jyfanfjwttJiiiilr.jiiiii ' iKi'hM i iiii . ...n.ifi hi j .im,....MWH.j" 'Hi"," i""';""! tvT 1 H'fl " T '" -',' .- t ,1 -i LANCASTER 'DAILY INTELLIGENCER FRIDAY OCTOBER! 17. 1884. ''it '. 'i'r fc! w . feT m m KA W m it" ui P' VCB, 0 ,.te f-t ' ire, $ , f.-vt Eancaatet .intelligencer. FBtDAY ffVKNINO, OCT., 17, 1884. JAlVlClN ItXILr. d exile I Remember always Hew fUdljr thy pulses were Urrnl ' Whsn her liana In llilnu tremblingly lay, Like a bird. JMeall with what rhitencrt delight Tby heart cirarflowed In ttie hour ' When tier breathing pirtunied tnu etlll night' Llkea fljwer. be J' gene, and tlie dream of ilellght , fades out will tin hope cleterrrd. Tbeu deit knew tnu a mem'ry takej flight, Like a bird. O'er thy heart, new te fonew a prey. Already the leurta el doubt lower. Theu deat knew tint leve withers away. Like a flower. Francelt Ceppte. AUSUttU l'ULLTnVel'AllsrlUS. Urets ffrll"n in ins K.tlmatert Value ul fukltry I'rmlucln, Fer maDy months past nome figure, Which any rosfeoablo mau must knew nt a elaoee te be purfeetly absuretl, bave been in circulation In tbe papers, as towards tlie enormous value or the poultry product of this country. Bovernl tlmes as they bave attraoted our notice, it has occurred te us u only matter of duty te prick the bubble, but ether subjects of mere Importance have intervened, and this has been dropped. Who was the discoverer of the statistics referred te. or from what erlnin they were derived uuleB from some publication of the United States departmeLt of agricul ture we cannot tell. In tbe latest publi catien of them they are credited te the Ibultry Bulletin, aud read as fellows : According te the statWtics of 183-1 the value of the poultry produced In the United States, exceeds the value of either bay, wheat, cotton or dairy products, as the lollewinK tlurua will ehew : Wheat USTioecoo. liny...., Jui'ie.ui. Cotten 4IU0O.O a Dairy Wem). Poultry PieducL 5UUOU no The only light readily acoet-sible en the object must be fieni the United States census of, 18S0, and In the elliuial s'linina ry et the stitiistlen of mrieultiire In that work, part 3, paei 21, we tlud the fellow ing, which is simply a condensation of detailed tables published later en : "Piebably few peiseus appreciate the Importance of the contribution te the annual p oduellon of wealth by the com mon bain yuid fowl. The statistics of poultry aud ukk" were gathered for the Unit lime, by the ceuus el 1830. This is ft subject te which the limitations el pepu lar statistical enumeration, ulieady noted in theau remarks, apply ntthtpeuial striet ncBs ; jet there 'a no reason te doubt that the figures approach the facts of the ca-e for the country as a whole, aud exhibit with t;reat accuracy the relative Importance of this iutelest in the beveral sections and statrf. " The number of barn yard fowl reper ted in the consul, exelusivu of spring nateni. e. was lV'J.Xi'J.1'65 ; or ether (owl, 23.235 1S7 ; the number ul dozensol eKiiH, 455 U1UJ1U At i ceuts a dozen, certainly A medeiale estimate, tbe annual value of the etc prnouet, te the (armor would reach nearly $55 OHIO 000 ; while we may buiiiebb lCO.bOO.000 te 160,000,000 peuuds Ot uieul told auuually out et the stock of fowls teperted " Here we have the estimated value of the eirir produet iti dollars, ana if we ' suppose " the meat produet te be 180, 000 000 lbs, at 15 j. u pound, which is ptubably a liberal estimate, we shall have the folio a iuj; total : Value of egg preiuct t'ACOOore Ce eluu de jJim.eu Total , iH.em.uw bbewiut; an amount ab ut one tivtnth of that slated in table quoted lu lac the KRregate value of the eutim Heck of barujurd fowls in the c.mntry. as it steed in the tpriUK et 187'J. II we call it 60 et-nts ahead, would be only about 450,000, 000. te wbieh may added whatever the reader pleases fei the "ether lwl." Iu the census el 18S0 tbe returns of money values of farms aud farm pieducts euuTtrhJfiUCtLle previuuscBinrniaT-ae' tt emitted, iiut, en luruiun te the census" Ol 1870, we Hud in that year, the entiie Value of " animals slauitliterud or sold for dUutftued," v e tiding live stock el all kindt, was $303,050 370, or much below what some eulhUeiuht wishes us iu believe U the present aunual product et our poultry only. UAUIluN, NO. ZlVljRAKDSTBItT, I J El SHY CITY, ft. J , eb ?, 158i. Twe menlhs a(e 1 tutlered with a very bad oeuiih.wlilcli kept uioKKuke ulluiKbt. 1 as recommended te put en my chest two All Ceck's I'oieus I'luaters. Uuterluiiuteiy, my drUKKlat PcrsuuiltHi mu te try jme etner un called pureuj puuiter. 1 lest my meuuy, ler tney were worthless and notel UiuelUhUbt beneflL 1 then preeuied Allcock's 1'oieun fliuiturs, and tnuy euuiplt.leiy cured uie. J.r. ucUlN.Nls. Imltaden Pereus I'laatorauie belnir alver ytlsed and ulletcd ter sale. Ilearu et theiu. " Aliceck's " la ihu only genuine. no lirctplluu IJrvU, It Is strnnKe se iiiuuy jkh,i e ill continue te sutler day utter duy with Dys)ep3lu, l.lvur buuiuiiuiii, i.uiiHiiiiuiiivDuur sumiucu, uen enu Lfeuiiiiy. utiu iney can procure at out tore BlULOH'B V l'J ALlZh.lt, lit-uei cost It II does net cure or rellexu Lhuui. I'l-liui. ?." .!!!.-, Sold by 11 11. Cochran, cliUKskt, i31 and IX) nunu vruueu sureuL, Lainuuuir. iouu-eikio a-Kep li.l. In ailuii. Jn the Diamond Djea iuei coieiIok s j-Iveii lnny known dyes, aud they kvm taster ami lneiu biliiiaui colors. 10c. ul ull dlliKKIIs. Wells, Klehuid Klehuid seu a. Ce, lIurlliiKieu. Vu bum, lu Cuil.Si colors, and book et uiieclluus ler Vc, btuiiip. Wlij l) UowueitstT True, yen are In a mlMTohle condttlen-you are weak, paint, and nervous. leu eaiinel sleep ul ulKlil noreiiley your waking huutst yet, why liMn heart T liei ut Ihu uiukkiiu bottle et Ilurdeck UeihI Hitttrt 'I iiey will rusteie you te Un.tlth and peum el tiilnil hn ale by u. II. Cochrun, uxukkIsI, 137 and IS Jierth Quwn street Mrs. L,MUKtry, And ether larreus wniren huvn wnn ....... lien tei taclal beamy A line iiiiiiplexluu mukm-ene haiiilseuie, even iheug-u the lam Is nolel p rlecim uut llurueek tiloed HUlert acuuliectiv uiain thecliculuilen, mm te Kne We Skin a tleaructB and Mneuthi.es, uthei Wieui.ultalimbi. . er.debj II. II leehrau druKKl'l.Wun.imNetiu tjucj,, BlJeet. llietn are bulla ritrts, The best bloe' pu ltleraiidhysiem rreulaler ever placed ltiiiu um leaen el tuUuiliiK huiuan:ly, lrul 1 r lie trie uiliers. luuu.lvlti Ol the l.iver, llllleume.s, Juuudlcu. Ceiistlna. Hen, Weak Kidney b. or any iIImhsu i-l iuu UHuury iiiyuns, or h(K-vei lequlusuu aiuw. lUer.tunn. or until biiuiuIhui, will ui Vis fill 1 1 Kin Ikln ItttiLK il,.. .. . .. .. . H cure known, i hey mt mreiy and uulckiy. every lx)lUeuainnied lu kI' entlie mil," i w iiuicis tiivutsLuiuiiiiuvi'i rititii laitleu et muuuy leluiuled. cold ul tiny nn a butUu l 11. It. I IMlllHIl ilrnuuii K., , u ana UiAerih guttu stutt. lAiiuUter. Pa ' i) 137 Uruwu's nuuHnuiu faiineea .!?, UiU?;.!jUucUtu 1'lUn Hostreyer In iht WfieuTer l..i '"'T'1 W& 0-UlCkOll tlie hlOOU ?feian feu 'hlertially or applied eitci Sn'-. '"""'by mum certainly UELlKVfe ..'r "D,llPB' cnionle or ucute, liuin uuv WJ "- WunU 01 uy slinlUr proparuuen. kJC'i"rn1reSan.t tU ,".?"'. bick'ur ,.e w ,ds ALL iciita mV'V'J"' oetliaclw. and AiaLi ACIIbS, UUll Is Th Ureal llullawnr .., f.le. "llllOlYN'a HOUbBHOLD Pan aiika . jheald belaevury tamuy A UiLun the Panacea lu a tumbler 01 herwtlu,u,' S tnavSMydM.vt.8Aw uolUe' filial ellMl I'll. i Sure cure ler Uilnd, Uleeillntc and Itching Pile. One box hat cured the worst oasaeV-S .taudin. Ne.me utl sudur llveiuln. S',alMrum, ""Ham's IndUu Pile 6lu": LtW,'i.ii hib '""'ersaliajs hcUIuk. Jets a. pedlUee, lilves lu.taut ruliel. rreiita only ler . Ue, lichlu ui the nrlvala i,aru 6elUlUi!el. bold by druSklsii aud ulailtd Mrvwiutelualce.lL belS ey "".VTecS ran, tlrtuectiLW ana VU North, yusen streeu j nricciAL Harlots, Thn Hep rtaitrrt hav' a wonderful sale, and lnl iiithu-h limy cure Hrk ci, -"t rt Joints, I'aln in Hie .shin and all Seicness In any part. People appreciate them. Any ilriitf gist, 21 ten's. A INiplllitr KnlNry Many people think that Hl'i'utfia'lsm cannot be cmed It Is cad "I'd by a bad state nt the bleed which deprwl spnt'nneu matter In the Inlntssnd musclrx cnuslnx laintni'Sss'ltTnes and BKelllnK nt the InlMs and excrucUtln p-ilns. KMneyVcrt will rertalmy etlecl a cine. It acts nn ti u Kidneys l.lver and Hew. 1, stlmuNtlnir them te a healthy action, purlnVaand t mk lies the bleed and eliminates tnepolen irein thesys em. lle te the neatest dtu Klst, buy Kliluey Wen and b cured. Pras Kllht lip, "Have tried ihemat' KelectHe Oil ter croup and mills, and and II the. Oest reiuedv 1 have everu-ed in mv tamllj." v iu Ky Shi Ply mouth Ave., Iluttaln. n. V. Ker hhIii by II. ft. Cochran, drunKlsL, 137 aud 1W .North Uueun stieet. AVetu Fever. Auue. ami III lnusni by tnk. In Coldi n's Liquid tlect Ionic Atk or Vol Vel Vol ilen't.et druggist. eIS-IhiIcihIaw "ItllUilll iin oeutllli." Ask ler " HnuKh en Cnunlis," for ceukIi', eehls, sere threat, hoarseness. TrecliM. IVs. I.lauld, 'Oe (i) eldh-i's l.lnntd t0,.t Tonic wli. cmelndl trestliin, unit pcriwtnate btHllly tii Take noether. Ut dniKKhits. oil !. eetli w Mllll UlPfltAPN 'ttWM7II,N(Mutlllfllt. " Hivatrne't Ointment" cures Totler, Salt Uhmim, liinnweim, .--ere, t'tinples, Kczetna all ltehvkin KriinflutiM tin imttr Am. ,.tt' note orleng Handing. alzU.W .r.twlv or Ume iiick , aiuii i.r tn.i, use diu Ulll' I'UKUUS I'LASTKll. ITlei, A cent Meld by II. 11. cechmn, druRKlsl, 137 and 139 North Uneen street l.ancnatei 'eine.n IHMllll'KlirillK NATION. Children, slew In duv6lepment, puny, scniwn vaud delicate, use "Mulls' HeaMi Ke. newer." (tj hoinflhlnE,rer Hll the I'rrnctirrs, ICev. II rnirm,. u p., .uitorettfle jeicn Jlclheilitt saysti lieilull). In the N jveuuvr I ') "umber et his pikt "e niie tested the ineritsei K y's t niKiu Uilm, sed believe thai by k tnernuKh ceuriiiii tieaiment. li win tuie almost every end cat in h. Mtuister, saclas am all! Ic led win 'k ad and threat treuhles, tin. I emri n seems mete prevslent than ever te caimut recommend Ki', cr, am Halm tie highly " -Nut h iiqmd or a snutt. Applied u uustills with iht Onxer. (AIAIIMI lir ttir III.AIIUhK. StltiKliii;, Irritation, Intlaiumatlen, all Kli ne aim Drliarv Complaints, cured by "lluciu-ralba." l. lti' Threw A.j lit. i rutenrs. ' Putlered treui rh umatt-m se badly had te use cruti lies, nut thie tin m away alter up plyliiK -Jtemaf Kcltetrie VU te my ilmlis I new leii ne ter than 1 hae iei years.' r l Oiblts. SW hlk- at.. Uuffile, N. l. ler sale evl. II. . echran,diuk(ist, 137 aud 13J .North UueenstrteU "MOtlOll ON IMI.N" I'LlSTrK. Pereus and strengthening. Improved, the liesi ler be. Osekuch ., pains In chet or side. rilt Utllatlalti. ,Mtirt,ll.i '"'w, i .-. ....,..,.. - 1 - b -. i uHsmi ur ....... w Dr. KiNZltir'a Heet Hitters, rmzlcr's Krwit Hitlers are net a dram shop beveiaH, butar strictl) medicinal lu every sinse, lhe acislnmniy ukii the Livel anil -j '"-!' ue iaiiii8 u en aim regular. cieanse the hl.ieil and -yslem et even Impu rity Keul by drus-Kkts. n. Selll by II u Ceelimn. ilruiut it?..,.,. .'.... BlneL ' """" '""" wueen "" i JliiUinid .TteIUer.l Are you disturbed at nlKht and broken e your rei.1 ey a sick child suBertus nd crytn with inBicruclaliuK palu ul cuttlUK teeth t 11 v),noleiiU)siiilKU betilentMlta. l.N "" ' sOU'l lil.Ni, sH UUP. U will relieve the peer little sutluret linmetiatiy .leimnu ujieu II , iheit) Is no inlsuike aheut 11. Thure t uel a mother en earth wne haa ever used It who wtn net tell you at once that u wlh resumte the bowels nd lve rest te the mother, and relle! und health te Ihu child, op ep eratltiK like, magic It Is rtecuy site te use In all c-jl'.,iiu pleasant te the taetu. aud i the prmcrlptlen el one el the oleesl and Dest lemale pi.ystclans In the Uniteu atutes. Sole everywheie JS cenis a betUe. mn3i-ltlM w.!.w Mrs l,r. Wiklteu's ferliMUUMl le. Mether Ualuni has prescribed this valuable menid, tut Hkre.t tnuiiy yearxiu In r pi.vate pructlte. 11 hivs pievist an unllllnK secinc m iuu ii.-nuneiii ui mi many dlsitrilurs lu w llicn the lemalu OinstltUlluu Is uh)ecl it Is a sure i ur.. ler ihu luuniidy tmubita that se u.n., mi vli auuer. uaued en ,ecilpt id il lw, VX) . Id Oy II. II Cecuran, uruttKl.t, 137 and toil .Nerm uueun stieuu (il Dr. mil.-r' fllakic nli.tineiii. The sreacat blessliiK that has b-en ills cuvtred iu mis tseneratien. A fuiv cute n.r ""is iiurns, aerih, . utn, t ie n Hnutma, i-ure Nipples, Hard and seu Cerns. Chapped Lles. and natfns. ijiajyei aad Hlutchea. frlceSec. uni uy wrUK lists sold liVNi. CeClllail druk'alsu 137 and 139 North UiirurV'stree'fc-t JJ- 1'UL.IllllAU OfllmcrsUO Nalluual 1 leant. President UllOV Kit CLKVKLAND. Vlcei'realdent-THOMAS A. HKNDUICKS. Dcuiocratle siatel least. SLaOTORa AT LAlllll. UICHAJtD VAUI, U. J. MeUKAN.f. U. U PLUM Kit BLKCTORK. 3 Lit. . Jehn !31ev1n I Mat. IS ueorge . Pnnly 1. P. 11. Ackley. 17. JOlltl 1 I.MVnn J P.J.neiisendertet J.JHUII w. Leu, I. II. J. Ilnran. 5 K. L. WriKliU . J. II. Itrlnten. 7. Wut. suihier. S. C. r Itenischler. 9. 11. M. Mirth. Hi, H. . Stiles. 11. A. II. Ilreadhead. 14. K V. Iteckalelluw. 13. Itlchard tiuhn. H. (jeorue II. Irwin. 11. hira D. Parker. i k. w umma. J). A II. Din. i v i i,.,,. ."iJ.K. P. Du'tr. iJ Jehn Man. U. a. it Wlntenilti. Hi. Jehn II. 11111. Ji. IV ai, A. rerquer. -7. A. J.Ureendulit. Democratic Uuunty Ticket. CenRresmannt-LarKH. W w 11 HAVia Conxress. PAltts ifALDKitrtN. JlldRU. twiintsir (ziii Hit. J. J. IIKIVEU. Assembly (1) HKN'llV KAHTKU. Asstiiubly li). CHKl!riAN KX. " J-Mfc1 . I'AriKllSON. ' (3J.-8. .. DKTWILKlt, " -J. W. I.KIIKK Pherlrt. It. M. AltttKM. Protheuotary. UK.NJ. VVOllKM AN. Iti-Hl.ler K C. DILLKtl. County treasurer J .Ne. s MANN. elm k nig s. II. a. ltUTlKlt. Clerk of n. i . SAM'L K. IKWTKTTKIl. (-etiuty CoinmheOenor-li r. HAUTMAN, Prison KeejHir. OKO. W.bTYKlt. Prison InsiHxjtert. II. II. IIUCH. -W. WliriMKKIt. Peer Dlrectors.-Uhe. DAItMdl'hrTEit. . -H. SNianu. Corener. DAVIS KIl'uil. Audller.-UKO. VV.bCHKOKDKIi. mevKa. poeil, vuiTtvdi uiir.r.nnueii. -BAiXKERS.-- MlNArilLI8 KKA1, KSTATK 7 PKlt .VihfJ'J.1003 M,U aLK A1" 10IAMJ1.N. PUOPltlhTOItSOr"' POMUVS manual or HAII.VVAIS." COttltfcsPONDKNCK IN- Oi-lyd'eed 4i WALL ST.. NKW YOKIC. c 'An k.,k Ai.l, i i,h AN tl A I' I'lilnr.n llAlUMA.N'S 1KI.I.IMV ritONTCKJAIt Ul-illf v AxmAi I, liAtsiiMi iiisiuk ISDKir.N lar mere -atulul than a much lamer one limit r appaiuiitly similar clicuuiatatices Ihu same miner linn be vt )-palniiii v. hi n small ami vfti ui glve much Iruuulu Wi.en li has Kro n iarne. CVCtlts, TUMOHS bKIV DISKVKS DISKVKS aise Chliiuie and I ilvutu DDeases suciess luily Heated by lllti II. D. and M. A. I.ONOAKKIt. tiniie ii Ktisi Niilnul blltel, laiui aster. Pa. Liinaultutluii lieu. uiujld.iw I IKNS II UAH, A. Ml us ..v.. ...i itrtal,a tturclxar than Isseld by most dealers at. 11.75. at HAUTUANS 1 Al.UlVf rilONTOIUAK ' iit t- l.'INl- (ll.iil mli e., . i 1 1 IllVU liner illallliie,l fill in,. ,n t- i counters and racks my sup-lb line ul fud U'n ll'iun..... llliy aiu tce Li.ulcesl KisU ev r . Ifcleil lu i ins i n y uy nv uiuith.in iu' nr lieiuiuleru All suits, anLtiiMiu, uml iivurieais wlj iu tuminui wiui he very Imsiuml a iHtrlectainl coiule tahiu IltalwayrKiiaraiitie .. Duu'tlatl tnstepasyuu as uy uuu examlnw the geed lu my window. Mkthr, A.U.UOSKNBTKIN. uisiSuiau660 t 0PI)0,'l, "" i-Oatofflce. hikmvam.. T1UMKVWUKT. neEM we.snKnruL ccuks ok KIDNEY DISEASES AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. tlecausnttactsen the I. IV Kit. Hew K 1,8 and Kll.Kintthe SAMKTIVK, Ilecausi) It cleanses the system et the p1nn eus huiners Hint develops In Kidney and Uil nary' ONeases, Ullltiiiiiiess, Jhuuiiic . ten tl patien, I lies, or lu Kheiiiimtlsm, NeuralKla. .Nervous iMt-iirders andall temalclemplaltits. t-HULlD I'KUOFUFTIIIH It will surely Cure LONSl'll' TION. IMLKH and KIIKUMATISM by rauslni; KltKK ACTION el all Uu erttMis and functions thereby CLEANSING THE BLOOD, ttesteitng the normal power te threw en Uhnmne. , THOUSANDS Or CASKS Ot the worst forms of these terrible dles have been quickly relieved, and In a sbeit time rKlirKCTLY CUIIKD. t'rlcc. II. Liquid or Dry. Sold by drnggi'tn. Dry can be ent by nmll. W KLLS, K1C1I AltlKON A CO., HurlliiKten. VI . Send stimp ter Dairy Almanac for lvj. KIDNBY-WORT. dec&eedAw (3) TlllNtH-Wllltr KUIt SAI.K ,r UHUH IV lan'a Drup store. Ne. 137 and l. North queen street, liucastwr, l'a. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED l'retcttnn. Ne such protective aiiatnst chills and lever and ether dleases el a malarial type, exists as lleslettet's Stomach Diners 'it relieves con cen con stlpttlen, liver disorders, rheumatism, kid ney and bladder ailments wlih certainty and promptitude A change, as Kratllylnk as It is complete, seen takes place In the appearance, as well as the sensith n, ul the w.i , and Han i aril Invalid who uses this standard pri mo me eor et health and strenit h r"er sale by all DruRgists ami Dea'ers ten erady. ul-lui. e.slAw 1A1AIUII1. ELY'S CREAM BALM CUUES COLD IN HEAD. CATAItKH KOSK COLD, HAY HiVEIt.UKAI.Mii S. UKADAC1IK. Easy te use. Price. 50c. Kly Bre's.. Oweae. N. Y., U.S. A HAY FEVER. KLV3 CKKsM HALM I aues re Pain Olves Iteilel at Oncu 'I no unith 'lre.,tine t will cure. .Set u iquldnr iiurl Apply Inte NieitrllB. Ulve it a tna . '0 n-nt at truKKlsts. m rents hr mall, send ter citcular. Samplu bottle by mall, 10c. ELX BftOTHERS, 12Wwlw DruVkrlatM nwn, V. Y 1.1 KAuyuAiirr.Kn run i.ir INDIAN MEDIUIMES, KA-TON.KA AND MODOU INDIAN OIL LOCHER'S Drug Stere, NO. .B.A81 Kl.Nt, alltKKf, t. A H'A.HTKIt. t . Seething Syrup IS DKCIDKDLY THE BEST rilEPAHATION )UII T.IE PLAI.NTeOr CUILDltEN. Bn-milA COM- B ItA.tUt. as a iui The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr II. K nl.Al .MAK Kll, Atjenl lur Itbili AKT'eOLD WINK bleliE, by a preiiiluent piacllctii)! physician et this ceuuu, wlni nus Hiteiislvely Used tlie llrandy lelertud lu lu ids regular i rucllce. Il Is cuuimuuded tu Ihu at lenlleu ei thesu atlllcuxl with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new uiuchubnsed Alcoholic Stimulant was uuvur Intended as a bevi iuk, bui te he used as a medicine ul great potency In thecuru ul some el tr.u destiuclitu diseases wnluh sweeps way tlielrauiiual thousands of victims. NV lib u purely philanthropic muilvu, we pie sent tu I Iui lavurublu nettie Ol luvallna is (ecially thusu airllclud with that mirerahlii dlsuiu-e, D)pspepsla,a spuilhc remedy, siili.li Is iiulhiiik uiutuer less than BRANDY. The HHed, with feeble apjietlte, and mere or less duilllt), will tlud this simple uieillclne, wiiuu used prepeny, A Soveroign Romedy Ker all their Ills aiidauhes. Uu it. hnweveH stilctly uiiderslued thut wu prescribe and u.-e bul uuu at tide, aud that Is Reigart's Old Brandy, Sold by out enterprising Irleud, II. E. aLi AlAhr.lt. Tills bialldy lias steed Ihu test for yeais, and bus never tailed, us tar as our ux purleniu extends, and wu thuruluit glvulllhu pr leteitce ever all ether liiaiidlea no uuttter with hew many itw biuuklug Meuch titles they aiu branded. Ouu tuurtlt et Ihu meuuy lliul Is jiurly tuiuwi, awu uu Varluus iuimj. telildysDepsta specifics, wuuld suraut te buv all the liiaudy tucuruaii sin II uuu or cases, lu ptoel el Ihucuiutlvv puwurel BeiKart'a Old Brundy In cases et Dyspepsia wu can summon num Oelbul wHnessua uuu uuu lu patucular wu wllicitu: A littid working larmer had htenuilllcitsl with au exhausting Dysicsiu lera number et yeurs i hlsaluinucu wuuld ujrcl uluunl every btud ul loud i nn liil suur uruulailens tun. stuutl) no npiHdltu-ln lact.hu wuaelJIIxed te ttslilct Ills ulel te i lackers aud stalu bund. and us a buvuragu be usixi Mcliruiin'a limit lluer. lle Is u AlcthedlsU aim III' n, mi nun, piu..chedal limes, aud lu Ills discourses eilen iluclaimed uarnuatly iigtlllsla 1 kinds ut strong ilrlua. Whuii ml vl en lu try Reitftvrt'B Old Brandy In bis case, he looked up wlh alenlshinent ; but alter huarlng ut his wuuduilul utlecls lu Ihu cases ufaumuul ids nun acquaintances, llu allasliMiiiscuied lu tullewuut udvlcu. llu used tin lliandy talilllull) ami sluudhy ; the dial bulllu glvliiK Idui uu uppull.u, uu bulelu Ihu suceud was all lukca uu wususiiund man, with a sieiuach ci.pabluul dlgesll g uli llilnu widen hu ihoesu tu lat. llu bill kiep. it und im-i u lltlluuccaslunahyi aud oliu-.ihe has this iiiudl cliui, hu h beuii el very lulu pieunWry buu edl tu theduclur. A J'raeti'-tni J'iyticUm. H. E. SLAYMAKIUR, Agent ler UKlUAitr'g OLD WINK bt'UUK Ksiabltshed lu .745. Importer and Dealer In old llrandy, Htierrv, supuilur Old Madurta, llliMiled lu ISIS, iS2l and IS3, Chalnp-kiiu- ut tveiy tiraud, ciutcc Ale, Pe ter, llrewn eleuL Ne. 29 Baet tClutf tit., - Lanoaaler, Arti i.l. I1M of l'11't.n Al' fnlutkH lliat defy competition at HAllTltAJi'S YELLOW FUONT C1GAU BTOKX. STOMACH BITTERS VJltJ. KAIi'Ulll TWO. b. ui Vlkiu LADIES AND Goats, Delmans, IVewmarkets, Russian Circulars, Plush Gameuts, Ilavolecks, &c. SINGLE AND DOUBLE WOOL SHAWLS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, BLACK WOOL AND THIBET SHAWLS. Full Line of Ladies' Flannel Skirts, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. tSTLOOKAT OUR BLANKETS AT POPULAR PRICES.tuJ JOHN S. G1VLER & CO., NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. I)' uuitar BOWERS & HURST'S, NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PA. price8LADIB3GO t0 Bowera & Hurst'a whoa J" want et tin olennt Blnek Silk Drena. We hnve tbem nt nil r,,,n .w,?? t0 ,Bowe,ra Hursts wheu In wftnt of tin olegnnt Blnek OaBhtnore Dreea. We will eell you ene that you will be plonaed with for u very low prien L ADIBy Ge te Bewers & Huret'B when lu wtiitt of nn elrp;n,nt Oleth Suiting aa we have lust ODoned an elegant llnoef Plutu Oletha. 1 riceta aud Plalda lu all the uuwtwt ahades. ' W UBV JUBl Ponea ftn LADIBrf Oe te Bowera & Hurnt'n U'hnn In wunt nf ,. ,,,.t ,l,r l iiw. n. in i n , , a large atoek at the loweat peaelbhi lUdwhen InwuntnfaennH nl i irY7u it. , T. . , VHlfc,SU?i,,I,PO HV? Ju -"- w 'J irf ivweu S' ua i unit VA HPH1 I Z. KA .VIA . run wiuiua or imuiui TO HOUSEKEEPERS. 1- YOU 1IAVK CARPETS TO CLEAN, SK.ND ThtM TO TUK Pen't I'BVe them tu nod by bi Inn beiten iy Hand nd .iniKKi vet me .rnum! and nv, r line, ami tut c ea'in i when jemui hne them Urn iiu,ii i -Hnrd and ailed and iuOlLji de3tr. ed al tne tame p Ice. CAltl'KTS CAL1.KD roll ASD DEI.lVKUhU S.IMt. K.ll. CAltl'KTS GUAIIAN'T'KI AtlAISSiT IN JllllY. If we tnurn your c riifi vn matter hew old or wetu, we will repnue illu new one. LEIVK OltDKKS AT J. B. lartin & Ce, -eit- LAXCASTFK 0KG1N FACTORY "It. ( IIUUUII AM) DL'KiCSTS. oetlf. 1 il AMO-t.3H-.ATi L'em Tiiieuui-.Afi-.sr UNION IIAIIDIVAIIK CO. '8 Eink Eeller Skates IN LAN CASTE It, (JO TO MARTIN RUDY, Dealer in Hicycles, T rirycles, Klc, Ne. 9 KA1T KIVOBTIIKET. -ttlcvcle ItHlnir "cboel, 9. W. Cor. Centre Square, and Meal tilnir stieet. ui tid 'KATiau KlnK. MOltNINO SBS'.ION KllOM OTOlliMO ArTEItNOON iSIU.N....niUM aTO b.OO fc.VE.MNO SESSION KunM 7 loiunie I ADMISSIOX: MOltNINO AK1KIINOON... KVENINU 4-SKATK3. i Ill CENTS. 10 CENT-l -O CENTS. ,.10e. E.1TKA.-6 R. R. STOWELL. aV.tld MANAUElt. .JitKJJJJIlAJi,. Ol. UriiKilK'rl II A I.I, nilt Hills, iiklir O Ell-TOWN, Mil., prepares for any cede., or business Hie, UiisurpnaHixl. IZ'i te fieua liar. Phet. J. c. Kl.NEAIt. uukIJ Jnieixl Pilntlpal. HAVKICr-llltll UIII.L.I-.OP, I'.., O MILl-.H Hern Plillatleiptila, en thu Pu It. It., Iiiemas lll-HK, 1.1. l, Pres't, under cme el ttK.lety el Itleiids; CUsbIuuI ami fctenttlln cenisiH. AnpltiMtlen ler admission may new Imi uiaile. hercHtuliueaildress Paer ISAAC bllAKPLEss, liuan, llaverlunl Celli ire, P.O., Pa. kiKMiiMW' JrOH tiALt.. 'I'HK ttllltltKIl WAltr.HOUHK. lilri rtNK J. Iiesliieuoeaud IIoueaileliiiui;. are eiler . at iirlvute sule Peieu desirous el vlew- Iuk tbe property will pit ase call en thu owner, JOHNS UOIItvElt. Or li A U MAN A IIUItNS, BcplS.tr- lleid Estatu AKitnts. ieit im.ii. THE LARGE BAaHMRNT Ol I'aull A Hamilton's Oi;an Factory (lerin erly i ex's touch raeloej, can Ihi luiitcd ulttierwllb or without power, lur sleilin,' et inuuulufliirlnK puipone., with ue el uleva ter. Alsiieuu Lai'KU retiui (eri-ulne puipoeejl. Inqitlruel I'aUI.L A HAMll.iON, u."J-ltil 3.15 Cliurcli aL, nearSeullt lJUku. M .IKK tOUttSKLF UOltlKllHTAIIl.K AND CALL AT llECHTOLD'S And stcure your Underwear, Hosiery, Knit Jackets. Pai Is, Overalls. Coin Iei u count, r jmiibs. Woolen anil CetUin flints anil Notions Kuuumlly. all at reduivd prices te suit tlie times. IIKNUY 1IECI1TOL1), Ne. bi North Uueen street. P. 8. Building and PftTluu band ler sale ti, 0t7" C1 ,' ?p0llU ,l0"et te our atoek of Grey Bluuketa, an we knew thorn te be very geed for the email prlce we , Mc for tbem. Alee Soarlet aud WhUe BUwketa rem-trkHbly oheap In nil 1 nicu nv,,: nnrr:.?u??ri.!?,l5l?.??.n sonme.ut orqemiorta mule up of t.he beat Satluea Orotennoa and -vutw , e. uuuu wuu iuu uuhl wniui ununn unn enmnfi rr. 11 aw.i Steam Carp Cleaner LANCASTER RII r heudi; . MISSES' FALL AID p'lcea nftJ V. . r 7. ." Z"'C. "lJi'" vuu""' "-"" """ 1" LU "'" lutihe uiiiare pureutiaing 'l no nrloea are r trht. Pena "" olegnnt line of Dreaa Buttena, Hoalery, Ooreeta. Glovea, Ribbons Bewers & Hurst, Ne. 2G and 28 North Queen Street. lllAl.lt. r OTAMIAKU UAKlllAllh WOlCIv. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET tiTrtHHT. UK.viier 1'oaTerricK. la.vuastkh, pa THKKK First and Highest Premiums Have In en awarded us by the lOL'A I I K lilt, bul the be-upreiit id n nil and ijuaim id wink wa t lie Hnli i 1 all our eldli 1iiiiitLKmtindp, beid sntiier order, cini Iiik imm iireuilneui iltizetiD, 1 ti 1-. iiljin r. iniiliiiiiiit an its enl Hun ut theriijx imr iiuaiit) et our work u an other priMit Unit Fair Dealing & Honest Werk Will Win. e make every mvln HiiKKy and Carriage dialriMl All wiirk (IttHhe,! tu ttie most dun furutlilti and elegant it) le. We life only the Ih-91 ileetil mai.r1ai, and eiuiUnv only the Im-l Uidllunlcs tin .ii.dlt el work out price uie the chenoesi In tnu slant. Me buj ter eiuli and li nn the uhni reaxunablu terms Utve us a tub. All mirk warraiitwl UM'AIUISli P.iOMPll.i ATThVUKIITO Oneeut et wnrKUieu esiH'Claily enipieve.! ler that nurim-M,. nJiUitd.tw N TOttllKl li ,v Ml. I . !ipat Hcdnclien in 1'rires -or- NORBECK k IILETS CARRIAGES, Cor. Duke and Vine Sts., Lancaster, Pa. All Jeh8 r milnlntie'ii sile will be i Id al GKEaTI.i Itr.HU HlfliiUnh .SewNthe limn te iiu us nur u tu imi sieck must be l-.-iil ,iui. Jehn ui be-old nt c,t te make room tiirnnr -I lli an i Winmr .Mtuiiilaeture. 1'niii uu in pri-fuii a '.jtg.tln whim y,i h.ve a ihnnru. axb) ptircliu Int; new jeu win nave at lean m in-r cent. Cad und bu con vinced sutli la a tucu LOOK AT THE PllICEs; NEW BUGGIES AT bDU.OO AM) Ul'WAItDS, Accenllng te tjiiallty. CarrliKi'4. PbiDKins, eic , etc , In p epur Ien Uu.ueinber tl.me 'Obs are net u i.i ap aitlcle, inadi especially ler ct Lappitiei, but our own tlrst-clas-. manu facture and will b" iruaruieed uaaucii. Patronize tliu-e wnei unent jreu luni'i pay enormous iirlces when jeu are uni cempeinit te. ' As proof of our quality of work, we re ceived all the 1111,1,1 uudnnlv premium nt t"le Lancaster County Fair, for ilht wink, our specialty, and the lluee hiheu pieimuinsal late t air tn Philadelphia, and ha I 11k tlrs -rlauunn ldli prteid buudeia el thai city in cempetu with. UALL AND EXAMINE ODR STOCK. NOTE-Tbose ileslrlnir a flne 81elf?h tliN winter al a loesonalilo nrtis will be bunetlUnt by tilling und exainliiliiKDur Btr In hkmIii. -. iare ,tock stceuil'llaiiil M'etk ii,r sale. Keiiairlnx promptly atleiinnd te. It maut i . Wholesale am. Retail Dealer in all Ein. a. LIJMUK1. AN'll CUAL. rara. Ne. u, North tii.teran' Prlr.j. strHetc ateVH Lemen I ancaster nj-lvc li COAL DEAi-kxtS. irFICK). NO. lilll NeitTU guHHll STIiaVT, AJIfc Ne. ua .Seuth I'm Kin stkkiit. YAltOs. North Piiimeu srKairr, niiia KaiD. tnu llurtir. LANCASTEU,PA. atnrivifd c HIAI., M. V. U. COIIO ifle XOHM HjUk HI., JisKtuicr, ni Wnelesale and liuJl Uealuts tn LUMBER AND GOAL. Oonuectleu VVItntlle TelChonle Eicliane lanl and time Nn. Xi JIlltTii wiiin STIIEE'I er.wi.i- a utjcj-.uir:. 1 III IISK'H. Just Hntelvetl fccliuiiiacber's Akren, Ohie OAT MEAL. llade el NEW OAT and then-lure perfectly I rush. Anethur Let et Granulated Cern Meal. litve It a trial. It Is very nice. AVE1NA by the Pound. U lial Is II t It Is caielullv piepaied Irem will id mis, ililnl, cei,kii ami crusneil liyj. new- pniciss, ten minute aru sulllclenl te took It, thus bilUKiitK this iieurlthliiK IihmI wllhln Uioreacliot tl.eearly tUer.as well us these who bleukliul ut llielr Klsuru, NEW 11UCK WHEAT the r Irst of the Season. VkJlllECOUN MEAL. At BlRSK'S NO. 17 BAST KIlMG STREET. UtNCASTKlt. PA. nwi r. HATH VON. WINTER WRAPS. """ "" . "" KW8 MB nilliaBOmO, tl IIHH t.UY I'lIK " BEST " STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. EsrAIILlSIIEll 1HS0. COM PA UK THE SIZES AM) I'ltlCKSOr OUR ENGINES. We have no A(rents or Middle lnrv te pnitecl by addlhx cmniulnlens which tu.- tetners innst ia . Yeu Save Frem 15 te 25 Per Cent. IIY Pt'KCHABI.NO IIIlthCTrKOM US BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP. Ne Shell linn usiil In Hellers Iiat con sul ptlunet dii and atei ler P.er de velnml All hntitm-H at nur tiiaku anlivclt te I tlctten lliaki let te oeulilt, their rate el leer. UE TIME and MUNEi, and pur I'liaiui the M nut Ourablt and IIE"T Portable Engine an. i Uuller en vv hevls and MUu. Farmers and Thresbermen, examine these prices anil Imlire ter yeuielven On On Cylinder i Wheel s, hills. V x f" i .vi ui i mi mi t" x " uu ii sun nn 7" X 10" UV Kl Seft .t "" x te" ;.vi in im im 'i" x 1."' lnse u '!i) ui II" X Hi" IXtl Ui I .Sill l) Capacity. 4 Herse Power. ti llei-e Power ti Hnie Power 10 llnie I'tiHtT 1' llerx. Powei i Herse Pewtr We lnunulncuit, and keep in stuck lue Iei. lewtn,; K"eiln, which are always en hand . Pet table hllKtniMitn M heels ami Bills. suitluneri tniiiej,, t te ui Hersu Power. Mittlnnerv ItitibTs Portable llellem. PuiUibie ,m Mills, Jrfiise in ! Sii.iUi Heller rwul Pump ; pump and heaters cinublneO aleani Pump. li.ak, cork anil Cob Mills. Pullejs, iliattliiKttnd itealtnK. Heuse Cellar Heaters. creameries dtteil up. Steam Heating & "iieclally; Iren ami liias Castluirs. Iren ranks tei Wui.'rund OH. 1-lKht and Heavj Shi-el Iren Werk. Steam and vv iter l'liea. Hancock lnpliatnrs. aiveaaini Ittlnxs. Andes A Seu's separators. tlulld any Power or style et llnllen hall, uiaten Klven ler iiii.ctilnery. Kepatrs prtnnpt ly anduiretiilly attended tii. -Al.l. WOlth yUAUANTEEl).-fc Jehn Best & Sen, (PllOPlllKTOIte;) Ne. 333 KiiHt Fulteu St., LANCASTEIt, PA. ImilVlyil 'I'll t, KAUHIl VVATKIl Milfoil la THK K(WT ECON' MICAL Pell hit KNOWN FOlt . UIVI.MJ LIUIIT MACHlNEItY. It takks but uttlk hikim. It Mivsu ekti. oner RSrAtR. It oak or iiluw ur. It HU4UIRK8 me rem. It iniua no khiiiieikr. T 11 eke ib de nsLAV , no rikiMi ur. Nil AtdlUSTOLLKAN UP. NO SXTKA INSUHAHCKTO PAT. NO kKl'AlKlHll HKCKartAKT. NO COAL UILLH TO PAY, AHH IT IS ALWAYS HKADY FOR USB. It Is Invalnabuter llmwlnj; Church OruaiM, ter ItunulUK PrlnliiiK Piesses, SewIiik Ma ci lues, Tuinliitf Lathes, scroll Saws, li rind Mimes, Cetlee Mills, hausanu Machines, Feed Cultirs, Cern Mills. Elevaters, lce Cream lieezers. Etc call at J. L. lllukiey's Urecerj otero, iiirner Ktilhlnk'ui.d Duke stituU, and stu one ill oiieratleu, Fourheiuo iKiwer at 40 peumls pressure nt water It is 1101-el. a, neat, lempact, steaily, aud above all II Is Vtlll CHEAP. Prlce MIS te 'M0. bend ler circular te E. 11. DlLLKlt, Ast, NO. IK N. 1IUKE ST., LANCA3IF.lt, PA. Thu liackus Miner will de meiu work with less water than any ether walur meter In ex. laienue. umcll 3md UAV1NI1 lllnillLVtO TAKTMIclUlllIP and iliuantnily closed the Chestnut "Ueel Iren Works, 1 desire te Inierui my old patrons ami the public generally, tliat 1 am still In the liuntuess, being located In the Pen 11 Iren Company's Works, North Plum sttoet, where I am making Iren and liruss Castings 01 every du'itrlptten, and will be pleased te serve all who uiav favor me with their patron, ae. Frem W years oxierleiice In the business and using tin. best material ami employing Uie bust inechaiilcii, 1 am jatl Bill 1 can uar uar uar anteounllrusailstactleii, LastliiKs made trot a mixture el Iren and stvel which are mere re liable tot sUniiKlb and durability than the best cust Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and reilliif mill work a specialty. -Cast-Iukb uiuile el ver suit lien, and brass auu tiiKS el every description. I have all the pat ters al Ihu well ami favorably known Mewrur Cern unit Cob Crustier, refilled and Improved. Alse 011 hand, mills completol fllteU tiptu in .Kirts, te repluce 0U1 0110 which Itave betu hi use ter viar8,HuaiuiiUHiitiK lhuui te kIvebjiU Istactlen. inirll-Miid H.C Mef'lJLI EY 4 MC iiiUKimALe.it mu t OK. HlTNEIt'S PILE CURE. It Is an Elegant and KrJcetlvePieparatinn. 17-lauUw- THArKUKK'B UU1DK. J A Pit) A ST Kll AND Ml l.l.hKMVI I.I.K II l i Ultra run mi lellnwg LiMive Lanwudur(P. It. Depot), at T, nn. ,.u" . in,, hiiii n, 4, n mid H..HI p. in., tmept en Buiunlay, wlmn tlie lint car linvi nt Ht.leii. in, mV"?0 ""'lomvllle (inwiir nntl), tft,.Bnn BtimiJ'1'"" ty en Imivii tlinn mcniit JKAIIINUAUOl.umiUA M. 1.. AKUANGKMKNTOr-PABSKNdKUTUAlNB SUNDAY, MAY 11th, ltW. ,,.. NOUTUWAItD. IJmirryvuie uinciwder, KingBt....;;;; Clilrklxs " HurluttM Junction..,.,... Uulumlilii. Atttivm. Uexliim a.m. r. m. r. m.' n-.a .... t.. 7.JH .... 3,(() 7:10 1.1) S.Ni 7r .... 'J..1S 7:M .... l:lH 1x.V l.ie II Ik 7l30 Willi BOUrilWAllD, LliVB. UtMUllUK Altai v. trletui Junction ...I Oblcklea Columbia LuncMUir LHtiCHsUir. KliiKHt..... . M. I P.M. 1M X2.1J0 tl:l. Mill T.M. 7.M !:li' ... 8: tt.li 2:10 8:ai 9:30 X10 B.i: .4I .... 8: 10:41 .... '.): 5:.IU A.4U fl.St Muarryriiie.. t;,. rv 'v:.v ;;,." '. .. ..-. " .....e w....,,,. a, ivmiiiiu will! 1,U1 lOi.llU Jrein PhllMlelprila, PoltwvllTe, Hurrlabiirg, AU lunuiwn ana Niw Yerk, vta lleunil llioek lieatc. At CelamblA trltntrnlna teand fitjtit Verk. llanover, CnttylinrK, rnlrrlck and lltati tnnni. At Marietta Junction with trulna te anil trout ulilckU'8. KUNDAY. Liiayi-CttarryvllUi, 7:ui a. m.j Lnncaatur KIhk Dlrvui, S.-On , 111. Atrlvn HeudliiK, lueua. in., 7:10 p. in. Leave IttntilliiK, WIU 111., 4.0!i p. in. Arrlvn Lancanter, Klniriltreul, lo.ie a. m 6.04 p. in.j guarryvllle, 7:te. A. H. WILSON, n i, EIIANON t) t.ANUAMKIt Jllln I 1,1 Mt J ItAlLUOAll. iRIUKIIKMKNT OF rAasllllUltR TIUINA. MONDAY, AUlHIST Idth, KM. NOIlTHWAllll. Leave. a.m. KIhk "irwit, Uinc... ri.mi Mttuhelin 7.us Cornwall 7.4 i Arrive. Lebanon dm A.M. SOLTIltv AKl). I.CRVU A M. I.eli-innn 7 is Cornwall TXt Malihelm M7 Arrive. King Mi cut. Lane... 8.17 A.M. J. A. WtLSOM, Hlipt. It A C. J. M. Havaku, hupl. C and Uberuk elii, SiijiL I" A it, I rtiintny. r M. A.M I'M, $ HUt 5.UI SKI H.l . ft .Vi u ii u:ts al 9 4 B.O CM. A.M. I-.K r.M. a.m ri. 7i I..I0 K.M0 7 Ml 7.,U 1 50 t.9l '1.21 5,41 9 10 III (10 H.(B r.M, A.M. l'.M. It. It. C. A ML II. It. IL It. II all-lyd paMMb LVAM1 A KA11.1UIAU MXW . OVEMUEIt, ls,l.va, trains en th. Pi ui..j TMiih lUllrtitul will arrive at and leatfe in Lancasti- and Philadelphia du;mui tei:, , !-, Al LanPH! Castwaud. .. .. " stall Mpru i-,.i Sf i'lil!a.lelphla Sxpress.. fit i-m last Line "-.v, 7:a IliirrWburK Kxi"esB .l 1 '..., ierk Accommodation iinlvi-B Sf, ,",. '.ancaaUir Accemr lAlien artlvtw... ,S. .. 'nlumbla Anomuie' den :t, im.s r m f rixlerlcx Aoeotnintalation nrnvea. i Leck Haven Exprew ;-v ; : uniliiy Mull , !j! Jilinstewn Kxpreaii i ,-x IH Expreas , j Ha risburs Aoeotntnoiluilon " it liatuver Aiv.iinniiMiiitiiiii w,.., ,.n . at LanciLiUir wltlj Niagara Kxp'ruHd H H, 'ill run threuuh te llanover e.iUy, exw .1 Hnnday. rivilerlck Acoemmoilallori, wwt, connecting t Lancaster with Fiwl Line, west, hi 1 . wbl run tbmurb le redertck. V( kerWABU ,l; .)! Sews ExprttA. Vaj Pasnener... dall Trail., Ne. 1, via. Ml. Juy Mall Train, Ne 2,vt(;il!iiuUiii,leiiviH laiisru Eires 'tanever AceotnintMltitlen Iduvea.... . Pi6 (i3e -ai ! e.fw P. A. u fir. 7-tej i-M F ist Ltnn Frederick Iccomuieilritinn leavee. .- y. . Harrl-dmiK Aociimnjelnllnn luincaster lccommed,.l!on luav.w oei iniiili. Uwiii.i diitlen tarrlBliurt! Kxpresa Western lixpnws Pacific Knmw ii ii.' in llanltbun, Expruea, wiunhieaves i.,.-., , . i it 7:40 p. in., Iiaf direct cunnecliuue (wUi.i- 1 ohaiiKeef cars; ij Columbia ami v0r. Tasi Line, weet, ou nnndn, w nun iltKk:. will suipat l)ownlutlewii,coiitvlUe, Parker. "irK, MnnntJey, tllrabethuiwr. an.i UMili vn Oay Expre, Fast Line, News Exim-M,, Ini tTftln, Ne. 1, Welrn Kxpnws and I'acitir Ei. -irs ran dallv. I he tlmnheioKlven Is Kattern llmr.er that ettli7Mh merlillan, whlcu Is 1 inlnuleaiiil 3 lecentlH taster tnan that luimiolere n .' MltiV 1. 1. LA .tt.lt 11 fi, 'I'HK lIHUIJII, lir.-M A.l .Mtlil i.u.VI. X plutoasertiueulot Pl'iilu uaiil, in inn city, from 8e wr pack up, at II A Iff MAN'S YkLLUiV FUOSTCli.AU "TCMtF MILLER'S COUGH SYRUP. sept 7-tntlAw Ol.ll STOCK UONhriTKtT lltlAlfl, II ter lc. Can be relied en aa strictly Con Cen ntctlculat HaUTMAN'S YELLOW FltONT clOAU HI'OltE AUUTltlrKf.ll AM llr.Al, hsiaxe AUENT. I HENRY SHUBERT. I AUCTlONEElt AND HEAL ESTATE AUENT, 61 North Duke St., Lunoaater, Fa, tverytliliiK la'rtitliilnK te my business will lecolve my personal aluinllnn Terms roaon reaon roaen iiile utve tnu . call 'ani.'-'f'i A II I.l. LIPtK OK I.UItll.l.AKII'.l i-Lllli anil Fountain fine cut Tobaccos. Alse. nrst"Clasg SinekliiK Tobaccos al 11A1UMA.VS IELI.OU I-11 J NT Cl(j A It STOItK. u UK MILLEIt'S BLAOK LINIMENT. English and German directions. s!7-Stnd,lvr C THAU'S ffhUIFlO nlKUIUIMI-.l'ilK t !! cat F.iikIIsIi Itcinedy. An uitltilllnji cure fur liiinetency.and oil IHxeases Hint toi tei toi lew Less et Memery, I nlversal l.aasltmte. Pain In tbe Hack, liliuuuss el Vision, Prema ture Jltl Age, and many ether diseases Hint lead te Insa Ity or consumption and u Prt iialuie drnvu. Full luiriluuiara In our pam phlet, which wodeilro lOM.'tid liue by inal I te every one. The "peclfltt Medicine la bold by all illllKHlms nl 41 tier package, nr six jiack uua ler 1, or will iHiseui I en my mail 1111 the ncelplei the uieney.by aildres-iliiK the .iKimt. 11.11 COilIUAN, HrUKKist, Neit, 137 and 1X1 Aerlh Queuu stieet, Lancas ter, l'a. n iicconntefcoutitertulls, we have atlepUxl Uiulellew Wiapiair) the only genuine. IHh OiiA MEUli.lNE CO., llullale, S. Y. IT DR. BITNBR'S LAXATIVE POWDER, FOR TUK UUH1 OF COSTIVENESS, FEVKHS TOHPID1TY OK HIE LIVhltANO IIOWELS, ACI1I1TY OF 1'llE iTtlMACIl. EltUCTA. TIONBA DiSPEl'alA. It la a mild LAXATIVE, pretlucInK no In convenience an., devoid el Ihu Inm n r usually priMlucedby 1LLS, and can be u. cu In all seannus et the year. srltls pleasant te take. Ask your dealer or IL fcCPIJ-emdAw IVMlllOK tu Tnr.i-Aiicivl ANll UUti i NElta, Allixirsens aroherobj lerbldden letraspas onauyel the lands et thu Corn wall or speedwell estates, In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or nn nn Hicleacd, cither ter the tiurpose et sheeting or fishing, as tbe law will Imi rigidly uutoreoo AdAlusl all tiuspusslu; en said lands et tlie anderalnned alter this uollce. WU. COLEMAN FKEEMAMI It. PEUCY ALUEN. EUWAlil) C. FEE EliAJ. 'AtUirneyler K. W Oelenin, Heiraj 018 rlw If If "L ylrstfiiB'iittsiijirMriiiwWsriritiyiw n." , tAfttt w. - -aPv?' ,.,'-' v -ftT"y'3gfycfeg-i:3 t