Beth Democrats aud Ilepablleaus are in Leivi uh miHtenfi.' ev r the result of TucMlay'b olection, tiOtwithetumlim; tolo telo tole Kiapb and newrpajwr reperw. Ne fihtH i.ecur'ed but two yesterday, at tbe Herald aud Spy ffle f, wbern lare rrewds had coltce'td, itl ' ked an though a Ireo fet-te would occur. Luckily it did net, and tbe reinakider et tbu day wsa most peacefully. .. Belli i-aitca new arc iu doubt. MngaUr Accnteet, Kmauucl IC. lUkc , of West Hcmplield tewah p, mei with n singular ami painful Qceideiit this rreruiu . He nnd nsrne ether men w.-nt m n wagon te a cornfield for tbe pur em et t...a hjr iu co ufeilder. lienja ml Klupb.wbii was en the wajen, oare lei ly tlnew duwii a p teb fork, which et aek linker en the top of the bead, a If )dr of the lexk p'.crcini; the scalp nnd j" ihsitiK lutween the pealp and skull for a ( staiice ' I live uubm. U iker fell uncon uncen uncon BOieus te ti crennd and remalncd iu that oei ditlen for sorae time. Dr. Sbenk, of lli'lireifcimv . , was called te attend him, and he wu- at last accounts deiug well. He ade a u .irevv eccape from having hia skull l ecetrutca by thu lurk. Ibefl iiej-lkill Vulley Kiisu. The Schuylkill Vr.lley railroad has been oemplettd us far ns Headine;, and although several pieliminnry trips have beeu niadu ever the lice regular travel will net be oetnmu en uutil about tbe 15th instant. It has been heptil te have the line iu operation uemit the 10th iuntant, but it is found that this will be impossible. Tbe appearance of the ujw line ill the Sehtiyl kill Valley b .a been the means dl reduciuir tbe ehartjes of express matter botween 40 and CO cciiIh per Gwt., und causiut; the Reading company te rearrange its fares, making- tbe ra'.e between all points 3 cents per ruile. rllir tleurl. Edward Fi ffer, William Stnploferd and Jehn Ci n!tu, of the Seventh ward.nrrestul yesteida for (tghfiifr, wcre heard by tlie major '1 is meruiug: and discharged en tbe jiajrrent of oeste. Ceuleu " swere oft" drhil.l iu; for six mouths. Walter Deou, arretted later iu the day for drunkenness and disorderly conduct was also discharged en j nymeut of costs. Three strangers without homes, who sought ledgingB at tbe ttatieu luufe, were discharged, Ultuieu Ucdlcntlun. Tlie dedirat:en of tbe Bishop Seybert memorial obmeb, of tbe Evangelical os es os eeciatlou, of Mauhelm, Rev. D. Ii. Al brgh', pnster, will tnke place en Sunday, Nev. 0. liisuep Dnbbd, D. D , of Cleve land, O no, m.d ethers will ofUeinto. Thore will be seivicus morning, altorueon and evening. The K'ading railroad will issue excursion tiuketa en Saturday and Bun day, geed for return en Monday. Ih" UuriiH Almahnuee, Wednesday afternoon the oemmittro iuvest'gatint,' thn Berks oeuuty nlmshouse fiauda Hubmilttd their report tu tbe court, in wh'cb they admit 1 viug found loose buslnc:8 methods at the almshouse. Many reoemmeudatioiiB ure made with a view of leetifylnc the same nnd te bold the directors te a stricter accountability for their eflkiil action. The committee leuud no eellueicn or fraud, Ucimnltted iur Trial, Isidore Peffer, of the Seventh ward, was heatd by Aldertnnti Fordne lust eventng for (lriinkcnnccs and disorderly oeuduot and utrety of the pcaoe. The evidence was that be went home druuk, breke up tbe furnlture aud threatened te kill bis wife. He' was committed for twelve days for druukcuticfs ami disorderly ceiuiuut and iu default of bail for trial at court ou tbe cbarge of surety of tbe peace. AtcertulnlDC tne ufllclslM.juiiiy, At high noeu tn-day court was oieiied and tbe protbeuotiry presented tbe re turns recelvcd by blui from tbe oleotlon districts of the county. Judge Living ston nppeintcd ,1 L. Lyte, readlnu clerk, Qeergu W. 13by aud Jehn Carpeuter tally clerks. The court dlroetod an ad jeuinment until 1 00 o'elook when the roid reid nig el tbe eltc ieu reuircs will be oora eora oera mtuced. It is net prebable that the elllciai figures of the county will be known before Saturday uiijbt. AM KLRUTIUN lIHUflK. Hew it vrmiiiii I) I) leit Knwln tliobfenml Wnrd, A Koileas illstuibnuoe oceurred nt Hlcg ler's botel, iu tbe Second ward, last oven even Injf. Tbore are a nitniber of storlen ns te hew the fljtht cenimeuceil. Biosler'n side of the cane In that Tem Demi, Albert Dracbbar, James Donuelly and six ethers, whose names be decn net knew, came into Ids barroom and etllcd for beer. He gave thorn tbe beer and noticing that they wcre under tbe Infliiruoe of llipier be rofiiHed te kIve tbeiii any rnore liquor. They then put the lights out, nssaulted him ntiil n number of otherfl lu the botel, ntrikinc them with blank jaekfl. He plekcd up a elub behind the lur and dreve thorn from tbe houne, The orewd eutsldn picked up brlekM,tbniw tbum through tbe windewu break inir severnl window pi wn and the nasb. He made complaint bnfore Alder man Ilarr agalnnt Dennelly for carrying concealed deadly wnnp.-nn, felonious axFault nnd battery and tmilleiuus mlseblcf; against Dracbbar for nfallcieuB mlsehlef aud against Demi for malicious mlsobief and assault and battery en bis wife. On the ether hand It in olaimed that Slogler commeueed the flbt by striking Deeu in the face with a elub, breaking his nose, that Sleyler wan aFslstcd by ethers, aud that what Donuelly, Dracbbar aud tbe ethers did, wai iu s It dofetiBO. Mrs. Klir.abetli DuebmAn, who wan attraeted te the neighborhood by tbe dlsturbance was (Truek with n elub by Siegler and prose cuted him for default and battery bofero Aldermau Donuelly, It is prebable that a number of ether suits wilt be entered agniunt 8!ej;ler and theso who assisted biui during the day. llu,llma TrulifHrtril tiy Uunit. At te days noHsieu of court tbe following business was transacted : Iu tbe nult of Ii. 8. Greff aud .1. F. Sheaffer vh. Henry Oehman, the rule te show oause why tbe judgment slum Id net be opened wan made ubselutn. Tbe tavern llcome of G, Uifike was transferred te Henrv Decrr. A petition ilf A. K Spurrier, li. Frank Lemnu nnd Andrew Eicholtz wes pro pre cented te tbe court. It net forth that County Solicitor Fry improperly appeared before tbe Rrand jury that found the bill and asked tlieiu whether they bad yet suilloieut evidencu te lind a bill against them Cemi'ttl asked for a rule t) show cause why the inilietuient t,beu' 1 net be quashed. Ah tbere wan no aflidivit ae ceiupanyini; tbe return it w,m withdrawn until the ucoeheary afQdavit oeubl be pie cured. William T. Yeitatt, who wan beard en the cbare uf desertiug aud refusing te maiutain his wife aud children, was nun toucel te pay $2.25 per week towards their maintenance, Iln was unable te furnish bail aud was committed. Will Admitted tu l're&atn. Tbe will of the Ute Jehn F. Steinman was admitted te probate late this alter neon. The only public bequest is twenty Bharct of the Lancaster, Klizabetb it Mid dlotewu turupike eeupauy, te the Mera, viati ohuieb, of thin city, the income from the same te no te the salary of the pastor of the chinch. Te ririt miiiw This merniui; we bud tbe ilrst snow of the Fcnseu, but it did net amount te mueh inorely spittiuR ItB whlti Hikes en tlie air without making nny impression upon tbe Kteuud. run Mr.t Meet. Thopebco icperted 04 eleotrle nnd 10 gasoline lights no net buruiuf; en Wtuoj Wtuej dy nie,ht. .imiiiiiiieiiU. l'tck't Itml Hey. This comedy will be pre. s uted ut thueiiein lieuse en Saturday even Inu ly llinsiune ceinpimy Hut recently pie. ducedli tietoreugeu I beuse In We.t Chester HI'JtUIAI. JIUTIVt.H. 8pralns. Lameness, l'alns and Stttelius Weak Hack or l)li.etueet tlm .plne will b lin uiodlileiy relieved nu application et it Hep flutter ever tbe air.'clej mrt It's penetr.t penetr.t Ive power Is wuiidu.tul. Wuiruntml tebj tliu boil ma 'e Or. rrmlrr'n ninicia Oliitnirnt. Thu anatest blessing tlmt has been ills cevi-rcd In this generation. A sum cuie ter liells, UuriiH, Seres, Cuts. Klesli Weumis. Core Nipples, Hani and elt Cerns. Chapped Lips, und Hands, 1'lmplesuiid lllelches. l'rien fil;0. Held by Drui(irUUi old by II II. Cucurau drngglst, l'l7and 1J1 North Omen htieet- (I) "KOlXlll (IN lOUtllO.' Ask ler " Heugh en Coughs," for coughs, ceble, ero thre it, hearjunesi. Troches, lite. I.leulu, i'lO. (I) UHU'l BHV tfUOUKh, " I cannot speak tee lilt-lily of fliirtleck Jlloed Jllttert ; thny have been a great blu a a ingteine. Cured mi et biliousness and dys pepsia frinii wuleb I had sutlend ler years." Mr. J. Muisli, Hank et Torentnn, Ontario. Fer sale bv II. 11 Ceelmiu, driiggibt, 137 and 13.1 North Queen Htri'i't. fllest files t I'llrst Hure euro for lSlinil, illoedlngand Itching Piles. One box has oured the worst cuse of tfl yenr standing. Ne nne need suiter live min utes utter using William's Indian l'lla Otnl uiant italiserba tuuiei, allays Itching, acta as peilltlcn, gives Inatant reflef. l'repaied only for riles, Itehlii' of the private parts, nothing ele. Be'd by druggists r.nd mailed en reculpt of palce, (1. Beld by II. II. Coch ran drugglsUliT una 131 North Uueen street. 1 "Itculiig riles." Synipteiua i Alulituce. Llke pnrsplratlnn. Intonse Itching, worse by scratching, mcsl ut night, Beems it pin-worms wure crawling. " Uwaint't Ointment " (j a ptcaiant, iurt cure. 1IIK. ltOl'K OK 111K NATION. Ohlldien, slew lu development, puny, scniwnv and delicate, use Wells' HenJili ltu. nuwer.-- W I'cimr, uutle Spilcg and bring malaria, dyspepsia, billlnusnera, torpidity of liver und a train nt kindred mala dies. Fortunately Kldncy-VVert Is at hand. It may bu had et the nearest druggist and will purify the system,, con eet the stomach ami bowels, stimulate tbe liver and kidneys te healthy action, remove all poisonous humors and make jeu feel llke a new man Asa spring medicine, tonic ami bleed purltier It has no equal. Tminiltr it Uuwn tlie Agrs, That for lameness, for thcnmatlsm, for nchet' I r pain, and for sprains Dr. TAeim' Scire trie Oil Is u positive nnd reliable remedy. Dr. Themut' Kcleclrta Oil can be purchased of any diugglst Fur salu by II. 11 L'ecbrun, Uiuk gist, 13 and 139 North Queen slieuu "UOUOIt ON l'AIN" I'LAHTiCll. Pereus and sliengthenlng. Improved, the b'Jst ter tbu backache, pains in clunt or bide, rueumatlstii, Neuiuljjla. 'ile. Druggists or UlKll. (1). for lllteeu yuurs I was annoyed with severe palu lu my head and dUnUsrges Inte iny luruai ireiu ciiuiira. my nuuau in suiuu was much nnpilred lly tbu use nt Kly's Cream Kalui 1 have overcome troubles. J, II. Case, St Dents Hetel, New Yerk. Fer several yuars I have buen troubled with Calairli fcly's (Jieam Halm has proved ,e lie thu article deslted. t belleve It Is the only eure. L II. Ueburn, Hardware Jl rchant. To Te n anda, l'a. nt-'JwileedKw Or. Krailer's ltoet Hitters, Fruzter's Heet Hitters are net a dram shop boverage, but are strictly medicinal In evuij sense. They act strongly upon the I.iverand Kidneys, keep the bowels open and regular, oteaube the bleed und sjsuim et every Impu rity. Beld by druggists, fl. Sold by II. II. Cochran, druggist, lS7andlJ9 North (Jueun Street. u UAt'AltKU OP TIP. IILAOUISK. Stinging, lrtltnlleu, inllammatlen, all KM- nev unit uili nrv .uiupiniuis, curuti ey iiuci.u-1'aiija." l () littler Tbmi Ouvcriuncrt Uends AsAulu- vcitment EtlUlTAULB LirK SOCIETY, OrU.8, lVPISl'UTAULK INBUltANOE. Assets evor 834,000.000, furplui, !ia, 1100,000. The only Investment pctley Issued paid in 10, 15 und :0 yuars, or at death. W. J. MAHllBN, Manager, Ne 10 North Uuuduatieet (ever Leng's drug store). ecJSJind Cuills, layer, agun and weakness are cured by Guiden's Liquid lloel Tealc Ak Jar Cel. iltn't, et di'UBgUts, n3 lwdueilJtw arm AvrHtinxnunin Tml'OUTAMT runiuK, GREAT SALE OF STOVES. Prices marked down. Steves for Churches and Schools at cer.t. Te reduce our large stock of Parler Steves and Heaters, we will, for the next 30 days, sell Steves at an additional reduction of r.6 per cent, en our already low prices. We must have the room for our Christmas Goods, se have been compelled te offer these great inducements te attract the trade. Remember this sale will only las t for 30 days. Come and see for yourselves. If our prices are neit away down we don't ask you te buy. HMN'! Ne. 152 North Queen Street, OTiiiiKirn 1 niouier 1 1 Moineral Are you iltslurnnu nt night anil broken 01 your rust liy u Melt clillil suffering ami cry ln w Kb the HXcruclallnK pain nt cuttlne tut.tlil II mi, he nt nnen (inil irutnliotlle nl StIUS. WIN VI.UW'HBOUTlllNURrKUI'. It will mllev 1I10 ier llllle sutlcrer linineUlately .lopend upon It 1 1 horn Is no mistake about It. There If nntn motlieren eurtli who lias ever useil It, who will net tell you at once that it wllj roKUIate the bowels, and Kive reet te the mother, mill rellxt itn.t health te the child, op ep finitliiK llky iiiHKie. It Isperlnetly sale t use tiinllciwa.iind plenaant te the toste, and Is Uw prtucrlpMen ofenn or the eldest and best remain physicians In the United States. Beld everywhurw 2S emits a bettl", tnnvSNUilM W.HA" Mr ir. Wullen'R fenedicm Ten. Mether Walten has prescribed this valuable incdlelne ler a Kreit ninny years In ber private practlce. It has previnl an uiitulllm? speclllc in tliu truatment of thn many dlaeidurs te which thu tuinale constitution Is sublcct. It Is a sura (Urn for tlm luenthly IreubluH that se many we nen sutler. Matlud en ircelpt et rirleii, Me. fold y II. II. Cochran, druggist, 37 and 1W North Uueeii striHit. (3) bmn IMftcnneii "Mwnvun's tllntiiieat. "miilne' UMment" cures Tetter. Bnlt Ithciini, Ulnicwerm, Hores, riinples, Kczaina, all Itehv'liln Kruptlnug, no mailer hew eDtti nate or long ttanitlng. al'iM,W.KAwlv iKUtCATiowsel fensumpllnn are allayed bv llalu's llnunv cil lloridieiind and Tar, 1'Iku's TouthHChe Dreps euro In linn minute. n'Hwdtediw It k at lln. Wilsesi. In this city, en tin .1.1 Inst, Annle, relict or tliu lue Win. Wilsen, in the (.Hi ear nt her ngu. . The relatives nnd irlnii'ls et the family are runpectlully Invited te attend the funeral from the residence of her ulster, Mrs. Wnr Kautr. Ne. 411 -Maner street en Friday after noon nt o'clock.. Cervices at. St. Jehn's Kree church, interment at Lancaster cemetery. Nollewcisl nt-st A'.Vir Ally KUTIUKil KNTH XJ BK MlI.I.Ktt'H BLAOK LINIMENT. KugllKh anil Uennnn dlreetlenn. hU-CniflAw OMI STOIIK VUNNKl.Tlt.UT UKIAItl, 11 ler 2.'e. C'un be relied en as strictly Con necticut ut IIAKTMAN'S VKLLOW fltONT UlUAU STOUK IM"TrU-nVl I4III( TlnttMlTHIS M iir.u.eillattlr. Hlemly lob. ut JOHN P. HUHAUM. It Ne. '21 fceutli Queen btrect. Ur.SMK-A WOMAN WANTS WA3I1- T Ing and Irenlnifnt home, or tie out by he week as cook, Uuu t'lv' ceeil reference. Apply at NO S3 KAST VINK STHKKT. 4 IIKNlh lVANThll TMK l'l rr.snuiui X. Atiitnat Ive rtteCt Insurance Ceuinanv wants a re lrtble and onergutle Ayunt In eaeb l'ennsylvunlii town. Apply le w. m. UhAMiKi:, secretan'. it Ne ui Keurth Ae., Pittsburg, Vn Arei.i.LisK or luiiili.aku's i-teu and Fountain flnu cut Tobaccos Alse, UinUcliu-s Smoking Tobaccos ut HAIllMAN'3 YKI.I.OW FlltlNT ttlll.VU STOIIK O Atneunr or tiik i.ayinu eka New F.oernt lleberls' Hall, tbere will be Nv MvATlXI Atlteberls' Hall until S iTUltUAY EVE.V 1NU. VVAMII.TAYI.01t, Its Manager. "T I'. IVl'DI.K HKSI'J-.Ul rUl.l.Y AN- ueuiien te our patrons and friends that we I ave op -ned a blanch slore ut Ne. 2.1 North um iiiHtrt. wliuru we will sell flowers una elhui 'tues Hut we generallv iletl In HOlIUKIt lilt()s ei.:; Ind East i:ncl Uurdens. iIVIIK.NI MllillH. ' KAiiana' NATleHAt I3ank of I.akuasteh, Neveinlur 4 1-SJ. The beard el dlroeters have this day de clared a dividend of nve and euubalf per rent payable en den ami. nevl-St hDW. II IIKOWN. Caebler. Uf AM KI-M Al'1'ltl.NTlOf.'l'O 1.1'AltlN n acksmlihtng. Oue who bus worked ntthetiudu h eheit time, ptecermd. Apply Immediately le K. 1'e.HI.MAN, tonestega Ccntre, t-uueaster Ce., I'e, nevl-2td4w sr M'KI)CAeiA1-Nll UM5 1UI A 1'UVlI. clan understanding the oye can nronerlv til you wllb sultablu glosses, l keen en baud til .11 supjilv otHnper.e hpectacles aud Kye OlHfses. yell diseases et Kye and Kar treated lilt. U. 11. lillOVV A. Ne. 20 West Orange slre-t, Lancaster, I'u. lu2l-lydTli DM VllllCNO SIITleii, L.Aeibii;a Ceumtt National Hank, niivumuurf, 1&3, The beard of illrjclers liineilils day ileclared n suinl-uiinualdlvldeiiit et nve nud one-half per cent ,p lyuble en demand nevl-.'t f. 11. UKKNEMiN Casbler. ENTATK. til' OATllAUINK 1.1INUK. NKUI.KR.latoet Lancaster cltrdceM Let. ters testameniury en said estate having beeu i;miiiea xe tne unuursigneii, an persons in dubied thereto me reuuested touiake tiniue tiniue dlate payment, and lbose having claims or dumunds ihusame, will present them without delay ler settlement te the under under slcned. ANNA VV. LI VINOS TON, Executrix. 'M. A. Atlue, J. VV. i fewivr, Attoineys. ul 8tdeaw AKh, YOU MJr-fr.ltlNll Willi 001t.S A e occasion for it. VICTORIA. CORN REMOVER Dees the work etluctually ana without pain. There are Imitations, said te bu ''lust Osgood," or "tlie sumo thing." Hon'tyeu believe It. 'lhey may leek ltku It and swell llke 11. but there the is semblance ceases. Oct the genu. Inu. bold only at BhlOHTOLD'S DRUG STORE, Ne. 61 VYKSTOHANOKBTJiKET, corner el Charlette dl-lyd lytlK HK.3T TlllNu TtfWJSAlt FOli TUB 1'AIIADU TONllillT Is an All-Weel Shirt and Drawer, such as you cun buy at KEi lU'OLD'S ler 73c, 11 Ouandup. .17.., if a A l.n ll'lill.i (mi, llhin LI. I, a n...l i, uuv .,, vr unit ,a aiiu Drawers from Sic aud upwuuls. Hosiery lu Weel, Morlne nud Cotten for l.udtes, Uenls and MUes at unusual low prices. Comforts, Ceunterpunus, I'ants, Uveialls, Uloves and Notions generally. IlICNHYnECUTOLD. My Ne. 42 North Queen street. 159 159M Watches and Clocks. UARUAIKS Ut; Watohes, Oloeks, Chains, Rlncs, Spoetnoleo, ote, llepalrlng et all kinds will receive my per eual utieutten. LOUIS W 13 II lilt, Se. 159X North gueen street, llemember name and number. Directly epp sltncitv Hetel. near l'enn'a Denet. IvMiv Tirrur: lMPLAUOTATIOn )r TMK U cornea Keratitis In this disease of thn cye we may distinguish two principal forms t the one Is uccemnauled bv marked Hvmntnm. nt luttimiiiutleu.und Is hence called " dlQusu vas ular cernidtli." In the ether, or nen-va?-uul ir form, these symptoms are entirely ab sent. All Diseases of the Kv, Ear, Throat-nlse, Chrenla and 1'rlvule Dlseases-sucvessluhy trtaied by DRS. H. II and M. A. LONdAKKlL. Onice i East Walnut street, Lancaster. Pa. J IsTATK III? JA31KS ICIHH, LATK OK U Lancaster City, deceased. Letters testa, menlary en said estate haying been granted te the undersluned, all poisons iudrbtid thereto ure requested te muke liumedlate paymuut, and tuesu having claims or de mands against the eauie, will present them without delay ler settlement te thu under ulnned, residing lu Lancaster. ANDREW KIRK, ExoCllter, sepl30tTh He, Oi) Kmi (jllUuilt Street, I'M Lancaster, Pa. MKVIOAIj icon nirrKKM. mm unit im v w w n.v n " II u n II I) e w w w w n s s " RRS nun unit ww ww ri'7. II I! K unit u it e it i ii WW WW N NN N US oe w w Bsss ii nnit oe. II It II O O NN N llllll I) O N N N II It IIO ON N.N H U II OO N N.N nv Aim .sssrt "SSfla "sss" This inedlclne, combining Iren with par vegetable Ienics, quickly and completely CUItF.i mfsl'KI'HlA, INlUHKSTION, MA. I.AHIA. WKAKNES9, IMI'UltK lll.OUO, Olllbl.Sand KKVKIland NKUKAI.UIA. lly rapid and thorough assimilation with the bleed. It reaches evary part el the system, purines and enriches the bleed, strengthens ilia muscles and nervei, and tone! and invig orates the system: A fine Appetiser llc3t tonle known. It will euro the worst case et Dyspepsia, removing all dlstretslnc symptoms, suen as Tasllnir the Feed. Ilulchine. Heat In the bteui- acli, Heurtburn, etc. Tbe only iron medlclna that will net black en or Injuie the teeth. It Is Invsluable ler diseases peculiar te wmcen, and le all persons whelead sedentary lives. An unfailing remedy for diseases of the I.iverand Hldncys. Persons sullorluglrem the otleet of over work, nervous troubles, less of appetite, or debility, experience iiulckrollef and renewed onergy by Its use. It does netciun Headache or produce Con stipation erilBIt Iren medicines de. It Is the only prep iratlen et Iren that causes no Injurious effects. Physicians and druggt'ti) rHcommend it as thn best. Try It. The genuine lias Trade Mark und crossed red lines en wrapper. Take no oluer. Made only by BROWN CHEMICAL OO. svptMyd.tlvw Ilaltlmern. Sid. AT1SH AltriiHTlaKUKtiTH. A Kill. I, MNtt OK 1'11'r.M AT 1'UIOKS that diilv cotnnetltlen at HAllTMAN'S VKI.I.OW FUONT CIUAU HTOKF. ri'ltT lTUMUKAsll VOtf Wll.l. ALWAVH J. U3K IT. CIjAKKhM JAVA AMI KIOCOKKKK. P.lemlcii.iv. Four pounds llsst Oranula'ed Sugar for 27c. Other grades very chea. ClAKKh.'ti, Ne. 3s West King street. l1A MAN rUlll' Al.L HTVl.f.l ANU AT fltlUCH J us leves the lowest, at HAKTMAN'S tFLI.OW FUONT CKiAIt STOIIK 1II1 V 1 1 City Tieaeurcr's Office te November 7 te 7 o'clock p. m ter painting tin reef and spout et market houses no. 1 and 2. lly order or the llarket Cemuilltie. n5-2t a J. 8WAI.K JO. COAL. OJIloe- Ne. M Centre Squaie. lards Kast wuinut and Marshall Streuts. (Stewarts Old Vanl ) Uetb Yard and efllcu connccted with tlie Telephone Kxchange. a- ItlNUI.lNW V001 ABPKCIAl.TT. ecllS-euulMAK.U 1?lnv. oi-eniiNO ruit -tmr, kai.l.. 1 bive new dlsplaved en my counters and racks my superb line el Fall Woolens. They are the choicest goods ever offered in this city by unv merchant tailor liciutotero. All Suits, fnntaloens aud Ovorceals will be trlminud with the very best and u perfectaud comteitablo tit always guarantee I. Don't lull te step as you pass by and examine the goods In my window. A. II. UOSENSTK1N, 37 North (Jueen street, opposite the t'ostefllco. lmu-Uiudtt A UllANu lCMlillTAIMMKnT. Under the Auspices el thu "v7omen'3 Christian Temporanea Union, WILL IIS HVEN IH FCLTOM OrSRA U0USB, ON THURSDAY, NOV. Gtti, 1884. The prOBramme will cnnMst of Vecal and Instrumental Music, Kecltaileus and Tab. leuux. AnuiHslen, 23 (eiits. Iteserviul seats secured at thu Opera Housu ofllce, 10 cents extra. Tickets Issued for the 'isth lust, will be geed en the 0th. e.-0-VVSMW'lu.5td L'UWOM Oi-tllev HOUaK. SATURDAY, NOV. 8, 1884. FUNNIEST I'LAYON KAKTII TIIK NEW MUSICAL VUllSlON OF Peek's Bad Bey AND III8 1'A, PLAYED ONLY' 11T AtkinEen's Oemedy Oempany. CnAM-tJ ATH1K30N, Manaoei. With the well-known gieccry I New nnd Sparkling Musle I The (J rait Oea' Scene I Comedians who Act andblJg! Yen HilISiiiIIc,TIttcr,Laiit''iScrcniii,TclI ADMISSION .S3,S0aild 7.V CENTS. HESbUVED SEATS 75 CENTS. New ler sule at Opera Heuse.. rS-ltd OBliK F VALUA1ILK UllV HfAL On '1HUUSDAY EVKV1AO. O hBTATE. rtu, jir.rv u, jei, inu liiiui-rilKliuil iur vtvlug executer et tne will et Jehn llomber llember llomber ger, deceased, will tell at thn Ltepud hotel, ou Kast King stieet, Lancaster, l'u all that valuable piece or let of ground, situated en the south slc'e of Kast King s'rtet. Ne. Sie, in said city, with the Improvements thereon erected, consisting et a Twe-Story IllllCK DWKLL1N HOUsE, and Twe-ltry llrick Hack liiUIdlni altaehud. This prept rty has a fremau en Kast King street et 17 feet, 9 tnchuj, Inclining right el u.ley way, ami ox ex lending ceutUwurd te Miniln stieet, 231 feet, lumunrlesst depth of Irent building Is 2))$ fuut and back building is feel, containing rooms nlnu and a bath-room Location unsur passed. A number of sholce Hull trees and grapa vines are en me premises. Persons desiring te view the property will cad at no. 201 f.ust KlngstreeU Hale te begin at IH o'clock pi m when con ditions will be made known by JOHN 11. KOTH. Surviving executer of Jehn Iloubercer dee'd. llUKnY bUUOIKT Auct U0V1-3C VAl't-li JIAMilMlfl, .tt. P1' AHKS V. VII V. WE 11AVK MADn SELHOlTONBOrOVKIt '.',500 PIECES or WALL PAPERS, FOR THE 8PIIINU AND FALL TKADK, tram Reliable Manufacturers, which are being shipped as fast us produeed, consequently we are opening NEW LINKS ulmeit dally, com cem pilalug ALL (UCADKS OK PAP Kit IlANU lNUS, trem thu Lewest te the tlnestUIHs. The colorings unit dejlgtis ure brautllul. in eluding Freezes, lterdun, Cdltng Decorations, Ae. We havu paper Irem 8 cents unluceuu. and our prices for banging uiu B cenu a plucv ter Common und 10 cents a plece ter (Hits and Hi oei-.itlous. These prlees ate lower than they have ever been either ler piper or work Uive us v ur order new, ns you can ive big money, us these pilces may net remain long. We employ gred workmen and are prepared te de work promptly uud In it first-class man 11 or. WINDOW SHADES IN Plain and Dades e f Kvery Description LACE GUm-AlNS, POLES, Ac. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 67 North Quoea Qtroeti LANCASTER. PA. itnn JiTTiTTTTr 1! n II T T V. .S. I, L? 1 i ? Era it it SECOND EDITION. THURSDAY HVENIHO, NOV. 0, 10U4 NEW YORK ! Democratic by 3,200. AND THAT SETTLES IT. The Dsmocratle Gain in 1.808 Elstricts, uutsiae or new Yerk and Brooklyn, 16 073.-Thls With a Gain of 9,000 in New Yerk and Brooklyn, Assures the State by More Than il.OOO, Special te thO iMTELLlflSSOZr. Philadelphia, Nev. 0, 11:15 a.m. Nobody but Jay Gould's lying Associated Press new claims Blame's elcotleu. I firmly beliove Cleveland has at least two thousand plurality in New Yerk, aud will be president if we must fight for it. New Jersey acd Connecticut are absolutely safe. Indiana is net doubtful aud Wis consin nnd Michigan are net yet assured for the Republicans. W. U. IIensul. NEW YORK CEIITA1N HY 2,000. Special le the Ih-ielliibhckr. Philadelphia, Nev. C 3:01 r. it. Tbe intense exeitement of tbe past thirty six bems and tbe thrilling stieet sceues continue. Euormeus crowds throng tbe highways and surround the bulletin beards. Thore is increased oenfldonco en the part of tbe Oeraoerats, aud tbe He publieans ute weakening. Tbe relurus from New Yerk ceme in slowly, but de net alter our conndence that tbe state is Domecratio ey two thousand, aud cannot be rovertsed. This Insures Cleveland's eieo eiee eieo tieu. W. U. Hensel it is all IliaHT. Special ter the IttntLMOuiiCun Philadelphia, Nev. 0. Sauater Gor Ger man telegraphs me from the Demoeratio national cemmittee that them is no longer any doubt about tbu oleetiou of Cleveland and Ueudricks. Tba majority iu New Yerk is small but Bafo. W. U. Hessel. CLEVELAND 1,130 AHEAD. New Yeiik, Nev. 0. Uensalaer county (official') increases Hlaiue's vote '130. Mon Men Mon reo county (official) iuorease lilaiun'u vete 210. This makes Cleveluud's lead iu the itate be far 1,130. NET DEMOCRATIC OAIN 1-1,815. New Tehe, Nev. 0 1,827 election dis tricts, eutside of New Yerk eity aud Brooklyn, gives Illatue 303.C12, Cleveland 310,035 ; St. Jehu, 20,371 ; Butler, 10, 720. Net Domecratio gaiu 1-1,815. A 9TEADT DEMOCRATIC OAIN. New Yerk, Nev. 0 1,853 distriets, eutside New Yerk city and Brooklyn, give Bleno 403,(121, Cleveland 315,028, St. Jehn 20,710, Butler 10,830, a net Domo Demo Dome cratio gaiu of 10,073. THE STATE DEMOCRATIC BY 3,200. New Yerk, Nev. 0. This afternoon tbe Demoeratio national cemmittee claims New Yerk forClevelaud by 3 200 majority. The Republican national cemmittee men are reticent, but claim that lilalue will carry the state by a small majority. A lltmecrnlle Clulu of 11.00U. New Yebe, Nev. C, Seventeen hundred BDl ninety six election distriets in New Yerk, eutside the eities of New Yerk and Brooklyn, giveBlaiue, 301 153 ; Cleveland, 337,213 ; Butler, 10,500 ; St. Jehn, 20,101. A net Demoeratio gain of 14,000. THE NEW YORK IVST'8 TiaURES. New Yerk, Nev. 0. The Pest's first editiuu claims New Yerk for Cleveland by 1,823 majority. THE LATEir THOU THE EMIGRE STATE. New Youk,Nev. 0.-1,835 districts out eut eut sieo of New Yolk aud Brooklyn glve Blalne 409,050, Cleveland 850,010, St. Jehu 20,720, Butler 10,839. Net Deme cratieguiu, 15,007. MlCIilOAN. The JJepubllcati utalm SlHtd XlCkct tn Electoral ana ieeld. Detroit, Mich., Nev. 5. 2:30 a. m. There is no doubt uew that tbe Uepubli cans have eleeted their state and electoral ticket. Tbe Fret I'rtM, Dem., claims the victory, but by a small plurality. The Pest Ilep.,claimB the state by from ten te fifteen thousand plurality. The First, Sixth, Seventh, Lighth, und Tenth cougicssienal distriets elect Fusieu candidates, while tbe Thl.d, Fourth, Ninth aud Eleventh are Itepublicau. Beth parties claim Second and Fifth. lllfci KMllllr; HIATR KLUOl'lON, Uullellns Furulitieu by the American Ilapid Irauilt uorepauy, 12:30 The Tribune haa takeu dewu their bulletins, tbe World aud JYcirs say it is conceded that Cleveland has curled New Yerk state nnd that the Oeuld stocks are going down in Wall street. Nothing has been published iu regard te the electieu result slnce the late editions of tbe rooming papers, Associated 1'resa dispatches based ou re turns from election districts pelut te a small plurality for Blaine iu this state. Iteturns oellcolcd privately by some of tie papers based ou returns by counties give Clevelaud a small plurality. Associated Press returns from 1,743 eleotien distriets outside of New Yerk aud Kings county, give Cleveland 1.233 plurality, with 251 eleotien districts te hear from. NIKE MAJORITY IN TUB ELECTORAL COL- LEOE, New Yerk, Nev. 0, 8:30 a. m. There Is no doubt that Clevelaud is elected by nine electoral votes. The Timtt says we de uet knew who is eleeted and de net oare te state. TnE NEW TORE SUN'S CLAIr. The New Yerk Sun says Cleveland has a plurality in the state of 1,018 New Yerk, 1 p, m., Nev. n.Mail ami Eiiprcii claim thn state for Blatue by 10 000 majority. Tbe World says Cleveland has oarried the state without the shadow of a doubt. Tbe Kvening Putt snyx that the i state has gene Demoeratio. Unilncs at m BUea Ball la rtilUdslphla PniLADr.LrniA, Ner. 0. Tbere Is but little business belug done hore te-day. Tbe oxellomont Ih unnbated nnd great crowds are en tbe streets or gathered around tbe bulletin beards. Tbe tin- oertaluty is as gr(l. as oveijand all pnrticfl wateb eagerly for returns from New Yerk. WBAIIIWI INOIOATIONS. Waskinoten, I). C, Ne?. 0. Fer tbe Mlddle Allantle states, fair weather, north. west winds, shifting te southerly, hlgher barometer, stationary temperature, In southern portion, slight rlse iti temptrn ture, in tiortheru portion, for Friday gouerally fair weather ii ludlcatcd for Mlddle Atlantle stales. Alter UieSeUti Ue. Fiem the Londen Society Journal. A sturdy eragsman laateus a repe of hair, bound with slicepskln, round bis body. About twenty fathoms of this oable be keeps uneeiled lu his hand. Thu cord is held by two comrades standing ou tbe brink of tbe abyss. IIe then adroitly descends tbe sheer sharp sides of tbe pic pic pic oipiteus rock. The sea bells belew In tbe dizzy hollow. Tbere is a mist above. The ilsher grasps bis staunch cord. Such an equipment is bequeathed by tbe posses sor bb a treasure te bis descendants. ''If a father leaves bis repe te a daugh ter, tbe young woman is reokeuod ene of the best matehes in the island." The English party fellow with eager oje the cragsman's dramatic but daily exploit. Ills implement Is a long stick with a noeso at tbe end. Attaehcd te his body is a bladder. He snatehes tbe unwary fulmar or gaunet by its nook. The bird in his grasp Is frightened, and vomits tbe nil from its stomneh into the bladder vessel of tbe man The bird is then killed for the value of its feathers, which bring 4d. per pound. The epeotacte is a "ditbery" ene te men of unilinehing nerves te face, out te the courageous cragsman the ODterprlse scorns an easy diversion. He ascends the face of tbe ell IT with the same alaerity as be was let down. Daring as may seem this method of capture, mishaps seldom oceur. Tbe St. K Tdiae "'hre men uf steady nerves uud weuderful bowers of endurance. While tbe men ensunrethe fulmar, the women find their quarry in tbe pufllus, which are taken iu their barrows by small dogs. Tbe "nine hours' movement" has yet te reach St. ICilda. When they are net fishing, cui tivatlng.thair garden ground, scaling tbe reeks for feathers or eggs, the islanders are spinning and weavlng seventeen hours outet tbe twouty-feur. A Suuia Uarellua MarrUe Scheme. At a recent weddiug reception in Seuth Careliua a young lawyer begged leave te offer a new scheme of inatrlmeDy, which be believed would be bcnellcial. He pro posed that "ene man in the company Bbeuld be solectod as president ; that this presideut should b9 duly sworn te keep entirely secret all oemmuuioations that should be forwarded te bim in (bis official department that night, and that each un married gentleman aud lady should write bis or ber name en a piece of paper, aud under it tbu name of the person they wlsbed te marry, then band it te theprcsi dent for iuspeotien, and if auy gentleman or lady bad reciprocally chosen each ether tbe president was te iuferm each of the result, and theso who had net been recip rocal in their choice kept entirely secret." Alter the appointment of tbe president communications were nonerdiugly banded up te tbe chair, and it was found that twelve young ladies aud geutlcmen had made reciprocal oheices, but whom they had cbeseu remained a seoret te all buc themselves aud the prodident. Eleven ei the twelve matches wero afterwards sol cuinized. Mr. bterey's Will. Tlie will of the late Wilbur P. 8torey was tiled iu tbe prebate court in Chicago, Wednesday. It beqeaths his outire estate including tlie Times uewsp-vper, te his widow, Eureka C. Sterey, with the privi lege ei sellius thejsame. Tbe entire citate, however, is te revert te bis heirs at law. The will provides for the paymeni of an annuity te the brother nnd Bister of the testator previded the iucome from tbe estate exceeds $10,000 a year. The attor ney for the heirs at law presented a peti tion for the appointment of Ansen L. Sterey, brother of the deceased, as admin istrator of the estate, thus indirectly dm puting the validity of tbe will Hearing of the petition w.vs postponed for eua weelt. A Klaelng Kccerd. A Frenchman en his deathbed tbe ether day gave tbe result of his seventy years' ncceuut keeping of bis kisses with his wife. During tbe first year the kisses exehanged reached tbe colossal ilgure of 30 000, or 100 day en tbe average. In tbe next year there was a netable decrease, tbere being only cO.OOO registered, while the third shewed a still greater, tbere being only about ten a day. After five yearB the acoeuut was simpliQcd, for only two kisses were exchanged during tbe twenty four hours" ece en rising, ene en retiring te lest." Later en, during tbe last teu yearB of married life, they eu'y kissed each ethor en leaving for or return lug from n journey, and he had veiy little trouble In making up his annual domestle statistics, Mermen itrcrutti. Among tbe three hnndred steeragu pas dangers who were landed at Oastle Garden from the steamer City of Berlin Tuesday, were niuety-three Mormons, Six elders were in oharge of tbe party. The con verts wero natives of Seandinavia, and a mere stunid-loeking party of people It would be hard te find. The majority of them were women. They were poorly elad, nud had but littie baggage with them. The Murder uf Llizle Wilsen, Thore Is no olue te the murder of Lizzie Wilsen, who was killed in Hoaneko, Va., Wednesday evening. Twe negrees have been arrested, but their guilt is considered doubtful, Tbe mayor has offered a re ward of $350 for the capture of the murderer, and fifty extra pollce are search ing the surrounding country. A eitiznns' meeting this afternoon ofTerod au add tlenal reward of 41,0' 0. jujuiiiis. f buaaeipma maraci. l'DiLLDitrniA, Nev. 0. Fleur very dull with liberal elTerlugs and prices weak ; Superfine State, tit li OOtf'J W SuperQue Extra ue, tl bem 73 1 I'u. family, W 2: A3 te ( winter cleur, U60O 2 1 de stralgfts, II 12t 73t Minn, extra, clear, ft OOiJI 33K ; etralgut, tl 37Ktfl 73t Wlsceusln cleui it s at 25i strrdghts. llV)5t winter patents 1 CO tfi 30 t spring de. $3 OOtJS 73, Hy flour at I J KQ1 73. Wheat dull and easy 1 Ne. 2 vy f 1 n Ked, 82a 1 Ne. 3 de, 73c 1 Ne. 1 l'a. il'.fiei Ne. t Delaware de. 7S3a . , , Cern steady, with medi rate local bust; ness isienuier, old. 63ktl3540! tall yellow. 33 e9. de mlxe-t. bSt't.DJ ler old 1 Ne. snow, eau -Market uutet and steady t Ne. 1 W hite, 31U330I Ne. .de. !(lei Ne. 3 de, tia j rejected, IOJ4C310 Ne 2 mixed, 31c hvu nntnlnAl nt. FlftflAa. Seeds Cleverseed weak at7KS80 l Timethy dull at II MOI 30 1 rinxseud Urm at f 1 1(3, Winter llrun steady at IH 30315. Provisiensquint demand and st sady j India Mews llnef, ilU fHWJJOl City de, l.l Mall OJ Muss l'erlr,ti7ai8: Heel Hams, tJltt-'i. .,, lUcen, IDifjr.'e; smeKed oheuluers. 7K 7'ici emit ou 7e Bmolced Hams, 13JJtJic (I'li-moe dol'KOUXe. Lurd bteauyt city reflnetl. 8X0 1 loeje butchers, 7U ; prlme steam 7 60. tt..t..r ,t.i-l-.. uii.i nrif-j Urm for ldan grades I medium g.ades plenty and dull) remry .extras, SlHJiei Western de, de, -tl&Uai ll. C. A N. V. extris.26J70i West West eru dairy de, U3e ; Wostern geed te choice, " lteiu quiet at 2JOHO 1 packing butter, leg 12c Kggs Ann ter fresh receipts ; extras, iSfl J7Xc Western, WOlilKe. vbeoee-Market acUtu and steady demand t Kew Terlr lull treams. UXOlMfei Obla rutt ohelc-. llkei de fair ui prune, U jue I 1'b. part skims. Hfl.Set de lull, tl6, l'trelnutn steailv . Iteflnnl. 7)re. WWeky dulli Western at u aet Mm Veta MkrKet ",y ).ea"' Ner. n.-riour--9tuie and Wet. m ni'nl ..""l" '.n buyers' favor, benihern a.uiet and steady. ,yw.,'oate1l'?nthoiitsieHiljr liter dcollnen WHe with a iroderate business! Ne j, Whlle, nominal t Ne. 3 Hed, Nev.. Ml'e v"st,3rn,,,J8',Ila0,0,'er, Btttl0 m3QOt i m Lire HtecK Marketf, CntoAtie. Hogs UeceIpM, 13,00 heMti shin shin raenis, 3 ()0 head niarUut talny active and higher ) rengh packing, It 23Qt 63 1 packing and shipping, $1 7)"lt light, H si Ul S3 I Bklpsauilgnusci-s, t323lt0. Cattle Recelnts 7.Aoilhesil shipments, 1,000 heidt market active aud firm s expert grades, mStfOGlf geed te ehmce shipping. 5VHHW, common te medium, l 10.11 60 Tevans, i.1 re e3f i Montanus, S3 3) Wyoming, Ji Ml. Sheop-Ilecelptii, 1,7) head Aalfiiueiits, neuui market slewi Inferior te lair, tliin 3 ij) t medium te goed.sJ KG 123 1 lumb.,4 23 East LtasnTV-Cattle dull and unclmngeJ reei-lpts.UV bead s shipments, 1,200 head. Hogs llrm; I'hllailulphtas. tVS3 let bejl Yorkers, $1 C01 Ut t receipts, 3.100 heud I shlntnenU. 4 uue head. Sheep dull and unchsngeat receipts. 2,!W uead t shipments. .IGiO head. l'miAiieipnm. Haotatieus by Associated 1'ress. Stocks weak and unsettled. Philadelphia A KrteU. ll 12 Ue-ultng Railroad ou 1'ennsylvaula Railroad t9i Lehigh Valley Uallrevl S'J? Unlteit Companies or Hew J eraey .....le'" Nerttmrn PnclUc. , I7J Northern Pacltle Prolerrod ij7 Mertbern Central Railroad Lenigh Navigation Company ,...,. 4I.JJ rfotrtstewn llallread ...,li)0 Jentral Transportation Company j8Ji Butlale, N Y.. nud I'hileilelphU'. 2i LitUuSchuvlklU It&llxmu.... ,'. New tufK. tianbttiens by Associated l'rws Stocks Armer t less active. Meney, lC?2e. New Yerk Central u ade llallreud ny. Vilatni tijireis......... Michigan Ccn-Tttl Uallread E( (Ichtgan Bou.hern Uallread uri Illinois Cuntrtd llallreud .....HSi JteveluudA l'ltteburgh tlutlreail lte Chicago i Keeff 1b! md Hull read ..1 0 PllUburgU i ifert Wayne Uallread 1J5 Aesturn ViUnn Tcligrapli Company,...,, je'i ron-de& Watasli , 4& New Jersoy Cuntm ,.., ...... 40 low liirii uu sr v, RHTMrn,... .... ji btoeK maraniii. quotations by lice!, IScUranu & Ce , line, era, Lancaster, l'e. it a. v, ijh. or. a. Missouri l'ucitic , .... Hlchluun Central. New Yerk Central, SV4 ! mi Wi . iw; 8 ii 13 GlVi J.J, 2S ) 7l'i IKi y, MS 11Q. 17i? NowJersar CentrsJ Ohie Central..... , DeL Lack. A Western, Denver A Itle Orande 102JJ UllVi Erie.. ... .. IH-i Vii Kansas A Telas: n'i lu Lake Shere iV U'k Chicago A N. W com.... S3 fclii N.N.,Ont.A Weaturn at. 1'anIA Omaha PacincUall Wt tVi Uoeiiaator A I'ltlaburgti It. Paul Tey, IVi Texas I'acinc .... Union Pacific 62 43j Wabash Common , Wabash Preferred. West'rn Union Toleraph MJi tsij Louisville A Nashvlllu... 2'i S3 N. Y. CtiL A clt, L........ .... .... Leht;:h Valley 51 59 Lehigh Navigation 40 M Pennsylvania... 4S 4Uir. Ueadlug . lOiJ luu i". 1. A uuuaie ,. -ii -i.i Nerthcru l'ucinc Cem... is4 is Northern Pecinc l'ref... ii Hj destonvUle.,.. fhlladelphia A Krle ,. Northern Central..,, Underground Canada Southern..... OU-.... ..................... 71 7- Prnric'RFnAenger...... Jersey Central.... ........ .... .... OregouTranscentlncmul UuadlngUenuralMtus.... 28 IJ JiHt Lecal Htoe.BBua nunai Uopertod by J. li. Leng. Par Last vel. sule Lancaster City 8 rer-;cent 16t6, Hi 30- ' " 1E-J0... 100 111 " " isas... lce um ' l per e:. Iu ler 30 years.. 100 iJ0 4 per ct. Scheel Lean.... ICO IK " t " lu ler 20 years.. 1C0 llxi " " In 5 or UO years.. 10O UO " -t " In 10 or 20 years. 100 lei Minbelm borough lean 10d ld-j D2 BTOOKn. Flrt National uank ...,.!") .filO Fanuera' National iiauk 60 lit Fulton National Uauk... lw ICO Lancaster County Nutleuul Uauk.. W lis CelumbU NatienalUauk ll) 13j Christiana National Hank lui IIS ti.hrata National Uauk., let1 151 First National Hank, Columbia..... led lfrt First National HanK, strueurg.... loe 1?3 First National Hunk Marietta KM EOJ First National Hank, Mount Jey.. ICO 151.20 LltlU National Hank , 110 lie Uauhelm National Hank , 1C0 161.26 Union National Hank. Mount Jey. 50 77,75 Kuw Helland National Hank loe 131 Uan National Hank 100 113 tiuarrvvllle National Hank 100 114.8S Ttrenvisu stocks !!lg Bprlnf; A Uuavcr Valley I 25 f 10 Bridgeport it Uoreshae..... 13 23 Columbia A Chestnut Hill 23 IS 'lelumbla A Washington.. SO 21.0 Columbia & Ulg Spring 23 iS Columbia A Marietta 25 30 Maytown A Kllzabuthtewn... .,.,.,. is 10 Lancaster A Uphruta US 47 Lancaster A Willow Slreet 95 f.0J atrasuurg & Millport......... 25 21- Marietta a Maytown,. , 25 (M Marietta A Me-ant Jey 25 31 Lane., KH zabetht'n AMIdtUet'n 100 1.1 Lancaster A KrnltvHle, 60 M Lancaster A LltltS 25 7V Sicily Island 50 Id East Urandywlnu A Wayncsb'g.... W 1 Lancastet A WlUlamstewn.. 2.1 1M.1J Lancaster A Maner...-., t-0 11H Lancaster A Manhebn "" 41 Lancaster Marietta.-. 25 33 Lancaster & New Heliaan... lue Kl Lancaster A bubaneiutnuu. iea 2e3 1S31. TUEUUAYDVATOtt 1SS5. Country Gentleman. THE 11K9T OF THE AGUICULTUEAL VVBEKLIKU. Tun COL'NTIIT Ukntlkmah Is the Lbaiive JeeiiNAL ui Amcrlciii Agneulture. In amount mid piauncu vai iuei contents, lu exicntanu ability et oenospindeiico. In quality 01 paper unu syieoipuuiicaiiin,it.ecoupiesiuu r 11 or it A Mi. It lsbtlleveil tehavunu superior In clilieret the three chief divisions et FAHM CHOPS ANI Pn0HKSKH, HOHTICUL'IUKEAF UIT GHOWINO, LIVE.SIOOK ANU UAlltVlNIJ, whlle it also includes all miner departments et rural mtei est, such as the Poultry Yard. Kutomelnuy, llee-Ketplug Urcouheusa aud Urapery, Velerlnary Ui-pllm, Farm (jucstletis and answers, rlreslde lte.ullng. JXmiestlc Keimemy and a uumi.irj ottheNows at I lie. Weelr. Its Mahcet KureaTd ure unusually cumuli te and lnueli ailunllen Is paid te thn Prespectant Creps, as throwing light upon nneet the most lmpnriant of ail questions H7ici fe JI uy anil (I Asa 1 0 Sell. It is liberally Illustrated, und IS Intended te supply, in a cenllnua.lylnrrtus'agdi glee, and Hi thu best tense of tbe lerui. r, LIVE AGRICULTURAL NEWSPAPER. Although the Cecsmr OtMTLiMAM ha been GUKATLV KNLAUUSin by lueieaslng lis elZ4iiem iaie20pjgeti weekly, the terms con tlnne us heiMtoleie, when paid urtetly In ad vance! escb rerv, one year, S-J OOs Fedu Cei-iEi, Sle, ami an adiiltlUenal copy for the ytarttelethe lender 0 thtclub. UiAU Nw tiubtcrlbcrtvr lU8t, paying fit adrail! 0 11010 WltLIIEUIlVHTHBV!-!!!! WKfK. I.V romeBiiRKf Birr efAereiHfffiince, te Jan. Ut 1S3S WITUOUT cnAKUB. flo--rteiuisr ' eriKS Frsu. Addiess, LUrilEHTUcKClC & SON, PitblMier. OM UW ALU AN 1 , N. y. TTAIlt UAUAH, PARKER'S HAIR IIALSAM. A benetlctal dressing preferred te slaiiUr articles btcausu of Ha purity and rich p r fume. ltllESTOUES TO UllAY HAIIt TUK VOUTHFUL COLOIt and prevuut dandruir anaialllng et the hair. oeoaniUl.uo. niscex con k, r. FI0KEST0N. Kxcels the nnest flower In rlehnesi. Dell cate, very lasting. Ne odor llke li. Ue sure you get KLOllfiiTON Cologne, sijrniture of lllicex & Ce.. N. V en every label. 23 and 71 ceuu, at druggists and dealers lu perfume.; COLOGNE, diMywoewAaTn - ,i . V . ML m 'ta '1 1. 7 tw -'1 1 '-'. sfaft. x..' . .- . . "& aAC. vw - ' tva. .3 JE !,i.. .4 '' . "..iM-' ifefar v- ,uX4 i4. y .w4 r ij4n?"-w.- - Jiu- ,.'J. -t?5 ""'-rv'.yaa rs tasex -r 'g jwi.