Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 30, 1884, Image 2

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Lancaster tMellfgcnrct.
JJntler'n riilloHeiihy.
General Butler ww In Pennsylvania
yesterday attending the Grangers' picnic
ut Wllllnnis' Greve near Mcchanlcsbiirg,
where liomnde a speech, and asked the
(arnicrs net te threw away their votes
by casting them for him, declaring that
If they could elect Iiltn they would de
him " tlie greatest posslble harm," se
unenviable was tlie presidential iKisltlen.
Tlie general liml no use for it ; there was
nothing in it for him. He did net i ceil
the elllce te be remembered when he wsis
dead nnd gene ; he would 1h remem
bered anyhow a geed deal longer than
some presidents.
The general went te the Grangers' pic
nic with no selflsh thought. He si m pi
wanted te get among the farmers, lie
had been a farmer boy once, in a stony
country where he could walk a mile
without netting hla feet away from a
rock. The farmer's llfe was one of hard
and ill-requited toil. lie worked mero
and get less than he did a half century
age ; and yet he should earn two hun
dred times mere or work two hundred
tlme-i less, because within that time Hit'
productive capacity of the country had
increased two hundred fold by improved
machinery and transportation facilities.
And the general wanted toknew who get
this money which the farmer lias net get.
The " monopolists" were the people,
and the men with great fortunes, at,
cording te the general ; which seems
tolerably clear; his audience could well
believe that the men who have the money
are the men who have the fortunes. If
the general gees around telling the truth
in this way he will establish a reputa
tion for veracity anyway.
We joyfully point the New Yerk Smt
te this fresh lecomiuendtitien for its
candidate;. Betide having a bald head
which can stand a ducking, he has a
bald head that can understand the i.ict
that the tut n who have the fortunes
have the iihmic ; which the fanners
have net.
Whether the farmers should have two
hundred times wh it they possess because
the production of the country has in
creased two hundred fold, is something
about which we licritate te express an
opinion ; since it occurs te U3 that the
rest of us, labei'TS in ether llelds, might
perchance be entiileil te a share.
We nole with some furpnse that lien.
Butler did net explain te the Grangers
til it he was one of the rich men, net a
far Jiur, wfie h,i I e.ill n?ei a geed share
of the two hundred fold increase, upon
which he declared the farmers h id the
first claim. Ner did the geuerel i ffer
.u slml! nut. In trntli. vn il'innf. ete.trlv
"ueTaTSrini Wn!rrnlS-&uU5Vrie-
lleu for the farmer's relief Una
he exclaimed in concluding his speech,
"Stand together, then, men of Pennsyl
vania, vote together," and advised them
tj lay tl.e foundations of a people's
party. Apparently he does net think
their relief is te come from any of the
present parlies, and certainly net from
the Republican, under whose rule he dc
clared they hal been suffering for
twenty 11 ve j ears. As lie asked llieui net
te vote for him, and said nothing about
St. Jehn, we are left te suppose that
he proposes still party and can
dldate. Certainly he will net believe
that the Grangers will be willing te de
him "the gieatest possible harm " by
voting him into the presidency, or that
they will ba ready te threw away their
votes when he urges them net te de se.
Who, then, is the general's caiidid.Ue,.ind
what is his plan '( We note that he
alluded approvingly te the speech of the
lieutenant coventer of Penn.sjviinin,
delivered two das beloie fiem the
same stand at. Williams' Greve. lie said
" I have only in my plain, rough, home,
spun way told you exactly what I. leu
tenant (i j veruer liliul; told you the
ether day, a though I have net b ru- he
hard ou corporations as he dul, became
there are geed ones and bad eucj, but
none tee geed."
General llutler agree t with Liouteu Lieuteu
nut Governer Black 'i Dees lie pr.ipe.n
him as the favorite candidate for presi
dent V If se, we may Had ourselves in
his pari), ter the lleu.en.iTit givcnnr
is in euis, and would make a very g ed
president.iiideed. And quite as geed as
ClevelauJ, te whom, however, he and vvt
are bound by a prier engageim-n'. which
may embarrass the present selection
of the lltutei.iint governor by .the fainieia
as their candidate for the pitaideuey.
Perchance, however, the veisatility of
the general may enable him te llx tli n
matter. II he really uemiuiteil our
lleutenaiit governor for the presidency,
pcrluip3 he or his .Sim will be geed
enough te aav se mere plainly.
Meanwlii'e we have the joy of pointing
the Sun te one mero great quillllcatlen
of Butler himself for the presidency He
is u geed feeder. lie took in
Ilarrlsburg at, eight o'clock in. the morn
ing, called te see Gen. Cameren
ward, anddeubthw refreshed at his hut.
pliable iinnsleti. At I o'clock lm dine 1
with the Grangeic, made his speech and
took the train for Philadelphia, which
he reached at WW, ami immediately
made for tlie re.ilaui.iut, but had te
turn back before he B.itlulled his
appetite because Ids train was
beltind tiine and hurrying oil.
"But I urn hungry," he exclaimed
te the conductor, who thereupon asked
him what he wanted and s tld he would
piocure for him thu " few sandwiches ei
auylhiug elee he could get." Let the
Swx note.
The Jveie Era declares that there
has been a fall ' te the ground " of the
tenens scandal iilteut Mr. Blaine, which
no reputable Democratic paper in the
East has soiled its columns with, but
which seems te be virtually admitted by
nil of his biographers, and oeiuu of his
most eminent organs the New Yerk
Tribune for instance. The A'cie Era
finds that the "scandal" Is effectually
disposed pf becuuse Airs. Blainu's
"father died in January, ISM, while
Mr. Blalne was still In the sophomore
clan In college, a boy of less thau six.
teeu yearn of age. Mr. JJIitlne never saw
lila futuie wife until long yeutdafter-
wards, and her father neither saw nor
heard of htm during hla lifetime." The
JVein Era's new and improved cedo of
morals, it seems, relieves the man of
e (Tense If his victim is an orphan, or has
lest her parental protector. Se !
The Election In the Kail.
Malno will vete week after next, and
the elections there and in Vermont are
expected by tlie (republicans te furnish
their pat ty with some grounds of hope
for success in ether mero decisive states
that are te fellow. There is nethiii't In
the situation te make ikunecn's of in
telligence give weight or sigiilllcance te
a Republican gain in these s ates Ver
mont is the most unchangeable and must
bigoted state in the Union ; as it Is the
most unpregressive and, in fact, the only
retrogressive one. Maine Is Blaine's own
state, and if he comes out of i with less
than 10,000 or n.OOO majority arter the
desperate efforts making by his partv, he
will be a plumed knight or much be -draggled
feather, Indeed. But It is by
no means sure that a big majetity there
will be a geed thing for bis party.
It can only be secured by rea.
son et the fusion between the Re
publicans and the Prohibittenl.s's, the
latter giving an ardent support te Blaine.
If their joint majority shall be large mid
the Prohibition amendment b adopted
by Blaine's active inllneiice, the effect
will be te drive the entire Genu in vote
of Ohie, Wisconsin and the Northwest
hitherto largely Republican int i mere
s did opposition te Blaine ; and, p ir.ub'xi
cal as it may seem, the largei the Re
puhl'can ami Prohibition vote in Mime,
th' mure likely Is O ie te vote Demo Deme
critic in October.
Tiik newsp.iieis of New Yerk have
been making great sport of the assi
du.ty with which two would be-Item-dicks
have been haunting Castle Garden,
the 1 111(11111; place for immigrants, hunt
ing vainly for a wife. Yet it tlluUrates
a curious feature of aetuil life. It is
passing strange that in a country of
such unexampled resource in lint ever
which tlm stars and stripes ll tut, where
all the products of the soil are plenteous
and the only title te distinction is that
gained by honest acquirement, there
should lie suOh a lack of material for
wives. That there is such paucity must
be admitted in view of the f ct that the
present leip eilers extraordinary
advantages for matrimony that the
gentler sex have shown no desire te us.
Perhaps the C'.istle Garden incident is
only the forerunner of what will lie tlie
ordinary method of wite seeking when
these obtain that larger liberty for
which woman suffragists have been
Wk observe that a paper in Ohie
which is supporting Blaine, ieM.its m
uw?-yijil"ry f,,r which lie has sued
a Democratic piper. ii Indianapolis , a
journal in Maine, neartr his own deer,
has recently printed a in ire gross
libel en him, if untrue His failure te
take cognizance of these offenders is net
creditable te his valor : his discretion
may have come te the rescue.
Per.Ni s loiter weighs mere lliiin a
i i the eyes et Bl.une Republicans.
It should tot be forgotten hepUmi hepUmi
ber -lib is tbe last day te register voter
for tlie November election.
Tiii.uc have byeu runee ln ene linn
drcd and eighty lives lest in Arctic imvi
gitien. The Russians scorn te think
in this anay of ineitulity their nation Ins
net been properly reprcfieutnl, ler they
am organizing a new fancied p il.n i up, -ditien.
Wui.-N Butler acted :m attorney for
F.irrai;ut'n men in their Miit for jine
mono) .'i-:uiiHt Iho governiiH'iit.lie eti.irgid
the billow Jt.Tt.OOO for Ins urn lee.
B'Wi'h ndvocaey of the c:uise of the
laboring man has alw.ijs had the main
cbaiice m view.
SurresK it were true, as medical author
ities UKxnrt, that no one MieuM be
awakened from sleep, but that hohlieiiM
hit allowed te clumber until in the due
0'iiiihOef nature he npenx his eym. With
such a nile in fercu the wheels of life
wunlii seen eome te a stiiul htill.
W Imn 1 hIiiiiiIkt, Ukijt are nenr,
WlilHpernisj in my iiritMiitnu eur
MieOtliiiK iiiMiiMnl huivciilv lilil
rum I hoi. ienium sllvi'i y liiiiht'
All ' sin li limy trill lm t my spin.
Ki.niiii; Up, unit imiw, una clii'ek '
I' ' ' Piev iiiiiiiilurn'iir hii.I e 'or i
W n mu wltli iui uvermmn '
A ii;iii 'afe ml tun iiie"iiii'i li iiir- :
Kvi ry eiiiMi It ciewiuul Hit ile.vurM '
Ueil hut luiKiu ilium tlili, 1 !;ihmv !;ihmv
l.evt'ly xp'rlu, lit it ik Hiuiw !
ttniy I ,;i re iter, at Vhiiml-et j- Juui mil.
Tunrcuetit holeoaiist in Colerado, in
wluuh several lives were lest, should sug
liOht te Inventors tlie Knibihty in eir cuti.
htrujtifju el pi.ivulirig mero adequate
nieaus til egiesa in the event of wreck or
lire ou trains. A liie Minis the car lo le
rn ites utiully pauued in beyond the pesi
bihty of UHoipe. rtome ready uiu.ins of
tlir living upon a c,r when ovurlaken by a
disamer uf this kind sliuuld ha invAiitui,
and if it worked nuccefnfully lugKUtuiUH
would miuii enforeo its usu.
Till, lupert of thu elnef of the bore in
of Mntisties ier the ywir eliding June litst,
shows some llgureH that are far from
pleasing. During that time, the total
vulues of Imports of inrohaudlne wme
fi!0b.W,O0'J, a dcoieaso of 18,0'.'(i,tliJl aj
oempaiod with the previous jear. At the
same time the experts lull Off $71,bl)ri,8'J7
uud there wai .in eicehH of f;ekl and
bilier exportation lw ailJ.'juS Fer the
yt'ai previous tLe geld and tiller iiu
peitn werolnexeeesbyiS.USl.iBl.
Ir neatly always happnns that the
man who is net afraid te steal Is afraid te
face the th line of the exposure. Defaulter
HebuitM, of Luxorne comity, H a case in
point. He Htole theimauds of dellnrs from
his Uniting employer and new that the
faet lun hcuu duvoleped thu anseU he
can turn ever will uet mero than equal
oue third of his poeuhitlouM, he desires te
bury his romerto at the jieiut of a pistol.
JIe would luave the criishiiig dlsgraoe of
ltis thlovery and sulelda en his family,
but he is net brave enough te aoknewl.
edge hiN wrong aud de his uttuett ler its
A KHIlllIrn I. !tll.WA IIOl.tll'At'lT-
"mr I'lrrut Mm linprlxinril It n Munilng
Uitr rtrrnl I'lidirtiinittm DphiI hihI
llnny llitnljr Hiittl,
The burning of a circus ninn miks
eorthef Grrtdey etiTiiuriday,wiH it'enitul
wuh ludeiierlbible horrors. The burned
imi next te the etigine. In a tram of
pcieutcun earn, ce'itaiiiiug Orten's Angle
American circus, which le't Pert Cellins
li In Hit midnight that night for (S ililen,
ever the Gieeley. Salt Like A, Pacini Pacini
tailreul. The train wai neat ing,
a small station Greeley, and was run
t lug at the rate of about twenty live
mltei an hour, when Bngiiieer Celleprist,
discovered the car te be en lire and at
once reversed the engine mid threw eprit
the whistle valve. Tliote were si
men hi the car, arranged m three tiers of
bunks ou either side. The side
deer was cleird and men in bunks sleep
ing against it. Tin tear side deer was
closed, and the men who awoke discovered
the lewir in eeeupird In rth next te it,
cent lining niblnMi, en tire, lilting the car
with smoke and cutting oil vse.ipe in that
diieelieu. The only tniMiis nf egrrss was
through a sni ill window between the car
and engine, lelui Piue Kilerten, of Wis
cousin, .mil Klmer Millet el Iowa, ciewdid
through this openiug and ttied te pass in
water Ireui the engine tank.
Owing te the sulloeituig gses it was
dillldiilt te arouse the s'eepets and seme
were kicked and biiiised in a shocking
in tuner and pitched eat et thu window.
The screams of thee unable te get through
Iho block.'.de t. the aperture were terrifv
mg. Tu w i'i gLire of thu ll lines and tee
sight et the outside, wl'e
l.i) wrltluug in lU'eny en the e.iclus beds,
caused the wild beast in the a Ij nuliig
or te bocemo ( 1'itu with terror, making
the scene appa ling. Tlie performers who
occupied the ivir ear, g.ieil wuh white
faces oil the awlul spect.iole. In the midst
of tin) ueulilsMu two or three tierme souls
appecred. te ttiu oectnion they
bravely cut thur w.ij te thuir couipainetis
te Uud them aiieml in tlie.igeii) et death.
Albert Lake, in ehargu of the animals md
Ins friend Kent walked ever cactus In their
bare fipt, Hunug buckets of oil ou the
1I -u-M'il uulertiu.atcH nnd wrapping tlieiu
in blaukets. An old Pacitii) ceaft soldier
named MuDeiald, formerly of Kerpptugh'b
show, w:vs terribiy burned, his tl sti tiat.g
mg in shreds.
The heartrendiug ents of the men mi
the prairie, the smothered ap i i' . of the
djing within the car, thu i mug tl.iuiei
and the bewlin of the autu.als inade the
silu.ttieu ternblu beuud descnptiuii.
Tue . d ir of roasting llesh and the distant
cry of the cojetu added te the general
horror. The voices of the djing gre
t.unter and seen ceased. The uugiue hid
gene te Greely for nssisUiu je and re'urued
vvnh !.. Jisse Hewes, prenidei:. of the
Statu .Medicnl association. Many of the
rescued in being pulled threiih !ie stu ill
wiml'iAS of the cir had llu-'i lnnbs
bieltuu aud jeiuUt di'tKiatuil. At d.ivlig'at
a tl tt cat c.irrictl thu charred betLcs into
Greely for
The oeutity commissioners buried the
remains in a cotlle seven feet wide aud leu
feet long, in the Greely cemetery. The
Rev. Mr. Reed, a Presbyterian tnini-ter,
conducted the funeral services. The coroner
iinpaunelcd a jnrj, but they were unable
te le.irn the cause of the tire or any uu
pMr'x.t fac's, ns the managers, with the
rum under of the company, left immediately
for Gelden, te till an engagement. It is
impossiOle te get a complete list of the
iiead, as many were engaged but a day or
two and their names are unkiienu. Thu
names of thu dead as far ns known are Ht
fellows : Ait'x.iiidur McLend, Marinette,
Wis. . Themas K- !!y, New Yerk city, ntnl
ethers kuevvu . uly ns " dilverthern,"
Andv," "I'lenchy," "Frank." ' Geerge"
and ' Sinithie," :.nd oue unknown.
Tim following is a lis of thu suH'ererR
new at St. L'iku's b tspi' il, I) jnver : K
K l''.iirbnks, aged k n.i'y tvvj, ar-mi.
legs and I'HM badly burned ; Albert I'or I'er I'or
den, agdl ui'vcnteen, et Detroit, Mi-h ,
very badly burned ou faeu and legs ; N.
.1 7. hi tin rtuan, aged eighteu, of t.
I. mis, Mich , arms, legs, lace aud b'telc
feirlndy hurufd ; Frank King, el .Memnut
nee, .Mieh , Inlly abeil' I. amis aud
feet ; Mich.el MeGliuii, aged twenty
eight, el Holieu, Mich , face and bands
belly burned; 11 null O'Deuuell, aged
tlfiy six, of New Oileltis, badly buiued
about thu, arms, hands .md b.e'U,
will probably die. A number of the
rescued agree that in the cars were two
battels of gasoline, w hich exploded either
fiem spaiks fnuii the iingiuu or from thu
naked letch with which the men were
accustomed te light themselves te bed.
1IIK cm-ii.i. I'l.AtllJi:.
iii:i;sm.iiih ut
Ufilrlnateil rtlllllir
I'ruirss ir
III (tin Mllljnit
Piolcsser James L.nv, thu celebrated
vetcuu.iry professor of Cornwall Univer
sity, being questioned concerning the
plutire ptiuiitueuia new creating home
eteiteiiieut nmeiig Westeru cattle brculuis
said that he had some: h mi; te .) en the
Mlbjoet. His remaiks stiiumeil up are ns
fellows :
First. The plague having been allowed
te reach thu West It is no letiget H.ifu te
purchase Btuck cattle that have been car
tied by rail or ether u iiivuyance, that have
been in public sales, markets, f ins or
ether assemblages of cattle, or that hive
been In contact with cillln se ex pond.
Soceud. Stock uattle should be taken
only from well known herds that have had
te deaths uer sickness ler kix months, nor
any additions made te their number In
that length of time, uer nuy ceatagt with
adjicentur pisamg herds.
Third. Stock cattle should uet be car
nod lienu b rail or ether public co'ivey
attce uuli'tis tlioe shall have bcuu lirst
tUuiuughly e'cat.tcd and disinfect! d and
unlets the tram has caruu 1 no ether uattle
ou that tup
Fourth. Any stock cattlu cirrkd home
by tail, etc., as above, lvcu when this is
dene umlei disiiilcotautprecautieiisuhould
be cateftill) secluded ui quarautllie uuilii
sepiratu al tend. men for three imuth-i,
until they are found noti-iiilieti.ig.
Fifth. Hutclieri aud dealers Inndliiig
lat stock destined for slaughter should ou
no account allow thorn or their product te
co i no in contact with stuck cattle.
hutli. 'All public carrying companion
should cleam.e all cattlu carrying cars aud
beats and disinfect thorn with u limn white
wash containing four ounces of chlerldj et
limu te each gallon of water.
Seventh. Tlinsu precautions should he
kept up until by federal ami state action
thu plugtiu bhill have been Htamped out
should this atill be possible.
A lll'.A.MUUAl ..ll'.1lVl
I' I mil leu In rtlltitu I'imih l,an llulr
I. It us iieilug it .inrrlunuv,
Thu liausler Hteamui Beluieul was cap
sissed by a hurric.ine Friday forenoon at
Stanley's landing, tlucu miles ubevu IIeu
derBeu, 1ml., mid from ten te tlfteeu
persons wure diewned The vessel was
turned completely evor. She wan going
te HoinlerHuii willi a bargoeu which was
a train containing passengers of the Lniin
ville A Niishvillu railroad, Thu beat
nsparated from the barge. All ou the
latter was saved, and all uu the except
four or live wure lest.
Among thu lest ate Captain Jehn Smith,
K, C. Reach and seu, prominent merchants
of Rvaiuvillrt ; Miss Liura Lyen aud
sister ; Sallle Bryant, and her mother Mrn.
Bryant ; Mr. Woedtreo, of Hendersen, mid
a lady and a baby. The tiedies iff the hist
three have been recovered. The unknown
woman had a uatuhel in which was a card
with "Miss Huttie Muitay, Btouklleld.
Ala.'iuscnbcd en it. The beat lau total
bus. There Is $15,000 marltie Insutaiice.
The telegraph and telephone wires te IIeu
dnrsen are broken.
One of the Hitrviver s.iyithe p.i.ssem-etn
were (error stricken beletn ilin aecldmt
eccurrid and when Iho beat cipstzcd It
wiisnll ever In a few fcceuds These en
the barge saw the steamer sink with all en
be.ud without being able te help them.
uriin'Mr i iMMts.
Kiln liiriiitr 1 1 nl tlie IMrlirr
in I in tiu I
A terrible nccU'ent ocuriel Friday at
the HI icksleiin ce'il pit, near i'alsle.v,
B'lglaml. Seven tietsens were killed.
Lll.i Mills, a l.'i juir-eld colored gul,
was fatally burned by the i plosien el u
coil oil lamp uu Tliuisday evening in
One man was killed and nueMier fatally
mjiiteil by the fall of a scalleld en the new
besrd of tride bullitiiig tit Chicsge Fri
day. At O'F illen, lliiin is, en Tliersdiy, Mis.
Themas t'rewther miirdered Mrs Crew, te,
a widow, ami thou cutler own threat,
dying n few hours liter Tim Immediate
cause of the tragedy was a quirrel be
tween the women about the ptjuicut of
Mrs. t'rewther's daughter for chores done
for Mrs. Crew no. It ippcars, however, that
Mrs. Orowther (who li 'l bii twice dt
verged bofeio"g Crewther) had
long becu jealous of the widow, and
thro'itenetl te kill bet.
William Williams, colored, wis hanged
Friday at Franklin, Li . for the murder
et William Burgess, February , tsi,and
.lebu,i Berryttiati, oeloreil, was hanged at
Natchitoches, Ll., for the murder of
sjetl Carter, colored, June A, f-st. Herry
.lohnsen was also lunged at Shievepert,
Li. He choked bis wife te death at
night while in IksI aud then lllled her
mouth with sun ft te create the impressi m
that she had died from strangulation. He
cetifesstd the crime Wednesday, lie also
ii. limited that killed a colieco
wettuti n nned Matiuda Celeman, in Red
River pirtsh, lour ears age, tteiuu hired
by another negre woman te commit the
M ILlHr. (IK V VI Ml (Hill.
iii 1.1 14 Dct'i licr iintlni; it JUMrrtl vv uu
llr s, retnenri.
Mary F.ttimger, aged 17 imirs, of Al
leiilewu, afler eating sappci Finl.t) even
ing and helping her tm ttier clear aw av flu
dirties, in the meanwhile liuiumiiig tin air
ami npimently in e'.ettful spirtl-s. left 1 et
h iu-e te viiii a tiiend. iU I'.v ins. in
.tnet'.-r ptrt et the city. While at the
liius.) of Mias two voting men,
u une 1 Menges and Oswald, e.illed and the
patty Lad a quite, a jelly time. Meugis had
lecti pi) tug ii-ti'utieus te .Mi.s F.tumger,
.ii.d .il'iut 10. '0 e'cl.'ck lelt thu house e
go 1 1 the latter s l.orue.
At) uu midnight tlie mother of the gul
iwi ke, a"d, uet tlndiug her daugMi'i in
tie I, c.eic'jdi d that peilnpn .-.'letsiii I 1 uet
tind th- k"y te utiliKk lh back loer. and
had cot-e tia iieighb n'-t ler I tlmg. Thu lurslf and went down
stair As she opened the hick deer te
see whether the ke,' v. is at its aceustmue i
p!.ce, i liorrble night met her eyes. Thete.
c-I I in tli.itli. hung the form of her
d tughtur. At the impost t'lis morning
the evi lencu heaid fi Ud te cist any hght
en the inetivi tbit imlucitl the girt te
c immit tbe ae'. It is brheved tti i en her
way home she and her ','Ysr had a ipiirrul
nnd that she determiucd t emt he hfe
When informed of the girl's suicide the
jmiug mm made a hoirtlefs rcmirlc and
did t"t sicm te bit .ulicted
A IOll-iie. TU tlVISUI.I'.
l ni.ll-n 1'm'I'hII.m Intl'sii in lct-t
lUllnmil nt In Kil'tinee.
A dan has jut bon lireught te light in
Pittsburg of an attempt tiget Htighsh
ea i'aliHis te invest in a tailread which
b td tin c irisirate existence. The raad was
uilled the New Castle A Middlesex. Ad
vcit". i -until vveirt luserted in L ndeu
I Mrn tl ll 'i mg for sale 10 000 0 Jer emit,
erst umrtg ig( bends el U00 each. The
read wnu te be cumplctid Oj'eber 1, and
the money thus obtained te be used for
rails and rolling stock. The prospectus, m
dnhcrtbing the new read, exactly desctibcs
the Imn of the New Castle A North
rti i tllway, and names the Amercau
I.0.U1 aud Trust company, of New Yetk,
as trustres. Messts Htipi r and Ba'teck,
Londen solicitors, ami William Patterson,
picnidutit of the Liwreuce county batik,
Nowe.isUe, Pa. ; Willian Vaukirk, prest
dent if the Tiadesman's national batik, of
Piltsburir, and Jehn I'uld, vice presideut
til the New Yerk, Peunsvlvauia Av Ohie
ladietd company, of C'evu! mil, Ohie,
dneet.iri Tue New Yerk efllce is given
us Ne 1" Ceurtlaud street. Soeretarj of
tne Commonwealth Stcnger can tind no
tiace of ucb a revl as the Nuwcasihv A
Middlesex, and Messrs Vanktrk ami Pat
teruen deny all knowledge of it, and say
tliinr names are jsrd with nit authority
i ii i-. ri.Kuritir.ii. i:tntitrieN
l'rI itrfctluiii Alinuii CutupUts ler tlie IMmn
liiK ei uinllrsMi Dlipiit.
Tim raptdily with which the thousands
of eihibitH at thu lutermitiunal exhibition
are being pl.icul iu )s;tien points te u
successful epjiiing ou Tueinl ty next. At
the present tiine a fair idea of the nuuy
bewildering displays can only be had by a
visit te the building. Oue of thu novel
tics exhibited by the Putted States
electric light comp my is an immense sign
tun feet high by forty feet long, composed
of bundled h of diff 're:.i e dered luoandes lueandes
cent lights.
Thousands of are and iucandcscetit
lamps, Including ovary system new in usn,
will make the buildiug one of tbe brightest
spots ou eat tb. The KUetnriil Wvrld will
issue their weekly edition of that journal
Irem the building. The piper will bj
pt luted ou a handsome nick'.u-plated prcs,
which will nceive its motive power from
an electric. il engine near the pious.
Hundreds of the llncst instruments for
testing purjKises are n-w In place in the
ernes showing Q'leeii A C.i.'h display.
The different departments of tbe United
States government are all busy making
their Una I arrangements and thu smaller
exhibits am already iu place. Among the
arrivals wure thirty tuses of the liuest
t.'hting and u-CiRtiriug instruments, from
dlleient parts of Germany.
Ituttsr ipeitks ut ItiilhuiH' i.rnve.
(iHiteral Bjiijimin F. Butler arrived at
Williams' Oreve, Penn'a,, Friday uoeu,
and was escorted by 5,0 i0 pcop'e te thu
Orange hoadqtiiUterB, whero he huld a re
oeptieu and dined. In the afternoon l.j
made mi address lasting fifty minutes, in
which he dlbeusecd the political situation,
anil said he did net come here te ask thorn
te threw away their votes, but te lay tlie
foundation of u PcepiuV party which tdi.ill
letncdy existing evils. He weuud up by
nskiug : "De you think I would Ihrew
away my time at this timeul life if I did
net think that I was deiui; hoiiie geed te
mankind and my fellows new and here
alter, and te these who shall come after
ihe." His remarks wure greeted with
long continued applaiue, At tbe oIeho of
his addieiis tLe goueial left for New Yerk,
where he is te speak Saturday iivening.
While ut Williams' Oiove he liohlaoon liehlaoon liohlaeon
fereuco with the National (Ircenbaak
Laber lenders, and an aggressive campilgn
was decided upon. Butler will make four
xpurehns iu this state, ene of thorn in
Philadelphia. " A red rose en a groeu
leaf" w .is chosen as thu Butler badge,
found HltMiIng en it Pavement,
Harper Fair, a book ncuut, imbibed tee
freely en Friday aud was uncut1:!! wliile
sleeping en the pavoment iu front of the
law buiniuig, ou i'in:e stieet. no was
j discliairjed by Atderui.iu Ferduyy this
meiutug oil the pnytneut of ccnU.
. i or or iitifiisr.ii itv
AVirrk el tlir Itiiuiitiuii l'lii 111 ttMell ut
nureiy kiiiI lirsrrllnii 'umi 1 tin
Untrrnt ltii.lneM,
ltUKelll. ,11'lJi.i: IIMM1SION.
The suit of (leotge H. HimhI vs Martin
Wettger vvus argot d by eeuusul en Friday
alternoeti The jury retired te deliberate
at I o'clock nnd hid net agreed upon a
veullet when court ndj untied at neon
te diy.
i.rKuni: ,ii our. rvi ri.itseN.
All el Fr d ty altermin . ami this morning
w is taken up in hearing testimony In thu
suit of Henry Keen vs. Jacob S unit
Pi.itiMiu ll. Shirk. A few witnesses wem teed this afternoon, after which
c itiusel commenced ttntli argument of the
ease nnd it was net completed when we
went te prrs.
insrttr nrsMiiiis tlti.lur',
William King, a tramp, pleaded guilty
of committing an ast.tult and batter1, en
Olllcer Spieeu. He was sentenced te pay a
line of i and costs. A surety of the o.iee
against the siiuie defendant, growing out
el this ditUeulty, was di-missed, with
c inniy for olli.te costs.
Reuben Hotteti pleaded guilty te as
saulting his wile. He was sentenced te
pay a line of jt and c ists. The stuety of
peace ease, proferied by his wife, was tits.
The surety of the jshoe ease ngiiinst
Martin Derd in was dismissed, as the
prosecutor could net be found.
Peter Wlnetierger wh charg'd with
filling te pievnh) for his better h ilf. It
was shenn te ihe court that Peter is
uu ible te wnk md is uu ium ite el thu
eniuty hcp'tal. The oeurt dismissed the
Divld Mite.jwic wis eh irge 1 with
Hire tteiniig te de b id ly harm te Daniel
11. Hekman, of lj mr- ville. and bum It b
bam ou Miy is. i'he defeinlaut dennwl
having made any tlueais ami claimed th it
this nut wai brought only after he had
brought suit for assutlt and batter)
against a m jli.ur of V. 'ktuati. Thu oeurt
directed that the delcndaut piy the costs
of ptoiecutleu aud outer uitj teejgu a hi in
te ktep the Hace.
Jehn 11. ( j'linti n ct urged by his wife
Dera, living ou High street, with hiving
threatened te kill her ou July 17, s that he
would tic rid of her. Dera s.ud she di 1
net have te beiifritd of her hiubiml when
he was s dicr, but she was afraid of him
win n he get .li auk and that was of fre
quent I'ccurretiee Jehn denied having
made the thte.its chatgetl and suit when
the cite wn heir I it the alderm in's
etli iesh i te-.tillid Hi it ihi) vv is net afraid
of huu. Tua e iiirtiiireete I Ium te enter
ibte hit own tec igu.zinoe te keep the
jiujej for a pettisl of tlnee lujnths aud
ptyci.ts el proueutuieu.
Saudi lxiui Muiub (.barged Win, Ceslow baring threilimed iu M iy and June,
te knock his In 1 1 et) vvtth a base ball bit
ami Ins biiiiiis out with a llmt stone. The
(tartlet li.1 tilth u T'li-wt-stern p trt of
the city Tee acv'iised Henied having unite
t'i thre.its alleged, but c ii'tned that all
the threits that were mad.) e title Irem
S'taub. The c uirt dinclwl Ceslow te pay
costs ami enter tuie iccjgnv. ince te keep
the peace.
Jacjb G'ehsbrenner. Irem the Kichth
ward, -was eh.uged with llircatuuiug te tin
b idily harm te Cii'he.-iue Kjllor.Catheriuo
Sartim and Irvtn Keller, also residents of
the K gluh ward. The dcfetideut dtulul
having made thu threats alleged His
counsel raised the p.unt that the com
plaints were defective, but the c mrt over
ruled the point and directed the defenduut
te enter Inte recognuance m the Rtitn of
ICOX) te keeji tlm peace and pay the costs.
Benten S. MeKSwtC, of Btrd-.n.Hand,
was oharged with deserting his wif 1 and
child. Thu wife testitie.l that lm left her
home ten mouths age, slnce which tuna he
has failed tode anything towards the main
tenance of hrrstdf ami e'uld. She said
she was vv.!! tig m go with hur hu-ib.iul,
he sanl he was willing t.) jirevide her
with a home, she ettnu freni the witness
staud, thure was a reoaciltatien bjtwecu
the parties iu epi.i cmrl a'j 1 they left th
court room the best of friends.
Carebuu Patterson, c ilercd, was the
dofendaut in a surety of tlie poice ciki
brought by HeNinger The prese
cutiix tcstillcd te thu threats made by
Careline, aud Careline tcstilled that while
shu is at work Annii) 8:eks the s ien-ty of
her hush mil. Ou the day of the di.-pute
betweeu the pirttes, wheu Ciriluu citue
from work bIie found some of Annie's dry
goods iu her bed loom, at d when she svw
her shu might havu used lantia. n innre
forcible than poltte. The oe irt direjtcd
the complaiiit(te be disu iied,,iud thu pros pres
ecutrix te ny the ci as s, she was unable
te de se and weutiute the prisonet's deck.
D.itilel K Riej was clnrged with
threateuiug te send Israel Oillcspm te his
grave en July js, l ,.). '1 hu nceutcd de
med having ruadu the threats, Frem the
testimony it appnred t'aat the ddlLmlty
grew out of a family dlllhulty. Thu
court directed the d ifeu latit leptythi
costs and enter b.iilt i k 'ep tint p'),we for
oue j ear.
Washington Bewman, city, was charged
by ( nristian Ipenshade, of Mauheim
township, with threatening te harm htm.
Bewman and ethers were gunning ea the
prosecutor's farm ou July 21, and when
the parties were erdure t elf, Bewman
threatened te kill him. Bewman teHillcd
that he stepped en Mr, Jlstcnshide's
farm te get a drink of water. Kspunsbac'e
hissed his dug ou him, nnd he thuu said
that if Bspenshade did net cill off his
deg he would sheet him. He denied hav
ing threatened RspensliideV lifn. Thu
oeuit diroetod Bewman te luruish security
in the sum of WOO aud pay the oebts of
D ivld Beidel,of High strcet, was charged
with threatening te sheet David We! ler,
also a reaident el tint locality. The do de do
femio claimed that the threats were con
ditional. The order of thu court was that
the d'tfeudeiit pay costs and give bends te
keep thu peace.
Uurrniit, IIu.Iiim.
L'zzie Bentle wai divorced from her
husband Henry Boutle, ou the ground of
Jes. L. Brandt, Clayten L. Nissley and
a. t. i'.ugie, worn appointed viuwers te
vaoate a read iu Hast Denegal township,
from a point near the Denegal church ami
ending at a point ou tLe.M tytewii read.
Lite Richardson, who bcrvcd a term
in prison for costs in a suit she brought
against Strah DuBois, was discharged
under the insolvent law.
Adjourned te 2:30 o'elook.
l)ii. Wi:.viini,i, Ilei.Jir.ii en Fri
day celubiated his 7eth birthday.
Pit., of New Yerk, says that
wiiineti who ucHire te be ucauliliil uheulil
eat miilteu
Maiaulav used te suy that tlie eeutli.
Hen of the people could best be limned
from their waies.
Fiii'.I)i:iiick Layten' will build and par
tially eiiuip an art museum fur Milwaukee
te oust t.IUO.UlJU.
Pem; Lke has issued an ouey 0H0.1l letter
protesting against the receutly enaeted
Froiieh divorce law.
Gov. Wai. l.i. it, of Connecticut, has de.
eliiu'd te be a candidate for rocleottou ou
tlm Democratic tlcket.
KnwiN M. Lkwis1 will bequeaths his
ontite estate, valuitl at ever 91,1)0(1,000, te
his wife, two sous nnd a daughter,
Hen. Tins. P. Fi:ni.en, well known iu
this city, has bcuu Dominated for Congress
by the Democrat! of the first Kansas dis
trict. Hen, Samuf-IiJ. Hakpam. hna been eon oen een
fined te his heuse at Bcrwyn by an ut.
tack of rheumatic -out for the last two
week s.
'I'm) Urliisii (tiiiiiiitluti ul Inn Iriiiiililrs
l.itnurs WielrKitny llnl.nt,
Yesteiday ufloriieou a large itudhuiei)
vvtlucseil the gaum between thu Metre
IHilitau ami Ironsides clubs ou the grounds
of the latter. The contest, wis net very
interesting, and the com in.' champions
wen by a soei ii which wis culilable te
Iho home club Pjle suit, ting Irem
tbe heavy wink in the gaum mi Thetsdiiy,
and he was unable te letch with
bis usail strength. li tlm I'irly ptrt
of the gitiiie he was hit haid, a d te a Id I
te this thu home tiimi li g m plilug iv
ba I Held game, nliewiii,; Ih v siteis te'
sceiti fem tuns Iu thu lutli i put of the i
game both nines played will, ui,d the eon- '
test w is lUely f ir s ituu lu iiiic Lvueli
star.t,. pitching ler Iho, de,
nil niiti ler a two burger bolere he went
out of thu box te mike way
fei Brady. The lattter wis hit vutv
hard. MeTain.uiy ttnule thu longest
hit ever seen ou the ground., s-m ling the
ball ever the fimce, across the lliutlsliiirg
pike ami sj iring a home inn. Thu
vistteis al ene tune plii)ed Iu a vety caiu
lesii m tiitiei. much te the disgust of every
ntie. ( lediu in of the liensul's gave them
te hi, thu stand that they were t)pcted te
play ball, even t ihey shut the heine team
out. Aftet that better work was done,
(leuhter. a bill pliyei, iittemptel the
el iimptiitig ler several Innings, but made a
mesH of it uud Mr liners te U his place
te tlm satisfaction of all. Toe sceru lol lel lol
lew s:
l'O lllll'V, H J J
niKiiiii,:ii ti-: it.1, in ,i .j (v ii
Mi 1'itin ill V, e I I .' I I ii
1 1 . I I ft ii n ,i ii
l'i riM, r t Till A n e
til'llle il. e f. t i s I t
II. mill, I. in I 11 ii ,'( ii
1'yle, p I it u n f,
Total II 'i li il 1 7
visnt I', I I TASK vuk Mr A K
Neiron, it , -J I i s e
Hi t ly. :n. p i l l n it
K ii rn imk ..'. : i ii ii i e
Uu ten in i t, jti . . I il il t
t r. I'i ft il . ! I l
liey. 44 I I I l
tM,i e !i J I s n
lleip. I t ft t I I il li
I.J ll .ll, p. c I & 11 I e i. ii
'i titi! i; it n ; i-. i
issiniia. t : i i i, ; s i
limiHileM ....0 0 I O 0 ll 2 il J 'J
Meire mill ' .... I 1 li U V 0 l) i 0-11
li tl II. 'I 1 llll IllHOll.ll'H. 1. . liiiii-l let, ) ; .Mi'ts ll
Vlt, I. Lett i,n
Twu liiwti l.lts
Itl' l.i li re'iiu.'V. '
11 11 .lit He 11 I ill VI
i mi iii, ti'itnu.ii ui. i
I it'" my. u it h uii
-liV I IH I, i . ti, l
Ile ir-1 'i . .' . Jl In, 1
'. WH.ft. I.
t .. t.i. en l il s
I'llLV I t tl'4- UMlleld,
I tun -In. V'tn.
l lll;ilie 111 llrj tl
tili tit Ul (litlll-,
Metgati, thu piteher of tbe V.rcn l.i
obit), says he has had enough of base ball,
ami li ts rt 'iir ml le bis bourn iu C-iPtirin i
Tlie Irei .ides go te Williiitni ut, Meu
J i) it'nl I'm ndty, op. mug tie new
Hi'bfiiiilt with thu Diim-stiii Imre en
Wt ilned tv.
Thu "Mils" did ii it play hmu te '.!)
as ll di Mr ' ii t, .ted ti e il.tje'.s cm h d te go hiuiie The Ireiiiides ate at )
semen'Mt eiipiiled and aru net anxious I
The I, in. -is i r club pl.i)s a AUe-mv
an I Fist Lib et uu t'liiiirst tuur tlisel
ucxt week, ami ou Friday ami Situriliv
they play thu Strau'i. in .imiimir eluli el
Pniiii li-lph:.i, en tin gr iiindt of the iMtur."
Pollard aid Jeuc, the battery of thu
Johnstown c ub, weu given a trill by thu
Philadi-lph a at AMautic city josterdiy.
They did we'l .ui oust the August Fiewer
club, but would hattlly de in a league
The narr in tlie suit of the Lancaster
b'nn ball club agaiust the Metrep diUn
club, of New Yerk, was tiled late en
Friday afternoon, uud it rule wis taken
out te cheese aibttratus mi Stturdiv,
SepU-mber li!
The Ironsides and DjincH'ie clubs have
the honor of pL.viug the Hi, .int. tramu el
bill seen in the K tstern L'agueiu tins city.
Ou Wednesday Wt Thtifday next the
tunes will meet lu this city, when close
contests aru looked for
A Newark oerresp mdmit of tin' Tieuten
7'cir .tays of the la i iniug gimu : 'Re
markable ll Jeatches were made by Brad'e,
CoeKaii aud Derby which dieted rounds el
applause fiem the speetatnrs. The pitch
ing of Murphy and 1 !u was very elloe'.ive
and jelleets credit en them as twis'ers el
the leather St'itm behind the bit is a
great favorite. Hi made some line foul
o.itches Oldlleld's playing behind tin) tut
was the liuest uv or wen en utir greuuds."
tlu TrlHl lur ii nerluits tlircn-r.
Ou m itieu ler a chitige of ventie in tl e
e.iHO et the commeuwcallh vs. Ch.irles A
Ruliug, was tirgucd in Carhsln, at length
Friday morning. Riiuug is charged with
procuring the commission of an illegal
operation en Annie M. Feiist, of Bunts
dale, Cumberland county, from thu elfccts
of which hIu died, iu Januarv last, four
days after thu alleged eiune was commit
ted. He htlddeuly disappeared fiem thu
county at the tuna aud was roc nlly ar
rested in Kansas by tlm rditer of the
Amerifitn Vrluntcer, of Carlisle. Siuce
thou thu Yelunttcr has published Ieiij;
articles en tlm subject, refeiring te It til
ing as the multy pirty, and in oue of itH
issues gavu a weed cut pk'ture of huu.
Thu ether nowspapers in Iho county
copied thesn nit'cles mero or less fully,
ami i no of tuem also gave thu wel cut.
Thu counsel for defendant argued that this
wide spread public itien rendered it im
possible te get an uujiic jtidtccd jury in
time ise. Tlie court denied tbe applica
tion and ordered the ease te be cillcil en
Saturday morning.
All '..ii ul it t'uurttir or m llull.r.
Mai tin MiPer, bntcher of Oregon, was
cumplaiurd against bofeio Alderman Uarr
this memimg ler larctfiiy and assault ami
batter,. Miller, it appears, deliveicd
seme meat at Win. II. Dmchler's rrsidence
ou North (Jucen street, and en his teturn
te the bar room purchased a etgar. By
Duichler and his b.irkci p r it is alleged
that Miller took a twenty tl ve emit piece
from the cigar box, while Miller claims
that the money dropped from his hand
into the box, A ditptte iolli.ved be
tween the emlid in a light, nnd
William Fex, thu barkeeper, claims that
Miller assaulted him, and be etitercd com
plaint against Miller for that oflinne,whl'e
Deiuhler ent'ued a suit nuainst for
the larceny of twenty live cents. Miller
was arrested by Oihccr Winewcr nnd
entered bad for a hearing ou Monday, Sep.
tembsr 8,
Inaeleiit Triniipti Uitpturctl,
On Friday the farmers living ou the
Ma'jheim turnpike, north of this city,
were annoyed by a gang of tramps, who
euteied their lesidenees and behaved iu an
insolent manner. At the heuse of Chris
tian Sheuk they were boisterous nnd
refused te leave when ordered te de re,
ami were net get rid of until Mr. Shenk
get a shot gun and tlucitened te nlioet
them. Olllcers tijieece and Reailmau
being informed of tlimr doings went iu
jiiiisuit and captured five of thorn, but
while being brought te the elty two of
them escaped, though the ollhers llred
two Mints after them, The iitlieui were
ledged iu jail fei a hearing bufoie Aider
mau Samson.
Tlm JUmjiui's Ueucl.
The nnyer had oue drunk and two vaga
te dispose of this meruin;. Tne drunk
was committed for twintj- ei r noun aud
the vags discharged.
Vnriy-Meveii l.ltlits Ou',
The police reported 'Jj eleetriu anl 14
guuulluu llghti us Let burning ou Friday
rittMt euu iifiitii.Au duii.i si'iiftiiKM'
ItllUl.ill Nm( el His tlliriir Hur null
llniliirs tn )lnri(yiiinii-.riin l.slrst
ilitiiaiiliis Alimnil tin Iiimii,
All the Columbia Protestant uhuielies
will held services le morrow. Their
pasteis with one exceptieu, Rev. (loe. W.
Ply, Presbyterian church, lowing luturued
(rote their summer dips Suite of thu
ehiiiehrn will howevor bnvi) half seivlcer.
Thu K. B Lutheran will have sm vices In
the morning at 10;15 and none in tlm uve
nliig. The Priisbytiiri.iii will al-m held
services at IOSH) but tinmi iu I lm evening.
M ,ieiiu s ijiitlieraii will hill iv utliig
I .............. .., it .. ... .....i
' w ', ' ' '". '. " 1
.., .. ... .w VMU" r.ii,iir iiu' ii'imn
will held meiHlng and evening seivl 'ut
I he watermelon and leu cream ft sllval
given In the yard adjoining thu St. Jehn's
Lutheran chinch by tlm Yeung Felk's
society el the church, bm-uu last, evening
uud will end tins evening Se far it Is a
success. The yaid looked very pretty
with its decoration of Chun'se a i I Jap in
em lanterns ami headlights.
The leeept Ien neil donation party, last
evening, given te Rev. ,1. F. .Meixell mid
his bride, of his oeugrogatioii, was a de
eldetl hucecs, and was very eiijyihh.
Honors te llliT mm,.
Twenty live years ue, Tnnisd iy, Rev
Darnisliettur was ordained a minister of
tlm gospel, and was nslgiied te thu
I.icust stieet (leiinau Lutheiiiii ohuieh,
whete he has temalned t ver since In
honor el this an auniversai v e Ubiiitieu
was held in the ehiiich that t v. m.ig The
interior was uiagulllcentl) tummrd.
Them was a large niiillence pn ii liem
Cehiuibia, Linoaster, Marie it t. Harris
burg and Ytnk.
Rev. R. W. Hituiphiici, pastor of tlie
M K. ehurch, at the tegular weekly
prayer tileuting last evenlni'. was leiulmed
a hearly recejillun iu the leiiteiu loom of
tliuoliiirelibyhiscmigrugatleii and lilendr.
The room, ut the altar, was beiutllully
tlecer.ited, ami the words, " Wilcome te
Our Paster," ou the archway evor the
altar was appropriate te the oecasieu,
vvli'ch was a merry and plenum: in e
town Milten
I'lie sehiHil be.ud have decided tern
njieu the selnsils en Monday.
Margaret ICcech died of diepsy ut
her late liouie en Livvnuieii str'tit last
night. Deceased was ngctl ab nit 17
j, ears.
Win Reese, bearding ul L 'k trd's
beaiiltug beuse, yesturday fe'l down stairs
aud injured oue cf his hips and ankh-s
The Armery association Is new pijuig
tlm 1 percent, dividend, which w is t i h tv.)
tiien paid ou Aug 1st.
Since Thursday morning, th" -ique
h.i'iti i rlver raised 1 inches.
The Democrats nnd Republic urn will
meet te form Cttiipaigii ergai 12 ttieus en
.M md.iy oveuiug ; tlm former nb vn AUi
son's book stere and the latter n im
Uhisbjui roie-tu I t'm Mss D'lu
('.inner his ,i cjulageeus ilin,ie llei
p'ljsii'i.m inlerms our cerrusp leiu that
there is no truth in the statetumit
Tins afternoon tlm Diuni-s. id .Mi.
Jey, and the Ciihiiubii, el Cmu u'n t. pi.ty
thu lirst game of the series nt II . ter thu
amateur ch.impieushiii .0 thu count).
Uju William Pitteii and d tuh'er
returiii'd from Dmiii Oreve lis' u.m tig.
Mrs (1 lerge L iwruy, a'iviiii,i tuie I by
ber sister, are visiting iu Richmond, Vir
Miss Annie 1 1. ones, has returned te her
home iu Philulelphia.
I'eilrn .1ltirs
Yeung guls, whose nam 's ire U'lktiewn,
Iiu in w in a d irk sp )tt ou A uui i ij id
stroet, an 1 it.i lily pnwi, jiinti, a her
and te ir her dress. Tins uiisu'itui !i is bmiti
cirne 1 en for th) pis, finv night, and yet
no ell irt Ins bemi mite ti li ive it
stepped, or te tind out the culprits
At ene of tlm lawyers an 1 svrtlwi svrtlwi
nesjes en the Charles BctiUey munh-r eisu
wuru unable te be present at the peip nod
hearing of Henry Olphiu, (leo'ge Burk Burk
euhtuser ami ICmauuel Fry this merumg,
it was piHtenel until .Mei Uy morning
by Squue Bvins.
A sie iiiieusil.
The sife of S. Filbert A; S in, cut and
iee merchants, wis fotetfd epiu I i' night
by nemu utiknnwii partiis witli an iron
bar, ami suveril dollars iu change and a
pickage of v.iliiibtu papcn ex rioted.
Hew an uutriuea was giuiMl ri'e the
ellici), where the safe is, Is net knewu,
neither of the windows cr doers aiqijarmg
as having bieu disttitbed
I' uu ut inn ililinia I. return Ueums,
Friday eveuim' Prof. Grimes gave the
last of Ins iiiteiestiug lectures ei liuin.iu
nature as a hcieucd, te a lat go mi linncu in
the Union Uetliel church of this city. The
subject w:is mesinei if m which he demon
str.iled was net e lused by nlectrieity,
magiielisui or will power, but w is caused
by a species of sleep, produced by the ex
ultement of the conforming organs in tlm
subject's own bruin, which pi ml nets a
eutulcpsis of the ultra etpiil.iries of the
body and braiu similar te tint caused by
chloroform, or as in sleep, He thou uave
an experiment. shewit.g thu truth of his
theory The professor will lee ure in the
Presbyterian church, Marietta, Sunday
mottling and evening.
llursl Nut's.
.Mr. Frank, of Miildletewn, has hceu
appnititid male attendant at the soldiers'
orphans' school, Mt. Jey, te lill the
v.ioaney occasioned by the removal of Mr.
Slierbin te the Mercer school.
Miss Harriet Hiituhemi, of Carhomlale,
was elected teacher of the Strasburg high
school iu p'ace of Miss CeIIIiih, who io ie
slgmd. Jehn B. aud Jasen I. Ilnir en Thursday,
tlucslied out the wheat ciep ou Daniel S.
Oeist's farm, near Bluu Ball 17 nuns,
whieh yielded e50 bitsht hi el a superior
quality, an average of ever thitty two
bushels per acre.
tectum Kieni m irlp ut Cut) nille.
Last evening Rev. Sylvnuus Sl.ill uud
family returned te their home alter an
abseuuoef four weekB. Mr. Stall spent
two weeks en his bioycle, most of the tiine
iu company with Ruv. W. I'. F.vanii, of
Columbia, nnd Rev. (loe. 1). (letwild, of
Yerk. The tour whs thteitgh Pennsyl.
vania, New Jersey and New Yerk, and thn
distauce oevorod with the wheel was Ti'JO
milea. TUe trip was enjeyable through
out. Mailing mitt lluniilng,
Bass fUliing has fairly begun nt Fdcs
Eddy, Hevernl parties, having taken line
strings this week. Hiram Peeples caught
J7 bass, hcbidcn buvcritl line niliuen, cat
Hull , Ac ,
O. J. P, Biub, of Quarryvllle, eatight
a big Hiring of salmon, aud is getting
plenty aud line game.
lltiiiilaDrit ma Unfit,
Alderman Spurrier te-day dismisiied
the oase of commonwealth vs. Jehn M,
Peeples, charged with fulse proteuso ami
einbe..ilng funds from the Metrojielltnn
Life IiiHiiratice company. Tlm oue was
lieiud by the aldermati dajsage
and decision leservcd until te-day.
Tlie Wlitnw fames Tlireiicli,
Among the pasKeugcrs en the day
express last evening was (Ien. B, F,
llutler. He occupied a seat lu a Pinlmati
ear, and for a time chatted pleasuutly with
these who entered llm car.
Hurts Blilppeil,
Fiss co Doeri shipped te NetYXerk, ene
car lead of beues te day,