Wwtfl TiANOASTEtt DAnY INTJBLUGKNOBl TJ1DESDAY AUGUST 2 S 1884, ' ' '' '''''" (JU.MMON 1'liKAH. Twe Hull en Trial ititnrtliiitci Livingston nun ratUimiinUiirrent lluaiunaa. UUKOIIi: JUDO I! I.tVINOSION. In the Hint (it K 8. Illtr.er va K 0. llclity, the d( fctiee was Mint the plnltittif nilil lllt.iir it 1 1 the uoiinnlHHlen Agreed iimiii en tlie machines held by hi in and ewes Mm nothing. Tim dofeiidout denied tint tlit te was iiuy violation of oentraut en IiIh part. Oa ttlitl wlien com t nd Joiittied. w.i'eiti: Junius paitkiihen. In tlie mil of llntiry Kum vn. .Tnoeb H. Shirk Hint Piittikliu O Shirk, notion t'i re onierdittnigcs, for I he malntonunce of an alleged iiiiirnnce, (he plaititlll wan put (in tliu wltmss stand yosterd ly morning mid Ids ti sllnintiy wen net oeuoludnd whim (nut (Mljourned at neon. An thorn nru 75 witt I'Miw In attendance en thin case, the tirel'iililllty Ih that It will taut tlie re mainder (it the week. curm it HiiilnrM. I'rter Geed, of llroeknook township, vini ntpiuniii gtt.uillnii el tliu miner eh t (iron ei Richard riliilHer, doeoasml, latu of Ilttokmek. Tim Mulrleal r il.lhltl'in. The Franklin Institute calls the attcn tlen of schools te Its international eleetru oil exhibition, whleli ih te hit held at I'hll ulnlphla Iretu tin- 2d of September te tlie I l-li of Oetnb r, 1H8I. I hore will he presented tit the oxhlbl exhlbl oxhlbl tlen it lull and vitried display of all the applications of eleotrlelty In tlmlr latest unit in )st complete f eriupt, jtsides mi lilntorle.il exhibit of It progress Irem tlie Unto vtheu Priuikllu diew the lightning from tlie el Mils te the prtfent day, when It l m. ule te i ak and work Tint heard el education of Philadelphia, n cognizing tlie cdue itieuil advantages of the exhibition, h in ordered that i-.wh of the grammar nehisils mid the high and normal schools hIiiiII he assigned olio day en whleli hiieh roll. ml nlull visit tlie ex hi hillen iinder charge of its teachers, and that en such day ttiore n'lail he no school sismeii. hoheol children tlirelljh the suite will lm given special rates el travel In p.utlcs of net IfMttlnt'i ill) liv appi.lug totliniiiitbiiritlunel tlie 1' It II. uu it H. rends. )jtu llram Kimrtnl The fiitn-iiil of Cyius Heun, eM, took pi ie jfHii'id.iy morning, at Keiui'H'.ewii, mid vtim very l.iruel) attended, net only h Inn i olghbets hut by friends Irem a distance 'I he liineinl seivicn wan entiilucti-d by Hev Mrphcli Hweit.er of the Refin tiled oliureh, who preach. (1 n most exed'eut sermon, in 0. i mini, Irem the ttxt : "I have fought u g..nd light; I have HnMitil my con t mi; 1 lave kept the faith; henceforth thcie In .ml up ter me a uretsu el rlt hteeii"iicss, nh eh the Lord the righteous judge cball glu-ine en that day " H-v .1 II Uinbt-u her, of the Lutheran oliureh, followed with mi nddres in Kngludi In which he paid a inerlled tribute te the tnauy virtues of the deer intd. Tlie interment wan made en the priva e b iimI ground of tlie Reams, nb nit n mm. li' m tie vilhige In accordance with a lung cn'ab'ihlu-d custom bun reds of these In atieiiil.mi-e nt tl.e lutiural returned te the Inte it'ttideiice of the deceused afttr tin funeral and took dimirr. Ill ml tt tit Mi. i t) h Hull llctir) tinner, a well known farmer I viii; neat Kixlen, met a heriibl.' death V diMMljy. He hail en Inn pi ice'i Hei mi in bull, which wa generally regatilid mi a l umerniti .utlinil. Mr (Inner h G'tii'iiiU'.l) onrero 1 the muloiiire where tin b ill w in kept and wan at enc attacked b the lien uh bru'e I'lie un'erti n tin man a'tiuiplxl te escape but w.ih iputkh overt iki'ti by tint bull and geted repea'edlj, He h tri h of ili a.mnal heimr i lungeil in bin bnar-t, lacer.itlnu it in a horrible nihii er AcMnt.vice at Lift en me. but whin the bull wivihetten nil Mr Oriutii wii f. u ii. I te be uieitally Hiatal il, bi liumt ainl llingn ixpored te Mew tin nij.li the fear'ul weundn He wan alive wnen iLHCiled, but did net long Mirvive nl. ill ill. I ..III ty Klr. The m.inm eiin nt of tlie e unty lali have ric ivid a chei'k Tir $.V from Mrnw biiilgi kV C.etll'il, ut I'liil.i'lrlpl i.i, te t i'iv iliil into tl'ice preni'iiniM, j'.'.l l'i ami 1 10 Inr the iirxt, xecetld and thud bi'bt l-i mi maite drcHHrH A .1. Weld ler. e' l'ln udrlphia, ban prtn 'iited a beuutilul haugii g lump ai a premium for the bent pound in hiit'cr. Fur wraln drillit fiem the Shrpbridn town Manuiii)turiug ueinpuy, of Mi p henUtewn, W. V., the tlmt inhibit te anive, leached the ground jenterday attenioen. The balloon atceimleu will be made at 4 p. m., Tueday. Illiruinu nt tli c A. K. Kiiemiipiiirnt, The cncaitipiiient at What Olen oetn tncncid te da, and abut ene thninuud jutrHeiiH wero predeut. Tint op tiling aiMrenn wni" lniide by Maj A U Hulnoelil Tlie ci campiiieiit in under the aiiBiiieen of (l"erge II. Thetnan pet 81 and no' Ailuntal Hevueldn pest lO.'i, uh ntatrd jeHetday Thore me evor twenty tentn circtul at the eneimpmeut and mere are expected when voeting pnHtn arrive upon the pretlnd A hand of iiiiimie in in atten dance, a e, union in upon the ground, with winch te lire morning and evening milutcH and tl ere ate many ether attraotleun thtt can baldly lail te draw a crowd. feet tlriilieil toy mi Anvil Thin morning about 10 o'clock Nelnen Neigiiiln an empleye in Ileht'n builei weikn, met with a painful aoeidoi t. He win. at work at a double anvil that in, one anvil wan placed en another te raimi it te the proper height The upptr anvil top pled evor and 'oil en the feet of Mr. N r grain, eriiihlug (he arch of the iuntep He wun taken te bin home, en Ann ttreet,neai Cliehliuit, whero he wan attended prefen niniially by I)r Q,m. It Weletiail" llln Injury In very piiuful, but lie will net lone bin loot. Hniicmy tc'iiiel i rletir-iil mi. The NillKville Union Sunday hehoel will bold ilH annual celebration in AiUtn It. L'mg'H woede en next Saturday. Aug !I0 The Eden cornet bund will be en band te enliven the oceanion with inunle Should the weather prove unfavorable, the cole cele cole hiatien will be held the tlrnt Hue day tel lewiug Sunday. TIi Ilnctiim' ItmintiMi The Union Medieal association, com pi ned el profe'Hletial praotltleiuirn of Liu enteral! I Y' rk oenutiov and Cecil euutv. Jlaryl.u d, are holding their Boveutk annual leunieti at Kphrata Meuiitaiu Siiriugn te day A nuiiiber of Lane.iHtei phyt elans nre in attsndauce. IllTOii KikIiiiik r xnimlnn, A J. iCaiiilninu, ck) , of Columbia, in company with General Simen Cameren, Hen Jehn A Hi'-nUiid, of L inonMei, mid ethcrH, left thin morning ou u tihhiiiK ex curnlen te 1'ottnville Uliarnitit Willi Ulinklng h Iter AmbreNu Wdiieu, charged with choking n boy named I'ryer, win gtv-n a pirtlal bulling by Alderman A r. Uenneliy Ibl ineriplng. I he cihe win Hi-euro the attendauce of WltllVHN. COIltllllUll te nu important llnnifi no il t-.tirnpe. Mr. II. Z. ItlieadN, the well known JptieU)', letiiriieil liome from Kuinp" laHt evening. He in in feed liealth and rclatCH that Iiih trip wan u eiy pleamuit one. I'iei, Orliiit).' iiceture, Vref Orlinosdelivored a frea Icottire In Union Iielhel last evening en tlie evolution of the braiit,that tdinwed ulone study of tlie qiit'Htien He will continue the kubject tbibOTenirjg. mtnt Accident. Samuel MeMulhti, natlve of Illrd-in. Hand, th n county, but who was engaged farming for Orr liiotliern In Wheal, land tewnnhlp, I'trry oeunty, wan run evor by a farm wagon en Monday lant ami died tlie ni me night. He wan engaged at the tinie I licking a two home wagon heavily landed with wheat, and wlille working tlie brake wan thrown iinder the whoeln. He wan a brether In law of Jehn Holgle, of thin city, wan about M yi'iiiH old, and loaven a wlle and child. Ilin remaliiH weru bioiightte Lanoanter for Intel meat. Mll"K I" l'l'inn UrrnN. Krniii tlie l.dhuiieii I'liiiu-i. Haiuuel O.ible, I'oter Bpang, Jr., iimI J K, Monre, of Woinelitilorf, Mptnt thrce ilayn lant woek In Lincanter county filching In I'lipiea oicek, They fiicixtided In hooking 1 reek IIhIi, welghitig 7 puundn, and nvrr 100 bann, nouie of whleli wuighed 5 peundn. Mtrnlnrit Itlmarll Wlilln nt AV'iirk. Henjimiti ltartholeiuow, em pleyed at llartlieleniewV mtw mill In tliu Heiitliurn Ni'otieu of the city, wlille turning a leu' en WedniMilay aflernoeii ntraiucd hininelf no Hoveroly, tint hu in oenllnod te bed te (lay, Ine l.rmeii llrM nxwer llEHIi, Davin Kiteli, te whom wan awarded the contract for the building el the Lemen trout iewer, commenced work thin morn ing. KtmirUi.lit tu .llMiilin 1)1 ly Twenty tlve pornenn from thin city we'it nu the oxeuinion te Atlantic City, evor the Philadelphia & Heading railroad, thin morning. A VmIimiiIh llfirftft Linn, Cyrttn Celvin leHt a valuable heist by dealh en Wedui'mlay evening. 'Ill Whltn Hh OmiililllcHliij; Hpcclnl trul en will be rim te Whlle Oak, n 'iiielny next, te rIvh perHiniK no ill Hiring nu opportunity (it ittlein Iiik tliu csiii)intitlng at Hint pl.ire. Tnilnt will Iciimi file K iiKKtient OCMit lit s ii in hihI fi p In 'I'litlnx will leave Ml. Ilope ler IliU ill) lit 8 ii u. in. uml IV .0 p in. l.itlilltrr Knlr tJlirHO F KCIirrlilll. On Tneidav, the (kc ixlnn of ttingrnnil luil luil Ineu ! nrleii, a ciicitp oActirhlen III Ii" run te Lane itur U"Uiul trip llrketn, tiiwi Inr two ilajn or n in n tiiuie ilny I'lain leiives Quar rjl!le nt '!? n in ; fare nnl ikk l.eave K luiiiii at Ml: linn, 'He. l.eiiMi I. I'll, ut Hlii tin . ?Oi l.ttuVH Miiiihiiltniil X 17 ami KM u in., lite, Mc Keriieij (nailing In lain ritntnr en TnnHiliiy en llm eli'iin iixcuikIeii. I'lie mil) ctiinpiiXL'tir Ien In l.niicastur lurlei; IHii week. 'I Ih Imllimil mceiMlen en tliu lull .leiiietH ("pciiul train retiirnliiK lenvit l.itn ciMtur (KImk hIiei t at 7 1.1, running tin edkIi Id llemiing a 7 ." ienl Hff.(JIAl. AtHlVL.S. , The nnlMTHil vitnllct. " Tile e; flatter 1 til hetit nreiit iliiiier ever iint.iu ' urn) -' een In " IllUlnH l IN." Utin ciille ciitiupi ill iriliin i : externiiily for iiL'tic, piilnt, der .1111 I i'ii i .en)-, nciir igiii, Ilieuiii.itl'iu for limn or beittU .1) nil i VI . (i) for Uiuui liieic, ii m r cntt, n 'Ih U')ll, ruiUIUet I't.A-l'KIt IMlh A emu old lit II. U. Cnuliruu. ilrugglil, It7 nml 13" Nnrtli vluftn 'ii. l.nneiiii ..nil. in Ml nrfil -ix Wnm Al!i It I ee II mii nllue 1 wmi. riee I el I1U' n i. turn, m It in, J. Ite m.ii Ce. IiiiI .V'tii'inan .Vireliir did II." Ana It ill ! vtiii, le.tilul (I je it UiWift-lH HiiW lw 1 1, 1 lix I v I'MrmiiAi preicniHi ('"lilell I.IijiiH Heel lieu let Uiu weiik, wen, iin.l ilppvtlu. Hike un ether. uuAlwhe. ,t 'IKM'dll ll.l rl I'l. lllr It. l'ernui nml nirenirtlieiilng, linprevid, tint llel ter ilni nneKiieli , pulii'. In uhe.t el ild. r'ii'iuiirMI-4'ii, .SuiiiuIkI'I- "-'"!. iriiguli or mull. (I) Air llr VMltiiii' IViIeiiIiinI Ipn Mfi linr lluUen I111.4 piui'rttie1 tnN .lniihlc in ''hi i' ter h urn .1 iiuiiiv jeiiiHin ii i pi ie linn tlce It liit previHl an unliillliirf pi rltli in ilia iritaunenl et tin in my ill Ii' a te ' lllell the liniinlu euiintliuileii ! Milie t II In a nine . ure ler the ine'itlilv treulile4 ltmt e imn nu i en culler 31 nit I mi iee Inr nt iirlci.Vx- ' Id U II II l,ei lirull. Oliiwrul-t. 137 nml I 'i .Surlll ijuiiei) lr,.i. 1 1 A rleHiit Arl.ii.tw Iwltfin. I " Ha I xeiir tliimiii Ii ainl inin.'i.b np'tlle inr urn tit) . ami uieti thin elui n . i u.n i lluriluck Hloetl Hitler i uliti tne Iiiet iiniriel iiniriel eil" lei. llln, luel ipli'llill.'." Mm .1 iKiipll .Inline n, rutshuru, I'a. I-or xalr Ijy II II w'iciiriiii, ilriigui;i. 1.17 nml l.fj .Sin m unr-en iiri'ie. Mini i Mi rv ITi. Hunt telle, I. Ver cllllll, lllillil'll, itvup ita, cured OJ ' Wlilln' lleiilili I. em ei " II it) Dr. FrHitnrV Mnkic illiitiiitnit. Tlie pleated! IiIivihIuk that hat been ill COVi ted In linn genel lllen. A plllel'll e ter lieili, llnrii", b(iui-, . uin, hletli U nun ih. -die Mpplei, Hard and loll Uerni, snapped l.tpi, and llimdi., I'liuplet and llliitchut I'lleiMe. ie. ny llnul-iii inll n It II Oh nriin InUuMU 117 an I l.f Snrui Oa en xtrunl (I) liKVKMiiKii I Oli'iin'i Sulphur Se.ip prenentd nil tliu n. iMinUiiii nt siilptiiu hat In in a i" nip rale. Mill's llalr unci Vlilnk. r Dju, .Vlcte. llllivlile(i(IAw (llllrninililFri, Tim olllce held by Uiu Kldiiuvn la oiientlm pertance. Tliey act in nut urn's tliike-.i te carry oil tliu exlia HipiMs treui tau njstein and with tliem the luipiiiltlnH both thifii Unit are taken li te ihoxteinucti and thuie that ant teruieit In tliu bleed. Any clogging or Inuc Inuc tlen nt tliesn erguiiM nre theretetu liupert.iiit. Kidney. ort In .Nau.ra'j elllelent nnilntiuit In keeping the kidneys In geed working nrdnr, ttrointtheiiliiK them aim liiduilni Ii-aitny ii'tlim. It you would gel well mid keup Mull, lake Kidney rtert, 1 llr lllll'r, nf I UK NAI'ltiN. (Jhlldinii, slew In development, puny, eritMiiv and dullcatu, Utu " tlln' Heal h Hu. no m." (I) lliinitiiigii i I iiiiHirr tin. v Tim above are terms applied te ihe un oil i bleaiut dlntiiiuesi. Dr. thumnt A Ketectrie Oil ter dliitiilierla cilairli, aiiunm rhniiiiinUtiii. and nil aciiii", cp.uliii iml pitns Is net a thing el decip leu bat a pniitiuil and huiiuii re unity. It Id honestly pn uii, ueiiently sold, and de n whit iMcltliucd ter it. for khIu by II. II t.ei hum, driiKKlst. H7 anil Wi Mil ill Union Htnul. Tim lliiititr'n f.liilersniinl t. Dr. W. D right. Uue.iiniiU. (), sends the siilijeined piolesstenul iindeixiiiieiil - I live piustilbiid IUC. WjI IIAI.I.N ll.llAAM M)ll IHK I.U.NUS III a gieut niiuibnr el case-i, unit iiIwiijm wltli suci ess. one case In paiilcuhir wan given up by uuvuiul pli) sieluns wlie luid been called In fur ceiistillaltiiu with leyreir I he patient hud iilltliosyuiiieuisol ceiinrinnd oi.nlliupileii cold nlghl s a I'll . lie tic Ii ver Increasing coughs, etc. He eeinineiiie i linuiu linuiu dlitelv In gel builei and Wat seen lestered le lib) Usual heallli Mound Dlt WU HAM IIAI.-aM foil IHK I. ONUS tlie most vtilim ble tixpciiiuruul ler bunking up dlsiuisbliig ci uglis anil - olds tt.ATila IUah Hi thin city, en the ,'711111)1)1., Philip I lain, In the n&tli ju.irer his age. D'-urest l.i'lier tlieu Imst left uh, llcielhy lern we eeeplj teel, Hut 'tis uti I who luiUi tj-ut It us, He can all ear hoiiewm heal. Tint lelatlved and Irleinlsel the latnlly. nlse St. .leMipli 8 andst. Peter's beneficial soeiulloi, tire lespectlully liivllud te iillend tlie f' neial lllllll Ills lain resilience, Ne il .Middle street, en Friday iiieinlugnt H; o'clock. High mass at St Antheny's ctiuicli lulurmuiu ut til, Jeseph's celnelerl, Aill Alt t.ltt tnt.M t.P, I A IUAMKII-A lllrnlMi.Hoe it mill,", ' ' Apply ul Uiu fountain li n, beinh IJ nun Htiiet. u Cir.nuiNr; oi.e nioeii t.eN.ii. in lour It Ligaru, 1 lei Su, 11 lei u at HAIU. MAN'S l KI.I.OW rUUSTClUUt VfOuK. Nil I I UK OK MTi.IOATIO.-s rote AH1 IC Nil. MK.sr of til Alii r.u.-.setiui ts ii ut. ii) gUuu llia'.eit .Mu.MI vl, Shr l'1-..M II tit 1.V lest, ilia " Jlnniuuiclier Hull As-ocliillen ' win uiaKe uppilcuuen tu tliu Court el illin ium I'lctisei i.ainutflur bounty, lei uusini.mt iiieut te Hi) bhaitur. Iticruaslug the ciplliil block el lluiceip irulleii le ),i)jU, in ucieul unce wltu Uiepiuyur el Its putiilun usrlledla Bild Court en August su, ittsl. UKUUuK NAUMAN, uuil JteawdTU boltclter ler Puttiloeur. NKtr AltrKHTJHKinJlNtn. ll.lNrt & lIUl.nr..M,lri, FACTS AND TIIK 1'LACK Masen Fruit Jars IS AC FLINN & BRENEMAN'S, 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - Lancaster, Pa. RT77.V h HIT IT VANS, OUtl OW2t MAKR."V& .Vll AltVr.HllsrMKXIlt. Wam'mi-i nai.i' iiiitnVN enci, in take care el ii clilld App at HIM-21 Ne Mil W. I 1 1 hdT.SU I' ST. WAIIKKNI'llAST ti. S. HAIIMill MAI the oxcllltlveH'iloot the (lee II. Ptnn l.iulleH' Kine WiiiihKiipliuni Hlioi-e ler tlie (illy et l.anciiHter. Kvury pilr wnrrntitml J:l-linil I tltirt KIKI.M NONK, HUT l.iKli lilt. lead nml nell tlie ln.nl Oa Mgar In III- city, nt IIAItTMAN'M TKI.I.OW KltON t'l KM It H'lOICK SI. .1 AM Cn'MIIKKlU I'UlMAItl DKl'.MU'MKNT will reopen MU.VDA t , KI" I'. I Kup tcrun apply In .MIiH MAitTIS or mft. wlt Mt-M.M.vlH K.IIIM. IOtT, ON Al (IIItT -it, 1HH4, A IIV1I ; lleiin Hteiir, wtlglilng Irem ..v te I .KM) )i iimli Mitrk.il en I lie left hip wltn mr A llberni revurd will he paid ter IiIh rienrii te Kl.l WfAVHl, iW7a til' llliin llnll, l.aiieiiHlercuiiiily, I'a )t)"i.l() NAi.f. or l. tur- I . I r r r llniHi'lielil mill Kltctin urnlliirit, al Ne. Ji Lli TlutUi itireet, iieiw.im iet King mil Oruuge, en louieriii (Kill I A)) Al.ei liiNin al 1 o'clock. .I.( Oil 'eU.MM K Kit. II Aiiclumuei. L)iciVAi r. hciiiiiii KOU IliUNH UIUI.S Will reopen at Ne. 117 North Duke "'ttent, MONDAl.SKI'IKMIIKIl I. I'illwd Kll. V'KTII ( AKI'l.NTKIt. NOW IN1HK IIM l'(H) III! I.llill'i and get the flnt .Mniiutalu Hint lice Inr '."( pei poll ml. It tl our ami M'eiigth ale nupeiler .1 na ninl Uiu blended at Ta 'I tiene iwmIiiii'i'h linike i . elti-n II, I ir th gedn. Keur peiindt tili-e mown niignr Inr I'.ie t.l.A"Kp.'H, Ne. ,TS Went Mug Hlreet. MOI lUh.-IIA I I V i M-ptemlier Int tliei r . Mil i nu ut nlemiier int lucre will be htm emit added, and all water unit ten paid by -. p'i'in. her Iti, water will be ininel oil b Siipeilii lenilent, nml the water runt dun the uily will lie placed In th hunt" el mi a deriuan ler J celli rileu. l'avabl al ' I ty Trcasiiu I'n "lllce, uil-7lil IM UKDI-.liOrt.eM III I the. I 1 It AM) SAUER KRAUT LUXUI1, Al' IHK MiBWEROHOR HOTr?.!,, This (Thursday) Eve'g. ?i 'TK ir km vui:i. K. Or N'l I j lulu et Kis- He i-inptleld twn, lb (.tinned. l.elteln t-ntaliii'iilr en intd i nlale hnvtnu In en granted te Uiu unili ii'uit , all iieimiim Indeht. d Uleiete lire leiics,. 0 te iniike tin medtnle piyuiuiil, and Uiem- liavtiig claim or ileuiandH Hguluvt the name will pics nt them without delay let -el'lcniciil te the iiiiileinlitued. Helding In I undlsvllie, LuiHiia tm county, I'a JAIOII II M1NM( II. .1 V II. IIac-vii, hmi.er. Attorney. atigU lltlliAJ w li Ar. HAi.i., The cemlnij rimmnlens el the Anteripnn Anierl.itlnn. tint METROPOLITANS, UK NI.W Pllli, 1111.1. I'l.AV iltK LANOASTMB. M Mi (Jrnnn's I'mk. i l"! I, nine luillnd at milled Inc. M.IUAl. 'c.eek M (i , Kill's II I It 6dyi my Watches and Clocks. IIAROAINH IN Wfitobea, OUii kd, eti'IriH, BJ()UtltOll)H, oie, IlllU'8, Uepalrlugnt all kinds will rteelve my per per enal altoiiilen. I it 1" IN hit Kit. he. I.Vilf Nnrtli (Jtleeti -11101, Itemeinlier name ami niiinber D nctl op pesltu(.tiv Hetel, nvirl'ciiii'ii Uepe'. )ailjd C lOAItlKllCI.II, 1(11. 1. K(r,. TIIK Lancaster Oemmercial College, NO. IUS Ksr KIS(, il'iiLKI', Day "esslmiH b. gill MONO V, Shl'T I. ( ul. or sen.' inr cliuuiar MlMug lull outline et . enrsc et Study and ttitliiiuiiliil of xra . ualen, ln reus., et iittendaiK e In tuieeeari lei ion jier cunt. New c rent .r nsi lmied. Alldrene, II. 1- W l.llll.KIt, uiMitll I'rlntlpiil. DeN'r .sr.iii.riti' et jour llli), but ml. eri'iiiii u.M i v -Ul) TO WHAT GLEN PARK, ASIISKK IHK Snorts nt tlie Kiifiiiiipiiitiiit Ot TIIK GRAND ARMY OF THd REPDRLP. Picnic, Attoruenti and Kveulug. Children tree lliisse-i leave Centre siiiuie. 1 un easier, each hour In tliu tlaV. Kare Ini leu ml trip, e. n It llANs.llA.N A lllvO. SCHOOL SUITS Of ALL KINDS. New Pall Styles Are Ready, An Inspection nltliUOiuntl Dl-phiyet lleyn Suits, will prove It te be tlie l.aigest ami I he ipest that i'im uier been exlillilie.l In tills cu. evei a mm ii int iiii.i nig neys-Miiiri wph -'hurt and Leng Punts, are dlsplaedun Leiiutem. Heys' Fuits at $1 35 UejV Miits, Lurer, ut $3.75, Hoyh' hulls, llie Lurt'sl, at $3.50 anil L'ii. MENS' SUITS, OUIt OWN MASUr UTUUK, ler (Juallly, Duiablllty atitl fit inusl be seen le hu apprc tlalid. UUU I'UlUUa AUK TIIK I.UWKVr. L&ansman&Bre. Tlty f A1II1UN AIII.H MKUCHANT t'AII.OItb AND CLUlllltlW, Ne. aU-t38 NORTH yUKEN STREET, Ulglit en the Southwest Cerner el uiauge i.ANUAh'l'Kll, PA. Notcennootnd with any ether clothing huusu lu the eity. Upuu Kvuulugs. LOW PRICES. TO IIUY Wholesale or Retail 1)KNH OKl.tlll hue ii 0(let l'Hll IIUM iirml up, at IIAItTMAN'S VKI.I.OW KIHJNT CIO All H'MlltK llf.litiui Htm i n iiiiireiti-Ai auk tii.e i IV, I m. In order te eloie out the h,il nine nl my spring mid siiinuier tviHmm. I will give a illn( eniii nt 'Jl per emit en eik n garment ler the next Iwo mentlm. A Mil line el eligiint Serun siiltn. tiuidit up In ole'anl nlln, ler IP) lem 'id per KOit, Having In my n nplny a piiiettcal eiittt r, a perlect tit can In rolled II Oil. A. II. KO"KNTKIN, Kine tailoring, U7 Nnrtli Oneeii ntreel, ottiieilti) tlie i nilnniw. iii'JMIindll ANlAir.n til; TIM uii.i. iik iiki.ii at tliu evenili Ward Hetel, III' K.HDvi KVKSIM. at 7k e clock or tliu lining tien'n i;ieveliinil utid HemltleKn ulub, ler I tie pur po-e el ailepitugii uiilterm Inr the ce'iiiiik caiiipHign, A lull Hltondiince el un mheiB In ifijtilred. Ui7 !it I1Y Ollltflter TIIK IMlKmtlKNT 'tl YEATES INSTITUTE Wll.h UK Oi'KN fKIT. 1 Mb S a ItOWK M A ,of Co'lnglenCiillego, DurliHiii I'nlvi rniiy, and Mil SV At. JUNK-. II A, el Harvard Unt. verslty, AjsNtiinlu, 'lint In ml niHH'er In reiuly te receive anil chiN-ll) tlie new nupllH. t-ir entaluguim and tuiihui Inloriniitlen upply te tlie Rev. Lucius M Hardy, M. A., IIKAIMIAHTKIC, ai?ltd W) Net th DukuRtreet. I.IU(I lA I Id AM. , l'r.ll,MAN X DO Cleveland and Hendriiks 11. ip A I.SU, Cigars, Canes and Pipes. Al.SU, III.A1NK I.OU.VN Campaign Chewing Tobacco CIGARS, Canes and Pipes, WHOI.KSAl.K AND ItKTAII,. -AT- E. L Stehman & Ce., NO. 110 NORTa QUhBN HT. nirll-lvd I. N('YI Fit. IA. I-OU h.ll.t. V OK UK- I All IH" Ai re Datrv Farm. illiint ) 2 mllei geed huilihims , ri ill low IIIK-II A lUtOf. Irem I.H1K.US er ; h.'7 1iiiiIA.sk. l)tll.MS I IIAIHII s,l,h UK III', alibi ill property. Tint Lamb hotel will lie ld at pu.nlu sale mi .saI'1 lll hVn.MMi Shl'l U, at 7 o'clock. Hie iirlnled bills, in end upon Al.KX IIAiillit augStiedlii A itnlnltiut(ir. 1 (l I.AKOI-. IV A I. Mil' HlllllK tlUllM. Iiirdt(irsniii; may be seen In tlinileiii toerri lull l 1111-11, di-il b Mr 1. a Uaibven, Se mi N'li t Ii (Jiieuii 'tioet ; U.UHI lie n-unive I seen, Appl li U. II I.I- t i- lit.. nf 7-i til (llllen -N'e. 1 17 huxt Kliur t. 1.'Olt s ll.l' ti ic at pi I- -TilK. liNltr HMiiN r.u i.i'. irlvi.ie sale en iiiisi tctins. all Iho ntnek, llxunes Mild itiKHl wi nf liU iuiliiiit talieiliig esta llstmient Ne. 1:1 Nei-n Qineii Mtrn-t, oppeslle tlie Kiiiliklln Meu-c I l the stuml el mii idiig i lliiusiniii un i liu nun 'j of .lueeli Iv Mnaiiiig. I'dssiuirl m i,lvun Inline diatcty ul'i-llil JOHN II HAI Ml IN. i 11 I V I'll I'liuerin y run iA' r. j Staled pieiinsals wlil ben piepi 1 15 hi elved ter the Heuse, Ml .111 I'.ust Ivlllg n.ieet, Intel! Ilul- cliasn I ler tlie tun ilep-iriiiitiut ; tne pinch. iur tetakO' own tlmlieusi unit ileal awu) a I ni'i tl rl.ils and uitiblsii; tlie lilguuil blddei te be Uiu buyer. Address, llb.NUY N HOW KM., 1 Idel l.nglm er. 1'mpesiiln mint lie handed m by 1-UlDAl h K.M.su, thul-Jlli InsU a:7 '.'I )ljltl.lll SAI.K. I (III WKDNKSDAV f.V KM 0. Shl'TKM hKK il), iNq. will deseld at puiille stile, a' me Hliiitci llenne, comer et Seiin i;ueen aim ClitHlliut stliulM, Ciiniaslur, I'a, tlm piepei. lies et .lelui iiehrcr, us IoIiewh. te nit . .Ne 1. Unit tlisDclass tine. hIeiv llltlt'lv Mhl'Ai UO'jn-.D UnnlDhSi h. Why l,Iiel, Willi u till ee bterj UrtckMilal lioeiod itiai at tiichiueiit Se by Jl and 18 lint, timing two llul-coiile-, rerlicn mid eemei utery, nluinuen the iierUmeit corner et Ninth liu. en and Vtsl I.eniOII Sl'l'llls. TllOtllnlile lltilili et lids Iieiimi Is almeil eutllely el hud weed (no ciai K- or slulukage). has lui n uiu Hern vestl hue, an eight (oil wlde li til. Uu pireis Diluting and rioceed Dmum roenm, ami lilteheii et inert eicillciii iiui-u aim ieiim. ideiice. having Mag 1 loin I lUinuiiml Dmiili Waller en lllat Meer, snen lie Iroems and It it t li Itoem en sin elid Heur sinl six II. dioems, enulaigi W'unii Diylug Itoeiiimiii Hue UiMurv lit or J nil thlld lleiii, l.ariie mid ceiiMiulellt Cuihti iiiulei wliolelieiito, ii;n lu liel nml eeld water and large r.ilu waiei . i-t.-in in jiime lias, het uini Liild water, l.ttli Un wuiei cleiet", stailenaiy wanlistau l, largest xUed Uemhen's healer llieallng it nole lieuie), range, Hiiwiiuige ceiiueclM Uu en lent wl le 1, e i. en stleel snWir, elnlen teel deep coal hills, undui KldtiMtilk. Kveiy loom lu heiiiu and lull II mull Mintllutitil. mid ellllte iiiu.id. res in siieli eiiwllullt coinlltlen lliiil repair win mil no ur 'in ii inr u mi) ji his, anil is nr pu.i-eil by iiunu in the eliy Let llenis lii.-, lent oil .Neitll g.ieeu street . mid eiteu.ls we.l w.iul along I. union slieet. .! t e te .M. uKet n.iei.l, wlm an iinjelulng lei unitli, and II nit. lug ou Maikelsir ut -" le. i, extending taut waiM te oivialeu lelioe In le I, btlng ' I, " ll ipeil. and him uu aliuuiliin.. el the choicest Mirietlt-nei trull in Kiiiue , mi. i iilne, . If rl k hinted Mablu, lielillug time neiB, h and car I lines, Willi gas and wnlei In same, aud a ritiiallur sUttd III Ilk rtlable, i.ei.ilug two horses illuming nisl-nuinud siuii in a l.ni"ij Itrlck Slaut'l lieslli r's longing lieus . having iliiue looms; also, u H m work bliep ami Inn in si room and lare In um.i y Ne i riiat two-sieij iuu.;k hi.atkd DWKI.I.lNli, 'i6 by -23 Int Willi 'lwoNie ItllLk Hear Atta. hinmit, bnving baleeny, and siiuaie ud)eln ug iinevii ii.ih.h1 irepmiy nu tin. neitll. ami lining Ne. im. Neiiu We een s net ; is lu geed order. Ibis ten looms, iiaint ly, hall, parlei, niuiui.' loom and kuciieu ou 111 al Heur, and seven bin i.ieiun en seuimd Heur , het and cold wub i. lauu, gus and eci connections, nil in (;ikI inner l.el i' by IWluuf ; trull i.dniilln . uiianie. .Ne. .1 I Iml Hist Class inieu-m ry and llasiniient llrlck Jlctal It.. e led lUIIACtU IV AllhllUDsK, lOUby .13 in. I, Minute en Aihl t hcnUiul bui ui, l.incistei, Tu., anil abeiu iixi jaids iteiu Ui depot, 11 ii Miry .nliengly bulll, has excellent bisuui. ul light, all uin w.ilelioii-.ecenv.'illencc'ii net waiei ileael, two idll.es, gus, and a hieihu uapiulty el ever 3,..iJ eases. Will mil i. i i no lupailn ter jenra le come. Can give posiiwaien ut this Maruheiinii pieiHirly wit'.in M dais el nale. Heue)l lei selling tlusi ileierllea ts tliu ewuui will leuuu III thu Weil. 11 will alleid plni.tiru t" iiiew ihu abeve named prepeillui le any jutitiis luiiuliliig.ny cslllng uu tlie piuiuiau ui en luu niidoi niidei binned faiu te coinuienco ut 7 o'clock, of sal 1 day wliuu lei uu uud con lllens will be uiadu known by Juil.N ,s. iielluKIt and IIAUeMA.N A lIUlt.ND, llavj. K Itews. Allet. Ue.il Kibilu Agents. aglll,A),iJ,J),id,'iiAaeptl,5,S,,10H SECl',D EDITION. THUI13DAY WVcNINU, AUO. 20,18I4 7.-IIK ()KI.RhZlAt.H KAHIIjY ItKk-UbSKfJ. The iHlnimn J'eft MIImicmI bv "rpncti Ourm rne IliiiiiMnriuniti.k of Kin,.,! Hew In l'ruicrnii. Londen, Aiu. 28 -A rtlnpareb fmm t'ViniigViAi, ditwl vftcriU?. mt The Mlngnn forts below Van Chew trstr finally Hiloticed Tuemlav evpnln. Te day ;i henvy oannnunde Ii.-ir b'rn keit up botween tlie Froue'i Heet, and tlie Ivinpil TertH nt tlie northern mouth of the Mm rlver. A (llnpiiteb from Fe i Cliew, timnl 2 p. in. te day, nays the Ivlupal ferta liive bepn diMtreyed. A later dlnptteli from Foe (!hewnayH: All the (lufeneca nleii) the Mm river are geno. The ChlnoHe troops belted ; the French (lent can bombard tint the occupa tion of tlie mainland in impossible. Cenrnrt'R Urpiirt, Tlie follewlnir in Admiral Cdtirbet'H report of hlii operations ou tliu Mln river up te last evening : Min Hivi:it, (this p. m , Wednesday,) Atij;. i!'J Our ojierationH BKaliiht the Mingati beatH hive been micecHsfuily eon eon oen oludod ; all the Chliu-ne batteries have been destroyed ; we have hhattercd all their oatien with gun cotton. The uttack ou Klnpal will be made te-day. KhkIiii llimrgs iiiiina Willi "1 rnielirry. 1'aiiih Aur. 28 I'ritne Minirter Ferry Iiiih no intention at prt-Hetit of Hummennig Parliiinient te meer. He nays that owing te China'H troaelury it has been impossible te treat her like a civilized nation. Admiral uonrert'i Orilm. Admiral (Joiirbet hat bon erdrrnd oeupy Hainan after taking ICeelung. te Itiiiiiburillnic Klnpsl Simneiiai, Aug. 2(! 5 i m , Adiniriil Uourbet began te bombard Km pal yetteidiiy. The heavy cunuonade Htill UJIltitlllOH. M.ITl'KllS rei.muAi.. Nebraakn ICriiibHeiim Ndtnlinttn state 1)111. crrciii4Vriiiiiiiiii lrwiin,r. On mia, Neb., Aug. 28. The Republi can eouvention, lant night. Dominated olcetorH and the Htate ticket. U iveruer Jan K. Dawes was loneminated. NemlilHIeO h Kllll tsts llrkrt. MiLWArKKi:,ViHAug 29 The Green backcm and the Auti-MiMinpelmtx yeMor yeMer day nemina'cd a full nUte ticket with Win 1j, Tdley for governor. rupin Urrmciii Ini-zidl nt. Lansine, Mleh , Aug. 28 Yesterday the Union Prohibition convention adopted a platform dcclaiing among; ether things fiisleu with any ether party inexK.dieut. The oleotorx and full state ticket, with IHvid I'rcften for Kovernor, were nomi nated. (KndrlelK- L.ttr n Oenitlnr. Nkw Yehk. Aug 28. The genuineness of Hr Hei.diickH' Jimt letter having bceu (piestieiict?, the Commercial Advertiser te day teleginphed te huu and icetuvid a reply that It is genuine, lllH31ll()Li-5 I'l. VMl'.S. Nearly K W Inil'Tewn Huriiril In rdnwr Verk I.HiKn I Iri- In NrwnrU. Watkhtewn. N. Y.. Aug. 28 A lares part el tliu biiHiueHS poitlen of tbu village of Adams, .lellorsen county, was burnt d this rnernit k. The Iecs is estimateil at 42UO,'l c I li" xillage liiemen were unable tocepo wp- i umes, but the lire de partment of Watertewn went te their assistance and saved the remainder of the plaue. I.ircn rirn In Minmrli. Xkwahk N. .!., Aug 2S. Kirly this morning a tire broke out in -Martin Uiiriis' giecery store. Tlie second and third tl )0ts are oceupled by Bannister's shoe faotety. Bannister's stock was completely gutted. Burts stock was damaged by water. Total less, eiOO.OCO. A Tenne Kurin.r tl order"!. Ciminskti O., Aug. 2S A datpitrh toilie Virar 'M( fnun Wahhlngten Court HeiiHe, Ohm, says: The bely of Jehn F. M iseii, a young farm band, who had been inihstug about two wt-ekh, wan found vesterdav en the faun of Rebert JelK-isen. He had evidently been mur dered and his bely draggtd from the read te whero it was found. The trail where the body had been dragged was visible and was marked by his hat aud pocket comb. Tlie motive of the murder is a mystery, as 25 in cadi atitl a cortilbate of deposit was found en the body. Masen was liem Weet Virginia. Natliita IIaiih rtupi-ii.t Aimtv.N, Mich, Auk. 28 The Adraiu savings b.mk susp-nded vesterdav. Her man Loomis, ttiecishier says, the trouble was precipitated by tlie inability of the bank en Monday te meet a check for i,.iuu me party who drew tlie check spread the nuws Something of n. run began among the sin ill creditors. Ah nit 480,000 is due depositors and Mr. LoemU slates the assets of the institution ate en tirely adequate te pay the liabilities in full. Slern Warrant Mr l.tdni-r Hre. Piin.ADi i.i'iiiv, Aug. 28. Several mero wan ants went issued today for the arrest of the Lidner Bres, the suspended bankers, ohargingthem with the ombe.zlo embe.zlo ombe.zle mont of funds untrusted te them. The LidnerHoeuld net be found, Leuis, who was iu town yesterday, having ejone te Atlantic City. The Mourn n uinmHleil. Odi:kh, Aug. 28 The woman who flred the pistol at Colonel Katansky, of ihe fiundarinery, last week, has been identilh'd as an uotlve member of a revolutionary society. She has been sent te St 1'etern burg. l) dlbleu en tlm l.xl'luh Villey. Ai.i.k.ntdw.v, I'a., Aug 23 A pissen ger tram en the Lehigh Valley read this morning rin into n hmvy stene ladnn leim iu passing a crossing. The diiver of the team, Goe Deneker, was fat-illy injured, aud the eugiuu badly damaged. ltdlKiiriNii lllnli.ip II urilnrxft. Sek , Aug. 28 A Bulgarian bishrp named Il.ulge Theeplulu, was rocert'y niiirdered near Meuastir. It is alleged that tlie crime was investigated by Bishop Authyas, the Ureek metropolitan, Hekm1 nluuat's Appiliitinint. Wasih.note.n, Aug. 28 The noting secetary of the treasury te day revoked the appointment of David Meuat, assistaut shipping ciiinmissiuuer for the pert of Philadelphia. (Inlvnne hmIIi hi mreill, MutsKii.u:.s, Aug. 28. One death oe enrrcd irem cholera here last night. WKAIIIMl lltlllUrtriONH. Wabiiinuten, Aug 28. Fer thu Middle Atlantic states, generally luir weather, except tu sotitheru poitlen ncaiiahieual showers and partly uleiidy weiiihcr, vari vari uble winds gonernlly south te uast, nc.iuy siaiieiiary loiuperituiru, rlniirii-l-ueiiin.ii.l.t lu I lib. nln. Dr. Salmen, ohief of the bureau of annul industry, rcjerts that he has ten ml 10 eases et pleure pueuuienla among oattle in Illinois. A number of repertid eases have uet yet boeii traced. The disease was probably takeu from Ohie te Vlrgitim and theuuu West, uud the proba bility is that the iuleotieu has bceu upread te nearly every state In the Union, 1IL.AIMK-H VTAl'lVAtttl ItiCOTIfSU, Uumliig Knet te Villi Uin Hfpi'btlein V)I.C, nl llnariir nt Aatiti, U.II II tu. I... ai (.... .!.. .,.. .. u. ,,.,u, .,.,. j r, ,,., uiuvi, hi , uiiiri ?iirsirnn Jnnu'dU. Hlalne, was i'i rkt St. Leuis K""i';fttiiiiutefltt)ai Wednesdav. n( a ulimt u.ult i Md mini,. . ' '.. .'11 .winter OleAr, i by murrhige. IJ H. Hl.eids. Ne I c J SirHiShi. i' V , travelsundrtr the narue of Line, but as his tolatietishin Ut Mr. It ie.vl was we I knovei and his visit cxpeeted, he overeamu wllalevnr obeelioun he had te the nam- and readily admitted bis rolnUeuthlp te tlie Ma'ne stutpstnnn. NttlU lllattie nli'iep ij ldnr,v,'r In tln taet, iv.-i.-n n s'iii)s; n-s inbl.t'icn te h portraits or the Uopublleaii oandidate. II" is very ge-udp-d lu his conversation, and even wlien In nuliuary conversation with friends appears ill at case and fearful lest he inlfht use seme expression that might injur ii his ambitious brother. With ng.irdtehls own past oxperlonoo In St. Leuis and olsnwhero Mr Blalne ban nothing te say, and declines te express an opinion en the pelltienl situation. The residents of N ilein. Ore , made up a handeome pllrse for Neil O Blalne a short time hiuoe te pay Ids way t Maine, and after a short stay In Kast St I, mis he intends visiting tlie presidential candidate. J iitKt 1 uuricrt,' Luxury. Jndge Tellmen is reported as being greatly annoyed by the accounts of the liixurietisness of lu oeuutry home, wbicli have been widely copied from the desenp tlen of a recent vnetur te Mayvillu. IIe Hies In a cemfoitable Iioiike, which his wlfe purchased four years age nt far less than than its value out of the prellta of " Brieks Without Straw " ; but since his uuloeked for acquirement el 'Ihe Continent m-igaziue he has enj iyed the oeruloris et neanling houses in two cities, and the money "I ivistied" en his country neat his been confined te what a man of modern means could spare, while he was putting his every dollar, p.n presmt, and future, into his costly nteraiy venture. Judge Teurgee's habits el livlug are simpler than these of most men who have been even less successful than he. He cetifc-sses how ever, te the "velvet coat," in whi;li he works, but pleads that it was n Ulirlsfnas prt-ticut four yours age, and hopes that, as he neither smokes or di inks, and is tee busy te seek ordinary plcahiires, this ene item will net brand him as a Sybarite A Nnlila Suiiiluisiil. Kretn the Moravian. The airoetiniiato words of O iverner Cleveland in 'i h'te&ti) Ins brother are us signilbint as they ar touching. Writing en the night of his election te the governorship efj the state el New Yerk he said, "De you knew that il mother were alive I should feel se nuieti safer ? I have always thought thit her prayers had much te de with my success " These words are net only a convincing revelation fef (Jharuc'er, but they express n proleuud truth. A moiliers prayeis : Howpitent, they are I ) nil mothers rejl'.e it '.' And hew tu my nuis and daughter evor think aud nre truly grateful for the moa-aire of success and blm;ng which they ne t) tne n ! Mothers, keep en praying for your elu dren. It is never in vain. Seus, forget net the leve aud hoaer you ewh te your raothers. A debt you never e in lully repay. He who has out grown his alutotieoato omlidenao In and sense of dependeucu upon his mother has outgtewu his minimus as well. l)nittl Vd4ltir's l,it"t AV.iriH. The evening before I) unci Webster died his plijslciaii repeated him thu words "Thy red aud Tuy stair they comfort me," and Webster replied, as if in sympathy, but tee weaK te complete the seutoueo, "Thy red ami Thy stall the lael the iaet I want." Hore the matter rested as nt first ropertod. A Bosteniau new gives what he declares is the true uecnunt, as i' c.ime te him vciy directly. Webster asked whether he was likely te live till morning )t. J e lines uet willing te give a positive answer, repeated from th't twenty third I's.ilms. Webster saw the evasion, and In a clear, and rather sovero tene said 'Thy roil and Thy stall " tli.i fact, the lact I want." He desired an nns-Aer. 1 vri. lurluuit a i bin tu. U.Harte, a well known inusieian aud scouie artist, died Wednesday iu I'rince ten, New Jsrsey, Irem an ovenleso of morplnt'e, taken te relieve pal u ters' oelio. (eorge P Shaw wis d tugereusiy if uet fatally it jured at Littleton, New Hatnp shin, WediMtsday uierintig, wbile assisting te r.use a It -publieiu tl u pile. His leg wan broken and he was badly hurl in ternally. fir Krsdsr's Item utilprs Kr'i.ter'i Itent Hitlers urn net a dram shop beieiiiKi., but ar slilctly imidi.-lniil lueviiy selise. I'll, y nil Htreniy upon Ui.. I, vei and Kidney, keep the bowels e en and luguhir, cmausu llln liliied and iisl'iui el every Tuipii rlly. M)ld by diilglstj), il. Sold by II II. Cochran, druggist, l.fTimdUJ .Nerlli Quuuii HUltllU ! 1'iiliilcal, Ciimpilgn llanners, Kings. Milts Capes, Cain, Helmut. -Iilrts, 'lerciiiM ; everi tiling In cauipulgnmiltlts. send tm lilinualed elreu ar tin iimpalgu Ml'gCe.. IU Hard iv sliett, .New i)ili. al IiiiikiiI ftleuuirs I Alniiirrail Mutliemt Are you disturbed nt nlglit and brekmi el your test by a sick cblbl suffering and crying with Uin exciucla'.itiK pain of cultlnfc tcetlif II se, no at mien unit K,,t a liottleot M ttS. VV IN SI.UW'HSIIUIIUSU 8YUUI. It will rollevo the peer little Biilteri.r tinmedlaU-ly lii ml upon tl ; mentis no mistake annul It, There 1b net a mother ou ninth w be has ever used 11, wlie will net tell you at once that It will regulate llm bowels, and give real 10 the iiieiliei, and rellnt an.t health te tlm ebtld, op erating like imigie. It In perl. icUy sate 10 use tu nil eiiuuM line eliin.int In tli.i tiibt.. uud lb Out niosertptliinet nn of tlie obient uud beat leinale plivslclaiis lu thu U lined StuUij. aeld iivei y wuere cuius 11 utiiuu. tmis.-i'-lYdil w rl.v- AVO d PUN ' elng largely ceiupiMed el 111. rciuy ttiny eventuany ruin ine euiui li, bill Allen s ltllle.11 l'liy-.ln n veil -1 i !.. iiilx lu e, act ijuliNly, mil ill. dually mi a -1 e. nu. At all Drurfulsts autt-lwdM.WAKSw riirti r w.iiie , l.n Hits who "v.iul 1 n.'.iiii lri:niiiiinii I vl vailty Den t I til le U " Wells' Huiitn Uu newer." (I) i-in.i $ it. it.. lleliiuirHlIu nitlliilml 'Iluitvi, PriwIdunt-UltUVKi: CI.UVHI.AND. Vlee I'losldent-l'itMMA! A. Uh.SultltK'i. Uriii.irr4.ln Miate llnKet. MLUCTOIU AT LAHIIK. IIICH.VUI) V UX. II J. MeUltAN.T, 11. II l'l.UYtKll. ut. gote as. -list. . Jelin ftlevln. Ilitst. li. UoergoS. I'urdy. .1 1' ,1 suns, ndorlei lit. I II. ACklllV .lelui W. I.eu. 17. Jen n 1. I.nvan. II, J. Ilerun. is. Krn D. I'uriviii-. I K W. Muiiiiiiiu It I,. Wright. J. II. Illlllleil. Wm. rttablitr. JU A II. 1)111. .'I. K I' lams C. K lleutsctiler. i J IC 1-. Duir. ui Jenliaau .'I A. n Wlnieiiilu. A Jelin II. UIU Hi. Win. A. rnniuer, 17. A. J. Uiecnrtmd. u ii. M. .Nerm. In. II. Stilus 11. A. (1. Ilieailh.md. U r' V. Iteckab Hew l.. Illeliard iliilin. 11. lieoree II, Irwin. Utiiuncrtitle Uuuuty Ticket Cengresiman ut-l.arge, W. W. II. UAV CougieM. l'Altm llal.Dh.SUv.N. Jlltlgu, 1. u r.eill.r.jlin, beiirtUii (zilt )-.U)d.N ,M Vltl'lV. ASisuinbly .!). CUU18UAN K)X. J illltb s. IwrihllSON. (3J.-8 i. Dr.l'WU.Kll. -JAUIWIHIiM. -1. II. K YUt'JTUAX. Sherlll. It. M. Alt I r. IIS. ProliieuoUty.-liKNJ. WUUK.M N. Iti-xi-ier-E C. Ull.l.Kll. leuiiiy i roasurer. JMU. a MANN, LIurkelQ S. II. M. UU t'l hu. Ciurkot (J. i .-SAM'l. K UuirKTl'Klt. l imnly coiiimtsileuitf II. r". IliiiTMAN. Prison Koeihu. (IKu. W . 6 V Y K II. 1'rlaeu InsiHiclers. II. II IIUCII, -W. VVlli-I'VKBK. Peer l)lrcctew.-(iK(. U UM3rt!.l'i"hlt. -H. dNYDttt. Cerenor. DAVia Kireii. Audlter.-UtiO. W.bCUltOKDKU. PtAHKXIH. L'htiiMiiiii4a mureiati. 'u rijir.AritltWiUi Aug. tkrihnr dhll 'nml. ,osute. t(S i Hxxvn H VJM rlUi de Ktnlilitj.. extra, clwir. it XlMtifl I ill. U'fitn.ilil AlA.i.1 ,sil. I ! i stnithflUJ., ift t winter p4tnn tit M). t- ueur ai 3 SftflrJ a!f. Ne itlnlawice de. 8Jj ,M nin,.,r,,..,,ii"i 'ur cl"'leeru"M",,0mer'l'O $ r$r& CSq ' " lnUu,l.WOO0IMe ''Hie ,r i n. hnbtel fe, 1 WUtt, lH-j i je nun hi 'nJtlTAH. llsien, llOI2et amoheil Slinulders, Mtsitei hiih nu 7'i i HtiieKisI Hams, HkUIJKet pleklen ilr l.1QMlc. nviiAU Laid 'luletiiuil sietdyi elly rennud, 8VQ9i lini. iitucimrs, 7,tc i prluie steam IS. llutter utia.iy un.l In lair ileiimiiil i Pa. Cretin, ry extras, nulla NYesUirn dairy .','!i J'- ' .v." 01l'M' "Ml de nrits, HrjIHiM Wti-tern dalrv (txtras, Ufjllei West- ?nte? te clll,,W)' "" I packing butter, Uellsnt SUI2P) pscklliKliulter, 7flse. Kgs firm i 1'a.extrai, Iueajj ; Western, 17(J Uiuese- market ulet nml birety B toady i New Yerk lull ci earns, lortluei Ohie Hy, oiielci. 8K8-ei 'tVnstern fair le prtme, HWla ' '"' "" l'rl ',k,uu 2XtSS0 1 de lull 1'e're.etim slea ly i lterlninl, 7Je. vtiiMntv dull i Western at 11 li. New Vurit Mirinti Nbw Tort Aug. W -Klour-State nnit M f,u rn steady an I in modorate demand Kiinerflne Mate, ! (flOl a Huperlliie Jxtia, IH it-e.l ) ctielee, $.1 MiJ5 7S J l-aneyiln. S8unlj Hound llenn Ohie, (J Sua t'K), elinki), tli(tl;&iiperrliie Woslein, tl fidtt 3 in, roiiniieii te geed extra de, .! 20rt1ik) t i-iiii rn tin. LIMBO en) cholce Whtte Wheat i iMJfl out .Southern quint and steady i con n en te fair extra, 13 4lUi lut geed te choice de ti mi. en W niu opened a trifle better but seen ruled ea-lnriindd rlineil .Ijie t lens doing; Ne 1 Wlilte nominal i Ne. i Iteii, eupt., OOke : '). 0i'4t'nVjej Mev,0IGD30 l)ec, te Ut. t. e turn Mft-y.n lower and dull t Mlxnd West (trn spm. ViRje t le liitiire, &ti(1iie. ' ti. a hhiidn eusl. r ; Ne. 2 bepteiuher, S1VJ aijiei ucioeer, aiytanjiei atate, aiai.e t we lern, ,3JaJe. r.lve nt.ieK iriarknt, C'lilOAiie -llegs-ltecelptjt, lifXO head J ship, nieni I Te ii-id; market brisk, iinti geed Klines 10c- hUimr; leunh packing, V ttQtl 0f paeliliitf ami sninnlng, M I0e,il tgj f light, tWit blrtl Sl(ip flii 4D cattle llijiidptt, Oee head : shlpmentfl, l.OX) head , mm ket brisk and linn ; expert grmlcs, f(l Wiv"U)i geed te che co shipping, iUOOUrS SO j c uiiiien te mc.lln.n. i ;iii.1 hi range cutile ID m, Wi)iiiliig, 1 SI i grass lexana, 1360 I Ills Americans Ma'i-.'i. "neep keceipiM, ..tun Head: Hlil)mnnts,none. markit s uidv; Int." ler te lair, ti,3 V owl ( me.ll.itn in geed, Md.l.V: clintce loextra, fllsj ect'O; laiiib-i, 1 buad.ll OOif.'l 50: Texas sheep, J'.'Mfl'0. I- as-i I. tmjRTV Cuttle tlrm and nctlve : prlme M Sit !' till-te jjoed tW.'.tJft; common 1(J 3 (I ; receipt, est una I ; shlpuiunts, 8W neau. lings Mm ket linn; receipts, 2,'JU.) head; Mdptuenl, 1 HO n ad j I'ullsdelphlas, f'l fiOQ B7.; iiiiiuineiit-, fij lSiM !H; Yorkers, 75 000 gr.ier8 rt(C!U. Miieepdiili : receipts. 'i,IOO heail i slitptnents, t,S0 I fil ; prim., el tre u 110 te 110 &), 14109 IJ tali te tfeiw et rremtK) toys Za., I37.Q1 1 ceuiiuun, tlti-l ntoen akriBii, Quotations by iuk1, MeUrann A Ce , Uanfc era, i.uucaaier, rn. 11 A. M, Mlrlibran Central. New Yerk Central W New.lursnv Central iK 12 M. ie t0)4 'i-i llOt l.t'4, IH 1H. Wl 3lji 60 J'S s 3.li flllf 133 mi Sr. m. 7 103 WW iw" 1 Wi H))i MJi li MX 41V, H ei 12 K HX (Jl 3X ltH Cli- Onie Centnd .ii DM. Caen . Wostern.... IIH4 Di.iiv.ir A 1110 Urande.... H'a. Krli 1 Hiinarts A Toses VO Lake 8 hore Vili Chicago .1 N. W , com.... lOiJi n. .-i.,uiii. t lyeaiern .... ou raui umanii. .Ti av'i eik racine Ma II Itecliester ic I'lilBburgll.. Uu 1 ttui.. .......... ... Kisae raclne Union Pad (Ir Wabash Common. ...... Wabssti I'roferrod Wesl rn L'nteu lVlegranll l.oulnvllle.t Nasuvllle... N. V., till A t)L It I.ehtgh Valluy CeMtrn Navigation l'eunaylvauLi Heading I". 1. A Ilutlale Nertlntrn 1'itcinc Cem... Neitln.rn I'acltle Prof... tiexienvllle I'libudelprila Krli h'erinurn Central Underground Canada Soultieni till .... ......... ....... I'oen.e's 1'iiHnunmir h mi .11 Sfl VOX rilllili'ila U'lotatlens hy Awjoctated i'KtS. Slecks steady. I'riu'i.le.i.tiui Krte It. It IS UOitdlug itailreid i t'ei.uylvanla I lull read fli;4 l, ulgli Vnlley Itallread St Lulled Comnaiilesel New Joruey 191 Aoimeru I'aulnc. , 'i Neitin-in 1'iiclllc Prutorrel....... ... Su, NerUmrn Central Itallread LenUli Navigation Company 4'Jl Norrlnewn lutlread .... Ctuitna rraiidpiirbiltnu Coneiny 3I llQtlule, N Y. and I'nll idnlptila I'i l.llUudQliiivlkUl Ui-brend de Mew nr. Unotnttens by AJuoctated Press. Slecks enter. Meney, itf'Se. New lout bentnii ...ldlti ttrlu IbtUread , 1(1 Adams hxprngd l.i-j Hienigaii Central itallread..... , M Ulcblgan southern Itallread hl'i HitueU Central Ititllread 121 Cleveland A rituburgti Itallread 131 Chicago Heck Island Itallread IP1K l'lttsliurgh .t Kerl Wayne llallread 130 Western Union Tolegrapli Company.,... W I'olrde.V Wabash OH NowJuney CentrtU et Nuw Yerk OilluHn w.wtriu !!!$ L.OCSI HlUUlta KIIU DUUUI Kopertod by J. li. Leng. Last sale 10-2 115 l'JO 1U1-S4 lOi 100 100 lei 1W 1210 mill luja lli.50 140 115 1M 16A IK) 200' lM.'JO 140 P.1.-JA 77.C 1.11 113 110.U val. . luu . loe . WO . 100 . 100 UmcaiUir City 8 per ,ceut 13h5.. lB'JO.. " lh05., ' S per et. In I or 30 yeiira, " 1 per ct. Scnoel Lean.. " ( " in 1 ei 'JU years. I I loe 4 " tn fi or Ji) years., luu " 4 " in lUor'Jeyioirs, loe Uaiiueliu borough lean 100 BASK STOCKS. first National imnli 1100 iinuurs' NaUeuai Hank .V) fulfill National Hank 100 bancuHter County .National Haute.. M U'liumbla National Hank 10U Cm Inimnii National Hunk 100 tnlirutn National Hank lde rint Nitllimul Hunk, Coiumble..... loe rirsl NuUeniu Hank, Strailiurg..,. 100 Tint National Hank Murtetta loe first NaUenal ilanlc, iteunt Jey., il' LItliz NatiemU Hank lu. Muiiuulii National Hunk ldQ Union Natieiiul Hank, Mount Jey. SO New Helland Nnlle.-ial Hank 100 une Vatlimal Ilanlc loe Cju.irrvvlllu National Hank 1C0 TUUsriKSBTCXJItS. Illg bprlng A Heaver ViUiey t 25 10 Hridgepeit A 1 leres hee , 13X Columbia A CiiuaUnil IIIH 2fi '.eluiiibla A Washington ...'tu (leiuinbia.t Illg Mpring 'JS Cel u in nla .t Mnrleiui ...,.,.,,,. 'a .Maylewn A hlUabuililewn ts 1-u.ciu.lcr A hneraUt -. latncistur A Willow atruet , '.13 eutwnnib a MHipert 'Z MarlelLa Mayieva. 'a Marietta A Mount Jey Ai luuuc. l-.iUiilieUit'n a Mlddliil'a loe Uiuutdiur A rultVllle. SO Uinuuler A l.luu...., , 'Jt Cducu-iier a. Wlllljiiustewn,,. 'JS Utiiuusier A Maner... ,, be l.ancit.ier .1 Muntielm -ja iaucusierA Jlerleilu. ........... J3 LaneaaturA New Hellaiiu.... 1U0 Lunciuler AMusaueliauuu. , 00 Mll4CUJl)U0f 6TOUKB, ytiurryvtiie u. it , tse itiiliirsvllle.Stri)utCar , W rwuirer l'rtntinir Cejinanv Ui id 21.09 IH 30 10 47 4A03 31 6U 31 Kl M 75 105. 14H'i 41 35 U3 W f.'SS 0 &0.t5 3U 100 Ot a vow I jie 10 I 'il 60 tll. uun bight and I'ut Company il Mieveiu lleuim (lleuds) lit) oeluuiliia Utts L.U1U1IUUV 'Jt Columbia NVaier Company 10 niis.iueiiuniia Iren Company... .... lw Marietta lloilewwaro luu blcvtms Ileuau,,,,., ...,,.. ........... M Mtclly lHlunil,...,,,., "0 Kast Hraudytvlne. Wayueub'K.,,. 50 MIllOMVlHe Neriuul BOhoel Northern Jlurket.. JO Kisteni Market-. "" Hitsts. t!iiivriisi sieaily nt 901 t Tlmetby stei.lv at II .1131 nij , rm'xsiM.i Tilnit at tl 0. winter limn dun unit lower at inm.ViV ritiit-tnnlnnrkulnnlnt, hut prices s U-ailv t mess p.irk. fmm y i hi . i iiBuii: 7t7i7 & Indli Mesa lte,-r, HOMfflW , ' UUy ',te, ""we tlt'tUUlll.MI.-IIM.V A I'lMPlUlAN UN. O deMimlini ilioeyo, eau pieiHirly myeu with siilbibtit glares. 'Iho lltst buclt uinl Ke Ulaexts ou Hand, li you wunt i.iasus thai will suit your eyi)4 und de ttunn geed, cul en De torllrewu. It jeu cannot lull, wriw ler" HiHictHCIcu by mall en trial," DIUC. II. IlllOUis, Kyound Kuraurgoeu, Ne. 20 W'OJt Ontnue stnxit, Laucejtlcr, I'm. Jusu-lydTti :rm, X vA JA tl a ,