m. LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE! WEDNMOSHAYSttPTEMH ,!i 10 1J684. u :ft t I if.' Ift fc ' i ft. V ? I &, it iv t & m. ! 'V fti L lancastct ntelUgenret. WKDNE3DAY EVEN'a,BElT., 10, 1004. A Ubance ter a Hanker. New Urtinswick, New Jersey, lias n geed opening for an enterprising banker out of busiueas. It seems that shots left without a bank of deposit, by the collapse of the " National bank of New Jersey." Probably lier people are left without much money te deposit and a new bank for a while would net take hi much ; but the banker could make him self popular by lending out his own funds.nnd no doubt before long he would have all the money left in the town turned into his coffers. If he would be decent enough net te grab it all up and run away with it, but would be content te keep and spend It in the town, it is likely that he would be permitted te en en Jey the use of the Bpare cash of the town for Ids life time. The late cashier, Mr, Illll, was a very popular man. lie lent the money deposited with him by the citizens generally, te his friends amene them with a free hand, net forgetting himself. By this liberal ity in dispensing ether people's money, he get the reputation of being the .very prince of geed fellows, and every one gave him their money te kcep.with great confidence. Mr. Hill accepted the care of anything that was offered him that was valuable. He took care of the bDnds of the old men and women and the young ladies and orphans, receiving them with a charming smile, and finding nothing tee much trouble te de for them. Mr. Hill was a model cashier in llie town's eyes ; especially ;te the Republican part or it, for the party get the funds of the bank from him te help it along whenever it was in need. Mr. Hill provided for the needy. It was a weakness of his amia ble nature te deny nobody ; at least it appears te be a weakness new in the eyes of these of his lellew citizeiiB who used te esteem it te he his crowning glory. They leek at it differently new when they realize that it was their money he was se free with. Thev understand new that it would have" been mero satisfactory if they had been the dispensers of their mono in charity themselves rather than have had Mr. Hill act for them. Mr. Hill was tee liharat entirely. And he te ik tee much tell hiinteif. , . 1'jrlnum tluuieoijleefyew Brunswick win net ue se ceuuuing in rutunr- ...u. cashiers who settle among them. But we expect they will, after a time. Ne aspiring banker need hesitate te set up hla counter among them through fear that the hs3en they have had will list them long. Let him make himself as agreeable us Mr. Hill made himself, and let him show himself le be a generous ft'Hutv, fice with his bank's money. and ready te aid every enterprise pro posed by tht) town cranks for the town's benefit, getting himself the reputation of bei g liberal and public spirited, and he will command the people's confidence and all the cash they have left. It is :;,) always and everywhere ; for the reason that people with money, as much as these without, arosiraulAlenu. Men are in the Jlix'AV.-OTjtfdgiug men from their t utsidc show. A banker in gorgeous raiment is a man who invites confidence. A banker's sign nlone is often enough te seduce their money from them. A man of geed ail dress setting himself up as a banker can command deposits within a week Km the time he leaves the peniten tiaiv, of coune he will net advertise his late aUa, and his customers equally of course wvet ask where he 1ms come from. This has alwaje seemed te us te be a peculiarity u Uiu bulking bmi- nifs. A merchant c.mnev borrow money without geed eudeiscinent, ter Us re turn ; but a banker gets the spate cmli ei ins cuoienitis without sectwuj, though when they come te get afreta him they must produce geed celi.vttr.il This is certainly a curious world. The same, confidence in bankers manifested b their custeuieis is shown in brokers b these who buy slecks. The owiiers leave their stock with their brekeis 's without tecum ), and the brokers ber row.meuey en them habitually. There was the pious firm et Fiak & Hatch, whose cliiefs vvete always praying uh -a thty were nnt-epceiikititig, that had i : custody of the geveinnieut bjiuls of the Newark institution eer which the chancellor of New Jei.ey was keeping watch and guaid. They u I; them out of their box and "spouted " tin m for their own indebtedness when ever they were " luwd up " for cash They gave no security for the millions of ilelluia in their hands. They were thought te be geed liecame they were reputable bankets and brekeis ; a busi ness which U of the most hazardous kiud. The conlldence of the people with . cash, iii these who pretend te have it, Is again strikingly shown in the stock market, where the people with money rush in te buy Btecks when the are booming, and te sell them when they aru drooping; following without knowledge the lead of ethers witli knowledge, but v.ho&e manifest interest it is te draw after them their foolish followers that they mnj unload upon them their holdings. It would be a great deal safer, maiil f i fitly, te buy when the stocks are going down and sell when they are going up, thus retualng the invitation of the leaders te fellow them te slaughter. But their minds refuse te comprehend that they are wanted for their ileece, and they swallow all the seductive tales of profit In the way peluted out te them that are se freely supplied te their ears. It is true these lambs are uotse plenty as they were. They have been fleeced, and their shivering nakedness lias taught them something for a while But when their wool grows they will forget it all again. Thk JhtUctin thluks it Is an orphan asylum that is provided for Lancaster by Mr. Stevens' will. Perhaps it was. The bequest having been made be long agu we have only a general recollection that it was ciilelly Intended for the benefit of the colored portion of the population, of whom Mr. Slevens thought himself Uw protector. As the creation of Uie in stitution is se renin! c a x3ihl!ty it is hardly worth while te I . ..1 ciu ijei tieu as te its bsneUciaries. DrcsriTi: the information from the signal ofllce that a cold wave was moving down en the Middle and Western states from Manitoba, the mercury of the thermometer still mounts into the nine ties, und suffering humanity is begin ning te wonder hew long it will last. Since September set ln,ten days ago,neta cloud has been visible in tnesky, and the temperature for a week past lias averaged mere than twenty degrees higher than during the corresponding period of last year. The deadly stillness of thontmos thentmos thontmes pliere lends te the languor Hint creeps ever the systeai after an cxpesuie te the sun's rays. In several parts of the state the schools have been closed because of the extreme heat ; and if it continues for any length of time, it might be well te fellow the example in this section section Anether cold wave has been premised, but sweltering humanity, once deceived, inclines te little reliance en the weather bulletins. There is comfort, however, in the reflection that the autumnal equinox is less than two weeks distant, when the back of the heat monopoly must surely be broken. A use for Hies has at last beeu disoov diseov disoev eie.l ; they spread cholera. Dedgek Dlaisi; could give Charley Hates, the ' Artful Dedger" of Dickens' cieatien,stveia! points en hew net te ile it. 15l.vi.ve baicly get within the distance pole in the Maine race, and yet the Re publican heart is full te overflowing with joy. New that Ilutier is politically dead, it becomes interesting te conjecture what ttnfortunate ily will next be attracted into spider Dana's parlor. cirsr.icsc!. hxiuilf ncvit Height et wisdom bring, Onl bird urn sly of clintl. A man won't waken un his ieceiul clil .1. losietlK inl&ut lauh. It is te be hoped that Darne Nature will make de mero sueh serieus mUtakes like that aider which tn.vjkiirl new suf fers. This motion of midsummer weathen which she has evidently misplaced, is causing no end of treuble. Tiinnr. is te bj a j gigging of T.i nut .uy Hall iu its mcetinj; en Fridjy evemmr t.-. adept .1 course ler the national campaign. Each of the l,3t.O membcra of Ibe general committee will have an opportunity te speak rnd vote, and when a decision is reached they will move forward in the T"'-ilji:i as oue man. Tun average Maine majority- ter- 0.0 Republicans from 16G0 te lSTfl has been 17,. '00. In Monday's flectien, with all the forces of state pride at work, with the Ulruecr&cy ui-provlJed vrith the " sinews of war," aud the most strenuous exertions of the national oummittje who tbeied the state with the best orators of the party, tlu majority did net mash the oil time lliire. Thu Republican party must go. Iil.AiNi: s dodging of the inhibition issue in Maim' his already led te contre vcrsy.. Ncal Dew uev says that Mr, tJUiiu tifvi r telil linn tint '.e would vote f'-r thu prohibition amLjdciunt. Oa thu e.iulrary, Mi. Mumnen, the bead of the 0-ed Veruplar erg tuij vtui't in M uae, says Mr. Deiv distinctly htattd in his cuioe, in the prt-ttLtiui of wituesien, tbu'. Illaine :ia a toeietalei and would vote for the amei.d- mjut D.d Ne.il tell the truth thua : is h" tilling the truth new ? Aktki: Philadelphia's cxperlpricd with tti!. ires of telegraph and toleptieno cum pnuei., it might havrt bei-n Biippe.-ct! that tiie city latheirt would make some pre vision for warding en" an increase of the nuiKine.) in Lancaster. Hut, though plainly wanted they did net Philadelphia lias no Kivcn out erdeni for the removal el all poles and wires from the streets before January 1, 1893 Whcu every ether city nui aueea. lieibatis Lancaster mavbriumin i"lail en t of thj proc33aiea Tur. aitauiiit by the Hepublicat te de. tract it- m V.t. e:cvtlauds merits by a eampaiun of ittlicatiei. has hoeu respon sible for injuy reeiulu t,. the Democratic ranks. Te lay thit ua moral sense of the ceu-.iry is ippestd te (Jlevelaud is te asatime a fict the contrary of wicU is mcrd strictly true. liishep Hiii.tinRVeu, of Syracuse, N. Y., U the litejt. emuaut diviue te be.ir tcstim ny t., thu public services :.id privale worth of New Yerk's reform Kovtiuer. lleBaji,: "His publie hfe has been IrUHtwertl)-, uptight, ,-iul manly. II.- h , mau of lioner, a..d tuere Is much ii his public carter te adiuim " He announces his intention te heartily support him bocause '! have nave, own In favor el I'.laiue, whom I icceuiza as a trafficker ia eflicial Influence, and I am very inueh pained tj tee sj many ct my New Engliud friends yielding up the ht,;h standard 01 morals ie requisite te the presidential candidate in the past." Tue lt"pubil;an party must go. rriik!iu .uaut)' (luU liny. The euntci uial el Fraukllu county was celebrated en Tuesday in Chatnbersburg. All the bells were ruuc und a salute of 100 guus were ilrcd at daybreak, and all the whistles in the c tatity were blown at miduight. During tue raeruiui; thore was a greud trades proceeBieu. Iu the atter noeu nu historical address w,ii delivered by (Jcorge Chambers, ceq , of Chambers burg ; a poem was read by Jehn M Cooper and an address by Henry L. fisher, of Yerk. Iu the oveniug a Rtaud display of lliowerks took plaoe. The attendaace in town was estimated at 15,000 Utiargea Against a lltnK Ulllcer. Warrants are in the hands of officers for the an est of David Tintsraau. president of the defunct Union Safe Deposit company, of Greensburg, Pa., for embezzling $1,000 belonging te three erphau childieu for whom he was the guardian. J. Maxwell, agent of the banking Arm, was arrested, charged with ojllualen with Tintsraau against the creditors of the bank. County Doteotlvo Alcorn charges him with haviug tried te realiza ou the bauk's securities alter the assignment. Ttlegntph Operator lulled by MlaUke. William Colliseu, the telegraph operator mi duty at Snake Hellew, Ohie, in the Hooking Valley, where ths property of the coal operators is being guarded by troops, was shot and instantly killed by 000 1 of the Kiiarda uained Bealton Monday ulght, being mistaken for one of the MrikiDjr miners, who wai suppesed te be havi.tiui te gat lira tn nn nf thn , heppeis. A FESTIVE JDOAOIIM AN. iifK wiTii ma iwrite.-vs iAlu.HTi:it. (Injt en lie Krnrit rlir Hint WMI.i tlilvlng llfirifN nt,u llrlTra m 'reiraiM l.ne Suit la nitw Yerk, Fer Reme lunnths past a young mau named 1'rnrst .1. Bohelllng had bcen in the ctnf ley of .Mr. U. 1 Moresiui, the million millien aire broker aud busiuers partner of Mr. day Gould. Mr. Moresinl lived in Yenkcrs, N. Y. Almest daily the voting man would take someof the family out for a drive along the shady avenues overlook ing the river. During many of theso excursions it was observed that he dreve Miss Victeria Moresiui alene. nnd that he appeared te pay her many Uttls attentions watch testuieit te his affections for his young mistress, Mlfti Victeria is about 25 year old and of a romantle disposition. She is of medium height, and has a fair, fresh com picxleu, with rich, wavy blende hair. schelling is slim, and constructed en a dudish model. He is a few month younger than Miss Victeria, and is iuite tall, with n fair skin aud dark hair, rather thiu en top. He affects "sideboards" with a deli cate down covering his upper lip, which he keeps trimmed te the minutest propor tions. The sesip8 of the plaoe talked net a little concerning the pair, but none ever dreamed that a quiet drama was being enactcd, the denouement of which would startle and threw Mrs. Qruudy into exquisite spasms, Monday oveniug there was a condition of aOairs bordering en a pante at the Mer esiui m.naie-i, Mi$s Moresiui and the coachman, Sehelhug, had geno about 3 o'clock p. m., in each ethers company, and at drk 1ml net returned. Inquiry was made iu tee near neighborhood and a search was instituted but net a trace of tbe missing pair could be found. It began te dawn upon the Morosini household that the lady ami the coachman had eloped. Uommuuicatien was immediately had with Chief of Pohce Manuiti, of Yonkers. That eflicial telegraphed te Superintendent Walling, in New Yerk, about 0:10 p. ru., as fellows : " Hun away this nftorneon, Victeria Morosini, 25, medium height and build, fair complexion, blende hair, black asd whltechcck dress, poke bonnet, plush and white feather, with Ernest J. dchelliDg, 23, ilve feet tune inehes, slim build, fair complexiou, dark brown, hair, very small t ide whiskers aud raoustache." The dispatch was signed by Chief Mau gin, of Yonkers, aud when received by Captain Cepcland, the aetiug Inspector, was sent as a general alarm te all the pe lice stations in the city. Detoetlvcs have been sent te leek for the fugitives. Mr. Moresiui was seen late in thoevon. iuir at his home, near Yonkers. He said : " I nover expected sueh a mififortune te ceme upon our family. The coachman baa been about uine months iu my employ.' A JlIKAUlll.OU KUAIT.. Hew a l'lMiciiser Cnntli lluns ur h lie" ihiqidi; VVU. The ..isc!igcra of the middle coach of ine train wnicn nrnves iu Pittsburg ou the Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Lauis rauretvu at ', p. m. had a nilraouleus es capa irem death Tuewtay tveniti'.. Tim read enters the city from the south slae et the Monenpabola river, and for cenveni ence in hunting tuc cars aie run en a siding aud pushed instead of palled across tue river. 1 no siding 13 ea an embank. mer.t forty f-iaboe Carsen street, and within iroe feet of the edge of the rota't..eg wall, which is perrcndicular. 1 tiesuay even inn me train, niileh cun- sisted el thrce car, was rim ou the siding as usual, .lust as they stepped a fre'-jht traip, leaded with pig iron, was being suniea 10 me same stumg, ttie eugiuccr having either forgettou or being ignorant et tne lycvuen 01 tue passenger coaches The first of thu freight cars struck the niiiidle passenger coach Equarely in the eeiitie. It was threw n ever en its si.ie. the top of the windows projecting ever tue rtiiiuitig wnu. 10 pernies en the street below it seemed that nothing could prevent the car irem tailing ever, hut it remained station ary. An mvestigatieu showed that it was held in place by the weight of the freight ear, vruicu in 1110 ojlllsien and beceme laieeu en ttie trucl: or the paisenger ear. 1 ue latter was occunied uy twenty live persons AH were thrown out of their feats and bru ned, but mine were seriously injured. ! M.IUUAl, MKl.ANOK. Ilulltr Sell.l li.inbii Clevelnnit Will lluvii ttie nuuin iieuiacrMtie r.nthmlium. Beth the AntiOIonepoly and Greenback sta;e conventions met iu Lincoln, Nub , en Tuesday. After passing resolutions favoring fusion with the Auti Monopo lists and Democrats, the Greeuback con vention adjourned and went into t-essieu with the former. An adjournment was declared for the purpose of receiving and listening te ueucral Hutler, who, after partukiug of supper, speke in the open air Ue advouated minority represeuta lien and advised fusion with tbe Deme crats. He deolared that he wanted elec toral votes only te held the balanoe of power and make tbe ether parties ceme te tbe People's party. Ue said the Anti Monopolists ueed net lear fuilen here, as jlevelaud would wiu if he carried New erk and lese if he did no:. He said that be (Hutler) oeuld net be elected, ns Clevo Cleve '""i would have 115 votes in the Seuth wh cli ha (Hutier) would have with a frce ballet and fair oeunt. K-U!inB UrinncTMIe aicrtlnc l.i Verk I uesday wa, a gala night in Yerk. The leuug Meu's pemoeratie association opened the campaign with a torch light precession aud banuer raising. 1 110 BtrCcts vvere thretigcil with people and the enthu enthu siesm aud exoitement was Intonse. Centre Squaie was filled with a mass of lwple eaer te hear aud see. After the ptoccs pteccs ptoccs bien of the Y'eung Moe's elub arrived in the tquare elad in their beautil til new umtuuiiB they were drawn up in line in fieut el thshtand by Geerge W. Heiges, etq , prcsident of the elub, who deiivered a bhert address and thou adjourned the meeting te the court lmni iiinn w it Heusol, esq., who would net speak iu the opeuair, addressed them. The large court uouse wua seen paeueu te overflowing and notwithstanding the iutouse heat et the eveuiug, this young Dotneoratio leader ueiu ins auuteuce ler ever au hour. The interest manifested at this meeting augurs well for a big Dotneoratio majority in No vember. Fuileu iu llunliusilen Ueauty. The largest Dotneoratio convention evor held in Huntiugdeu county met iu Hunt Hunt iugden en Tuesday. After a full discus, sieu the convention decided, by a large majority, te form a fusion with the dissat isfied ltepubllcans who held a convention thore ou Monday, aud nominated part of a ceuuty ticket The nominations made by the two conventions lerm a complete county ticket, and it is believed that the combination will be strong enough te de feat the regular Republican ticket. The nominees for Assembly ou this fusleu lljket aie Hepublicaus, but it is under under steed that they will oppeso the roelestion of J. Donald Cameron te the United States Souate. David Caldwell, of Hunt. Iugden, was nominated for Cengretn Hen. U.J. MoAtcer, of Alexandria, was nominated for statu senater. Hen. Jehn M. Halley, of Huntingdon, was nominated for president judge. The oandidate for C'ougress, Souateaud prcsideut judge wero autiiorued respectively te oheoso their own neuierecK. Unetltr ueunty Dcmerralln Tlitita Thu Di'inocratle county conveutieu held iu Went Chester, en Tuesday, nomluated the following tlcket : Congress, Dr. U. 1). Heckel, Spring City ; Senate, licnja min aiulervcr, Coatcsville ; Assembly, Jehn V. Obcrhollzer, of Plnralxvi'le ; Jehn C. Walten, of ICenuett f q'l.ire ; Jeshua Hibbard, of Willlstewn, and Walter McClees, of Walhce ; district at torney, J. Prank K. Il.tuse, of West Chcster ; register of wills, Charles A. Wells, of Warwiek ; prothetiotary, Prank Ramsey, of P.vst Fallowlleld , clerk of courts, James 11. Stewart, of West Sails bury ; treasurer, Geerge W. Myers, of Ceatesville : cotuuiissieuer, G. W. Hccr Hccr Hccr brower, of West Chester ; coroner, William K.Kane, of Pbemixvide ; director of the peer, James II. Steen, of Newlin ; auditor, .1. W. uoyle, of J'.lk. Toe Drtnermtlc Mntiunnl Uiiinmlttre The national coinmlttce will rush the campaign iu Ohie with all force. The out look thore ler Djtuoeratic success is pro nounced excelleut aud the party is very much encouraged at the accounts from Indiana, Mlehisau aud Wtseeuslu, and also from all parts of New Y'erk state. Gov. Cleveland's recaptien at the state fair at i'.lmira Monday was of the enthusiastic sort and the temper of the people wasuotte be mlUken.All through western New Yerk the St. Jehn tnovement Is drawing greatly from the Republican tauks and great things are expected of it. The auuounce. meutiuade in an afternoon newspaper that Geergo C. Gerham is te ceme out ler Cleveland in a ringing letter is practically confirmed by Getham's tru'iids. They say that Gerham has enough of the Republican party. Springer, of Illinois, was at head quarters today telling that the Democrats really have a chauee of carrying Illinois iu consequence of the disaffection of the uermans. Xem!uat!uns (or Uungrtss V Ijwa llenjimin Frederick, D. ; V Massachusetts F. 11. Hayes. II. ; II New Hampshire J. H. Gallmger, It. ; IV jiai8aouusetts Charles T. Uallagher, it ; I Michigan W. C. May berry. I).; Ill Louisiana K.J. Gay, D. Nominated ler Hie LegliWta re At the Damocratie convention of the Seventh Legislative district, held in Scran- ten, 1 uesday, Uenry W. Lee, or Pittsteu, was nominated for general Assembly and W. II. Uinee, of Ashley, was declared the choice of the delegates for state nenater, with power te appoint his own conferees. Resolutions wero adopted favoring Cleve land and Hendricks, applauding D. W. Connelly's ceurse in Congress, aud declar ing that telt-gatcs should be abolished in Lackawanna county. Cannet 1'IuU r. inker. The man who offered en Monday le bst r-,000 that Clevelaud and Hendricks will carry New Yerk, $2,000 en their success in New Jersey and 42,000 ou Connecticut, or $4,000 en a'l thrce Mates, made his ap- pcaranoe at the Democratic s-tate commit tee hcadquarteie, Phi'adelphir., Monday at 10 o'clock. He showed 63,000 and waited au hour for snrae oue te coma and accept his offers. Ne oue came. He declined te give hia narae, but said he would call again iu a week or two HI3USONAU Viri. PlH.-lliEXT ISLAM unu has te signed from the Krie railroad company. Cor. 1). O. Gniin, ene of the eldest citi zsns of .Franklin cjunty, died euSvturday of kidney alleotleu. OOVEUMIll Cl.EVGI.VMl Will be glVOll another grand reception at ISinghamten, N. Y., Ij-day. It will be of a neu-pavtisau character. El-gene H. Flink, of this city, who for ajearpa3t has been engaged in mining enterprises in New Mexico, returned te this city Tuesday evening. Ma.ihii Jehn M. Giuhaji, au old an'I highly cstecmed citizsn of .Mercer, died at that placi en Tuesday. He was widely known through Western Pennsylvania. Mis. Ulxuv M Stanley, the expleier of the Conge country, says tte guiding motto of his life has been : "Whatsoever thy hand lindeth te de, de it with thy might." Mif Aiimtuem;, the mother 111 I. nf Bishop Liltlejehn, of Leng Island, died Tuesday of old age at the residence of her seu. Colonel Armstrong, at Asbury Park, N. .1. Mil Stivut I) Hvmilte.v, who has been spending I1I1 vacation with his parcnts.left thij morning for St. Stephen's college, New Yerk, where he will resume his studies. Victeii Ht'iiO is new with his grand ohildienaad M. and Mraa. Loekroy among the mountains of Switzerland haviug a geed time, and onjeyingfor the first time In his life abselute rest from work;. KS Gov. Hn.NDitirKs and wife Icave Fiiday evening for Teledo, where the ex governor Is te deliver au address at the state fair. IJefore returning Mr. Hen dricks will make several speeches, political and otherwise. Monsiu.nek Capri, denies that he was west in tbe interest of James G. Blaine, sayiug he wished his denial published, because he heard that the secretary of Speaker Carlisle bad caused it te ha "pub lished that he was en sueh an errand. Themas Hlakely Claiik, in jail at Yerk, en a oharge of breaking open cars of the Northern Central railway, is said te have at ene time practiced law at the Pittsburg, Pa , bar, aud is well connected in that part of the stale. ltetv in t. .Hevrjpiiper OUlee A singular contest ia in progress in the ofliceof the Evening Journal at Detroit. It appears that a few weeks age, C. M. Uub- Dani, the general managing editor, was dis charged by Lloyd ISrezee, the editor In chief. " Hubbard claimed te be held by his contract until January, and refused te oensidcr himself discharged. Having se- cured a majority of the Bteck of the paper he en Tuesday, accompanied uy irtciids, eutered the ethce, and declared the positions of the direc ters vacant, and elected himself and frieuds te their places. ISrezee gathered tlie ofllce empleyes together aud threw the intrudets out, but later they wero admitted as stockholders. Last night both factions wcie holding the fort aud claiming the victury. Hubbard has sworn out au injunction, claiming te be iu pos session of the office, and that ISrezee was interfering." On Tuesday the Journal came out under the ISrezee management aud recited the history of the case. In the afternoon ISrezee refused te recognize the injunction of the oeurt, and a writ or con tempt of court was sweru out against him. The sheriff went te the office te serve the warraut, but was unable te gain admittance, the deer being lecked. Mecremry Pelger' runcr.il. The funeral of Secretary Felgor took place Tuesday, from his late residence, in Geneva, New Y'erk. It is estimated that forty thousand people thronged the streets through whieh tbe funeral procefslen passed. The services were held in the First Presbyterian chuich. Several minis ters oflleiated, and Rev. Dr. Upson, of Au burn, delivered the discourse. There wero present, ntneng tbe mourners, President Aithur, Governer Cleveland, Secretaries Frellnghuyeeu, Tellor and Chandler, and Postnianter General Qresham. The nre- ceshloute the cemetery included civie and miliary organizations, tue local officials, President Arthur acd cabinet, Governer Uovelaud aud sulte, Judgoef the oeurt el court of appeals and seuaters and con gressmen The scrvice at the grave was conducted by Rev. D,-. Petter, according t) the Episcopal ritual. Tnebiiett I.lghls. The polleo reperted ene oleotrio light aud two eavellnu IMiia Q ..n, i....:i TiM-liy nlBlit. """ "" THE STATU FISH LAWS. new ru 1. v aiu: 11 him. iiiiki-.iiakiikii. TlHin,. ,i,.l nt V, iiini; Hti kit liMtrnjm! Iiy flnli lU'Keln -Mrptlni: nl ttie statu fltn Omiitu1ileurr, A speeial correspondent of the Intki.i.i OENiKlt at Middletewn writes that " the Susquehanna hut new touched its lowest point this summer. It Is se shallow that sand aud stene beating 0 umet be doue. ami for the first tiuie in the memory of the eldest Inhabitants, a team ferded te Yerk county last Saturday. All the flsh dams are laid up ready for the fall fishing, and as it is a presidential election year lishermnn de uet anticipate any interfer ence by the law. Yeung shad nre new schooling and in transit for fouth feuth fouth ern waters keeplug clese te the beach. Thousands of them can be seen lazily moving with the sluggish current, aud their silvery scales attract the bass, which; play merciless havoc with the touderest of the tlnuy tribe. Aneldllshei. mau says a basa eats Its own weight daily of common minnows and thinks they can devour tce as much when they get their periodical chauee at young shad. The fish baskets and ethor illegal devlcts for fish catchiug are dratrevincr eetiiitlnsa numbcia of young shad, aud unless meas ures are taken te step it, ttie future sup. ply of shad must be smvll." The beard of Pennsylvania commission ers of fisheries held au important meetirg In Harrisburg en Tuesday. One of the first things they did was te reorganize, when Mr. J din Gay. of Greenshure, wan elected president ; II. II. Djrr, et Wilkes barrc, aeoretary, and James Duffy, of Ma rietta, treasurer. Te iucrease the rtl'nicncy of the beard the president aud Arthur Magiunis, of Menreo ceuuty, and August Duncan, el Chjmbersburg, were elected an executive oemmltteo and A. M. Span, gler, of Philadelphia, was elected oerrespoudiug secretary. Meisrs. Span Span gler and Duucauuen wero appointed a cemmittee te confer with the Mary lhud commission rolative te co opera. Hen ou the subjeet ei times of fishing, etc , ia the waters in whieh both states arc interested. Messrs Magintiis and Dcrr were appointed a committee te censider uud prepare for presentation te the Lagis. lature amendments te existing laws in re re latieu te the extirpation of llsh baskets and ether illegal devises, changing the tirae for taking tieut te the 1.5th or April, defining accurately what tin legal size et the mesh of the flsh net shall be and se curing for the Delaware river sueh re strictions iu regard te the taking of shad as new apply te the Susquehanua aud Juniata rivers. Mr. Maziun: w.v-sin favoref proceeding te-morrow iu the remev.il of llsh baskets and ether illegal devices for the taking of tlsh that new All most of thn btreams of the commeawoalth, but finally a roselu tien was pased for the various members et the cemmittee te visit and report at the next meeting of the beard upon the num. ber of fish baskets in certain rivers and tributaries of the state, with a view te thoirspccdyieuieY.il. The subject of a hatelitug heUiO at Eiie, for the purpose of increasing the quantity of white flsh along the shores of Like Erie, iu Pennsylvania, was considered at sorae length, when it w..,. earaa.1 that th Kiiiiu!.ieu should visit Erie ou tbe 7th or Sth of October, te ascertain te what extent the co operation of the citizens of that city can be secured in behalf of such an establishment. The beard diieetcd that a sufficient number of SuEquehauna salmon, or wall eyed pike, be procured for the stocking of the tributaries of the Ohie and Delaware rivers. The beard has decided te permit auy respensible person te furnish lishways for ene or two of our principal rivers that arc new Inacceu'iMe te fish en account of dams, the tlsh way a te be paid for eul f when they accomplish the object designed. Action was also had iu the direction of stocking the streams of the state with flsh that will be of use te evcry body, instead of someof the fancy variettes that are new taken chiefly by the use of high priced llshiug reds aud the most skilful throwing of gaudily colored artifi cial flies. Lltl4tlun Ileiwren (las ruel l.'uinpunlsr. M 13 Olmstcad, ou Monday presonted te the Harrisburg court the iietitien of Ooergo Wcstinghouse, jr., II. H. Westing, house, Jehn Pitcairc, Jehn Caldwell and Jehn Dalzell, asking te be joined with Governer Pattison in the suit recently brought against him by the Fuel Gas company, of Allegheny county, which seeks te enjoin him from issuing charters te certain natural gaslight and beating companies, of Allegheny ceuuty. The parties meutlencd have applied for tight charteis and desire prompt attention, as they- have a well from whieh natural gas Is escaping te the value of sl.'JOU per day. which cannot properly be utilized until the charters are obtained. Lyman D. Gilbert, ceuusel for the Fuel Gas oempiny, deuied the right of the petitioners te take part iu the proceediugs, and the oeurt lixed Sep ternber 10 as the time for argument en the question. i. Story el a l'llcfiinnn'd Atiault. Speeial Polica Officer Benner appeared at the station heuse this morning, te go en duty with a skinned uoseand scratched fae?. Upen being questioned by his brother efficers he said that while walking en Filbert alley about 12 o'clock last night, he was attacked by four met), who sueaked up behind him, struck him ou the head acd knocked him down. As seen as he oeuld he pulled out his revolver and dis charged two or three shetB at the party who attacked him, but did net hit auy of them. The shots awakened the residents of that vicinity aud for a time thore was great excitoment. Seme of the poeplo living iu that scctleu of the city don't take much stock iu IScuncr's statement that he was attacked and beaten by four unknown meu. One report comes te us that thore was a squabble between him and some parties that were with him which ecded in a fight, during whieh he received his injuries. A Pele Italtlec fizzle. The Republicans of the Fifth ward had an alleged pole raising at the cerner of Chestnut street and Lancaster avenuu ou Tuesday night. Ity imprefsiug into service every person who passed that way, they finally get it up, but it leans be much that residents of that vlelnity are considering the propriety of taking steps te have it taken dor-e, believing it is uet safe. Tbe attuudance of voters was very light. Capt. Denues was the orator of the evening, but became disgusted after talking ten min utes. IjIIIcUI Vlilt te (be water Werki.. The mayor and members of select aud common council met at the City hall this afternoon at 1 (.o'elook, aud left in oranl eranl busses for the water works, where they went te Inspcet the new 0,000,000 gallon pump recently built by Worthingteu. A number of the ex mayors of the city, city officials, roprcseutatlves of the daily press and a large uumber of luvited gueBts accompanied thn oeunoilmon. A collation was prepared for the visitors, and they will no doubt have an enjeyable trip, A Wnbjfct r or Charity. There is a destltute family iiatued Uudheff, living en North Prluce strtet, north of the Reading depot hotel. The husband aud wife have been fdek for teme time. Any contributions left with Officer Speece will be handed ever te the destltute family. Mayer' Court. The mayor disposed of threo cases this morning. One drunk was committed for 24 hours and two ledgers wer discharged. 1 11.V1K IIAI.I, NKVV.H, rim Irnntlitna Mtlnniril tijr Trenten Ittnint ItappntilnftR mi thn lliiimemt, The Tienteti ami Ironsides elub played thelr soeeud game yrsterdny. Pyle again pltehed, notwithstanding the fact that he had occupied the box iu the two previous games. Woldell was Iu for the visitors. The batting was about cqiial.but tfle home team lest through damaging rrrers. The Bcete was TimreN. ah. 11 In, r.e. a. k. Slutr.llun,3lv All 'ill lii'ectns, I I ...,.,,,,. :. .1 - 'i n i, Kclnzle, r r.,.. Ill loe miie 1 ii 1 n u Deyle, 'ill 1 J A 1 11 (irmly, e a 1 e I u 1 ."until, a a I I 'I i i 11 lIllllltlHlIX, ID Ill S 1 U Ut'l.tcll p i 11 11 4 1 iiiini a? 111 11 J7 7i "s IROTHtllKS. A.ll. K. III. l-.O. A. K Teiuuuy, h s I u 11 -J 1 liigiiinv-i) : 11 r : i (liiiKliniin, Hi . A 11 4 ! 11 11 MrlHinuny, v I h 0 1 ! 0 1 OUIII0I1I, c S 'J ! 7 1 11 Derby, r I 1 1 0 .1 n 1 llniMley, 1 t 111 a 1 n De ii aid, ttli tee 11 11 a Pyle, p 1 u 2 0 11 u Total u ii u -i 12 T. INMNim. 1 3 I 5 (1 7 S 9 Trenten ! 11 11 II 3 1 (0 x IU llensUh'H 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 11 i I) RUUUAIIY. Kirncil runs-lrnntliUv, 3; Truulnn, I. Twe t).ie lilts Lioeiitiiau, I'vle. Siultli uml DnvK'. 1 lireu b u-n litl.i-lli'ccltH 11ml (llitrieltl. l.It en tniMi4lrenMc, Sj Truntenn, I IIiki" mi bulls lnmiliU., 1 i Trimtnni, I. Deuble pl.is Slii'UIIne uud Duylu. SlrucU nut by Pj lu, 5 j bj Weldell, J. Ptuiwt bills DMtleid,:i; ilruily. - vi I1.1 pltcli-Pyle, 1. rune J hours. I mplrr Uej irs. uaiutii r.ltculicte Philadelphia : Keystone 5, Philadelphia 14 ; Indianapolis : Athletic 1, Indianapolis r ; Providence : Buffalo SI, Providenco 0 ; Detreit: Detroit. !, New Yerk U ; Hes. teu : Bosteu 10, Cleveland 8 ; Teledo : Teledo !, Brooklyn 0 ; Lnuisville (stepped by darkness) : Metropolitan 2, Leuisville L; Cincinnati : Cincinnati IT, Virginia 3 ; Wilmington. Del.: Wilmington tl, St. Leuis Union 11 ; Bosten : Bosten Union 5, Kan sas City ;i ; St. Leuis (ten innings) : Bal timore 2, St. Leuis 1 : Baltimere -. Cin ciunati Union 5, Baltimoie Union ! ; 'Washington, 1). C. : National t, Pittsburg Union t ; Alleutewti : Allentown -I, De mcstle r. lutt ul the llltlllH The Yerk and Ireusi, lei cress bats at the former place te-day. The Littlestenn club disbanded en Saturday. Charles Mitchell, 0110 of the members, has signed with the Williams Williams pert elub. At Holmesburg en Satuiday the llelmcsbnrg club with Holl'erd, late of the Cleveland aud new of thu Allegheuy, as pitcher, defeated the Olympic, of Phila delphia, by a scoreof -1 te!! Fex, the big bully of the Trenten club, who is expelled regulaily evcry leasen from overy geed club he joins for miscju duct made another exhibition of lumself at yesterday's game when he swere he could whip auy mau en tl.e iri u .!. He cowed, however, bofero the foruib'e argument of Nick Bradley. Murphy, the P.iil.ultlp'n v club's new pitcher, has a 1 ' way ut keeping base run 11 em en then basus. He is a right handed pitcher, but when a man gets en tlrst base he taken the position of a left handed man, anil by false motions forces the base runner te hug the base ; theD, uuick a.i theui(ht he turns completely around (te the left), using his right feet as a pivot and delivcri the ball, Vlin ICltltn el TlKlditelll stctdllt. 1 10m thu Phllailt-lpliU llullcttn. The Lauoaster Inlelmukntkii ueticcs a recent criticism made by this paper upon the neglected condition of thn grave of Thaddeus Stevens It makes 11 fair argu ment why the eity of Liucaster should net be held respensible, and we only suggested that it might uudertake the duty iu the impossible event of the ica bility of the exoeutors of Mr. Stevens' estate. The Kttning Jlullttin never re garded Mr. Stevens, apart from his grand intellect and his lifelong adhesion te the doctrine of human freedom and equality, as a character te be imitated or held 111 high public rstecm, and the Inteli.iees cult is apparently of the s.inie mind. Is it net in error, he 1 .-r, in sayiug that Mr. Stevens devised his csi.vtn for the establish establish meut of a "negre college of some sort?" Our recollection Is that it was te be used for the foundation of au orphan asylum. licit " I'.IIIelt'j atatiliiimiUl Veutore. Kiem the Yerk Dully. Tuekday morning at 8:30 o'elook, at Washington, D. C, Miss Sallie Pugh, veuugest daughter of linn. James L. Pugh, United States senator from Alabama, was married te Mr. Albert D. Elliett, of this place. The ceremony was performed at the family rcsldenoe, Ne. 1,512 Rhede Island avenue, by Dr. Elliett, pastor of the Afcconsien church, Washington, D. C. The wedding was a private ene, ue ene being present but the immediate family. The bride is a young lady of twenty, very accomplished and has been verv nenular in Washington seciety, where she made her debut last season, ihe groom is a geutle mau of the highest erder and a member of the Arm of Vaudorsleot &. Elliett, wldely known iu commercial circles. They have our congratulations for a long life of wed ded happiness. The happy ceuple passed through Yerk with the 1:05 train en an extcuded wedding trip. I.iinr Ketl J4.te. from the Uxler 1 Prea D. M. Gallagher's new heuse at Cherry Hill Is Hearing completion. It Is quite au improvement te the village. William Turner, of Celeraiu township, was the recipient of a slight sunstroke while working ou his father's farm in East Nottingham, Chester county, en Monday. A geed foundation for the oeucty bridge new beiug erected evor the West branch of the Octoraro at White Reck, has beeu obtained and the work will be pushed forward. The flood which carried away the old brldge washed out and widened the channel of the stream te such a degrce that the new brldge will be required te be about forty fcet longer thau the old. Meeting ul a military Heard, The military beard appointed te investi gate the alleged riotous couduet ofseldiers of the National Guard going te aud re turning from the Gettysburg encampment held a rucetiug iu Harrisburg, Friday, Coleuol Pettlt presiding. But oue appli cant for damages came forward, Paul Mueller, a hotel keeper. Iiy his own witnesses it was proved that the damage doue him was less of money for previsions, the bill of whieh was disputed by the soldiers as being tee high aud did net ameuut te 820. Tbe commission will meet Wedncsday at Gettysburg. Haiti Acalntt Muperilten. Gorden Armstrong and Aloxader llom llem llom perloy, supervisors of Martie township, have bcen complained against bofero Al. derman Ferdney, by Themas A. Haskell, for neglect of duty. Tbe allegation is that the supervisors negiected toepen au order, erdered te be opened by the court. An ofllcer went te Martfe township this morn ing te execute the warrants. llrlviuB Accident, As Uenry Gehman, of Upper Leacoek township, was driving into the yard of the Leepard botel from the Duke street en trance, en Tuesday afternoon, the team of Jeffersen Bard was clese behind him, and the herse of Bard iu stepping forward, get his eue feet In the wheel of Gehman's buggy. In his efforts te get loeso Bard's horse fell en the wheelpt Gshman'sbuggy and bioke it. The accident attracted a orewd, COLUMBIAJOTS ITEMS. PUu-U IIUll IIKdlll.AllllDKtH'SPIINDKM- Kiiili)liiriirn et ll.iluiiiliU' lilmlrr VUl tllm P.iUca l'laklii I t raeiiKl I'rtra ctnpnrMtiurtertlftiluiii, In llie MchunN. , ('n i'h th, 1831, cholenv htoke out in Columbia, nml ...,,.. .. i. ..,..,. ,t ....... ,. evi.iu Ul Illll lliuiuav confusion and sorrow ensued. Mr. Frank iiiaiuey was the first vletlm, dying of the disease a few days after contracting it. Botwcen OS and 70 wero taken away by this dreadful plague, A report was nimor nimer cd several days bt-fore the dlwmse actually arrived in Columbia and It seoiued te scare avvny mauy of the citizens. A similar report was raised here 011 Monday, but while it was net made general, It caused qulte a little excitement. Thore is uet the least truth in thu tepert, uet a sluglocape, or any kind of sickness with symptoms of cholera, being in town. The family of Mr. Goe. Hhnetz Is recovering Thelr Illness was caused by eating catit.t'd pressed beer. , I'ii I Ice l'lcklnna. P. R. R. Detectlve Ed. Kennedy last night found four friunpj attempting te sttal a ilde 011 a freight train and gavti them chase, which lasted for fully half nil hour. They succeeded In escaping, however, with soveral rovelvor bullets te hasten their fleeting steps. Ou complaint of his wife, Andrew Hard nell was taken bofero Squire Eraus yes terday, en the oharge et axxault mid bat tery. In default of bail the iquire com mitted him te thu lockup, there te remain until thu morning, when he w,u te havn been taken le jail, but his wife relented during the night, and the winked husband wai iclea&ed. PeiuUkl. Mr. Fiaul: Urlsni left fur Chicago yivi terday Mr. E. K. diiiith and vife mid Mr. Jue. llardraati aud wifn l.f. for P'llladelplna this morning. Mr. Peter A. Kiuiburg, jr., arrived home fiem Iiwa last eveuiug. He brings geed news for thn Democrat saying tint huts are freely dleri.l of M te 0 en 11 Ch'vulaud and Hondiieks ileterv In lew.v, Peter leeks ai though the West agroe with him nnd he ill leturn again in a few week. Sliencr Sbiluiirf lu tile -irliuul. Coramencing with te-day and con tinuing until the weathcr glows coelor, our publie eoheoU will have but enu session the morning. That oue.howovir, will probably be made longer, and histeid of calling at 8:!!0 a. in it will begin at 8 a. m , aud last until 12 :a Hureiich lirlen. Thore were feurditlerent couipanies who intended building 1 k itlng rinks in Ceititn. bia, but only one u-.eaut busineKs thn Motrepohtau and tln-.r rink b new bring elected. On accetiut of tli' biutinr net being quite tlnishcd and several ether dead locks, the proposed Democratic banner raising aud jollilleitiou meeting, whieh was te have b.en In-Id this eveuiug, has been indefinitely postponed. The regular weekly busiucss mm' lug, hiwuver, will In held iu Sohuyler L.ill tins S p. m. Chief Burgess Irwin should put actep te the nuisances committed by the resident of Butcher alley, n?ar Tnird street. Their language anil lights :ia disgraceful In the extreme, aud art) .1 .inuej of gruit aimoyauce te the ri'.ix us who resiilu near that vicinity. The Citizens' ban 1 lin iijni cirealars te many of our citizen s t uiu ; their ll'i.inei il couditieu, whieh is v -rv p i-, -i.id r.'qu -st ing suuscrlpliuiiH. At a special uetlug of the Vlgil.pit tire company last uvciiin.', all iirr.iugement.i were cemplete.l for their Yerk trip en the 19th inst. The Columbia play the Dauntless, nf Mt. Jey, iu that borough en Satuiday. It was impossible te have the latter elub visit Columbia. The bralgcs te be used by the members of the Columbia tire company during their trip te Yerk arrived this morning, and am very beautiful, being six inches in length, and made of cream roleted satin, with geld trimmings. TUrSlMY nKMIl': Till . DlUcuileirter'a llullilliu; .IB Hla Vnltiil elul liitmagea by me rlamce Bex 12, situated In Centre Square, sauuded au alarm of lire last ulght, shortly b.fore 0 o'clock, The depailment was hueu en hand and it was found that thore was a tire iu the third story room of the Ddlendcrllcr building, uext te the Inquirer, North Quren street. Stre.uus were placed iu at the rear wiuJnws and in a short time the tire w.ta extin guished. The room is occupied by the Marien elub, which is composed of young men who meet there for soveral purposes The lire Btartcd iu the oxtrcme eastern end of the room, aud a hole six or eight feet long aud several Iu width, was burned in the fleer, and several boxes, chairs, pieturea, &a , weroeou-.utned. The weed work of 0110 window was entirely ruined. The water r.n through the fleer of the building into 11 room occupied by Pharcs W. Fry, paper dealer, en the second fleer. Most el thu water fell upon a let of wojden frames, whiah were net luju.cd A small quantity of paper was damaged The water also made its way Inte the stere of Adelph Albert aud wet sorue clothing. The less te the building will be about $50 and the Marlen elub suffer a less ou furniture, &e. Beth owners have au iu. B.uance. It ii uukiiewii hew the II re started. Late iu the afternoon a morn ber of the club was iu the roeiu laBt. but he noticed nothing wre Tuero was ue tire in the room. Tim window where thn burning took place had been open, aud some belicve that a lighted match or cigar may have beeu thrown iu by some ene. llltlDB Mere Tnan He c'culu l'rTw. Kiein tlie Oxterd Press. A tramp was walking along the Sue quo hauna river near Culley's Falls, recently when he heard a splashing In the water. He went closer te the river whero he saw a large bass floating helplessly about. With the aid of a stlek the mau suc ceeded in gettiug the flsh ashere. Oa picking it up he was surprised te And in its mouth a geed sized cattish. Thn herus of the latter were protruding through the gills of tbe bass 'and thus both llsh wero ourieusly fastened together. This flshv curiosity was taken te IScstie's hotel at Flte's Eddy, where it was viewed by a number of poeplo. It is well known tbe bass Is a veracious flsh and preys upon all smaller llsh it can oaptuie. Iu this case Mr. ISass caught a Tartar aud paid the penalty of his rashness in attempting te swallow a cattish, herui aud all. The bass was a line ene, weighing about four peuud. 1'ieieuteil Willi u IT atoll chain. Charles P. Hewer, general agent of the Prudential Insuranee company, was the recipient this morning of a handsorae geld watch chain from. his ompleyos of the com. pany at Philadelphia, whero Mr. Hener was employed for several years as assl; tant superintendent of the company. An Appeal lamn, The Philadelphia & Readlug railroad company has appealed from the decision of Alderraan Ferdney, rendered in favor of the plaintiff, in the suit brought by Frau ds Kilbiirn against tha company for dam ages. The Meil estate Market. B. F. He we, auctioneer, sold for Michael G. Harnish, en Tuesday, G aeres of land with improvements, te A, W. HarnUu, or 63,000. A farm el 1QQ acres wa with drawn a $131 per acre. ' n ru