-v ," "" """"'w - itj,,nti, -, , 5nT5"J 1."" ' . LANCASTER DAILY INTBJLLlGBNCER TUESDAY OCTOBER 7, 1884. & ,r y V'''rfj?jTrai"r?5,n - i. L 'Vt i . w ft 'fUJ S.-.SSSB Sfc' Vwi1 .1 . w fit t . 1 2F i z W ifrV." J&t :ik Wb is ?, ' ?3W ??v, Hp r H y$u N; x$1 1? m X r ttt JntelUflcttcct. it wrwmuc, ecr, i, 18B4, VMS WAMDEBSA BOMB. t mi fMTM tee nightingales are singing HMMtlM,IMeWB(llIQilui i if, Ml teft murmuring tin are Mr lonely heart te cheer. rfikyBitnein silvery trcamlets rush- a reeky glens toward Taller low I sweetly ferta where fountains elear are lair ta. gelds glow I est um la coolness of '.he morning, . Wftaasertli awakes and day new bright Jh .' Mesh, the sea and sky adorning, AaAkitMtUllaeHOt thenlgnt, mm sett Mat ay loving soul U thinking . YtM first et tbee-sweet thoughts et thoel thought when la slumbers gentiy Arl Keu-then all in all te me I St .Frem (As German. FALLEN WBOM UKACE. vt leial Fl.ads Uullty te Charges et Ulinenssty. S-. Tfca Breebvterv of Liekawanna met te WIHiiWini Monday evening for the trial CBMMMi Reberta, the defaulting pay mas tic Of Charles P&rrish & Ce., who was the Itac alder of Memerial chureh. Iter. F. ;, Hedge,of that eity, aeted as moderator. Mr. Reberta net being represented, Rer.G. Parkai of PltUten,and F. Fuller, of Bar ad. . ftoe, ware appointed te aet as oeunsel for j aiaa, ine cierk annonneea iebi no uae ' atMA Mr. Roberts te appear and plead te f1.fct Indictment, wbieh charged wieked and ' SHsBOTBl ODHUUOb, uuuuuueu tur savciai tTaars while Is the employ of Charles Par k's rkb & Ce., and the specificatiens: were ;f', falsehood, embcizlement of funds, forgery I ad the use of stelen moneys for church v. ? pvrpeaea. ,. P Roberts replied in a letter dated October lJiV Ih wMaV. tiA n?Airlnl nnlltv fn nil thn 'ji'f charges except forgery. There was seme -?, disposition te thoroughly investigate the tier te sce it forgery was commuted, kat this was overruled. Roberts' plea was MMtted and sentence was formally passed by the moderator. Roberts was deposed from his position as ruling elder of tbe Manorial ohureh and suspended from tttaamunien with the church until he mau ifsated real evidonce of repontanee. AeespUsK a Dangnter's Correction. ,FTOm the Ban Francisce Chronicle. There's an old legend of the time when Bidwell was oandidate for governor. He had a umnt at thft dnnr. nhe rinmanrinil wda from Mb visitors befere they oenld "" ."i- ba admitted. Cards de net grew In the rural districts, and even the playing cards srenotef tbe best quality. Bat tbe tery has nothing te de with cards. One day an old farmer and his family called. The servant answered the call. " la the governor's folks at home ?" do de BMsded the old farmer. v WAre, papa, art, net is," said the Mills HBinary daughter. Are the governor In ?" said ths old man, and tbe young lady fainted. i m Diseases et the k!1 nays and bladder are Tery prevalent among mnn past middle age, and these most difficult dlseascs te core are en the lncreue. Hckt's fKldney and Liver lin MSBThaslenK been known te be meii sue ccMtni in the euro et these dlsenes. ' Xever known te tali" o71wdcedftw IiCTTKK rBUH ASitKeULYHAN UUAU. tat et.Nkw i'OIK, Absxhblt Cuavbsb. Albaht, April 13, 1833. During my temporary residence here the pest winter I contracted a severe cold, which ter a Ume confined me te my room and ren dered me unlit te attend te my duties. I net only snflered all the Inconveniences which usually attend a heavy cold, bnt was afflicted with a tightness in the chest, accompanied with a severe pain, which made breathing difficult and rest impossible I tried the usual remedies cough drops, cengh cordials, Ac., but received no substantial rellet im")..1 m " 5r","D WiSLASTiBa en my baek and chest. These I put en when retiring, and was de- lighted te And mysflf much better the next ' morning. In two days I was well. This, and tee experience 1 have had with Allcock's PJas teis In my family, nas convinced me that for ceugu, colds, sprains, bruises, rheumatism and local pains, Allcock's Pereus Piaster are the quickest and most clloctlve temedy ex tnt. JUHNHOAa. 0431 w A iian lireath 1 Insnflsrable. We don't llke lu A person with a strong breath rauct net make himself Yery familiar with us. An Impure breath is "used by an unhealthy stomach. Burdock .UZWy?cr' w!" correct this evll. 1 boy are tna best stomach modlclne known. Fer sale erSi H. Cochran. ilruircHar i-ir nn. ii wA..i. .... .--. . . nuuu .uavu uiji rwrtetlen. The Scarlet, cardinal Bed. Old Geld, Navy Blue. Seal Brown. Dlamenii Ayrs RI8 PO'lect results. Any fas ilonable ;', i,,uiuBiiia, news, Jiicnaiasen A Je , Burlington, V t. ua Yeu Hellers it. That in this town thpm am rnt. nt nannnu passing our store every day wIioje lives are made miserable by IndlgusUen, Dyspepsia. Sour and distressed stomach. Liver Cen fl!lntLc.?nul,RUen' when ler 76c we will soil hem Bhileh's Vltallzer, gnarantoed te euro V. rt; TS i.i?V. c"ran. aruggist, Nes n and 139 North Queen streeu 1ob7-eel2 What One Uess Did. s.8. u raves, et Akren, N. v., ha.1 Asthma ... luenuni.uiu. AuoKeneuosuoi Jhemar MOeetrie UU and was relieved In live mlnuUs. He adds: "Would walk ten miles for this medicine and pay 15 a bettle ier it. It cureu "?y wife et iheuiuatisui llku magic. Fer vale Queen street.hriin' druBKUt' 1SJ una l53 w rth Tbeusanas Bay Se. -15S,.T,i.X;.A.u,.Ils' nd. Kan., writes : ' I 5?7.er tie,tal010 recommend your Klectrlc XlSftfti0 my,nn1ers. they give cnUre i latactlen and are rapid Belters." Electrle Bitters arp the purest and best moulclne known and will positively cure Kidney and Idver complaints. Purify the bleed ami reg. ulate the bowels. Neiamlly can afford te f without them. They win save hundreds e dollars lu doctor's bills every ear. Sold at fltty cents a bettleby 11. u. Cochran, drueaist Nes. 137 and 13S North yuoenstreot, LancSster P- j) rOLlTlVAL. Osmocratle Rational Ticket. Prealdent-QUOVKU CLEVELAND. Vleo President-TUOMAS A. UENDKICKS. Democratic State Ticket. naeTOM at LAiam. UIUUAUD VAUX, B. J. MeQUANN. U. B.PLUMEU ""' BLBCT0K3. Blst. LJehn Slevln Dlst. 15. Ueorge 8. Purdy. W. P. tt. Ackley. ' 17. Jehn P. Le van, 18. Ezra D. Parker. 19. E. W. Mummn. A J. PJ.Bensemlorler, s.Jenn w. Lee. (4. H. j. Boren. a K. L. Wright. 8. J. U.Brinten, 7. Wn. suhler. -.8. C. F. Ueutschler. 9. M. M. North. lu.U.U. Stiles. 1L A. O. BroadheaiL llF.yjaockateUew. Is. Blchard llihn 20. A. II. DU1. U. F. P. lams. 22. J. K. P. Dutf. 23. JehhSwan. 24. A. B. Wlntnrnll. 2S.JehnII.HllL 28. Vll. A. Fernnnr. 27. A.J. Orecnnelrl. lLUeorgelL Irwin. Democrat!" ttenntv Tlekf Cgresmant-Large.-w. w. H. DAVIS. COT4rrtas.-PAttl8 ifALDEMANT "AV'- , Senater (XUi.)-Dtt. J. M.DEAVEK. Aisswnbly ()-cuuistian fez. I'). e.M-DETWILElt. , J. W. LEUB1U -I.U. KAUFFMAN fres1BSjtsry.-.MENJ. WOBKMAN. cstintr FjsaaMtrnr.--JNO. b. MANN. ( :lark ml sfE-H. S. KUTTK tt. ' -U'P UMHSfUl U-SAk'b. UOaTETTElt. Vim enaty OoaaaUtsteaer. It. F. UABTMAN kgat Imspeeterc M. ft. BUcn. -" m Ma1v, WM1TAEER. Ht ttc-JHrectorsUKe. Dakmstettku. MrratmA . DAviaTliTCM. HJtftF-O. W.SCMEOKDEK. la vtMag r b,t"A!,e mesv cem: tirita tot ulua U,mt et I'ltying audi in tbe HTT7 ''' 'i Ht vruiitr. '' vj e IDIOAmj. G AIM HEALTH AMD HAPMlfKM. HOWt DO AS OTHERS 1IAVK DONE. ARE TOUR KIDNEYS DIORDERKDT "Kidney-Wert brought me from my grave. as It were, after 1 had been given np by IS best docten In Detroit." M. W. Dmun, Mechanic, Ionia, Mich. A RR TOUR NKRVKS WEAK T Kidney. Wert cured me from nervous weak new. Ac alter I una net ezpccteu te live." Mrs. H. M. B. Goodwin, Kd. ChriMan Monitor Cleveland, Ohie. HATE YOU DRIQUT'B DISKA8K t Klilney-Wert cured m when my water was Jnst like chalk and then llke bleed." rrank Wilsen, I'cabedy, Ums. SUITKRINQ FROM UIABKTEST " Kidney-Wert Is the meat sucoeMtnl remedy X have ever used, aivea almost immediate ro re ro llel." Dr. rhllUp O. Ballen, Monkton, VU If AVK TOU T.1VKR COMPLAINT t " Kidney Wert cured me of Chronic I.lver Diseases after I prayed te die." Uenrr Ward, late cel. C9th Mat. Unard, N. Y. IS TOUR RACK LAMK AND ACUINU f Kldnov-Wert (1 bottle) cured me when I was se lame 1 bad te roll out of bed." C. M. Talmage, Milwaukee, Wis. UAVB TOU KIDNEY DISEASE t " Kldney-W'ert made me sound in liver and kidneys atter yean of unsnecoetnl dncterlng. Its worth 110 a box." Sam'l lloriges, WUllams WUllams tewn, West Vs. ARK TOU CONSTIPATED I " Kidney-Wert causea easy evacuation and cured me atter 10 years nse;el ether metllclne." Nelsen ralrchild, 8U Alban;, VU HAVE YOU MALARIA t "Kidney. Wert bes done heller than any ether remedy I have ever used In my prac prac tlce." Dr. n. K.Clark, Seuth Here, VU ARE TOU BILIOUS T ' Kldnov-Wertbas dene me mere ceed than any ether remedy 1 have ever taken." Mrs. J. T. Galloway, Klk Flat, Oregon. ARK YOU TORMENTED WITH PILES t " Kldnov.Wert nermanentlv cured me et bleeding piles. Dr. W. (J. Kllne recommended It te me." Gee. 1L llerst, Cashier M. Bank, Mycrstewn, Pa. ARE YOU RHEUMATISM RACKED t " Kidney-Wert cured me after 1 was given up te die by physicians and 1 cad suffered 30 yeara."-ElbiiilBO Malcomb, West Bath, Me. LADIES, ARE YOU 8UFFERINO t " Kidney-Wert cured me el peculiar trou bles et several years standing. Many lrlenils nsoandpralae It." Mrs. II. Lamorcuai.'.Isle La Motte, VU II yen would Banish Dlgcase and Gain Health take KIDNEY-WORT, THE BLOOD CLEANSER. decVeed&w TlBSKl-WUM rUH 8A1.K AT OOCB XV. tan's Dru store. Ne. 1X7 and 139 North Uueen Street, 1 ncastar, l'a. M1"- KMldtlT'S Seething Syrup 13 DECIDEDLY THE BKST rBKl'AUATIOX FOU TUK rlrAINTSOK C1IILDUKN. sl7-6mdftw CUM- AKEWA.1DSAFKMUUE Ur UfKBAI lng en and treating llttMOKltllOIDS Oil riLiLS. Te patients who are sulTerlntr from that palnini and trouDlesemo complaint. Hemorrhoids or Piles, Dr. 11. D. LONGAKEU would assure them that by his mode et operat ing and treatment he can take the worst et tnls complaint, ana make a completeand radi cal euro, without giving any pain te tbe patient whlle nnder the operatlen.tand will guarantee a cure In every case be undertakes. Office 13 KA8T WALNUT BTItKKT, 82-dAnr Lancaster Pa. ! SK OCKURALKU tVB OU. BITNEU'S PILE CURE. At.cU It Is an ElcKantand Knecllrt"-ha aaw . the si' -eparatleii. lit"' iituuuaw , i MI'lt 111 IT1I, MrllllllMV tmtmamj. VT Ureat English Keinedy. An untalllng cure fur impetency.nnd all Diseases that lol lel lol lew Less et Memery, Universal Lassltnde, Pain In the Hack, Dimness el Vision, Prema tura Old Age. and many ether diseases tbat lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Pre matura Urave. Full particulars In our pam phlet, which we Ueslre te send free by mall te every one. The -peclflc Medicine is sold by all druggists at II per package, or six pack ages ter K, or will be sent ftee my mail en the receipt et tbe money.by addressing the agent. 11. It. GOCHUAN, Druggist, Noc 137 and 133 erth (Juoen street, Lancas ter. Pa. On accouniefcouiitortolls. we have adopted fcue Av.ivn , iuiui ( iud uuiy KUllUine. 1IIIC IJHAV MKniftluu- r,i IU1N dW llluHale, N. Y. VTlLLKH'a COUGH STBUP 18 PUT ON TUB MAUKKT ON ITS UEU1TS. arTry 1L Ask sepl7-6mdAw Tour Dealers ier 1U "lATAUUU. ELY'S CREAM BALM CUBES COLD IN HEAD, CATAKBII B03E COLD, HAY fEVElt, DEAFNK:S. 11KADACHE. Easy te use. Price. 60c. Ely Bre's., Owego, H. Y., U, S. A HAY FEVER. ELY'S CUKAM BALM Causes no Pain1 ulves Beilet at Onte. Tberaugh Treatment wlllcure. Neta Liquid or Snutt. Apply Inte Nostrils. sr Ulve It a trial, te cents at druggists. Mi con taliy mail. Send ler circular. Sample bettlu by mall, 10c BLTC BROTHERS, ISSoed&w Druggists. Owegn. N. Y. TTAIH IIALSAAI. FARKEll'B HAIR IIALSAM. A benetlcLil dressing preferred te elmllai articles because of lu purity and rich per fume. ItKESTOllES TO UUAYHAIll THE YOUTHFUL COLOlt and prevents dsjid-nO aniltalllng et thu hair, bocandll.eo. UlSCOXACON. Y. PL0REST0N. Excels the tlnest flewer In richness. Deli cate, very lasting. Ne odor llke It. Be sure Fn?JKrl'J.,jOIifiB,TON -"10Kne.signature el lilxcex A Ce., N. Y en every labeL a and 76 cents, atdrnuguts and dealers In pcrfume.d COLOGNE. dU-lywcewAdTn M1HVXLLAXEU US, CtANESuF ALL STYLES AND AT PIIIUKS J as low as the lowest, at u.e HAUTMaN'S VELLOW FUONTCIOAIt VELLOW FUONTCIGAB OAllltZi. PUUr.UAItl, ItlllltUAHN, TEACUEll OF VIOLIN And ether Orchestral Instruments. Orchestri. tien. etc. Artists' Violins made S'erder. Ill string Instruments skllllully repaired, tin proved and revised Hew haired, etc. sia-lmd 14JN.DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa RUCTION KBM A ANDT KKAL KSTATM HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTIONEEB AND BEAL ESTATE AUENT, 01 North Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. Everything pertaining te my business will receive my personal attention. Terms reason able. UlveroenmJl. tanM-tfd 159X 159 Watches and Clocks. ABOA1BS IB Watchea, Oloeks. Obalna. Blnae, opeetaoteo, eie, Ilopairlniret all kinds will recelvn mv nnr. senal attention. LuUlS WEBEST Ke. 1WX North Queen street. Bemember name and number. Directly en. "Q11 City Uetel. ueurPenn'a Depot. JyUlyd A FULL LIN IS ur pipes ay fauOKS uai uery cem1 locution at XLLOW FKONT niUAU IfABTMA -N'S Y QT0n. TTAQBR BROTH KU. LADIES' FALL AND WINTER WRAPS. Russian Circulars, Newmarkets, Delmans, Jersey Jackets. Flush Garments. WE WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, OCT. Cm, A COMPLETE LINE OF NOVELTIES IN LADIES' CLOAKS, TO WHICH WE INVITE EXAMINATION. Fall and Winter Dress Groeds. Complete New Lines of Staple Materials and Noveltloa of the Soaseu, at the Loweat Prloea Ne. 25 West King Street, IJOWEIU HUKST. BOWERS N03. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LADIES Ge te Bewers & Hurst's when In want et an el ecr ant Blnefe prioes. LADIES Ge te Bewers & Hurst's when In want of an elegant Black Oashmore Dress. We will sell you one that you will be pleased with for a very low pries, LADIEH Ge te Bewers & Hurst's when in want of an olegrant Oleth Suiting, as we have just opened an elegant line of Plain Cleths, Tricots and Plaids in all the newest shades. LADIES Ge te Bewers & Hurst's when in want of anything In the Dry Goods line, as we always have a large stock at the loweat possible prices. LADIES We call speolaLattention te our stoek of Grey Blankets, as we knew them te be very geed for the small price we ask for them. Alse Soarlet and Whlte Blankets remarkably oheap In all grades. LADIES We offer an elegant assortment of Comforts, made up of the best Satlnes, Cretonnes and Chintzes, filled with the best Whlte Cotten and sewed well In every partleular. Theso goods are handsome, and when in want of a geed, nice Comfert de net fall te bee these befere purchasing. The prices are right. LADIES We also have just opened an elegant line of Dress Buttens, Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves, Ribbons and almost overythlng else In the notion line De net forget our 60e. Kid Gloves, the best in the market for me uiuuuy, t37 xriuuuu give us a call. JMU. S. U1VLEK. Nevv Line of Dress SILK VELVETS, in new choice shades. BROCADE SILK VELVETS, in Celers and Black: Choice Line of Silk Plushes. 8EAL JOHN S. GIVLER NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. .; ..n tI aJ. v.-" T-., -,,. 5 V ii" luicvua Lueu jneiuauv wiflaa I as patty a CLOTJime. it ltusaiAN-s. " MIGHTY NICE." OUB STOCK OF NBOKTIB8, DRB8S SHIRTS, COLLARS, ODFPS SUSPENDERS, STOCKINGS AND UNDERWEAR. AT EKISMAJ5PS, Ne. 17 West King Street. OUAJ. B. B. MABTIX Wholesale and BetaU Dealer In alt ylnde e. LUMBKU AND COAL. ATard:Ne. 430 North Water and Pilnce stroets above Lemen Lancaster. ns-lyd UACHOABDNisita m jKrrtuuKs. COAL DEALERS. OFFICES. NO. 120 NOBTK QtTBIB StBBBT, ABO Ne. 664 Nebtr; Pbtbeb Stbbbt. YABDS. Nebth raiBOB Stbbbt, bbab Ubad- ibe Dbtet. LANCASTER, PA. augu-tfd 0' M. V. li. COHO ae aUBTU WATT.X T lattattter, n.. Wholesale and BetaU Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With Urn Telephonic Excuaegs, eJi?"1 0Oce Ne- S3" NOBTH WATEtt STBEET. feb28-lvd BTUOKB. pUUU, WtllTJS J UttESSNUUUU, --BANKERS,-- 46 WALL. STREET, New Yerk. Brokers and Dealers In Hallway and all ether euvuriuus. BAILWAY INVESTMENTS a specialty. In the selection and estimate of which their long connection with " Peer's M ahcai. or Bailbeads " gives thorn special ad vantages, correspondence Invited and in qulrles answered. Deposit accounts roceived and Interest allowed. ol-lydeed JTWUATlOffAZ. ST. JUttO HOE'S It ALL jrOB MO8, HKlST EBSTO WN. Md., prepares for any cellege or business lite. Unsurpassed. S280 te tiwTa year. PBOF.J.C.K1NEAB, auglMmeed PrlnclpsJ. HAVEBFUUO CULLEUK. PA., 0 BULK from Philadelphia, en the Penn'e. B. B. THOMAS CHASE. LL. D.. Presldent. Under care el Members of Society of Friends, but open te ether Classical and Scloatifle courses. Thorough Instruction, ample equipment. Practice in Astronomical Observatory, Chem. leal Labratery and Machine shop. Complete Gymnasium. Library 11,000 volumes. Beauti ful Grounds healthful location in -the coun try. Next hall year begins 9th month ( Ben- "mepri 17, ihSL Address, PBOF. ISAAC BHAIU'LEBS, Dean. Haverierd college P. t 1 sepawtdTu,Thas yJ'i-l'W,r " OlOAB. WAttUANTKD clear VuelU Abalo Havana flllnr. thA best 6e clear In the st&tX 1IABTA MAN'S YELLOW FIiriNT niniit BTOBE, V SB DR. BITNER'S LAXATIVE POWDER, V0B Tint CURB or COSTIVKNESB. FEVEKa TOUPIDITY OF TUELlVEllANDIlOWELS.ACimTr the stomach, euucta euucta tiens dyspepsia; It Is a mUd LAXATIVE, producing no In In In oenvenlenoe ana devoid el the hantmeu usually produced by riLLS, and can be taken A SJM43 UNIV4M V Wl Jf INR4V It is pleasant te take. Ask your dealer acpft-tedAw font. DMT mOODB, me. HAGER & BROTHER, & Bewers & Hurst, Ne. 26 and 28 North Queen Street. IN ALL THE NEW COLORINGS. OLOTH PLU3H FOR LADIES' COAT3. n;r.!oet- . j.jrr inr- uu.en neifib v- poll nr-nin i. ,iq tti. HJLTB AXD CATS. T3AltUAINS. SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE. THE LATESr FAIL STYLES -IN- STIFF & SOFT HATS. Broadway Silk Hat. 144 lertli Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. mar27-lvdw W." STAUIiTAU. THE- JOHN SIDES People's Hat Stere. It is new an established iact thatslnce tbe new llrm et W.D.STAUFFER&C0. Have Opened Up, Hats, Caps, Furs and Gloves Are being sold cheaper than ever bolere. We have a nice Line et Goods that we are closing out very much below cost, in order te make room ler the dally reception et tbe LATEST FALL AND WINTEB STYLES et everything new In the Hat, Cap and Fur Line, from the Knox, Dunlap and Yeuman Bleck te the Plaln,lIome-Made Amlsh Hat made only by us. W, D, STAUPPER & CO,, (BhulU's Old Stand.) N09. 31 A 83 NOUTU QUEEN 8TBEET, Incaster, Pa, mylO-ly TIMWAMM, AC. Q.OTO JOHN P. SCHAUM'S. Ne. 24 Seuth Queen Street. -FOB THE- CHEAPEST and 1BEST REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS, Lawn Mowers; QAHDENHOXS AND OIL OLOTH. JOHU P. SCEATIM, 34 Seuth Queen Street, teWMM I.ANOASTEU. TA. A SK IUI MBS.KNIQUI'S SOOTHING Sl7-8uidw BYBUP.:J H AUKK & I1ROTMBR. Lancaster, Fa. HURST'S, LANCASTER, PA. Silk Draw. Wn hnvn t.hnm nt nil a1 KO r. ItATUVOir, Groeds ! & CO., X,.CjnLv-rUJ37-r. .rvn. .r" -N-,w Vnrlr. f, U, -!, ,, " 4 Bklrf'V- wiKfc.1.1 - - 2." - I iv. j f- rt. n. r , . . ...j.-.) m. m-m VKX UVUDB. nUlLUKKN'S COATS, f AIT, SHAND & CO., NOS. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST. Have Opened a Lara Importation of Children's Coats, In the Latest llerlln Styles at Very Lew Prices. NEW FALL DRESS GOODS, UEVERSUILE FBENCH SUITINGS, UEUB1NQBONE COBDS, TEICOTINE8, DBAP DE'ALMA, In all tbe popular colors at lowest city prices. 0-4 CLOTH SUITINGS. TBICOT SUITINGS. PLAID CLOTH SUITINGS. 6-1 CLOTH SUITINGS. 73 Cents a Yard, Beally Werth 11.00. Special Bargains In Fancy German Plaids, At 12K Cents a Yard, Werth 20 Cents. Anether Invoice of choice styles In SU-lncb FANCY DItESS PLAIDS at 60c a yard. SO CASES OF White and Colored Blankets 26 per cent, under last season'!, prices at the NEW YORK STORE. UUUOJSMZAa. T BUKSK'S. Just Becelved Schumacher's Akren, Ohie OAT MEAL. Made el NEW OATS and therefore periectly tresh. Anethor Let of Granulated Cern Meal. Give it a trial, It is very nice. A VENA by the Found. What is It T It is carefully prepared irem white eats, dried, cooked and crushed by a new process, ten .mlnutes are sufflcient te cook it, thus bringing this nourishing feed within the reach or tbe early riser, as well as these who breakfast at their leisure. NEW BUCKWHEAT the First of the Season. WHITE COBN MEAL. At BURSK'S MO. 17 BAST KING STRUT. LANCASTEB. PA. liUlLDlXU MATMMIAZ. TJIWOVAL, HAVING BEMOVED MY PLAJSTENG TVTTTiTi -TO Nosllte 417 N. Mulberry St, And Increased my facilities ter work, I am new prepared te de all kinds of work in my Ine at short eat noUee. Wm; Wehlsen. NOTICE) TO TstSUSrASSBUtS AMU UUM NEUfl. AU persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any et the lands of the Corn wall or Speedwell estates, tn Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether inclesed or en Inclesed, either for the purpose of sheeting or nsblng, a the law will be rigidly enforced against all trespassing en said lands et the undersigned alter this notice. WM. COLEMAN FBEXKAXl It. PERCY ALDER, ' ED WAED a FEEEMAsT. W'tMtr IVMXXHY. rruist M BEST " STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. K8TA11L18UKD 1880. COMPAUKTUKB1ZKS AND riUOHB OF OUR ENGINES. We have no Agents or Middle-men te I protect by adding commissions which Uus- wmera must pay. Yeu Siy Frem 15 te 25 Per Cent. 1IY Pl'UCUABlNU DlllKCTFUOM US BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP. Ne Shell Iren used in Hellers. leat con sumptien of Ceal and Water ter Pewer do de do velepod. All Engines et our make sublocled te FrlcUen llrake Test te ilenble their rate et power. S AVK T1MK and MONEY, and pur. chase the Most DuraDle-aml HKST Portable Knglne and Heller en Wheels and Hills. Farmers and Threahermen, examine thesoprlees and ludge ter yonrselves en en Capacity. Cylinder. Wheels. Bills. 4 Herse Tower. V x 8" I 4M 00 I 400 oe 6 llorse Pewer. C" x V 680 00 600 00 8 llorse Power. 1" x 10" 680 00 685 00 le llorse Power. 8" x 10" 750 oe eta oe 15 llorse Power. V x 12" 1050 en we oe 80 llorse Power. 10" X 16" 1S50 00 1260 00 We manufacture and keep In stoek the lel lowing goods, which are always en hand : Portable Engines en Wheels and Bills. Stationery Engines, 3 te CO llorse Pewer. Stationery Hellers. Portable lieuers. PortableBaw Mills. Large and Small Heller Feed Pumps ; pump and heaters combined. steam Pump. Hark, Cerk and Cob Mills. Pulleys, Bbaltlng and U oaring. Heuse Cellar Heaters. Creameries fltted up. Steam lieatlng a Specialty: Iren and llrass Castings: Iren Tank ter Water and OU. Light and Heavy Sheet Iren Werk. steam and atnr Pipes: llnuceck Inspliaters. Valves anil Fittings. Andes A Jen's separators. liutlil any Power or Style el Hellers. Esti mates given for macbluery. Uepalrs prompt ly anilcarelully attended te. 49-ALL WOKK QUAUANTKKIVM Jehn Best & Sen, (PUOPUIETUltS.) Ne. 333 East Falten St, LANCABTEE, PA. JanlB-lydA- must iiaukus wateu siutuk IS TUX MOST ECONOMICAL POWEK KNOWN D1UVINO L1UUT MACH1NEUY, IT TAKia BUT UTTLB BOOM. It hbvbb ebts edt or ripaie. It CA b WOT BLOW ur. FOU IT BBQCIBBA BO TCKL. wiernu It bbbds be bbeibbbb, TiBiecr. . - ; Thwbm sl wn BFT A WVX A. SaBSVAB AH PU AShAAJS, I I PVS ASVSA1U l S f f J I I NO AHHISTOCLaABCT. .-ithOlOd iO I NO BXTBA IHSCRABCBTO TAQU t" NO BBPAIB1BO HBCB3n, . '.. - . . VnmiLiiitt U,'AT. MI-I"0D. COUIOaWa lu KUlKutly .SABT. - TI " - Jf i ' - TO r AT. ABO It is ilviti nuuT von raa. It is lnvaluable ter Blowing Church Organs, for Bunntng Printing Presses, Sewing Ma chines, Turning Lathes, Screll Haws, Grind Stones, Conee Mills, Hausage Machines, Feed Cutters, Cern Mills, Elevators, ice Cream Freezers, Etc. call at J. L.Blnkiey's Grocery Btore, corner EastKlngand Dnke streets, and soe ene In operation, Four-herso pewer at 40 pounds pressure et water. It is noiseless, neat, compact, steady, andaboveallltls VEUYCllEAP. Price BIO te S300. Send ter circular te E. U. DILLEH, Apt, NO. lt N. DUKE ST., LANCASTEB, PA. The Backus Moter will de mere work with less water than any ether water meter in ex istence, augll 3md TTAVIXO DISSOLVED PAKTJIKB3D.IP and petmanently closed the Chestnut Street Iren Works, l desire te Inform my old a and the nubile senerallv. that I am patrons and tbe public aliu In the business, being located In the Penn Iren Company's W erks. North Plum street. where 1 am making Iren and Brass Castings 01 every deuriptlen, and wBl be pleased te serve all who may laver me with their patron age. Frem 40 years experience in the business and using the beat material and employing the best mechanics, I am satisfied I can guar- antoe entire satisfaction. Castings made frei a mixture et Iren and steel which are mere re- liaDie for strength, ana anraetiity than the best cast Iren known. T teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a specialty. Cast ings made el very soft Iren, and brass cast ings ei every description. I have all the pat ters sf the weU and favorably known Mowrer Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted and Improved. Alse en hand, mills completely fitted up or In parts, te replace old ones which have been In use ler years, guaranteeing- them te give sat. is tactien, anglt-emil B. C. MeCULLMY. CAMM1AUMB, AV. CTAMDABD UAUUIAOK WOHK. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STBBHT, BEAB OF POSTOFFICX, LANCASTEB, PA. TIIBEK First and Highest Premiums Have been awarded nihv thn retlNTr FAIR. but tbe bestproetofroerltandqualltyotwoik was the sale el all enr exhibits en thegTOunds, besides ether orders coming from promlnent citizens. This high compliment and recegnl- wju ui uiuiuuvnur iuaitiy qi our wera is an ether proof that Fair Dealing & Honest Werk Will Win. We make every style Buggy and Carriage desired. AH work finished In the most com fortable and elegant style. We use only the best selected material, and employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality of work enr prices are the cheapest In the state. We buy iui uuuwu seu uu luouiuabretuiuxiihuioiaruis. Give us a call. All work warranted. BEPA1B1NG PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set et workmen especially employed for uittb Duryme nA-tlUAW aOUKB AMD BTATlOKMMt. ICHOOL UCOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS TOBETAIL BUYEBS AT TUX Se-Oalled Wholesale Prices. TO WH0IESAIE BUYERS, AT LIBKBAL DISCOUNTS. AT THE BOOKSTOBK OF JOHN BAEB'S SONS, 10 and 17 North Queen St., LANCASTEB, PA. I BEAT BARGAINS. TOILET SOAPS, Retailing elsewhorelor 25c, we are uelilng six ler 11.00. Rbaseb : We have a large stock and want te educe lu Thbi will make them go last. Call early at DBW-IRT-rkT.TVH TmTTf StTOass. Na W WEST ORANGE STREET, corner el Charlette, dl-trd i TJLarjrzvji'A avium. 1 AH AMOABTKK AMU MILLMHaVlLLM Hit Xi Oar tun as tollewe ve Lancaster (P. H. Depot), at 7, an. I-J? t."' nrt . . nd s JO p. m.', nxoept en u-.ui.u.jr, wnan inn iui car leaves at waup. m, lAfJ" iflersvllle (lower end), at,8.anu l0JilS" na, snd7 p. m. BunSyn,a y ea abOTO Ume exeePl -TStAOINH CULUHMIA Si. B. AUU ANUKUKNT OFPA8SINU Kit TRAINS BUNDAY, MAT lltM.lgSt. NOHTHWABD. LXAVB. ggraffirc::s:' J"""'!?..... , Marletta JuncUen OatnmbU. , asjura. Maine a.M 7:50 0-10 0-.20 9-M SUUrUWAHD. LBATS. M. TJt. W "SF ... TM 100, e:ie Martetu Junction 9:14 7M uciejuas ,, 9:40 40 4)1 s: wiuiuvia Laneaster. 3: 10 t. I e-sn KM 8:11 6 SO QnarryvllJe...." Iio:te tM 6.40 K30 6M . Trains connect at Ueadlns- with trains leand nrem Fhiuneiphia, Petuvule. Barnatrarf , Ah ion town BAUtSk and New Yerk, tw Bound Jlroex At Columbia trlth trains te ana from Yerk, nancrver, Gettysburg;, Frederick and ISalu oaero. At Marietta JnncUen with trains te and from Chlcktea. BUNDAY. Laye-O,uarryville, 1M) a. m.t Lancaster KlnK Street, 6-co p. m. Arrive Beading, 10-00 a. m., 7:10 p. m. uufu-iMiMiiuR, n-vtn. m., s-vep. in, Arrive Lancaster, Kins; street, 10 n. in.. 8K p. m. Quarryville, 7.-09. A.M. WILSON, SneL T KI1ANON M UtNUABTEH JUIHT I.IWM 1J UA1LUOAU. ARRABaiMIBT OF TASSBBOSk TKAtBS. MONDAY, AUGUST Hlb, 1354. NOKTUWAKO. Leavn. a.m. King street. Lane... (LM Manhelm 7.03 Cornwall M Arrive Lebanon 8.05 A.M. HOUTHWAIU). Leave. a m. Lebanon 7.15 Cornwall.... 7.3.1 Manhelm 8.17 Arrive King fctroet. Lane... 8.67 A.M. J. A. Wilsom. a tint- it. A c. r.M. r.at. ... i-se .... 840 1:00 dSO 3 86 .... 4-04 1:10 1:40 ft 6.50 VunUav. r.M. a.m. r.M, 4 M 8,0) AOO 5 IB S.4S 6.45 6.6S 9.23 8.2ft B.13 9.46 :t.46 r.M. a.m. r.M r.M, a.m. r.M. 7.30 7.89 12.30 7.60 7.60 11.60 8.30 9.21 6.14 810 1000 6.05 v.m. (a.m. r.M. It. It. . mi. iiataku, eupu u. ami u. a uu it. ii. u. Ubobee Elts, Snpu P A It. It. It. axl-lyd PBHXbYLVAKlA KA1LUOAU MBW SOHKUULE On and after SUNDAY MOVEMUSU, 18,1883, trains entbe Pennsyl vanla Ealiread wui arrive at and leave the Lancaster and Philadelphia depots as fellows : ILevl Ar ILanlPni JCastwakd. Mail Express l-oe Phlladi lelphla Express... n 4.16 710 Fast Line, 8JB 8:10 800 86 M0 Harrlsburg ExpruM Yerk Accommodation amvts Lancaster Accome lauen arrives..,. Columbia Acoexamod. Uen... ....... FrtKlnrlck Accommodation arrives.. Leck Haven Express ltwn r.w. HAS lfc68 2.43 MO 6:16 846 106 r.. 6:46 6)0 7.t5 W.lt Sunday Mall , Johnstown Express.... Day Express....... Harrlsburg Accommodation. ...,..., Hanover Accommodation west. ennnet!n at Lancaster with Niagara Kxpress at 8-.4S, w:u run thrensh te Uanevtir ilAilv. RTfv-nf ,.,,. - - ax uauy, I '"iH"2;,mr. laam b csidu, . .. trial. ..- t.v Freutirick Accommodation, fc fciiSSSSSSKnmf 5J2S.wSLEa.y. ww. !. win i st uu asauumu tsu m " T3i lM WBSTWAX9. JHJ11I aAlllW H.H.HIHI nay j-wsetjugur.... MOB Train. Ne. 1. 1 MaUTraln,No.2,vtaCelumbla,leavos -uiuauiiiei Hanover Accommodation leaves... Ea8t Line... ,, , Frederick Accommodation leaves.. Uarrlsbuig Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation leaves.. Columbia Accommodation uamseurg isxprees. Western Express...., Pacific Express , .............. .............. Harrlsburg Exptess, whlcb leave Loneaster at 7:40 p. m nat direct connections fwtthnn t cbange c OOf CSXSl t.i Celnrahlanrt Tnrt. Fast Line, west, en Sundav. when AanA will step at Dewnln lnirten .ouujsvuie, parkas. burg, Mount Jey, , Kiltabothtewn and Middle. town, Day Express, Fiw,t Line, News Expres. Mall Tram.Ne. 1, WesUrn Express and f sSae Ex. press run daBv. .w0 V"1 hel2 ?.,vcn u Batttrn tine, or tht et the 76th meridian, whlce la 1 minute and i seconds lasur than that heretoiere used. T OOaL HAIL AitttANUKMftNTS. -Li UOUBS FOB CLOSING TUK MAILS. -J ??J0iXlXi'xZ;FH 'i0KL vmwceu mail, S.-00 and7J0a,m.,12J0p.m.,5.-00 p. m. and ?oea. Wat Mae, east, TX a. m. DOWkTkOTOWW, Lceman Place and Gap, 6:15 PBILAOBLTHtA THBOCOB XAI&, BM0 and 7-SOa PrrrsBnxe abd wseT, b-.oe a. m., lae 133 and 10:16 7ii" 'SSvSSgg: 6'00 and " a-m- -iM Wat hail, west, 600 and 9-00 a. ra. V&EESSSSb?" WBW8T0"' rhlladel. Baltucesbabd Washiboteh, vta Yerk. l:u p.m. 10?45prm.,n WA,H,0're,,'VIu'Tlsburg Ceatesville and bowntngtewn at laae p. m CptUMBiA at 9 oe a. m. l M and oeo d. m. aubs-ib-uabd, Christiana. Parkasbnnr. v - " - -"r-: ? r v. . iv. a.mb ieas wat, iguana 10-46 p.m. """ ubbtbal, a.-oe a. m l: ana 10:4 V AAA j,AD'"8' Vl JtBADlBS) ABD COLUXBIA B. B.. 7.-00 a. m. and 12.S0 p. m. ' Bbadibe, vu Philadelphia, 6.-0Oand 11KM p m Bbadibe wat, via JuncUen. Lttltx, Man. helm. East Hempfleld and Ephrata, 3.15 p.m. n,QD.ASTTILL,,v-Car.marK?. New Providence. w?twu.Iew' HrUnsvrile,Beften and Lima Valley, 9-15 a. m. and 8-00 p. m. Nw HeiiABD, Churchtown, Greenbank. Blue Ball, Geedville. Beartown and Spring Greve, by wayet Downlngtewn, at 6:16 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. .. b.vb uabbeb, via Columbia, 8.50 a. m. and 10 ?. m. 6:10 p. m. By b'rage-Shtckwater and Safe Harber, UBiiJ.a.,iwll. lu. t? Wu"viue, sana ilv a. m., and 4 p. m. UbmXm'IVT' ,Jea0OCIr BareIe." Willow street, SmlthvlUe, Buck, Chestnut Level, Green. Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve, Beck : 8pnngS , Falrmeunt and llowiandsvine Md daily, at7Mla.m. ' Lanids' Valley, Oregon, West Earl, Farm eraville. NensvUle, lllnklotewn. Terra Hill. MarUndale,daUy,at2.30p.m. ' Greenland, Fertility. Lampeter and Wheat land Mills te strasburg, dallyat 4 p. m. New Danville, Conestoga, MartlovUle, Cele, manyllle. Mount Nebo, BawllnsvlUe, Be. thesda and Liberty Square, dolly, at ue n. m . cles at lwoe p. m. WHEN OPEN TOK DEXATBBT. Anlvlag by Mall Eastern mail, 8.M a. in.. 10 a. m., J.-00 and 6 JO p. in. Eastern way mall, 10 re a. m. Western mall. HJO Rml mmvi n, un.. 7.00 p.m. ,-.. ueeumg, via. neauins and celnmhls. 9.se p.m. ' western way man, 8.a. m. Beading way mall. 10-J0 a. m. guarryvuie Braneh, 8.15 a. ra. and 4:00 p. au' Arrlrlng by BUge-Frem Sate Harber and Blackwater, at 9M a. m dally. Frem Mlllersvllle, 7 and 9 a. m and 4 p. as. Frem New Helland, at 9:30 a. m., dallyi Frem BelandsvUle, Md., at 4 00 p. in. Beading way mall, at 10.30 a. mM dally, Frem Strasburg, at 9:30 a. m., dally. Frem BawllnsvlUe, at 11.00 a.m. Frem Terre Hill, at 1040 a. m. J5UNDAT POSTUFFIOM HUUB8.I On Bunday the postefflco is open from Apr! 1st te October 1st: trem 8 te 9 a. m., and from ri te 7 p. m. i from October 1st te AprU 1st. trem 9 te 10 sm., and trem 8 te 7 p. m. DKLIFBUIEa UY OABKlUtfl. Thore are three maU deliveries by letter Carriers each day, and en their return trips they take up the mall matter deposited tn the letter boxes. A collection Is made from tU the bexes en Bunday alter 440 p.m. Fer the flrst delivery the carriers leave the office at 7 00 a. mi; second delivery at 10-.09 a. m. third delivery at 3 00 p, m. TTB rsK MILLER'S COUGH sWP! PhlllLaa A.BL a.W M tM fcBO & IM B-Jl 8-.JS 7:40 B-A0 ... k&e r.it. uac lje 1'46 r.st sai b oe 4:4t Vjl) 6-40 7:10 WO litis 1133 14, epti7-6mdftw 3 i v - ,-J PrP te. &" '?.!,.