TwTnisp T,; ;T79 ,, -j 3Je EmiaiM fuMm& - t'i -" - i ? . tj Volume XXlNe 33. LANCASTER, PA.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1884. Fries T CM. J h K WOHKB H. Z. HHOAin. SUMMER RHINE STONE SPECIALTIES IN SILVER JEWELRY. Lace Pins, Hair Pins, Cellar Buttens, Bracelets and Bangles. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. LANCABTKlt, PA. I) BY UUVliH yi!Xt UOOif Til TUB UUUKT UOUNK. FAHNE8TOCK, OUK UNPIIECEDKNTED HALE OK LADIES- AND CHILDREN'S COATS LAST SEASON, rendered It nncni.arr that we should htvn b tter faclllll - for the Cem- InglBessen. We Imve Jut completed enlarging, leinedelliiganii refurnishing our CLOAK lteOM, anil are new prepared te show a large anil varied stock ul . LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S GARMENTS IN AM. TUB NEWfcST STl LBS. Alse, Ladies' and Children's Jerseys, All Sizes'. r b. fahnbstoee:, Next Doer te the Oeurt Heuse. VAllfMIO, JtV. JB. M AHT1N A VU, Upholstery Department. NOW KOU FALL THADE. Ubolr-e HI I.K AND WOOL COVEK1NOS fop rurnltuie, Latubieiulni and Leng Uiirtfilns. lta Mike, Kamles, Turcemera, Ilepps. Ae Lace and Net'lnvliam Curlulns, all Prices. Lace Cui talus m low as 03e, pur pair. NEW MWISHUUKTA'NH. Walnut, Kbeny, Af-haml Mahogany Pn!e, complete, with Ulnvs, A3., OOe, Kbeny Poles, lira! Trimmings, 7Ac t'rlngt,) Uluipi,, Ac. Ijunbrrqulns. ' eiik ( urtalus, and all branches experienced Upholsterer FALL CARPETS AND WALL PAPERS. WINDOW SHADES, all Widths md Celers ( Hhvlej put up, be't Spring Fixtures anil Shi'lltig, ter 78s. LAUUE STOCK OF - Remodeling Borders for old Carpets altered and runt by experienced J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cemer West King and PrinM) Street . S UlUMtt OAHfKT UALL, BARGAINS ! AT SHIEK'S OAEPET HALL. Helling Off te Clet Buntness. Everything Mast Positively be Sold. A mil Line of BODY 1IHUSSKL8, TAl'KSTUY, and All Grades of 1NUUA1N CAUPKTS, HUGS, IILANKKTS, COVElW.KTJandOIL (JLOTU. OT ALL AT A 8A0IitFI0K.S3k - Prompt attention given te the Mannfactnraet Bag Carport te nr.lci AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL OOR. W. KING AND WATBH BTS fnljW frmdaw VAHPBTD K T4BLIUIIKU 1830, carpet; AT Philip Schum, Sen & Ge's 150 riOUTH WATEB BTUEET, LANOABTEB, PA. We nave a full supply 1NU CAUPKTS. We ( et UAU AND FILL- euly use the best of varna. 11 veu want a geed, serviceable Carpet, nltuue come and exumlne our stock bull) it) purcuaaiug eimiwuuiu, a. we win sun us cueap as the cheapest. Come and see toryeurselt and becouvlnced, as we always have tbe reputa tion et making flrsl-clasa Carpets. CUSTOM RAG OAltFKTS A SPECIALTY! COVKULETU. COUNIKltPANKS, 11 LAN. KKT8, GAKPKT CHAIN, STOCK ING YAUN.Aa Dyeing Uee. Dene In all its branches at stiert no- COAL1 COAL I Ol the beet quallty.lexpreesiy ter family use. TUVA SAMPLE TON. BEMKMUKBTUK OLD STAND. PUILIP BUUM, SON & CO'S. NO. 1WHOUTU WATKU BCUKKT, iMmil PA IHBUUANVJC rpuu Prudential Insurance Ge. OS AMEU10A. Heme Offloe H8WARK, 9. J. Tha Prudential offers a plan by which every, one may secure a luad soffleient ter burial HDrneses. This Geranunr 1. nndnrsHl bv Him leading business muu and inanulactururser Lancaster county. Claims paid wltuia U hour alter proof el death. -CALL AT Ne. 12 SOUTH DUKB BTBBBr, J"ea CiacuLi.Es ad laFoucATtea, 20 Bellnble A Wmd Of AMT. JEWELRY, 4. West King Street. mayllMyd Lancaster, Pa et Upholstery Werk, done promptly by Old Carpets. workmen. I.ancaHter, Pu. BARGAINS ! ) LANJAHTBR, PA ULAN AND UVKKNhM'AUA. ii 1UM OlAltTlN Glassware. - Queeusware. AT- CHINA HALL. WK AUK NOW UKCK1V1NU Our Pall Importations. OUK ASSO'tTMKNT WILL CONTAIN MANY NliW AND NOVKL AUTICLES. WE ylLLSHOW A FINE LINE OF WARE. The same gu&ranbe el satlstuctlen or ex change wlU acoemptuy all our baits. IWU1VK UB A CALL.-t High & Martin, 16 KANT R.NU NTIUET, LANCASTK'I, l'A- I'HOTUUUAI-ln J. k. miTit, Our aim is te inake as PHUTY A PICTUKKei your child as the In dan. tauoeus process will admit, lake a leek at the 81'hOIMIiNS at the en. trance te our Gallery, J. E. ROTE. Ne. 108 North Utut-nj ttntMi tnwt, IllSNN UlUAliS A I' Ul-iti ffU UOK UOK dred, a iwttur cigar thau Is aeld by most dealers at 11.75, at HABTMAN'S YKLLOW FKONTCIQAK 8TOKC IB1HVAU tUK AKK UUIOK AND MUKK.-'I U'K I Ilenseir. Cnpclim I'lnsters constantly In uiy practice." Or. J. M. Wantlell. Trice Mu fWTlUUKA KKMBU1K4. OUTIOUEA. 1NFANTILK II LOO II rUlliriKUB SKIN UKAUTlKlhltd. AND AI'OIITIVRCUUK KOK KVKItY FOKM Or SKIN AS II III.OOD DIHKAHKS. KUOM I'lJU'LKcl TO BUUUrULA rVKANI.II.Kand lllrth Hmners. Jlllk CrusU Ptnllud Ilead, Kczmniw, anil nvury (or n et liclnnp, Bculy, Pimply. Hcrnluleusund Inhur ltud lilsfiuivs el fiu Illoud, ykln and ncnlp, with l.tisi et Mair.lrnm Inlanry te Ae, cured by thu Cuticcra Ukselvkkt. thu new bleed v v rlrtiir, lntenmlly, miji Cutiuea and Lcncmu Keat, thnffnitlTSKlii curiie. externally. Abto Abte lutelu pure and ntje, and may be uttd from tht moment of birth. " OUE LITTLB BOY." Mr. nnd Mrs KveruttBlebblns. liclchertewn. Main , write: ur IIUIm boy was terribly atlllcudwl hPcrelula, -alt Itheum and Kry ttipelaievi rolnce he was Ixirn, and nothing we could glvii him helped hi in until we tiled t iTituii kkukuika which Krttiluilly cured him, uut 1 hu is new iu lalras any nliild." " WORKS TO A CHARM." J, R. Weeks, esq,, town treasurer, St. Albans, Vt., says In a letter ditto IMarchSHs " It wurxs te a cliarin en my Imby'M face and head. Cured men no entirely aim lias netriy cleaned thu Inouef KirtM. 1 liiivu recemuiHnded It te sev eral, and Dr Plant hat ordered 11 ler them. ' "A TERRIBLE OA8B " Charles Kayie Illnkln, Jersey City Heights N. ,l wrllet : ' II y son, a lad of twelve jeary, was completely cuted e( a terrible uiteiet hrzi ma by thu CuncCRA Kkmedies. Krem thu top el his heid te the soles et Ills met was one miLrta el t.calii " ry ether remedy and phy. slclaiis hud been tried In vain. FOR PALE, LANGUID, Kmncltted children, with pimply, sallewshln, thuiUTicUKA IlKMteixi will pr ve a perti ci blenaing, cluunslug the bleed and sklueiiu litrlteil tmpurltlts and exixdllni; the germs of ncrelula, rheumittlaui, consumption and 8a vi re skin diseases. Held everywhere l'rlce: ( cticuka, 10 ci nts i ltiweLBMT, ' 14); bOAP, ! cents Petter Ditie ane cukhil'aL te , llr.pten, Mas, ler " tiuw te Onrel.Kln lU.f.." DA O'NT fe Cutlcura 6eip, an exiul AJiJ A itciy iiernimeil akin lieuutltlur, aud Tel et, Hutu and Nursery tuuative. 'rillO I inlllUKA Kr.MKUIt.H FOIt MAI.K X at Cochra 's Drug Mere, 137 anil 139 North Ouevu stieet, Lancaster, 1'a. CATARRH. SAN FOKD'S It 4 DICAL CURE. run tirr.t lUI'inle Ill-tllUiluii of vflteti It 1, AuirTleu rlu-, Ifur, eiarlgulc, Uluv.r il..wim, tte., ror'he Immediate relief and Permanent Cure of every lerui of Caturrli, Irmu u Minnie Head Celd or lnduenza te the 1-e-n el Smell, Taste, and lit atlflK, Cough, llrbuchllls.und Incipient Con.umptleii. Ku let In live minutes '.a any and every case. NethluK llke it. Or tetul, ti'ajrnnt wholesome, cure buclns from Ilrst application, unci U rapid, radleal, permanent, and never lulling. Oim bettlu lt.kdlcal Cure, one Ilez Catirrhal delventand Aauletd's lubaler.all In one pack. ae, lermlng a complete Ueuttr.unt, et nil drusgtsta ler 11 Ask ler Sanfeiid'h UadieaL Cdrk PeTTsn Once and Ciikmiealcu., uosien. J.tMUrOtlU'S KAlllUAL.UUKbFIIKMAl.h O at Cochran's Drug Stere, Ne 1.17 and 133 North (Jueen street. Lancaster. Pa. Pain is the Cry of a Suffering Nerve. COLI INS' VOL AICKLKCTK1CPLA8TKII Instantly affects the Nervous System nnd ban. Uhes Pain A perfect hlectrlc llatlery com. I) I ned with a Pereus Plaster ter twenty-dve cents It anulhllatei Palu, vitalizes Weak aud Wern out Parts, Strengthens 11 red Mus cles, pievents Din ase, and does meiu In one hall the time than any ether plaster In the weild. bold everywheiu ectl-lmdAw 1 1 I1BAT INDIAN ltIEl)ICIr, KA-TOH-KA, THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE. -KOHTHK Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. It Is made by the Indians, Used by the Indians, Beld by the Indians, It Is Purely Vegetable It surely cures all diseases et the Stomach, Liver, llowelsuudllleod Itlftaliuestaspetltlc for all lerms et KheumaMsui. It will cuiu d Wen te when all ether temedles have fulled. Dtieeliens are plainly printed en every het ue. All tribes et Indians have their medicines, but Ka-Ten-Ka Is a remedy of the Pacific Coast, and Is used by Bit, It Is composed el roots, herbs, aud barks gathered aud prepared by the Warm Spring Indians of Oregon, And Is favorably known and used In all parts et the world. Itie sick or ailing si.euld net delay Its use. It will prevent as well ascuie disease. Its pi Ice Is one dollar per bottle, or six bottles ter five dollars, Asa for It and see that ou get It, It Is ter sale by all Druggists, and by thu OltrGeN INDIAN MKD1C1NK COMPANY, Cerry, Pa, Medoc Indian Oil T11K UUEATKST PAIN MKD1C1NK ON hAKTU. IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOC INDIAN OIL Is certain te cure Toothache In one minute, Headache In five minutes. Kaiachu In ten minutes, bore Threat In ene night. Neurekinin three te five uilu- UtB. MODOC INDIAN OIL Is used Internally as well as externally. Kverv family should have a bottle within leach. It U u uocter In the hotifce. irer sale by all Druggists. Price 23c. pur bottle. Large size bottles, bec. INDIAN ceuuti aiiiui' is a prompt spetlhc ler Coughs, Colds and Lung diseases. Seu. ier bottle. Ka ten ka, Modoe Indian OU and Indian Cough Syrup ler sine (wholesale and retail) at Coehrau's Drug ttoie, Ne. 137 mid Ul .North Cjueen street, Lancaster, Pa. mS-lyitWAS&w I llAV'1 Bl-r.OlrlO aibUIUlNH.TIIK VI i.ieul Kugllah Kemedy. An unlalllug cure for Uut etency.and all Diseases that lel low Less et Memery, Universal lassitude, 1'alu In the Hack, Dimness et Vision, Prema tuieuld Age, uud mail) ether diseases that lend te Insa Ity or consumption and a Pre mature iirave. Kull pnrtieulms In our pain phlrt, which wodeslie te tend tree by mall te everyone. The K peel de Medltlnels sold by all druggists at II per package, or six pauk bgen ler S, or will be sent tree my mail en the receipt el the money, by addressing the agent. II. 11. COCIIttAN, Druggist, Nen. 137 and ISO North Queen street, Lancas ter, rn. u account of ceuutertelts, we have adopted the Yellow Wrupper i the only genuine. 1I1K UKAY MKDlUlM!. CO., dAw Ulutlale, N. Y. VI lLLKte'B COUGH SYRUP IB PUT O.V TIIK MAKKKT ON ITB MK1UT3. WTry It. Alt epl7-lmdAw, Yenr Dealer (or It. THE TELEGRAPH EDITOR. AH1WPOKTANT MKWHPAfEH ATTAUUIS I'ertennl rxpetlenoMel One Who Knew Utw It It MlreMli A Uaelai Wnu is Karly Appreciated. Jehn J. rilnnln American Journalist. It i sew loraethleic like fourteen years sluce I preptted tny llrst sheet of oepy fur that palladium of human thought, that oeiaatvatorof human progress and that obamplen of human tleuta the great Ametlean dally preaa. from that evil Leur te the present writing fate, fertuue and circumstances', ever which I could net by any possibility nave the slightest con tiel, liave placed me in almost every pesi tien knewu te the editorial department of or a newspaper. 1 have " done ' lire, police, porting, political, legislative, arid legal it portion. I have rewritten, con densed, padded, amplified and headed. I have beeu eity editor, telegraph editor, dramatic editor, sporting editor, religions editor, managing editor, and yen, ouee, glory, ei glories t I have been the editor. My experienes, I am aware, does net cover many years. There are hundreds of newspaper writers at their desks new who were veterans in the service ere I began. Aud yet it is possible that I may have observed some things, some ehanges, some peculiarities duriug the brief period of my cotinectieu with this business, or profes sien, or whatever you are plu.ised te eall it, whleh will prove Interesting if net in. struotive. I am net able tn tell you why the tele- graph editor arose before my vision the momeut you asked me te contribute some thing te your excellent magazine. But he did, and he has remained there ever slnee. Leeking down the long corridors of memery I can see him leaning ever the shabbii st and most uncomfortable table in the elllce, round-shouldered aud prcma tmely gray, struggling with the associated press report and damning the operator. Oue of the highest privileges as well as eue of the most prized prerogatives of the telegraph editors position is his unques tienec aud unassailable right te dumu the operator at all times aud under all olruutn elruutn Htauces. I can tee him with a sheet of "special" report belore him, under tl e glare and heat et the midnight burner, tilling in the "the's" the "ami's" the '-a's" uud "el's and as I watch him, his pencil steps and obstinately refuses te go en. He moves nervously iu bis rickety chair ; be aoratebes his ear with the point el his lead-peueil ; he holds tbe dispatch up te the light ; he reads the preoeedtng sentonee ever again "t 11 o'clock te-nlfht flames were dl. covered trem the Inurtti fleer et the large stone building, 418 lhemas stieet . That rtads all right. This is what slightly disturbs him :-r- "Mre dept promptly hand which citizens extinguished llremau McOrew tell Ireui luduer letl arm broken girl crushed railing say-light supposed originated detective Que. Nothing tlescrlue anguish et tnqthir boy hurl less triv al new awaiting ldeuilQcatleu morgue " I ean see him as he straightens out this tangle, and I bear his muttered exeera tiens, as they tall in a perfect avalauehe upon the head'el no, uet the operator the oeriegpon'dem. Peer, louesema,- ob 4 scum buried-out of sight telegraph edi tor 1 I am sorry for birr. 11 is lite is a hard oue even en the bast ei papers; en the average paper it is eca of tiresome, thankless, eudleaa drudgery. Ne eue appreciates or values his work, for le ere knows him lie enters the office at dusk, gees home at day break and sleeps during the busiest and best bouts of the twenty four. Although he has it witbiu his power every night te display men into eelebrity or te ceudeuBe them into oblivion, nobody cultivates his acquaintance. I'olitieians who ewa him ah, se much 1 pass by him without a word or sign of recognition and clasp the city eduei's hand warmly. When e.hers are invited out te leek at the beautilul stars, he is net among the for tunate ene. When eigare are sent up te tbe e 111 oe, he is lueky if he can seoure the empty box te keep bis tobacco in. Nobody praises his work. The public haB a vague idea that all the subheads as well as all tbe display heads, ever whieh he has toiled uutil his brain Hwims, oemo by tele graph and go directly te tbe printer. I'oer fellow 1 I am sorry for him. My heart gees out ter him, for I wss oneo a telegraph editor mysels. Aud I was a telegraph editor in the days wheu our paper didn't have the associated press franchise. It was then the Glebe it is new the Glebe Democrat. It had oensideiable trouble in these days te find telegraphic news enough te fill the six columns of its Ilrst page. It has consider able trouble in these days te liud room eueugh ler its tolegraphie news en five pages, isut telegraph, editing when there is a supply of telegraph matter constantly pouring iu is eue thing, and telegraph edltiug when there Is no telegraph, as was frt quently the case in tbe old Qlebt ofllee wheu the solitary and invalid Poellio and Atlantle wire was down, is another. My understanding when I entered upon tbe duties of telegraph editor in tbe Glebe olHee was, that I oeuld safely bet upeu tbe I'acitle aud Atlantie line being down seven nights a week. "If you make your oal eal oal eulatlons ou this basis," said Mr. MeCul lagh, as be engaged roe, "you will be prepared fei emergencies. New, w bother tbe line is up or down, working, crossed or grounded, we want abjut six columns of interesting, newsy and spicy telegrapbie matter from all parts of the civilized universe. Are you capable of furnishing it?" I modestly replied that I would try my hand at It. "All right then," said Mr. Cullagh. "They are short of first page matter up stairs. Bit dewu and wire me about 1000 words from New Orleans en the Yirginlus Outrage." It wan a dull morning in Bt, Leuis from that time ou when the Glebe didn't oou eou oeu tain expensive telegrams from New Or leans Washington, New Yerk, Ilavana aud even Madrid en the Captain Fry out rage, we naa te have telegrams from ether points, of oeurse, but when one has get bis grape-vine system in working order but little diiUsulty is experienced in reaching out after miscellaneous news. A half oelumn of appalling aoeidents may be easily collected, for lustauce, by locating the seenes In the extreme northeastern or northwestern end of some spaisely-inhab ited oeuuty, where your paper doesn't olreulate aud where there Is nobody living who will take interest enough in the mat. ter te write a oentradiotiou of the story te your contemptible contemporary. What is mere Bimple than te furnish a couple of oelumus of these : A SHOCKING) DKAT1I. Uloeuivotov, 111.. September 0 News has reached here ei aihecklug accident whleh has Ju.t occurre I near the centre et MuLaln county, a. turmer named Uibsen and his three beyB were grinding sugtr cane when tbe e elhtn. et the old man bucaine entangled in thu cylinder, lie was drawn in between thtm beleie the heises could be stepped, and als body was Irlgntlully mangled, lie died sbeitlvaiierward. Uibsen had but recently moved Inte the county aud wasaceinparaltve Strauget. AISOTHBK VICTIM Or TUB BKVOLVHK, BUU4VAM Goleu, Cel., September 8. Kd. Bansem and Canada liUI, two mountain roughs, get Inte an altercation In a bar room I here te-ttay, wheu lUusein pulled a revolver and fired, killing Canada Hill en the spot, liansem Is threatened by the vigilantes. A BAD ArFAlK. Raten Heatm La., September 10. Thlrtr five miles norlhwcstet here, In the small vll lagoei ou 1-n.iicis, vwe ueys were Killed this itttrnoen by the explosion et a saw-mill In 1 r. Thefr names nave n&t been learned ei jour correspondent, These will serve te Illustrate. I ought te state that the Glebe was paying heavily in these days for a report whieh was sel dom received, and, if my memory serves me right, a tariff of a four cents per word was charged by the Western Union upon all speeials ler that offleo. Every effort was made te get the news but without avail, until at length, after a bitter fight, the paper secured tbelptess dispatches by absorbing a German daily, and with them a reduction of tbe tariff en speeials. 1 have been employed ou ether pipers since, wheu it was necessary te oelleot " Jim Crew" dispatches occasionally, but tbe baeks of tbe old monopoly has long age beeu broken, and no paper need suitor for telegraph facilities- new. With ttie increase of facilities the demand for am plifiers has deereased, and the telegraph editor of the present time is oceupied during the long hours of the nlgbt, net se much in padding as in oendonsing the news. A IIUKKIISLK VltlnE, A Jealous lluibmt Uut. lilt VeuDg Wits' Threat, One of the most shocking tragedies that has occurred iu tbe Schuylkill countyregien in a long time was enaeted en the top of the Mahenoy Mountain, between this place and Ringtown, at dusk en Tuesday even ing, Jehn Osenbach, a man about 27 years of age, and his wife, Sarah, nged 10, were en tbeir way te Shenandoah, when her husband, who had been jealous ei his wife for seme time, deliberately cut her threat. Oinnbach andjbls wife were married four years atre, but never lived happily, owing te the jealous disposition of tbe former. They had been separated for about a ear. Yesterday Osenbach met his wife aud asked her te go te tbe Catawlssa Valley with him te-day. 8be went and worked all day in a Held picking potatoes. On tbe way borne be asked her for a kiss and, when he embraced her, he pulled back her bend and deliberately out her threat, Oienbach trek te the weeds and the woman ran into Shenaudeah and fell ex bausted en tbe street. Dr. Streup sewed up the wound, but tbe woman cannot live uutil morning. An Intelligent Heg, Waterford township, Erie couety, has a case of dumb brute intelligence whleh is quite remarkable. A few days age Mrs. William M. Quay, while out riding, uad with her a little son of a neighbor, S. M. Benn, and her own little daughter. The berse, beoeming irichteued en a bridge, backed evor aud, falling into the creek with tbe buggy and inmates, wasd.owned. Mrs. Quay was also drowned. A hound deg wuicb. had followed the Benn boy sprang in and assisted a paseer-by in saving tbe children and then ran home, and through bis whines and demonstrations, led Mr. and Mrs. Benn te the soene of the disaster, where they found their child being resueitated by kiDd-fctuclB,- Paett About the Uhlld". A healthy child Is a luy in the Louse. A'slck and fceble child Is a constant worry. The diseases whleh atlaek the child are chledy these v. hlch alUck the digestive ergaus aud thu bleed. Brown's Iren Bitters acta gently but pewerlully en these, restoring the child le health and vigor. It Is a pleasant medicine te take, and the children uiuer Its use will gain strength lu every portion et the body. uueKlen'. Arnica salve. The Uest Salve in tho'werld ter Cuts, Bruises, Seres, Ulcers, Salt ltheum, Kevor Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns,and all skin eruptions, anil positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It U guar anteed uigive ported satlsmctlen or money relnnded. Price, x cents per box Vergsle by II. B Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Qncim street. Lancaster. Tnraw Away 8330. " Troubled with asthma ler eight years. Net quite two bottles et l'hemat' Kaleetrie Oil cured me completely alter spsndlng everi-iM without the slightest benenu" Tnislswual August Truhner, et Tjrone, Pa., sujs. Ker sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. A Walking Skeleton. Mr. K. Spilnger, et Mnchanlcsburg, la., writes: "1 was mulcted with lung lever uud abscess en lungs, and reduced te n ualkinij skeleton. Uet a iree bottle ei Or. King's New Discovery ler Consumption, which did me be much geed that 1 bought a dollar bottle. Alter using three bottles, leund mjselfonce mere a man, completely restored te health, with a hearty appetite, and a gain In lledb et 40 pounds " Cull nl Cochran's Diug Stere, Nes. l7.uud 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa., and get a tree bottle et till, certain cure ter all Lung Diseases. Large bottles 11.10. (3) Itow Aoeut tbe Many people before vuichaslng a medlclnu naturally Inquire tl oslieel thu dose and the suength et lu lu using llurdeck Bleed JHUeri uteaspoeutul ler thelitUu onus and two lea lea lea spoemuls ler grown inlks are all that 1.1 neces sary ut ene time. This magnldeent medicine Is net only economical but ery pluocuutte the taste. Ker sale by II. B. Coehrau, drug gist, 137 and 133 North Queen struct. We Challenge tne World, When wa say we believe, we have evidence te prove that Shlleh's consumption Cure Is decidedly the best Lung Medicine made, In as much as It will cure a common or Chronic cough In en e-halt the time and relieve Asth ma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show mere ceses of Consumption cured than all ethers. It will euro where they lall, it Is pleasant te take, harmless te thu youngest ciiuu and we guarantee what we say. Price, 10c, fiOc and 1.00. If your Lunirs are sere. Chest or Back lame, use Shlleh's Pereus Plus ter. Sold by 11. B, Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 aud 1391 N erth Queen street. feb7-eed 1 no una AMU htai-iunsux lUUUUli UUUKS. SCHOOL BOOKS TOKETAIL BUYERS ATTIIK Se-Called Wholesale PriceB. TO WHOLESALE BUYERS, AT LIBERAL DISCOUNTS. AT TUB BOOKSTORE OF JOHI BAEE'S SOUS, 16 and 17 North Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. ir LLKHH Black Liniment, Is a new combination Bclentlflcally and prac tically compounded, and contains tbe lJEeT known Ingredients for the ouruel H4EUMATI8U, NhUUALOIA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, 1101LS, CAUUUNCLK3, Stiff Neck, Pain tn the sides, Back or Leins, Cuts, llrulies or Hums, Lameuess, Swelling et the Joints, And General Bwelllngprtxlucedby Rheumatic aSeeUens. English aud Uermau dlreclleua. b!7 OmdAw MKDIOAJ. AlBK UACK. HOP PLASTER. This porous plaiter Is absolutely the bt$ ever made, combining the virtues et hops with gums, balsams and extraets. Its power Is wonderful In outing dlseases where ether ' W....U. . .... ..trenva ,11,1a uuivt lasters simply relieve. Crlek in the Back ml Neck, Pain tn the Side or Limbs, Btlft piasters Sim; and Neck. Pa .Inlnt. .nl Ullanlu. Ut.lnaH f .,.. Dk-u matlitn, Neuralgia, Sere Cnest. AUectlens of the Heart nnd Liver, and all pains or aches In any part cured Instantly by the Hep Platter. WTry It. Price, cents, or five for ll.tO. Mailed en reeelpt orprlce. Sold by all drug, gists anil country stores. Hep Plaiter Corn Cern pan), Proprietors, Bosten, Mess. LAME BAOK.1 sTFer constipation, les. et appetite and dlseaes of the bowels take llawley's Stomach and Liver Pills. 25 cents. dStllvdftw'S) M uj. KNimi'H Seething .Syrup H DECIDEDLY TUB BEST PREPARATION 1TOU TUB PLAINTS OF CHILDREN. 817-flmilAw COM. H KADO.UAUTKK3 If OH IUS INDIAN MEDICINES, KA-TON-KA AND MODOO INDIAN. OIL -AT- LOCHER'S Drug Stere, NO. IKABT KING BTBEBT, LAN0ABTKR.PA.. VLUTllinti. lOPKNINU 1 I1AVINU UK-OPKNED MT TAILOU lNOKsTAHLIRHMKNTatmy old stand. Ne. tl NOKT1I QUEEN STKBK.T, (2d Fleer) with the finest line et Foreign and Demestic Woslens ter Fall and Winter Wearlhaveever shown, 1 would be pleased te have my teriner customers and the nubile generally call und examine the samabeTore placing their erCem. 1'ertect satlstactlsn guaranteed. Utspecttully, JOHNJ.8MALINQ, 2d Fleer, Ne. 22 North Queen St. BS-tfdced M vkiie a itaruriis, PALL AND WINTER Ready-lade Clothing Iu all the Latest and meat Fashionable Styles ler Men's. Youth's, Beys' and Ohll. lren's Wear. Assortment never larger. Qual ltles never better. Styles never handsomer. Prices never lower. FINE AND MEDIUM QUADE WOOLENS Fer Custom Tailoring, embracing all the leading novelties et American, English and French manufacture. Tbe grandest assort ment et goods In the piece shown by any clothing house in eastern Pennsylvania. Botere ordering your roll or Wlnter Suit step In and leek through our stock. We have goods te suit you, and ler them wlllguaran ti e te give prices you will pay and net com plain. ffiEIUATEFON, LEADING LANCASTER QLOTHIKBS, NO. 12 BAST KING STREET. LANCASTER. PA. Ii 1KS1I Si UKUtUEK, IP YOU WANT TO HAVE A SUIT OR OVERCOAT MADE TO ORDER, we have the goods te suit you ; our fitting and tilmmlng will please you; OUUPltlUES AUK THE LOWEST. IF YOU WANT A GOOD SUIT OR OVERCOAT ALREADY MADE, we can new please veu, and ask you te ell. lie you man, youth boy or child, we waut you te come and buy jour CLOTHING, Uuilcrwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, WINTER OR SUNDAY BUIRTS, or whatever you need et uu, as our goods are the newest und best. Our goods are positively cheaper than any ever oUured In this city. All we ask is te call at our store, wheu we will be pleased te show you our goods, as also te give you the beuuCtet our cesh buying and selling. HIESI& BROTHER, l'ENN HALL CLOTHING HOUSE, Oer. of Centre Square and North Queen St.. LANCASTER, PA. rpilK MKASON VOU OPKBAH AND DllAUATIC KNTEUTAINAIKNT8 IS AT HAND, ANDOrCOUUSETHE Yeung Men Want te Loek Their Beat. TO DOTHI8 THIS THEVSHOULD CALL AT Burger &Sutteii's, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Where Opera and All Other Suits ARE MADE AT EEICES THAT WILL ASTONISH. Blue, Black and Brown Corkscrews, BEST UAUOA1NS EVEU OITFBKD. Burger & Sutten, MEROHAN7 7AIL0H8 AND ULOTJIJJUltS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, IANCA8TEK, PA. febMVd metmurm. Blustering, windy days, thoef a ' long delayed, will aurely oert. The vital question Is ar YOU prepared ? We are, and hop you will give us the opportunity ' te supply you with warm tad styles and prices are all right ' ana muss give satisfaction. A. C. YATES & CO., Ledger Building, Sixth andGhMtnutSti., PHILADELPHIA. B2-4md R' EBIOVAL, ANU OFKNINO. Lakeastsr, FaVeept. 19, 1884. I desire te make known te my lrteada and customers, and the publle In general, that 1 have remeved from 21 North Queea street telll North Queen street, formerly occupied by the firm of Smallng A Boat Beat man, where I have openod with a large as sortment of Bngllsh, French and German,. Novelties, together with a large Hue of Domegtlo Fabrics. Composed as my new stock Is, of new goods and new style, X leel assured that In soliciting a continu ance el your patrenage, you will have an opportunity or making selections from a stock unoquellod in IU variety and adapt-: cd te the present demand, whleh ta for geed values, gentlemanly styles and ctrects, and exquisite fit. Nothing but tbe very best el werkmanshW ; and prices te suit everybody. Pleats taver me wltn your orders. Yours very truly, D. R. WINTERS. ' UAMSHAN IIKO. MERCHANT TAILORS DEPARTMENT. QBAND DISPLAY Off GOODS IN THE PIEOl, -reB Utb& WINTER WEAR. WK MAKE TO 6ifi2S PANTS ! PANTS ! PANTS 1 t3 At 13 09, tUO, tLOO, IS.0O, UP te KM. " . esu ISUITSI SUITS I BUI1SI i82fi A Geed Business Suit at I1J. A Better Bast. 0 A KIUh CerkHCrnw Hult In llluik. Rrnn &? Nine Shades at 18,ta0, WJ, SB. In pawdM MSji'ffi ncrtnwest window, please loek: at soma et iur r?.' samples. AH marked In Plain fbrurM a M -i geed variety are new displayed. DrepteU?-;?a only te leek and get poste4,aseorPrlesM(w,! uie wjwrau w 5 y L.Gansman&Bre. The FASHIONABLE UKBCHAJfTTAILOUf Nn. RR-fiR NORTH QnfllN RT8UT., : Eight ;en the Senthwest Cerner el OTairfgl LANCASTXB, PA. 49- Net connected with any ether uuiugiuufljw, fi --W- TjtALL, AMMuUMUElaBJIT -or Fine Tailoring AT- E GERHARTS,. Ne. 6 East,. King Street. I liave new In stock the meat complete Aftd ; Choicest assortment ei FINE woolens!! FOB THE FALL AND WISTEB tw TBADK r,M vv..nn.i&lhAlnM In thtadtv. 1'nt.i . Ti -,... A. i .a,VteT BTVI.K ..llfcnlCVTk atTlV. tdi In (J. COUESCUEWS in all shades and anal- ,. ltles. A splendid assortment et L1UU1 AAV UflAT 1M AiUUi' LJ Y H.rS.LJLJ. 1 llMUx. " tiwta an Tn tnvtiv iroeda warrunted aa reDieaented. ..'! H. GERHART. -' V tt--- TUJfi LKADINQ MOTKU M iriicT.AUOlttT'BnTi1' "?!:!! a -,, w. '-" xtutujuc. ' Open aU the year. -" "" -T--- ' -JJ" ytfl ,..Hf "SMI T. II ii "VU5 JBI ??! .3T "iS7l M jm SS H',.:'si ti) m " ft igiita&aiiBUn. m&mejr&uttabMtad. m&rMi