'& : ffirctw lv v TKFTf. 4 r JVs" "- ;.J5." T -4j .' '-! - sCuyf LANCASTER KDAHiY JtlS.fcELLIGKNCEl TUESDAY OOTOBEK 21. 1884. " i iV $S $ AH? v LV 4i u. i .te t JJ' Eancastet Jntellfaencct. tUBBDATBVKNIKO, OCT;, 31,1884, Twe Hundred Uedhi uarnsd. Tlw matt ciestrnottve Are that has ever Northern New xeric dtoke eusin 'Orttugn at 11 o'clock Monday morning bnrned an me aiternoeu. tun uru i JftMted front asbea thrown from Keren's PjfeUMry, which set (lre te Eaten's planing WW ana spreau inpiuiy ve ivebb iuiui- : ait factory and Farrer's tub faotery, then j thn ,ier - jist C&rthace. catch- 9v . ... nHM.ATn hUnU .111 nfa1ll ,lrt. wmB in viujrub fiinuiug iu iij. ,.j -- IreytBg the faoteries and buildings oe Byther and Pringle's Island. The flames Iku inroad te all the houses en Spring h alraet, Mechanie street and Chure'i street, I'Wrnlug the new epera hortse, Peek's ' UHl, IDO iH80ipica euurcu uuu me Mwlemy. On Main street the Episcopal Ud rresDvtcrian cutircncs, anu iuaujr jealdoeccs were bumed. Scheel street, . .Upper James street, Clinten street and the ',MK BidO 01 Alain Biroei uru an in ruiun. The flames spread se rapidly that the flre- atea oeuld net keep up with them. At '"6:80 o'elook the Are soemed te be nearly under control, and it was neped that the ,4lmalness portion of the village would bs Mred. It is estimated that two htindred house were destroyed and that the less Awill reach $1,000,000. There are net Vtoeagh dwellings left in the town te i BMlter tne inbabltants. Uartbage was -''oitensively encaccd in manufacturing and 1-ml lis industries are ruined. Vattet'4 Attempt te MUlcaa nan Dtciln' gl ITrem Nw Yerk Times v t -. Tf nwuf Af TtMHnr'a tnlenmhln rfliltr "V w .'.WW. ... ..wv. a u.evw,v KVlj) .."MnrAfl liv flfln. P.lmnnR nml rrtvnn Ln tlin J',f publle by 27 Timet, is already opening sJ,. : ;; sea eyes ei many ei uts aupes. wuen '.',-; they all fully roahze that the old demn , KCgne and servant of monopolies has s been and is new In the pay and under the , . - dircet control and management of the Ulalne national committee, they will net only understand the real character and motives of this old man who is willing te round out the remniut of his days as the Benedict llrneld of American politics, but will also be nble te fairly judge the camli date and the political managers by whom be has been employed. A mero InfameuB attempt te decoive and mislead the work werk ingmen of this country was nover made than this which has been made by Blaine and IJntler. A lame ti&clc Is a torment. It is usually us. cnpeti cuiier ie n strain or la rneuinaiim. Wlne times onto! ion Ills kldney disease, lle wise m tlme. take 1 hint's l Kidney and Llverl ItxMiitiY ler your lame back ami avoid the aangers ei which it is the warning. oJl-lwdced&w Chronic Cestlventfs Unrrd by llrandreth's Jim. IJullt llin::ie Mills Arizona Ter Jftn.Ii.18SX Per the Inst two jeurs I liave been greatly troubled wltli oestlvcni'ss. often ten or twelve days elapsing without nny uiorenient et my bowels. I have ttiett mnny remedies, but none wltn success until I useil yenr VnuBTim-B Pills -taking tliree pills anil Increasing one tacb night until l tock nlne, then decreasing one each night. Elnce then my bowels have continued regular each day, and tny head ache, four Hleinach, and Kencrat la9ltude havsleltme, nnd 1 leel Uke unotUerman which U entlrelv owing toyeurpllls and I . i-would net be without them In this new coun try; A.M. UKATH, -Write p thii in anna. Iu the Diamond i Uyea mei-n coloring- Is Klven Jn any known , dyes, and they kive faster and mero brilliant colors. lOcntalldruggl't. Wells, Itlchard- sea A Ce , llurllngten, Vt. Sample Card, 32 colera, nnd book et directions for 2c, stamp. Why be Dewneast? Ttuu, are wea; sleep at veL whv lese iieart T el at ttie UrugKlfUa Detna or JluraeeJe Jllerxl nuirm. Th m restore you te bealth and paaee el mind. Ker Vr ?.J?? u' u-.oeliran, druggist, 157 and 139 North Uueeu street. JJe l'en Uelieve It, - That in tills town thore are scores el persons passing our store every day whoe lives are nuade mlsomble by Indigestion, Uyapepala. sour and .stressed Stomach, JJer cem: Pia,ntL.c.?n.s.tlJ,'lt,en- wllen or 75c. we will sell them Uhlleh's Vltallzer, gnaranteed te cure teem' . ?.''iTby " " t-'ecbran, druggist, Ne$. S7 and 139 North ueen street. Teb7-eed3 Mrs. Lauiu-T. And ethor famous women ha e wen a reuu ta- tleu ler facial beauty. A line makes one banditeine, even though th5 face Is net or perleet mould? Jlurdeck llloelt mtUri acts direcUy npeu the circulation, and se give We skin a clearness and smoethnesj otlier. wise unattainable. Fer sale by 11. li. Cochran dmggut, 137 nnd Hi North Oueen BtrceU ' An Knd te liens Scraping. .. SaarU Miephcrd, of liar lsburg.UIs.. sava " liaylng rcccH ed se much benent from Llco Llce Llco trjemtters.lfeolllmy duty te lotVufferini human tyJinewlu Have had a running nere S??jeY7?r e'8" years! wy doctor? teM uie I would have te have the bone scraped or Je amputated, l used, lnstejul, threollettlM et lileotrle Hitlers and eeven twiea Hucklen W?.H;.. Ele1(-,f'c Hitters are sold u l fifty cents fJSV.n?' ?,!iaiilS",f k !?"'? Arnlca SaI at 81 ci" per.V2?:.,,'y1.1 ." Cochran, dreggist. Ne 137 and 1S North Q.uen street, L incditer, Pa. - (5) c-umpiexieu rOLlTlVAZ. ueiuorratle National Ticket. PresUent-aitOVKlt CLEVELAND. Vlcel'rusldcnt-THOUAS A. HENDl'.ICKS. XJcuaotraiie MmtellcKet. ELkOTORS at Linns. liuAun v,jui ij, j. MOQUANN. II. i li. 1'J.UJUKIt KWOTORfl, I out. Dlst. LJehn Blevln 15. (loergos. Pnrdy, in. P. It. Ackley. f P.J.nenendprler o.deun n. i., 4. ll.J.IIeinn. 6. It, L. Wrigtit. 0.J.11. Hrlnteii. t. Wui. Mtahlur. 8. e. F lteuischler. . 1L M. NerUu 10,U.U.Btllea. 1L A. U. Hreadhnad. J F. V. Uockatellew. IS. Jtlchard Italm, It. Ucerge II. Irwin. 17. Jehn P. Lenn. is. Ezra li. Pai ker l. .. W. Muiiimiu a a. ii. uiu. 11. F. P. lams. ti. J. K. P. Diur. a. Jehn Swan, it. A. JJ. Wlnternllz. iJehn H. lliu. . Win. A. rerquer . A. J. UieenOuld. Usmocratle Oenntv tia.. Lengressmau-at-LHrge, w. W. II iiavih Oongre38,-PAitlS ifALDEMAN Judge. -.!. Benatorfxtne-nit. J. m. IJKAVEU Assemb y (l)-HENUV UAIlTKIt Assembly tJ).-CHUt3TlAN FOi. " -J. W. LEHEH. Biwrin-li.si.lfeiki1""1- Ktr.ycTi!lLVLJKW.0UKMAN- County rrcaaurer. jne. . MANN C erk efQ. S.-1I. 8.11UTI EK. Clerk of O. C-SAiPLK. HOSTETTElt County CommUwleuer.-H. F. Iiaieman J'rlsen Keper.-OLO. W. STYEIL l'rtsen Inspectors. H. ji. iiucn. ' - W W111TAK Pit- Peer Dlrectera.-aEO.'D AUMSTETTElt ' -II. SNYaKU, " Corener.-DAVIS Kircu. AUdller.-UKO. VV.bCUUOKDUU JTOJi HALJS, rl,flJi.,JVu,tB" VAKEUOUSU, lll riN id atKiS.,Sna J,!''o'lleinlnif. aroeUoF St.. .ipr,VRt0 al0' 1 orsens (lealreua et vlew. ng the property win pu,0 call "A e eS JOHN H. UllllltKlF '"cr Tl Mnllti' "r.lAUHMANaitimrfs, j, ifPia. Heal aatateAgenla. JVOK UEHT. "" -THK- LARGE BASEMENT Dtranll A Hamilton's Organ yaclnnr imn cwS WiSK wwufacturlnKpurpoes. wltll iimeTdi:. ter. . auu uae iMTge lioem for lame mirrwuV. aqutreet l,AUl.jjiMii'fi?Ep08e8, 30-Ud 835 Church HtfuiulEfiriii.- im ALA1IUK HterumiUN or THK lila. . .... .?. of l,l nklnwe Uependent en eeii" .iSiSVnJi1"M70.',,.n,'eule " latter is wt J- uSZ IfRES".01 wll,l elhen thoeitornal T lJlTi5,u"e Cancers. Tumors, Chronic and Private DhMaseH-succiismiy tAStil by ce.-twr,,"."'"""'". ''anc"?. .i. . Cuasuiuuen tti.v. o.-ejuiaw au vt MMDIOAaj. TT'IUWKT-'WOKT. DOKS WONDEUrOL CUltKS OF KIDNEY DISEASES -AND- LIVER COMPLAINTS. Because Itncts en the LIVKIt, IIOWKI.3 and KlUNKla at the SAUK T1MK. liccause it clcanoes the syitem et the polten eus humors tliat develops In Kidney and Url nary UUeaxes, llllllonsness. Jaundice, Cenntl pntien, Piles, or In JtheumatHm, Neuralgia, Kcrvens Dleorden and all Female Cemplaiuts. MTSOLID PROOF OF TIM). It will Sure lvCnre CONSTIPATION. IMI.K9 and KIIKUMAT1SM by causing FKEK ACTION et nil the organs and functions thereby CLEANSING THE BLOOD. Hcstetlnir tliu normal miter te threw oil dlseose. THOUSANDS OF CA9F.S Ol the worst lenns or theso terrible dleac have been quickly rolleved, and In n short time 1'KKFKCTI.Y CUItKD. l'rlce, tl. Liquid or Dry. Sold by druggists. Dry can be sent by mall. WKLLS, 1UCUAKDSON A CO., JUurllngten, Vt. Send stamp ler Dairy Almanac for 11. KTDNEY-WORT. dec3-celAw (3) KJDNEY-TCUKT FOIl 8A1.B AT UOUU ran'a Drug Stere. Ne. 1S7 and 139 North Uuwn Street. Lancaster. Te, USB MILLER'S COUGH SYRUP. scptl7-Gnid&w HOSTBTTBKS CELEBRATED Protection. Ne BUt protecUve against chilU Rn.i ter and ether diseases of a malarial type exlsts as Ilostetter's btemach Hitters It relieves con stipation, liver disorders, rheumatism, kid ney and bladder ailments with certainty aud promptitude. A change, as gratltylng as it Is complete, seen takes place In the appoarance, as well as the sensation, of the w.in nn,i n. ganl invalid who uses this standard promo premo prome tor et health and strength. Fer sale by nil Druggists nnd Dealers gen. enily. oMmdeedw VT1LLEHS COUGH STBUP IS PUT ON THK MAUKET ON ITS MKUITS. Ep5iiuwA,lt:Teup Vcai6n t0T lu TTAIlt UALSAM. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A beneficial Mreaalucr nrernTMii -. i. . articles bvcause of iu nurltv anil rich A? Tvi?tiT?Si IV, SS" JW"K and tailing et the hair. fcoeVndii.uo. UlSCOi A CO., N FI0REST0N. Mcoisxnenneat flower in rlchness. I e. cate, very lasting. Ne odor like It. He r - Tl0i?trLr?W0S cologne. signatV -IllTCOX A Ce.. N. 1 ., en every label. 25 an cents, atdruggUts and dealers In perfumi COLOGNE. dlWyweewAdTn SK tOl)minAI,Klt ruit OU. HITNElfS PILE CURE. Itlsnn Elegant and KflecMe Preparation. . I7-6mdw "lATAttUU. ELY'S CREAM BALM CUIIES COLD IN HEAD, CATAHUK OSK COLU' "eaVaI!.""3' Easy te use. Price, 60c, N. V., U Ely llre's., Owego, S. A. HAY FEVER. .KLI'S CUE AM HALM Causes no Pain Nostrils. WGiie ' . Ttr la 1 7 eeifuJS Sample Uttle by mallte. " WT ClrCU,ar' ELV BROTHERS, j-!u,iw Druggist, .Owege, N. Y. M ltd. KMl'IIT'S Seething Syrup 13 DECIDEDLY THE UE3T PltEl'AltATION POU THE , , I'LAINTB OK CHILDREN. COM- M ILLKUU Black Liniment. .1?-,Ji?0,v comulalIesclentIflcaUvnnd n rae- EaT HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE . ,. HweluS et the jeiHS ' OABim WhOlitftln p.nif lt.na, ,. . -wiisssrM,,,UM IAUMUAUDMKIM tt JKVrKUlr GOAL DEALERS. orncEs.-Ne. ise nebth q smiT, D No.6WNeitTn;piKoBTiuiirr. YAUD3.-Nebth Pbivei Btmit, dhab Uiad. IBU DbTOT. pOAl., " M. V. 13. COHO BS'J UUUTU WATJUt r., JSehwuwt, . WholesaJo and Itetaii liealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. OomMttUen WltH the l.plionlBenfc, BTlf-KT"1 OfflC0 WP- MOWOBTUWATEU PK?L,JIUU'' at ai.a feu iiuW: HAUTMAN'8 VKLLOVy- KUONTCHOAU flvusC. ?- S 2F' STOMACH BITTER DUAL. u . &J t., -kt-2.V, r"7XV" . AMVBKMKNVB G ItANU rAIM Hi THB YOUNG FOLKS' ORGAN ASSOCIATION -OF- St. Jehn's German Reformed Church Will open AFTKKNOON AND K KNINO In the llasement el l he Church, corner et orange and Mulberry streets. ef-tt' F Ull TIlKUlUCAl'Kbr UNION ItAUDWAKK CO.'S Rink Reller Skates IN I.ANCA9TKU, OO TO MARTIN HUDY, Dealer in Bicjcles, TricjelPs Ktc, Ne. 9 KA3T KINU 8TKKKT. -llicrcle UlJIng Scheel, 8, V. Cor. Centre Square and West Ktng street. eS-tid Al'OSlTIVC WOKl,TT. 1'ltKl'AKK FOIl A SUHl'IllSK I BCT HOT CXTU. Wednc eday Evenlng, Oct. 22, 1804. AT FULTON 0FEKA HOUSE. ALLLADIK.S! ALL, LAU1KS I First Grand Inaugural Tour of the Famctl hurepean Sensitlen, tee Celebrated GAIETY COMI'AXr OF LADIES OXLY I Appearing iu the U rest Londen aud Paris Success, AN ADAMLESS EDEN. Presenting this Impossible felly et the day. In regal splendernnd msgnlllcence, by a bevy of char inlngand cultivated LadyCemedlemus, Jjuly Specialists, Lady Ticket Sellers, Lady tltbers. Ijidy ecallsts. Laity Musicians, Lady Doerkeepi'rs, Ijuly Programmers. Uemember, ALLLAD1KSI NO UKnTLKMLN I 1'osltUely the first time et an entire evan lug's entertainment presented by a company et ladls only. The theatre transtermed ter tne above occasion Inte a UAUUXN OF KDKN. Hear in mind the date. WKDNHSDAY KVK.V 1NO, OCT. i2, lsl It mark the advent of the only real novelty that you v, 111 witness this easen. NO ADVANCE IN THICKS. Ito Ite ser ed seats at opera hense. eM Jt SK VTINO KIHK. MOUNING SESSION FKOJ1 O TO lliSO AFTEHNOON SESSION.. ..FROM SS TO C 00 K ENINU SESSION FKOM 7 lO 10.00 M Bel Every Eyening. ADMISSION: MOUNINQ ie CENTS AKKNOON .........".,.13 CENTS LEMNU se CENTS. W3KATK3 lee. EATUA.-ga R. R. STOWELL. 30-tld MANAGEU. TOUAVOO AHU VIUAMH. OMIIKE " LAWN TENNIS -AND- RACQUET CIGARETTES, Made of straight cut tobacco, mild andet tlne flavor. It Is the longest nnd pronenncod the best Cigarette In the market. SWTltT IT.-O Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, Gigars and Pipes, WHOLESALE AND BETA I L, AT- I. L. Steliman & Ce., NO. 116 NORTH QUEEN ST. tnarSMrd liAKCASTJCU. PA. HUUKM AMU BTATJOXJtM. s UHMtll. IIUtlKs. SCHOOL BOOKS TO UKTAIL UUVhllS AT THK Se-Galled Wholesale Prices. TO WHOLESALE BUYERS, ATLUIE11AL DISCOUNTS. AT THE 1J00K8T0UE OK JOM BAEE'S SONS, 15 and 17 North Queen 8t, LANCASTKU, PA. JIUUTH a HUMS, "DUOTS AMI MUOES. WM. H. GAST, Ne, 105 North Queen Street, BOOTS AND SHOES 1011 FALL AND WINTER. Wft am ba1I -,.- . ... IIevyaridMedl'uw'wlorCe.,.UVv8,to' also a lull line of Unbbers C M Weatue' i with eura. w,,.tteectedai,S SSL 1!0JIW?? Shwrarw0a7,?c,!n,hneU'aClnre et " TWO HIGHEST PREMIUMS. "Custemers can rely uiien cettlnJ.m, pi?i work tt8.W0. '-Mtct1. Ulvl 5 aSl, Prices guurantoeil te be as low as any in the AtlLtUHBUr LUlULLAUU'a PLUU and Peuntaln fine out Tobaccos. AisnT flrst-clasa Smeklnp Tobaccos at l'w" -"M-HAIll'MAN'a YELLOW PUONTCHlAlt DTOUJf. Ms. LANCASTER RM f" " ' .Ifllfil .i.rf . -4,f V fc .hlW, ... H AUKIl nttOTIIKK, New Complete, licing Manufactured from Carefully Selected t i ??! FURNISHING GOODS Staples and Novelties in Underwear, Neckwear, Laundncd and Unlaundned Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves, etc. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. n our Merchant Tailoring Department this season's stock will be found most complete and attractive. Full lines of Black aud Colored Corkscrews, Diagonals and Fancy Suitings, At prices lower than ever before, and will be made te order in a first-class manner (a perfect fit being guaranteed). Na 25 West King Street. T.IO. 8. Ill W.Kit. LADIES' AID Coats, Delmans, Newmarkets, Russian Circulars, Plush Gamcuts, Uavcloeks, &c. SINGLE AND DOUBLE WOOL SHAWLS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, BLACK WOOL AND THIBET SHAWLS. Full Line of Ladies' Flannel Skirts, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. KT LOOK AT OUR BLANKETS AT POPULAR PRICES.": JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. DllWKUS O IIUK.1T. BOVVERS NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. priceaLADIB3 G t0 Bowera & Hurat'a when In want el an oleeraut Blnek Silk Dress. We have thorn at all - .I?,,9? te ?0Vf0fa ; Surafe when In want of an olegant Black Oashmore Dresa. We will aell you ene that you will be pleased with for a very low prloe, ir,nAi,IPr5.tOB,!?0rBm&:.Hur8t'QJwh0n ln want of a" elegant Oleth SuitlnR, aa we have Just openod an olegant line of Plain Cleths, Tricots and Plaids in all the newest Bhades. e ie.itri?i 3-pto,Bew'ora&: Hurst's when ln want of anything in the Dry Goods line, a3 we always have a larce stoek at the lewest poselble prices. u LADIES We cal Bpoeial attention te our stoek of Grey Blankets, as we knew them te be very geed for the Bmall price we ttBk for them. Alse Scarlet and White Blankets remarkably oheap in all Rrades. nHi-f7Tflnri?i,??orQ1i-Sl??anBSSOrtnient of Oomferts, made up of the best Satinea, Orotennoa and rJ?i ififf ill wlthrthe b0fc YhI en a-d sewed well In overy particular. Theso goods are handseme, and when m want of a geed, nice Oomfeit de net fail te see theso befere purchasing. The prloea are right. T: BSw?Jlsoh,av?Ju8tePnol en elegant line of Dress Buttens, Hesiery, OoiBets, Gloves, Ribbons tTL' 2H?hlnK 0,,ee ln tne notion line De net forget our 60e. Kid Gloves, the beat in the market for the money. ESTPlonse give us a call. ULAHB AMU UUKKNHHAUH. H1 II H & -AHTIN AT CHINA HALL. We Imre new open a tlne line et Lamps Lamps IN Glass and Fancy Stand Lamps. LIBRARY AND BALL LAMPS. The CLEVELAND NON-KAl'LOSI VK HTU DK.NT J.AMt'd, the beat In tbe market. Don't tall te bee our atecte bolore purcn-ulntr. Higli & Martin, 15 EAST KING .STKEET, LAKCAKTEli, TA. VAl'BK JIAMilAUB, At. aces rxra )UAltKS W. VUY. NEW PA1TEUN3 Olf WALL PAPERS, comprising all grades. Our selections hare been carefully made trem the leading manu factures and Include un elegant line et Frlozeo, Borders, Oontrea, Oelling Doeoratlono, &e. We are prepared te ozecuteerdcrs priJinptly andln nrat-cliLss manner. Papers from 15c. a Piece Dp. That lnclndes the Hanjjlnj. time te have work dene cheap. New H your riinr STVLES OP DADO SHADES, IN SIX AND BEVEN PEET LKNUTH9. riain Cleth from 30 te 72 in. wiile, KOlt ALL KINDS OP WINDOWS. LACE CUUTA1N3 AND POLES. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 67Nerth Queen Street, LANCASTKU. PA. IttaUltAAVK. rpuit Prudential Insurance Ce. OS AMEUICA. Heme Offlce NEWARK, N. J. The Prudential offers a plan by which overy. ene may secure a fund snitlctent ler burikl purposes. Thla company Is endorsed by 'tlm feadlnK business men and luanutaetiiniwe? Lancanter county. Claims paid wit imsf bourn after proof el deaui. wiinin m CALL AT-. Ne. 13 BOUTH DUKD STRBBT, KOR CtROULAM AMD IMFORMATIOW, 20 Reliable Anta M'lintcd. I -A-s dmt ttoeva, . READY-MADE CLOTHING! HAGER & BROTHER, MISSES' FALL A! & Bewers & Hurst. Ne. HATS AUD CATS, y . sTaurrisK. JOHN SlUKS TIIK- People's Hat Stere. Special Announcement. As you all knew, the COLD WAVE lis ceinn una with It the tlnest and largent assert meut et Hats, Oaps, Furs and Gloves ever openwl in the City et Lnncastur. All the ery Latest Styles and N'ovelUm et the t)Ul ?,' "PresenUng all the LeaUlni; Styles of Nuw erk, anil a lew et Londen and Paris. uen t forget we also have still quite a num ber et the Hats montlencd ln the QHEJl'I mark down of ene week age, fn which we atated that i,,1A",,,t,, were marked down from JIU). U50, 3 00, tl M and $110 te tlM. I1.7S, II.SO, tl.lunil $1 ue. A few as low aa 50c. and 7Je. Wi.i "ATS at ull prices, trem 25c up. UAl'Strem loe. up. hvervthinir ln Ue.td Dre for Children. A specialty of school Hats and Cap. 4-C'all and be convinced that Uie best goods ler the least meimy can be hail at W. D, STAUFFER & CO., (ShultJ"8 Old Stand.) NOS. SI & J3 NOtf.TH QUEEN 8TUEET, Lancaster, Ia. mylO.ly VUwaku anfirriAT3, SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE. IV e are receiving dally the latest and meat correct styles et belt and HUH lliilnler yeuni; m,en; and Belllnjf them at tne LOWEST CASH 1 1.1 LKS. Silk HaU win be worn te a very great ox ex ,.S".t'J1'!?.K"u "y yng men. THE JIUOAD . AY J!,.'.'.J:K la Ul wel terrect style AT Ai.i. iiiiKS, aud we keep a full assortment et sizes and guarantee It te be as geed 11 net Uie best quality tn the city for theuienev. We na.Y..?","tnn,1y en hand all kinds et Belt and .Stilt Huts and Caps for the old as well a the yeunjf. 144 lertli Queen St,, (UU NDAliBIPB OLD BTAND) A Few De ors Above Franklin Hense, LAHCA8TKU.PA. tnar27lydAW TIMWAJUt, (J. G TU JOHN P. SCHAUM'S. Ne. 241!3eD.th Queen Street, -reu THE CHEAPEST and BEST REFBJGERATORS. WATE R COOLERS, Lai wn Mewersi QAItDEN HOES AND OIL OLOTH. JOHI i P. SCEAUM, 24 euth Queen Street, fnb77dvii LANCABTKK. HA. Clanks or J ea low at HAUTllA A-U bTLKS ANU AT PHICKS i the lowest, at N'tf XKLLOW PUONT CIGAli BTOUK. tti'x AIIKtt A IIKUTMKU Materials and Latest Stvles. Lancaster, Pa. fl EO r. IIATUVIIW. WINTER WRAPS. II LANCASTER, PA. HURST'S, LANCASTER, PA. 26 and 28 North Queen Street. UAUHIAOJSH, J!V. OTAN DA iiu uaiikiaui: tvuitu. EDQBRLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, HEAU OP l'OSTOKPICE, LANCASTElt, PA. T1IUKE First and Highest Premiums Have been awarded usby the COUNTS FAlll. but the best proof of merit and quality el weik was the Hale et all our exhibits iminugretimlp, besides ether orders eeiuliiK trem prominent citizens. This high teuipliincnt andrciottnl andrciettnl andrciottnl Hen el lhosupirler quality et our work Is an other proei thai Pair Dealing & Honest Werk Will Win, We makrt overy style lluggyand Cai-rlae desired. All work finished In the most com. fortable and elcipint style. We use only the iMjst eeltcted matarlal, and employ only the beat mechanics. Per quality of work our prices are the cheapest ln tne state. We buy for cash and sell en the most rtusonable terms. Olveusacall. All work warranted. HEPA1UINU PllOMlTH ATTENDKDTO. One set et workmen esiieclally employed ler that nurpose. njil-tlil.tw VOKUEOK M1LPT. Great Ilednctien in Trices -OF- CARRIAGES. Cor. Duke and Vine Sis., Lancaster, Pa. All Jobs remaining from sale will be sold at OUEATLY KEDUC1CD PIUUUl'.i. New Is the ttme te buy, aa our summer stock must be closed out. Jobs win be sold at cost te make room for our Sleigh and Wlnter llanntacture. Don't tall te precure a baraaln Wien jeu have a chance, aa by purchasing new teu win savu hi lunsi ou yer ceni. vlnced such Is a fuel. ........ ... . . .. r- . v. .. Call and be con- LOOK AT THE PllICEl ; NEW BUGGIES ATS0O.0OAMD UPWAUDH, Accerdlnc te Quality. Carriages, Pluetens, etc., etc., lu proportion. Uemember theso lobs are net a cheap article, made especially for cheap prices, but our own first-class manu facture, and will be guaranteed as such, Patronize theso who benefit you. Don't pay enormous prices when you are net compelled UJ. As proof of our quality of work, we re ceived all tha highest and only premiums at ue Lancaster county Fair, for light work, our specialty, and thu three highest premlumsat biatflPairln Philadelphia, and had tliotlrst tlietlrst class and high priced builders et that city te compete with. UALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOOK. NOTE Tbose desiring n tlne Sleigh this wlnter at a reasonable price, will be benetlted by calling and examining our stectc ln ei asen, AJ-A largu stock Hecenddland Werk ter sale, llepairlng promptly attended te. A. PUI.I. LINK: UK Pll'KS AT PIllOr.H that defv comnetltlen at TlAUWlAH'BjVKLLOW P110NT C1UAU UTOUK. G HAY'S HfKOIPIO MEDIt)lNK--TH15 Uieat English llcmedy. An uulalllng euro fur luipetency, aud all Dlseases that let low Less et Memery, Universal Lassltudu, Pain ln the Hack, lituinees et Vision, Prema ture Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Pre mature Uru ve. Pull particulars ln our pam phlet, which we desire te send free by mail te everyone The Specific Uedlctuets sold by all druggists at tl nor package, or six pack ages ler 11, or will be sent free my mail en the recetpvet the money,by addressing the agent. 11. 11. COCHHAN, Druggist, Wen. 1S7 and 13'J Xerth Cueen street, Lancas ter. Pa. On accountef counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper i the only genuine, TUKUUAYMEDlulNKCOy , liunale, N. Y, jr- -s t ,. NORBECK & HILEY'S TKAVKLIHfB U VI 1S, IANUAHTKIl'VNU MI1.I,KIIS'IM.K It l J Cam run m tollewa I'oave Lnnnutprtl. R. DciMilJ.nt 7. V nn. I., ".'"m "l a, 4, e mul h .M u. m., ntcniit en BMunlny. when tlm l,t rr It iivki nl Wit. m m.fT ''!0,11"m (Uwr uuil), nl B, 8. linn I0-'".uitl,S,Siuiit7ii.m, BiiiulvrUU y " uhove l"" ,,xfrl " JKAUINU UOLUIDIIIA II. II. AUUANUKMKNTOrrASSKNliKltTltAlNB HUNDAY, MAV ltni, 1SSI. MUUTIIWAUI). LA L ynarrj llle lioncjuiter, KlngBt luincMter Ohleklra Unrletta Junction,..,..,, (julumtiln. utvm. Ucvunir..,,.. I A.M. A.H j m V IU V JJ 7 30 7-4.1 7M 7 VI 7J0 W-1 aeuiiiWAlti). LBAVH. Ue&dtnft auuvs. Harletu Junction . Uhlcktea Columbia Ijincei iter. LncBter. King St.. Unarrrv ilia f.M. r. ii. .... 1JX .... St.' loe i.Hi .... .... t'OI 1.10 3.4" A.M. H. v U 7.' 11.(0 (,-ie I'll r.n 7 0 4" ... IP 1 li 83 9M ih t i' J 41 ... ti 10 41 . . II) &4I I'tC xnuns connect nl luuuiin Willi L.I.I11.J 1 from Philadelphia, Potlsvllfe, HarrUbur, lentewn and New lerk, via llevml lii Ak pn auHU At CelumbLt ullh trains te and fro a i,r, Hanever, uettyshurg, rrcderlci and P..i i mero. At Marietta Junction with trains te nnd from Chlcklea. HUNDAl. Iave yuare vllle, 7 Ul a. tn.j Ltttcnstrr KliiB Hlreet, 5-ou p. m. Arrive Uett.lhiK'. 10 00 a. m , 7-0 ji in. Leave Iteadlnir. N-uia. iu.. 4uSn in. Arrive l.ancastei, Klwistreut, luvx) COS p. in.) tjuiuryvlliti, 7.u"i. A U. WIUIOS in., J P.ltAlSON & I.AMU.lTKIt .HUM I.I.SK J 11A1LUOAD. ASiunuKHicnT or l-AaiKNiiua hjim, MONDAY, AUlltlSr IStli. Kil. NOilTHWAUl). .ViiikMj. l.ene. A.M. HI, AM I'M, Mim Street, l.unc... M ai 111 hoi 6ui Maiihvlm 7irt Ms " I". .'. t Cornwall 7.15 i.ti xi.i nz ArrUc. Lebanon X05 Ml J IS 'f,.n A. II. l'.ll. A l l'.M HOUTIIWAKK. 1a ave. A U. ! M. i r M. I-cKinen 7 15 7 3u i-m I. u Cornwall 7 7.W 7.0 uvi Manhelm n 17 HJi) HI Ail ArrUe. KIiir fctrtet, I anc....857 'MO tuiki r.m A.M 1' M. A.B. l'.M I. A. Wilsen. Supt. li A C. 1L It. J. M. IIavakd, hum. C. and C. A lit. II K Uaeniia KLit, Siipi. ! .1 It. It. It. nil I , I stAiun.y GUY. T inn it BEST " STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. K3TllLldllKl 1K5U COMPAUETHKSlKd A.ND I'lllCKSOr OUR ENGINES. We hae no AgenU or Mtddle-ine i tn pielntt byadillnK ceiuiiiltsliius vtlildi I it-- temersiuuslpii). Yeu Save Frem 15 te 25 Per Cent. 11 Y Pl'ltCllASlMi DIKhCl H.UM I , BEST MATERIAL AND WORKHAHSHIP. NoSliell Imn used In i:ellen. leu-t con sumptien of Ceal and Water fort'eucr l veleiwd. All Engines et our ninke subnct 1 te Friction llrakx 'lest te nnnliln their late et power. XAVK TIMKaud JUO.SK'i, and pur. clia.HU the Hest Durable and II Kil Portable Engine and Heller en Whuels and Sill Farmers and Threshormen, cjamlne tticse prices anil IihIke ler yeuri ies tin llls Capacity. 4 Herso Power. 0 Herse Pewlt. 8 Herse Power. ID Herse Power. 15 Herse 1'ewer. 3i) Herso Pewtr. $ 11") IU MX, U) iV. HI kk, mi UV) (10 1 Nl HI We manufacture and kip lnxteck intilol intilel intilol lewluggooits, which are nlways en hand Portable Englnps en Wheals and tdlla. Htatlenery Engines, " te Ce Herse Power Stationery Hellers. Portable Beiler. Portable Haw Mills. Large and Small lielli r Peed Pumps ; pinup and heaters combined Steam l'uinp. Hark, Cerk and Cob Mills. Pulleys, ahattlng and Ueurlng. Heuse Cellar Hudeni. Creameries titled up. Steam Heating a bpclalty Iren and llrass CasUtis. Iren Tanks ler Water and Oil Light and Heavy btieet Iren Werk. Steam and Water Pipes. Hancock Insptiatnrs. Valves nml rulings. Andes A bon's Separators. llutld nny Power orbtjieol Hellers. Ljii mates given for machinery. Ilepalrs prompt ly andcarelully attendeit te. WALL WOUK yOAUAWTEED.-ta JeIul Best & Sen, (PUOPKIK.TOllS.) Ne. 333 East Fulton St,, LANCASTElt, PA JanlMydA- T uir. ttAuuiia vatki: niiixei; IS THK MOST KCOM U1CAL POWEi; KNOWN MtlVINU LIUHT MACHlNhU KOlt IT TABES BUT L1TTL8 ROOU. It hevub uvrs out or rkfair. It ea h met blew up. it bk14u111kh 0 fuel. IT NKKDS M) LNalNKKK TnBBH IS MO DXLAT I MO TIRIMO IT. NO ASIIKSTOULXAH VV, MOBXTRAIMSDRAMUBTO TAT. HO RKFAIRINO NECKSHAlir. HO OOAL 1I1LLS TO PAY, AND IT IS ALWAYS I1KAIIV FOR t SK. It Is lnvaluab'oter mewing Church ergimi, ler itunnlng Printing Presses, dewing Ma culnes, Turning Lathes, Screll Saws, Qiliut Stones, ColtcelllllH, hausaRe MacliliiiM, reed Cutters, Cern Mills. Elevators, Jce cream Preezers, Eta Call at J. L. Ulnkley's I lecery Stere, corner East King and Dukestiei ts.uud bee ene ln operation. Pour-herso power at 4) pounds pressure et water. It Is neisnlrss, neat, compact, sternly. andabove all It Is VERY CHEAP. Prlce-16 te t JOJ. send ter circular te E. H. DILLVIt, At., NO. IK N. DUKK ST., LANCASTI.lt, PA. The Ilackus Moter will de mere work with less water than any ether water meter Inox Inex Inox lstence. aiiKll Jmd TTAVIMO 1I1SSOL.V1SI1 PAltTXlKUlllIP JUL and petmanently clesed thu Chestnut ,11103 patrons and the publle generally, that 1 am still ln the buslness, being located In the l'eiin Iren Company's Works, North Plum street, where 1 am inaklnit Iren and llrass Castings et every destrlptlen, and will be pleased te serve all who may favor me with their patron age. Prem 40 years experience In thubuslniMs and using thu best material andump!elng the best mechanics, I am sail -tiled 1 can guar guar antue untlre satisfaction. Castings male frm a mixture el Iren und steel which are mero re liable ter strength and durability than the best cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a specially. Cast ings made et very selt Iren, and brass cast ings et overy description. 1 have all the pat ters ar the well and favorably known Mowrer Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted and linproveiL Alse en Hand, mills completely fitted up or In parts, te replace old ones which havehtcu In use ter yearn, guaranteeing them te elvesuti Is tactien. angl4-6tntf K.C. MeCULLEY. USK MILLER'S BLAOK LINIMENT, KnglUli and German directions. K,7-6mdAvr v,ydhJJ5 ii iAI On Cylinder. WlircK t" X h" $ tV CX b" I i" ve u 7" X 10" tAJ l " X 1U" "M l V X 12" lliM U in" x ie" i ae u c ST"" r.. ' ... H'ff, ..fJi i . - yw-ii' j irflV3,