"" .". ," V;3r4iid' v i : rt fJL Kr ft)je JatntfxiW fe. 3?&a& EH ? vl lAV TV St" t'3 -. t t T- Voluiiie XX-Ne. SUM). LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, AUOUST 29, 1884:. Price Twe Cent. 3i . in.HMilinMHrtilij K .V-.U'H1A.-jsT,rL? fru KJB.A :ry(MtBft'iMiuwT1)' viw. gl 1 IMMA44 .90 ' liKir UUUJM. JOHN H. UIVl.KII AUU., rer Dry lloeils. Jehn h. mvi.Kit.t co Fer lllnck Hllkt. JOHN H.dlVLKIt A CO., Ker Colored Hllk. JOHN H. (II VI. Kit .tee., Knr Huininsr Hllks. JOHN H. (II VI. KH A CO., Ij rer Kluured ronueo Hllks. i JOHN H. (II VI. Kit .ICO, Knr I'lntu 1'oiiRee Hllks. (JOHN H. UIVl.KII & CO., Ker Krrneli Hnlcrns. If JOHNS. (I IV I.Kit & CO, Km- rrmii'h nml Hretch (llnxlmin. JOIINH. (I IV I, Kit A CO., Kei WlllUitloeihi. JOIINH. Ill VI. hit; I CO., for Kuihreliluriu. JOHN H. HIVLhll A CO. rer Wltlte mitl llluck I.nct'. JOIINH (MVI.KIt A CO., Kurdish Millions, Kwt KIiik Hlnxit, I' Kit IT fi' 1NMVAIIH J. B. MARTIN & CO. 77 , exi. j pi. .rt: ix i. ncastei: vut:i:t: you cax huy rut: Best ifxuit Jars IX THE MARKET AT THE t'OLLOU'l XO LOW I'llK'ES : QUARTS, 95c, Y GALLON, $1.20, .") Doen I eh, l.u.ns .')(. Per Deicn. Every Jfir aimmntoert ProBervo the OontenUt. In Kvery JiS'jliY 1'UVI ! M !, TIN TOP.UQ,; tll'KNTIIli! Ifii-c, Aqiiu, Auilier, Kuliiiiit, Itniiiiii. AiiilitM'ina ami llliiinu (llawvuni. s J. B- MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King ami I'riuceNt routs. iJAltl'HTH, JtV. s lllttn'H tlnlll'l'. I' IIAI.l.. B ARG AINS ! -AT- SHIKK'H CARPET HALL Vlliii! Oir te (lest Ituniiiess. Kverjlliim Must Positively be Sold. A Mill l.tiienl IIOUY ItltUHHKI.S, TAt'K-CMlt, an l.l Hrt III.ASKKI'S. I'll VKIII.KT.1 nml Oil. CLOTH VfTALL ATA SAClilMCK.i&l - l'iiiiiiiliilliiiitlnii Klvun te till) Miiliul.it'tme nl Ittu; Curptits In nnliir. -A I'- SHIRK'S CARPET IALL DOR. W. KINC1 A U inli'ti'iiiiilnn WATBIl MTM.. IKIIIK.S I . Kim a iih SUMMER JLWELRY, RHINE STONE SPECIALTIES IN SILVER JEWELRY. Lace Pins, Hair Pins, Cellar Buttens, Bracelets and Bangles. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 1.ANUAHTKU, I'A. nuer.H jc NiittKti. V INK IIANH-ITlAllIt MHOKH. WM.H.GAST, Ne. 105 North Uncen St., Lancnster, WK AUK AI.M0.V1 DAILY HK0KIV1NH NKW (S0()I9, Ami will murk ilium iiltim l.ewimt I onallile KlKtirn te InHiiie qnlek num. Wu Imvn tlui IKHV I'iWlKIl HOOT 111 till) limrkel, BOllil lliniilKlieiit ! ii lietlur Imet U net In Im Imil unj w lieru ler W ei )uu wllliilwiiyd tlml Inn liiilni liiire In HKADY-MADK IIOOTH ANIIHIIOKH. In Custom Werk we ciiiillmia te mcnl 1.1-uve your iiinLtiiin for ulilul pntr mul ion will iilwiiyn lien lmtiim llinrnmliT. II you In tuliil Ki'ttlllK H KINK HOOT Oil HllllK villi .mil fxmnliui our work mul ttnl our prim, anil tliun oeiii)i le tin in Willi nlluir inukiw. In 4 flmil&w HTUVKH. poeu, wiiitk ei iiun.r.iiiiueii, --BANKI3RS,-- 40 WALL bTRHRT, Uew Yerlr. llrekiirs mill Dealurs In Hallway ami all etliur Hecurltles, UA Hi WAY INVKHTJIKNTH 11 Hpecliilty. In tlie svluctleu ami 03II11111I0 el whirii tlitur Ieiik coniuntleii with "l'oeitn Hakhai. tt KAiLHiHim "KIVC1 ilium apetlalml Vuni-i-iK Coiiiispeniluiiro Invlteil mid in. ijuli H' aiiBWei I'd Dupesll ut'ceillilH lutniveil mid lutoreit ulievvixi. ml'J-Ouiued IIIIIN P. U1VI.KK& VO rer flummer Ulevts. JOIINH. UIVLKH ACO rer I.iulles' llesu. JOIINH. UlVI.KIt.t CO.. Ker Clittilreit'fl Heme. JOIINH.01VI.Klt ACO rer l.mlliui' Cnrsets. JOIINH. (MVI.KIl XIV), rer Misses' Corsets. .IOHNH.OIVI.Kll.tCO, Fer (Inimi Umlurweur. JOIINH. UIVl.KII A CO., rer Ludles' Muslin Under wenr. JOIINH. UlVI.KItACO., rer I.iulltw' l.lnen (,'ellnr.'i, JOIINH. 0I I.Kit A CO., Ker lllnck Ciislunerns, JOHN H. (IIVI.KII.VCO., Ker Himrtiittn Cletln. JOHN M. (II VI. Kit A CO.. Ker MeurnliiK Uceds. JOHN H. (I I VI, Kit A CO., Onn 111 llniise, l.tinriutur, rn. J. I U.S. 11,t.HHWilltr. GUMS, 8c. Roapeab rind 'ally Wnrrnnted te JMLLY TUMBLERS, GLASS TOW, 28c. NKW LINK Or Idinca.st.er, I'm BARGAINS I All Unultn of INUIIAIN CAItl'M'S, J LANOAfa'IMn, VA or AtlT. 4, West King Street. limyUMyil VAJtl'JtTH K itaiii.ihiiku mae. CARPETS AT Philip Selium, Sen & Ge's lf0 BOUTII WATKK BTUBKT, I.ANUASTKU,lA. Wu liuvu a lull supply el UAU AND K1I.L 1NU CAItl'KTH We 0 only iihe tliu Ixwt el yarns. It you waul a uoed. Borvlceulilo t.aipel, pliiiiHii t'eiuu mid uzitinliiii our stock Ihiieih puiclittsluit elsuwliiirn, M e will soil in etieup us ttiuctioupetjt, Ceiuu uuil seu loryeursulf mid buconvlnced, ns wealwayn luive tliu rupiiia rupiiia tleu et iimklni; tlrst-ilaa Caipula. CUSTOM IIAU OAKl'KTH A HPKClALTi CllVKItl.KTH. COllNTKItl'ANKH, HI.AN- KKTH, (JAItl'KT CHAIN, HTOCIL INtl YAHN.AU. HyuliiK Hi H. Denti In all IU liruncliiid nt short mi COAL1 COAL I Ol tint lauit qimllty, oxpremly ter family iiik THY AHAMl'LKTON. ItKM KMHK.lt TIIK OLD Hl'ANI) LMI11JL KC1IUU, SON At COs. Ne IADNOUTII WATKIl HTHKKT, rJ-llild LANCAHTKIl, I'A s MlllOOI. TAX KOlt 1HHI - IIIK IHipi.l. i:TI''. i In tlin I111111U ill II111 lieiiiiri'i- lliii.etini I'oiiLeir i pulil liy A iiiritHt 1. W.O MAItSII M.I, Tiem Ne. UC011t10.ln11.1iu. oilice 11 iur4, Mem '.i;j. in, te 1 p. iu, tm M Kit IV At. A OHKAT HIJOOKHS. HOP PLASTER. Tills porous nliuiter In Imnmm ler Un quick nml hourly action In curing mirie Hack, llliou lllieu inatlsin, Hcliitlcn. OHck In ilie lliick, Hlilurinil Hip, Nimrnlglii.ritlir.leliitn mul Munclcix, Hern Cluwt, Kliliuiy TreuuIuM nml nil pal iih erncliOM oltlier lecnl or doep-ncntoil. tt noellic n, Htriinitttiiins nml HllniiilnUis tlin purt. Tim virtues el lieps ceinblnnd wltli cuuin clemi nml rcmly te apply. Hupurler te llnlniautH, lotions nml snlvi'S. 1'tlce, ZA rents or B ler $1.00. Held liy (IrugKtAtH and country Htores. ilnlli'il en rcuilntei prices. Hep Vlattir Cum jkimj, I'reprluUiiH, lliiaten, JliiHi. A GREAT SUCCESS. -Tlie lirst Inmllv pill nmilrv-lliiwlcy'fl Blnmnrh nml l.lvur i'llls. 're. I'lcnsnnt In action nml ciuy te take. nevifl-lyilAw (l) VAUUiAUMn, av. N" HIlr.OK A' Mll.KV. iClit! 'S ItltlllTS HUHTAlNKO II Y I.ANCASThll i;ei;nty ceuhth. A.IUST DKClalON. OUIt l'UULIC HAI.KS AltK l.K.OAL. Otllt CUSTOM KltH IIAVK I.AWKIM. ltltlllT TO III) Y ASCIIKAT AH I'OHHIIII.K. TWO MORE GRAND SALES miltl.NU TIIK GREAT FAIR WEEK. On Tuesday and Thursday Mornings, SKPTKMHKU art A: lilt. CO MKNCIMi AT IN(I I O'CLOCK A AT 12 M. II. I I.O- 'I Iiome ri-flrlni; liiirci'.lm hIieuM uUi'IhI.iih w will (.ell ut nt In eritur le uiivki) umiiii for (INK llllNIHtKlinNKHLI' HJIl-l Hut will lie elli-rril in Hut pulillc In hciiheii Don't nuy Kuncy I'iIci-h wlii'ii you tun liny ler nne-tlilril Uiii All loot ourewn liuiuiil.ivtiilii All lelif k'liiiruiiHii.l ,or enn yi'iir. Tlie hill lijlnit te prnviilit im liniiim-llliiK ut piilillOHiiln vim !(? iierul en Hntunliiy, Auunsi it. 1MI. Hon'tfei tti't illili's: TUhHOAY AND '1 IIWKSllAY .MOUNINI1X, ShlM'KMHICU it nml llli, nt l o'tleck, mul (I0-.I111: m IJ 111., ut tlmlr hliew ItenuiH, Oomer Utike rind Vine StroetH, Lnn odnter, Pa. 'Iuiiiii niuilii known mul ulti'iiiluni n i:icu liy NOItllKCK A Mll.ia It K. ltev, net loin or. .SOIKOni Stock roexNtMOl 'lop nml Ne. lop niiKi.'lt". Onn mul Tn.sut IM1.1 Iiiiih, Milt kill Unroll , Jlllini 8i'Ut LillllllKi'H nml m'iiiiiiI liuuil Mirk et all kliiiU. 4MM. eititi vei': miii.uK.tti THE STANDARD Carriage Werk OK I. N( A-'l Kll ( il!N I EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, IN ItKVIt OKCKNTUAI. MAHIIKI' IIOIIMK" I.ANCAMTKIl, I'A. 11 iiiuke evuiyHlylii HtiKlty nml C'iiiI.iik iIcnIiimI. All wink nntslit'il In tlin 10031 coin let lulile uuil 1 Irtfiuit slyli. We ife only tliu In 91 Duli'Ctuil iiiulurlitl, nml mn ploy only the ImihI iiieclimilcn. Ker iiiiillty el work e.ir prU'i'S 1110 the clil'iipeat In llle l.ite. W n buy 101 cnsli mul Hull mi tlin nie't ifiL.enal.lii tin m . UHii in 11 call. All work uarrmileil. Kli.rAlltl.NO I'ltOMl'Tl.t At I'hNIU'.li In. Onoet1tetwork1111.il oipecially einplii. lei Hint mn peiii n-triiAw ill.AHH Atttt OIM-.y;,VMI.H( ir 011 a- m.itri.. MASON FRUIT JARS At CHINA HALL. MASON FRUIT JARS -AT- The Lewest Prices. LIGHTNING MUITJAH8 Tlie Heil In I lie .Market at High & Martin, ir KAHT KINU STHKKT. ANcianai. pa rinwAita, xu. (1 I 'I O J JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, Ne. 'J I Seuth iUHin Sliret, -KOlt TIIK- CHEAPEST and BEST REFRIGERATORS. WATER COOLERS, Lawn Mowers, (I A IW EX UOEH A XI) OIL CLOTH. JOIN P. SCIATJI, 24 Seuth tuUTJ-lVd Quoeu Streot, !.ANOAUTKU, I'A. A UOTIONKKK ANO KIIAI, KM I' AT I. iV AOKNT. HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTlONK.Klt AND ItKAI. K3TATK A(J KNT, 61 North Dtike St. LnnoaHter, Pa. Cverythlnu portal n I ni; te my Imslmu-i win locelvoiny poi-aeualatloiillon, Tnrms nnuoo nnueo nnuoe ublu. Ulveuuncall. luiUMM NORBECK & MILEY SACKED CITIZENSHIP (IOV. OI.I'.VKI.AMO'd HUtONU VII'.WH A Mpefrli Dellvrrnd Hi nullum Timt It 111 Hliatp Uentrnit te nrrrnlnry itlslnn' 1'xtrniirilliiery Tlicerlcs. In nlinrji centr.iBt te tbe failtire of Mr, Hlnliie te nueevt tlie rif.litB of our nattir.il- l.cd ultl.enH abroad nre tlie wenls of Orover Ulovelautl. wheti, fH ninyer or HiifTnlt). he jirealdcd t u m.i'ii tncetini; In tliat city called te jirelcRt. urrrtintit tlie troatmentof Atnoilean cUIkeiir Impri'ir.nrd abroad. Mayer Cluveland nald : Fnt.t.ew OiTizr.vq TIiIh Ih tlin fniinal mede of addrcr.8 en oecasloiiH of IIiIh kind, but I think we nolilem roall.e fully Iti nicauit)) or hew valuablu n tlilntr It In te be a oltlzen. Frem tlie eaillcnt civilization le be a citizen ban been te be :i froe man, endowed with certain prlvik'uen and nuvantni'ca, mid entitled te tlie full jirolcctlen of tliu ntate. The dnfnure and protection of peirieiuil rlRhtn of itn o'tb.eim hai itlwayn breti the paramount and most Important duty of a frcecnllj'hteneil .evi rntiitut And pcrhapH 110 pivernniciit ln this tincrcd ttust niote In ku kcciiiif; tb.iu IIiIh tlie bout and frccitt of them all ; for here tlie coile who me le be protected nre 11.0 flource of these pewcm which they delegate upon the ex pre h compact that the citizen shall be protected. Fer thin purpose we cLoeno theso who, ler the tirae bolus;, nball niauagn the luaohiuery which we have net up for our dofenso and Hafety. And thin protection adhercn te ns Iu all laudrt and jilaccn an an incident of clti .eiiHhi). Let but the wei'ht el a nact ili ili ieim hand be put upon thin xaurcd thiup, and a great Htreng overiuncnt nprinH te lt feel te aveiiKO the wrenj;. Thus it in that the n.ilivn born American citizen en J03A hit) birthright. Hut when, in the westward march of the empire, thin na Hen waa founded mid took root, we heckoued le tlie Old World, and invited hither it immigration, ami irevidrdn mede by which thoe who sought a home auieng im inihl beconie our follow fellow follew oiti.eiiH. They e.iine by thnuKaiiiln and hutidredrt of theiit.imlh ; they came and lloueJ tluiil.uk e .I uiihN a ay. Ami Kave tlieMi)lii lien m today ; they came with htreu miicui, and brawny arum te aid in the Kiewtnaiul prorem of a new country ;thoye..tne and upon our altarn laid their leaky and uubiimien ; they came te our temples el puitice, and under thoHeIomnity of an 0.1th renounced all al al k'i.mce te ever ether rtat , )otcntate at.d ReverciRiity, and e urriMiiIercd te tin all the duty pertaining te mob allegiance. We have aeeeptcd tlirr lcalty and invited thcni te surrender the protection of their native land And what tdieuld be kicu thorn in re turn '.' Manifestly, e;ii id faith and overy dictate of honor ilemand that we five theui the Kame lilierty and protection here and flsowhere which we vouchsafe te our native born citbetiH. And that thin ban been aeeetded te them is the crowning ;lery of Amciicau iustltiitletiH. It needed net the Htatute, which Is new the law of the laud, declaring that "all naturalized citi.eim whlle iu foreign lands me entitled te and shall icceive from this overnment the same protection of porHenw and property which 1:1 accorded te native I10111 citi.ciiR," te Miice the ji 'Hey of ou nation. In all lauds where t lit-- nambl.mce of I berty is prerv"d, tlu r i;lit el a parson uirchted le a speedy accusation and trial i", or ought te be, a fuud.iinental law, as II is a rule of civilization. At any rate, we held it te be he, and thin is one of tlie ii;lilri which we under take te Kiiui.iutee te any native burn or naturalized citizen of 0111s, whether lie be imprisoned by order et the (J.ir of Russia or under the pittext of a law ad ministered for tLe hei.ttlt 01 the lui.lid iiiihloctaey of England. We de net claim te tuake l.rM fur olher eeuiitrics, but we de lusift that win ever theso l.i is m.i he they no, ill, 111 Hie ii li-r-est of human fiecdeui ami the rights of mankind, he lar as they involve the liheity of our citi.ens, be speedily adiuuiiHteieil. We h.ue a right te ay, nml de siy, tlu' me id suspicion, witiumi exaniln.it ion or trial, is net sulllcient te justify the long iinpiisonnienl of a citizen of Amone.i. Other nations may p'rmi'. their eiti..uis te be thus imprisoned. Ours will net. And til's, in otlcet, has been solemnly de.ilaied by htatute. We nave met here le-mght te ceiirldtr this subject, nnd te imiuire into lae ciuse and the reasons and tliu justice of th nn nn nn prisounient of certain of our fell .v uituiuns uew held iu llrltish prisons without tlie Homblauce of a trial or legal examination. Our law declares that the goveruim n s til act in siiali canes. Hut the people .no the creators of the government. The undaunted apestle of the I'liiisuau religion, imprisoned and persecuted, np pealing oenturies age te the H in I iw and the rights el Reman eiti'iislnp, boldly demanded, "is it lawful ler yen te sceurge a man that is a lieman and 1111- 0011(1011111011'.'" Se, tee, might we ask, appealing te the law of our laud and the laws efcivilizi lien, "is it lawful that tneae our fellows be Imprisoned who nre American eitieni and uiioeimomiioil . I deem it an honor te be culled upon te preside .' such a inoeting, ami I thank )iii for it. niAKINO A UII.11AN K.lUI . Tliemtt Delt's 1 lilrtnnn eurn of t-vmilciuti Unitur ilin HurKeiii I 10111 tlie New Voile Hun. Iu 1871 Themas Celt, thou 12 veais old, was taken te Itolluvue hospital, Nuw Yeik, sulleriug from a diseaHO which had ib's treyed his nose and lips anil had begun t nlloet his eyes. IIe wau taken in aharge by Dr. (iiintavus Babine, and Hincithnt tune has been under troatinent with a vm.r te leplacing tlie lest parts of the lace. After the course of the disoase had been cheeked the process of building up wan begun by cutting away the flesh about the edges el tlie oritleo. wliore tlie ue.ifl Had been. Then the iuside of the large llngt of the right hand was Uayed, and the ficsh cut wound was lltted wliere the nom should be, The hand was held iu plan by bandages and plaster of pans until Hie finger had grewu fast te the forehead and cheeks of the patient. In the meantime the mouth was eovered by the hand, and a silver tube was inserted Inte the lad's tlneat, through which he was foil, and through which he also breathed. When the grafting of the lluger te the j face was completed, and circulation cstab lished, the linger was nmputnh d mar tlin ' knuckle, 'eaving two and a hair uuis at ( t ached te the face. The ejierai ions se fai had tequircd about a year, but tliu precv nh I was only begun. The next step was te 1 1 im down the tieger into the shape et a in )e ny rtmevln.' the bone and gradually building up the lleali en each side and diawlng the skin from the eheul s and I'eieliead ever It. In coureeof tinie tlie icnilt sought was obtained, except that j there worn as vet no nostrils. i The eves of the unlortunate boy hud both been drawn out of position t.ome-' whnt, nnd thei.0 wote straightened ! 1 clipping neivuH in the niauiier iiFiutly adopted bv ectillstH in treating crosj-eyed poeplo. The oyebrows wcre nlne patehed up at the Inner ende. The next ntep was te give the boy a new pair of lips. This was dene gradually by taking pieoeH of flesh from the cheeks nnd grafting thorn in place bit by bit. Ycsterday, nfter thiitecn yenrs of oxperience under a nurgoen'n knife, having meautltne tiudorgnne nnd lecovercd from thirty different operation, the patient, new a young man, left the hospital. Ilin face wan smooth, and te the canual observer bere no traces of whnt he had paRBcd through. The oase is extraordi nary for the extent of the work dene and the perfect r'.milt obtained. Net les3 extraetdlnary was the fortltude of the patient, who never murmured under the necessarily painful opsrntiens, nud who, when walkinc the fleer because of his sufferings, was went te oheor up the ether patleuts in tLe ward by telling droll stories, of which he had a large supply. IIe was known in Iho hospital as "Patient Temmy." 1.1 te t lllj hnrr.tOKli Hulfilit. The largest two holds at Saratoga would bn crowded by ether persona than guests during the hours of musle and dancing wero net restrictive measures adopted . The houses cannot be thrown open te nil comers, as at small resorts, with no ether rule than that these who outer shall le dressed. Therefore doertoudcts put the (itiofitien " Are you n guest I" te nil com- rs wliose faces tuey de net recall ns lie longing te bnardetu. Hut tlie audacious and expert helle from a $2 bearding liens j does net let resentment serve te exclude her from the most coveted privileges of the $5 establishment. When the sentry chal lenges her, nhe removes nil oxprcisleu from tlie icst of her pretty face and unn centrales iu her eyes the creatent amount of scorn she can command. Then slie tuins her ees llxedly mi the hireling, murmurs " certainly, sir," and moves smoothly, unhesitatingly, slowly past him. j IIe knows that she lies, hut what can he de about it? I Welreinlllc tlie lllrli S ilter. Kiem tlieflt. I.nuls Critic. She l'apa is very particular, and I doubt very much whether he wi'l his con sent. He-Wliy? ; Hhe Il is nppesr.l te my marrying a' man who has net wrtabll&iiPd Vthm'iV iu buiiiie.'is, ami, (jeoige, .you knew you luve net. Hew could you dear, win n nil jour , aftei noens are spi'nf, at tlie binnb.ill games '.' He Hut, my love, I have hidden the truth from you until new. I wanted In' j.ive you a glorious purprise. 1 de iui gn te baseball games merely te Imili en. She Yen are net a i He Yes, I am the She The pitehn- ' On, l mien ! I'lm u I indeed joy. I theiiL.'ht fiein llm me and color of your, hands that you werkid in a tauyatd. ' llriint It "et. ' 'Mm ubove U un old khv in h.iv.I;e ai II in hi'ii"t'le-s. en can't "Ki-uni nut" iljMei'pxla, Hill ll,Tl V;,llll piHlll I, 11,11 ll'll , l,llll.-T.i i, txllt. , unce !iit u 14000 bel.l. 'i liny ilen'L loeiovo , tliumsi.lvrt In tlml way 1 no tuliliii; alew tle.ui or Jlitnterk lllimil MtteriU beiltr tli.in " Kiuiilliii; II out " W lint e cm ruinlctV no' I'liiliuv. hir Hale by II. 1). coelimn, urn 'i;0l. 1.17 and 1'Neitli tjlU'uu stii'et. A Wtilkwi; Nnrliitiin. Mr. I-. tpiliiirnr, id Mi't'liuiilc-limir, I'.i., nilli s : I win iillllrlini wltli line' lewi ami aPsieMH en Juiit., mul leiluri'il U a tunll.inj al.vtttmi (.lit a lien beltli' el Hi KIiik'h Sew !t"(i,Ytey tin ( oiMineptlon, tvliU ll dlil lue souiueiiiteodtli.it 1 IieimIii a dollar lieitlu. Altur iiliiKllirvn lint ilea, leiiml inj selt out ti inoie n man, t'Oinplotely lesteieil te liualtli, with n liearty appollte, ami n pun In tlesh et It peuniti " t'allal Ceulirau'n Hi uj Hliiie, Nm. I.17.11111I I.!1) .NnrUi (Mi rn hi net, LiinriiMei. I'.i , ami irelu Hee botiie et till' iinliln euro tin nil Lunir DlionseH. I.ure lieltliw tl.'O. (3) tin , 1 :-i. ii.'ii Hl'Ml-rfi" ti.lltf Hen , l.llm. Ceiuu, i..d all 1 Hit's I'lln, 11 ani"til H'KlVf ...tu 1. .11 uic "u vr ' llvn In I n v " ' it ill In , 1 . alt nn. i. in l-t-vt r '. ipi . llun.l t'lillbiulmt, Mil oiuplleiii. ii.li ' ,iihm1veIi no pu, r ntl r... I III i;ual- IWIf'il s.ltlMl.U'tlllll 11- IIHllll'J rnliioei" 11 it'i), by II. II 1 oileuo in put e f.ii miiu iiii;i;hu i.I7 ami II') N01II1 Uui mi -.tiri't, Liineiiniui. Yeu Can llrpniul mi It. "I'm' evi'ii' I'lolliiiclie nml ." fii 1 alia el the linhil I line I J'hiwHis' J.'clcctrla Ult. Tlilt U CllltHllllV Uli'llDil t lit 111' 1 1 Mil' luiuw ter 11 llul et pilu nl any klml. Tlie briiiH.i li 111 yer Willi 0111 it," Mm. A. M Kiunk, Ii7 W, Tupiir HI., Hull.ilii, N V Knr i-ule by II. 1). Cnelir.iu, ill iickIkI, l,!7 ami l.l'.i North (jm'eu Btii-nt. Ne llrcuiitleii UkiiI. H Is bli iui' je tunny p.i.ii ii 11. (euttuud in Htilliii'iliiy alier day Willi Dy-ipup'iln, Ller C'liniilalnt. Coullpaileii, Hnui Meinai'li. (ion (ien 0111I Hiililllly. when limy can pnu'iiiii aleur iioieMlll.llH'H VlTALI.LIt, lit'etil (tint tt It Iiiim net uiiitmr rtilli'tn I limit I'llte, TNet ntn. sold hy II Ii Cetihiiiu, iliiiifiiltt, .1' ami l'i Nl'llil t.MUHUl HlIOI'l, L.11IIMI-IUII. It'llll Otltl.'l 'nil ANtHiTAI'WHttHJt ! lAl'.K'M MIMIK hl'IIIIK, It SCIlOOIi HOOKS AM) Scheel Supplies, 1 I Dl', M.I'.ltS l.VII HCIIIIIll, hid IIOMIDS AT Lnwe.sl. Wlinlosule h'iecs, AT Till'. IKMIIiHIIlUK Of JOHI BAEBS SOIS, Ifi ivikI 17 North Qnoen Ht , LM.AHrui:. I'A. llli(J Kllir.H. V BURSK'S Kl'AL VAI.UIC. NO MUM IIIIH WniloiinlHOllthe set.illt'd HILVKIt Kpen Coltue, ler whleh you p ly ix1 11 pound ami iet a HllvorHpeou weith MK', 111010 or lews, bill v, III Hull ou alieut ut noeil a Coffee for 15c a Pound. Ilioiuuie lione el us who te bi.nlut'ss for i tiny, nml when you i.'el sum i -(oeiih, ami llue I'liuiuiis, nnd Hiiitaii lr i liu.i iehI, you i uy (ei llit'in Iu paylnit a l.m piim lei your i ullie ami TtiHUitd Kin Hut; an Inliulei nitlelti. i' in: un js ae jtuuiiT uy it t ou pay f i eiu fie te He a pound iimre than you P iv us ler the hhuiu quulllv of k.hmIh BUKSK'S, r t.) IV KA8T KINO i.ANCAh'IKU. I'A. STREET. I IAAllY until mn'ri.iiM. UANAIll, tnne. lllni 1 i Hump unit Itiipe Hi'ed, Hli Hene. Ilin M in mi, Mixed Het'd lllrd Itiilh ut Ked llrtivel In paeks iiml HI-HI. 1.1 U.VI.IIU1 'i DUUil hfOHK. i Wuil hint; slitet. Ul.UTllJJiU. r.JOT WAVKSMAlC UIIB1K ANDOU, HUT TIIK 8TKADY I'.UN AT Burger & Sutten's Centra Square Clothing Heuse, IS ALWAYHTIIKHAMK. A FEW ODDS AND ENDS, TOOI.OHK TIIK HUMMI'.ltHTOCK -AT UKUAT JAKGAINS. CALL KAIll.Y ANDHKCUIIHTIIKM. Burger & Sutten, MKUCHA.Vt' TAII.OHS AND OLOTlllKltS, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. LANCAHTKH, I'A. Il-lyil MANlJIAN . IIUO. SCHOOL SUITS OF Alili KINDS. New Pall StyleB Are Ready, .Vi liiipecllnu el this (i i and Display of Heys Hulls, WVA preve It te be llie Lniitesl mid Llunpest tliatlnetwi'i' bei'ii eldbltud lu tills city. Ovtir 3,xh l.lllln -AU.t Hltr Heys' hulls, wltli f hert nnd l.enir Pants, fte ilNplayed en reiinlcis Heys' Suits ut $1 25. Heys Suits, Lsir,er, at $'2.75, Heys Suits, Iho Idii-gasf, at, $:."() anil llii. MENS' SUITS, (Hill OWN .MANHKAC'I'llltr-:, ler Uuallly, Hiiialilllly ti'nl I II ieihi Im ni'itii te beiipprt- Intnl. Din: i'i:it i:s ai:i: run lewkst. L&ansman&Bre. 'lln-f lIlll'IN Ul.i'. Alr.Ul HAN I I'AlLtlltH Sl ULtiflllhlls, Ne. BH-liS NORTH yUBMfl STRIiKT, Itl.-lil nu ilin uiilliteict (timer et OraiiHii 4e- Net ce.inrclii.l with any nlliei I10111.0 In tlie city. Upen I'.wmlnxit. clethlni; llAT.y ixji . ii' ii .1ill.AI.Nl. SHUL-TZ'S ONLY HAT STORE, VVehUII ii.ivu iiiaiiy iiubieUun lets of Hliaw nml l.litht Coleied wt til Hutu whleh we have leilueed 111 lollewo : 7.10 Iliils ler Hnjt, WI1U0 and .Mixed. ...te 'i'ic, fl.i.ianil f 1.2.1 Mtiu's Hlrnw llaUt te iiec. 'J.eeMiieklniiWM tefl.V'J aim MiickluawH., te nt) .1 Mi MiicklnawH ie U.M) lUOaiull.'l.'iO l'earlbtlir Hum le 'j-.'5 Themi kimiIh niiitt (je btiloie the end el 1I1N Mia'eu.iiiul llii'se pilc.H will huh tliem. -(im-Htoie will be 1 lined ut olxeVloek 1111III lurtliei' iielli'O. 144 lertli Queen St.. u 1 LA NCAHTK.lt, I'A. mar27dvdAw . IIIIIN HIIIKH. W." STAlll'KKH. -TIIK- PEOPLE'S HAT STORE. ANNODNOKMHNT EXTRAORDINARY. IIOYM' STKAW II ATS ler Ac Hie. anil 15c. M i:N'S hl'U V W HATS ler ,Jte..3.'ic. nnd Mie. MUN'S DUCK HAIH, nlleoleis, fer'iV. lliUS' CAMI'AKJN C'AI'rt for lUe. IIH AIKJL'AHTKHH KOlt ALL K1NDH OK Ccimpaign Goods Ciiib-t iiirnUhednt short notice, (llve us n eail. W.D.STAUFFER&CO. 31 & H3 North Queen Streot. mvKMy tIAJ.. I II. M&KTIS Wliolep.iilo unit Hetall Do'uer tu all i.tn . el LUMHKIt AND COAL, wr&rdi He. 430 North Wnteruntt I'xluet Hlroetti above Leinnn lineaster. ni-lyJ t IDA I,. M. V. B. COHO 3 NVltTIl trATVH HT UvAWtter, IM., VYiioiesalu and HetnU Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. LViiiiim'tlcn Wltli tlie Telot'tienlo Eieliangei Yard and Offloe Ne. SIO NOUTH WATKU 8TKKKT. tebSS-lvd IJI.M.-NTV TO IMITATK, HUT MONK TU X equal mono, Havana Clirarsnt IIAUTMAN'3 YKLLOW KHONT ClUAU) DlUUDi VLOTUMU. A FKAHTOr BARGAINS Neckties and Half Heae At ERISMAIS'H, Ne. 17 Weat KIn Otroet. Gauze Undershirts, In Blxes lrem SI te 60 Indies. -AT- EEISMAN'S. M YKIIH A UATIirOit. Thin Clothing. In Kxcollent Assortment, for thl4 sortei wcatliur, ler MKN'3, IIOY'd and Cllllr DllKVfl WKAlt, In nil tlie 1'I.AIN AND M09TKAS1I10NA1U.E PAUU1C8. In liKikliiK ateiiml for Hummer requisites rumembur that tlin btwt ossertmout In CL0TI11N0 Is always te be neon liore, nnd Hint pi Ices nre euniclently varled te incut wltli lnvornmeiiK nil classosel tiuyers, nn wel ns tli03) whom lortune Iris less favored. We Invite calls. Hint we nmy be ntlenled clinnce te sliew lust wliut we have. Tlie iiiuke, style nnd quality or our CLOTHING 1 1 fully up te tlie highest standard, anil U marked nt figures that orteu make buyer e lliose tlioenly come le see. Comparison courted, trnile solicited. & LKADINO I.ANCASTUlt CI.OTIIIKHH, NO. 13 WAST KING STBBB'l LANCA3TKH. I'A. MK' CtlllANr TAII.OKINO. Sprcial for Ladies. I have lust leet'lveil a. linn or tliu KJNKHT lMl'OHTKD 1'ONOKKHIn the liuirUi-t. whlell will be se'd per ploce, renlalnliiK twenly yardi, ultlll; Hid unme quality et iroeiln 1110 HiillliiK In 1'lill.nlnlplila nt 112 mm tX Siiecial for (Jentlcincn. .lusl ri'eoWeil, A HI'LKNIUD AHHOIIT. M CNT OK WOOI.RK l;iV)DS, nullnblu ler III lint went her, which will lm llindii up iitsur lirNlnalv low IlL'iii'iMainl Hiini'rfnrjwurkuiitU: Hlilp. with trlmmlni 10 corrntpend with the uiHiaa 00111 111 quaiii.' 111111 sii'iuu I'KiirKUT KIT OlUUANl'KKDOItNOHAI.K. (llve HIP a trlnl nnd be cnuvlnentl. D. R. WINTERS, N(. 2,' R. QUKKN STHKKT, LAN0A8TKU, I'A. I IIAIIK UIIAMOK. Great Reduction -IN- FINE CLOTHES -AT- H. GrEBiHAET'S, Ne. 6 East King Street. in order te redure 11 huavj-btnek I will make iiptoeidnr, ler tlie irmalnilir el Iho noasen. nil l.lll UT.WK.IUIIT WllOLhNHul a ' liiieliiiy! 201025 if tit. This blitindiictlim Is KOlt CASH ONLY, ana will tumble tlie buyer te fcut n line suit et Clethos, uimlouple tlie bout style, nluiest an low im n ready iiiimIe shop Halt. H. GERHART. I'AfXU UAKUinutl, Mt. p" Iu O'dir loretluceoiirstookof Wire Window Screens vve will mukoaillHCeuntof ii per cent, tilt thu list. I'laeii your eiiluiH at once. We luve nil sIzch et Ir.iuies nud width et wlru In pinto nud luudneiipes ; nre pieparetl te inakii them pieuiplly mid Iu vnry oust uiuiiuer. A LOT OK tt of Me WiDiew Slides VKHY CIIKAl' IN OltDKHTO CLOHK. New paltui us Iu six nnd seven tcel lengllu. Helland?, t'luln Uoetls, Ornninents, etc. 1'Al'K.ll IIANOINUH IN NKW DKSUlNb. LACK CUHTAINH. I'OLKf, Ae. PHARES W. FRY, 57 NOUTU (JUEEN ST., l.ANUAHTKlt. I'A. VHOTUUMAVltH. J." UtlTB. Our aim la te niake as 1'llKTrV A 1'ICTlIHKel your child as the liittnte Uir.oeuu nrocess will nduilL Take n leek at llie HrKCIJtENS nt the en. Irunrole nuranllery. J. E. ROTE, Me. lue North Quoeu atroet, unei-tta MYERS RATBF1 ' M -.' A f i !' 4l M