1. T T I i! ' MLPMBIA NEWS. rUO SI (IIJH HKOULAUCOItltl'.SFONnKriT Happening Aruiliul Town. ...Notes ul I tie I'lcnsum WerliL.Prrsennl Points, Hint ul ttiB Diamond Vlclil, Tlicte will be n few political marching clulii In Columbia thin year. Mr. 1. A. ICredul has had his stere ro re ro meilollcd, 'I'lm excellent " Hntidld King" company will appear in Uie opera heuse this even ing. Improvements contlniie nl Ucn, Welah'a Pcut nrinery. Am it In new it In tbe hand, seiiicnl In thin )inrt of Peiinsyvntiln. Tite uew transfer frelght wnroheutoof Uie 1'euiiHylvnnla rnlltnad cempnny, at Columbia, will Bbe ilnlshcd In unother wcelc. It is 200 feet leuc, 20 fcet wlile ntul 25 or or ite fiet In length. 1. It. It. cngine Ne. HOI, day shifter, jumped n " frog" en the tlver read yes yes terduy. Ne ether dumuge than that te tLe UnekH and mid tic, which were slightly tern iii. I'fiiManiil. MiHi Ilolleu Hrwlii, Ter the p.ut four weeks lliu Riicht of lier aunt, Mrx. I. W. May, diiirlL(l for her home In Indianapolis Ind,, thin morning. MrH. .Jeseph iJiiick. accompanied by lur daughter, MlS Ainle, me rojeutiilug at Olun Hepe, Clem Held comity, I'.i. Mr. Mem', who lins been In Altoeua ou n few days visit, tetiirniid home Inst evening. A daughter et thin gantleiuau wai blttun by :i (t"(, in the ubove niiiieil oitynfew dnys nge, but the wound Indicted Is net of it serious l.nture. Mr. Jer(ih Kim'p Ih in Il.iltimerc, and Mr. F. U. Jehns in at the Ktoverdnlo enmpmcctine. In the rioimuie Wutlil A Yetk exclusion te I'm Mar will be tun te morrow. Tickets cannot be had fietn Columbia, but tieveithelcM govern) (.'nlumbinus vtfjl iicieint any it. The Y. M. C A. of lancaster will to morrow run an excursion te Leng liraur.h mid OiJi-au llri'e Tim train leaves the K ; C. depot at 5:45 ii in. Soveml Columbia famllun spent yoster day at tbe VYnuhisvilIe grove, enjoying I he cool i Iver biecjn siul the uoble and imposing econery In that roi'ieti. A piome is being held by a miiubui' ( f Celumbiats te-day at CIiIcIeich lteck. II me Hall HrlMs Oil 'l'ucuilfiy afternoon, for the second time thin season, Itie Columbia club will crejs bats with the hincastur. The home tentr hns been grc.it ly idrmigthencd, mid whlle having no hnpe of defeating thu visltors.yetthoyoxpcat te make th-mi work for their victeiy. Drvlttnntl lihend hns at hint been ro re leaecd from tbe re'trnbli tiine. They are net missed an inui.li ns was oxpeotcd, for Kin.; and Hush, of Liucaster, uiake a stronger aud rnore reliable b.ittery. A DIVIDKD UKI'UIII.1UN UA.MP. Thn Stalwart Yeung Aim's Club unit me Imippeudeut lllaleu Hint I.esnn Hull, The Yeung Mcu'k Hepublicati club, of thin city, completed thelr organization last evening by the election of the follewlug Stalwarts: V'ce prcaldeutH, First ward, I. Hay llrewn ; Second ward, Levl Souring ; Tbtul waul, CharlcH I Laudla ; Fourth ward, Ileury C Lehman ; Fifth ward, Walter M Franklin ; Sixth ward, .Iilm II. Iljutngardner ; Seventh waid, William Weblcen ; KltitU ward, James A. McDi v'tt ; Ninth wnrd.Jo:-eph Umbln. riccrelariis, Walter W. Franklin, W. W. Orient ; ri'curdin secretary, Itdmend CeuytiKuain ; treasurer, Jehn C Carter ; ojlencl, Mnjur A. C. I'oineeht The company eilicets will bj Holeotcd i-t the text rcccling. The club raannani raannani meti'ly siatu d te attend the opeuin; of tbe Iiidi'jisiiilcut Itcpublic.iu headquarter, SUuHz'h ImildiD);, ou Thurnday evcnliic. An will bn seen by thu bit of oil! cum, te which must be a-tded the name of It. Frank KMilcni.ui, jii-dent, tbe htalwartn aie running tliit ci.v.iuiz 'i n. Tbe ex ludppeuiient .lehn Mnwart Iti'publicatia are mauniiiiK the HUitie mid Leau Central elub. A HfHUtlllll .Mlllllllllt'l.l Tuesday afternoon Mnj. (!. M. ewcll completed te the on'iref Dr. H. Ii Hurt man, tliome.it beautiful monument te be en in thin city. It in a mumerinl in honor of Dr. Ilartmau'H son, J. Hairy llartuiau. The baue ninl eI.hihI, which compete a rnasn ve celumu of Ilurricaue t;raut'e el uuiipie desiixn nnd elaborate werkmaiibhtp, have steed in Lancaster cometory for some ruentUR, and have nttraeted much admlr.i tteu ; nut ttie orewnlnn part et tun me raeriat was euly erccted yehteiday. It irt n life f. ze statue of tbe cntimable yeuui man in whone moraery it was erected, U is ehUt'led from a bleak of Hallowed marble, and is, we are told, the ilrst life nl.u ntat.ie ever out from thin beautiful but very bard variety of Kfaulte. Tl e ilkeurtH Is true te tue lire, tee poBe eaiy and graceful, aud ii. tire flyure iinished in every lad in tbe meht artiatla manner. thu de- Tue fl'Mire wa'i modeled by Alexander Calder. an artint of d t nation, nnd the ntatue w;h out by Mr. Wm Martin, a young sculptor of decided genius, who npeut no less than nix menlha ou the work, ewini: te thn ex cecdiue; hardness of the stoue. Tliocfleet of thin beiutiful plecj of statuary la greatly holgattned by its siureundinp;p,all ei which are in artintie keeping. Mugulnr Acolileiit. Jonathan Lipp, of Lcaoeok township, met with a Mugulnr ncoldeut a day or two age. He wn i sitting in an arm chair in a i.e.tci) nrl! u wagon, driving along the mad uear I.Ih icsldonce. The wegen passed uudei a locimttree, whieh overhung the rea.l aud Irem whleh hung n broken limb that obstructed the read. Mr. Lapp caught held 4 thu limb, intending te pull it oil, but it was se firmly fastened te the trce nud Mr. Lapp held te it se firmly that his chair wat u pseras the herse meved en, and he was thrown from tbe wagon, und allghtbg ou his head nnd Bhouldere, bin txak was almost broken and his spine Herlmnly aHoetcd. He lies lu a rather critical condition, und belng 71 ycare of age it Is f eat oil he may net roeover. lture joOhceo, Mr. II. J. Zetiner, of D'rockneuk town ship, llerks etuuty, has 1,400 stalks of tobacco grown from Turkish noeJ, that wan sent te him by thn odlter of the U. 0. Tobacco Journal, New Yerk. The leaf is vciy fine, but averages only about !1 inches In Jeugth, Mr. Xoamer has eokie neod.leaf plants growing en his premises the loaven of whleh mcosure evor 40 inohes lu length. Jehn II, Fry, of Ephrnln, has growing en his farm nuveral plants of Sumatra tobacco. It is Mr. Fry'u iutontlen te allow all of It uxcept ene plant urn te need. Jlliil le by Telrcrapby, The foreign pewem nre already well repreeentcd nud great interest In mani fested in the MicccsH of the olectileal ex hibition nbrend a a well as at home. The lar'.'e Hoesovclt organ, of the sarae pat tern that wan used at the the Centennial has been placed in position in the eastern gnllery, and will be played by prominent imiHielnns during the time the exhibition is open. A tiovel fcature of thin organ will be thn position of the key-beard which is placed 102 (cot away from the organ iteelt'. Elcctrle wlrei connect the difforent keys with the rcedi and a practi cal demonstration of musle by telegraphy will be given. Made an Asilguintny James Crewthers and wife of Columbia tbU morning mule im assignment for the in ii' lit ul orcdl'era te Jehn P., Frank, alie et Ulunbia. Areunrt l'otiee IIiad(inarier. Martin Keh wax heard by Alderman Bamseu en Tuesday evening, and oem. mltted in default of WOO ball for trial at tbe prcnent term of the court Itesh (Igured as the proneoutor in a oneo of driinkeiincsH and disorderly oenduot against Edward Wilsen, heard by Aider man llana week age, and Wilsen proved that he was net In the heuse at tbe time llcsli swere lie was drunk and dhorderly. Alexaudcr Dlokseti and Philip UrcsBler, ntrangern In tbe city, wero the only In mates In tbe station heuse. Tuesday night. They woreptoVod up for drunkenness and disorderly conduet. The mayor committed them te the county prison for 11 ve days, A l.cctnr uy l'ret. Mtltnei. Prof, .1. Stanley Crimes, of Chicago, will doliver bin famous leoture en tbe ' Unroasenabloiicss of Ioildelity," In tbe Union Ucthel Church of Ged, this ovenlng at 7:4fi o'eloqk. The loeturo will be froe. Seme flne Improvements have been made recently In the Union Ilothel's auditorium. In front el the pulpit a large rostrum has been built, surrounded with a beautiful railing. This rostrum in Intonded for the use of the choir. On elthcr slde of tbe pulpltnrotwelargotrlplollghtohandollors, which add much te the nppenrance of tbe interior. Knocked Down. List cvenlng about 0 o'elock Ellis Clark, aged about 12 yearn, a son of 8. W. Clark, of Uoaver strcet, whlle passing through Centra Hqunre, was struck en tbe head with a stene by nn Italian boy, with whom he had sorae ilifllculty, and knocked down. He was carried lute Leng's drug store, whero nfter restoratives had been lifted he was revived and taken te bis home. rrHiilc llemler DlichkrKeu, Frank Hendor, tbe boy arrested for ma liciously brnaklng n United States letter box In thn Ninth ward, was tried in the UnitodStitesdlstrlot oeurt in Philadel phia, en Tuesday. It wan shown that be was in prison nluoe the offenne was com mitted thrt'e months, nnd he was ac quitted Hn was ditaharged with a reprimand by Judge Hutler. l'rttivitl at flrrtuiin Heeleilsr, On September 15 and 10 the Volksfcst Velksfcst Vcrcin hoeloty, of Heading, will bold n crand velksrest in Laucr's park. The Itiuggeld band has been ongaged for both dayf, and the Connstatter Volksfeut Velksfeut Volksfeut Verein, of Philadelphia, Scrnnten and LinciHter nre Invited. An Immouse fruit column will be erccted by Cenrad Ilelss, of Philadelphia, and en tbe first day a grand parade will take place A Negro' U.iill lllct. 'I bin morning, near Cellins' stntlen, ou tbe Pennsylvania railroad, a negre who was stealing n rlde en a fielght tiain, had ene of his legs broken and the ethor badly jammed. He wai sitting en the bumper of ene car with his legs resting en another, when the earn sudden ly came together, with the result stated. He was taken te the oeuuty hospital. I'reity Cnr. Tue Laucaster & Lebanon joint line railroad hive placed upon their read two uew and very pretty pessencer earn and two combination baggage and expreis ens The color of the cars Is of n delicate yellew, highly ernamented lu brighter coleru UnlTUAHV, .million UeHtu ul nilelmel Lapp. Mtchael Lapp, of Laaceck township died suddenly of heart dlsuase, Tuesday oveu lug. He was walking upon the perch in fieut of bin residenoe when suddeuly he fell and almost Instantly expired. He was about fi3 years of age. (Summer Mctit l'cillval, The Lincanter Llederkraur. will give a Hammer night's festival at Licdcrkrauz hall and Ivnnpn's warden, en Monday even ing, August 85. The ceucert will begin at 0 p. in. T:iu Sundau Ttlcyrttm will be selil by nuws I'OJ'b unit duniliiy. It wlllcentulu u lull jmibe on.ile I.aiicufltcriiowd.bcslilej liilltulecruptile repnit. 2tW.tr Tim Coming ralr. anieiij; tliu inimy lute uutrles uiu lurfte huuN el Air, Inte, Duven ami HwUs cuttlu tiem l.uhlKliuiiil .Northampton counties, nml IniKoentiluiot Krutii, mills unil vojjuUiblei Thu Htute el Nertli Curellnii wll uiaUnusplun. It Utlilliltel ma, stutu'i proiluetn, nml ene Irult grower et Lancaster county el 100 varieties et uppliM niul nnetliur furiner el loe iniletlesnt ponuees. I'orHens who biive un BukuiI vtulU or space ami all otlien ure enrnekt Lyrcfiuv:, te umbe their entrliM In dcull at ouce mill rulluve the ueareliiry of the creat rusii puvleus te thu opening et the' lair. l'artlt'McnteilngilnuK neuil nothive theiucn the uniuniU bolore Tuuvlny, anil can take thu n homentnliiht II they Boilenlro. Ocean drove CampmcrtlnK I'xciiinlen. . M C A. nl I.ancuslei- 8xiclal clieap ox ex ox cimten evur the lleunil llroek ronte te Leng liniucli nml Uceau Uiove, en Tiiuriiluy, Aug 2. lleunil trip tickets, goeil Ter thieu ilays, or j ou ciiii rutiirn same iluy. Train leaves Quarryvtlle nt IO n. in.; (uie.tliM, Leave l.ancuflcr (King street) at (Mi. (Jeluinbta G.IV Ilrucklmrn,fl07. l.iimllsvlltn. 7i. lick ru ler Hale at all Muttons. AUe by I). .". IliiiNkuiui I). C. lluverstlck. all,li;,18,:e Aniuiriiienlii, .lliinie ,i(rA.."-.'t'he l'otUvlUe Chronicle Miyaet thUplce'j which U te be presented In Kultonepoin liensii this uvunltiK , " Miss Jon Jen Jon uie Witlliicii played the reles el a street wall an t n secluty bulle In a very eredlblu manner, a .lid also Miss Maud Wnllnce as the " I'rlnl ut's Devil." Mr. Ueorge Mitchell ropreiontvd llui niiweinipur reporter In an ablu umnuer, snowing hewusetul theyuru and hew poeily iippieftutud by the general public." il'KVIAh tlOTMOKS. Absolutely tliu best l'nrnun l'lastur evor niade. Thu iei i'miCcrlseoiupedud el Fresh Heps.Jlulsami and tluins. Weak llaek. Hlde Acini, Seni Chest, and all pains tireHpuedlly cured by Its use. Apply ene. Only cents, at any ding store. llrlet Aleutleu. " I have used Murdoch llloed lllttem with Kioiitbepeilt ri)rlmilostien nml constipation of the nowelj." e. It. Kasten. Hamilton, Unt. vHal?.1,u " Uechrun, iirugulst, 137 anil 131 .North tjuien street. HUUIlIJ.l'AIHA." teulck, cotnpleto euro, all Kldney, llladder and Urinary Diseases. Scalding, irrlUitlen, Hione, Uravel, Catarrh et the llladder. II. DriiKutsta Dr. Ifrsiler'a Keet ulttert. Kiazliu'H Itoet Hitters ure net a dram shop buvenigu, but ard strictly medicinal In every smlse. They net strongly upon the J.tver and Kldnuvf. kiten the bewitls onen and remilur. eleansn thu bleed and system et every linpn rlty. Held by ilniBKtsta, f I. Sold by II. II. Cochran, druggist, U7 and 133 North Queen at reel, -j (Unmoral Alntiierail aietneral Are you disturbed at night ami broken el your rest by a sick child sulTerlng and cry Inn with the excructatlug pain of cutting teetliT It no, i(e at once und get a bottle nt MILS. WIN. ai.OW'HBOOTJIINO BYUU1 It will relieve thu peer little sutlerer Immediately depimd upon It ; thorn la no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en north who lias aver used It, who will net tell you at ence that u will regulate tbe bowels, and ulve rest te the mother, and rellet and huallh te the child, op erating llke magic. It Is perfectly eate te use In all casus, sad pleasant te the taste, und Is thn prescription of one of tbe eldest und best Jouiule physicians In thu United Stains, bold everywhere. SS ceius n bottle, imiv.tl-lydM.W.HAw bUIn Ulieaiet.-" Hivyu's Ointment." " Swayne't Olidmcnt' cures Tetter, Bait if iieum, uingworin.Beros, rimpies, kceiiiu, Hll ItetivSkln Krupllens, no matter hew ebitl note or lentj Handing, nl'JM,W,F.twly LANCASTER DAILY INTELJLlGJffiNCIfiir WEDNESDAY 'AUGUST 2D. 11 Mens sana In eorpero sane ;" " A sound inlnil Inn sound body" Is the traile mark el Alten's llraln Feed, and we nxsure our read ersthst, II dlssMlnlled with oltlier weakness of llraln or bin ily powers, this remedy will perm i ently strengthen them both. It. At druggists, or by mail Hern J. II. Allen, 31S rimt Ave,, New fork City. anl8.1wdM,WKAw Thn Uectnr'a KmlnrDf input. Dr. W. I). Wright, Cincinnati, n,, sends the subjoined prorcmlennl ondersuinont i " l Imvti nrescrllind Dlt. WM. IIAM.'H IIAI.9AM FOR 1'IK I.UNMSIitu Kreatniiinber il cnse3,nii(l alwnjs with success. One ohke In piirticular was given up by miveinl pliyslclans who had beun ciillml tn for consultation with myself The patient had nil the symptoms nt ceiillrineil ConHuinpttnn-celd nlKht sweats, bottle lever. Increasing ceukIh, etc. Ilureininuncad linniD illately tn et hotter nud was seen restored te his usual health. 1 found Hit. WM. IIAM.'H riAI.SAM reitTHKI.UNOH the meHl valua ble nxpocterant ler breaking up distressing ccughs mid colds. "ItOUMIl IN It ATM," Clears out ruts, uilce, tonches,lHes,ants, bed bugs, skunks, chipmunks, cophers. le. DniKRtils. II RT Vercr, 1 have been a Hay Kever suireier forthrce years; have olten hnird Kly's Cream Hntin spoken el lu the highest terms did net take much stock lu it because- el the miiiiy quack: medlclnes. A trlend porsuaded inu te try the Italiii.and I did se with wenilcrful success. Thlsreeoininendatlon yen can use for the ben tall of Day rover suirerers.T. 8. (leer, Hyru Hyru cuse, N. V. l'rlce M cents, nnll-2wiloeilAw Te banish contagion Irem garments anil linen, disinfect with (lleun's Sulphur Senp. l'lkn's Toothache Dreps euro Hi ene tulnute. auW-lwdoedftw " itmnnMiN crcisK." Ask ler Wells " lleiuh en Cerns." lfc. Quick coniplete euro. Hard or soil corns, warts, bunions. Ilrewti'rt iioDDenuiu I'nnaiHiit Is the limit ollectlve I'aln Destreyer In the world. Will meit sumly 'luicken the bleed whether taken InUirnally or npplleit exter nally, and thereby morn certainly UKMKVK I'AIN, whether chronic or iieulu, than any ether pain alleviator, and It la warranted dou ble the streiiKth of any similar preparation. It cures pain lu the Slue, Hark or Dowels, lere Threat, Ilheumutliin. Toethacho, and A I, I, ACHhy, nml Is Tim (Ircat Itellcrer of I'aln. "HltOWN'BlIOUSniOItDI'ANAUKA" iheuld be In uvury family. A ttiujpoeniiil et the I'anacuu In a tutnbler el het wattir swuet. une.1, II prururnsl utnkau ut iNtiltliue, will UltKAK Ul A COltD r.ttntx n Uitlln miilSI-lydM.W.tUu' IlKAItTl'AINH. I'alpltiitlen. Drepsical nwelllngj, Dizziness, Indigestion, Headache. Sleeplessness cured by "Wells' llealth Ucnewer." Mrs Mr. Walten' 1'erlealculTen. Mether Walten has prescribed this valuable mi'illrlne Inrugruit many ycursln her prlvate practice. It has proved an uutallliiK speclllc in the treatment of the many disorders te which the tumale constitution Is sublcct It IsuHurucure for l he monthly troubles that se many women sutler. Mallud en iccelpt et prlce.Mc. reld ny II. II. Ceclu-m, tlniKKlst 137 nnd in North UueHiiHlnut. (3)S Tub nutrltlvn properties or Celilen's Mquld Iltet Tonic sustain the body without solid f ed, Oetden's ; no ether. aulSlwdced.tw Wnt we M'MUt. Olve llomeeiiath IiIh nnllnLq. Allennth Ma pills ; bat ter rheumatism, ler uchi-s, for pains und sprains, Themat' Ktltctrta Oil is InulTiibly superior tn either. It has benutllud ns inuny pi-ople as It has had purchasurH. All tiniKKlst neil It. Ker sale by II 1) cncliran, driigglst, 137 nnd 13U North yueen streut. Iljrstcila auit Nrrveus l'rettrittliin. e Klve our readers an nxtrnct Irem n cheer lul letter, written by Mrs. Rllz.abcth Smith, of ltlchinend, lnd , who says . " Hamarllan .Ver line eurcdmuer hystrrla nnd nervous pros tration." Cemment Is useIchs. nuluiwileed.tw IV h tin llocteri llltucrre It will be time oiieiikIi te doubt the reliability el Kldiif y Wert. Doctors till itRree that It is u most vuliiablu medicine In nil dNordersol the l.tver, Mdneya und llewuls, nml frequently prcscrltm It. Dr. 1. C. Ilalleu, or Slonkten, s'iys "The pustyear I have used It mere than evor. and with the best results. It u thu most successful remedy I have ever used." Such u recommendation speaks for lt'elf. Held hv all druggists. See advt. Kmeuy's I.lttle Cathartic l'llls are sulllcluut ly powerful ter the most robust, yet the safest ler children nud weak constitutions, tseente. nuls.lwdM.WAFAW A Kalr enrt . Tin: Voltaie Hklt Ce.. of .Manhall. Mich.. offer te send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Helt and F.luctrle Appltiueus en trial, ter thirty days, te inen, old and young, mulcted with nervous debility, lest vitality, and many ethor dlseases. Boe advertUemunt In this 1'aner. nl-lydM.W.F.tw Venl, Vldl, Vlcl-I cuine, 1 saw, I ennquurt'd lsmlaptablote Allen's Illlletis l'liyslc. It quickly relieves Constipation, Piles. Sick Headache, .te.'i cent. At nil Druggists. aulSlwdM.WAF.tw "Itching I'llCf.-'x-Mptiiptuinr,! Mtilttnrn, I.lke nersplrutlen, Intense Itehliig, wnre ly scratching, most nt night, seems If pin. worms nore crawling. " Sitnjme'. Ointmenl " In i jilcatanl, surccure. uuli-M.W.h&ivly Tn Man tvne Tnlks Much. We wnnt tes'iya went te veu who make u living with i our tongue. Yeu certainly must ' uuviiii ciii'ir. sueug van n te engiiiru your lis- tenurs. ur. Tfienuis' JCclectrte OK ter sero tureai, coins, and bnarseui'ss is unexcelled. Use and u mil re. Fer mle by II. II. Cm hum. druggist, 137 and 131 North Queen street. KKltUjr.ll tTKltiU Dft'ATIk riie tellnwlngstutumeiit of Wlllinm . cough in, el Homervllle, Mass., is se rctniirlruhln t.'iut we beg 'ensk for it the attention et our reuil ors. lie bujs: "In the lull et una 1 was taken with a violent bleeding et the ltingb, followed by u sovero cough. 1 seen began te lean my appotlte and llesh. 1 wiu se weak nt ene tline that 1 could net lenve my bed. In the sum-uierel)!-77 1 luisiiitinitii iltetlinctty llespl jil. While there the iloctent said I had a nole In l.y lull luuij us big lie u half-dollar. 1 expend ed evera huiidieddnlliirsln ilocter unil mod med I'dnu' . 1 us se tar gene at enu time a ropei t wi nt around that I was deud. 1 gnve up hope, i. nt u irleiut told me el Dlt. WM. ll.VltlVS IIAIMAM FOtl TIIK l.UNU". I lauglie ill my friends, thlnltlng my ease Hilui able, out 1 get a brltle loeatt'ly them, when te my sur prison' ! glut mention, 1 commenced te leul boiter My hope, once dead, began torevlve, n .d te lay 1 tout In better spirits than I huve the past tin ee yenra. "I wrltethls hoping ju will publish it, be that every ene r.Illlcte.t with DI'ciimeiI Lungs will be Induced te luku Dli, WM. HAMAS HAI.SAM roKTHKJ.b'.SOS.undbeconvlncod that CONSUMl'llON CAN lib OUItK.D. I have taken two bottle, ami can positively buy that it has done me mere geed thun all the ether medicines 1 have taken slnce my sick uuss. My cough bus almost entirely disap peared und 1 shall seen be uhlute go te work.' -.out In II ii. l.ncurun. 137 North Wuoutitiuvel Neurnlcla nnd Mek iimieIic. In Aurera, III., lives Mrs. Win. Hunsen. bbe siysi "Samaritan A'trefna cured ine of mil ralgln, vertigo and sick headucl.e " uulMwdeed.fcw MAllltlAUKH. IteuT Howk. On Uie 19th or AllglUt. 1SHI, by thu llev. W.T. (Jerhar.l. ut his lestilence, Ne. St Kast Orange street. Mr, Alien Knet, te Mlsi Aunlu I., llowe, both el Akren, Lancas ter county. J'KATJIti. "manaiia!.--Oii Aiig.lHlssi.iiiiMillit'ieliihla, Mury Muuuhuii, relict el thoUte .inmm Mnu uhuu,ugud7l years. Ilolntlve and frlunds nre respoeifully In vltedte attend thn luiiurul nt lilrd-lii-ilnnd, Lancaster county, t'u, en Thursday morning, Aug,'.'!, nte.30, at ZOKRcitEii.-ln this city, en the 1'Jth lust., Franklin .ueichur. ugud Ul yeurs.'i innntlis und 0 days. The relatives and friends et tue family ure respecttully Invited tn attend the lunerul, Hern Id mother's residence, Ne, 3M Wen Chestnut streut, en Thursday afternoon ut '! o'clock, interment at Lancaster cemetery. uluJt, Kutv. On the istti Inst., Mrs. Mary Kulp, widow olJehn Kulp. Funeral en Friday ut 0 o'clock f crvlces At he house, near Sporting 1 1 111. jfKir AnrjsnTjtKssMNin, FACTS AND TIIK 1'I.ACK Masen Eruit Jars IS FLINN & BRENEMAN'S, 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - Lancaster, Pa. tarriNFitvireAirs, eun own makb.-& tflilV AtiVKHrJHtiMKNTtt llTANTKIJ-A UOII1I Hi III, It) Ul) UI.N" vv erai neuiewnrk. Aimiym Apply II gUK ltd Ne. UIHtJUT KN STflKKI'. WA.NTKD. A OOtllt UIIUK. AI'HI.Y tlT 3J7 West Chestnut street. aC0-3ui tirii.i, UKOi-fN at: lay i-.aut wit.Nei5 .TT Hirret, en .MONDAY, Hi: l M' i. nut tin. bncca b Helbroek's school for children. a!3-3til WAUKKNt'ltAIT .11. H. IIAKMHH HAS the cxeluslve sale el thn Cee. It. I'tan Ladles' Flne Waukenphast Shoes ler thn city nl I.ancuster. Kvery pslr warranted. Jj'3-lmd WATKI1 A HITliATMIN TO l7i ANY kind el Jobbing work, lias had expert ence In moving lumlture. sluikltig and laymir rarpettt, and working with tools Inuulru ut IB West James street. llAItllKK SIIOI' KOH HAI.f YHK MAIt I) bcr8hep located nt Ne, 43 North Queen street will be told cheap ou tiu-y terms, Ar ty te r'. m KltV. ulUJitd 3t'j Heaver street. Of. IlKIMtOK'H II ALL, rult'lTuT, tlhlrtxl O Klf-TOWN, Md., prepares for any college or business Hlo, unsurpasieii. fivi te I'Utin 1'ltO. J. Ii. KINK Alt, l'llntlpal. year. aiiKlS Smeeil RIClltlUTItIN IMUUMTOnt-MAOi: UMtril Ing, In order te cloe out the balance nt my Spring and Summer Woolen. I will give a discount of W per cent, en each garment for the next two mouths. A full llue nt elegant Herg" Suits, niade up In elegant style, ler $10 less 20 per cent. Having lu my employ h pmctlc.il cutter, n perlect lit ean be rolled uren. A.1I.1UHKNSTK1N, Finn 'lallnrlng, 37 North Oueen siieel, opposite the l'ostelllco. in2l-CuidK a r.i:NNi:ituium imiiukn GRAND CONCERT -AT- MjENNERCHOR garden, T1UH EVEXfXO, By the City Band. Jbe4. MtAMlLIN INSTITUTi: 1SS4. International Electrical Exhibition, 1'IIIItADKI.IMIIA. Ul-KKU SKr-rKMDltR '-'. CLOHKH OtTOIlEtl 11, ADMISSION ' Halt-price. Slngle TlckoUtOe. Children uugll-'2mM,&3lt jYUJC HAliK. A'lMllNlSrlcATrit'M MAI.K Of" VAL.U VAL.U able city iropcrty.The I.amb hotel ulllbOHeld nt public s'lle en SATUKDaY KVBNI.VU, SKIT. 13, lit 7 o'cle-k. See printed bills, or call upon Al.K.X. HAitltlh uuglH-eeilts Administrator. rpivO LAIIIIK wai.mjt MTOiii: cjeu:.- 1 ters for sale; tnav lxi wen In thu stere room lately occupied by Mr 8. S. UaHiven, Ne. 101 .-Meriu wuuun street ; must no lomevou seen. apniy 10 u.n.iiicrr he, iii-i -lid" Olllce -Ne. 137 Kartt King Ht. I.iOK HAL.K.-TMK UNDHflll.Nr.u tK . iert ut prlvute sale en easy terms, nil the deck, fixtures nml geed will of Ids merchant tailoring establishment Ne. l.'l North Queen street, opposite the Franklin Heuse, lute tbe htiind of Bmnllng .v. llausuiaii, aud lennerly of .luceli K. Smullng. l'casesiluu given luiiiie luiiiie dlately. urj-tfd JOHN JJ. IIAU3MAN. ptIIII.IU SAI.f. Or 1IUMII. Tbe undersigned will eiler at Public Baluut Mlebeel's hotel. North Queen struet, I.aueas lur, l'.V, en FllIDAY. AUtiUsl' ), 18il. thu Lend et Mnrlannn (.ihbens nnd Caiollue uib liens te Dr. .lest mi Gibben, ler lx Thousand Dollars, dated I87t. and pnyiible twenty i ears alter date, without Interest '-nleat'J p.m. MA1UANNA UIIIIIil.NH. Admlnbtnitrlr or Kstate et Dr. .lesph uib. beus, deceased. nl l-'J d IUlll-Il) MAI. I',. (I.N TtlUKHIIAl, At)l. 21, 18S4, will lw seli' en the premises. Ne. 2l8KustOrungrtH'reet. nne llotse and Wagen, lliiriiuiS.onutulli.utef loeCruimi flNtmeH.oa flNtmeH.ea liable et making from odd euart te twnntv galleiiR. Icecruam Machtneniid all kinds (if Cuke Dishes and Tins 'I we Mnrhltislnbs, inree wiuiny Kettles. Cnudv Fiirnacti. Tun Dough Trays unit uianv ether nrtlclm nut, mentioned. fnle te cemmenrn ut 1 o'clock of faldday, when conditions will be mucin known by DAN1KI. OI.MSTKD II. Sliunur.T, Auct. nl.Mt 1UllL10 SAI.K. On WKDNK3DAY KVKNIVU, SKl'TKM liKlt 10, 1S8I. will be sold at nubile salu, ut the lllcster Heuse, corner et North Queen and Chestnut streets, Lancaster, I'a , tliu proper ties et -lehu s. itohrer, us fellows, te wit : Ne 1. Tluit Urst.cluss ibtoe-story IIRICK MKTAI. ItOOFKD KKhlDKMK, 10 by 0 leet, w Hll a three story llrlclc Metal lloelod reur at tachment. 60 by Stuml 18 fuel, having two llal llal cnnles, t'ortlce unit censei vateiy, Bttuatoeu thu northwest corner et North Qui en and West Lemen streets. Thu Inside llulsli et this Iieum) Is almost ontlrely el haul weed (no crack' or Hluliikngn), has lar h uie Heer vestl hiiie, an eight tect wide ball, two pirers. Diuwlug und rrescoed Dining rooms, nnd Kitchen et most excellent tlnl-h anil conve nience, having Stag Head Itangu and Dumb Winter en first fleer, seven lledrnmnti und Until Uciii en second lloei.umlsix iledroems, onelargi. Wnsn Drying ItoeiuaudiluoOlHorv atery ou third lloer. Large and eonveulont Cellar under wholeheuse, having hetuiul cold water nud largu rain water ilstern In name, tins, het und cold wnlur, bath, tue water elosets, stationary wnshsUimls, lureHt sized Mention's heuter (lieuttng whole house), range, soweragei eenncclH three feet wlile 1. union street sewer, eleven feet ileen coil bins, under shlewiUlr. Kvery loom In heuse und cellar well ventlluted, and outlre promt premt ees lu such uxcullunt comlltlen tluit repairs will net be lidded ler inuny years, and Is sur paused by nene in the city. Let trents ny. tent nn North Queen street, and oxtenda west ward along Lemen street. .' trot te Market street, with nn unjeining let north, and mint ing en Market strtut tU feet, oxteiullng east ward te division lonce lift feet, being 1." sliipud.und nusun ubiiudancent the clioleest varieties et Irult lu snme ; und, ulsn, a ilrlck Sluted htiihle, holding thrie horns unit car riages, with gas nnd water lu same, unit n sunnier sizeu nriOK ntauie, uniiiiug two horses. Aillnlnlng nrst-numed stable Is a twn-stmy llrlek Sluted hostler's lodging lleus. having Uirte rooms t also, a frnuu work shop and harness room nnd lurge hennery Nn -1 That Two-Sleiy IIKICK BI.ATKD DWl'.LLINU, ?s by 'ii feet, with Two-Steiy Hilck Heur Attacliuient, having balcony, nnd situate nOJnlinig ubove iiuiiii d i rnpurty en the north, and being Ne, liu North Queen sicutt Is I u geed order. Has ten looms, namely, bull, parlor, dining-room nnd kitchen en Ilrst lloer, und seven bed rooms ou sccond sccend sccond lleori het und cold water, nuuu, gas und sewer connections, nil in geed eiuer LetSft by 130 loot : Irult. slde alley entrance. iii. j, uuii rusvciess Tiine-siirv ami lluseiiiuiit Ilrlck Meml Hooted TOIIACCO WAKKHOUSK, 100 by 35 leet. slluate en West, Chestnut street, Lancaster, I'a., and about lw) ynids from thn depot. It Is very strongly built, lias excellent basument light, nil thu wniehouseeenvHiiienceswuler, water closet, two nflloes, gas, und a stnrage capacity of ever ,ie eases. Will net lequlre repalis ler years te come. Can give possensleu et this warehouse pioperty wltliln te days et uile. Ueusen ler selling these properties is the owner will locute in O'e West. 11 will ntterd pltamre te show the ubove named prepeilles teuuy pirtlis liiqultlng.by calling en the prumisus or en tue under, blgncd fnlu te commentu ul 7 o'clock, of said day when terms and conditions will bu niade known by Jehn h, itOHUKIt und HAUtsMAN A II UK. SB, UK I. F. Howe, Auct. Ileal K late Agents. nnglO,9),?3,!W,lW,2JAseptl,J,8,0,10ll LOW PRICES. TO HUY Wholesale or Retail AT- AMltHatJSMTH. IUI.lON OJ'KKA ItOUdiT, WBDNB9DA.Y, AUG. 20 1884. Kngagemcnt el the sparkling little Actrcts, JENNIE WALLACE, Supported by a brilliant New Yerk company. Klrsi time In this city of Jehn llreuglmm's realistic local bei lety drama, lu e nts, entitled MINNIE'S LUCK, Or, TDK Ul'S AND DOWNS OF NF.W YOItK LIFE, irtrnditclng The Brooklyn Bridge Scene, Showing this great strurture Illuminated at night- Onuel the grandest sights ever witnessed ou thostnge 'I liu manage ment huve udeptcd l'Ol'ULAK l'lllCKS OF ADMISSION, GO-'IBe. OALLKItY, SOc. beats new en sale, without extru charge, at Opera Heuse olllce, nls-.ltd ptlANII UOUN'l' KAIIt. ty Fair -AT- LANCASTER, PA., September 1 te 6, 1884. (ir.infl Il.iUenn Ascension, ON TIIKSDAV, SKl'TKMHEK .', by J. M. JOHNSION, of the IirriLLMnEscKn. accompanied by Mlts Johnsten. TIIK (JItANDKBT KXHIII1T OF Horses, Galtle, Sheep, Pig3 and Poultry, F1NKST DISPLAY OF Fruit e, Plowera and Vogetablos, It'AUUUST VAK1K1 Y OF Agricultural and Farming Implements, GUKATKST NUMHKlt OF Houeehold, Moehusloal and Manu factured Artlolea, KVKlt SKKN IN ItANCASTKU, FA. SPEED TRIALS DAILY. KXCUHSION HATES ON UAILKOADS 81'KCIAL ATTIiACTIONH AND Sl'LKN- DID HANDS KACti utk... Ciiinv Maiisiial Jen? II. lliuir, JUDGES: First, Becetid und Third Classes Jehn L (itugrlch, Denegal tnwutdilp ; Dr. S. 1'. Lytle, iiouiueoy: .11 11. v enger, i.auipeter : -Jeh'i II. Kendlg. Willow Street Henry s. Stehmun, I'euii ; j, jtsciunaii xiurr. Jiauer. Fourth, FHth, Sixth, eevuntli, Klghtli and ftiinn i,iusses e. fpencur, city : ts. u.iiunc u.iiunc helder, Karl; M L. (Jrelder, Mount Jey; Simen II. Cameron, Denegal ; Suuiuel U. Kngle, Muilutin. Tenth unl Eloventh Clustes- Jeseph F. WIU mur, I'araillse t Jehn H. Hoever. West, llonm llenm llonm tleld i M. H. Wouller. Leacock. Tuellthand Thuteentli Classes 'Ien. Jehn A.bteber, WestCecallcet Christ Mussulman, Lampeter; Charles K. Leng, city, Jes.lt. Trlssier, etty. reiiitcenli class Jehn S. Maun, Maner; Jehnsen Miller. Lltttz ; David II Lundls, city; Jehn Mussulman, city. rltteentn chi's Jehn Copland, city ; Jehn 1' Welsu, city ; Emsu'iul 1'. Keller, Munheltn township. sixteenth Class -Jacob M. Franlz, city ; Jehn II. Kuumgardiiur, city ; Jehn A. Keller, city seventeenth unit Klgh'ennth Closses-II. II. Kurtz, conesieg.i j Jenn A.Styer, uurnurven, J. O isloek, cliy. NlueUenth Class Heniy Worst, r., Salls lur ; l.e under T. llentel, Qiurryvllle ; Gun itiithven, city. 'I wuntluth tlass ChirKs It. Fralley, city; W. D. Mex-ter, city; 'thus. C. Cuiiiiiilngs, cllv Twtmtj-ilikt Cliss-Fied. llrlmmer. cliy ; C rus II Celvin.tlty ; J. Lewis I'etts. city rweiily-Bieenit Cmst Cbas. F. Kuugler, city; llliam Wilsen, Columbia ; Isaac Dlllur, tiiv. Twenty-third Cluss-J. Hairy WI imycr, city. Twenly fourth, Twenty-lllth, Twi nly-slxtli nnd '1 u only -seven Hi Classes A. C. llus, Mauhulm; vv. 11. llrnslus, Uruuioie j II, e. 1'utUrsen, Little lliltutu ; Henry Mussulmuu, city ; David Hemier, West Farl. THeiily-ulghlh UiiHs-lsruel L. Landls, city. Twenty ninth Cla-s Divld Hair, e ly. Thirtieth Class Cnrlilepher Hager, oily. I hluj-tlist, 1 hlrty-seeii' d, Thirty-third nnd Thirty leurtn Classes Miss A. W Wlley. clt; Miss Lizzlu Gelz, city, 0 L. Fen Dersiiillh, city. 'lliltty.llltli, Thirty-sixth, Thlrty-seventh nud Thirty-eighth Clases "qulre slayuiuker, city i Mrs Win u. linker, elty; Miss Muggle Dougherty, city; Ml.-sM ry Llehty, city. Tiilrly-nliilli und hortletli Clas-ib eteorge O. Hunsel, city ; Cliarlis O, Gelz, city ; .lull 11 11. jveviusm, ciiy ; t;u.iries r . Bieigurwnit, city. speed I'lemlums Dr. etty ; .lehn Keland, New Jim. II. Helland MeCuskey, lllium K. uaiuur, ceiiimnia. Special $mi lu Premiums Ilouie-Muilu Drtsses Mrs. d. Mhss Mm Kg Id Sullivan, city ter Thieo Hest K. Smith, city ; ; Miss Aiiinndu net se, city. SUl'KltlNTICNDKNTS Florid I ln.ll II. a Schreyur, city A. D. I.'eh- iur, ciiy. Fruit Department Wm. Weldle, city; Diin'l SuiHjch, city. Vcgotubles Grain, etc. Adam Keller, Man helm township ; Jacob Mayer, Mauhelm town ship ; M. II. Heir. Wheatland Mills. Ne Judge will serve in a class Hi which hels nn exhibitor, l'KIUKSOF ADMISSION. Slngle Tickets for A..ults .10 Cunts. Single Tickets (Chlldrun under 12).., '-in Coins aa-dtreut-Cur Line Direct te thu Fulr Ground ; tain only a cents, HEAD THIS 1 ItKDUCKI) 1MIICES I Iluy your tickets early.siivoteeentson three, nun avoid thu crowd I Season Tickets, with three coupons (geed ter three ndmlssiens), price ttl.oe, te be bold only up te Monday Evening. Senttimbcr 1st. by the nlltcers und uinnugers, unit ut the following stores : At Lancaster, ut Unci's, burr's. Fen Her Smith's, Herr'M, Znhin's mid Fllnn's book stores, und lu Celiimblu, Mount Jey, Kphrutn, 1.1111, Mauhelm, New Helland, Mrushurg, Qunrryvlllu, Marietta, bate Harber, llalu bitdge, lllrd-lii-llaml. cnnestegu Centre, l.un l.un dtsville, Murtluville, aieuiilvlliu, New 1'revl deuce, l'aradlse, Intercourse, Hrnwnstewn, Mtchuntcsbiiig, Oregon. Terra UIU, Wnke Held, Illicit, Chestnut Level, Fnrmersvllle, Liberty Square. atJ-KX'.UIlslON TICKETS nt grently re. duceil mles, Including admission te thu Fulr, will be sold each duy irem ull sUitlens en ull Uie iiillieads within thn county. Alse, from Harrlsburg, Yerk, Dowlilngtewn und Fert Deposit, nil) 15uift2tw lAHANKaK rlSIIIMi l'llLUH. A 1.AKUK tl stock te select Irem, at low prices, ut DUDLEY'S DUUG STOKE. 03-Guid 21 West King slieet. VIlWINlllKTHIfcTiUi 111 t.L.iHK'n Ll unit gut the Finest Mountain Itle Cr lite torTie poi pound. Its flavor nnd strenglli ure Miiti.iilr.r- .I11V11 uml Iflr. lilnmlurl nt -.,, rii,.u,k I tuik liriLllilf. H11.L11 11 r.ritli.n tit tni tlin tjrulu Four pounds nice llrewn Sugar ter IDs. CltAltKb'S, Ne. 33 West King street. rir.AI.ru OOHSKT. . BALL'S HEALTH CORSET New tukes the loud et everything In the Cot hotline, a ladles find It thu must comfeiu-ahlk; ANO V K 11 F K 0 T F ItT Tl N O garment worn. Merchants say It gives the iHislButlstuctleu et any Corset they oversold. Fer sale by all lending dealers. 1'ilce by mull I1.W. FOY, IIAHMON CO., llll.W.tS?Ct N.w lluviei 'nn 11 ml-WAS20t New Haven, Conn, (Illllll Cem 1884, SECOND EDITION. WEDNK8DAY WVKNINO, AUO. 20, 10.14. HENDJRICKS ACCEPTS. A 11 HI 15 F HUT l'OINTKu KI-ISTI.K' the Dtunocratle Catuliiate for Vice I'reiU uent Buys tbe Platform meet Vtitn 111 lleitity Approval, Indianapolis, Intl., Auk. 20. Follow ing Is a ceny of Hotulrleks' letter of nc- captanoe of tliq Domeorntlo nomination for tue vioe proaidenoy : iNWANArOLH, Intl., Aug. 20, 1831, Or-NTLUMKN. I have the honor of aoknewlednlnif the recelpt of your com munioatlen netliylnjr me of my nemlua tlen by the Homeoratio conventlnn at Chicago as tbe candldate for tbe olllce of vlce prcsldent of tbe United States. May I rcpeit what I said en another occasion that It is a nomination whleh I had nnlther expected nor desired, nud yet I rccognlze nnd appreciate the high honor dene me by the convention. The choice of such a body, pronounced with sunb unusual unanimity and accompanied with se conereus an expression of esteem nnd confidence, ought te outweigh nil merely porseunl desires and preferences of mv own. It is with this fee'lnu and I trust also from a deep bciiee of publle duty that I new nocept the nomination nnd shall ablde tbe .luilgmeut of my countrymen. I have examined with crfrn tbe declara tien of principles adopted by the conven tion, a oepy of which you submitted te me ami In their sum and stib.itnnce, I heartily cuilorse and npprove tbe same. I am gcntlomen your obedlent sorvent. TltOS. A. IIENDIIICKS. Te the Hen. Wm. T. Vilas, chairman, Nicholas It. Hell, secretury, nud ethers et the oem. mlttee nt the national Dumocralle conven tion. AN HUSH tltlNe-KllK-sCK. Knniered ni(tilni; m ti.i.teu nltn n View te Seltilliy tne Irish Vele. IiegTON, Aug. 20. A conferenco was held yesterday between Mr. Deha I'arnell and a number of Catbolie hithnps nnd Irish leaders te dovise means te turn tbe coming political campaign in this country te the advancement of Ireland's oause Mrs. I'arnell, ou behalf of her seu, laid down a preposition which it is proposed te lay bofero both political parties bcre, the party accepting it tn rccolve the organized Irish vote. Tbe I'arnell schome con tern plates n plank te he inserted in the plat lerm of tbe partj accepting favorably tbe admission et goods of Irish manufaoture frce of duty, specifying such goods as can only be mnnulacturcd In Ireland nnd which will net compcte with American produc tions. During the progress of the oenforenco it was stated that the reason why Alexander Sullivan be persistently refused the oloc eloc olec tiou te tbe presidency of the Irish National Lengtie was that he proposed te enter tbe canvass hi support of lilalue, and did net wish te oempromiso the Irlsh-American vote by becemiug n publle speaker in sup port of the Republlcau candldate whlle holding cfQoe an president of the Irish Lungue. tui: -.voiu.e OF I'tll lTlU. New Jersey Democrat anil Connecticut nod " Iuitm IttipiiDllenin In (tesslen. TllKNTl. ."; N. J., Aug. 20. Most of the delegatus te ttie L-moeratio state couven ceuven couven tieu arrived this moiJeg. Gaergo Mo Me Mo Cle Ian will be pernnueut chairman. Hen. Samuel J. Itmd.ill ami W. U. Ilenst'l nre oxpeeted te address tbe coil vontieti thin afternoon. Kdward Halbret, jr., of Newark, and ex Gov. Bedle, will most likely baoleotora at large. The oeuvontion was called te erder ju.st bofero ene o'elock. McOlellan, hi taking the seat no tempirarv eliairmau, w.ts eree'ed with eliejrs In bin siueeh he sild the Douner.Us doservol Hiicedis uud must have It. Kepnbllenu StitnUeiiveiilluu lu lewu, Uks Meinks. Aug. 20. There Is a great crowd here te day te Attend the ItDpubli eau conveution, evur 000 delegatus being present together with all tbe leaders nud rami hiatus Connecticut Ktpuhllein Htte Oonvei.tlnn Ni:v IIavijn, Atu. 20 Thu Hopublieau statu oenvuulioii met huru this meiuiug. A 'l ;et lu t'u) ilrnsiibicK.lttO.ir Crtinp, llLOOMI.NaTON, Ills,, AtliT 20 The Grtenbueic Au'l M m 'Ply Libtr statu convention held here yesterday developed bitttr wruuiiling butween tbe Greenback Ami. Monopolists itml the Strnigbteut Greenbaclters, duller was Indertied, but the motion te cheese presideutlal electum was lust, ami buveivl Straigbciu Greeu bickers rothetl. Tbe couveiitlon tbeu ad journed un'il tbe 27. U ks: lniiiocr'le (ii)uvrnlliiti ill Muuplile, IlAititisiifite, I'.i.. Aug. 20. Mejer L 8. Bent, el ntrcl uu was numed ler Con gress by the D.iiiioetatanl Uaupbiu oeuuty and Cel Henry JIeC uiutuk,ef ilarrisburg, for senator. l'rotiilent Arttiur nnd IllsOllera. Ni:w Yeiik, Aug. 20. I'rosideut Arthur is still itepping ut the 5th Avonue hetil. He remained in his toeiu all tbe forenoon aud received the follow ing callers : Hecrutary FielitinhuyHeii, riecretaiy Chandler. Ht'iuetar.v Felder, A& Hlstant TroAiurer Til m. 0. Aoter, Lieut. Emery, U. H. N-, of thefc Hear, Jehn Hoach, Fust Ai.hiMant Postmaster Umieral Kintik Hutten nud ex-Collector Themas Murphy. Died from Urlnulug n I'lul et WUUky, Hkadine, Pa., Aug. 20. Last night Christian Bew man, n well known character entered tbe McOlellan Heuso nud asited for a drink. Tliu proprietor, Geerge Ktaomer, poured out a pint of whisky nud gnveit fruotelinwinuu ifhe would drink It all. llewmnn drank It and wub found dead in the yard of his rcsldence this morning. fntnaa lleilnces tan Inilniunlty. Londen, Aug. 20. A dispatch from Pentln saja that Frauen baa reduced the Indemnity demauded nl China te 200 000,. 000 francs. The French minister has beta erdeted te withdraw If payment is refused. Tlin uholerH, Pakis, Aug. 20. Thore wero four deaths from cholera nt Marseilles last night, and ene at Teulon. The publle iieaitti ei tue latter city is improved. trruli liupcrters Vail, Philadelphia, Aug. 20. The fallure et Warner & Merritt, fruit importers, Is announced beie te-day. Itlabilitieg, cati cati mated nt a half million dollars, WUATIIKIt IMD1UATIONS. Wahihnoten, Aug 20. Fer the Middle Atlantte states, coutluued warm and geuerally fairiweatlier, variable wlndf,gru wlndf,gru erally seutherly. At.i.ilA I'liHmleipnm niKruri I'liH-ADtfumw, Aug. 0. riem quint and un. changed t SupuiniiuStstu.il 50iiKiira bu bu prilne f-tatu U (0(8.1 te ; i'a. tainlly, $1 ue mi 25; winter clut. . 412303 23 de straights, i523((&5) Minn, eztru. clear. 41 lOal 75 1 straight, (3 ee.(5 KM Wlseenstn ckiir, 13 te tn en , struighis. II 2Vi5 s winter patents $i 50 qii -) i spring un, DUDXJ llyu ttinir dull at J.V'03fliK, v neai inursei 11 iner lutr iteniand t Vi 2 Western iv.., b8e Ne 3 de, tttlJSIC) no. 1 iiu uu, veui nu t niMiiwii 0110, tutfa Cern dull und In buyer s tuver 1 a earner, G3e 1 sail yellow b3rib7uide mlxud, CJUOtae; Ne. 3 mixed, SJtiOle. Oats aulut but lulilyaotlve ; Ne. 1 White. old, 43c; Ne. -i White, old, UJinuw. 4let Ne 3 de, e.U, 339) new,33c; rcJectwl,eld,33a 0)n0,r!0iJ3o'e-l6Cl Old, 0 KWW, yeilullntCOSOVs. nw We,s Uoeli ,l se30i cujr ,le7w Bacen, 11 We i Smoked Bhoulders. Dinklee tie ueiskc. ei ei .JiVJr "S'.'1', 0,ty. reined, at Oi loew '"0,ho.7ase i prime stenm tana II). rnr,7ln,lrit01 flSm rer nnn KnwIesF Pa, uniVnVryii',?;l1ir,,9ite! 'Tiern Hairy l4tjl(!ei Weuern dairy ertras, 15a i West. 'las choice, uaiSe j packing batter, ItetU at 801201 packing batter, 73e. ITOltfe M' W ,alr "0,nn,t i'aextrai, uhoese; market nnd prices rennln dull New Yerk full oremni, lnrnoviet Ohie Klnts. rhelcn. 803Xet Western fair te prime, nXftnie; Penn'a part skims, 3Q5ei de lull Xttl'Aa. Pelroleum dull i Kofi nod, 74ie, Whlskv ilnllt Western a,' Ii 18. New Verk mtk9t Niw Tenn, Aug. 20 -rieur without Import Impert nntchangn t very moileratolra Hug. W'.eai dccltned UMe nt, the oaenlmrt nflerwards ruled stronger nnd a ivincea HO .e i ninderate spacuiatlvu iraillng i Ne 1 Wiilie nominal t Ne. 1 ilivi. HepU, ee'ifa G'AG'MHa ; Jan., 7et Feb .090 )e com 'iQIXe hlgliur moderatoly uotlve t Mlxud Wcsturn spot, Mfjwiej de tuture, MB ..Data WWe better; Ne 1 Sept.. Hike t Ua" !,-"' Slul0' 3iO'Je I Woiteru, J?1Q I.lve HtoeK aiarttnr, CiilOAiio.-Hegs-llocolpts, n.eOhcnitl sfilp. mums, 2(100 head; market we.ik nn fiOIOc lenurj tnugli pncklng, f.17JM'HJt packing "' slilpiiliig. W lOflll (10; lljfiit, H 6UiO te t snips. $i teij"i e altle Iteculpts. 0.500 head ; shipments. 1 0X) liead, market dull ami generully lowormx lewormx lowermx pprt unMli's,a 40(16 te t goetl te oho co uhlp. ping, m BOffs is i ci inmeit te medium, (4 ie 05 10; 'lexaus nl . 7u(j4 15. Shuep llecelpts, 1S( head; shipments, CO) t market slew Inteilnr te lair. II 40(13 Oil! Jlma te Kemi, tfloeai75i cholcetooxiru mJi.!S,,iM ,1Ctt,, waa 60;Texns sheep, 2 C0S3 75. East Limtirrr Calt'n slew nnd" unchanged i receipt-. tOJhead; shipments. a.0C0 head. Hogs;ntitive nml flnui receipts. '00 head t slilpm. nts, 4 0M head ; I'lilladelphlas. ta I0O 0 75; HuluniMio.ta.'uee&oi Yorkers, nefl 2.1 j russers, ii 25ftj75. Sheep demoralized; very lew selling; re cclpb, 4,4UOhcad; shipments, 7,400 lieail. at39K stnrKeu. Qjotnttensby itoet, McGrann A Ce, Uank ors, Lancaster. Pn. ,, ,, . , 11 a. w. 12 k. 1r. M. vt. v.. n t. it........ . Michigan Centrnl 71 71 103 01 .$ 18JX 2i ej2 1004i U'.i New lurk Central 101 OI'.J UVA 7 10 NuwJcKey Centrnl Ohie Central Del. Luck. A Western... Denver ft Itle Grande... Kiiu.... ....... Kansas A Texas Lake Shere Chlcr.ne A N. W., com... n. .-s., unv. western y 13'4 30 X fturaui Aumaha Pr.cincMnll iy. lUicUoHter A Pitlsbursh. Mi nt st t aul. ........ .......... Texas I'sclile Union 1'rxlrle Wubaebv Common Wabash l'rofcrred 88K 14 OIU 153 7 West'rn Union Telegrauh 1.OU1BVU10& Nusuvllle. N. YChl. A sl 1. Lehlgh Valley Lehigh Navigation Pennsylvania.... Heeding 14 &-1U 15 2iii r.T. uumue Northern Pacltle Coin... 2J Northern racllle l'ref... Uesionvuie Phliadelphtu ft Erle Northern Control Underground. utinuua seuinnrn... tin 33 39 se v............................. reopie'Bi'ns'enircr.,.. Mew ters. yuot.itlens by Associated Press Stocks linn. Menoy, lOIc. New Yerk Cent nil 100; r.nu luiuieau is, Adams K.xpret.... ,lsi Micmgan centrui juuireuu 71 Mlchtguii southern Hall read S7)f Illinois Central lUllroed 123 Clovelnnd A Pittsburgh Kallread 1M Chicago A ltnctr Island Kallread .....W!)i I'lttshurgh . Fert Wuynu llullread 131 Wejtuni Union Tolegranh Cerananv OJ rnlndeA VVub.isli 012 -tow Jersey uenutu V w inis Ontario Wtwinrn .:.. 03X .... rniiKUnipnia, i.iu.tto.Hey Associated Press, Stocks strong. t'hli'jtlelpniu A Erle It. U 13 ittrtdlug Kallread 14 I'm nxylvanln Kallread.. tcv I,, high Velley Kallread 64 w, 1'tittnd Cnmpaiilettnf New Jersey., 191 uirth-ni t'ucltle. , 2IK tertruu'ii Pucinc Proterrol mm -lertliern Ceiunil Itallrenl l.uulKli Navigation Cumpiny 1114 Morrlstewn Kallread ins central Traiuiioruitteii Company.. 31 II. .....1.. 1 V n-..l 111.11 ..(..lkl.. ... ..I. III...', 4.1 4. il . III! .UUipiItU 4 '.utleScniivHctll lUllreHd.. .... ..... SO I nuftl LiloeHiituu nuuill v.i iirttl by J. 11, liOng. Tar val. LiiiiUHtm- City 0 per, cent 18S0... 100 wje... oe la... 10c ? per e.u In 1 or 3J years., lu) 4 jer ci. Scheel Lean.... 100 I " tn ler ttl years.. 100 ' 4 " In ft or 30 years., loe " 4 " tu 10 or 20 yours, 100 u .uiielin t'ernngn lean 100 BtllK STOCK. i""lrst National nan k )iuu Fnrmeis' National Hank 50 Fulton National lUnk VX) Lanc-isler County National Hank.. 00 Columbia National Hank leu Christiana Nutleual Haute luu r.phrMa Nutleual Hank loe Find NutlensJ Hank, Celumbliu. .. 100 first National llann. strusburg.... 100 First Nutleual Hank Marietta W First Nutleual Hank, Mount Jey., ler Ltlltz Nutleual Uank Id. Uauhel.n National Hunk,.,.,, loe Union National Hank, Mount Jey, 50 New llellund Nutleiiul Hank 100 Uan National Hank loe Oaarryvlllu National lluuk 100 TumrriKmmxjKe. tan tude 1U2 115 120 1U0-M 102 100 100 102 102 1210 lllxd 153.25 112.50 140 115 151 155 ISO 200; 154X0 140 161.25 77.21 131 113 110,23 ltlgepnngA Heaver Velley 1 a 10 iiliiigepui i. a i.uieuiiuu...... celumbt i A Chustiiiit 11111.. '.eluniblu A Washington.... UU ii IS 2I.U IS 30 10 47 48.01 21 re 31 e3 VI 75 105.25 140 44 35 S3 lti ....... ....... CO IS tS 25 25 'ta 25 St ;;eiuiui)ia.t 11 ij; epung celumlituA Marietta... .............. MuytnwuA (Cllisabuttituwu ............... ...... i-mcusiur a r-nnruui.... lineusujrA Nvlllew Street ntriifnire A Millport Marietta .t Maytewit Marlutui.t Muunt Jev... 26 LailC.KHzubeUlt'n AMIddlut'n 10(1 Lancaster A FrultvlUe. 60 Iruncutiler A Lltltt ., 23 Lancaster A Wllllnmatewn... 2S Lancaster A Maner... 60 lunciuter.fc Mauhelm 2& LiuiciisterA Martelta , 25 Lnuuiister A New HeUanu loe Lancaster A busuuehanna. .tee fUhlTlVAL. Deuiocrutle NitlleiiHl Ticket. Prosldent-GltOVrMl OLKVKLAND. Vlce Presldent-TUOM A3 A. UKNDKIC'KS. lloniecrallc State Ttcitit. KLKCTO03 AT LARUS. HICIIAUD VAUX, II. J. MeUKANN, II. II. l'LUMKK HLUCTOIU. '1st. .Jehn Blevln. .'.J P.J.aunsemlerler 3, Jehn W. Lee. 4, it, J, Heran. a K. L. Wright. 11.J.H, Hrlnten. 7. Win. stabler. 8. c. F Keulsoliler. U. 11. M. North. lu, 11. ii, stiles. 11. A. G. lli'oudhead. 12. F. V. Koekatellow. 13. Kichnrd ttuhn. 11. Geerge II. Irwin. DUL 15. Geerges. Parity, is. P. 11. Ackley. 17. Jehn P. Levari. IS. Kern D. Parker, te. K. W. Mumuia. 20. A, II. Dill. :i. r, p. urns. ti. J. K. P. Duff. 23 JobhSeiiu. :4. a. 11. Wlnterulti. a. Jehn h. 11111. M, Wtu. A. rerquer. i7. A. J. Greeuaeid. Uaiu'icrittle Uuuuty Tlektt. 0 CongressinanntLarpe. W. W. II, DAViB. uengruss. i-Ain.i luirusutui. Judge.-D. G. KSHLKMAN. Seuuter (XIII.)-JOHN M AKTlNl Asssumbly c'i.-cIIkistiaN FOX. ' l '-JtiUKSH. PATTKUSON, " (31,-S.-. DF.TWlLKIt. ' -JAUhSDUfrY. .. -1. II. KAUrFMAN, Sherlt), It. M. AU1EH3. ProtrJeuotury -HKNJ. WOIIKM AN. Heuiut.-Kt. DlltLBK. County Treasurer. J NO. b MANN, Clerk et (J. a. II. S. KUTVKIt. Clerk of v. O.-SAM'lt K ilOSTKTTK.lt. county Commissioner -II. r. llAUTMAN. Prlseii Keoper.-GKO. W.8TYK1I, Prison lusiKJCteri. II. II. HUOII. ' -W, WlliTAKKIt. Peer Dtn3tors.-Oiie. D KMdTKriKtt. ' -H. 3NYDKK, 6orener.-DAVI8 KITOH. , Auditor.-GEO. W.8U11KOKDKU, 8tiis-cioyMriieoa tinlet tflXi imr.ttiii flfmatiiepal BJK, n'lnxsntMsteAdyat !;.." wiuter Urnn dull at trtOOftlis. ..Previsions Arm with gee I demsnit 1 si ess l'nrit. us auMa s it-.t n.n.. V,-v., 'l t 'K . " Afs. , n-rjj VOrS T 4' 'f)' . .4 .iS-ll. N f LlA SA i fiL. J -a Sin ' 1 V I v .. i .CI Tl .' 11 -tl I '(.I 1 WJ '1 m p fKtl I w m : 1 ti -4 ' K 'j 1 J A 1