iHjinijyf , yyi II'M j... .411.1 v v M 'i I'fr y. &&"" V ,-y ' ) .V' "' 1 V f" .''". . ,r i t ' h". i t -? fir: Tjf" I lUc ' tj; R? w: m f l ' . y M. F" v : 1 A' I ( I? I MP ! li IV ... . I .' Tf vi JUttcaatet flntelUgenrxr. HATURDaV BVICNINO, AUO. JO, 1804. "" llntlcr Is Afloat. General Duller in his candidacy would rccetve enr sympathy, If we were net fully aware Hint sympathy la net the thing lilfl nalure craves. He lias n marvelleus courage- and a marvelleusly thick akin ; a self conlldenco that H rwteundlng, and a check that nevcr grown pallid. Iletu hu is, a candidate for the presidency, frcBh from the effort toselcotono for the Pomecraoy. He has graduated from both parties, and ha a Jltitlcr party of his own, He maintains that It iu the Nutler party that he has be longed te all his llfe and, that when he appeared te be a Hepubl lean or Democrat, he only had put their cloaking nnme upon hla own party ; which has ever been Iho llfo-bleod, the bone, sinew and inuscle of the orgnnliattens which for the ttme he honored by his nominal ulleglunce ami command. SThls frank statement of the continued cxlstcuce of the Duller party, under all Its nllasej, explains hew the central happens te stand te-day before the country ni a c.indid.ite for president. Ne hud ceme co u time of life when he wanted te ba president hlnut)lf,iunl could wait no longer; the Demecra'ic party having failed te ombrace the opperlu nlty te hulp at mg thli ginn of the Hat ler party, that party of necessity evolved iUelf from Hh Democratic association, nnd stands out in ivtliletlc and cress eyed biauty, poling Utf own presidential canoe. The party se far ibating with the current, is inviting and nwaiting, as It passes down the pl.icld besom of the river between its iMpuleus banks, the approach of the canoes of the Inhabit ants red, white and black of every de grce, that may be attracted by the mag netism and magnificence of the solitary ilgure seated in the stern, in the slowly floating Hutler skiff. After awhile mm be we will boasteu Ished at the iiurabcia of the canoes that join the conquering here, but at present imagination only c.iti supply thtin. Dmaneems te be about the only trtun peter who l.i blowing up recruits in the weeds ; and his horn dual net eeem te be in llrst-class order. Hut , we are glad Hutler la nlluit,uml trust that he will net run aground bafore the canvass H ever Wanted Ter the Scheel Children. l'ref. Huehrle, the superintendent el the common schools of I.inctsler, le- alrts te hae a fund provided, in each of tUu schools of and above the second irv grade, which will pay for a certain number of membership tickets In the libraries of the city ; of which there are two, Mechanics and the Y. M. C. A. The annual eharge upon the Mechanic's membership U ene dollar, atrd in the Christian association two dollars. Mr. Htiehrle desires donatleus either in inoney, or In the llbraiy privilege- of library subset ibeis, te be sent te the toieher of each sohenl.or te Mr. Huehrle, te be divided by hliu between th sc'ioels. When no special library is iudlcited by the donor, of course the Mechnulc'u will be used as the cheapest. The ebjpet. la te provide interest lug and prntltnbta reading te the Hchehuii, out of school hours, te the end Hint tl.ey may be amused ami Instructed, and no kept elT the stroe a and out of hurm'i way. The hoeka, being selected by the teacher.-, will de no harm If the) de no geed. Wepiesent Mr. Huehrle'.-s suggestion te our iculers wHti pleasure, as ere that concerns the welfare of the children of the town. It will be seen Hint Mi. Huehrlu, in doing this wetk, is steppiug outside the duties of his cilice, wh'ch is simply concerned In Hut teaching of the children of the town in the school rooms Hut there Is no re.t seu why the tchoel superintendent and the school tu tellers should net assume labors and u ivi slbilltles, eirside th.ee they are employed mid paid te discharge, if they cheese te de co ; and when they de laud able work for the public geed that is net htrlctly Imposed upon them, they aie entitled te the pialse Hint they fstiily earn. If Mr. Iluehile and lis staff of te.iehtis cKn de anylli'iig toward the moral education of tliu cul dreu of the town by supplying th-ni with geed books te lead, the scheme it a geed ene and well worthy ihe small pecuniary assistance which it iiveda from our pe pie. Mr. Huehile thinks it will de k d ami as the teachers are at the trouble of the undertaking It is fair that they should ask the small ceU of it from the huv huv elent. lViuliiliin Jteusiarlu.s. Much of human Interest as thrre may 1m iu the study of th- presidential ten teat new coming en apace, m the failure of the Arctic expedition, they mint m liie before the abutblng e.irnestneas which the question of moustaches litis ler the Talr sex With that strange f-plrit of contradiction that character irathe conductor the fair they most abhor en themselves tlmsu htiaute tdernments, moustaches, which tla-y deem most bocemiug ever the liis of their sterner brethren. Many a weary hour have they passed before the miirer gazing ruefully tit what seems a mis placed section of eyebrow en the upper lip, and many a wakeful night has been spent iu cogitations ever its removal. There will be balm for the bruised hearts of the feminine meustache wearers In the announcement of a Haiti mere phyalclnn of a discovery iu dermatology that meeti the distressing situation. The ekctrode needle is Hie miigle wand that summons the indi vidual hairs from their leatlng places. The needle Is pa.ued Inte each hair cell, a spark of electricity applied, the cell Is destroyed, and the hair falls out iin ine.llately never te grew again tfhiit matter If the process la tedious and expensive V That will only tend te add te its popularity. The Haltlmere phisfciuii has a fortune within Ids "IS , fcir. JettK and Daniels ought te get tv u geed vote. Tliey nre very reputable candidates ; and these who believe In nrebibl a-i ,is the f.re.itest issue of the day can hardly avoid voting for the rep resentatives of their faith. They cannot be elected, it Is true ; but that is only be cause very few bellove prohibition te be the one thing needful. These who de, need te stand together. "Tin: Republican organs are boasting of the lightning speed shown by Hicir can didate iu repelling the charge of the In dianapolis Stntind with tv libel suit by telegraph. It was smart, and w.i3 very characteristic of Hlalne. Hut it was all guntnen ; If it had net been it would net have beenHlalneiflh.Hlalne knew all about the currency of the charge long before he pretei dec! te be surpriced by it in the Sentinel It bad been current among politicians ever since the assault en Cleveland, and it was published iu the Chicago 'A'rucs before It appeared iu the Senliiu I It suited Hlaine better te pick out ihe Indiana paper te sheet at. It Is published In a debatable atate and a1 Ilendrlckft' home; and Hlaine want an excuse te go out there In person te B'.erm the state It is geed generalship te turn the guns of your enemy upon them ; nnd if Hlalne can keep en denying that he was man led at the month of a shot gun, until after Hie election, lie may ge: geed rather than harm from the tale. lti:ieiti: the campaign is ever, it will be iu etder for Mr. Hlalne te beceme 111 unto death, but net quite. This is down in Ids pregramme. He invented the trick while be was awaiting at Wash ineten the decision of u presidential nominating convention, lie thereby gaum! great sympathy and many votes. He may ba relied en te try Hie experi ment again, nbnit the Orst of October ; which flill glve time enough for the sympathy te work. Tin: government sent three ships te rescue the Hreely party at great expense expense The duty only required the beats te travel along with the whalers and step when they reached the party which awaited and expected them. Why would net ene of these whalers have done the work .is well? It would; but then Chandler would nethavelmd hissliew. Tin: lireely expedition bids fair te glve fej I for talk for a lern; time te coin. lVibably the truth won't come out until Congress diag out. Wheri it doe j there will u it ba left much of excuse fei that big demonstration of je at Portsmouth, which Chandler get up for hu own delight. Bi'il.Mt 'ih running new, but he mil be run licio-e tins c:mpugu is ever. Si.ickh euijiimber8 Mid mi frceklt s vtdl, it is Miid, in due time romevotlicru. When tiey nre mil in Mm atemiuui Uiey leuinve amiability. Fuem the hmirtnt ree-nes of the far West cemrs the Blery of a railroad twin blown i lin-ilre 1 riulM by a teraa Id. The West U a big country ; it also ban poeplo with In,; nniiitiiiatieiM. Tun lbitVi of Ol.tiidiMtitr, Helland, hat g'e i nre tt nj.unl.il te many geed uhtirchmcu by appearing at a rceunl crickut mnteli nt Lord's null a uit;iir in his mouth. If the cigar w.is goad, wlia'. ncel te om em p!.l.i .' H1MUPK FLOepM lli'yeit'l the Kitrilun's lerinal Ijjiiiul A tin) wuyslile llntter U lean I, Ami it. IU wtiiil'ieiiclietl 110U1H pttr. 1 tlmt raru linirruiict; tn tin hour'. ii tlittnulj" sfet nlmve tlie - vl. It.' im it butilMHi from tieil, l. Ilei imn pure )eiil uitti pl'v rllx Alillil lilt UllttV uitli et tllu ' iriiiitini iiiiir. I'AMlIDATK Letl.VN l lltldel liiiliillH (Jamli it'e Ulaine in the ollert te build up Ciudidatu li gau. Tlie latU'r in ;i itcent nihlrtH- te Grand Army pest, ...tul : 'The men wte carried the nmakcts wrie the mun who brcaiitud the otenn, atul they are te d.iy mero thnu any ottiern who tlexrrve the plaudits of 'hi Arnerie tn j rople " lllaek Jaelc will need te b.i o.tiletl ir, it lie tlera net promptly ehaunc his tjloef self likitd.uery aldrc(te Tut: foehshiKht. of putting oil until after tieitli weths of charity and hbenlitv is auiiin Htei in th caia of 'he tate of I.ueuH Hirst, the ccceutrie Pbtldelpliiit liwytr vvhe left a Inigo Blltu of nmuey te luiind it free law library. His ilcutli (leeuiicd a few years age, but hiiexecnti rs hiu'.e iu.t tt Mill, peiutp-t. Im in my jcirs bvfare the intuition el lr. Ilir-teuiLe fultllleil Tim nuea giv-tin is that the oi'ate miiHt be allowed te acotimul.ite iil.'il it reiehi3 a Ilgure niillljienl te e.irry tint I ltt testator's iritcntietn. Tlie txciue has nothing of novelty. Tim host tiniu te carry out werki of ibis kind n whde tlmrr atrtlier is in the l.tud et the living. Tim statu Piiinmittoe en lun.iey hae issued it ltter te tlie medical profession, axking phynioiues te report raws in their kuowltdije sthure insine persons are net reech lug humane and proper treatment te the end that they may be transferred te atate hospitals. The committee feel called upon te make the request from laving 1-cired tif two Inst ttiees of cruel treat ini'tit where ii.faue '.at'int-i were in charge of pnv.ite i.irtii. "Irroae e.ite arr old man was found naked iu an outheuso iu a very oceludcd part of the atate, where he had bceu confined for uiure than thirty years, chained by the leg. In the ether case neither thu publie nor tlu commlttee had any knowledge of the inliuma... praaticed rrpeu nu old man, who had 111 wide beeu chained for mero than a quar ter of a century, nnd It was uet until Iris death that the particulars wcre brought out and ruade public." Irr these sad cases, where tire body lias tiuvived the rrnud, te keep the unfortunates away from the asylums when- their' wauU are niade a life long study is cruel Inhumanity. (-ellllCitl BUW. Chairman Coepor nnueunces Unit Den Cameren will net be a candidate for re election te the United dtates Benato, Hen James II. Hepkins, tlie prrsnt member of t'encresj irem the Tncntv- scoeud district, dcellnes renorauiatlen, I bocause he Is going t a elmuge Iris residence te Norfolk. Va ) David Meuat, the cx-onvlet, I new serving as a shipping oemmlsiloner'ii dep uty U PluUdelphu, LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE K, SATURDAY AUGUST 10, 1884, TWO FAMOUS TROTTERS AMITHKIIl WOltK AY 1IKI.MUNT4'AKU. Twrlts Theniiintl reuple Wlluemi the rlne Kllerii et .A7-Rja3ee it tut I'linltm te lleat Ititlr rtccerdi. It Is estimated that 12 000 peeple wero within the enclesure of itolmeut trotting park Friday afternoon te witness the elf nits of two fast trettlui; horses te beat their previous records. The crowd began te nrrive late In tire morning and from that en te t o'clock they continued coming in carriages, hacks, en borsebaok, blcyolet and en feet Tire grand stand with a seating capacity of '2,500 was seen tilled, at least 4,000 poeplo crowding thomselrrco en and about it. The overllotr surged out in all urrcctlens, taking positions en trees, fences, pests, and en every available spot wlthlu sight of tire track. The " out slders " were quite numerous also The trees overlooking the ureuud were colored with them, wlulea row of vehicles of all descriptions had beeu ruu up along side the fonce along tire read, and upon thorn wero mounted the occupants, who could thus leek ever the fenoe nnd see the sights " all for nothing." The vehicles inside the park numbcred probably 800, while for half a tuile around it, irr nil directions, horses attached te vehicles were tethered. l'hallai, the noted stallion, with a record ei 'J. Id, was the first herse te appear en the track. His appo.trauce te the grand stand was greeted with enthusiasm, the greater portion of tlie crowd evidently uet knowing which of the two horses it was. After hit inual preliminary oxcrcise he was brought te the wire, nccempanied by a ruuniug mate, also te harness, nud en the second ctlert was sent oil en his llrst heat. He trotted stevlily, the urate keep big at Irrs wtroel, making the llrst quarter in :U at-ceuds, the half mile In 1.00 J, the three quarters in 1 41, tinlshing in geed r-tyle irr 2 15. Directly after tlie heat Jay l-'.ye See was brought out, loekiug bis best, the specta tors welcoming him with a shout of ap probation, nud after exercising two or three times around the track was returned te the stable, nnd l'hnllas brought out for bis second beat. He started off with a Bplendld burst of speed, passing the quar ter pest in 33), and the half mile in 1.05$ a '.Ml gaite. Just upon the rise of the hill he urrfortrrnately breke, but quickly recovered, nud finished the mile iu '2 14. His driver determined te rnake .'mother effort te beat iris record, and be was put en a third mile after the usual rest. Iu this heat he reaebed thj quarter iu 33 seconds but en the back stretch he iudulged in another break, but settled down almost uiBt.intly, coming ru '-.13 1, thus failing, alter three efforts, te reach his record by half a second. It was after j o'cleok bofero the wonder of the country, Jay Kye See, appeared ou the track for earnest work, the track hav ing been carefully scraped ru tbe interval. After two or three false starts, he took the word with a geed ca?y stride, his ruu nrug mate being half a dozen lengths in the rear. The quarter wa passed in 32 seconds, and the next quarter w.vr made i.i the extraordinary time of 30J secends, equalling a mile in 2.i'3. Just as he was approaching the three -quarter pest he was seen te skip, resulting in a break, but Mttling down he otmedowu the home stretch at a rattling pace, his legs spread ing eat wrde oneugb te roll n Ueg bstween nnd pawed under the wire, amid a tern pest of applarrse, m 2.11. &e oxeitcd were the spectators te learn the official result that they overpowered the police, breke dewu fences and gates and leaped ever the pahngs, hurging ou thu track around the judges' staud by theusauda, When the herse returned te tbe wire, loud cboers went up for the little animal whielr had tretted no gamely. At 0 o'clock he started for his seoeud effort. He wai going very fast when Mr. Van Osten gave the word "go," but the sj-ccd thre tv brm off Ills fut at the llrst turn, and he returned for another start. He get off equally as well the second time, but was evrdently disconcerted, for he did net equal the speed et his (l'st heat in any of the quarters the llrst beinc reached in 33 soceuds, the half in 1 03 and the three-quarters in 1.37. Turning rute the home stretch at n very fast gait the crowd became rjreatly oxeitcd, and cries nnd ebeuts reached Iillthurs' cars te urge htm still latter ; hu applied the whip lightly and the herse catne home iu 2 10 failing te beat ins own rceurd by a quarter of a second, aud that of .Maud S. by half a second. After rccerviug a perfect ovation from the spectators, Jay-Ejo-Soe was tikeu te hU stable, the 12,000 peeple dis posed iu their variem dusty directions ti unewnrd, ana thus ended oue of the greatest demonstrations that has ever been witnessed at Helmut Park evr.ic riii: rtr.vn,. ivt ltdtiit of iutr4c tlituerr Up ami Dawn the ijuuiiii'jiiwaaltti Ashland citizens held a ple nlc euTuur-. il.tv te rnlitA a fund Tnr tint Phil uliOn'i .. sisters of charity for thelr service during the smallnex uatila the nmallnex panic Fourteon freight ears tell through a trestle near Wllliamspert ou Thursday and two of the traiumeu wero badly Injured. Chailes Conway, while at work iu Washington, painting the Oakdaln academy, fell from aRcMfiM te the ground a dinlarce or thir.y i.-ut II j tvasin stautly kucd. Ethel, a bright t-vj year-old child of James Creaker, of Cauensburg, was fa tally shot Tmrrjday night. Tne chill was ut play in the house or liar nuele, Henry Croaker, and had just bj mi picked up by licr uunt, iu whose IrpaUe was sitting when the gun in tbe lind.s of Ernest Creaker, a stx'oen year old son of Henry, went off, killing her. Thursday morning Mrs Joaeb Kest, a well known resident of OJenweldertewn, while en her way te visit her daughter, had both her legs cut off. At the campmuetiug at Newton ilamil ten nu evil dispesed person stirred out n nest of hernets which hung above the e n;regatlen. Several persons were seriously stung and ene four-year-old child probably fatally. A charter was granted yesterday by the atate department at Harrisburg te the Eastern and Western Air Line railroad, which will rnrr through the oeunties of Lawrence, llutler, Armstrong, Iudlann and Jeffersen, a distauce of 112 miles. The capital la 5 000,000, principally owned by Waldorf II Philips, of New Yerk. The main olllce will be nt Pittsburg. Several days age William lleilly, a notorious colored man, living iuadisreput able part of Potuvllle known as "Italy," attacked a colored woman named Mary Wellington, from tbe etlects et which she dud. (il.M'KLANU ANtJ-rllK VUKUIMUnKr, A Iter Iruin tlie lleu, Jehn K.lljr te a Kulituln (Ala ) l)tuucrr, My Duaii Sin Yours of the 2nd ingt., at hand. Iu reply, Idoslre te inform you that I bave rend your loiter carefully nnd rioted the points which you have made and the question which you propound, aud which you and theso iu thu state iu which you rcslde are anxious nheuld bonnswered. First, that I voted against Tilden and Hendricks iu 1S70. This is untrue. My self aud theso associated with me did our very DMt te clcet Messrs. Tilden aud Hen drleks, and what occurred afterward could net be laid te us. The position of our pany m me ceuuty arm atate at present stautls m this wny : ine laoering eiass, ou whom we relied mainly for auppert, are new proneunoed against Gov. Oloveland, and it wilt be difllcult for ua te oenvinoe them that their oeuditloii would net be improTed by the election of tbe oppenont of this gentle man, We will de what cau be dene te oenvluoo theso peeple,and hepe nud expect te be comparatively successful. Let me add that theso accusations that nre made against niyself nud the organization te which I belong bave originated with nnd are the omauatlens of the brains of theso whose prejudices nnd dlshke of our organi zation are sueh that they nte at all times misrepresenting us, iu erder te ereate fatso impressions iu ether parts of the country. Tammany hall has bceu as faithful te the Domecrntio party as the needle te the north pole, although these vilitlcatleuR which bave taken place from time te time li.we giveu, no doubt, a different Improsslen. 1 nur yours, very respectfully. Jens Kki.i v. Saratoga, Aug.'O. (dUIsii lliitritgef. Hareld Carlisle, agent of the Kansas nud New Mexico eattle company, at Salt Lake City, telegraphed Governer Murray en the 13th instant from Uurnuge, Cel., that a marauding body of I'tes trad ceme ever Inte San Juan Y alley, L'tah, from Colerndo. killed two whrte men, burned three ranohes and previsions of the eattle cempauy, dreve nit the whites out of tire valley nud held possession of the place. The houses of the people nre being de streyed and their lives are ru imminent danger. Carlisle asked the governor te telegrnpb te Washington for aid te corral the Indians nnd drive thorn back te their reservation. Govorner Murray ecnt the following tolo telo tole gram te the secretary of the interior : "Following message just reeeived. On tbese faets I request that these Indlaus be scut te their roserv.ttion, nud that protce Hen be giveu by troops te tire citizens of Sau Juau cerruty." Klillncuurj'n Utillitrru's l.UitriUn Sitkl. C. L. Clark, of Dotreic, Mleh., guardinu of tbe childreu of Lleuteuant Kislingbury, In an interview, said "If brought te such a pelut of starvation I think tbe unfortu nate men werrtd have been thoroughly justified in deinc as they did. It may be that bofero be died Lieutenant Kislin bury was forced te tle likowise. It it, te say the least, cruel te crittcise iu tbe manner that has been done the uuferlu nate party ou its return from the horrors of their oxile. The friends of Lioutenant Kislingbury made a mistake, ru my judg ment, when they permitted the body te be exhumed." Mr. Clark also stated that the relations existing be twee n Lieutenants Grcely nnd Kislingbury wero most cordial, and that tbe stories te the contrary are unjust and untrue. The basis of this belief is oecver satiens with several of the survivors. Friday' rtetabln Uestnp. Hev. Dr. Jehn Hrewn, the eldest Kpit Kpit cepal minister nnd F..emasen died InNew Yerk, at Nnwburg, aged 03 years. He delivered the Masonic welcoming address te Lafayette in that city. Henry William Murray, grand mister of the grand ledgo of Virginia Masens, died iu Charlettsville. He was 51 years of age. He had been a state senator and served in the late war iu the Confed erate nrmy. Captain Jnphet Tewuseud, sr , died ou Thursday uight nt Linwood, New Jersey. He had beeu the general agent of the beard of underwriters for the last twenty live years, aud was considered an authority en the nnnner in wlrieh te tleat htraude d vessels. PiSK3UNn.u. Leut) Handem'H Cutncrrru. elanns te be ene e' the best dressfd men iu Eng land. D wiD Davis used te weigh 300 peunils, but he only tips the beam at 211 new, and bis friends are fearful for him. M. Yicteu Careur., the well-known terror, Is te marry the daughter of a wealthy landowner in England Aihie Fuanz Ltszi, the great piauist, has beceme blind at Hayreuth. It -h sug gested that the cause of his eill'-tien is smoking and brandy. Jidek David DnituieKse.s, tbe ehbat lawyer at th9 Crawford euuty bar, died at Meadvitle en Wednesday, aged S7 years. He had been a lawyer for sixty-one years. QlAUiTO.se is worn, weary and aged, but he drccses youthfully, walks with a quicV, aotive step, carries a jaunty crne aud sports a buttouhelcrrn his fashlena bly cut coat. Gkoiiee Alfrkd Tewsskmj, "Gath," tbe oerrcspjiident, lias his wife attend te all his business contracts. He is said te have an inoemo of 15,000 of which the Cincinnati Knqinrtr pays him $0,000. Gov. Uevdly tells a rioed story of a man who supposed that it H. Hayes was dead and buried until same oue told him that It. B. II. was net yet buried. "What! ' he oxelairncd, in astonishment, " are they kttping him yet ' ' Ei.iza Jacksek, oelored, died Friday en rue r.tnn of bar original master s sum '-'0l-.en, uear Mount Clinten, Va , aged ever 110 years. Last week she knitted a pair of Hteckincs fortheeroat irreat crawl ebild of her former master. Htsiter- Simpsen's will leaves one ceveuth part cf his estate "real and per seual, in trust for the onde ivm jrit of an Episcopal chair for the bishop who shall reside iu Philadelphia, provided that including this bequest the Hunt of $50,000 shall be subscribed for this purpose before the mectiug of the general conference next after my decease " Miss Nkluh Autiiiii eunes a dell. When she was with her father a few days age at Kingsten, N Y a woman said: "My goodness ! why does that big girl carry a dell V" An answer was quickly given by another weunu, who Mild: Well, if the Kingsten girl.s would carry dells until they were a Irttle elder, instead of running after the boys bofero they get their short dresses off, it would be much mero te their credit." I'OLIUK UA1K3. Tlie l'remcumr nt Otltcer Hell XalU tu Appear muur Notei. Officer Heiss npjiesred at the ollice of Cbief Justice McGllun, ou Friday ovening at 8 o'clock, te answer the charge of cru elty te animals, preferred by Amazlah Sawvllle. When the cape was called for a hearing the prosecutor failed te respond, and after waiting a reasonable time aud Sawvllle uet appearing te prosecute the ease, the chlef ljustice dismissed the suit. Edward Hethweiler, Charles Demmit, Geerga MeKtlllps, JehnGetz, Jeseph Dem. nilt arid Henry Hadge, the boys charged with boieg accessories te the larceny of a large sum of money stolen from Cenrad Garbcr by hla seu, a companion of the abeve numed boys, appeared at Alderman McGlinn'a ofllee for a hearlng yesterday afternoon. After the case bad been partially heard the prosecutor withdrew the suits and paid the costs. Jack O'Dennell was the only inmate of the atatiou-heuse en Friday eveuiug. He waa arrested by Ofll :or Headmau for druukouness and disorderly couduet. The mayor dlsoharge.i him ou payment of oeats. Aileiithig Ilia l.l 1 4 et KlllgUin. Mlsa Eva Knders, iccently attached as a uovitlate te St. Joeeph's hospital, this city, uew under the conduct of the atstera of the order of St. FrancU. was en Tuch j tlay mernlug olethrd with tbe rollsieus i hahlt.iu the cenven' cbapel of Our Lady of Angel.s, at men Huldle or Mount Alvorue. Delawaie eeuuty, the home of i the L'ttle Sistcra of at Kraccis. Twenty, i Ilvo ethor yeuug ladies adopted the religious llfe at the sime time. Mis . Enders' name lu leligleu will ba Slaier M. HulTna TEMPERANCE TOILERS, IIO.V W.M. IIANIKLM AT I. VNDISVI l.l.t . A (lnuil t'nirtil l'ffeut Ml ihe Uitureli til tlu.l Drtiuri ou rrliUy lJ llrur Mutun rriililbnluii Orutery Friday, teinporance day at the camp, was oue of great pleasure te nil who wero fortuunte enough te be presant. While the number of visitors was net se great ns some expected te ece, yet the nudlonecs were large, both mernlug and nftorueon, The woather was nil that could bave beeu desired. Mr. V. (Joednian, who was made obalr ebalr niarr of the exercises fei the tiny, nt 10 a. ru., with a neut aud appropriate speech introduced l'ref. J. ytanley Grimes, of Chicago, ns tire spuiker. At the morning exerclscj l'ref. Orirne.s endeavored te hIiew tlie cause of Intemperance, which he did very effectively. It wns certainly n most brilliant olfert, bubbling ever witlr natural wit aud humor This gontleniau Is a bril liant speaker, nud held his large audtoueo perfectly spell bound for nearly two hours The protester is possessed of unusual maguetl6iu, he tall.H nil ever at once,ovory leek nnd gesture speaking louder than words. He will lecture iu the Union Uetlrcl, irr Laudater, ou uext Wednesday everling. His subjeet will be "Infidelity." All who bave uet Ireard hi m should be pros ent ou that occasion. At 1:30 o'clock children's meeting was conducted en tire temperance hue. A number of gontlemett addressed the ehll dren ou the subject of "Intomttcrance." A 3 p. in. tbe Hen. Wnr. Daniels was promptly en the stand. Hev. .1. 8. Mar Mar ple lead as n Scripture lessen the first chapter of Daniel, followed 1)7 ttu enrnest prayer by Hev. Coovert, of 1'ittsburg. Alter nn npproprlate sei 'jy tire choir, Mr 1 Geedman stepped forward, ami with a short aldiesi Intro breed the " Llttle Haltlruere Giant," as he is farnlll arly called. Mr. D uilela is trot large in ttature, but what be lacks in nvolrdupeU is made up irr intellect. A merj brilliant disceurse ou tbe uubjoet of temporature Ins net often bien heard. Mr. Daniels is a very plcasaut and sociable gontlemen nnd has wen ler lrlmscir many frund.s en the etinp rrreuud during bis stay. While Mr. Dauiebs has very little hopes of tbe sua cess oftbe Ireliibitnn troket this fall, be has the heroism te lay himself en the altar of sacritloe for a cause, which he se earnestly ndvecatus. At the oleso of bis excellent address the choir sang tire beau tiful sing "Dare te bn a Darnel," the whole audlouce jeiurug in the chorus. Hev. Setlhamer made sonie eulogistic remarks relative te Mr. Daniels' address aud their naked the arr lience te tender him a vete of thanks by r.sing. The ontire l.uee auJrence responded by staudiug up The regu'ar ovenrng exereists wero carried out. Hav. Widetrhanrer, of Eliza bethtewn, occupied the pulpit at 7:30 p in .using ns bis text Isaiah iv, 2 ; Theme "The Escaped of Israel." His drcoure was handled in an able manner. After which an rnvi'at en was extended te sinuers te ceme te the altar of prayer. The three perseus at the altar en Tuursday oveuing professed conversion, two e hers arose iu the audieuee.desiriug tlie pinyers of Ged's peeple. Auetbc large attend tuce of visitors en Sunday u expected, if the weather proves favorable The afternoon song sorvlce te be rendered en Sunday Will undoubtedly be a grand musical treat te this who are present en that occasion. ri-.l 1. rWi:.MV.rlt. rBCT Stlcnrl Slrklcy-i, 1'Atnr Kail Ktem High ticnhl Nntr "llimutt lllp. Michael Meekley, residing near Mount vrlle. met with an accident Thursday after neon which will probably result iu his death. He waa employed by Jonas II. Garbcr of that vicinity te arrange the scttlelding in his tobinee barn tu that the tebacci could be bung up While nt work near the reef Mnckley lest his balance and fe'l te tbe ground llecr, a distaoce of tweu'y llv feet, lira nrsr is broken in two places, his right leg ia broken irr several places and badly crushed, aud his skull is fractured. Drs. A. K Hehrer and S'.encr were summoned te attend the iujurctl man, but they could net de much te relieve hi in He has been unoenslous Aince the acoulent, arid his death may be loektd for at any moment He is about 35 years of age, nud is tbe de mi p pert of a wlle aud flve children. He is a former resident of Columbia and his parents are at pri'Gent living there. K.MIHIT.1 (ll' t'Vrill.1 I.su-atr tilvlil.int Nix. O una Tin lleelvp .ilnjer (Inn. litriiiitmii en .itendny r.vmluc Majer Geueral James It CaruaLnu, from Indianapolis, Indiana, will arrive hie en Monday evening, August "19th, nn the 5:18 train te attend the fcmieii called by him of the Uniformed Kink Knights of Pythias, te form a state organization of that branch of tbe order. D:visleus Ne 0 aud 7 will meet him at tLe depot iu full tlres nudosert him te his headquarters nt the Stevens bourn. Upen his arrival a ehert street reute writ be gene ever through the central part of tbe city, whielr will be published en Meuday. Gen, Carnahan Is appointed by the su preeo ledgo of tbe world nnd has charge of tbe uniformed ranks which nre under the oeutrol of the supreme ledge, nud under his direct command. The general will remain during the wek nud will be pleased te have the members of the erder call ou him. A Ills SntiiriTtijr Merului: Mnrlitt. The Central and Northern marketa wero this morning intended by a much greater uumber of tellers aud buyers thnu usual soma old market-goers declaring that they nevcr bofero saw re many in atteud atteud nuce at the Central m were there this morning. All kinds of marketing was abuudau', especially fruits aud vegetables. Yellew and blue gngcB sold at 10(20 cents a quart ; peaches and pears at 20X,40 cents a half-peck; grapes atS(ii)10 cents a pound ; apples at 815 cents a half-peck ; oranges $1 per dozen ; lemons 10(0,12 per dozen; watermelons, 10(35 esuts; cantaloupe?, 2(11,15 cents; egg plants, l(ii)10 cents eaeu ; sweet potatoes, 25(a35 ceuts per half paek ; white potatoes, 8(5)12 per half-peck; Ejgs 20 cents er dozen. Other vegetables, meats, tl.sb, A'c, wero abu'idant at last week'a prices. A "Jtruch nrj tlecteil. The following jury wns selected this nrernlnc te try the suit of Henry Keen va, Jacob Shirk nnd Franklin Shirk : Jehn Ammeu, A. M. Cline, East Earl ; Henry M. Engle, Kaphn ; Ames H. Herahey, Eplirabn Kline, West Heuipileld ; Jehn L. Leamau, Lcaceck ; Chrlsticn Llpp, Wnrwiek ; Allen W. Mentzer, J. H. Me ner. Iiaae Stener, Epbrata ; Harry L, Mrller, West Denegal, Joepb Hupp, West Earl. The jury will meet ntHIrd in. Hand ou Friday next at 10 o'clock te view the premlfcs. Tne Men I'reldanr t'miei Tlireunb, Hen. Tniis. A. Houdrlelra, Democratic eaudulate for vice picildent of the United States, accompanied by Hen. Wra, A Wallace, passed through Lancaster en the fast line west this nficruoen. Only a few persons were aware of their presence ou tlie trniu until after It had passed out of the depat llnnawfty 'ruts .Werr.lni; This mernmg the home of Henry Zim merman, baker of West King street, ran away from the bakery anil was caught at Osntre Square. Tbe driver was thrown out but cot injured, aud the eu'y damagj waa tha breaking of tbe harness. IS UAMNlHAI.lNtlt U'llOMIT A Uerrrtium!eiit VitlllHts Ills Opinion Ooiieernlnir tun Arctle Mnn-r.ntlnir. l-'or UlO iNTKLLIIIKNCrtR, Kiting human lleth la net necessarily cannibalism, ney mero than killing a human being Is murder, lleth may be acts of self-preservation; nud, as "self preservation la the llrst law of nature" no erliulrinlity may attach te either. Neither can it be truly said, that, if an Individual would rather stitrve te death than pre serve his life by eating human ilesh, he Is therofeio n suicide. Much will depend upon his previous education, nud his conscientious oeuvlc tietis. His previous conduct will also qualify the case. If through indifference, willful neglect, iiidolence or apathy, be has thrown away golden opportunities, by reason of which be Is subsequently overtaken by adversities, be would held a dllloreut lel.ttlen te "man eating," than If be felt himself compelled te icaert te ouch n means of preservation, after every ether honest nnd energetic measure hail been exhausted for the sake of wife, children ami country. In suelr it oase no man can exactly "judge a rigbtoeus judgment, fer tile heart of man Is known te Ged nienu." Primarily, or err the face of tire unfor tunate, or horrible event, the survivors of the late Arotie expedition may uet be responsible for anything that lias transpir ed iu relation te Its hideous denouement ; but they have ruade at least one very great mistake It would have redounded te their credit for nil time te come, if they could have bad the moral courage te fellow tire spirit of Gov. Cleveland's Instructions te ills intorleoutors, te "7'!l (In Truth " That would have been the shortest and best way, even if there lrad been no publie reception ; which was net absolutely necessary, and, en. K i nil the circumstances, iron i-cems te bnte betn i.il apropos. .Mil lions rejoleed nt the rescue el Lieut. Grcely aud his comrades, nnd sympathized with thorn in their eiiflerings, but comparatively only n handful putloipated In the public demonstration te their honor ; and it may yet be made maulfcst that nmeug them wero thoae who wero responsible f"r thrse melancholy disasterc. The question Involved in the pru&crva tlen of physical life ia a very complicated one, nud ene upon which there should be n very cautious, if net a total suspension of judgment. Peeple may be very wisu ns te what ought te be dene iu order te sustaiu physical life a matter of but temporary duration at bast and yet they may be ns obtuse iu relation te the preservation of moral llfe as veritable cannibals themselves, notwithstanding its tenure is eternal. Twe men may be turewu from a wrecked vessel, nud MmultauceuMy sieze a piece of floating timber that is barely tttillletcut te sustain tlie weight, and hence the llfe of oue of them ; nud although there may be numberless instances in which oue man lias sacrificed his own life, in order te savj the life of anether, whom he deemed of mero use te the world thau he ; yet, if this sicrltlee be r.et voluntarily made, what is te detor deter rnrue who shall possess thu stick of float ing timber '.' Perhaps eight out of ten weu'd answer, "might." Hut If that was permitted te prevail, as the least evil, tt could net dotermiue the question per te that it was abstractly right If theso peer " frozen out gardeners " did tha best they could under all the cir cumstances, there Is no outsider that is competent te exercise an intelligent judg ment advance te them ; and, had they lelt their late comrade rent in thelr frigid sepulture of the north, their integrity might never bave beeu questioned, nnd it may be unquestionable uew. lint tbe bluuderinc rnanuar lu which the whole thing has bceu conducted, aud the adverre facts that have been developed, bave set the " suspicion teeth " of the peeple en eilce, aud thelr eara ou tbe keau jui cttt If it wero ever necessary te resurrect thelr material bediec, what remained in tlie icy region?, could us easily be found as that which oatered the stomachs, the muscles, and the various tissues of their survivrug companions As the matter n iw i tauds, n " wet btauket " has been thr wn ever the whole affair Veuti.v rim n.tii siuai. i;.iutii iidn. rxlilblK AriUIni; ler tha lrt Shut t franklin inttlttttr, rntincliihl i. Already exhibits hav commenced te arrive nt the Intrrnatiep.it Kleetricil Ex hrbitien, which opens iu Philadelphia nn September 2J The first en tbe giuuud nnd te be placed iu position was the nig electric cluck of Leuis A. Spclllci, tbe iu vcuter of the tune telegraphy that b.ars hid natne. He is new engaged in placing dials iu different pirts of the building whii'li will be cuu.ecttd with the mam clock by means of wires and re coive tbe time from tt. In the south gallery, overlooking tbe main arch, and from which the best view of the rm-at oiectrlesl fountain is obtained, stands the elfctric.ti incubator or " perfect hatcher." Thin machine has a capacity for batching 2,100 chicks at oneo. It is uew in operation with 100 eggs In tbe trays. It is the in tention of tlie exhibitor te he arrange the supply of eggs that chicks will be hatched out every tlay of the exhibition. Quecu & Ce's. dark room ia uew completed and stands in the western centre of tbe main burldiug. The exhibitions of the lauterti projections, etc., given in this space will prove a feature of the great show The cabinet for the ex ex bibitien of Delbtnr'a telephone nnd elec tric tune regulator is rnmpleted and stands east of tbe fountain in the centre of tlie main nleove. A aillMllrf WclUUl. Mr. Hachael Aaren, aed i'3 ytnr, who livel with Mrn. Shaeffer, 125 Madisen alley, left Lancaster, Wedueeday, July 30, en tha New Helland stage, for the purpose of payiug a visit te the E'lmakers at New Helland, and later te Mrs ile.ky Kaby nt Intercourse She new is running, and her friends in this city nre quite uneasy about her continued disappearance iler mmi Fred. II. Wilhelm, 210 North CarUtuu Btrcct,bas written te Ellmnker'aandEaby'r, but cap bear nothing of her whdreabeuts. As there la a dreary forest aud rather uu frequented read between New Helland and Intercourse, it is feared Mrs. Aaren may have get lest, or met with foul play. Auy iuforma'ien ejneerrring her will be thank fully received by her seu F. H. Wilhebn, 210 North Christian street. rrutcnml Vlilt et SlrsBburc Heldltn. Captaiu Ncff Pest, Ne. 400, G. A H of Strasburg, paid a friendly visit te Genrge II. Themas Vett, Ne. 84, en Friday even ing After the regular busines of the eveniug was transacted, a eamp tire was opened and an old fashioned army nipjier of beau neup and hard tack was partakea of. After the boys bad eaten their till nrmy tsenga were tiing and apeoehes were male by Jasen S. Kelten and Captain Mulliken. efbtraaburg, Dr. J.S Smith' C. II Fosnacht, H. H Fulton, A O. Leenard nnd Kdtvlu Uoekmycr, of this city. The Btraugera were well pleatcd with their visit, aud bolore their departure for home expressed the winh Hint Pest 84 would seen pay them n visit. llerte tililpped, This; morning Lazarus Pioue thipued elgbteen iread of very line heavy drift horsed te New Yerk. Henry Weill shipped te day te New Yerk a ear toad of draft and driving herccs aiitnuioner uurrnin t-nccu tei.l. The pergenal property el Gcerge HUki, proprlcierof Mtcnnorebor Garden was sold at sheriff ale ou Friday aud $1,001 it-a ba- 1 This amount will pay neatly all the judgmttits entered against him. A BATCH 0P OPINIONS. I)KI.IVK,KKI IIV .IUIHIK 1,1 VltSllS I ON , TIKI Oiillft Hella Up Hi Hlittivta Altr tlin minimfr nnMlnn Mini ulnars Awuy lit .luillcUl Detk lltimiiniK. Court met nt 10 o'clock this tneiiiiug nud opinions iu the following otsex, ar gued at. tbe June term, were dellvrrcd by Judge Livingston. Philip Hernurd vs. Lewis Bylvosler. Tire deruurrcr having beerr withdrawn them Is nothing left for the court te de nnd the oase Is new iu shape fur the appointment of a master. Thu application of Ephrnlm llinnlriger for a tavern llaeuse, In East Conalieo township, was refused, mid a restaurant license was granted. Tlie application of Overly, nud Shlnip for a lestautnnt Ucciife nt New Helland was refused Commonwealth vs. Daniel Singer, false protence, tried nud convicted nud rule for uew trial. New trial lcfuscd. The court nlUrmed the report of viewers for a brldge ever tlie Couewngo oreek, bn twoen Lancaster nnd Dauphin eeuntlcH. Cutu'th vn. Samuel II, L'tekard, rule te show cause why weekly allowance should net he strioken off'. Sema months uge the oeurt ruade nu order directing defendaut te pay bis wlfe 43 per week, for the main tonatieo of his wlfe nud-chlld. Since the order was made the defendant provided n home for his wife nud child, but she ru fuseil te go te him The court rcseluded the former erder niprlrlng him te pay $3 per wcek, nnd mniie an order that hero here after be pay it per week for the support of his child. MarySuydei v.t, Geerge Enyle, nmlea bio action of debt. Judgment In favor of the plaintiff ferl. Jehn Sideri vs. Heary A. ShelU ami Wm. H, Slrultz, rule te chew raiiMiwhy an Ikhue should uet be gtnuieil. Referred te Geergo .M Kline as referee te take testimony and repot t ihe faatn te the court. Jacob Ziuglurvs llenjimiu Keemei, eei tinrnri by defendant from the judgment el lustice O. M M tttin Preceeilingt e! Justice sustained I nemas u. UjIiu.p, ticce.thcii, te show cause why ceunst.1 fees for p'roeDodings in partition abeuld nut be paid out of cfatiiin of said deeeasul Huht discharged Jacobs Sniitb nssiguet of Cluitiau F, lliiikley aud wile vs. Mary Ami Hiuk toy, rule te sIiem- cause why nu insae should net be found, judgniniit episned and defendant Id into t defense It i!e made abce'ute Christian Musti va II. 11. Muster, defendant, and Jehn li, Sensenig arid Isaat. Mitttin, gariisbrtH, rule te show cutiii.) why judgment sheul t net bu cutercd in favor of plaintiff it id ug.iiiisldofeudaut fei 40.42. Rule ruade ub.tlute. Judge Patters i. did net hake .tu opinions te delikti this morning, having delivercd opinions of the caes refened te him en the last .tlay of oeurt before the rccei-s. Current lllinltirM. Themas Ruth nnd Jeseph 15 rur, eitj, were granted seldi r' licenses te hawk, peddle and vend g x-is, wares and mei chandise in the e unity of LuiOAster Iu the suit of I'eilip Hinder vs Isaac Reynolds, the caur'. grautud it nrlu te show cause why the levy e.i the porseual prej. erty of the defen I tut should net be set aside. In the suits of D t 1 G. Hirsh vi Ltvi II Lituer and A McCeIlius vs Isani Lsbe, rules were grtn'ed te hIiew cause why the judgments hUeuI I no' b" ept.ml nud dcfeudikiiU leti lu'.j a tleieui , m 1 vies te rer tin liens The resig ttlen of Jacob K. Niece, cjii cjii cjii stabloefthc Fust ward, eity, was pre Routed te the court. A petition signed by a number of citizens of the ward was pre stinted, asking for tin appointment of Wiulleld Scott Weaver te fill the vacancy 'the oeurt will rrnke u appalutnniit unxf Saturday. Auuie Ream, Marietta, was divorced from her hmband Ptul Ream, e-i the ground of .leserilen A petition was presented fei tim di vision of East Earl tewuship into tw nloctieu distrrats Tbe petition was directed te be marked tiled. lttn. Ur4iitrii, Ames F. Hostettcr having claimed cer tain property levied upon ns the goods nud chattels el Ames It Hnstetter, the court granted an issue te detirruine the owner ewner bhip of thu diijiuttd property in winch Arnes It Hosteller is named as plaintiff aud the Laucaster County National bank as the defendaut Tim oeurt grairetl i-uiies te ascertain the ownership of personal property leva 1 uxm ru the prejierty of Henry K. Hartruaii, Levi L. ICrenler aid Elarn Grolf wuie named as plaintiffs and Henry F. Hart man as defeudant. l.lcMiten Irnnnltrretl, The tavern Pcoti'e of Jima H. Iltlley, Columbia, was tiauiforred te Jimes Kisculden Tliettvern liceuse et Jehn Fiestei, III ward, city (ihe Columbia Garden hotel) was tr.tuhfened te Henry Fisher. The restaurant He sine of Oieir G ill, Third ward cltyfHoiTuieier'H bu.ldi.it,') was transferred te Kramer b llcncdiet Ull.trill.ttii .Inneltitml, Adam Geist, Etst Earl, was appein'ed guardian of ihe miner child of Henry Hawley, defeased, hte of East Earltiwu ship. Stmuel It IC-IIer, of Epbrata, waa up pointed uuardrau of the miner grand grand eblld of Geerge Weehtcr, deceased, late of Penu tetMuhip. Adjourned te .Monday mernlug at 10 o'clock. A Umitt i!ntie liitur.ivsineiit. The comity cimiuissiencta have h.tl uew ruatttng l.td m the aisles of the lari e court loom, nnd it preaiinta an iarprevi I appcai vice. The matting is laid eyer ' old carpet aud walking in the nile v. ,i net interrupt, the proc:cdiugsef court as the case las', year. The currtsald en'y e 1 1 thlug mere w.ts necessary te prevent no ses belug heard iu the cjurt room, and thai waa te have a ueisMcsa pavomeut laid en Duke Urcet, betweeu East King nn 1 Oniut. OATII-": IUHKAtfrt. Meereutr riicelteneria tha ibtoetleu aujui Kpnrt net I)Dgeroei. Secretary Elge returned te Harrlsb-irg, Frld y from Epbr.it i, where he had b-en inveatigaUng the reported eattle d beafe. He Bayj it proves te bave been aplcuta apoplexy, which Is uet con tagious, nnd whleh Is net uncommon during this month and the llrst two weeks In next month. In rofereuca te the Marl etta casta, bu toys no further reports of ploure pneumonia have been iee.il veil, a i i It Is hoped that tbe p empt notion ia slaughtering tbe Infected animals hivn saved further les8. The Texaa fevrat Columbia baa exhausted Itself. Cattle dealers in Colerado are meeting with only indifferent eucoess in stamp. Q; out tbe Texas fever, as ttre disease s HI exists in dilTereet parts of tbe state. T dlaeate has uet made its npptarauce in any of the large herds en the ranges, in d leading eattle men de uet regard the da gerna Imminent. Tobacco Hsinpleil, Philip Horngesaer, agent for Charles Fiuk it Ce., New Yerk, sampled during tbe pteient week for Jeseph Lederm.v.i 2 000 cas of '83 Pennsylvania tib This is thr (list large packing ti a been ifflcially aampled in this city i season, nud !ike tbe few smail Ms . have bceu sampled in ether warehouse, i ureved te be of excellant ipia' v- --t. b Iter than the fnmens rwp ..f 70 Dr. ing i lie coming week Mr (ter v d sample the packing of Skiles & Fr y. H