1 ' IjANOASTEU DALLY INTEUL.1GENOEK THURSDAY 8EPTRMJ3MK 135 18bi. LJ fit. if ic I-. UV Eancattct intelUgmcit. tauaHDAY VBNIHQ, SBPT., flfl.1884. TMt Bribery Charge, '':f11. tT...UK,iF. I'AI trJ IMIO flfUM ICO . pmWMmmI a atatetaeey phlc ideelared i'1mm. publicly been.made by Mr. Bergner, ferimr editor of the fttyrapA, te the 'et that Wen. H. JCeable at the Cln "' eiamtl Republican convention, had re- ,,U4 te the Pennsylvania delegates j Um fact that he had bribed Blaine when "it aJrr. and that he uredueed the checks M wTT; 'VV. "CilL . .1 , - avium miu aii wmv, mi "" "-" ;( aatd bandied. ad bandied. Benmer subseaueutly addressed the nlll .lanntix thnt. ha hail Raid IlIIV- fthlne-nf Mm trlnrl Ilis denial has Dcen fratefully reeelVed aJa'fntly credltl by the Republican aetripapert, auenaeu ey Butler's organs tte NewYerkr fitm, which is dreadfully shocked that.the Democratic jenrnals1seem tef,think, that Bergner had net been altogether , frank, and truthful in,)iis statement, which is said te havebecn heard Jby a number of reputable witnesses. It is net-stated that Bergner -was i net lntvrespensib)e state of mind when he made the declara tion ; and the facts, as he gave them, came sufflclently close te the known circumstances attending the refusal of the Pennsylvania delegation te support Blaine te glve them plausibility. It was Beb Mackey who managed Blaine's massacre. It was Mackey who declared , " by the eternal," or by an equivalent oath of that significance that Blaine should net ba nominated. It was Mackey'a direction te Den Cameren, chairman of the" delegation, te propose te Blaine's friends that the delegation should continue te cast Its vote as a unit for Ilarlranft se long ni his vete in the convention was growing. And it was Mackey who secured in 'divers ways enough eutslda votes te drop In te Hart ranftasthe ballet progressed te keep him steadily erewing with a slowlgrewth, until the grand climax came when the Ilayes Heed could be turned en. It was Mackey's flrni'arid, stubborn resolve'te beat Blaine that did iheWk. J And it is quite probable that Kenible sought te help along the 'Cameren Mackey effort te beat him, with the checks Bergner talks of. It is certaiu enough that if he had them he would show them. Nothing would have been left untried te chill the Blaine current. Possibly checks may have been shown which were forgeries. Pe3albly Kemble may have lied' ab'eufthVbrlbefy, and possibly Bergner lied when he told the story lately in Harrisburg. The 1'alriut, as the publisher of the story, is only interested iu showing that it had the authority for its 'statement which it declared. As the accused Bergner showed no unxiety te prosecute 11 for libel, Us city editor has been com plained against by an outside cltizem doubtless at itsdesire?r A' Democratic attorney represented! the i prosecution when the case was called for a hearing before the alderman. The Republican district attorney, however, appeared and claimed the right te take charge of it and te refuse te permit any testimony te be taken, save as te the fact of the publi. catien. The design, of course, fs te sup. press the testimony until after the tlec tien ; which does net indicate auy pre found conviction en the part of the Harrisburg Republicans that the facts te be sworn te would be beneficial te Mr Blaine. The Alleged Frauce.ltussian Alliance. The American! press is often accused by the English editorial brethren beyond the sea of sensationalism, but the Lon Len Lon eon 3Vmcs, once a most conservative organ, is rapidly distancing in this line its Americau competitors, from whom it presumably learned its .lessen. Net long since it,publisued a flaming dispatch that China had made da declaration of war against Prance, at a time when both countries seamedjte be seeking te recon cile their differences'. Though the report was promptly contradicted it had doubt I ess its effect iu preparing the way for the war declaration that shortly followed. The latest essay of the ' Thunderer ' in the Held of sensationalism Is a dis patch irem its Shanghai correspondent te the effect that Russia and France have agreed te disintegrate China and divide it between themselves. The terms of the partition include the taking by France of the three southern , provinces, while Russia Is toehold t(China, as a ig crulting ground for berJaf mien. J, Theubsurdlty or the preposition is manifest en its face. Such a coalition would endanger the safety of all Europe. Only a few das age the Russian eniper. or was in friendly conclave with his Imperial brethren of, Germany and Austria, and they parted company with the most friendly evldences of esteem. It would mean that Russia was about te form an offensive and defensive alliance with a country separated from It by nations most powerful, aud it would practically have the. effect of placing Russia and Prance in antagonism te all Europe. England's Chlua trade and her Eastern possessions would be threatened while Germany would be dwarfed. It is hard te believe Mat with a geed abed war en her handsTrance will enter into a coalition that would turn the guns of all Europe upon her. Russia's magnili cent position well protects her, while Prauce would be open te assault from all quarters. Wilt) A v , . ., It is safete prreuiiie th$t tula fan cock and bull story Invented by the limes for purposes of its own. It may wish for just such an alliance as it suggests, knowing tbat'lu the end it would result in an union between England, Germany nud Austria agins France. The Times may gala a alight Increase 6f circulation byadlsplayef this kind, but it must have the inevitable effect of militating against its trustworthiness as a news journal. I l v V ' ' 1 , Mit, GitKSUAu does net like te get out of poll tica'lirt,Jas betakes the treasury whf n he might t lift ve a Judgeship. The beucli is certainly net an agreeable place rer a restieaa temperament te repose upeu ; and It rts (Vfitt at elee .which abeuld be filled by JBtu"1."! Political aaabltlen. Political judge.? are the very 'werat danier of tii.- cjunlry, which needs te have political feeling kept out or Its Judicial administration If its in. Btttut'ens are te be permanent. Mv. Grcsham will make a geed secre tary of the treasury, as he is a man of decided ability; and it is te boheped thnt he will stick te tlie line of life he has chosen, and will keep off the bench that he has deliberately left. Tun New Yerk Tribune complains that large numbers of documents contain ing attacks en Mr. Blaine have been prepared by the New Yerk state Demo cratic committee for distribution along his route of travel among the crowds that gather te see him. Te which the chairman of the state Democratic executive committee presents a response Which ought te be very satisfactory te the Tribune. He says : We are olrculatleg the Fisher Mulligan dettcr as widely as possible. Mr. Blaine himself requested, la an iutervlew pub lished in the Jiennibec Journal the day after the appearauce of the last batch of letters, that every voter should read thorn from beginning te end. Oar edition con. talus all the letters In chronological order. I fall ,te sod why Mr. Blaine'u organ should be se eutraged qt our doing just what Mr. lilaloe said he wauted done We have sent out no ether document along Mr. Blaine's reute than the Blalno-Fisher letter. If two stalwart policemen weighing 1200 pounds each cannot arrest 0110 little fellow weighing scarcely a hundred without clubbing him with a blackjack, what kind of a flgure would they cut.in a riot V Answer they wouldn't go there; they would be " en the ether end of the beat." Fay your u n taxes, last day. Oatober -1, is tha "CLunnisn" Speoce must go peeple of ull parties demand It. Decent Tin: crowds that greet Blaine arc drawu by the hope that they may see the tattoo marks. , Paniurs Hutler's party is called the Pcople'n party, because the people take no stock In it. UULI.Y Sl'EECE is UOt "ullO of tlie flUcat," but he Is ene of the most cowardly. His dismissal frcin tha ferce is demanded by overy cousidcratien of duty te tlie citizen. SBXSIINO. 0 Lew mu ob iuoie iletli beauty btaiitoem see ia, iiy timt sweet nrnainent which trulli doth give? Tlie reje loeSs fair, bat fairer we It (It-em. Ker Umswi'ctoilerwiUcn ileiti la Ullve Mu. Biaisu'.s ttarriug expedition, fel lowing en the publication of the liesh batch of Mulligau letters, in rubbing the contents of theso rualoierou documents into the publie mind. Somehow or ethor Edmunds and Arthur are net found in the Blaine hippodrome that has brekeu loose en the country. Perhaps it may ba attributed te the cause tint tbey have net yet determined te glve up their celf roipeot. Run liuTLEii says thore are uiure bad men in the Republican than iu the Deme cratie party. Ilowevor this faet may have beeu contested hitherto, It is undeniable since the Tewksbury ittatesman joined his forces with the former organization. It is presumed that Mayer ltoienmiller is thoroughly investigating the facts of Officer Hpocje's murderous assault en Harry Fyle. The faets as cot forth iu yet terday'B Intelmekncku aie substantially correct, but if the major thinks they have been exaggerated by partisan biH, they can be amply corroborated by reliable Republican testimony. HF.er.NTLY the deiletb iu adulterated milk were taught a sevens lessen in the New Yerk courts. Twenty one were fined buihh ranging from $20 te $100, the irroater penalty boieg enforced upeu theie who had previously been olfeudors. That would soera te be au effective eure for the evil, but tlie frequency of their arrtst aud lining indicates that the watering of the lacteal fluid leaves a pretltabla margin, Tiik leceut sutuineraud presjnt autumn seems te be twisted out of joint. A slice of October weather has been mixed into July, whllelliemuiaummer heat of the l.itter month was iu some unaccountable mauner sandwiched iutb the first ten dajs of Beptcmbcr. fcew when the farmers the country ever have been oentldeotly expeetlug the much needed rain, itcemath net, though the equinoctial fcterins are four days overdue The conduct of the weather god for the pant tbree months has distancsd In peculiarity even the tricks of tlie heathen Chinee. FEATUItEa OK THE BTATE PHE3S. The Falladelphia Iitcerd declares that Mr. Cleveland believes in being his own anchor te wicdward. The Philadelphia Jierth American ro re ro grets that Mrs. Leck weed will net make tier eampalgn en a tricycle. The Philadelphia Ettning Neic regards it as u erying dlsgraoe that 20,000 ohlldren de net attend the city schools because thore Is ue accommodation for thorn. Geerge U. Herbert. managing editor of the litrie, has beeu Bued for libel in publishing en June 10 the story that Jarues G. Blainewas purohased by William H Kemble te rule a certain way whlie speaker of the national Heuso of Representatives and that Kemble exhibited at Cincinnati at tue uepumiean convention of 1870 the oneoKs mas it is auegea no had paid te Blaine. e ar.'ultlue's l'lijilcal Couallleo, A prominent physician ei New Yerk, In an address te a elass at one of the tezn lar mwlleal schools, said that Mr. Iilalue, if eleeted te the nresldeuey, would preba bly net l(ve through his term of oflleo. The doctor gave the class a description of Mr. Blaine's appearance while at Bar liar ber, where the expert had met him. "The pallor of his faee,H said the leeturer, " thu drepsical; Infiltration of the eyelids, the dull, inelastie appearance of the cellular Uue, all spoke plainly te a trained eye. I watebed him in the evening as he aseeuded a sheit flight of steps, and his labored breathing was such as I have often heard in cues of heart disease. I am oenviuood that before many months Mr. Blaine will be oe a aiek bed from which lie will net again rise. He la suffering from Brlgbt'u disease la the most fatal form, IiIh heart is already advanced Iu dogeneratlon : and What I atlll mero dangerous, be is delud Ing himself into believing that be will be well aa Soen aa be has time te take a geed rest." h THE ELOPEMENT MANIAJU A .1MV iUllti ItUOKEK'O tbOArAUK. tie l'llrt Vrittillie Ditntnttr ul Mich Mew 1tk l.thr aierchnnt Iu f 'lt el l'mn't Oppotltlen. Miss Sarah Bcheuer, the pretty daughter of Simen Soulier, the well. known leather merchant, who eloped with Henry Fried man, tbe New street broker, has caused the latest sensation in New Yerk. Mr. Schouer, the father, was found by a reporter Iu his warehouse, Ne. -it Walker street, Wednesday morning. Mr. Scheuer said that his daughter met Friedman last winter iu boeiety. He thought she was fltst introduced te him ou New Year's Day, when his daughter was roceiving calls with Retne of her friends at her home, Ne. 147 East Sixty-first street. Friedman, who is a goedlooking young fellow and very successful, It li said, with the ladles, secm. cd te take a great faucy te Miss Sohcuer, and tbe acquaintance thus begun rapidly ricned into au intlmate Irieudshlp. He called at the house very fiequeutly aud the young lady seemed In no way displeased with his visits. "Why, he had net known her mere thiu a month," cald Mr. Scheuer, "before he came te me and asked my consent te marry my daughter. This Uemaud took me completely by surprise and, net know ing nnythlug of the young man or his family and only having heard incidentally that he was a stock broker, I replied that I could net clve my consent until I had satisfied myself that he was a preper per son te marry into my family. Upen questioning my daughter 1 fenud she was net averse te his attentions and she teemed te ta very much attached te him. My inquiries, honrevor, in regard te the business relations of Mr. Friedman were net at all satisfactory and I told him se. I made seme preposition te him of a bust, ness nature, which I propose net te disoleso, but which be refused te listeu te. I then told him that he could net have my consent. FOKlltDDKN TIIK HOCSK. "This was about six months age. lie centinued his visits, however, until I told him he must nover again oemo te my heuse, and told my daughter te hate neth. ing mero te de with him. He premised te obey me In this and sines that time I have never heard anything mero about the mat ter. On Monday cveulug when I returned home from business, my wlfe told me that Sarah bad boea away from home all day long. She went out about 0:30 in the morning te de seme shopping, she told her mother, in empany with a lady named Mrs. li. Uinkclsplel, of Ne. 801 Madisen avonue, Mrs. Diukclapiel was the wife of nn insuracoe breker and she was very inti mate witli my daughter, whom she met this summer at Saratoga. Tbey went away together in a carriage. Of ceurse 1 was very much alarmed at first and after waiting several hours and hearing nothing from her I began te suspcet the truth." " Did you have auy suspicion that your daughter had been holding any cemmuni catien wltn ilu rriedmau ?" " Net until she recoived a handseme present from seme person whose uame she would net disclese. LEGALLY JtAIIIUni) TO IIAimT. " My suspicions were confirmed wheu a telegram was brought te the heuse about 1 o'clock In the morning It was sent from Ne. 830 Broadway and read : " ' I was legally married te Harry last evening. Sn.ui Fhiedmax.' "My wife was terrtbly shocked at re ceiving the news, and I was se angry that I tore the telegram in two. We bad net watched the girl at all, as she had been well brought up, and we thought she hed given up Friedman. She had a geed effer of marriage only a short time age, from a young friend of the family, which she refused. This surprised u, but did net aiouse auy suspicion that she was still in fatuated with FV dman." "Have V' taken any steps te fellow her or lint' out where she ha? gene?" " JNe, sir, repnea air. scueuer, em phattcn ,y " T nrnntfl nnfr irrt feri r1nVn te fin J her. .. ., WH..-. MU. & l W.WA0 She has taken this step en ber own responsibility aud against the wishes of her parents, and she must take tbe consequences of her foolishness. Mil. ECHEUEH CHANGES HIS WILL " Yeu can say if you w.int te." ha added. " that I have already made a codicil te my will which will make considerable Ultfer- enca iu her future prospects. I de net mean te say that I shall nevnr forgive her, ferthatdepeudsagre.it deal upon her future conduet and that of her husband. At present I shall have nothing whatever te de with either of them. She has get uer u us baud ana 1 Uave lest my dauguter. I wish yen would oentradiot the report that Mrs. Scheuer H very III lu cense quence of the conduct of her daughter. It is net se, although she (eels keenly the publicity which lias btan given te our domestic affairB by the diHuraoefuleonduot of her daughter." Mr. Scheuer, who is very wealthy, has ene ethor daughter, who is married te Air. Stiner, a jjweler. The brokers' offlse of Henry Frledmau Si Ce. Is the rear room of Ne. 53 New street. Franklin Phillips, who said that hoiepreseutcd the "Ce."iu the firm, said with a smile that his partner was net in town te day. He was net expected back until next week. " It's the old story." said Mr. Fbilllps, " and thore is ue doubt that both are well satisfied with the step they bave taken Tbe old folks were much mistaken wheu they thought that their daughter would give Henry up, They have corresponded aud met frequently siuee tbe stern parent refused te givp his censent, and the elope ment was nil arranged befere hand. Miss Scheuer met Mr. Friedmau up town en Monday afternoon aud they took an early supper together at the Delmenico's, after whieh they met the Kev.B Silberman and repaired te the Metropolitan hotel where the ceremony wan performed In one of the private parlors, I was present myself as a witness, and several of my friends. Tbey are new at Niagara Falls, I believe, al though I have net heard from Mr. Fried mau nincb he went away. I am expecting a uirpaiea irem mm evcry ueur. ' NOT A MAUHIACIK FOK HONEY. Colonel Friedman, who is also a breker at Ne. 90 Bread street, the father of the groom, came in during the conversation. "It is all nensense," he said, "te say that my seu married Miss Schcuer for ber money. He has plenty of money and can support his wife in geed style, net parents made seme abiurd objections te tbe match, and I de net blame her at all for refusing te be bound by their decision. She is a geed girl and will make my son a geed wife. She has been in the habit of calling nt our house frequently when she was In town, I bad uething wbatoverte de with tbe elopement and bave net seen my son slnce hU marriage. All I knew about it is that he sent me a telegram yesterday saying that be was married, and when he returns I shall recclve them both and weloemo them with open arms." i HANK KOUIIKU VUUSt'ilATKU. Ue tiaaki le Tuunel Inteal.a Vsu Uank'i Vault, It IlctactM and atai" Monday morning the oashler of the First Natleual bank, et Las Yegas, N. M., be be bo came convineed tbat robbers wera tunnel ing from an adjoining building te the vault iu ihe bank. Guards were Immedl. ately placed iu aud around the bank. These iuslde ebserved tbe massive vault gradually sinking. The robbers beueath worked en ignorant of their danger. At 1 o'clock a Mexican volnnteered te go down tbe cellar and Investigate. He had taken but a few steps ou the stairs when he saw some one oemlng up. The Mexican fired without a word. The man fell dead, Tbe body was brought out. The watehmen then began tearing up the iloerof the bank berseu sight. The work was slew, the men fearing te get in range of theso below, who at times were seen rushing from ene shadow te another. Up te this tltne neth. lug niore in this hlde and sock game has becn doue. The dead robber was recog nized as one of the roaseus who built tee vault. James Fcarseu, the dead robber, was woll-kuewn and respoeted, He leaves oeuslderablo property. He died without divulging the identity of bis confederates. Cleso inspection of the tunnel late in the evening by the polleo failed te tltiil the ether rebbers. The supposition Is that they were outsiders. The officers claim te have possession of a clue and hope te ap prehend the remainder el the gang. A trip through the tunnel shows long and patient work en the part of the rebbers ; the tunnel being sixty feet iu length, oon eon oen struoteJ en solectlfle principles and con. tainlng previsions, water and a full outfit of mining tools. It mut have been three months In construction. A STAKTI.IMO HTIIKY. A llonierimt Fruc sod HiimI Will in Share In tbe Ultliten et Cnina. The Shanghai dispatch te tbe Londen 2YnM states that the Franoe-Husslan alliance means the disintegration of China and its partition betwean theso iwe countries, Frauoe taking the thrce southern provinces and Russia having China as a recruiting ground of her armies, the two ceuntries being connected with railways. Tha alliance also means a France Russian preponderance in Europe aud is therefore frautht with danger te Germany. It also means the extinction of the Chlua trade and imperils all English possessions in the East. The Paris Franeaii reports that as many as 1,500 of the French troops in Tenquln are siek. It asserts also that Chinese troops have spread ever the nortbern por tion of the I'rovince of Ouany Yen, in Northeasteru Tenquln, and are levying oenttibutions upon tbe inhabitants. The governor general of Mlu Che, comprising the provinees of Tehe Kiang Fuh Kieu, has been dismissed from oftlce and degraded in rank, but the governor and the general of the province of Feb Kieu, In which FoeChow la situated, have both been retamed.Thc oxeuses whieh tbey gave for the successes of the Frcoeh in their district were regarded as satisfactory and tbe action which they took in the matter was oemmoodod. LI Hung Chang, tbe famous vieercy of Foe Chi LI and leader of the I'eaoe party in China, whose power and ialinence had been greatly cur tailed by the government, has becn reinstated in all the offices he formerly held. The Telegraphe of Paris asseits that tbe differeuce of views between Prime Minis ter Ferry end General Camponen, minister of war, is oxpected te lead te the resigna tion of the latter. General Campsneu nrges tbe immediate convocation of the Chambers. It is said that in case Ganeral Campenen resigns M. Ferry will odor tbe ministry of war te Goneral Dewal, at pros out commander of the Seventeenth corps. with headquarters atTouleuso. Tha Chinese elaim that In the Keelung affair the balance of suecesa belonged te them. They acknowledge that tbe Froceh bombardment ei the forts was successful. but they say the French, mlsiett x the Chi nese ovacuatlen, landed a detachment of sailors and marines with three guns and that the Chinese repulsed them, captured the guns and took ene prisoner, whom they still held. It in reported that the buipenslen of French operations in China is due te Gar man mediation. Admiral Peyron, Freneh minister of marine, has refused requests of both General Brlcre Del Isle In Tenquln, and Admiral Courbet in China te rooom reoom roeom menco warlike operations with a view te hastening the crisis General Briere Del Isle is confident of success eveu without reinforcements. Id tee l'eiitlcal World. Senater Elmunds is said te havew.it ten a lotter denyiug that he ever spoke of Mr. Blaine aa au attorney for Jay Gould At a meetlne of the Itapubllcau con ferrees of the Forty fourth Pennsylvania judieial district, oempased of the counties of Sullivan and Wyoming, tbe nomination for president judge was unanimously tendered Hen. Themas J. Ingham, of Sullivan county, the presaut ineumbent. Nominations for Congress : HI Cen. neeticut, Charles S. Jehnsen, D.; IX Massachusetts, Henry E. Fales, D.; X Miehigau, A. II. Webster ; XV Pennsyl vauia, Frank C. Bunnell, It. Congressman D. W. Connelly has been reneminated for Congress by tbe Deme cratic cenferrccs of thn Twelfth district at Pittston. Alva Adams, of Pueble, has been nemi nated for governor by tbe Colerado Deme cratic state convention, Uovernor Uraut declined the unanimous vete or the con ventien for rcnominatlen. The Domecratio judieial conference for the district comprising the counties of Centre aud Huntingdon held an adjourned meeting at Tyrene en Wednesday. Several ballets were taken, each resulting in 3 vetes for Hen. Adam Hay, of Bellefonte, and 3 (or Hen. Jehn M. Bailey, of Hunt ingden. The conference will meet again at Tyrene next Monday. Tbe conveutlen of tbe People's party of Massachusetts met Wednesjay In Wor eester. It was called te erdei by Colonel A. C. Driukwater, and Jeseph O'Neil. of Bosten, was chosen temporary ehalrman. It was reported tbat 1,523 delegates were present. Colonel Neah A. Plympteu, el Worcaster, was cheBen permanent chair man, and made an address. Judge Me Caffrey was unanimously nominated for governor, and a full ticket was named. Uebbiag a Chorea and Manning Away. William A. Spencer, one of the pillars of thexirst Free Baptist chureu. Bosten, has shocked his brethren and sisters by turning out an embezzler aud running away from justice. Spencer was one of the trustees of this society and kindly took upon himself responsibilities which ills colleagues found it difficult te carry for lack of time. While in this capacity, it is alleged, he has poekoted a large per centage of all moneys tbat have passed through his bands. Among ether things he skinned the proceeds of tbe entertain ments which were given in the church last winter and purloined a large number of oeples of a book called "Beaver" and sold them. He also abstracted twentydre dollars from the pastor's salary. Spencer disappeared about two months age, and Tuesday, a warrant having been sworn ent, be was arrested in Caryvllle. brought te Bosteu and bound ever for trial, It is said by people who koew him that he has kept company with women. The exact amount embezzled is net at preaeut known, but it is probably fully ene thousand dollars. A Llltla 110 Murdertd by Ult Halt BUUrs. A story comes from Ottawa, Kansas, that en Monday last Carrle aud Bessie Waterinau, aged twelve and fourteen years, daughters of James Waterman, a farmer, tied a rope around the neck of a half brother six years old, drjgged him about and beat him with sticks nntll he was dead. The girls stated at the oeroner'a inquest tbat they bated the child and wanted him dead, They were held for murder. Ifarowe mi a Urldga aul Drawued. Mrs. William Quay and three children whlie di Wing eyer Ferd Brldge at Mill Village, near Lrie, Wednesday ulght were precipitated into French oieak by the (rlghteiud herse. The children were res rued, but tbe mother was drowned. KEYSTONE HAPPENINGS. vv and in-vw Tin: DUMMONvrisAr.'xii, Antpleleni Opunlnc el tlie Nnrthaiu-iiun t'ntistT fair In Ktilim Trngli) Urea l r Wemnu Wne Kt-j-l llrr W.inl. The Farmer' aud Meobaule' IuMitule fair opened Iu Easten tee Tuesday aud is iu full blast, The exhiblu, as compared with last year, are tuueh bolter. A great deal of attention has been given te attrac tive oxhlbltleua lu the main building and a geed effcet has been reached. The cattle sheds are Ukowise neil lllled with a geed, ly variety of line breeds. The taelug was well contested and spirited, despite a very durty traek and a high wind. In the four year-old colt race, James MeOce, of Pet Pet ereon, N. J., took llrst money, Yeung Swoepsukes making the heats In 2:52, 3:55 and 2:50. In the thrce mluute race Milten I.anfcr, of Seuth Bctldebem, en. tered Mlnnle I, . and Rbe 'took turee straight beau in 2:10, 2:50 uud 2M8. There were four ether entries. F. P. Wnguer'a Mellis Bamett, of Oakdule, N. .1 , took the nair.miie running race. Three beats were run In 43 seoeuds oaeh. SuotJea.l by a Wemnu. About 12 o'clock Tuesday night, at KIu aua, Crawford county, a man named Mo Me Carthy and an Italian friend named Ferd, arrived at the home of the former with a quantity of liquor, intended te " make a night of It." Beth were drunk ntthe time. la the heuse with Mrs.MeCartby was Miss' Simmons, ongaeod te Ferd, and te whom the latter had several times previously endeavored te make nocturnal visits. Mrs. McCarthy, bearing Perd's voice, called upeu, him te loave the deer aloue or she would Bhoet. Ferd psreisted. The woman was as geed as her word, killing Ferd with a shot tired through the deer. Uauiaga Uautwtt by Umncbt, Frem leadiug points in Berks oeuuty lufoimstleu was reoeived Wednesday of au uuusual drought for this season of the year. Large creeks have dried up, wells are empty, cisterns deploted aud vogeta vegeta vogeta tien 's dying. Farmers should be plowing te plaut their winter wheat, but the soil is entirely tee hard and dry, and they can't de it. All work iu the preparation of the soil is given up. Cern has dried up lu advanoe of its time, and it must be out nt ence, Some farmers are hauling water at great distances for their xtoek. Ne rain has fallen for many weeks. Unless rain falls seen, the Blanden relliug mill will have te shut down, in this their busy season. Saw mills are also idle The tobacco crop in many sections is very short, owing te tbe want of rain. A aiail stetr Leem la a Ureurd. The second day's exhibition by tbe Krie county agricultural society was attonded by 20,000 peeple. Buffalo Bill's1 " Wild West " was a feature of the show, and daring that part of tbe programme where Mexlcau vaqucres ride wild steers, a frightful soene occurred. One of the steers became furious with rage, and breaking away with a vaquero en his baek plunged Inte a large orewd of spectators, going right and left, injuring eeveral and tramping a dezsn or mero people The infuriated brnte was finally lassoed and secured. Uouecd lu a crowd. Jehu II. Printz, a leading brlckmakeref Reading, visited Philadelphia Tuesday night te soe the Blaine parade. While atandin en the erowded platform of a car he was robbed of his S100 watch, his iuu geia cnain aud a Masonic mark valued at UO. He said he was jostled by two yeuug men front aud back while the third member of the gang did the work. Drowned la l'enrt. Jehn Welsmiler, a boy aged 12, was drowned in a peel of water near his parents' rcsidoneo at Gorden, Sehuylkilt county, Wednesday eveninc. The bev hal been aftlieted with opileutlo fits. and. it Is supposed, while suffering with ene of them he fell into the peud aud was drowned before assistauce could be rendered KUttd ujr a Kail el Ue.l. David Davis, aged CO years, a miucr employed at tbe Turkey Run colliery, near Shenandoah, was killed by a tall of coal, Wednesday morning. When the debris was removed he was lifeless, although net an injury was found en his body. It is supposed his neek was broken. He buried two of his ohildreu within a woek past, and bis eldest son wai lulled at the colliery some years age. Met lu the LcMan llunu. A romantic marriage ocsurred Weduas day at Temple school beuse, a few miles from Oil City. Lucy Allen and dies. Copeland, both soheol teachers, were married in tbe presence of the pupils, who bad no previous intimation of what was te occur. The clergyman, although in vited te be present at the appointed hour, did net knew the object until bis arrival en the scene. PERGONAL,, Ey Umtee Status Sr.NTen Nksmitii, of Portland, Oregon, has beoeme insane and has been placed in an asylum. Mh Jehn W. Garuktt, the president of the Baltimore & Ohie rallrcad, is sinking rapidly and. his death Is expeoted at any memeut. Clement A. Gihrcem, of Philadelphia, has been elected by the beard of diroetors of the Pennsylvania railroad oempany te fill the vacancy in the beard caused by the death or Henry M. Phillips. Mu E. E. Snvdkh, of this city, was appointed a member of the advising beard of the Order of United American Me Me chaniec, at the meeting of the national council in Philadelphia en Wednesday. Mb. and Mrs, Hclskaup, ate said te have been remarried. The second mar riage is said te have taken plaes en Tues day at the Catholie church el St. Franeis Xavler, New Yerk, the Rev. Father Gal Gal lagher performing the corcmeny, Amalic Hainzinekii. who died recently in Paris at the age of 87, bad nppearcd ea the stage in the presence of Napeleon I, and of Goethe, the latter having men tioned her lu bis writings. She is de scribed as having been "a wonderfully attractive old ladv," Mrs. A. Rsynelim, of Uochester, . Y., Tuesday celebrated ber 100th" birthday. She ia the widow of one of the earliest pioneers of Rochester. Her son Mortimer F. Reynolds, wai tbe first wbite ebild born in the city. A reception was ten dered te Mrs. Reyneldy, for whieh ever a thousand invitatiena were issued. Meissenieh has noyer made any attempt te conceal the low opinion he entertains of tbe ability of women, "It's no use talking, your Majesty," be once blurted out te tbe Empress Engenieat Cemplegne; "show me a she Raphael, or a female Rembrandt, or a female Melssenier, and I'll change my opinion, but uet till then," TiielatkChas. W. Wist, of Clnciu nati, beqaoatbed te the Old Men's Heme, In tbat elty, $50,000 j te the Widow's Heme, Children's Heme, the Ciueinuati orphan asylum, tbe German Protestaut orphan asylum, the Catholic orphan asy lum, of Curaminivllle, $10,000 ; te the Sisters or, tbe Geed Shepherd and Little Sisters of the Peer, $5,000 each. The bulk of the ostate is divided among tbe children el his brothers and sitters. '' Uonvletad of JfautUaisutcr. The Cecil county, Md court has con vloted James S. Mltebell, indioted for manslaughter in killing Geerge W. Old. ham. The court, taking into consideration the provocation, sentenced him te pay a Uee of, one dollar and costs and te be imprisoned lu tbe county jail for eight months. Tbe two men quarreled ever a I hoe and Mltebell beat Oldham with a elub ' se badly that he died ten days afterwards, It was lu evidence that Oldham alie bad n tclub lu his battls and had ttiuck a iHUOIlOII. ' Ihii t'otMte Crep, Thu AVw. Kngland Ikmtsttitd will this wool; publish an claberatu report el the potato crop, the almost universe! meiipy crop et the Ensteru states, freui neatly 1 000 special correspondents. These reports show that thrnneheut the Canadian provinces. New England and New Yerk, the acrcuge and yield are considerably below last year's. Ana whole the aoteago has dccreasld about 15 per ecut. and tlie yield Is about enu third less than lu ItiSJ, This malum tbe ncreage ucarly.the same as m 1833, wlthh considerably lighter Sleld. Pi ices new rivuee freid twenty ttftresiitu per bushel, ai the lowest shipping prloe in New Yerk state,. te, 41 (it, Intern Massn Massn ehuetts towns, averaging tliirtyllve td llfty oentH par bushel. The ret is qulte provaleut, aud grubs have greatly injured the tubctH In many sections. The crop In tbe Eastern provluecs and Quobee is short. Iu Neva Scotia It is nlmest a unmnlote failure. New Yerk aoreages nud yield are ueiew uie iignres ler ls;i, ami thore is a gcneral disporitten te held. The Western crop Isbolew the averaRo.andthe Southern demand premises te ba Inrger than usual. All indications atu In favor of hlgher pnctyi ' All Icmiie t:slilerln Mew Vurk F. II. Pauohe, cashier of the Manhattan Shade company, has been n guest at the Sturtavaut house, New Yerk, about four mouths He has recently shown symp toms of insauity and ban beuu uudi-r treat, incut by Dr. Fry. Wednesday he bcoame very ioleut hud was with diUlculty kept from wandsrlug through tbe halls in a half nuile condition. Detective Uuight, of the hotel, managvd te control him for a time, but he became uncontrollable nud it took two policeman and three or four servants of tbe hotel te get hlmtuthtvstatienhnuRc. He was thence taken'te the New Yerk hospital, preparaterj te commitment te Bloemlngilnlo asylum. Ha s well con nected iu Philadelphia. blint Ilia Wile mm llltmelr. Darwin N. Ganlnrr, formerly polleo olerk of Cjevcland, () , whieh offlce he held for ulnij ears, and was afterwards a resident of Pittsburg, but was subse quently located in the former place, Wed. nesday morning shot his wlfe, who befere marriage was known as Alice Phillips, or Tucker, and then shot himself. Gardner Is fatally wounded. The wlfe is wounded In the temple and will probably reoevor. The two wee aloue in a room at tbe time and nobedy,4coms te knew a metive for the dtwporaOe aet. Till; SKArl.M) lilMt A Mile Content ler the i.eeai llituuiileualtlp l'arllclimten In by reur nkaters. There wax a large attoaJauea at the Bkatlng rink! latt evening, the principal attraction being a contest by four young skaters for the ehatupiunLipnf Lancaster. At half past ci(lit o'clock the bundled skaters en the 11 or were called insiud the contestants, clad iu neat ekating costumes, were lutrednecd te Abe aultence. They were : Geergo M. Miller, clerk ; James A Tedd, clerkj; W. Helland, of the Liueas ter base ball club, blJ. Albett M. Slads, a JYiw Era ropertui. lhoiaeowas for ene mile, aud te make that dutance the skaters, were required te make a cir cir cir ouiteftho room liftctn times. The judges, Jehu L. Martin, Prof. J. C. Gillespie and Samuel B. Bailsman, ncre seated ou the platform under the band gallery, and ia front of them was dusted a " score " of Eulverized chalk. Four chairs, with a ey seated ou each, were placad near the four oernort of the room, aud tbe skaters were roqutred te ruu t!iiir e nira eutside these chairs. The word "go" wai glven te n fair start, and tlie contestants darted off. Mr. Miller soea took c slight lead, closely followed by Mr. Tedd, and it was boeu evideut the contest lay bo'.weou these two. SIado,whe skates well enough iu "chorus," seen gave evidence that his feet are net adapted for "quartette" or "aole," pirts. He liiegedjihea 1 te llereely that he could net make !the turns, and after tumbling heavy two br three times, abondeuod tbe oentest. Helland did rather better, but he found that (it is much eaiier te ceer ''third base" or even te hit Pj le'a curves than it is te round tlie corners of a link tapidly en rollers. He foil once or twice and " balki " werse thin Watz-1 did In 'the game en tbe Ironsides' grounds the ether day, but he pluckily kept up the unequal centest of muscle against sclonce te the end el tbe race, being a bad third. Meautime Miller nud Tedd wete,' making the cire'es rapidly and smoothly, ' when by an unKicky tiip Miller kisned the tloer ami Te. Id shot past him, and for several rounds looked like a winner. Bat Miller, who was ou bis fuet in au instant,, trailed him with dodged deter mination and was gaining en him slightly when Tedd, tee, lest his feet, and by se doing, lest the' race. Miller shot te the front, and! though i'edd made despcrate efforts te qvertakn him, failed te de se, the fermer doling the score netrly half a lap ahead, amid loud applause. Tunc 3 minute, 38 seconds. Tedd aud .Miller, who are cqusins, are very evenly matehed, and are very elegant skaters With the exception bf the ene fall tbatcaeh of tbem made, their skating was faultless. Later iu,the eveuing Prof. NerrU gave a line exhibition of fancy skating. Te-morrow afternoon and Saturday af ternoon Tayler's eichcstra will furnish rusiofer the skatem. The City band will be in attendance en the evening as usual. that 7.noe mire. UMAinja Ilejleiter Ail.l Auellur Millr" ID Iho Nole ter S700 ? When we went te press en Wedneiday afternoon B. F. Denlingor was ou tbe witness staud, testifying iu the eave of commonwealth vs. Ames II. Hostctter, forgery, at Alderman Fordeoy's eUlca. Oa cress examination be testified that when he endorsed the note the word "hundred" after tbe " seveu " in tbe body of the note was net written, aud he called Ames' attention te tbe emission, Ames roplied tbat he would fill In the word when he get home. Tbe figures $700, he was positlve. were ou the uote ; ue money was realized en the note and he was net in anyway prejudiced by tbe nete being raised from (700 te $7,000. Iu conclusion he said he did net authorize this prosecution, nor docs be desire the case te be prosecuted ; he first IJarned of the suit having been entered wfien be was subpeuaaed te attend the hearing at the aldoirean's oUleo. Counsel for defense argued that there was no case made out against Uestettcr, because tbe offense of forgery Is net made out unless a party's rights are prejudiced, and they cited the aet of Assembly pun ishing fergery In support of their position. Tha commonwealth trgued thatas the note had been 'offered for discount there was an intend te defraud and the defendant should unrequired te, en ter ball for trial at court. The alderman reserved his decision until Satutday. Vfklyad'u lienilnf, Jehn G, Geed, of Eist Karl township, complained ngslnst Alderman Ferduey for obtaining $1,000 from Lsvl and Geerge Sensenlgby falsa1 aud fraudulent represen tations and whose oite was te have been beard te-day appeared at tbe alderman's b&jed this morning ancf waived a hearing. He was required te outer bail In the sum of 81,000 for trial at the November quarter sessleus court. fclVe aud Twenty i.lnU Out The polleo reported ten elrotrie aud tlf tlf teen gaieline lights as net burning en Wcduefeday nlgnt. TWO VICTORIES APIECE. LaNOAlTtCIt WIHH ANUlllKIl II AMI-.. rim lreueldca Htviitui a tuttlug .itrrah le ttii ncvemn liuilnt; Hint tint them Frem n llau Shut Out. Thn fourth game for the lecil champion ship betweeu the Ironsides and Liuoaster was wen by the latter at McGrauu'a park by the scere of 8 te 0. Until the seventh Inning the Lancaster had the game well in hand, having ncercd two runs iu the llrst Inning, ene lu thn third nud thtoe In the sixth ; whlle their oppeuouts had net succeeded iu recording a siugte tally. Iu the ending of tbe fevmit,Ii Inning, howevcr, the Irensldus breke tlie Ice by Oldlleld'a base hit, followed by ' Bradley's lunge evor the contre fiuldei'rf head, iu which he soered throb" bases, bringing Oldfleld iu. A suoecrsiou of hit nud orrera cnabled tlve tuns te be soercd before the Hlde was retired. Tin) Liuoaster, howevcr, quickly roeoverod from their tomperarydomorallratioti id tbe eighth iunluir by scoring two runs en four ' sure hits, ene of whieh was a two ba;ger by.8plth Neither slde scored again, tlie figures at the oleso belng 8 te 6, In favor of Lancaster. Though the centest up te tbe seventh lutdng was uet very. oxeltlug. owing te the, long lead of the Liuoaster, the came from that p ilnt kept the iiudlnue at fever he it. Fer the Linoviter Hellaud nud Hllaud carried off the honors in the Held, the fermer retiring thrce tneti lu enn inning. Fer the Ironsides Tomney gAve one of the prettiest exhibitions of his skill as a ball player evor scen In this city, lit throwing te llrst, capture of a line lly mil two very dlOieult tlys te short left ileld created the greatest eutlnuiattm among the nudleuce. Oldfield's throwing te M'C end bbe in the early part of thn game wait uet worthy the most uoHkilled amateur, and it permitted the LauoateM te steil that base with itnpuuity. .Geedman, who was reused from his torpor Iu the last game, relaxed Inte his old state In yester day's exhibition. Mr. KeBart Blaklsteu, of the champion Athletlc team, umpired the game in a maimer apparently satisfactory te all present. Following Is the oflieial soeio : iHOMninsa. a n. Tomney. b a 4 MlKKlMViLi A In. 1 u I e 1 i e 1 r.e. ,1 u II e i: (ioetlmuii, lb.. McTniiiiny, e I.. OUItluhl, u llnulley, I l Jienald.Jl) ZttCltrr, r I 1'yle p , Teuu .......i 37 LANClarKH. A.M. Iloltenl, (i . ., A I'urkri.et 6 Mllancl, i I Il0lluilil,31i S 8 In. u I A S I iT r.e i; 1 h OlOWIl'', H 8 I Smith, rf I wetrcl.p 4 Walu. 1 l Kell, lb 4 Total Si innines 1 ' t 10 5 C SI S ' a i lrunsMt-D e e 0 II 0 e f, e n .". I.um iiler 2 O 1 li 0 3 0 ! s suxvAiir. Kurued ruin Lanamter, ItOUSlllf-l. I ll)n.e ba.e lilt llnulltiy. Twe Iiuii tilt Illlnml nml Huillli. struck uut- -by WoUel.3: ny l-yie. e. Lull en luuiw- -l.iinraMer. 5 . ireiulilrs, 0. raase.1 bilU rteld. 3 -iloltenl, 3 ; UM- l'inilre Kouerl Ulntiltten I', wa8 expected that the Alleutewu club would visit this elty and play two games with the Ironsides bofero the oleso of the i-easen, but they will net de he. They were te have played in Yerk jesterday aud te day, but all games bftsvoen the two nines have been cancelled. The Alleutewu desires the Ironsides te play in their town daring thn fair, but tbey will net likely go. The Yetlc club will llkely disbaud bofero the seasen ends. Uaraci flayed Mwhere New Yerk : Alhlotie 2. Metropolitan !! , Pittsburg : Allegheny 0, Baltimore 8 ; Tolode : Virginia 0, Teledo 9 ; Buffalo : Buffalo 0, New YerkO; Chicage: Chioaue 5. Previdence 3 ; Washington, D. C: National 7, Cincinnati Union 0 ; Baltimore Baltimore Union 9, Kansas City 4 ; Phlla delphla : Selar Tips 2, Yeung America 5 , Williamipert : Somerset C, Williaraspert 2 ; Norfolk, Va : Wharten of Philadelphia 10, Norfolk 0. UaiuiEca for upemn: uaaplilu Street. The viewers appointed te assess damages te property owners by the proposed open ing of Dauphin street, from East Straw berry te Bread street, filed their award lata en Wednesday afternoon; allowing the following damages te be paid by tlie oeunty and city, respectively : Count). Ctli, Philip Bete $ 400 700 Ann Catharine Btamm 1,500 000 William Wohlsen 120 Catherino and Mary Casper. 450 Philip Kuhlman 900 City Scheel Beard 100 Philip Diets 400 Catharlne aud Agues Kelly. 1,000 Charles Schwebel 1,200 Children's Heme 300 Total G,370$V'.00 Uela for 1'olellng a l'litel. Isaae CofTread. of Salisbury township, was beard by Alderman Barr this morning, ou ohargesjef pointing a pistol and carrying coucealed deadly weapons. Arthur B. Ajors.ef tbe same tewnshlp.appears as tha prosecutor and ne testified tbat en the 20th of June, while he was en the premises of Ce dread, tbe latter palled out a pistol, said he had him new where he wanted him en bis own premise. and he would sheet him. Ills testimony was correborct'd by that of Walter Simmons, a yeunc man who was present. The defendant did net offer any testimony and tbe magistrate held blm in 3400 ball for trial at the November quarter sessions court. After lenvlng the magistrate's ofileo thu putiea Bottled their differences. Ayers withdrew tbe suits and Coflread paid tbe costs, FIjIuk 1.303 feet l'er Alluute,. Ou Saturday morning a representative of tbe Germantown homing elub let 87 birds lly from Centre Square. 'Iho first bird arrived home at 12:21, and travelled at the rate of 1,353 feet per minute ; six ether birds arrived at 12:35, aud the re maining eighty during tbe afternoon. O i Wednesday tbe birds were taken te Eli?. bethtownlfer another exhibition. On Oct. 1, tbey will be taken te Harrisburg, and en Oat. 8, te Lewistown. I be Ueraner Will Ailuilultler. D. A. Shiffer, coroner of the county, has been grauted letters of administration ou the estato'ef the late S. A. Essein. It v. ill be rsmembered that this woman died at ber home en North street some days age. She left seme personal preperty,bnt has no relatives as far as known. Hniee Very rina Applet. Mr. Harry A. Sobreyer has the hearty thanks of all the ampleyes of the Intel. i.iur.NCKit oflleo for his munificent present of a basket of Smokehouse apples, large in size and excellent in ilaver. His remembrance of tbe printers will cause the printers te long renumber him. , ftiiMMii wltn Baptismal root. Mr. Rebert Sayre, of Bethlehem, sen.in. law of Dr. Jehn W. Nevin, presented, ss a memento of the baptism of his son, which took place last spring, a beautiful baptis mal font, whieh was put np in front of the chancel in College ebapel, ou Wednesday afternoon. Hal et oewf. Samuel Hess, auctioneer, sold en Wed nesday at publie sale at Metzger's hotel, at Bridgeport, near Lancaster, for Dunlap & Bre., 34 head of oewa at an average price of $51.13 per head. One' of the let told for $112 and one for S0,