'v,w-M7lfr,ff t-g!T" FW.W-S".VT .a ' c ', r' -4,. LANCASTER DAELY INTELLIGENCER FRIDAY OCTOBER 10 1884. tr W t AN, y& n . , ."S-v E' ' K' Se --" &-.' ' f,fc . t a. . fcftM B.'? ier. cr & fefr , ISH y . ? WfSk M" I'-r RriV ir JJA,i as IT" Ma ;, &a -,c H, 1 .V hit t 4 ' f i-vr" y Mticfter fnteUfgctwet. nKDAT IWMIW, OPT., 10, 1W4, , TkrM Kcaalsltei. yl' Than are three questions that were WMttebe asked concerning candidates Ike Jeffersenlan Democratic re .it may net be amiss te call te te-day. They are these : ,-v la be honest f Is he capable ? Is he .reUMttltO the Constitution? The , Mtedeat of Bepublican partisans cannot !&.. mt mAm ttialtnnnultillltv nt ananrArlne' Vg-Tf , www .ueiiu,...., .......... : ?.. 4k . nnaatlmt In t.ha aiTlrmntlvA with . nfstence te Blaine. They practically .' mdmlt Ma want nf nrnhltv. but swallow It far tha aatrn nf thnlr nnrtv. That he jf te Incapable has been indubitably proved f by bis conduct in the Feru Chill trouble, rf la which it is believed his unwarranted v?,:-'4 teterferenee was due te commercial ob- . - U r Jeew of his own. His incapacity Is also ".W ahewn by bis total neglect of the Irish Asaerlcan citizens imprisoned in Eng laad, when one word from him would hare enabled them te obtain at least tbe formality of a trial before their in roeraUen. That he is net faithful te the constitution is equally clear from hit surplus distribution scheme, which would require a violation of the consti censti tmtiOQ for its enforcement. Tried In this balance Blaine Is found lamentably lacking. But it Is en the first eon that be will be ruthlessly re pudiated by the honest people of the country. He has been proved a dishonest nan. It is for this reason that the strongest Bepublican organization in this cenntry, the New Yerk Union League, at Its meeting Thursday night, te en dorse Blaine and Legan, could net get together mere than flve hundred of its twelve hundred members. And the temper of the meeting showed that the resolutions were carried against a nega tivevete of from thirty three te forty per cent., the calls for a division being disregarded by the chairman of the meeting. It is because of Blaine's proved dis' honesty that 100,000 men ventured abroad en the chilly streets of New Yerk Thursday night te participate in the Democratic ratification. There were no presidential candidates there, curiosity te see whom is largely responsible ter the crowds that are drawn te meetings when they are present. It was simply n outpouring of the people te hear the tratli of the situation, and from the academy of music and the four stands Democratic sentiments awakened re sponslve echoes In the hearts of thou sands. It is because Blaine Is a dishonest man that 155 of the 256 Uepublican members of tbe New Yerk stock exchange have enrolled themselves under the Cleveland banner. Mr. Dewitt J. Beligman, of the well known New Yerk banking firm, who joined the Cleveland and Hendricks club of the stock ex change en Wednesday voiced the thoughts of his fellow members in the following letter : "Although I retired from active business some five years age 1 have net yet sold my seat iu the New Yerk stock exchange. The substantial re ward for having held tbe seat for se many years I am about te reap te-day, inas much as it enables me a lifelong but disgusted Bepublican te join your Cleveland and Hendricks club. In tbe name of pure politics it is te be hoped that the geed, sound, honest sense of the American nation will prevent se indelible a disgrace as the election of Mr. Blaine from being fastened upon the country," Tbe revolt of tbe business men of the cenntry from Blaine is one of the most striking features of the present situation. The produce, maritime, cotton, mining, petreleum, mercantile, coffee and ether exchanges of New Yerk have organized clubs for Cleveland, and among them all are found Republicans repudiating their candidate, while adhering te the principles of their party. And it was en this issue chiefly that Grever Cleveland was chosen te lead tbe Democratic hosts. His rugged honesty caused him te shine out as a beacon light when he rescued from tbe thraldem of jobbers tbe city of Buffalo. It was for this reason that tbe people of New Yerk elected him governor by tbe magnificent plurality eL 102,000. And It is because of his honesty that the people will elect him chief magistrate te drive from power the Republican ley changers who nave for years fut- pff their ill-gotten gains in the Mm temple. -waepebllcans Renouncing Blaine. Tbe New Yerk Union League under took te pass resolutions in support of Blaine and Legan, aud as the organiza tion has been wholly Republican the presumption was that they would be unanimously voted for. Nevertheless, this proved te be a mistake, as many of the members voted no, and cheers for Cleveland and Hendricks were called for and given in the meeting. The de velopment is net surprising te these who are familiar with the undercurrent of sentimerit among the intelligent business men of New Yerk. These who have op portunity te feel the pulse of this class of New Yerk voters, will find a very strong feeling of opposition te Blaine. The sentiment is that he is net fit te bs elected. It is felt by men who are net politicians, but business men of respect ability. They have no .confidence at all in Blaine's integrity. They are represented ia their feeling by the prominent Re publican journals of the city, who have renounced Blaine and support Cleveland. Tha. Times, tun Pest and Harper' t Wctkl'Ji Bepublican journals of me3t determined tendency, have revolted against the infliction of Blaine upon the party; and they speak for a class of very influential people. Tbe same element that elected Cleveland te be governor of New Yerk supports him new against Blaine, who Is infinitely mere objectionable te it thaa Judge Felger was. In truth, the latter was unobjectionable in himself, and. was only carried down by the ob aexltras elesMBt around him and the be ;UeC that he was fraudulently made tbe arty aandidata, It is set easy tese 'kaw9tteMHihaT aay beyt at awry- $P t ins; New Yerk against the demonstrated strength of the decent Independent Re publican element in that state. The speeches he Is making for Ohie's use are net doing him any geed in New Yerk. Whatever Ohie mar think of the benefits of a high tariff, it is clear enough that New Yerk does net appreciate them. Ner does it ache for a president who will travel ever the world with a chip en his bat, begging somebody te knock it off. New Yerk does net believe in Blaine's tariff views ; tits for elgn policy or his honesty, lie is a red rag te its conservative sentiment, and cannot possibly get its vote. It he pins his hopes en Tammany's help, he will be disappointed. That Democratic organization has never cheered Blaine and has declared for Cleveland. It is led by men of honor, who de net seek their ends in sneaking ways. They did net de It nt Chicago, and they will net de It in New Yerk. TiiEitK Is one little reform that does net require the vete of the people te bring about, and that Is tbe public do de do pertment of Jehn A. Legan. A pair of brawny shoulders and hard fists will fill the bill for this consummation. General Legan was speaking from the rear plat form of n car at Hinten, West Virginia, en Monday evening. During his re marks a man named Henry West came up te him and said : " General Legan, you raised the first rebel flag in the state of Illinois, and I want te shake with you." Legan asked the man his author auther author ltyfertho statement, when he replied that he could give none, but he was cer tain Legan did. Then the Republican candidate for vice president called him a liar and spat full in the man's up turned face. In conversation with friends after the occurrence, Legan re gretted that he had n:t his mouth full of tobacco juice at the tlmoet tlie expec toration. The senator seems te unite the rowdy with his attainments as a murderer of the Queen's English. 1 a a. The Knight or ttie Bedraggled Plume Is rapidly approaching his deem. Elai.se Ib painting Ohie ee red that the effect is visible in the beautiful sunsets. Tim year the "crisp aaw two dollar bills" will fall la Ohie instead or Indiana. Toe late ! Toe late I The Democrats who have been allowing their hair and beard te grew until the oleo eleo olee tlon efa Democratic president are patting their shears into geed order new. Philadelphia's reform mayor, William B. Smith, Is assessing his policemen $10 eaeU te keep in power the "grand old party." Turn the rascals out. It leeks as though Parnell had steered safely betweeu the Conservative and Liberal reeks his Heme Rule bark. The Irish party will held the balance or power between the two great political opponents ana a ongntenea lrisu eity will come as a consequence. A ROLLIR 8K&TIXO 8INK TBAQKDT. A daeli, a crash, 'twas awtul rash, but tue rol ler skate, upset her. A. Bill), a rip, oho cutter lip, but the next time elia'll (li hotter. A slliloshe tried; tne skates ware guide j they proved te be a letter. Ne mera nhe'll sear tbe rink all o'er, because her nia weut let her. At present writing there are only five states iu which tbe Republicans may oenll dently rely Maine, Vermont, Minnesota, Colerado and Kansas. And with tbe Prohibition vote in the first and last taken away, they wenld be mera than shaky Turn the rascals out. Tiiehe are mere than 500 trades union organizations in the state and 403 will support tbe movement te defeat Calvin Wells as presidential eleoter. The "grand e!d party" may In future remember that labor has seme rights tbatthe fepublUan leaders are bjund te respect. What a queer world this is I Tbe steamer Assyrian Monarch has just takea eighteen days te crees the Atlantic out of regard for tbe valuable horses ou beard. But tbe lives of valuable peeple weigh se little in the scale that nearly everything is sacrificed for a speedy passage aoren the Atlantic, and without any commensurate benefits attending the risk involved. Hew workingmen must relish the policy of Blaine who would distribute tbe enor mous and unnecessary surplus among the states, while they find It hard te get work at ten eents an hour. There are 1100, 000,000 of idle money in the treasury vaults amassed under Republican rule as a temptation te jobbers. The Democratic poliey is te keep the surplus in tbe poekots or the peeple. Turn the raseals out. The decision from the oeurts of this oeunty exempting drevers and dealers In iive rtoek and butchers who kill aud dress their own meat, and who have stalls stores or wagons te sell from, from tbe payment of a meroantile tax, seems te meet with general indersement througbett the Btate. Judge Beyer, or the Mont gomery oeunty oeurt, has recently ren dered an opinion in wbleh he gives in his adhesion te tbe Lancaster county doeislon. Medical experts are noting the fact that a great many ladies aud ehildren have been attaeked after their return from their sum mcr rests, whether at tbe seaside or inland with typhoid and malarial fevers and diphtheria It has been traeed te the closing or the houses for a long time, rrhleU makes their Interior damp and unwhels seme, It is an ill wiud that blows no one geed, and these who have net money enough te go away find au amazing let of oemfort in tbe above item. exciting scan la Tntatr Au oxeitlng scene was witnessed st the theatre In Wheeling, W. Vs., Taesday night, "Unde Tem's Cabin" was tbe attraction there, and among tbe audienoe were all ei iiuuale bill's Wild West een glomeratlen of Indians, squaws, greasers and cowboys. At one of the resllstle episodes ei tue play, a big Sioux brave, mistaking the acting for reality, spraug up, iubucu uewu me anie ana drawing a scalping knife leaped en tbe stage and was about te attack Simen Ltgrti, when Dr. Carver and another white member of the oempany, who grasped the situation, slezed the Redskin and pulled him into the orchestra box, amid the yelling of the crowd. The Indian oenld set eat ok en and bad te be led out of the hall. CLEVELAND'S BACKERS, KALL.V ur HRW lean's 11UINKS MfcN. Union Pqntr, new Yerk, Net ljri Knengli te llulit trie KntnoiUtlle Uruwdi-A (lata l)mocrlle liny. Tbe biggest meeting held In Wall street New Yerk, since tbe war, was held thee Thursday. Bread aud Wall streets were paexed considerably at all points within bearing of the speakers, en tbe sub treas ury steps en the occasion of tbe Cleveland and ilcndrieka meeting, getten up by the clubs or tbe various exobanges. At the close of business large delegations, headed by bands ei music, started rrem tue stock exohange, the produce exebauge, tbe cot ton exobange and tbe mining and 00 11 mi oxehangos aud marohed through tbe streets te tbe corner or wan auu Nassau streets, where tbe speaking stand, draped iu tUgs, had been ercctcd. As eaeb dele gation eame up it was oheered te tboeebo. The greatest geed humor prevailed and popular members or the different ex changes who were reoegnizsd in promineut plajes were duly balled, A nevel effect was produced by the profuie peatterins or great lengths or telegraph tapn, which were unoellod from the windows of Kier nan's agency and the stock exehangca The elubs marohed and countermarched amid much enthusiasm. On the the speakers stand worn Reswell P. Flower, ex-Mayer Graee, C. M. Stead, president of the produee oxebango ; ex Uovernor Dersbelmer, Jenkluj Van Hcbaick, E R. Llvermore, Henry Meigs and C. M. Vail, stock exchange ; C. .Tes born, 0. J. Hudsen, F. N, Lawrence, D. T. Weeden and Jehn Uloedgood, produce exobange ; Qustav Schwab, Alex Munn, E. Switbman aud W. A. Cele, ceffee ex ohange : Joteph O'Donehue, James Scott, Allan McDougal, C U. Vandorheff and U. U. Madden, mining exebauge ; J. MeK. Mlnburn, W. W. Kayton. Charles G. Wilsen, U. M. Coeke, J. T. MoPbersen and E S Mendels, oetton oxebango ; U. M. Fielding, Siegfried Grudder, Henry Heuty, N Gwynu and M. Lthmau. At 3.30 o'elock p. m,, Mr. Stsad called the meeting te order and nominated Reswell P. Flower for chairman. Mr Flower said : "Many of you are Democrats, many are Hepublieans ; all are hete te day act ing in unison te put in two men who have been nominated for their honesty and Integrity. We are here te oeudem the party that ban seen fit te nominate impure mn." Mr. Flower spoke amid uproarious enthusiasm and oeucluded by introducing Mr. Djmhelmer. DOHSHEIMEll AIUUIQXS ULAINE, In the course of his remarks Mr. Dor Der sheimer said : "I arraign Mr. Blaine as a statesman who proposes te set in opera tien forces that would destroy the govern, ment of tbeee states, forees mero danger eus than the rebellion, a poliey before tbe operation of wbieh all self-government of the republie would disappear. ( Applause The first president of tbe United Status took the eatb or office bere and you have oreeted this noble meuuraent te his mem ory. Applause. What sort of a auo aue auo eossor te Washington de the Republicans propose ? Why U it that Wahlngten is thought te be the greatest man? His great qualities were net inerely intellectual, but he was rrem the sole or his root te tbe top or bis head an honest man. Ne letters will ever be found te caita suspicion upon him. Yeu are te determine his suoeessor. I hepe you will cnoese wisely. Knewing the governor or this state sinee he was a pejr boy or seventeen, I knew that be docs possess that very quality which Wash ington had or uncompromising integrity." Applause. Ex Governer Salomen, of Wisconsin, in his speech said : "1 have been ler twenty four years a member of the Republican party. I voted for Abraham Lincoln and every one of his sucoesBers. But I cannot, as a Republican, vete for James G Blaine." Algernon a Hullivau was introduced next and warmly received. He said : "This has bsen iu no sense a partisan meeting. It is as if we had had Washington himself waving his majestic hand and calling the meeting te order. If Washington were allve be would be here taklnz part in this honest men's meeting.'' The meeting seen closed with a few ringing words from ex flavor urace. TUE COUNTY DEMOCRACY'S l'AKADE. In the evening there was a tremendous meeting In Union Square. If it takes 30,000 peeple te jam Union Square obeke full, there were 80,000 peeple there te wateh tbe County Democracy parade. As many thousands mere, who couldn't get in the equare, choked Fourteenth street and overflowed into Third avenue and into Broadway above and below the square. Women were wedged iu the crowd, flre works painted the air red and blue and gieec, and an occassienal sulky bomb that would net go off, but come down whole, lent a spioe of danger te the occasion Four spsakers' stands, draped with bunting, at tbe corners or the square, were islands in the sea or hats. The pa rade iUelf was bewildering. There were felly 20,000 men in line, many of them uniformed. They could net mass about the square, as was originally Intended, beoause the square was as full as it would bold an hour before the first battalion get mere. It was 8:50 o'elock when the band of the Eighth distriet battalion filled the square with stirring music Fifteen minutes later tbe whole square was alive with blazing torebes, which had deseended out rrem the four quarters or the sempass aud were moving every way, and the air was rent with the simultaneous musle or many urase eanns ana tue tuanaer or many hundred drums. The bursting bombs and blaring bands kept the square In such a rear that the crowd couldn't hear the speaking at the open air stands, and the martial oehoes floated into the crowded academy and told the audience there that a tremendous time was going en outside. wiiuin tue aeauemy every available bit or room was occupied by au enthusiastic audience, who listened te Congressmen Hewitt, W. W. Eaten and ether able speakers, who kept their attontiea until after 11 o'cleok, AMUTUKK OUII1E3K OEfZAT. Mix Th'jussna itef "lr Hooted with Leu el six Ueuarea Men General Drlere de Lisle has telegraphed te the government senflrminir the rermrt announced iu a dlttpatcb from Ilaenl, or au eiigageuicui ueiwecu t ne a reuch and Cbinese in tbe Valley of the Loe Cbuau river in Tenqulu. The encounter took plaoe en Monday last. The Chinese were attempting te exeeute an offensive move, ment en the upper Loe Chuan river. They lest 1,000 men. Captain Deynet, of the French foreign legion, was killed and Lieutenant Uatallie was wounded. Gen. Negrier's oelumu has gene up tbe Phuleng river te out off the retreat of the Ohioese. A dispatch received from Hanei states that Geueral Negrier's oelumu had aa en. gsgemeut at the village of Kep with 0,000 hluose regulars, who oeoupied entrench ments round a central redoubt, Tha Chinese commeneed the attack at 0 o'cleok in the morning by trying te surround the Freneh, aud tha fighting lasted until 2 o'elook in the afternoon, when the retreat of tbe Chinese toward the frontier was out off. The Chinese troops tben tied in the direotlen of Daeguan, pursued by the Freueh. The Kep garrison defended their position bravely, oempolling the Freneh te surround the redoubt and earry it ' at the peiut of the bayonet, The Chlnoae less iu tbe village alone was 000 killed. Tbe French troops fought with spirit and deci sion. They captured all of the enemy's war material, mules and horses. A Freneh eaptaln and twee tymea were killed and ight edters aad fifty km ware weaaded, General Kcgrler was slightly wounded. General llrlere de Llle has started for ICt-p te aslst General Negrler's forees. Til U AVAIL or III K KAZUM. Thn Ltet Llltl InMrmnrnt ter Hulling Fnnrrenl Jimlo. Fiem the I'titladelpDlt l'ress. The kazoo Is the latest. It Is alt the rage. Yeung men aud maidens, old men and childruu are arylug for it. It consists of a picoe or weed about two and hair inches long, with a hole through the oentre .las above tbe mouthpiece is a picoe or tiu ni'h four holes in it. The kazoo is au allen-d musical Instrument. It Is guaran teed te imitate anything ou tbe footstool that makes a noise, and with a ceed. healthy pair or lungs baek of it, this guarautcn eau be mero than sustained. Te make the kazoeactproperly.lt is necessary te sing through it. Tbe effect or such a performance Is te make the softest aud most musieat voleo sound like a fog-heru. The ncrve-dlstractiug instrument Is eelliug with great rapidity in this city, and Is for Hale en all railroads an 1 at oeunty fairs. A Cbtm'nut street dealer said that he had sold thousands of kazie, and that every body buys them. It is recommended as a geed thing for campaign marching clubs te use, but no candidate who has ever heard it iu vigorous operation would bave the temnrity te introduce it into his oatn eatn palgu. Its chief usefulness will ultimately appear as tbe prluoip'e ingredient of "oil "eil athumplan" bands, by which tbe peaceful slumbers of newly married couples ars disturbed and nights mvle hideous for whele neighborhoods. Tbe kazoo is painted red. A Kr.UKfAY WUh. LiMVUi ilatbfttifi Aittl ODildren te Klupe With Her Ueaelu. The faeU of an elnp3iunt that eiun te light in Hartferd, Coue., Thursday, have ercatcd considerable excitement iu merean tile and banking circles, as they involve a recreant wife and a young msu who has been a clerk in a prominent book store. Tbe man is Charles D.vin, aged 23 and tbe woman Is Mrs Nellie Rtslpv, aged 26, who is wife of a elerk in tbe J&.ua biuk. Dean Is a ceusiu of Mrs. Risley's and he has bearded with bcr. Three weeks age Osan went away en his vacation. He has been iu the city slnce, however, and last wjek went away agaiu, Mrs. Risley going wi'.h him. Her three children ahe left with her mother-in-law. Mis. ItUIey was Xellie Lembard before she was married and was a very handsome woman, wuile ber paramour, Oeau, is dis figured by a turned eye. Mr. Risley was devotedly attached te hi wife aud children and oannet acceiim for the infatuation en her part toward Dean. He U satisfied of the elepement, a criminating correspon dence has been found. 00.MMJ.Y1KL 1M MULTKN I11UN, fear men Unmeet t Leth Oy the flew truiu u Furnace. A horrible accident has occurred nt Warner'ii furnace, iu Hickman oeunty, Tenu. It was a rule te .give a signal before tappiug the furnace, that the blast may be shut eQ aud all the men get out of danger. Tha tipper, through neglect, tapped the furnace bofero tbe sigual was given, and three men, standing near, were oevercd by a seething mass of melted iron. Twe of the men were burned te death instantly. The ether men attempted te get out of tbe way and wajed through melted lien, walking ever one hundred yards. Tue uesh dropped off all their bodies, leaving the bones almost bare. One lived two hours and then died in great agony. The tapper was also burned fatally. A mule and cart standing near were con sumed by the river of melted iron which poured out of the furnace. TtlB Jteveiunit AtfUlmt Uallta Weill. A well-attended meetitlg of deiegates from tbe various trades uuieus of Phila delphia, te take further action in the fight against Cilvm Wells as a presiden tial oleetor, was held Thursday evening at tbe hall, Ninth aud SpringGarden streets. Charles L. Dedd occupied the chair. Sev eral addresses were made, in which the nature of tbe tight was described and tbe candidaev or Mr. Wells vigorously attack ed, eue speaker stirring the meeting te tbe pitch or enthusiasm with tbe words : "We will show the power of organized labor and teaeh tbe great political parlies a lesseu they will net easily forget." It was stated that 500 trades union or er or garnizttiena throughout tbe state had been apcalcd te te support tbe movement and another member stated that 405 bad thus far answered favorably. A committeo or tlx was appointed te visit tbe leading Republican campaign elubs and endeaver te get expressions or opinion in favor of the movement, It being stated that leading members of five sueh elubs had openly expressed themselves as being opposed te Mr. Wells. The boy cotting committee was directed tesendcir eulars asking for an expression or opinion from such elubs as the above committee could cot visit. A oemmltteo of twonty.five was appoint ed te arrange ler a mais meating of trade organizations te be bold en Saturday, Oc tober 25. uommsmeratiag' tha ulieeverr el America, At tbe convention of the International Association of fairs and expositions, held In St. Louisa few months age, a propesi tien wis presented te held a world's fair in 1803 in commemoration of tbe four hundredth anniversary or the discovery or America by Columbus. The committee appointed met at the fair grounds and after considering tbe matter adopted a general plan submitted by Merris R. Lecke, of Illinois. The plan oentemplates a charter from the state in which the fair may be held. It recommends the city or St. Leuis as tbe best plaee suited for holding the fair and provides for the appointment or a committee te proeure a ehartcr and te memorialize Congress for recognition acd sueh assuracea as will insure the oemplete success of tbe enterprise. turv m Dead Acter. When the late Frank Chacfrau returned from California aud was the posseseor of a snug fortune, he bought a handsome house at Yeukers and then went te tbe wareheuse In Peck Slip, where bis father was employed as a porter, and said, "I'd like ye-i te step out with me for a while " "I can't," replied the elder man ; "It isn't dinner hour yet, and my employers wouldn't like it." "Yes, they would, they are parfretly willing," said the aoter, and theu took his fatbr te Yenkers, showed him through the beuse, and asked blm what be thought of it. "It is a very beau tiful plaoe," was the reply. "Well, it is yours," said Cbanfrau. A I'etimuier AIjriteileuilT minlnr, A week age, Postmaster W. C. Wylle, of Washington, Pa., left home sayiug he was going te the posteQioe, sinee which time his family has net seeu blm. Ou reaching the posteffico he handed (300 te ene of bis assistants te put away and shortly afterwards left. His disappear ance is a mystery, A partial examination of tbe books shows nothing wrentr. It is undtrstoed that Mr. Speel, of Pittsburg, speelal agent of the postefBoa department, wilt make au investigation. Sulcld at Klf Qty.en. Ceruelius Barber, eighty-one years of age, has committed suleide at theresidenee of his son In law, Bamuel Stoekton, of Lambertvllle, N. J. Barber baa lived with his seu-lulaw for some years. The old man slipped out of the house aud went te an e'd well in tbe yard The well was covered with beards, but Barber took them away and threw hiauelf it. His body was feaad Mitral awuf afterward. A COLD WATER SERMON. UASIIII. AUUKPr.1 IUK nUMINAVUUN. lu lilt Letter lie, Xty lielnrm Wenln lie licit seearect lly the Hiippretileu el the Whole Llqner 'irme Hen. William Daniel, nominated for vloe president by the uatiensl Prohibition convention, hss addressed ft letter te the committee aceeptlug the nomination and assigulng numerous reasons for the neces sity of a Prohibition parly and for Its elalms te support. Ills letter olescs as fel low : "Beth of the existing polltteal parties have opposed or ignored this great Issue (i ml their eaudldatea for president and vloe president have doue likewise. Messrs. Cleveland nnd Hendricks adept the shib boleth of their party and their llquor-lev lug allies aud cry out against 'sumptuary laws that vex the citizens.' Ou the ether hand, Mr. Ulalne would perpetuate the tralll.) for the purpose of raising a perma nent luveuue te De appropriated te the payment of the taxes or the sevcral states iu proportion te their populations, aud re joiees in the probtble aud constant in crease or such revenues Ile states that this rutins rovenue oemes rrem the consumer and thcrofero hurti no one, aud that it is much hotter that it should oeruo from this source thau from firms aud shops. See letter of November, 18S3 1 Meu. Htreus preposition truly that it should be necessary or proper te wring this bleed money rretu the homes or peverty and distress te pay the taxes or the lieii with, who ewd the farms and the Hheps, nnd mero astenishlne still that rev onue thus obtained hurt no ent and that General Legan would plaee n number of grog shops about overy school heuse In or er er der that the former may support the latterl Necessity, eonccience, loyalty te Get! and humanity therefere compel us te assume the position we have assumed ; and, hav ing directed our standard we must rally around It and we shall thus mero rapidly Increase aud strengthen our sentiment than In any ether way ; evor oeuragoously meeting the issue, opposing organization, with "organization, billets te bnllets, and having tlone our all, trust the result te Ged, aaured that in due time the right will triumph. "With the ether reforms se well de clared upon in our platform of principles I am In full aoeord and deem it unneoos unneeos unneoes saty te add anything further here in regard te them. Indeed success of many, If net all or them, would be best secured by the suppression or the liquor trafiie and can never be otherwise. In the drink demon labor Heds a much worse euetny than Irish landlord absenteeism aud all the railroad and ether monopolies oembioed. It is the great dlspeiler alike or wage earnings and iiioprenis et capital. .Ner can we ever bave a thorough civil sorvieo reform until tbe tomptatieus te drink are removed, aud abstinence or strict sobriety, as well as bonedly and oapaeity are made praetical testH of ofileo holding. " Proteotion, moroever te the homes and the new werse than waited resources of the people, will be found te be a pro tection of infinitely mero importaueo than all the protection that ean be afforded by any tariff that has be?n, or ever ean be devised. Lastly this movement offers a grand opportunity of burying ferever the sad inemories and bitter hates ei tbe war and of uniting the bout elements,Cbristlan and moral, throughout the land against worst, and in au organization that will knew no North, Seuth, East or West ; its crcUett purpose being the protection of the homes agaiust the saloons." Ptsasun&u. Mme Patti has definitely acd positively declined te sing In Paris. M. Kenan has oemploted his work en titled "Uistoire People Julf." GovEitsen Cleveland receives an average number of 800 visitors dJly. Geseual James W. Dekveii, of Ohie, has been elected president of the Moxiean Veteran association at St. Lonii. Ben Inoehsell, when asked why he was net working for Blaine by Judge Ryan in San Francisce, replied : "While I haven't eulogized tbe gods as much as some, I bave never and uever will defend the devil." Loite Randelph Churchill's Idea of a happy life is te go te bud in a quiet room, stay there through tbe day reading and dozing, dine in slippers and dressing gown in tbe evening, and as seen as convenient thereafter go back te bed. Reuben Spni.veEn and David Sinton bave offered $-!5,000 eaeb te the Cincin nati Museum association te pay for tbe removal of the present posteffico building te tbe grounds of the association, iu Edin park, as a sample or pure Grecian archi tecture. Genehal Chant told the Seuth Ameri can commission at New Yerk Thursday that in bis view our commercial relations with Central and S-u'.h America would be greatly improved by the employment of commercial agents and the establishment of subsidized steamship lines. Kine ALro.sse. or Snain. ia said te be In an alarming state et health. The different politieal groups are already dis cussing tbe question of a regeney and are divided In their partisanship as te Queen Isabella and tbe Ceuutess of Girgentt, the ex princess or tbe Asturlas. The mem bers et the Moderates and Constitutional parties, headed by Soner Sagasta, are the advocates or the elalms or Queen Isa bella. J1K. UKKUMbn JUaKtiS HtLVLY. i here May He. lie H-jt, Twe Continental J.lri Instead el una. The Rev Henry Ward Beecher author izes tbe publication of tbe following : Oen. R. A. Alger Detroit, JJeft Dear Silt : I have just read your letter of Ojtebar 0, exhorting me " publlely te retract your my statements, as you hate in your zeal ler the Democratic party and tbe Demoeratio nominee spread them be fore tbe whole country." When tbe beat of this canvass has passed,yea will think that such language bordered tee near upon insult te ba either just or wise. I beg you te understand that I have nothing te de with the truth or otherwise of Mr. Jey's statements te me respecting Mr. Blaine. The only qncsten Is. Did Mr. Jey make these statements? The tracsaotiens between him and Mr. Blaine, through aa luterme diary, may all be mythical ; or the inter mediary may nave been au imposter: or Mr. Blaine's feelings may never have been hurt by any sueh requests ; aud Mr. Jey may cover have Deen snoeicea at uiame's imputed answer ; acd Mr. Jey's artless feelings, beiug praotieed npen by this intermediary, be may have ex pressed himself tee severely about Mr. Blaine. Let Mr. Jey and Mr. Blaine settle that between themselves, I have nothing te de with all that. Did Mr. Jey makt the remark in mypretencs uhkh I hav pub ithedt If tie did net. I have lied. If he did, Jey baa lied. There Is no middle ground. There shall be cone. Either I beard it, or iuveuted it. Mr. Jey's second telegram te you makes a languid acd foolish denial wbieh I at tribute te bis net having seen or under, steed my statement. Bat if Mr. Jey has snsn my statement and denied it, or if, when he lands in New Yerk, be shall de clue that no sueh oeaversalm was had lu my presence, then I bave only te say that, whereas I did nut imagine that there oeuld be mere than one continental liar, I am compelled te think that there are two. Please accept this as the only retraction and apology that I am prepared te make te you, te Mr. Jey, Mr. Blaine, and te the Republican party. HxHBr Wakd Bjueckxk. TIIK Mr.rOKn.FI 8VWOU. IttpJtt el the Ueltbernllun el the Het! In I'otlttenii. The Reformed STiied of the United Stairs Wednesday ovenltig oleoted Rev. I, 1C. Les, I). D., or Bsthlehaiu, Pa., presl dent. On taking the chair Dr. Loes do de do llvercd a short but appropriate address. Iu the morning Rav. T. 8. Ltud, of Tiu betvllle, was elected corresponding Boro Bero Bore tary. Tbe president appointed the cemmitters with the following olergy ineu as ehairmeu ; en minutes of synod, Rev. W. A. Unas, of Scltogsitrevo ; overtuics, Rev. N, S. Strussburger, Allontewu ; religious sorviee. Rev. L. K. Evaus, Pottstewu : minutes of elaxscs, Rev. A. C. Whltmer, Miftlinburg ; cxaninatlen, lloeusuro and ordination, Rev. T. C, Perter, D. D., Esten ; atate nf religion and statistieal reperts, Rev. L D Stockel, Pottsvllle ; theological Bemlnary, Rev. H. Mesacr, Reading ; missions Hav. A. B. Kepliu, llollertown ; flnauee, Rev. J. H. Panuebeoker, Elizabelhtewu ; nomlnatlenc, Rev. C. 8. Gerhard, Reading; publication, Prof. E. V. Gerhard, D, D , Lanoaster. Iu tbe afternoon the minutes of the nine elasttes were reoelvod, also the reports ou state of roligieu aud statistics. The annual report of the beard or trusters and beard et visitors of theological Bemiuary, the annual report or the superintendent or missions and a letter rrem the syuoiie beard were referred te the proper com mittees. The presence of a number el visiting brethren was announced. A re port was reoelvod from the Soeloty for the Relief of Aged Ministers. All pistets aud consistories were dlreetcd te take a collection for the rolief or such ministers and their widows en the third Sunday or June of each year 'I he report of the orphans' home at Womeledort was pre sented by Rev. D. B. Albright, superin tendent of the home, and referred tea rpccial oemmltteo. Various ether matters of business wero transacted. Monday eveulngRev.J K. Millett, of MoE.teus- vllle, Pa., picaebcu nn able se r nun. lime Hall Illicit. Jack Manning, of the Philadelphia, had three home ruus off Clarksen, of the Chioages yesterday . Te morrow the Dauutlcss elub, of Ml. Jey, will visit this city aud play the Iron sides, jr., en the Ironsldes' grounds. A small admission will be ehtrged, and a geed game is expected. The Philadelphia ball elub has been imposed upon by ball players this )ear, and it is no wonder that thov.aresefar behind in the raee. Whcuover a pitcher, no matter hew bad he was, wa retoased by another club, be would be pleked up by Harry Wright. The latest man tried by him was Miller, a pitcher who was knocked clean out of time by Eastern League teams. Wright put him in against the Chlcagns yesterday, and they had seventeen hits, including four home ruus. It has only been a few days sinee Murphy, late of the Trentens, received the sarne kind of a hammering, and still Wright wonders what is tbe mitter. The trouble is that he hires players without ene parti parti cle of knowlOdge of them. Lancaster Live stock Market. The receipts of live stock of the yards or James Stewart & Sen, for the week end ing Friday, Ootebsr 10, were 1,448 cattle, GO hogs, 175 sheep, aud 144 calves. The sales were 740 eattle and 103 ealves. Tbe cattle market was rrem J te higher than a week age. Stockers sold at $ 1.25 5 25, aud feeders nt I5.2o(e,0.25. The ealves were sold at (S13 per head. At Jehn W. Menlzer's yards 130 cattle, 100 hogs and 200 sheep were disposed of Stockers sold at 44(a) 1.50, feeder at $4 CO 0.10 and fat cattltt at $5.50u.25 : begs were sold at $t),40 and sheep at M(5)1.50. At Levi Sensenia s yards, the ralua were 073 cattle and 00 hogs at thn following prices : Bulls t34, stockers $3.73(n)t 80, feeders $4 805.5O, light butchere (4.75(a) 5.25, geed butchers $5.75 ; hogs ?0.50 0.75. A Kebberr et Unprecedented UelJneu. One or tbe boldest robberies en record was commltted en Thursday niuht at the Evergreen mill of C. S, Uerabey, ene half mile north east or Leaman Place. The thieves entered the mill by breaking open a front deer. The safe in the office was wheeled te the open deer, teaded en the mill wagon or Mr. He rshey.lt is supposed, aa the wagon is missing, and driven away. The thieves had their own horse. The sate contained 9150 in money, valuable papers and books, and nothing has up te this writing been beard or the wagon or safe. The Yerk JTalr. Yesterday was ene of tbe largest fair days Yerk has ever known, and it is said that 25,000 people ware ia attendance. There were two races. Twe started In the 2:45 class. They were T. J. Middaugh's Arthur end S. E. Badey's Dec The former wen in 2:47, 2:40, and 2:47 J The purse was $200 with (130 te first, (50 te second and (20 te third. W. L. Girber. of this county, Charles A. Mayer and W. A. Burnbam. of Yerk, were the judges. One hundred and fifty tickets te Yerk were sold at tbe Pennsylvania depot, this city, yesterday. Wedding at Btreiten. Frem the Uarrlstmrx Telegraph. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Lttimer Shelly, of the firm or Shelly Bres , and Miss Hattie Tripple, both or Steelten, were united in marriage at Safe Harber, Lan caster oeunty. The attendants were Mr. Martin Kendig, of Middlotewu, and Miss Lettio Tripple, sister or tbe bride. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Smith, or tbe Methodist ohnreh. The presents were numerous. The happy oeuple are off en a wedding tour. . iDjured by a rail. This forenoon the wife or Wm. Metzgar, redding ou Chureh street, was engaged in washing the transom ever tbe deer. The chair en which she was standing suddenly tilted and she was thrown out of the deer and down the step Inte the street. She was very badly bruised and ber Injuries may prove serious. m mm m FEATUBB3 OY TUB UTATB PRESS. The Philadelphia A'tui pleads for an other weak of tha Electrical Exhibition. "Next te the tariff, press the Blair bill," says the Philadelphia Chronicle Herald, But the oecstitutlon will net permit it. Tbe new head and press of tbe Pitts burg Pett threw out in conspieuous relief the sterling qualities or this able Demo cratic journal. The Phl'adelphia Ledger is opposed te politieal torehligbt parades because they oest tee mueh meuey and are cot only obstructions te tbe necessary use or tbe highways, but are nulaanees In several ways. Charges have been made by tbe Ohroni Ohreni clt'Ttlegraph and the Timet, two leading Pittsburg Uepublican pipers, that the Blaine men, who were independents and opposed te the old party leaders, are new trying te sacrifice the oeunty and oon eon oen erosslouai tickets for tin benefit of Mr. Blaine. Tne ,1 Ter Union Leagaa Divided. The Union League elub, of New Yerk, the famous Republican club formed during the war and which has sluoe been a power in politics, met Thursday night te ir derse Blaine and Legan. The meeting was secret, no reporters being admitted but after the meeting it was acknowledged that of tbe five hundred members at least one hundred wenld vote against indorsing tbe Republican candidates. Tula is one of the most serious polities! division ever known ia (he etah. REPUBLICAN TURNOUTS. THK KhTllUSlAHM HAIII.Y LACKINU. Tne Kepaoltean Ateellittf nt t''iiufRi', LU AU tha Uuatilr 0thetlK l nui rr, Very Tame uml ("iilrltlnM. Te see the reports or the Rupubltean meetings uew being held evor this oeunty as published lit their psperH, It would be supiiosed they were great both in quantity and enthusiasm. Their old time fire is gene. Speakers or the uallbre of Ceck Gatehcll are appreciated In their proner light. Statesman Lsudia and Candidate Weaver are known te be after the leavea and fishes only. Beys like Apple, Mo Me Michael and Sauders Collin, are tee fresh and besides all this the workers of the party have no particular leve for Blaine. The Stalwarts have never forgiven the klekers (and they mistly boss the meeting). Lancaster county, with her big majority, has jealousies that crtep out often. The Camargo meeting was te have bfceu the great one of the lewer end, and was gotten up under thn supervision of 4 Samuel Bpreeher, te make n big impres sion en his workmen lu Ctboen's mines ; but unfortunately the men wure discharged and the mluca closed a few days before Se that the meeting be far was a failure. Olubs wero expected from all parts, but wbeu Chief Marshal Beffenmyer gathered his hosts he oeuld net count fifty men aud boys te tuareh te the excellent munle of the Quarry vllle Uolleou band, the mett creditable portieu of the meetlng Tbe whele crowd nt thn meeting would net reach three hundred, and of that uumbar net ene third heard tin world reuewued orators who beat tbe air aud cried tariff until the empty rulues echoed the lie baek lu their teeth. Tuesday's meeting was presided ever by that war worn veteran James C illitH, of Colerain, who upon taking tbe chair tnade the same epeech he has m.tde at several tneetlugs he has bassed this Beasjn. Uy the way, Jim has gotten te be a profes sional chairman, this meeting unking bis number four. The pure and holy Cook Gatebel gave his hearers tbe bonefit nf his opinieu of the character of the candidates, aud his auditors wondered whatevar bieame of bis ewu. Ournwnlittle Jhuny Ltndls, states man, did net tell his hoarers bow Ames Mylin get nway with him se easlly, but they knew. Billy Weaver made his bid for Eden's vete at the primary for district attorney and will get it titilem he don't. But the featured of the evening were thn speeobesef Apple and Mo.Mieliaul; they did tbe tariff buBinesp, aud they are the boys for that line. Just suits thorn, and they should get theraselves piteutt-d, or at least salted. All the enthusiasm of tin meet ing was ctsily handled. Every cheer was sraotberud by tha idle works around the village, which for years Ins been giving employment te a large nuiuher of peeple, and in Democratic tlni?s was a greit thing for tbonelghberhood. While there Is no hotel at Cam-xrge the usual amount of bid behavior was there, aud a geed eliare of druuken men aud boys wero en baud. A disgraceful fight occurred, which col cel col leoted the greater part of thn cretvd. Te gain a geueral Idea or the intelligence or the gathering, we observed that Clevelaud was hanged iu eillgy ; but It is just te say that tbe better class or Repubticans prcsent strongly condemued the carae. TIIK HKrUIII.It'A.S-. Iowa el their ilrllllant ntn IjelUctlni; money A raw Oratorical lAim; The meeeting for tbe binctlt of tbe Ropubllean hotel keepera still continue aud County Chairman Laud is in kept bury reeeiving the serviced nf brilliant orators. Since our la9t report several new men have geno en the hturcp, among them is Jewn W. Apple. He Is a young lawyer who no doubt has an eye en a selicitnrship at ene or the oeunty institution, whieh is the first step te local great ness. He and Tem Wbltfen will give themselves away at Pennville, Saturday. A. W. Snadcr. the SI Sehwamp statesman, has at last contented te lend bis valuable aid, and he bsaa tbe attack upon the unsuspecting eltlzsus )f Earlville last night. "Ceck" Gitchellbas the call, and be is iu demand every night. His popularity is owing entirely te his wonderful make up, whieh resembles the leading mau of the Comedy Four. Jake Amwake is again happy, and in the pjst two weeks has borrowed tobacco in every part of tbe county. Owen P. Rricker, ' Attoruey - at Inw, Man'ueim and Lltitz," will awaken the pseple of Reamstown "Daestriet" en Wednes day evening, and it tbe torehes are net blown out ou him he will ba lucky. Mijer H. R.Fulten seems te ba anxious te be let loose, and the people of the ditlerent towns for wbieh he is billed are inquiring what they hava ever dene that thay should bj treated thus, Tem Davis also oames te the wire In tbe latter part of tbe raoe. What he will speak about nu one is able te tell. But be knows enough en several points it he will tell it Twe meetings will be bold at Safe Harber. Ben Markley gets the first and tbe Greff house tbe sac end. This is deue te prevent a fight, as both landlords want the "stuff." On Thursday County Chairman Landis, assisted by ex-Cbairman and Distriet At terney Cel. Benjamin Frankllu Edileman,' were in tiwn with a long paper looking for contributions te the campaign. They were compelled te de lets of talking. About the only men who seemed te have any money yesterday was Candidate for Sheriff Abe Keller, who stayed in town and blewed a great deal about betting. UUUN1Y MltTEH. Clipped .an-l Uumlemed trout uur Karat Kinser,a maiden lady aged 04 years, residing with Jaoeb Dissle, iu Clay town, ship, died Monday, of the disease dropsy. Tbe funeral was bold en Thursday. The third quarterly conference of the Brownstown circuit of thn E.vangclieal as sociation will be held at Reamstown, Oct. 18th and 10th. P. E, J. U. Hernberger will conduct the services. D. R. Klabr, F. B Rogar and Jaoeb Garman, Adamstown sportsmen, suceeeded in capturing four large raccoons, iive skunks and three opossums last week. One of the racoeons was captured allve. Mrs. Bamuel Wnist, residing about one. half mile cast or S. S. Gibble's stere, Cocalleo, in attempting t deseend the stairway te the cellar en Saturday tripped acd foil, breaking ber leg between the knee and hip. The Paradise, Mt. Pleasant, Lsxlngten, Unienvills, Fetters and Briekervllle Cheral soelotles will held a reunion in the Luth eran chureh, Brickcrville, (en Saturday evening next beginning at 7 o'elock. About 500 singers wilt participate iu the exercises of song whieh will be tnterspersed by short addresses by Revs. Brewumlller, 8emmel, Tobias, Fcrnsler, Brown, Dlsslnger, Re 1st, Ceuuty Superintendent Brecbt, Mba Bailie Burns, Dr. Brobst aud ethers. Aa Attractive Fair, The fair for the benefit or St. Taul's M. K. chureh in tbe tent ou West Vine near Seuth Queen streets nttraets crowds nightly. The pulite nnd accomedating ladles iu charge of tbe tables hare suc suc oeeded in dispening of a large number of artieles at reasonable prises, but many remained unsold. It is a pleasant place te spend an evening, and at the same time te aid a worthy cauie, . One scan. The police reported ene elsctrle light and one gasoline lamp as net burning en Thursday night ej u u 111 .J 11 $19 .., n'V -