Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 25, 1884, Image 2

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Lancaster tntclligcnrcr.
MONOAV EVEN1NO, AUO. 25, 1004.
The Sim's l'OTC.
We have ft great deal of sympathy for
the New Yerk Sun. It wants se rruch
(e re strnlfiht, and Hilda it be impossible,
that: It te entitled te the commiseration
of everyene who hates te ri7.e upon
pictures of sufferlnir, whether physical
or mental. The Sun says that it is
Democratic in every flbre; and yet Is
compelled te oppeso the Democratic
ticket ; it it virtuous In every aspiration
and yethas nene left it te tie te but Hen
Butler. BellevlnR that it tells the truth
when It declares hew nrdeutly it wishes
the Djmocratle party te prosper, it Is
easily credited that it is painful te it
te support Butler. And there is te be
found in its own back pages such an
estimate of its present candidate as must
add very much te the pelnancy of the
recret which it feels nt beliiR forced new
out of the Democratic embrace it leva
Inte arms that it se much detested.
It Is undoubtedly awkward te profess
devotion te the Democratic narty while
advocating tha defeat of the Democratic
ticket ; and when in addition a once
hotly condemned man must be taken us
the candhlate witli whom te defeat th
Democracy, the situation becomes dlsn
agreeable in the extreras te the Deme
cratlc fibre of the Sun. It is te be noted
that that flbre is of rank growth, since
It is but recently that the Sun, under its
present control, has manifested any ten
derness toward the Democratic party.
It is doubtless due te the forced
growth of the plant that its Democracy
shows such signs of Immaturity and de
cay In the fruit. It the Sun had been
dyed Djmosratie in the wool, it would
net new be out of the fold ; nor, if It
had well dlgested Its Democratic nourish
ment, would it new be following
Butler, who is net a Deraeciat in
his conduct or doctrine. lie has
shown in I1I3 life that he has no
fixed political principle', lie avows any
dectrine that seem presently expedient
te help his ambition. He lias net shown
consistent anl self-sacrificing devotion
te principle. A man may change his
opinions and be still a wise and honest
man ; but he cannot change them as he
pleases te sacuru his sclfUh aim and he
deemed either h jnest or wise. The Sun
ence had a very bid opinion of Hut
ler. It admits it, but says that
It knows him better new. It
erred through Ignorance. Hut such
admitted ignerauca Is net te be excused
in a journal which assumes te be a pub-
lie teacher and wuich Insists upon its
views with such determination as te re
fuse te let them be controlled by the
convention of the party which it declares
it loves in every fibre. An editor se wi 11
set in his views nees ill te s.'cure them
the acceptance of ethers when he admits
(hat he falsely estimated a public man,
such as Butler, who has furnished te the
public, during his life of some three score
years, abundant opportunity of judging
him. The obvious suggestion is that the
Sun, which new condemns Cleveland
and ence condemned hut new applauds
Butler, may be w renKr again in one or
both of its judgments. This mms se
clear that it increases the CQinmteeratieu
we feel for the Sun in its big and sad job
te upset the Democracy that it loves se
Stock Values.
There has lately been a concert' d
effeit apparent te force up thu price of
stocks, under the ldaa th it it eidy need-.d
that they should he held up te induce a
general confiJeuce in the resurrection of
their values that would cause the out
slde public te buy them. This idea
seems te have been shown te he uu uu
feunded, since the publh have n it hceii
purchasers ; and the stock manipulator
seem te huve become tired of their
burthen, or have been tee weak U held
It up, aud stock value have fallen.
Seme persons think that the surge dewu
ward is permitted with the design of
encouraging purchases at the de
cllue; but the ptfent fa-jti of
the commercial situitieu svn te show
plainly enough that the drop 1ms
become poEsible because of the heavi
ness of the lead. As lenr as general
business ii depressed there Is no sound
reason for anticipating a permanent nse
in stock values, both becausa there is no
surplus Income te be invesUd, and be
cause there is no profit in the business of
the corporations te tempt Investment In
their securities.
When business is dull railroad re
ceipts fall oil, while their general ex
peuses continue. In the struggle fei
business te keep their facilities employed
and te average their gtneral expenses
ever a large ten nagu, their rates natur
ally fall. They seek by combination te
keep them up, but such combinations
are never long successful In resisting the
natuuil order of tilings. The cempeti
tien of tl e milreads is bound te reduce
their charges ; and until the produce of
the country Is sufllcleut te give them the
business that, will pay their debts aud
dlvldeuds, they won't pay them, and
their stocks will net be a geed purchase.
Literary Oulirleu.
The literary repututlen that springs
up like a mushroom in the night Iscften
dtstined te have little permanence. A
few scere of yeara age Sira Payson
Willis, Fanny Fern," was ene of the
most popular of American uutheresses
The sales et her "Fern Leaves
reached nearly 100,000 copies. Her
Ituth Hall" und 'Shady Slde"
reached 65,000 and 10,000 ceple3 respec
tively. Se tee with Fanny Ferester,
whose " Aldorbroek " had a sale of 03,
000 copies. These names are but
memories in current fiction, and copies
of llieir works are prized by blbllopellsls
us curiosities. Tliere are writers te day
la the floed-tldo of their prosperity
of whbm the next genera
tion will scarcely hear. The proillle
Mra. Soutliwerth, sontimental Mra.
Henlzantl Mrs. Helmes, nnd dramatic
May Ague3 FJeuiirjffi popular a3 their
works are te-day, nre destined te enjoy
but un ephemeral reputation. Henry
James, Win. 3). Ilewells, Antheny Trel Trel Trol
lepo, Geerge W. Cable and ethers of their
claw may survive them a few years ; but
it is net n rash prediction te make that
tiie legion of authors that have sprunR
up in recent years, save Geerge liliet
and a few ethers, will receive literary
burial long befere the twentieth century
enters en its second decade.
Tub wholesale land thieving by cattle
kinaa In the West lllustrutis anew the
necessity of such an examination et the
books as Hendricks proposed when he
llajcd Secretary Chandler.
I5i.Ai.Nr. is Raid te be descended from n
King of Wales , he get his spurs, howevor,
from the king of the lobby,
IU'skin charges the weather with liuiiug
doterioiated in a most shameful manner
slnca he was a young man. Perhaps the
larae might bj said with tuuru truth of Mr,
Tin: latest btaud-aud deliver demand e(
Highwayman Jenes, chairman of the Ho He
publican national committee, is for sub
scriptieus te start an illustrated campaign
piper. The palled judo Is wincing under
the thrums, as savage as truthrul, of Vet
and llarpcr't Wetkly.
Tlieclerklet sleek
Ilia ettnlnirs ssve.
Ami Mais week
lleslilu til wuvi-s.
a eS nlter all.
U enlv uiriins
riiil UireuKli tln' full
Iluit uvu en l.ein
..nm tht Tojfen I'esl.
Tin; B'aine arms nre thrse bmi' head',
quartered with kens, rampant and re
gtrdaut , crest, a fox, patriot ; motto,
"..Yen Xebif Stum " The Utter legecd Is
net very ipr iprnte for thj mm wh j dur
ing his publ-e oareor his b'ea for himself
tlrst, list and all the time.
China may net be Mich an easy p urn for
Ffauee te swallow. I is said that nt one
hour's notice the eau put in the Held one
hundred thousands men armed with llem
(nptuii breech leidiuc and rill. s
and with all the necessary Gatliu,; gucs,
Hetehklss guns and Held pieces. She his
ninety million men capabloef beariucaras
aud is net abort of mjuey. Her navy,
eflljcrrd by E .r ipeans, cen-ists of forty
first class liue of battle chips mid twiee as
many gun beats. Ner does she scare us
quickly as wan cxtoeted.
The story tn Sir-. Pirneil wl.h her
SOU'S SinjtlOU u miking the ilfjrt te
uuite the Irish-lieu of the U aited States hi
that party which wjil i m ike tha highest
bid for thrtir vjte-i in r, Imittun; Irmh
iroedn fiee f d' y, ti u or, t hj u'.terly
witaeut i)uuia:ien. l ue eiuara was
hatcbed uad3r Uipibn3Ml ll(,MMs and
was intended te hoi I eu: i ulitterme p'em
isofertbo IrUh ti vev the lljii'i'jl.evi
ticket. Mrs. l'arnuH dote.o the nrtitlea,
and she thtii vaiss, lnr opinion of the
ixsuesthat divide the pirttei : " Thore cin
be no quostiea tint jru'c pirty
is the party for th') werkiiigtmu tj sup.
pert, and tin pirty which will Ijm; oare
for the citizen of foreigu birth."
Mn. HuNnr Gcouek Beiin, the Lemlju
author aud publnher, H de id.
UitiNseN' Hewauii, oltter and play
writei, has bocemo net.l an a biojehs'. in
IvI'.I.I.V. f
Philadelphia, rlieil ou riuuday oventeg iu
hi teveuty-third year.
Si'.cHETinv Foleeii has returned from
Washington te his home in Geneva, N. Y.
in failing health.
CesiiiissiONr.u Dcelry, it is rumored,
wi.l resign, boeaiiaoof diirrcueea betweuu
himself aad Seci tary Teller
Vi:riY Hr.v. I'Miun; Hkim.y, vice gen
eral et the Catholic diocieise of Wtluimg
ton,l)el.,ovlebiated the llfticth anniveisir
of h's ordiuatieu te the priesthood "
Sunday meruiug.
lill.i.Y Dei Tscn, the noted Contiuetital
baccarat bank breaker, Hjltd in l.irli
" Le Hei de IJicearat," has ceme te
Ameriei te live, and haja lie will uover
touch cards aaiu.
Lean Celin CAMrnKLi.'s constituents
iu Arjyleshire doeliuo te Mtppert htm for
ro-elcotion te the Heme of Commens en
account of the bal treatraent of Lady
Campbell as ahewu by the roeeut divorce
Junnrs Lten, of MiKhiKRippi, who nan
been visiting bin brother, l'rolesser A. .1.
Lyou, of Wanhiugteu, Ha , died miildeniy
thore Sunday morning, et heitt dnease.
din raother aud sihtorureaUo there. Jude
Lyen wat about fo.-ty-llve years of age aud
Jtnnc Jehn Hiciiauds, of Wilkcsbarrc,
aged "7, died en beard a veasel ihieh
reached New Yerk Saturday night. He
was ou his returu from Geimany, where
he had geno ter hlit haalth. It wax A
twenty sixth trip across the Atlantic IIc
was usHoeiato ju le of Lur.erue county
during the rebsllien, aud Iuh been iu thu
brewing Imsices-i for evor llfty years.
Till; RLKUTitlUAl. r..lllUII'.l).N.
Tfi liujil.iy of uriluaiiun Hint the Uorero.
iiiciil fruie,e, .tl.i hi ue
Articles iuteuded for the displ.ty te bu
made by the ordiuaneo department of thu
United States navy ut the internaucnai
electrical exhibition, iu Philadelphia, have
already arrived at the building, and Lieu
tenant FUke is busy plaeing thorn In posi
tion. Among them nre two Grnmme
dynamos mounted en oue shaft of a thrct
cyllndcr Brotherhood engine Each of
these dynamos runs a baud lauteru, lltted
with n Mangin projector, whleh is the
most powerful relleoter known, and they
are intended especially for torpedo service,
in watching for the approach of torpedo
beats and iu krepiuK under biirvoillauce a
channel iu whieh a hoitileliset is expected
te appear. When both machines nrd
attaohed te oue lamp the light will be
equal te 10,000 candle power without the
prujoetor. Hy the aid of this lii;ht u
small object can readily be diHtinguinhed
at a distnuce of two and a half mile.
The signal boivice braneh of the war de
partment has Higuiflrd its intentien of
moving from the gallery te thu main
iher and joining the exhibit of the
ordanaeoo department. The elcatiicil
Incubator has uew 700 eggs in the trays,
aud the first ciitckcns ever hatched in
Pulkdelpbia by means of elcotrieity are
expeatcd te airive en Sopterabor !3, ene day
alter the opjuieg of the great oleotrlcal
llfiiiarutttjle I'rtinlly of llrutlierf.
The death of Colenol Olmrles H. Smith,
of Philadelphia, leavos hut oue survivor
of a very romarkable family of brothers.
Colonel Smith was Ot years old. His
hurvlvlug brother is Daniel Smith. The
ether four were James 8. Smith, Fraueis
Gurpey Smith, Hiehard B. Smith nnd
William 8. Bmlth. Colenol Smith dled
from the effects of n fall from his herse,
and It Is a curious faotthatallef thoethors
met their death In the same manner. That,
however, whleh was most romarkakle in
the lives or all or these brothers is the faet
that ull of them roaehod the nge of 80
years, und each lived te colebrato with his
wlfe thelr golden wedding.
WnrwrrVn PATTT. MUM 'pernem attended the rrguUr
luiuiuiu W'lll-"u a", mi,
new riiM kii'.ai. iiik rrui.iu i.imii
llltnrcu I vn utiil s milllin, ( ilircanf
tup l'lllitle IIimimI'I KaiipxiI In l) llm
lltp, cleus C'tltle lilucr.
Sjhih time since the commimie-rr of
the ceneral land otllie at Vilnni:ten
enlercd a survey of certain public liivli In
Coleiado and Nebraska, with a view e!
bilnclug units at the uet trim ei the
enurt ngahirt cattle cotupaniea that have
illegally leucsil iu lirge traet ul Hud in
tboae ota'es. A sp?eial ageut wh t ha been
superintending the survej iu Colerado, In
a report te the oenimislonrr, iaj eibt
eises have been found against tin IVurte
Cattle cumpiuy, eouipeMHl of Smtohiuee.
AueximiuaMeu ha been ina h of truet
oetitaiiiiiig 100 Fiptate miles, 2. gijinre
milrs, 10 square milen, .) squire ui ion
and Uie ngent is at p-cmnt rxiniiiun ;
tram oeutaimrgovor 100 rquare mile All
of these nre under the control of the
Prairie C'attle company and, the i;ent
ay ire ilVally fonceil m.
bilicnl in tlie lin.l etllca niy the prio prie prio
ttce of illegally large traJts ei land
and nnkwig traudu'eat entries hn bceu
k-ieiter the pst year tlmu ever before
Ttiy el.iun that between tlve anil sit mil
lions of acr; are new illegallj tenced
that million acres nre Iraudulcutlv
eutervd. tJenipln'uts from settlers are
being rereivrd Uailv by ngnnt and at the
laud c lb e here. The art:Ki8 ei
lis men n-e driving t'em arey anii takuic
Irem tht ! Ian-is whieh they havn cdtled
upon. One of the land oflbe etlijl iN, in
apeaklug et the subject te d.iy, s.ii 1 that i'
the pruc'U'e is ceutinuiHl oMtle men wtl.
have euliie e n'r..l of the bet public lnuls
mi the Ueiteil SMtiw within twenty y "ar
llilr.tie te the fruidjViit eutrio'et' i.ind-.
a laud ageut iu New Mexicj iuferir.s tUi
general l.i'id onumiSMeucr, that of the
imtPA in tl.u'. territory umety percent
are frauduh i.t. aud another Bu'ent ta Da
keia, writiei: urm thosame tutjeci,
that eevciry-tlve percent of thetutiitt
are fraudulcut iu that territory.
Hew the Thine le llenn
uciiirricg te tue ptac'.ic or Hrge com
paidi'S in.ikmu' fraudulent entric en lauls
illegally leest-d. Mil) ir McKnzie, of tie
hind eftl.'c, p.i.d : ''Theee entries nre made
along the streams that run through th
liLii. Cattle men mil empley men te heid
their 'k and thtfn will give 530 or f 1H
te ce:h oue te ma"iean entry for 100 sere.
When he lius secured his patcut it i
uii IfrTfied that lu must transfer it te the
party wu. advmced the muaey. Maey f
the cattle dealers will net employ 1110.
uuleiH they will agree te make the eutties.
A commea fraud iu Net.- Mer'.co, Arizona
Cliferuta, I lahe, Wemin, Mentana,
Ltah and Nevada is practiced by means 1 1
the desert laud act. Ttmt net previdts
that in seli-cting C40acu of ilesert land,
2", cents piraore shall bep.ii down aud
that persons entering the land shall bj
allowed three years in winch te piy the
remainder. I.mtuad of tukieudritrt laud,
the praetiei ia te take the vtnj bi-t land.
Parties held it ae i get the usoei it for three
years for comparatively nethuiji nod then
they continue te tt the use of it wL.le u
in iu dipute."
Complaints from aa'.tlers ceme from
nearly all the estcru etatec, atul tern
tones, L. I. Sanders write from Lira
mie, Wyoming, of ene oattle man. of
whom no sa6 : "He ha land mtered in
llclitieuh truuiii and par'.ici hired te eutui
land for htm, and he has the land aeeut
bought, I think, se that he will nut enttr
land under his fence. He lias land entered
under tlotitieu names asdese.-t laud that I
would l ivitiitied te take a qmrtorsejfieu
aud make it a permanent home." J. Me
Fiirluid, of Harper Kansas, says: "In
the mime of O d, I ask, in tins a Kenubli
can form el ''overnmetit, wlien tLepjr
man, with barely enough te keep hed;,
nud soul tgther and pay for hR ene
hundred und sixty aercs of laud, must pay
the taxes of the ceuntiy nud the cattle
kirg go free ? If e. I was a b. feel te
spend thie icars uf my 1 .le t de end
rush u euuutrj ."
Drlren ut ttie l'.l .t ul u llernlver.
Jehn Fleming, of American Falls, IJuhe,
sai iu a letter addressed te Sec.etarj
Tell-r: 'I am e nyageti in hIicp raising
with '5 000 hh Hp depeading upon the
publ.e rauge for their fuonteboo. My
rauche is luoated near te rattln m;u tint
claim the eutire rauge for llftoen toilet
rqiiare. Tboe oitrle men lnvj thtcateued
te take my liroMieul 1 I perMt in landing
w ithiu what they call their range. They
have i a. d iu no wny will they proelaim
themse'.vc peaceful o'herwteo thau n'lew
lug by ipeetal e mtraet certain portions of
the public demaiu for tny grazing pur
p isc. A few diys age, whil driving
..loot; ou the public highway, I met iu
ejngreis with tlvn cow heys, nud befere
the chaplain had time te odor prayer the
speaker commenced pounding ree evor the
bead vith a large six bhoeter, uxcUuulug
at tlie b itii'j time: '.Move frni my uuge
te-day or I ilsoe thatioude itte morrow,'
at the sarne time pointing ills revolver V
William T. Hjlr, of Deuver, Cel., says:
"Cattle men euoleso say hilf u million
aares te which thny have no ehadew ei
color of right, nud net ene ucroef whuh
they actually own in ltc."
imuiVM.D VUlll.r-. HaVlMlaMllllKll,
A Uermun Waltei'j IJiAth V, l.lle Kcit'clci;
u tluBlut l.d.
A ad aoeidont o:eurrad a Kny Kn-t
Heauh, Saturday evening when Hind
Laashncrbach, a German waiter in the
Aven Ien, was drewned while engad iu
n horeio eirurt te save u drowning lad. He
was bathing witli Hany O'Conuer, a boy
living iu Phiiadelphia. The luy veutured
eui wliere tlie water was tee deep for him,
nud, as he ceu'd net swim, he seen became
exhausted with hi struggle for life. His
frautle screams vrore heard by the Ger
man, who swam te hi nsaiHtance. Toe
boy caught him around the neck in his
terror and they sank together.
The bathing macter swam out te their
all, a i tl brought the boy nearly te Miere,
when they, tee, weut under. The teoue
was witnesied by a number of thu kui
of Aven luu, ineiudiug two iiretluns and
three Misters of young O'Connor, who were
facatrd en the piazza of the home. The
screams of terror made by the ladies
brought teme of the poeplo from the hotel
patlur. Among them wna Mr. Hlwnrd Y
Lansdale, of Philadelphia. He jumped
evur ttie railing, ran down te the beach,
and threwlug off his coat, hat nnd shoes,
plunged tute the surf and brought the
bathing master aud the hull drowned lad
Meanwhile Liaehnnrbash had sunk fur
thu last time, 'lhe body washed up by
the turf a few hours nfter his der.ih. He
will hurled nt the expensu of the fiuu ly of
the by he lest his lile te sivc.
imir.r m.ivm jtuiLs.
Impeitsut llspimnlniis t lleeent Occur'
reuea Uie Wetl 1 Uvcr,
Jehn A. Soett, ti colored man, living in
Seuth Haltlmere, obtained arsenic from a
coroner, with which he poisoned hi wife.
Troops have been sent te Dawsen,
Terrell county, Ga te cheek a nogre riot
eaiised by Indignation evor the intended
banging et ene of their race for folonieus
The Hartheldl statue poeplo appeal te
the poeplo of the United States for $125,
000 whleh te complete the pedeHtul.
If money is net forthcoming within thirty
dnvs work will oease.
The camptneetitig services nt Ojean
Qrove Buuday drew "the largest aUond aUend aUond
auce ever known in the hUtery of ihe
nboelatlon." Thore was a leve feast at 0
o'elock in the meruiug, nnd ten thousand
wt,lch followed.
cold wave has nnueared in the N irtb-
west and Is spreading oier the Upjwr
laktsnnd Canadi. The temitsrature nt
Toieuto fell r.ijildly yet., Yesjels
nrrlvluir at Quebec repmi heavj iuiksb
of ice in the ul fund iu ttie Strait of Hrdle
Ishi Some of the oldet matiuers le net
rem tuber te have ever before cuceiin
trred s i much ije ut tln s-aten of the
Taunt Hu'ing.a we i tin firtnir living
Hi Hells Hen I, twelve in 'es b ' ew Nash
ude, Tenn , heard Ramn one t.aily Sunday
tnernini! entering the wn low, and, seu
iug hisilixihle bauel sh ti2iin, llr(l b.Hti
binrl Ne noise was b1 n l, and he pre
enrcd a lantern to'exatnmo th.e supp 'ril i
weunilinl liuijlir, whenh found hi e:. j
datuhter, 0 xen.rt eld.diad, rut He! win
b-nkxhet.. She had lett the heasa ler '
heniH p ty unknown t bun.
i.u.n.i urasiniitt meiImj.
rue 11,11 ICtienn UrtliK KUrhiiiltu ll
i reiu tits r.irtcts ! lll liiiurist,
Ani'r'w McGiuuIk,
tiIe tsj struck b
the eugiue el Frederick a.'Coiuinuilatieu
tram en the PcuusiUaen l.iilrend en
Fridsy aflorueou, dlnl lm n his lupines
niiiturday niglit. C nmer Shiller wan
not.d.'def the death, tir.piuellett ti jury
and mi r qit"t was hi 1 1 thii in lruing.
I he tesitiui mv et the trim men was t the
elI.ct that MuGiuuis wns walking en the
north track et the railrea I, ami te i;ct out
of the way of an approaching fiiift'ht traiu,
lie f topped te the south tri-'l; nud was
stru It by thu engine el , ie Frederick ac
cjuiiuel iti m tram A I "i iniuiite b fore
the rii.enki.t Mc. Mcl'i.iiiJis wis talking te
J.ime A ni-'reiu', the watehmau ul the
Prince s'reet oreiug t f the railroad, and
when he started dewu tbe railroad Arm
s'rem: warned him te i oirelul the
FredetuV aecuiuinedati u tr.iu was e jiu
iwtr. The s ippos'tien ut 1 1'. .Mr. McG.nui
bc:ame e )tifue.l, for it he weul 1 have
i.ikeu ot.e step he c uM h ive go' en te the
siding, nud saved h lite. Instead he
crefted te the north ti.ick ai.d was stmck
Tbe vertliet of the Ju-y w i th it he nam
te hi delta twin iu) uiei reejived while
wilkieg ou the tV.iek of ttie Peutuiylvatiia
railr ad, near the IWliy H uihe. The jur
ex uierate the empliys of the Peuiisl
th i.iradred front nil b.auae f t the coi cei
dei ..
I) cta,tl wad bun ii th e.ty in the
spi'iii;ef 1S17. tie l-i n'd the na.leet
0a:h blackin 'hi , -u 1 wlun a eiibg
man assoe atcd tiiiult in HHiueb wnn
l)u'el A Altic, u'i'i Me ti m name of
AiucK A iMeUitiLii l'.'.ut partnership
exiud for mauy jea Mt' tlu ilriu did a
large hUMiuu. It was diselvel some
jeu age liy tbe rKirfBiu! e Mr Mo Me
Gini in. Kirly m lil.i he b-enme a n em
ber of Liucnter ll.'e, Ne. 07, I e. i).
F. ai d WiUihiiigteu I ei.ipmei t II- was
'ii u m"Tibtr of Ca; e Frukn's Lu
caster Iu.ubles. aud th n that e"in,Mtiy
ill.'.! into the Cui'ed ,.ites fcCti.u, in
A;- 1 1, l-'Hl, he went with them. Aittr
Mivieg several weeks he wit dtschaig-d
at II iirerstHVTO. Md . en ihe itoued el
duahility He was one " the chirter
in-mber of Admiral Hejnulds p st, Ne.
iej, G. A. It Thoubeve u iracil erzauir
tiens will afir I his filarial iu it body ou
Wednesday af'ormen He iva a Derro Derre
crat in pjutu-e, cod rerresenteti th" Fust
ward in comuie'i ci'uucd several tonus. A
wife, thrt daughti is and twosen. U '.').e
W. and J'j'in, ara tha sarivieg me cb?:
of hn t.imilv.
I'm I en UlLr.
1' ia mernii.g th-' m lyer ha 1 two drunks.
Nauher wis a s-rien into and '.hn
eQcudera were le.'t go en pajmeut tl
Jehn Hirry, a tramp, r. he was diunk .it
hi reerieir en Saturday was arrested by
i uie r Uusbeu Aid' man Fjr Jncy gae
him e as.
Je'ep'i Weaver aad I. "ie .! neu were
bafore Alderman Ilin ou Saturday i ou
teg en obarces of ha?iu nsauled O.te,
a jeuni; s m of A E. M-.Ca'in. Toe care
aiiuiU't Weaver was disminisd nud Illiu
J ine was Kiven until this evening te par
cost in lhe pre.ccutiuu brejght ngainbt
Ar.iiH Holtsiecr, a Cil ..rul weTian liv
ing in the Seventh waul, wan arrested en
Saturd ly night by Officer Merrtcger, en a
warrint issued by Aid -rmau A. I D in
nelly, ehargiug her with ilrunksnuesi a'.d
disenl'rly eondeot, re tOTjp'aint of Julia
i'attcisen Annie entered bail for a hear
ing. Jeseph Kicsler, an old offender, wai
arrested for thosame cfTne yesterday and
was cemmltttd by Alderman Dennelly for
a hearing.
Jacob Klce wai heard by Alderman
rin.Hen ou Siturday evening aiii dis
charged en the pajmrnt tf c cts en a
bliiirgu of drunkriiei aud disirdeily
ceidust. Jacob wu a witness In the
Short case and irahibed se much had
whisky that he iti'iJ te nusrrer when
aill.d, but it was uet thei known th;t he
was iu the lookup
liaibara Rittmhoure, tharged with as
saulting A nun Hrewu, wid have a
bn'era AUtrmtu Spurrier nt 7J o'e'cjk
te ruorrew eveaing.
Atteuiitea tin eiKlUrltin.
S.ii'day morning at 4 o'clock ns the ioc iec
nien were engaged in leading the wagons
at P. H. Ferdney'a icu-house, en the
Couestoga, they wuie startled by the
crackling of a tire in an adjoining frame
b"ildiug which had been used ter the
s'orage of ice, but which is uew empty.
Hastening te thl b.iilding tha workmen
leund that it had been net ou ilre. Witli
difficulty the tire was put out befere tnueb
damage was dena. Hud thu Dimes ga'.Dcd
mero headway Mr. Ferdney'a lllled iee
beuse, whieh adjoins the empty one, would
p:cbably have benn d ntr yid.
l'rluters iu ui.nrr.
Ou Saturday Samuel fr. Dellet and
Walter O. Oast, of the Kz'iinner ofilee,
tlnishsd their appronticethip ar.d nre new
full pledged types. I.a the oveulng thny
celebrated the event by giving a set out te
their friends at the buhlller house. Hvery
ene had lets te ca; and drink, besides
having n splended tunc Durini; thu
ovening the young printers wero pro'eated
with handsome seal rin's by their fellow
workman. Pote Maker, the ferein in, made
the speeeb, aud the recipient responded.
Tliere was plenty of staging &c, aud the
"meeting" adjourued at a into hour.
a eIU'h rite
On Sunday mernlug at 8.3) o'clock alarm
box Ne. 41 struck nu alarm of lire A
spark from a loeomotivo en the Headinj:
railroad had set ilre le the sIhukIe reef of
a two story frame house en North Water
b t root, between Walnut and Lemen, occu
pied by Kdw, Webb. Tlie ilatnea wero ox ex
t nuuluhed bsfure any damage had been
done Much complaint is made by iesl
deuts along Wnter street that the loeonio
tives of the Heading read have no upark
catchers attaehid te them and, in coimo ceimo coime
quenco, n number of buildings en that
narrow street have been set ou ilre by the
A linrK IMjr ler Ml. Jey,
Yesterday the oelorod campmeetiug iu
Dotweilur's weeds, Mt. Jey, was very
largely uttonded. A great number of
coons from this city irere present with
razors iu their beets nnd whisky In their
peckets. They returned en the midnight
train In Ann condition, and report that no
oue wa killed,
All un" Nlistit Mr ttie r.lcotrle Lights.
On Saturday night S3 oleetrio and 7
gatoileo light wero reported us net burn
ing. The 0I03 rle lights were only out for
half an hour. On Sunday night ,ene ohic ehic ohic
tne and Jee- gasolice Igh'a 'were cot
I1K MMINV l)tl Mill. tN Itll.M,,
1 en 1 1 il niiit jr nil la hint rreUkiiil ly tlst
ti.r.tuty tl.l in Uch til, I vs. Ins
iiiii-rens Vtllii,.ii I ttniliril.
O the reaaSFtubliug of eeutt en SiMit
d.i afteruoeu the ttiat of Thiimns itehiiy
fet the ii.iudt.1 el Bernard Short was le-
1'etu.t tb'e S-heiik wns recalled by thu
eUiinniii'.tUli, nud tet.tiid thnt lie saw
Short's sl-irfh the d.i) alter Ihe tuuider
I'lie si -inti w in net broken and thuie was
I In d n i the biek part of It.
1 1 Wepti f irreuuratrd tlin oeustablv's
' "imi nv n tothe slnlgh.
Mis. HI ilirtli Short, widow of the
u imleied tn in, teslilled that her husband
' it liiune te t1 1 Ive te i Ida eity lit ttcuu G
ivid 7 o'eloeli en the tnevning of Jaunnry
:il In tlie a't ih referred te lv Constable
Slueik nnd Dr. Went a
TLe oemino.iwetliii uui'eu.eed that un i.
nlf of Ihe co was closed.
The th letim called .lames CI irk, ir,, for
limner eiess ccaiiili atieti in inieiPiifw te
tee conifssieii innue uy iienuy it) wuuesR
it the O'Miutv I'lisin thit he had hillel
Ihirne Sher... I'huy en 'etvored 1 1 ih w
tint Cli I: hiid rii te :i number of per
sons that wh.t h sinl ab -uf tt'lttij'ti e v
fctsieD wasu lie, but the wilnes rtitenit.' i
Ins teitner ststemeut as le t'.s tiuthtul
The nefenee, ns outlined by P. Ii. Hiker,
was Ihat Mi itt wns net icurircil. but was
aac detital'.y kill tl by a kick of Ins horse,
and lie pointed te tur- tact that Mert's hat
was (euud tlfty yards from the bi.dy utul
then fs t e Mers! un It, as it proof of
lb at I'ii ety, which .s that Sheri' Livt hi ti
i, If a d in le ikiiu; bii H for it, he w.ts kickrtl
bj f. s horse. rtii d fnr'lr'r weul.'
pieve, said air. tJskei, that liehiiy at
lu-nie with his lnuui ou the even u.g Short
wab ktllid ; was i el seeu in the i uuuity el
where Short's bmly wjs found ucd c uibo uibe
tpieutly we mt guility of the olleuce
chargetl. la coueluiu he said the uefense
riiin 1 show that Thetuib Itehny had n
nvvi character, and that the ul eged oan ean oan
lessteii of Adim He'uuy was estcrted fieui
him by threats or premises
Alltaeitt fur tti nlitMn.
Tlie tlrst witne eillrd by the tlefense
vtas Cous'.a'ile t'ramer.ef M irt c tewufh'p
utul he testified that he saw the dead bony
of .v or' tarly in the meruiug after he was
Li' d ; wituefc did net ee nnv trteks i.i
i.m i .1 leaaijg from wh"re tm b sly w..b
lull i d ii n.'kuar, a Mirtle t uti sh.
firnii, le:'ltd t!ta early en the niernii ,j
et Feb nary 1, . ha wisilnviug tewirdt
Ktw lusvi le be saw thiee beya running
ac i'bs the e ri ll H etar l.ertheru's barn
ui d li u L a rived where they were,
ib'- ti Id him te i;j bask as Il.aruey Short
ha'i ee" k ; witness then dreve te
rriern tl b ily was and saw totne bleed in
lhe ia ii uear 'ue read ; he get up ou the
fence and I nkr 1 tn the Held for tracks but
saw imn'
Maris Hiee st-s- the prisoner a cuy ir
two before Shi rt was killed ; he otreo te
witne-h' jilaee for bjnes, acl wh.Ie I bore
fit i 11 the lens of a dead cow w.tli an axe
wh ou he had with him
Jehn Charles testified that Ikbuy kept
his b no wagon in wiiceh" barn ; he ideu
t.ll' d the nxe fi'ii'iil iu IWiui's wageu, as
the jirepeity of II. any.
Chrir Wilsen oe'ortd, tuitltled that he
hvtl in Marti j tn-rnship and early en the
,evi-,t"i; of January :U he eteimcd
at lle'iuj's house, bat Iiehr.l was
uet at home; Mrs. Hehny t !d witnes
It'll her liMsbi'.il was ie the w. oils at
work , tt..s was about 4 o'clock, acd h
waitrd at ilehny's liou;euutil Themas and
Adpm IJthtiy came home from ttie weciis.
Witnes remained at Uehny's honse talk.
irur with i'.aU:iy uuttl a.'ter dark.
Oiicre;r.isaminatlun witness was posi
tive that it was en thu afternoon of
Jauutry 31 Le wa at Dehuy's heuss ;
witness left iiehuy'ri liouse juet
befere tlm fiunly s.f. tiwn tn supper;
heard of Short's death between sis and
sctcii o'cljikthe mxt; Hsreral
days after the murd.-r witness saw Con Cen
stnb'e ShPtik, butdiJ uet recelleet tid'mg
him that the last time he saw Hehny en
tl.e Mil of January was ut 4 o'elo;,'-. iu
the nfternoen.
S ilomen Hcbuy, r. son of the prisoner,
testified that en lhe night Sh irt was
kil'cd his fethei nud brother Ailarn wei
at hemr ; Ad tin slept In the ,anie room
with wliurss.aii 1 fhey went te bed between
7 a U b o'clock iu the iveuli:; wunets
returi.ed fieTi acl.oe! a 5 e'eiwclt ou fiO
aftciniwri of January 31, aud he tliii net
return te school av,Lln.
E itin Iifhny Ust'fltd t .subtautiall
the satne facta us his brother iu loferencb
te his father nsd Ada:n being tit home ou
tlm evening aud night of Jftuuarv 31.
IMen lleliey, wife of Adam ISehuy, tts
tilied shs lii d at Jno. Ch tries' en the
night that Shirt was killed ; she f.uw
Themas H-dmy and her husband, Adam, a'
work outing we 'dm C'.iarle' weed up
te between 4 and 5 o'clock ou the aftei
n un uf January 31.
I). S Stnufler, undctkerper nt thu
prison, testified that Junta Clark, jr., bed
rcicateciy Pbkid witness te be removed
from the cell occupied by iiiui te the cell
iu whleh his causiii was au inuute. Thui
testimony contradicted Cla.k. whoswero
that lii hud only asked S:r.ulfer ence te
rtmve him
Salomen M.inl.i, a Columbia cel rcd
man, wh j was uii iumatoef the euunty
piiseu at Iho sumo time us Claik, tcktilled
that lie heurd J.iress Clark, jr , my t hut
it was a d d lie wheu he said Hehny oou eou oeu
fesiid te him that he hud muiderid
Harney Short, that Oehny had i:ei i iiide
any such coefesaion te h m.
Tnndefeuse proved that DiUer Clark,
with whom James Clark, jr.. hud the con
versatieu, noted ubuve, is serving a tuim
for a felony, und cenrequcutly could net
be gotten eik uf prison te tastily iu the
Uharles Stowert, who rostded in Para
dise township up te two yearH age, testl
fled tha'. he ItLOir James Clark, jr., for
mauy years ; that his reputation for
veracity was net geed, nud he would net
believe him en oath.
Dr. Jemu l).tvis,ef East Lampeter town
ship, testified that the reputation of James
C nik, jr. for truth telling is net geed nor
iiiver has been koe.l, and h would nut tie
lleve him en etith Uilah Haknit, Jehn M
Hikeit, A. H. Stewart, 1). L. Stewart,
Goera Thompson, D. H. Graham nud
James Honors, tetttficd thnt they had
known James Clark, jr. for several years ;
his reputation for telling the truth was
net geed, and they iTeuld net belleve him
en oath.
David Cramer. Mails Hlee, Hugh Arm Arm
streiqr, Jacob OitJ, Juaeb Wettn, Jese
Walten, Dr. Jeseph Furutss, testified that
they had known the priieuer for he
years aud that they have always kuewu
him te be a peaceable ui'iri,
Saturday htinwy ueurt rcasisomeiui
at 7:80 o'clock, nud the Heliuy murder
trial wus resumed.
Dr. L. M. Hrysen, Jaeid) Walten David
Stewart, Geerge Campbell, Samuel Alex
ander, Christina Andrew, Jeseph Arm
strong, Helandns Uruhaker, Ames Sour
beer, Jehn Markley, Oeorge Dunkle, Jehn
ICise, H. O. Markley, Themas HohliiRen,
Casper Hartmau, Samuel U Funk, Wm.
Helgnrf, Ames Garrett, Hiram Hynoer,
Henry Hess, Alex. Aiken, Thes. Cum
mings. William Ualner, David Alexander,
Jehn Charles, Jehn Campbell, fir., Jehn
Campbell, jr., Ames Campbell, Martin
Hyneer, Mahleu Eekmau, Maris Gainer,
Frauklin Soherwood, testliled they had
kuewn Debray ler maty years, aed hla
reputation for pcaeeablenets was geed.
Mis, Short testified that her husband,
en Jannary Ul, dreve a sortel hore pu.
chased from Themas Cummings.
Themas Ouraralngs testified that the
serp-l herse he sold te llernatd Short wns
u kh ler ; that tie did nut tell Short Hint
the hoike was it HuUrr, beeaiisu he did net
ul unj qiinstUus iiheut the hoise.
I ideikei per Stnuller testllled that after
James Chi; k r , lind detiillrd the e mfes
slmi tmtde by Ih'hjy te lilui, he asked tint
witness wlieili-r he eu'd net new jiut
him in the cell with h's e niiit Albert
Mr. liresius moved te xttilie irem the
nvi'iJ the testleinliy of ('etisl'iide Shenk
g. veti Immediately after tint of Adim
Hehny, which eeniradietrd t'-at of Adam
Bi'lniy. Tim tiioiieu wns ever ruled
The ilefi'iire tiNted and the eenun mi
wealth clled Cpnt'tuble Slienk tn rebuitat.
He 'est ll'il thnt en the M mdav afier tlie
uitudrr of Hern Mil rt-iert. Im h a oeti
vrrsatten with Cti-ulea Wllniu.the c dered
nun, nnd that Wi.nen tell) him the last
tline he saw the M-iln y, ou tlm day Sheit
wits klilni, was ut 4 ti'el.tek in the ufter ufter
luen. I In hla testimony Wilsen testified
that be Itehu) and son nt home ut
dark.) Tlds n.ejetl the testimony and
e hum I said they would be tumble te llnish
thelr speehes tonight. Thu jury pre
fiuisl te w nt ii'itil Mmiility meiiilug ul 0
o'cleok te hear the ar!U nenis uf ejunel,
und c ur' ree te inset ut thnt h .tir
Mi'liy il'irning Court met nt niiiu
n'eli ok, a id th Itehny rnurdrr tiial w ts
irsilllled. Mr. WIlUS Ml llisile lh iiperMilg
sp-eeh ler the Oiitumeuwenllh, nud he was
follertftl br 15 Fiu'ii lishlt'tuit'i fur the
prisoner. At the eoue'uslon el Mr Hthle.
ii'tiu's speech court rose until 2-.:i0 o'e.oeU
Mr ltrtsiim fill flusn for the piisencr and
I) strict Attorney Kberly fi r the cniumon cniumen
wrnltlt. The ese will be uaven te the jury
late tins iUiernenii ei tins even u,.
I'eimiiiifi I'iass.
This morning nt 10 o'clock the lit 8t week
of tlie August oeinuiou pleas e urt should
hve beifi litiin ba' ou iieauiiit of the
murder ea ou tiia', the list of en'O wss
net eilhil ever. The court llxe I 2:30
e'e'nek as ttie time for the culling of the
list te ,ie.rr,tui wn it Cities are leuily for
Milt f r.a ii tt
llt.V ill's
lit" trimlilH l) Ketilil'iii
tit rrmr
C'eiisJnb'e Piokel, of Hist Hemplleld
township, eame le this city en Sunday
iiiui boctiied tlie services of Ollljer Heiss te
assist him in caiuhiu a bund of tramis
who have lieeu enrnt'tiiii; lep rivlat ions
ou a immbtr nf firnivirs iu lua tewtisbqi.
ilia ntuj'rs w.mii le tlie l.ittle ( tiickies
erek. whete tlie trnnips wero encamped,
and seecefd-'d in oiptune live moil who
were sea'ed amuud it Ilre limit iu the
weeds They wi ! h- uht te t'us city,
leckiil up at 'hn s'iMi.i liMMa'il oini eini
pliilnt wis mai ngairist them before
Alderei in Spin fi r by Constable Piekel.
Chsrgr.8 et mail 'ie'is tiespts.s in entering
the, ll il is of several firiiers nnd steulmg
corn .viJ be u tisni were pr-lnrred
against thmn T i"y sv. the uauu s of
Emanuel Itiri'ti, O lttleih Miller. (! ttleib
latrcl lerfer. Peter Dnhuer and Frivtlniick
Deitch l'liey w 11 be bend en Wedues
dev morning.
Iu the Ticluity of where the tramp were
ctu'li' inotlier i-riKnner was added te the
list. He t tve rhe name of Jehn Wheeler
ami whs handed eicr le the tllleers by it
farmer namnl i illi.iin Geedman.
Wheeler, l appears slip)ied into the cel
lar of ti'a house te immlt u tlieft.
He wa seen te ent"r u tl the deer was
then fthut en him Aid wan summoned
and Wli. e!r was ieil se m-eurely thu' he
could no' c'le and be was handed ever
te the etli in. He was also committed In
default of Ij -11 fjraheanuj bofero Alder
man Spurn r.
.M.ltlllllUKMIIIM Me,
I vriits Mar kii I actxi, thn Unmittr I. Inn
Sereuty-ievni y, ut Pucb'e Iii"iians
have been ndde i te t'u Carlisle Inlian
A man entertid the j "s-i try s'ore of A.
S. East, of Hudsboie, IJjtks county rn
Saturday and ran away with the nu'ch he
had been txan inin
The Saiith Pe'itisilvit'la railroad, wlreh
is the new Van lerb'l: line betwecu Hsr
risburg nnd I'ittshur', will be in operation
by the full nf 1S;I0.
Datiinl Htney, I I years, ofNorris efNorris ofNerris
town, wandered away from his home early
i Saturday eveuing, and during the ri 'lit
the entire town whs eearehrj for him with
cut result A description was r -nt te
Phi! tdelphia the thildwas found iu
lb" E' 'ht'i dist'Kt pidee E'atien
I',"'! Ma'hii' C n.ptr's dau' "er Ada
irih te Willi im E Dickesin
en V.' evhmui', S pteuibar !l, !n
Christ eiiuicri, MciHe.
Jehn L van, n driver boss in the Main
ville cjlbery, at Orcsn Itidgn, Sirantei,
at.d tlu treasurer of tlie Jerinyn Colliery
Itenevelant uoeiAti id, lia b:iin rnissi.u;
for sevi ral dayn. He had in lux pe s"ssi.ui
ever $100 boleugiug te the is i-jia'teu of
which he wit trossurer.
I lit ul Kttltrs.
Fol.ew.iu is a list of unclaimed letters
reuniiuug nt tlie pesk lii -e, at Lineaiter,
for the week cwlieg August 21, 18S4 :
L'id'.e Lut Mrs. Aegie Bautie.i, Miss
I'nimn Uoeth. Mrs. Mar E llrinreni m,
Mrs. Fantde II. Uucltwaltcr, Miss Sevilla
Hershey, Mr Mary Hermau, Mi.sJaue
Keen, Miss Mary Kelley, Mrs. Ill May
Lutz, Susie Lyncli, Miss L'zie P. Me
Comb. Mis Mary W. MeCull -ii'i, Mms
Jcssie Miller, (fir ), Miss Mry Neivs.t ',
Miss Mattie Potts. Miss Wilhulrnin.i J
H'dilfts, Mi3 Anna E. It 13s (2) Mlts Kitty
S'tner, Sue Whitm re, Miss Mame
Wlley, Mrs Mary Yeung
UtnW Lin Giirfiav Albrecht, J. II.
I'.iem'an, J. W. Dlottleli, Wm J. Echleu,
Leus Ouuiblew, Wm. Hall, J Haldinunn,
Jteub Huatcttrr, S.imii"l Herst, Hurr,
Mercer ic Ce , Churlie Jaycr, Jacob Led
eiraau, Dr. Mitchell, Jehn Miller, Jehn
Mebr, Tobias Mowry, D. Oberlmiser,
Mr. Pasqiial. William Proater, Jehn Henca,
(lur ), W. H. Seylert, Mr. Steer, II. C.
S'liaelmuu, Tho.usen A Seu.
l.i turn ul Itlupcil,
A couple of mouths n;pe the wlfe of
Nicholas Peek, n neil tedn farmer lesld.
IRg near Maytown, sloped with n hired
iiiun rimed Jotin I'eck. They went te
Pittsburg, where th y wero ini.rned and
thence t't Ohie, nlmn they worked ou a
farm. Hecemlug tii.-d of r aeh ethor they
rctnnicd te Middletewu last week. They
ate new Ivi'ig tn that place but nut
together. Thu woman dculrea te return
te her luiiner husband, but he refuses te
take her. bhe is bctweeu Ce and 40
years of aga, qulte pretty aud is the niother
of thica children.
hlit-rlrtl Illeeilui; el nenuel llJitril.
A speeial meeting of the Lancaster eity
Hoheol beard has been called for te
moirew evening at 7:30 o'clock, te con cen
nider the question et closing the public
coheols u few ilnya next te give the
ohi'dren an opportunity of attending the
oeunty fair.
In llrttiiity el ttin into .luitne llHcti,
rrem lhe Voik Dul.y.
At the riqueat el the ,Icller3en nBsoela
Hen Heu. Levl Maish has prepared an
pulnerv en the Ufa nnd Errvlccs of the late
Judge Joremlah S. Hlaek, whleh will lie
delivered iu the court house en Monday
s,Ml i iilltsii uy 't Dec.
Willie Schnelder, thu six year-old son
or J. II. Sjhneider, publisher of Ihe Frett
Prttie, was hitteu iu tlie urm by u iIer in
Cherry alley, late en Saturday nitorneoti.
The injured Ia I wn taken te the office of
Dr. Davie, where the wound wai oauter
bt. Jiisnplt's I'll me.
A p'.oelo is belug held t j dey nt the
Grcea Cettage park, fur thn houellt of St.
Jeseph's Cathol.e church. Toe nttendenoe
is large,
ritttn huh itxtiin. ah niiiu ist'
l.ll ul Artl,lMii I risiiiiH) I'Hr
.rili'-llriiis Ariiiinit I'ullun MkhiI
ipiurtrii rti Ins Aluini I own
, A "ruu iu"oeeiirred,yot.terdev nfteinoeu
en Leaiirit Ktreiit, holew Sunud, luMween
i two members of lhe ilelueet Matletta
bloyelo club, lleth took "lieadi'ts,'' mid
mm lind Ids right arm bully sprained.
Twe P It. It. earit were il.tiuiced ou the
I warehoitse Nliluigs this morning while
being taueti le lhe niiiu traek. They
caught near the "frog," und the eun
nearer the wireUeue, wit hilf toppled
A runnwny oceimed ou (tn,l.-(. street.
thu morning by one of II. V. Humer's
coal loam, but was caught without uuy being done.
Jehn 11 ihln had the thumb nf bis rluht
tiiiud en Saturday can lit between the
rollers at the Siuquelrttin t robin;? mill nnd
si verely tnanlied. Ainpu't'l ', liewever,
yi III uet ) nrcess.try.
Messrs. Wm. H. Given, F A. ll.uinelt
and W. II. Sheiibeiger and It v. It W.
Humphries, the Cilmnhii tnunts. who
have lit en"Uil(lng in" the Mghls uf Hnrepi,
returned liotne last nigh sa',-, well and
dulichted with their titp. They nrrlved
Iu New Yerk ut S.H a. iu. yrsrurd iy. A
heavy fei; nud sea was iticniiiitt-ittl ou the
return trip, nud a utrru.v n.vipj Their
vessel, the "City of Ilnriiii," nearly ran
lido another steamer, whieh could net In
wen for the fog.
Miss Clara It. Hoever, if iViOitngten,
D C, left for home en 'U'unlny. She
iiiui been tlm guest of Mis. W u It. Given
Mr. Z. C. Hardy is home. I , ..i b.s Vli
Kill'.l ttlp.
H. S. I'urtieiis, eanui'e'.ed with tlie
Philadelphia IWu, is tlie uest of Supt.
A. M. Wilsen.
Miss Slav Orier, who ht been visiting
in West Virginia, returned home en
Saturday evening.
rellru lattrr.
A great deal uf druuken 'tud disorderly
conduct oeoiirs every Sunday IcMiea'h tlie
coal shutes, und yet nonttempts havn b)eu
nmdn te put n step te it
Samuel Head en Si'urdty wit artested
upon a ehnrge of duiuUe'i i 1 1 disorderly
conduct. Squire V in,; rt isml him upon
the payment nf iie n ii" I tines, und a
premise "net te de se m;iin "
Ollleer M. Dissiner. a-nn i resting
"l'atsey'' Whalen, had le u' f.-uie te get
In m te t'ae lockup, an I u v un ofeur
law ubidiug oitizeus intend t stl-MUg the
Town Nntft
Fer the secen 1 time tint
tiitl tish shutis have te hi
r the raft
H ul en au -
c unit of the low witter.
The bemd of trusti tn f .
uiabia i'ib'.i,i gieii'i I u until
a hpeentl mBii'i i th's i( t' .I'Uiinpt te
quell the Sundu) 'im hi the p irk.
It is about time.
Sailing en the river wis the i ty in whieh
some of our yeil'ig mun spend yesterday.
A frost fell darm. list It was
only notieeable along the nv.saidlew
landu berdeiuur ereek", heev.r.
The Yeung Felk's Secml t-ty of St.
Jehn's Lutliuniu olnreli, wilt 'i i d au open
itir seciahb in 'he JvarJ of tlie church ou
Friday ami Saturdij eieutngs of this
The sievi menhlfrs' picnic in Heine's
weeds en Saturtiaj was larci ly n'tended,
and us was expected, the me it pleasant
allilr of tlm kind held thert for a long
time. The C t zjii' eerret band led the
graud mate . a.
A? AM-I-UtlHSIArillNlsT.
itsv. Pin 1 TliUlrr lictnil. i It r,en IVnv
Criinitliiiit l Wriii-u.
Hev. Einil Meihit r prene'.'il li's scend
Hdrmen ngaiuit cvhiia i ui e i buuday
uviiTiiig te a large c uigre.ttien He
stuitedeut with the stati-meut that the
cemeteries in our liciuny de n i' make our
eity unliealthy. Iu lt)73. Kev. Meister
said the water in the cemetery at Drerden,
Germany, was un.ilyr.ed und found te be
purer than nuy ether watt-r iu that
city. m x'eus of ceme
teries, whose restdenccH nre iu or near
cemeterlfs were alwuj h ' iy pojple
und lived te n rtpe old r'e
Crematien will net be i ' . at burial,
the speaker claimed, b'-c u .ii v, sil eases u
casket wid huve te be j ne'i -"d aud the
form 'if a burlil geno tin iu u with even
tf the b idy is te be eretu i't- I In,, repill
slve te the feelings et i.e t. . Js id the
loved ere who was caic i ler se tenderly,
te have the b niy taken irem the h ime and
in a few hour have it n-iurn a small urn
of nslieM If the body is Vir ul lid grave
eau be visited nud clieui ll nv. m planted
thoreeu, uud oue thinkn et t'ie tie id as the
latter was in life. M t'-y v ri-et In tlie
Hible imeted t'j p ii Hut earth
burial was the propei iu de ul dispening
of the dead. Thofricndte! c.emitiensay
that method of dispene: t the dead is
net cimpiil nry, but th , btr eliimed
that thore was uanger et its U-ing uvulu
compulsory, thre'igh an ac;
because it advoeites cli mi .
or uvembiy,
I 'liu earth
burial of the dead was uidi'iitUhy
It was tlie intention el Hjv Mclster te
I leach threo or four sernieu en the sub
ject, bat with thu sormeti of list evenlug
he oeiiuhidi'd all th it he his t say about
A susl'luiiM (
Arrctiml nllti h Duubla I'nsm t) uir.eriitiis
M'lilcu lie Tnllt uuiilliitl.-i: SHillrs.
On Siturday ifteruoen a man who gave
his uatiie as E G. Helluluv, but wIioje
uatne is ascsrUlned te be H. II E nery,
was arrested at the C)ep-r house,
this city. He had In his pioe slen a
bugey, a herse, and a inmu, the team
unawcriug the dceoriptien of cue stelen
Betne days age from E'.esh Slby, of
Harford oeuuty, Marylau 1. Tue man
nrrestcd uet only gave the wrong
tiame, hut told sum') eiullicUng stories,
oue of whieh was that he hid hit the
plate en whieh the nime of the tn iker of
tlie buggy was engraved, whereas the
plate was found in the uuu'u p jekut, by
Oilleir Uarnheid, who midn the arrest.
The ncemed was looked up ou u warrant
issued by Alderman Spuruer, who notilled
Mr. Selby nud Marshal Gray, of Balti
more, of the arrest.
Mr. Selby and Diteetlvi W.
Scabeld arrived in Laneaster te day, and
en looking at the team, failed te Identify
It, It is believed that the team stelen
from Mr. Sclby may have bDen exchanged
for tbe one found iu possession of Emery,
who will be held te nwalt further dovelop.
Arrr.liil fir h forlens Crime
Jeffersen StautTer, a married man of
Londonderry township, Lebanon oeunty,
was arrcstud Saturday nnd ledgud iu Lob Leb Lob
nnen county jail, charged by Mrs. Barah
Quigley with assault and battery, with
Intent te oemuiir, a rape, en tbe person-of
her daughter, Veiltns Qulgley, 10 years
Slullcleus Trmpsiis,
Martin McLaughlin, arrested for mall mall
cleus trespass ou the premises of Jeliu G,
Hush of West Willow, had ii hearing be be be
eoeo Alderman Spurrier and was dismissed
en payment of costs, Mr. Hush net oaring
te push the case.
Olmrceil Willi tsiubtzxleraeiii.
Jehn M. Prepleshaahad another ohnrge
of ctnbf zzlmueiit prelcrred against him by
the Metropolitan life insurance company.
A hearing nf the cae will ba lind bolern
Alderman Spuirier Tuiwday ovening at 7