EitesSefaLH E?I fSSfpff"! w Wrf. V'w V ' ' ltfCA&aTOll'fiAUft JUtfTJliXJUIOWKrOBB WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8, 1884. P..IT. "1 P rv V K Ltf v-t,.' .-' :!. ' t'H , rr .frt a .T3R. - Lfi3t f-rr Ei r H-'& 19 Kf rr ncwtet JntelUgeiuct. mam IOAT rVBNINO, OCT.. 8, 1884, T.j THR HIMSTi-AHD-HIMB. fcsw) are nlnety-and-nlne that work and die Sal wnt and hanger and cold, I ana n ar live n luxury, Ml ha lapped In Ibe itlken leld, I Blnety and-nlne, In their novels burn, I OB9 la a palace with riches rare. the sweat of their brew ttie desert blooms. J?i And the forest before them ta'Iai .their labor have biilldedhumbie homes, -rr"wit elites with Inltv halls. iy V Awl the one owns cities and homes anil lands, W LA h nlnahr.mi l.nlnn hTB etUDtV lUUldS. 13V t the night se dreary and dark and long. ,''Atlaat aball tha morning bring AMI ever the land the victor' son U Of the nlnety-and-nlne shall ring ABd eohe alar, from xene te xone, 'f atelelce I for Laber shlt have Us own I" b .-from the Hetlen JHleU C- KILLED MIS fAKAMUUll. A Dreadtal Tncrnj enacted In the Birects et riiiladrlpida. William May, a lad residing en St. Jehn street, below QreeD, Philadelphia, WH paaaitiR Fifth and Willow streets, nt lu mlnntes before G o'cleok Tuesday S 0&. tmnlDir. when he heard the report of a , jnVMl UU"iU(4 wwt. ,... ....w siw a woman aunt en ner Knees ami uicu fall te the ground, just in front of Hen wwwn'a coal yard, a few feet from Yerk ftvenne. A man was standing by her side, and James A. MoBryae, who resides nt Ne. 429 Yerk avenue, olse hearinir the re port, rushed ever te the spot where the woman was lying and ratatd her head, when her companion, takiug held of her, urged her te "get np and walk." Twe nemhers of Truck B. named Peck and McNamara, were passing and MeBryan asked them te take the man, who had trade no attempt te escape, te the Seventh distriet station beuse, tle was secured, and the woman was removed te the drng store en the southwest oerner of Fourth and Willow streets, where she died ten Minutes after. She bad been shot above the left breast. Her body was removed te the morgue and was afterwards identified as Mrs. Augusta Zsmm, a native of Germany, about 30 years of ngf, residing in the rear of Ne. 154 North Sixth street with her husband, Ernest Zsmm, who is employed in Harri son, Havemeyer, & Ce's sugar refinery, Frent and Almend streets. The prisoner, who was intoxicated, at first gave his nume as William Sehreiber, and bis residence as Ne. -lOe Yerk avenue. The residenee proved te bu false, and it was subsequently learned tbat his uame is Uiabard Treufee. lie Is a Uerrnan e ina. positer, working en Arch street, abeve Sixth, and was formerly employed en ti e Frtit Prtttt. He has been iu the country bout two years. When arrested he bad en him a live barreled revolver, two cbam bers of whldh were empty. tiBTTKK rltlln AS-JfcnHLYYIAM IIIIM1 Statu or w Yesk, Assembly Chamber, ALBAY, ApilllS, ISsi I Daring my temrerarv residence hem tne past winter 1 contracted a severe cold, whlt-b ler a time confined mi te my room and ren dered me unlit te attend te my duties, I net enlv suuVred all the lnconenlences which usually attend u heavy cold, but was atlltcttd with a tightness In the cheat, accompanied with a severe pain, which muds breathing difficult and ret Impossible. 1 tried the usual remedies ceurfb drops, cough cerdlils. Ac, lint received no subs'antlat relief nnttl 1 ap plied allcecks Po&eus Plaktkrs ou my back and Cheat. Iht-sel put en when retiring, and was de lighted te find ms It much better the ni it morning. In two day 1 was well. This, anil the experience 1 havu hud with Aliceck's Plas te sin luy laudly, lias convinced me that tnr coughs, colds, sprains, brul-es, rheumatism and local punt, Aliceck's 1'ermis 1' asters ur the (julcktsl and most tUn.ll lemony ex tant JulI.N IIOAU. Oi3- w mrrttrcian. The bcar,et, cardinal Ked, Ol.l (J'jl'i, Jt'avy Hiuh, Seal Drewn. Olatneud Uyta give perfect renulta. Any lasileuablu coier, 10a , hi druggists. Wells, Itlcuaiiisen A Ce, Uurllnglen, vu I mini It l I it tlenrtU "Has magical pain killing and healing pro perties Unit of it 111 ty cent Det lu cured ule of rneuuiatlsiu aud k i old that had settl din my bae. tuul - neil ail evrdld in my Itle ' Otte J. DiM-sliury, prnp'r Helland City Afirt llelland, illch., speaklutf lorrAenim' Jjcitctne UU. rer kale bv M 11 cechrun, Uru.glet, is; aud 1S3 North ljucen streeu De lira lleliitT It. Tbat in this town there are 01 ores et persons passing our store every ituy wboae Uvea are made miserable by lndlgesUen, Uj'spepsla, Boer and distressed stomach. Liver Com plaint, ConaUpaUen, nben lurlbc we will will them bUlleh'a ltaltzer, guaranteed te curu them, bold by II. it. Cochran, druggist, ea. 87 and 139 North Uueen street. lebl-eoe'i 'i iieiiaaiuiii say au, Mr.T. W Atklm, Olrard. han writes: ' 1 never ht&ttat te rtcemniLud jour Hectrle Hitters temy cuatemera, they nlvuenllui a a lstactlen and are rupld btlleis." hkcirle Hitters are the purest and best medicine known aud wtl positively cine Kidney unit Liver complaints 1'urlty Ilia bloe.1 anil ttg ulate ihe bowels. Neiamlly can utferd te be without them. They win save hundreds et dollars lu doctor's bills every iar. bold ai fifty cents a bottle by 11 II. Letbran, druggist Kes. 137 and Ui NertU yueeti street, Lancaster, till u "Jij muther Has been using jour lluraeet IHoeil Bitter i as a liver ierue.lv, and lluils iheui veryefllca veryefllca Ueus." Ctias Lu Atuswerti 41 Vutice luecK, Indianapolis, lud or silo by tl. U. cechrau, drimitit, 131 anu 13) .Nerlu tjueen atteet. Mowers I aielnersll Metliersl Are you dlsturbeil at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting ttClh J 11 se, go at once and get a buttleet 41 ltd. WIN BLOW'S SOOTH1NU srUUl'. It wtll relieve the peer little suderer luiinedlalelj eiieiia upon It s there Is no mistake about lu There is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who wlU net tell you at once that tt will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief und health te the child, op erating like inagtc It is perfectly sate te uie In aUcasits, anu pleasant te the taste, und is the prescription of ene of the eldest and best female physicians In the Uulieti status. Sela everywhere & cents a bettla. maysi-lydW.W.SAw Sointthlngller all the l'reaebcrr. J!J7',H tlllrtt".l H-, idltorettflrt Veu.a JefAoiHif.eayseuiierlally, in the Neveiu3r J XU) iiuuilwr et his paper :"e nve ttsten the ijierlls el Eij'a creum Hilm, suit Iwlleve that by u tUoieugh txiurseet treatment, it will cure almost every e isu et calanh. Ministers, aaaclais.Breattllcted with e.ail audthieat troubles, und catarrh stems meie prevslunt than ever. We cannot recemmunii Ely's Dream Halm tee highly," Net a liquid or u anna. Applied te nostrils with the linger. Unjwn'i uuuMUm 1'auaeea I the most edecUve fain Destroyer In the world. WU1 most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally or applied exter nally, ana thereby mere certainly UELIE VE FAIN, whether cnronle or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It U warranted dou deu Die the strength el any similar preparation. It curee pain in the sloe. Hack or liewels, a, F? 'jreitj Hheumatlsm. Toothache, and ALL ACHKb, and Is Th Ureat Itellever el 1! ')WN'8UOU8ICUOLU PANACEA" f S2 M?bL,,li eVery ,tlully- A teaspoentul et the Panacea in a tumbler et het wafer sweet. DltCAU Ul A COLO. .3 cents bottle. niv.11.1vdMW.Aw """""- ,itt(iiia uiiuiu.uy IsANOASTEU CITY AND COUNT Dl Fents ilrethers beg leave te announce thai Ul canvass ler thelrtaueaster County KretS ery Is UnUhe.1, and that a iborerf!uv Reliable wera ceutaluluu the names of all au-iu in the county Is guaranteed. "" ,u Tee olrectery will be ready for delivery lu a very short Hum limine men and eiheri who have net given their order, fur a ceny ei the nook should at once forward aame tit Ha IU East third treet, Vllmlngien. Del. U tan uber, no nth ir general directory et tui county will be pueilsUid FERRlSBI.03., IAHOWA8 WILMIJfaieW, DEL. mmvivAt "ITlUNKl-WOttr, THE 8UKE CURE FOU KIdney DIfloases, LlvorOemplftlnta, OonatlpaVen, Piles and Bleed Dlseaaes. rjirsrciAXS xkdersk it heartily. "Kidney-Wert is the mrst snernntn! rem ndv 1 ever used." Dr. 1. O. llalleu, Menk ten, Vt. ' Kidney-Wert Is alwnys rellsble." Dr. It. N, Clark Se. Here, VU Kidney-Wert has cured my wile alter two years suffering." , Dr. 0. M. Summerlln. Sun Hill, tla. IN THOUSANDS OP OAfeE3 Ithascnred whero all else had tailed. His mild, but pfflrlent, CKIITAI" IX 1T8 AC TION, but harmless in all cases. 9-It cleanses the lllixnl snd strengthens anil kIvi new life te all the Important organ of the body. The natural action nt tne Kid neys Is restored. The Liver is cleanMl et all IL'rase, and the Itowels move freely and hcalthrully. In this way the neist dlseae are eradicated lrein the system. Price $1 liquid or dry. Sold by llrngglsts. Dry can be sent by mall. WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO., HUKMNOTON, VT. KIDNEY-WORT. dll-eed.tw m T7llBl.WtiKT FUK NAUK AT UIMItl IV tan's Drug store. ir store, no. in anu 15V .ervu Uueen Street, LaecasUr. la. HOSTETTERS CELEBRATED l'rotfctlen. Ne such protectlve against chills anil leTcr and ether diseased of a malarial type exUts as Heitetter'sStumacb Hitters It relieve con cen con etlpitlen, liver dlenlers, rlieumatlsm, kid ney and bladder allmenta with certainty and preiupUtude. A change, as Kratllylng as It Is cemplnte, seen takes place In the appearance, as well us the seniatl m, nt the wan and hn Rant Invalid who uses this standard promo ter et health and strength. rer sale by all DruggUts and Dea'ers pen. erally. oMuideedAw UK (UK MltS. K.NlUtlT'S SOOTHING SYRUP llWilellr 1ATAUKII. ELY'S CREAM BALM CUUK3 COLD IN HEAD. (JATAKKH BOSK COLD, 11A1 K Ell, HEAl';b-8, UAAIIALlir,, Eaiy te use. I'rlce, 50c, Ely Bre's , N. V., U.S. A Owego, HAY FEVER. KL'9 CKKAM HALM Causes no 1'alu' Gives lteilet at Once, 'lheiuiieh 1 rvatme t will Cure. Neta I lqulder Sntifl. Apply Inte Ne-trtls. r Olve it a trial. Je cents at druggists. fiOcenuhv mall, bend ler circular. Sample bottle by mull, 10c EIX BROTHERS, 25endw Drugitlsts. Owego. N. Y. tuJt (IJLk. L'OKRaLK lilt Itr.wr. 1 Ne 416 west Chestnut street. Nine loomed Urlck Dwelling. Mmlern conve cenve nleucis. Let 43x130 leeL lUiiuetllate posses tlnn given JOHN 11. ihT4Lfc.tt, J)-s,MAWtfit Ne. J3 UukeSt. rtntK IIIIIIKKK WAKEHOUSK. Mil rINK X Kestuencuand llouseadtelning, are efler ed at private sde l'er-ens aeslreus et view ing the property will pltase tall en the owner. JtJIIN'S. KUIlithlt. OrBAU-iMAN BUK.NS, UtiJi Estatu Agents. seplS tf 1,'eit itr.ni. -T1IE- LARQE BASEMENT Ot Paull A Hamilton's Organ ractery (form erly cex's Coach tacteiy), can be rented either with or without power, ler storing or mauufactuitng purposes, with use of elevu ter. Alse one Large oein for miiihi purposes. Inquire ei I'AULL A HaIIIL'IUN, alMtd 335 Church St.. near Seuth Duke. Fllllh.ll.K-1 IIKhblllA.NT Kr.1ll)KNUt. et tbe late C a. lllltier. NO. 641 MAltl KTTA AS'fcNUE, . ANCAslEU, fA The house has every modern cenvrnlence and Its location Is unsurpassed, with greuuu beau tifully luldeuti and large UKICH &1AULE tn the rear. r ersens can ylew tha premises and learn tte pi Ice and terms of sale by applying te JACUll H. l.UMi, Heal Estate Agent, el-St I W 6 eat King street. OKfltAMI' UtlUHT MACK OK A VKH1 D, strable City Ilesldence.-On fllUHS DA V, OCluliEH 1 , 1841, pursuant te an eider el the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, Pa., I will iiijie-ent public sale at tbe Leenard Hetel, en hast King stieet, LUHtasttr, l'a, all that valuablH let or piece et ground, situated en the north side et Kan Orange street. Ill said tliy, with the valuable Improvements thereon erected, consisting et the desirable thrte-steited dwelling, with bick bulldlnus attached. Ne. 'ijtf hast Orange strtet, having all the mederu luipre emetils except htaler In cellar This property has a frontage en East Orange strtet of nineteen and eight-tenths ffet, nd extundlng at net Iiks lhau that width In a nerthwardly dlrettleu one hundred and forty six and one-ball iet, adlelnlng eastwardly the property et Themas J Davis, esq., aud wesiwunuy ana nerthwardly the propeityef l'eter Dltlenbaugh rereens desirous el purchasing a coinferta bio and pttasant home will please tall en the subscriber, redding at Ne lai t-ast Walnut strt et, sal 1 1 Ity. who w 111 show them I he prem ises, and give turthtr d. sired Information le apt ctlug tee sauiu. bale te eomim-nea at 7 o'clock p. tn., when attendance wtll be given and conditions mode known by JOHN 1. HITCHIE, Administrator et the estate el Saran It, Mc l'lieisnn.deccascd. Hum by MU'umiT, Auctletifcr B4I8U1SW bK VDUtl UKALbK (Ull DM. U1TNEUS PIJLK CURE. ItUan Klcgantand Elltcllve Preparation. 17-ttmd.tw rpilK WOHKIMuAlnN'aellllill., Ve.fi! NOUTU QUEEN BTUKET, Is the place te buy Ladlei' and UenU' rur nlslilng (J eds, such as Uiuturwe.tr, Shirts, Knit Jackets, Hosiery, U loves. Working funis, uveraus. comierts, cnuiitertutuus, and it vunciy ui notions, inn puuiie are respect lull) liiTlted te call ami .u,,.lnn 1 elein pur- .. . . -.. . . .r . llh.NUV liEUUTOLD, Ne bi North CJuwiiBtreet. P. 8. Sharp llulldlng and Paving band ter sale. DSK MILLKU'S BLAOK LINIMENT. English anil Uunuan dli uctleus. sl7 fimd A w YK.LLIIW ritllNr UIDAK. WAHHANTKD clear Vueita Abaju Havana Illler, the bast 60 cigar In the statu ut UAUTJlAN'tt KJCLLOW yilOMT C1QAK 8TOKK, STOMMJfl BITTERS lutWEKS UU1WT. BOWERS NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LADU39 Ge te Bewers & Hurst's when In want et an olegant Blnek prloee. LADIB3 Ge te Dewors Ss Hurst ene that veu will be Dloaaed with for a LADIES Ge te Bewers & Hurst's when In want or au elcant Cleth Suiting, as we have Just openod an olegftnt line of Plain Cleths, 1 rioets and Plaids In all the iwwit shades. IiADIBd Ge te Bewors & Hurst's when In want of anything In the Dry Goods line, as we always have a latRO stock at the lewest possible prioes. L.ADIKS We call spoeitU attention te our stoek of Grey Blankets, as we knew thorn te be very geed for the email prloe we t ck for them. Alse Scurlet and Whlte Blankets remarkably oheap In all tirades. LADlfcJS We effer nn oleixrvnt areortment of Comforts made up of the best Sattnes, Orotennos and Chintzes, fllled with tbe best Whlte Cotten and sewed well In overy partleular. Theso goods are handseme, and when In want of a (reed, nloe uoturetr de net fall te soe thoee berore ptirehaslng The prioes nre right. LADIES We also have jttBt openod an olegant line of Dress Buttens, Hosiery, Oorsets, Gleves, Blbbens and almost evnrythlng else In the notion line De net forget our bOe. Kid Gloves, the beat in the market for the meney. t3Ti? JeaBO give us a ami. CLOT (!.(.. 1 Klin AM it. " MIGHTY NICE." euk stock or NBOKTIB8, DRH3SSHIRTB, OOLtiARS, CUFFS SUSPEXDEUS, 3TOCKIN08 AND UNDERWEAR. AT EEISMAN'S, Ne. 17 West King Streot. T 'UE TA I bUU'.-t UUIL.U. "XOTA BENE EXTRA. 1J,U YAKDS OT WKST OF KNUI.ANl) AT OU11 DISl'OSAL UNTIL AUO. 10. When they will be withdrawn trem the market owing te the late arrival et these goods the consignee his cancelled the order, with Instructions I nun tn manufacturer ie ener at lerced Sale ferTlllUtr DAYS te dljpese et the Entire Let. TllbSE GOODS ARE Or PURE CHEVIOT WOOL, Twenty ei te the yard, all long pnn yarn, celld Indigo Celer, and warranted the best material ler service In the market. 1'ersens wishing te save money can de se by plating their orders at once. We have already taken orders ter '18 Suits, and are trvliin te -e-cure as many a possible ter our friends ami customer. They are worth W3 a s ill We are selling them at 1, mule and trimmed in the best 8ij le, and a perfect ni guaranteel. Uespvcttully ours, I K. SMLIM. Over I.echer .t Sens' Ranking Heuo Centre Square and tt est King Street maris ;yws 1LL.1AMBUM mil r.n. TffO SPECIAL SUITS -roil THE- Fall and Winter. One Is a DtKK AI L OOL CASSIMEHK of a vfry nuut cbecg pattern Sack Cout ter Uuslness. Price, $10.00 TEX DOLLAKS. $10.00 The ether Is et a be'ter quality DARK MIXTUKE, ever-plald pattern. Sack coat SulL Price, $13,00 Thirteen Dollars. $13 00 Thee suits am et a higher grade goods than are generally sold ter the Prices. They are iii.uIh te our express order mO'1 we can recom mend them with the greatest confidence as suits tbat cannot fill te give the purchaser entire satisfaction. CAMPAIGN GOODS A3PHUIALTY. Williamson & Fester, DKALKUSIN- Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, Clothing-, Eoeta and Ubeea, and. Trunks, Valises and Rubber Goods. 32, 34, 36 and 38 EAST KING STREET, LANCAHTKH. PA. itlHVKLLAK HUUS, rptlK LAItOKHT, HE1T AND HII1T OOS1 X plete assortment et Playing Cards In tbe city, from 80 per pack up, at UAltTMAN'a BELLOW TUOKT OKI Alt) STOHK. MILLEWS CUUOJI SYliUP. IT 13 THE HKjJT. sepU-OmdAw IJIlOr, UAllL 1 IttlKllAnN, teacheu or VIOLIN and ether Orchestral Instruments, Orchestra tlen, etc Artists' Violins made te order All string Instruments sktlltully .epalred, Im proved and revised Hew haired, etc. slSlmd 1 N DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. A UUTlUM&bti ANU AUENT. UKal tatal't HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTIONKEU AND KKAL ESTATE AUENT. 01 North Duke St., Lanoaater, Fa. Everything pertaining te my business will receive my personal attention. Terms reason able. UlvHuiftKcnll lanlM'd ANK.W ANDBAfK MIIDK Or llfKHAr Ing en and treating HEMOltltHOIDS OU 1'ILEH. Tepatlenta who are suffering from that palntui and tioubleseme complaint. Hemorrhoids or Piles, lr. II. D. LONOAKElt would assure them that by his mode et operat ing and tieatment h can take the weist et . - mis i'1'ia.uii. aim inuKea cemnlumanil null I cat c ,.u.fi. WlllinUt VlVlIlt- R1IV i.uln In li while under the enuratltiu. ami wilt gi-i jtee a cur tn every case he undertakes. omee-U EAST WALNU I STHEET, 3-dAw Lancsater Pa. NOT1UK TO TlfCX-ASSbiia J.NU UUN NKliS. All persons are hereby lerbldden te trespass en any et the lands of tbe Corn wall or Speedwell estates, In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or un un un Incloaed, either ler the purpose el sheeting 01 ashing, as the law will be rigidly eutorcee igalntd all trespassing en said lands el the undersigned alter this notice. WM. COLEMAN ritEKUAMl K. PKltOY ALDKN, . KDVTAilD O. JriiEEMAN. Attermay ter it. w. oeleraan's Bam. tmw weeds, . & b when In want of an elcgnnt Black very low nrlee. Bewers & Ne. 26 (LIUHIAHrrtt. AV. OTAMlAKDUAttKlAOl-: U1IK. EDQERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET aTRHHT, IlKAlter 1'OSTOrriLK, LANCASTKIl, VA. TIIKKK First and Highest Fremiums Have Ixen awanled u.by the LOUNT1 FA I It, hutthe besi pioet etiner land quality oteik m the sale et all our exhlb.tsiintlieirretinda. betdi s ether orders coining irein prominent. citizens, rnwnigh ceinpiiiueui aiw reoegni lien et thusuperlerquailij et our work U an other proet that Fair Dealing & Honest Werk Will Win. v e make e fry st le lluggy and Carnage dtstred All work fluHhed in the most com fortable and elegant stjle. We use only the Inst selected material, and employ only the best mtchanlcs. for qudlty of work our price- are the cheapest tn the state. We buy ter cash and sell en the most reasonable terms. Utve us a uUl. All work warranted. KKrAUU.su IMtOMl'TI.1 ATTE.VDEHTO One set et workmen especially empuijed ter tbat nurpese. lijJ-tniAw OIUlhlK il Mltht. i (lieat Kediictien In Prices -or- CARRIAGES, Cor. Duke and Vim Sl3., Lancaatw, Pa. All Jobs remaining from sale will be s- .d at UKKATU UKIIL-H) MWtMK . New is the lime te buy as our summer stock must be ilo-edeut. Jelis win be i-old at cost te mtifce room for our -lelgh an I Wlnier Manuiacture. Don't tall te procure a batgaln when you hie a chance, aj bj ptircha-l'ig new yen will save at least se per cent. Call and be con vlnced such ts a fact. LOOK ATTHEPU1CK3: NEW BUGGIES AT8U0.00AM) UPWAHDS, According te Quality. Carrtiges, PI en, eic, etc. In p opertlou Heiueinber itee ebs are net a chtap article, made especially fercr.tap prices, but our own flrst-clasi menu tacture, and will b guar.n'eel as sue i. Patronize these whereneOt you Don't pay enuimeus prices when )ou are net compelled te. as nrerl of our nuallty of work, wn re celved all the bbjtle.t and only premium ut tie Lancaster Count Pair, fur light weik, our specialty, aud the three htgheu premiums at ciatx t air In pbtludeinDla. aud La til tlrsi class an 1 high prlctd builders el tfikt city te compete with. UALL AND EXAMINE ODR STOJK. NOTE-Tbese deslrlag a fine fllclgh till winter at a reasonable ur'ce, will be benefited by exiling aud examining our stecx in sea.eii. AA large tteck secend-llauil Werk fur sale, ltepalrlng promptly attended te. IJOUTa AND SHOK-. WM. H. GAST. Ne. 105 North Queen Street, BOOTS AND SHOES FOB FALL AND WINTER. We are well prepared with a full stoat et Heavy and Medium Werk ter Celd Weather; also a lull line or HubLers. Notwithstanding the tact that all et the work exhlLlted at the late fair in competition with ours, was selected In New lerk aud tlse tlse wlieie. our own mannfaoture or Heets and Shoes was awarded the TWO HIGHEST PHEMlUUd. 49-Customers can rely upon getting lust suih work as we exhltlteu. Olve us a call. Prices guaranteed te be as low a- any In the ctty. JeltnulAw R st Art Tin Wholesale and Uetatl Dealer In alt xines et LUM11KU AND COAL. -rard: Ne. 4jj North Witei&tul Pnnec streets aiMve Lemen Lancaster. ntf-lyd B aumuauumiiim 4i jbrrcitiiuj. COAL DEALisxiS. OrriCKS. Ne. iat Nekth gmtia STar, aud Ne. S64 Nekth PaiHea STaarr. VAHDb. Nebth 1'EiacM Stkimt, ma Kbad- lau Darer. LANCA8TKU, PA. angl-VUd I 'UAL. M. V. ii. CO HO au UUttlli VATltJiifT., Lannutrr, ru Wboleaale and ttetaU Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Doanectlou With the Telepheiile Kxchacxe Yard and Office STHKKT. NO. DSONOttTU WATKU I v HTUVKl). pOOU, WlllTt 41 UltCKNOIJOH, -BANKERS," 46 WALL 8TRHBT, New Yerk. Brokers and Dealers In Hallway and all ether Securities. UAILWAY INVESTMENTS a specialty. In tbe selection and estimate et which their long connection with " Peer's Makeax of UAiLaeAM " gives them special ad vantages. Correspondence Invited aud in quiries answered Deposit accounts received and interest allowed. ol-lvdeod JWUVATJUAAl.. (JI-. UlUIKOfB UALL tUHUUlMtblllT. O EKsTOWN, Md., prepares for any college or business lite. Unsurpassed, tee te sjeOa year. PltOr, J. C. KlNKAIt, augls-zTneed Principal. HATKttriIKU UOI.LKUr, ., Irem Philadelphia, ou the 'tueKAscutsB, LL. D. Prcs'Luntl 0 MILK3 the Pa. H. IL. 't. under rtarA nt Society et if rtenils I Classical and Sclentine courses. ArpUostlen ler admission may new ?,m!'.Le; SrSJes;aidjii Paer isaau SUaUPLKSS, Deuu,liavetferU College, P. 0 i. awulwr NORBEGK & MILEY'S HURST'S, LANCASTER, PA. Silk Dress, We have tnem at all Ortehuiore Drees, We will soil you Hurst, and 28 North Queen Street. DNt HiniDK. rttii.i) KKH'S OllAT". WATT, SHAND & CO,, NOS. 8 & 10 EAST KINO ST. Have Openeil a I are Importation of Children's Coats, In the Latet lletlln Myles at Very Lew Prices. NEvV FALL DRESS GOODS, KKVKKSIIKK rUKNCII SU1TINOS, llhttltlNUlUINK coitus, Till OTI.NK.9, DllAP DE ALMA, In all the popular co'ets at lowest city nrtce. 6-4 CLOTH SUITIVfJS. iiiirer smriNU-. PL 11) CLOTH SUll INUS. 6-iciein sutriNO. TS Cents a ard, lteally Werth 11.0). Specttl Bargains In Fancy German Plaids, At UH Cents a Yard, erth 20 Cents. Anether Invoice of choice style In S6-lncb TAVCY DltaSsI'LAlDSataOcayurU. se cases or White ami Colored lJlaukets IS per cent, under lat season's prices at the NEW YORK STORE. MA te AM li VJLfa. T II STAUiretV, JOHN S1DKS -THE- People's Hat Stere. It l new an established tact that since the new drm et W.D.STAUFFER&CO. iluva Opened Up, Hate, Caps, Pura and Gloves Are being sold cheaper than ever belere. We have a nice Line id UeihIs th it we are closing e it very much below ce-t, lit e tie te make riiein ter ttiedatl) rci ptlen et tbe LAT&ST rALl. ANii WI.NI Kl -1'tLhset everything new In the Hat. Cap I d Pur Line, trem the ivnev-Urrniap aud you nan mock te the i lain, Home-Siiule An uhllst miule only by us. W. D. STAUFFER & CO , ("hultz's Old stand.) NOS. 31 A 33 NOKTH QUKKN STKKKT, Lancaster, Pa. mylO-ly T1JIUAM1!, AU, r e te JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, Ne. 24 Seuth Qaeen Street, -reu THK- CHEAPEST and ;BEST REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS, Lawn Mowers, GARDEN JJOES AND OIL CLOTH. JOHH P. SCHAITM, 24 Seuth Queen Streot, I1IIM t.ANfURT'H P. mniLBttitm. r ii(jhiK s. Just Keitlved Schumacher's Akren, Ohie OAT MEAL. Made et NEW OATS and therefore perfectly tresh. Anether Let of Granulated Cern Meal. Give It a trial. It Is very nice. AVENA by the Pound. What Is HI It Is carefully prepared Irem white eats, dried, cooked and crushed byu new process, ten minutes are sufficient te cook It, thus bringing tuls nourishing loed wit hint lie reach of the early riser, as well as these who breakfast at their leisure. NEW 11UCKWIIEAT the rirst of the Season. nlllTECOUN MEAL. At BURSK'S NO. 17 HAST KING BTREBT. LANCABTEU. PA. HUILUINU hatkhial. IIKUUVAL. Al HAVING UKMOVKD MY PLANING MILL TO- Nert. 41 1 te 417 N. Mulberry Ut, and Increased my facilities ter work, lam new preiured te de all kinds et work In my tne atsheriest notice. al9,d Wm Tehlsen WA 159M Watches and Clocks. AkOAIM IB Watobea, O leeks, Obalns, Rlnae, Bpoetaolen, ote, ltepalrlng et all kinds will receive my per somUattenUen. LeUls WKUH.lt, Ne. 1MH North ye-een BtreeL Bemember name and number. Directly op. DOaltaCltjrUoteLneurPann'aDepeL jUIyd MAVHiHXKT. T mi BEST " STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. ESTA1IL18IIE1) 1HS0. COMPAHE THE SIZES ANDPHlCKSOr OUR ENGINES. We have no Agents or Middle moo te protect by adding commissions which Cus tomers must pay. Ycu Save Frem 15 te 25 Per Cent. 11Y Pl'ltUHASlNll DIHECT ritOM US BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP. Ne Shell Iren used In Hellers. Least con sumption of Ceal and Mater ler Power de veloped All Engines et our make sublected te rilctlen Hi akn 'lest te double their rateet power. tk TIME and MON E , and pur. chase the Most Durable and IIEST Portable Euglnu and Heller en Whcds-aml Sills. Farmers and Thresher-men, examine these prices and linlge ter yourselves On On Capacity. Cylinder (Wheel. Sills. HnrMi Power. V x It" MViai t Ki Oil 6 ller-e Power i" x V Win WW no tt Heio Power. VxW t ui tite te 10 Herse Power V' x lu" IMm Mai 1 Herse Power. " i l.v' lnse ft mill A) Herse Power H," x lh" liftu Oi ISM) i Wii maiiutactiire and keep In stock the lul lowing goeits, which are alwajs en hand : Portable knglnes ou heels and Sills. Sbttlenerj Kngliius, 2 te M Herse Power. Stuttenery Hellers Portable Saw Mill. Large and Small llelb r feed Pumps ; pump ami heat, rs cemblnwl Steam Pump. Hark, Cerk and Cob Mills. Pulleys, Shafting and (tearing, Heuie cellar Heaters. Creameries fitted up. Steam lleatlngu ixclalty; Iren and llrass Casltug Iren Tanks ter Water and Oil. Light and Heavy Sheet Iren Wera. Steam aud Water Pl. Hancock lusplialers. alesand rttllugn. Andts A bon's beparuters. KulM any Power or style et Uetieri. Kstl mates gl en ter iiu.cliliiery Hepalrs prompt ly and carefully atumitml ie. -ALI. VVUlta DU..llANTKlCl.- ririHi f tuiiiin,. Jelm Eest & Sen, (PKOPUIKTOUS.) Ne. 33 Kiwt Fulton St, LANUABTKlt, PA. laniviydft- T tUE UAUKUS WATKU MOllllt 1S THB MOST KCONOMIOAL POWtlt KNOWN roll DltlVlNO L1UI1T MAClllNKItr. It tasks bct littls room. It kivkb usts otrrer RirAia. 1TOAH OTBLOW CP. It KityuiKits no rexu It xkbds he xneiNKxa. TUXRK tS DO DXLAT I HO rlKlMl Ur. NO AIUES TO CLkAM or NO kXTKA ISSL'KAKCKTO MT. NO UKPAIRIKO MW.XS4AKT. NOOOAL DlLLltTO pay, A!U It IS ALWAYS HKAUr reR CSS It Is luvaluab e ter lllewlug church Orxsns for ltunnlng Printing Presses, i-ewlng Ma chines. Turning Lathes, scroll Saws. 01111)1 stones, Cetlev Mills, fanssice Maclilui s, feed Cutters, Cern Mills, bievatnrs Ice Cream rreeers, Kte. call at J. L. Ilinkiey's Urecery St-re, comer EastKlngaid Duke streets, and s-Mt one In operation. rour-herse iewer at 40 pounds pre-sttreet water. It Is net-el ss, neat, compact, steady anil above all It ts VtK CIlr.AP. lrtce-Min te MJOO. Send ter clicular te E. H. D1LLKK, Agt, NO. IX N. DUKK ST., LaNCASTEII, PA. Tbe llackus Moter will de mere work with less water than any ether water meter In ex istence, augil.lmd Hi AT1NO UPSSOLVbD PAKTM'.HOHIP and netmauenllv closed tie Chestnut Street Iren Works, idestte te tnlerm my old patrons and the public generally, that 1 am still In the business, being lecaUl In the Penn Iren Company's Works, North Plum street, where I am making Iren and llrass Casting et every de.trlptlen, and wtll be pleae. te serve all who may favor me with their patron age, rrem 4u years experience In the business and uslnir the beat material and emoleylug the best mechanics, I am sail-hed I can guar-1 .ntulltnllM .Htl.lk.tlllll f?Mut1ttl.A n,M(1 ffi 1, t a mixture et Iren and steul which nre mere Te- liable ter strength and durability than the best cant Iren known. V teeth roll pinions. roils and roiling mm work a specialty, cast- "(u I lersaf made el very soft Iren, and brass enst. el every description. 1 nave all the pat nfthe well and taverabli known Mnwrer Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted and Unproved. Alse en hand, mills completely tit ted upei in parts, te replace old ones which have bet n Ir; use ter )eara,KnaranUielng Uiem te give sat. ts tactien. anirU-KTBd U O MeClILLrY. 1VIIAVCU AH It CVOAACft. OMOKN LAWN TENNIS -AND- RACQUET CIGARETTES, Made of straight cut tobacco, mild and et fine flavor. It Is the longest and pronounced the bust Clgarettu In the market. -mv it -u Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO. Cigars and Pipes, WHOLESALE AND HETAIL, AT- H. L. Stehman & Ce., NO. lie NORTH QUEEN BT. marn-lvU LANCABTEU, PA. CANbSeK AL.LSTILK1 AND AT rttllKH as low as the lowest, at HAUTMAN'S YELLOW rUONT CI3AU HTOUK lltlSAt UAUOAInS. TOILET SOAPS, Ketalllng elsewhere ter 2V:, we are selling six ter f 1 00. ItiAtev: We have a large stock and want te reduce lu This will maku them go tasu Call early at BeJOHTOLD'S DRUG STORM, Ne. 4U1 WEST OUANUKSTUEKT. corner O i'hTnt, ill-lvfi u SK DR- BITNER'S LAXATIVE POWDER, vea ins cum or C08TIVXNES8, rEVKU8. TOUPIDITV OK THE LIVEItANDUOWELS, ACIDITY OP THE STOMACH. EHUCTA. T10NSA DYSPEPSIA. It Is a Uilld LAXATIVE, producing no In convenience an, devoid et the harshness usually produeedby ULLS, andean betaken tn all seasons et tbe year. ti It U pleasant te take. Ask your dealer lb Vlmuw TMArMzmwa uvivm. 1ARUAHTKH AMU MILLKKItTlLLM HH J Oar run a fellows Leave Lancaster (P. It. Depot), at 7, an. ISO a, m., and 3, , 8 and 8 JO p. tn exeept en Batunlay. when the last car leaves at 9-SOp. m Leave Mlflenvllle (lower end), at 5,8. ana 10 a. m aim i , 5 and 7 p. tn . cara run daky en abeve time exeept Sunday. T?KAIUOULUUiA tt.lt. AUHANOKMKNTOrPASSENUEIlTKAlNS SUNDAY, MAT 11th, IBM. NOHTIIWAItn .,, ;i,T7i- a. a 7:J0 s.10 9rX l,IMA, IIUO, , e.as 7.30 7.40 7r 1M ueutmswr, ninjei LAn caster .,,. .....,,, Ublckles , Marietta Jnnotlen Outumbta. , aaitva. Heading 7 JO te BOUrilWAUD. LBAYI. lteaeiug aaiva. Marietta J auction.. Chtckles Columbia Lancaster............. Lancaster, King St.. Uuarryvllle r.v. r.. .... ' .... 80 1:0() 8 60 .... 3S& .... iH 1:10 J' 8.-i 5.61 A.M. H. r.H. Utt li.00 e:10 0:11 r.n. 7.5a ..., 8.2ft i-Kt 1:10 8.' 9-.30 110 8.13 i .... a.v 1U-40 .... U .... .... .... ft:JU ft: te 8:5( Trains connect at Heading wui tniiu. i...nt from PhUadulphla, PettavtlTe, Harrtsburg, Ai lontewn and New Yerk, via Jteund n-wn Hente, At Columbia ultn trains te and from eri-. Hanover, uettysburK, rrederlck and Uaitt mere. At Marietta Junction wIUj trains te and trem chlckles. SUNDAY. Leave Quarryvllle, 7.tl a. m.t Lancaster King Street. A-ou p. in. Arrive-Heading, lo-.eo a. m., 7.10 p. tn. Leave-llemltng, H.ii a. in., I IU p. in. Airtve Lanctkster, King street, 10M) a. m O.'OS p. ui.) yimrry vllle, 7n. A M. WILSON. 8iim. JKIIANIIN A 1. J UAtLltOAD. ANUASTKK JlllNl LINK AKKAnnsKKirr or riument triiks. MONDAY, AUUUST 18th, 1SSI. NOItTHWAltD. Leave. a.m. r m. King street, tjinc... 6 3U (.11 Manllelm 7 US ft 18 Cornwall 7.4 ft.iift Arrive. tcbuiien SUA ft. IS a.m. r.M. SOL'THWAKD. Leavu a m. r.n. I ebinen 7.1ft 7.3J Cornwall 7.8ft 7.N1 Manheliu 8.17 8.30 Airlve. King ttrii't, l.anc... 8.17 0 10 A.M. P M. J. A. Wilsom. Hunt. It A C. IL It. Humlav. A.M. r.M, 801 8.41 n.wi ft. 1ft a.-x :. r.M A.M A.M. 7.;) 7.bU Ul 10 U) r.M. li.SU UMI ft.VI H.Oi r.M A.M. J. M. Havaku, SupL C. and C. A ML II. It. IL Umehuk but, Supu 1" A 11. IL It. atl-lyd PtllllKkLIASlA KAIUitUU-M.fi 8CHEDULK On and attet SUN. -A tOVKMUKH, 18,1883, trains en th I'nnnsyi raal'i ILillread will arrive at and 'cave H Lancvi'.e and Philadelphia depetsaa tollewa Lev, At LanPbl Xastwakd A a Hall Kxptuui.... t'hllailelphla txpnws. , rant Line 'larrisburg Kxpns erk Acoemti'odallnii arrives...., ancasUT Accemc lailen arrives, ''elntnbla AcoerniutK den lti tat S:3ft &IC ') 1WI 3.' tt lfci l:s y.iu Twlerlcif Aoeommodatlon arrives Leck Haven Express and.y Mall ohnstewn Kxpreas... -ay MfXprees......... ...... ........... tairlsunrg Vcoemiund&tlon..,. ... lfcM Itir l.V l 50. :l S Uanever Accommodation west, conue-,i.x .1 Laucui-ter with Niagara fcxpivti at (Mi, vll run through te Hanover datl", exLvpt lni.ilay. rr-Herlcx Accouimelatlou, wst,oeiinctlng .t lJn caster with rast Line, we-tt, it 1:S wlil nn ti.rean te "rederlclc. k4 5UL .iu a. a. ... tJj n:M ... tj.) 8-S0 'O' Ml te .. it- 7:40 rft f K ... IMC VS- . .... ! r.M. . . t. S . .. JJ ... i IX ... l:fr : .. "1 it.l ... ,t 1:3 WTWAJt. lewe .tipr- - i I'lH-eiirf-ii... au irali no. l. via Mujev.. Halt Train, Se,A,vUtUVi jinida,Kavi iwnm B.j.pre' ln"nver A-vimir vtatlnn letvyi r st I.tnn rnderlck ccnmmotAUen leaee llarrlsbtug vccoaiuirlnilen. I.uiicn-tir IccomiiiO'lutteii leavea . uj uuitda AcoemiroiIAtion... darrlsbutK (Cipre Vestern Express ex luc Kx.irew ... n.rnbi.rfc Hipiess, wulel.leavi-t Umnuti t7:Kip n ltj direct lotinuctteru, (vliliei. ;tit!ijniif rf , 1 ) Columbia and yeTti. fst Line, west, en sunduy. when rtntfej vlllstOiatDownlngtewn,C'Jile8VUie,l'MlkM, aurg, Mount Jey, itllxabntlHOt n n: MlrbLe. K tit. Day Kxpnws, fadl Line, News Kxpres ti I man, Ne. I, Western Kxpremand VsplrU S.T S.T erksj rnn dallv. The time hern given Is Xaitern ((me, et th et tbe 7.1th meridian, white ts 1 uilnn'ennil lecends taster than that herelotere used. 1. uuaL Mali, AUKAnugnunT), J HOUItSreUULOSINO THE MAILS. My lUliruad Naw Ieuk TUaeuau mail, 5:00 and 7i0a, m., l&JUp. m.,i:UU p. m. and iOOa. m. Wat Mail. east. 7a. m DowaiauTewK, Leuman Place and Uap. 6:1ft p. m. PatLADairuiATBROueu mail, ft ou und 7:uu. ul, e.U a. ui., Ii.30. eaxi and 1 oea. ui. flTOUiCKU ad Wkwr, uu u. fn.. Via and lu:S p. m. 11 abbisbvke if ail, 6 00 and thou a. in., i.aj. :id 7ilft unit 10.46 p. ui. rtv mail, west, 6.txt and 9-eua. ui. HaLiimeki and ftASHiMUTea, via Phlladel. phta.ft.'uip. m. IIALTIMOKS AND W ABHISOTOK, VU Verk, HJO p.m. n.LTmeKi akd Wasuihuteii, via Uarrlsburs ltcta p. ui. " lliau in-Hamd, Christiana, Parkesbui, CeaUavlllu and Dewuiugtuwu at U.JU p. in, Columbia ut true a, m. l je and ft ou p. in iekk ad iuaa wav, liJOand 10-15 p. m. nuktukhk ckhtbal, b;0u e. m.. HJU and 10:1 p. m. ItuADiau, via ItxADiae and Columbia It. It.. 7.00 a. ui. and li:."0p. ui. llkALiine, via Philadelphia, S:.0aud 11 uU p iu HkAbiau wat, via Junction. LIUlz, Mail, belui, bust Heiupheld and tpliruUi, J.I5 p. m. yuAKHWILi.B, carmarge. New Piuvldencii, IV est Willow, Mai tins vllle, Helten anu Lltat Vulluy,W:l&a. m. andftuep m. Naw HuLLANU, Chuiuutuwn, Ureeubauk, tlluu Mall, uueuvllte, Ueartewu uud Jprlu uieve, by wayet Downtugtewn, at tf:lft p. m. And 11:00 e m. saitk llAEBea,vla Columbia, 8.50 a m. and 3:10 p, m. ity hub-blackwater and sate Harber, dauy,at4.uup ui. Te Mlllersvllle, 8 and 11 JO a. m., and 4 p. m. Hlnklev's Hrldge, Leuceck, Harevllle, New Helland, i JO p.m. lllew elreet, Smlthvllle, Uuck, Chestnut Level, Uieen, Peters' Creek, Pleasant drove, iteca Springs, ralruieuntuud ltewlumtsville, Un., daily, ul 7MJ a. m. Lauuls' Vailey, oiegeu. West Earl, farm ersvtlle, NeilsVille, Hinkletewu, Turre 11111, Mariludale, dally, ut i.W p. ui. uieemiid, Heitlltly, LatuieUir aud Wheat land Mills Lu Straauurg, (UU at 4 p. iu. New Dauvllle, cuuustega, atartluvllle. Cele uiauvltlu. Mount Nube, Uuwllnsville, Ue thesdu aud Llbei ty Bijuutu, eullj , ui cm p m . un euuday evuulug, malls east ana wet cles at 1'koe p. rru WUKN UP1SN VOH DIvLlVKHV, Artlvlug or Mall Eastern man, B AJ a. m 1000 a. in., JuOuini eJU p in. ' i.aeU)ru way mall. IOuOu tu Weituru mall, 0JO and 10.-00 a. m.,x.uuand 7.0U e. m. lieuding, Via. huadlug ami Columbia, itO p. iu. Western way mall, 8: ma m. Iteadtng way mall, Hr-Jea. m. yuarryvllle llrauub, 8:11a. iu. and 4.eu p. m. Arrlvlug by stage f reiu Sate Marbei au , Slack water, alV.Oua. m., dally, reiu Mlllersvllle, 7 and a. m and 4 p. m. irem New llelland, at u-3e a. in., dally. Prem lielaudsvlLu, Md., at 4 00 p. m. Heading way mall, at 10 se a. in., dally, rrem biraaburg, at 0.J0 a. m., dally, rrem lluwllnsvule, at U.eua. in. from 'lerre lull, at lt:Cu a. m. .SUNDAY POal'mrpiUK UtlUKa.) On Sunday the posteQlce Is open from Apr! ist te octebei 1st, tieui B te tf u. m and trem te 7 p. in. i irem October 1st te April 1st, trew te 10 a. m aud trem 0 te 7 p. m. UKLIVKtittCa UV UAltttlKIIa. There are three mall deliveries by Letter Can lei s each day, anu ou ruelr return trips they lake up the mull matter dopesluxi In the lutter bexen. A collection Is made from all tbe boxes ou Sunday alter 4 00 p. in. nor the ant delivery the carriers leave the etllce at 7.1X1 a. m. ; second delivery at lO-.ju a. m. third delivery at il 00 p, m. ' USK MILLER'S COUGH SKRUP. aejtl-mdw iusW.