J "tjM(n -TV' Tr itf,4' ' f K r ?vA..,!l sv ,- ?', -n.'tv.' Vn1 '? -. nV. fer l j i 'Ifc P"s yYd ( m iiuiuii.au v ami uiMiiiniu. Hllvertfura nnn .Ii.ntlryKtnlan Irum A Wet Ulna Mtcet .lewnkr. List tiljiht IIiIbvph entered tlie rcsldence or M. .1. WMotiuefor, Jeweler, 450 Went Kluir i Ircct, mid stele n small qunutlty of nilver wnte nml jewelry, valued nt nbeut i'iS, Tlie thieves 1 (footed mi ontnuice through n IrnuRemn abeve-the kltolieu deer, und thoroughly raneaehed thn Itltohen, tllultiR room mid junior, eer.iiriiia; ft lanie quantity nf silverware vrhleh they oertlcd Inte tknyaid but failed te make oil" with, helm; evidently frlclitencd befere they had llnlslicd their Jeb, Ametij the nttlelc lelt in thn yard wcre n valuable ieojiltehor, cate basket, ktilvre, ferknnnd i) poe 1 1 h. Tlie only tliluH inlftRitiu nte a rtignr bowl. Hjioenholdcr, enkn basket and some of Mri Wnldotihefer'n jewelry. 1'he thieve evidently wnre net tirofWMeti nip, na tlie iirtluliA left behind wete miieb morn valuable tlnti tliose carried off. It tas tlie lutcntlet) of .Mr. Woldenhefer nml wife te have left the city en Wednesday, but! for personal tcasetis thelr Intended lslt vtnn pORttienrd until today. It Ih prebable that the thleved woreawnroor the'r Intended I'epatttitn, but net nv.areef tlie postponement, and breke into tlie hntisei bellevlni; it te be uneccupird ; and en discovering the family at home, hastily decamped, .- Thin lebbery in the third that Mr. Welduiho'er has Riiffered within a few yearn past : FitM, he wan robbed in Montgomery county, then in Media, Delaware oeucty, and new iu LaneaVer. IIIh lathpr'n.iewelry Htore In tl,ia city wan alce robbed i few yearn age. ANeriiKit lunibi; entered. Thn rciddence of .leliu H. Jelferlcs, Ne. 455 Vest Kthjj stint, was also cnteicd last nltilit mil the lower lloer rabsiekcd, Netbltii: of Ktrat value waa taken It Is Mippnfcd the fiame thleven who robbed Mr. Wideuhefir committed thin lobbery also. IIIOIIWAY ItllllllKKY, A liiiiii: Man il 111 III HiiRKjr lly 'UIiiiiii On Thursday ovcniuj,Walter Waidley, a ennK man lestdintf iu BtrabtlrR, drnve te New Helland, and started te return home at n lain hour. Wbile dnvitij; alone tlie read abrut a quarter of a mlle from I'ara dis he met two men. Oue r.f tln-m passed te the icar of the btiRyy ami at l he enme tlme the herse flopped. The man In the rear caught held of WaU'ley fumi behind and held him nt.it at the h.vue lin.e called for bis pattuer the ether took tlie hitehlnp; rein from the hori-e, mid with It tied Waiillny's hands tightly tORcMer. Tliey then Led his hands te the bow of the bu,'.'V. Wbile he waa iu that pnsHien the man vfnt through his peckett, Irth.ixall blH letters, papars, and a fcmall ameuiit of money. They took Iiih rtvelver from bis pocket but Muted that they ha I no u;e for it ami kft it iu tin bJi;i;y'. Alter takirn: everj thing elce Irrm ynuuit Waidley. the men whipped h'n borae and started him off ou a run. The animal Ixilntr a Bpirited oi.e ran sonie distanej when luckily the team via met by n baker nhewn.4 en bis way te I'.irf.dlae. The man Hopped thn huri-e ai.d theu relcaBcd yeun Wnidliy, who was tied fe tightly that it itiimrul a half Iieiu'h work te lencii him. While the tlileves wero at work they krpt 6altif te Wa'dley, " De jeu kuetv ua ! ' He leplicd that be did ret, and lir.s net learned nuythlnz abiut tbem yit. Somenf the stolen pipers and muie photepiapba wcre found jesteuliy inerniug en thei jx by simi school chil dren. 1. 11 ll.l I UCAI.. lulfl ltni' et ii.tur.t (lathrrnl liein Ihr tlrjrir u ;Hu!e lltH'k, Henry Willi fbippid today from his M allien, North Qm eti street, ero car lead ei heavy ilrait nr.d dnviinj, lmrfes also a line pair of black eeash lierees. The police r p' rtnl thirty-fi.ur olectde und three pai-eliM' I'ln". aa Let buru ur en Friday night. The major dint trcd of six cases this morning. Oaediui k was committed and llve ledpciK were liigthnreed. The county commiwienera yesterdiy appelated Jehn H. Waifil assessor or Lca Lca Lca oeok tewtihhip, iu p'aee 'if II. K. Ilarsb, removed from tlm omtriet. A fair by the yeui .; folks organ astecia tien, of St. J. hu'tJ German Hofermed church, will cprn this oveuIuk in tha baPement of tbe church, corner of West OrenKii nml Mulberry streets. Many valuable artieV are ou exhihitlju aid sa'i. A inectiuiJ f the btii'.-l commlttee of councils was held en Friday 07cuiiig te take action en tiapj for the iuletH of the new sewer couHuietediu thonertbwosterii section of the e.ty. The traps cillcd f jr In the Bpcirlcatieu3 will net answer the purposes uul it was decided te proaure ethetb, the ci y te pay the differcuce in cost. The LaiJi. n Holiew Ucnevelent tietiety of thia city le-rlay denated $25 te the soup furcl. It ii the purpose of Mayer KescMcilk'r te lcepin the eeup hoube this reason and he will be tbanklul for ciu ti.butieiu te aid him in keeping it open. Hundreds of our peer peepln were reli vfd each winter i r the past ten years The mayer'ti appeal will m doubt be liberal'y respei.ded te. uwiii.v isu iiv niKu.vi; i tal irala ul n Konrtcet-jthfuid lit lu mnrittu Last cveuing wlu'e a Hcpublicau letcb liht precession vns pr.tBini; nloeg tbe railroad in Mailettu, the dead body of llebert Oiey, nped about 14 yeaia, xvas found ling alongside the truck, 50 yaids c.st of the depot, with the head eiititely severed Irem the body and ene arm ami ene le;j nlse cut off. It appears that the bay was iu the habit of botrdieg fi eight Mains and riding up and down the read. Last evening he bcatded n train drawn by engine 570, telng east, and making a mis ftep, (ell under t lie can, nnd was killed as i.bove rtated. Tlie victim was the bcu of n widow, rcsidiiij' iu Marietta. An iriiiui'Bt xras held ou the body, ad a verdict rendered iu nccordance with the abeve facts. The funeral took place this iiftonieon from the rcstdonce of the bey'H u ether. Alroertrchor KiilerlaiLinpii. The etitcrtainment of ihu Mraoncrcuer, which nan postponed latt Monday, will take plaea nrzt Monday, as Prof. Mate. will be able by that time te fill bis place. Tbe 8eelcty will offer te its mem hers a humorous evening as It will bring en tbe etnge two comical scenes : Tha singing club at llummolsderf," and " The Corporal's Instruction." The first grand oenocrt will ' tike plae next month, for which fcteat preparations are being made. Urnlui; Accident. This foreueou as Obiaf of the Flre Dj partmeut IIowell's team was standiug in freut of Demuth's store, en East King litre ct, tlie heiaa took fright iu cocseiiuenco of the falling dewu of a pile of brooms uear by, and ran off, damaging the wasreu te whie'i he was hainesscd and Injuring inn wffl Kniitv.'iiat, IweDty-inn M'erma In Uue (Dictiiint. James Bevil. nostmaster at Oreene, thin county, while biting iute tt ehestnut Tlmreday eveutnir, discovered te his horror twenty-twe worm cti'oenocd Btfely lu the shall. Perhaps the worms are concentrating la Itepubliein chestnuts Blr.ce the returns from the October states. A Marltcd Improvement, J. E. Hele, pliotegtunber, North Queen sire et, near Orange, luj recently complelod aui' u marked Improvements In his plotare ,j . Ucry A new ami Improve4 skylljht, fllled with (jreiiiiiliilam, tins heen eroded anil cur. Ulneil, seni tn proituce any i! oil red eirrctef llxht nml flmile, A new itoer litis been Ink), tlie rooms Imve heen newly iiatnled nml pa. pnreit, new lnr!tj;ieiiii(ls mid ether parapher nalU linvelKinnnitili'it.miil Mr. ltotelins mailu his rooms iirat class In nil leipcrts. Hie lili nlvorilsemenl In another column. Thn IVnrtlcn IiiucK Piieoulater. Worrleil tnlnil, Knvernil tiraln. Dreadful day wltli mimiiled mnrknt. Unnbln te out lln lln nnrntler day's work. Vnln eirerls te nit at iilvlit. Ilnirlil Ipellnus tn vlew et loinerrow. lledy suit intuit want teulnct up. Itrewn's Iren Hitters itees It surely ami quickly. Mr. Te'iv.nl Tavern, Ornnice eetinty, Flerida, lias uxtiurluiiuid tlie liuuellt el this vnlnslile rem ihIv, lunl 8iiyn, " I I'hoerliiHv rnceirimnnil It 1 keep It nit limiil all thn time," Cures dys pepsia, IndltpiHIen, wcnknusi, ele. DttATllH. I!ewmh.-1ii this tlty, en the 18th lint., diaries K .ioiieI (leoruennil I'atlmlne How Hew nimi. Tliu reluttves anil Irlundsnt tlin family me reipcctinlly InvlUnl te uttend the funeral, Irem hit parents' resldcnce. Ne. aa Seuth fjueuii Htreet, en Hnnilav nltornren attlirea o'clock. Interment at Woeitwaril Hilt loine tery. fir.it .iitrtutTtHKMi'.Tiip, IUncii mihti:h i'ik tiiih Kvr,Mu I at UIIAKI KV HOlTlClfH C011NK118A. I.UON In rearer Central Market. fnrenKar's Heur en tap. n (.llIC KlIAtIV l.UMill TfilM (1A-!II1. J DAY) nvenlni! at thn Kast Ktni Piriwi Kfxmuiaiitfnitviucnt Ifnilineler's liulldlnt:.) t jksm: jumks, nep. 01.11 NTIH'K DllNNKOTli.lJT HIAK!S 17 ler a'.e. L'hii be rullwl en as strictly (.en. lHCtlCUtllt J HAUTMAN'fl VKI.l.OW riUINT tUAU mm; U)t),UyU lly tlin Union tlulldlnijnnd Lean Atsoelatlen. Kir pnrllcniars tnouire el ... ,. A. II.tlAl.l, Seenitiiry. "- tS Ne. lWKastKlnRNt I T-N nllMIMV-AVKITWlTII HIlT. Ij vit Winch nail Held utialn was lelt In 1 iicu t Alley, near Strawberry strniL 'i'liu lnilur will be liber lly ruwHrilodupenleavIng lint tlll(.fllcOf the iKTKLLlUBSUEIt. ll riMiK i.AiciiKbT, iikvi' Ann Aiuir uu.ii. X pletnasiortmentet Pliylns CanH In the city, from s i per puck up, nt HAItTM S'4 VKI l,i)W KllONTf!iiAt( "frmv 1 Ail Al'lT.AIIAMOli OK ALIIINU, TUB (1KUAT MIMIC V.Nt) CONCUliTINIST, It AT I.OTS, TO N1UII r. MILLER'S COUGH SYRUP. sept 7-lnidftw I IKNN (JHIAItM Af Sl.SB S-MU IIUK- i dre.l.iU..itterclKar than u sold by innu tlfmlera at f 1.73. ut " UTiA s KI.I.UW fllOHTf ti' v Mllf TC-)Hlt MAN'S I'ACm.,!! Il I--. 1 udl,. J er-t-w 111 ily.i Cotten. Weel, fllknr Ki'atli- r. I'lipltMiermntienianil llrllllant. 10a n par-kae nt UDlll.hl's miuu 1101IK JK -,;,nd SI Wet King struct i.iii. iiK.sr lt,tKlli,ATi:n sui.iit nut -1 ?7tt. fllir I'lnnml .Invn I'n1,i.nn 1. 1 .... .1 .... . 5( is nt fnr any tnble. Whitest e Suirar in "'- " I.AI'.KK, Ne. IS OitKlni; Btniet 7 a -1' I'i'i: vi"t Mtrs. ttif ' ' " " JUSTIAS UI.AUK, TIK K.MI.VKNT iMA.VO 80l,Ot3T. AT It l.OTii'S. TO-NIOUT. Otsrm vik as maui:i: kiiaiit LUNCH, v 'IhlsOATnitOW) hvenlnuattnuSt Charles hotel, te. it I'liitchennui mteet. KO- HE K1.0IIV, 11 I'ropil-ler. US I.NSUICAMlK AHMOniAl !l.. . AGAINST ACClDKNT-i. KKAl. KsTATK, ISIIIIAN:K AXll 1'KV. SION AOK.SCV. Illllcn-Ne. 13 N. IliiMiSt,, l.uuciister r.i lym-iatia k. kimiuun. AKt. 15VJUSTIAM CI.AUIi. TO-NIUHT, A I' I.OrZ'S. S.AU1".K KIIAIIT I.tlMlH, THIS KVK.NiNd, ttlml.inr HullriliiK lusisunint. corner et Diiku nnd (limit strHHts. Keliler' Celebrateit l,aer Keeren tip. On HIINUAY, OI.T. 3C, tliore will re n Grand llafllliiK et 'IW 'lurjeis, Geese. Uhickens unit Ducks, ull day and even. lm. Coinuenn, coitie alt. It UU'Wl.tSTAl'ivEKOUD. I) r.lliCllTIU UIIUNIV OOHHilTISi;. llierawlll te u menllnif (if tin, n.mn. eratle count ceininllleH Iu iie rooms et the ( H Ceiundttee. tlilril lle r of Keplor's pest etU u bull linn, Vertli (J men street, at 10 a. m. en MOM1AY. OCTOlltJIl 27. A liillaltendaneu of tlie mam tiers l urcunt ly li'ijuosleJ. W. if. IIKNSKI., Chalrniiiu. Laneastiiii, l'l , Oct, S, 18-4. c8-ilwlm N'' XV !l)MI4TUMltllT II Y Aldine, at Jjetz's .10llllHAT ltAJtll.-.lrM V In Ladles' and dents' furnishing One Is, UOK) llhUll'IOMl'd, Ne 52 North (jucun btruei. Underwdiir, Umleiy, Shirts, 1'uiits, Overalls. Kntt Jackets, comlertt. Counterpanes, Uinbrullas, Neck. winr, Lellars, Suspciulers nd Notions 'I hi) aliove am spucln tte-i, and will be sold te duly cnmputlllen 1'lei.e call and exam tne bi'lore you buy. I1KNUY 1IECUTOLD, l.ilNr. ci.etiiimi r.iii iur; fall. j.- i ii we new uiaiilaveil en in my counters all XVoelens, nnd racks my sunerb llun or K They arn tlm choicest roeiU ever etlured In iiimuiy uy uv iiiurcimni iniier luuolnrere. Allhulu, I'mitiilneni and overcoau will be irlmniedwlth the very bennnd a perfect and couile.tHblurltulwa)eunrxiiteoi. Ilen'ltall te step as you pass by mid ejimnlna the iroeds In my window. A. II.UOaKNBTKlN, 37 North Outwii Btrnet, oppeitto tlie 1 rwleltlce. i St 6nid II I ItANll rAltt Y THE YOUNG FOLKS' ORGAN ASSOCIATION -OF- St. Jehn's German Reformed Church Wilt enen THIS KX'ENINO In thn Ilginmnit et thochureu, enrnoret Orangu anil Mulberrv streets. ela it IKAltDrll U IMtUltANUIS OJMl'ANV, OV PHILADELPHIA. Altesd H. Oillett, l'reslilent. Javxs 11. alverd. Vice Pre, und Trcua. Kuwis r. Meiuull, Mecietary. J Ulics 11. allkn, i sa't. Fee'y Assets: Ona Millien, Twe Hundred and Fifty-nine Thousand, Nins Hun dred and bixty-seven Dollars and Forty-nine Cents. AU invudtuil In solid socurltles. I.oues promptly sottleJ unit paid. Rife & Kaufman, AGENTS, Ne. 10 East Kins Streot OClOmaM.W&i.H "rAi.nin.n eiTX riiui'Kitrv at I'lll!- Y LlC HALE. lln TUESDAY. NOVKII. liEU 1, 1631, will he eelit at the Fiankllu Houee, North (jueeu atn'ct, l.aneistcr cltv, Pii., the lollewlnx ilinlnbln Ueal Ks.ati- te wit. TWO UltlCK HOUSES, two atnrl In height, with htlck ijullilluRa uttaeheil. Nea, IW unil 410 North Mulherry atreet. Ne 438 has u iiuver 1 111 1 in 1; wtui 01 wiuur in tne yanl. Each lioiue ceutMlus 11 hall, parlor, rilnlnir reim una kltchen 011 the tlrst fleer, unil tour r ouisen thorecen i.sterv. wltu koe.i urrelH te each houae. Thnre U aUe u varluty of Cholce Krult freea unit Orapu Vlnoien thesu piopurtlej, Until et th(),-e properties tronten Mulherry struct, unil estenil in ileiuli 21J loot te Cnue-.iril alley One-tenth el tte purchase money la miile payiiule nt the tlme et tha saU. The ImUnce iu im iuiu 1,11 wiu lai 01 .prit, is. Each property will be ueltt eeparatmy, Buln will cemmence ul halt-pan 7 o'clock t in, when iittonilttnce will uh Kiven una tcru s et sale will be uitule known by n. . .... .JellH M08KKHAW, Trustee for the hclru et tne eutu ,ir The. It........ .inu...... , ui uui Uk by bucutaT, Auctioneer. wuvauav, uwcunui lt JbAKCASTJSB DA.AJ.jY HS'TKLJLIfclBCKK SATURDAY' OCTOBER 18, 18fe. JV-Blf ADVKKmtMmENTH GltAMl DAtlRIt RttAIIT L.VMUII THIS nvMilnn at Kxcnlsler Hall, Kruli l.agcr nun neus near en isn. It H. iieimuil, 1'roprletor. Yni.i.MXV riteNr uiiiAii. xvAuicantku clear VueltA Abnle Havana filler, tlie best no ctitar In the ninte. nt JIAUTMAN'S YKLLOW FIIONT CIUAII NTO UK. OAUIClt KttAUll O HAUKll KllAUTII This (Fnturdny) evenlnif at the Medmnn llouse, North Queen strent. Lebanon lleer en Up. WM. II. DKIClll.RIt, lt I'roprletor. UAUKH KHAUr LUMIII THIS ("ATCIt. kj 1't.i ) iiTunintr nt IIKN11Y NKAMEK'SItKSTAUUANT cer. Water and OraiiKeaineti Fprcnser's Iloeren tap. It J." ltOTC. Tlmsatstactlen expiossedbynnapprcclatlve public, with the many Improvements we Imve made In the past Ims enemiiiiuedu,HndplTcj us roiiewnd stimulus. Our studio has keen tomedeloil eiitlrely, Klvlnir us ene of the best llKhts In the city ler the working et the In Btttiitaneeus pieccsi. Geed tasle In tin decora decera decora tlvenrt has mailoeur Bt'olle a pliicn et pleas snt siirreunillnfrs.aiulas tlin Ince of thasub Jcct always reflects thn Imprnsslens made by thlnsrs pleasauter unpleasant, tlm most beau fill pun nt thn plcture Is assied,as tlm ex pression Is the llle nnd tne Hunt, Yours, ect., J. H. BOTE, lune2-tfd .Se. lM Nebth QcsiX Gtssxt. A l.ltlNK. Excelsior Hall, KASTKING8TKKKT. llcturn of tbe most Successful Artists of mouern times. THE 1'IIENOJIKNAL ALDINE, ALDINE, ThoUieitCencertlnltt, Mlmle.ComleVocalUt, (ChrIIsIi nnd (ierman) manipulator of the l'enny XVbtslle, Ac.ac.and JUSTIAN CLARK, The Kmlnent l'isne Soloist Accewpanlst, Ac KOIl O.VK XVKEIC ONLY k Commeuclnir ea MONDAY EVK, OCT. JO, 'sl. Mil AI.11IN1C will Introduce entirely New Songs every eventnir. New Holej, New Wlttt clstns, and an entlrn chanice et ptegramme. Come, nnd fee thn benulltul tidies made while uliiKlug. Come and hear the Imitations of lllrd, Sawing Wewl and Iltautltul colon en the Ceuciirlluii. Don't lerirnl thesddces und date, Kxcnlsler Hall, East litiitf street, en Mon day Eve, Octoberioth, nnd each ovonlPBilur evonlPBilur ovenlPBilur Iuk tliu week "Att mission Free. Comtnunce at 8 o'clock. 0l3 7t H ROHRER, Prep r ANUASTKII Nil OK KAOTOHT. HIEMENZ. i: We eall your Bpoelol attentien te our IjADIBs' Pebble Butten Bhoe, 83.00, 81.7G, 81 50, 81.25. LADIES" Beat Hid Eulton Shoe, 82.60, 82.00. MEN'S BhesH, 83.00, 82.76, 82.60, 82 00. down te $1,25. MI33K3' HoheolSboo, 81.25 and 81.00. BOYS' Shoeo, 82 00 down te 81 00 CHIL DREN'S Shoes, 35, 45, aud 60 eta. WOMBN'.-I Oolf i'egsrea and ?ewed Shoce. 81.50 nnd 81.25. MEN'S Geed Heavy Kip Beets, 83 00, $2 60, S2.E5, 32, 41 50. BOYS', $2,00, 81.60, $1 26 and SI. 00. We hava new en hand a larger Hteatc than any ethor two Shoe Store3 In the elty. We will neil at lower prloea thun can be had at any house in Lancaster. SI 1, It Lanoaater, Fa. H 1UII & mAUTlN. .VI- CHINA HALL. We have new open u flne line et Lamps Lamps -IX- Qlaes and Fancy Stand Lamps. LIBRARY AND HALL LAMPS. The CLEVELAND NOX.EXIM.OSIVE 8TU DKNT l.AMl'i, the bunt lu the imtrkct. Don't tall te see our stoelc hetore purchaBlnn. High & Martin, 15 EAST K1NU STKK'1 'OAHTKlt, l'A. J."1 OALUWRLI, & OU. ci XJ. Caldwell & Ce. .? Direct Importers of Fine Diamonds. Purohaeera dealrleg flrat-oIaB.sGema oheioo and Que in overy particular, are Invited te oxnmlne our mignin- eent oellootlon of DIAMONDS nnd) Diamond Jewelry. 902 Chestnut Street, I'HILiDltLfHIA. 018.(1) MJS AUrXllTlHJllllISNia. F LIMN A HtlKrRXIIN, Steves, Steves, AT FLINN & BEENEMAN'S. 5,000 Yards of Fleer Oil Cleth AT UNHKAllD OK FLINN & BRENEMAN'S, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa BXT UIIOitTOlllK UllUUY HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S, OPKNKI) THIS DAY A LAUGH LIN It CIIOICK STYLKS 6-4r Plaid Oleth. Suitings Ker l.aillcs' Dresses, new se Desirable. In All Cheltu Similes. Alse Tricot Oleth Suitings. Alse 64 Plain Cleth Suitings, AM. MUADK3.75CBNT3, WOK I'll Wl.OO. Ppcclal I.otiel 11LACIC HILK3, et iicelebratcil mnke. wardnteil net te cut nml ported naile. Just openoil tiein a lurRO liuperter'asalu In New Yerk, ut Uflc, tl.Mi unit 11.12. never belore uquull Bit at u Ici-b. E. E. FAHNBSTOOK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Lancaster, Pa j ii. BIAHT1N A HO. LAKQEST OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM. COUTICENE nOUDEIW TO MATCH. STAIR AND TABCT3 CIL CLOTHS OIL OLOTH BINDING. WINDOW ALL WIDTHS AND COLORS IN SHADES PUT Ul' WITH IJE3T SPRING ONLY NOVELTIES CONSTANTLY IN OUR CHINA AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT FOR THE J. B- MARTIN & CO. Cerner "West Kiug ami Prince Streets. aii AiiV.UTmi.ii:nTe. J.r a j with w KI.I.O'.V OV. tliSUJSAHll l'Ul. whlte tnll nml teet. A literal mwitii v, in he iuM en h'.j return te a. UUOKZINGKU, e!7 2t Ne Hi Heutli Water Street, ALI, I'ASHL.IhP, IIUlKLS ANI uillfHt, wlshlnu te use MWlKT'rt CIIOICK CIllCAKO rilKSII 1TKKP, will please Ieavu or si'ii'l thulr nnme te the i.ancastki: ll;c, ce.ui'anv, enat ..i or. ilulherry ami James Htriwt. S.MIKK KHAUr. H.IUKIC KUAIIT. I havelnst reeulveil a, larae shipment of Jmperteil Bauer Kraut. JOHN 02H3. Wen. id anil fM 8. Queen M., I uncuster. Oritera by telaphnnu promptly ilellvercil. NMV l'ALi. euuua WAIT, Slil & 00,, HAVE MADE EXTENSIVK l'UUCUASIM OK UUILDUEN'3 Merine UndeiTvear, IN ALL 8IZB9 AND QUAHTIKS AT 1 Ol'. ULAll PltlCES. Ladies' Meriue UndcnvtiaT, IN ALL B1ZK3 AT 87e, ill. 33e, 73e, 1.W, It 53. Gentlemen's Merine IN ALL BIJTHS AT 23e, 37, 1 Underwei ir, 3e, SOe, 7.0, tin, Ladies' Scarlet Wcel Undervear IN ALL Ml.nS AT 11.00, fl.i"., il,M, l"S. Qantlemen's Scarlet Underwe: r, AT 7.V, $1 .CO, $1 S3, l.tO, J1.75. ?3 CASKS OK Krem thn recon t man ulaclurei-'H unction talei In New Yerk, at "i3 pr com. uniler toreiur I pricej. NEW YORK STOPE. NOB. H AND 10 K&Sr K1NU hT. IN Tiairi WAU, ut' vumje l'jtsrAttB ruts WHILE TIIEP.E ISA LULL N fOLl'I ICt. 1IUY YOUK ciiii, AND 1HIY AT Burger &utteii's, MEROHANT 1A1L0JIIN9 AND VLOTirwa STOJiE, Ne. 24 Gentr.) Square.! O0OD3 MAY BE HIGHEIt IN I'UIOE AirTKltTIJKrHESlDENTIAL ELEC TION. MO TECLLING-IX'JJ A FACT. CALL AT ONCE AND SEE THE BABG-AINS OrfEUED 11 Y Burger & Sutten, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers. NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANOABTEU, l'A,: febl-lv4 LOW PRICES AT LINE OF SHADES. OH, AND LINEN HOLLANDS. FIXTURES, 75s. AND OIL SHADING ARRIVING HOLIDAYS. Lancaster. l'n. tt.lK1.1J rnert uirrKHB. i.un nnn n it ii u e 'I1J1I Ill'.U (1 i n u it u . v w v - s m " WW W W N .V N ' l WW WW N ,V N I) WW WW N XU nun 11 u OO V W N NN Syjaa II HUH (lf HN "I li n it ) e ltd n II llltll O l) N X U II 11 It II O N NN II II 1. OO N NN pSSijj B33B Thlj lm.ilfnln, . rnnihhiliu, Irnn wltl, tmii I veKHtiible teiitci, iiulelcly unit completely CUKl.a I)Hl'Kl'dlA, INDIUESllONi M- L.AI11A. WIS.1IV.NKM), IJ'1,,,1, ,,,. CHILLS anil KKVKlt.in.l t ; fi; 1 os iiy rupm una tnoreujj.-,,,,, ':"-";- ..a me uioe.i. it n nciar!iri"..il thU'svstem. ptfr.5arfOTt(J.'rrlcne.i the Uloeil, stronnthens the muscles and nurvuj, unit teiusi unit iuvIk iuvIk ernlfs the ay stem. A tlne Appotlzer Heat tonle known. It will cni-e thn worst cose et Dyspepaln, ronievlnir till liUtrPEslnn Bymptema, sucn as 'f BStlnj; the feed, llelchlng, Hunt In the atom, ach, Jlnarlburn, etc. The only .reu moillclne lira will net b'.aok b'.aek cn or lnjute the teeth. It In inviilunblu ler ilUeuscs peculiar te wojjeii, unil te all persons whele.nl seilentary lives. An unfaillnn ruineily ter illaeases et the Liver unil Klilneys. Portetu HiiUeilui,' trein the etlect et over ever work, nervniif treublm. le et appotlte, or ilchlllty. ixporlenci)iiulckrollof anil roneneit enerey by its nan. It dues net ciufe llfulache or proiluee Con stipation Ul'HKIl Iren luedlclues ile. It Is the only preparation et Iren that causes no Injurious urTuctx. Physicians anil tlriiKitlit ruceiimiBint It as the bust. Try It. Thu HDimlni) hus Tni'Ie Mark anil crosseil rml Unison wrapper. Take no ethor. Maile eiilybj BROWN OHBUIOAL. OO. 4li9.1yi!Alyw l!:iUlini)r.i, Mil. uevxi.a. pe SK15TUM OUKAT l'llUVKHtjOtW, ALDINE AND CLARIf. Tirie EVEN'NO AND KVEI'.V EVEN1NO THIS WEEIC AT LOTZ'S SALOON, OrreiiTis tub Volumes. Orouudhe? Lunch LuKnr l'oeren tap. thti Evenlnz, cl.olce ell-5ia M NN31tUHOK HOTKI. MffimiGrclier Hetel. I AM NOW l'KEl'AUKDTO ACCOMODATE THE PUBLIC WITH ALL THE AD- VANTAGES OF A FIRST-OLASS HOTEL. lloanlertt by tlie day or for any length et time ean have ull thu ailvantuges of the beat hotels. MRALS AT ALL HOURS. Kliui U'atiiurant aUaehe.l. HOT LUNCH Every Uerulni; trein 10 te 11 o'clock. HENRY DOBRR, Bdp54-Jl.iitS9t.2y.9tta I'UOi'UIETOU. Ci Fkf( U'lLl, IIUV HiAKUl-ACrUlllNU OljUUv Kstubllahment with It. II. Bldln( lu l.iincaaler county. Eatabllsheil trade. Apply te CIIA8. K. WKNTZ, Ne. 45 East Orunge Bu, Lancaster, l'a. olMwrea4tw T-Wl'lliiTANT Te LAUU.S. I am New I'repaieU te MaLc AH Kinds ci Ventilated Hair Werk, At tbe Shortest N otlce, Inte ' FULL W1US. HALF l 103. FItONT Hit 1D9 ii it it i t v. .t K jinn it ', t 7' itnn il II II t t h it i: Bllll It V '." Kll.t it K AND WAVES, or CU.MIIIMlrt UKIUI' IIAllt, Very lleasenable. I ula keep en hand a FINE AH3S011TM KNT et ull ktuiH NATUIIAL CUHLY Fi ONT 1'IEuES. LurllnK'Ienv, te curl ihe ttlmule Hangs yournell. KIDULOVEa nml FK A 111 EUU CLEANED AND DYED at Short Netice, and cheaper than auywhery aUu, LIULHR'S, NO. HI NOllTIt QUEEN STilKET. et7-t .,...1 iiS SECOND EDITION. HATURDAY QVENINO, OCT. 10, '.T TTmat A DISASTEK IN OUIO. Kl'AN UP A KAlt.IltlAl) lilt I DOB JIUK.1KS I'art ul tun manchftttr ixiirns rianec ThrouRhte the lllrtr Several Hilled, BiltHOalnui Ktape el JL'aMeegcrf. Datavia, O., Oct. 18. At six o'cleok lastevcnlnt; the middle ppauef the hrldge eyer the East Ferk river, ea the Cincin nati Eastern narrow Kuage tnllread, gave nway as the Manchester express waa pasalec ever it. Tlie ouglne, baogage car ami the iirat coach wero hurled into the water fifty feet beucah. The rear ear remained en the traek. Eugineer Ed. Wiloen, of Sardinia, and Fireman Henry Jenes, of Mauehcster, were in stantly killed ; Samuel Uarr hail bis ekull ftaetutcd and wiltdie ; Dave Ilicka, was badly scalded nnd his let; broken and can net rcoevcr. The conductor and llve or six ethers wcre alee injured. The ethcis made miraculous escapes, Bome leapltic from the btidge te the river. Most of the injured wero section handn. There were forty llve persens en the train and had the rear coach follewod tbe less of life would have been appalling. Larue rira In New lluveii, Uanu. New Havkn, Conn,, Oat. 18. At saven o'cleok this morning llenten Nichols & Ce.'a patent leldlng box manufactory was discovered te be ou flre. In the same building wcre located the New Haven electric light company and Cole's carriage manufactory. The Iefh of the lighting company and Mr. Cole is entirely by water, the former losing $500 nnd the latter $2,000. Tbe oleotrlo lightiug com pany's dym tne machines am In such a condition that light cannot be furnished for the next 48 hours. Henton Nichols & Cc. leso $20,000. Ounuuratt Oraxlr.3 a VI jilanaa Uuminltme. Ciiicae.0, Oot. 18. The limn this morning says that ene hundred Democrats yesterday organized a vigilanoe committeo composed of Democratic men, te prevent intimidation and vielenctfat the polls, aud if any Democrat ba shot te see te it that the shooter at on:e suffars the same fats. If the feeling koep3 growing in Intensity, the Times says, there will be serious t rou reu ble in Chicago en election day. A xcrilhis ShoetlDK AOrny. ErniSOFiELD, Me., Oct. 18. A terrlble sheeting affray eccurtcd a Heis D'Are, 10 miles from here, labt night, during which Hart Wilde, a saloon kceuer, was shot and instantly killed ; Ore en Deboard was scii scii eusly shot through the neck, and Elistia Deboard shot through the arm. Twe of the pai tics connected with the sheeting have been arrested. The caure was whisky an 1 an old feud. The Wiiermbents clJJIrtlne. Jacksen, Mich., Ost. 18. Blaito left Detroit this morning by a special train. He will spend Sunday at Seuth Bend, Ind. A large crowd greeted him at Ann Atber, his reception being particularly enthusi astic by the students of the Michigan University. Uialne briefly sddrceecd the crowd. tiellavases nt (jnelera. Roun, Oct. 18. Iu Italy during the pist 21 hours there have barn 105 fresh easu of ohelcra and 102 deaths. Sixty-fcveti ftcsh cases aud thirty seveu cholera deaths occurred at Naples duilng the past 24 hours, aud six deaths but no fresh cases at tianea. Au 1 illlcr rubllriy AHtnecl gated. Geneva Oct. 13. The editor of a, news paper as Menat in the Hurraoe Oberiand was puliely n'Piissinated yeitcrday In the market plaoe of that town by the president of the Ultra Mentana tecii ty. The victim had made objectionable comments in Irs paper. . , . r - r - Eat"' " 0cL 18. An incamliniv . it.v momiuRdestroycd Stecltcr & A saw mill, Ceylo Si Seu'e ice h.eusj, a stable and Tayler & Ce.'b store, saw mill and id) heuw. Btiiolcer'j le.-a it eiS.000 ; lusuranc?, W.COO. Ceylo's less, 83,000 jinturanea $1,000. Fall el Ueal Iejarea 'xwe men. Asiilanu, l'e., Oct. 19. Jacob Haler, single, act! Thes. Jenc p, married, betli of Locustdale, wcre struuk by a fall of coal while working at Merriam onlllery this merniiif,', and fatally injuicd. An .Ipticlptme'jt Dy Inn I'MMilent Wasui.noten, I). C, Oat 16 The prcsldeut has appointed Btcphen F. Wilsen, of ronesylvaiiia, te be associate justice nf the Hipreme court of New Mexico. llnrlaeaa l'ertlau ut n Town nurced. OtlAHLESTON, H. 0., Oct. 18 The business portion of the tevtu of Kdseileld wsb burned te day. Less, $75 000. It is supposed it was incendiary. Duke or "rumnlfk lu,t llEHLiN, Ot. 18 Wilhelm I, Unke u' Isrunswiek, died this morning. IVKiXitlCM lAUIUrtTlllK" VA3UIN0T0N, . C , Oct. 18. Fur the Middle Atlantic states, t;cnernlly ftir weathcr, exoept preceded in noitbem por tion and in New Jrr3y by light local rains and partly cloudy weather, west te north wlcds fresh during the day, nearly station ary tcinporature in seuthern portion ; for Sunday, fair weather and nearly stationary tsmperature is indicated. JUAMHSIO. rmiarlaipm meiaret. i iiii-ittrmi, October 18. rieur dull und weak; tiupcitlnn atp.te. 13 COR'j T5: Extia de, tl .bat ?! l'a. lamlly. JJ te fti 75 : winter cleu. . J7J(Jl 'ii 1 Ue stralghtf, H Vai 73; Minn, extra, clear, l(X)tH50i strati(ht, tl (.0,35(0; Wisconsin clear, 15 ai; Btrultfhts. tl W1: winter patents til 03 01 I HpriUK llll. m Z3U11, Uyu Qeur ut ti 60Q 1 7. v heat Uull nml weak ; Ne. 2 Wostern Hed, 82et Ne 1. 7707iie ; Ne. 1 l'a. de, BJQWci Ne. a Delawaiu ile, btfe. CornMarket anil ntle's quiet ami easy ; steamer. 6a.1(,0e; null jollew USQOlci UO mlxixl.CJaaicj .se. a iln, &aasie. Oats -Market Uull and weak) Ne, I White, 84e s Ne. i Ue, Hly.e t Ne. 8 Ue. 31Q r)ie 1 lujHCleit, SOdSic ; Ne 2 mixed, 30e. nye nominal nt etc. SoedK Clevurnecd quiet ut 7 JiGbUct Tlraet.'iy mill atJUlfcl 5.1 ; FuiieBwl tlrm ut t!43. Wlnter llran xulet at, 111 75U15 23. l'rovlsteua Murket quiet and ateauy 1 Mess lerk. 117 0"ttM 1 IU! Hams. rWrSWW: Indlu Metis Heel, trjKtf:0 city Ue, (Urtf 110). Uacen, lHiOUc;SuioUel Shonlders, 7Ji6c; ualt ue IdMe ameked Hams, 14tflSct plchlne ilelJdr.'c. Lard quiet 1 city refined. 8X0:a lOOie butcher!,, 7X I prime Blcuin 13. Itullvr Murket Arm ler faney goeiUt Creuuitry extius, 30d3le w"ujrn de, ile, MrfAlc t it. C. A N. I. extras, 27UiSet West urn ilulry de, 2c ; Western uoed te choice, xaut. Uells quiet at lOflilet packliiK butter, 9311c. Kkk firmer 1 under small supplies i ex fm. iSWfsa 1 Western. r.Ktl'Jsc. oheese Maikst tlnn, with talc deumiili New Yerk lull cteauis. li'itfiWi Ohleiluvi, cheke, lli.itllKei e alr te rrlimi, Biilec Fa. pan ikluia, 6X30XO 1 de Hill, HKe. Feuelcuui quiet 1 UeOneit, 7e t.' i- y quint t W estern at ii -U Lhe stuck Markets. '" Cuicxue. HesiS-llccelpts,l,ftXJ hea.1 ; able, muiiirt, e.'0e heail ; market dull und 1110 lewrr, cleslnK very weak : lu 000 head remain unseldt reuali picfclnu, IliXtlbS, pucklni; and Btilpplux. II IWttS 40! Ugbt,(l433(U skips and irrusscrs, S3 OOQi 60. CntUe lutculpts. 7.60ihivij shlpmsats, 3.W) head 1 nattvet generally wetteri geed rant;" cuttle tlrwer 1 expert graiie. tn wti 7(0) goeil te chelcs sUlpplnir, f) Wise 4J cuinmeu te medium, 1105; i'uiana. Ii liHtt. Sheep Ueeelpts, l,8Mnuat 1 htnmiiu, tin hf4.u1 inirket.tuudv 1 Interior tnfAlr. tlCUSS 1 I lueJiuni, togeod. Ual ohelo.sli jli new Ver Markm. Nw yenir, (cU8.-irienr-stta and ' urn uuu nnn sun in Dnven' UTOr. BOItl iiuiiivumi nujitiiy. Whnnt heavy am; n KOXe lower, with i eiuiuiy iiviitii uiuineMi no. l White, na ny-'r-t.wV"",L,;WIJ??- MirTei'inira mw "" H1 iern oe lower ami uniottleUi MlMet ..'"UOKolewur j HUte, ai937a i Wetr. .-,.. -.,.., V.MH.V, Btoea ra areata. yuputlensby lteei, Mcurann Ue. era, Lancaster, ra. JIUsirarl racISc .ft.' Mtchhran Central mm New terk C'entrul 8i Hew Jersey Control 41 Onte Centr.il Del. I.aat. it IVeiurn.... let Denver A Rie Uramln Krle. ....-...,., .,.., Kansaii & Taxik) ,., Laiiu eriore Chicago A N. W., com..,. N. N.,Unt. .t Wojtem.... ht. I'unl A Omaha .- 1'acine Mall.,.., jtocheater ft.l'lttiburKii.. St. l'aul Textis racttle.... Union Vncinr Wubnah Common Wabash l'reriirrral Wert'rn Union ToIeotrpU liO'i'jvlllu & Nasiivtllu... n. v., cht. ft at. j, Leulgh Valley lA)'.ilh NavlstMten I'cnnajlranli lUi.vllng V.T.& ilnrtr.le Nerlhurn Pacltle Coin... Northern I'acltle I'tuf... Koaienvino , f hliiulelpina A Una Northern Control UnrtiirnreuiuL .. Canarta Southern ftl Oil.... ,. ut l'.winle'K l'fuu ntiir. Jnrsey Central ,,, , OreitnuTranscontliienial. .., UcaillnsUenural AIU4 rntlitOdiptiia. ijaoutieaaby AsaocJitel I'rcss,. atecis unscltled. rntl-utelpnia A hm Ii i. .., Hfi itniullnu ltn.llrnj,l. iia, 1'iinnsylvaiiln ILiUre.ia bT5;.) 111. 3. v t M' .... B Ml f. m v4 mi SVk MX M Ml 1 flK fit. B .JWl HKu MX 63 fW4 i e h y&l 10i 11 it tjkl wim? nt. VJ i.Miignyiuiey iiruiriMU DM VA euiiuii ctiniiMuias el taw Jersey ...II1 NortLern l'aelfle. i Nertucrii l'acltle I'rulenal. ... Hv Northern Cnulrnl ltallrei'jl... ,i';f.l keiuii .Navigation company ,. MV ': .i-.. ... ...ma, J.n.lK... - , .a.'n I, til,,.VI.. ..... .. ihuii-ai iT.uHpuruiUiiii uerapany. Uuirrtln. N V. nnl 1'alliulelphlii. Mite3i!uv t-a lli'-rn-nt.. .,, turn or. OU:. ALltJilJ tv AAOdfi.tlll trAAA. A'U atecks lower ana weak. Menoy, 1910. --S ,i . ' , suv Yerk central. , ,, Kile ittilreiil , AiUm Expriiu jr...i, 1.111 uuu.rai ivunrei'l ,,,4 Michlian Heu'.hcrn Itallreid.. .,.....,.,. lumuia vj'juu-id iwu.iruAa Ciovelnul l'Kisb'irgu uattredJ.. Chlc-isceft tbinK I8lnl lUHreivl......,.,l luusuurKH ft eri ayni Jin:ireja. ...... r, rsern uoiei imxrapn wjmiviny.,,.,, fr.i'.teA Wstul'i ..,;, .iMir jttrayy uiJC'ifci , Lecal aten n., ni as lioperteii by J. 15. Leng. Vat vJ. . Ill . 100 . 100 LojiL-nter City e per cent jia., &n WIS., ' fipcrc:. lu 1 (rjinvears, . 100 perit. MCllOOl Ln01l... 100 " 4 " 111 1 or i) nu-.. 100 " 1 in iei ) years.. IW) " 4 " 'n !oer-jjyerM KO ll&ilintiu iicriia'u lOiU... UO BiTE tresn. ITlrjt National xank ,...; farinm' "i.iheiuiJ It.mtt ,,.,. ..... w) rmtea National ll'.i'k lOti l.enKu' 'i 0'iuniv ti.itljiil Hank.. Si. Column:.! 'I-uUinatltiiafc ii Cnrtitlan.i N"Jeni Ui-iU. ,...,.... iw EiiuiathftaUemu IliuK ............ I'jri ylrt National liiai, Uetumnta.. .. li FlrV Malleuil I3u.;, Jvr.viuiit.-j ... ICj rir9t.at!ena' Jlaes Uirtbtta.,. ... l'J) ALiV AVriSETltUSilPim, ij"'- t falAl.l. UAnllKU TIJMDi; IN una v iur niuru paiuilll llln n mucn largeci 6iir,e tumor may be vrry natntnl when aa unit conse te elve much trouble wcealt irie 11 larptii. U.VChllH, TUUOI1S, SKIN D19SA8Kb.S nisn Chronic anit t'rtvr-te iM-ea3P inoeMa.d IJK3. II. IJ. anil M. A. LONOAKML 1 ifli 11 Eusr vvi.lnnittttutr Lancaster. F. u ur.cuua', eiQ-naitlf rTK'tsirriyr.yiiui.Horir.TUHUKJBJav rTK'tsirriyr.yiiui.Herir.TUHUKJBJav r- VKsSTiiSttmr Mkisrs. Khamuii A HAcn (7enf7niMitii ulvi'i me Kreut pU-.iaure te lnfeim yea tiatl li.nl tlie opportunity lately te playoeMttO your niEiiiuiuuiiis uuuy uruuu xianejj whs astonished ut the brilliancy, power sliiKlnr; toae. Tlmbciuittlut, excellenUy 'wk leiiuii iuaiiinuijui. it 111 ull r?Klslcrs in. out tlie nutlre scale. n only balanced. tlie meat agrncable tuucli whleli I ever Urn 011 any inline. ability which enables ainuteura as wU nrmiH, 111 ninuuee wun great ease tne Hi i-i An aiRsiuu tqine mnt pewcrrui rui HIMO. 1 cannot recommend t he lnairut hifjli eneuKli te the musical public lhave honor te xrtuuln koutlemon. veura. : Very lipscectfulir. i JULlUaBCUULHOVaV rfirpniueuinrs canon or autiress, Wax, I ri.Mni.i, te jurui iueun, ercdjjs. street, Lancaster, l'a. t, , 1111.80 instruments are tne ucslnewi nnd tire truarauteeu for llve years. 8MmflHWat5 11 u'iv ti iiATiii'im, -r . FALL AND WINT; IMIIUACINQ UVKltV 1)E91UAUL?'J AITKAIJIIVK r r.ATUltti 124 rAIK TIUMAll.MlH, AUIIUY PTTL1 ANDSUTEKlOlt WOUK nf ANHIIf l in Men's suns ami overcoats oursteekl . .. . ' -s, sun unyutxiy s uiie. Ne need te weste tlme hununa; ab snch and such n style, but coma curaati the manufactures, and exptct te imA it urn yuu ii'i'.n. r,xuminoeur neat anai isveauir. neu't neKinct te ree our ftBI If veu wtttli BO-nethln.? bnttnr. ua as 113, H and S)nr4 the prices e aet feri ImuUtrine Suits te? young men. Otharl win require 10. fxu anil ra xer samega Overcoats ler incu In irreat mill styles. We have ibeiu at 18, 110, lit. Wk JW. t.-2 te, Ii5, Hi. in ether werdaTliTI iuciu irnui mu iiiw pricmi, atreng, wu 10 urn unesr, suun nnn buk imeu, ehj which ate bargains te be had nowhere MERCHANT TAILORING. AU tbe leaillui: Novelties In FereLra 1 ucstie Woeleiii.. Ne assortment Tn I equaling our. 1'rlces markcdteiaetl qinremuuii 01 inu limes. Myers & Rathfc LEADING MEUCUANT TAlLOilfc, u 5SJ KiXSi' KING Vat LANOASTEtt. l'A. )!iai;h ir. rni. viif shvr vaxtkUha or" WALL PAH cemnrlfclnz all irratcs. Our sele been caietully made irem tne liaiiliwa; 1 tectures and lnclmle an elegant liMOt Frlozes, Berdera, Oentree, K. Oclllnjr Docerat We are prenared te oxeeatooTdra auuiu nrst-cisjs manner. Papers from 15s, & ?m That lneluttej the IUnglntf. tlme te have work dene cheap. sew;i rirXVSTTLKSOir DADO SHAD4! IN SIX AND BKVEN rKEX LI Plain Cleth from 3Gte 73 VOU ALL KINDS Or WIMDDWfkJ CUUTAINS AMD FOLisVif PliARES W. Fi Ke. 07iNerth QtMM j mm 1 Uj4 j , i' 'A LmmX", m-m-A m .4 W7ti LAKOASTKK, tfJL . i -ii ' Ji .V" 3 - ",..