Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 27, 1884, Image 2

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': TfaA AllPffPlI I UlUCrUII Rmilimium
Vh trnrrlsb'unr Putrlel prints tlie
,ViU !. A,dnlnnt nf Mr. I. 3j. McKce,
ij ' ofthe Independent Itepubllcaii patty of It used le iio.ceiicerning
the relations of Hlalne'and Senater Cnm Cnm
eren. Mr. McKee speaks iosUlvely and
boldly and Bcemtnly with much rash
ness. He says that Cameren is uet a
candidate for reelection, which is ixwsl ixwsl
ble ; and that Ulalue does net enre what
the Catnerens may de in tlie canvass,
which Is Improbable. If lttnine is as
reckless us McKee is, tlie Cameren partv
of Pennsylvania la likely te give Its vote
gainst him. Se doubt senator Cam Cam
eeon knows that Mr. Hlaine is net
friendly te him, and probably he has no
deslre te continue- In political life ; but
he Is In u position in which he canuet
tetreat from it and leave his friends c. -tlve
te his fee. He lias been at tlie head
of the, ruling Keptiblican faction of
Pennsylvania, and Is in a position te se
cure substantial guarantees from Hlalne
te protect his friends in tlie future. The
minority Independents who think that
tbev have secured the political
leaves in securing Hlaine, are likely
te be somewhat disappointed in
the event of his elect! in. Mr. McKee
manifests probably ncoed deal meie
boldness than he feels. He states that
in Union county, the home of Mr.
Wolfe, tlie champion anti-Cameren man
of the state, the friends of the sena'e.
have had tlie power te name the Legisla
tive caudldate te Mr. Wolfe for his ac
ceptance ; from which fact it is easy te
conclude that they have the power te
dictate terms te Mr. JJJaine ; who is a
man, moreover, easily impressed by the
force of circumstances. He knows hew
te swallow with apparent relish the most
' disap.reeable medicine ; .and ills dispesi
tlen te go back en ids premises is tee
well understood te leave any doubt that
liia contract with tlie Catnereus will
have substantial bnil te secure its per
formance The Possibilities or Ballooning.
The success thnt seems te have at
tended the experiment of Captain Hen
ard, at Meudon, Prance, with his s-lf-prepelllng
balloon a few days since, luis
given u wonderful Impetus te the study
of rcretiaullcs. A detailed report of it lias
been1 made te the Paris academy of sil
ence, and icrenau's all ever the weild
are eagerly awaltlnit the decision of the
silentUts eimpilsliig that body regard
lug it. Since the year 1700, when C . -
endlsli discovered that hydrogen when
pure was 10 tiiae3 lighter than air, the
study or lu'loenlng has worried many
a scientist. The Montgolfier brothers,
of Auueatty, Fr.tuca, were the first te
practically demonstrate the pesslbilit)
of safe balloon aijcuaieii in 17S2. The
history of icrostatien trem that day has
baen but the recounting of legions of
failures in the efforts te solve the pro
blem of serial navigation. Lives have
b'jen lest ; money wasted and in the end
ajiuutisUi were compelled te acknu-.vl
edge that the status of the question
remained practically as it was In the
days of the Mentgulfiers, mere than a
century age.
Hence it is tlu the alleged discovery
of a sslf-prepu'lmj ball en b Captain
llnard has s.-l tl ctureiuiutd iu a tumult.
Tne trade vvl-i Is with tluir lnea'cuUbl
benefits te ocean navigation were no'
discovered and made us1 of until Un
close of the fifteenth century. M iny
have believed, in like manner, that tle-ie
are uniform currents in theliiuhprutnirv
pliere, which may be made uss et in
serial navigation. Hut even gianting
tliis possibility, thu balloon would re
iiuire a steering apparatus tha w.niM
enable it, like a ship, te bent agam-.t tin
wind if necessary. This the Frenchm in
sibove silluthd t. claims te have ills"
covered. Ts e treuble with all moteis of
the kind he.uti.rere invented lias ht-cu
II at te make them of .sulllclent power,
'oe much weigh' was requirvd te be ar
ried by the balloon.
Te these who leek upon these expirt
menls with sceptical e3f, it may be
fcaid that stntngi-r tlnniJ have hap-i,(-i,
and it is no auiepg tin- impasiliilit h a of
the future that our children':! uhildieii
may utilip balloetiR fi-r tin same i ur ur
pese as we of the present gener..'ieii
make use of the loceuiotiv.: un! i!,u
Itetueen Twe M00I9.
The I'hilndelphla licvetd nml7Vis.snie
having an intim-stlng colloquy as te the
consistency et Hie l'rcas as a tuukug
inan's organ. The Recerd neled 11 an
inleieating tact, allowing the wide differ
ence between pieHching and pmctice mi
the part of t lie Jllaine ers-iins, that nearly
nil these newspapers in New Yeik and
Philadelphia 1 of used te pay their co.u ce.u co.u
pesitora the ruling prices of the typo
graphical union, when they veie loudly
proclaiming their isuty te be tin- v.vuk-l.ignu-n'a
dear friend and prutccler.
Toe 1'nsi, upjireciatlng the force of the
fuct, declaied that It paid the union rale
et wages; te which tlie Iltceril it
spunds that it dots se only nomi
nally, .lnce it pays these ratta only
ter solid " matter, its displayed
matter being put in type at less than the
usual cost by men paid by tlie week.
The J'rcas la a " rut " etlice, no union
workmen being willing te work en it be
canto it will pay union rates of
wages. Astlute is no question ei this
it follewi that the l'resn, though fellow
ing probably a judicious business policy,
Is debarred from claiming te be an
erguti of such of tlie werklngmen nu aie
finmd In unions. It is very Interesting
te netu hew thebe bread and loud pretes
tsitlens of politicians collapse when
pierced by u aharii fact such us this. A
newspaper wlilch is managed en busl
iit-as principles and essays pelltlciil
leadership as we'l, is bound te
pursue u straightforward and
benest policy if it would full,
ns the Press has, between the two
ptoels. The Press does net bellove In
werklngmen'ri unlena, evidently, in
newspaper publication, hut feara te
apeak us Hb nets, iw,hihi the union
ur-ii 'gmeu have vetw.
The Agricultural 1'ulr.
Tlie county fair that begins In litis
city next week, premises te be ene of the
most successful ever held In this section.
Tlie project is ene the Inception of which
was made n year age, and It has been
steadily growing until at the present
time the undertaking is gigantic in prom
ise. The iiiHiiaeers of the fair have
spared no pains te make the exhibition
one ei editable te the county, and from
the number of applications made for
space there will doubtless be a
very gratifying showing. The en
terprlse is ene that merits the
cordial encouragement of all who
are interested in seeing the county take
the place It deserves as the leadiug agri
cultural section of the state. Xe one
should allow his farm duties te hinder
his attendance en this exhibition. The
farmer will be benefited by the broader
view of husbandry he will obtain trem
the Inspection el the exhibits, while his
wi'e will find recreation and knowledge
in the examination of woman 'd h.iiuli h.iiuli
weik that will be there present. A
geed crowd at the fair will ensure the
forging of an additional link in the
chain of fraternal kindliness uniting the
city and the county.
Tin: street committee, haviiu' get
back from tlie seashore, is sending out
notices te citizens te repair their pave
ments within twenty da.vs from date.
They Kwk quite imposing, being signed
b eacli of the five members in autograph;
one would think that a demand made en
their authority by u cleri; of the street
commissioner would de, but tlie com
nuttee evidently desire the citizens te
feel that they are iudiistrieiu and vlgi
laut and have taken personal cegui nice
of their defective sidewalks. Messrs. V.
lluldle, A. J. Auxer. J.j. It. Ooedell,
Jehn F. Schum and Cuas. lJuckius are
the gentlemen who have taken the s de
walk businers in hand, and assumed the
responsibility of weing that the proper
repairs aie iund We call attention te
their tseble stall, with intent te see
whether it is te have the u mil ridicu
lous eiidimr. Within twenty d.i)s all
the bad sidewalks of Lancaster sire te be
repaired, or the street commissioner is te
undertake the job. We will give them
sixty daS te have the work done, and
then we will report thu progress they
have made. We shall be agtceubiv .-ur
prised if any is perceptible
Mis Ulainj: in the Senate voted
against the bill, which requires
the Pacific railroads te set aside si
quarter of their net earnings towards
the pawiu-ut of theii debt te tlie United
Stsites. lie was one of twenty senators
who be neU-vI. Ben lj-atlir in the Heuse
voted t tie same way, being one et two
members wl e se vetd. Heth these can
didates voted against the country's iu-ten-Jit
then. Uew can they pose new
as corporation tees ':
Dkttki; paveincuta have long been a
crying ncil ia this city. IIelp the Httcut
ejnimitU'e te c't tliem.
Tiif. :u ualeiit waturtncleri anl iLu
&oIuctive peach aiu bentiag thru- receids
t Li i year iu caus'.ngBtemasuic dierdfr.
'Tun cremation inRO b
h-yeudtuO limits of thu
into New Jerey, and a
jec'.eJ near Trrutoe. A
s uxteuded far
Cuitcd Stutea
fiiruaoe is pre-
etemaury for
'.njttpaitetS would be a iu irj
t,,llnieu at the pieseut time
i.ihtid section.
popular in
iu that be-
A mono ihe most valuable et
luu.u.d of rrcent prrpattieu is t.'ie
Hand bek of Politic" ty H.1.1. 1M
wait! Mcl'aer.seu, bicU has just been
idsud for 1?3-1 1. oeQt.uns much that is
11. .. -ful t ) the t;uiierr.l uadur, aud te the
pel.tical s'.inlitit it ib mvaliiablu.
It is prep, r tint ;'ie ivtrnmeiil should
Le fittingly lopresentcd at tha New Ur
I'.aun exhibition and the nni of $3UO,UOO
itpprt pri ited by ( 'outruns is noun le., lait)
for the ptirp si- The ftjt hat ?7.",0ih)
the anieiiut Viiil Iu iiporlieiio-l te the
Smitbgeuiaii Ini.ii'utieii in h.iiii-ulim
Mittleieut that the meti will hi1 will
XilTIIIMI eirs
In vulu inuii toil tin tlina cm alter
1 11. 1 loveaor tnnttuoMinuuieilis taltui,
Unit wit 11 llm el. I Jrur . Iih 1 lit y,iii i 11 0
I'llll OI.MhH rlllt IllUlin tlt-ul.lHHOUl rtllWiil ,
1 In- huh 11, 1 m t lut new rti.ilnixl lieul r,
'I ill" III. I 1 1I 111 1 1 1-1 llll'HLUl' lll-tr iMNil.tiH
.Se 1 1n. 11 1 a-sU il mu, 1.0 tllii" di: n'm-s
11 c-1 1 livtw, xiii'ii iiihiniiile-i mill aiicli p'ntM .
Am iii-i.l 1111 itruwiel Kim 01 she a 01,
Ne sihIiil' neli frnrii host or ilium ei
Te tntni .11111 lie'uiu ireiiQ.t Hint unilei-
Tin) tiii-ri uiuUIm mt mjcru m lleunr.
reivatd is oceasioually given a severe blew
by the worldly suacess that often at tends
thu illeiu el thess far removed from
the path:, el tbe virtueuf. Here is Fiatik
James, te, itistanuu, the u.x-batidit ohief,
whohe attuudance at the ISojuvllle, M).,
fair is the Hignat for the outpouring of
eiitlun atlj theusiuds eaur t ile him
honor. (Jnly a abort tltue ;tge he waa pre
Hcntcd with a tlae heisu and buggy by ae
ardent admirer. When he was ready te
go hii.ii- In was csjorte 1 te the railway
tuition at.d given u j.urse te "provide fur
his ltumedii.U; wants " When luolishuets
l uuh net, te thu exteut of thus houering
euecf the fei enieit rebbeis of the century,
l:i ne: hard te uxplalu wliy this class
el citi.jna llud the luadiug nf an heuest
llfe distasteful.
The Celuinblu Jhruld solemnly pto pte pto
neiiucen eoleiitloampmeotiugh a nuisance.
The llautsbiirg littiel makes the eager
Inquiry "nhsit has beoume of Scoater
The Philadelphia Eetnimj Star has in
creased itb s 2u by the addition of thiee
uul a hall I'lumtiH.
ThePitttibivg Ghrenklt Telegraph baa
a.J.ipttd the luini of an elght jiiiae, 00
e'jiumu, nowapaper. It la typographically
num 111:11 euuetiaiiy UDKlit.
Lets of men retuin, like tlegs, te their
vomit, nays the Wilkeabarre Under, but
we never knew oue who menictl te like te
wallow in It as does Dana, of the Hun.
Commedoui: VANnuitiiii.T was ouea
intervlewcd by a nowspajier reporter. The
latter In the ceurse or nlu Inijiiliieri re
marked nplogetlcally telilm : "Fin afraid
I am pryliiK tei much Inte your prlvate
business." "Never you mind my half of
thisjob.yeunz man." the blunt eldvetrran
it plied : 'la. net itui.,j te .ay niiythii,,i
tu you that 1 dvti't want te,"
A t'rlrM'n Stilclite Imltirccl lij Aliuetnlluii I
Mllnil - a Krnilltic JlHliteim Htrnrli
el t'ruiulfe Milt,
ltuv. diaries Staul, of t'ae llloemtiold
Cathellj church, near Pitttburg, com cem
milti'd mieidn Tuoedav uieuiinc by shoot sheot shoet
nig liimscll' at his reaUletice ail.initiing tlu
church rduice. He was about U7 yeam of
age and ' id ttceu a victim of consumption
for years. Family he became no reduced
physically as te be confined te bis lied and
for the past day or two his death was
almost hourly expected. Monday night
his tulud, which had become weakened by
discase aud suflfcrlu, cave waj. Ills
room was en the ground iloer ai.d early in
the morning he brgged Irs attend inU te
carry htm up statu. At length they
yielded te his cntrcalicn ami, upn being
placed in a room en the second il xir aud
he dismissed them both upeu erramU, and
during their abssuee took a revolver from
the drawer of a stand at the head of hit
bed and uliet liiiusclf tbreult tlie heart,
causing lustaut death He was a native
)i dorm my, Laving been brought te this
oeiiutry in mlaucy. He was a man of Hue
attainments aud, ue.ilcs s List caatgc,
had been cenucctrd with churches at
Johnstown, -'iore he was reared, Perry
ville and llrowusville. He vas of a chcoi chcei
ful, pleasant disposition nr.d enjoyed the
greatest popularity with all elates iu his
Suit (or tlrrncliet 1'rviiilie
Hmsna Kcppert, of ltcadiug, has sued
Fianl; Fasig for breach el premise of
marriage. SUe claims J5.000 damages.
The plaintilT is 20! yeais el.l, ai.d, accord
mg te htr testimony, shu becttne
acquaint-d with Fasig abiut eightn
mouths .ie, sioce which time until ,o ,e
Cfiitly he had been paying attention te lur
with a view et raarriage' She said tb r
Fasig btarti-d te talk ec the subjv-et of
mainace voluntarily at their lira: m;t
in,!, aud that same evening he u.aue a
premise te marry her. After t!:at time
continuous premises were taade aud the
plaintitf oeusouted. About the 2J et De
comber, 1SS3, the d -fondant prcacuted the
plaiutilt ith an eugagemeut riug v. ittt
this inscriptien: "Frank Fasig te Kmtna."
Fasig, it appears from the te.timjuy of
the plair.tttt, paid visits te htr regularly as
eltcu as three times tu a vn-tl: .ilJ
u.variably t.nult en the sabj.-c. m.i-
rtac wht-n he made his visi't.
uilllenlly Witt, Mttlklus ailuctr.
A special from Ceal Ceutre says that
thirty four mero campiug imucrs wi-te ar
ivbted Tuesday morning ler trespas,Lg t :t
the railroad oempauy's prej-er y. l'be
wives of fifteen or twenty of th prisoners
went te California Tuesday ai -1 aeked te
be bout te jail with liur-biL-ilj, as
they had nothing Xe hve nu ixcspt a iittle
cirnmral. Their reipaest, of cmrse, was
uet i;rautcd, TIhti! is much mdignatieu
iu thu cemrauuity at the whcUdalu arrests
which have been madj wuheut warrants.
Last evening 350 additional mmtr-, v.uli
three brass bauds, ai lived l:i the camp.
The strikers wne jubilant, au-1 ilaim-d
that " for every arris: niade thue will be
lour new reeruits." UosraterNoi.; went te
Putbbnrg " te take counsel as t v nether
uic miners camp, tuuuMtricu us i'. is, cji
no, ba broVen up and thu nut'., ra forced te
TIia iir..t irrrs 1 il-staia I'IclIe HiiuihhI.
The formal opening of tuu tri-state ico
nic of thePatrei.s et Husbandry tit W1-1-ninV
Orovc.teok placc1icci.iy aftcrcejj
in the pre.-ouce of at Icat: 7,000 persona.
Thu addresn el wrlcemr n-r.s dphvered by
Lfeuanl llbene, of CeDtte county, master
! the State Uruuge. llea. V. K 1'iollet
also spoke and was feliuwed by Ltcuirn
aLt Dunwe dy, of the tenual tLrvtce, tb
lat'er spcakhiE en local weather sisals
which wete biing csUbhubed. Litutei..'.i.v
tloverner Il'aek ilelivura an address te -tcerrew,
and G.-w. l'attisen en Thursday.
Thu number of exl.ibita w u. Urtelyiu
ciuas"d tbis morning.
A uiiii,: lilrl Miu.u ttcrfl:
At Mt. IUaddeck, six mile north et
Uuioutewu, Fir.k Lacdiua.i, aguii'it;bteeu
years old, cenuaittnl suiciu.
afiemoeQ by hauiiu. Thocme le.-hcr
hiiieide is uet known anJ her parents nvd
friends say that she ha . 1. troubles of any Fer several day- pjjt she h.viueil
rath.-r gloomy and v,n noticed le U-i tend
ing the Ilible a gteat deal.
A Veudk filiiti CruiUwil te IMntli.
Klmer Sautee, aetl twuuty, met with a
fearful death e'i Tuesday in F tstea liy
havtnc his he id 0,111 ytH betwnen a lly
wheel and the hilt i-i W1..1 1-1' s .; kene
mill and criuhed in llid n.n row i.p.ic b
twci-u the whetd acd 11. u v. all el I'm p. I 111
which tt ri'velv I D.'.vh wi ?'rs"ii
rilK i; .III.LK.I hlltiATION
A 11,11ft Unit tlii IIIim-e uill I l;ff fur
f 11,
ur ilitKi .-.luiitiM.
ThoHtatedoparttnontat Wnilaugteii, has
rtceived fiem Frank 11. .Masen, United
States consul at Must-. lies, a upjit dated
July III, upon the situation at that place
and Teulon nince the abatement el the
cholera epidemic, fie tays : -'It w.ll be
two or three months before the iJai;i.-r u! ..
new outbreak of the peotilene will lie p n',
ami a much longer peuei must elapse
before the ordinary prosperity of biuir.cs.-i
can be roitered. The linr.neeii f
Teulon and Mareeillui ha-. e beau strait cd
te tha utmost iu cleaning their stiectn uUM
tenements and catir.t; for tbe sck ui.d burl
ing the deaii. Mauy tneusauda et their
wealthy andbtucvulentcitnceus urn absent.
The presence of hurei.di il'iai:c:al
ruin weighs hcav.iy upeu ihu bud
ness ciiiii'iiu .i'y, a-n! iheurlinrv
teoeurcPH et chanty are ten-uibly our
tailed, ubcrlptijui iiave bse.11 raised u,
.MarseillcK and contributions sent f.em
ncigb'jeriug towns te meet the m Mt press
iuh' and immedia'.e n.cds, bat th ie uieas
iiitu of relief have been tncagie, The
Ficiich coveriinieiit lias v.-ithiu the past
few days rent committees .if inquiry te
measure the prebable deficit ai.d a lou leu lou
Hlderablo sum has bjun voted for thu rilmf
of the strickeu cities Tlu tide
of returning fugitives hi.s ju-tt iet in, nu I
no description can picttite the wretched
neHs nod destitution tlu.t alieady exist "
Tl 0 ceiiLiil su'cLitH that this in an 00
o.isle'.i which eilers te the traditional
liberality of tlie Amerlcin people a leady
and fitting opportunity.
Mr. Charles M. Weed. United States
deputy consul gcneral at lt'iiue, writei te
the department of state, under date of
August 0, that the eh iltna which appeared
in a small village in Piedmont, near
Turin, and in the proviueo of (Isnei,
gained but slight headway, and Is new
under coutiel. Owing te the quarantine
I rccautleus, tbe only railway new frcely
open into Italy is tbreii('.li the frontier
Mat I in from Austria, ut Cannons, be
tween Tileste mid Uditm.
line wimsmi tit- r t.irns,
Uennritli)i.iil NiiiiileutliiiiM suil Itie Werk
el Hute Ounvanll jii.
William II. Noeoo was loneuiiualed for
UengresH by the Democrats of the Kluveuth
dlstrlet of Illinois.
The Domecratio Orccnback convention
of the Buventh Congresriional district of
Iowa met 0:1 Tuesday. Jud;ti W. II Mc Mc
Henry, Dotneoint, was uemmatetl ler tbe
lejg term and William Ku-id- r, Greou Greeu Greou
baekbr, for the short term.
The Democrats of tlie First dlstrlet of
Iowa nominated II. J. Hall, of Hurling Hurling
ten, for reprtsontatlve in ('eii.;icas, The
dlstrlet is represented by Moses A, Mo Me Mo
Celd, llopublieau.
The Democrats of the Tetith district of
Missouri nominated Martiu L. Clardy, fei
re-election te Congress.
The fu ion oenvontiou of Urecu backers
and DiMiie.M.tta at Utttaimiug, Feima.,
nominated Daniel Koitz.fer Congress from
the Twenty-fifth district.
'Hie ilreenback state convention of Texas
met in Wace, about '.'0 delegates bring
present, and put a ltutler ami West
electoral ticket in nomination.
Tim Democratic convention of Luznrne
oeiitity nominated for e uigressman ftetn
theTnelfth district. Judge Stanlej. Weed
wanl, giving him power te choeso tn-n own
oetiferces. CCounelly has the Lackawanna
Tlie Republican lei rtten-il convention of
New Mexico met in Santa Fe te nominate
a dcK'L'ate te Congress. Four counties
baited. The regular contention unaiii
meusly nominated L. Hradferd Piincoen
the first ballet. U was uiiderstoel that
the bultvrs would nomiuate Colonel Wil
liam L. Kyersen, of LasCtuccs
mi: alAjU iifvi-.u AT i.ast.
A I'reu.luri't HUlnp l.niilrr Snuiiitu ttm VVitr
Cry That Hint de.
llnriNbiirt; Patriot lnlirl-w w ttli 1 t. Mc-
"It is understood that Cameren's lnemls
are looking after tue Assembly distilets
with the view of m.ikiut; him his own
tuccc.iRer .''
"I think that the converse of that pro
portion is true. But even if it; were true
Mr. Cameren cannot held hia own people. In
ntiti-Camcri-u localities the friends of
Cameren are evading a 11,,'ht and are jield
leg 1 1 pubhc se&titueut. In districts vslure
he is strongly backed, be no doubt controls
the nomination but cannot control the vote
nt.crwardd. Mr. Hl.-.iue is hestile te
Cauii re'i and will never permit the Penn
sylvania patrocage te be doled out as air.
Caraeteu directs and the members of tbe
next Legislature will be fully impres.Mxi
with this before the election of Mr.
Cameren's Mi;ecssnr takes place."
"Would Mr. Ulaiue dare take this pui
lien before the presidential election takes
"Most certainly. He cares nothing
about Mr. Cameren's wishes aud has
friends enough in Pennsylvania te indi
cate early just what he wants done tu that
state, and just whit lie docs net vv.iLt."
Tee throitet Mr. McKao'sdiscenrsa was
here broken by tbe congratulations of a
few friends who were passiug nud who
stepped te jny their compliments. Ite
snmingMr. Mclvee said the "ltpublicuis
will elect ene hundred and twoiity-five
membersef tbe nest ilouse nf lipreaenta
lives of which Mr. Timeren's frietidd will
Lava a p issible scveuty-tive Wln-n these
suveury-tive gentlemen tiad that Mr.
Cameren represents nothing but the old
Cameren dynasty that lived and b'.uemcd
in another age a-.J cannot be perpetuated,
they wi'l turn 1:1 disgust Irem Mr.
Cameren -ved consult Blaine, tbe real and
only hviug Warwick " "Yes sir.'' warm
ly add'-d Mr. McKee. "Mr. Cameren
must take a back seat and co well is that
known iu Pennsylvan-a, that Mr. Cooper,
chairman of the Republican xtate com
m-.ttee, has elllcially statetl that Mr.
Cameren would net be a candidate."
"Yeu tluuk then thit Mr. Blaine would
use his it fiasace as preMdcnt against
bimv '
"I n it only ililuk se but I am c.-rta.n of
it, and Mr. Carrier ni's attitude in the ores-
tut canvaB dcmenttateh his l:noevlcdae
of that (act mr re fi-ic-.bly tbau auytlunu I
C'.llld sav."
Te lustareu this caul Mt Mcivee "tafee
tU i case of Union count j. Sorr.e time age
the friends of Mr Cameren proposed te Mr.
Charles .S. Welfe the name et a certain
man for Assembly, 'If you run that gentle
in?.n, mid .Mr. Wolfe, 'you will compel me
te be i candidate' The man wan at e: co
abnr.deunl ard another proposed. 'I have
nu objection te him.' said Mr. Wolie, and
he wan selecti. 1. He is ti trieud el Mr.
Camrreu but t.e is tl-te I'rutnlly te Wel'n,
nnd w!ipu be diocevciii tl. U t'tiieren's
power -,ri 1 palnieage is gene he v, i , go
tee "
ller.Kitr DeNNKit, the owner of Mattd
.-' , is very aimmis te buy .lay Eye rfee
Ouu (Mile. De la Ilarcee) ion ttrict
observer t tbe prepr.i tufl, ercapt In bcr
V. II. Titr.i.i) ban been appointed
geuei-1 manager ei tbe Baltimere Si Ohie
express company, wiMi headquarters at
Hiii. v, tLu isircss, ha. .urived in New
Yeik with dresses I .at wero made
fei the (ineeu of lielUud. Shu says they
an: "dri-atm."
William .1. Hutchinson, of New Yerk,
was worth $1, 000,000 a few mouths age,
but every dollar el it has new gene iu
.1 F. Meykii, for two years organist et
the Presbyterian oluireh of this city, has
been elected organist of thti First Itofeimed
chureh of lb-ailing.
Jena- V,'eLi' hau been uleetcd governor
of the Chickasaw nation by i small ma
j irity. The Wolf partv have a majority of
teu in th-J Legislature.
Sl.vateii Hawllv baa collected the
autographs of all the United States StiuateiH
and prtHcutcd them iu sv handsomely
bound velutnu te Nilsseu.
Mu-, Ll'ciictiv Oaiifiisld and her
daughter Mellie, it is reported, will pass
threu;-,j this city e.i Saturday morning
next en r-iiite for Bryn ilawr, whero they
will be the guests of Hen. Wayne MeVea(jht
Fu-iiivsTr.ii Oi'.Ni.iivi. GuusiiAM, lias
atiKiinted Judge W l . Otte nud W S.
Crawfettl superintendent of foreign mails,
te represeut the United States at the
qttiiiqiieumal international puital congress,
wbljh in ' meet in L.sben en October 1st.
Jehn A. Cevi.r., r.s , was elected a
delegate te the auuual convention of the
Irish Catholic Bonevelotit Union, atWheel
mg, W '- Virginia, uu Sentambjr 21, bv
St. It-rnai-d'a iienlety, las' evenlug. Air.
Ceylo wi'l ropresimt the only soelotios iu
this city, mernbem of that union having
a bjeu eleetud a dol.-;.;te by St. .Mich
ael'a imsiety.
A ViiuiiB Weman's Alteuuic nt HulclJi.
Liura Ueyer, a native of Lsbaneu, but
for four inenthn residing in Allentown,
Tuesday night b wallowed a lair-e dese of
laudanum with suicidal intent. She hsd
bieu disuppeintctl iu luve and threatened
te end her life. Ne icgaid was had te her
talk, but when she lailetl te appear at the
supper table it was Icared she had carried
out her threats. Ferciug the deer of her
loom, she was found unoansaieus en her
bed, with an empty vial clutched iu her
hand. Dr. Mistier was summoned and,
after sevcial hoursef hard weik, Hucoeeded
in having her life. She is only nineteen
ycais old.
C'ui.rnrulai; Lti.otiter I'elitlcUtm,
h'lein the IlurrtstiurK Telegraph.
Lai-caster peliticlatiti nre inteusely in
terested in the affairs of ether people just
uew. Jack lliestaud, Stalwart, wants te
run this congressional district, while
Johni y Linlis,wliem Mylmsuewul under
for the M'liatnrsliip last spring Is very
inituh t xeieisl-d about the senatorial tight
iu Chester Johnny ought te bandage his
head lu slicul cucumber. Fevers nt this
betiMiu of thoyear are d.aigorens.
unit ciiniittLlrsfiliiiiilil lis lioiptreur,
Fruiii the Notrlatewn Herald.
The Lioevster belt ennpauy faihd en
Saturday. Frem the number of political
beltfl made thU year, P was siippesni, that
ev iy ds Maiiii'a'it-ry in the cjuntry w.ih
worhe j, overtlino and 0 lining meney.
V II. Willi NAM 1111 l-Oll IHll'N IV mt.MM,
Wlin tlm 1'itrllm Vre Hint Will . Jutlli rtln
Hip l'a,M Itntti .Itiilctm Trjlng I'mu
inuii I lean I). hi it C'iiK
I'liii following viewer have been up
pointed by the court te lay out or vacue
rrtil, ia tiecordatice with the petltietm
pieseuti d te the court S
lelm It. Hrb, Jehnsen .Miller, and 1. F.
Bemborger, of Warwick township, view
era te niter the width of Center stroet, In
the town of Warwick.
IVterS. lttilst. W. C Kvans and Israel
(1. Fib, el Warwick tewmhip, viewers, te
liy out a pinpvHed mad, Irem iv point en
tbe public lead If .iding from New Haven
te Mahheliu, and ending at iv point en the
public read leading from the Lancaster
and Litita turti ike te Manitoba.
C B. Floam, Jehn B. Seuseuig and
Laac 11. Sheafi'iT, et F.arl township, view
ers te vacatepart of a read iu F.vrl town
ship,oeniiuonciug,nt a p nut en the Hi.ikle
town and Chureh town lead, nt lauds of
Kdward Ujhr ami ethers, aud ending at a
point en the II urtibarg A. Downttigtewn
tutupike, ant lay ou' a.iethei in l.eil
t bet oef.
15. 15. Fliekin;ci, Jehn O. Meutrcr,
Jacob M. Heckley, v .ewers, te lay out a
read iu Vet Cocaltce township from
lands of Sam'l Pickcu en thu read leading
from the SchariVerstewti te Holiilielilsvillo
and ending en the read leading from Co Ce
calico te Nowniaiistewii.
Samuel M. Ktby, James Beytl and Byren
J. lba.-h, viowers.'te lay out a read from a
p.nnl en the public read leading Trem
ilaulhr's mil's te I'rteisburg te n point at
the lermimif. et the Pciitiville read in
Feuu township.
J. M. Shell!;, J. Struhtu, ji , aud Hiram
Peeples, Providence township, viewcre, te
vacate part of a public toad lu Piovidctice
township and 1 ij- out another iu lieu
thereof, irem a point at the intersection
ofthe New Provi louce and Strasburg read
with tbe New i'revi letiee and White Oak
I. ad and ending near Winter Hill school
F 11. Burkhelder, S M. Stddomridge
ami David W. Bank, of West l.irl,
viewers, te vac.te part of a read leading
from tbe droll's Dale meeting house te
the Feters read, in Wstt F.vrl township,
ar.,1 lay out another in lieu thereof.
Jacob 15 Stebmae, .Michael lvrelder,
Chtisti.iu Muster, Ciiitstagn, viewtts, te
lay out n private read from the Mil'ers.
ville iV Safe Harber turnpike te the I arm
et Jacob r. warful.
Nattuntel E. Slayraakei-, Rebert S. Me
Ilvaine, II. II. Itebrcr, vievvets, te report
upon the advisability eT divi hug H tit
Fail township itite two clecliiu districts,
the Coucstegn orcek te be tbe dividing
.voi.iiQtelj (.'utitlriiicn.
The repert et viewers laying out a pub
lic read m Mt. Jey t wnship, from a pilut
en the liue of L.vucdster and Lpbatieu
ceatiti-'B, near rosiJci.'e of Samuel ltiscr,
sr., aud ending at a point en the public
read leading (rem I'olebreok tu Eliza
beth tow u.
The repert et viewers vacating pait el a
tu'i'li: read id lt.-.phe tow uslnp, leading
Irem Mauheim te Sporting Hill, a distance
of SWO yards.
The report in viewers vacating a reid in
Eden rewnahip, beginning at the Valley or
State read, ucar limtse of .l.ieb M. Uuk
mati p.'-.d endiug nt land of S.unuel at.d
Adam Keen, en tue rea-1 leading te
li'iirry ville.
Couitel Cumuiiin I'lOA'
Iu ttie r.uit of Jehn H. Moire vs. A. II.
Uugg and Geerge Bryan, tbe jury this
morning rendered a verdict in favor et the
plaintilt aud aiscssed tbe dimaji-s at
The suit of Jeseph A. hharr vs. Prestuu
B K illreth, appeal by defendant Irem the
judgment of Justice Jehu V. Uu'.h, was
attached for trial this morning. After the
jury had been sworn and the first witness
was put en the stand by the plaintilt.
ouunsel for the defendant raised the point
that the narr did uet set forth n specific
time at which defendant was indebted te
plaiutilf and that the damages are laid at
4400, which amount is beyond a tnagis
trate's jurisdiction. Claintilt ameuded
the narr te conform te thu law, the plain
tiff pleaded surpriae ami the ease went
ever at defendant'! cost.
The next case attached for trial was that
of F. S. Bitzcr vs. E. O. Henry, aotieu te
recover oemmirslons al'ejcd te be due, for
agricultural implements sel.l by plaiutilf
as the agent of the defendant, anil damages
for violation of contract, en part of do de
fondant. On trial.
The snit of Henry Keen vs. Jacob A, Shi;!:
a-id Franklin O. Shirk wasattaehnd for ..rlat
in the lower court room befere Judge Vm
tcisen this morning. This was en aoin-e
te recever damages for iijuriea sust-lued
by the plaintiff, by reason el the alluded
nuiBance created by the defendant. Tl'e
facta as outlnied by the plaintiffs couuuei
were that Henry Keen Is th- ewner of u
property in East Lampoter township, near
Itird-ln Hand. The defcndantH own aud
operate a tannery uear by,
md vit l
claimed that the refuse of the tannery
uenslsting of very offensive matter is suf
fered te run from a tnu yard, into
a gutter along the highway which
passes plaintiffs after running Heme
distance this rofuse pannes into a
gutter which runs through Keen's
premises. Much of the refuse remains
iu tha gutter te thodlseemfnrt of plaintiff's
family, causing sickness nnd compelling
him te keep thu doers and windows of his
liouse olesod a great part of the time.
This nuisauce plaintiff claimed has existed
for two years, aud thore belng no effort en
the part of defondantste abite it, although
rcquested te de se, this milt was brought
te recever damages.
A large number of witnosses have been
subpeenaed, and tlie oase will probably
last the bilanea of the veek.
Current IIiuIums.
Dr. Jeseph Furnlsa presented a petition
te the court, setting fertli that he brought
suit agamst the Laudater City' Street
Hallway company for damages for belng
ejected from 0110 of their cars, that the
arbitrators who heard the oase decided
that he had nocaiise for action and diroeted
that he pay the costs of the suit, thnt be in
tee peer te pay the e.ists nud he thorefoiu
prays the oeurt that he may be allowed te
appeal from said finding, the same an If
the oeatB were paid, in acoeidauco with
tbe previsions el the ant of Assembly. The
prater of the petitioner was granted.
Henry Lehraau, Strasburg township,
and Daniel Boek, West lampoter, were
appelutcd guardians of the miner children
of Samuel Boek, deceased.
Henry K. Furlow was grauted a re re
newal of his aoidier'u Iicoii3e te hawk,
peddle and vend goods iu the county el
A Hllxtit lira
A geed deal of uneasiness was felt this
morning when the box at the corner of
East Chestnut nnd Dulte struck nu alarm,
nud it was nscertnlued that Lobzelter it
Ce's bending nud speke works, extending
from North Queen te Christian stroet, bo be bo
twein Chestnut nud Wa'uiit, was en flre,
Tne establishment In a very large one.ccn ene.ccn
taming a vast amount of manufactured
and unmanufactured lumber, nud sur
rounded by many ethor valuable buildings
and it was feared a destructive conflagra
tion would result. Fertunately very llttb
damage done. A spark from the lire
box iu the boilarieom had ledged between
Cje calling nnd thu Heur of the bending
room just above it, nnd had hoc ihe te the
woodwork. Toe tire was dlsoevorod nnd ,
put out by thu workman bofero the arrival
of the llnmeu.wlie promptly responded te
the alarm, '
MlirilKV lOUTIIti blllltitil.tllli.llHKN.
'llm solieul llnnril lintliUs In lllte Tlinn
Tv, i, tiitjs m tlie jiiimty rlr.
A FHeial meeting of the school beard
was held last evening for the purpose of
ceut.idi ring the question of oleslug the
public M'hoels for a tlay or two next week
te gtvn the pupils an opportunity of nt
tending the enmity fair. The following
named meinbera weie present :
Messrs. llakei. Breiiemau, Brosius,
Byine, Ebermau, Evans, (last, llartman,
William Jehnsen, ,1. M. Johtisten, .Mar
shall, McCormick, Obleudei, O.ihs. It.iub,
Itingwalt, Sohweliel, Slaytn.iker, Warlel,
Zi'oher, L-ivergoed piesldt nt.
The ptesldetit having Mated the ebji'Ot
of the meeting, Mr. llartman for the pur
pose of hiiligilig tbe in.Mtel befote tlie
beard, inevnl that the schools be closed en
Thursday nud Fnday of next wet k. lie
utidcroteod that it the hoIieiIr were closed,
tt was the Intention of the managers ofthe
fair te isMte tickets te teachers and pupils
at reduced i.ites en the days the hoheols
were closed.
Mr. Slay maker tnevul te amend Mr.
Ilartinnti'H motion by providing that the
schools bu closed en Fnday only
Mr. Baker oppecd the amendment ; he
thought that the children would be greatly
beuellted by attending tbe lair, and that
two days would give all a belter opportu
nity of attending than one d y.
Mr. Hitrtmaii said that but little soheol
work was transuded during the opening
week of the term, except the work of or
ganir.vieti and getting the Hclioelln order.
He thought thlii could tu doue during the
llrt three daya Monday. Tuesday and
Wcdnr'day that the children oenl I at
tend the lair Tlitiisday aud Friday, nud
bn ready ler the let! iu!i iel work en thu
following Monday.
Mr Evans was opposed te having any
such exhlbitioes interfere with" legillmvte
school work, lie moved te lay ttm whole
mattoreii the 'able. The motion was net
After some further dobate by Msrs.
Brosius, Baker, SI.iym.iUei nud llartman,
th" question was takun en Mr Slaymak
er's an! it wiih b t by a vote
of '.i yeas te It! nays.
The (iiestleu vvna thuu taken en Mr.
Hurt nun's motion am! it was agreed te
Yeas III, nays M
Vltlllni; OiiiiiiiilCtnn's AIiulnlml
The president f thu biard anueunccil
the following visiting committee.-! for Sep
tember and ijtebur :
North wi-ht Division E O. Snyder,
Henry Uast, . W. tlatib.
Northeast Division Dr. McCormick,
C. Sehwibel, I). O. Baker.
S mt beast Division -A. . 11 tlgwnlt C.
F. F.bermitn. Marriett Brosius.
Seiit'iwest Division A J Sevdei, Gee.
Darmstetter, J. Hty Brewo.
M'.l 1 N.Mll.MI
1'AIC'S HA t.DI-.-ll.V.-..
1 !!
It. I ll-tlnriiiitii lUttiiiin r.tlti Hut,
Itiiuum llte Cuiittrrt.lutiMt Nuintiiec.
The II. L. llaldeuiaii Democratic chili
of EiHiern Ma.', tta, seen ted the Marietta
bin 1. as well as the drum corps of pest
230, O. A It., of Marii-t'a, aud accom
panied by about 100 Democrats of
Mauctla aul vicinity, l.tst evening
tcuileriil a sireuadu te Fatis Haliletii.m,
ci., the JJemocralie nominee ler Uengress
from this comity, 011 the eve of his de
parturu for Europe.
.Mr. llaldemau received his frtcuds iu a
short but happy speech, in which he pre
dieted thu election el uievelaud aud
Hendricks and an lu.uest a liniiiistiatien
of the government uuder them. .Mr.
biaien Brandt, et East Denegal, aUe
made a few remarks in the svnie strain.
The precession then went te the rcsidt-uce
of ill. 11. L., who compli
mented the club nu its appeal
This club, winch vva i..,t only ihe first
in thu vicinity, but anions the lust in the
statu as well, tetuiti out unifei mrd, pre
se 11 ted a tine The men, who
drill weekly, 111. irolied and maneuvered like
veter.u 8. The discipline was perfect, and
Uapt. Feill, who commands the club, de
serves much credit. Eich member, befere
sUitiug, wan ptCEcnUd by the ladieA of
Lewer Marietta with a liandsuine bouquet.
'1 tie club also carried tlu tine I lag which
the lanii ladies gave thorn some time
since, as a. il as the elegant Urge baunri
with of Clevelaud en 0110 side
and Hendr.ctis ' the e'lur i-iei-uted in
The club is ceinp ised i n'.-r -Iy of work,
iiigmen, hasashvd no .tssislat.ce from .-ut-sulers,
and eteh inomber has pal 1 ler It iu
own uniform.
a dV vviiii riiK rui.iei:.
UuuteulA el til e (llllclnl Urai; litit Wlirii
Untiled In I'li-Diiy
travelling agent named II. F. Mo Me
lijr.y made eimplaint against an unknown
!..-,u te, atsault and battiry, befere Alder
taf. Bcrr this morning. Thu unknown,
v !'e ,r vtd te ba a young man residing en
3. ,rb'i stroet, went te the alder
ma.j a eCzvi wni.r. lie Ieartied that he hail
been piesccutcu, and seen convinced the
.naftstrte tnat he was net guilty of the of
fee mi o'curzed. Ile entered a suit against
Mnlinrlv fe.- flruiiWfliini.u. mill ilUnrilnrl.
I conduct and while the papers were being
prepaied .vioberly slipped out, ran away
and has net since beeu scen iu this eit'
Qcorge Gerlitzkl, for whom a warrant
was issued a mouth age aud who skipped
the town when he learned th it he would
be arrested, surrendered himself at Alder-1
man Barr's o'Mea last oveuing, pleadetl
guilty te the effeusj charged and was
committed te the county prison for 2-1
Philip Dlehl appeared at Alderman
Forduey's otliea en Tuesday oveniug te
answer a oharge of malioleus misohief
piefnrred by J. 8. Mol'lietsou, the alloca
tion belng that the tlofendatit maliciously
drove his team into that or the prosecutor,
wrecking Ills wagon. The oise was
amicably arranged, however, t'ae dofend mt
satisfled the prosecutor that It was an
accident, paid the cints and all damages
and the suit was withdrawn.
Twe ledgi is, the only inmates of thu
Htatieti house last night, were ibsc'iarged
from oustedy this morning.
Harry Breem was complained against
last evening bsfore Al.l-rmau Ferdnuy ter
druukenuefH and di orderly conduet by
Lizzle Fraiser Ile ontered ball for a
Miggie Daily, wife of Jehn Dally,
entund suit bofero Alderman McUliim
against her lioge lord, eharging him with
dcaortieii. Thu oase will be In. ard Friday
evening at 8 o'clock.
Sarah Yeung charges Hiehud Itedrnati
with eurety of the peace. The hearing
will take ulaoe Saturday evening r.t
Alderman MeQllnuM ollice.
Tlie (I A, II. Kticainiuiif nt.
There will be nu eneampment of the
members of tbe 0. A. It. nf this city and
adjacent plaoes, at What Olen, en Thurs
day, Friday aud Saturday of this week.
The mauagomeiitof the encampment will
be by Admiral Knynulds pest 10'i, of this
elty, but Geerge It TVemas pest, together
with pasta from Sunshurg, Maiilieim, Ce.
umbla nnd ether placen will beiepieseutcd.
Company "U, of Columbia, tbe Sharp Sharp Sharp
shoetors, of this elty, and ether ergaulza
tieus will be present ntthe uncimpmeiit,
AlkUluiiti at Viutfs In. tl tutu.
Mr. N. A. Itowe, M A , a graduate of
Codington college nu affiliate of Dm ham
university, England, and Win Jenes, II, A,,
of Harvaul university, have lueu engaged
an auaUtauts iu tbe Vnates Fistitute for
the next year.
'llm Htrt I.lKtit'.
I'oepilieo topertod four eloetrlo .tint
four gavelinu lights as net burning 011
Titajday night.
A (KMInK IUIII I'llll Tllf. I.AMOAHrr.U.
itrriiiiiius fllnrls In M-,irn 'I'lmt lnlleil-1 Im
Irmifl lin W In In 'I riiiilmi I' limit
I'teiii Ihn Illniiiiinil,
All nuilleneii of betwiiull (!()() and 71)0
people saw the Bullahi Leagtie team shut
out the Lancaster at .Medrami's park yes
terday nfternoen. The game was ve-ty
listless until towards the elose when tlie
home team made strenuous elVerts te score
and the vlsltets worked just ns bird te
prevent It. lu the first Inning Myers, the
BulTale catcher, was struck en the back of
the head by a pitched ball from Smith
that temporality disabled him In the
sieeml lulling Breiithers made a tio tie tio
mmideiis lunge into right centre for three
bases, but was put out while trying te
make a home tun. Serad's pitehlug was
very rfieellvn, no less than seven of the
home team fanning the air. The umpiring
wns regarded as faulty in mauy respects.
The Hoerti fellow :
t.ANCASTKR. All. II. III. I' II. A. K.
Ilollenl, el I il I i 1 1
I'arKt i.-.'b I a l ! i (i
lleUuiiil.Jti .1 il I lit
stuitii.ti i 0 i .1 a ii
wi'UiOl, rf 4 ii e ii ti ti
Steven, s s S (I n Oft -J
Illelultil'OII, t- SI) 0 I I II
VV illtl. I I S II II -4 (I II
lull, in :l e ii le ii l
Total Ill ii I '.'I II 'i
nurrALe. A. n n. In, t'.e, a, k.
Ilieu.'ifts, lb I n I n e n
ti'Umiike, :i I n e :l -J e
iy iiite. an, -is i t u a i
reiee, M.SIi I u I e ! u
Myers, c a 1 u u -j i
Kurilur, u 1 4 ii I J l ii
I. illle, r r 10 u e n li
Si'titil, p a u n i te e
Untie, 1 r U -J I II 0 0
Total Jl i .1 n se I
in.simi, 1 1 3 4 ft C 7 S l
Lancaster n tl e u n e n e u e
ituir.iie e i i 0 : n ii i x i
Kitrneil run,, ltutl tin, .'. 'I no tune lilt
Parker. Tlitee tiaiinhlt, Ilretlttiers a-nl White'
Loften Iiihi'O. Ijtlie.Hti'r, ft ; Hull no, il. Dim'
tle pl-ivs, Miiltli. Ile.littnl mill I'm km-"
(-Heur!', 1 one, White Hint Myers. 11'
out, hy seiuit, J 1 by Smith, I. liit-n en tmlls.
I.itueitsler, 1; lluiralu, 1 lilt nllli pllehinl
liull, Mjm.1. I'ansul bails, M)ers, li Mellaril
en, l. VV II. I plteli, Mniltli, I.
linplrn, .I tv. li. Iiun-itiiiiii,
Treiitiiii Delr.tti-il tiy mi Irou-iees
The Ireii.tiiks tlefeated the Trenten en
Tuesday 111 the latl.-i place by the scer-, of
4 te -I. A di-ipiteh te the Intklli
01. m r.u siys : I no tuutest wns a hard
fought one, the l'touteu play Ing an excel
lent uphill game after a temperuy rat
tllng iu the first 1 .nil).;. The leatares of
th.v Ironsides' work wue the double plays
aud a couple et brilliant lly catches ty
Brnel'iy, Thern was a small atteudanea at
the game. Feil -vieg is the i-cere ;
tlU)KlIIICS. A.ll It III. I'.e. A K.
rn i.ney. s s Ill I 1. 1
MIK'Ulllh, Jli 1 I 11 11 -i 1
(lellllllll, lt all sue
Mclcttiiiinv, 1 1 u " " 1 I : lie
Ultlllulil. e 1 I 7 s 1
Iinnalil.Sti tee 11 1 u
Iierlty. r t 1 I 0
I'le, p iel 0 1 e
Total 33 ' 8 -? W
TRltNTON. A . H. III. A. B. I-.II.
hlieuilne, !5b Ill oil
Ueceltis. 1 ill loe
Ivuiiiiut, e t 4 11 I -: 11 1
le. lti 1 1 1 II 11 1
llnyle.'ili .10 1 III
imtily, e 1 u 1 ; 1 11
Slllltll, s s s u 0 1 ti 0
llroutlier. rr 4 e i leu
Miller, j, I 0 u 11 I 11
letal 31 .1 S 11 1- I
is si -i ei, I 1 .1 I ft ii 7 s '
llllll-M.-S 4 0 0 II 0 0 0 II H- I
In iilen . 0 0 1 e 0 1 1 u 11- I
i-.UeimI ls, I ; Trenten, I Twe
iiltitirs. 1'uj.geit tialli U.illlelJ.
n-s Mllli-r. .1 Lett oil Inistw
I'runleii, 7 I'lml tiiieeu tmlls
Triuiteii, .1 S lrt n.tre en eriers
Sit llll III
IllL-.l llltA II -
.- Wllil pi I
Irnimlili-j, I ,
Irensliln-i, s ;
llOllkl II s, .1
; Ireiiten,.! strues out lien-
I lei, I , 1 lenleii 11 nenble plss..Ulilllulil
iiml iieinliiiati ; I'yii', IHHuh nil 1 tininliiiitii.
Tlinn 2 liiiurs
t'liiplre Mr. West.
uii III tlm lllll
Thu cletkii of Mrytrstb ltathfuti's store
played tbu clerks et Burger A. Sutten en
the Ironsides' ground-, yenterJay altt-i
noun. The feiiuer wen by the score of 23
te U. Onl) font niiii.igs were completed.
The Eastern base ball Lfaguu met at the
Tienteu h uisii, Tituteii, Tuesday night.
Fri-hldcnt Huinsiunu 111 the chair. Thu
scht dule committee repertml a schedule for
September. It wai dtcidctl, owing te the
l.iteiies.i el the Ri-.t-ien, te make no change
iu umpires and te admit none e( the t.tveral
app'ying cities. N'-xt year Jersey City,
Hartferd aud Sprint Held will probably be
tl.tiiii-rt I'lMjea r.Ufeirnern.
I'hiladelplua : Athletic 3, Brooklyn 0 :
Mlllvdi.', N. J.t FiiilidelptnaV, Mtilvil'e
2 ; Nuw Yerk: Nt-w Voik-1, Cleveland
0 ; Baltimete :. Metropolitan 0, Biltimore
1 ; Cincinnati : Cincinnati r, ludiauapelis
-I ; Richmond, Va., (stepped by lain) :
Allegheny 1. Virg'tna 1 ; St. Leuis : M.
Leuis 11, Teledo 0; Leuisville: Colum
bus -J Louisville 1) ; Kansas Oitv : Cin
cmui.ti Union .'5, Kansas City Union 1 ;
l'lttsburu, Fa.: St. Leuis Union , I, Pitts
burg Union l ; Atlantie City ; August
Flower 10, Mutual (oelorod) I ; Burwin,
Pa.: Uex Club 1 1, Picked Ninu i.
A 'cii'i. 11 ltitsrnlliiK l.ecture by I'reteMur
(Irl-iici In union llethcL
Last evening Prof. J. Stanley Grimes
delivered a very interesting and iustruotive
lecture en the nerveus system nud im
relation te the mini te u very respectful
iiudbnce m the Union Bethel, corner of
Change and Priuoe Rlrcets.
While the subject is of 11 very complex
natuiii yet tue profess lr showed that he
was master of his j -jjc. iu the soleutttla
manner in whiuh he unraveled the mys
tenens cotivelntlons of the millions el
fibres composing that part of man's pbysi
eal nutuie lu his illustrations of their ilif ilif ilif
foient relations te thu phenomena el the
mind. He ufllrmed the nerves were a tele
giaphie system and divided thein Inte thoii theii
several cl.thit-s antl went beyond that feuud
In the books and exp'niiiud hewdisturbau
ces bulew tlie dl.iphiagm caused iitiessluesa
and depression of spirits, while the lungs
nreiisett hope and Impulsive desires.
He clearly explained hew seme nerves
weiu impiilhlve and seme restrictive in thu
emotional class ; the seat of cutisjietisuesi
was tesUml watch pjsltieu he assumed in
th-) work lie piibitdied tn 183S whleti view
has be-Mi ivlep'ed by I). Luke, Brown
S"quade. Hcrbsrt Sp3tiear ami ethors
Ha nlllrmed tlut the mind or HJat el
co.'iteioUNiH'ssIs a unit, but that the brain is
uet, which fact he brought out iu tha
dillcrcut traits of insanity. The
professor ha 1 a p.-ofeund mind aud is an
original thinker. His incidental hlta at
the foibles of hum 111 nature, modern In
fidelity and spiritualism accompanied
with humorous illustrations keep his
nud ii lines amused and instructed.
Prolesser Uiimes la said te have pub
lished the first work en evolution ever
wtltteuiti the English language. Te.
ui jht he loetures en evolulieu of the brain
or his new system of phrone-goology, in
which he will demonstrate that the three
classes of fuuctietiH into which physiole.
gists divide thu body nre oentalued in the
bi.iiii and thore urranged lu the order of
thou evolulieu,
.UcetlnK el uuunclU' Uniiimttnits,
At the meeting of the lamp oemmittoo
of ueuiiail", 011 'luesday oveiilng, $115.03
was tlmliutetl from the bid el the Miunu
Ebo'rle Light company, for lights tot
buruiiig liming the mouth.
At ih j meeting of the ilre oemmittoo eti
the Hinie evening Jbe appointments of
Eliner Sing as foreman of company Ne. 2
anlDtvd.M 3h"UK-r as 1 n ninuu of
.. came cempauy woie continued,
--, -.jtjK