fY, , LANCASTER DAILY INTBLLLGBNOBBSATUKDAS OCTOBER 11, 1884. " aj :n i sr , -v 1 : f llnekman'a Hall. The lueUtnon.el this city, will held a ball In tlie halt at Mlllorsvllle en Monday oveiUnif . Tliey oxpectablgorowlandROod t'me. At Kxccliter hall te-night, Mr.Ilnrryltehrer will spread ene of the nnestluncu tables In this city, Herdes the uiual umountef side illilicn delicious sauer kraut can he had In abundance. Aldlne. the concertina player, will Rlve n line oihlbltlen el hU skill as a musician, together with tlie umlnent piano solelit and accompanist, .Instlau Clark. De net iail te hour the concei t this evening, coin, mcnclnu nt 7 o'clock. It Tu Mutual irlre Insurance Company, ei Headlng, Pa,, and the Valley Mutual, et Leba non, hnve paid, through tlietr agent, Chas. K. WcnU, their less at the Dlllerflte, en tlie 2d Innt. A Free Unncart, The lrea consort at Kxcolsler liell en Satur day, Monday nnd TueBday evening! was very largely attended. Aldlne. the great piccolo and conceitlna player, astonlshed nnd delight .ed eviTV ene by hts accurnte Imitations of bIiik ing birds, braying bugles nnd beating drums. Mr. Justin einrkoxecnlod seme nne pieces en the piano. The concert wltlborepcntedovcry night this woek, commenolng at ? cieck. :-3t CinciroxeurMen te Nlaaiia Kails, lluttale and Watklns Ulen, en Tuesday, October 14. He mul trip tickets poed ter Alteen days. Fare only 11060. Through trains loave l.nncnster (Kins street) nt 0 iv, in. Columbia at On. m. Mnnhcliii,(i.S3t Mtll0 Kphtata, 7 n. m. e. rami Conclave el Knights Templar nt lint taln.OcL 1 and 15. eclI,4,B,ll,13<w Antnicment. The Comedy Ftiur. Krnnk Lew Is, the inotie vecallet, who will be here with the " Comedy Keur "en Monday nUht, Is well known In Lencastcr, m he psrtormed Bovernl woeks nt Kranke's Winter Unrdcn several years age, and maile many friends. He new stinds In the Irent rank nmentc nrtUts et hl kind. He writes tnmiy of lilri songs and composes otliere m he gees nleng. Ills local hits nre taklnrtnnd his songs wi-ronlenture et tlie hill In FhlladcL nhia thU woek. Tlie great oemoly, entlUcd y Kelch On " shows the whole strength el this ''Aiempnny. xi Thia nven nil? tlie urcat Fionch tra tfodlenuo produces for the llrst tlme In Fulton onera heuse her new play of " Yvonne, which hs cntrlcd the critics by storm. Ol imr nMlniT the chteane Tribune says : " Ulion comes the embodiment el all that U poetical nnd l-rllned. lull of a gracious sweotnesa auu manifest delight In the oxcrclseof her art ler Its own inke that ate very pleasant letninK ei nnd te leek upon," Vi of LYiiA. or 6'nm'f of Veten en Me flood M. II, Curtis, who. as Sam'l el l'osen, lias long been nfavorlte with Lancaster thoatre goon, will prodiicehli new play el "BpetCash," in the opera liouse en Tuesday evening. The (Ihlcace JCienlna Mall siys of thu play ; " Ills lilghly amusing, unpretentious nnd keep the nudlnnea In n renr Tlie company is n rai ene, and the Individual characters nre wall touched elf. Curtis Is ns funny. In Ills dry Hebrew way, a ever, nnd appropriates the slnniieUlm sninnle room as though he had traveled toraJeTotry heuse all his Ufa" UtSATllH. HiiKuiNKic-Octehar H, 1PSI, at LHIU, sud- denly, Matthias T, lluobener. In his Dti.li year. The relatives nnd friends nre respectfully Invlted te ntlend the funeral, from the Me ravian church, Ltlltz, en Hunday mernluy, Octoecr IZth, nt 10 o'clock. McKkehk. Oct, 0, 13 U. In this city, Mrs. Mury McliLvne, ugid 62 jenrs, 8 month) and 10 days. The relatives and irleuda el the family nre rosperttully Invited te nttend tlm funeral, from horlateresldenco, Ne. Ml North Ujucen street, en hundny afternoon nt 3 o'clock, In torment at Lancaster cemetery. It jvim AJri:HTinKat itsia. AUK.it ici(iir i.uneii,- "" ATM.KSNKItCIIUIt IIOVKL, THIS" KVKNINtl. It IIEN11Y UOKIllt, Prep. riui 1 t r. .MUNNKKUIlOlt UIINUKKT AMD Sociable wlnrh was te have taken place en Mencnv. Oct. 13. has been postponed, rn accounteftho Mckness et nor atmz, unui MON HAY, OCT. 5J. Itl JUMlll SAUKIt KKAUr ihllhlT.UU j will 1h) served ns 1 icli this uvunlngat the Law liulldlng llffUiur.int, corner Duke .nnil Ornnt streets. - . iiiicn .vsrAi'LKfeni). It 1 Proprietor', rr.U8i -Twoareai-i OYSTERS 1 1 OY3TKU3fft Fer I.uneii ul the Meiirann Heuso, Ne. 113 North Uiiecustrcel. Lebanon liter en tap. W. II. OKI HLKlt, lt l'roprlcter. SOUlt KUUIIV I.UMjM Tltlt (SATUKI1AY) cicnlnt-'ut the KAST KINO UTKKKT I'.ESTAUUANT. baBCtnt-nt of llelfmelnt's building. Knnpp's I! wr en tup. JKSSK JONE8, lt I'roprletor. Puiii.ie mai.k or unto heksks. On MONDAY. OCTOllKIt 13, 1S3I, nt I). Legan's fale Htnbles, Market street, renr el the Mcllrann Heuse, Lancaster, 1'u, twenty Head et OHIO IIOIiHKS; nmeng them ure some heavy boned feeders und geed driving noises. A credlt of GO days. Suln at 1 o'clock. It llANlKL LOGAN. G O HK.i: T JIK (IllKAT rllOfKHatllt", Aldlne nnd Clurlc, MONDAY" KVKNINO AND KVKUY KVKN 1NUNEXT Wi:EK AT LOTZ'S SALOON, Opposlte the l'ostefllco. Uroundheg Lunch this eventug Choice Lager itccr en top. It AujiiUKNKnfALiim'Nen. i anus, or Ueal Kstatoef Jacob Kaullman.deceuscd, enTHUUSIlAY.OCTOUBILSS, 18HI, by vlrtue or an enter et tlie orphans, Court et Lancas ter county, 1'iu. the understgned will sill nt publle nuUi.en tlie prumlses, known us "Kaul laau's Mill," In Mnnbelm township, Lnncastcr county, l':i , en the read lending lrum Oruvlile te l'eterebui-g, about lour miles northwest et Lancaster city ami onemllo Beuth of l'oturn l'eturn burg tlie following described real estate, into of Jacob Kaufman, deceased, te wit : Ne I, continuing &J ACItKS.W PKUUIIKS. ndlacent te ether lands et said deceased nnd uillelnlng II. F. Kshleinan, csi , en which nre erected u deuble two story SIONK MANSION IIOLiSi:, u well et wuter with pump tbercln In the kltchuu nnd H cistern near the deer, n large mono l unk Ham, Wugen Shed, Hcg Sty itnd ether ncce-euryeutbulldlngj. Ne. 3, A tract of 13 AOUK.SMidlJ l'KUCHKS et moalew land, udjacenl te Ne, . ana ad joining lands et lienlamln 11 Kuufman, Ueorge A, Urban and ethers, without butld. Ings Till) tract will be sold fcoparate or te. gether. ns may best suit purchasers. Hale te begin nt 1 o'clock p. in , of aMd day, when nttendance will be given nnd terms mmln known by 1). V.&TKIIMAN, Ailmtnldtiater ullh Will Annexed et Jacob Kutilirmn, deceased. ell-lUI&2tw )am;h ihtti'.iim. LOTZ & C0.'S TOHIC, reu COMPLAINT, DY8PEPSIA CKAMP3. LIVE It AND DOSE TwoTablespoonlul bclore each in eal. MASUKALTUUKDANIl VOI18ALE11Y LOTZ & CO., kNOASTEIt. PA. augOcindMi El UCIKKKlt AMI t . I AOENT, UKAL ItOTATK HENRY SHUBERT, AUCTIONEKU AND UKAL ESTATE AUKNT, 61 North Duke St.t .Lancaster, Pa. EvorytlilngpertalnlnB te my business will rccelvetiiy personal attontlen. Terms reason able, uiw ".siUl lanlJ-Ud PAWNEE BITTER JfMW AVrjSMTlBMMBHTB, CAl.t, AT BXUKLBIDK IfALt. TMIH evening nnd hear tlie great Concertina player. He will play overy evenlng this vroelc 1tl.1t Oil TAKKH IIT M18TAKM A J lleregn Shawl nt a plcnle Boptemhorl, Helurn te ill Weit Orange street. el0-2t ritlllS WULr, UOMl'AMION Ttl KRU KIU. L Ing Heed, given away this Baturday at OLAUKK'3 TKA HTOUK. Ceine nnd have a geed laugh nt our new Cartoons, te. per pound for Urewn Sugar. nittK nuMiiERreb i'hiuole ixaxkk X will Ira nt Kxcolsler Hall this ovenlngnnd every evening this woek. A DULL LINK OF LO 111 I. L A UU'fl JrLUU nnd Fountain tlne out Tobaccos. Alse, flraUclass Smoking Tobaccos ntr IIAUTMAN'3 YKLI.OWFUUNTC1UAU STOltlt. $5,000 Association. TO LOAN. fly the Union llulldlngnnd Lean ter particulars tnnulre et A, II. HALL. Secretary. Ne. IWEnstKingBt. S37-413 1)UOK BlAN'fl 1'AUKAUIS lyKH Ml UOL-ers-wlll dye cotton, Weel, Hllk or Feath rrs. Mmrle, pnrinanentand llillllant. 10c. n packnge nt HUIILKY'8 IIKUO HTOltn. sug-Omd 21 Weit King street. OLD HTOUK UONNKCT1LUT (IIOAltS, 11 ler sic. Can be rolled en ns strictly Con Cen Utclleutiit UAllTUAN'S YK.LI.OW FUONT ;1UAH iHIOKK. llNHIIItANDK ASSOUIATIOW. AGAINST ACCIOh'NTS. K.1TATK, INSURANCE AND I'KN- UKAL SION AGENCY. Urtlco-Ne. 19 N. DiUe St., Lancaster, l'n. yllM3tdS F. KILUUKN, Agt. DIVIDKNI1 NOTIUK. A dlvldend el ll.ui per shnre en the capi tal stock et the LancnsUiri FriillvllloTurn FriillvllleTurn FriillvllloTurn plke Company was declared en Octeber 1,1681, iiavnble en demand at the Fulton National liank, Lancaster, l'a. III. CAItPKNTKlt. 03 3UITU3MAW Socretnry and Treasnrtr. nKSIOOUATf O DOUNTV VUMHlTrRlt. VUMHlTrRlt. VUMHlTrRlt. 'Xhorewlll le u meeting et the Damn cratlc ceuntv committee In the rooms et Uie City Conimlltre, thlnl lloer of Kepler's post pest post efllro building, north Queen street, nt 10 n. m. en MONDAY. OUTOIIEIt '-7. A luUnltn'idnnce of the momliers Is urgent ly requested. W. U. HENSKL. Chatrmnn. LAneAsTKn, I'a., Oct. 8, 18SI. eM-d.twtm l.MNK CLOTHING fKlll T11K FALL. JL I have new ilHiUnved en mv oeuntors nnd racks mv supeib line el Fall Woelons. They nre ttiu choicest goedj ever otrerod In this city by nnv merchant tailor heioteroro. Alt Suits, t'nntntoens nnd OvercenUi will 1m trimmed with the very best and n pcrfectnnd comleitiiblentiilw.ieguiiranleo I. Don't tall te step as you pais by nnd oxamlne the goods In my window. A. H.neSKNBTEIN, 37 North Oiteen ativet, opposite the l'ostelllco. mil-Omcli; I IKAlll) rllli: IMSUIfANUB OUAIt'ANY, OF l'HILADKLl'HlA. ALrrunS. Gillktt, President. Jamks 11. ALVOiin, Vice l'res. nnd Treaa. Kdwik K. M uruill, Socretnry. Julius ll. AtLEM, isVt. Sec'y Asieta: One Millieu, Twe Hundred and Fifty-nine Thousand, Nine Hun dred and Sixty-3oven Dollars nnd Forty-nine Cents. All Inyeited In solid securities f.eisea piemptly settled nnd paid. Rife & Kaufman, AGENTS, r e. 10 East King Streot ecl6mdM,WA3.H tUl.TOW UI-UKA IIOU3K. THEHEQUKLOF SUCCESS. Tueaday Evenlng, Ootebor 14th. The Celebmtcil Chnractcr Comedian, MK. M. B. CURTIS, In Ills New l'loce. written by EOW1N M AltllLK, Esa, Entltlud SPOT CASH, Or, SAM'LOF ro.HENen tlm Kead nnd Cen, tlnintlen nnd Sequel te Snm'let l'osen. ADMISSION ItESEKYED SEATS Fer sale at Opera Heuse. .73, M A 33 CENTS 73 CENTS' ell-3t ' A flltS r-OL ASS PIANO. Don't buy n I'laue until you seennd bear the IvTMUlcli & llacli. The l'lanns et this firm are made et fclln-drled rese woetl, sensenud 3 yearn boterobt.3JWouiJiFUtca3;it',--,-i''' ? Agrntle nctlen,tit3ApaKuK uean jtiing beard nnd the new patent n. notion the latter in the upright ntyl- i maile by prac tical nnd ECtentllle p iiinkers ; every In strument Is waiTitnu. ier rlve years. The Kranlch A llneli Piane is mnde In square. grand nnd upright style, and ler parlor and concert balls. Messrs. Krnuleli X llacli wero awarOed the highest premium nt the Conton Centon Conten lttRl ler nil their pianos exhibited Square, Grand and Upright styles ler strongestand pleasing tone ana uxccllencent werkmnnshtp. This piano Is acknowledged by the most emi nent musicians te be the best new made. Fer lurther nartlculars lnnuroet WHO, FUAILEY, (Kantrmati's Drug Stere,) B'M-linilM WSlt Ne. Wl North Oneen SL N l'AV A1AUHIKK bllOP. WROUGHT AND OAST IRON FENCES, Cellar Grates, Cresting, etc, UENKltALMACIIINEWOItKOFALLKINUS IIKI'AIUINU l'UOMPTLV EXKCUTKU. POTTS & WEBER, 11!) N. christian St., nnd 15tN.Qi:ecii St timixxtit XT l. BTAUIfFE.1 ilOUN H1UK4 ' -TIIE- People's Hat Stere. Special Announcement. As you all knew, tbe COLD WAVK lias comeunit with It tbn llnc9t nnd largett assert. mentel Hats, Caps, Furs and Qlevea evor openod In tbe City et Lancaster. All tbe vary Latest Style? and Kevcltlm 01 tbe tmst ncss, representing nil tlie Leading Styles et New Yerk, and 11 lew et Londen aud Paris. uen-i leruni we aise nave sun cjuue n num. ber et tbe Hats mentioned in the OHKAT MARK DOWN of ene week age. In which we stated thai tloed Fur Hats wero inarked down trein tlie, S160.J3 01), 12 50 and J J 10 te UW, tus, 11.50, (1.21 and $1.00. A few as low as 60c. and ",ie. BOrU HATS at all prices, lrem 25c. up; OAPStromleo.up. Kvervtblnir In Ueutl Drcsj for Chlldren, A specialty or school Hats and Caps. O-Cnll and be convinced that tlie licit goods Ipr tbe leaat money can be had at W, D. STAUPPER & CO,, (Shultz'd Old Stand.) NOi. 31 & 3JNOUTH QUEK.H STUKET, Lancaster, l'a. myie.ly M iUNMIUOllOll 1IOT15L,. Msennercher Hetel. 1 AM NOW PUEPAIIKD TO ACCOMODATE TUR PUBLIC WITH ALL THE AD VANTAGE? OV A FIRST-OLASS HOTEL. Hoarders by the day or for any length et tlme can have all the advantnisei or the beat hoteU. . MEALS AT ALL HOTTBS. Fine Uejtnurant nltacued. HOT LUNCH Every llenilni; from 10 te 12 o'clock. HENRY DOERR, MpS-tUI6ep.atld 1'UOPRIKTOIL H AQKK A BKOTMltH. Attractive Styles and Best Qualities. Wiltens, Moquets, Volvets, Iledy Brusiels, Tapestry llrussols.Tlirce-l'Iy, ExtrASupar Ingrains, IIiU nnd Stair Cat-pets, llorders, Itugs aud Art Equares. A Large Line of BODY BRUSSELS, at Extremely Lew Prices. INOUAlN8,fromsOcentj)to75contsayard. Large Assortment. Wall Papers, "Wall Papers. New Fall Styles White lllanks, Flats, Plain nnd Embossed Ilrenzes, Hand I'rlnts, Frioze-!, llorders and Celling Decorations. 5,000 Pioces Choice WlllTJC III. ANKH.Oe. and lOe. l'rlce ter Hanging. So.npleco. B.OflOl'lecet Cholce Style GILT I'Al'KltS, JiSc. te 32c. 1'rlce for Hanging, Jee. a piece. New FUIE.KS. lUmOKUS and OElLlNODKCOUATIONs. Hanglnget line celling and dccoratlve work en same low basts. Tills lsla lavornble senseu te have work dene In Paper Hanging. Trices nevcr wcre as low. HAGER 8l BROTHER, Ne. 25 Weat King Street, JNO. H. OlVLKlt. NEW LINE OF CARPETS. Choice Patterns Wiltens, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry Three-Ply Extra Super, Medium and Lew Priced Ingrains, Hall and Stair Carpets. HOME-MADE RAG AND CHAIN CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS in All Widths at the LOWEST FALL PRICES. Z3TOALL AND SEE THE QOODSr&Z JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER. PA. NEW AVVMHT1HKHKHTH. GU ANUIIKAK JUSTIAN ULAltlC l'KK l'KK ferm en tlie Piane at Kxcolsler Hall tills evcnlni; nnd evcry evening U1I3 wcek. JUMUII THIS (SATUKIJAV) KVKN1NU j ntttieSt CliancH Hetel. 11 hast Clieatnul atrcnt. oyster l'le nnd Utilckcn Cern &our. It UKOUUK KLOllY. l'rep. SAUr.lt KItAUl- LONOII TIIIM (ATUK 1AY) eventnu nt tfe Olrnrd Heuse, Neitli Uurtm Bticet. It C1IA8. ZKCII. Or. rAUI.'SJl. K. CHURCH FAIR Kiitx in fneanKgi. The iollewlntr articles voted ler will be called in tills nvenlnir: 2 Sewing MacldueH, melRli, Gun. ailver Watcli, Writtne I)ek. eale et Cabinet postponed until Tuesday ovenlng. eS-.wdU 1UOI'UAL4 roll 1IEKK. Scaled proposals tu supply tbe Lancaster County Prison with beet for six months will te rocelved by tbe Heard et Inspectors et Beld prison, nt paid prison, en Monday, November 3, 1S84, nt 10 o'clock, iu m. l'roiieaals te be scaled anil marked " Proposals ler live!." Tlie beird rcsorve tlie rl?bt te relect auy or nil bids. JOHN 1I.M1LLKU, JOHN S. WKAVKIt, ell-3MA'ltv Commlttce. w AKK V'OUllMKLir UUBtfUKTAIILIS AND CALL AT MKCUTOLIVd Ami sccure your Undcrwcnr, lloslery, Knit .inr.bntnl'atitn. Overalls. Comforts. Counter panns, Woelun anil Cotten Hlilrts and Nollei. Konernny. -ah fc ruuuL-uii jincua ui sun iuu llines. UKNltVCECIlTOH), Ue. 6i Ner til Queen Htreut 1'. S. HullillUKmid t'avln Band ler sale. rpuK rt, AUK IO UO. -ia at Burger &Sutten's, MERGJIAN'l lAILOItS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, WMKIIB EVEUVTIUNQ, Frem a Broadcloth Suit -TO A- CAMPAIGN COAT, Can Be Had en Short Netice! INCLUDING The Cheapest Corkscrews in the World ! That'i big talk, but e mean ltl Call and have our words proved te you. Burger & Sutten, CHEAP CASH CLO'l'lllKUa. NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANUASTK.lt, PA. reuMvd N KW YAM. COATS. ffATT, SBAHD & CO., IIA.VK OPKNKD THE FI113T INSTALMENT -OP- XiadleB' Oeata, Ladlea' Delmans, Ruaainn Circulars, Seal Plush Oeats, In popular styles at oxtiemoly low prices. Our own Importation el Berlin made Children's Oeata In all Sires, Styles and Prices. DRESS OLOTH SUITINGS Are the popular Reeds et the season. We have new in stock all the dosirable colors In excellent values at 60c, "Se nnd tl.ce n yard. Extraordinary Bargains. e-.j '1 WILLED DJiESS GOODS, 75e a Yard, Well Werth si.oe. All the new fall Shades Iu our Kaineiu COLORED DRESS SILKS At ll.ce a yard, the best value in any market. Ladles', (lontlemeu'j nnd Children' UNDERWEAR In all sizes at prices te suit the times at 1 he NEW YORK STORE, KMW AnrBKTtumHMltlh. CARPETS A Large Line of TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. at Extremely Lew Prices. II ALL AND BTAIU CAlll'ETS, with U0UDEU9, in all grades. ILINN A HRErlKUAN. CARD. Although a Celd Wave may be here any day, there are hundreds of our customers and ethers who have net yet thought of looking after their Steves and Heaters. We would advise them te delay no longer, but attend te this matter at once. Te these in want of New Goods, all we ask is that you de net pur chase till you examine our New Line of Steves, Ranges and Heaters. We have never had se fine a stock and at such low prices. Our New Flinn Range, Economy Heater, also the Du plex Heaters are unequalled by any ether goods in the market. We are showing the finest line of Slate Mantels, Gas and Ceal Oil Fixtures ever in this city. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. s TOVKH. Cel Ms, Mm, Parler Healers, Cellar Heaters, IN UP.KAT VAUIETY AND AT 1'IUCKS TO SUIT EVKUYllODY. WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TIIE Dual Draft Deuble Heater, A new Slove of ontlrely nevel construction nnd design, strictly down-draft, ported coin cein coin btistien. cannot umlt iras or smeku liccausaltconsumes all the ctasses and sraote. dopeslts ilio"HerA In tlie plpes or fluis, has no firate or mm any oiuucjuevo, 14 iiuuer penecL control ana 13 ciean, peyttrilul untvepauavnai. Argyle Pleasaiit Heme and White Star Parler Heater, NEW, I1EAUTIFUL AND IN EVERY KESPECT F1K9T-CLASS. Albien and ladies' 1'ride Cook Steves. Conqnerer Cellar Heater, With ELKCTI11C KEUULATOll te control the nre, which can be set teany dogreo of Heat iloelred, and regulates the damper automatically. All Strives nre guaranteed te glvu satisfaction nnd llcaters set up by llrst class work, men. GEO. M. STEIN MAN & CO., Nes. 25 and 28 West King Street, Lancaster , Fa. cSlffidW&S&lmw J. " M.MIT1N St UO. OUK FALL DRESS GOODS Are arriving daily nnd we are at prosent showing ns large nnd an doslrable a stock as will ls leund in tlie city. Broeado Bilk Volvets, Black and Celere. Bilk Warp Henriettas, In Celers, Drap De Alma, Blaek and Celers. French Trloet OaBhmeres, Ottomans end LAUUKST STOCK Ladies' and Obildrens' LADIES' AND JERSEYS, J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King and Prhice Streets. XBW ADYXUTlHKMJSNXa, PENN UIOAUM AT 81. MO I'KR UUM UUM dred, n better cigar than Is sold by most, dealers at 11.75, at IIAUTMAN'3 YELLOW! VUONTC1U Alt . KTOltK. H 1U11 St BIAUTIM Glassware. - Qneensware. AT CHINA HALL.. We havu new opeu a line et IIU8SIAN CUYbTAl. CUT GLASSWARE -IN- HOBNAIL AND STRAWBERRY DIAMOND I?A1VXERN. ritUlT BOWLS, BKK11Y HOWLS, OLIVE DISHUS, TUMI5V.Klt3.Ae. High & Martin, 15 FAHT filNU STREET, l-'AJJCASTEU, PA. AUKK A IlltOTUEH I Lancaster; Fa. riKe r. KATnveN. S' Tevna. Ure pet te bum tit, Jrcqulres less attftftVSbn PUKCIIASES OF Poplins, Jersoy Oletb, Volvetoons. IN THE CITY OK Coats and Newmarkets. CIULDIIENS H in Black and Celers. Lancaster, l'a. ELEUl VAIa . fltOM 1IITTKBH. nun unit OO V V W N N " I it 11 it no WWW W NN N" iinil unit n n wwww nnn 1 11 in 00 Www nnn llllU Jl It OO W W N NN 11 nnn w kn n 11 ie k n a nn n Ii nnn n n n n n 11 it 11 e 0 N NN II 11 U OO N N.N RaaS S3 Ban3 nnn 1 it 11111 1 11 inn II TTTT TTTT II T T !! T ? 11 V T J' 111 i: 1!U 1C KEB nnn h it 1: it 11 BSSjj "ass. 'BSSTi ithia n,n,lfMnt rnmlilnlncr Iren With TIQr vottuiable tonics, quickly und completely ..riiiu iivhpki'HIa. INllldKSTION. MA- LAIUA, WEAKNESS, 1MPU11E HLOOl), ClIILliandKEVEItnndNEUltALQIA. iit lly rnptd anil thoreuKh assimilation wltli thobleod. It reaches overy part et the system, purines and enriches the bleed, strongthens the muscles and nerves, and tones and mvlg mvlg mvlg orates the system: A tlne AppoUzer Hest tonic known. It will euro the worst case et Dysnepsla. rouievIiiR oil dlatresslntr symptemB, siieu as Tuttln, thu Feed, llelchfng, Ueat In the Htom Htem Htom aeh, lleurtburu, eta The only iron metucineiimi win net uiacn uiacn eu or Injuie thu teeth. It Is invaluable ter diseases peculiar te women, and te all pbraeus wholeeu seduutary An' unfalllnit romedy ler diseases of the Liver anil Kldneys. Persons sutlerluK from the oQeet el over ever over wert, nervous troubles, less or appotlte. or debility, experience quick roller aud ronen ed enerRy ey 113 use. It does net causa Ileadache or prodnce Cen- Btlpatlen-OTHEIl Iren medicines no. It Is the only preparation et Iren that causes no Injurious eirects. Physicians und druirgUts recommend It as the belt. Try it. The genuine has Trade Mark anil crossed red lines en wrapper. Take no oltier. Made only by BROWN OHEMIOAIi OO. sp9lyd&iyw Baltimere, Md. SECOND EDITION. BATPBPA.Y KVHNIWQ. OCT. 11. 1034. FKOM OVER THE OCEAN, LATK5T VUKCION INTKLLIOKNOE. Bhelki Kntlea a 1'arty of Ferly-Klcnt te tbctr Iloese ana Tlien Maisacra Tnetn Oel, Stewart's Murder uenllrrsed. OAtne, Oot. 11. After Gorden rotarned te Khartoum a beat with forty Earopeana, five necrees and three RervanLq crrounded at Selamat. The sbelks entlccd .the party te their honses and then massaered all bat lourteon, who are new priseners. COL. 8TEWA11T AND VKKtX KILLED. Wadt Ualpa, Oot. 10. A. mosBencor who was sent out by Cel. Kltchener has returned. IIe oenflrms tbe report of Cel. Stewart's murder, and says that the only survivors of the party are four black slaves. All the Europeans, including M. Nicola, the Creek consul, wero killed. THE RAVAGES OF CIIOLEIIA, Naples Oct. 11. Thore wcre 109 fresh eases and 43 chelera deaths, In this city the nast twcntv.feur heurB. Reme Oot. 11 Reperts from the cholera I districts of Italy for the past twcnty.feur I hours clve a total of 252 fresh cases and I 117 deaths, against 121 cases and 70 deaths for the preoeding 21 hours. VVOltsn TIIAN AT TIItST RErOIlTED. Reme, Oct. 11. Advices recolved from Catania show that the rccent oycleno was far mero dostructlve than was at first an nounced. The ontire country about Ca tania is devastated. (Vineyards and ollve gardens have vanished and fully three thousand dwellings wero destroyed. TUG ULASS 1KAUB. BtauufActarera gay There Is Toe Blnch lit Ins Made atrl'reaent. Pittsbuke, Ta,, Oot. 11. The vilndew Blast manufacturers are conslderlni; the advisability of elOBiag a portion of their works, as trade is net as satisfactory as two months age. The price is still maintained, but man ufacturers elalm there is tee much glass being rnade. Ne concerted action has yet been taken by the body in regard te restricting the output, but at the next meeting of the Window Glass association a preposition will be offered that all factories close for a limited period. Albert Denny, ropresontativo of the Glass Workers assembly, left yesterday for England and Belgium te further the work of the international federatien of glass workers. The convention will be held in this city next July, from at which a'number of dolegates from England and lielcium will be in attendance. The international association will be completcd at that tlme. Twe ills Illinois rlrat. Foiwune, 111,, Oct. 11. Beujamin Walten's mill and the business block ad joining wero burned early this morning. less, 8200,000. At 3 o'clock the Hre was still burning. The buildings wero oemplotoly de stroyed. Walten's less is $75,000, and the ether losses aggregate $50,000, making a total less of $125,000. . Jei.ikt, III., Oot. 11. The blaBt furnace Ne. 1, at the rolling mill, north of this city, burst about ene o'clock this morn ing, setting fire te the stock heuse, which, with Bover.il cars aud ether property, wcre burned. The less is heavy. IlrltliU Protectorate Otcr Ii'cw ualnen. Londen, Oat. 11, The British commo cemmo comme doro en the Australian. Rtatien has been instructed te proceed te New Quinca aud proclaim a llritislt urotectorato evor tlie southern coasts of tJu.VffirSa7Vthe east ward of the l-LLft'tfraeridiau of easVmigi J iuue. xnivproteetorato win mciuue iue ialanda.vtujaeeut te Southern New Guinea. I SeJUi6ment within the proteotorato will Iriet be permitted. The Day tct for Arsainent, PiiiLViiELi'itLV, Oct. 11. In the United States diatriet court te day, Judge JIo JIe Kennan set Friday, Ootebor 17th, for the argument en the motion for n preliminary injunction made by the solicitors for the Iialtimore & Ohie railroad against the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Iialtimore railroad. Pending the argument court granted an erder restraining the defendant from interferiug with tbe eiistlug state affaire. Shet In the Neck und Killed Uniontown, Pa,, Oct. 11. ListeveuiDg Sibbett Triplett, a YouDgstewu, Ohie, dotcetivo, shot nnd killed Samuel Keener near MoCIellandtewn. Triplett had been hunting and carried a Bheteuu. Keener was drunk and bautored him te fight. AVheu Kcouer rushed for him Triplett shot bira in the neck, killing him in. stantly. Putt of n Ce id fillue llurnlni:. SiUMOKiN, Oot. 11. One chamber of the Ilenrv Olay shaft, onerated by J. Laugdon & Ce.. of CImira, ia en fire. It is supposed te have brcu ignlted by n blast. Water is being poured in, but it is hoped te extinguish the fire without Hood Hoed Heed ing the mine The Uurned PaUcs Btlll BtueuldctliiK. Cet'ENiuauN, Oot. 11. The ruins of the Christiansberg pilaoe have been smeuldering for a week aud the fire is net yet subdued. Sailors and deak hands have offerod thelr assistance te os tiaguish it. Net Vet act Held et the rrlieners. Evansvili.e, Ind Oot. 11. A dispatch from Cannollten, whero Illndershet and his son, charged with the brutal murder of Mrs. llindcrshet are oenQnod, says the mob had been very threatening, but had net yet get held of the prieoneru. 'aiumi lnotOATiena. Washington, D. 0 Oot. 11. Fer tbe Middle Atlantie states, continue coo', fair weather, with slight rise in temperature, variable wiuds, gencrally from tbe southwest, lewer baromcter. StAUtiaiB. Phuadeipnia Market. PniLADBi.raiA, Octeber;il. lour dull und weak : auperllne Btate, at ti '.'60 J 73 I Extra de, W 75JJ3 2J Pa. ranlly, W tfl QJ 75 i winter clear, II00SI 60 i de BlralliLa, si 60H5 00: Minn, extra, clear. nasal's: straight, ft 75s 25t Wisconsin clear, tJ'J 04 25 : straights, tlsuOSt winter patents f . 485 W ; spring de, aasi2i. Uye flour at U OiHQ 75. Wheat market quiet, but steady ; Ne. 2 Western lled,8l.ei Ne. a de. sue. Ne. 1 l'a. de, 'JlKe I Ne. 3 Dolaware tle; bVJc. Cern qutet and stteady steamer, 880 59e ; tall yollew,(ri303o i de mUed, Biueixcj Ne. 3 de, 57858c. . Oils stuady, with fair f einand : Ne. 1 Wnlte, 15820c; No.2ile. S3XQ3IUoNe. 3 de, euei rejocted, Siaset Ne 2 mixed, Sua. Itvt nnlnf nt. TJr 8e(xls-CloversecduuUat7HasjieiTimotl)y llrm at $1 50 i riaxseett firm at II 01 18. Winter llrnnqnlet at flSQU XS. Previsions stauiy, wiu talr ileinaml i Mens Perk. $17 5ertt3 t Ue''t Hams, tsoaretso; India Meli lleef, l50aaj City de, 113 WO Ul?con, Kffll2KCiBmeUyl Bhoulders, 7KSe : salt de, laVAet Smoked Hams, liuiJei plcklea de liaiJtfc. ,nnen Jjird aleady t city refined. e t loeso ...A,rM 7l IL. nrlinn fltiuini 3 1013 15. " BuUfiBcy" Qualities wanled at firm SeVStiaaSl iHfci N?" Y7 extras-. Mei West em dairy de, Me Weulern jroed te cholee, " neils at 10O2I0 1 packing butter, oaile. Eggs urmi extras, 2j5siej Western, 19Q ' ' . ,r.l,n, Unnii. !,,. ntililt , New Yerk lull creams. WiOUXei Ohie Jflau, choice llorlelair te unrne. WJlo'.iei Pa rrtbklms.irtf8at Ue lull, IHtMe. (JD003.f mw, ""'. ""7. '"" partt, Petroleum quiet t lleflnea, tie. Whisky dulii Western at V. 30. A..WB HHH IKaHHflK- . menis. 7,060. SSm?tSviSSf2, SSKSii2PS? i rpBit xekiitm i.fti" iiippinar. n nflaM. ItwassStaklnsan l skins i ltocelpt m?n,mum. ii. S-'woelpu. O.oeo DMMti inTi -. T- , ..,w M..I. jrline nrm low grudes leiSa lSwwr n3 g2. W 7i97 lffi Reed Te i elielS "mSSG? It Span 101 cemmnii tn t.iS SKPrl! neise la Kl tO CbOl e lAirjK cnttle tltm llnln. .n. Tf "".' le noed. nns an. iIr:i.,'?'Vr?s2S.lS"s te goeil, s.ie.1 60 1 interior te fklT'SSiw. Kast tlireugh wcMgnmmtsTeiWL K &M iM.'mt te Reed, KVa i common, tmiMtneuiL is ""tt-omue, nothing lIOffflwinnrlrAt firm i.kii...uk.-- 5 00 iltammniS MmWraP ?iS-fff n n. ;..v:vi""'-,s';?- w ' r.ww H3"uit 91 6033 3 mntlnt. a 3k fe.7 BUI ilninenta. 2.600 heiui. ,- "mi Shpop-Netblnft doing t leellnr net foedi ftaw xeik aarkati. ,"? T,0' ?et, H nenr-stata sod We cm dull nnd barely steady. Beathwa StOA(lJT Whent openod steady afterwards ruled S'T.uft',1, "edlnml 'jjmge J trade daii S?'a?i.hlt0;. nominal I He. 1 KM, Hovi, egfnitear?0' jS .-, -, .uw., nwwtu, O.JfOJO. rnuadelptiiA. Quotations by Associated Frets. Stocks unsettled. PMHdelphta Krle U. B. uu lleadlUK llaUread ...1...1..!!!. ! ill! Pennsylvania Kanread..,,.,..... ."1" " M Lehigh Votleyllallroad !.....!... 538 United Companlea et New Jersey 1" Northern l'nclfle. .... I. 19V NorUiern l'nclfle Proferred. JT Northern Control llaUread .... LeniRh Navigation Company......... l Norrtstewn itatlread. ...;...; T.. ....... .....104 Central Transportation Company. M Uutlale, N. V.. and Philadelphia... ........ SK LltUe achuvium lUUread......?.........,. b Hew xer. yuotatleaa ty Assoctated Preas. Blocks quiet and steady. Heney, I02e. Adams Kxprcss..... .111 Michigan Central Uallread 1J4 MIcblRan HeutUern llaUread 7 Illinois Centnd Railroad uiS Cleveland & ritUbnrgn llaUread 1J4 ChlciiRO lleMc Ialana llallreail m(? Plttabursh A ITert Wayne llaUread 1S Western Unlei Teljgrapn Company. Teledo & yalfl3H...f..... ...!!! " 6 New Jrrsey Cimlral 41 New Yerk On WSe Wwtnrru 11 utecs Biuaeic. Quouuens by liwl, MeOrann Ce, B& era, Lancuter, Pa. Mlnenrt Paclfle U.t' ? "" ' Mlchijan CentraL. ei 61 .... New Yerk Central K Bm2 MU New Jersoy Central J 44 Ohie Control. a a ii2 Del. Lactr. & Weatern.... 105K 10i 1M Denver A. Ilte Urande .; ie Krle Ii II 1SK Hr-neas a Tesos. 18 1VA 17)2 Laha Shern 7a 7l 74 Chicago a N. W com.... 01H WA 8S N.H.,ent.A Woatern u" &l ram Omaha ,. .... Puclnellall k Uochcster vtll'lttsburgh St. Paul ,,... 7M Toxes Pactnc ill? Union Pacific 5BJ4 Wabash Common.... Wabash Proferrod...... W eit'rn Union Teleernph BM LeuHvlilu& Noanvllle... 27K N. V., UhL & HU L Lehigu Valley , Lehigh Navigation. 41 Pcnnaylvnnla t3 MK uuivain!:... , P.T. A liailale Northern IMcllle Cem... Nortbern Pactlle Prof... lies tonvllle Philadelphia & Krle Northern Central Underground ,, Canada Southern.......... en... ....... ................ PoenlQ's I'Hssenccr........ lift? Ji 2! W Jersoy (,'entiul. OrcKonTranacentlnomal. UoaillncUenernl MtRS.... Lecal tjtecKi aa nueaa i:.l ry J. ii. Leng. 1 v r ' - Lm Laneuter CltnyBOJjw " " Vs i r ct. In 1 or 20 years.. . sar. finer ' 4 per ct. Scheel Lean " 4 " in t or se years. " 4 " in r or w yeara " 4 " in 10 or 20 years. 100 Hanbe!. u borough loon ,. 100 BAfE STOCKS. t'irjt National lianfc 100 F irmui-j' National llanlt SO Ta'ien hitlenal Hank.... 100 Lkatatr county National llank.. 60 Columbia National llanlt , 100 Chrlatlana National ISanlr. 100 EpumtuNaileniU llann.M... 100 Flrat Nutien.il Itjnlt, Columbia..... 100 first National Huns, StraaLmrK.... 100 i'lrat National lUntr Marietta...... 100 rirst Nutlenal Daulr, Mount Jey., ler LtUts National lianfc , low MunaalJi National Hank...,. 100 Lnlen National Hank, Mount Jey. 60 Hew ilelland National Bank. ...... 100 uae Niulemil lii.nl: 100 (Juarrvvllle National Bank........ 100 TUBXPIKB BTOOXB. lila Sering & Heaver Valiev... ...... 9B Hit uum; Bridgeport A Uoreshoo , llj Columbia ft ChesUiut I11U ,. 6 Columbia A Washington U Columbia nig spring...... Columbia A Murlutlu Maytown & Elizabeth town.... Lancaster A Ephrata Lancaster ft WlUew Streot i3trO30urg& Millport, uanuiia a fiayiewn Marietta & Mount Jev Lanc.Eilzabetht'n AMlddlet'n..... 100 Lancaster & Krultvllle. M lucosterALUUK Sicily Island East Brandy wlne A Waynesb'g.... Lancaster & Wllllamstewn... Laacieter& Maner 60 Lancurer& tlanticlm.... Lancaster A MarlutU. ........... 0 Lancaster A NotUeUaau. ....... .. 100 Lancaster A Sujeuehanua... ........ XlSOalXAHEOBS STOCKS. QuirryvlUe K. U. M ia na M M AM SB 4BJM tg&Cl SB 4sl'i 2 H il Miuorayuiuauenjr ou Slevens numu uuull9j. ... iiw vm. Columbia lias company.. ........... m Columbia Wtvter Company 10 Busnueuauna Iren Company loe Marietta Hellew nnre , icf Stevuns Meese , ... 5j UlUoravllle Nermal Scheel......... Northern Market 60 Kasleru Murfcut...... CO Westexn Market te 118 74 IS 81 VOL1TIOAU ueciocratie rrauenal Tlexat. Presldent-UUOVEU CLEVELAND. Vice Presldeut-TUOMAS A. UKNDIUC&S. Ilcmocratle mats Ticket. Eucareas at labes. 11ICUAUO VAUX, U. J. UeQBA.HR, U. II. PLUMKU. ' BLBCT0E3. T.l.t. I Dint. '. Jehn Slevlu. 15. Uoergo 8. Purdy. ;,J. x'.j.onsennorior ia. p. ll. Ackler. a. jenn w. i.eu. 17. Jehn P. LevftB. is. Ezra I). Parknr. l'j. E. W, Mumm. ja. a. ileui. il. K. P. Iami. 2. J. K. P. Duff, il. Jehn Swan. ,. ii. a: IL wintwaUa. AJehnlLHiU. 38. Wm.A.rerq4W. 27. A.J.UreaMM. 4. ll. J.lleran. 0. 11. L. Wright. e. J.u.llrliiten. 7. Wm. Stthler. B, O. r Uentschler. U. IL M. North. It), H.U.fcSttlej. 11. A. . llreadhead. Ii. P. V. Itockatellew, 13. Ulchard llahn. IL uceri'O II. Irwin. UemecraUa County Tieiw. CoiiKreji,- Senate(xin.)-l)K. J. M.TiKAVKE. AcmblV JSggMgiiM " (3).-a.B.UKTWlLKJt. - -J, W. LKIIEIL -I. II. KAUrFMAN. Sherm.-lt. M. AUTEU8. . . Prothenotary.-UENJ. WOUKUAN. II.M-leinr K. II. 1)11. 1. KU. county Croasurer. J NO. a. MANX. ClorkeIQ.O.-U.S.P.UTXEK. Clerk Of U. Cv-3AM'L K. HCMMMPM. -Cenntv Commissioner. Ii. F. HATMU, Prison Keepor.-UKO. W. IITH. Prlson(l,i.rKcter..-lLJLByoit Peer l)lrectew.-aEO. PAMjWXrtTlf . TT , MILLER'S COUGH SYRW sept 7-ejdw Inquirer liiUlnsCempauy....,,, 9G $Mtth Uus lAii and Fuel Company... ... 9B i' u i 1$ Cfc? et-t : iJ M iWI U.31 . ,v3 -frfS "W 'i)m H k; . & y- 7.41 'mt vp&t-n m . ..-., sv t. VtVj'i 4 r"fpr AJSS1 - 4 m lS8v TJif!? '& 4 a-j Y1 "1 K'-eP 2 9, n asw ima vijww. UU ftvsafi 151 ." ML J-S 77J J5g; US "' mm '&& 148 Xfi'fXjM m :&,' 4HB ".Pi'MIWH 'Vi t, ii r j ''j . r. ; .1,?, S" ' - .&. M1&& Hlinii'ilaii'i il f