?A ST '- v jsas" LANCAbTiCK DAILY INTJEbLiGKNCKir FRIDAY OCTOBER 3 1884 TiSMPElUNCE- WORKERS. A UUHrKKKMUR tit thUUIHlTlOMIBTM. UIicomIeb Meant te Keprasi tha tlqier Tratne-A Ceminltts te frapar Anti-Ham Petitions, The Lancaster county oenforeuoo of Prohibitionist i met In St. Paul't Hofermed obuteh this city, this morning. Tint la'diks' mrktinu, The I adieu' root In the audloneo room at 0 a. in. The meeting wits uet n large une, nut uiore than forty ladies being present, Including delegates from several unions In different parts of the county. After devotional exeretie, under dlreo dlree dlreo tleti of the Weman's Christian Temperance Union of Lancaster, Mrs. II, VY. Braitb, of Philadelphia, was called upon te preslde ever the oenlerenoo. Without further prellmenary vrerk the organization of a Lancaster County Weman's Christian Temperance union was efleetcd by the oleotlon of the following named oMeorB : PrlilniitMra. Tnrnnr. Little Hritnin. ' f Cor. BcereUry Mrs. Cellins, of Little uruniu. Ree. Hforetary Miss Batlte Edwards, of Straaburg. TroaRurer Mrs. Spencer, of Strasburg. Supt. of Hoientillo Tomperaneo Werk Miss Harriet Curtis, Lancaster. Bupt. of Depnrtraent of Tomperaneo Llterature Miss L. Ellen Wright, Laneas ter. Mis. Wm. Fatten, of Philadelphia supt. of young women's work in Pennsylvania read an interesting report in whleh wm detailed statistics of the organisatien and growth of the Weman's Tomperaneo unions, of which there are are new in rhlladcpbia 4, and iu the atale 43. The repert prrsents In earnest language the Importance of the work oentlded te the young women, and urges a thorough organ (ration as the means of aoeompltshing It. THK OKNTI.EMKN'fl CONKKUKNCB. At lOo'eloak, a. ra., about twenty-flve gentleraeu, including soveral minlsters,met in the leotuie room of the First Rofermod church. Ilov. D. C. Daboeok, soeretary of the state Tomperaneo committee, was called te the ehair, and Itev. J. U. Turner, of Llttle Britain, was chosen secretary. Itev. Uaboeok stated the objeet of the oenferenoe, whleh was te plan a eanvasa for petitions te the Legislature iu favor of submitting a prohibitory constitutional amendment te the electors of the common wealth. lie submitted the following form of petition, whieU bad been adopted by the Temperance union of Philadelphia : Te the Honorable the Senate anil Heutt of Jitpreientattiti . Your petitioners, oleotors of Pennsylva nia residents of , de respectfully pray your honorable bodies te submit te the eleoters of the commonwealth, in ac cordance with artlole XVIII. section 1, of the constitution an amendment prohibit the manufacture and saie el alcoholic liquors for use as a bevorage within this oemmonwealth. Capt, S. II. liartman asked whetber It was te be understood that the proposed amendment would prohibit the use of beer and ether malt liquors. Itev. Babcook reported that the form of the amendment had net been considered ; personally he would rather have the maim laeture and tale of whisky tolerated than te tolerate the sale of beer. Yeung men were mueh mera likely te be lead astray in the beer saloon than in the tavern. He favored an amendment that would prohibit the use of all Intoxicants as a coverage. A committee with Itev. J. 15. SLumaker as chairman was appointed te soleet a eity oemmittee of five members te prepare, circulate, and receive baek the petitions in favor of a prohibitory amendment. Alter a short absence the cemmittee returned and reported the following uamed gentle as said cemmittee : James Illaek, ccq., Jehn II. Prarsel, 1). 8. Bursk, Rev. James K. Crawford and Bamuel M. Myers. Mr. Myers asked te be exeused, ub his business engagements would net permit him te give te the matter the time and attention it merited. He uamed Mr. Her shey as a substitute. After a brief discussion Mr. Myers' ro re ro quent was uet granted, and the report of the cemmittee was received and adopted. Mr Babcock spoke at seme length, ex plaining the tnanuer of circulating the petitions for prohibition, and oautiening the canvassers te take only the names of oleetora and net of women and eh i Id r en. In cnBwer te questions by Rev. l'owlelr, be caid that pastors might sign petitions in behalf of their oeugregatious, und might also anuounce any opposition te prohibi tion that might prevail in the congregation and that petitions by women and ehildren vreu'd form a great auxiliary te the elec tors' petitions. The conference then adjourned te meet In Joint convention with the ladies. THE JOINT CONVENTION. At 11 o'elook a. m, the Union Borviee was held In the audlenee room. A hymn was sung, and prayer offered by Rev. J. B Turner. Rev. J. B.Shumakermade an address of welcome, heartily endorsing the caune in which the conference was engaged, Rev. D. O. Baboeok rospendod, at con siderable length, showing the enormous expense that the liquor traffle entails upon the people, compared with the expense of education, missions, and ether elevating and christianizing enterprises, and added that we are new seeking legislation In behalf of two practical measures : 1st, asoheol law by whleh ourehlldron may be taught the offeets of alcohol and ether naroetlos en the body and mind ; and 2d, a prohibitory amendment te the constitu tion. Miss L. Ellen Wright announced that tracts and ether temporaneo llterature would be distributed at the meeting this afternoon. Mrs. J. T. Satehell, of thiselty, was ap pointed superintendent of the Y. W. C. T. U. of Lancaster oeunty. Rev. J. B. Turner delivered a benedle tien and the conference adjourned te 2 p. m. Little Locals. The Philadelphia 'limes contains the story of a Camden elopement, in whleh Edward Qnlnn and Miss Emma Heward figured. The former is charged with hav ing sent his wife and three ehildren te this city en a visit in order te desert them. The dlseharge of James Llnthurst, a soldier in the Union army, was picked up by Peter Baker, of the Examiner, en Vine street a day or two age. The Republicans of the Fifth ward were te have met last night at the Plew tavern te organize a Blaine and Legan elub. Dlstriet Attorney Eberly was en hand te boss the job, but as enlyeigbt of the faith, ful could be get together, and they didn't enthuse worth a cent, the organization was abandoned. Prof. Edw, 0. Ilall's danelng aoademy was opened at Behlller ball last evning, Mera than forty oeuplos were in the promenade. The fair for the benerit of the three blind ladies will close te-morrow evening. Admission Trill be free te-day and to morrow. The rink was mera crowded last night than en any former occasion, the ehief at traotlen being the extraordinary evolutions of Master Hyde and Miss MeKibbln. Tna Lancaster Atnune Clnt, The annual meeting of the Lancaster Atbletie elub was held en Thursday even leg, and the following oeloere wereoleeted for the ensuing year : President, Jehn II. Baeaagardaer; 4epieidMt, W, A. Wll ne 1 ttwetery, F. , BUxmaSm i tot- snrer, Jehn 0. Carter. The elub started one year age with 57 members. The membership new Is 1115. All the sppara lus In the room has been paid for and there Is a haudsome sum in the treasury. Police Gaits. Ueergn Fergusen, for belng drunk and disorderly and raising Cain, was sent te jail for 10 days by Aldcrmnu Mo Me Mo Oenomy James Llnthurst was urrestcd by Officer Speeoe lant night en a warrant Issued by Alilerman Fenlney. He Is charged with his usual offeuse drunkenness and disorderly oeudtiot. The mavordltpesfd of two cases this mernlug.iJamcs Kmorseu, an old offender, was tent out fur IS days, aud William II. Proetor,nn Incorrigible boy, was com milted for 5 days. Attkstiem Is called te tint silvern inontel saluei cily property tiy Mis. Kmma it. Hair, altlie l.uepnril netel, tills evening. Vxoertinn 1 leasts. Tlie I'enniylvanla railroad Intend le soil excursion tickets nt reduced rates te Yerk dtirlni; the lair. They wilt be aoeil lrein U10 7th te lltli. tlratefelly Ai knowledge. The lady manager of the home gratefully acknew.cdge tlie following donations t Mr, ltetirer, cabbuge nnil squashes; Mr. 8. Trice, two hus. be ins 1 Admiral Bey 11 elils pest, one barrel el rolls (0. 8. Brady, enkes; Presby terian 8. 8. piper t Kngllah Evangelical church papers 1 Mrs. Undorwoed, cake; cake and sandwiches Irem aplcnle;afrlcml,npples. AUTUMN KXCURMON TO TII SWITCIinACK Oil Tuesday, October M. Hound trip llckuU geed for three days or return nmn day. Special train leaves Lancaster (King street) at 0 a, m. Leave Columbia at 0 a. in, Fare only 11.23. Leave Manhetm at 0:3 1 I.lttlr. an, and Ephrata a". 7 08 a. m, fare only f.ioe, lnclnd. IS miles ride nreiiml the Swltciiback. Ketuni. Ing, leaves Jtiuch Chunk at t p. m. el,S,4 S,ld 114 11 w AmuMtuanU. " Cruiheil "This threo-act larce comedy win be presented 111 ruiten opera iinusu this oveulng. The New Yerk Evening Pett says 1 "It Is urlsk and cemleil, and imlliHl much morrlment, thus fiiltllllnK lis sole ohject. The author Is Mr. Kdwant aotliern, son of the late distinguished comedian, wlie playti nne of the principal characters with capital tarclcal fleet." Muggt' limiting To-Mettou) Evtnlnp. Mlis franeus lllstiep, who appears heru In 'Miiirgs' Landing" Is qultn yeumr ami whs the principal actress In Iteland IteedVCheek" company last seasen. The chlul mala char acter Is taken by Air. McDowell, a fine come dian nnd excellent singer. The play Is full et action nnd abounds In striking dialogue. Al though It Is the fliit season for the company, they bare been playing te big biulness every where. HfUVlAL 'TtVllVKH. l'hyslclins recommend porous plasters In rased of Hack Ache, Luine alde, atlir Muscles, minimalism aim nil local pains. Hep riettert nre the best madx. combining ITresh Heps with Uuuis Heady te use. pleasant and pow erful Inaction, iicte. at any drugstore "I telling i-llea."-H7Uipleinsi dlnlttare. Ltke persplratian. Intense Itching, worse by scratching, mail ut night, seenm If pln-werms were crawling " tiwaynt'i Otntmtnt " (1 a plemnnt, tun cure. "HUOUI MATS." Claim out rats, inlce, reaches, flles. ants, bed hugs, skunks, chipmunks, gepliers. 15a. DruvglslB (1) Leeks MetiMt. A clear, bright open face eomehow leeks honest. A herse thief or burglar seldom cur ries such a luce. Jlurdeck lllued Hitler 1 glve the skin u peculiarly tlne texture and clear ness. They strengthen and enrich the circu lation and se cradlcaln nil eruption or blem ish. Ker sale by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen struct. Ter iMiun mick , eiiiu t.r (J host, use tilll LOII'3 I'OUOUS I'l.ASTEIl. I'rlw, -1S font- Sel.) by II, II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Qucn street. Lsnaustur tobHeorlf IIKAKTFA1NH. Palpitation. Drepsical Swellings, Dirslness, Indigestion, lleailHChe. Sleeplessness cured by ueiiu' Jieeiiii uenewur. v) Ur. Vrailer'a alaele Ointment. The sreatest blessing that lias been ills covered In this generation. A sura euro ler llells. Hums, bores, Cuts, rlesh Wounds, ?ero Nlnnins. Hani and Sett Cerns. Chamicd Mns. and Uamls, rimples and llletches. i'rlco&Oe. soul ey urngiridU. sold by 11. 11 ueenran druggist, M7 uud lifJ North Out-ou stroet. (I) llrsrame and Nervous neenle. "out et serui." Celdeu's l.lauld Heel will euro. A$k for Velclen't, take no ether. 01 urugglsts con- erniiy. ui-iwuewmw L.anles In America Leng before they reach middle age frequently find thoinselvos sullerlng from seme el the complaints and weaknesses peculiar te I heir sex. Fer all such Klduty-Wert Is a geed been, It Induces a healthy action et the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tlie e stem, and strengthens and gives new life te all the Im portant organs of the body. It Is nature's great assistant In establishing and sustaining heal th. 8eld by all druggists . Keuaii en cukss." Ask for Wells' " lleuirh en Cerns." 13c Quick corn pie te euro. Hard or selt corns, warts, bunions. (1) MKIn Disease. " Hwavna's Ointment." "Bwayne't Ointment" euros Tetter. Pell Khuum, Klngwerm, Seros, l'lmples, Kczemu, all Itchy Skin Eruptions, no matter hew 0O1U nate orleng ttaniting. ullM.W.K.twlv Saved tna llaby. " My baby, ngeil ntteen months, was at tacked wltu croup, but waa cured with two doses or Themat' tCcleclrle Oil ; have used this mdlctne for tlie eldor children. Have the greatest faith In It." Daniel Mann, oil Be ven lh at , Buttale, N. Y. Fer sale by II. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Ladiss wne possess the finest complexions nre among the patrons et Ulunu's tiulphur Heap. Hill's Hair Dye, black or brown, te cts. el lwdeed&w Mrs or, Walten-a 4-ertome.ilea. Mether Walten has prescribed this valuable medicine for a great many years In her pilvate practice, it haa proved an untuning speclfle in the treatment of tha many disorders te which the lomale constitution is sublect. it Is a sure euro ler the monthly troubles that se many women sutler. Mailed en receipt et Erlce. We. told by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 17 and 1st) North Uueen st root. (8) UUCUU-PAIHA Oulck, complete euro, all Kidue: ey, Uladder and Urinary Diseases, sculdlinr. irritation Stene,i Uravel, Catarrh et the Bladder, tl, Druggists (i) Oruwu's nuuunuiii tnnea Is the most oUective l'ala Destroyer in the world. Will most sorely quicken the bleed whetber taken internally or applted exter nally, ana thereby mere certainly ItELlKVK l'AIN, whether cnronle or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It la warranted dou ble the strength et any similar preparation. It eurea pain in the Side, Hack or Hewels, Sere Threat, BueumatUm, Toothache, and ALL ACHES, and la Tha Ureut KelUver el l'dln. "HUOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACEA" should be in every family. A teaspoenlul el the Panacea In a tumbler cl het water sweet ened, If preferred, taken at bedtime, wlil BUEAKUI'ACOLb. 25 centa a bottle. m aysi-iya u. w ,e w files I Mlasl Files 1 Sure euro ter Blind, ;uieedlng and Itching Piles, One box has cured lhe worst case of 20 years standing. Ne one need surfer five min utes alter using William's Indian I'lle (lint ment. It absorbs tumors, allays Itching, acta as pedltlcu. gives Instant relief. 1'repaied only ter Piles, Itching of the prlvate parts, nothing elsa. Sold by druggists and mailed en receipt of palce, il. Sold by It. 11. Coch ran, rlrugglsL137 und 133 North Uuoen stroet. 1 MAMUlA.UaH BBiTi-llecxwAtTsa. On tbu2d Inst, 1881, by the Iter. W. T, Uerhanl, at his residence, Ne. Si East Orange street, Mr. Jehn M. bettz, et East tlemptleld township, te Miss Annie W. lluckwalter, et Manhetm township. diw J) MAT US. Aitwua. At the tamuy residence, near Kphruta, en Tuesday , September SO, William a AinwLg.eac;., aged 01 years, 7 mouths and S3 days. The relatives and friends of the family are MtieUiaiy Invited te aUtmd t&e taawim), from till lale rosldmieo, near Ephrata, en flat. nrday morning at 9 o'clock, te proceed te Lancaster (erne ery, where services will be held at I o'clock p. nt,, snd tlie Interment made. CaaraxTis October 1, IfcM. flusan CariMin ter, wile et ". tl. Carpsnter, in, her aid year., The relatives and Irlomlset tlie family me reipectlitlly Invltixl te attend lhe funeral, Irnm the rosldence et her hint nnd In War wick, en Saturday morning Ht ten o'clock, te proceed In tlie New Haven church, wliore ser vices will be held. Koer.ns, OctelT)!, 1881. Clara J,, daughlur et William and liucin la Holers. Thnrotitlvetaud frlemU et the r.tmlly, are respectfully Invlted te attend the funeral, from lier parentn' reildencn, Ne. no Henlh Water street, en Mnmlay uf orneon at IX o'clock, ei-.lt Htm.BiHia In thlscllr, en tlin lellimt, Mrs. Catlieiiue llulledie, wife el Kdwnrd Hut Hut Imlge, ned 4(1 years, 0 months and 'S) days. The relatives and frleiulsnf the family are respectfiilly Invlted te ntteiid the fiinnral, Irem her laloiesldence, Ne. 711 Marlottaave Marlettaave Marlottaave inte en Paturtlay alternoen at 2 o'clock. In terment at Woodward Hill cemetery. e3-2l I'OI.ITIVAL. Uemecratla national llcaet. I'rtMldent-UHUVKIlCljRVKbANI). Vlce I'lxistdent-TUUUAS A. IIKNDUICKH. Oeinncratle HlatellcKet. KLSOTOHS AT LAKHS UlCIIAItl) VAUX, II. .1. MlXlllANN. II. II, ri.UUKH BLIOTOaS. 31st. '.Jehn Plevln mist. IS Uoergo 8. Purity, iJ l.J.ensendorler in. 1'. II. ACRlOy. 17. Jehn 1. Inivan. IS. Ktra 11. Parker. 19. K. W. Mmntna. . A II. 0111. 21. K. I. lams. . J. K. 1. Dnlf 2,1 JnhhBau. 2i. A, U Wlntvrnllr. Jehn II. Hill iJ. Win, A. reriur 17. A. J. OroenUo'd 3. Jehn W. Loe. 4. It. J. Hnrsn. 5 K, I.. Wright. 6. J. 11. Hrlnien. 7..W111. Sluhler. e.'C. K Huulscliler. 0. II, M. North. le.ll.d.Htllns. 11. A. U. Ilreailhrnd. 12. r. V. Uockulellew 13. Itlchard Knhn, II. Ueorge II, Irwin. Democratic Oeunty Ticket, Congressman at-I.arge. W. W H, DAVID. Congress. I'AIUS UALDUMaN. Judge. Honater(xut )-I)H. .). M. DKAVKK. Assembly (21. CHIUSTIAN rux. " .1 a H KS H. I' ATT K U8( N . " (8).-8.H DKTWll.KH J. w, I. K II Kit. ' -I. II. KAUF1TMAN. Blierlfl. It. M. A UT it Its. I'l-otlienotary. HKNJ. WOKKMAN. Ueglmer. K. C. DILI. Kit. County rreasumr. JNO. u MANN, Clerk et Q. s. II. 8. HUT I Kit. Clerk of O. O.-HAM'I, K. IIUSrKTTKIl. County CommlsHlener.H. K. HAIITUAN. I'rlsen Keeper. UKU. W. 8TYKH. l'rlsen Iusiiocteiv. II. II. HUCtl. " W. WIIITAKKU. Peer Directors. O Ke. I) AKMSl'KrrElt. ' II. hmy:kk. Corener. DAVIS Kircil. Alldlter.-tJKO. W.HI'IIUOKDICIt XliW AOVtilTtSKllKftlK. l HOUNUUIIU I.UNUH Un NATUKIIAV jr nlehl at Jehn rrnutlscus' Concitemi Heuse, Houth Queeu street. e3 21 RKl'OKT FT1IK CONDITION OT TIIK Kiilten National Hank, or 1-nncniler, In tlie stnte of l'ennnsylMinla nt the Uesu of business, (September te, lsst : nxseuncBS. Leans nnd discounts 1)10,295 39 Overdratta 2 w U. 8. lends te secure clroulatleu 1(0 (TO 00 Due Irem amireM'd rt-serve iiuents. 31 Ml is Due irem otuer national uanKs.... Due Irem state banks nnd bankers, Itcal estate, lurnlture and flxtuivs, Current expenses and tuxes paid,... Premiums paid Check- and ether rash Hems Dills of ether banks- fractional rmper curiency, ulcxels nnd pennies Hpncla Legal tender noles Keilomplten fund with u". S Ireas- urer (5 per cent, et circulation).. .. 2.8M 91 10,731) 81 31,000 10 1.129 d 800 00 3,11 23 D.aie 00 an 79 33,117 7 8.SH ( 4, SCO 00 Total fMtttti ig L1AIULITIKS. Capital stock paid In J)uneuf) Surplus lund 4n,tni) no Undivided ptnlltH 10H14U1 National banknotes outstanding,,., tm.0'0 Oil Individual deponltssubjeclte check, 335KkJ ri Demand certltleates of deposit 2,94)01 Due te ethor national batiks 4,KM 97 Due te state Lanks unit bankers 159 71 Total $ CM, 821 18 State of I'enntiUania, County of Luncaiter, is: I, C. A. KnnDeramlth, cashier et the nbove named bank, de solemnly swear that the abeve statement Is true te the host et my knowledge and belief. C. A. ICON DKIIHMITII. Cashier. Subscribed aud sworn in before ma this 3d day et October, 1831. JSKtMIAIt 1UPK. Nntiiry Public JAMES 811 AND. .1(111 V II HKU.K4 CorrecU-Attest : 9. it. hum: it, ltd Dlrtcters OIIOKN, C"DK8. HIEMENZ, Lancaster Manufacturer of the best line of Ladies', Men's, Misses' Beys', Youths', and Children's Shoes in the Country. We call your special attention te our ljadies' Pebble Butten Shoes. $2,00, $1.75, $1.50, $1,25. Ladles' Best Kid Butten, $2 50 and $2 00 ; Man's Shoes, $3 00, $2 75, $2 50, $2.00, down te $1 25 ; Misses' Scheel Shoes, $1.25 and $1.00 ; Beys' Shoes, $2.00 down te $1.00 ; Children's Shoes, 35, 45 and 50 Cents JWehavenCTy en hand a larger stock than two stores in the Oity. We will sell at lower prices than can be had at any house in Lancaster. 51 N. QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Fa. H IKSU A UllUTUElt. IF YOU WANT TO II AVE A SUIT OR OVERCOAT MADE TO ORDER, we have the goods te suit you ; our tlttlug and Uimmiugwiu 1 D lease you j OUHi'ltlCEs AUK TUB LOWEST. IF YOU WANT A GOOD SUIT OR OVERCOAT ALREADY MADE, we can new pleas you, and ask you tee -II. Be you man, youth boy or child, we want you te oeine and buy your CLOTHING, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, WINTEIt OR SUNDAY BIIIRTB, or whatever you noed of us, as our goods are the newest und best. Our goods are positively cheaper than any ever otlerod in this city. Alt we ask U te call at our store, when ws will be pleased te show you our goods, as also te give you the bouufltet our cash buying and Bulling. hiish&"brethee, n FINN HiJLL CLOTUINU UOUBE, Oer. of Owntre Square ana North Queen St.. LAW0A8TKK, fA. n .' ' I rjl 'ABVKR yianN a mtKnmtaN, CARD. Although a Celd Wave may be here any day, there are hundreds ofeur customers and ethers who have net yet thought of looking after their Steves, and Heaters. We would advise them te delay no longer, but attend te this matter at once. Te these in want of New Goods, all we ask is that you de net pur chase till you examine our New Line of Steves, Ranges and Heaters. We have never had se fine a stock and at such low prices. Our New Flinn Range, Economy Heater, also the Du plex Heaters are unequalled by any ether goods in the market. We are showing the finest line of Slate Mantels, Gas and Ceal Oil Fixtures ever in this city. FLrNN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. JVJIH- ADrjtlMVlnKMttNln WANTKO-A COOK. AM'W AT NO. 413 North Dutte street. sZO-lM rpilK I.AICUKMT, UKSV AND MONT COM j. ptete assortment 01 riaying earns in the city, from 80 per pack nn, at HAKTUAN'H YELLOW FUONTCUlAtl WOH. 'I'iiikimikanu riuMiueir hekwahtti 1 Ureneatrnat Ureen Cottage Park, Mon day, Uctebare, I8SI, attonieon and evening. Ne lmproper characters admitted te the grounds. e3 2t TIKI) KIOIM. IIOOB U1VKN AWAV JL with Tea and Cetrnnnt CLAHKK'8 TKASTOHB, .13 West KlngHtreet. Nlce Krown Bugar only 4o.per pound. PUIILtUHAI.K. IM rltlOAY. OUTIHIKK3, 1(81, at the Leepard Hetel, Kat King 8U, et a oue-slory brick honse. Ne. 117 Middle streat Lancaster city, fronting 17H loot, with let running nacK southward te u deptn of 137 UeU s.ill houeo contains hall, four rooms, with wH, hydrant nnd fruit trees and grape luein the yard. Sale te commenco at 7 o'elock p. m when eondllleus will be made kuewir1y MIW. EMMAlLHAlIt, IIenbt SiiUDSirr, Auctioneer. b23 5', no BEE TUB UKEAT KOVliLTY. Church Fair, A OIK OrjCN UKDXH A TENT. OKKAT ATTUACTIUN. Cerner of Seuth Queen nnd Vine Streets, Fer the boned t of bT. PAUL'S M. B. OHUROQ eMwdll F 71NK. ULOTMINIi rU IIIK FALL. 1 have new dlsnlaved en mv counters and racks my superb line et Fall Woelous Tliey are tt.e ctielccet goods evtr etTereil in this city by any merchant tailor heiutorero. All Suits, Pantaloons and Overcoat will be trimmed with the very best unit a perfectuud comfeitablu tit alwajf guarantee I. Don't tall te Btep as you pass by and uxamlnu the goods In my window. A. II. H09KN8TKIN, 37 North Queeu struct, opposite the 1 ostefllce. m2t-Cmdlt X lltmttK'H. Just IteccUcd Schumacher's Akren, Ohie OAT MEAL. Madu el NKW OATH nnd thorerero perfectly tresb. Anether Let el Granulated Cern Meal. Ulve it a trial, It is very nice. AVENA by the Pound. What Is ltt Ills carefully prepared from white nals, dried, cooked and crushed by it new process, ten minutes ure Hiitllcluut te cook it, thus bringing this nourishing feed within the reach of the early riser, us well as these who breakfast at their leisure. NKWIlUCICWIIKATthe First or the Season. VtllirKOOIt.N MKAL. At BURSK'S NO, 17 BAST KINO HTaPIM'. LANCASTER. 1'A. Kl'OUT OK TIIK CONDITION OF l'HK Quarryvtlli) National Hunk, nt Quart y ville. Iu the State et l'ennsylvaniu, atthocleso et bualuess, Sept. SO, lbt4 : RESOCBOXS. Leans -ml discounts I 83,371 (a U. S. bends te secure circulation 30,000 oe Due Irem approved reserve ngents . 0 87t 45 Hue from ether national banks 1,377 67 Heal estate, furniture and itzturus... 0,707 88 Current expenses nnd taxes puld 7.S1 94 Checks and ether cash Hems 2,377 &0 Iflllsef ether banks i-6 w Fractional paper currency, nickels and pennies 1110 HpCClO , 1,134 IS Legal tender notes 2,718 00 lledemptlen fund wllhll.f.Treasui or ( S per cent, et circulation) 1,350 00 Total ilUMl 3) UA1I1LITIK3. Capital sleck paid in f GO.oea 00 Mirplus fund S,oue oe Undivided profits '2,87'i 48 National bank notes outstanding,,.. tf7.etX) (X) Individual deposits subject te check 60,018 81 Cashier's checks outstanding 40 00 Due toether National Hanks 20 CO Total $14.M1 32 Slate et 2'enntplvaula, County efLnncaiter,tt: i, A. 8. Harknesj.cashloret theabove named bank, de solemnly swear that the abeve state ment ts traa, te the beat of my knowledge and bellet. A. S. II AHKNESS, Cashier. Subscribed aud sworn before inn this 2d day of October, 1831. L. M. I'bTKItS. Notary Public. Correot Attest : ltOUEHT MONTCIOMEUY, KUANK W.HKLM, UEO. W. IlENSKL, I ltd Directors. w 1LLIAMHOM A rOSTEK, FINE ULOXHINQ FOIt THE DUUSSY BOYS OF LANOASTEH, cenaUtlng of All All Weel Worsted Material In Corkscrew, Whin Whin cerd und Lord Diagonals In colors et black. The new shade et Drewn and the stylish and popular Mulberry. Alse a very large vai lety et ue&t patterns In Casslmeres, Tweeds and Kerseys at the lowest possible priced the same quality material can be sold ter auywhere, anil every garment cut te Fit perleclly nnd made neat und strong. Kilts ler children in New aud Attractive Styles. LIOUT.WEH1HT OVKItCOATS in Fancy and l'laln Celers et the Nuwe3t Autumn pat terns. Trimmed nnd madu handsomely with stlk faclDgs and satin sleeve linings, and they are superb in Fit. THE SULTAN, a gcnulne Imported Frlze or Turkish Cap for Child i en and u iris in a variety et colors, and SOFT AND 811FF HATS In the latest and most tloalrable shades ter Yeung Oents' Wear. Alse a large assortment et Fasblenabln Novelties in Hats and Caps et all kinds, THE NEW HUOADWAY Is the very latest style In Fine Hllk Hats. CAMPAIGN UOODS AT LOWEST 1'UICES. UUOKAW SII1UTS, University Style In White, Uray, Hlue. Ureen 'or Urewn for m. cycle Hiding or Helier Skating. These Shirts baveboceme the favorite with Yeung dents, and we are prepared te supply all sizes at the lowest prices. THE BILK NECKWEAR we are selling for half-dollar Is el the newest pattern, rich In quality and the variety of shades cannot be uacelled. GUNNING COATS, with a large quantity el pockets,l.sato3.23. THE SCHOOL SHOE, a very neat, durable Shee, in Untten and Hals. Alse the Celebruted Gem for Heys. These Shoes are made te our order, and will stand the test et the sharpest criticism, WEDGE AND Bl'HING HEEL SHOES for Misses and Children In American and Curaoea Kid. l'ebblu unit Geat made with Opera or French Tee. UUriUKU CLOTUINU and HOOTS and SHOES of all grades. lliamseu & Fester, 82, 34, 30 and 38 B King street, LANCABTEH.I'A. TT S. INBUKANOK ASSOCIATION. U . AUAiner ACCIDENTS. UKAL ESTATE, 1NBUUANHK ANO I'KN. HION AUKNOY. Omeh Ne. 19 N. Uuse W, Lancaster. Ja. rrXLLBUBN'.AgW )yi-itaa tMKMJKNTB. MtSniVAL. ruen miTKKa. nun unit 00 w w w nn n ...n !l. ." " w w w v N N N " iiiiii ititu e e WW WW NffS 1I1IU K It OO W W N NN it nnn 00 nn n II It It O O NN N II Ititu O O N N N II K KO O N NN II U U OO N NN 8M3 W It TTTT TTIT II T T It 1 T II T T II T T fk ami K h R ur 11 mi K H ft KICK H 11 'SS8a 's.S3! . This medicine, combining Iren with pur X?RSW,Ut0.?il?t.,l,lck,y Bntl completely CUUE3 DVHl'Kt'SlA. INOIOESTION, MA. LAIUA, WEAKNESS. IMl'UHK HLOOO. CHILLS and KKVEH and NEUKALOI A, lly rapid nnd thorough assimilation with the bleed. It reaches every part el the system, purities nnd enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles and nerves, uud tonus aud invig orates the syBtum: A line Appetizer Hest tonle known. It will euro the worst case of Dyspepsia, removing all distressing symptoms, stien as Tasting the reed. Helchlng, Heat In the Stom ach, Heartburn, etc The only iron medlclne that will net black black en or inj ure the teeth. It is invaluable ler diseases pecullar te women, and te all persons wholeail sedentary lives. An unfailing remedy for dlseascs of the Llverand Kidneys. Persons suOerlug from the otleDt of over work, nervous troubles, less of appotlte, or debility, experience quick relief and renewed energy by its use. ltdoesnolcauso Houdncheorproduco Con-stlpatlen-OTHKKIron medicines de. It Is the only preparation et Inn that causes no Injurious effects. Physicians and it uggl'ts recommend it as the best. Try It, Thugunulne lias Tnule Mark and crtmed red lines en wrapiwr. Talte no ether. Made only by BROWN OHHMIOAL OO. a'plMyilAlyw- Haltlmore. Mil. AHUiusnnxitt pitOlT. U. J. UILtLKSflK'S Dancing Aoademy, KSHLKMAN'S LAW HtHLOlNU. NO. 40 N011TIIDUKE8T., Will Open September 23d. Heeks new open fort be reception el pupils nt Mr U. rrunk Eshleman'a ofllce and the " Rtevena Hnuse " s5-lmd L'Dl.TON Ol'KltA UUUSE, FBIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1884. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. THE ECCEN TltlC COMEDIAN, EDWARD SOTHERN, Supported by nn unusually strong company of comedians from Wnlleck's Star Thoatie New erk city, appearing in Mr. Sottieru's own farclal comedy, ; or, WIiDss Are The? ? The same as produced at Wallack's Star Thea tre. New Yerk, te lurge and Miry enthu siastic audiences, where It wea recolved with screams et laughter, 1'UICES A3 USUAL. Uoservod seats en sale at Opera Heuse. 8,10-4 til IULTON OfJSItA UOUMK. Sttturday, Ootebor 4th, 1884. First Tlme In This City. MDGGS' LANDING ACHAltMING COMEDY DltAMA, FULL OF STAETLING SITUATIONS INTEUSl'EUSED WITH 8VA11KLING MUSIC, 1'ieduced with the rlnesl Company et Ladles nnu uciuiuiiiuu iuai ueuiu ud seiected. LKtle Muggs, Miss I'ntuccs Illsliep, Formerly of Madisen Square Theatre Asa Ucck, Iianil Agent, Allred McDowell, Asslstul by a Flrst-Class Cempiny. AS-PKICES A3 USUAL. Ilcserved bcatstit Opeja IIouse. ei sr S1 KAT1NU KINK. MOHNING SESSION FHOM UTO llaO AFTKUNOON SESSION.. ..FltOM TO (1.00 EVENING SE88ION FHOM 7 lO 10.00 Fall Mi Enrr Mwi, ADMISSION: MOHNING AKrEHNOON... EVENING .10 CENTS, .10 CENTS. .30 CENTS. WSKATE3 100. KXTHA.-50 R. R. STOWELL, S30ttd MANAQElt. Oi'KNINU Ur HKUIIT SUUOULS. The Night Schools will epen MONDAY EVENING, OCTOUEllQth. All scholars Will be expected te havu permits, which may be had irem the Directors, or at the schools en opening evening, ei 3td WANTKO,-AN KNEUCIKTIU Salesman. te travel for a mA A!) Wholesalo urucery iiuiuu, Adnress. DAVID IIKUNEU A CU. Nes. 231 and 233 North Third 8L, Philadelphia Pa Ol-Stil BAKUAINS. One Parler Suit, .Lounges, Lady's Ueck. ing Chair, Husk Mattrtsaus. all home-mado. Alse Oil 1'alntlugs wltn ernamented glided I ramss, beautiful scenerles, will bu sold at a great sacrifice it you call seen, at BEBNBB'S, 431 West Chestnut strueu s29-lwa PUOir. CAUL. TtlOUUAMN, TKACIIEB Or VIOLIN Aud ethor Orehestral Instruments, Orchestra tion, etc Artists' Violins made te order. All siring luniruuiuuui skuuuiiy rupaired, im proved and revised. Hew haired, etc. sUlind 143 N. OUHK 8T Lancaster, Pa. ri'UIC UlTk IKAMiKKIt COMPANY llAVr. 1. nowlnservlceCoaoliei and Wagons for iue Baiuauu ruuauie transfer or pissengsra and baggage te any part et the city. Orders can be sent by telepnone Irem : Jehn echs' Grocery, Ne. Jul south Queen St. u. u. wiun bouiecuenery, num anu Orange sts. Burst's Branch Grocery, chestuut an 1 Mary Bu. Belker'a Ure weiy. Ne. GO West King St. Wm.Jtoehm'sUotol.No. U3I North UueeuSL Jeseph Uerzeg'a Urocery, l'rlnce and Lomen 8U. West King Street Station P A B. B. B. UargageerTlckutUitlceP. K. U.. and at the omeooitnecouipany, no. tw nertn uueen street. IlABBY BBlMtlEB. el-tta LANCASTER RINK. Manager, SECOND EDITION. FRIDAY fflVHNINQ, OCT. 3, 108. DEALING OUT THE TAFFY ULAINR'S VIKW8 UN TI1H YOUNU MEN. lie UeeUrti Tiiry Are All In the Republican Tarty, of whleh iney Are the Main Strength. Cincinnati, Oot. 3. After Dlalne retired te his room at one o'elook tills roernlug be wna aorenaded by the Yeung Men's Ulaine nlnb, lie appeared at the window of hia room and speke of the strength and influence brought te any party by jeung mei, " The gianta of mythology typlfled the strength of young men. In the enlightened era of the Christian dispensation young meu wero callel te the work boeanso they were strong. Te-day the strength of the Republican party Is In the young men of tbe oeuntry. of whom it possesses a vast majority. Cheers The young man is always geed for two votes his own and the ene he brings. Cheers. Ne party In the history of this oeuntry has ever been beaten that had the support of the young men of the oenntry. Cheerp. And it has been the ehief gratification ei the tour" I have made from the great com merclal metropolis te your beautiful eity, that everywhere I have found that the veung men are en our side. Cheers. Yeu nre in the morning of life ; the day ia bofero you, and your strength Is equal te it. Cheers Yeu will have the fashioning of the republic, of its strength, Its prestige, its glory, its destiny long after the generation te which I belong shall have passed away. Sce te it that it is kept in your power and that your hands are elean, pure and strong, and shall bear up the nrk of the covenant. Enthusiastic and prolonged oheers, I bid you geed morning. Let us turn togethor te tha duties of a new day with Its responsibilities, and I hope with its reward." Renewed oheerlng. Legan was called for but did net ab pear. 1VILL HOI ACOEl'T MEDIATION. Chin Thinks it Monstrous for Trance te Demand nu lnueumlty Kent npen War. Londen, Oct. 4. The Timet' dispatch Tien Tain states that the Amorleau minis ter has arrived there, and, acting under the iustruotiens from Washington, in formed Le Hung Chang that the Froneh grovernment had reqnosted the me diation of Amorlea. Le Ilicg Chang asked the privilege of inspecting the telecratn, aud was mueh surprised at the contents, which merely reiterated the French demand of the ultimatum of August 10th. Li Heng Chang, re plied Boernfully, saying : "After avong aveng ing Leng Bin twenty fold, the demand of the French for indemnity was mon men mon streus. Li Heng Chang said "Jet Admiral Courbet attack our northern defomes, aud he will find the task harder than at Foe Chew. Twe mouths age China was willing te conciliate and satisfy France, new she is determined upon war. Govern ment and peeple alike are prepared for it." Le llung Uhang asked Minister Yeung if the smallest Btate in Europe would submit te like op pression, te whieh the latter replied "Ne." Li Hung Chang said : "Then why should the greatest nation in Europe . Minister Yeung applauded the Viceroy's patriotism, and explained te him that he he was obliged te obey the orders from his- geverment and present the French de mand. IILOOUV WUMK UF A MUB. Twenty Hilled and Many Uadly Wounded a sa Aaray. Galveston, Texas Oot. 3. A snceial from Laredo gives particulars of a bloody auray yeateruay at tne town et catenas. en the Moxlean national railway. Jese M. Santes, the judge or aloalde of the town, has been obnoxious te the peeple en aoeount of many arbitrary acts. Yes. ter day a great crowd attaoked the municipal ball, where Santes was holding oeurt. 'ine moo overpowered tne authori ties and rnurdered Judge Santes and the ohief of police. It is reported that twenty poepla wero kllled and many badly wounded, it is said tne mob was led by the colebrated outlaw " 1 Coyeto the vvoiie," wue recently eicaped irem Jan. IIIK FI.ABIKS. Serious Fire Keported la n Ularylsud Terru. Wilmington, Del., Oot. 3 A telegram baa been rcoeived hore announcing a seri ous flte in progress at rcluiipie. Md,. and asking aid from the Wilmington fire aepartment. FUHNACE AND CONTENTS BUIININO. Wilminqten, Del., Oot. 3. A special from 1'rinoiple, Ud., says the charcoal far uaoe at Geerge P. Whittaker's iron works is burning, and that it will be oensumed. tegether with a hundred thousand bushels ei onareoai. NcUalleach's Insane Actions. Chicaqe, Oot. 3 MoCulIeugh is prae tically a prisoner in his own room under the surveillance of detectives. It is just learned that after he-had been forcibly taken te his room he became quieter for awhile and played cards with the offleer. Tiring of this he wanted te go ent The officer barred the way when MoCulIeugh flew into a rage, seized a oane and felled the oilieer te the lloer sensoless, with a gash several inches long in his sealp. The ether watehers then overpeworcd Me Cullough. The Werk or a Unriieane In Iceland, Londen, Oot. 8. Intelligence has just oeon receivea nere et a terrime ana nisas treus hurricane in Iceland of the 11th of Sept. Nineteen trading vessels and sixty fishing beats were lest, and thirty-two vessels disabled. The most apalling feature of the hnrrieane was the less of life. The exaet number of these who Eorisbed has net yet been ascertained, ut it is known te be very great. Collision el Trains. Wilminoten, Del. Oot. 8. A north bound express train en the Dola Dela waro railroad collided this morn ing at Clayten with a Delaware & Chesapeake train. Three ears of the latter up let. Many passangere were considerably shaken up, but enlythr.e seriously injured, namely : Leou Fitz Fitz gerald, of Cordova, Md., skull hurt, pro bably fraetured ; Miss Eliza Hall, of War War wiek, Md., ene arm broken, and Mrs. Edward Slaughter, injured internally. The ubelera Uacerd. Mausbilles, Oct., 3. There were two dc atus from cholera bore yesterday. Heme Oot. 3. The Italian government proposes te grant a million dollars te re. build the slums of Naples. Twelve Dwellings named. PiTTsiiune, Pa., Oot 8. Early this morning twelve dwelling houses at Draddoek weroidestreyed by Urp. Less f 31), 000, Ta C "-r w iceidenUlly struek en the head with it Are hook, and will die. It was of ineendiaxy origin. When the Kltetrleal KxblolUen W1U vlese, PiiiLADELruiA, Oot, 3, It iaannouDeed by the management of the Eleotrieal z hlbitlen that Ootebcr 11 will positively end the exhibition. Streng Bbeck ec Kanbqaaltr. Ban Juan Del Bub, Oot 2-A strong theck of earthquake wu feU bete at three o'elook Sals ararnoea. rremlnmt UIUaM CaHtec ea mwnmt Buffalo, Oot 8. A numb of mm. inent eltluna Mlled ea Clavthuid Uta i mernlnr. umis than. ki. . IndependmtltepBlbllesMM. Quit number Of ladies with thatr hnknria bt n.111 The governor then took drive, ratatMlas at ene o'elook for dinner. He Jeeves for Aieany te-nignt. WMATrnBM lKDlOATIOHB. Washington. D. O.. e.it n-v i. Mlddle Atlantie states, threatenis weather, slight rains, nearly station-? temperature, northeast te seutfieMt winds iresn ana eriiK in force. MAMKMIB, ruiadeiptue stare:, rniLADSxratA. Oot. . rierar nnlnt mm unchansed Suporflne Btate, at eJjaga J t Qt (Ol winter rlnr. untsii nl . ,in .Vni.M. J J? .i Minn, extra, elear, as oea M t stralht. ise Mt Wlsoensln clcar7M7 at i strnlrfhu, l suai i winter patenta H tw OsptsprinKde, 13 730 ; trash ground springs scarce. an neur at S3 73. wheatm&rketrlrm wlthmn.iava,A,iAMaM Ne. 3 Western lied, soot Ne. S de. Slet Ne. 1 I'a. de.9ia91Wn, VnV ii.r.-."' e.,.' peect sau yellow, 04ei de mUed. ojatiie. e. a (10,53(7310. ' Oats tlrm. trneil flnmnml, Wn 1 Whit., uua 380 t Ne. de. S4Un, He s .in snCl. .-T? Jected.siasiKei Ne J mixed, JOkaSTe, ' nyeuun atuitteu. opeiis uioverseeu qutet atsa'ie Timethy qiHetamwaicu ; riaxsoed steady at tl 44 Winter Bran at I1550J11. Previsions firm, with lair demand t M0S3 1'erk. tlRBH .VI lte..f itam. Mlnin,' India Mess Heer, iiasoeajs Ultyde, tusoej Bacen. 12fl 12 Wc: Hmnlrfvl Bhnnldnr. rt,. 'l.,110 77ci Smoked Hams, 14X8iKei plcklea de U'iQWic "w jvuru nrmj city ronnea. wii loose butchers, 7X : prime steam 7 7S. Butter Marketflrni for fnni.. nOini, lrfn.i fluloiL.Creamcry extras, 27aaej Hcsteru uo.2rt21ei It. C. A N. Y.extras, Q23! West West ern dairy de, 25250 ; Western geed te choice, neus at 1002101 packing butter, 10ai2e. KirCTS Stendv. nniler I1ht numlnt. uvtM.a i?Qile t Western, 19O19H0. ' uuuuoe uuuii urm anu rainy aottve de mand t New Yerk full creams, HKOile I Ohie Ji".S?l ohplce, KJiei de fair la prime, soieoj renn'a part skims, 33S01 de lull Hwe. Petroleum quiet j Bnflned. 73fe. Whisky dull : Wostern at tl 18. Mew TerK Harcst. Naw Yeai, Oct. 3 rieur State ana woitern firm, with moderate expert demand: SuperUne state, si 6002 90; Superfine Kxtra, 2 wm 60 1 Clieice. $3 6303 50 1 Kancy de, 15 GOflS 75: Bound Hoen Ohie, 1 90j 3 se, cnolce, 13 81Q5 73; superfine Western, se 2 !M; common te geed extra de, WtwajSOi choice de, t3 63g3 73; choice White Wheat tS 4033 75 ; Southern firm ; common te fair extra, $3 20QI se j geed te choice de. Wheat strong and iQXe higher, with a moderately speculative trading t Ne. 1 White, nominal; Ne. J Bed, Oct., SjjMssJfi t Nev:! ?-)t09,J,'yo!Uec'' 8Q92e; Jan., 94O9BJ0; Cern opened V.aiXa higher Mixnd West orn spot, &SQG2K0 ; de ruture, 4sa52Wc Oats a trlOe better; Ne. 2 Nev., &X9 32ie, Slato,34O36e;Wostorn,80O39o. Ure Htecs Market, Chioaeo. Megs Becelpts, 14,000 head ; ship, ments. 3.003 head : market nnnnert atrnnir. hut closed dull and weak ; rough packing, tl GO t4 85; packing and shipping, tsoes 80; Ught, tl 6ua5 se t skips and growers, 13 754 GO. i;ntti3 necetpts. 9 oeoneao; shlpmenU,3.0tO t tat cattle steady, but all olbers very dull and weak; expert grades, as 7SQ7 30; geed te choice shipping, toga se : common te medium, lifts A0; range cattle 10c lower; Texan s, W i Q4 ; Texas cows, tl Ce ; Wyoming Texana, JU 40t4 ; Nebraska. $4 ; Wyoming, tl : color aile Texans, t3 -Xtl3 73: Mentana Texana, t3 05. Sheep Receipts, J.foe head; solpmenu, SOJ beail; market dull: lntorler te lair nearly unsalable at fiat SO; medium te goei. u 7623 GO; choice, iGOai;Texans, H JGOj Lambs, t3ai 23. ' eteess nuuu, Quotations by Ueei, MeQrann Ce wad, jjuuiKnrer. x u. U La.at. Utt, uiuuii rwjiuu,,,,,,,,,, ,,,. Ulcblgan UentraL, New fork Central WK New Jersey Central 48 Ohie Central. Del. Lack. A Western..,. 107 Denver A Bie Qrande.... 9K Erie 13)1 Bansas A Texas. 18 Lake Shere 75 Chicago N. W., com.... 01 i N. N Ont. A Western.... lli st. Paul A Omaha 32 PacincMall 31 ueciieswr .runDurgn.. st, t aui... .....,..,....,., Texas Pacific Union Pacific Wabash Common Wabash -PretemxL. West'rn Union Telegraph LonlsvllleA Nashville... 77 UK 62 It 6IK 28k n. JI..1U1. a QkJii, ...... a... Lehigh Valley 01 Lehigh Navigation UK Pennsylvania 53K Beading , 13 9-18 P.T.ABntrale Northern Pacltle com... 20 Northern Pacific Pref... 44 HostenvUlo Nertnern Central......... Underground. .... .... .... canaaa southern. .., Olu ..........,........... 74 Peonle'sPassenecr. Jersey Central...... .., OregonTranseontlnemaL .. BeaUlngUoneralMUts..,. .. 73X rnuadaipaia. Quotations by Associated Pres. Stocks weak and unsettled. Philadelphia A Krte U. a...... it Beading Ballread ...12 B-ia Pennsylvania Bail read sagf Lehigh VaUey Ballread , 68 United Companies of New Jersey 19S Nertnern Pacific..... 19V ' Northern Pacltle Preferred. , UJJ .'i; Northern Control Ballread... 'vz Lenlgh Navigation Company...... 4SM, t K Norristown Ballread 14 , : Central Transportation Cemimny , te .' " Bullale, N. y and Philadelphia Mi lu?,: Liitua scnnviKiu uaureaa tl ' 'c '; new xera. fROfe, Quotations by Associated Press. Stocks dull and lewer. Meney, ltfie. New Yerk Control t4 "fa isrie Ballread.... ...... ...... ....... Adams Bxpress.... UL utcuigan cennai uoureau...., ...... ,....,, tl uicnigan sontnern itanreaa.. ............. 76' IUlnels Centnd Ballread , ltt Cleveland A t'tttsbargh BaUread 19 Chicago A Boek island Ballread ..Ut riitseurgn a rert wayne naureaa us Western untea TeUgraph Company...... 94 Teledo Wataah ;.. ......... New Jersey Centrai 48: New Yera- On'ita A Witnrn..... .....,.., u Loeai Biecisaai euuaa Beperted by J. H. Leng. par vaL Lancaster City 6 per cent 1S3B... lue - 1890... im " 1896... IOC " 6 per ct, in ler SO years.. 100 " 4 per ct. Bchoel Lean.... UO Last eale 1W US IA) 10044j ' 1M 100 100 let 10 a - in i or ai years., tuu t " in or 20 years., leu t " in 10 or 20 years. 100 Manhetm borough lean 1W BUVtX BTOOU. lint Nutienal Bank ..... ...tlOO .tilO rarmers' National Bank. Ge Ulxd rmten National Bans: iuu Lancaster County National Bank,. BO Columbia National Bulk...., 100 Christiana National Bank...... 1W phratA National Bank W First National Bank, Columbia..... 100 first National Bank, strasburg.... ISO First National Bank Marietta 1M First National Bank, Mount Jey.. Uf Llllts National Bank................ 1 Manbetai National Bank. ....-.... loe Union National Bank. Mount Jey, te New Helland NaUenalBank....... MO Gan National Bank.......... 1W Quarryvllla National Bank 109 AT ff! v H5 'V. St:" MM 774t m iu 1R A RAAvar VaHev....u..l IBIH auoretneo. um Chestnut HU1.......... U ! fuiinmniaA waanuasrten...... ...... Columbia A Big Spring.... .....,., m U Columbia A Marietta W Maytown A KUaaneUttewn. ..M Lancaster A kphrata T I jin caster A Willow Btraet.. RfBtieet. ........ 9 ort Jj i Jey... ........ .9 lAMiaairtfai..... BtrasoareA atmpert, jsanuT-iA m mivuiwil, Marietta A Mount Jey Lane- KtUabethfn A M Lancaster A rrultvUle..... ....... i.. Laneas ter AL1UU. ,..... BleUy Island.. ..f. lUst Brandy wine A Waynesb'g..., Laaeasterji WUUaautewiu...A. Lansaster A Maner.... ....-.. Laaeaater A Msnlwlsiiw... ......... Lancaster A Marietta -....... Laacastet A Mew Mel lami ....... .. IisnnsaiiirA """ Will I.PinifW QaaxryvillQ B. &............... MUlecvvUle aueet ceetCar... .. aw ueatMUr...... .m tfiel Cesuir.. laqalrwrrrwi 2 9 X a!' -ef-B 28 tS'' A - 'J -T( . . ' 1.1 I Ax.. m M HfK, ' iH i m i; res . p f, 'ni i i - t! ixSm sr; -srwsS Ai, .a St' n fiyal f ?i3 'ft" V XS.'Ji tm '!M W- f AfeS -ffV. . JJ&SS H .!?! I- V7t"rt b'li " !- z,j - 'ii.il &?', $? i' -? .?' i". i Jfc- 'f . . V--! 0 J' "4 ' j s-.w a .7 &.-.- "i-fete' Y ft (i ,M Ujts K, 0 Jt z, yi ' . '"'c' SJ2Mfsi.,(V i - t P - , t-Jf e 5 ?0A -i t s