- T' WY-j f. Stye Dattfapx ,f w-, - JB I, "ijt, W ifT? ?.s V Yelrae XXl-fle, 28. LANCASTER, PA.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1884. I ' ' -w.-bal' m b .- - h b v y v mm -- -mw- BttdKT II I I I I I I III r I II 1 I '''IPWnlCFvflBWBBWP'- '- Amh s WOMKB Of TT Z. HHOAUI, SUMMER JEWELRY, RHINE STONE SPECIALTIES IN SILVER JEWELRY. Lace Pins, Hair Pins, Cellar Buttens, Bracelets and Bangles. H. Z. RHOADS, LANCASTER, PA. JfKVll f B. StAHTlN A OO. Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumblers. MASON JARS In Quarts, Pints and Half Gallens. LARGE 8TO0K, LOW PIU0E8. OOHANSET JAES, A NEW JA.K, A geed. It net better, than the Masen. Kvery Jar Warranted. We have customers who have used tlie Cebansey Jar last season, and this year will buy no ethor. NEW PRICE: quarts 90 Cents. Hair Gallens, $1.15. Jelly Tumblers, 28c Per Dez. rTke leek at our window this eventng. New Mechanical Figures the Unde and Companion. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King and Prince 8treets. Lancaster, Pa. VAHfMIa, JHIKKD eHrrr HA1.U BARG AESTS ! -AT- SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Selling Off te Clese Business. Everything Must Pesitirely be Sold. A rull Line of BODY IIKUSSEL8, TAPESTRY, and AU Grades of INUBA1N CAUPBT8, BUGS. IILANKETS.COVEBLBTSandOlL CLOTH. far ALL AT A 8A0RfFI0B.-a - Prompt attention given te the Manufacture et Hag Carpets te onler. SUM'S CA1PET HALL, OOR. W. KINO AND WATER 8T&, rebVS-lmdaw 1'AVb.U llJkSiittiUB, sc. )IJABBS Mr. WHY. Have your PAPKHHANOINQ done before the KALL UUSH commences. We Dave a ohelce line of WALL PAPERS Te .elect from. In all the grades, and are pre pared te execute erdets In flrst-clits manner and low prlees. OUK STOCK or DADO WINDOW SHADES IS COMPLETE. KLKUANT NEW DKSItiNH IN SIX AND BSVJCN PJCKT LKNUTUS. Odd leti at prices way below value in order te close. Plain i letb In all colors and widths ler all site of windows. 8PE1NQ AND COED UOLLKUS, PULLS A LACK CURTAINS AND POLES. PHARES w. fry, Ne. 67 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. VAitrttlh K .tsTAULIBUKU 1850. CARPETS AT Philip Sehuin, Sen & Ge's 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, LAN CASTER, PA. We have a fnll supply IN (J CARPETS. We ( et RAG AND FILL- only U4e the best of yarns. 11 you want a aoed. serviceable carpel. please come and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, e will sell aa cueap as the cheapest. Come and see lery eursell and becouvlneed, as we always have the reputu reputu Uen et making flrstelats Carpeu. CUSTOM RAU CARPETS A8PKCIA1.TTI UOVKRLETS. COUNTERPANES, ULAN. RETS, CARPET CHAIN, STOCK. INU YARN, Ae.' Dyeing Dooe la all Its branches at short no tlee. COAL I COAL! Ol the beet quality, .expressly ter family use. TRY A8AMPLETON. EKMKMUKBTHE OLD STAND. PHILIP SCHUM, BON k CO. Ne. ISO SOUTU WATER BTKKKT, IUOH LANCASTER, PA. 159K 159 Watches and Clocks. BAaeAim ta Watehea,- Oloesu. Ohalaa, BUurs, Spectacles, me, Repairing et all kinds wiUreoelve my per enai attention. LOUIS WEUER. Ne. WX North gaeea Street. Bemember name aad Bumbar. DtreeUrep. tmttm Oty IteteL BeaTpama-a Heeet. Hriuya AMT, Ne. 4.. West King Street. mayilMyd JAMB. AC BABGAINS ! LANOASTBR, PA ULAHa AMU UUStSMHWAM. H 1UU A MAHT1M Glassware. - Queensware. AT- CHINA HALL. WK AUK NOW UECKIVINQ Our Fall Importations. our assertmknt will contain many nkw and nevkl auticlks. we will show a FINE LINE OP WARE. The same guarantee et satisfaction or ex change will accompany all our sales. IWQIVE US A CALL.-W High & Martin, 15 EAHT KING STREET LAWOASrER. PA. TUBA VVU AMU QlUAJtB. H. L. STKIIMAN A CO. Cleveland and Hendricks Carapip Glewiis in. ALSO, Cigars, Canes and Pipes. ALSO, BLAINE ft LOOAN Campaign Chewing Tobacco CIGARS, Canes and Pipes, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, -AT- H. L. Stehman & Ce., NO. 110 NORTH QUEEN ST. BarSMYd LANCASTER, PA. TM KS. KNIRHT'S Seething Syrup 18 DKCIDKDLT TUX BE8T PREPARATION FOR THE PLAINTS OF CHILDREN. sir-xaiav COM. MBDIOA, H Or rXABTEK. SHARP PAINS. Crick, Sprain, Wrenches, Bheumattsm, Neuralgia, Bolallea, Pleurisy Paint. Hutch In the Side, Backache, Swollen Jelnu, Heart Dis ease, Sere Muscles, Pain In the Cheat, and all pain and ache either local or dtep-aeated are In.tantly relieved and speedily cured by the well-known Hep Flatter. Compounded, aa It ii, ei ine meuicinai Heps, Uums, Balsams Is Indeed (As 6( ulatlnir. seething and Tlrtues et treh and Kx tracts. It puln-kllllng, stlm- sirfnginening rer- eus Plaster ever made. Hep jianeri are sold by all druggists and country stores. cents or Ave ter $1.00. Mailed en receipt et price. Hep Platter Ce., Proprietors and Man ufacturers, Bosten, Mass. iHOP PLASTER. BW Coated tongue, bad breath, sour stom ach and liver disease cured by Uawlny's Htoin Htein acb and Liver Pills 25cts. nev20-lvd&w(2) U UMTS KKMBUT. HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY. Never Known te FaiL IT 18 A SPECIFIC for Klilney and Liver Troubles, Bladder, Urinary and Liver Dt.eu.rs, Dropsy, Gravet and Diabetes. IT 18 RELIABLE In curing Brlght's Dlsoase, Patns In the Hack, Leins or bides, Retention or Nen- llutentlen et Urine. HIQULY RECOMMENDED. It cun-s Jlllleuenrss, lleailache. Jaundice, Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles. IT WORKS PROMPTLY and cures Intemperance, Nervous Disease., UeneraJ Debility, KxcunBts mid female Vtuakncss. USE IT AT ONCE. it restores the KIDNEYS. LiVKll and UOWKLH. te a healthy action, and UUHKH whnn all ether medicines tall. Hundreds have been raved who have been given nP te die by Irlunds anil nhvslclans. Price 11.2). Send ler Illustrated Pamphlet HUNT'S REMEDY CO., Providence, It. I. SOLD II Y ALL DKUUUIHTrt. lyaTu.luftSAwa u SB DR. BITNER'S LAXATIVE POWDER, 0R TUB OCRS Or C03TIVENES8, FEVRRa TORPIDITY OK IIIK LIVKti AND ISOWbLS, ACIDITY UP T1IK STOMACH, KUUCVA- TIONS A DYSPEPSIA. It Is a mild LAXATIVE, producing no In convenience an- devoid el the harahnesg utuully produeedby flLLS, and can be taken In al Beasen. et tbe year. rlt Is pleasant te take. Ask your dealer for It Hep7-!inlftw VLUruinu. R KMUVAL ANU (JPKMNO. Lakcabtxr, Pa., Sept. 10, 1S84. I desire te make known te my trlends and customers, and the public In general, that 1 have removed trem 23 North Ojueeu street te lit North gueen street, formerly occupied by the Arm et Scaling A Uuua man, where 1 have opened with a large as as as sortmentef English, Prencb and Uerman Novelties, together with a large line et Domestle Pabrlcs. Composed as my new Bteck Is, of new goods and new styles, 1 teel assured that In soliciting a continu ance e! your patronage, you will nave an opportunity of making selections fiem a stock unequalled In Its variety and adapt ed te the present demand, which Is ler geed values, gentlemanly styles and etrects and exquisite lit. Nothing bnt the very best et workmanship ; and prces te suit everybody. Please taver ine with j our orders. Yours very truly, D. R. WINTERS. w 1LL1AUSON rUHTKtt. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. NEW FASHIONS FOR AUTUMN IN Children's two-plece Kilts, Children's one-piece Kilts, Cblldrin's Pleated innlcs. Children's D. It, Sack Tunics, Fer all slses, te tit Children from two yeiira old te 5, in. Kliu, and trem 4 te 18 j ears In the Sheitr ant Suits. Light-weight Overcoats, In the most attractive patterns, handsomely flnUbed, superior In at and low In price. SKATING RINK SHIRTS, Ot white. Gray. Ulne or Green Flannel In the regular University, but also JERSEY UHIR1S in various colors. Gunning Coats from $1.25 te $3.25. The Walnut Brown Is tbomest popular color In STIFF HA1S ter Fall, We have a lame variety of all colors In Stiff or Seft Hats. A Large and Handseme Assortment et CAMPA1UN UOODS. GOOD NEWS I GOOD NEWS! The bestet news ter the Ladles I Uenulne Hand-made WAUKENPHASTS ! Made expressly for Ladles' Wear. This Shee has become ustly popular (or Its comleitand durability as a WalklnK Shoe, and ter 1'elier bkallnic theie Is no sbte made that will aUerd meie ceiulcrt te theleetand add pleasuiete this exhlltaratlnK exercise than a pair e( Ladies' wauaeupiuuiu. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 82, 34, 80 and 88 Bast King street, LANCASTER. PA. pUX'S JCUKOPBAM MOl-KL, for. 7U art (JsestHit Streets, PHUJLDBLrillA. SINGLE BOOMS, - Sl.OOPERDAY. ELEG4NT RESTAURANT, CHARGES HO OK tt ATE. T, Wallace BUilly, sMiad PaoraispTea. I OUR LOCAL LAW MAKERS THMHONTtiLTMEKTIMUOruOONOIU, ! Common Oeaacll Defeats a Resolution for Mew Trask Hoase and Dsllvers a Blew te the Blaetrle Light Vompaey. A stated meeting of select and oeov men council was held in their respeetlve chambers Wednesday evening. SELECT COUNCIL, Present : Messrs Berder, Demath, Diller, Deerr, Riddle, Urban, Wise, Zaeher and Evans president. Tbe minutes of last meetine were read and adopted. Tbe monthly report of the water oemmittee waa read. It states that tbe oemmittee ordered the extension of tbe water mains en Fremont and East Marlen streets ler building purposes. Tbe water rent of the Pennsylvania railroad company was fixed at tSOO per'aunnm. The superintendent was direeted te pro pre euro a new lamp for the pump house at the water works. Tbe tie bid for supplying coal from Ooteber till April was sent baek te the bidders and new bids asked for, when tbe contract was awarded te Baum gardnera & Jefferles at (2.74 per ten. The oemmittee ask oennolls te authorite them te oentraot with tbe Pennsylvania railroad company for use el water for five years at the tame rate agreed upon. They also reo ree reo emmon'ded the sale of the Old Faotery prepet ty. The report of the lamp oemmittee was read. The eubstauoe of the report has been already published. Mr. Berger moved that the water oom eom oem mittee be authorized te enter into a oon eon oen traot with the Pennsylvania railroad oom eom oem pany te lurnish said oerapany with water for a period of flve years. President Evans said that sueb a oon eon oen traot euuld net be made. The company could only be supplied with water en the same terms that are given te citizens. Mr. Berger then modified his motion se as te make tbe term one year instead of five. He asked whether tbe new station was within or outside tbe eity limits. Mr. Diller said the station was outside the eity limits some 1,500 feet, but the railroad oerapany was willing te lay the pipe at its own expense and deduct from the rent the coat of the pipe within the eity limits, tbe company te be at the ex clusive cost of laying the pipe outside the eity. Mr. Kiddle moved te make the term of the lease two years. Mr. Wise opposed tbe motion ; one year was long enough. The motion te furnish the railroad with water for one year was then agreed te. Mr. Diller moved that the water com mlttee be antberired te offer for sale tbe Old Faotety property, together with the right el water power belonging te said property. Tbe report et the street oemmittee was read. The purport of the report has already been published. Tbe action of tbe committee In recommending the pay ment of (75 te P. W. Qorreet for injuries received by him while driving ever a bad plaee in tbe street was approved. Alse, approving the notice given te certain pre perty owners te lay their payments. A letter from the president of seleet oeuaoil of Saranten, apologizing for falling te visit Lancaster after having made ar rangements te de se, was read. When the resolution attached te the report of tbe oemmittee en fire engines and hose eame up for consideration, Mr. Riddle moved te oenonr in the action of common oeunoil. He made an argument In favor of keeping Truelc A in the Em pire book and ladder beuse, where it always has been kept, saying that the Pennsylvania railroad oempauy was deslr ens of having it kept there, and would net give a title te any ether purchaser than the eity ; and that the present owner (Mr. Arneld) was willing te sell the prep erty for much less than It would oest te build the proposed new engine and truek beuse en East King street. Besides, tbe present location of the truek is mere oen een tral than the proposed location, and it can remain where .itis as long as tbe city oheoseR te keep it there. Mr. Urban said that tbe fire oemmittee in purchasing a site, preparing a plan and iviting proposals for the ereotien or a truek house, bad acted in aoeordanoe with Instructions from oennolls. President Evans said a eity ordinance provided that the truek should be in one of the engine henses, and the right thing to;de was te build a new beuse with suitable oenvienenoes. Couneils had spent mere money In buying and patehing up old engine houses than would have sufficed te build new ones. Mr. Wise called oennolls attention te the faet that when tbe Humane engine house was purchased by tbe city be had recom mended that tbe truek be housed there. An expenditure of 1500 would have paid for all the alterations that would have been needed. Alter further debate, Mr. Urban moved te oenour in tbe aotieu of oemmon oeunoil as te the general repeit et the Ore oem mittee and te non-eooour in their action ii ii. . 1 . 1 L T is ou me resolution annexea. Agreea When the resolution passed by efmdn oeunoil was presented authorizing the lamp oemmittee te enter into a oentraot with the Laneaster Oas Light and Fuel company te light tbe city with gas. Mr. Riddle opposed it, and hoped that oeunoil would net pass It ever the beads et the lamp oemmittee, who bad net yet reported upon tbe matter. He thought that oemmon enurtesy required that the resolution should be referred te tbe oemmittee for aotien. There is no immediate necessity ler making a oon eon oen traot te light the eity, and the oemmittee would be ready te report te a special meet, leg if one was deemed necessary. Mr. Urban said the lighting of the city by electricity had been very expensive and very defective. Tbe city would be better lighted with gas at (3,000 or 0,000 ev. eral thousand dollars less than it costs for the eleotrie light. Mr. Riddle acknowledged that tbe eleo elee eleo treo liiiht bad been lmperfeet, but se had tbe gas light when it was used. Only a few years age one half of the gas lamps In tbe eity were frozen up and the eity was in darkness. He was net prepared te say whether he would favor gas or electrleity, but be asked for delay that the oemmittee might make a proper investigation. President Evans opposed the resolution en the ground that no one could tell alter reading it what would be tbe oest of lighting the city with gas. If gas were substituted for eleotnelty the city would have te buy 200 or BOO lamps and an equal number of lamp pests, and there would be ether expenses attending the proposed enange. After further disousslen, participated in by Messrs. Diller, Berger, Urban and Evans, a motion te oenour In the aotien of common oeunoil was defeated by tbe lel lowing vote : Yeas Messrs. Berger, Wise and Zeeher. Mays Messrs. Diller, Deerr, Riddle, Urban an Evans pr6ildjDt. Adjourned, COMMON COUNCIL. Common oeunoil was ealled te order shortly after 7 o'eloek ea Wednesday evening with tea following members pre. Nt t Minn M. FraaJc Afimur, Aaxer, Bare, Beard, BerUfleld, Cermenr, Eaby, aeermap, Avaris, uoeden, iieranay, llnber, Harst, Kendlc, Llehty Llppeld, David E. LeDir. Mayer. MeLiaahlin. Sehum. Spaeth and Bolenius president. The minutes of the last stated and special meetings were read and ap proved. ( PBESKNTATION OF PETITIONS. By Mr. Spaeth, for eurblng and gutter ing en north aide East Chestnut street. H between Franklin and Bread streets and for a oresslng en East Chestnut street, at Franklin. Referred te the street com- C mlttee. ' uy Mr. uoedeu, the petition of Jehn Evans, setting forth that he would build the engine and truek house en East King street ler (1,500 according te plans of his own, as noted in the Intkllieknckh of Tuesday, The communication was laid en the table. By Dr. Bolenius, tbe petition of numer ous eilisens of the Eighth ward, praying for the guttering of Fremont street. Referred te the street oemmittee. By Mr. McLaughlin, for the guttering of North Plum sereet, between tbe Penn sylvania railroad and tbe New Helland turnpike. Referred te the street com mlttee. By Mr. Liehty, the petition of numerous eltisens requesting couneils te ehange the name of Coueord alley te Ooneord street." An ordinance making the desired ehange accompanied the petition. Referred te the street oemmittee. REPORTS OP COMMITTEES. Mr. Hurst presented the report el the finance committee for the month, showing tbe work done by the oemmittee. The report of the eity treasurer was also presented by Mr. Hurst. It showed the last month's receipts te be (1,905.24 ; last month's payments,(8,812.26 ; balance in treasury, (52,131 57. Mr. Cormeny presented the report of the tire committee. All the proceedings of the oemmittee have already been noted in the Intbllieencer. Tbe recommenda tion of thoeommtttee as te the placing of a fire alarm box at the oerner of Prinee and Walnut street, was adopted, When that part of their report providing for the ereo eree ereo teon of an engine and truek house was read, Mr. Liehty said that wbile be was in favor of building the engine and truek house, he did net see where the money te pay the same was te oeme from. Mr. Eby said that tbe Empire hook und ladder house might be purohased at a small advance ever what Mr. Arneld paid for it, as be oeuld net get a elear title te the same from the Pennsylvania railroad company. Mr. Cormeny said the lowest bidder had agreed te wait until next year for bis money. Mr. Eveits said if the truck house was purchased, an engine beuse would bave te be built for company Ne. !), and one beuse might be erected te house the engine and tbe truek at a little mere oest than there would be if a house was erected for com pany Ne. 8. Mr. Bertzfleld called the attention te oeunoil te tbe following ordinance of oeun oils : " That no debt or oentraot hereafter incurred or made shall be binding en tbe eity of Lancaster, unlesa authorized by law or ordinance, and an appropriation suifieient te pay tbe same be previously made Dy councils ; provided tbat persons elalming unauthorized debts or oentraots may recover against tbe person or persons illegally making the same. The resolution authorizing tbe commit tee te award the oentraot for building an engine and truek house en the East King street let was lest by a vote of 7 ayes te 20 nays. LIOnTINO the city. Mr. Hurst offered tbe following resolu tion : RtieUed, by seleet and oemmon councils tbat tbe lamp committee be and hereby instruoted te enter into a oentraot with the Lancaster Oas Light and Fuel com. Danv te lieht that Dart of the eitv with aaa I that is new lighted by eleotrie light, and also se mueh or tbat part or tbe city new lighted by gasoline as they may be able te reach, for one year from December 14, 1884, tbe time wbieh tbe oentraot with the United states ieorle light company expires ; said oentraot te be in accordance with the terms proposed by tbem in May last, when proposals for lighting the eity were asked by the lamp committee : said oentraot also te Inelude the lighting with gas the mayor's oflleo, eity treasurer's ptHce, oeunoil chambers, engine houses, market houses and station beuses at tbe prue meutiened by them in their proposal. Mr. Hurst in support of tbe resolution said the eleotrie light has net given satis faction during the past year. By a return te gas the eity will save (8,500 a year. Mr. Eby wanted tbe resolution referre d te the lamp oemmittee. Mr. Auxer was net in favor of going baek from eleotrie lights te gas, but if the eity oannet get a better eleotrie light thau tbat we have bad since December, the eity had better go baek te gas. The resolution was adopted, with only one dissenting vote, that of Mr. Eby. PAYING FOR THE 0,000,000 PUMP. Mr. Hurst offered tbe following reselu- ten : Iittehed by seleet and oemmon oeunolls tbat tbe mayor Is hereby authorized te Issue bends te the amount of (17,800 out of tne e per cent, lean, redeemable in 1SUU and approved by oeunolls February 7, 1874, said amount te be used in part payment of the new 0,000,000 gallon Worthlngten steam pump erected at the water works, said bends te be issued by the mayor te sueh persons as shall pay the amount en their face and tbe highest premium te the eity treasurer. The resolution was adopted. Adjourned, The Internal Machinery. Even when we go te sleep, the complicated apparatus et the inner man Is continually at work. Heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and all, keep at work from btrtb until death. Hew lin lin pertant It Is that all these should beln pertect order I Let any ei them run down, or let the bleed become Impoverished, and the result Is disease aud decay. But Hrewn's Iren miters Is the sure restorative. Witness, for Instance, the case et Mrs. Gillespie, et Han Antonie, lexas, who was toralengtlmeagrealsuOerer. She says, "1 have used Brown's Iren Bitters for dyspepsia and general debility with great benefit." a be Tnre Uraees are represented with perfect forms beauty and health combined. Me decayed-teethed man or woman can be hnnlttiy, as digeatlen must be Imperleet. SOZOOtiNT gives healthy teeth, geed digestion aud sound body. s3Q-lwdeed&w 1 F..I ttatur. Hew cheettul a ma leeks when he Is say ing these wents I and what a delightful thing It la te help te make htm teel butter I And what a privilege te knew that ten thousand people all ever tbe United States are te day saying, 1 !el better," because they have been taking rewu'a Iren Bitters I Mrs. J. a. Edsen, et 33 Medterd street. Chelsea, Mass., writes that she sunered with kidney dueaxe and bleed troubles, aud that she used 3 bottles of Brown's lien Bitters. As the result of this treatment she sats. " 1 feel better than 1 have ter a long ume, ami l Deiieve i am eureu." Wbat Bay Yuu, Docter T Berne physicians are afraid te prescribe any. thing except what they direct the apothecary te compound. letireqiiently we Una these who haxe found Brown's iron Bitters sucha valuable medicine that tny ue giadtu pre set lbu IU Among these Is Dr. B. . tmlth, et uat urdea. va , wne says, " i nave irequentiy SrescriDea urewn-s iron uiivars in, my tee, and flad It a most excellent prejMurai rae. I Have Buffered I" With every disease Imaginable for the last three years. Our Druggist, T. J. Andersen, reoemmendlng " Hep Bitters " te me 1 med two bottles I Am entirely cured, and heartily recommend Hep Bitters te every one, J. D. Walker, Buck nor, Me. I write this aa a Token of the great appreciation I have et your Hep Bitters. I was afflicted With Inflammatory rheumatism 1 1 1 Fer nearly Seven years, and no medicine scorned te de me any Geed 1 1 1 Until I tried two bottles of your Hep Bltters, and te my surprise I am as well te-day as ever I was. I hepu " Yeu may have abundant success " " In this irreat and " Valuable medicine : Anyone I wishing te knew mere about my cure f Can learn by ftddreasln? me, K. K. Williams, 1103 16th street, Washington, D. C. I consider your Remedy the best remedy la existence Fer Indigestion, kidney Complain. " And nervous debility." I have Just Returned " Frem the south In a trnltlcu search fe health, and And that your bitters are delname mere Geed I Than anything else ; A month age I was extremely "Emaciated! It" And scarcely able te walk. New I am Gaining strength I and " Flesh I " And hardly a day passes but what X am complimented en my Improved appearance, and It Is all due te Hep Bitters 1 J.WlckllfruJaoksen, Wilmington, Del. a-Nene Konuine without a buneb et green Heps en the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with " Hep " or " Heps " In their name. sepI8-Tu,TbASlm Hervetf Him Hlgut. " I have nsed Burdock Bleed BUleri, and am happy te say they have done me mere geed than anything yet. Send a further quan tity at once." This man was a sutferer trem djspepsla ler twenty years. His name Is Alexander Leugh, and he Uvea at Alpena, Mich. Fer sale by U. B. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and 139 North Queen street. isuekleu's Arnica aalve. The HestN Salve In the"werld ter Cuts, Bruises, sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Seres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cernsand all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It I guar anteed te give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price, as cents per box. Fer sale by 11. B Cochran, druggist, 1S7 and 139 North Oueen street. Lancaster. Satisfaction Universal. " In the past tbree months I have sold one hundred and six bottles et Themaf Eclcctrie Oil. Never saw a medicine In my llie that gave such universal satisfaction. Cured an uloirated threat ler me lu twenty-lour hours i nevtr-talled te relieve my children et croup-" C. U. Hall, Druggbt, UmyyUle, 111. Fer sale by M. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. An Editor's meet. Theren P. Keator, editor et Ft, Wayne.Ind., Oatette, writes : ' Fer the nast Ave years have always used Dr. King's New Discovery, ler coughs et most severe character, aa well as ter these et a milder type. It never tails te effect a speedy cure. My trlends te whom 1 have recommended It speak et It in same high terms. Having been cured by It of every cough I have hail for Ave years, I consider It the only reliable and sure cure ter Coughs, Colds, etc." Call at Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancas ter, Pa., and get a JYca irlal Bettle. Large Size, 11.00. (2) I n Bverjbuuy te Knew. Bev. Geerge U. Thayer, an old citizen et this vicinity known te every one aa a most lnnnential citizen and christian minister et the M. E. cuurch, Just this moment stepped In our store te say, I wish everybody te knew that I consider that both myselt and wife ewo our Uvea te Shlleh's Consumption Cure." It Is having a tremendous sale ever our counters and Is giving perfect satisfaction In all cases et Lung Diseases, such as nothing else has done. 1)113. MATCH KTT A FBANUE. Sold by H. B. Cochran, djugglst, Nes. 137 and 1 139 North Unr-en street. Lancaster, teblieeds l UHtc uuuixa. IS fcW VOIIK HruHK. WATT, SHAM) k CO., INVITE ATTENTION TO LABUE PUB- C11AHS9 OF FALL GOODS IN MANY POPULAR FABBICS AND NKW COLOBINUB. 0-4 CLOTH SUITINGS. TUICOT OLOTU SUITINGS. DBAP ALMA, UEP bUPEtt TUICOTS. PU1NCKSS COltOS, BIB AND PLAIN CASH. MEUES in Black and New Fall Shades. OUlt NEW IMPOUTATION OF BLACK CASHMERES, Are the Best that can be produced, and the Prices as Moderate as Usual. A CHOICE ASSOBTMENT OF DRESS PLAIDS In Beautiful Deflgns and Lew Prices. We oeruiauy invue Lauies te Examine OUU NEW LINE OF COLORED DRESS SILKS, At 11.00 a yard, lately sold at H.J3, NEW YORK STORE. NOS. 8 & 10 EAST SING ST. LANCASTEB, PA. rueiuauATHB. J.K Our aim is te make as PUKTTY A PlCTUBKef your child aa the Instan taneous process will admit. Take a leek at the BPECIMENS at the en trance te our Gallery.; J. E. ROTE, Ne. 100 North Queen Street, rwWMH STOCKS. pUUU, WttlTM m UMA.SUIUUUH. --BANKERS,- 46 WALOi BTBBBT, Mew Yerk. Brokers and Dealers In EaUway and ail ether Securities. RAILWAY IM VESTMENTS a specialty, la the selection aad estimate of whieh their long oeuneeUoa with " Poeal iUxea. et BAUaeans " gives thou aseelal ad vantages. Corrvspendeae. luvlted aad la Qulrie. asawered. Dyeatt aseaaate MeaivMi MdUtarest allowed el-if4e4 MtttCtal. Rtnitt. " " i e lfvj 1 ' "sMSMaassmsmasaat e lf J "r 111 t "lt, r i - ' - "$, -.',,11 ' Slft, Our menage la te rtryntmW ofthtepaptr. 4lf The Information k imperfcftft and intended for every 4m tar neea or uieuung. We have the stock, ear 1 $; are the bottom figures ettt. market, our show row at ught and cheerful, and your aminauen la all that la te rtmlrA vnn a. hns i?. ;vfi . - wfr A. C. YATESftrOA, ' . " "V ?. 3 Ledger Building, Siiti iiiOkMSif , PHILADELPHIA. iT jjff ' t ,:?. v:.f s24md n M TBBS a HATHFUX. if fui" &; FALL. AND : if i wmnte m e $m ' vl Beady-Hade Clethffigt In all the Latest and most "riTTTiiiisiIri Styles ter Men's, Youth's, Beys' sad CWU. dren'a Wear. Assortment never larger. Qaili ltles never better. Style never hsn (tee ales'. ' Prices never lower. " FINK AND MEDIUM GBADK WOOL TV Fer Custom Tailoring, embracing aU.tks) leading novelties et American, EBgltek as French manufacture. The rraadssiaaMa. ment et goods In the pleoe shewa bfaejr uiuLuiiig uuuw iu vaaitsru 1 nnrjnswi ieiure ordering your rail or wtaasri step In and leek t through our stock. Wal Koeds te suit von. and for then: will tee te give prlees you will pay aadaet plain. W 'i.; i. fcTT HEBS & BATHH LEADING LANCABTE CJMTBtHBV AST NO. 13 AST KDia LANCASTER. PA. m 'OMKTU1NU KJUBARKABLB THE 'fclS 'IX fc"; LOW FIQUHBS - , FOE THE BLACK, BBOWN, BLUB AMD WWII. $C Corkscrew Smting nOWOFFEBEDBI j4, vS.-X. I I rfV v Burger & Mtm MEKCHANT TA1LOBS AM;-,'-CLOTHUIM. V . Ne. 24 Centre Squax. ", eip FALL SU1TIN! IN EVEHT VAWHTT.Aj" But haying selected a Bneetal Drive la OOfcJsV SCHBWB,wearepreparedtx ,vA, DKFY COMPETITION && fsti'ii ii a ib x 'ri In that particular Und of geed. . Can satisfied by tbe correctness et tkteass . "44 n rM is"i J burger s sui j&. ji .- 2IEROHAN1 7AIL0B8iAf:M NO. 24 OENTBB MSniRTIL A?vi -w. m ' rS?& sein-ivu - ' im - -. "&, .."? . - 'S&V ifS Great Reduction w " J1 'Ik? ' -xx tfv FINE CLOTH, ttff- J" Hfl.T?"P IT A TJ nPft iTJliJlill AlVlOi f-tfe;. I r Ne. 6 East KilW In order te reduee a heavy stes twfej up te order, for the risasJnjf jft itaal aa HUUT-WEIGHT nUULUHM ;, '"$ i of 20 ti 25 pr cnt a- y This bttredaeUe U FO CAM! issssm win enable laa asrar te Clethaa. aaada as la tba h In . raartTr i.rta .Sim Sntf ' t rmmHr,gH; H. GERHART. MILUUC8 ITUTU s aeyiT-esMUkw t iA? f? ir '& ? rXYMtXAJlAN 5? v' V w H : Mfc -. an ri l ' V' ,1- ii V i? A' it '-. W. 1 ''? "a y Kr r ' U &t lu