Twv;$; :W,, - mmx& i, VV 'Vt'- Volme &X1--K 32. LANCASTER, PA.. TUESDAY, O0TO3ER 7, 1884. srr , Ik ABBfBTff ''Tg A I I V '-v WH5)nTciuacnccr BtBsHBBBaaaajaaaaPMaaaaaaSjaMpBBS-'. jf weukm H. X. BBOAD3. SUMMER JEWELRY. RHINE STONE SPECIALTIES IN SILVER JEWELRY. Lace Pins, Hair Pins, Cellar Buttens, Bracelets and Bangles. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 4. LANCASTER FA. our UOODB. N XT UOOtt TO TUB COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOOK OUB UNPBBCEDENTKD BALE Or LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS LAST BEABON, rendered It neceatary that we should have better facilities ler the Com Cem Ingi Beacon. We have Juil completod enlarging, remodeling and rcrurnlshlngteur CLOAK BeOU, and are new prepared te snow a large and varled stock et LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S GARMENTS IN ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. Alse, Ladies' and Children's Jerseys, All Sizes. R E. FAHNESTOOK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Lancaster, Fa CAUVBTB, go. J." MAKT1N A WO. Upholstery Department. MOW FOR PALL TL'ADE. Choice BILK AND WOOL CO VBBINOB (or Purnlture, Lambrequins and Leng Curtain I. Uaw eilki , itamlea, Taroemeni, Bepps, Ac. Lace and Nottingham Unrtalns, all Prices. Lace Curtain, a, low ai OSc nor pair. MEW BWIB8 CUBTAINB. Walnut, Ebony, Ash and Mahogany Pele, complete, with Binge, Ac., 60. Ebony Poles, Brass Trtmmlngise. Fringes. Gimps, Ac. Lambrtqulns, Leng CukaIdi, and all branches el Upholstery Werk, tlone promptly by experienced Upholsterer,. FALL CARPETS AND WALL PAPERS. WINDOW EBlDtS, ill Widths mi Colen Shade, put up, best Bprlng fixtures and Bliadlng, ler 7 Be. -LABUB STOCK OK Borders for Remodeling Old Carpets. Old Carpet, altered and rent by experienced workuten. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cemer West Kins and Prince Streets. OH1BK-9 OABPBT ball. BABG ALNS 1 -AT- SHIEK'S CABPET HALL. Belling Off te Clese Business. Etery thing Must Fesitirely be Sold. A roll Una of BODY BBUBBELS, TAPESTBY, and All Grades Of INUBAIN OABPBTB, BUU8, BLANKETS, CO VEBLETS and OIL CLOT II. OT ALL ATA SAORLFIOB.'Wk Prompt attention given te the Banufacture et Bag CarpeU te order, -AT- SHIM'S CARPET HALL, OOB. W. KINO AND WATER STB.. feuB-lmdAW OAJWMTB, IWTABUBBBD 1800. CARPETS -AT Philip Schum, Sen & Ce's 1B0 SOUTH WATER BTREET, LANCA9TEH.PA. WehaveafnUtnpnly of BAG AND riLL INO CABPKTS. We only use the best of yarn. if yen want a gced, serviceable Carpet, please come and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as w e will soil as cheap a, the cheapest, come and see ler yourself and be convinced, as we always have the reputa tion et making first-class Carpeis. ntlflTOM RAQ OABPETB A SPECIALTY! OOVEBLKTB. COUNTEUPANE9, BLAN- JUCTB.CAKPJCTUUA1N, BTUUK BTUUK lNQYABN.Ae., Dyeing Dene la all Its branches at atert no COAL I COAL I Of the beat quallty,;uiprcisiy ler family tue. TBY A 8 AMPLE TOW. BEMBMUEUTUJI OLD STAND. PHILIP BCHUM, SON & COU NO. IM SOUTH WATEB STBEET, lUmA '-AMtlABTEB. PA. mavMAXets. Prudential Insurance Ge. Ol AMERICA. Kmu Offlefr-MWAiK. . J. The rradantial eCera a plan by whloucvory whleucvory whloucvery on aeay sacure a lead nUBoJent for burial parson. TUU oeapany feidered by the Ieaalng builnea, men ana usasnfaeterer, of Laseaater county. ChUms paid wlthm 21 hour, alter proof of deaeh. -CALL AT- Ne. IU SOUTH DDKB BTRHBr, rei CnoetAns asd IarvoaxATtesr, 30 SeUable A" Wanted. or aut. West King Street. maylMyd Lancaster, Fa, BAEGAINS ! IiANOABTBR, PA 1'JU'JCH HANOIMOB, C. MtiABBS W. FBY. Have your PAPEB HANGING dene before the PALL BUSH commences. We have a choice line of WALL PAPERS Te select from. In all the grades, and are pre pared te execute orders In first-class manner and low prices. OUU STOCK or DADO WINDOW SHADES IS COMPLETE. ELEGANT NEW DESIGNS IN SIX AND SEVEN JTEKT LENGTHS. Odd leta at prices way below value In order te close. Plain Cleth In all colors and widths ler all slEes of windows. SPBINO AND COBD BOLLEUS, PULLS Ac, LACE CUBTAINS AND POLES. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 67 North Queen Street, LANOABTBB. PA. rMOXOVMATJU. J. B. BUTB. Our aim is te make as PBETTK A PICTUBK el your child as the Instan taneous proeon will admit. Take a leek at the SPECIMENS at the en. trance te our Gallery.; J. E. ROTE, Ne. KXJ North Queen Street. ItuaaS-UOl PBNR UtGAMB At BI.HS rUU BUB dred, a better cigar than la iota by meat dealers at IL75. at MABTMA10S YELLOWtFBONT 0I9AX HaUJUBa mmdivau CUT'S BEatBDT. HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LWEK REMEDY. Never Known te Fail. It cures when all ether medlctnes rail, a, It acta directly and at oneo en the Kidney., Liver and Bewel,, restoring them te a healthy action. Itlsasato.sere and speedy enreand hundreds have been cured by It when physicians and friends had given them op te die It is Beth a "Safe Cure" ani a Specific." It CUBES alt Diseases et the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Urinary Organs: Dropsy, Uravel, Diabetes, Brlght's Diseaie, Nervous Diseases, Excesses, Female weaknesses, Jaundice, Biliousness, Ileadacbe, Beur Stomach, Dys pepsia, constipation, Piles, Pains In the flack, Lein, or Bide. Betentlen or Non-Betenllon or Urlne. 1.28 AT DBQQOISTS. tWTAKJL NO OTIIER.-i Bend ler Illustrated Pamphlolet Beltd Testl menlals el Absolute Cures. HUNT'S KBMBDY COMPANY. PKOV1DKNOE, B. I. (3) " AUK BACK. HOP PLASTER. This porous plaster Is absolutely the bet ever made, combining the virtues et hops with gums, balsams and extracts. IU power Is wonderful In curing diseases (wbere ether plasters simply relieve. Crick in the Back and Neck, Pain In the Side or Limbs, BUS uneu Ions of nalnn eraches In any part ci ABMrylt. Malloden : cured Instantly by the Hep Platter. t. Price. 25 cents, or five for tl.iO. en receipt ofDrice. Held by all drua. Klsts and country stores. Het) Platter Cem pany, Proprietors, Bosten, Mass. LAME BACK. a-lTer constipation, less et appetlte and diseases of the bowels take llawley'g atemach and Liver Pllla, 25 cents. d2ti-lvdAwlS) Black Liniment, Is a ii.7 ccrtblnsUen scientifically and prac tically compounded, and contains the llKsT known Ingredients for the euro et BBKUMATIBM, NKUBALQIA. UKADACUE, TOOTH ACIIK, BOIL8, CABBUMCLKS, BtlfT Neck, Fain In the Bides, Back or Leins, Cuts, Bruises or nurns, Lameness, Swelling et the Joints, And General BwolllngpreducedbyBhoumatlc aflectlens. English and Uerman directions. 817 6mu Aw TTKADOUAKTKB3 VOH TOR INDIAN MEDI0INE8, BA-TOH-KA AND UOUOU .INDIAN OIL -AT- LOOHER'S Drug Stere, NO. EA8T KINU BTUKKT, I.ANCA8TKILPA u BB MILLER'S BLACK LINIMENT. XnglUh and German directions. ul7-0md Aw UBAHS AJTJi UVBKNnWA.HH. H lOH BAHTIN Glassware. - Queensware. -AT- CHINA HALL. WK AUK NOW BECB1V1NU Our Fall Importations. OUU ASSOHTMENT WILL CONTAIN MANY NEW AMD NOVEL ABTICLES. WB WILL SHOW A FINE LINE OP WARE. The same guarantee el satisfaction or ex- cuange win accompany an our saica. IWQ1VK US A CALL.-W High k Martin, 15 EAST KING STREKT, LANCASTKU, PA- BOOTH A HUOJCH. "DO UTS aUD HUOES, WM. H. GAST, Ne, 105 North Queen Street, BOOTS AND SHOES FOE FALL AND WINTER. We are well prepared with a fall stock et Heavy and Medium Workjer Celd Weather; also a lull line of Bnbbera. Notwithstanding the tact that all el the work exhibited at the late fair in competition with ours, waa selected in New Yerk and else where our own manufacture of Beets and Bheea was award ed the TWO HIGHEST PREMIUMS. JO-Ouatemers can rely upon getting lust sncb.werk aa we exhibited. Give us a call. Prices guaranteed te be as low as any In the cuy, joi.-emuaw TJSB MILLER'S OOOOH SYRUP. IT IS THE BE8T. eplT-tatdaw AMONG THE FABMERS. AOIttUCLTUUAL SOOlfttY UB&TINQ, Geed Crep, UaperUd Essay en Protectlea A Political Uiseuaaten European rarmleg, He., He. A. stated meetleit of the Lancaster county Agricultural and Horticultural society was held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The following named raembers wero Sresent : Calvin Cooper, Ulrd.ln-IIand ; . D. Kendig. Orosawell ; .F. R, DllTen dcrffer, city ; Jehn H Landis, Mlllorsvllle ; O, II. Hunaceker, Manheltn township ; Wm. II. Breaina. Drnmere ; Jes. F. Wa rn or, Paradise ; Oaaper Htller, Ooneatega ; Johnaen Miller, Wnrwlek ; J. M. Johusten, elty : Eph S. Iloevor, Manhclm township ; Jaoeb Ilipple, elty. rABMEIlB' INSTITCTB, 0. Cooper from the oemmlttoo appoint ed te report en the late farmers' institute held in this city, preaented a report de tailing thoeiroumatanoea atlending the or ganization and work of the ioatltute, alt et which has previously appeared In these columns, whlle the resulta of the institute are reported te have been geed, it was net n flnanelal buocess, net being patronized by farmeraaa liberally as it deserved te be. The report was accepted nud the oom eom oem mitteo discharged with the thanks of the aoelety. THE STATE FAIlt. Jehnsen Milter from the committeo ap pointed te visit the late state fair, pre sented as his report an artlole which he bad written and had published in ene of the local papers. chop BKreriTS. 0, Illller repotted geed cteps of wheat, eata and corn, the last named being seme. what Injured by the cxtensive floods which prevailed duiing the summer. The first crop has been plentiful,, though apples did net hang well en tlie trees. Orchards en day soil have done well, but en the hillsides they have preved a failure. Qrain seeding has net yetbeen finished owing te the extremely dry weather wbieh has prevailed for mere than a month. In some fields that wero sewn early the wheat Is up and leeks well. There was only half an inch of rain fell during the past month. Jehn Miller reported that in Warwick crops wero about the same as Mr. Ililler reported for Concstega, except that in the northern part of the oeunty tbcre had been mero rain. Of fruit there is a geed supply of alt kinds except peaehes. M. D. Kendig reported that owing te the drought the seeding was 10 or IS days later than usual, it being difficult te get the ground in order. Cattle of an unusually inferior quality are being bought up for wintering at from 4 te 0 cents per pound. lie has seen fewer flne cattle this year than evor before. There are very few geed winter apples in his seotien of the county. W. II. Breslus reported all kinds of crops excellent except fruit. Seeding Is very backward. Jeseph F. Witmer had ebserved that cot n planted en corn stubble fields waa this year better than that which was planted en sod. C. L-. Hunsecker said that all kinds of crops are geed; tobacco excellent, potatoes abundant, net many geed apples. Some farmers have finished seeding and their grain is nicely up. Others are still plowing. rilOTECTlON TO rAHMEKS. Jehn H. Landis read an essay te prove -tmu rartnera needed protection. Mr. Landls epaned by saying there were chronie grumblers who complained that our grain crops were se heavy that thore was an ever production and conse quent low prices. He answered that though wheat and com may bring a low llgure per bushel, with a big crop, se mueh mero corn can be turned into beeves and porkers, There is always a demand for geed beef and perk, and they always command a fair price. Be wbile the prloe for thi grain may be low, te convert it into meat will bring ample com pensatien te the farmer : besides, his own bread will be cbeaper and his oest of llvincr will be comparatively less. The farmer must new plow and sewacd reap all the samn for a peer crop as for a full orep. The fuller the yield the better he Is paid for his labor, ile who realizes forty bushels of wheat from the aero can afford te sell it for mueh less than he whose yield is only thirty bushels per aere. Mr. Land is said the farmer must net leek te a foreign market for his grain, but must depend en the home market as the only safe one for him. There is a duty of 20 coots en every buBhel of wheat imported into thin country, a duty of 10 cents en every bushel of corn, a duty of 10 cents en every bushel of eats and se en, and it is te this protoo pretoo proteo tive poliey of government that the farmer is largely indebted for his prosperity of recent yeais and they are these proteotivo features of our tariff laws that be oiunet afford te have wiped out. Mr. Laudis predioted that in a few years millions of acres of fertile land in South ern Russia and India, new lying idle, will be planted in wheat. The India laborer feeds en rioe and en millet seed, which oests him but a few cents' a day, while his wageB range from eight te ten cants a day. In this way India can raise her wheat at a cost of net mero than thirty live cents a uueticl. The American farmer cannot oerapoto with thirty-five eent wheat in the Euro pean markets. Ills only hepe is in a home market. Se it is te be hoped that he will knew his interest sufficiently well net te allow the proteetlvo policy of the govern ment te be ohanged, but that under it a home market for the farmer may bi con tinued, and in that way enable him te dis pose of bis surplus orep at home and se cure him a fair price for tee products of his soil without depending upon the un certainties of a foreign demand te have the fruits of his labor duly rewarded. F. It. Diffenderffer asked Mr. Landls bow it was possible for American farmers te dispose of all their wheat m the horre market when they ralse mero than It is possible for our people te cat. Mr. Landls said that we should en. oeurago our manufactures by a protcetive tariu, ana m tuis way a large proportion of the population would be drawn away from agricultural pursuits and ongage in manufactures. Mr. Diffenderffer said he had never be bo be fere heard it suggested that the number of farmers should de lessened by having a portion of them engage in manufactures, and thus reduoe the amount of agricultural produet. Besides it is known te all that In almost every branch of manufactures there is a greater ever production than there is In agrloulture, Jeseph F. Witmer oeuld net see hew, it American labor Is proteeted and our man ufactures are tnus made nisner in price, it will be poaiible for us te expert them te oeuntries that can make turn at less prloe. J. M. Johnsten held that airrlculturists were better of! than any ether class of people. There is very seldom any want of the necessaries et life among them. It la in great manufacturing centres where poverty prevails among the working people, who are at the mercy of thele employers. If workingmen strike against a rodnetton of wages they are starved into subjection, or their places are filled by the Importation of cheap labor from foreign countries, lie ventured te say that there were te-day In our mines and iron manufactures mere foreigners than natives employed, because their servlees can be secured for lewer wages ; and, notwithstanding the so-ealled protective poliey which has been in force for many years there are te-day mere mechanics and laboring men ent of em ployment than ever before in the history of our country. In answer te a remark made by Mr. Landls, that our farmers are proteeted by a tariff of ten oents en corn, and 20 cents en wheat, Mr. Diffenderffer said it was of no pessible advantage te the farmer, be cause there was no country in the world cenld crew com as cheaply as we can. The only protection the farmer gets is the dntylaid en Sumatra tobaeoo, and the payment of that duty is evaded by the importers. Jeseph F. Witmer oeuld net soe hew a tariff en foreign manufaotures oeuld pos sibly be of any benefit te the farmer, as it raised the price of every implement he uses en his farm and every artlole of olething he wears en his baek. Mr. Breslus thought that protection te the manufacturer would benefit the far mer because it would enable the manufac turer te purohase the farmers produce. The farmers, thoreforo, could afford te pay mero for his blacksmithicg and wagon making, and farmers' implements than he could otherwise de. Mr. Diffenderffer added that men had te eat whether they were ldle or at work, and unless it oeuld be shown that the population was increased by proteotiou, the farmers' home market would be always about the same. Messrs. Illller, Ilunsoekor and ethers participated in the disousslen whieh began te assume a decidedly political turn, when the chair declared the discussion out of order and it was dropped. CUTTING BACK TBEKS. In answer te a question as te whother yenng trees planted in the fall should be cut back at once, or net until the fel lowing spring, Calvin Cooper answered that it is best net te out them until spring. EUnOI'EAN FAItMINO. On motion of S. P. Eby, esq , an invi tation was extended te Qee. W. Ilonsel te deliver before the society a lecture een. talning his observations en farming and farm life in Europe FBUIT exhibits. F, R. Dlffenderfler exhibited bofero the soeiety somefino Bpecimens of Ilubardseu's Nonsueh,Missourl Remanltcs and King of Thompson County apples. Calvin Coepor exhibited two (Ice seed ling winter apples for a name. Daniel Smeyeh oxhibited a late ssedling peach. Adjourned. BlILKKU BY A. SNAKE. Why Farmer Yard's Vew Oame In with au Bmpty Uddrr. Jehn Yard, a farmer living en the Brunswiek plke, eight miles from Tren Tren eon, N. J., has been pasturing a number of cows en a let en his place for seme time. Recently he noticed that one of the linen of theruSnvariably came in in the morning as dry as though she had been milked. lie was puzzled at this, and, as an experiment, changed her te another pasture. She immediately begau te give the usual amount of milk. After a few days she was returned te the old pasture with the ether cows, and at oneo ceme iu dry, as before. Finally Mr. Yard set a boy te watch the cow. The mystery was then quickly solved. The boy reported that early iu the morning a large snake, "the biggest he had ever seen," came and breakfasted from the cow's udder, draining it com pletely dry. The cow did net Beem te mind the operation. The faets are vouch ed for by responsible persons who have seen the snake taking its meruing meal. Charged Wltu Siring Their Ueuse. At 3 o'cleok Monday morning a fire was discovered in the frame dwelling of James Kennedy, in the Seventh ward, Wllllams Wllllams pert. The fleer and sides had been liberally sprinkled with coal oil. Mrs. Kennedy was arrested. Her husband managed te eseape and get as far away as LiewisDurg. ine building was saved. It is supposed that they sought te burn it bocause the party of whom they purehased it had advertised it for sale through the sheriff, beeause they had failed te pay for it. A Salrmlih Among the Uucters. Wlien typhoid fever broke out at Pert Jer vU, seme doctors quarreled about hew te euro It. Each said his way was the best, and soveral said all the ethers wero entirely wrong and Kntiw nuiuniK kueui euw 10 care it A uiiiu knowleuge et medlclne is a dangerous thing, but a very valuable Item of medical Unowl Unewl Unowl edgo Is, that Brown's iron Bltters builds up wasted systems, and by enriching onleebled bleed irlves health and Btrenctli Dr. W.J. Newblll, et Carter's Creek, Va.,says, "Brown's Iren Bitters Is ene et tbe best tonics 1 ever prescribed-" Tbe mystery has been solved at last ; our teeth no longer need decay, All troubles of the mouth are past. By SOZODONT thoy're swept away ; And young and old may smlle secure With lips and teeth se bright and pure. 07 lwdeedAw Served Him Bight, "I have used Burdeek llloed JllUert, and am happy te say they have dene me mero geed than anything yet. Bend a lurtherqnan tlty at ence." This man was a sultercr trout dyspepsia for twenty years. Ills name Is AlexandPr Laugh, and he Uves at Alpena, Mich. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Ojuoeu street. iSncKlen's Arnica salve. The Best Salve In tho'werld ler Cuts, llmla.ia UnMia YTIviVM Unit I! hniim ITavrev Seros, Tetter, Chapped lianas, Chilblains, Cerns.and all skin eruptions, and positively cures 1'Uus, or no pay required. It Is guar guar guar untoet te glve perfect saUslacUen or money by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Uuceu stroet. Laucastur. Uatlslactlen; Universal. " In the pest tbree months I have sold ene huni'red and six bottles et Themat' Eclectrle Oil. Never saw a medlclne In my llle that gave such unlversal satisfaction. Cured an ulcsraled threat ter me In twenty-tour hours t never-talled te relieve my children et croup-" C. B. Hall, DruggUt, Urayyille, 111. Per sale by II. B. Cochran, druyglst, 137 and 139 North (Jucen streut. a walking Skeleton. Mr. E. Springer, et Mechanlcsburg, Pa:, writes : " I was afflicted with lung lever and alisceas en ;lungs, and reduced te a walking tkeleten. Get a Troe bottle et Dr. King's New Discovery ler Consumption, which did me se much uoed that 1 bought a dollar bottle. Alter using thiee bottles, teund myself once mero a man, completely restored te health, with a hearty appetite, and a gain la flesh et 49 pounds." Cail at Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. ln'and 1J0 North tlaeen street, Lancaster, Pa and get a tree bettle et thli certain oureter all Lung Diseases. Large bottles. ILCO. (3) We Challenge the World. W hen we Bay we believe, we have evidence le prove mat euuuu a uonsumuueu uuia u decidedly the best Lnmr Medicine mode, in as much as It wUl euro a common or Chrenie Cough In one-halt the time and relieve Asth ma, Bienchltla, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show mero caws of Consumption cured than all ethers. It will cure where tbeylaU, It U tnr. Sold by U. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 89 North Queen street, Iou7-eed 1 and 189 IBtftlalwMI" With every disease Imaginable for the last three years. Our Druggist,!. J. Andersen, recommending) " Hep Bitter, te me I nsed two bottles I Am entirely cured, and heartily recommend Ilep Bitters te overy ene. J. D. Walker, Buck ner, He. I write this as a Token of the great appreciation I have et your Hep Bitters. I was amieted With Inflammatory rheumatlsm 1 1 1 Fer nearly Beven years, and no medlclne seemed te de me any Geed III Until I tried two bottles of your Hep Bitters, ana te my surprlse I am as well te-day as ever I was. I hepe " Yeu may have abundant success " In this irreat and " Valuable medlclne : Anyone I wishing te knew mero abent my cure T Can learn by addressing me, E. II. Williams, HOI 16th street, Washington, D. 0. I conslder your Komedy the best remedy In existence for Indigestion, kldney Complain. " And nerveus deblllty." I have Just Boturned " Frem the south In a IrulUess search ler health, and find that your bltters are doing me mero Geed I Than anything elte ; A month age I was extremely "Emaclatedl II" And soarcely able te walk. Ne w I am Gaining strength I and ' Flesh I " And hardly a day passes but what I am complimented en my Improved appearance, and it Is all due te Hep Bltters 1 J . Wlcklltre Jacksen, Wilmington, Del. SVNene genulne without a bnneh el green Heps en the white label. Shnn all the vile, poisonous stun" with " Hep " or " Heps " In their name. seplS-Tu.ThftSlm OLOTBMO. M EBa a uatxii-eb. PALL AND WINTER Ready-Made Clothing Iu all the Latest and most Fashlonable Styles for lien's, Teuth's, Beys' and CML (Iren's Wear. Assortment never larger, Qual. ltles never botter. styles never handsemer. Prices never lower. PINE AND MEDIUM OBADE WOOLENS Fer Custom Tailoring, embracing all the leading novelties et American, English and e rcncii inuuuiaciure. xae granaest assort ment et goods In the ploce shown by any clothing house In eastern Pennsylvania. Before ordering your Fall or Winter Suit step In and leek through our stock. We have goods te Bull you, and for them will guaran tee te glve prices yen will pay and net com plain. MYERS & RAM, LBAIUNU LANCASTER CLOTHIEE8, KO. 13 BAST KINO BTRBBT,' LANCASTER. PA. H IltSU & UUOTIIKK. IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A SUIT OR OVERCOAT MADE TO ORDER, we have the goods te suit veu our fitting and titmmlngwlil please you; OlllPBlCES ABE THE LOWEST. IF YOU WANT A GOOD SUIT OR OVERCOAT ALREADY MADE, we can new ploase you, and ask you te cill. Be you man, youth boy or child, we want yen te ceme and buy your CLOTHING, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, WINTER OR SUNDAY BHIRTS, or bntover you noed el us, as our goods are thnnewest and best. Our goods are positively cheaper than any ever ellered in this city. Alt we ask Is te call at our store, when we will be plcased te show you our goods, as also te glve you the bonetttet enr cash buying and selling, HIESH& BROTHER, PENN HALL CLOTIUNU UOUSE, Oer. of Oontre Square and North Queen St.. LANCASTElt. PA. T 1I1K HKASDN rOU OPKUAH AND DUAUAT1C KNTEUTAINMENTS 13 ATIIAND, ANDOrCOUUSETHK Yeung Men Want te Loek Their Best. TO DO THIS THIS THEY SHOULD CALL AT Bnrger&Sutten's, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Where Opera and All Mher Salts ABE MADK AT FBIOES THAT WILL A8T0MI8H. Blue, Black and Brown Corkscrews, BEST BABQAIN3 KVEtt OrfEBKD. Burger & Sutten, Ne. 24 Centra Squart, I&SOASZBK, PA. febl-lvd uLBxmam, LZ'. t 2. - Bluterins,wirxiyUytlBh long delayed, will mirily oete. The vital question It ar TOU prepared ? We are. and bona ,? you will give us trie oppertmttr te supply you with warm m&& seasonable Olething. Ourcoed.:"! styles and prices are alf rifht and must give satisfaction. v " A. C. YATES & CO., LedgerBQilding, Sixth andOWUitSk, PHILADELPHIA. B2-4md TJKMOVAl, SHU OPKMINO. . LuraiBTM, FaJept. IS, MM, i uesire 10 maxe known te my and customers, and the publle la i that 1 have removed from V Berth street te Ml North Queen street, feraMtly occupied ey me nrm ei Bmaung Baas man, where I have opened with a large as-' sortraent of English, French and Oemsa Novelties, together with a large Has et -., ... ..uih, wwuitmuH wj mmw -.V. stock Is, or new goods and new styles, 1 "r .lr feel assured that in soliciting a oonUBB eonUBB oenUBB anco et your patronsge, you will have aa opportunity of making eeloctlens from a stock unequalled In its variety and adapt ed te the prosent demand, whleh la H geed values, gentlemanly styles awt effects, and exquisite fit. Nothing bat the very best of workmanship ; and price te suit everybody. Please favor me wHh your orders. Yours very truly, D. R. WINTERS. L. UANBMAN UBO. MERCHANT TAILORINGS DEPAETMENT., QBAND DISPLAY OF GOODS IN THE PllOli i -fob- FALL & WINTER WEAR? WB MAKE TO OBDXB . . SP1 ' 11 IS viwrai ultima, biihmi ,m c &aiuu JLA11AKJ i ATACSAD I S At S3 00, SAM, W.Q0. 15.09, $4.00,7.09, t .? jfc , SUITS t SUITS t 8UI1BI v A Geed BnslneaaHnltatSU. ABtBMl tnwtuii, ek, Bfsjwaaasl nessBultatUt. A NleeCaMlmera samples. All marked la Plata Lewest Cash Prlee. Beya' Scheel 8 goea variety are new aupiayee. sr only te leek and get posted, a, eus me lowest. L.&ansman&Bra fl i'SATi'' , . wnS' ' The FASUIONABLE MEKCHABT TA1LOH ;' AND OLOTBI1UM, L i(Wl JK Ne. 66-68 NORTH Q01N Bight, en the Beulhwest cenutr el LAM0A8TXB, PA. Net connected with any. etbsr aMsMaav house In the elty. a j, ,. . '-V. F IALI. ABNUUnUBBiBBT V- i , -or- -m .i "i i ". ftW ine lauermg p -AT- H. &EKHABT it! Ne. 6 East Kin Str. I have new In stock the most cesaelett aaiia choicest assortment of si FINE WOOLENS lUttlUllUiU A4S jiAmAMi,ti TBADK :5j- Ever offered before In this city OBBbATU." lsaadaa aaslsnaf rlety ei IjATSbt muii imi. COBKSCKEWhlBall Itles. A splendid aatertateat t a,j;,a. LIQUT AND niAVY'WBMHR r A OYERCOATINCI- Pilees AS LOW AB TUB LOWBS US att:i goods warraaiea as repraaaaise. k" H. GERHART. U s -1. 1LIABH8B. "" AiiAXite enr. TUB LKABLWw VMVU. '- rf IBM OeeaaUtkaysar. ysva KA 17 J ." jt - J t T ? v, iCtiJ vs.. &A .( i Jk j .-i'J XL- , 'jM$ 78 ?i ,T 4P, ; is vmm:: -.TKJt., ;? & ,Sft fWSil " J rp x ,w, s ri ? - &' f. I ; V if at. v .O-' A