:- ff" , V ; .. V LANCASTER' DAJXY INTELLIGENCER THUliRDAY AUGUST 2d 1884. rci -js h J i ' I r ii r r? lirtcaatct IntcHfgcnfcr. TB0B8DAY EVENING, AUG. 2U, tUUO. HeudJiiRtuiff relltlentn. The Ioleliitive commlttee that hm been Investigating the collnpae of a bank in I'elcrMntrR Hint wns a cnsteJInn of tlie funds of the atnte, finds tl t Uie people te whom the bank's tn met was leaned enltisufllclentBeciirly w -n prominent members of the Iteadjas er party of the state, which lias hail control of the statu gOverntnpnt and whose kindness cave the bank the tttatefiiiid te keep. Over a lnmdred themand dollars was taken from the bank by ever draf in of such deposi tors, bealde the refill ir leans tliey eK tnlned. Senater Muhone figures In the llat,nnd be dee3 Governer Cameren. The Boeator and governor have slnce paid up tliolrever drafts, but the governor ewes notes for Bome thirty thousand dollars Insuflljlently secured by his collateral. Ami It H iutttnate.l that the balauce Is unoellectablo. The particular Interest which these dlsalejurei h.ive te tne general public is in illustrating the vast difference between the profession and practice of politicians. It Is always a notable dif frHiicB in the average mm ; but the politician who set up for a statesman and whose business It Is te persuade the people that he loves the country as be does himself, and that bis doctrines are the true doctrines te lead It te prosper ity, ene would think would feel especially warned that te plant bis feet upon a rock he must net let the people see that he is only talking for effect and really does net believe what be says and does net ex empliry it In his practice. It is a nota ble thing, however, Hhat this is just what most politicians de net conceal ; and the obvious reason Is that tliey cannot. The only aim they have In their political action is a selfish one. They Btart out te help themselves te honors and profit by the aid of the geed people. Te get along it Is absolutely necessary te profess supreme devotion te thu Interests of the people; but te get what they want for themselves at the sarae time. It is often necessary, they think, te let the Interest of the state slide as quietly as they can. They are alwas ready te take care of the state and them selves, according te the best of their ability ; but when their own iuterestsand these of the country de net seem te run together, It Is bad for the country. which they can only prefer te themselves in their words. This Ueadjuster party in Virginia has had, as its euly foundation, the demand that the state Bhall net pay its debt ac cording te Its bend. They persuaded the people that they could net afford te de It, and ought net te de it. And when they have the people thus persuaded and have attained power, en the popular issue of repudiation, disguised under a les ugly name, they deliberately use the jtewer they have gained te get Inte their possession, for their own use, the money of the state, that they have saved from its oredlteis ; and wheu they find them selves unable te return It, disguise their robber uuder the sweeter mime of u lean, lint the peepie are out of their rueue ..:l the same ; and tliey are out of it bc.'aufle they put it, in tlie power of these meu te borrow it. Their cash lin gene and their en d t has gene ; and they are left n:iki'..v iIliii w th their readjusted readjus' n. , md doubles feel cold ; and iua p- b i.re be taught that when they ret..:, - in lu'ure they should be ciref ul te wv utin: the quail ty of their readjustee. The cuuntiy at lurt may 1-aru a les les eon trem Virginia t gu W it In this presidential campaign. Mr. Uluine is a readjustee He adjusts his views en th" a Hairs of state le suit his interests; and readjusts them every time his inter eats seem te require it. This his public record proves te any intelligent reader. Se does Butler. He changes as the kaleidoscope. II th these men have been connected with corporations all their lives, and both new claim that they never sleep en anything but a straw palliate, under a werkiugman's reef. They hi conspicuously; and if tlie people trust them, they deserve te be readjusted out et every thing they have. " u Thrift Following Punning. The Mew Yerk Independent already betrays signs of making merchandise ul Its professed morals. It la industrious! sending out advance slips of its attacks en Cleveland, with the same thrifty ee te business as when it was selling Its In surance columns te companies who took out lauds of its paper, or when it was deluding peer preachers te their ruin in a railway sleck, for pulling which in its editorial columns it was well paid. At the outset of the campaign, when its oditeis. Kevs. Drs. Waid and Twining, were allowed te edit it, the'" g.ive Mi. Cleveland an earnest support; and when they made a sH'cial investigation of the be called "scandal," they lrankly told just what of truth was in It and hew little it affected their Judgmeiit of their duty te support Cleveland for president. Suddenly Mr. Uewen, owner of the paper, pounces down upon it and upon the most trivial pretext changes its whole course and uiakes It rave like a mad dug about Cleveland, making him out the embodiment of social imnuritv. when iu truth he stands quite as well so cially as the publisher of the Independent or uuy man whom he ever supported for the presidency. The desiK-rate ellerl made te attract attention te the violent departure et the paper from consistency, as well as from decency, amply advertise the motives of Uh publisher, the " peri patetic propensities" of whose sense of honor were well described by Mr. Evarts In the Ileecher trlul.wlien he Bald : "Mr. Bowen'a sense of honor is always coming and going. Seme one always seema te be fetching and carrying It." 3JUTM5K has no time te become a literary contributor te newspapers, his answers te correspondents occupying six hours a day. He will, however, let Ins correspondents shift for themselves en Friday when lie will held fertli at the Williams' Grove pieulcef farmers. He will doubtless claim te come as the representative of the. weikinginan. JJnt there is net a ahsdower doubt that hu will forget te tell his auditors thut he has always been the lured attorney of grasping corporation. flfctr- iti- r Tun Pe3t, the Democratic campaign paper of the state committee, prints this week a very cewprehenlve sketch pie pared by Hi editor, of the life and public services of Gun. W. W. II. Davis, the Democratic candidate for congressman. nMarge.. It ia illustrated with a pert! ait of the subject, and no one In reading It can fall te be Impressed with the fitness of the party's choice for this responsible and honerablo otllpe. llreadminded, liberal, et vigorous Intellect, with large experience in public affairs, it is seldom that any party offers ns Us candidate one be peculiarly quallhVd te represent the public Interests in a legislative body as (,n. P.ivta. A native of Pennsylvania, with a thorough knowledge of the s'ate. lf history, its resources its Interest's and Its wants, be would be a representative of all its peei le : and whin lie takes his seat iu Congress, whether it shall be for one term or mere, l'eunsylvanla will have an Intelligent, courageous, upright and ex perienced lepresentuttve m William Watts Hart Davis Tub New Yerk Sun is becoming irascible amid its tribulations. It inti mates that the editor of the II ur isburg '.if ri..t is a foil. Tne Sun is n . wise te thus testify te its corns. Hi t It is hard te be poltte and angry at one t itne, which is tlie highest art of man. Ik arbitration enn settle the France Chinese dispute, hIij waste preoieus bleed in Us eolatien ? Thk vellthat has shrouded Gorden from view will seen be lifted; Gen. Wolseley will start for Egypt next Sunday. Pome ene should tussle w ith the ques tion hew Blaine became a millionaire en a oengrossioual salary of J 5,000 per auuum. Pomehey will withdraw In favor of St .lehu. Te there who may net knew who Pomeroy Is, it may be stated that he was the presidential nominee of tlie American party. Gi:nt.:v is showing no little a-pnity in her cenuuet tewarus nugiauu aim Frauce, and far seeing statesmen note it n an indicuieu that she has designs upon Helland. Thk French people seem te regard the war with Chii.a as a huge joke, and proper feed for di.cmslen only iu the humorous papers. As in the ball Held, the man that Is tee sure of a tly usually drops it. Mokecco must be a pleasant place in which te take dinner. Guests arc obliged te wash their faces nod hands seven time during the meal, and wbilethey are eating, slaves Maud mound fumigating them with inceuse. 111. HK1K1 Ih lire thsn. .Iraaiii ami lilu-len. aril where x'lt'ltll' iili'sUirr uWftllH ? I tile ! IM vii llfcv li,L',ev- en v ater. in.l wieii If tre iniir.ii' ln- k IihII I pita UH n (ttinp tliHt I struclc, iu 11 lent lliitl l Ktltheie.1 mnl gnnu Krein tne ml timi w rt' lump ll' t eve, itn.l at uunnlliL' rtte level mnl .en" -A. C. Lynll. ni'Ti.iui's fusion j-cbeine if suceetnful, weuiii rtqaira the chosen electors co be divided anoerdlng te the elumentn tha' oeriiixiHe the fumeu. Who would care te ruu an an elector en a fusion ticket with the j(Msibiliiy in be event ei itn uceak of beiLg c. injieiled le vote fi r th it arch dcmaefitie ? INi K the day when tha Apeatln Paul iu thu biP.N ul Uii x,.u'.ice at .leruaalem eager t noeuiKe biui, disarmed his would weuld ba ahail mm by the n.quir, " Is it Uwiul ler you te scourge n man that is a It mnn and uLcei.tiemurd '.''' the piotection that en zentibip in a nation atlerds bus been reoetn .d. Acd et Hlaine, when secre. tary et state, alleuid American eitizsns wbuse claims as such have never been dlh prev-d, te laiik'Uish in lriRh j illn, deuipd even the sinnil been of a speedy trial. The iiepesteiLUnis of this man's claim of the lush vote iu the coming election shows ieIiUc.il cheek in its ideal development. Tin: American committee, of the I5ar I5ar theldi Htatut) el liberty, address nn appeal te the people for funds te cemitate the pedestal of the statue. Mere than ilW, 000 will be riipnred for its proper com pletion, and the committee tint! their pres ent funds rapidly nuaring exhaustion. The wurk is one that should apsjal te these who have the reputation el their ceuntr at heart, for it is n.nlly end.iugured by the utggardliness wbiah has cburaeturized the patronage of the onterprise. The cost el the statue mere than $250,000 was oeu tributcd by one hundred and eighty. one cities, towns and preoiuets in the Ite public of France, in appreciation el the blessings of a government "by the people, for the peeple1' such as exists in the United Status of Amuriea, with ft liberty that enlightens the world 1 graeulully reminding us of the sympathy and help of their ancestors iu our struggle te obtain it. It is a nail commentary en American liberality that this appeal ler meuey te properly pl.ioe this gift from the French people should go unheard. FEATUKfca OK TUB MTA'J'K PHE88. The Jfennuin notes that mneteeu out el twenty who heed the cry of the stieet baggers are el thu poorest elasses. It read) does seem, s.iys the Pittsburg Duimtch, as il tbe Prohibitionists aud thu liutlorites were thu euly people who were in earnest in tlie campaign. Ihe Harrifbnrg iufrier suggests that Mr. McDonald, el Jersey (Jily, should put ice iu his chair cushion, llu seems te be threatened with brain fever The Carlisle Vulley Sptnt intimates that probably befeie Novumber Mr. Hlaine, lollewlug bis habit, will be down ou his knees begging from Mr. Simen Cameren tlie copy el the King loiter he carries. 'I let rrll!!l,iil Mllnsa. Imiin. May White, who saw the fatal sheeting of M.imie Thorpe in a North strpnt house, Haltimeie, last month by Geerge W. Hazeltine, aud who was herselt wounded at tbe tinie has gene te Canada, whence she nnginally came. Hnu had been re leased en her own reuegnizaii u iu the sum of $1,1100 te appear us a witness when wanted, and fitatu'M Attorney lCsrr h,ii hhe premisid te return te tektify iu the case. Mr. Kerr says that umler the law ul that state a witness can out be ilotaiueJ against his or her consent, and thut he was oeustiaiued te accept Miss White's lunoginziuue us the best tie could de, although there Is nothing against which it oeuld be enforced In oase nhe did net return. TAXING IUS UIDK OFF. tlKV. ll..IMIN I At.! HI.AIMK'S .".Kin. Whr h lil.lli'irnl.tieit Iti-piinlleni Ul rejimui It III l "import UlnliiK He Would IlKinrr im (T ill luent ilnml. Tbe eminent mer ilis's of the llepublican party nud such .bstuwiucUed punsts ng CliBlnniMi l'.'ir Imve bn exnitiiiu ever the faet tht the owner of the New Yerk InttevtmU 'if against Ibe protects of its I editors, Rf v. Or. i'nrd nnd Twining had j vnered the ptper eri-und from suirt of! rievetnnd te a peitl sitieu te both him 0'mI U'ftme. llev Or Wellington G'adden is nlse quoted n a H publ.i'ie ' elergyman who mil net vote lei V velaiul What be thinks of lilaine can be gnthetril from this estimate by iiv. Dr Uiiddeu, published in last week's hiltpfiJcit ; " Kight years age the ercat ml uity of the sober umn of the Itepuniieau piny thought that .Mr. Hlaitie was net a tit man for any high oil! -e. The laets en which their juilgmeut was bused are slil1 (nets ; notne of in are amazed that these who onee knew them eau new ignore th-'in. Man) of the aeens itiens against him rest en circumstantial evidence ; but he never has denied writing the letter te Warren Fisher, tinted July 2, ltW, and the two letters te the same person, daltd October 4th. ul the same veir. What ii'tt the con tents of these letters? Mr It1 line, then speaker of the Heuse of U--preenta. tives, wt'Iied te purchase of Mr. Fisher nud of his Irtend, Mr. t'ahi well, an interest iu the Iv'tle It ck railievl. He is anxious te get this xteck en favorable terms, and he mh te Mr Fisher: 'I de net ftel thU I .Vi( i'ert i 1i" head in thu tnterpnt if I emhirk in it. lean tee r.irnis fA.jin( in irWA kneif J eitn be umjul ' Net receiving a reply se favorable as be ties res, Mr. Hlaine writes again, and pAttuulir t s. He wishes te show these gentlemen bow 'useful' be can lie te them ; ami se he gmi ou te tell them bow, en aceitam oceimod, by se mil tig his page te General Ij ,mu te suggest a certaiu piiiut of erJer, he extti cat.tl this r.iilretd from a l.gislitive dilemma, and rendered us projectors nu important service. Such a hint as this these gentlemen were able te t ik t ; they could see, with this light threwu en the rt quest, hew 'uselul' the speaker of the Heuse might be in auy legislation :ill ct ing their interests, and they gave bim what be asked ler at ouce "Hut w.ig net this ruling, which Mr Bliiine made, and which he sen1 his page te suggest te Mr Legan, perlectly right? Undoubtedly it was. The wrong was net in tbe ruliug, nor in sending the page te suggest it, ( iltheugb thin last w as certainly u superservtceable kiutiuess te a railroad corporation,) it was in the use in.nle of thin fact bv the speaker of the lb use in bis letters te Mr. Fisher. Tice ever be tells this story of what, an speaker, he has done te promote the interests of this oerp..ra Hen ; be eucleses a slip trem tne Ulehe le confirm ins story ; ami ou this vctieu el his as speaker, he bases bis rtqiiest ler an interest in tbe cei perat ion "Hewdtdthe.se men uulerstind this reference m ide by Mr U'a ne t ms action as speaker '.' What iuterpre'at"u could they put upon it but this : thi' Mr Itlatue weul i ue bis power as speaker, whenever be could s.i'ely de s , te p.ein 'te their enterprise ? Mr HUiue is a mm e! great penetration and quietness of per deptMU He tim-t have known that they would put thin iDtei ptef. ill n u,'in it He meant that tbey should be m.tleistaud it. " The case, as it has b-ti siid is s'ui: Isr te tL.tt el a j Ige w-be dee inn a aiu-e, with perlrm. j.intioe, m beba( el a certain c.irporatieH a erirat win whose ad.nrsaie ceiiatautiy c 'iuie bolern Uiai ler m indication and afrer the doctnieii writes te the i lb -ers and asks te te per miner! re buy s'eck it the c rp .ration en itviab teiran, rerniti ling 'bnii of the d-c.c.en that e has ja-t reneere.l, aud teliii g them that he cau be ' useful ' te ibeei. This is all that Mr Blaine Lai deue ' I'i i .e uame of common deceUv 1 a-k i it is uet enough'.' I it nec.tinaiy te nay that the man whu could nuke the h'lgestieu that is niJ'le auX ii'g.d i i these tel'ein in i.ii tit te bt iirtsiiirut :' Is it u!0.'sary te api'le ;.z f if retur g te vi-te ler such a mau ? IiiipjweI the fa.'C tti.it the one mortal peril of this republic is ttn cerrnp ing iLlluence el gru.it uorjieratioiis is our legislation, does any sane man think it a prudeut thing te lilt llitetlii highest place in the ntale a m in who in capable of writ ing these three letters ? Fer my own part, taking tbe view that 1 must tak e the responsibilities of citizenship, I iefi.li Ne ItellE VOTE FeKsfiU A MlN 1I11N 1 lOLl.O 11 r UKF Ml IU..IIT llM. 'l'OO asteuisliing thing te me is that any m in of intelligence and eenseieuce could ever think of voting for him." MKMIUll'KS ,i 1)1. 1. KI.A.Nl". rtie Keplf te line ll'i.i Vnls.l le Knew .Uuut a Utiii;e Iu tne 1 icurl The Dubuque, I wa, Herald, published Wtduerday, the following le'ter from Governer Hcndriaks received by a citizen of this city in answer te an liqiiryciu corning the rumors atfectmg a onange iu the national Democratic ticket, conse queut upon tbe reports published against G tveruer Cleveland : Indian win. is, Aug. 21, ISM I have your letter el the 11) h instant, l o.iiiuet consider witli favor your suggestions of a ohauge in the national ticket. Tne action of the convention cannot uew lie rucensid ered, and I think it ought te stand. I de net agree w 111 you in respect te ibe prob preb prob able result. I think the probabilities aie favorable te tbe success el our ticket. The Cleveland scandal will net have weight with the people, aud ought net te bate weight. It is unworthy the national con tist. Three times Governer Cleveland has steed the test of a popular canvass ence for the t line of mayor in his own eity and each time he received thu indersement of his neighbors by a vote largely above his party strength Whatever there may have been of the seiudal beleie, it is uet just either te him ur the people new te revive It. Tlie public, welfare re quires that he he judged by his publie reeml, by his capability and Illness fur the disoharguef t spensible and im'srtant duties, and uet by old and exploded pri vate slanders. Very respectfully, yours, etc. T. A. lir.MlUKKJ. m.Aisu-.'.i i.te: mil iimmiiskn. Hew lie Trsstse linn, I. ll'Oillilinr Appral lur I lUrrlr wtimi seetmry. Krein the Miw ierk llemhl. Here is what Me.orel.iry Hlaine wrote te thu brother el Diiunis O'Connor, a natur alized American uitizui, held iu an I isb prison without examination ur public charges, who hail appealed In vain te Minister Lewell: " I'hneaseet your brother must take the samu course as these which have preceded u, I must io ie tuiiid you that thu act of Parlinmeut under Mr. O'Connor is held is u law of Great llritam, anil it is da elementary principle of public law that in such case the guv eruuiunt of that country in the exercise of its varied functions judicial and execu tive ailiiiuiUteis aud niteiprets the law iu question. The right of evury govern ment iu this respect is absolute aud soveroign." This and niuuli morn te the samu ellect Secietary Hlaine wiote te Mr, O'Connor, expressing his hope, incidentally, that thu (Herts In behall of the imprisoned Annul can citizen "may result iu his speedy liber ation." Hut these iinptiseued citizens eru uet released until ulter Mr. JUalne left elll 10 until the Congress took the mutter in Us own hands until a Demo cratic senator ettered n insolatien iu terms diametrically opposed toHeeretary Itlatne's Interpretation of the rights of an American eii'Xjn imprisoned by a foreign gnvnru ment. The revised statues of the Untied StnlPH provide that "whenever It Is made known te tin, president that my citizen of the United Stales bus been unjust I) deprived of bis liberty, by or under tlie authority of auy foreign government It shall lip ihit duty of ti- incident forth, with te demaud from fiat g ivernnient the reasons for such Itiipiiseumrtit." .Mr. It'aine, the proper elli.'er under our H.stem through e-heni te in ike this detuintl, anil nt the tlnin peculiarly i- sptiuteble, made no such demaud through M.'iis'er Ltwell.but, en the contrary, hel I thit tbe govertituent had no right te dem itid the reasons of arrest ind detention of its ctizcus iu Ireland. He did net even .fumntiieate te the American public the fnet of the fruit lesn appeals of the imprisoned men te .Minister Lewell. The facts only name out uiintbs after be bad tetired from uIll "e through the demand of Ceugrcsi for them. I'Ol.lTIUM I'lllMKHS, A Ueri.etillJti et thu stt tlreen li.rker I'mie-rn) t,i Itrtlr,-, Colonel Henry ltier, el P.ittsvllle, wlie received a Uomecratic nomiiuitieu ler the Legislature, h.vs declined te accept the candidacy. The lt-.pub1ic.in conferee of the Twelfth IVntiM Iv.uil.i dlsttiet cemp'isMig Luzerne and liickawapuaoeuiities, met Wednesday in Pittsteu, aud uemiuated Jeseph A. Scranton for Congress P. P. Hvuder, chairman of the National party et Pennsylvania, has issued a call for a state convention of the National Greouhaek-Libor pir'y, te meet at Helle lou'e ou Sjptember IS b. On the a i of September the campaign of the Democrats of Philadelphia will be formally opened with a bmqut of the Yeung Men's Dem ht.Uie nvs.R-utum te General W W. H D ivis, the candidate of the party for eengressm.in-at large. El win I). Biiley, secretary of the Ni- tteual committee of the Amt-ricau party t "anti-secret,") 's e i ted as hiving said Wednesdiy utgbt in Washington, that ex Senater Pomeroy. who was nominated for presideutat the convention held m Chicago in June will withdraw in lavernt St Jehn The national committee of the American pirty will meet in Cbieign e.nly neit month, and recommend that tbe vote of the party be given te St. J thu The following uotutuatieus ler Congress have been uiade : V Michigan J. C. Fitzt.enild, II. XI I wa lsiacS Strubie, It VII Mississippi E llsrksdale, D. Oregeu Samuel Jewell, G V. Mississippi i) U Singleton, It. II! Alabama William C Oate.s, D. XX Ohie Themas Kheadrs, P. XII Missouri W J. Steue, D. A MlvtlKr. Ulllll.MA IIAMt. In.e.tltiMtltig the Cell-.p.s ul a Prtrmuurc lliMllMlliiu--Its I'riMliliiei't tLtnr.. Iu the Virginia 11 nise of Delegates, Wednesday, thu special committee re ported that when the Planters and Me chauics' bank, el Peteisbut, tailed, it had ou ilepe.lt $1iI5,37J of the sutt 's luuds. Although the cipital stock of the bank was only 3119,150, tan sum et Jlll.SlU had been drawn out iu everdialts, in ail.iin.in te verv large sums previously overdrawn by faveiites, who gae uetes which, in meet cases, are utterly worthless. Among thOMi sli i overdrew were Cever nor Wuliam E. Cameren, il 000 : lime & Maheuu (the Inner -i nn of S-mater Maheue ) neirl) 41 iX , rvaater M.ibeiie, near'y ?4 isje. In ,i. ilin,,tj t.t the ameiin's due the bnt k ou account el evtruratts, thpre was -ie9,UOO due upon notes auu bills recrivaole. Of these iets a very Urge perti tu is repns,-r,ted by u ties of pnens hepebssly ins ilvenr, md supported bj no security or very msutli ut-iit nteuiity. Among these are Smith. ile.lig & Ce , call I un for JHMHjij ; G iveruer Wdlmtn K. Ciro-reii, s.niii i.ea. jll,4'K), Ingn it M ihoee J3 iXK) Oeerge Pcibmaeu, ev. r .000. G ivctiier Camer'in md S nater M ln,iie bave pant the am i f it '. ir ne.dr ifts te the trustees, tnr. th" go..- i. ii.ih paid ietviii'g upon b:s uu'.-s, igrcva'.iug ever !') OKI, ler whic'i thu trustees he'd Cel laterals. The com mil tee eh iriO that cel lui.u ex strd by which the bi-ik leaned money te e-rtain loadeisef the It adjuster Coiluieu party in consideration el being made a depository of the state's funds, but de evidence has been teuud te justify a criminal prosecut'en of ar y of the persons implicated. A . He I sit in Mart. Weduesda ttVbuing, alieut tl o'e'ock, a woman, probably lurty live years old, was found in tbe weeds in me northwest part of Chardon, Ohie, aud was brought te thu city by a faimer aud plac-d in the oireof Sherd! Pii'ice. She was reduced by starvation almost te a skeleton. She revived sullicieutly te give an account of herself. It appears that shu formerly live I in Cleveland. Ab.-ut a m uith age sl e gave her husband money te pay taxes ou their little home. Instead of duitig se lie disappeared and has uet been heard from since. Her house and let were sold te satisfy the taxes, and, without a friend in the world aud tee proud te beg, she win dered aimlessly into the country, sleeping in the Holds and sub is ing en what fruits and berries she oeuld ili.d. Fer twenty s.veii days she says no ined has pissed her lips. She absolutely refused te give her uame. She was sent te the iutinnaiy. Itltti.it uy i nliarS. Edward S. Jlonreo, of Farrnetsville, lud., who is visiting friends in Uayonue, N. J , went en a fishing excursion te Prince's Hay, Wednesday. He was dab bling his right hand in the water as thu party were trolling, when twoel his lingers were bitten etf by a large shark The in tu eater shewn1 tight and had te be struck several time with the ears before it it would leave the vicinity of the beat. Menree was taken te Huguenot, Stateti Island, w here his wounds were dria.ed by a physician. i'euiatjrtaL, Mu. Cask Bays that Jay. Eye Sae is net for sale. Gl.UisTO.NK is receiving ovations along the reutit en bis tour tu Edinburgh, Hit.v llun.nii has telegraphed that he will attend the Williams' Grove piouie ou Friday. KiiWAim T. rViKta, president of the Philadelphia beard et tduoatien, Is agiiu alarmingly ill iu Londen. Hkv. A. J. Hui'.st.iN, of Pettsvllle, a popular young Cauieiia priest iu the Schuylkill Valley, died in .Mount Cannul en Wednesday. Hicil.utl) Twkkd, eldest son of the late William M. Tweed, el New Yeik.hnsdied iu a Paris madhouse. It is understood thut he left little or no property. Jehn I.NOAid'.K, el Georgia, has been elected piesldeiit, ami Mr. Maisch, of Pttuusylvnnin, permanent secretary of the American pharmaceutical association, Hknuv M. Piiii.i ii'i, of Philadelphia, died early this morning, m the 7dd year of his age. llu was a prominent lawyer, and publie spirited cit.zuti and leaves a large estate. Jehn Dii.i.en, n foimer Irish metnber of Parliament, who was imprisoned with P.irnell, has been in Colerado for eighteen months, and he writes that Ids health, which was very peer whim he eainu te this country, has improved se much that hb expects te return te Irelaud seen aud re ro re sume his place in polities, CLAIMING LARGE MONEY Ar-lKIt ASf.llii: IIC TlVKNTV Mil. I liM. A I.Mttra.tfr I. arty line el the llrlrs.nsa te Jiitill fs. Ktnrrietrs K.tslf Hunt ing Hie l.rkHl llwnrrs. Hecently the Philadelphia Prem referred nt length le the (hiding of an out will in a book Iu a Philadelphia church signed by .lehu Nicholas Euierleh. This Incident recti led te the large family of Emorlehs, principally of Montgomery county, that theti pirents long age hud been expecting nn immense legacy from such a person. In vestigation brought out new fnciM, Tlie will seemed never te haie been ou probate and was undoubt edly genueie. i'.ui signer was an Austrian trader el immense wealth and at ene time wan a bustnrm associate of Jehn J iceb Aster II s prepet ty was all In Philndel phia, New Voik, and in his native land of Austria. He IimmI In Philadelphia ler some tune, ntul died therein 170e without having a known heir. His propel ty was gathered together and the pre .seeds tic posited in the b.Mik el Engl md awaiting claimants, where it has since lain. The Incident of the finding of the will was tlrst noticed in a German newspapei by Mrs Jehn Hes, of Pittsburg, who is new s( years old. She nensuited old letters, interested her friends and became convinced that tbeJehu Nicholas Kmerieh was none ether than her maternal grand uncle. Litely the case was put into the bauds of a Xorristew'ii lawyer and several meetings have been held. As a result a large number of claimants bave appeared, numbering upwatd of n hundred, ami Professer, Albert C Emerleb, el Norris tow n, has b en sent te Lunden te prosecute tbe search anil leek for additional testl ineiiy. Ihe clii'tuauts are muttered throughout Montgomery, Mucks. Lehigh, Northampton and Herks counties. Tbe fortune Is estimated te be at present i'JO, 000,000 Mts A. W Woetlward, of this city, wife of Prolesser Woodwind, Is agiatid daugh ter of Ehziheth Emertcb, niece of J din N Emeriuh, autt she will get a geed slice of the estate when the claims el the heirs are proved. lliitraKsnn Asianlc en an Old Wenr.n. .Mrs Margaret Schwenker, a widi.w, Rged 00 years, lives in the fainilv of her daughter, wh is tlie wile of ex Cuumen Ceiineilni'in Herman N'etz, in oraii'eu. N.itz's family went en an excursion Weil uesilay, leaving tbe old lady In charge of th- house. A little before lumn a dirty looking fellow, short, th'ck set and with a sandy mustache, rang the deer bell, and when the old lady appeared the tramp said that he had net tasted anv finid since he was in Hmghamteu, from which city be had come ou feet The old lady took pity ou him, aud Invited him in, telling bun that she would prepare bltn n warm meal if he would sit down anil wait until she could de se. Meekly the dirt stranger replied that he would eudeaver te wait In patience, jeveu theiik'ti he was almost starv ing. Mrs. Sehw-i uker htuded bun a book te read while shu prepar-d the meal, and then stepp-d into the kitchen. As seen as she had become absorbed in the tank el getting bun a meal the wretch Ciept stealtntly up behind her as she steed ever tbe s'.ve, giabb d her by tlie tbr. at, tl ing her of tbe tl-sir and heinously assaulted her Tneu he stele from her p Kjket 47') anil lett the house. It was twenty minutes before Mrs. Schwenker revntd siitlicietitly tu give the a'arm The p dice and a limn ber of cit z ns at once began a t arch ter the wretch, but it seems piubablu that be will uet ba caught. lH.UIIO ll.itnr. te wis iir.ne.n' I'll-.. In Tne gathering Wediitnday ut Grangers' picnic and exhibition st Wd hams' Oreve was the largest ever te The attendance is estimattd nt ly.OtJO Atldressen wete tn.ide in ibe meruiug by Girartlltriwn of Yerk ; H A Wed.'er nurn, el Haltiuiere, ami V. E Piullet Lieutenant Governer It lack made the speech el the day in tbe afterr oeu, aud was lollewed I" Dr. Illanteu, worthy m.is'i-i el the Vugiuia state grange. At night tlie grounds were illuminate! by electric lights, tuel thousands len.aiued i. witness liii i vi t, u. g fxeicises. Speech's weie made by Dr Overhel'z -r.el Chester, and Pief. tv II Heigt- r me sta'e normal school, Governer I't't.s.i, is.x pected, but it is tot likely tl will i,s there. Aiiiht-ss.'H will te u .. . by local sM!akers A telegram was iteeiwd intm General B. F. Huller te-da, an e incing that he would be present en Fin: iy tuoiii tueiii mg. Arrs.ts.l lur Taxing U.innlerllt IXillars. Jehn Fex, alias "Ileddy" Fur and "Fexy Green," was commuted by United states C immissietier Htiwe Wednesday morning te await the action of thu grand Jury en a charge against him of passing counterfeit money In booth Trouteu, N. J. Fex is a hueks'tr and, like Ids lather, is well known te the police. His father lias served a term for passing counterfeit coin. Fex is believed te be one id a gang who wjikeil oil spurious coin iu Trenten, Easteu and ether cities hureab mts. Tuny trade chit tiy in alleged silver de.lars. The milieu have huen en their track for some time past and Oliicur W hildy aid Clear secured sufficient proof te make an arrest. A Ntiw Kluil nt Dslaultrr. It was announced Wednesday Iu Wilkes barrtr that Samuel it iburts, lately pay master and oetitidential oierk el Charles Parnsh & Ce., coal operators, was a de laulter for an amount estimated at between $50,000 and 875,000. Roberts has trans furred his property te Mr. Parnsh, who authorizes the statement that "a settle ment has been effected." Contrary te the usual rule Keberts did net spend the money in speculations, but in "household expenses and religious objects." He was superintendent of the Memerial Sunday soheul in Wilkfcsbarre. Mr. Hendricks lUlinnt Allsnil, Hen. Themas A, Hendricks, in reply te an invitation te be present at the celebra tion of the one hundredth anniversary of the erection of Franklin county, Pa , at Ghnmbersburg, September I), wiites : "I regret that my engagements will net per mit tne te attend en that Interesting occa sion. It would give me great pleasuru again te meet such of acquaintances ns remain, whom I knew wheu I studied law with Judge Thompson, forty uars age. My residence at Chambersburg was te tun very eharmlug." Ill lis NinuUrr 'lakes SJtrak, Wednesday was thu lfl'Jth day of Mian Sruulse's fast, at Fert Plalu, N Y. Dr Hoellir says that at his request she took a piece of steak about the size of n caramel te d iy. She masticated it well, but swallowed the juice only. This caused gieat distress, but Miss Smulsuy wil! make another attempt te eat, though shu be lieves there Is uet the slightest hope ler ber. She still leeks well, her ihsh is hard aud she keeps Iu almost constant motion. Shu sleeps about ene hour a day. .laiirnaluiln Agriculture. Kiinu the ArkuiiBtis Traveler. " Hew eau you account for tliose stalks of corn .coming up iu fetice oernuis ?'' ask oil a man of linn the the farmer. ' That's net oern," the farmer replied ; " only weeds." " Ah, liew singular." "Don't knew much about farmln', I roekon " "Very little. I am the editor of an agiieultuial paper," A WlKK'n HAU NtlUUMK. I Airs Kim siarstt, el ftiltiiu Tnwnlil, l.eae Her HahlliK te Haiti: Ht'i'sll The neighborhood of Geslieu, iu Fulton i township, wan startled te hear that Edith, ' the wife el Etuis Marsh, had committed siilehle. The (acts of the ease are as I fellows . Wednesday morning Mr. Matsh I went away, leaving his wife alone, their ' two be)s being away also. She was bak-, ing and Mr. Penrose Ambler tailed te her about eleven o'e'eelc when she appniri'd ' cheeifiil. us usual. About an hour af'er bis a neighbor went t-e the house. Net Uniting her tlewu sl.ius ( iltlneigh pall of her biking whs still in the stei) she wim t te bur loom te Hud ber md me hemllm! te discover her h ingiug le a b d 'st and litn ovitiet She gave the alum a few neighbors came tu aud thu deal woman was cut down. Din. Sides and Denver were called In anil Deputy Corem r Wesley empiuelled ajuiy, whose verdict has net yet been learned. Mrs Maish was alieut its yearn old, the thing titer of A mer Stueilley, a well known farmer of Fulton, She was of mere than ordinary Intelligence, with a line etl malum She has been mart led te Mr. Matsh some twelve jeais, and leaves two children, the eungest uew U yeats old. There is no possible cause known why this sad alliir should have t iken place, as she had ever) thing te iniike her happy. Hel husband is utmost overcome, aid baslhe sjiupithy el a large number el Irlends, with whom he has bt come )sipular as a business man, he having been in business slnce he was a boy. Fer several eais be had the store nt Wnk tield. befeie which he was at Oak Hill List spring he started the creamery at (1 .shell, where he is doing a very large business, HA-.I-. IIAI.l. ilKIKrs, M hat I. t.i.l c in In Ihs tlUtniinil flslil The Lincister are pl.iylti a picked nine at McGranu'i park thisiiltertioen. I no Metropolitans, of w i .irk, will play the Lancaster at McGraun's park te morrow, According te the Trenten Tme, I'uiptie West was temnved at l'uesila) 's V. isiern League meeting anil l)uuy Mack was elected te succeed htm Frem interviews with members el the mauagi-lileut et tbe Luicat-r has ball club it Is elicited that they will net accept the challenge of the Ironsides cluu te play u series el games for the luea. champion ship The chid t'li ' et thclittei includes a prevision Mial a division of the rivcp s sh mhl tie 70 per ient. te the wm ing and !l I per ei nt. te the li.nit g ciu'i, or an the receipts te tne winner and note te the loser. The Lineaster elilti tlesin the division te be in tlie pre,t rtleu el 10 and -10 per cent. Tne Iienm-les weie laid out Oeld by the D imosties in Newaik estertla Fiem thu summary that loll it Is t-videul that Foreman was b.ull ptiundisl and uiiseriibli suptMittid l'lii- same clubs play ig.nii te d.iy. Follewiug is the se ire ill A'tdios A'tdies duy's game : isms. is l : 3 i 5 e 7 s I roust I, -s e 0 l 0 n ii i 0 l uic le J I li 0 .1 1 I liar nn. llu iii alie, i, liensl.l.i, I e- i V- 10 M- ruin Hum. site, 5 ; Ireiisi.les, t. iuiiur I !,., I r I'fwnrTr' Philldu phl.l : ll'lllalO, 'J ; Pill idrlphll. 0; Atbletin 13, Brooklyn !l ; ieiiiil' America, 0 O'jmpie, 0; Bosten : H,iten, 5 ; Detroit, il , Nw Yerk : Ne Yerk, 1) ; CU vehirnl, 7; Piovideuce : 1'iovi 1'ievi deuce, 5 ; Chicago, .1 ; Cincinnati (morn tug) : Indianapolis, '2 ; Cincii uatl, ii, Cmeii'ii.tli (ttteriioeii) 'i,lianuilis, 0 , Cincinnati, 7 ; Richmond, Vn. : Vn g u a 7. Allegheny 5 , L iiiisviil.- : Lnuis ville 5. Columbus :) ; Baltimore : H.lti meii j Metrepi lua -J; littstttrg. Pa : n Luiis Union II, P ttsbiUk Union 10, Washington D C: (.''.ppeil by it u'li.il consent) Nattuml 10, Haiti inuie Union -4, Kansas City Cu em i Hi Union 0, Kansas City Luten 0. II iNten : IJ.m. en U i en 7 W, luingtiiii L'uiei. 1 : lroiiten, N. J : ln U.ni 11. Yeik 0 KolUise nl a II Hint M r lm slri J.itin Walker, a young man win, claimed Pifsburg us his residenn.t, called at the station beuse this nuuinug ant loperleil tn it n h nl e-i.in reb'iMl ny aeompitiieu e a silver hunting ea-e wa'eii. Hi. tery was that he r de en a I might ear from Pitts bin g. ii id whin in ar ibis eity be I Mi aslei p and that is the time the tbelt was cetnui.t led When he awi.ke his crupti loe was missiug On making inqiuy In learned that the thief had boaxl-e nu cnnltiu bound uat'le tiaiu. Tniuking that be might be at the far gi. minis un ollleei went there, but was unable te Hud him. 1 1 e Is described as being 5 feet 4 inches in height, has sand hair anil was d ssetl in dark coal, gray puns and were a blue hat. Among into ilrferinrii I Irrjtymeu from tint Ueleru e.t Mes.eugui' At a special meeting et W. st Susqiie hauiiaulassis. held in the Hefermt d enurch el Centre Hall, en the l.Uh lust., the pisteial rolatieu between Itev S. M. Beeder and the Centre Hall charge was iliselvid and It-v. H .Oder disieissed te Lancaster classis, within which b muds he bus accepted a call. At the same meeting, Mr. S C. Stever, inembei ul the seuiui class el r. iV M. college, was rtceivtd under thu care of classis as a student fei thu ministry. lull Hallj- listen rsctnrls, Krein li n I'lillailulphla 'I lnuis. Thu lailure of thu Lineasur watch company will piove a seneus disaster te that town, The cause of thu suspension are uet stated, but it is doubtless owing te dopressieti in the watch trade. Watch manufactories have multiplied wonder fully in the last twenty live ears Geed watches last a lifetime ami wheu thu pub he are ouce reasonably well suppled witli thesi time pieces it Is lel'y te mcicise the sources el production Ind. tliutely Orlr.t's nniileiian Asuhcl Grlt'st, who was found guilty In the Chester county oeiitt un tbe 10th inst., el ussault aud battery with int. nt te kill his wile, wan sentenced by Judge Fiilluy ou Saturday last te pay a tine ul 4-5, costs of prosecution anil impiiseniue it iu the caster u peuitentary for six years and nine months Seven years imprisonment Is the lull extent of the law ; which thu prisoner will recleve, having nlnady hem in prison for three mouths, A Mult Agaluit ill" 1', K It Jes. Sotidbetmor, through his attorney, J L Stetumuiz, has en tin oil suit In the court of common pleas against thu Pctin sylvauia railroad oeinpiuy ter damages. Plaiutlll'allfges that he shipd a carload of horses recently te Philadelphia, aud by reason of tlie ear being shifted Irequently ene of the horses was Injured se badly that he died, and a number of ethers were also slightly injured. lllrtlulai Mm pri.n Tarty, A surprlse party was held last even'ug at the residence of Mr. Maris Smith, Ne. 551 North Queen street, in honor of his 28th birthday. There were about 25 couples present. Secial diversion el all kinds was ndull In ail c , bauiue. pa Uken if and thu gay part did not'adjeiiru until uieniKiii. An lira Sllunr's l-e.'l Otii.tieii, Simen Snyder, a weik mm in tlie Me nocuey ere mines, near New Providence, had his feet ver badly utu shed by u heavy lump el eie falling en it. He was removed te his home and his Injuries were attended te by Dr. Thad. Itehier. 'two Dnltei I lectrln Llghti Out, The police reported 21 olentrio and 4 gasoliue lightB as uet burning ou Wodues day night. COLUMBIA NEWS 1TKMS. rllwn null in (iiii.ai. (jiiitnl SI cimiunT IIsiih Ariitinii 1'i'l.es M-ii'iipi i,(r..'l lie In. IllinliU Hint llaiinllr.s Hall (Unlit te I'la) n hnlrs nl liiiinss. Henry Oiphlu, lmauutil Fry nud O-e. Ilurkt'lihelser, who nie Implicated in the death el Chas II nt'..y wlie wa In. I '.I at the coal sl utes sitiu tliuti nge, wid be brought, te Columbia and bn kivcn a hear lug belore Squire Evans, en itnul.iv merulug. Tuny will be a'j.tempaiiied by their lnwyiir md tbst. ic ,ui rnj Tbe P. II It company entered suit aglillisl Jehn II iittiiiu nod his son V ,1 limit, for the l;uei-ii) el two h .gs and m e sheep Iieiii the wnckin the west vaitl leep st Y- last b I, lay I he two ttieu a jkiowleiU-e that the niilni ils worn Iu their p i-sess en, ami that they had mfei tn.-d the oeuiii" s . Iliii'irs at Celnmht i el ih it laet Mq-i re Frank, who beard the ease last evening, Is holding tl unil.'l advisement. Terminal ami sm Isl Squire Yeung Is in P.itlvllle Mrs William Wttltuk retuinrd home 1 ist evening from h i s'ltinier trip. Misses Ida and It. Ha Kiidet ok, II..I i. I. ... , . ..... of i iiiuiiiripuia, in- ii iit-s iiitie-r Hills. Mr. Willnm Kiiehui el A'elu.en, Minn., i in town, vlsinng u-iatiiiwi an I frien is Mr. F.atik i.ni.y. .eiiu .ry el I'.iliiitiii a, new residing at Hivaunaii, O-ergn, mm low ii. Mr. Meacy is iu the turpentine rellnery business near Sivautiah, Yestetdiy several Ciluiubn fandus visited ami sp.nl the d iy at Mi r-'s grove, aud tediv sivnrnl e'her fann ms am picnicuig at Wdil l! Fills Elder J F M ux ll wll rHinrn with his In l.l e t tn rr ur. and evsuitig the nietnbe's at .1 friend-, ehiireh, the ll'thel, w m ten lei ilm he'im in t .e tl his il te - coptleti aud donation pirty. I'm p it tun Walnu' te tlie pants will m tt ut S f.ti'h aud stroe's, ut 7:10 p in , and p.ejeeil eld. r home riie com pan v last evening given by Mr. and Mis F.A Bennett w is vary enj -y iblu. Twe Philaiielp'iia latins, who aie vi-it b g tu Columbia, delighted t large cievd el nsteipirs who i-seinbled ou iheuiieH ir or Mr. Suniel Murr seu's house, y reii deriiw some choieo ve '.tl ail inst immi t.il rnu.tc. II ir. ugh Uriel., The Motl'Uville Pliilhirmouie sojle'y am sH':idliv t i-.la at L IHZ spi nigs Tne Yeun Felks' soeiety of S' J dm s Lutheran el en wll giv- a wa i i e u and tce ci im ''e-tiv il in tbe y ,r I alj . u i lie the church le in irrew and SaturOay nvetliugs There Is a p'rsen residing in tivn wh i steals plants ami II a'.ts at night lis work was leguu I ns week It w ml I no advisable te keep an or ep.n f." tnai S itu Merris m i sj qe h is a he s,, w Ip. Ii travels a uille iu J'l I It Is ei K m tuexy bieed. There was a hony'iven tbe Stiqi.i liauiia rlier th's mei mg, nn I si d-..s was ittti.it it i. im,i isit,i.i ti sisi the Yeik count bills A geld brao.-'e' w is I ist n- the s e meulders' pien e, in lie. ' wm.'- st Sattnday It br-luugs te a lady re ding at I'ii Seuth Second sl:rei. A striy kitte i it t e P It It de t 0 msed u )..s thiiahle nxone neut ms . it -mu, It was bated the ant ml w ml i he eruslied te ttea'h b"in atti a eir Ills would 1'iiV'. bp-ii Its fte hat d Il ell re. oil ll III the i leu,- of in tlell Yeu ig Iii thi-l' tittitti'jts he cat several por-e nn I i train en which tu tnten I t go its-.- ii.n t in.. The lease et the Cel unbi.i ' grounds ejpned . i ' W 'ln-lu owner, Mr .1 L Itiv.-i. hi- e . all iw there te be u-.! thi w C'llumbiitis will p-.ibihy i -n. weik s ground, en ' N t- i I' The Hill ' l Pts el I'i. I II lit tbe Datitr'esi, of Mt Je . ha an ti'i'l. r ti emv nud .! il,., . h vV' i -t 'i i' ' II - I i.jO b is b ii' Iii ill r s n d e . k I i. II , K rl -r--, i. . .1 e e n te ,!.. I live gnu," g in.a l"t ti a.r ' . , ship e Lineister e 'ii-iij I't be played in C'duiib'a i d w ii ! while ttie (If'h. up lsu-fs., , i . , will uemn elT in Laitcuitrr ei lli.i '. The visitiei' e'uti w ill mw. v ha'l -h iueul,t Tbe'e .; ,.nr dra I p , nudienc , as the q i -s .en ... k , has long been dm m-aed. T'ie Mrs' will be played in Ce1 i nti i. x- -i,',n afteruoeu anil the eiue.id in Mt. .1 y i Thursday. xt .Nl- lilt! II int. Kvsttls Ntural.l .i,i Ci'i'ity I lite The Independent O.ilar ei ( nl Tirrp lars are holeiug Ih. r tl.ii'v nod s. in nni'iial convention in Shaii.ekiit Moes II rsehll e.t, who r vi Iy fade l as a shoe m iinHac'iirai nt His'.m, n.is tM-en arrested en a ch itge of defrauding bis New Yeik cio'iterti Messfs Str.wtir- I .i ,fc C ehlr e Pint adelphia. ell'-r 200 in p z-s 'ei Mpi ties' heme-m.idti ilreses oxtehiiril .limng the Plnlidt Iplila state fan, Sep'.-" te-i t r. JO. '1 we K'.iiliiig eii.g men ti-Mng e ulv Wednrsday morning were visiunl by a polecat, and net known g whst e was, nun of them eave chase te it, under the nn pressien that it wa a rabbit, nud un'y leund out his mistake en ei'dum it. Vice preside'ds S tilth ai d Dubirrv i-f the Peuusylv.in'ii raili'eul i.u VV. ', ies lay ran a special trmnever tli" new Pi-niisvlva nia Seliuy Iklll Valley inilieiil tiem Plula lelphia te It ihi-eii station, winu, I! miles of Heading. The reni will h eien ler tralh) te Heading within a few w.eks. Till) Lancaster Walnn llwiupsiiv i. .Inns Tlie Lancaster watch ceiupany, A. Hituer. president, mailn an .isstgnuii nt te I) li Hosteller at half pist tluen p tu , Wednesday, and A Hi'iier ami wife te It tbi-it J. Housten Assignments in bank ruptey were Illn! ou iicoeiint el Abram llitner an I the Larieastei watih factory. Hituer lias been me.agcr anil piiuelpal stock bolder of the watch fuc'eiv, and is a large real estate owner. His estate is heavily Incumbered. The liabilities of the watch factor consist of a murgagn Ir debti'dnets of 50,(1011, and of ether debts aggregating nut ever i'i't 000. The manager claims te have stock en band which cost the company fltO 000, Iu addition te thu real est.i'e. Thu wa'ch 'ii) ery has led a precarious existence for eleven years, uver i 100 000 having been invested in the con cern since Its Inception Srmil.il ui a Uaiila. William Ilurshey, against whom n civil suit wits brought for the seduction el the daughter of Jehn Sohlesstuau, was arrested en a capias by Dcpii'y Sherl'l Hippey en Wednesday, and eiilcreil bail iu the sum of (1,000 for appearance nt the next term ul the common pleas ceuit. Mala nl llnr.es Samuel Hess it Sen, iiuotienoerH, sold at public sale Wednesday, for A. Lougu Leugu Lougu ncekor, in M.uihi tin, 1 1 head of ledlaua hetses at an nvei.we prien of $'3i)0t!l per head. Tbe thrce Inghest ones sold brought 1785. llsiutneit in Uiiurt Henry Hreiter was heard by Alderman ' " Z.lllT&TT Tl " , t$ tiUXt t , i. . .. f .,.M, . , , , . hail iu thu sum of :I00 ler trial ut the November term of the quarter sessions oeu it. Kxcnriluii in 1 Hilt, All exoursieii te Lbitz this morning by the Philharmonic sipgingsuhnel of Mi nut vllle, took about 1250 p-ople, ineludlng thesu from Columbia and Laudater. Tun .tiayur'a Uiiurt. The mayor disposed ul ene wag nnd ene drunk this meruiug. The vagrant wan discharged and the drunk paid costs. .. Su8in rv ?,Kh ssisisasgwpv-