LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 16 1884. 'SO L .. v..h; is? , Sjfc. & ?i. '- i? r r w. B F't lancwtet JntclUgencrt. aTVBHINO, BEFK, 18, 1B84. UDB VlLLABM BB1XK. be m er villus txlle. Ustrmstell HOW im fltrtftd with tbe teacher And tte teste vUlaf e pwacber Ana tee dwell. Sb Mid u wm eighteen. Wm 1 green T ev'ral lander streaks of gray That through her hair did stray Could be seen. And te the cbureh (he eltcn went Most Intent On all the preacher aaia. And at hU prayers ber head Lew shu bent. Then ahe'd glance across the aisle At the style That the village iwell would fling, And snail think te win a ring And hli pile. And then behind her fan Bhe would tcan, And tbe teacher'a lealeua leek, At hla face rose' ever tils book, Thin and wan. Bat the wed none of tbese three Wee Is te me I Fer ray lather woeod another, And 1 have a second mother. Itlaahel Frem Lije. A Story et Arctic Explorer!, from the Londen Budget. New that ae roueh discussion has been raised en the subject of the alleged can nibalism In tbe Grcely expedition, some interest may be felt in another dreadful tery of privation and danger, where a similar temptation was heroically resisted as told by James Molntesh, sole survivor from one of the beats of the whaler Chieftain. On May 26 last the Chieftain gent out four beets in chase of a whale, twoef which, one commanded by Alex ander Bain, the harpoenor, lest the ship, and failing te find her, shaped their oenrse for Iceland. Berne days later two of Bain's crew died, and Mcintosh then eame Inte Bain's beat from tbe ether teact as steersman. The only ether oocu eocu oecu panUof the beat then wens Bain and a seaman tamed McGregor. Ob tbe follow ing day Bala thought be saw land, and they altered their course te steer' te It, but found it te be only tbe reflection of a oleud. By se doing they lest tbelr con sort, whleh did net fellow them. Next day McGregor died, and his body was committed te tbe deep. The same day a storm arose, whieh lasted three days, during all of whieh time Molntesh re mained at his pest as steersman while Bain lay helpless and despairing in the bows. At last the storm abated, and the undaunted steersman addressed some cheering words te his comrade, but with out reusing him from his lethargy, which - continued mr-loe that IXclntesh. at last grew anxious, and though harary-wMe-ta move, his legs being benumbed with cold, managed te erawl along en his bands and knees te tbe bow of the beat, and found Bain quite dead. A terrible sense of utter loneliness came ever him, mingled with tbe fear that In his desperate con dition (be had net tasted feed of any kind for several days) he might yield te tbe temptation of supporting himself oe the awful means of nourishment withlu bis reach. Determined te avoid this dan ger at all events, he with a great effort, weak as he was, suoeeeded in heaving his dead oemrado's body overboard. On the fourteenth dav he Dercelved a small schooner and made a desparate eQert te wave bis cap te attraet attention. lie was seen and picked up by the ship, but it was found necessary te amputate both legs, mortification having set In. He fi nally arrived at Dundee en Friday week. This gallant fellow, who Is martied and has eue child, is new In a perfectly desti tute condition, as the less of his legs pre cludes bis returning te his former seafar ing occupation, and he has never learned any ether trade. lilitance Lend Kncnantreentl Maud hadn fine figure, geed face and pretty name. One should seeter at a distance, When ana began te talk, you realized that elm never usedbOZODONT. Her breath was unlike tbe breezes et Aral y tbe blest. sltt-lwdcedAw UATB AMD OATS. sTAOFFKB AUO. W."' Netice te Our Gastemeps ! Netice Is boreby given te all persons having UATS at STAUFFER'S Hat Stere and Manufactory, SIIULTZ'S OLD S1ANV, Nea. 31 & 33 North -Queen Streot. Fer cleaning, etc, te pleose call ler theui within 30 DAYS. Tbowantef room ler our larHosteckot new goods, received dally, com cem com pels us te glve this notice. W.D.STAUFFER&CO. inyle-ly UAKOAINa. SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE, THE LATESI FALL STYLES -IN- STIFF & SOFT HATS. Broadway Silk Hat. 144 Uerth Queen St., DMT UOOVIt, . TJ-AUSU A HliOTMEH. LANCASTER, PA. mar?;-lvd& fAVBH UAHULana, c PUAKBS Tt. fry. The LATE FIRE done ns very little Injury, and we are ready ter business iu U9ual. NOW 13 YOUR TIMS FOR CHKAi' WireWMewScreeiis. xteln late la the season we will take 25 per cent. discount en tn iuu This makes them vary low and en object te piaoe your orders new. . ALL SIZES or Frames and Width of Wire, IN PLAIN OR LANDSCAPE. WALLPAPERS Or EVERY DESCRIPTION. New Dade Window Shades IN BEAUTIKUL PATTERNS. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 67 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. A jrlect medicine Cues t, Sie Siao, N. Y.. Posrerncx, March 19, 18S3. One week age, while engaged In my duties as assistant postmaster, 1 was taken with a violent pain or kink u my back ; 11 was se painful I could hardly breathe. and I ached all ever my body. I Immediately ent for an Aucecx's Porecs Plastxb and applied It ever the seat of pain j lu twenty inlnutes 1 was en. tlrely relieved and cored. 1 have ni All cock's Plasters In my family ler ever twenty years, and have found them wonderfully etrec tlvAlri rnrlnir rniifha. mlila Rnnnnlmnnin) difficulties. They are a perfect medicine cheat; I thAV rlirA wltlient thA fdlphtpftt nnln nr Inrnn. I venlence, never leaving a mark en the skin ITues. Least, Prtldtntf MltageeStng Sing, V. 1'. uitoejsjuijsa. A1 nunsK's. Duffy's Pure Cider Vinegar rer Pickling, tbere Is no butter. We gnaran teett. Alse While Wine Vlneuar. Whole aud Pure Grennu tplces. Alee Green Ginger Reet. REMEMBER I We are Headquarters for tbe lollewlng Cam. palgn goods : Hunting rings et any slzj, lurnlshed at short notice. All sizes of Mnslla Flags always In stock. Alse tbe liucket Chinese Lanterns by the hundred or thousand. Imported Japanese Lanterns, large size, bcautllul design. Badges, Pins, Portraits of Candidates. Col ored Campaign Torches ana FIRE WORKS. At BURSK'S m-. '- w hen purchasing a poreu plaster, be c u re te get V Allcock's." All ether se called Pereus Plasters are Imitations. . ' U Uome. Fast, brilliant and fashionable are tbe Diamond Dye colors. One package colors 1 te 4 lbs. of goods, ion. rer any color. Gel at druggists Wells, Richardson A Ce., liiullngteii, Vt. An Knd te'itane Scraping. Kdward Shepherd, of Harrisburg.Ills., says: ?.HV,;?.B recf 'veJ se much benent from Elcc trio Hitters. 1 feel It my duty te let suderlni; human ty knew it. Have had n rnnnlng "ere en my leu ter eig,lt years. my aoewrf told me I would have te have I be bonewrapeder leg amputated. 1 used. Instead. th"S betU?S S S? W'S'J"1.'.1 my le u no eanti ud Xntti -if re UllU,.r!, ttre se1'1 Bt ""y nta ))trhei by 11. u. Cochran, ilrn cubit. Nn itt and W North Hueeu street,' LancXer, pS." " 5) "Over the UIHt te the Peer Heuse .iPfrsen.?,lu '"Paired or lmreverishcd bjoeduon lhorea.Uo physical uinkrumcv Burdock llloed JJitter, strengthen and enrfch ,. vm,8JOiUU1, ur tuuu ey it. ii. (jnefi ran.nrugtfin ,H nd 139 North Quwn,treel NO. 17 HAST KING LANCASTER. STRHHT. PA. JUBUiuaX, TqAUKll HliUl'HIMI Are receiving and opening daily complete NEW LINES of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, both in staple materials and the novelties of the season, te whiclthey invite the attention of purchasers. IN BLACK. MAtmimutr. T UIR TTEAUUIJAitTKlfc, lfUK TU1; INDIAN MEDICINES, KA-TON-KA AND MODOC INDIAN OIL -AT- LOOHER'S Drug Stere, EAST KING STREET, NO. LANCASTER. PA. French Cashmeres, Silk Warp Henriettas, Peplinettes, Ottomans, Drap d'ltalia, Terriesetta, IN COLORS. Tricette, French Tricote, Gilbert Suitings, Ladies' Cleths, Drap d'ltalia, French Cashmeres. IN PLAIDS. Bisen Cleth Plaids, French Cashmere Plaids, Plaid Cleth Suitings, Flannel Plaids. Alse full lines of Black Silks of the best makes, and Plain and Brocaded Silk Velvets and Velveteens. The New Silk and Worsted Braids for Trimming. tfcgAll the above goods are marked at the LOWEST PRICES. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. TMArjsLrtrn uvjdk. tr je. 3. U1VLKH. RECEIVING FALL AND WINTER GKO- V. HATHVUrt. DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. BEST " STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. KSTAllLlSUKt) 1MS0. UOMPAUKTI1K81ZKS AND PKIUKS Or OUR -ENGINES. We bave no Agents or MMilH men te' protect by adding commissions which Cuif touiers mutt pay. Yeu Save Frem 15 te 25 Per Cent. LIT 1'imcilASlNU DlltKCT FUOM Vi BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP. Ne Shell Iren uccmI In Hellers. Uiaat con sumption et Coul and Hater for Power do de do veleiHxl. All Knglnea et ouruiake sublected te Krlctlen llrake Test te double their r.ite et power. kAVK T1MK and MUN K . and pur. cbau the MHt Durable and 1IK5T PortAble KhKlne and Heller ou Wheels and Mills, Farmers and ThreBbermen, esamlnothese prices and ludite ler yourselves Capacity. nitHVILIJMHI Cnrn run as fellows p t ' ; I.enve Lanei)jtir(.P. It. Depot), at 7, 'an. AHUAHTKIi AND MIL A I la 1:30 a. m., aim t, i. 8 and .X i. in., txcenten eaiuniay. wnen inn iai enr leavi a ni wzvPi n Leave Mlllersvllln (lewtir end), atS,S.tna 10 a. m and 1, J, and 7 p. in , Cars run dally en above time except'.-' Sunday. . ' Oelumiiia m fxmr DtruiiiT .kail 1U)A1 T1IIK TAIILK. V, Trains new ruu rnulatlv en tbe Columbia m pert iHiixint uatirenii nn tlree i tbe rollewinf .TK HOOTUWARU. ir.K.l (l:ii B.U 7KK)1 7KI9 7:1' 7:17 7: 7J7 7:11 7: 8:06 9:13 8: A.M.I 1U-.M 10.NI 10:57 ll:ir USD' urn ll: ll:3-J ll: U:H 11:." 106 12:Vl r.M 12:iH 12:10 12:.Vt 7:10 7: 7.87 8;0U H.-JO PATIONb. ...Columbia.... .WashlnRtnu... ..CreMwell..,, .Bate HartMir... ..Hhunk's rerry.. ...... Pequca .Yerk rurnuce., ,....a ULfiunn..... McC'ail's retry. ..ritu'aKddy... ..riithlns Creek,, ..Pe.icb llottein.. ,. Cone'ilntro... Octeraru .... ...Pert Ueiieslt.i ....Perryvlllu..., KOSTaWAKD A.M. 8.-02 7:4ft 7:40 7I1 7 7:Z1 7:1C 7.t 6:8) 6:11 6:?J &3U r.. BlSC -J HM 3:17 Ml sun 4-0(1 BOO 4:64 4: tJ9 :S0 4:14 1.-05 S:U 8:11 r.a. ... .... 7:W T.X IM 7:17 7:05 -ENTIUE NE LINE Ol"- Ladies' and Children's Coats, Circulars, Etc., IN ALL THB LATEST STYLES, AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER.: 47-CALL AND EXAMINE OUltSTOCK AND PUICE3 BEFORE BUYING. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., OXE FRICE DRY GOODS AXD CARPE'l HOUSE, On On Cylinder Wheels. Bills. 5" x h" t 4W ee t 40i) no t," x K" itO HI 5ilil 10 7" X 10" tAO U) (W5 HO " X 10" 7N) U) CM 00 V x is" leso tw) ee lb" x ie" 13SQ w le oe NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. rOWEK3 A UDB9T. OPENING OF NEW GOODS AT BOWERS & HURST'S, NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PA. FLANNELS AND BLANKS r3 offered Extremely Lew. ELEGANT OANTON FLANNELS at 6 l-4e, 8e. lOe and 12 l-2e. ELEGANT GREY FLANNELS at 12 l-2e. RED TWILLED MEDICATED FLANNELS all prleea. Immense Stock of WHITE AND GREY BLANKETS from 81 OO per pair up ; we offer bargains n these eceda. Just openod, several bales of COMFORTS, whleh we are offering at OOe, 81.00, 81.26, 8L60 and 82 00 ; thoee geed a are pronounced very cheap for the prices we ask ler them. ENTIRELY NEW LADIES' 6-4 SUITINGS In Plain Oletha, Trioetaand Plaids, all New and Handseme Shades. We offer the best 60e OORBET in the city. We offer the best60eKID oteva lu.the city. We offer the bast LADIES' BALBRIGGAN HOSE In the city. We offer Hundreds of Bargains lu our Notion Department whleh it would pay you te examine before purchasing. LADIES' GOSSAMER CIRCULARS in Extra Geed Quality that we are net afraid or ashamed te recommend as being first-class In every particular. Would be pleased te have you glve us a call at NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. BOWERS & HURST, 1 JIore Power. 6 llorse Power. 8 llorse Power. 10 llorse Power. 15 llore Power. 'J) llerau Power. Wm uian u tact uru unit keep In sleck the tel lowing Koetta, which are always en haml : Portable Engines en WheeUaml 8111s. Stationery Kiiglnes, 2 te OU Hume Power. stationery Heller. Portable ltellers. Portable Paw MUM. Larue and Small Heller reeU Pumps puinp ami heaters combined steHtn Pump. ltark, Cerk ami Cob MUM. Pnlleys. Shafting antl Uearln. Ilouse Cellar Heaters. Crcamerlra llttwt up. Hteatu Heating a Spt'Clalty: Iren and llnus CaatlnKs: Iren Tanks ter Water and Otl. Lltfbtand Heavy Sheet Iren Werk. Steam and Water Pipes; Hancock Inspiraters. Valves and t lttlnirs. Andes A Sen's tieparnters. llutUl any Power or style et Hellers, esti mates Klven ler inr.chlnery. llepalrs prompt ly andceretuUy attended te. A9-ALL WOUK UUAUANTKEU.-C Jehn Best & Sen, (PUOPK1KTOU3.) Ne. 333 East Fulton St, LANCAarKK, PA. anlB-lyda,- CtlKMWAt.L, 1.RIIANIIKI A DOI.KHKOUK VALLEY HAII.KOAD TIM K-TAIILK. secTirwaiD, Trains leave Lebanon dully (except Sun day) at U.30 a. m., 12:3.1 and l:-a p. m. Arrive at Cornwall at U.IO u. m., 12:37 p ni. and 7:40 v, m.t it Conewnce ut i:'."! a. lu., lru and 8:2Up. m., eeunectlni; with the l'snnsy vanln railroad for points aud WORTHWARn. Trains leave ConewaKO at 7:0 a. in., ZM ant 8:21 p. in. Arrive at Cornwall at 8:13 a. in., 1:18 and 9:1S p. in.; at Lebanon nt e.3t) a. m.. 1 SO and K2 p. m., connecting at Lebanon with Philadelphia A IlcadlnK railroad tnrpelnln tint and West, and the Lebanon A Troiuentbrnncli ler Jehns town, Plnrgreve and Tremont. The 8:S0 a. m. train will step only nt Cem wall, Colobreok and llellalre. R r.ADirui st luiiiwuia it. i.. AUUAHaKMKNTOrPASSKNOKllTUAlNtf hUNUAV, J1AY 11th, 18S1. NOP.TIlWAItU. B. u. M.ii71JI I Wholesale and lie tall Dealer In t. win n. LUMI1KU AJiU COAL. -rarl: Ne. l North Water ant Fttnc streets atxive Lon'en Lancaster. n-lyO mimeAUUM elui jKirrciiita. COAL DEALLxiS. OirriCES. Ne. 120 North ymm STRnrr, aud Ne. 161 NOBTa;PKtnca Stbibt. YA11DS. Neets Prjbcs Sraiir, nAE UliD- ma DsreT. LANCASTKU, PA. auglMld pOAL. M. V. 13. COHO MO SUJtlJl WATXUBT., Lancaster, ., Wholea&le and Uet&U Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With tbs Telephonic KzchstuR Yanl and Offlce Nc. J30NOUTH WATHU STliEET. fnhS8-Vd neuTs Jt biiuKs. T yVtO VlllJsT l'ltEMIDMs AWAlUJClJ -KOU TUE Ut juatcbless Merit. Fer the demi and -threat, externally or Inter. Billy used, Tftemai Hclectrie 0lsinatcl"es Asthma,caturrh. and serious threat iiUecllans mNrthUnstrl"111' tUB8Ut' 13J Oe Kaa lteliev it. That In this town thore are scores et nerani nesJlnjr our stere every day whoVe ivcs?2 uiada mlserabte by lndle8UenV UnSnfff 8eur and distressed stointiblLrverLeut. them bhlleh's Vltallrcr, tunnintedd in VwiiS them, sold by H. it. CwbranrarnSlsr! N 31 and IS) Nerm queen set. fgb'? ' ArULL Huts (IV i-lPtil AT flilOPU .. thatdelycoianetlUenat "ia uAJtTMAy ykllew ru 8TOHK. rueNT ciaAii aeya 159K Watches and Clocks. WateheB, Clocks, Chains, RIuhs, Bpeotaelea, etc nepalrlnget aUklnds willreceivB mw n. .Uemertber name and number iiirZT; , W'lte Clt.t UeteL, new Aang Uwgg'ffTn'ft JX NilUi,-iuipeHensaiBhSSht7V.l!i'.Il te trespass via 04iy et the lands of th iv, wall or Spet-iweli estateiTln ftbanenaSl Lancaster oeaucs, whether Mnoleiod or fn ,n."ea' eJ5w' Ue Purpoee el shoeuna m Ashing, us the lw will be ingldly mIeiSJS Baln.tau tresptwslnK en ssJd lands whl under! ued tt4r vhls noUee. el ual WM. C6LKMAN TEKKHANl JSDWAKD O. rjtltgMAN. piAXAUHU. ELY'S CREAM BALM iUSADACUE. Easy te use. Price. 50e. Ely llre's., Osweae. , N. 1..U.8.A. HaV PfiVAr eI5ay-cver la n typoel J-J-tfJ A O VOX .Catarrh, having peculiar ,;uiuiunih it ia aiivjiueuuy an Inllttmed uuuuiiiuu ei uie uning memunuie et the nos trils, tear ducU and threat, ailecting the lungs. All acrid mucus Is accrued, the als charge Is accompanied wllh a painful burnlnc sensation. There are severe spasms et neexlng.lrequeninttacks e! blinding IKutd- im ??i,f'i?Kia?.a.1.I,Samec,5Ult0 of Aevytm. LLl'SCKEAM UAi M Is a remedy founded pn a correct diagonals et this disease and can ue uuuciiuiHi .upon, uj cenu at drngglsts. M) . wjr u4fM eauipiu oetue Dymall, 10c. telfic BROTHERS, gwl-t Druggists. Oawygn. N. Y "D All; UAL8AM. PAltKEU'8 HAIR BALSAM. -J?! pn;ncLd Idresslng preferreit te Blmllai articles because el its purity and rich nr. Y0iJ.V.I.rul'.c.0101t ttna prevenu dandrnrj andtalllngeluie hair. Me and two. lllbCOX A CO., N. t. FIORESTON. excels the finest flower In richness. l)cll Best Beets and Shoes, AT THB LATE FAIR. A great part of our Exhibition wag made te the order et our Customers, and net specially for Exhibition. We bave never been se busy en Custom Werk, at this season et tbe year, as we are new. We have Increased our lacllltles and will try te accommodate all. we wUl fulfill all our premises and disap point none. a full Hne el Heady-made, medium priced nurj& uwnji uu uauu. WM. H. GAST, Ne. 105 North Queen St, Lancaster, Uelt-6ind&w JMSUJtAXVt:. OJ.A J.ND UUEEXSWAJIA. Hill St BIAIITIN. H MASON FRUIT JARS AT- CHINA HALL. MASON FRUIT JARS -AT The Lewest Prices. L1GHTELNG FRUIT JARS The Best In the Market at High & Martin, 15 EAST KING STREET, LANUASrKIL PA. Hit V C ATI OXAJL. OAuuiAuaa, v. -UOUUEUK St atllET. IRBECK & MILEY SCOUE3 ANOTIIEll TU1UMPU. ALL TUE HIQUEST AND ONLY PUKM1 UMS AWAICIIED TO V8 FOll OUK UPECIAL1T1K3-LIUUT-WOUK. t! S'i UCIIUUK'S MALL KUU UUYS. ItKlST- KKSTOWN. Mil., nrerjareafer anvcelleira or business llle. Unsurpassed. 1150 te $300 a year. PKOIf. J. C. KlNEAK. aui(U-2meed Principal. HAVRRFOKUUOLLKUIC. PA., 0 tflLK from Philadelphia, en the Penna. U. It. THOMAS ClIAbE, LL. L PresldenU Under care of Members el society et rr lends, but open te ethers. Classical and Scientific courses. Thorough Instruction, ample equipment Practice in Astronomical Observatory, Chem ical Laboratory and Machine Shep. Complete Gymnasium. Library 11,000 volumes. Beau tiful grounds : healthful location In the coun try. Next half year begins th month ( Sep tember) 17tb, I&l. Address Peer. ISAAC SI1AUPLKSS, Dean, Ilaverlenl College P. O., Pa. lelS-MW&rsat S?'TSryJf",S?gi?.,I.9?0.r ,lltelt- eure .WUW. CJ.UJ.bO lllxcex A Ce, MJ&t!&0,K$reA CelBn. "Bnature et llxcex A Ce.. N. Y.. eneVHi-v lu,..l .,, -,. cents, at druggists aud Uealers In perfume. COLOGNE. tllid vwpnvlilTn IfOKUHKAT HAHOAIN3 UU Tl 1IKUII. A? leld's. llulunce et Summersteck, cleslnir outwltheat regard te cost. Kail Uoeds must have the room. Heme already bought at un- mSl preatsPtlC anU WUl b MMM UI,r,!U10 .if.i1"' ttni Uents1 furnishing Ooedi una Notions urespeetaltles. b Please call and oxnmlne before you buy. . .HKNUYUKOUTOLU, pr iinm , Ne. 52 North yueen struct. 0We"cSnSEe,aibe C0Un ttna f' rnuic Prudential Insurance Ce. OF AMERICA. Heme Omce-TIEWAEK, N. J. The Prudential offers a plan by whlohevery whlehevery whlohevery ene may secure a tund sufllcient lerbuiial purposes. This company is endorsed by the leaGeg business men and manufacturers or Lancaster county, claims paid within 1 hours tutor proei el death. -CALL AT- Ne. 12 SOUTH DUKB 8TRBBT, jVOB ClBCCtAkS AMD Inr0B?AT!OK, 20 Iteliable Agents Wanted. s3-3md pueir. U. J. OILLKSP1KS Danelns Academy, E31ILEUAN'-t LAW 11UILDINU, NO. 43 NOUTUUUKUST., Will Open September 22d. Beeks new open for the reception et pupils at Mr. II. Frank fcsbleinan's office and the " Stevens Ilouse." aVlmd btOvkh. 1JUUU, tVMlTIS UUKEnUUUU, f-BA,!itERS,- New Yerk, y 46 WAlili BTRBBT, Brokers and Dealers In Hallway und all 'ether Securities. KA1LWAY INVESTMENTS a specialty, lu the selection and estimate of. which their lenir ixinnw-tlnn with innt.'.n Maweai e Uaiuwade " elves tbera specUl ad.? inuKi bVIlvS)WUUDUm 1UT2U3U SQU Inl luinus auiweruu. uepoeu acceunu received, ami Interest allowed, mlMmned OLU STOUK UUNMKUT1CUT UIUAB0, 11 for SSc. Can be relied en as strictly Cen. nectlcut at UAaiMAN'S YKLLOW TBONT cIQAU exeiuc. I) AT A PS UO 1NMTITUTK. rriltleth Session) KUlcett City, Md. MISS SAIiAU N. UANUOLPI1, PRinctrAL Situation unsurpasslngly beautiful and ell. mate noted for Its salubrity. With Its able corps et teachers ; its ureut advantages for securing a liberal education, and the happy results from Its methods et Instruction and discipline, no ether school can be found otler etler n greater advantages ter the tralnlnir et young ladles und children than this well, known institution offers. Apply te Principal ler Circular. Jyia-gtneed riUIINlTY UALL, " Beverly, New Jersey. English and French Heme Scheel ler Yeung Ladles. Varied advantages of the highest nhl.. Bnnlul thnmsiirhiiiM, In fcf.i,n . Langnagis and the Classics. Seventeenth year begins MJplember 18tn. Jfer circular address the principal, Mils Bachelle Gibbens Hunt. alLtslg OUll BIOUTS SUSTAINED BY LANCASTEll COUNTY CUUUTS. A JUST DECISION. OUR CUHTOMKUS HAVE A LAWrUL UIUUTTOBUY AS CHEAP AS POSSIBLE. Anether k Last Grand Sale or OAEEIAG-ES, IN THIS TEAIl. ON MONDAY, OCT. 6, 1884. When these desiring banralna should at tend, as all remaining stock must and will be sold te make room for Sleighs. All work our own mauulacture. Guaranteed ler one year. Don'iferget the date : MONDAY, OCTOBER 0. 1S31. NOUBECK A MILEY. ii. F. Uewe, Auctioneer. NOTE. The bill trying te prevent us from selling at public sole was Ignored en Satur. day, August SJ, 1881. Theso deslrlng te deal prlvate will be offered extra Inducements. fl'UK II AUK US WATKlt JtUHIH IS THE MOST ECONOMICAL POWKIt KNOWN KOU DIUMNIS I.1UIIT MACHINERY. It takes ntrr litti.k boom. lTiixvra urrs otTer HsrAiB. IT OAK HOT BLOW DP. It rkucikss e rcsu It nsans no rMUKiu, TUIRI IS SO DELAY i HO MiUSO VV. NO AEUK.1 TO CLBAK CI'. NO SXTBA IM3UK4M-STO TAT. NO RXrAlRlXO HKCXSSAUT. NO COAL DILLS TO PAT, ADD IT is aLwatb rxadt rea csa. It Is Invaluab'e ter Blowing Church Organs, for Kunnlng Printing Presses, bowing Ma chines. Turning Lathes, Screll Saws, Urlnd Stones, Cetlee Mlllp, rtausagu Machines, Feed Cutters, Cern Mills. Elevators, Ice Cream freezers, Etc call at J. L. Ulnkiey's Grocery Stere, corner EastKlngand Duke streets, and see one In operation. Four-horse power at 10 pounds prosure et water. It ts iieiseUsi, neat, compact, steady, ami above all It Is VERY CHEAP. Prlce-413 te t30O. Send ter circular te E. II. DILLEIt, AgL, NO. IK N. DUKK ST., LANCASTER, PA. The Backus Moter will de mera work with less water than any ether water meter In ox ex lstence. uugll 3md LKAVH. CJuarryvillr 6:i lAncoster, Klnj-ft , 1.J- Lancaster Chlckles.... !" Marietta Junction... 7.M UelnmbU. 70 Aum. KesLalns tU SOUTHWARD. LXAVB. A.M. Reading , 7:2c ARR1VB. MarlettA Junction ,. 9:11 Culckles p-.iu Columbia : f Lancaster.... 9:5 Lancaster, King St. SMI Uuorryville 10.IC r.x. p.m. .... UVe .... 30 l:OJ s.M .... & .... M 1:10 S:lu ZA WW A.M 7ae s.iu J:JU Trains cennect at Reaillu K. P.M. le c:ie r.u. .... 8: Alt) s. i-.lO it: 1 i .... 8.2S .... 9-X 61J 6:W ir wltii train toane from PhUoilelph Petuvuie, Hurrlsburs, Al lontewn ana New Yerk, via Bound ilroek Reute At Columbia irlth trains te and from Yerk. Hanover, Gettysburg, rredanck and Haiti mere. At Marietta Jnnctlen with trains te and from Chlckles. BUNDAY. lAjave CJuartyvllle, 7:UJ a. m.t Lancaster King Street, S-Ou p. in. Arrive Reading, 10:CO a. m 7:10 p. m. Leave Rending, :t a. in., l-ui p. m. Arrtve Lancaster, King Street, 10W0 a. tn 6:ti3 p. in.; Uuarryvllle, 7:(e. A. M. WILSON. Sunt L TTAV1NO XL and DISSOLVED PAHTAEIUlUlP petmanently closed the Chestnut still In the business, being locuted In the Peun street lreu Works, 1 desire te lnterm my old patrons and tbe public generally, that I am EIIAMI.N LANCASTKK JOINT LINK RAILROAD. AnRAMOEMeST OP PABSIKOXB TRA15S. MONDAY, AUGUST lSUl, ISM. NORTHWARD. Sunday. t.rnve. a.m. r.M. a.m. r.M, King strrat. Lane... ill s.Oi iw Manhelm 7.06 SIS S.4S 5.15 Cornwall 7.1) &. D.M O.'a Arrive. Lebanon se) CIS 9.43 '.8.15 A.M. r.M. A.M. r.M SOUTHWARD. Leave. am. p m. a.m. r.M. Letanen 7.13 7.:i 7tu li.30 Cornwall 7.3.1 7..V) 7 JO 1310 Manhelm 8.17 d.30 9.21 6.21 Arrive. King Street, I.anc... 8.J7 9 10 1000 6.03 A.M. r.M. A.M. r.M. J. A. Wilsen. Hunt. It. A C. R R. J. M. Havard, sepu C. und C. A ML II. R. R. Gxenais ELtx, Supt. !' A It. R. R nll-lyd PKKHtiVLVAJdA K.lLUOAD MKW SCUEDULU On and uiu-t SllNDAI NOVEMBER, 13,1$, trains en the Peuiuyl vanlu UaUrexid will arrive al aud leive the Lancaster aud Phlladeliihla depots as toUewslt Lev I Ar Uastwaed. LanPW AUUT1UMKJSU ANU UKAL KSTATK AGENT. HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTIONEER AND REALIST ATE AGENT, 01 North .Duke St., Lnnoaster, Pa. Everything pertaining te my bnsloesswlU receive my personal nttenllen. Teiins reasup. able. Glve me a call. lanl'2-tfd AIANSION. ATLAJf'JIU OriY. THE LEADING HOTEL. THE LARGE3T:UOTEU THE BRiaUTEBT HOTEL. Open all the year, v j-JS-xma CHARLES MeGLADE, OTAN UAK1I UAttKlAUKAVUliK. EDQERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, ItKAtt Or P08TOFFICK, LANCASTER, PA. THREE First and Highest Premiums Have been awarded us by the COUNTYFAIB, but the bestproel of merit and quality otweik was the sale et all enr exhtblLsonthegreunds, besides ether orders coming irein prominent citizens. Thlshlgnoempliment aud recogni tion et the superior quality of our work Is an- emer proei uiui Fair Dealing & Honest Werk Will Win, We make every style Buggy and Carriage deslre1. All work finished in the most com. fertable and elegant style. We use only the bust selected material, and employ only tbe best mechanics. Fer quality or work our prices are the cheapest In tbe state. We buy ler cash and sell en the most reasonable terms. Ulve us a cell. All work warranted. REPAIRING PKOALtMLiX AliDlllJTU. One set et workmen especially employed ter that ourpese. . niW-UJAw Iren Company's W erks. North Plum street, where 1 am m-iklng Iren and Brass Castings et every deitrlptien, and will be pleasud te serve all who may laver me with their patron age. rrem 10 years experience In the business and using the best material and employing the best mechanics, 1 am sutljlled I can guar antee entire satislactien. Castings mane from a mixture et Iren and steel which are mere re liable for strength and durability than the bust cast lreu known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a specialty. Cast ings made et very nett Iren, and brass cast ings et evbry description. 1 have all the pat. ters at the well und favorably known Mewrcr Cern and Cob Crusher, rentled and Improved. Alse en hand, mills completely fitted up or In parts, te replace old ones which have been In use ler years, guaranteeing them te give sat. is tactien. amrimmiJ R.O. MeCULLEY. MUH1UAJ AJtHTJtUMJSMXb. w 1LOO WUITI) Mall Express . Philadelphia Xxprcss Fast Line. ............. i Harrlsburg Express Yerk Accommodation arrives LancoAter Accoine latien arrived..,, Columbia Acoemmo-i; uen rredrxlck Accommodation arnvn., Leck Haven Express Snn&r.y Mall Joanstewn Express... Day Express Uarnsburg Accommodation. 1.10 2.-Z7 f.36 t-M :l e-fii 9.00 r.x. 12:33 HM i-Al 6:1" ItKA 70 100 U:lS ZM r.x. 6:16 6iOS 726 9:16 Hanover Accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Nlaeam Express at 9:15, will run through te Hanover doily, except Sunday. Frederick Accommodation, west, oenuocUof at Lancaster with Fast Line, wuct, at l&S, will run through te Frederick WXSTWAAS. ile. I at. IPbUlLU tt Wilcox & White Organ Oe. rjUY'S KUHOPEAN AlOTEL, Cor. 7 lb and Chestnut Slreeli, PniLADKLrnA. SINGLE BOOMS, . BLOOPER DAY. ELEGANT RESTAURANT. C1IARUE8 MODERATE. T. Wallace Rellly, al'lmd PoermxTOB. fl HKAT HARUAINS. TOILET SOAPS, RcUIUng elsewhere ter 250, we are felling six lorl.eo. Kiascm t We have a large stock and want te reduce It. This will make them go lest. Cell early at DEOJITOUyS DRUG 8TORB, SO. iOl; WEST ORANGE STREET, 'oerner e Charlette. dl-lyd Si'ECIAL TEN DAIS SAL1.S. NOW IS.TUE TIME TO BUY PIANOS AND ORGANS AT SLAUGHTERING PRICES. One Geed Second-Iland Piane t"t.uu Oue Elegant Second-Hand Organ li.00 One Elegnnt New Organ, 12-Slop Couplers and Sub-Bess S3 00 Wilcox A WUl te Organs from 75.ue te "Knabe," MePball, Grovenstoln & Fuller, Koyateno, and Veee iSs iienH Hanee, All Marked Down te Bettem Prices. Almest given away. WILC0X& WHITE Parler Organ Warererms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, U. U. LUCUENUACll, Agent. llieil-uu Kewi KxpreM. Wav Passenirer... Mail Train. Ne. 1. via. ML Jev Mail Train, Ne. 2,vUtCelumbla,leaves Xtagara Express Hanover Accommodation leavea.... Frederick Accommodation leaves... Lancaster Accommodation lejivcs.., Columbia Accommodation ., Uarrlsbunr Expreai.... vesiern axyrucs. PAClflc Express.,, XJJtWAMJt, V. ri te JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, Ne. 24 Seuth Queen Street, -FOB TUB- CHEAPEST and BEST REFRIGERATORS, WATER .COOLERS, Lawn Mowers,- GARDEN HOES AND OIL OLOTJI. JOOT P. SCKAM, 84 Beeth Queen Street, HWHnS LAS0A8XBB. PA. f A.M. 1:S0 1:30 7:00 "7:10 11:10 .... r.x. 2:11 lilt 6:tC 9:1. tl. A.K C:2S 6:30 9-J1 9-.U 9-0 r.M. 1:15 5.2 l-JVJ T.X 7:40 U:ii 1SJ5 atDewnlm Harrlsburg Express, wuicn leaves Lancaster at 7:10 p. m nas direct connections (without cnangu ui cars) te ueiumuia anu xeru Fast Line, Winsten barrf, Mount town. Day Express, Fast Line, News Kxprear, Mnll Train, Ne. 1, west:ru Expreis and Pacltlc Ex press run daRv. The ttrnu here given Is Katltrn limt, or Of the 75th meridian, wblce Is 1 nilnuU) aud 3 seconds faster thau that biirntomre iihikI. T eUAtUAlli yviuiamiKaiENTa. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE 3IAILS. My Itllred New ieek tiiueuqu mail, 6:00 and 70 a, in., 12:30 p. xu., B:iX) p. ui. and 'J:00a. m. Wat M ail, cast. 7:30 a. m DowHiaeTOWir, Leeman Place und Gap, 6:15 p. m. PHrLADKLrni a TBnecau mail, 6:00 and 7:30 a. m., 8:16 a. in., l'.':30. 6:oe aud i.w a. m. 1'irrsBcaa ahi wxst, 0.00 a. nu, l:-M and 10: 15 p.m. ll ARRisnuiia mail, 6.00 and 90 a.m., 1:20, 6:00 7:15 and 10:15 p. in. Wat mail, west, :0 and 0:00 a. m. Ualtimeiu ake Wasiuhotem, via Phlladel. pbta,6.uup. m. Haltimeiuiabd Wabiiisotem, via Yerk, 1:S0 p. m. Ualtimoes abe Wabuimgtek, viaUarrlsburir 10:15 p. m. Jlme-ix-IlAifO, Christiana, Parkesburg Coatesvllle and Downing town at HZti p. in. Colombia at 9.00 u, in. ldu and 5 w p. m. Yekk and Yerk wat, 1:30 aud 10.15 p. rn. nehtuiuu( CBimiAL, 9.-0U u. m 1:20 and 10:15 p.m. RuadIhe, via Rkadiwe aicd Columbia R. R., 7:00 a. m. and 12:S0 p. m. Rsadime, via Phfiadelpbla, 5,-COand 11:00 n m RiAutxa wat, via JuucUen, Lltitz, Man helm, East Hemptleld and Epbrata, 8:15 p. m. Ueakbtvillb, OarmarKO, New Providence, West Willow, Martinsville, Refton and Lime Valley, 9:15 a. m. and 6.00 p. in. Nxw UeLLAHD, Churctitewn, Greenbank, lilue Hall, GoedvlUo, Heartewn and Hprlntj Grove, by way el Downtngiewn, at 8:16 p.-ra. and HKX) n. m. havb ILaebeb, via Columbia, 8.50 a. m. and fi:10 p, m. ity Btc Slackivater and Sale Harber. daUy, at 1:00p.m. Te MlUorsvttle, 8 and 11:30 a. m and 4 p.m. lilnklev's lirldge, Leaceck, liarevUle, Nsw Helland. 2!0p m. Willow Street, Smltbvllle, Buck. Chestnut Level, Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve, Reck Sprlnirs. Falnueuutand RewlandsvUle, Md dally, ul 7:00 a.m. ' Lanuls' Valley, OreKen, West Earl, Ferm. ersviUe. Nettsvllle, IHnklutewn, Terre UU1, Martlndale, dally, at 2.30 p. m. Greenland, Fortuity, Lampeter and Wheat land Mills te Htresburg, daily at 1 p. m. New Danville, Conesiego. Martluvllle. Cela, manvllle. Mount Nube, HuwllnsvlUe, Ro Re Uiesda and Liberty Squure, dally, at iUSO p, m. On Sunday uvunlmr, runlla east ana west Clet Bt 10.00 p. U.