' LANCASTER DAILY INTKLJUUEHCJfiltf WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 10 1884 THAT ItUUTJIi AM1.IIH.T. Ulmtln WIiiiNIIII n 1'iullUe Irmii Junius Ullltorsen Ills Trark Charles Wl9i who committed tlie brutal ani.mlL en liU wlfe ynsterday nftnrrioeri, In Htm u rugllivi) mini justiei. The whom city was f oeii red by policetmitl nil of jesterdiy iilturiioen unit List night, but he ueuld ma be fumul. Reports were maile te hevrral ollleors that he w.ih reeti in this or that locality btitn search lit Mm vicinity or thu points deslguateil failed te llml him. This uieuiln: It was icported that he wan scen at Dlllcivllle mill Policeman Spocen went out there Ir.-.t did net get any trail of lilin. Shortly lifter committing iLe nsatiK Wise met Special Olllcer llenncr In the Kiglith nnnl.atul he cald te him, "Arrest no; I Iuimi BOttlel lici." The elllcer net having heard e( the assault, did net underHtand what be meant and told Wise that he had no warrant for him aud oeuld net luku him Inte custody, Henner beard el NVIre'm erlnui n few minute nfturwatds mid at ence Matted in torch of the crltnl. nal, but than could net find Mm. M Mm Wi.ie is much improved te-day nnd it is expected that bIie will be nble te be about In a few dayr. THK IHtAMA. AIIah lieithn Wrdvr nml n I. in of Amateurs III Fuliim llpntik Heuse. lixnl evptiin; II A. D'Arey' e.iinpacy, with MlKslIeriha YVolbynAtlieHtar.appoar rd in the opera house in tl e play entitled " Ijtdy Olare nnd the Ireumasitiir." Thin plcce is olio of tlin bout of ltd kind, and the people hore b ive had t he ploisureof sco sce iiiIlC it well presented by Miss Mnttde Granger and her oxeellcut ejinpauy. Last niRlit, however, tbey worn disappointed. Mim Wcltiy i. an nctii'iss of ability nnd prniturts te de well in the character of CUit in Iho fittinc. IIir support Is bad, Mr Jwhii Har.eltitfg beirg the only pernin in the company be u worthy of notlrte. Ile made a very noaept.ible Philippe, The ntlicis all toted like amatcutH nnd made a number of ugly mistaken Thu Hmall itiiliciiiM tilmnit roasted, but tlmy m mil ed in hpe thu pii'ce out. "Temple ."Krtchr ' Mi. Henry Latuhfeid, A. IS , of Londen, picpeffH delivering a lccttirj u thin city ut no rarly ditto upon the htihjcct of "lemple Sketches; nr, Hew f.iwyen am Mmle in Kuglatid." Mr. I.atelifiml iived ler home ymia in thu Temple, an a l.iw htudent, and it Intuitu with the inr.rn hfoef that lilstnnnl iiutl'uiie.i Ilu in uUn thn niitber of n bonk upon the aogtietn suhject of ' Wit ami Wisdom of the Keglmli l'.i li un-iiit," and is well di-IiIi -d te delivi'i n iiteresting ml in in Mtiej'ivc .uldre fl ii, 'i '.Im s ibjiuV. in it is sell 1 1 d. Illvd Attn l.filui; I.MltctMur, hi. .Itidge A. K. V. h.'n died .it uis r"MuViice, in I'lilontewu. l'.i , at ' o'elci'l: Tet "day morning of consumption. .ldde M irihatn adjourned court until Prlilay as a trilute el tcspect. He lud btuu te r.ii tatcr, for the benefit of bis biulth, but gradually grew Wf.iker and 4 f.irr. 1 te icttirn home. The l-iurral will tik" pi.iee en Thursday merniui;. The uiMiibcrxef thu bir unit ni.d uppeintml a e nun itlcu te ptepar- I'MobiMe.is of ie Hi. , t lUmei! Itjr Htrti) Iiik Mcer. I e of Jehn McCiinn'.s htrpie Ktnijut fi m tl.e picmiheh of .luliii Hv..i x into tl corn Held of Mr. Snjd. r, In thu lower i of i hi- ci'y, un .Monday nlRbt. Mr. Si jdtr .idvpitii.pil them .w.d this niernUiji .Mr. McC'lain called for t'i 'inn, but rcfiiiied te pay the damages tl.ut -'nyder claimed they did te ti is corn Held and o.ibbaj'e patel , The parties '.tent te Alderman li.tr. t'flici) te havn tin treubla Rettlcd, ii. I .er Bimw tlincui.riien they decided t. uh ti fpb'ct .i m.m te uppraiBO the dnm Mulclde nf itti t f lii t'ariui r. Hippolite (leiiri'in. a retired lamer of I'pper Mprien township, Motit);emery p. untj, aged 70 jeM., committed nuleiiln I urhday, with an e'd f,udiiencd pistol. He had another pntl near at hand in the event of the ettui f.nl.i c him. His mialde IB MippeHt-it te be tin- KHiIt, of his wife'H iPKratltuile. Semetimii ane he traunfeircd te l.pr his prnpertj and Itnce ypait. age hIid died, leaving him netliliif;. UpIciieIdi; h liHttKiiter'H .Nnine I'lien. II. Maihtiall, of I'hiladulpbu, lliicn'li hid attorney .1 liny llrewn, enj , ban entered it unit for hlamler ujj.iiiiHt Barten Stan Her, of H.ixt llarl tewuiihlp. The atllil.ivit lllcii eels forth that the do de do fendeut hr.H circulated rpptutt alTectuii; the uharaeter of thu dauiihter of plaintiff whereby bhe has hullcred 610 000 dauniKi'". Auner Hull mi tlin KUiiice Fred Auxcr w.ih under b til for hi.s ,ip pcarance at Alderman Harr'n last e(inne te aiiRwcr a e.bain el diiinUcnnrsi ai d disorderly oenduot, but lin failed te put in an appparnncH. He m htill uii adiunk and behaved in no disorderly manner en North Duke Ntreet yititeiday nfteruoeu that , auellier wariaut was ifeueil for his urrcfct byAldprinati Knrdnpy. lTereuuiii by t:ie litter Thin meruiiiK a Kcntlumm who in a member of the company which pl.iyud "Iiily Clare" last niitht, wad overcome, by the beat whiln waiting f or a tiaiu at Iho I'cnimylvauia depot. Ile waH immedi ately cirried into the gcntlomeii'i r 'Om where he was carefully atttouded and was nble te take the 10 o'clea't train for Harrisburj,'. lTOMiCUtOll by lllB wlfe Abraham Kewlen, of the Hevcuth ward, ban bemi presecuted befere Alderman Harr for foleuloiiR aisault, carrying concealcd deadly wcapuua and surety uf the poaeo. Ills wlfe 1h the presecutrix, and she claims he pulled a plhtel out of his pocket Meu ddy night ami Bwore he would kill her. The policearooti the lookout for New leu. Mlects fit h ICuuawuy. Iiiht evenlnp; it was found neeensary te kill the horfie of H. L. Ilumbtiht, wbieh wtu te badly Injured by n runaway ye.stei'. day. Uue of the ladies who was in the rarrije, it ban bcen found, hud n Hheulder breken, and Jehn Qclz, the dilver, wns ir.f re seriously hurt tbau at Ihstsuppened. .. Nile Wnntrd in Kulirr Up. Sarah Scott called lit Aldiumtu Fiiul Fiiul ney' olllce en Tueidjy mernln?, bald she had been ou a sprce for hever.il days and wanted te be committed te prison for fl?e dajs te rebcr up. Her tcijueut was com. ji'Icil with. line Wheat. A line yleld of wheat, waa ralaal by 1M k'ar Witman, in Little llrltain township. It was what U called Kureka wheat, and imidu -14 bushels of clean wheat, weigblup 01 pounds te the bushel, of!' nue aero of round. Uecd at Autuuieiit. .Jehn E. Geed and wlfe, of Kpt I3rl tewnsnip, le-uay maUe an nssleutnint for the bfnellt of creditors te E. Ihirkhelder ami Bamttel M. Heuder. Ceucert nt the Almiheaie, Kelfei's musical Institute orebestra will Kive a oencort at the Almshouse for the ODtortainment nf the Inmates this ovenlni;, te oemmenco at 7:110 o'elook, Una (session lielj, Iu conecquence of the oxtreme heit thore was but cue ECBiiea in the publle Bihoels te.day. This arrinRement will ejutimt' during the heated !eru. rule l Voile ultf l'reperljr. J'lil ovenliiK nt 7 o'clock Jeliti B, Uolirer mill ltaiiflinun A llurna will neil nt ilni II luster linine, ii lirle'c mcUt rnoteu reslilonce, wttlin three story iitUetimptit, nt the earner nf North (Jiiiinu mul I. onion ntreeU, well rlntslieil tnst1ii nml luvliu n't the meilnrii nnnvmiluiicei t nUble In reir. Aim tliroe story brick tolneee wiirelinuiu nu West Uliintnnt street, nml a tnn-slery tnlck sluled ilweltlng Ne. 400 North (Jiieiin Hlieut Tiicsonre vulualilu prnpeiltes nml pIieiUiI ceininnuil thu attention of ripl tnllilH. Ainnsriiienti. 'Utile Utile."" This clmrmliiK opern will lie priumnte.it hy the (Iran Opera company In Kiilten epem heiisn this ovenlnr;. H tins het n mceelliiKly popular tn New Verk mul Iho clierus nml eicliiHtra or the company prusnut liiK It lipiusre rulil te be strong. Tlilneenipany BinK tlie nperulu ilnrrUliiirK last nlftht ten lirKoniiHIeuco, ami n Kenllcinmi who lenities tlicre wt h le u Lanenster irfenil thnt tlie cmpiiny Isenunt thn tl nest thai liiuevurnp punruil tlicre HfKUIAI. NOT1VKS. Avelii rlicnUKenila The e; l'Uuter eiirtt pilns nnit nrhiiH whxrn ntlmr pliuters Hiinply lellHVn, 'iA cents, ut nil ilrtiKHlei ph. Kllllll' tltvKATH. Ili'iuliielie, fuver. clillls, nmlnrl.i, (tVPpe)islH, eiirul hy" Wells' Health llpnewur." II. (I) TrlU Went lin Knewi.. " IIbsI IhlnK for burns I Ihite evor trtuil llenlH up irrunitly." I. I Kellett. Marlen, onto Hin'iiUmrel Thomai' Kcltetrie Olt. Fer fiile by ll. it. C'echrnii, ilruKRlst, 1.17 uml 13'J North (Jiipuii Htrpet. itnitiiii in i'ain." Uuri's cellr. cramps, itlarilicui ; uxtnrnnlly for ache, pnliiK. Hpralii9. IieailBclin. nmir.ilrlii. rlieuiuntlxm Ker lunu or benst. Hi nml .Vic. W merited Vrelie. Thu universal prnlsti tPHtewel npin Kliluuy U'mt hh nn Umiltiuhle lenu-ily ter nil illienterH nl iliu IddnnjH. Ilvi'rntnl IiewuIh, In well mur lleil Hi vlituiHiiii! unlvumnlly known mul Itsciiruiuiii lppnrtuilen nil slili'i. Mnny ib vtlniitiitiMi4 Imvii Hiieciimtvil te It nttar thuy lisil Ihhiii Klmi up tiy thu iloeters, mul n ther- fltlt.M I I-..II1 lllllllt W 111 ,1111'H. If.lt f. H..K.. U..I.. liy all lriii?t!lits. weuuiiv't. I." I V Tfll Him, l.itiMli'll ynn ih it ii pirsen who Id bilious or eetiH'ipitvil In netii wi'lt person, nml lur lier, Una iiu-irl v pvury one h sutiluct te ttiese Iri.Kiilniifei. Let us lull you nUe thnt llur iluck Jltoeil Hitlers uroeniiot the llnest iltn iltn riille mill npt'i-tuiits ever yuKluvhxnl. Ker silu liy II. ii Cwhr.ui, ilruftuNt, IS7 mul 1TJ Nertii (uuun street. "IIOLIill IIMMIN" ri.MTf.H. I'oreiM niut .Iri'iijjtlii'ulni,'. Inipreveil, tlin bust tot lli iiHiihuchu, pnliis In eliest or shin, rhi iini-itli'i., hiMirnlKln. 'ie. Dhil-iIhis or linill. (i) .lluiners I ftlntnen.lt nietherel An.ji.-i utitnrl.uitnt ntirlil nail breuun el yu'iriirti by iiNlek clillil Kii'JurlnK unit crytiiK with iliu uxcruct UIiik )iiilii otcettlriK ti'ethT It s j, no ui uiu-jJi nml K't nt'OttloelMHS. WIN si n't8iTIUMt HYUUf. It wilt rellnve tin i em unit. Hultiimr InimixltaUily .IniHiiiu iipi.i, tl ttiuru In no inl-lnkn hImiiiI It. TluTu le iielu mother en uirth who tmi iitei1 usi-il II, who will nut lull you at onee thnt It will ri'uiatr 'he bewiiU, nnit j;Iti rout te the iiintlit r. i. ml reltnl un.l bunlth te thu child, op ep itkIIpk I. tin iiimric. It tspertuc'tly SHtu te nun In all cin.K. mul pliiasiiiit te the tnnte, un.l it thepr." ripttniinromief thu elilnst and best fuuinlK ii-ic'Iiiim tn tin) (Inttcil Huiiw antil l'l.'l iOU - illHIl iMllllf. 'I'M J t tM V M" A llr utter. 'Ilii'V ,it.le Unit Ce, Mirshill, Mich., ettur te sin. i nr. Iiyu'd Veltulj llelt nml Apiillnuec's en til it. ni thirty diiys, te nnm, yenn or old nUllcli'il with liurveim dnhllliy, Inst vlbilllv mid Mmlruil tieuliles. Sus niivurltsmni'iit In tilts pupiT. M.SV.K.tw DKATllh. Kiiik.- in this elty, en iliu Uthlnst , Jii'in a Kirk, in tliu'iuliyuir of his uku. rtiu rulHtlves mid Irlunils et thu Iiiuiliy mil nspectliilly linlteil teatlend thutunuial tiem Ids luelher's reslduneu. Ne. CM Ksst Cheutnut htri.ct, cm Krldiiy aitnrnoen nt -i o'clock. In. teruiput at ten cenietnry. 'itil I'ULll'lUAL. Demncriiiie Matleuitl Tlcnei. rnMi.lunt-UltUVEIt CI.KVKI..VNI). ten I'liHlilunt-TllOJlAS A. IIIC.VllllK.KS. Driuiicrulle MHInTlcuet. KLKCTOIU XT LAnOK. itli.ll.Vltl) VAU.V, 11. .1. AiuGUA.NN, II II. 1'I.UMKIt ULUCTOR.S. .tlsi. ilehn bluvln. Dl.sU 1.1. lieerguS. 1'iitily in. I. It. Aekley 17. Jelin 1'. I.evan. IS. Kzra n. l'urkui. l'l. K. W. Munima. i). A. II. 1)111. II. K. I'. lntiis. .1.1. K. 1'. Dull, it Jnlih Humi. U. . It. WintenittK. a. Jehn 11.11111. ii. Wm. A. renjuer. .'7. A. J. tlreeutlulil. .1 I' .1 Muiispnilurter' a .inlin w. I.ee. 4 li. .1. Hertin. 5 ll I.. Vr1hl. 0. .1 II. Ilrlnien. 7. U in Mtnliler. set itenthctili'i. ;i. II. t North. in. II . MlllM. II A. li llieudheuil. Ii. I' V. Kockatullew, 1.) Klchiud Hahu. II lii'ern II. Irwlu. liemucrittlu Uuuutjr Ticket. Cenmusuunn-at-I.arKu. W. v. II. Davis. i;eiMre.ss. I'Altis 11 AI. 11 KM aN. Juditu. II. U. KM III, KM AN. M'niiter (xili.)-JOIIN MA11T1N. AsssumMv (i). UlllllsriAN JfOX. I iMKSS. l'ATTKUHD.N. (SJ. S.n. HKTIVII.KK. " -JAMKSIHIKKV. -1. 11. KAUKKMAN. siii-rlll It M.AI1TKIW. frotlieiuiury. IIKNJ. WOltKM AN. Ki'Ulmur. K (J. 1)11. 1. KU. County frcasiuur. JNO. b. MANN, i luiketO. . U.S. UUTTKH. Clerk of u. C-SAU'l. K. IIOSTKTTKII. county Cniumtsideimr. II. K. II AK1S1 AN, I'rlsen Kti'pur. UKU. W. UTVKIt. l'rtsen Iiisiuclere. II. It. IIUUil. W. WIUTAKKIl. l'iir Dliuelers.-UlOt). UlKMSTKIThU. II. SNVDKU. uiiliiiiiir. DAVIS Kll'Cll. ndltnr.-UKt) W. MillKUKDICK ft KM AIH'J-.ltTJBJtailSMfi. y.VMlKH , C.OL.MKHU 1111(1. MMMl nelluutleii ulihiiras tetter te de kuu kuu er it liomewerk. Apply at it Ne 7l5NOIUUl,KlNCKBTUKKT. Ol.ll hTOLlC UllNNKCTluUV III II A It;., 11 ter 2k'. Ciin he rolled en as strictly Cen. in client nt IIAIlTMAN'a YKI.MIW KIIONT t-lUAll HTtJHK IlllilSALr. AT A 1IAKUAI I IJKISIKA. ble rostitunce, Ne. 531 North Duku street, b rnenis, kitchen, bath room, etc , tn excellent order. Immudlntiipossi'salen It desired ALLAN A. IlKlllt ,t CO., s -tudlt Ne. 10J Knst Kins btiuet. UKDUUTIUN IK UlMTIIll-lllAUB OLUTU Imr, In order te clesn out thu balance et my SpiliiKund miinmur Woolen. 1 will kIve ii discount or 'J0 pur cunt, en imcli Karinunt rer the null two months. A (ml linn et elegant Serge Suits, liindu up In eleitimt style, for 111), less 'iO per eent. Ilavlni; In my employ a practical cutter, u purtect tit can be relied ik en. A. 1I.UOSKN8TK1N, Finn Tallerinir, 37 Nnrili Uncoil street, opnesttu thu I'osletUco. ii.'iHhiidll VTllTlOKTtl lKL,lMJUKM'MUIIIIUL.rA.V iN rnycrs. The uiulersltruud collector nl school tax ter It Si Hives nollce that be will sll Mr the rtlluctleu or snld tix, evury evening, except Krliiny, nt MnrsiisH'sshoiiHtero, l'enn Hiiunre, until OC'lUIIKIt 1, anil all taxes net paid hy siiidduten levy will be uiadoeu thu nerienul prepurly nt all (lolinijnents, accrtnl Iiik te law. with costs. Amount ut tax, J1.C3. liy eidur or tin) Scheel Heard. J. II, M AUK LIS Y, sle,'JO,'J7 Collector. lKDHIVAI. AN1J III'EMIMI, LaNcahtxr, l'a , Sept. 10, lSdl. 1 duslie te uiuke known te my irlemls and customers, nnd the publle In general, that 1 have removed from 2J North CJiieen street te 131 North yueen uttcet, terineily occupied by the tlrm nt SmallnK A Hans man, wheru 1 have opened with a laree ns sortmunter English, Kiuncli and lieruran Novelties, teuther with a large line el Demestic Fabrics. Comiteaoil as my new Bleck Is, of new Heeds and new styles, 1 luel ussurud thnt In sellcltliiK n centliiu Biicoet your pitrenage, you will have an opportunity of making selections fiem u Bleck uiicuuallcd In Us variety nnd adapt rd te the present ilemand, which Is ter geed values, Kcntlumauly stylus and erlecls, and cx(juilte nt. Nothing but the very best et workmanship; and prices te suit everybody, l'lease tayer me with your eiders. Yours very truly, D. R. WINTERS. JJAMRH nitUTHIEU. " " JJAOKR ,,KUrHi Are receiving and opening daily complete NEW LINES of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, both in staple materials and the novelties of the season, te whiclfthcy invite the; attention of purchasers. " French Cashmeres, Silk Warp Henriettas, Peplinettes, Ottomans, Drap d'ltalia, Terriesetta. Bisen Cleth Plaids, French Cashmere Plaids, Plaid Cleth. Suitings, Flannel Plaids. Alse full lines of Black Silks of the best makes, and Plain and Brocaded Silk Velvets and Velveteens. The New Silk and Worsted Braids for Trimming. tJ-All the above goods are marked at the LOWEST PRICES. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. I nil M. illVI.KM. DRESS Ladies' and Children's Coats, IN ALL. THE LATEST STYLB3, AT LOWER PRIOEfl 4-C. 1.1. A Nil K AM1NK OUIt STOCK AND l'KIUKS HKKOUK HIM IK(J JOHN S. GIVLER NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. -vj-.il .tnrikni ibumjsx it, I Mm iifRr. A'rtvii niiiiiv 1 1 w t: id. i ni" .. .Ne'3-''' Churcli Htrii't. with Hull. 5 Itoemn, hltchcn, Unrrcit, (.'i 11 ir, Hydrant; lltnu jaiw ii ineiith ; iHMteiilen tin me.llutel v. Auplr te A.AIM.KIt. fS-ttl Oi.Mr. .1. HAY liltOWN. 1.MUIMM.I-.. A IIUOI) HAY MAUK.rlve yuan old, hut lU-iiptir, vrry KOiilIii.iicriiqteniQd te tlin ctrs and .1 ioeit drtvur. ( nil nt "5tlt NO. Ill W. hlN(, sr. rrl.l.OW Kltll.NTUIIIAK. WAltlfATKli . clunr unit i AtinJ') itnv.inii filler. thi h.'tt 3c rlirai In thu utiitii nt HAUTMAS'-t YKt LOW KltONT OH1AII S'lllllK. Afui,t.t.iNK ir l.mtti.i.Auir- i i.uu nml Kenntiiln Mini cut Touncce'i. Alse, Ilr'ft-clnsrt Hmelcliii; Teli'iccm ntf IIAItl.M A.S'rt KI.LOW KUUNTOlGAlt STOllK 'JvJWr-SI' KINIi. .'18 WK1T KI.NII QO '-' Uennd briithu 00 NhW SKT Or HUillllletJS UAltTOONiS, 'I hi) luti't entltli'd " TIih Ceiirtn el Ti no I.ove, .nt tl. VltKU'S, Ne. SS Wust MncStiveL iiiiis wii.i. ir. itr.uir.iVK.ti nv rim t ) Mn.'ince C'einnilttnant tliuCltynt I.illie.ii tir.ti.itlHiLolli-ctler.ol ull unpalilclty uixi'i et I'nrlinrtlie nlne wr.U et the cliy until 'J e'cliirkii in .KKltlAI. SKIT. l'J. lsl. ni iv ciiln'd hy city nrdlniincc. Addns, II. N. MUltSI, Clmlrin.m Klimnie C'oiniiiitti'e, Ne. x .North Unci' i htrmL 0 5l lOO-l. FltAMtl.lM INSTlrUTi: 1SS4. International Electrical Exhibition, l'HILADKI.l'IIIA. OrK-cs .Sm-fKUDKn s. C'lhsi:.' (IcrmiKii 11. AIUIIBJIOV- SIhkIe ricl.et.5iic. C'Ulldren Hull-iirlcK. niiBtl-iiiiM.wAMi: HKAI ni oeiimki. BALL'S HEALTH CORSET Nev tiiWe the hind et evuiythtnu In the Uoi Uei Hcitllnu, as ladles tlnd U the imwt COSIKOIU'AIILK; AND I'KIIKKCT K ITT IN 11 purinuiit worn Merchants Hay ll (tlven tt.ti bodtantlntucllen et uny Censul thoyiurield. Korsale hy ull liMdlni; doalerii. 1'ilculiy linill fl.W. HIY, IIAItMON .V CO., mMVAS-lil New Uhvpii, Conn. Juiti.ii) MAt.i:. On VVKUNhSUAY hVKNlNO.SEl'TKM HKU 10, 1 I, v ill he Beld at nuhllc nule, ut ihe Hlustur llmiiiu, corner et North Quevn and Chesitiiiil sin els, Lancaster, l'a, thu proper preper tluu id Jehn B. itelirer, as IoIIewb. le wli : Ne. 1. That llriit-clai thieimteiy IIUICK METAl. UoeKhl) ltKII)KNCK, lUhy.Utiet, with a ihree btery llrlrk Metal iioelud rear at tiichmunt. .VJ hy 11 und Id teet, havlni; two llul llul tenlud, 1'orttce and ceihci vatery, ultii.ituen the nerthwent corner et North Queen and tt'i'it Lemen Bt'eels. The liwldn llnNh et thli heusti U alinuit entirely el hard weed (no cracK) or HlirliiKiijie). has Imvii tile lloer vi'stl vi'stl hale, an eluht feet whin hull, two panen. Driiwlni; and rrcscoed DlnliiK-roeiiig, and Kitchen et meat excrltunl tlnUh ami conve cenve nluncii, havlni; btau; Head ltaiiKuaud liuiuh Winter en tlmt lloer, seven llfdioenig and Ilalh deem en uuceud lloer.uiwuiv lledioenm, onelarKC Wiun lirylng Itoeiu and tine Ohsurv atoryen third lloer. Larue mid convenient Cullur under wholuheiuu, having hetand cold water and larne rain wuier clsleni In Bntiiu. Oaj, het and cold watur, hath, two water closets, stationary washstuiuU, larucat alzed Menhen'd healer (liealliig whole heuiu), ranKi), BuwuniKO. ceniiuctB tlirun leei wlne Luiiien btiuet bewi r, eleven leet deep coat bins, under sidewalk. Kvery loom In house and celltr Mull ventilated, and entire preuil. eiw in bucll uxcelleut condition tliat rupalrs will net Im maided ter mntiy yea, and Is sur passcul liy none in thu city. Let IrnnU low leut en Nerm Liuecn street, und eiteiidH vuii wind aleni; Lemen street, 'JIS tint tu Matket stu-et, with un udjelulnp; let neith, and iimiii. lnijeii MurkutHlitet teet, uxlundtni; mat ward le divlsteu fence 11.1 feel, helng ''I." filliped, und has un abundance et thu choicest varieties et trull In n.iuin; und, also, u lirlck Ululud fcUilile, holding Ihnu noises und cir rluKi'H, with IMS and water In same, und u uinullur sized llrlck rttahlii, heldlnc two horses. AdlntnliiK nist-naiimd suihtu Is u iwe-smry llrlck Slated hostler's ledijliii; Heuse, having threu rooms; also, u tiuuiu work shop and harness room and laige hennery. Ne. -1 That To-3terv IlKlfiK Kl.A'I'Kii DWKLL1NU, M hy !3 teet, with Two-Steiy llilck ltuar Atluthiuent. havlnu Imlcenv mm sltuaiu udelniiiK ahove naiued jireperty en thu norm, and belntf Ne. inn Nerm Queen street t Is In uoeil order. Has tun loeiui. namely, hall, parlor, illnintMoein unit kltchun ou Ilrsl lloer, and 6uven bed rooms en second. lloer t het und cold watur, l-unuu, nas uud suwbrconuectlena, ull In uoed oieur l.etSS hy 130 teet ; trull, ulde alley uutruueu. Ne. a. That (rstCaHii Tnrt e-ittiry and Haseiiiunt llrlck Metal Uoetuit TOliACCO WAItKHOUSK, lOOhya lout, sIlliKUi oil West Chestnut street, Lancaster, l'a., unit uhoiilleu yards Irem tim depot. It Is very .stinuuly built, has excellent bj-ieuieiil Hitht, ull ihu warehouseconvi'nlenccs waur, water closet, two olllces, gas, und u stoiue cuuiclty et ever S,50U cases. Wlllnet reiiutm repairs ler years te come. Can Klve iossesteu et this warehouse property wiintu au iWys et sue. lleusen ter selling ihesu prepurllcs Is thu owner will locate in thu Wesu 11 will atlerd pltusiiru te show Ilia uheva nmucd properties te any putties Inquiring, hy calllui; ou thu premises ei ou tue uuilui. binned autu te roininuecu at 7 o'clock, of Bald day wDun term and conditions will he madu known by JOHN 8. UOHUKU und IIAUdMAN .tllUUNH, IIimj. K, llewk, AucU Ileal Kstute AgunU a uuH),'i),'J3.'W,M1'ilAupll,S,(),lJ,10U JVJBir AUVMHTlHKMKHTh. IN BLACK. I IN PLAIDS. RECEIVING FALL AND WINTER GOODS AND SILKS. -KNTIItH NKVV l.l.M. OK- ONE PJtWh! DRY GOODS AND CARPET WAir .ter ,'I.INN ItKKnKMAM. FACTS AND TUB l'LACK lasen Fruit Jars It FLINN & BRENEMAN'S. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - Lancaster, Pa. Z2TT1X lJi U1T CANS, OUIt OW 21 MAKli.-$a J 11. MAIII'IN A- tJl. STAINED GLASS WINDOWS AT A VERY TRIFLING COST. M'CAW, 8TEVKNS0N A Oim'3 Patent "Glacier" Window Decoration. The Meat Poifect Substitute for Stalned Glass. Manitaciurkd at the Linkniiau. VVekks, Beli-ast, Ihhland. ..inJl'.Ji8!? Mr,cot 'ran8parcntdeslBiu, from ttm simplest te the u.eU rlaboiate und com cem com plex, unahlini: any per son with u rmieminM,. ummmr m i.i.. .....i .,...;................". leins cm window-, navliii; all ihe beauty et the real siuined kIkbi, ut u very Bina 1 cost. The' f.'i J2n,.,K?.' ' "1 ? '5X?.n"Kn w! b. Pnreclate.l when It is cen.l.C-d ttatVe "many win lows irnm viw ...H ii,2 1 I ..ri. .... ,. "uw' " "'"" ' l l'tttunt Decoration, be shut out tre n Mew, uud the beauty et the Interior enhanced, win hi the labor et ulllxluic thedeslL'ii Is no luoie ihuu u pmsant pasttme and uxerelsn or skill In which ladles ami chlhTre can I uku Yu.lU iI'i,';aSl's W"UJ, "? !lla8foeable vlew exist-, theie may be portions cd the house w ire i.SndtX th0 'U8WI wlt" tllcfe ilesis will be liiund te hn an Improvement Windows en slnlr latidlnus uiu pintcularly Reed suhlects ter bO7iinv,r'tMm,UJ,0r "y00?110" ' wl.1,la "1"""t "" window" in atevc position. wUl SIe'wInrdceS AfJ-'OJi Ft'LL IXFORMATJOJf CALL ON'SH J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cerner West Kiiik aiul Prince Streets. Kilt MAltti. 1A'UH ItKM', An liw Aero Ualrv Farm, sltuuttd'Jmllcs from Lancaster i uoed bulldlnKs ; rent low. iiSnuidASil, HlKsH & 11UOS. AIMtlNlSl'ICATIIIt'C MAI.K HKVaY.U uhlu city property. Thu Lamb hotel will oefoln at publle sale en SATUHDAY h r.NINU, HKV V. 13, at 7 o'clock. 8ee printed WIN, or call upon ALEX. HAItlllb uui;ie eetus Aomlnlstiater. MM NAI.K tilt UBNT..-TIIK VKIll UK. 1 slruhlu residence. Ne, (10 West Chestnut street, nino-ieomed brick dwelling, meilern lenvenlunccs. I.eti.iliy IM leet Klecant loca tion JUHN II. UKT7.1.KU. u'il-UdS.MiW No.UHeiith ltiike Street. '1U l.AIKIK WALNUT MKMCK I1IIUN 1 teislers.uu; may buseun IntheBlorureoin luUdy eccupliHlbyMr S.H. ltiiihven, Ne. 101 North Qtiei i struut j n.ust be leiueved hoeo. Apply in C. H. LKUf'IlK, ali-ttd Ottlcii -Ne. 137 Kast h'lnir St. .'Oil, ItKM'. -THK- LARGB BASEMUNT et I'aull A Hamilton's Orcaii Factory (form erly cex's Coach Fucteiy), can be runted either with or without power, ter storing or maiiufaciurlnc purposes, with use ei uleva ter. Alse one iJir(,'e iioem for sumo purposes, luqulruel 1'AULl, A HAMILTON, u.-Jtid 315 Church at., near Meuth Uuke. DtJlll.llJH.Vl.lIOr VALUAHLKKKAlTKlin J. TATK.-OliTUK3DAY.aKPTICMItKll30, liiil. Iu pursuance et an order et the Orphans' Ceiir, will he sold at the Leepard HeUil, the latuiusldencoet Abraham McKImin.ducuuKed, Ne. m HeutU Ouke Htreei, censlstlnir et u dwelling heusu und let of ground, lb leutu Inches I rout by Ile luet deep. Tne house con. tains e rooms, with plasturu i attic, and cellar under thu whole j oeublo parlor, dlnlnu-roem (twoBterteii), with kltehen and smoke heusu ; hydrant ut me kitchen deer ; pouaees, grapes, etc.! buildings ull In geed erdur. Bale ut 7 o'clock p, in., when terms will he nuide known by HaMUKLMILLKU, Kxoeuterol Abraham Mcliluim, dee'd. HuBRrHuUBicRT, Auctioneer. sSUtdMAW E ,X "UUKIIO HAL.lt IIP VAI.UAIil. IS KKAI. lu'P . T 1 ,l.i &l.,Uf..X uu...u...((la. it, lssi, will bu sold by thu undersigned oxectj exectj oxectj ters el Ann Kautfinan, deceased, nt public sale, at the Leepard Hetel, In Lancaster city, that valuable thrua-siery IIUICK I) WKLL1NO HuUHKand two.Blery llrlck Hack llulldlng und let attached, situated en thu north side et hust UlngBtruut, between Llrau and Uhlppiin slreuts, Ne. WJ, In thsclly el Lancaster, front Ing 21 tuet, mere or less, en Kast King street, and uxtcndlng In depth .15 tet, nieru or less, te (Jrunt street, with thu rUht of a 3 leutt) Inches wlde alley, extending tn depth 33 leet. irem Kast King trut en the west side et said property, und me right te build In und upon the walls ut the property adletulug en ihe west side. Tills preeriy Is In geed repair, with gas, bathroom uud puitable beater there in, and ihulethailulta variety et trult trues. An iHimeu wishing te view lliepreuilsea ian call thereon, or uen the undersUneit. Hale te cominc'iice ut 7 o'clock p. m , when terms a 111 he made known by JACOltN. UILLKU, JUNIUS U.KAUFMAN. Kxecuters. IUbut SueimaT, Auctlenaur. fc681le,W,15,17,M,KAltW TM COLORS Tricette, French Tricote, Gilbert Suitings, Ladies Cleths, Drap d'ltalia, French Cashmeres. (MKO. V. ItATHVOM. Circulars, Etc., THAN EVER. ' & CO., IIOUSE, LANCASTER, PA. KMinisaiJucin. LOW PRICES TO I1UY Wholesale or fietail AT . Lancaster, Pa. A.vitit3iJi.ra lUI.TON Ol'l-.llyc IlllUal... O.VK NltlHT ONLY. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 10, 1004 Gran's English Opera Ce., In the New Yerk Casine's Latest und Great -est success, LITTLE DUKE. With the Following l'OI'ULAU AKT1STS : HISS I1KSSIK H11K.Y, HK.LKN COOHKK, AilY 1IAUVKY, KATK AYHKS. . . . ..MU",ei'Kl,H UUKKNUriKLIIKK, MA KKJ11AM KYHNE. llAKVKY KUOF.UTON, 11. 11 WALDO, AND OTHKU3. Superb Chorus and Orchestra, Hans Kres slg, Musical Director UKSUUVKDHKATS 75e A 11 GO. Beats new en sale at Opera Housu. si 51 MtSDlVAL, 1)IS1CIANS AMI UliUUOItlB IIKOII.11. IllKNK BROWN'S Iren Bitters AS THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining lien with pure vugutnulH tonics, quickly und completely CUIIK3 DtSI'Kl'dla, 1NDIUKST10N, MA I.AKIA, WEAKNKsS, IMI'lUt! 1ILOOD, CHlLLclnndFKVKItundNKUItALaiA Hy rapid and HioreuKh assimilation with thu bleed, it reaches every part et the system, purltlesund enrlchie thu bleed, strengthens Iho muscle? and neivcs, und touei and invig orates the system. A tine Appetizer Hest tonic known. It will cure thn worst cuse et Dyspepsia, ruiHevlugall distressing symptoms, sucn as Tustlng the Fecxl. Ilulchlng, Huat In the Mlom Mlem ach, Heartburn, etc. The only lien medicine that will net black en or lnjuie the teeth. It N invaluablu ler dlieases peculiar te women, and te ull persons who lead sedentary lives. An unfailing remedy for dlsuises or the Liver and Kidneys. Persons Butleilug Irem the utlect et over work, nervous troubles, le.is of appetite, or debility, experience quick relief uud renewed unergy by tut use. It dues net ciuise Headache or preducn Con-Biipatleu-orilKlt Iren medicines de. It Is the only preparation et Ir n that causes no Injurious effects. 1'byslclans and drugglla recommend It as thn best. Try 1L ThuKeunluii has 1'rude Murk und ciessed nxl Hues en wrapper. Take no ether. Madu only by BROWN OHBMIOAL OO. mpMydAlyw Itqltlmore, Mil. rui.i. Liwr; ok vii-es Ar fitiuus V that defy coinpettllou at UAttl'MArt'd YKLLOW FUONT CKJAU 8TOUK. SECOND EDITION. WEDNK8DAT BVENINO, BEPT. 10, 1034 AFTERNOON TELEGRAMS f.ATBST NKWd IhlUH ALL. UIKEUTIOMS rnverabie Tohceo llcpurta Tlironcheot the Whole Ooentry-SatYirlDBi from the Interna Heat In 1'iilledilpht. Si-rtiNaFiKLii, Milt,, Btpt 10. Ex Ex linustlve reports en the tobaeoo crop from 500 oerrospondenta of the New Enaland IIomeittail,ceve:ng alt the scedleaf tobacco prewlhK Bcotlens of the United States, In In tllcate that the crop new nearly harvested is the best In growth and quality that has been raised for years. The total acreage may be sllcjhtly less than In 1883 but the pre. portion of Havana seed leaf has greatly Increased. Fully two thirds of the entire seed leaf crop Is of the Havana variety the balance being common seed leaf. The tobaeco counties of Ohie. Illinois nnd Indiana are the only sections repertlne unfavorably. T1IK 1NTKNSK IlKAT. Flve Fatal Hanitrabe In rtilUcielphla Anl- nuiieriuis hi sue bine rsir PlITT.ATirT.Titrr I flnnf 10 tnnnn.l.iBA.n held today en the bodies of flve men, who died yesterday from the efleets of beat. Twe new cases of sunstreke wero reperted tuts toreneon. The animals at the etate fair tire sulfur intf tArrilllv frr.m li.nf T. nn nnmltAra nf specimen poultry are dying and carried &WHV In lltlnlnlafill nrtin litnnrlnd tin,... are being constantly washed down with ice wucur, out, Heem greaiiy uisiresseu. r ive hundred cheice docs at the bench show nml t Im linrni.fi nnlrln nn nvhtrdtln, et.nm very much distresscd, many of them hav iug just cginpioieu long journeys en tue I'tiiway, A Illfnctrnu New Yerk lllazs. Nnw Yeiik, Sept. 10. Early this morn. Ing a flre hroke out en the third fleer of Ne. 03 Walker street, oeonpied by It. A. Klubeig, embeKser of silk and velvet, whose fltoelc was damaged tllj,000 ; II. 11, Thaycrs, manufacturer of trim mings of neckties, less $2,500; (I. H. Upham & Ce., sign painters, $2,500, and H. P. Villiuras' house furuisber $10,000. Tlie building was damaged t)3,000. The building was ever-run with rats, and It is Fuppesed the flre was caused by ene of them nibbling matches. -Iho Trrrlbln tnien-r Vlillalleii. Nai-lus, Sept. 10. It is eMcially an. neiiiiccd that during thn twenty.feur heurB ending last night thore were 721 fresh cases of cholera and 250 deaths in the city of Naples. Since the beginning of the cholera there have been olevon bun. died intcrmcntH in the chelera eeotien of the cometery. The king Jwill continue his inspection of the peer quarters tedj Yebterday ene of the II'e guards, who waB fellow'"- fits majesty's carriage, wbb attacked witii cholera in the ttrcet. ll lt(iuiiilcuu airjeilly la malar, Augusta, Me,, Sejit. 10. Walker Illaine telrgrapbed Gee. Legan te day that further reports put thn Republican ma jority beyond all expectation That it may reach 19.000 and that possibly it may be the largest, with only two exceptions, ever given iu the state The roagnitude of thn Republican vete he says is a sur prise te both parties and i-hewsthata large number of Domeorats joined the Ha publican ratikti. l'ruUnhly huldde. St Leuis Sept. 10. The dead body of Eil ward BreiteiiRtein, suereUry of the Washington Mutual Fire Insurance company ami also secretary of thu German Mutual Iiifu Insur.iuce oempany, of this oily, wai found dead in iiouten patk last night, with a bullet holt) iu his right tomple It U supposed tlut it w.n suiolde. Tne KIhiiksIu lUkalMTeriltar), MiTCiir.LL, Dakota Territory Sept. 10 A lire in thn centre of this town has destroyed a number of stores and smaller buildiiigH. Among thu principal losers are, Kitchen it Oe , 440.000. P. (I. Mc Mc Govere, $23,000, and L G. Gale $20,000. Other leshOH amount te $35,000 Iusuranoe about ene third of tlie Iets. A Hunt Kucu rettpunud. Pkkksmi.l,N. Y., Sept 10. The Hiloy Hiley Tcu Eyclt bjat race, which was te have t'iken place here this aftotneou, has been postponed until Septembir 23d, owing te thn illnets of Riley. Itetrl lluriieii In ftlnlec. ELLSweirrii, Me., Sept. 10 The City hotel, owned and conducted by .Mrs. Pene lope, at Uagl y, vns destroyed by liie about 4 o'clock this morning. Thn less is 810,000 te $12,000; liiNtiranu, $3,000. The origin of the lire is unknown. Alusichni.rils I'rui.lblilenl.U In Session' IIc-te.v. Sept 10. The Prohibition state, convention met nere te day. Char. Almy, of New Iiodlerd was made perma nent president and delivered a long ad dress. 'Iwu foreign rireii LoNUeN,8opt.lO. Steabs ii Ce.'s leather wurns ui uBiua navu iiaen eurueu 1439s, (!R0 000 A krl.llfa ilm la atari rnrm.tnr) from Calais where Dubreuey's factory has ueui eutueii. ine less .win 00 heavy, The I'rnhlDltluu Vete Iu Maine. Lkwisten, Me., Sept. 10 Returns from evor 200 tnwus f,hew that the vote en the constitutional nmendtrent is 49,000 for anil l'J, 000 agaiust it. This majority WJH le increareil te 4U,uuu. Ueinlcl.in f xtilutllen Opened. Mo.NTiti:AL,Sept. 10. The Dominion ex hibition was opened hore yesterday after noon by the governor general The grounds were donsely crowded Jenn Allllllureed. Ciiesi Kit, P.i , Sept. 10. The two-story jean mill of Charles Huberts, in Seuth Chester, was bttrned this morning. Less, !i0,000. Vrlluw l'evcr en a Vettcl. Nuw Yeiik, Sept. 10 The brig AuiU Owen arrived here te-day from Cuba On the passage it lest three man irem yellew fever. One is still stele. Mew linnipahlre Ueiuuirau r"ML'rnir V II Hant Th. llJm oratie state oenvontiou met here te-day. A lypiibld rover Upldeuile. Oaike, Sept. 10. Typhoid fever has brokeu out iu ene of lbs British regiments iu this city. m WMATUEK INUIUATIONH Washington, D. C, Sept. 10. Fer the Middle Atlantie states, generally fair weatber, south te west winds, slight changes in tomperatuio. MAU.iJIlO Slew sum. cjnotatleus by Associated l'iu Blocks arm. Meney, ItfJc. New Yerk Centra. .102 Krle lUilreHd 1514 Adams Kxpruui .110 MicMkuii Central Kallruad 67 Michigan Southern UaUread.... tvi llltlieid Uuulrul ICatlnuul .125 Uiuveland A l'itUburs-n ltallreud ...IU Ohlciuei A Uik'K laluml UalireiUI... .im lMtiahurK.li A Fert Waj ne Uatlreaul .,135 Western U nlen Tulejji aph Company,,,., tl t Toledeft Wabuh 5i New Jersey Central , M Mew Yerk ouL.ne Wimi... ujf rhtlkdeinnik mk I'niUDiLrntA.neptln.-rienrdulland w.gv, Buperfine 8Ute. rOS I KitST Simr! nnr, DUte M 0093 80 1 I'i. timlly, S 35 IJ??i?i H A1!",".' extn. cleitr. IliMIsui) Slli'.J? '"O"1110! Wisconsin clcarTVui .prlnis.nr' w '5tW ,rn" " Kyetteurnrin atU73. ..Zi!!1 ""J.1 Rml weak i Ne. 2 Western Hed (Mnaivtet Ne a de, mi i iff T WW'JOe ( Ne. 3 Dolnware de, 8e. fc cern-marker nnd prices etsler i undar slew demand t s'eamor.OSet sail vollew se i Je mixed. rfOfiSfce t Ne. 3 ile, wc. w' ' Oats dull andheavyj Ne.l Whlto,MaWkei Ne. 2 ' de, SSot'Ne. 3 da 3l3c, rejocted, new, M3320 1 Ne 1 mixed, soe. Kye nominal nt uiaijSe. Bnoils-Clever'iood quiet at 9Q0ii Tlmethv dull at 11 &.IOI CO t Vlexwil llrm it llieai 4? vvinter Uran unlet at I13Q1S M for Ne. 1. Prevision - Maritet quiet nnd steady 1 M,,'' I'nrk. tn nOW t " Hams, mart edi HOJ 88 ,1980MI Ultyde, 113 sua . "icon, liXcj 8moked Shoulders, sei pfck.e,aO.le413Blm0kO,1 Uam5' " hurTprTmrsUr,? ! ,oem liuttar scarce, Roeddutnandlupwuril tenilonev Cre.iinery nxtras, 23e 1 Hisblrn de. W"lO 11. C. A N. Y. extras. 10 925 1 Western dalrv de loasrtet Wmtrn geed te enntm. HJtlee. ' Kellsat 881201 pfictttnij butter, 8c. Wee8rnTl!J,iJ.9T.Ca8,eri UXtn"' "WW. cheese- murki't firm, dull 1 New Yerk mil Meams. 10Hl!iXcj 0ni0 xittU)j cll0,CO- e,,Q SHcet Western tlr le prime, 0580 1 Penn-a part skims. 2aiKe t de lull wrac l'otreliuim rinlet i itennud. 7J.I'. Whissy dull : Wostern at ll is. Hew Yerk ntaritei. ,,.N"W " EPL 10 -Klnut State nnd Ueitcrn dull and still tending in buren' favor. Beuthcrn dull and weak. Wheat opened depressed, and kic lewer. hut later ruled stronger ami railed liQUc. wlthiiin.ieratehusliiessi Ne. 1 White noin nein lnal; Ne. 2 Ked, Oct, iSs7nt Nev. SOfl 89X0 1 Der.. Wsqiihei -lun , Uiij03c 1 Feb . iila9l;e! Mnrch, aJKOtWe Cern HQltfl lower and lesacMvet Mixed WMlern iiHiLCeaefla 1 .te tntiirf, 5liiG3lic -,(ala -ifi'.ic teH'M i Ne. 2 HeptxiiiUer, 32i4 Jet Oat.,3IJSai cj Nev., aiXJl'iJie ; Hlate, 38ne; We lurii.SlttlJc. ' Live mock mamet, UnioAeo. Heks ltecelpts, 0j0 head 1 ship moms, 2,soe head ; market dull and 10 iewn,a'i tverai?" f urnssy te medium pact lni (5005 fO; packingund shlpplni;, $5 75art 31 llKht. 45 J5S0 111 1 sklpH, liai 25. CutUc ltecelpts, s.fteu heaa , shipments, 2100 head, best Kr.idii" steaity I ethun weak weak expert Kiadiw.fO 7uQ7t geed te clioice sliip litinr. iwm te; Interior te inedlum, H Ouj 5 75: Kriutsy ca'tte In excesshn supply, raurre ca'.tle caslur : Texanr, SJ U3U 1 50. Sheep -llncelpts, i,60j hwul ; .shipment, nene; ni'irkut su-ady i lnf.ii I jr te fate. $23; medium te em, tl fie4 j Texius, l itO S(.0: Lambs, V head, J1B3. Kast LinBBTV Cittle Market dull at 'ie etr jesterduy'-i prices; receipts, (.tu neaa ; shipments, lenneua. IlOffs-inarket tlrm ; recelpLs, 5W head ; shipments, a,300 Head ; rullutelpiiias, m 40 0 0j ; Ualtlmere , r, 2-iqe J : Yerkura, a 7JS 010; Rrasicn. nQJiii. sheep In tuir demand at unctmiized prices , receipts, 1 31 huad ; BhlpmenLi, J.iiO ueid. ll'IOlt HISCKS - Quotations by uee t, McHrann or?, I. mcistsr. Pa. IU M. Missouri PacHc J. .. Mlculi'iu CeutrikL....i .... Wu-v.rji-Central leiv Sew Jersey Control 55V1 Ohie Uuutrat Hank un L.acu. A Western.... IM kij Denver A llle limn de. 12 ' f-lle R u.'u! A Texnr Lkj Shere Clilcr-Keft N. w., cam.... ti. N., Oul. A Wtisuirn.... bul't.ul A Oiuaha 1'aclDc Jlail UecJiuibirA Pittsburgh. at I'ftui "... texas l'uclitu Union 1'ilclOc Wab uli common Wciiiiub Priirnrrel Wn-t'ni tlnleu Tuluirriiih hoiilxvlllea Noshvtlle... N. Y , Chi. A JU L LehlKii Valley ,, LehlRh Navigation Pennsylvania UftHdlnp P.T. A lluirale icntlicru Paciac Cem... Nerther.i l'ucltle Prof... HwienvUtu fh'ladclphla A Krlu Niutniirn Central Uiulei ground. ,, Ciknada Seuthuni OU Pwnln' I'amieTiirer.. ..... Jersey Central OrenouTranscentliienial. lteiidlnBUeneial Mlxs.... 1HJ MX m AGO, lJfi 10)5 t3i 8.14 14V. 3.1X tOK ie 85Ji 8Jl U'K 1 tji M'i 4'J.i, '". l"?X My. wyA an . ii .... ii SVl. 134 lt .... i)i 2IJ4 iiii. 4S',;; 49 .".'.' 3 IK 7U 74 m MX U5-ia 2!i fmiDiielp Ma. i lobutens ny Associated Press. .Stocks steady. I'lidtulphia A Krlu it. K. ......'fMS .t-j..dln ItiiUiead ;u 7-lt I'Mi.nsylvaulaltallread ,..T;r... Ibyi lddjjh Valley ltatlrea.1 .-; eta "a't"d Compmites orNewJurir. 102 -lOrtitirn I'acltlc. i!i tort ii ru l'.iclnc Pruterrul ih4 .eit.i m CuntrnJ lUUre.vl J7u i..ud,'h Navigation cempiay 1,1 MiirlsliKvu ILillread.... , ,H3tfJ Ccmnil Traiuportatlen Ceinpnir it. Iiui'sle, N Y. and PhllidelpUU 4V? -1. -Icliuvlulll ltMlre.nl .. ej HflSOlAI, HOTIOEH. A hkmkdv ler indigestion, Ceiisuiupilcn, Dyipep:la, Woakneis, Fever, Abuu, ote., i'.i.: dun's Liquid lleef Tonic nt-lwdoedAiv TIIH. IIUI'K f IIIK NATION. Children, slew In ilnvtlepment, puny, scrawnv and delicate, use" iVill.' Ileal h lie" newer." j nHlu Diseases, Kwaxun'aUlntniani." ,."' " 6'mciine'j OlnttneiU" cures fetter. m Ilheuin, illiit;worm,ere, I'lmples. taenia, nil ltchysklu Kruptluus, 119 tne- Aw MI iale orlenij ttamtlng. aliM.W.FAwly IICuwii'a n.i .uniiuni i-Meacea in the most otlectlve Pain Dttreyi)r In thu world. 1V1II most sureiy uu cken the bleed whether taken lutui'mdiy or applteii oxtor extor oxter nally, una thereby uem ix-ruituly KKL1KV1S PAIN, whether cnrenln i.r aeuui. than any ethui pain alleviator, and It is warranted duu bi the itrenirWi et any similar prtipirutien. It cures pain iu thu Shie, hack or Uewuls, Bere Threut, ithuumattsm. Toothache, and ALL Ab'IIf'3. and Is The Ureal lielievxr el I'ntii. "IIUOWN'8 IIOUSKlllll.ll PANACKA" should be In every rumlly. A toaspeontul et tne I'linaoea tu a tumbler el het water f swunt. eend, It preternvtl, inken ut Ixiltime. will HltKAK 01' Clll. 11. zaciiiits txitilu mavSl.lvdU.W.SAvi Dlsea-e, l'ropenslty and l'asslen brlnKi Mankind numberless ailments : lenmirnt aii.euk" theui are Nurveus Debility, Nervens- in -, iivim. v nuiiity, uuu uunuiurai weak ness of Uenuratlve Organs. At en's Hraln Feed successfullv overcomes theH irnntiiMi und restores the suirurer te his termi-r vlunr. 1. AtdruKglsti. or b matl Irem J, II, Allen. 315 First AV11- ew Yerk City S-lwd-4,WAFw "" mu scuip is aiinuyeii wiin aamiriin, Ill.nnM H.iiphur seip wilt be teuml inlullibte' Hill's llnlr Dye, black or brown, titty cents. .a t...i..n. ,. bu inumiuai, Aly wife's Nrrveas Atrcctlie. " We had ceased te hene thit in wiln'n nuveus anuctlen could be cuiud," wrliei Ilov. J. A. Kdie, of lleiver. Fa. Many phys'rUns failed te de liar gee I, bat Samaritan AVrvina uuscureu ner." At, uruggtu S'J-I WU l'.TDASA w It .r,,ll,t.a.-nFl.l, dl.V huari .nlin ,.Ha.l... lien, hour ctemuch or lltlleus eiiacss. Km Km ery's l.lttle Catbarile fills will relieve Yeu. ll cents. nS-lwdM WAFaw "Itching f lles." BjiuptuuMi Meltturr. Like porsnlratlen. Intense ttchlnir. wersts hv scralchtnir, most at ulKbt, seems ti pin. worms were crawling. " Hwaune'M Ointment n pleaiaiU, ture cure. Fer Lame iiaei , bidd or Unast, use Slit .OM'3 l'UUOUS I'LASTKlc. 1'riniV rant. Meld by II. It, Cochran, druggist, 137 and lSD .iiiruiMuwu Birtwu i.aucuaiur. veoi4Aeir The Docter's KnderMmsQt. Dr. W. D. Wrliiht. :lne:nniitl 11 . tiKnila tlin subjoined professional endorsement : "I have prescrieuii 11 u. y u.. UAl.ua UA1.5.AJI Ult THK LUNGS In u. if rest number nl imniir. umi always with success. Onu case In particular wbb (iveuup ey sdvuiai puvsicians truii n.i been called In for consultation with ir.y.ulf. The patlunt boil ulltheyiuptou:et rentlruied woiisuinpuen coin nigni sweats, nociieiuver, tncre.19lngcouglH.ele. lie couimuuee luiuie. dintely te get belter und was neon lesterml te Ills u.uai nealtn. I leund uii. wu itALL'-i IIALAH Feil THE LUNUH (be most Vdlmv. bin expeoterunt ter breaking up distressing, ec ughs uud colds. Malakia Is cau.e.1 by Torpid Liver I Filfs by Coustlpatleu 1 Headache by lndlgtstlun. Avoid thorn all by using the great vegt able remedy. Alten's Ullleus Fhytla. ZJceuta. At ull Druggists B- Willi, WAFAIV ?t; i 1 li x li m M : A 4 yl y em u 12 k. 3r. B. i ""'f.Ma .... 67 ie vnf-4. 2 Mi' . it