L.AHCA8TEK DAILY INTF.MJUENCER THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 4 1834, .tl xi :l LOCAL LEGISLATORS. lunitiiMii "Ijii-. utiNriMir.M' riiMi, . Uy Mr, tlie grade of lleiwer idroet near Iti inUr-1 r. rrnsUfi ituet iilttum. rcetlim with Boyineur street be rciluccd. I Fraxliir.' Heet Hitters are net nilratn liep Kolenril te street committee. " T,v' nn. .irniriv unen thn Liver anfl "J nr iiitutl 111 tn irnimlrr tt'l.uiiu It III 111 lilm'i-a til Limiirlls A Ales piiin liejn I lid Majer, AIcLiughllu, tbe petition of Jeseph 8 ZjeV, praying for giitleiliiRA lu i'aukch )r int of (lve houses reoehtly erected by blm near tne corner i mppuu street ami l'ark avcmie. Kef erred te stieet com Ne'cct an I common oettuollH met Mntully ( t,,ltr.,0I en Wi-iliinnl.ty evening. In lelent lutitieil thote wero present AIesnri. Heyer, Dlllcr, Deiiiiith, Deorr, lllddle, Wisi", Zocher ami Kvans presld nt. Tlie minutes of the pluvieus bUUiI oftlel.il lncetingi wero approved. Itepert el t.'eimultler , Mr. Mid-tin precuutcd thn report of tlie street committee for August, togethorwllh tlie recommendations of tlie comnilttce as te tliu work ucecM.try te be dene. Tlie rcoemmoudntluiiH of tlie oemmittco wcre approved. Common council oenourrcd. A resolution was adopted, en motion of Mr. Itlddle, transferring 1,600 from tlie ceiiliiiKuut te tlie street fund for sewers will ether work. Uainmeu oeuuoil con cen utirrcd, Tlie rrpeit of tlie lamp c immlttce, sett ing furtli tliu deductions made for lamps net lighted, vtim pteticiitcd l.y Mr. Dlller. Tbe report of tlie water oeuunltteo was presented. They asked that $2,G00 be tr.itisfericd Irum tlie contingent tuud te tlie water fund ler tlie extension of water facilities Tlie amount was reduced te '.2,000 aid thn trnusfe.' for that amount ma le. Common oemioll concurred. Mr. Hergor proseoted the report of tlie property e mitiilltce. Tliuy havountjet siiexeedtd in selling tlie old factory pre. perty tlie he.it puce ellcred being 4700. Ner h.ivti they Mimcidtd In renting the old postelllso mom. in eveuner ibm, unuiieil granted purtiiutnien te Ledge JU, A Y, M , te meet an en'r.iej te their, ledge rueiii fiem West King street, ou t'.enilitl.iii tin'. ihey give np their entrance back of the old pi niiiliidiv Tlie ledge new makes nppliei'ieti fur pir'niieu te eteet thin stairway ai il tlie ennmiuoe tocom tecom tocem m?mlcd th.it pcrtnlMH'l be filYeii, prevl deil they obtain tlie oensenl of the tenant in tliu restaurant ni d that they relinquish tin Ir entrance in tliu leai'. The committee also leoemmeiulid tti it. inline Iiode Ne. 1 be coniice'cd with ihe sewer Mr. 11 irjpr in wed Hi it the recytmiiien recytmiiien datlen el tlie e iinmttii-e he ndep'ed and IiO'l;ii M bj ullowed t'i eri'c' the at.iirw.iy umlnr the mpervih en of thn piupvity coin cein coin imttce. Mr. Kviins idiii- iied en tbe grounds that euuuuiU should uoilcive ay live leet of preH.'tty valued ut $1,000 a font. Sir. Dlller moved te aineml that tbe property bu leaded te the leJcj" at $10 per unimm. The amendment was hut b7 a vete of -t te l and .Mr IlerL-iiiV motion wan udopted havoteofO te , Mes.ir.-i. Dcumth and KvatiM ettiiK aKiiiHt. Ceumuii council cnucurrcd. The rep-irt of the Hre committee for tbe month was pieKeutcu by .Mr. uorcer. It icfcricd te the works of the committee, for the mouth, all of which baa beea pub lished. illi.iKB Irnm itm einjrur. The following nioEsage frni tbe mayor was then read : J)the Honorable, the nemhti t r.f Uetect nntl Vvmmen council e lMiicttV r city. tihM-i.hMt:ji : ThOHUpnrhiteudeutef tbe water werkh has netlllfd me that en Wediiesd ly, H'litcmber 10th uext, tbe new 0,000,000 no""" WortblnRteu pump will hellulihud ai d put te titlual test, at whieh it in dcMiuble that both branches of coun ceun ciln clieuld be picueiit. L'uder thn previs. ions of the contract it ii neefsary for cenucils te accept or reject the pump. The Mipennteudeut proposes te ue up all the water ill the large eastern rostrveir by tbe time referred te, mid after ascer taining what height el w.Uer in that reservoir will be necessarj te censtitute 3,000,000 gallon of water, be willbave tbe pump started about 4 o'clock a. m. el that day and ruu for twe!u cutiutieui bourn. This will test the e ipaeily an well as the perleatticra of the uireljaiiism of tbe pum)i. It it tberefoie ilebirable that, bofero adjeuruiup, ceunc'ls Hheiild make all necessary arrangements te visit the water works ou the tUtt-iii .ou of text Wednesday. The chief of the Urednpartm nit ban re ceived a letter from II K. Kerber, chief of tlie tire depaittnent el Sciauten, P.I., stating that hliUPOifaud oihter ten of the members of the city couueih of boriiiiteu will visit our city te-morrow (Tliuitday) ir tbe day after (Fiiday) Should oouu eouu oeuu cils beojirepcr te extend the eJitrtesy of appointing a ceiiunittefl te recoive them 1 have no doubt it will he prepeily appre ciated. Tbeie Ii an important matter te which I would respectfully eill attention of ooun eoun oeun oils. The neutract of the lamp c.jmir.itU'e with the Mlxiai Ulectne hmnt and l'ev.er company will rxpiie ou Veduesday, the 10th day of thin month, just ene wuek from te-ni;ht. This l a .a-t, rnless the original contract has l.ecn altered, either by parole or writiui;, by t!.e aKreenieut of both parties. It will thou be ueuensary for councils te i ene w their contract or mulie a new one, either with the V. iim or. etlnr jartien. The city ordma'.ce approved Feb. (5, 1S73, Sec. 1, provide that tlie lump committee shall duriuc the mouth of May in each year advertise for proposals for the furnishing of gas, ote , ler the period of one year, at a llxed price, said proposals te be referred te coiwieM.t ler their notion. This has net been dcue this jmrbj the lamp cemnilttte, und piemi uent citizens vTioaie iniervstnl in enter piiCM for ItghtiuK eities dill'eitnt iiem that of electricity feel or thought they have bi en badly treated and have asked me te bring this matter te the attention of councils. Hut ontside of tin se liitetcbtcd persons tbeie is a great dilleteuce of opinion as te whether the present method of lighting the city by electricity ami gaholiue is the cheapest aud tliebes'. At all events it is hut juat and light that all parties should bave their day in court, and no ene can deny tbe priueipUi that the previsions of tbe ordi nance regulating the conduct of the lamp co in in it tee i-heuld be obeyed. Very respectfully, cte , D. P. It0SBNMtI.t.Bll Majer. JUyeu'sOkkick, Sept. 3, TSS1. Tbe invitation te visit the water works was'accentcd. A mossage was received from the mayor stating that Olllcer Neico h td tesigued aud that Martin itoeeobad been appointed in bis place. The apppeintmunt was confirmed. Adjourned. COMMON COUNCIL. Common council was called te order nt 7:'J0 o'clock with tbe following uie'nbcis prescut : Messre. Adaina, R. Frank; Auter, Bare, Heard, Iiortzfleld, Duekius, Oerrr.cny, Dinkleberg, Kbermau, Kverts, (loedell, Ilershey, liuber, Hurst, Kendig, Llehty,' Lippold, Lem, David K., Leng, Jehn 15., Mayer, MeLiugbliu, Ssbum, Bhirk.Bpaeth nnd Dr. Ueleniua president. Tbe minutes of the but stated and rpeelal meetings wero read end approved. VrMCuutlan of l'tl'ten. By Mr. Bobum.the notlt.en of pronerty owners en the north side of West MlllUu street, betweeu Water r.ud Mulbeny Rtrects, for tbe widening of that street. Tbe potitieu set forth that all preperty owners who bave thus far built en that strcet bave set their properties baek seven feat from the Btreet line, and in order te have the strcet formally widened te 27 feet, the petitioners pray councils te adept a resolution asking the tty Mr. Hh'irma'i, for the ehaugn of Hre nlirni box Ne. 41 from thn corner of Murk et. ami I.mnen Mrcetn te thn corner of l'rlnoe and Walnut stnets Iteferred te the tire oemmittco, with Instructions te bave the change made h prayed for. Itfwltill'inii tiliitiel. Mr. Kverts olleied the following resolu tion ; IUteltul, That tbe wnter oemmittco be Instructed te plana n Urn plug at a ceuvetil ent Mte at the city water works. Adopted. Heiecl council concurred. Mr. Ebcrman ellctcd n resolution thut tbe changes reoemtuiinded by the fire oem. mlttce, lu thn loe itlen of certain Hre alarm boxes in the Kighth wind, bu made. Tbe resolution was adopted. Select council concurred. ltriermil t)emiiilli. Mr. Hurst prosnnted tbe rep.irt of the oily troasurer. Thn receipts during the month were 47,11' I 40, and the payments, i8.20l.00. The bal mce in the treasury is oe e;i3 r,e, Mr. Hurst also presented the report of the llnanoe committee, which set forth in detail the bills approved during the mouth. The special oemmltieo te whom wan referred the ordinance providing a olerk ler the mayor repotted that tbe tluauees of the city will net ut the present tirae allow of the expenditure el thn money required te pay the ulerk's salary, and they would report the ordinance uegatlvnly. The re report was received, and the oemmittco discharged fiem further couslderatiou of the ordinauce. Adjourned. Kldnnvn. keen the linwul oeen ml reuulsr. oliiMiee llui liloed and n'm nl every Impii. rlty. Pout by lniKftH. tl. "M ny II II. tletliran, ilruKKlnU iV nnd i North Uueen HtltHlU 2 A lllll AKBlnft Itm UuiinlT. r'quire Hvatin, of Columbia, has plioed lu Alderman Han's hands for colledion bis bill against thn oeuuty for " Itelurns te Court," whieh thn county solicitor ra fured te approve. The item is charged at fiO cents ou each return te oeurt and was allowed by the oeuuty solicitor utitil about a year age, whn the priiNeut solicitor commenced ntrlkin; thorn from the bills. It is Sijtilre 1'iibb' liitintien te test the right of the solieitor te deduct that sum from bis bills, and suit will be brought in tbe e.u ly put of nex; week. Meincn I mninarr.lt Mnthenl Am you distill lied ut nhrht nnd broken nl ynnr rest by a sleH ntillil nuffurlnit nd eryliuj wltli tliiiuxnriicliilliiK psln of cultliiK ' II se, Ktmlimoeitnd Kt h bottle nl MlW. WIN WIN Sl.elvs.HOOIIIlNW arllUP. It will relieve I tin peer llttlii sutterer linuiinllat'ly leMinii upon It t llmrii Is no mlatAkn about tt. Theru If ncivsmotliiiren mrth who has erer ul It, who will net tell you M ence that It will rutciilKte the tewI, anil glv rtt te tlie lQiilher, nnd rellel ull.t bettllh In ttm e.lilld, op ep rntliiKllliinaKln. U Isjxirliietlr sale te use In nil cjwm.und pleasant tn the twite. and Is the prtnorlpllen of en of the eldest nnd best female physicians tu tlm Unlled HlaUis. Beld everywhnre ocents a netii'i. trmval-lydM W 8A nmn AnrmxTMHBMUiiTs. IJM.1HN tt IIBBnKMAN. FACTS AND LO W PRICES. TlIK 1'L.ACK TU IIUV Kelillrnl. Itftiiners. Klucs. Hutu Cane" Iclinets. Hhlrts, Torches t evcrvthlntt tn CiunimlKn Chii. Helmets. Hhlrts. Torches t evcrvti'lnu csinnaliftientntH. Henil ter lllustrntuil clreu sr te I ittnpulKii Mt'K Ce, New Yerk. 10 llurciay street, ui-linoeii Mlnlttrr Hnunil lit l'rli. ltev. Mr. UriHinflvlds, Knoxvllle. Tunnrssoe writes as Inllnwst " Hamartlan fcrvine per lnunently cured my seu el epileptic fits.' Ileiu's tixxl ler thought, held by (iruiil"i9, tl.fte. st-lwiir.ThAsaw Masen Fruit Jars Wholesale or Retail -13 AT. FLINN & BRENEMAN'S, 162 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - Lancaster, Pa. VWTINEHUlTGANa. OUR OWN NAKB.-k SECOND EDITION. TfJUBSDAY MVKNINO, BEPT. 4, 10H4. A CIIOLEIU f ANIO, ITAI.V T1IKKATKNRU II V ASAItOUV, A Kir AJirAJiTlHtttlJlNTH. IUKMAL.K. JT A UOOll HAY MAIlE.flvn years old, last steppnr, very itentle, uccustemed te the cars ml ii Reed driver. Call at B.'-MH NO. 113 W. KING 8r. 1J MAT It II. Munriir In I til" city, ou thii.td lnat , Lettie, wllu uf Jehn Murphy, aiuil 37 years. 1 he relatives nnd friends el the family, ate respectfully Inviud tn intend the tunursl, from the tosUlenco of her husbAiiil, Ne. 721 KastUbeHtnutstrO'Jt.en Krlday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment st Lancaetur cemetery. It VUl.lTlVA.tj. ". lliincll ul Kjr." liwi evening Flera Monre and company appeared in the opera liouse in tbe comedy entitled " A Hunch of Keys. " Netwith standing the het weather, tbe audience was large. The pi;en has been prceentcd here feveral times by Mlfs Moere who, bositei being a elever actress berself,has a Strung oeiiipauy. They appear again to night. Ttlft Uell(,, llie,.l; The collegiate, theological and arademie depurtmeuts of Franklin nnd Marshall colleen were formerly opened at 10 o'elook this morning, when ltev. Dr. Gerhart delivered tlu opening address " Secrates I'rnihelh) of thn Ciiist," an abstract of whieh appear ou the llrst pijje te day. t In up xviir.lnn, 'J he (.tllri ii' (laud of AlHiihelin, clieapeT. ourslen te roll i.idphlii, titatu lair anil At liiutlc City, en Wodiieidsy, Siiptiimber 10th. Keuud trip tickets, koeiI for thrne dajs, te return en any train from Philadelphia (ene iluj- Hern Al.untlc City.) Thrnuuh trains leaye I.unrmter (King street) at S:4i n m.; Cel- 'uiiilpl.i r.0:i. iii.,l.:uiOlsllle, 6:1:1 u. in. Ksre only 1-1 1!. I.tuive Mnitlielui ill. 0:27 a. in.; I.H1U, :w n in; Kphiatu, 7.1.1a. in. I'm e only $:ue. 'I'lulus will leliirn hsui" night. Leave All.-inllc Ctly iu7.e p. in; I hlladelphlii, 10.00 p. in n,i,l,.!i.9IAItw llemocrstle retlauul Ticket. I'rwIdent-HllOVKtl CliKVKbAND. VlcoI'iesldent-TIIOM.VS A. IIKNDKIUKt). lirinocrntle Hiaiellcitrt. U.K7TORS AT LARCH. IIIUIIAIII) VAUX, II. .1. McUUANN, II. II. PLUM BU Lgcren. UlsU 1. Uoergo s. Purity. in. 1. II. Ackley. 17. Jeliu I'. Lvvnn. IS. K.tra I'. Parker. 111. K. VV. Miimmu. M. A. II. 1)11!. il. r. V, Iiim. n. J. K. r. Dutr. il Jelill H an. !. A. Il WlntnrnlU. U.Jnhn IL lllll. ai. Win. A. rerijuer. tl. A. J. Ureunneld. rt.viAi. Aeriuii.t Tleit weak htcl or viin In tint slde nr h'ps vnn will Hud iimnttlute.v telluved when a lleii IHnittr 1 1 iipidlm). Il strni(!tnni thn mUHelei.. ulvlnir I lie alilllly te de hard work without Hiilfurlnir. T.itai nene but tliU, 'Its 4iire. Tn etk. worn, und itspepttc should takn lleideu s l.hiuld lleut loale jtik Jer Col Cel den's, nt druuulats. si lwdeed.tw Wlu.t l II Urn. e fur? letimlell ou 'wliui Dr. Themat' Fcleeirte Oil Is ke il ler Ills letith In riii-iiiimtlsiiiaud neuriiifriii 1 will cure ii burn, bile, or pstu, mm Is eqinlly iroed ter sprains nr sain by II. II. ceehruu, dniUKlsl, 1J? nnd 1:w North yueen street. -Itctitui; i'HM.M-ijiiileiiii Aluliturf.. Like persplrutlnn Intiuise ltchtiiK, worse bv He.rUchlnir, meat nt ntslit, mviiH II ptn-wnrins wure eiiiwllii. '-Hieatfnr' Otntmtnt " fi i ptea'iint, turrcure. Ilr1 tn lltllevc. It Is liupt te belle70 Jhat a man wai cured e a Kidney dlsi nss utter his bely was swollen as b! as ii barrel und he bad been ylven up us Incurable mid lay at death's uenr. Vet nucha euro win Hrceuipllhed by Kidney. Wert lu the per-en nt il 11. Uevcruuux, et lenls, Mich., whesiys: " Alter thirteen et the best doctors l'i Iiutrelt bud given me up, I wss cured by Kidney-Wert. I wnntoveryone te knew what u been it Is. Olst. (.Jehn felevln. J.. I I'.J.ninnenilorler 3. Jehn W. l,ee. 4. II. J. Ilnran. ft It. I.. Wrlirbt R..I. II. Ililnien. 7. Win. htahlur. 8 (J. K Ueutsehler. U. II. M. North, lu. II. u. Stilus II. A.H. llnMiillii-ml. 12 K V. Kockatellew. 13. Ktchiml Itaun. 14. OoerH II. lrlii. Uemoerallo Oeuuty Ticket, Conires3iuant-LttrKe. W. W. II. 1)AV1. Cnnirrcss. 1'AK.IH IIM.IlKllA.N, .1 udiie. 1. (. KS1I L KM A N. fMiiBterfxIII )-.ll)UN MAUT1V. Assenlbly (ij. CIIUISMAN KOX. .JaMKSS. PATTKUHO.N. ' (3). 8.. UKTtVILKIl. -JAMKS DUfKY. -I. It. KAUKKMAN. Shnrltl It. M. AUTr.ua. rrotlimieury. IIKN.I. WUI1KMA.N KeKlmer. K U. KII.LKU. County imisumr. JN4. MANN. (.l.'ikeltj S.-U.H. UUTTKIt. Clerk el t. r.-AM'l. K. IIOSTETlKll. County Coiinntsleimr II. K. 11 HITMAN I'rlwiu Keejsir. OKU. W. STY Kit. Prison Inspector. II. It. IIUUI1. . w. WlllTAKKK Peer nine ters.- (SKO. I) ItMSPKIThlt II. aNYDKIi. Corener. IIAV1S KITCII. Auditor -II K W.KlillUIIKUKIt. OCI HTOUK UtINNKUTlvUT UltlAKS, 11 ler 25c. Can be relied en ks strictly Con Cen ntctlcutat IIAKTMAN'8 YKLLOW r IIONT ijlU Alt HTOUK. Yr.l.CliW r-HIINT UMIAK, WAkhANTKU clear Vimlu A be Je Havana filler, tbe best 6a cllfftr In the statu at IIAUTMANS VBLLOW FUOMT OIUAU &TUUK. POaSAI.ll, AT A UAH4IAIN M. UCSIKA- X bio residence. Ne. Ml North Uuke street, 8 rneuis, kltclien, Ijulli room, ete , In excellent order. Immediate possession If dealred ALLAN A. IIKUUACO., s -lwdR Ne. lOIKsstHlnK Street. rnsTKiicnuN tiN riAnu ahuuhuan MARGIE! SPURRIER, B30-3tIl NO. 116 ROUTU UOKE ST. QQ WKarKINU. 38 WB9T KtNU.QQ 00 Oe and Bee the OO NKW SKT Or HUMOKOU8 CAUTOON8, Tlie latest entitled ' The Course of True Leve," ,at CLAUKE'S. Ne.38 West KInif Street. lAllfi. niiANii uuuriTir wtxttt. Extra Attraction -reit- ITRIDA.Y! Winter Bran stwuty at lUTJUiS 16 ter He. 1 l'roTtsien market Bun with lair eemsnrt Mess retk. 1S1S (M lieef Um. Kliru f" India Mess lloef; tlfffies&i city de, I13W9 Bacen, UWQltet Smoked Bhoulders. mil pleklee de ISOUHC salt de 7ke Smoked IUm, iUet lSaUJtO! lPOM -Bi- -V.V ' A HVKIfl IftKM VXIH Akiii.i. i.i.ir or VirrW ,tr I'uiijr.H 111 11 defy coinputllleu at IIAKTMAM'n 1 hUUm t'UUNT IJIU All ''IDlie UfASIMI-A vv luiully COOK IN A I' II IV A IK Ilwiulie at fill 0IIU0. It i.tnmil'Ai.l.Kl'lt.l.' AMI.U eldcm j a'llew 111 the lnnei.1, ut ll.l.il.ll AN'n 1KI.I.IIW ritONTUlllAK STdUK. ' I lltlUMI HOtl I.UNCll VT Rkuuutiun in uUnTUm-MAUK ULti ru ing, in order te clesii out the balance nl luySptlnK and Summer Woolen. 1 will give a discount of 20 per cenU en ouch garment for tliu next two months. A fuil line nt elcifsnt Pew suits, made up In elegant style, for lie. less Tipfriimi, itnvintc in my ompiey n prsetleil cutter, a ported fit can tx rolled uien. A. 1I.UOSEN8TK1N, Kine Tailoring, 37 North Ouecu street, opposite the fostefllce. n24-6indU TV 1 ANSI UN. ATLANTIC Vll Y. TlIK LKADlNU.IlOrEL. THE LAIIOKST HOTEL. THE IIUIUIITEST HOTEL. Open alt the year. yZHind CHAUI.EHMeULVDK, purs f.uiterEAN iieik.i., for. 7th and L'licstuul SlrcctH, 1'IIILAIlKLrillA. S1NI1LK ItOOHB, - S1.00 PEU DAY. KI.EUANT UETAUllANT, CHAItOKS MODEilATK. T. WallaoeRoIUy, PHOl-RICTUK. J. M. JOHNSTON, ON THE FAIR a HOUNDS. FRIDAY, SEPT. 5, 1884, AT ! P. M. Travel nnd Trsnie snspemled nnd Uenrral Ulierrtrr Prevslllnc-KIng Humbert tu the lleeue rnrtlgu Itueett. Londen, Bcpt. 4. Tbe Heme oorrcs eorrcs oerrcs pondont of the Time says; "A cholera panle prevails throughout Italy. Eaeb town U taking measures of protection ro re gardless of the government. Bome pest guards be ah te proveut travellers from entering the preelncts until after a quaran tine of 15 or 20 days : manv have closed their gates te every one. villages uave re established armed cordons. The re suit is that In many parts of the penin sula praetical anarchy prevails and travel aud trjflle ate greatly interrupted. Italian papers lament thoapcctaeleof diserder nnd eall unen the enverument te end it. The official returns ei" tbe number of cascB and deatba are confused lind unreliable; accord ing te latest icperts fiMn Naples, there have been 97 fresh easos aC?d -111 deaths within the last 31 hours. Mauuid, Sept. 4 At Nevelda bJnoe tbe last rejKirt tbore bave been ninefrrsh CMC" of cholera nnd three deaths. Ne fresh cases at Kleho or Allcante. King Humbert' MuuMlen, Heme, Sept. -1. ICing Humbert has contributed 13,000 in aid of ohelera suffer era at Sptzzia. Tbe king will seen visit Naples, wbem three eibinet miulster are already visiting the worst quarters te dis tribute rollef. tL The Uhlneie I'ay An Iodenully. IIenq Kone, Sept. !3. NOON. Tlie Chinece have cut a military read through tbe French cometcry at Canten, destroying a mausoleum and rilling the tombs China yesterday paid te the Freneu consul at Heng Keng 427,000 as indemnity for losses incurred bv reuch subjects in the Cantsn riots in 1833. ramous Itertdcnce aud Library Iturned, Londen, Sept. 4. Advices from Dur ham, Beeth Africa, state that the bishop's resldeuce, containing, thn library of tbe the famous Itlshep Calcuse, has been burned. Twenty l'eilih In n Mine. Heme, Sept. 4 At Nioeoi.i,'in Sicily, a lird occurred in a sulphur initie, by whieh twenty persons perished. Lard steailvi dtv reflnnd. suaai nuiviiuiB, ,7 i ,riiuti umiii te. Unttet market firm, and fslrlr active l Uresmerr axtras, limMa H i-Mern de, n2Je i II. C. A N. Y. extru, We t Western dairy de. 18e ; Wontern eoed te choice, 1.115e. Uellsst SfllJe. Kirmi easy and In modsnite demand t extru, lOa.Oit Western, 1DQO19H0. ' ' .hoese market dull and twrnlr steady I New Yerk lull cream, to10Het Obla Klnts, clielce, BSSVet Western fair ut prima, 60740 1 rennli part tklms, JXiXa t de lull Utile. Petroleum qnlet't Heflned, se. Whisky Arm i Western ftt tl 9. Raw let MBtkatt, Nw Teut. EepU t rieur State nrt Western dull and declining. Southern dull easy. Wheat unsettled and KOKc lower with a dull traillny i Ne. 1 White, nominal Ne. 2 Ileit, HepU, ',mi990ic t Oct., SIHS12ei Ner, iumij.m;,e ; veK., w7tei7iO ; April, i viyt& I 'i;. Cern Unie hlfiber and searre t Mixed West ern spot. WOCJO) no tnture, KHBOie. Oste wltneut r.lmnie; Ne. a October, 31ei Stale, 39843c ; We tern, 8tfJ42c. Live bieck Market. CnicAoe Uecrs Hecelpts, 10.030 head t ship. moms, 2.G0O head t Reed lets Arm i common lue lewer : rough packing, $3 fierjs an i paeklni; and shlpplmr, S5fl 80; light, 5 75J8 55; bMei. llit-WS. Cattle lteculpts, 8.M0 head I shipments, 1,700 h,,S best vradei Arm; etliers ion lower ; exneri urndns.M OU87t goeil te choice ship nliu' tl VOQQ Ci t common te medium, 11 330 ft 81 1 Texml Sa4 40. Shoen-ltec.'nts, 2,100 head t ilhlpmnnts, noneT'inSSt'eWj "rler t lair. 12(13 't medium te Keed, ft 210"k?L,?.wla,121tfJL IIH4 23 ) Texas sheep, C "O3 l"lbi 1 3 50 East l.iBBRTr-Caltle eUv"d.ar ' I,m,0 HI :f7 60 : lair te geed, MJinmSS? liwas receipts, 1,053 neadt su'Pm!n,i im ne'in. .. HeKS-msrset lair: PhlUdelphlas, "IVS 6 fl'j j Haltlmore', 1538 23 ; Yorkers. .-'li GOJi urussers. fl (.0 jflb; receipts, l.lue beau shipments, 1,710 bead. miuep in iir iiemanu I prunn, fl Xlfjgt 49 tulr te ffoed. ts teai i common, tlQl x rcculpu d ; shipments, 1,000 lica.1. 800 bead It a bad day, aATUIlUAT AFTEIINNUN at 2 o'clock. Grant County Fair ntees naraets. guoiiMleus by Ueel, McUrann A Ce, bank ers. l.aucHnuir. Pa. II A un.-a Es sUliuil IsTAtr, (IK .IAUUII IlKKS, L.ATK Or Ceney lewiisnip. Lancaster county, ue- ce-u-ud. Letters nl udmlnlntratlen en said eHiute having been urnnted totbe underBluned, all iiersens Indebteil tlientoare rerjuested te inrtki) tuilnedlate pnyiceut.audtboae hav. lug clulius or demands iiKHlnst the sainii, will rnvsenl them without delay ler settlement te he undiirslK-nud, runldlng In West llest Hemp Weld township. HAMUKI. UK.HU, QKOhUK nK-tB, Administrators. Knw. P. HsiSTes, Attorney. sS-fitdeaw THIS EVKM.SU, AT' It TlIK U It APE HOI EL. II. UAHTKIt. ill l' tSUMr. I tlKKKYslONK Kiiriu fence and Everybmly's Kkiiii Oate ut Iho Fair tuls week. ,., Mtilll 1. L.LANU18. 1 If. Mill I-. 1 K fl'IIK NKVKMTII WAMII lUN SI UN'S 1 iilevelimil and HendrlcKs tint) will h Ida mi oil g en TIIUKillAY KVENINO, bEfT 4. IS-SI. r'nll atteudance U ri quired. s3.Jt HI OltllKltUKTHli 1'UESIHKNT. AruM, Llnr: UK Millll.l Aall'i 1'l.ell i.nd Keiinluln Ilnn cut 'lubacces Alse, nit-clum .Sineklni; 'Iotueco atr ..v r uun x uiu in HA 111 MAN'S JKI HTOUK. i lunn ouNeKur -iu-niuiii', AT TUB M.i:SNKUCHOIt G.VltPKN, II V THE CITY HAND. H ASTKII, A lllltl. Ill Ul HOUSK- win k In ii small lu'jilly ; noed wagea te lijlrl. Apply at NO.V30 Cil AKLOTTK 8TUKET. PENN OIUAHs A I- Sll.iC.I I'BH MUh- lru1, a Lutter cl(;ar than Is sold by most dealers ut 11.73, ut IIAIITUA.VS YKLLOW FHUNTCIUAU HTOUK. I alk'h llennv et Hnroheunil and Tnrever pnNM-r- lb" ine4t treuiilesmne ceuKh. Plku's loetliiichu Dreps cuie liieuu minute. st-lwdeedAw SeKllTAUl.Kn-MI UNK HOT A Ptl.YSl clan undrrsiandlnK Iho oye can preptrlv tit vnu with suliahlii izlayHM. 1 keen en hand 1---.- ..."..- . . ..... : a lull supply or super or spectacles unit r-ye-ZTZ J Jlsse. All ill"easeH el Eye and Ear treated rihiK Prudential Insurance Ce. OF AMEBIC A. Heme Offlce-NEWAEK, N. J. The Prudential offers a plan by which every. ene mar secure a lund sulllcient ter burial purposes. This company Is endorsed by thu leading bulness men and manufacturers of Lancaster county. Claims puld within 21 hours alter proet of death. CALL AT AT Ne 12 SODTH DOKP HTRBET. PORClRCCLARS AMD InrORSATION. -AT- 20 Keliable Agents Wanted. S3 3md AMVHKUKXT for I.UUUI niuk , -5i'... .r er..u, use Mill LOU'S 1'lillOUH PLASTEII. I'rtee. ciilil-MKil-l ny 11. it, CrKihrau. druirttlst, 137 and 1:9 Nerlb (Jiieen street- Lauc:ulur iohl4emir 'ittilTeH ON PAIN" l'LATfCI(. Pereus and slreiiBthenlnir, Improved, the best ter ihe backacli", palm In che-it or side, rheumatism, NeurulKli. 23e. uriiKiiUts or mall. (i) Tim Unrter's (endorsement. Dr. W. 1). Wright. Cincinnati. O , sends the sulijnlniifpmfiWHtenal endorsement : "I have nreicilbed II H. WM. HALL'S HALS AM KOIl THE LUNUa In a lueal iiumbur et cases, and alwii)HH ltd buck's. One case In particular was (jlviuiup by sevmal plijslclans who bad been cullnii In for coiisultutleu with myself. The patient hed ullthusyiiiptoiiiset confirmed Ceusumpllnn cold night sweats, hectic lever, lni'reanliiK ceiikIh, etc. lie eetnincnced linmo linme d lately te et better unit was seen restored te bis usual health. I teuml Hit. H'M. HALL'S HALsASl KOIl THE LLMIH the most valua ble expectorant ler breaking updlsuesslnt; eeuKhs and colds. HKIn Illsea.es. "Swuyne'sOluiment.." "Nwajne' Ointment" curm Tetter. Bult Uliuuui, UliiKwnrui, Kercn, Pimples. Kczeiua, all ItclivHkln Eruptions, no matter hew ebttl mite orlena ttandlna. ulJil, W.t Awlv Dlt V. H. into WN, Ne. 20 VVestUrunu'estinet, Lanciuler, Pa. u2.-l)dTh XTUI IHf.ilKAl'Pi.ltlATIIIn reit A.WK.-.II- iN MENT OP CllAllTKH.-Netlce Is hire by glven thai en MONDAY, hEPTKMlllill 15. IbSI, llin Micnnercher Hall Association " will make upplluulien te thu Court of Com mon Plusset Lancuster County, loransraend leransraend menl tn Its Charter, Increasing the capital bteak el the corporation te .fJO.ueO, in acceid ancu wltn the prayer et Its petition as riled In said Court en August i). Itm. UKOIIUK NAU.MA.V, nu21 3teawdl b Kollctler ler l'ctlttuner. iTATK OK HAItAII mcl'Hl'.ltSON, LAIK i or Lancaster cllv. deceased. Letters el udmlnlritratleu ou suid eiMHe liivluu been S rail ted te thu uudurMti;net. all pjraeni tn tn ebteil te satd itcuiluut are requested te msku lmmedlatu mUleinent. unit tbeu Imvlntf claims or demands sKalnst tne cstale of satd deciuiunt, te uiuku known the B.ime te blm without uemy or te his attorney. JOHN 1. K1TCHIE, Ne. 162 Kust Walnut Strcet, Administrator. II. 11. fcWASR, Atfy sl auieawi'b IUI.TON OPKHA HOUSE. " FRONT." TWO NiailTS ONLY.- Wednesday & Thursday, Sspt. 3 & 4. The Unapproachalile Comedienne, FLORA MOORE. THE UANNKlt 8UCCKS3, A BTJBCI OF KEYS. fiupported by W. C. Rresble, Harney Pagan, Cliun, f.iw telle, Harry Hoeker, J. II. lliamck, Beph'c Llngwemt.Lucy Plxluy, Minnie Luck atone, Jcnalii llartlne, Wra. llyne Valentine Drescher. The Urand View Hetel Eet carried in its entirely. Original Music, Klegant Ces. turning, ADMISSION 73, SO A 3Ti CENTS. KKaKUVKDahATS 75 CKNT8. Per Sale at Opera Heuse. uuK3.)-'t LANCASTER, PA., September 1 te 6, 1884. TIIEUIIANDK8T KXUIDITOP HUllStb, CATTLE, HHKEP, P1G8 AND POU I.T11Y. K1NKST DISPLAY Of FLOWKK8, KHUITS AND VEQETAHLKS. LA 11(4 EST VAUIK'I V OP AUIIICULTUIIAL AND PAKMINU IMPLE MENTS. OHKATKST NUMllRK OK HOUSEHOLD. MECIIANIUAL AND MANU- PACTUUKD AUTICLKS. EVKtl SKEN IN LANCASTER, PA. SPEED TRIALS DAILY. N0.7.-PU1DAY. SEPT. 5, 2I0CLASS. ' lllchard,' c k. M MacUenlgle, Lancaster. " Pat,"bg, Ed MacUenlKle, l.uueuster. " Drever." bg-, K P itechtel, IteailliiK. " .lumbe." b if, J Oreen, Linwned. Del. Ce. ' Kate," 0 ui, Win Kesli, l.nncusler. " Plew Bey," b 8, J M DrawbaiiKb, Csrllsln. " Pet EdBOlu," b m, C It CummlUKS, Harris, burx. "Tem Scott." b g, C V Itote, Lancaster. 1 Heburt A." b ir. Tem Hank. Wllllauispert. " Slatlle," b re, II S Crawford, Lancaster. " I4oe 8," b g, 11 W" Myers, Lancaster. " Katy A," r ra, W D Allheuse, HeadlnK. PKIUES OF ADMISSION Slngle TicketB ter Awaits SO Cunts. Slmrle Tlokets (Children under 12). ..25 Cents. 49-Utreet-Car Liue Direct te the Pair Ground ; tare only 6 cents. Condensed Telegrams, lien. James G. Blount, has been renem inated rer Congress in the sixth Uoergla district. Tbe state convention of the National patty met in ISosteu te day ; thcre wa? a slim attendance Oauiel Treutwein, aucd 20, was killed in Pittsburg by the falling of a frame beuse that was beini; raised last evening. It is reported ou Wall street. New Yerk, that Hroeks, .Miller cc Je., dry gceds oem. mlsgieu house, of Philadelphia, rating be tween 4200,000 and $'100,000, has Hue Hue pended ; Meyer ifc Romberg bave insde nn assignment te-'day ; liabilitia (4,0OO, actual nssrtB2'AOf)e. Afayer Cdseu will preside at an indig nation meeting in New Yerk this eveuing, looking te tbe irapeaceracnt of the beard of nldermen. A lire in Dtibuu,ue, Iowa, destroyed lumber and a saw mill nnd ether property te the amount of $100,000 Wattes' lelt mill at Kockville, Mhsb., was burned Tuesday afternoon. Less. $15,000. W. N. Vansant, of Pennsylvania, was one of the sueeeFsful applicants for ad mission te the naval aoademy at Annapolis. Oenl. Butler left (Jhieagu for Minne apolis this morning. He will make a short stay at Milwaukee eu route. The Philadelphia Nomination.. PiiiLVii:i.i'itiA, Sept. -1. The Demo Deme Demo erats te day made the following nomina tions for county nnd city officers and for Congress : Fer judges, common pleas, Themas I. Ktceck, (a renemlua lien) : orphans- court, William II. Hanna, (Republican and theprcseut judge in that oeurt). Fer Cily Controller, Win. N. Hirst; Keoer.lor of Deeds, William P. Jicuuiiey; ler uengress tu tne nret ais trict the nGininatien of a candidate was postponed. Third district, Samuel J. Randall. ......... Mlcbltran Central........ New Yerk Central New Jersey Central.... Ohie Central. Del, Lack. A Western. Denver A Ule Urande. Klie Kansas A Texas Lake score Chlcnpe A N. W., com. N. N OnL A Western. ou raui umaua. racinc Mali Kochester Pittsburgh.. St. l am. ....... ............ Texas Pacific Union Pacific Wab ish Common Wabash Preferred Weat'rn Union Telumanb Louisville A Nashville... N. Y., CM. A Bt-L LehlKb valley .... LelilKh NavlKatlen Pennsylvania Uuuliiirf 13 5-13 P. T. A Uuirale Northern Pacific Cem Northern Paclne Pret. HoHtenvlllo Philadelphia A Eric.... Xertnern Central Underground Canada Southern ou........................ Peonle'sPaueneer. m. Hm. 3 p.m. 6.3 J(B4 10X .... 67 3?S 3;; 314, I (ww m-i les U',1 nA i2-i li 15)J 13)2 UJ 18K ItH re sa 8e;S VA WJi 3 l'J 334 S3J S3X mi 1 I9j Sj si m 13 i3 mi 484 49 48'2 -: :::: fi3 55i 304 31 6 61Vi MM ish iav2 '.'.'.'. 2t ny, 4,'i i 3.1X 874 .ma .. I5H .1 Haw xerc QuetatlDi s by Associated Press. Stocks HtreiiR. Meney, UU3c New Yerk Central.. Erie llailread..... Adams Kxnress Michigan central Kallreml te'i aiicii'.un aeuinern uiuireuii si Illinois Ceutral llailread Ill Cleveland A Pittsburgh ltatlread .....140 Chicago A Keck Island Kaliread..... lit Pittsburgh A Pert Wayne Unllren1 131 Wesuirn union Telegraph Company 6.1K Teledo A Wabash R'5 vnw Jersey Central ttV.i Niw Yerk OutennA Wwtara. la II) It HSI.IS. 1,'UH KKrlT. I' All I PiHlaaeipmsk. U'lntaiiens by Associated Press Stocks steady. Plill.lelphia A Krle B. H. 13 Heading Ballread PHJ Pennsylvania Kallreai Wi I high Valley Uailmad A4S UnlUxl Companies of New Jersey... 191 Northern Pactdc, , l Northern Paclfle Pretorrel 49k Northern Central Kallread A3lf Lenlgh Navigation Company 42 H Norrlstewn ltallroeil 101J4 Cem ral Transportation Company UurJale, N Y..and Philadelphia 4i Liiiue ecnaaHnu luurnau.... se Pati.l Kun ul a Oaarrel. Cincinnati, O., Sept. A. In a iuarrel about a vteruimat a saloon ou Cist Frent slreet last night, Qoergo Gilbert cbet and killed Mall Hern Williams, both being colored. The murderer was arrested. 100-Acre Ilalrv Parm. situated 2 miles trem Laucaslur; Keed buildings; rent low. B27 HndASIl Hlltsll A UUU8. 17IIK r 4lrtble resldence. Ne, 416 West Chestnut Btreet. nine-roomed brick dwelling, nioeorn conveniences. LettSliy IM) teet- KleKsut loca leca loca Uen. JOHN 11. METy.LEH, a23-tfdS,MAW No.USeuth DukebtrceL AUMINISTKATUK-S BAI.K ur VALU VALU able city property.--The Lamb hotel wlllboseld at public sale en 8ATUUDAY EVKNINU, BEIT. 13, at 7 o'clock. See printed bills, or call upon ALEX. HAltfllS. antfSoedts Aum.'nlatriiter. ''WO I. A HUB WALNUT STOKK UUUN 1 ters ter sale I may be seen In the store room lately occupied by Mr. 8. 8. ltathvoe. Ne. 101 North Oueeu street ; must be removed een. Apply te C. 1I.LKPK HE, ai7-Ud Offlce -Ne. 137 East Klnir HL Allen's llrain KikkI botanical extract strengthen thu llrain, and positively cuit-s Nervous Debility, Nervousness, lleeilache, unnatural losses, and all weakness et lienor liener lienor uilve fcy.tem ; It never tails, fl pkg0 ler5. At ilniKglidg, or by mall Hern J. 11. Allen, 315 First Avenue, New Yerk City. sl-lwdM.WAPAw -I'll IS HOt'lS UP TItK NATION. Children, slew In development, puny, scruwiiv and delicate, use ' Wells' Healili lie newer." () The New Tl lujcl. This machine Is propelled by steam, and will entry two people twenty miles In an hour, II Is eaid. 11 is ijulte an Inven Ien but deus net compare with llurdeck Meed JIUlert, which will carry the Invalid along tbe lead tn health te beat all. Per sale by II. II. Cochran, drug. gist, 137 end isa North Uueen street. VjlULTUN Ul'H.H.1 UOLSt. ONE NHHIT ONLY. WEDNESDAY, SBPT. 10, 1804. Grau's English Opera Ce., In thu New Yerk Casstne's Latest and Uroit Ureit est buccejs, LITTLE DUKE. With the Following POPUI.All ARTISTS: 11 139 I1KH8IE Ult&Y, HELEN CODPEH, AMY IIAUVKY, KATE AYHK8. MIt.JOifc.PH UHEICNSFlELDEIt, MAX FIOM AN EYP.NE, JlAltVKY HDHLKTON, II. 11 WALDO, AND OTHEllS. Superb Chorus and Orchestra. Hans Krts slg, Musical Director ItKHUaVED HEATS 7 50 A tl CO. Seats new en sale at opera Heuse. 84 61 I.HILTOM OfKrfA IIOUSB. A WIUItLWINDOP PUN. Sept. 6. I FRIDAY, Sept. 6 i-Ofi'E NIGHT ONLY.-i. M. W. HANLEY'S COMPANY, Presenting Edward Uarrlgan'sLaUstSuccess, Dan's Tribulations, With a cast of Celebrated Comedlans, wit nussed by ever one-ball million psople durtiie Its long run at HAltttlUaN A IlAUT'S THEA TRE, NEW YOUK. AILTIIK ORIOIBAL SOIMBKT. ALL Till UHlOtMAL SOkSS AKD MD810. Coming Heme from Meeting, Cobwebs en the Wall, Mountain Dew, Little side Doer. ADMISSION UESEUVED SEATS. Beats new en sale at Opera Housu OtIIce. si'lt IOlt SALK.--TMM II3VIIUSIUN.U r ' turs at PI Ivate saloon easy terms, all the Bioek, fixtures and geed will of his merchant tallerinKestabllDhinent no. in mitw mu""" street, oppealto the Pi anklln Heuse, late the stand el BmallnRA llausman, and formerly or Jacob K. BirailrrSr. Possession ulven lmme- ''aW-tld JOHN U. BAUSMAN. A Dairyman Shet In Ohlu Colemucs, O., Sept. 4. Jehn Lawis, a dairymau, of the west side, was fatally shot Iat night by au unknown person while looking about his husinesr. His Wife was nrrested en suspicion. WEATIIKIC IMDIOATIOMI. WAsiiLvare.v, Sept 4. Fer .the Middle AtUutie states, geuerally fair weather, stationary temperature, south te west winds. Fer Friday fair weather is Indi cated en tbe Atlantic coast. C'llrl lltsnT. THE LARGE BASEMENT et Paull A Hamilton's Orcan Factory tlnrm- erly Cox's Coach Pacteiy), can bu rented ultner with or without power, ler storing or manufacturing purposes, with use of uluva ter. Alse one Large uoem for sauie purposes. lnnutreet PAULL A HAMILTON; aZ9-ttd 333 Church St.. near Seuth Duke. shot Whtle Atleuiptlug HeOutmsa. Wednesday nftorneou the wlfe e' Themam Red, of Soranten, heard u girl screaming iu tbe weeds. Her husbaud seen feuud a young woman being assaulted. As Reel uppioacbed, tbe rulllan made a move te draw n pistol, when Ruel shot blm iu thn bead. Hpatteriuir hm bleed nnd brains en the young woman. The girl was Annie FiBher, of Carbenilale, a visitor in Bcrauten. bhoaaidshe had gene out te walk with a foniale friend who introduced her te two young men. They proposed going te a picnic, and when the party ut te the weeds the L'irl'H fernale companion desetted her. Ucel de Ivered hlnise" te the authorities. The wounded man is Themas Mungau, an employe el the htoel mills. He will die. .75, 50 and 5 CENTS. ....... ....75 CENTS. llVUTN A HllUKH. NlUItT ttKW8, HeSdache, fever, ehlllj, malaria, dyspepsia, cured by " Wells' HuiUtn llenewer." 11. (4) "HOUUHON PAIN." Cures colic, cremp, dlarrlim ) externally for aehus, pains, spivilni. lica.li.eue. uuuralglu, rneuiuailsui. Per man or beast. -0 uud We. (41 Mrs ur. Walteu's Periodical Tea. Mether Walten lias prescribed this valuable meilleliiu lern great many years In her private piuctlce. It liui proved un unlalllng spccltle in tlie treatment of the many disorders te widen the Icmala constitution Is subluct. It court te is n sure euro ter tbe monthly troubles that se "w.nbrvrrir0880 1' KvVrfl.:WTH. rCec'hn.'ruKght which will be.vcry light. A resolution in ' m and 131 North Uuetm street. (31 acoerdauoo with the petition was adopted. I '- -Select couneil laid It en the table. "K PitKSKHVmt. Uy Mr. Behum, the petition or a number '.', r".m' ,f'"!wl5 your. 8f'' en life, iry oreftlreuof Bearer Wet, praying that' Efteu! iiunuv'er' 0e d,re(S l AHTiriUIAI. OK UKnUNVsTIIHtt, Pavements, admirably adapted ter SIDE WALKS, OAUDEN . WALKS. 8TA11LE PLOOUS.CELUAK. etc, will be laid at short notice and low latea. Special attention paid te water-tight doers. All kinds et cement work executed, orders may be lett at biner Jtrej., Neilli Prlnce street, or at L, Knupp's llruwury. East King street. auiIO'iffil a.aAllllELL. pNK HAnu-nAtiK suuirs. PUUL.IU HSLK.-TUK LANUASTKIt UIIAV Company having been dissolved by the death of Uoergo L. Ileylu, the imderslgne.t, Ut close husluess et said company, will soil the following perseual preperty, belonging te the company, at public safe, viz : six liortes, four platform wagons, foursutsef harness, six sew of ily.nels, two dung lerkB, ene scoop Bhevel, three feed buckets. sale In rear et U West James street. Lancas ter, en Monday, Soplember 8th, lssl, ul i o'clock p.m. Terms cash. W. U. WILSON, surviving Partner. W. II. WILSON. Trustee. .,h. IIesrtBuuiieht, Auctioneer. siai.inaa 159 159 Watches and Clocks. DA1UIAIHS IN Wntolice, Oloek'-, Obnlna, Rlnae, Si;oetaol08, ote, Itepalrlnget all kinds will receive my por per por seuttlatibutton. LOUIS WEHEU, Ne. I59X North Ujueen Street. Heinember mimu and number. Directly op posite City Hetel, near Pnn'a Depot. JjSllyd WM. H. GAST, Ne, 105 North Queea St., Lancaster. WE AUK ALMOST DAILY UfcOKlVlNU NEW GOODS. And will mark tbem at the Lewest Possible Figure te Insure nulek saies. We have thu llhkrneuKlP HOOT In the market, solid throughout I a better beet is net lobe uail anywhere lerU.00. leu will always nnd bar. gains nere in HEADY-MADK HOOTS AND SHOES, In CutUim Werk we oentlnuo te excel' Leave your masure for atrial pair aud you Will always uu n imtruu luuieaiivr. AI yuu, in Suicide Aft' ijesirel. Bitnuel F. TIipW3si a miner, living at Plymouth, Fa., "luarreled with his wlfe lltlul'USAui UK IHlA. r The Directors et the Peer of Lancaster County hereby announce that thev will re. ctelve bliU ersupplyliSl. t openedat their iiext' meelliig. bKPIKUIIKI. n, at lu o'clock a. m., eensisUng of thn following grvles aud qualities, screened and kept under CThlr'ty teagi mere or less, of Lykens Valley pffty tens, mere or less, of Enterprise Steve, or any oinerineniuui ceai. Fifty tens, mere or less, et Hard Egg. Nine hundred Ions, moie or less, et Hard Uroken. illds Bheuld be sealed aud emloned " Pro posal ter Ceal." with narne et bidder, and sent te Martin Krelder, Ne. Wl East King street, Lancaster. Pa, previous te tbe ilsle abevu mentioned, or at thn Almshouse ou sutu day. The Heard el Directors reserve Iho light te reject any or all bids, if they think proper. UY UUDEU OF THE UOAUD. ngSO&sept'Md last Buuday nght nnd the two separated, tlm taller COlUt; te visn, irieuus iu i.aunu- w..ntia county. Themas locked himself up iu the heuHn aud during the night or the next day shot himself in the bead. His lifeless body was found in his house Wednesday afternoon by the polieo, who broke open the deer. Mrs. Luekwuun ler Pre.ldeuf. The Weman's National Equal Hiahts party at Its convention held roeeutly la Han Francisee nominated Mrs. llelva A. Loekwood, of Washington, ler president of the Uutted Btates. Airs, l.ockweod has forwarded te the president et the conveu. tieu her letter of acceptance. Lecal eioeKs sua dubei Rnnorted bv J. it. Lnna:. fvaL Laucaster City per, cent lliS'" JS2 i .-X8U0... 100 1K... 100 s per ct. In or 30 years.. 1W ' imrct-soneol Lean.,,, 100 a' "mi or 20 years.. 100 . In 5 or 20 years.. 100 " In 10 or IM years, loe Mauhelm borengh lean 100 - bix sTOcxe. riMt National bank (100 runners' National Hank SO rulten National Hank 100 Lancaster County National Hank.. GO Columbia National Hank 100 Christiana National Hank........... 100 Ephrata National Hank lue First National Hanfc, Columbia,.... 100 rtrst xatienat uau, mrasuurg.... iuu First National Hank Marietta 100 First National Hank, Mount Jey.. Iff LIUtc National Hank ,. low Manhulm National Hank.... ,. 100 Union National Hunk. Mount Jey. 60 New Helland National Hank Urn Can National Henk ion (juaxrvviile National Hunk........ 100 TDBMriKaSTOOIU. Klg Spring A Heaver VaUey f S Urldgupert Alloresuee IV ? Columbia A Chestnut Hill 'eluuiblaA Washington Columbia A Hlg Sprlns .i Columbia A Marietta Muytewn A KllzaoeUitewa. Last ale 103 lis 130 100-96 102 100 100 101 in 1210 Ulxd 115.25 nun 140 115 161 155 139 200' ia4.H0 140 ut.as 77.1B 1S1 113 ,- ue.my I -imejmtnr A Kntir&ta. ijuicasUir A WHlew Street fitroaeurg A Millport Marietta A Mayten- Marietta A Mount Jey........ Lanc..KlUatwWit'nAMhliUet'n Lancaster A Frnltvule............... Lancuster A I.ttltx.... Lancaster a, nuiinuiaiuHUMi 18 10 S4.08 25 IS 25 SO M 10 A 47 25 4405 20 21 2S, 0 25 31 100 S3 tfl AS 25 75 25 IV. Lancaster A Maner GO 1W Xuicaster A Menhelm... SB 41 lAncusterA Marietta.- 25 35 Lancaster A New Helland.. 100 S3 Lancaster A Susquehanna. ..SCO HI loscTAtLAjraeim stoexs. Quarry villa R. U, tee HM MlllersvtlleStreetCar 60 te nqulrer Printing Company 60 60.(5 Oas Light and Fuel Company 25 30 Stevens Heuse (Uenils) 100 leu Columbia lias Company 25 25 Columbia Water Company.. ......... 10 S Susquehanna Iren Company.. ..... lue 205.01 Marietta HoUewware 100 2iU Stevens Heuse 60 A Sicily island te 10 Kast Hrandy wine Wayuesh'g.... 60 1 MlllersvUle Nermal Scheel M Northern Market - 60 60 Eastern Market 60 61 3 TilEKKIS UHOTUBHH LANCASTER COUNTY DI. etAitHJsta. ISTATK OP A .-(fl A M. MKUlSUlOH Jll late et the city et I ancester, do de ceased. Letters ut a.imluUtraileu ou said efctate having been granted te Iho under signed, all persons Indebted thereto aie reiiuesuxt te uiuku immctuaiu i'.jmnuii ..... ,.vb l.unln.. M,d(..a t.m ., ( n, . ll X U.lulll.1 iitttruii tuuicaiivr. ii iuu in- I nn1 luvae iihiihk kiaiuiD ui uwmi.... . -. tend P'tung & FINE HOOT OH BIluE call 1 the same WU1 present tnem wltneut uowyier nndeiamliiH our work and gut our price, I settlement te tne uniiersigneii. ami tneu euuip ire im iu witn eiuer mases. lelMmilAw ixe, A. Cetm, Att'y. MUB MAllY J. MAUIUN, Adminisirainx. iimtdeawrtt ftillBaalvnt innraet. Puiladslvbia, SepL 4 Fleur market and prices dull and generally weak ouperflne state. 80Ut Extra Supiirl fliie btate 3 0U83 60; Pa. faintly, U W Cjl 25; wtnter cleur, 4?585 00t de straights, 5 2MJ5 5ui Mlun. extra, cmar, iiwiJ";i straight, ti la5 50 Wisconsin clear, 3 75 . ..?. LtrTiiii tl sum i winter lutents 15 37 O 87K t spring de, U 50i29 24 ; lresh ground springs scarce. tfvu flour at (3 60Q3 Al. Wheat eulet i steady i Ne. 2 Western Hed, esCfdsdXc t Ne. 3 de, Ma j Ne. 1 Pa, de. Vie j Ne. . Ii..li.wfilu de. 'Joe. Cern market dull and weak; steamer. MUtte! sail yellow, taKHe t ue nuxeii, eiu We; mixed. OIHOOJc I Ne.3 de,C0Blc. Oats Inactive and dull ; Ne. 1 White, Stfa t Ne. 2 de, UKe; Ne. 3 de.SJtflHXc t 10 Jeclwl.new,KuJfe Ne 2 mixed, JUKI JM. live nominal at iioat-Se. tHtwls-clevir-eed aletat eettXl Timethy o.ulclatlle'iui tutxseed Ann at tlie. CITY AND UEHTOUY. Ferris llrothers beg leave te announce that the canvass ler their Lancaster County Direct ory is flnlshed, and that thoroughly reliable work containing the names of ALLadslUln thn oeuuty Is guaranteed. The directory wUl be ready for delivery In a very short time, lluslness men andetbera who bave net given their orders for A copy of thu book should at once ferwanl same te Ne. 10 East Third street, Wilmington, Wei. Ho He member, no ether general directory el law county will be publlened. FERRIS BROS,, sepMinW&S W1LM1NQTO-!, DEL. -rrKAi.ru uebskt. BALL'S HEALTH CORSET Ne iv takes the lead et everything la the Ce. te v line, as lauiui uuu n me iuubi. coMreurADLs: , AMD PKHFKCT FITTT1NO gannent warn. Merchants sy U gives lb best satUlactlen of Vny Corset (bey oversold, ml-WASat Knw Uaven, Ceaa; i-S 4 Is5 N -JA i.l I I V t A5 5 t l 3S i i..j 4.1 41 l ,1 tf t. m Hi ii?-1 ,m 5J , . 4 XI Ml M .! .'i tl a V. p '& ; tM .n 'Kf: rv- N t" 1 1 kl