Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 29, 1884, Image 2

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kMUViistcv intclUfitnrBf.
?,W.ii-r- -r--8 - r'-"
WfmttiKt SVBNINO, AUG. 20. u.
..'i. ....,.l IffM irA UIMITIHI AllTlfH i
'T, nwtnuu .......v.. ....-,.--
. David Aieual, who na3 served n icu
' ill liie penitentiary for the commission
nf election frauds. In Philadelphia, was
. unpeinted iwelstnnt shipping commis
sioner of that pert n fortnight age, but
has new liccti remove! by tne noting
secretary of the treasury, upon being in
formed of the fact that Mount la an
cx-cenvlcl. Tlie removal apparently was
demanded by public opinion, at least oe
far as It Is lutorireted and expressed by
the newspapers ; and wan naturally made
en the ove of a presidential campaign,
when the administration Is disposed te
glve n.i little caime ns posslble te the op
position te deediilru against it. Meimt'a
parly friends did imt Intend te stand bj
him when possible damage might be
done te their can?, ile is an active
wardpelltlclan and own his prominence.
te his usaftilncss as a politician. He
will be retired until after the election,
when, it liU pirty Is again 3tic
cctihil, hia value as a ward worker will
no doubt naoure lilinfumc government
pap. Iliiilssertleu by his p.irty ivm
elates at prdisnt U of count) cowardly ;
but cewardlcn Is Llte prominent
torlstle of politicians. We are net able
te bclleve that Meuat's friends had any
higher metive In drugging him from li.a
olllcethan inspired them in giving it te
him. It Is net at all likely that It was
due te their devotion te tlie public in
terrstn in their charge
And we are net ourselves sure that the
public Interest hai b"i subserved by the
reme.val of Meiut (nun au olllce, wliie'i
he was c ip ible of ciuducting elllciently,
because of his luinj .1 omvieiol m.ile
factor W ! net knew him and de net
knew hew capable a shipping cunmis
slew r It would bi ; b r we iiistiine lift'
he would have been a dupable mllcer, for
tliopnri"ef our prs:eit suggestion
Which is that the men Tact of a nun's
' cSnvioHeuund lmpnjnin?nt for crime,
fj'inuhl net bir lum from ho'ier.iblo em em
pleytn?nt uver :ill-rw.inl. Ife has been
Riillly and his Miffered the pjnnlt) ;
BhOiiM tie'tliMniki b; ttieu elosel, and
the offeiiil.M "'it into the world te
fitanil en .1 plane with his fellow citien-.,
be far at bust, as tlie government cm
offeet this result. f cmrse, lliere will
ulwns b.s' irn.i upon him in the 0)
of 1 1 t.i fellewi, tvid his opportunity
obtaining c nil meuL among Hum
will be les-wied lb will nped te sdiew
by bis work his entire refermati n
bef.ite he can eh', in their confident
again, the degree of lib. iin
being mr.isured by g'egree of h s
,''iiJ!Sr!ui g.virnmc'il when it
seudsainau ftmn prison, alter h:ivir.v
exacted from him in penalty. theere'i
eilly restores liini te full citizenship,
unlras his c-fft-nsc j3ne Unit,rie3 with
It n depUvatien of nivll rights. Mnu.i'.'s
effense of nlteiifg tally pupirh did n t,
we believe, Invelve this penalty ; ami e
are by n means sure (hat he Is wlthnii!
Ru id rt'iisen 1m ciing that he does : !
tsee why In' slieuld !ie hwutcl i:il his lifi
for what he has d.Tie.
A Kcw l'lea rer Uniler.
There li net inuuii linneut prmnl w nf
the hut that was i rephesintl
when tlie v.hl'e plume of lilaiiu u..s
raised at the Ien- (r the Kepuhlii.m
armada. ' Iiav- a netabl nn uu
and dirty conies' thus fur, but it has net
been ilistiu?ui,.,'ed in at.v oilier ..v
lilaiue had a t .'i-iil .i. t n f i tMlilnt'M.iud
vigor which b is )! ! be itMlfcucd ; ai d
if his digestion ha i gi veil out, .is mill
these tr litu ar nut likely te becxinlu'd
at nil. Tliiic ii nothing like a hid
digoillen le tnl."tlui life out of u utau,
wlie has b"4u ie mic. i ui.xl te a geed .u. .
Mr. HI. line m iv t i'i'h te n-sten Hie
fmcuef his nerves by a gelilin tical
inent of his nteiniuh with teas
a.ul tea; hut by Mrs Inn- :i
Rets liiriielf IK'd up, his
Is hkcly lehave '.ikuiituiii dullness trein
which it is is te In iipiiim I. Mis
mi.uier, Mr. ' ve Dkn.-, ' bi,t
0!iu idea of achieving uuixvs, a 1 1 lis
iustrument is cisli. The dillli3ui, Ii
experiences in raisin.; i: la lik"l t tx
liaiiHt till his energie'i. Tneie i i.itb dy
else iiretinit ll'aiiu lenediili tei
exhibition, and it is Idi I ' U-a . ,
titupld ulfair iiat-ed.
General I ui u ltrl nl
onteglvo pictiirei.tiu;uj33 te the scei e
and probably tlie HXimetiit ion will iit b b
dlsi.ipeiuted, theugli lie works nine,
audi euibarnvisiuenl of hep'dessm-hH 1 1 .
uesslbly luaatecl: of vitality ami viva i
may net last thieugh the la' i.
rn fuir of this he wi&htd i i
start In late, lm' Ins frlenli lerce.l lis
lotlcreutprcm itm "1 , wluei tin wea' nei
wai te het te ea lure its reading. His
big and only allv, the New Yerk Hun is
doing it.i l)int te ki'eji tin iillr b i mi
w inn, while the general is gathering Ins
energies for tl huf k ..f the buttle ; but
it elves iilgn nl" running short ahead) e
ammunition. It trie I pi.ils of Hi -n-oral's
virtue fei .t while, Imt that is an
atlribute of his that lias u it b i n v -i
consnlcueus te tin public. Tim hnn h i ,
found oue new, however, that has lu n,
and it is the general'ii bild ii val
The ,S'u thinks thera is mut
merit In u bald haul, an t
that It slieuld hul lhitler powerfully in
blsraei; ispecitlly wheu he is r-ek
hasly ready toexpj.o it te the pit:!...;
Btorm.atandlugeut In It lure-liuubd in
rovlew n proccsilen that cirrun the
American Hag. Tins happBiied in New
Yerk huit year, when the iiviieuatlun of
tlie town by tlie troep.1 of King finer.i
waioeiuinumara'ol ; and tlie beautiful
picture of the go mral, standing alone,
uneoveroil in the i.iln.whlle Ulewilaiiil.
Arthur and Grant get in out of the we',
stinthe tfiiute nppl,utse, and bldi it
cill upon the poeulo te put the aged and
water proof head under the White II mse
re3f. It had better demand that he
bjijwi ua mauis a luijcaman en the
Urtiedwayapjad, whure weather proof
iju vvh-8 weulu m valuable.
Till! manner In which btnks are top tep
pliiu nil ever the country limy rovlve
the old fttkbloned cimtem of burying
trwuiura lu the Kf"U"d far ni'e keeping.
The ni"uinv of i" i. ' '" . r i.
WlM U ! ueiiiji -l lauuiie ,
coot that it involved, la net likely seen
te dfe out in view of the recent llnnnchil
breaks through the country. Pittsburg
and Jlrie had their dleasters from which
they bave net et fully iccevered. Only
n few days age the bank of Xenla, Ohie,
was compelled te clese ils doers, because
the cashier had lied with a geed part of
the funds. Oa Wednesday the Adriai ,
Michigan, savings bank went under, anil
Philadelphia is net jet ever tlie shock
caused by the fallure of the banking
heuse of I.idner Ures , of that city, a
German linn whose financial stabilitv
had long been regarded as of the best.
Te L.incastei the cr.ishen come like
echoes of foreign wars that de net im
mediately concern its population. Tlie
local banking institutions keep en In the
even tenor of their way, umlisturted and
lii.xiM U the pohtieil I'lrablus wheffl
r.jlv.itinu ii imesible.
Tim w'nlc jiril lentiat ijnrKtien n.iirews
itselt down te a chotce between an IieucrI
man and oue proven (llohenost.
Tun New Yeik he ield shows a l.ire
Li Mace from last year, ('no can already
family hear the shouts of the baker'
dozen at the Prohibition uipetingft wluii
the gloriens a'luntuiccmeiit is made.
Tuk creat work beuti by the expulsion
from olllce of D.ive, Philadelphia'
notorious jiilbird itcpubliian politician,
who had hern made deputy shipping oom eom oem
mi"ioiior at that city, should be snpulo snpule snpulo
ni'nte! by a whelcsile turuiuj; out of 'hn
ruu-"l in November.
ulK Te niflUI
sourer et nun Krintml iit.pi: ix -..
lUr nili.iin nreiy l,. ir iHmw,
A i iiiei bt. i tiu i, awivinnnit. iii
hlie l m mi,, irm- ey nl lite
sin- ,-ai rli li ivtMi In her faer ;
A ultitl li.uiily thure ni- ir.ii'v
llurilitnt) KiCt- e lelllltrc ;
llur uliUH'iM t our lnniiK iiHit.
Mln' umnlerli'r In Un.ira of m
wliinli'm anRrl horn belew .
Woheel ln-r till -lii-II in.
Or w lint -i" liiilieninii our HtitrK
rium Ite in li r hlifli i'-tUf n t til.
Ami tlie'i 'i.e inn.' loon e it l.r 'iii.i!M
p) outfit .VieiK n Itft Jit .liif
1,1 1. K the hedt of Mr. l,iiqu , M iJ.une
TCelamlne, tlie dashing Kiish. hi widow !-e
maler.wi) with the heart of the (iraid
Dake L uis el Ue&n DaruiHtadt, will ue,
down. Uccently the Ilarmstadt Tnbunal
allowed !.or '. l.UOll jearly irem tlie nr. nd
duke iu roiiRideratioti of the ma'incr in
winch i.vr tcuder lieart had bteu bruised
Hut fhe htarans her pretty feet and xaya
the mitet liwu double the (nun or notion,
Hvidcn'lji tl e madame kiiewj.. -jJTkhI mw
when tl'.e mm hej;. ---'
.itwiiTTl iy tin summer v.iijit. m..f
the sshoel ctiddrnu e tines te au end. Fer
two months the links md slates t.ave
been la d.iwav in nearly foretton olects
and penniln ' ave e.v'ii lest riht of in tue
superior au of bse ball and eaier
dells. Sh-ikcspeare Ins compared the
chill's hist, t ) nehed n h that of the
lever leaving hia sweethrart noither beiu
reiuarkahli) for eolerity. Ye. with the
opening of tlie oheo! tersn thote in a
cliarni of uiveltv unler thu iiilhneef
whieh the .lrnlcei of tlie tnn mouths te
e-iiue is ii. ii e iiitiidi'rud.
I r would m-cu) geel .e! ey en tl.r .nt
of 1'hilai.d te kepp her mouth dtpe.eetly
Oiiiced in fin difTlciilty i.ew etuitin b
twren I'ra'ie ' and Chiui. lift va ,' rn
niui!,. en ths ftitualieti ate ealaul.Veil te
I. i.d iiicrea d cintiJciK'- tj Chun iud
n. -j . N.u'inllj omVired hr With
u ' ishbe; aji'iss tlii ehu'inel. A I'jrtii
)ipn. that i1 mbllixi hjuaks elliaully )
e ei tl it !' tlrn Ki.e:i att'Mii)i' t l,re.
tle1 F. .eh Ir'i'ii imsnuu ilireu,-1! the
i .'ii, d :!. : m 51,000 Piench t. . .
1 1 Aluieis u .1 Tun .s teadv 1 1 cresa Tri
IkiIi w.z.i I'tir.t Hui;lud hasahun
d Hit mi Ten i! hi Hi which te trhile awa)
'Imd.irili in loeUim; after the rcfcne of
(I i-diin
tin I.Mlr.t IHiOiiii Hellar.
A litter from rx Ueiigrcssrnan I'eund, of
(Jlnp)iena r.illH, ii , in which the writer
his hu will op, .Din Mr. l'l.iineand tmupert
li v. LliveijLtl lur the tircMdctiuy, has
he.-i tu.iJe public. Mi. Pound is it.rh.ipi
lhi tun', d h' tee uixhi d IJ-p ibbeiti in
Winceimiu and hi njijo.i-ien le Mr.
III.IT'J Aill 01I1H1 1 lirole.llld Hi'lilla'l.lU
tliniujlii'ut 'hi Nnrthwcdi lie has for
ju its b-eii .m nnaMij ) ider in the lit
ptllille.tti party, al.iH Mieimrtiui! the
entire t ek i, a'ld h n lu 'ti wry uemiiu ut
in iu en ii. e ii. !! .') nirii tin was a
leaditit! uiuuihiir of the hI.i'e .v.iil.tun' lu
H!l lhiid, H.7 inil ISli'.l MnwHeh-ctivl Keven.ur in lSn'J, and w n ia
IfiTO elaui d 1 1 CuiiijrejM Ireinth' C-nh h
dietimt, thun i lubraeir' a n than mil
thu ari'.l e' Wmceiiii.ii Mm ntvcl
tliren tennH ii l'i'i;i m, taki ik
a pMinuii'ni nr il ivi- 'nuruaa
e! the ciuuiuttee en putiliii 1 iihIh iu the
forty Htnriith C'.m hhh. At the i nil of h,n
third '(Mi tm v.-lii'i I irily n tirt'd from jmli
lie Ii'. te I'l-ieii Imnsdlf te inivate nntt i
p.w Ids repndiitinn of Mi. lllaine pre
CimhIh : i mil .m Hri. nil cm v.iiice or dini
p iii'tineii' but fie.ii a llitne ltiviutieu tint
the 1 1 ; hi 1,1 ' in iinmini'e ix n,,'. t.iu ni m fn
tin.- place. Mr. Pound linn theuKaudrf of
friends iu Wisoeusin lln was ar'ur.e friend
of IJaifltdd, .ii, i if i tienily iitgid for a
l! lllllic! M.lllli
i ",ui,-ii I i rl liiiiiiliiu i'Htrr
O i tip 'iO nl S.ipli-iahai, lhi (lniiteuuial
annuel u v of thi' i'tiiladelphii Xeith
Amtriran 11 will be mimd iiudet'
what iili.uu.'dl niiHpiut'ti Tim MimHirt. Mc-Mii-hael
will iLlain nil intercit m the ueiv
di'p uiuie, which will In tin itici illy Hup
pni ted by Mesdrii. Kllt'.is, W.dener, Divid
II lam, and utlinut, with, perlmpi, M. (t.
Ii my, a. i i et ituchiul, Thu poliey of the
paper will lu Si.ilw.iit Itopuhlleau. It is
runieiiil lb it the North Amrrtt-m is te he
neiiiiiwiit piper, and there am aUe utate.
uiuiitn that it will bn ofthumtne iti.a as
the Philadelphia JVrn and ihf.ueil ut two
ee-ii i n copy.
U' I'rnul llnllnr.
bimii ttin ,Ne Ve.USllli,
It will bu rwnnmb ired tint the rain fell
in teruii.tM, a'nl biferu long Clnvel.ind,
(li ml, aipl Arthur breke ranks and undo
lorhhelter. On the ether hand, lien Hut Hut
ler, theugli an eldor nun than any of tlm
f nr weathlr ilit mtiiiie', steed ler two
lieiini with Iiih h ,1 1 li-ml hired us the tat
leiel battle lligHei the Grand Army of
tin U"puh le wmu liiiiuti past.
livu llnllnritl lliirrlilmrir.
llAitiiiinitiiii, l'a , Aug. 'JO. Gen. II. F,
Ilutler nrrived here this muniiig, en ins
way te Williams' Grove. wlnue he will
speak this afternoon. He was engaged
during thn eiiilre morning in receiving the
oUIzehh at thn United States hotel, The
crowd there was very large.
Air Oomiirreor i-ump Hiini iiiirnnil.
Ban Fiuncisie, Aug. 20. A special
lisp-itch te the UhrentcU says : A llre en
Wudiiesday night destroyed Iho shed of
thn Northern V initie air nompiessnr pump,
us'd nu-ceu .. ei oft', Buakniiver
brnl,. i. Less, $"S()00rJ
rtcry Sent In Hip Ar'i.lMiiy nl imilr Orcu
licit nnit tlm t tiiin.t I eitui.l in Mmil
tctlpil tiy tlir l.nrun Aii.ilncr.
The Cleveland and Hondriekn meeting
whieh was held ThuiKility night at the
Aeidemy of Mulc, New Yerk, nrganUed
by Irtshtuen and descendants of Ins'.imeti,
was a graed kuccchb both iu point of nutn
ber.i and enthusiasm. liOUg before the
doers wcreepan thecutratiees were blocked
ami the streets In the vicinity crowded
wilh people 1'eu minutes aftet the doers
were opened all the seats were occupied
and all the standing uu'tn till!. Man)
ladies were In attendance.
Street Cleaning Cetnminstuicr Celeman
cilled the meeting te order and tterauiated
Kuguee Kelly for chairman. The Utter
made no address. A list of ice presidents
of the meetin; was thou read. Among
thorn wcre Park Commissioner Crin;
nilns, ex Senater Ce.f.ans, Senater Daily,
.lehn I). Devllii, .lehn Fex, e Majer
Orace. lleurv I.. Ileguet, .Unices Ilecan
and Kellev, IJciieral Martin T MicMahen,
(. oleucl illiam 1. Hebertn and etlicru.
y.umter .lenri.' l.lDKlnR Alitrrn.
United States Seuater Jenes, of Flerida,
wjs then intrediieed and was greeted with
cheers. Ile said that the country had been
te'd by many of its leadiug journals and
politicians that the titne had arrived when
cry citizen el irisn eirtn en gut te le ve
the Detnoeratic p.irty and go oier te the
It 'publican party What had the
cratle p.irt dotie te forfeit Irish couii ceuii couii
dcuee .' Wlal had the Uepnblieau lurty
done te merit it " The latter had been iu
iHiwct for mere than twenty jears, and
during that tune the great body et the
tiiei i of Irish bleed en tins continent had
stoe 1 where their lathers did, 6teadfast in
the.." devotion, onthusiastie in their sup
pert, unwavering in their lldelttj te i)im
ocrn'ie pritieiplcR hether en the tattle
lictil, ytelilin up llieir liu uiivxt in
defr.iee of the I'uieti, or in the struggle
of ordinary life, by sweat anil toil adding
te the wealth and growth of the republic,
thuv bain noier dcserteil the prand e'd
patty which was ever true te thorn. All foreign citizens were as cinch n
det.teil te the Democratic party as the
Irish, but then) was this diltfrenc be
tween the latter and all ether forein eit
Uens : the Irish were the only jeep'e who
cami. here Irem Kurope who had in poii peii alle.iuce te biiid them te a fereicn
lower. The DeiniK'ratic patty ua.ler the
Lad et Mr. Jetlersen 'iite t fe t i re
tcct and defend the great tria?ip 'z e." i.ur
ci.tHtitutien from the admits am' uu:pi
tiet.s of theso who had no c mli I vice ri
the mtelliceuce and cap.i.'ttv of th j e u I '
for self government.
The lirst great victory wen by the Deme
cratic pirty was in the luterci.: of loreign lereign loreign
tiem men and Iho liht of fue iiiseui&Mn.
Hut for the "tfhrts el the Dem.cratie party
in behftifef foreign born men Seme of the
"new rccruitaef the Kepublicau party would
net have the right te stand en this soil.
l'he Iindt people wcre e'Uitlc.l te great
credit for tlie intelligonce they di.iplijed
iu adhering te the Democratic party
auy ether for the liberality itdu-plaiid
tewanl all patiirabscdeitizcns, while ether
faroigu-bern c.tiziins apprareil ludilTercut
upon the babjt-ct. The trust reposed Pi
the Demecratic party has i.nver been dis
regarded or betrayed. The fereign policy
of this government while in Demacratu
hands redacted honor upeu the icpiiblic
aed gave security t ill our uiliaen
S.'nater .lenca ipeke at sum luig.h n.i
t'ie oppre-sieim and wrong fhe Irish i.ic.i
had Miilered at tbu hauls of the Kcghah.
ThelO weie i.e pelc, lm dec'iiic-d, in the
W'.rld who sullnreil rut much f. i prise lie
a-s the Iri"h The iell ci line of Kuglaud,
le. which she would en lay sutrer meu
thai. ev. i -.b i ha.1, was in iiiuig her great
pe v. r, soe al and political, in a'temptifg
te degiade this uelilr r.ce. Tin t(eaker
said he did net colieUi them te paudei Ter
tlii. ) iti". ..r inlluetiee. lie owed less t i
the men of his race tl m any n'lut iai.i
ui Irish bl kh! that ha-1 .'icld i hih
p li'ieil ht,itien te this ceiliitty. ilui
h- ticku!cdgil his obliiritiea t'.
lh" Democratic paiiy ..n! its 'r e, t l
i r oil pii'ieiplns for all ihit he be .ti i
a. I t , it t'O i xpretnl te de TLd Keptih
I' his been iu pefvir for . ver
tiitit yi.itii, itnl tu!iinn andeiery ".e
el di.niit tii.tMiLiie hive enjoy. I a, I th
til. Hiiri,'H a l he.ji irn th t 1 I.' ii pritic
t.v. larttt e mid eenl.-r If i ( i vi
null cniil 1 distny Hjlar.d, hb. i.v
IrnUinl and make the wording e!
this country ill prosperous and happy.
li) lisle net them result bitn aooom aeoom aoeom
I liklud .luring tt.e pst tweuty )cais ' iiu
n.i' e had the hiKLeit protective tirilT
during that lim. lhn country ever ii 1 1 . r
lvit will have. .S;ill Ri w,s i, ,tr
in.. it. pruatH r .e, Inlainl i.i .re ira-
povuiisheil or oppressed ai.d the w.iikn.g
men and women of America hard, r
pn-rM-d t livu and inure dinoeo tee ted than
i.uiiii that time. It h l une that shams
like i Ins were xp.e d
t) irm,; the p ri 'i I I. Deui .er.ili ruV
the p ,wi;is of Iho gevrr,.ii..'iil wi-rn i.m
tiiiLd ! ihnu appropriate spheie, that ei
protecting rights el erseu at.d prejwrty
and leaving all claasus and cri.IiUen of
tin ti the fullest possible frerihmi L wn,L wn,L
eut ile-u ewu presK)rity and h.ippuush
irdi pi ii.Ient i 1 geieitiment i italma. In
ih i i-p..',ilitr's opinion netli.iig en Id de tin
i.iiticef I.. Mm) mom harm than fui Irii-h
Aui.nicitiii te coin.' bef'itu this cnuutr
ai.d te justify their dtsei Hen of the I), in
in i tl'.e party at this tim.i e.i the gr.iiin 1
that, they Iieih) te de mete ler I.-el iud ri
th i inks of tlie ItKpohli.'.tus.The
the cm mi of that tiufortunate i, lard is
hrouelil into jNibticH here it will lo-ethe
fymptt.iy and moral suppul of th it
pef. ilul ergam itie.1 which has r r
Uieii Ireland's friend, ivhih i" will aiu
iiethiug but uihiticme pretnmin and suircl
ciitempt Irem that ether party w.iii 'i
ever Ins mid ever will he Ireland's natural
We .ire for npiality and juxtien 1 1 ull
lab ijeis, in favor of separating the power
of lln oiermneii' from Iho husinehs el
p.irtu alar iiiiIiviiIu.i'.h or el.tssrs, .md
e.ichug thutu ler thu geed id' thn whele
(icople; in favor of pL-nnitliug tim laliirers
te get the best prices ler the piedueu ..f
tlieir labor; in favor el edlicMii: tie
revenui) of the gevcrmuetil as it has cvn
been, from foreign imporl.i'ieu and keep
ing taxes cetiltued t i tlie limits of econ
omical administration, and in favor of
maintaining the staiutatd of values lm.'.
by the coiis'itutieu.
During the speach of Sunater Jones 3lrs.
I'.irnell entered tha building ami was
grinlcd with chiiiis.
The speaker lewaid the oleso of lm
hpcech prjdicted tl.e election of Cleveland,
aud this was gruitud with uutliiislisiu.
Illmlillltldl.S Mll).tili1,
The fullowlngiesehitioiiiiw'iim then read
mid adopted :
lietelrcd, That the Democratic
p.irty Iiaialw.iy i maintained thn dignity
of cltiKciishlp, ititspeetiic of o.eid or
( lacu of birth, and lists Hever failed while
iu power te insist upon n due rccegi ill m
of thai dignity and the rights and liberties
of oiiizens at home and iihnid
Jtaelted, Tliiit the i coerd that
Governer Cleveland has made is ample
guarantee that ns president of the I'nltc.d
Stairs he will net lull in Ids duty te sup -pert
the principles cited iu tin plitferm
of the Democratic national nouvetitiou
nud In the protection of the lights of all
Iletelccil, That thn opposition te the
Democratic piity under whatever gulse or
naiiie it lias bueu known In thu past, from
the days of the Federalists down te thn
daH ut nuiderii Republicanism, has been
oppeaed te thu extension of modern cill-
ih' p, ii.iilfeiint te the rights and
Wiling of adopted (ui. .ens, piOHOiiptlve iu
its policy, narrow and lu its views,
and, Hnoe the expiration of its original
mission the abolition of id.ivci notorl netorl noterl
onsl Insincere In its claims and proton preton proten
sions. It has nlaimcd, te the prejudice of
the honor of the American people, that it
or a p.irty suppressed the rebellion; It lias
claimel, te the detiimeiit and insult of
Democratic sohliers, that it erganised,
made and led our armies, ami It has failed
te upheld the rights of injured eltbens
abroad, thoreby brlnglug the name of the
tutted Mates into discredit
litfehti! That .lames (1. lllaine during
tweuty years -jf oflieial life never Interested
hitaelf in the wolfare of Atti'Tlcan cltl cltl
sens who while abroad wete deprived of
their liberty and rights without authority
of law, and while secretary of state net
only failed but refused te etert the ltilbt ltilbt
cuee of the United States roernmeut in
behalf of such citizens.
ltilrtd. That bel rvttu ia the ex tun -sieu
and protection of citienhoed, and in
the principles set forth in these resolutions,
and holding thorn te be of high import
ance te the American people, we earnestly
recommend te our fellow citl.cus the
support, as nttiug representatives of that
p.irty which has n! unset ted and
maintain! d these pnnei'plcs and made
American ctireiiship at home and abieid
resix'cted, the nominees of the uali mal
Democratic convention at Chicago, Ut. ver
Cleveland for president and Themas A.
Hendricks for vice presi lent.
SjiiupfM et the oilier siitircdr.
lien Patrick A. Cellins, of Hoateu, the
nett speaker, said that the Dcmeciatic
partj InJ outlived every pirty since its
formation but oue and th..t i he political
grave would yawn for tu..t iu November.
The llepubl.caus, lie said, . Ij the presi
dency from us hi i"7ti, aud ufv they
wanUxl te whecdle us out of it When
the speaker leaves the Democratic party
he wautcd te vete for a decent man and
net be dictated te by Steve Klklus, Chan
dler ei Uobesen. Mr. lllaine claimed te
be the friend of the Irish. "Nine e.irs
age," said Mr. Celli: , ''my friend. Mr.
Madigati, ran fee Cengrei.s in the Fourth
Manic district. Yeu all knew the circular
that was isf ued regarding 2ilr. Madigan.
Mr. Hlame was the editor of the Ktnnt'ic
.".rriii. ltiseiaehmaa swears h knows
of bundles cl theso ci:calars wcre iu
Mr. lllatue's heiue, ntul we have the evi
deuce that that circular was iu tlie hand
writing of Mr. li'.aine's private secetary."
The sp?ak"r avowed that Minister
Lewell was the nominee of Mr. IJlaine,
notwithstanding his pilicythnt was s.,
unjust and unlawful reganliag Kngliud'e
treatment of Amencati c.tir. is "Mr.
Ulattie it England's best friand,"
sai.l tlii -.jieaker, aud the c-ewd SiisvmI.
Mr. Cellins i laeludtii wr' ,.:i.-' iley et
(toicrner ('hud mil mJ'
Oeneral T .JUil "iie was the next
sjvakci, cjnrcJ he was followed by Ceng ess
Uniu William J. Mines, et Chicago. The
latter said that the intel igenee of the
Irish ve'ers was or. trill, lilaiue had
nevei addressed or Iwhii ii vite.l te address
au Irish meeting, and his only acuressne
fertign policy came out when he coa cea
ductel a Knew Nothing paj 'r in Maine
At the Citt.elusieu of Mr. II
the no r'lti,; a.'ii..irtied.
1 ut. V. eitl.u ill I'
i rit '
lli.v. i, n l'te.l IfdIIiiI hiuI l'.Ml;r-l.eml
(J.iiiUinuiiB itre I'resrp.. Iiik
The ltepnbbcan cenieii". ti of the First
distnc, of New Jcrsev in. ' Thursday nt
Cape Jlay. tloern lines was nominated
for C mare's en the 1 ith billet.
Tl.e i:-h pendent It'pubbcieH of Wind
ham c aiiit, N e nu ml, have dre'ded te pu'
a ticket in tlie lield, with C. M; Stene, of
St. Jehnshury, for gov.iri'er, and Dr.
Woi)dhe.t.o, of Kutl.iii.l, fei licutrnin
g ivenii-r
Ex.ludge Harding, has iceipted the
DemoeRitie ti'iramitieii iu the First
I. eilitive dutr.!", of I.,rne ceuaty.
Jlr. lUr.'i"' will publish hii 'ditet of
.KCip'.iLie, ::i wlucii he id 'l ttu tleit Le
is in full at.e ed with t! D -, , nt, pirty
ud its prineitiles.
(t).iiuitr Clevelitd arrived t i" '!-bun.-,
N". V , Thtuvlay afteru kiii f em t ,
Adirend ifits A reception n' ;mvi-i hii i
at the h ir.i-t of Smith M. Weed, which
wis alter..! d by ubent 4,()iJ0 i erfenn. "The
goveiner w .. e'lthusuuiticibv r-'-'-iveil by
the c.'.iZ' us ei both partie."
W.I. KlNwerth, chairmin of Uie na
tun il c mci ttnef the Amine in I'eliticil
AI.ia. i"(, li . i-sii-. a c !.' iLu from IS. .ten
inneiit'cmi: that ilie ce-amii mi "sviil .fi
ii'ntncfl :. nn nit i ins for iirrsUnt a 'd Mee
pic.doutef the L'uiti'd States as seen as
the electoral tieketn ar- c mpleteil bj e
several stat couueils.
Tlii I'riirin Prohibition s'.itd convention
of Mi.iegan, n eH'-le. at I.aubtng, en
Wed;., s I.i) , nominate,! i state ticket, with
Dai ul I'retten. for govern r, aud adopted
a platform. Tin plitferm, atneug ether
th tig i, uo.i-,ies Ged as the tiller of all ;
nits tiu Hupprt of every v'.er in ejirsis
in; th. I quiir Irnflle ; p'ed es the pirty te
"lav rihle nc i i.i in behalf of the in'i'rct.s
of thn lalferm meu,'' and favors woman
s iiT'.ik''
N.iiiiliitl.irti, t r iijni;ri'ri,
III Indiana A. D. Mudsm, 0.
III Inilian.i .lames A. Kmxwie, It.
XII Ohe Dr. Mi Klhinney, II.
I We- Viii.inia Ni'han Gelf, K
V Ilbnij s Ktehani bishop, 1).
I Miryla . t (Jeorge M. linssum, II.
II Marjl- .1 -ThQd.'.usU. Hlair, It.
V Mi.) Iiud Hatt U llnlteu, It.
VI Alary I imi Lew is K. McC'.imas, K.
Ten ii-t.H ! .1 .urn-.. M. Harris, D,
IV Mirylaed Wllii.n-i .1. Heeper. It.
IV Liiiniana N. J. illanchaid, I).
1 I l MI.1l.NMl'
D'l.M KN r.
i rim i. iv . Arfny llur rriirrty
unit sum
li, nneevi r u.
A i mt h.i.s been nut. nd in tl.e circuit
court, M, L'liiis, whicli is likely te nttract
a geed deal nl .ttieut'.n , particularly in
C.ith.i ic cirelns and by tin managers of
Catholic itutitiiliiititi. The styloef the suit
is : S. Augusta (;in,utuau and I la It. Tayler
Chouteau, Ins wife, aga.nst the Visitation
c.eiiieiit "orpe.-atinii, of St. Leuis, Itibert
3IeN,ch i!s, tiustee, and- ethers. 'Iho
history el ih case, hnellv statcl.
is ,i.i inllenri : Miss l.misaK. Tayler,
sister of Mis. Chouteau, and tlaughtei of
thu I ite G. It. Tayler, a very weilthy and
wel. known ci'lrflnef M. Leuis, wnsedu
oated under inlluuuces of the Order of St.
Fiauci s de bales, and Heme two years age
aiiueiineed her determination te become a
iiuii, ami although opposed by her family,
didentei thu Convent of thu Visitation.
I'riei te this, hewuvui, she voluntarily
nuiveyud her property, intimated te he
worth i 100,000, te her sister Ida, then Hu
man ifd, under a written ugrcuruuiit tint
she expected te take inuinstii) vows iu tlie
Orilei id St Fjiiiioisde rt.vii'H ; but ulieuld
she net de no, en entering and afterward
suvering her connection with the Order,
the property was te be icsteicd te her.
Seme, uiuulhs age .Miss Tayler left the
ceiii. ul and announced, it in said, that she
had with withdrawn fro n the order and
iiskeil fe. the Khtoratien . f her property.
ll.r sinter, suspee iug tlm hinccrlty of her
nut, .leu li' ml te giving bin); the property
unit .Miss 'layler brought sun te recover.
.Mis. Cheuie.iu. nut dci.inng te enter into
lll.i;.ttitlll, ivu.mtujtt. ..." '.ipe,iy, ,tll
uhert tiinu iiftcrwaid Mis davlui tra
feired il all te llebeu .M'Niehels,
litigation, ii'ueuvnycd the property, ami n
dust e, ler the use of the Commit of the
A few weeks, latei 31 wi Tayler re.
entered the convent and took the black
veil. Tiiu plaintills, iu thulr petition,
nllegu fraud and uollusien agalunt the
elllciils of the convent, eharglug tlttim
with using iiuiluu with Miss
Tayler and cnteiing into u scheme te
nlOrttli tlie pinperty, and lm Mirk te set
iiaide the died by which i w.iii lecenveycd
n-.i , l.n deed il il- It-' which it was
ti.ti.iiiuri.i t McNicIieIh,
Tiir: et ns or miamif. mi ii i. kikine.
rreneli lili'imrs nn tn , .1.ntrent Syiiiiilliy
i I KukUii.i lur l nlnil l.linn Invmlr.l
ey a lliiieiitlilmtjr .inn,,
The Paris correspondent of th.i I.orden
7mr.t sa)s : "I'ume iMinister teny, In
ptlvate conversation, ceniplalued with
tnueh vehomeuce uf tin the strictures of
the Tvntt regarding Admiinl Courbet's
conduct at Fou-Chew. The French press,
he said, showed no such spirit w lien the
Iiiiglish bembatiled Alexandria. The Fug
lish pic, by egging China en, Is nlding
agains: 1 hi rope. The cnnlldeuce It gives
tlie C .nu se may next he turned against
F.nglmd. Commercial nations ure natur
ally uneasy at our notion, biitonee resolved
ea .edresn we must deal blows which will
tell. 31 Kerry disavowed a policy of
colonial ceuipiest '.My wlnde duly,' he
declared, 'Is te lltil.h onte: prlves originally
ill oeucoiTCil ami ill iiiaungcd. We want
a jioaceful occupation of Tempiiu aud we
want te enforce ou China the respect she
ewck us. The P.tirepenu interests need net
be alarmed at this We are acting for the
elvihrfil world.' "
A cemiulttei appointed by merchants
engaged hi trade with the lias ob
tained a opinion ou the right of
Frnnei) te prevent vessels carrying muni
tions of wai entering the treaty ports of
China. Its euusel holds that until war
lias been formally declared France has ue
right te prevent such entrances.
UeiiPtal Alillet telegraphs from Tonquin
that he lest font men while repulsing
pirates and I) lack Flags, who pillaged
illigen al nig th' U. 1 tiver and masii
crcd thu inhabit. inn. The Fteueh garn
saiis at Sentay and Heng Hea, wilh the
aid el the gunboats, Millur states,
succeeded In dnviug them into the moiiu meiiu
tnins. The l'aris papers doubt the icpert that
the French have Imdcdat Keelung and
tapturcd the ports In rofcreuce te the
report -J Mtrtt says a lauding force of
."iOO men Isuet avail tide ler the capture of
Admiral Courbet's nflielal r"iMirt up te
Thuisday iiemn is as fellows Min
Kiver, ,"i::idp rn , Auguit "J The
jwl batterien en the Channel have
twen iU"treyed, iud we hepe t destny nil
the ether forts tins oiening. The line of
torpedoes barring the entrance te the rivet
is being lisheil up at d tlie explosives are
being secured. The guubeits are able te
leave the nvei by nuether channel The
Aspiehas been dnpiteh'd te guird "a
telegraph cable.
The Ft'jare in an tditeial artlc'e o.un e.un
meuts upon the mcrcise of tlie Heclish
troop iu l.ypt fiem ( 000 te 1 1.OOl) aurt
si- an explanation is necessary. If it is
t he design te step the passage of the French
through the Suer. canal in the event et an
Angle Chinese Alliauce, Fig tre says
France keeps 51,000 troepd in Algeria ami
Tunis who are ready te ciess Tripoli ai.d
sei- Caire when se ordered.
The French consul and French meichants
who wcre expe' ed from Canten last Snu
day by order el the vicerey have arrived iu
Hung Keng.
A mob at C.inU.u invaded ihe Catholic
eathedral en Wedn sday. The building
was cleared by the t Hurts of the fereign
Cernells, who induced the French bishop
and missiouarien te leave Canten.
Chang Si Tuug, a Tartar general iu the
prev nce of Kinug Sn, has been uppelnted
high commissioner for the north and
teeth. Li Hung Chaug retail's the gev
eruership of Pee Chi L; euly. Tse Tsung
Tang takns command of ihe m ejis iu the
UlieOln-il in I'-ruilm ( rtplntl.
In Li.nn VeduesiIay thorn was a storm
of bullets for ever six liinti. Caceres
entered the city with a ranble, who yolled
a..d tired in the greatnst disorder. The
night Ik fore, all thn governmnnt troops
were w.whdr.iiru into the cuartcl and the
pala e and the iititry of Cadre?, although
imt unexpected wassouiewhat of ipurprise.
His men captured the cuartcl and the
ch.irahes it' ie aid Sau Aue,uslin,
from which 'In y krpt up a fusilade Tliey
.i.he attacked tbe (iuadnlupe station.
AbeiK leO pers ins were killed in Mere,
deres and Itidegui.i-s hticeti and near thn
Pali co iiiare, where tl e lire was hottest.
hit. ally the government troops made a
sertie and drei,' out the mob. Caceris
uscapctl The (lerninn proptieter of a
ci.?ir was kd'ed whde leiikiu from
abjJcjii). All thu telegraph wires were
cot kr inilcH mr of the oily and no trams
ran. Nothing eccuriid at (Jhonlles. The
cabie slatf are ad riyht. Heavy giiim wern
heard for seme hours, but no news as te
the Ie3ality of tin Uring has been received
up te 'J::10 a. in. All is quiet Thursday
mornie; in Lima. Dead men aud horses
are 'eicg removed and jsieis of
bleed cleared up. The light in the Sau
Augusitn church proceeded with clnml
doers, ('ncerca is said te have 1,111 JO ills
ciplincd ttnepH, who were te hav.i attacked
Call. ie. I'liPM may return. List night
there worn no gu.irdu in the b' rents. All
wi re in the cunt. I and palaoe.
Isic J, SiiEit, well known in
circles, died en Wednesday, in Philadel
phia, aged 711 years.
Wit. in it K. SreiiKV, of liie C.neage
7'ftnc, hai bi uu found by a juiy inca inca inca
paoitated for business.
Caudisw. .Ii in MeuiiMi, archbishop of
Valladolid and primate of Spain, dmd
tuddenly Thursday of npuplexy.
II. W. Akmii.Ii, of .fiihnstewn, l'a., Ims
been cheieu cemuiaudnr in-chief of tlie
Sens of Voteraus of thu United States.
SKrui'.rini Ti'.i.t.nit his appointed nixty nixty
twe special examiurrs for the pension
ntllue, at au annual salary of 1,000 each.
Li i.i Hi mir is te rccnlve ?1,()00 n night
during her Sau Fraucisoe engagement,
wliicli is te ivtend evor a period of four
Wn.t.iiM Id rruuweitrii, father of Bon Ben
j.imin Iluttcrwerth, commissioner of
patents, ilieii r.inMenly weeuusiiay utglil
at Ins rosidcuce in Warren aeuuty, Ohie.
ltr.vii Aiimium. A.vimt.w Ai.r.K.v Hau Hau Hau
woen, U. S. N., diid nt Marlen, .Mass.,
Thursday, in Ins bid year. He wis up up
leiutcd midHliipmau in lfi IS and iclircd
Irem fcurvlce lu lbOl
Kmi'I.udu Wii.mam was thrown from
Ins horhe Thursday while riding iu tlie
pirk attached te the imperial palace ut
llabelhburg. His musalts wero slightly
str.uuid aud he will hu jneveutcd from
taking tiutive oseicise for ii few dnyr. The
emp. rei will attend the matin uvrrs of thu
tioeps iu n carriage, Instead of en horho herho horhe
b.ick, an has hnun Ids oustem
Uaiii, Si ui n lecently chatted cider
talniugly thus : " I was walking up
Hmadw.ty when I mw ii geed looking,
massively built man coining tewanl me I
knew who it was tit ot.ce, though 1 had
novel' been iu his actual pnseiicn before. 1
could net help smiling at the excellence of
this Kentlcman's likeness ns portrayed by
thu caricaturists. Hut evidently liorcceg
iitKcd me from the many amusing ptoturea
which bave been drawn of me, for his faoe
was, like mine, ou the full grin. We kuew
niieh ether at euuu We had been ptcteri
ally Introduced. We both laughed,
sitntiltaiieuiihly touched our hats and
Hissed ou" Thu ether man was Jehn
filial ICstlimite of tlie iviisst Drep,
S, W. Tallmadge prcsents the following
llgtirrn ns the llnnl estimate of the wlieat,
orep for ltJSl. The llgiues ure hassd en reports muile withlu a few days
by tin statu ngrluultuial dopartmeut and
staUstlc.,1 uirnnts of the dilTorent slates and
lrrteries, Thu report shows that tlm
tutal iuediit.ti.iu el winter wheat ts IWO,
00J.000 bushels, and the of spring
wheat Is in0,00l).00t) bushels; total whiter
and spring, .VIO.OOO.OtM) bushels This yield of tlioeouutiy fully
ile.OOO.OOO busliets ineru than ever pie
ilucnl, 1.I0.IHM1.IH1O bushels moretluiii last
year's ciep, and 80,000,000 bushels mero
than the niernge crop for the past (lve
years. The departments nil ngree in io ie io
fieitiiig the quality fiipirier, audwlicie it
ban been thrashed I hey say the yield has
nune tiiau met then- eileul ulemi, This
applies cspe'ially t the spring wheat
sections In Ien a, Diketa, Nebraska,
Minnesota and Wisconsin the quality uf
the Hprhuj wheal wis never b-ttei The
spring wheat haricst has been late, but
thuweatht'i has been niest favorable, and
grain is being caicd for in excellent oetid I-thai.
Mhiik ei' Tin: noun i
liilcrrdlni: Hulls en TiUi-Dmrrilnns
niirniy ei llie IVnee Dines
In the huit of F. S, vm. J' i)
Henry, notion te tocevor uonii'iissleuii ler
the sale of ii;rli)iilturiil iiuplntnents, the
iury remleredaiervliutlu favor uf plaintiff,
and assessed the d images at iJJOO.7.
The next case attached ler trial was
that of lloergo Heed vs. .Mai tin Wouger.
The facts of the cise as outlined by
plaiutifl's counsel in bin opening speech
are that llcorge II I, a punter by trade,
wan employed te punt it the county
insaue atiylum , ui O-tebrr el, i he
was at work en a step ladder ou a scallnld
erected at the side el th building ; while
he was (.lauding en thin stepladdei,
Philip Shcnlc, a teamster in Iho employ of
defendant, dioie iote the passage way,
neai this scatluld and by e.utleisues the
plaiuttlt alleges dtove aninn it, knocking
downpnrlef theseiffuld end causing Heed
te fall te the ground bclaiv, a distauee of
3" feet ; lloel hid h's legs broken ut the
thigh, his wrists broken, teeth kueclcvd
out, a deep gash cut in his chin, his lip
slit and was rendered a clippie ler life.
Alleging that the nceldent was the result
et necligence en the part of th i ditver of
Mr. Weugrr, tins kiii' v. brought te te
cover damigrn
The defense fur. i lien eui' en
the ground of oentiibiitory tiiiligence en
the p.ut of the plalutifr. court re
fused te ( rant tl eon su.t
I'll" deleiiHt eilleil itittinb'r of wit
neiwi s te prove that II md sav the team
coming, saw that it he in ; duven cIem
te tl'O scalfeldiu n':d could have avoided
the nccidt'iit by getting down from the
step ladder te thoteiflold. Ou trial.
1' leltl It Hi. It OITTRKSON
lu the sui' of Hei ! , U - i s 1 1 ib S
ai.d Franklin II Mmk, i lumber of
witnesses hive been called by thn plniutill
toptev that there was an I'tfensive smell
te the matter which ciuie from tin de's t.itnn ry and pasi d thieiigli the
prcDiiMV of pi kin ill neiiipe'iling him at
tunes te keep tl. ii,d.)-vi mid dir6 .it
his liouse olefed e i',. i .is nee was
cieatid by the pl.iu.ti'l , !.' up the
wa'rr ennrse f.t in t' , i t j Ou trial.
Unrrrui Hint,. ia
Abraham li. Il.isy, et 1','u ibethtewu,
mis aj pointed gtianli.ei ' the in mir
grand child of K . .1. U d. r, deceased, late
el 31 1. Jey lurxm'i
Jehn N Wools, ,,.. Ejkmau mi I
robins Lelim iu, el I.eaeeck tevushlp,
wire apiniint:'d viewers te t.' the line
of the eh' Li'joaster A, Philadelphia turu
piki. a (lis a ic of 7V5 y.irds, ueir lands
of Jehn II. Hershey au I e hers
Jehn li Heist, Jacob O. tiller and
Christian L Niesley wete appulutid
vieircrs te lav out a read from a point en
the Harrisburg turnpike, iu Mt. Jey
township and uniting at . jm.mi m the
public rel lea !mg from E - ibj u ev i te
Nissley's mill.
Jonathan Stycr, cry, wn granlcd a
soldier!.' licoube te pe-1 lie feiMln in the
county of Lancaster.
Ilrnrrtlei. unil Surety cmics.
The following di'sertiaii and Mirety el the
paace ail" will le beird ti-nurrew
m irn.n by '! t emit commencing at 10
o'clock : Uceic Sel'ers, sutety of peace ,
IV t r Weinbcrge,.", desiirtlnn ; DinlelE.
Kice, f'iiety of pence ; Prank Frit, de
hcrtmii ; M..i llitnrr. Atulrew WiImiii,
Win. Cesle.,, Jacob Ulessbrcnucr, Win
Iviug, Dind 31.. ' iewie, surety of pmce ;
Jereini.ih 31. li.ihii, .l.diu Campbell, de
sertien ; Jehn Campb II. h 'icty of pi-ice ;
lieiiteji S, 3IcI'.lwec, ile-nr'n ii , Fraucus
Fisher, lleury it -idol, Martin I) nl. n,
Hsuhcu Iluttet , Frank Hudlinger, snr ty
of pn.icfi ; Fiat l Wilsen, desertieti ; Sarah
P.. billet, Was'iiugteu lid.vnim, surety of
piace; D.unil llletteuberger, desertion ;
.lehn II Qiilnn, surety of peaee ; l'.enji
inn. F. I'.yait, 31. 31. DIggs, Win. T.
Veu.irt, !i sertien, Careline I'attersen.
mi ety of peace
m ,ir 'i tit; i.suaiiiMiiiNT
Ol t -nilitliTs Dl.iiurtliiB 1 liBinselvcs
in or nut tit til IMversliiui
The ei cimpmeut el Grorge II. Themas
1W Ne. 81, G. A. It., at Whit Glen pirk,
was very largely attended en riiuit.ilay
afterii'ieii. Them are niiiLteju tei.ta en
Ih ground, all of which are ec?upiul. In
the altiruiuti thoie was a wheelbarrew
race. The oenit..tniits weie blindfolded,
and the eiu whuu iug ueaiert te the stake
fias te get a geld inula!, and thu second
nearest, a silier tuadul Tim contestants
were Henry Leenard, II irry Sanderson
and Geerge Ileuedict. Sanderson and
Benedict each struck ihe stake, and they
decided by let which enn wai te rccuivu
the geld medal. Smderseu was tlm lucky
oue aud rucmvtil tl.e geld mudal, aud
Benedict the silver medal. Leenard was a
great diutnucu from the stake, and thu
committee will probably award ldin a In the (.veiling there was
a line display of llruweikri. Tayler's
orehestra furnished the inule for the
daueing, and a large number ei persons
were en the dauciug platform during the
afternoon and uvculug aud leamed te be
enjoying tlicrnrelves. Others were beating
nud llhing. The rain of la-d night and
thin morning will prevent a I.i go ntteml
ancn te day.
11 eililli..; Ilrll.s In Kpiirutit.
Mai tin G Ihumbatiuh, superintendent
of thn publie sclienls of Huntingdon
county, was married In Jlphial. i en Thurs
day morning le 'lias Ann i Kenlgm iclinr,
the only daughter of 31 r. Kdwiu Kenl
Riaeher. 'i'h'J ccrenuiiiy wan purfermed at
the iciiiilencn of thn hrlde's father en Il.iit.
.Main stitct. by the He v. II. II, llriiinhaugh.
of HuiilliiKileii, editor of tlie Uetpel JA.M
Ktngtr, iu the presence uf n number of
invited guests. The bride aud groom left
ou the evening train for Huntingdon.
A llequest ( Inn Alrlruu nl, ri Ulinreii
The will of Hairiet Hwceiiy, thu colerod
doctrcEsef ConertteRnCoutro, was admitted
te pieb.itc nt the register's olliee ou Thurs.
day aftonieon Tlie following bcipiest of
a puhlle naiure aptnari : "I glve and ho he ho
ipie.ith unto the Afrlem AI. P.. church two
looms furnished with two beds nud ether
furniture (or the use of the ministers of
the African M. K. chinch of O'onestega
who may from titne te time lm stationed
them or preach en tint ehaign "
'I Mini in Inn l'.trn IViiitmlUry
Geergn Fokle, Iho tramp, oemmttted
last weelc of nu attempt te commit a felony
en tlie twolve year old dauchter of Fred
erlek Uailbaa'i, nud soritanced te underge
nu InipilhoniiHUit'ef three yours in thu
ihstern penitentisry, was taken te that
Institution this morning by ShnrilV High
and Deputy Sheriff Strino.
llUrliiircnl ler IVunl nl r.vlileiioe.
Harry liroem was heard by Alderman
l'e i drey lust evening nu n oiinrge of
driuikniiunts and disorderly conduct pro pre
li md by Luiu Truascr. Thn presecutrix
lulled te iiinke out a oane and the accim-d
was discharged from oiistedy,
lrruKN in.nimes ri rs ,i e
lint Ireii.liliiK llnlMftt inn llnnir.tle, nl Nnn-
nnr, In One ,,f ,n MuhI lttmstl.slili
Ohiiici, Kvsr
A liner gaum was perhaps neier wli
iicsM'd ou any ball Held than that plnyrd
between tlie Ironsides nutl Diiniestlcs, of
Newnik, lu the latter place en Thursday.
Fifteen iuningKweie played ntul ihe win
nitig tun was made iu thn last half of the
last Inning by the Ironsides. Theru have
been a few names phi) cd where the number
of Innings wow the Rame, but nenii whom
neither slde scored until tlie llfteenth
inning. Our special correspondent gltes
tin lellnwiug account of the gmue :
f) ie wiu in great reim and Oldllehl was
pist us lit te play. Noither had an error,
either passed balls, sending men te base
or anything elhe. Geedman played a llue
game at, and Indeed all Mirpasscd
Ihciui.elvi'H. Tlie Iiensides had theguinn
lu the 1'JtU Inning, when MeTumaiiy Hindu
a tlueti base hit, but made a mistake iu
running and tluee men were put out. The
lleldlug of both nitijs was wen ipirful, and
Itiadleyeapliired several leiniirkably line
It was a lililu dark the I Ith inning, and
then the Domestics proposed te draw the
game and j lay It out en Satuulay. Setuu
objection wau made and the game went en
te Its conclusion. Hits of Oldlleld and
Derby wen lln game lu thu last inning
Durltig tlm lemirkabl.' contest thn audi
ence i.early went wild wilh enthusiasm.
Tlie Domeitlos ham been very much
strengthened siuee their last visit te Liu
caster. Iu tha last lour games pitched by
Hickman, their pitcher, struck out (51 men
and tint 10 hits were made oil' him
Following is the complete soure of the
game :
IIKINSIIIILS. A.. i,, I,,, ,.,,,, A.
reiiiliuy, H H I, I, I I II
iiiirKins, : , ii a i ii
I.OIIlllllUII, II) (1 II I 1 I)
Mi I'liinauv. e I li e 2 e n
lliuil.y,l l ii n e in n
iil.lllelil, e ti l i, i e
l)ellillil,.lli n e (i I Jl I
Oerliy. r t r. i a n n
l'l. I H ii u 1 II l
t'etal ri u ii ii '
iMeiriii a ii ii. In. a ii r ..
I'lemun, ill 0 1 i j i
II illkil.l, 3b i. n I J ii
I iillierry, s u i j r, i
CiKiinin, e I i. ! s e e
Wtiltfltllil i I n 1 1 n n
Omul, I t (i ii l ii
McDeinilit, 11 il ii ii n n
Murphy. 'l " n ii II "
Stone, e I. ii ii it .' e
Total ;.l e 7 is, l,
liniisl.lei ... .0 e il e ii e e ii 0 0 ii e I - I
Demestic- 0 n ii n 0 e il e ii ii 0 e U u ii-n
1 trsl Imse lij ,irni -llninnstlcs, I Iren
-.tilt-s, t Irf-lt en l.ii , -lintiit -.llti., s, Iren
slles, 1'iismt.l bull.- .slum', I.
Unine.tles, II, lien t ,. I llenlile pi ij s -i.iiiiiil.
Stene in.l II tin tl rtii.ti. IM-Hilill
Me I'liinieiy. 1'n ,i lu... nu I.i. lilnuin.
I'linn Sli, l.lin.
I inplre W esl l liny.
Omiiips IIi).i lf
Plnl.idelphia : ItmVile 7, Philadelphia
0 ; New Yerk . Athletic .1, New Yerk I :
Providence : Providence 15, Chicago ! ,
Husten ; Ihtsleu It, DtieitO; New Yerk
New erklO, Cleveliiud 'i ; Haltiniere :
Hiltlmore "t, .Metropolitan II ; I nil i map
elis , Ijouisville 7, Indianapolis I ; Kieli
nietid, V.i. : Allegheny , Virginia II , Hat
tituore, (ten iuiitiiii). Ilr.ltimere I
le, National I '.J ; II isteu : liosteu I in..u
!"i, Wiliuiiigtnn lluieii I ; Tienten : Tien
ten 1, Yeik.!; Al'.mtie City: An, list
Flew or 0, Head inu 0; Henove . I'euusvl
vaei.iU.U ", H'-unie-'.
Null. Ill (tin tlltllB.
The Litit. l"e ball lIiiIi has dihbiuded
The Metrope lUiuehib, of tlie American
assoei itien, n'ivrd In tenn tediy and
are pi lying tne Irenmde.s, who arrived
from Newark this nlternoeu. Lyueh and
Iteipuchl.tger an the haOery of the Mets,
ar.d File nud Oldlleld "I the Ironsides
The l.ineasti-r defei'.i I t club of thir
toen at McGrann's park yesterday after
noon. II ich inning the l.ine istcr put out
0 of their opponents The g.iuie utferded
consul.' r.ible iimuse'iient 1 1 the spejt it rs.
The .c ire was IS te 8
A null l.r Ditllingf
15. P. Kshb'in ill, itleiney for the Lm
e '..stiii liise ball club, tin altcrueun entured
a suit for damages, in the court of common
picas, against J. Mutrie, rnauagui of the
Metropolitan base lull club. The Lancas
ter claim that the M,ts eiitered into an
agreement te plav a game here te ilay with
them, tin' thny made all the arrangements
for playing the game, that thuv have been
put te gu ,.t cxpen-n ami inconvenience
and pull. 'tul damages cYercdiug iJICO.
OIIUIOIIS iiaumi a oeoo II1K.
A I nut nt .te linn hiiiI Klnw nl Smil ut tlie
h litiruta ntiiiintuiii rsprliii:.
The seventh nnuinl reunion of thn
I'enusyliimiii slid Man laud union medical
association wan held at Hphrata mountain
spi inns, Thlirsr'iiv I'll) slciiuiii wciu resent
from'er, S'erli, Chester, Ldaueii,
He ks, Cumberland and Philadelphia,
l'eunylv inla; C d in I H irfeid counties,
.Maryl mil, and W.udiir'gten I). (!.
Thore were present III.) physicians, ac
companied liy their wives and friends.
The Fiirville cornet bind and Lincoln or er
cIuk'i.i tunii'l d UIU-.I i fei the occasion.
Mi 0.-ituaw.d bu the plie i of thoiriiext
nui ting.
A business meeting was held at 1 1 :II(
o'clock, when Dr. J L. .mgler, of 3leunt
Jey, debviiid address nsprcsi
dent, en thu subject, " Medical F.dtiea
tiun." Ofllceis I'll the eiisiiiug year were
o'icted as fellows : I'residcut, W. S
llelaud, of Yerk ; vie presidents, II. T.
Reman, of Coueningo, Md , and Kilward
Jacksen, el I'l'il i.lelp' 1 1 , M-cretary and
lie.isiiiei, S. I Heuse, nl Yerk. President
J tela id appimitiid iu executive committed
ns follews: Alex Craig, of Columbia;
Gcergu Llieaweuer, of Lobauen ; O. S.
Dire, n' Hi-iug Sun, Md. ; .1. Trebatt, el
Aiinviile, aud W. W. Dale, or Carlisle.
I'ii li IIU ''en at lln Ointnrs.
Kiein .lie Ite.nlllli: I lilies.
A ii 1 1 ill her of members of the linrks
oeiinty modieli iiociety liuld n reiiiiinu at a, Lancviter county, Thursday.
Our physliilatui are a hard working elass of
people, who don't often gut an opportunity
te enjoy a day of relaxation ns a body.
Thu nbsniioe of mi m my of them gave n
ehan"( f r would hi wits te get off iinoient
jokes ab nit tlm blessed relief thereby
vniij3H.ifiil te the pitients,
llimvy Siiteiirus of 'i ive ViirK Vlllitlinr.
Hemy Ilgenfril. and Goergu Mutulis
weiii brought before the Yerk county
court for sentoiieo en Thursday. Tin
Judge sentenced Harrv llgmifrltz, en tlm
chiirge of rape te llftccu years in thu
K.isteru puuiieiitiury, iu soparate and ceiilluement, pay n llnu of 500
nud costs of prosecution. Ou the charge
of assault with Intent te kill, two years in
thu F.uUjui peuiientiary, fiOllnu ami costs
of piojeeutieii Ou oharge of ruhbery
two yiaiH iu thu paniteutlary, $10 llnu nud
costs ui proiccutleii, On the oharge of
mayhem, one yen m the Eastern peniti n
tiary, i 10 line, and ousts of prosecution
On charge of larceny, enu year in tlie
penitentiary, $10aud oust of prosecution.
1'u lying concealed deadly weapons, ene
year in peulteiitiaiy $10 line and oestn of
prosecution, te oenimouoo after tlie ex
pliaUnn el thu lirst sentoiieo. Making in
ull twenty ene yuais Mundls was nun
fenced en thu sime eharges, oxcept mny
hem. ler twentj years in tlie Kastrrn
an i,iirn.i ninu'ii Urltlel Cleiiuitlnii,
David Coeliian, of West Willow, who
was Injincd by being thrown from a inule
ou Monday nud tun ever by a w.igen, lias
(iik .i h ii i. for the wnrsn nud Is
rnid'i I te lm iu a very critical ceu