I)? y' -jft.w ,K .r - LANCASTER DAILY INTELLlGrENOKR MONDAY STCPTEM1.SKS 1884. Ik.r s ft tJ t'i I 6 f J-f I'rH ft J I' !; Lancaster IntcUfgriuxr. "MONDAY EVENING, 8Ef T., O iuU4. United States and te defray thoce3tof their rescue. A Call Upen Executers. We notice in tlie Philadelphia llulltlin a criticism upon the neglected condition of Thaddeus Stevens' grave. Says our cotempernry : "It is overgrown with weeds, forlorn In its general shabblncss, a neglected, deserted spot that does no honor te tlie dead and certainly none te the llvlug. If Mr. Stevens' citate te un equal te the task of keeping his grave in decent order, Lancaster's city pride ought te take care of it." Perhaps Mr. Stevens' executers may have something te say in expl inatlen. The city of Lan caster does net think that it needs te offer any excuse In tlie matter. It does net lmve ctiarge of Mr. Stevens' grave. When living lie was a distinguished clll7en el Lancaster, by loaaen of his talentst which were very great ; but whether they were wisely used is a question upi n which its citizens diffeied then and dlffei new. Mr. Stevens did net have that universal applause among the citizens of L-incnstcr in his life, which calls upon all Its people, through its city government te raverence and care for his grave. The bulletin Is quite mistaken in supposing that a mature judgment of one's follow fellow follew cltirons, formed wlin they are living workers among us. is reasonably changed by the fact of their death ; and that public men whose acts bae net met the approval of all tl eir fellows during their lives, are entitled te their reverence after they die. simply because they were men of mighty intellect. The Almighty in giving them their great gifts imposed upon them great responsibility. Whether Mr. Steveus usl Ills talents for the bet, and whether his judgment was as great as was the power with Uiicli he was able te impress it upon the country, ate questions about which men d'ffer wieely ; and whether Mr. Stevens was a geed or an evil agent in Miapin g the destinv of the world is a question jet open fer the decision of posterity. Rut the txecuters of Mr. Stevens' estate have no comprehensible reason for fail ing te keep his grave in order. The) are a notable sample of the de-nothings aud say netliiucs. The hae done and said nothing about Mr. Stevens' estate in the sixteen sears during which they have had it in charge. Aud this is the uierc remarkable because they are both re inatkubly active and talkative men. Mr. M.cl'licrsen is all the time bobbing around aiTd r.evrr Ju his vec.ll ergaus rest or rust, while Mr. Roberts, despite his ears, ia quiet only when he slieps. Yet for sixteen jeara these gentlemen Mn. IlKN'Dittchs in his speech in Muncie, Ind., en Saturday, reiterated his dimand that the public books le ercned. As he forcibly remaiks, the party in power hate bad supreme control of the Iwieki containing the records of public affairs for ninctien jears, and it is high time that thee exclusively He publican hcceupIs f heuid be overhauled. II inks have their examiners, nil manner of seciet'es their auditing committees, stattsand counties their auditors, but for the national records the Republican party is responsible te itself alone. The Democratic party is in a inajeritj in the country aud it is their right as well as their tltitj te Insht that the public books shall be opened. SOLID mil CLEVELAND. I n!l VT ami TiIK Tammany braves will sreu found tlie Cleveland war whoop. Ritem: Islvmms the amilleft state of the Uulen, but iu the number ofiinerccR grautcd " Little Rhody" takes tl e rag off tlnbush. RVTHRR KTAT IIEUI. De ituberininl's lrjiu' lur ter llnu ile nnrf 1 el c ll, Ilt'ltl (lilt cenn' In ile eliiinl, KrMlllu'e de lnen nn' i-r mhs'Iu'e iler net', Uli hPiili "'ut oeuii' In ile el. IU think lt'a tiiltflit lli; furuir Sum ritiiinlt e' ICi. I)i tn 5 or lif in il it uun' mli;li'v Intnl. Out 1 cl il' 01 ii.i 1 imltiiln I ul. iu n pit e, I.) i, ilem ji r liruli ilf heuii'dii hluli. ttemthe Arknmaa lracUr. Till. Republic ui Leart would be much lighter te day ll tbeie wir' no eUotien m Maine. A bt 1U01y will tui.ui an alii auce of tLe Republicans with the Prohi Prehi Prohi bifeuihts, uud the ordinary iuaj nty will be proof pa put that Blaine reject.! by his own atate The "iirand el I party " ib manifestly between Old Nick aud the deep se i. The weful oier) el iiiuummity practisul euauiupane woman neur New Helland, the particular e which are given in the lecil column?, nhew the absolute inability of tbe relatives of thote demented te properly one for tin unfortunate creatures. Te keep thtm tu' et theso institutions spo spe cully pr pared for the'r welfare, is te oiereisftu tbobcwhee btd'es have tur viitd theii mind tbe meat rcliccd species of cru-nty It is bird te account for mime judicial dec'siemi In a desertion case in the local curt, the dtfcadmt husband aokuew ledged himself worth J20.000 ; yet Judge Patterson ordered that he pay only $7 a "-k.ier tht, maintenance of his wife. I5y the satne s-ale or- riutiea a dcterting nnseanu wcrtn i,euu might tr.iy 1A1UMANV III SLTl'DHT TIIK TlUKKT ncnliiiklel'mMil k llnllfil lifinocmlle rreul-llldru'd t;Tpeiteil DrllTerain.) --rrh I'olltlel irKwa. The uc.i'ly unanitneui declaration of the Tamminy ditrlet leaders lu fav n of Clevelanil Situnlay evctilug, altlieiKh gemnlly expcjtd, has dene much te In sptre Dcmoera' ie heprB ami notion. It is nerr certain that the full Tamunuy meet ing en Tiiduy ovenlug will formally ile alnie for Cleveland and UetulrickH and c ill a mass meeting te ratify the nitieuii ticket at nn early day. The icimiry among the Repubbstni Is : " Uecs Klly turau gejd faith toward Cleveland?" They feci thit if ramtniuy euncstlj fall Inte line for Cleveland, New Yerk will be lest te Ulatne beyond a iiue tieu. Tarumuiy will support Clevclatid cerdiilly or net cordially, contingent upeu harmeDy with Kelly en the local ticket. It i Kcllj's purpese new te put a straight Tammany ticket In the Held, without ar rangement with the ether Democratic or er or gamritieu, but it is probable thit he will titbe men whom the etlirr orKiuujtieus waut te reject. Il there shall be harmony with Timunny en the lecil ticket, Cleve land will haM) 60,000 in New Yerk city ; if thsre shall be a jar en the loeal ticket, C'c eland may net excaed 30,000 in the eitv. Kverythiui: new points te Deme cratie Inrmeny, aud Democratic Inrmnny means Clei.!aud's buccess iu ilie l.mpire state Mr TiUleii was ipnte ill for sime il lys before the cammittee el tue Laioifce con vention Msitid him. U was preMiaMd by djeentaiy and tee feeble te -I'lier speak or write It known u pn.ite Democratic circles that Air. lildta will aiiHWcr the adilrcus el the committee as K(m as be hhall be able te prepwe it, aini that it w II b.' n stirnui: appl t tl. Democracy and llie ceuutry m favor et Clevelaud'a ileeii e. I'here is no doubt Mutevur that Pildte is lieartily riilie td iu Clcrlitid' battle, aud' he will bel.j-d eiul fell iu tLe c nttst. 'lhe Domeci.nu nitienal commutre e pei.tlril no tn 'in y en Maiue for lhe tne very goeil reasoes thit they had net. .te spend, and that they could uut Uepd u reduce the Republican maturity with Ulaiuti') I'rolnbitieu and Ciunbick allieb The Democrats are prapred or lare majority ia .Maine, aud thej lb glad te get oil with 13,000 Milter covering 200 mile aud fi lap, Waters '-10 miles and 7 Ii. MI Kcllegu'ii ex. t V cm Ilia Nev Yerk (IrjpUle. ' Mm Clar LouteKeilt,g U 1 sik.ng ex ceelmgly well. S'.'e hai nie n vow alK'Ut lomelblu;, xUed -i u li what, but lhe outward aud mb'. Mn that she In kf eping it U lint ulin is wearing her favorlte breech upede down Pats ! n breech which the Duke of Newcastle. gi.e her ?eeral yeais nue in Rugland, when he mg at inn ceuu'rj i'ae aid rs he ixpreKsed it, "brought l.iai gmnl men' ns eue of bin hersen wi i 1 iui a lace jut at that time. The breuh m a lart.. crystal of about the tint of Mle het y wioe ami a herse and hu joekej in wrought in colors in the crtal ; tbe whole M set ureurd with lr.e Oiiental ametb)9t and diamond, ejli btuue rut squire in s'lajie The u n lepie SMit tne c l rs (mn ple and wlnt) whi'h the Duke of Hen Caetie ue ler lis hersts and tlifir lidcra iu nen New lhe hersd aud jockey en the pin qaiver iu verted en Mm KelUun' p'ut. ueek, uud "ImbiVK it is because tdie bu- ui.i'Ib a e s te kiep thorn se uutil wueu 'h i il.wt net Itu have presened a nearly unbroken silence muuity at tru rate of 3' eents a week 1 A about '.he estate in their charge, and have never tiled an account. At least they had net a few years a?e , net even an inventory was forthcoming m. ntni-py. who was also a very iva cieus man, and who was associated iti these two gentlemen in the titistiuiil his death, was paraljzcd in the matter of lhe (state, equally with thorn. The city of Lancasttr has a iesiduat intcie9t in the estate, since a negre celltge of some sort is te be established here en its ie mains. The character of this sole bene liciary of theestate may have eeiiiethiug le de Willi tliu ccecutf.is' tardli.ess in teltling up. They probably think it is doing as much geed in their hands as it would de if applied te its destined ob jtct; and doubtless they are right Nobody in this town esteems veiy high)) Mr. Stevens' proposed beuefac Men. Rut Messrs. Mcl'liersen and RuWts mllit take caie of the grave nujhev;. few davs ti'avieus a celnrtd hnd p.-irrur worth less than nothing, wan ordered by TUU tun iSJIKTT IS Ulllll A Oprmu M-ellic t Llnfl(1 AaOrrn.rl Oy Ouvffruer lutlttr The Iudepeiiilent German club, whieb baa meraburk'up el J 200, held i meefnij iu Clevelind , Ohie, Satuiday u'cht, aud ratilled the Democratic ticket. R Lint Gov. Mueller, a femier Repubhcin leader, made a long address, in which he si d : Urever Clevelsud will are bis bet en deavers te bring nearer te a conclusion the solution of the labor p.ubleiu. Ills medput rcurces preve th it higher purposes in life have guided him thin thn acqnliutteu uf riultes, and Ulain is heie aaiu Cleve laud'H opposite. Who ever his beard it a ud of Blaine thit he has nvnr ivted enu of Uls inllnunti.il pasi ions in pablie life in thintij of or prorautieg tbe well being el the laboring ma.M , that he hai ever utilized an opportunity or carried threug'i ii raenwie iu oiuer te OClter tup let or tue Ttie lze et ii Irxti v ui y Krem tbe teri r!li imit Pem Green count) is a bur count Ii cin'Jiaeuh an aiei of 1-, 5 l jire miles. I is met than uiu l.m. id luce ai the tta e of R hh'e I-laiul , tu ly mx time i as l.irje as DIiwjip n ar three I mils as li;n as Cetiueituut , upwards t one i and i liiK ui.im .. I ii e i l tseichiasetts or Ne" .Iirey; neail) '.fly per c ut. larger 1'ian ISew lhu. ire . uescly twi i.M-ilve 1 1 i oent. luifei thau Vf rm nt. Htid is ljr,ur than Mar;'aad by 4 V'i ixpuare milis, a ten it r) lUMI I r.jerthiu RajUe I-land. I'nuiia ful 1 t Difl Muf.l.r, Miuh inti rest his I "i maiife.el dur trtr lait vi.ek m the sitt'iig of tbe ,peci il reurt at It lidiybu-,; f -r I i" trial of IX L N. I. neb, f jr tbe seu Lr of bis wife i i Altoeut ii.i April 7 list. The ilM,ns ontere 1 the plci of iniuity, and the eff rt was mide te preve th it thn pr.'genitors et lhe murderer en bit a Bides were iither liumt'ca or idiots The d 'rigj was c n duete.l witlireitsk I, but the jury ift.-r Ua!iber.tii!r for an he'ir nd ft iiAtr, r.vurned ivrrlistel mu-ler n tbe tl t degrce ClIALNKI) TO A FLOUil. ThHtiiiu.i:i it ti Kim. i ,vr uei t ii l'l r .r li 1 we l h)liU . i t.. uiiiiinn Irnttni'iil t nil numn W.iiutli -titn.r Uh Hri rtril, I rum I 1' i 1 1 Ii Ip .ll I'lts D eter Morien a- il Ourt, of I'liilsdcl jhia, mpiubrs of tin into lunaey e m miKs en,T-eri ii tnllwl about 10 da)ii as0 of iiuKiitni N'-r 11 illaud, I.nucister oenn t, iiinnut! their investiiitien. 1 hey i ilrvi Uwi il age Sunday, Aii, ill, uud, me iiupiuted !') stietai ei uie viiiui puj. epiai '. went te the reslJeuen of .Jehn It in -k. ib mt two r il srit of the town, u'ltr- i t v umarili l u state et facts tihteh I i li 1 i m Mm I. mi Hiuvk, who i 10 leais of rwi was ntl kfl nbuiit ituee )iei a.e with iisaei'). ' ei i'1-fii.e manllektiug It self iu an u eoutrellibio dmire te dnsl-ey ever)ibiug oho it old la) her hands ihhiu. She wa oem cited with thebt tfamilic iu till mcu te. Ueuii! V isstcscd of oetisidtr- able liuais in her enn rinht, and hifr htisband Lveiiivr also in geed elreum I .t iiiCfi, m fl is mneil that t-lm be cent te Mate inrtilutien for tlie insatu-, h 10 rh could he prepetl) cared for, uud in the of, inien el the fam 'y phi eji m cured j but this adwoe was net I. rded, and it was determined te keep her it home .1 hu Itiuek, tbe woman's husb.md, new rays he netd under the .v4. ice ut Dr Diller 1. r.hr, f the state be ird of public eharutet, wt e ncem-nended that she be kept neler orae lullueucf hs i ng us pe'Bibla Tn advice, ba k.d 1 1. c.l pii-jud.ee a mis' it itu iii i. . un ii i pievailtd. aid .mill r I tt i t'kll.l r lern An iturilay I t nrter court te say $3,00 per week for the Mippert laboring and prnluclnx Pv' ? Ua li l, i,it I better mniorsteod bow te plunder them, as of His chUdran. u B .hbing business or hu lettcr te " M) h we Ala , a Slnriuun r inl.iry MetyrO Hevcril of the Mermen emissaries been prowling around Florence, latelv, making ntie of tb? chief ha'ting places at tbe hemse of Willi tm .1 'nhius nine miles frum that teTii. A number of men wit te Vw boue i'nd letind two elders thee. On", I im-l l. ' n mvp 1 himself by celug had feri-ii'iH"- through n wmdew, but the ether, win re uime was Fuller, was taken our, 11 ged ai d turncl lueae, with directions te li a e the ceuutry. Among th numerous advantages e' balng an auimalAwiUjad of a man, ib the fact that an animal taane Ret the cliel era. Dr. Kech cannot vreve tl at bis comma shaped bacillus is ttu; c.uise of cholera because he cannot teat itirtue as a cholera producer en aumials t-.tn apes refusing te become acqinunttd isHi the disease. Perhaps it does net fellow that idiots are net liable te cholera though there is room afforded f jr the suspicion that it only attack intellect There is no contradiction of tli s idea in the fact that the comma shaped bacdlui j Las its habitation iu the stomach or in testines, aiuce it is net jet bettled that tulsxis net likewise the seat of man's "intellectual peueis. There is a field opened here for interesting research. If Dr. Kech would get human subject? be might determine whether brains and cholera liave any cenn ctieu with each ether. If tlie comma sh vped bacillus could be established as a test of intclltct, It might profitably be adminis. tertd te all the candidates for eflice by the civil service commission as an ad denda te their questions, nud the appll cants who survived them all would be entitled te be deemed fit for the public service. Dr. Kech ought te ba allowed the free run of the condemned cells or the jails te get subjests for his important Inquiry. Tuus far the defleieney of Cixhier Hill, of the M itienil Uick of Kjrr Ucuaswlak, N J., who c nnmittni strairfe te coite disgrace, agrt cites iii'j, 030,21, of wine1! amuKt the deid etheial was re aponnible for iiaO.SJO ft Suicide Is be coming such a pepalir nie'hed of ci-cap ag the ceusaquei cis of QlHei.il mai ftasmce, that it might bj well l roes tabliah the omimeu law penalty for self debtruct'OJ, namely forfe.tiiro of ostate and .urial at a cress reads with a n.ake dnieu tlireuli tbe beiit SlM"n Carl Sjhurz's defecti in from tbe Republicans the latter have found creat comfort in calling him a "crack" ni.d in eudoavering te bolittle the efleet of his belt. Ytt be addressed in their own Untzuige a mass meeting i f 10,000 Ger mias en Saturday oieniogin Sehl iz park, Milwaukee, and there were 5,000 climer ing foradmiseieu who could net get in. The meetmc wa? under Independent Re publican, and net Democritie auspices His riddling of Blaine was cheered te the echo. The political cloud thit a mouth aie eetmed net larger than a man's hand in the Northwest hula fair te des'rey the Ro Re Vrtrtmcan party. Tuiu the rascals out. Sergeants Rralnerd and Leng, and private Council, of the Greely ptrty who had contracted te exhibit thumseles in Clevelaud, Ohie, for $1,000 a week and expenses, have had their leaves of ab sence invoked by Secretary Llncelu. who does net nppreve of their making money in Unit way. The Secretary is somewhat tee nice. If these men waut te show themselves for hire and people want te pay te see them, we knew no geed reason why the secretary of the navy should step their garae by recalling their leaves. The people who would pay te see them, of ceuise are ailly people ; but if Secretary Lincoln wants te take care of all the Billy people in the world and save their money for them he will have his hands full, for there are u geed mauy of them. He would have te take care of all U1030 who broil iu the het sun of fairs and race courses, or bell la the het nir of theatres aud lecture halls, ter it Is mighty seldom that these who go te public places ferntnusementand instruc tien get what they go for. Or if the secretary wants te take care of the men, he would de It better by let let tlei; tliPin pocket their thousand dollars it week. If he wantB te take care of the country, lie would exhibit theGreelv party In detachments, en ucceunt of the Ji'uei Khu.vi, of Philadelphia, has returned fiem uu Uurepeau trip much benefited by hia tiavels. Jehn C Vueiin, ae,ed 70 jcirs, 3 ones famous editor, UwjLr md lelifcim ia new 111 tha almshouse a' CleveWn I O.' 1'ukd WL the wellkiiwn mi, -jr of C micretis' miustreK died Sunday m Pdilidelphia of typhoid feicr, after a br.u illness. Ji.ssk Ski 1011 .s, the well ku jjrn New Yer bauker, it is ruui ra 1, has bacn tendered tbj vacant cabinet pUce of 'cere iaj vji uiu iicasury. I'iief. IteiiKKT R. Rui.kus, who retired but a few inen'hs ace from the ebau of chera is'ry iu tbe Jeffersen mi diet uollenu, I'bilalelphia, died en aturdiv man mt;. Ile was birn in liil'nnore in 1SIJ. AitciiiiisiiorGiiiiieNs of Ualtimnre. has issued a call convoking the Third Ple nary Ceuecil of lhe Catl olio church, te assemble, at Ra't.more en November 0 next It will be for the purpe 0 et uitcrebuuging views en tbe utvn of religion. Temmv M it k, the miubtrel, peut Satur day and hucday in this cit) with hia friends lte elescd his eucagenieut with the Mu'doeii Quartette, at Union theatre, New Yerk 011 Wednefdav. This meruin lie left for Uewanda, N Y., where he joins n iieuiy 111111111x1.., witu whom lie will travel this fcatea. Andi.kw Cum GiE.the ilch iron raaster, was r ding through Kabt Park, Crcifeii Springs, en Saturday cvculng, wheu hia herse ftll, throwing him violently te the greuud. The herb.i, in attempting te cot up, kicked Mr. Carntgie in the face, cut ting a larj?,e gihh. He was taken te bis cottage, where his wounds were dressi d Pr.Nvren Authekv's faneri took p'-iee en Saturday in Providence, It. I., an ! wan lurf.ely attended. The Bervices were held in the First Congregational church. Ameue theso nreccnt were President Ar thur, Senater Rdiuunds, Attorney Ganeral Drewster, the Russian minister, Governer Rjurne, of Rhede Island, Judge of Fed. eral and atate courts aud members of the State I'gislatuie, D.ar Mr Fisbcr " ("hew, .''euiit ir Ulaius's violent op;04itien te '0 luurmau Anii-mouepiy 0111 auu n.s vote aaiu't ihis jast meaure is eneugn te hrind htm as n tool in tbH li&nds el .lie Paella .aiiay mosepolih. Indeid, lis fl'pub'ijiu e 'lleajjuc, benater Klmuud", publicly ehiri;! U ra in conseijneneeef the eouibe he '- 01. the Tburm.u bill with beitic tie agiiit and attorney of J ly Gould. IXnibiliil 1etr-i states, Ofllccis and elerks - p. lnted from semi of the Western bIjua in Waibuuten, psrticularly Ohie, M rb-in aLd Wisceu sin, are receiving letters duly from reli ti c and friends at home. Thesn letters are a great urpribe te miny who receive thorn, and are causing nurkeddcpemlcncy amoe; Republicans 111 the gevt rnraeut service. Pnvite information thus reeeiveil is rapidly disseminittd throughout the departmenti, aud his already created .1 strem; uuprcvsieu iu the min Is of mauy thut Ohie, Wisconsin and Miehiau are lealiy doubtful slates Net a low of tbe Fed.'r d emp!e)iR hive come te the cou ceu cou elusien that Cleveland's election is altogether probable. This growing feel ing m tbe Federal set vice is interfering beneusly with the collection of campaign money by the Republican Ii nance commit tee. The atiti Ulame newn cerninir from various st ites, instead of nreiuing Ripub licitis in the civil aervicu and lndueing them te oentributo liberally, U, in reality, caus'ug apathy among them. A I.iiie at.lp Uwi.cr spHlii (Ji.r. The Iemocratle national ceinittee rr rr ceived the following dispitch from Den M. D.e'r riKee, tbe inerubur of the national committee from Michigan : I)i riteir, Mich., Sept. 5 Captain Jehn Pigeon, ene of the largest ship owners en the great lakes and ene of the foremast citizens and capitalists of the state, and bofero the nomination of 111 line alwaya a btauuch Republican nud large contributor te their campaign fundi, refused their application for subscription yesterday, and natit me a letter this morning covering a liberal nontributien aud deelaring for the "omesiatlo ticket. De.s M. Du m:i.et ih Umimlfn AniMintiit J icstlun A new plan vibiah Ins been devised for ejtaimug eampainn funds from govern menlcleilis has ceme te light through a letter addrt-used by ene of the latter te dr. Derman U Raten, of the United hUten eiv.l serv.ci) oimm.fBien, te which Mr. Citea has replted in an effiaial latter. The plau is te request elerku te join ii statu .iKdoei.ttl'ju, the membernbip of which is composed of empleyes aud elViceta In the various departments, and the request U accompanied by a statement tint "upei 1 commendation of the executive cjmtnit tt-e the association voted te amend tlie couttitutien hy making the dues for membirship S5 for two years payable in advauoe." Mr. Kateu's reply is adversj te the plan proposed, as he cousulers that it comes within the limits of the civil scr v cj j roL.'j.tery enactment. AlUlill.M) UUlClt- 1SU. Tnc ueru tit ttiH r..urlvsnl 1 II il rntil at ttia ciai siertrl) 1 iimiilatcii trem the 1V. s nphU limes When the s'ate el Pennjh "1 ,4 under '0)1: tue bu I lir' of a ra'lpnd t' renb the state, tbe auJieimen. y tllug te the prja prja aure fium ,ari,a interests and ea", directed the ensinetsrlrn-n.i.. ,., uulj places and te avud ethers, tbe reju't being lhattbe read issumi. 1 a tipew rm ejurs The raDge of hil's d ;. ling Cluster itid Pteuaa valley hid bit ne dip thst was avail ible forrailreidcuistr ictieawith the appliances of that eirlj nay, and even that, at au altitude of his hun IrcJ feet abeve tide water, j reiented an ebstcli in ths shipe of a sw.mp or menea that wis euly overcemo by lhe indomitable enerey of J . 1. lgar 1 hemBO" in driving p'les forty and llfty f.et deep te form a be 1 for r. railrevl. Fer sime years men hid te bj emplejed cleariDij fie tracks eicb morn ing from sand and water that we ill accumulate du.'ing the night wheu the tiams were s'opiied, uud of I ite 5 tare, this defect havng been rured by cribb t., the increased number and wtight of cirs has caused ecrieua de'ay by t'-e inabilit) of the locemt'ves te hiul tLi-tv fie'ght cam evr thJ hill a eride of ten inches u tbe ene hnudred fn t v 1'beut assistance. Te ebviate this the IVnnylvania railroad Oirapany ditprmincil te lower tho,grade twenty-two feet and decrease the curvi ture. Te acaemplich this a tunnel was rm at the lowest level, wbieh for three yeats his berr,'draintiii; the water and quicksand, and although innumerable springs isue from the hills it has become cemparatnely dry. Fer a yeir or mero ezsaYatun his bj n cirried en, the earth removed being dcpeaited nt various plaees, constructing embi'ikmenle necessary in straightening the rjad, notably at Atglcn. A solid het tern his bren reached, an open ditch lined with timber rupphnts the tunnel, lhe banks, a sty feet high, have been elejud anil en Saptcmbcr 1 the tracklajers com menced te put down the west beuud triek and the reisonable prebab I ty is that be fore Ostebe' 1 trains will ba mn thereen. SluteiUtlicrlucn. Tbe thirtieth annual exhibition of the Punusylvania State Agricultural Boclety was opened te the publin Monday morning en tha permanent grounds of ths soalety, llread Btretit and Lehigh avenue. Tha citizens of Montgomery county wi'l erect a menutneut in front of the oeurt heuse in NorrUtewn, te the memory of David R:ttt nhouse. the Amarieau ak- ' tionemer Tuesday, tie Lubi it i-ih cd by bis dsuliU li'tid u iniiptn n',-n .u tuei. rei oeuee, nl 1 re tne uufniu' .ute wuns in hu Mfiee bst-u i'r tit , d Thoei.eoi the u.t-.i e wem.ai deveUi d ex diibively 1 u bir dauhler, tut' Si-rv.eei of a pby.c in tut v e bviui; beeure I 1 a oil u'dietl nioi'tiuce rh. rre iv 1 w thl lew .lll.ilii r'Ueti! let bill ail ne-iis wli 1 .1 ditesld thi tnsjlres 1 ' or diuh 1 . V l'l i.i ll i p'epcr 11i1.d1.al .itli idiuv. ' 11 It . ck 1 ipi ily iew worve uud gicw in 1 1 tu it u btcime iii'ce-siry te re n.011 verjMiu..' li mi the room with the exe. pt 1 u i f 11 b I. Te ptewnt her lesv ligtui loon, wtiuh h9 centtantly at lomjtel te de, n h. p.j, t w'11 .'a h.iaj- t icumI a eliam abmt eiuht I et I t't', drmoii'te ib ll r sud lhe otjerent 1 iii-ueii neciirel) te lhe nufurtuenle worn in's ruht ankle Her deatruulivu prep- unity h J her te teir every btiteh el c'ethirg Irem her person, and it wan iu thit condition he wus feujd by tha P llladbip'ua th) eisuscu the Moa'-,en of their :iit. Tl e d cters unmiO n' ly ixa nun d 1' . wiijin and vlisc iiured t'jU her u.n 1 j ti'lt siiiDc eatl) clear te iindcr'an 1 cer tain qut-Mtteus, tiutwithstaudiiii; her three join of negUat ai.d nillenui:. ILi ii'ania took tbe foimef imiRini' c that 1 v. ivtbu g hbeuld be inierted, aril slit ;eu.t.bl ml. relusi'd te cbake hati.'s with het u.tetu unless the would step b loud her, v.bn bhe bold bac'i her li 1. 1 I. It ie h'ip inMsted en 1 Iceping with I . r ut 1 iard the feet of the bed. The family, piirticularli the d.i- l.i, warmly re'euttd what lluy regaidid .b3 iiiilawful intrusion of the pbiaciict', ai ', when thej were ordered te take the unfer tuu.ite woman te tbe II irrisburg a.)lum rittjf ' i'vti',"umirr itti or proseetitton, tmlJUC".lly rephel that nuJr inr inr iueislvn.es would lluj ebty. Tnu f . -ijwiug dii, Mi.iiiy, lhe iall . 1! daughter viited I.iucJS'cr aud ceufii tet! ceuum:!, aud the 1 ittur, igiier.u'. of 1U0 law und'r which lhe d icteru wie njviug, adv.sed hid c itLts te piy n Ut.wl t tL3 command. The lollewn dy 11 nvir, Iwcjuuax npp-ns 1 of I114 n..' ae, t'. law er sent word 1 j the father 'ii U'lju- sl llflfel ihu i.l IJ h'l r IfanrMttni: tln.i.111 m C iitt ttiftat'JilJ n'e,"i'1 llfleme'll IO(llpO!0 et uulli i Sspliv m IlllllltHfS Dmtil smijnr, who was e t ' k' 'be May 1 !j uriieil term i 1 's ,m no, iu nblii iuj n lierc by ti in lul it. fjremMi tatleim from AmiU'iid eV 1' . ml wis 1 titled .1 in w ttlnl, upp' d fet Hru lenii Hi was Si'iifttce 1 t n iJerge xu un, us lumen of six me lbs Jeseph M dir. who plcnyi I guilty te fi I mi 11 nkMilt i.'id baUiT) I 1 b'i etln I 11 V 11111 ill, lllIllMI, ill. CplllJll , Bl'lUini iiie'itt' .', wiei!( tiilti n a line of 0 ens s nfpreseeiiti m, ainl 1 idirge au imt'iiteatnei t of tl res) wet-lm Tiki ureiy ( p aed'-er in cass I'M iii le'm (' irupV'l' nt, Were dts itusH I nli 1 uni lirnfll iuui'11 and lhe il'Ve'iit te I ly tin Vti 'b. i I or th 0 niiin 1 ilte. Niailull of thrt nlteri.ein ihum'i of court wan tiihrii up in the hi ir iug of the clurge " doseMi ti 11,111 t-t JiMeiiitih M 11 di 1. Miii li in liruh Mm ililin, . lul, 111 dnlicit-. leillh ttrttfled tittt alie wiui uKirilr 1 te t".e delei ilelit evi thirty )eaii a.'n an I thit hei lui.bitid left her 1 year and a ii.i f .ige. Fi 1 reiiib iitn ifur the I'ismti in hoeaustil S" I" r wtik te be pud I er. Lift npritig he n due.ed the ntiewauee te S I 10 t er w eek. 8Ue reftm d te r.e lept tut mi u uni) breu '!.t this Kill' for d r tieu. -eviial itHldi'i.ts of M uU 01 ti-n'i IV ' t'i .' ll ibn was wmth frin 10 Oiu) te t '' im d,iyi-fi a pr el l n bnrsi and ,11 il 11 1 1. 'i i.i 'ihu w is iIji ,; 1 1 "I I I IL( l'l 111 ' ' I 1 ' '1' ll U MilliU'liiiirHil nil .N ii 1 .iin'iii COLUMBIA NKWS ll'KMS. rltuii etni milM. 111 01111. isrnll'hT . I 11 us S ll f .. 1 .1 1 Vmw ! 111 b' !tl l tr.i'. 1 ! ii .ii r hi . i .1 id I biK'i n a n 1 I mi iy. in i'i tl ilui t st.lls I l it.v Usiiiim, leave h s wtf ey rvi. i of '1 1 t mi I iufi itv II pi l 11 : . ' ' i ' . i 1. , ii 1 1 v 1 ! 1 11 1 in an i nMii in ' n 1 11 I llt ill II 11 tu ' I 1 t t I.V) T 1 tuiivi s 1 ! v iii f W iniit '1 '' a 1 n i Hi l nte I li, ' li i the 0 minoawealtu i itlr i"id IIH V IK , 111 ij ) 111)) (. 'i e' ' but e iim.-rl tb.u liti h I b 1 1 1114 rurm y 111 Urn 1 ibie .in I p gar bit nuns f t ilw pitu few )eai Tbe e numel I r ilef. .1 ait lh nillit t ! "J I t k wis a-np ' il. n iv 1, 11 coins.'l for nt H ihn th'. '.t tua'lii cm rh te piv ii') p r wi-ek. I'ee imui t m U an or ler threating bunt.) $? j t Wei . m.ili. writ or den J. Current Hn'i ' .le'ii O Ilau'uau, But U iicijil, .1 'in F. rzn .Id a-id Ue lira n M Or ne , M uut Jey boieugh, were nupnetxt 10 imsiK te lay out 11 reid iu h-st D tl u f biii in m a in in' e 1 " 0 reul ! (ion Ua)tn te Rl zib"h' w i, 1 d endi"i at a p iut tieur a atnillbnl en the Maytewu md Lliubethtnwu tun Its leLn A titiiltrback, e' MariLtt was ri. id a 1 n ewal el his snlduiH bet se. t ji ct 1 1 w. t.i filed te- ') te tuO 1 111 Hi nut 1 m of the tept rt of m wers n l th'cj 1 1 tut en f the Clay and Hi !. t iw s tuuipir ci .nt iny ui d the "Lj etc a ifn 1'iveii until I'uri ytoti.etbei es en) atll lavits. 1 nilimuli 1 )ifi, Wh 11 court met it tO e'clrca th'f. min tig n letter lua handed teJnlf PutifiK u. It was hum Dr P J. R bu'k and htiited that the wlfe ofJesepn Unutc wilUr, en of t . juri rs "n tlie IJ- "tr iiie church CaiC had bent cti'ck' w Hi a;si;ile;y un Saturday, na in .ic.iicil coiiditien and th it it was net pen ''i f -r Mr, Hueki-uKer te ntleud cjh t 1 he oeurt i 'j nun. d until Thursday m i'ii 1 1 1, fit Jit,,) sill ihiii.iul: 11 llr.M.i lnu ium l'rnlll t'ulula 1Im;ii.h Ini;. .Iteill.il rilHb i1"inlelil ll lleiiia Tbere nte ramy 'r.snus in (.Viitiilna whobelluvntbatUiomaudriwii.il iu l be iiblUOhatin.i ilu,, Thuifdny lat,t, was lebbfd ami then thteivu into the r 1 or from Hid 1ir,Kn, Tin 10 Is iiellilng te iitMku.tlate the DUleiiuint 1 e lit that w'uin eiltUilm; the lirtih.ii. wiinti cempi 1 n, hi had meury 011 Ins pemm, nud wli-ii r mid he hid none. A 10 a. in , m riiuiMlay he hul at lea-t s.O with him, bu' In did net go into tnu lirnltri until 3 p. tn , ) t il ia hanli) euili'nble that in th 11'. nlnrt tlms he eli. 11I1I 1;. I away with all h s mouey. Fer tin b id h of tin urgu ueiit.xiipp su no grant Hut in. .fid upend It, wb it b ivue of ill t!t e n's lm rne'icd in chink a lhe biidge. Itu mid net hsve beuu lest . 1 th 1 0 1 li'r, el e it would have been leund, ' A it 1 ih.it. il probible thai itdn ppm! nut 1.1 h - p iekt uB lu fell into tliu mer, a e i.e .1 t el -s in h'.' p iek'tn w "1 d alie liiv I .11 n " 1' The whele niliir ik a mysti-r. an I op n levari! in; it is iibeut uvetilj divi In 1 , liKsrt Mammal', el IViinl 1 li , 1 is bio, the gniit of Mm f lit ti 1 Fanny Ilitiauer, I ft le li u tunruitu. Mr n. d Vr. D Was'i.ibit 'i . he 110 of Sir (1 m Crine, Hi n ! 1 1 1 1 yteri'iiv, oelob uteil theii fi li wtd lm laiiiwim). Mm Jttu le Kiullmnii let ri 1 A 1 n 1 1 wirlr, and already has r 1 in I WiiVraham of lam M Mu''anev, of P m.lt!ti4'pi' I i - li r ", 1 I Pittlmr. Mr Rl.Uumscv, iifMbn 1 r S'ruti'n', te e'etb tti n i. e.is s'.oie. VwiiUhi.ii .,11 'vsiae.1 ili. . t 'jtieil and ht'b.il bin I ' ' 1 "smja TteU'-n srits Til i 1 -i t ilit't'g ' t!i .1 r -ems, 01 (. i-liv v "''g -Ini R pjtdietu u.i'e .1 r 11 ui i v 1 1 I in nr'' 1 I il s Duarboek s 111 i, km .t tUi 111' I 1 d, V 'I '!. ' II III 1 litpe'v alt - .A P ?t( iei"u 1.11 u uni into I'l.e 1 I tun tiitiriiiag mi Frent Mn '. I ItlKS lfelUd tlJ ll nil I 1 Sum.! . It. re li tm 1 r 1 1. Tne Uite of f ins h tuui ir ' milium ir "in j il, "viu,- t t it , irl'il.O RI d te Hi) tbe 0.1' H) M i LV 11 II. Wels'i wi I 1 t ;iplUefthi Ul!l and icrtnim te tbe elfjtrical ixpefit en, it 1 1 1 . d.u 000 n.iik, etrluj te lU of Four e t'u gridatun,' 1 1 Inv 1 d'e 1 'no tb 11, 4 1 I tin hi It - ')! I i A liljt fire la tlneliua, A great conllagratieu occurred In Cleve, laud, ()., en buuday. The entire flie department was iu service and tele-rums have beeu cent te Akren, YoutigHtewu. Paiuesville, Krle. Handusky aud Teledo for assibtanee. The origin of the tire ia unknown. Inoendlarism Is suspected by sotne, but the most prebable thoerv is that sparks from a tugboat set 11 re, esrly lu tbe oveniug, te a pile of shavings, from whieh the ilamcs spread until Weeds, Ferry .i Ce'a extenslve lumber yard was ablaze. The lire ceutluued te npread defying all the ellerts of the llreincn. The lumber yards of Petter, Rlrdsall A. Ce., nnd C. O. King and the variety iron works are also consumed. About ten aeres of frame buildings and lumbar yards were en flre nt ene time and large clouds of hmeke, thickly Btudded with blazing cinders, were blown for miles by a changing wlud, causing Intense apprehenslvecess that Urea would be kindled in every dircotleu, aud a large portion of the city be laid waste. TLe I B'i will reach $1,000,000. The flre was tinder control at 11 o'elook. O'l.uary Wlu u tVJlklne jiltttch. The sis day walking match, at Yioarey park, Kansas City, Me., closed Saturday night, O'Leary wen, making til'A miles DEATH KllUSt uir.KT. A liul Imere t'Ktlicr'i I'.rr ru te Kettriiln tils llwywarit Hern. The sudden death of Jehn J. Tink ene of liiltimere'f be-t known nud w.-a'thiest citizms, whleh occurred Siturdiy night while seated bcn.de his wife in his family carriige in front tf Halttctd's lead house near the Pimlle ) race traak proves te be a sad sequel te a acsndal in which the two sous of the deceased llgure prominently. It appears that seven years age Jehn Ftnl: Jr., a highly educated young man becarne enamored of a weenn of the teTn known as Jcsie Ashby. Th) two traveled eton eten sivily bjth in Eurepe aud 1 1 rhu country. Oil Monday of last week F.. k and the woman returned te Baltimore, and every ctlert was made by the p irents of Fink te indues their eon te give up h a parimenr. All their efforts appeared te beet no avail. Ou Wednesday last, upon hearing that Jehn and the woman was ab mt te go nt went, Mrs Fiuk sent a yeumter fen, Wil nam, 10 aii if they left tojether. Iter c nstcrnatien was great a few hours later wheu hheai-curtauud tbit William had lied with Miss Ahby te Hwieburg, and thore marripd her. Jehn Fiuk wai tcrr.bly a-igerrd at his brether'n aolien, and nwire he would kill him at sight. Saturday evaning, in com pany with Charles Walker, hodrevoout te Halstead'a lhe elder Fink heaid 0f this anil went out te see his sin. Upen rcich ing the plaoe Mrs. Fir I: observed that her husbiud made no effort te j'i t out of 4U0 eirriage, and tint the reins lay loaae lu hia hinds. She looked at him closely and notieeu mat 1111 giza ecome 1 nxmi. fall ing te him he did net reply, and it was dlsoeveri d that he was dead. The physl elius say that de ith wis oaused by heart llfeise, hrr ugbt en by excitement. Mr. Fiek was 01 yeats old and a uativoef Lin caster. Ue carne te llaltlmore wheu a young man. aud hi J heuu cngaged in sell ing rights te us a pitent process fur reauufaatuurieg lubricating oils, by rrh'eb he bad aeauiuul.'ad a large fortuue. tie leaves a vilfe and ntne children, all grown. A l'rnr Tru ISO iur flu. Kium tnc UljiIIii.' 'limes. Mis. Louisa O. Leatnan, Ne. 1C0 Biuth Slrth Bttitt, roeolved en her birtLday aunivetsary, a let of pears from a trae 1A0 years old, ou the old homestead in Ltccas ter oeuury, ip UreuK lu u lVlr I'lpa, Tbern is a bad break in the water pipe euRistlCmg utreet, bctwoej Lime aid Duke, aud a greit quantity cf water has beeu wasted, I - 'h ' H i I'll ' ' I . ''SI, ll. I N 1 ' ' I I 1 I'' tnr te 0.1 1 ou In e, nLleh tu) 1. il en Wd. eedaj, when be a ij'iiln t 1 them who the pjriciS'if the d il' irs .11.. nd v cd then, te ebey thtir i ' inn tt.) ll..a ly 0 inaeuted le de, aua bia 1 au au au nouuced tueir ruentii u of -ikiiiij the un!ertjca'3 wemau t llaTi-burg ou 1 u.-sdiy, where nhe will, diub'lens rttenethe .-ltteuti in . 1 tr-i'iueut her cjaditicn demands. Dr. Oar' stnted, from hia cursory iainiiiatieu, that he Leduved tte neman trld be n stored te h- s'th, and tuMed th it, with pr per caie, iu tn weekn' tieu s'm would be proud te have htr cl itbi's uc m her p-'tEjn. Iuvebtintien tLuWii that iu tl e time tecuu of c mntry there nre a iiiimb.r el similar cases, which call for lhe attention of the au ! erliua. lu the 1aij.11 imtel West Larl teivi.bbip there is t-aal tolive an im-a.ie girl tiamt.l Mjets, r 10 hasi b en ceanuid n a room lur oier tAtnly )tars without ai y attomien ethtr than mat the family c m give her. Iu the illagn el New Helland tbere is au old worn 111, 01 01 8.5 yeais of age, who hai been cr.i.y for a hall century et mere at-d who iilus"s te wall, upright, adoptiej' Ltr h luds and knees as a means of incoTnetiun. fi!in IW-s with a Bister, also icry a.ed, at.d has probably net or rtcencd any mtdical attontiea. e y ui l.Iit ut I iicUniu-il l.utltrj 'I no fo'lewmg is a list of nuc'aimed If t tub remamlngat the postelllce, Lancaster, ill nday, Septomter ti h l"Sl : Lnlia Utt Mis i Mary Andersen, Mrs. Henrietta Armstrenr, Miss Ciriiu 15at ks, Mibs Kmma L. Uiuk 11, Miss Louisa D.t mar, ftlu.s Clan D1..11 z Kite e. Pulmer, Sirs. Jehn Ilarmen, M hs SlArv K. ilitha w?y, Mis K ite Jacobs, Mrs. Hart) K-ilIer, Mrs Marnah Lalcrty, il.ss JIary Lawler C2), Mus Annie iieKcnnn, Mrs, Asnes Nickel. Mrs. Frederiek Phittz, Li'din Rejcllald, Adda Stilhell. Mrs, Christ Ulmcr. Oents lul Jaoeb Atuar, Rebert R Hair, Jehn Uarrear, David Re.ver, Vt'ultcr L. Campbell, II. A. CelTmau, J. II. Colten, William Rklin, Daniel Fioster, Ilcuiy Uollew, Charleh R i'ruy, C. W. Fry, Abe Freirich, ILinry . llrr Chriatam lloiise, Michiel Kiluy, Je'111 il Kreuler, Win. R. Martiu, B. A. Mcrritt, Leenard Pert , Jliahael N. Rutt, Patrick Shields (0). W. S, Smith, Anten a Sprevien (for), Carle Tsela (for), Capt. Celeman Twining. Tinril niul fourth t)i irtnittr. T.'itrd Miss Ida II. lle.-s, W. T. Heckman. Fourth c'.'US Frank Deitt, J. C. Kuy. keudill. V rieiiCtiii JuueuUiary Atleuipt Iljtwccn " and u o'clock en Sunday morning, an attempt was inada te flre the uueccnp.td frame building tm Christian street, between Vine and Washington, usttl for many )eais as a blscicsmltb shoji by Dilis Kiteh, n-.-W the proper'y el Uireh Si Rre , Fer cemi liuie tl.e bu Iditig was U3cd an a dwelling hou'e by the vife of Ma'.hew Dags, but elne she boetmu a fiiKltive frjm jumice.ind her children were taken te the almshouse it has net been occupied. The tire department was called out hut their berviccs were uet required, as the J4re was diccovered before it had mide mueh headway. The tire was no doubt the work of au iuecudlary, as a neighbor nw a ailered man loitering siiBpijiena'y In the vicmtty of the build ing for Bemj mit u'ca bclore the alarm was stiuek. Inn l.rat lu CiintmUi.) Mlgrtta, The pelice lepnted etm olcctrie nud two gasollne lights as net burning en S-turday aud Sundiy nights. This is ilie bebt noerd for two cuubtcutlva nights tt trade. A Stilt lr Damages Decliied. Aldeinuu Ferdney this morning dcclded the suit of Fiift-cis Kilturn against the P. it It railroad company, for dam ages for baing put off a train, in favor of Mr. Kilburu, Ai.ni.Mi rui.aii ntaiiiji: tti 1 : m l hut tns l, irdliii or Ile t-ttr rm un 1. -11-jtrlnc llnlr mttvtitlr. Martiu JlilVr bu cher, of .e .n, .1 e w s pteseeute I a wtrk a e ler e 1 .1 t g ..11 ui.i.u!l at 1 bi'tery in ' 1. 1 V x ai d 1 jr knoeiij i., Wi.iiuci li !ji i.tr, aj peard 1' r i 1 PI v of AI 1 nan t) in this t'lertiitj, s 1 ti' 1 1 li'rtti ?' 1 en ' red bail rn ;! u mi ii el i ) Un 1. 1 tl -it tii N ivi tuber tctiuef reu't. Lhirles W.s', a rentdeni 01 tit's R. hth Tr.ii 1, v. pin itid Lei 1 A '.11 j 10 bu tier en ur..av for .hi,' ketu 1 1 d disjri'ei ly c .ml .0. Ollie. is ittrube d .1' 1 1) 11 witt wi Lr t tbe tou.e te rttieit lien and Wiie was alt i.vtd te g) te uu ill or re na t i'ir u 1 1j1Iu.j He eUivm.1 h letc rtma than th t1 m.'Ut r.ica y and 'Alien the) ;u t 1 111 te lielr. ier Inte tbt v f . ' ' e I a 1 'k'pp d uut .. back dv r arm 1,111 iiy Wine surrenlercd hncaell en "-un Irij ind ;;ave bail fr luaricg. I'cur i ". , u.111 reaidit g i.mr .Mafi-jn-idle, tuiin'd Mil er, Ntll and the K'aba b bretbriii, xt re hi ltd by Aldermim Me Ulinu, en t-a'ui'i .y eietmig, for violating the city erdinn.03 iu driving at a gnaUr tate of Hpt-eil t,Lau m v u inilii an hour, en nest Ku i' "tie. t, in) Ihuii-rlay. nimiel S. D uwai' app jaud as tlie i'if irmi r The aldetiuati dti med that tt ey had vie'aud the 0:il'naiiC at d imp wil alme ut ? t id costs ou f nidi di.fi ndnut, inakii g a leti.l el $$ 50 or t SI for the party. Catherine Ackcrman btB been prosecuted by Allirmin Mile iuu b ler. Alderman Deunelly of the8.li ward for perjurj. 'lhe n'ligKtieu la tat she wute fit fitly m oeurt 11 batutday Annt' .M wIk 1 t-'u t'i tied t h.it nhe ".flit te Alletinm Mi.Ulmii'a olhce aud iiqu.-f ud ibat an 1 Hid . t) hi 1. te her rVnidouce te tuke away ber e-iu-iit 1 law, Andr v Witseu, wLew.n reiabrbav ' ing. lbiMi' lr'Hiini a'tna tha'cn. entire! com; 1 11 .1 nr tnie , el p i:i',mabiu4 ea It that Wilb'Ui h I lore it l,i d te de be bedil) l.ari.i inis is 0110 1 f lhe ninety of peace casus in aLic'i lhe com t, ii!(cr .'u.u nig thn toitimeny, s.nl 11 tbe) h id the power llfy weald "11; ' s. t'u cmts en tlm al lermiii .lnjtir Hu U..1 rli.sisnd a 1 tiidei d stunatmg 11 00 jk eit-tt me'Li ie, m m m oludieg huu I iv, h 'nun i.ir lisirii .r 01 poll a fa-es l tin li' ui I.eum' P't tirat e uut wa hi i 1 it tL 1 hmir )ea'tr 'y wheu tunc dri' 1 1- pat i cob's, 1 110 was oemmittfd for Jt 1 euri md lour IikIhits were d isobar j; 1 d. 1 u a luurmug ene ledger was discharged Albert Iuginham, ar iUd by Officci Mcriinger for 1 rjukem aud dis dis erdurly couduet, en tt wairant issued by A'd.nnau llarr, waa heeid this inoiu ineiu mg and discharged ou the pii)muut if costs. Rebesci PwlTer and Li'z e W-itt 1, tl 0 femalen who etole Jehn MtFeduui'it tram en Fridaj nlghr uud were luviuc a higli old tiuiu 111 dining areiidd the city, Wee lele im d frit 1 custody en 8 .tu"l ly lifter neon, upon the pijiuent et teJts, e'l the chirgoe' diiijliui -tis mid liae.au y em duct prelerr d anins' th mt. An Invltntlju l u I... oil llrsuir, The esosuihe oeumltt'e of the 07th Keu'iment Pannsylvaula Voluuteern met ut V s. Chester en Satnrdiy and appoint ed oe'i I'li'te.h te arrange for the reut-ieu el t'i) rg meut. The oimmittee en orn'.ie 1 will invite Marriett Uresms, el uiii'city, te dt'llvtr the oration. Mr. Uresius ras j member of the 07th duiing tlie war. Dentil el JaniiJi) I net. Mr. Win. Lint, of East King street, has r cu'ved news of th dea h of his biether at AUieu, Onie, fro n nn aceideut, hut no pirttculars h.tve boei learned. Doceascd w ia iiyuua of ajie ind Ieave3 a wife and seeral uhildicu. arilOi'l-lsllJ Diinlteil. llBi.juetn lleilclnr, of Nerta Vra-tr sttiut, HssawaidMilie llrst prenium at tlie 0 i-.ty fsi 1 it itcek for ine ictti 01s piaj i.f e "i.iaiie. Mr. IPs nime Was aeildeutai'y eaiiiled from the list pub itahed. t'i irri d Thirtt 11 an' istnle 1 ' y d I.CftUli. Kel 1 watch c't 1111, en .Kit U lltttuhu, nai lis. ea Litis. .turl,ay. Oflcr ) 'lurt :ok t 1 1 1 1 m ' 1 j nl In 1 in 1 uitig for 'hi 11 C nauibi tut tij ne.7 naifnu ,- ii unui.ii te ily.-enti rv. In. " ' 1 t of Mr. M tiiv, 'i" I ar trc wh en ia in fuM b'n-- tr A p eked tiiue will pi ty ba 1 fietu tlran'a opera oetnpaDi, m 'i a trDnan. B fv H.)-cVr ind Vm n M . 1 fi'i'i'y, el In mi!i, im 1 mn,' iu ti "s xbII, whlfi Miea-B ISmmt an 1 L? IJ-r. tin iser am a UpUra 1. Mis Jeuuiu bshl mm, of Iri. ' b is f ir her Ktie'tt Mfs Clara Nir. 1 r, ul Deysvitle, lVrrv county. Tuero lb a a i. oel tieu'ili in Itiiwlll'. ft e eel 1 1 1 ;aii ma v nut t L ulni 1 1 1 .- d te ie(),i t; e 3bjel yard, and tlie b 10 ! bia Un'i ti.i)i-.f ii'ntudi i' tu In M.h u i epi i.' . il is tn itu tr eirp nt 1 iimul Hnr -t .1 mm, "is t rkma in Uiubta t, tin, mi I'i la; b thefalli') t fja I m r It li ' tin' :i"iiit-cr was 0runi..i .in' 1. nt fe. KiatiTvt 1' nla ri'ti'ta.-' 1 , n'n 1 ' t' . . i, 'i r : M.niLe M 1 11 itiiik A- v.- t' j 'srink ri C ' 1 ' ' en-meicd 'work this nn r 1 .' W 11 lw? 1" 1 1 I 'tn I t O , 1 I lr Hal irm m'a en Ue ith 0 h m ', 1 b opemd 11 ti'lili ii u 1 I. 1 N I A tL- 1 1' . , . MB I . u ,'.cel lu.t i'.-t Itl I ir tii, liiiles nt m It'.riirl.. 1' 1 1 , 'i aci lent happne I e 1 t 1 p 1 '-. of LUui Kual r ', uu Wj3i 1 ' 1 al et, uni I'uul ly tji.'ht wh'eh m ' v r - .1. I Vd.j a iiuul 'ti 1 j no 1 irt at the hjUnar.nl t.i it I auce was large. Evurtrhi.- t 1 t ill I l-airwtly until hatwten 10 t m 11 ele wbcnlh) guebts in tbe lunt il )!.. luw't ! a lamll were btat' e.' by loud eras kr help Tneciks eaiti' Iren thn jnrj un 1 nn liiToatigatlen -1 1 t it ' 1 tliit, tnrte )eug Ivltea w u, iuiimI 11 tne ct"-jKil Tbty had g n j ilu t'i 1 oleso ad wriile thir", th 1 ll iu u ive w w, m i they fill i'lte the peil i'i ir em 1 ir hi Ip and tlie q j ok .-rt . is t.i tuit s.ived their lives, lur they hid mi . te lhe arm piw, when rcRsnt.i. I'te e the ladus rcbidel iu that part 1 t t'.i. t)t'f aud a third was from tbe 0 tunny t h 1 city lad.LB were hurried home, wul t'i ene from the enuitry w.11 ctred ( r by Mi. Muckrl's family. Tt. y w 'i 1. grta'ly pientrated ou Huuday, bit an inue'i impreictl te-day. in 1 i--Ur , r hid 1 1 Ileitti i.l tt l.uiv titunut Frem tlie ilarlvbiiri lu le,un In 1.. Jehn J Ct.'iaD, wli)d"tl . Wednesil ly, was 11 nitivi' u L.i mut), h ttu bem erpbamd by ' 1. il i attenduU the eeldierb' ureh m t a' Mount Jey. Alter leailua tl .eli 10 1 led for alnrt Ume li El 1 h 1 ti ,v , aft 1 wn li 111 wci.t t 1 thl im ,' h no '. ar. Smi'ei bbm i', nh-.m h - . v 1 1 . 1 '. d , thou want te Htei Itou w be, h r-1. v d 1 SjI iui. i'er a obeit ti'U iu 1"M h a . t eiiuected with the Iid-jtnAir,t 111 a te jerter f 1 n M'pii'tei. llawai.it ua.nr at Itw wrlillill A, J irlan, of 11 "ri burg Hid he live I, jiutn; fjiuriti er"iny would hive tnada tin mat 'c, l.r l.b w..a cedmvi'd wi'h ireuiii iBeuLit ;u.ier uud tiitegnty of una-ie(.i. ilia dn.tli ii (.reatly nur-.t'ed at titcelt n i.l d-e whero whjie be wis kuuwn. Accljtnt te it I rclsl'tifir RUm O. tiiiydei, member of the Lul-la tiue, met wnti an uoeidout en tiatut.Uy nltf iiioeu. He riis a the (jrinerv Biore at the corner of Mu'ejrry ti d Ches nut streets, a'teti.U'ig te aoine lmuliii.su, md 1 is horbe was Itfd ttimltn in tlieurirtt. Tliehirf fea'-fd and ran up Mnlb"rry utreet, ai.il il-. h )f' 1 in lm it. jt te alt p him, eatiht held of the nun an I 11.11 diat,i,ed let muia il'nt uicti, when no was com, eliud te K.t'e. Thu Lerao was caught at Walnut ulid Chnhitte btrceti by D-ivIh Kltcb. Mr. flnydcr csetpid wubaftw b tfscs. Tu Uam Is net daru ignl. A t'niii IIj .iniittry Mm lut 't The Right Rev. Uiahep J. V. 6'ic.ti v'.an, assisted b) lt-v. T. Flumiuj.', of theC.i lio lie lh eluireh, L cust Gap; ll'iv J. J. 0 Reilly, of Mt. Carmel ; Rjv Jainsn 1 Russell, Riv. T. J. Oretty, of C'nlralia; aid Ibv. C. I'. P.UUrseu, of Ashland, dedUatcd the Catholic e-meterv, at Lruat Cap, Pa, Suaday afternoon. The preijss en that escerted the bishop te the ccmutcry was cumpbsed et the Father O'Reaily L'tcrary club nnd end ilit y, of Mt Cirtnc.l, tbe St. 'Jeseph's soeisty, the Fa her F.einin;' Literary club and sodality, jif Lieuxt Up. Aftir the dedtciteiy services seiumu vespers wpre oelebrat-d in tb pmseinu of the bishop. li J F 1 , t s . cbrant, R07. O. 1' P,ittetbii, ot-aeoti, aud Rey. J, J, O'Reill), bub Ujv 1. i