iAti, H" 1 -nj '."V M , irnicft: vr J ' e" ' H A 91 LANCASTER, PA.. SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1884. Vuliime XX-'Vu 'JDS. Price Twe Centa. v -khM' TTt' TiT'"" JVVrf'fr,W'TJw rfB' E i t ltitr a oe TIIIIN H. UIVl.KU &UO Fer Choice Wilten Curpels. JOHN H. (IIVI.KIIA.UO., Knr Kine Volvet Unrpels. .IOIINH.MlVLKit.tCO., Fer r.vtta Cjuullty Moquet Carpel. JOHNS. OlVLKIC ACO., Fer Hest Makes lledy llrusiels Cnrpet, JOIINM. (11VI.KU A CO., Ker Hest Tnpestrv llrilniiel Carpel. JOllNH. IIIVLKIIACO, Ker Medium Tapuslry Cuipul, JOHNS. Ill VI. Kit A CO., Ker Lew-priced Tnpuitry Curptit, jeiinh. uivi.uit.ica, Ker Itcsl All-wool Spiv Cnrpet. JOllNH. U1VI. Lit ACO., Ker hxiin EuiHir All-wool Crpul, JOHN S. (ilVl.l.ll ACO., Ker HxliuU. C. Cut put. JOIINH.OlVI.CItACO, Ker nil kliiilttel l.igiulii Cutouts. JOllNH. HIVLKIt ACO., Si Kut KlnK Stiiel. WOHKM , KIIIIAIiH SUMMER JLWELRY, RHINE STONE SPECIALTIES IN SILVER JEWELRY. Lace Pins, Hair Pins, Cellar Buttens, Bracelets and Bangles. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. I.ANCA8TKK, PA. VAM'KIH, .tt'. s 'lit KM -S (MKI'f.r IIAI.I.. B AE,G AINS ! - AT SUIKK'S OAliPET HALL. Sellhm OIF Je I leso HiiBini'ss. Kvi'ethinr; Must Positively Ik Selil. Knll Mint nl HOIM IIUUS-Mll.S, TAl'KSTIO IlLUH. Itl.ANLKTM I'UVb Itl.K.I"! uml Oil. CLOT IW ALL AT A XAUMM01C.-&1 r I'r.im jit niitiiKiMi given te the Munufuclmoef Ua Carpels te eritur. -AT- SHIRK'S GAEPET HAIL, OOR. W. KINO ! lit illlltllW A 1 WATBIl HTt' .1. II. M.lltTIM A I . NOW READY FOR IIIK l.AUUK'' Wilten, Axminster, Moqiietto, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry M INGRALN" OAKPETS KVKIl MIOWN IN THIS CITV. NEW COLORINGS. - NEW PATTERNS. Al.l. Ni:V, A 111 KHI'KClALLY DKHIUNKD KOK THK KALI.'d TllAOK. PRICES LOW Kit 'MAX JiVli.lt I Rubs,, Mtita, Mnttlnga, Cortleono, Lineleum nnd Oil Oleth, IN Al.l. DKMItAIILK WIDTHS AND STtfLKS. STAIR HODS. STAIR PADS. CARPET LININGS. J. B- MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King nml Prince Streets, WlNJiH ANli S. CLAY MILLER, Wines, Brandies, dins, 1 Rye Whiskies, &c Ne. 33 PKNN SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. I'lUtrtmuAi'tiH, .1. K. ItllTf. There hu been aueti 'a aoreati't for l.AUUK 1'UOTOUUArilH ibu 1 was compelled te get u Vf.UY l.AUUK CAMKKA 1I0X te meet tliu ileiimml. Wu can new make you a I'llOTOas email as the smallest le:kul will held up te a 5-lncti taco, te nt;an 18x82 Krutne. J. E. ROTE Mi 10B North Qtioen Streot. tun !' un.initu Cern Remover. The most eirectlvu pii'panithui (or the re moval of Cerns. litinuiiiB, Warts, utc, evir plucwl bulore the ptiblle, Warranted te oradleate ceinpitttvly tud within a short tline the tuent nbduratu corns. bard or sort, 'Vltheutputn. ' it is a resrnva cum. held at BiOHTOLD'S DRUQ BTORB, We. Wl WKHTOIIANOKHTUKKT, corner et Uuarletiu dl-lyd its. 1 OHN H. tllVl.KIt & c., Ker Damask Hull and Stair Cnrpet. JOllNH. OlVLKIt ACO,, for Lew.pilcul Venetlan Hall And Stair. JOllNH. UlVI.KH.tUO., Ker llotne-mado Jtau Carpet. JOHN H.OlVLKIt ACO,. KorCecon, Napier nnd Canten Mattings. J0IIN8. OlVLKIl&ll't, Ker Ctielcu I.lneleuin. JOllNH. 01 VI, Kit ACO, Ker Hest Kleer Oil Cleths. JOllNH. OtVLKK A CO., Ker Hug anil Slats. JOllNH, UlVL.Klt.VCO., Ker the (IcntiliioAiireiuCurpolHwocpcr. JOllNH. (11 VI, Kit ACO., 'luku Cat pet Hags In Kxchaiiguter Caipul. I - - JOHN H. UIVt.KIt A UU., I'llcu Marked In l'lalu KlgutcH. JOllNH. OIVI, Kit ACO., One t'llcu iiml tluit tlie l.ewist, JtMIN H.UIVI.KIt ACO., 'I' I hi Unit Asseitiiiunl In Lancaster. r -HIT. 4, West King Street. may 9-1) il B ARG AINS ! - n.ul All Urudm e( INOUAIf. CAUrr.lrt. I. LANCASTER. FA THE FALL TRADE ! I' LINK OK Imnenster, Pa. l.lUUUlt.1. UUUVKUIKH. Ax BURSK'S UKAl, VALUK. N0 11UMI1U0. Wodenotaolltho se-callud BILVKIl Snee Cellen, ter which you pay 23a a pound una et u Hllver Upoen worth Soe, mero or less, hut will null you about as uoeu a Coffee for 15c. a P eund. Theie are nene of us who de business for Klery. anil whun you keI Hllver Spoons, and line 1'laques, and btiKiirj lest than cost, yen iiuy leriuem In payluua fair prlce for your i.'eileu and Tea ami uuttlnK uu Interior urtlclu. TllKHK la NO DOUJIT OF IT f veu pay from Be te De a pound mero ttinn you pay us ter tliu sumo quality of goods. BUESK'S. NO 17 BA8T KING STREET. LANOASTKIt, l'A. UUI'V ritUAl NIIMK, HUT TAlll! nut I. ad und sell tliu bust 60. Uigur In tbu city, IIAltTMAN'3 YKLI.OW KltONT CItlAlt BTOKK. ami it) ah. I.Waeti.v tiii: jiieiit -in i ise.-why J don't you ouie your Imcknche with ene of Mcnsim Capclne 1'oretu riustetn. sum HI1II 111ICK. AC. -- I j 1 ptUTMlUHA ItKMKIII:!!. CUTICURA I BABY HUMORS. See What Cuticura D033 for Me.' INKAN'lll.Kaml Jllrtli llnineiH, Milk UrtiHl, Heal hiil Iiuiul, KczetmiH, nml overy lerm or ltelihiK, Hcaly, J'linply. Horelnloim nml In linrltiKt DIx'iiHcset tlm llloed, Hldu nml .Sculp, with loin of llulr, limn lninncy te Akii, riirtiil liy tliu (JuricuiiA Itmei.vu.NT. tliu new liloeil pnrllliir, Intiirnully, nml (jtrrici'iix nml Ucti cunx riuAr, tlie Krcat skin etiu'i, uxtcrmilly. Atiielutclu )iura nml tate, unit ma bn total from the vleviciil of birth, " OUR LITTLE BOY." Mr. unit Mre. Kvrrcttsio'iljliin.llelcliorlown, Mum. wrltei " Our llttle liny wan u-nlhly ut ut lllcteil with Hcrnliiln, salt Itliniini nml Krytli Krytli elnH evnr Iiij ln win linrii, nml nothing we could itlvn him livlpuil III in until we trlcil cu- TltU.IA ItKMKUIKH, Wlltull (truillllllly CMIIOll III III, until new lin In 119 lair nt ivny ililul." l WORKS TO A OHARM." .1. H. Wct'kn, c.,Tewn TrpiitiiriT, ut Al liut:n, Vt., NiiVH In nluttcr ilntcil llny.ss "it weikg tniiclmrin an my UabjM litrenint licml. Uurtiil tlm lirncl untlrdy, nml linn nearly clcun'Ml tlm incoel hehih. i iiuvurcceiuiiiiiiiilvil It tOMivmu!, mill ir Plant hits oitleiuil It ler thein," A TERRIBLE OASE " Utiiirlti.1 Kityre lllnktn, .InrHey City llelchlf, N. .)., wrltfM : " lv beh, u Iml et twolve years, wim ceiii)lutsly ritietl et u tcnililti cam el Kc zciim liy the cuncuiiA Humkhiu'. Ktem tliu lop el 111) I111 ul te tliu sek'H et his lint win ene tnusH et renin." Kvery ethor lumetly titnl pliyalclani linil hti'ii tilml In viiln. FOR PALE, LANGUID, KniacUteil clilliliun, with pimply, itllnwHkln, tliu CtrtltlT.A lltMEDiKH will preve a perlect blL'gitlik;. cU'iiiialiiK till' liloeil ami HMIn et III ImrltiMl niipurltltHivniluxpillliitl t lie uitiiis nr (croliiln.ilieiiiimtbin coiitniinptlenmiilfiuvcro Mltlll lIUt'UtlH. Belil uvcr whttv. 1'ilce: citicuka. M CuntH j ltKHOLVKHT, II J Hull, C- l'OTItn llni'O AMI (,'IIUMIOAL CO., llOKtOll. llllSH Senil ler ' Hew te cute Uln illiPiet." TO A "D"V L'tu Outlcnrn heai, an ti'inUllely OIXIJ X perltltncil MUlu :itrnut lllr r, ami Toilet, lluth ami Niirnuty haimIIvp. friii: cUTictiKA Ki.iti:i)ii-.-I't.u mai.i; 1 at Cochran's Ilruj; Mere, 1.17 ami l:W North (iiieuii liuui, l.aiicMtur, i'u. SANFOKIPS 1IAIHCAL rUKt FOB OATARRH, COMII.KTKTItKATMKST WITH IN'llA I.Kit HHIONK HOI. I. Alt. Tliu (.i"ut llitlbamlc nuttllatteti et Wllvh llartl, Aiautlenn I'lne, Uanmiit i Ir, MuilcuM, Clever lt(Heui!i, etc., utlleil SANrOlttl'a ItADlCAl, CI'UK. ler the Initneiinte lullut ami pt-riimiiiinlviiri) el evuiy let in tilC.ttatih, Irem a eltiiplii Celli In tliu licmt ' l.'n. et Miifll, Tuitii unit lli-urliiK, Clinch ami lu tailhal Ceinii'iirli)ii. cempletu tiiaiiiint, ceii'-Mtliiit et ene bo'.tle K.ullc.il ( inn, ene hex email Iml SnUiMit ami ene ltnpreveii In haler, In ene paeK.iue m.iy new he hail et all ilriik'clstn ter tlvi. AnU lei hAt POKl)': UAIMi At. CCItK. " i liu only iiuwlutt1 hii t'llle we Imowet " itttt Timet. "Tlie Iiml nu Imvn leumi In a llli-lluienlHUlli'iliiK-" A'rt' l)r Wigiln, lion lien lion ten " Altura hint; Htnitoile with Caitrrh the IIAUICAL CfllK ll.U COlKlUl'ICll." licv. X. II'. Menree, teivlibuigh. I'u, "l havn net teutul n Ciihu that, Itulil net lelln.r at enrn." Antlretr Lee, Munehetttr, iltut l'OTTKIl Dni'd AND ClIKUICAt. Co.lleitoll. SAMIKOKll'S ItADtC I I.UUIIC l'M. MM.f ut Cechmn'rt Oruif "tern. Ne H7 iiml 1 ".' .Net til tjueeii btriut. l.iuc.tstur. I'u. COLLINS' VOLTAIC hl.KCTUIC rLASTKIl". Nuw I.I te torSli.itteteil rin. I'alnrnl Mils chwnnil WOHkcnetl Oruani. Cellliim' Vollale Klucirlu I'laster ItiKtantly utli'clH tliu nuiveun HyHlriu nml hanluhe puln, nerveuKiieiKi ami iluhllltv. A m-ilecl Kleetrle liilvnnle llattery ceinbtniNl with i highly inuillelnal I'lesLur ler i ic. .u iiruiiKiHis. aiiKi-ivii aw tltKAl' 7 IMMA21 MKIIIUlNr. KA-TON-KA, THB QRBAT INDIAN MBDIOINB. -KOll'tHK- Blced, Liver, Kidnsys ani Stomach. 11 la inmlu by tliu liutlaii-, Oneil by the lnillam, tehl by the lmlluns. It In l'uitly Vet'Otablu. It hiuely enruiiili iliiensui or tliu .'Ueinntih. I.tviir, llewi'lHiiml llloed. liUulinosliiRpfilne ler all In n. el Klieiunniltiin. 11 will rine illsijii'-ii whun all ether remedies Inuufdileil. DltectleiH uiu tilklnly prlnttil en uvuiy bot tle. All tribes el Imllitni have their ineitlcltuK, but Ka-Ten-Ka In a ruinrily el tlm I'acttlu Const, ami U tieil by till. It li imnpedCil el loetM, heilm am! barks KUtlunvil aiut 1 tparul by Hut Warm Njiringlniliuns el' Oregon, Ami U laveiably known ami umM In all i.h:h et thnweihl, 'the mIcIj or nlllnj: m euhl net ilelay lit iiuu. It will prevent as well axture illKeaxe. ltB in Ice U ene dollar tier hettln. et Hlx bettlen lur llve ihilhii'H Ask ler It and tee that j en Kfcl It. It U for sale by all Itm,'Kl't, and by the OIlhUON INDIAN MKUICINK COMl'AN.Cerry, I'u, Medoc Indian Oil THK OltKATKST I'AIN KAIIT1I. MKD1C1NK ON IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOli INDIAN OIL Is cuttntii te cute Toethncliu In ene mlmite, lluaduuhu In llve minutes, Karaehu In tun lnliintiM, horn '1 Inent In enu night, Nuurulgla In three te llve inlu- UtPS. MODOU INDIAN OIL Is uted lntcit uiilly in well as externally. Kvery family should have a bnttlu within reach, it 1 a r.octer In thu lieusu. Ker sale by all DruKKUts. 1'ilcu We. pur bottle. Large nlze bottles. M)c. INDIAN couell HVltUl' li a prompt speclllc ler Coughs, Colds and l.titiK dUeaM. fioe. pur bnttlu. Ka-ten ku, Modou Indian Oil and luillau Cough byrup lorsaie (wUe.esulu unit ruUill) at Oeclliiin's Ding M010, Mi. 117 und lil'J Mirlh Queen street, Lancaster, I'u. mlydWASAw HUll.ltl Ml MATJiltlAL, ijnateVAU UAVINU UKMOVKD MV PLANING MILL -TO- No3.:illte417N.Mull)iniPt., Anil Incroased my fa"llltles fur w.itk. Jam new prepared te de all kinds el work In my ine alshortest netice. aiMind -m, Wehlsen. IKMUINK Ol.ll blllUK IHIN.-HKUllUbT XX Cigars, a ler Se., 11 loriSe., at HAUTMAN'3 YKLI.OW KltUNT ClUAIt BTOUK. WILLIS AND HOFFAIAN, TWO K AMU UN l.lTKllAUV UIIAItAUTKII iteeallectliins et tlie Mttilckcibeckrr" Liter err Clrtln Uliurlen llennu Itenumn's Ule IMrketinl by l'liyilcnl nml 3let,tl jln. Ocergv William Curtis In Hoptetnber Harper's. Wlille many of the noted wrltcrn of tlie Knlckorbeokof oltcle of half n centtiry nlnce are no longer famous nor even inueli hnown.te tbe New Yerk rc.itlers of today, yet tbe ;rcat Knlokerbockcr iiatncB nre Krcat iitlll, nud Irving, Cooper, Bryant and, pcrlmim, Ilalloek, hIiIieurIi llallcck is frtdln?, Dtlll bold tbe place tliey held with our inthctH. Willis Ih probably rapidly pausing out of tbe publle tnlnd, and tbe lolteror at Newpert and a.-irntex, at Nab ant, Leng Branch, H ckaway and JiUtiK Bench Fcarcely lmevr tbe uarue e( Philip BlleRsby, or the ether cay llttle "society" flkotehcn of Wlills. The tnlsfortttne or IiIh fate was twofold, that he waH tempted te turn bin bright tnlent into ready money, nnd that hn did It, Ilia Itayety nml his graceful Ihoney niade him tbe first of our proper ''maKasslniKiM." He bad the llghtm-m nnd cve of totteh wliiel. arn traditionally cliaractctlntle of tbe dlHtlnctive writer let tlie maga7.1ncn, and Tvbofie&ticccRBOontrn'iicU tbe old say lug that easy writing m hard reading. But Willis's oase bac.tme ,.) last a rnanntr im, and a certain tone of nircotatlen and ajiparcut fnideccrity crept e"r his page. 'Tills, hownver, wan rath ir unjust te tbe author. Willis wan essential' .in amlable man, and be wan early flattered and suo sue ccBstul. IIe loved enf 0 and luxury, and be Hatched tee fondly te U10 nlintis, ife vran a man of tbe boudoir and tbe drawing room, trained in tbe Byronic tradition, nnd with no very lefty nehe of the duty and icsponelblllty of the literary life. IIe wrote cnertn.maly. II's name was tbe ) nun in of a certain clever grace and nudneity. But hew many of tbe younger readers of the "Eacy Chair" have read the "I'cneillingH by tbe Way," or "fj;ttiira from under n Brldge," or even tbe scrip tural pecma which wero ouce thought te be se beautiful'.' Uetftniin wae n year elder than Willis, and be belonged te tLu name Kuiokcr Kuiekcr Kuiokcr becker group. Willis came from Bosten, but IIelTmau was of an old Kuieknr becker family. Willlu bad a certain Kit repeau toue and character, hut Heffman win completely American Willit dlctl seventeen years age, when be w.ih sixty years old. llelfman died the ether day at tlm insaue retreat in I'cuiinylvnuia wlicre he had been soaluded for tn.ire than thirty years be absolutely ccnludcd, indeed, that Battlntt'ii bt.ek of "Familiar Quota Queta Quota tienh" rtconle him nsd)ln; in 1850. IIoll' IIell' tnan's bnekp, like Willis's are read no mero, aed his name survives only in his familiar song, "Sparkliug and Bright." That alone ives his name jctuhugordate than WilllsV, nnd the sad story of hU life will be long te'idcrly told in our Ameri am liteiury bieiirajiliy. Tbose who etill recall lnu manly tlgure, and bis frech, breezy, gay manner, will rc rc membsr the sense et profnse vitality vtltb which he imprcESed thesn who saw him He was a lever of the weeds aud waters, n natural hpertsmau, nud bin tubie is ro re llectcd lu bis tales and Kkttcbus. Ills poems, as is alivas trtie el a great mul initie of peeniH in every period, wero ichoesol :iealci piats ( hi.t tiiue But tliej -!ievi' ins peutic fi uliug aud facility nttl a certain htartincbt, of nature v.'bich vv.in his ohareoteristio quality. Tue inen t.il calatulty wlreli nncntcil liu; career, and ptaettc.illy et da! bin life i-nly forty years ngi, van net the only miuuw which this l)'at and fi'iicrcun iniiti eidutetl. Asa Imj of clt'Vt n niuru initl'eitiiuu befell him in 1 Lu luMfi of n lig The uiicumstancr'S of this event havn net beeti very dearly understood, aud tbu kiudtietH of a rota reta tive of .Mr. llelfman enabk-u us te put them upon permanent iccerd. An old letter of his tuelbci'b, tlaUtl in New Yerk en the -ltli of Dtcmbur, 1H17, and written te a sister in Parix, tulls tbe btury The letter is well picservetl, antl it in '.ii'tten in tlie cleat aud lirni li.n tl which wascharaoteristle I the wii'm,; of that day: "1 was very ration gr.riuetl li jour Itttcr handed liy Mr. tiinuetticur", aud I have thus long been presented lietn ac I knewletlging it by enu 01 tbu gieatest Dllliotiens l uavnjut Kiiht.uiud, which bus erciip'cd niu wholly ler l.he Ian-, hlx weeks. 'Charles oame fro 111 .MmrUtiniii te spend his fall vacation w.th us ; d tl 0 day of his arrival, tetvartU thu eh sa of 11, be was down en the rocks w.uehin: tbe Bteam ferry beat, and iu r 0.1111 1- w he jumped ou beaid and had a udn up te the nbarf. This he bad dene tovei.il 11111 , nuil th'iiigbt te take 0110 111010 mle ere lie went home te dinner. Bu .1l.1t ! tu 1 b i.it , oitiie up fastir than was xpected, ami in the net of jumptiy bisrigtit Uu was ciujit, and re Mheckiuly uiungk.i a in nquiie ! immediate amptitatiuu. Mr. iud .Mis j Yerplanck wero dining w'tb in, a. id two gentlemen from the ejiiuriy, wVn the Denn trail brought. What uuulti ixcfid tbe theck wu ezperieueed tu liai-1- inem iiiiDg and nctive boy go 1 ut in tbe morning in the full pORsegfleti el all h ulily bktsifgs, brought borne hofero ( vuiu.4 acnpplu for life, und from the watil hi alt tl ' rudouec ! Tiles' reflections everwht-l'tutl me for n time, nul I could net nil tt upon the meiey of the Provitleuce vln li bad -.paied his life and endued him Willi feititudn much bejend bis years tu Hihtam this had ieiss, and even te Ktnile aui'.dht bin pains te hear us who wero Mirri.vin ever him. But it consoles mn te hce that ir he was a child iu gettiug into tritiblc, l.e 1im been 11 man in bcniiug it. !! has been down stairs tblR morning for th llrrt timu ; bu moves about very aetlvtly upon a pair of crutches." The mother and the sun am b itb geint, but it is net possible 10I1 i!d tlm yellow ing paper aud te read the ".id llttle story without pain. At soveuty seven thopeit walked alene in tbe ruial ucighborheol of lhr'iaburg, pleased te hear sounds and te bee the sights of tbe Held and 'he woede, harmless uud murmuring te hitu-elf But for piore than thirty years lui hail had 110 actual human companionship. The gen eration te which he bidonged had passed away, and te the new generation lils name was unknown That Military figure, wnuderiug by tbu streams and standing undtr the trees, recalls the pen- bive nitisie of Wordsworth's Kuth" : " That eaten plpe et heis u mute 1 Or thrown nwuy 1 but wiihu Hutu Hur lemillneNs Hhuuheuri; This Hutu, made et 11 huinintk stalk, At evuuing. In his liemew ud wall;, ' he OunutecSc woodman heurs. " 1 tee have lmssel her 11 the hills, HettliiK nor llttle wutur mills liy spouts uud fountains wlld siiuh Ninall lnaclilneiy 114 slie liuned, I'. re sbu had wept, uru she had ineuinu I, A young aud happy child." Laborious viiiilnv. Krem Uiu New Yerk 81111. " t'cems te me yeu're unusually latlguctl even fcr a man that's beeti llshiug," ob served the lady of the heiuu, while the head of the family was trying te pull his beets off. "WbazzasV'hoasked. The lady of theliouse repeated ber ob eb ob Bcrvatlen. "Ob, yes,' horepllcd ; "yousee, m'love, I Belied up stream zls time" TAKINO THK IILaLK VKIL. A Voeok Weman lutlrcntnn Uoevent U'ltti H70.000. Sister Mary Fidells, of St. Leuis, took the black vell nt tbe Visitation Convent, Friday, and bid farowell te tbe world fotevor. Arobblshep Uyan conduetod the services, it being his lastofflelal aet bofero leaving for tbe Soe of Philadelphia, te wbleb he has been ordered, aud for whleb be will take bis doparture en nezt .Monday morning. Sister Fidells was Miss I.ulti Tayler, a leading soelcty helle thrce yearn age, and daughter of Geergo H, Tayler, who died in 1880, JeaviDg nearly $1,000,000, most of it bequeathed te bis numerous family of ohildren, Miss Lein's eb are was $70,000. Sbe attended tbe Visitation Convent, conducted by tbe sinters of St. Franeln de Salen, and seen determined te join tbe order. Sbe deeded preperty te tbe value of $30,000 te two unmarried Bisters, about $ll,000toabrethor, and i0,000 sbe took with her te the oenvent. Thore was a condition te the deed that if nhe ohanged ber mind and returued te the world the prepirty should rovert te ber. Sbe took her uovitiate vows last April, and, nfter remaining in the convent n few weeks, riHtirned te the world, claimed the preperty, nnd donated it te tbe couvent. Iler brother and sister te whom bIie bad deeded the property professed a willing, nesn te give it up if hbe remained out of the convent, but would otherwise) held en tu it. They chimed that uudue inllucnce bad been used te induce bcr te take tbe preperty from ber family and give it te tbe oenvont. Suits wero begun, and then Miss Ln!u was offered &25.C00 te compromise, but slie refused. Finally, te avoid public notoriety, tboentiro preperty was returned te Mlf s Lulu, and uhe returned te the con vent te cany out ber original intention of becoming ene of tbe sisters. ii mm m Hub the Hums Well wlthSO.ODONT whun thuy bucome spongy or detached lrem thu necks el the tcelli. Let lliem bleed freely nnd se recover tout) und health. aOZODe.NT Is the best remudbl agent ler dlscaf cd gums nml teeth. Try It anil leurn. aulJ.lwiloedAw A ureat l'rebiem. 7'aAeull the Kidney nud Liver .WctfcfiiM, Take nil the llloed puiltlers, Take nil thu iricMmnffeiemudlus, Takeull tlie Itytptptla ami Indigestion citrcj, Tuku till thu Ague, Kever and bilious ItHCljICI, Take all the Vfralu nml Nerve foice rrrfier. Take all the Great health ruiterurs. in jAorl.tiike all Iho host quilllles of ail theso, and thu belt Qualities of nil the best mudlctnea In tliu world, and you will nnd thut Hep Hitters have IhobcsteurativuiiuaUtlua und powers el all concentrated In thein, and thit thuy w 111 euro whun any or all el these, singly or-cembttirtf Kail. A thorough trial will give po.ltlie proerof this. Iiardenrtl Llvr Hve j ears age 1 breke down with kiilney antl llvct complaint and rhuumatlsm .SI 11 co then 1 liavu bcun unablote bu about ut a I. .Uy llvui bee line hard llku weed : my limbs wero pnitu 1 up and illicit with wa'er. All the liuit physicians itgreud that nothing coiildcuiume. 1 lesolve 1 te tr,- Hen Hitters; 1 h.ive used seven bottles j the baldness hns nil genu (mm my llvur, thuswulllng tieiuuiy limbs, and II has werketlti miracle lu ir.y casej ether hUe I would luvubeuu neivlnuiv giave. I. U. Mehkv, Iliitlule. Oft. 1. 1SSI. l'evcity nml BultetleL". "I wtis drugged down with tlubt, pevuity ami stunning ler yturs, causud by a sick family nml large bills ter doctoring. 1 was ciimpleiuiy ilHeeurngud, until ene yearage, by thoadvlceot my pailer, I uoui ueui liinueuil using Hep Haters, and in 01)0 mouth we were all wull, and nene el us luvu seen a sick day since, and 1 want 10 say te all peer men, you can kutp your lumllles well a year with Hep Hitlers ler les than enu doctor's vl?it will cost I knew it." .V Weukikuman. rNenuKciiiiliiu wllheiil a hiineh et green Heps mi the white label. HI11111 all thu vile, poisonous stuir wlln Hep" t.r "Heps In thulr inline. auU-Tii,Tli,tSliu rvrly it-in mi te Us 11 Ileal Hllteciu In this llle must have a speciality; thai Is, must eoii"eutiate tliu abilities et body ami ii.tiid en Ktuie ene purult. Ilitrtleck llloetl llttttrs Iiiimi their Hncclullly us 11 cemplete a il l.e.U'iil unie et djsiiepsla, uml llvei unit kldn, y alleetieiis. Kei-Haluby II. II. Cochran, eiugglst, 137 and 13'l Neitli Qnrim Htreet. iii.uldeii'n Ariuen tulTb I'll l.i:.st .''lllVU III ' ic tllll tin Cuts, I!rul--. sews. Uki, -all Hhuuiii. Kuvcr Horeb Tfller, I'hupi'Hti '(amis. Chilblains, Cernh.and all 4KI11 u 'iiitleu.s. and positively e 1 t x I'llec, e no iu ivquiruit. Ill guai a'ltetvt mi civil (Mirlnct sitlsinelleu or money ratlin '. I'rlce, ' .i- i' im 'orn.ile by II. II euhnui. iIiim:ii, i.H'aiid I.Sn Neith tjitciii nlit'et, Lancaster. Au I nlter's Irlouie, Tlioreu 1'. Keiller, ttllter et Kt. ti uiiie.lnd. (Jasettr, wrllus : " rer the oust llvuyeaiH have uIw.ijh uifti Dr. King's Nuw Discovery, for ceuidis et most tuvm.i cliaiuctur, us well as ter thosuel a mlldur type. It never Mils te ellett u speedy euro. My trteuds te whom 1 have 110 immeuiUd It speak el It liiHamu high terms Havlnir been cured bv 11 et evurv cough I huu had ler hve yti.ns, 1 consider ft tlie enl rellabln and sure unie ter Coughs, Celd', etc." Cull at Cecluun's Dun; Hlein, Mn. 1:17 ami lw'J North Queen street, I. aliens ter, I'a., and gul a VceTilal llnttle. Large ai.i,il.m) (i) III) Villi tpBl It, That 111 lids tinvn there aru scores et persons passing our stniu oveiy lny whose lives ale Hindu mlburuhle by ludlguHlleu, Dyspepsia, Heur and dlstiessud Sleiuacli, Liver Com plaint, Constipation, when let 76c. we will null tlieiii tihlleh's VlUillicur, guuianleed te euro tin in. sold by II. II, Cochran, druggist, Nes. 3 7 mid V.tt North Uuutin street. iul7-entl2 Tiulli I'ru.hett te Kuitli Is bound le rise. Crowd detvu nml Miielher the truth as you may ceueuinlng Twmiii' Kctectrle Oil el Iho tacts will rine up that It Is enu 01 the beat remedies ler uches, si.iuIiih, and pains that lua ever et been Invented. K01 eale by 11 II. Ceehrun, ilrugglsl, U7 und ISi Mertli wiitien stmei KltlKH AH It HTAVinNKU. I lLAMi IIOOKM AND Sl'AlHIMKlll. JOHN BAER'S SONS, 16 und 17 North Queen St, Blank Beeks & Stationery, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Helland's Geld Pens, WU1T1NU KLUID3 ANU INK, kX TBI SIGN OF THE BOOK. lllf.MTKH UIIUM'l'I IIOUSK, atlanhFcity. N.J. t tlie feet of Nuw Yerk, avenue, wlihln a lew humliud leet et the he.i. Attmctlve, eomferUiblo ami homelike. NOWOI'KN. unu3-2uid J. KKIM & SONS. BlKUlUAh TIUNT'H UKMKIiy, HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY. Never Known te Pail. IT IS A SPECIFIC Ker Kldney nnd Liver Troubles, lllmblur, Urinary and Llvur Dlsuasis, Di tipsy, Gravel and Dlnbutcs. IT IS RELIABLE In curing llrlghl's Disease, 1'ntns In Hie Hack, Leins or Hlde.t, ltctuiillnn or Nen- Ilolflulleu et Urlne. UK1IILY RECOMMENDED. It cuith Itlllnimtirn. Ili.mlnrlin. .Intintllen. Sour Hteiiiach, lljspcpstn, Constipation and I'lles. IT WORKS PROMPTLY and cures Intemperance, Nervous Diseases, mineral ltoeiiiiy, rixcesns nnn Kntnale Weakness. USE IT AT ONCE. It 1 en totes tint KIDNKYB. LIVKIt and 1IOWKLH, te a healthy action, ami CUltKS when all ether uu llclnen tall. Htindreds hnve been caved who have been given up te dle by 1 1 juiiiis unit iiuysiciuns. I'rlce II 2. yeml ler Illustrated l'nmphlet HUNT'S REMEDY CO., I'revltluiicu, U.I. HOLD I1V ALL DltUUOI.STH. lySTtlT'liASXw u Of ri.AHTKU. SHARP PAINS. trick, Sprains, Wrenches, Illieuinntlim, Nuuralgta. Sciatica, I'lcurlsy rnlns. stitrh In thu Side, llacWache, Swollen .lelnts, Heart DIh DIh DIh easu.Soie Muscles, l'aln In thu Chest, and nil pains and aches either local eriUup-scateil aie Instantly relieved and speedily cured by the well-known Hep Plaster Compounded, os It is, or tuu ineiucinai Heps, Hums. IlalsaiiiH Is Indeed the betl ulatlng, seething and titties el Iresh and KttnictH, It pnlu-kllllng, sllin strenglluinliig l'ei- mis riasler ever made, yei natters nre sold by all druggists and country stores. -5 cents or llve ler I I.O), Mailed en receipt el pilce. Hep Plaster Ce , Proprietor? and Man utiielurers, llosten, Mass. HOP PLASTER. STjr Ceatetl tongue, bad breath, sour slom slem nchund llverdlsciisucutt.il by lluwle'sStem. uch nml Liver l'llls '.5cis. lievJHvil.VwNi IJAIlllKK'd TtlMO. Swept Inte the Stream, One Thousand Acres of Land and "Bight Smart or Benra," On the deck el a hL ;.llKslfliinl stenmbea Moe I an ng 'd Heutnuiu planter. Indicating uy a sweep 01 ills arm uiu wuiurs 1110 oeat was pitsslm; ever, he said In a p.is&engur from tlie Aerth 'V Inn 1 was twelvii uaianld I kliktl mv llrst hear en a new plantation my father wai then cuttlngeralniest thut grew dlrecilv ever tli" waters out ft Oils bend That wrsn mighty geed ulanlntl in aniltheie was right biinnt el In ins Iheie, tee Hal that ene tlious tlieus umtiicie.s td I nut went Inte III" Mlsslsalppl liver yeaisaee " It Is putting 110 stialu upon tlie llgiire tetnytliat ureal leiests et youthful 110(10, womanly beauty uml manly Mtungth aru swept in tlie anne way overy year Inte thu g:eat, turbid luirenl of tilseiisu uml ileiilh. et It should net be he. I lint It Is se is atllsgruce us well as a leis. l'eople am hugely tee can less or tee stupid te defend thulr own luteiuiia-the uuil pruclens et which Is leilth Thatgone. all Isgone. HU HU uje IsHliiipli', but te tcclcit'ssuuiS or Ignor Igner Ignor unce thu hi mpli si Hi uu s inlgbt aswull biitom biitem plux us it piopesltlon lu Conic Motions n thu huge western ltveis, which xoeltcn llned tliu cuius along their tlieieJ, miiu lua tow liieuiitaln springs, se all out' alline .ts can be traced te Impure bleed uml a small gieup nl dl'Oideiid organs. The most ittecllve ami Imlu-lve lumudy ler dUuasels IMldtKluili.Mi'. It nees te tlie soutcisetpaln and weiUee s. In respense te llstie ten, tu- llvei, i.ldni is, htemach unit heart begin theli work ulitili und dlseufe Is ilitum e-.l 'I lie Teiile Is net, hewever, an Iuteltai.t. hilt cm isa .li Sim toi'slieugdilnk. 11 ive jeu djspepla, iliiiunintlsm, 111 ihiiiIiIih which have lelusuil tu yield 10 ether ngentsT lleiulsyeur help al lindSftw l ),lllH l.lfS till ' II VI. -l AM AMI l'A UK 1 or'sTeiilj fnrsi t ut Ce In m'a Drtlgatore Ne.l.'17aud l.W Noun iiuudii u, l.aucastur, I'a lOllAVCO -IAI VIII AltS. i. ii r.miA n .v i) 1 H, PIPES! MeerEchaum, Oompesitlon, Briar Weed, Vienna Bread, Virginia Olay, Oern Oeb, etc. S.MOKKIlS, WHO t-OLACK THKMHKJ.VhH Willi I'll'KS, COMKAND SKK OUIt DISI'llA. -niK-Largest Assortment Kvur shown In this clly. Pipes te ISiiit Kvery body I WIIOLKSAI.K AND UKTA1L. H. L. Stelimaii & Ce,, NO. IIO t ertTH QUEEN ST. muUl-lVd I. NCA8TK.lt. l'A. riNttAUK, XV, TO TO JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, Ne. iil Seuth (Jiiewi Sfrcet, -Keit TDK- CHEAPEST and BEST REFRIGERATORS. WATER COOLERS, Lawn Mowers, OAJiDKN JlOKh AND OIL OLOTJl, JOII P. SCHAUI, 24 Seuth Queen Streot, febl7-lVtl LANOA8TKU, "A. CILKAK HAVANA iril.l.RK OIIIAU8 FOU I a cents. UuarumeiMl te be uitmr tillers, at UAUTMAN'3 YKLLOW KKONT ClUAH BTOUK. I , VLOTUINtt. A FKAHTOF BARGAINS. Neckties and Half Hese At KRI8MANU Ne. 17 Weat Klnp; stroet. Gauze Undershirts, In Sizes from 31 te W Inches. -AT EEISMAN'S. M VKJW A ItATllVUM. Thin Clothing. In Kxcallent Asjorltnent, ter this sortet weather, Ter MKN'S, IIOY'a and CHI J.. DllKN'S WE A II, In nil tlie 1'LAtN AND MOST KASHIONAIILK KAIIIUC8. In looking are 11 ml for Summer requisites, romembor that the host ussertiusnt In CLOT1IINO Is always 'tn be seen hore, antl that prices are sutllclimtly varied te meet with favor among all claseset buyers, as well as ttiose whom fettunu hss less tuvored. We Invite calls, that we mny be nltorded t. ch.'ince te show lust what we have. The. make, style and quality of our CI.OTHINO Is fully up te the highest standard, und Is inarked nt tlgitrcs that often mnke buyers el these who only coiiie te sue. W Comparison ceurled, trade solicited. & ) LKAD1NG LANOASTKU OJ.OT1IIKK8, NO. 12 I3AST KING STRBBT. LANCASTEIt, l'A. M KltUIIAT TAlLOltlNO. Sppciul i'er Ladles. I have luht lccelved n line of the K1NKST nil'OUTKii rONOKKHln thu market, which will be sold per piece, containing twenty yards, nl till ; tlie siitnu qualltyel goods nte selling In l'lilladelphtu ut t'l and tl". Spcciul for Gcnilenien. .lust 1( cel veil. A Hl'LKN 1)111 AS8OKT MKNTOK WOOI.KN l.O.iDS, Milllahle ler thu het weather, which will be imulu up utsur prlslnuly low ngurusund superior workman ship, wlih trlinmtng te correspond with tlie goe'lH both In qualll? nnd hIiiioe. 1'KUrKUT KIT UU It VN I'EKU Oil NO SALIC. Ulve lnu a trial uml lie convinced. D. R. WINTERS, NO. !!.. QIJKKN STREET, LANCASTKK. I'A. RAUiS UUANOB. Great Reduction -IN FINE CLOTHES AT H. GEE,HAET'S, Ne. 6 East King Street. In order In reilurua heavy sleek I will muku uptennlfr. ter tlie lemaludurel the sfiisen. ull Lllilll-WKIOIIT WOOLKN.Hulu ion of 20 te 25 ner cent. Tills bin induction ts KOR CASH ONLV.hnd will emible lliu buyer te get n line ull el Clethes, 111111I0 up lu tlie best i-tyle, almost 11a low iihu r.iuly ini'de s'liep auit. H. GERHART. IIA.M-AIAN & IlltO. GREAT REDUCTION -1N- BBAHT-MADB GLOTHIRB. We urn new selling rants at "Ic, ll.ft), JI.B0 tl 10, ii.M, 1 1.10, $1.50 and tl.00. Mill's Hulls at IJ.23, 1100, fl.tO, f 9.00. tU.Oll. (Me, ti ). n, ti, tu ana $10. I lleys Hulls nttli, ll.7S.fJ.ne, t! en, W(e,4.m, t.eo,fileii, ? i anil (dim. Uustem Department. Uoeds 111 the riece. whleh we make te order at prices te defy competition, I'nnts ut WW, II.OiJ, 1.53, 3.(0, f5.h0, unie 1'J.oe. Hulls ut 110.00, 1 12.00, fU.00, $10.0.1, flS.OOfttM upwunls. v We are always ready ami glail te sea our lilends and putt enu, whuthertheywlsli te buy or net. We cordially Invite the publle in call unit lutpuct our bummer Clethlug, new being cleared out (every garment u bargain) te liiiike room for our New Kail Stock, LGansman&Bre. Tbe r ABUIONAULK UKUOUAKTTAILOIta AMU CLOT1UKU8, Ne, 66-68 NORTH QDKIN STRUT, Ulght en Uae Southwest Cerner tei;.Orn. I.ANCABTBB, l'A. M-Oiien KVKUY KVKN1NO unUt I e'ilbcV' Saturday until 10 o'clecic, HER MTRM f u Jt t 1 ,41 i ' 9. I A, '