&fC-"i "TT'-fW 7: l - ifTV'fftf , T ' , i 9?' w? 'v :' is k . i-f ii.,Jl.,i " ,' Hi lJ HI." -;w.w fj tV' ' iXt 4' . (' Veiii'Mi .V"Se 27. l,AN(JASTEH, PA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1884. I'rice Twe Ceuk. tStiMIxxrmM ' iUJ jL w 5ilfi?WJwg? v V IHIY UVU1M, TIMIN Ft UlVl.KU A.UO., OIIN 8. U1V1.KH & Uf Ker C'hoice Wlltun Carpel. Ker Damask Hall awl Stnlr Carpet. JOHN B. UlVI.KIt A CO., JOHN 8. UIVLKR A CO., Fer Fine Velvul Carpets, for I.ew.prlced Venetian Hall mill Stair. JOHN 8.UIVLKI A CO., JOHN 8. UIVLKR A CO., Ker Kxtiu quality Muiiiet Carpet. Fer Home-mado Ran Carpet. JOHN 8. UIVLKR A CO., J01IN8.U1VI.KII CO., Fer Hist Makes Hotly llrtisiiils Carpet. ForOecon, Napier and Canten Mattings. JOIINH. UIVLKR A CO., JOHN 8. UIVLICRAO I, Ker Ileal Tapestty llrusscla Carpel. Fer Clielcu Mnoleuin. JOHNS. UlVI.KIt A CO, JOHNS. UlVI.KIt A CO, rorMudlumTiipeslry Citri(it, Ker Hest fleer Oil Cleths. JOHN 8. Ul VI Kit A CO., JOHN 8. UlVI.KIt A CO, Ker I uiv priced 'tapestry Carret. Fer Kima "nil Mats. JOHNS. UlVI.KIt A CO , JOHN 8. UlVI.KIt A CO., or Itiat All wools plv Carpet. Fer the UenulnuAureia Carpet Sweeper. JOHN K. U1VI.KII A CO., JOHN 8. UlVI.KIt A CO., Fer Kxtrn Piipni All-wool Carpet. 'J ake Carpet Riik In Exchange fjr Carpets. JOHN i. UtVl.fcll A CO., JOHN 8. UlVI.KIt A CO., Ker Kxlru C. C. Carpet. Prices Marked In I'lnlu FIkiiu-s. JOHN CUV I.Kit A CO . .JUlIN 8. UlVl.hll A CO.. Ker all klnilHOl Iniirnln Carpets. (Inn 1'ilceanil Hint tne l.ewtgi. JOHN S. UlVI.KIt A CO., JOHN f.Ul VI.KIi A CO., 'At Kusl Miik 8tmuU The Hest Assoituientln Lancaster. HUJIIid II. .. IVIKIAI 8 SUMMER JLWELRY, RHINE STONE SPECIALTIES IN SILVER JEWELRY. Lace Pins, Hair Pins, Cellar H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 4, I..1NCAHI Kit. I. VAiii'itm, s .MURK'S U.tlU'K.T IIA1.I.. BARGAINS ! SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Nelliui; Off te CIem- Ilu.iiiicsa. Everything Must Positively be Sold. A hull l.lmint IIOIM IIUU8SKL3, TAPESTRY, ami All Urade or INUIIA1N CARPETS. ItUUy. III.ANKKTS, COVFRI.KT-4 ami OH. CLOTH. 1ST ALL AT A BACIirFICK.-y&l r- Prompt attention Klven te tlie Manufacture el llar Carpeta te order. -AT- SHIRK'S CAftPET HALL, UOH. W. KINO AND telCChiiduw WATHlt STri., J. II. MAIITIM Si UU. NOW READY FOR TIIK LAHUKST Wilten, Axininster, Hoquetto, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry AND INGRAIN CARPETS KVKR SHOWN IN THIS CITY. NEW COLORINGS. - NEW PATTERNS. ALL NKW, AND K8PKCIALI.Y DKSIUNKD KOR THK KAI.L'3 TRADK. WIVES LOWER THAN EVER I Rugs, Mats, Muttlnge, Cortleono, Lineleum nnd Oil Oleth, IN ALL DKblRAlILK WIDTHS AND BTrLKS. STAIR HODS. STAIU TADS. CARPET LININGS. J. B- MARTIN & CO. Cerner West Kins anil Prince Streets, TIH Y AUK, JtV. "! TO JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, Ne. 2 1 Henth Quevn Street. -KOR THK- CHEAPEST and BEST REFRIUERATORS, WATER COOLERS, Lawn Mowers, QAIiDEXJIOES AND OIL VLOTII. jera P. SCHATJI, 34 8euth Quoeu Btroet, '.ANCAHTKR, dn-ivd I'. HJOVKH. pililll, wniTr. m imr.r.Mtiueil, --JBANI02RS,-- 46 WALL bTRBET, New Yerk lirekura ami Ucalers In Railway nnd all etiiur Securities. RAILWAY INVK8TMKNT8 a tpcclnlty, lu tlie selection and ostlmnte el wliieb tlietr Unix cnuiieutleu wltli " I'oeit's MAUAt.ef IUilkeaim " ulvei ttieui Hpecliil ml. MiulUKl'H. Coiiet.peiiiliucii liivlled uud In. Uiilrles answered Dopealt accounts retelveil uudliitcicBmUeiYCUi mlD-Omeed Of AUT. Buttens, Bracelets and Bangles. West King Street. may It-ljtl ,fr. BARGAINS ! LANOAB'IIK, PA THE FALL TRADE ! LINK OK liiineister, l'n. vnerittiuNtt. rpAVl.UK' FANCY rLOUlt. Ulve It a trial ami be convinced that It Is aa tie claims, tlie IIK8T IN TIIK WORLD. It was awarded tlie hiKlient medal at tlie Centminlal Kxponltlen. Cincinnati Kzblbltlen ami Ohie 8tate Kalr. Tlie Uunulne Tayler's Fancy Fleur Itetatls at OS coots per a round Sack. KOlt BALK UY ALL LKADINU UR00KUS. M, V. 8TEI0EHWALT & SONS, Hole Aaunu for Lancaster, a7-lm T K.VAN'3 HBWJ KOI.LEU VI.OUU, HiivltiK fitted upmirMIII with tlie latest and most Improved teller machinery, we aru new inanutactuiliiK a Fleur net surpassed by nny. tiling lu the murket. Te be convinced try u Hack et LEVAN'S Fancy Reller. KorHulebv Uiocera Ktuiurully. LBVAN & EONS, Merchant Millers, JOHN U. liUbHONU, Aucnt ter Lancaster city. lyiaiimi nMIIN Ul.ll HlUll i'KNNKtll IVlll VJ i i-ine, 1 let 5u, 11 lei V.'.j., at UAIUMAN'8 YKI.LUW KR0NT ttUAU S'l'OKlS, mr.nniAi. 11 UN I '8 HKIMf.lt V. Thirty H'lltB ItOCOIll. Endorsed by 1'hyelulans. HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY. Never Known te Fail. CURES ALL DISKAIKd OK TI1K KIDNKtrt. l.lVKIt, HLADDKR, AND URINARY OUUANH, DROPSY, UltAVKI., D1AHKTK9, IlltlUII I'S D18KA8K PAIN8 1N Till. HACK, LOINBOR81DK, NKItVOUS Dlrtl'.ASKS. KKTKNTION OR NOV.RI.TKNTION OK UR1NK. JIV TIIKUMKOy THIS RKMKDY. Til 2 STOMACH AND IIOH KLSHI'BKIIII.V lir.OAIN rilKIll STIIKNUTll, AKDTIIK lll.OOU IS 1'UIIlriKII. It ik ruoNeuKOKii nv iiumiki:ih of tiik hkst IHH7TOHS TO I1KTIIU ONLY CORK KOIt AM. KtNbS Or KlDNBV DlHKAHKH. IT If) 1-UllEL.r VKCHTAIILK, ASID tUlll'H WHEN OTIIKIl MKDIOINES VAIL. IT IN l'KKI'AHKII KXt'llKTSLV rOIITIIKBI! IIISBASUO, AND HAS NKVKIl IlKUf KSOn N TO KAIL. OhK T11IAL WILL CONVINCE TOU KOll BALK BT ALL IlUUOOIdT. -I'ltlOB, ni.sn- bKNI) roil 1'AMrilLKT Of TMTIMONIALS. HUNT'S KKA1KOV CO., Jyl-TuTliSAwly I'rotllniiea. II, r. He.- j'l.Asrr.u SHARP PAINS. CrU It, 8pialnH, Wronelic.s, Itlieiiimitlnm, Nuuniluln. hclnllcii. I'leiulsy I'nlns. Mlitcli In UuiMldf, lltvcWiiclii), Swollen .loin's, llnut HI 04no.8ero MtiBClct, I'ulu In I liu Client, and nil lmliiH nml auhuit I'lth r local eril op-erntel inn IiiHtaiitly mltiwtil xnil puullly cmixl ly tlin wull-knenn Hep Platter Compounded, ns It Ih, el tliu mrillctnul vIuiieh el lit'sli Heps. Unran, llalaJimtt and Kitiucls, 11 U induel '" best )nin-kllllnu, itlm ulullm,', toetlilnit nml tr nKtlii'iiliiK l'or l'er l'or etm IMaster ovei made. Hep Plaiteri are Held by ull ilniKijUtH .ind c mntry stercn. '- cents or llve tei i 00. Muller en recuipt el pilce. Hep Platter fe , 1'ioprluter and Man utucluruit) liosten, Sla-. HOP PLASTER. Cea. 0(1 tengtii), bad bicatli, eenr stom stem acliaml llcr iIIhuime enred by ll.iwley's Hlom Hlem achaml LIvcrrillR UcIh. iki-:1i1Aw(2) UAUUIAtt tH, AV. F,s f. UAKHI.MIK llltll.lir.ti.1 THE STANDARD Carriage Werk t)K I.AN0A31 bit OL'.N'l V. EDQERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET HTUH3T, IN RKAROKOKNTIIAL MARK.KT HOU8K3 LANCASTER, !' A. We make every ftvle lluuxy anil CarlarK destred. All work nntlitd in tlie meat torn tern torn tnrtable and clcuHiit Htjlc. We iihe only tlie ft golccted lmUnrlul, and mnplev only tlie bt tiiKclianlca rei qu'illty of weik our pilci'M aie tlie clHiapvsl tn tint state. We buy ler curili and neil en tlimnext rcuKonnbletoiiiiH. Ulve us a call. All work warranted. RKl'AllllNU IMlOMVTl.l ATTbNDKDIO. One But el werkmun uspcUally utnples lmI ler tbal nuri)esn. UJIIIl.tW LfKClAI. NOTICK. Nerteck&liley's Til HID GRAND PUBLIC SALE OK K1RST.CI.A83 CARRIAGE WORK, ATTHK1R KACTORY, Cor. Duke and Vine Sts., I.ANOASTKR, l'A ON MONDAY, Aug. 18, 1S8 1. 8ALKCOMMK.NCINU AT O'CLOCK, A.M. TKN On thldday we will VtilllCllMOt dlspoje el from mi te 75 Our Own Manufacture, CennUtlnKl IliiRRliM, I'liantens, Cmrlaum, Ae , nnd every let) will be Kxaianleed. Tlie nutille aie convinced tlint all neik elil at ierinur Hales was s represented. K very Jeb must be Held In order te make loom for etiiur btocke. Ne Koedsoirmcil will be wltlulrawn, ezcwpt wliun Lelow coAtet inunufucture. We mean lu BCIl II 1110 jiuuhu iiuiuih 11 10 iiiuirim vantavn te purcliaee a IllHvClnss nrtlile, hh Iluely llnUHud In every respect as tno;e ion pay double tlie amount tei. It will bu well te atiend,an tills will bone Imitation tmln. as we innan te sell every Jeb In stock. It nosslble. Don't lortiel tlie date, MONDAY. AUUUST 18, ltSl, cetumencliiK at 10 o'clock, a. in. Ililnir competent JuiIhes te exnmlne Hteck betore day et Hile. Kvei y lob will be Kuaranleed we will alne dlspose of u Urgu utoeti of 8KCOND HAND WORK. Attendance will be given and teruiH madu k"0WUby NORDE0K & MILBV. II, K. Rewb. Auctioneer. lelJ-tld UUUOJSltUCH, A1 BURSK'S RKAL VALUK. NOHUMI1UU. We de net sell the se called S1I.VKR 8poe Cetlee, for which j ou pay 'ile u pound and uut a Hllvur Speen weith tutc. mere or Uss, but will bull veu about iw uoeu a Coffee for 15c. a Pound. Thore are nene of u who de business for Klery, and whun you itet 8llver 8poeus, and tlne I'laiiuus, ami niuuia less than cost, you pay ter ineiu in payiiiK a inir uwiu im juui Cotrce and Tea and muling an lnlerlei arllclu TJIKJiE JU A'O 1WU11T OF IT I you pay from Be te Se a pound mero than you pay us ler tlie buiiie iiuullty of Koede. BTJRS'K'S, NO, 17 HAST KINO HTRSBT. ' LNCASTKII, X'4,1 T1IE MULLIGAN LETTERS. Cllt.vrillU HTUUV r HL.VIMVd t'iAMK, A lilt et ItODsnl Political lllttery lenctru. Itiic tlm lleput)Ilen Uanillilats Tliat hllllllllt III) Kuomte Ol All Mll, Krem tlie New Yerk World. Tlie ttery of tlie Mulligan letterH 1h brlclly told. They worn Icttcra wrltten ly llr. Dlrilne tn Air. Fisher ooncorii eoncorii oencorii lujj lnnil . Kraut railroad dtecliH nml beudu, Bud tliey wote held, with Ftsher's ceiiBetit, by hia bookkeeper, James Slut llpnu. In 1870 Jlorten, Cenklin nnd Dl.ilne wcre candldatea for tlie Ilepiiblleau nutnl nutnl nntteti with the oliaeccs tliree te two In f.iver of nliilne nnulnst tbe Held. Morten, te kill Hlulnc, Btnrtid n numliur of mil read inmtipatleDH In tlie (Democratic) lloiiRe wliieli brought out dnmaiug clmrgi'H HKiiluHt the sjieakcr. Thn Doiuo Deiuo Doiue orntH bad netlilDfj te de with the Hepubli oae family qtiaml at llrst, nnd permitted the Kt'pttblivauH te llht it out nmetiR tlioniBelvtH, After having been for four weeks under lite, Jilnhie mmle n personal Htatemunt te the hoiue which waa n Ketieral denial, nnd for four weeks mero the Investigation d ranged en, Domeorata taking Httloer no intercat in it. May 30 the Hub judiciary commltteo (luHtlgated thcrote by Beuater Morten) eummeucd Wnrren Finhur, jr , of Uosten, it contractor for building the Fert Smith Si I.lttle Heck rnihtiad, who sold out hln contract te Jimiali Caldwell (and didn't net the money), nnd ,Iatncn Mulligan, of Bosten, Ueamirer of the Olobe theatre, who had been Mr. Ftaber'u boekkoopor. FIbIilt nnd lilaitie had had cloae busluena ruIatietiH feriuauy years. TIicre wltuesses vore called te testify lu relation te certain benda and stoeks alleged te have been sold or Riven te Mr.IH.iine, and p irtieular ly in regard te a 501,000 bjnd Tem Scott had ozeliauuod for Notthern Paclle bends for Mr. lllaine. They vfure very uuwill iug witnessed, Mulliuau admitted the Haloot Fert Smith benda te lllaine nnd various sales and trausfutH, hut knew nethluc tnatethl. Fisher adinitted anil iiig various blocks of utoek te Mr. Illaiuu, but denied giving him $1110 000 in bemU without a consideration Mulligan waa ordered te appear bofero the oemmlttoo nest day. Whim the committee met the next morn ing Mr. Mulligan atnrtled the e immittce and the country with a story which in out lined in the following : Associated l'rcsi DUpatcb, Wushlnjten, .Jitnu 1, 1S7U. James Mulligan ailil he anti'd te iniku (v statement bofero continuing his examiu ntieu. He said that when he arrived here a uote oame down from Mr. Hhiuu to te ipicating thu wituesi and Mr. Fiiher te eall at hia house ; witness declined lu go, but Mr. Fitshur v,eut .Vfter witness tea tilled yesterdav, Mr. ISlaiue called upon him aud asked him about nutue lotto, a which vi ere lu hia peisebS. en and wanted witness te give them up te him, but wit liens declined te de ae Witnca haid Mr. Ulalnu almost uet down en hia liuuea atrl pleaded for the letters, tiaying they would ruin him for life, and when witueaa further declined Mr. IMaine asked him te think of hia wife and six elilUn'ii He besought witness nnd almeat coutemplatod auicide. He oirered te get him a consulship in in turn for the lettera. Wltneta allowed Mr. lilaiuu te take them ttuder a pledge te return thorn. This w.ia in the picsence of Mr. Fishur aud Mr. Atkins. Witneas then retired te hiu loom and Ulaiue followed him aud wanted te leek at the lettera again. Witnnsa allowed Mr. Blaiue te take them, aud Mr. Lllaine refused te e turn thorn, aud still retains them. Thuru were about eighteen lettera. Mr. Ulalne, sworn in rebutta', admitted the intetview, admitted takmg the lelteiN, admitted that he had thorn in poiscesion ; but denied having gene down ou his kuei'ti, or havitig said they would ruin him, or having e lie red the consulship. 11m metive for keeping them he explained aa fellows : Mulligan aaid he did net knew what might tratidpire in hia examination te day anil that he waa going teluild these loiters for hiu ewu protectleu and vindication I said te him : "Under tliete ciraumstaucea I will net give theso lettrra up," and I aaid, "I will uet return these lettera be catise ou threaten te make a Ube of them which is illegitimate, and I have ue idea that any man shall take my privale oor eor oer respoudenco nud held It ns a menace ever my head te be used at bis option." The Chairman I nsk nt jour hands the production of these letlerii for the peru3.tl of the commltteo and net ler publication. Mr. Hlniue I will take occasion te con sult my couusel in regard te it. The Chairman Yeu decline, then, te preduce thorn i' Mi. lilalue Fer the present, I decline Frem that day te this no unn haa teen the letters. Hut June 5, ISO, Mr. Ulaine rese in his sent In the Heuse for a porseual oxplanatlen nud read n buuillu el letteia which he said were theso leeeUcd from Mulligan. He allowed no one te see them. He nover allowed any one te aee them, nud the letters te " My Dear Fisher " (ptetBd by newspapers nre from thoBtenographer'a notes ns Mr. lllaine read them. .Mulligan denied that the letteia were toad vcilmlm or that nil of thetn wcre read In becinning hiu explanation te the llouse Sir, lllaine Bald that " nt every turn of n railroad investigation ordered by the Houae au effort had been made te direct it ngnlnst him personally, until ou Saturday last, when there woie no lean than four sub coin upon which he was being investigated " Mr. Knett replied that that was becaute he turned up overywhere with laud grant bends or stoek of land grant ralireaiia. Mr. lllaine nttaoked the thosub-judl-einry commltteo ns oemposod of Coulule rate brigadiers, defeuded his method el getting the letters uud instilled his rcfiihiinl te let nuy ene sen thorn. He thou ic.id them, with a running llre of comment aud explanation. June 10 the Bub-judleiary oemmittco made a formal demand te tee the letters. Mr.lllaine refused te show thorn or te pre duce Mr, Mulllgnu's memorandum of .the contents of oaeh one, which had bceu given te him with thorn. The Hopubliean national convention met lu Cincinnati June It). Senater Morten had be timed the revelation of Speaker iilalne'a corrupt railroad roeord that the full shook of the dlsgrace foil upon the country ns the dolegntcs were assembling, Mr. Blaine's boldness lu seizing the letters which his Hopubliean ouemles bad in tended te use te foreo a withdrawal, or failing lu that te ruin him by their publi catien, had only rendered his posi tion lehs desporate. Ilia pretense of read ing thorn lu the llouse had decelved very few. The nomination was hopeless unless something happened te turn popular Bjmpathy in lis favor, This something ennid Bunuay, June 11, in a "sunstroue," na he was ascending the steps of Dr. liaukin's church. II e sat down ou the step and said te his wife : "Mamma, my head pains me ; I am afraid I'm sunetruek, Call n carriage Take me home nud tend for Dr. Pone." The news Hashed ever the country that he was dangereusly ill nud popular feeling lustantly vcered creund in his frtver. Uulrersal sympathy WAS exnroBseut Eyou grim SeuatQr Uorteq remarked "he rlncnrely regretted thn sad occurrence Although dolieato about ex pressing nny opinion en the subject, he did net hcsltiite te say that lu hia opinion tht effect at Cincinnati would be fnvorable te Mr. Dlnlne if by te morrow or Tuesday it shall appear that the attaek is net seri ously alarming." Se rapid waa his rccovery whnn Gen. IMaisted, of Maine, called en him Tuesday, he found him sitting up, surrounded by bis family, rending dispatches from Cin cinnati, nnd Tuesday night Mr. lllaine telcemphcd te Mr. Hale, his adjutant, that he was " ontlrely convnlesoout." The efloet was faverable, but net suin clently fnvernbly for lllaine te recover nil that he had lest by the disclosures. He led from the start te the seventh ballet, and wns nt the last defeated by Senater Morten making a combination of nil the oppeilng olemonts in favor of R.U. Hayes, who received 381 votes (four overn major ity) te Walde's 351 and Iirlstew's 21. lft.1. 1IIK Titurii. (luvcriiurLleclnnil'it tlnurnee Ill4ltiu'st "it- aril ten, Krem Hiu pur's Weekly. Mr. Cleveland hah met the ehaiqes in the most characteristic manner a manner which may be well contrasted wltii that of Mr. lllaine in repaid te the Mulligan lotteis. Promptly nud unhe&itatlugly, with a manliness that every honorable man lu the ceuutry will apprechte, when the calumnious artlcln appeared, Mr. Cleve land said te hia friends at unce, " Tell the truth." There waa no whining nbeut his "private bunlees'," ue seizing of letters, and after a menacing pressure of public opinion, a thoatiieal reading of such parts us he chose, nnd with hia own comments; thore waa ue deapcrate equivocation at'd attempted oenooalmeut. " Tell the truth" wbb the only reply a reply which hhowed u man honorably unwilling te teceive any public trust under falsn pretunsea. The iriith, it la nviiletit, if the version of the Ktening Pett be correct, as we belicve, is tetal'y Dt'lleved in the article of the Tele graph. The truth leaves Mr Clevel.iud entirely from any just oharge of base con duct lu the past, or of habitual debauchery uud druuR.nuui.8ii " te this hour," of which no evidence known te us haa been ollerod. The lluir.ile Express, an Independent Kepublle in journal which supports Mr. lllaine for the presidency, but which earnestly supported Mr. Cleveland for major nnd governor, aud whose editor is in .k bettei position te knew the truth than any clerujmau or ether person who haa inatle hiuihelf prominent in dieseruiuatlng the injurious charges against Mr.Clevelaud, Hays, in reply te luquiriea : "What we can bay, bated upon our information and judg ment, ia this, we de net liolievo that the eharp ea are In any just sonse el the word tine" TbW la uet only the conclusion of the editor of the Express, but of ether most respectable cili.eua of Buffalo known te us, nod it is our own couelusloii ntlti carelul inquiry. I v.rjf Irraun tu l I. Kal 8UCOC In Hits llle must have a. Hpeclallty j thatW, 1U1II.L rmirrtmiLln tlit, iLbllittea et bedv nnd ii Iml en coine ene pur nil. Hurileek llloed Jlitlcrs have their speciality us ii eemplitu a d mi Icul euro of djspupslu, und Uvei ami kidney ulli etiens. I'm sale by II. II. Cecliruu, miiKl'd, 137iiud 138 .North Quet'll stn et. iiuiKlen'B Aruicrt nulve. The ll st Salve lu tlio'-'werM ler Cuts, HrulciM teri's, Uiit'iH, .Halt Rlieum, hover 8eiuh, 'letter, (Quipped llauiU, Chilblains, L'ernH.iiud ull skin eriiptteus, and positively cuiea I'lle, or no pay required. It Ii Ktiar uiiUxmI tofjlve iHirluci sutlsia(.tten or money reliimled. Price, rent pur box. Korenle by II. II Leclinui. dnuiat, U7and 1JU North Oueen stleet. I.anuialer. A Luwycrs llplulun et lutnreit tit All. J. A. Tiinuey, esq., u leudlug attorney el Winona, .Minn,, writes: "Alter using It ler mom than tliieoears, I take great pleasure in stating mat i iearu iir. mux's .-mew ijis- teeiy for iMiiuump Ien, as the best lemedy I in thu Miild for Coughs aud Colds. It lias , never fulled te cure inn lneit suvere colds I liuve had, and invariably relieves the pain In ! ilia eheiU" Trial bottles et this sure cure for all Threat and l.iinir Dleases may be had Iree at echmu's druir store.Nns l.'l7and ll'i North (jiieen street, LauL.istel, l'u. Lare sUe, l no. lylydebw U) We UliaiiniiKO t" World. When wu suy we belluve, we have evidence le prove that KhtleN's innouiuntten Cure Is decidedly the best Lung? Medicine made, lu as much aa it will cure a common or Chronic Ceuuh Inoiie-halt the time and relieve Asth ma, ilrnnchlllH, Whoeplnjf Ceut'h, Croup, and show mere eases of Consumption cured than all ethers. It will curowhcie tliey tall, It Is plutxant te take, liurmlim te the yeuuirest child and we Kiiarautie whit we saj. l'nce, 10c, 60u.niiil ll.w. If your Luii:s uixi soie, Cheat or Hack lame, use Hlilleli's I'nreus 1'las ter. bold by 11. II. Cechrttu, druggist, Ne. 1S7 and i.! North Unnen atreet toli7-eoi l Truth t'riKihed l KHitn Is bound te rise. Ciewd down and Kinellier the truth as jeu may ceneernlnir Themat' hcleetrte Oil yet thu laeu wilt rl-e up that It lsouuet the bust lemidles ter aches, Bpudns, and pains that has eer jet buuu Invented. Km mlu by II. 11. Cechrau, ilruuglst, 137 und l.fi Nei th uuiun streHt. fAl'iiii JIAttttifUh, OC U Mir UK AIHfiOll'.n WITH FLcs, Bugs, Mo.'quitets. etc, HUT 8KND 118 YOUR ORDKI13 tOil -AND- DOOR SCREENS. We have ull sl7.es of Frames ready and all width et Who aud I.auilacupe, le till erdeia promptly and ulve you ouuel the best Screuus in the market. NKW l'ATTKRNS OF Wall Paper & Dade Shades JUST OPENED. PHARES W. FRY, 57 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. 4-Slore closes at 0 p. in . except Saturdny. IOOl'V rilllH MIMt, I1U1 iillll. 1IIU lead aud sell thu best 5c. Clttar lu thu city, Kt HARTM AN'8 YELLOW FRONT OIUAR UTORK. A' UOTIOWKtH AND KtSAL. AUKNT. KS1A1K HENRY SHUBERT, AUCTIONEER AND RKAL ESTATE AUKNT, Ol North Duke t5t., Lanoaater, Fe, KverytldiiK pt-rtalnlnit te my business will receive my peiseual atloiitlen. Terms reason, aliln. UImi me it call lanlMfil il A IT. MOTKl. I.AUrilt 1IKKK AND T Excelsior Saratea Water en Dnuiuht, Henry iianier, piopuuieroi iue urupu neiei, ajtinil Jl North Uueeu sticut, his remodeled tut barroom, ereuted llrstulass Uulrlueiaters and has new en diaiiKht Charles onus's col cel diluted Philadelphia LAUER 11 KM', for V.I1IU1 helssoleniteutln thtsclty. Also.UAR Alse.UAR AIOUA IV A'l Kit limii the luuums Kxcelsler eprlucs, Kaiatea, N. Y. A lullussoituiuiiiel the putejl Wlui-3 aiut Llqueia en sole. ai37-3uia intr txienn. QI'KUIAL IIAHOA1N3. TOT, SHAND & N0S. 8 & 10 EAST KINO ST. ai'KUlAL IIARUAIN8. 8UMMKR BII.K8.Mk. Se and 730 COLOIIKD DRH.b8 Sll.KS, M)c,75c. M.OO. 45-Inch NUN'S VK1L1NU8 all Celers. We. ft yd, An Immense vailety et CIIAMIIRAY SUIT1NG8. .hl'IIVIlUlNUIIAMH. 1IAT1STK AND CAM URIC, III 1'epulnr Coierlngs at Lewest 1'ilccs. OURNKWI-lNKOr Parasols and Sunshades Have been made te our spetl'd order by thu laiK st inaiiulaeturtrs, which Insures ua having the latest iitylts and Lewest l'rlces. LOACHINU PARASOLH. LACK TRIM MKD PAlUfOLS, TWIL1.KD81LK I'AltASOLS, LAD1K8' AND UKNTI.KMKN'S SILK UM 1IRKI.LA8. JERSEY WAISTS. 53 Deas. AlAr W OOL J MtSKYS, f I.IO each, lately sold at $1.50, KLKUANT IVOUbTKDJKltlKlri, $1 7.1 each lately sold at ('2 50. KINK ISirelU'KD.IKKSKYfc. Lntest Styles, iMaud WJO, NEW YORK STORE . i jxTXr 1'IIUll TO 'llltS UOUllTllOUSK. PAMESTOCK'S ! 500 WHITE aUILTS. 500 WHITE OTILTS. 500 WHITE QUILTS. WITH AND WITHOUT KRINUK. DIRKCT UOM TDK SlANUKACl'UItK. I10UUHT AT A SAORIKICK KOR l'ROMl'T UA8II. AND TO UK bOl.n AT A COll- RKSl-UNDINULi LOW I'llICK. TII03K IN WANT 8IIOULD SEE 'JHKJI KAUL. E. E. Ealinesteck. Next Doer le the Court Ilcnse. LANCASTER, l'A. TOllAUVO AtiJt vfUAKH. IT J., nir.1131 AN ,V UO. PIPES! Meerschaum, Composition, Briar Weed, Vienna Bread, Virginia Olay, Cern Oeb, etc. SMOKKItS. WHO SOI.ACK TIIKM8KLVKS Willi 1'11'KS, LOME-AM) BEE OUR Dlbl'LAY. -T11E- Largest Assortment Ktr shown In thu city, Pipes te Suit Everybody 1 WHOLESALE AND IihTAlL. I. L. Steliman & Ce,, NO. UO NORTH QUEEN ST. maUI-lVd LANCASTER, l'A. jAtilT.lt. E inr.viiLiaiir.u issu. CARPETS AT Philip Schum, Sen & Ge's lOU BUUlli WATiSlt BllUtilil', LANCASTER, PA. Wohavea lull supply el RAO AND FILL. INU CARPETS. We euly uae the banl of yains. It you want a Keed, serviceable Carpet, please come und examine our stock boleio puichaalnif elsewhere, us no will sell as cneup as thu cheapest. Come and see foryeurselfaud bocenvliiLod, aa we always havu the reputa tion et niaklnt; first-class Carputs. OU.VTOM RAG CARPETS ASI'KCIALTY COVKRLET8. COUNTr.ltl'ANKH, ULAN- 11K18, CARPET CHAIN, STOCK. 1NUARN,AC Dyulnu Dene Id all Ita branches at short no- tlce. GOAL I COAL I Ol the beet quiillly, expressly ler family use. TRYA8AMPI.KTON. RKMKMUKRTHK OLD STAND. I'UILir SCHUjI, SON Hi CO'H. Ne 150 SOUTH WATKIt,8TRKKT, iMind LANOAHTElt, l'A. VOU OAhH. 1 UtO l.AHOK AVALhUT HTOltK OOUN- le.. lorsalei may ue seen In tlie store room Intel v 1 ti 111. led by Mr. 8.8. Uuthven. Ne. 101 Nonh Oteuii HUuet; must be removed seen. Apply te O. lI.Lh.FK"RE. tLftU-Ua. OfllCO -NO, 137 it Kinjf.St, CLOTH Ml. A rKASTer BARQAINS. Neckties and Half Heae At KUIBMAN'8, Ne. 17 Weat King Street. i: Gauze Undershirts, In Sixes Irem 31 te 10 Inches. -AT- BRISMAN'S. M YKIW A KATHtrOM, Thin Clothing. In Kxccllent Assortment, ler this sortet weathur, for MKN'8, BOY'S nnd CIIll DRKN'8 WEAR, lu all the PLAIN AND MOST KASHIONAIILK KAUHICS. In looking around ler Summer requisites, remember that ihe beat assortment In CLOTlllNU Is always tn be seen here, and that piltus am surtlctcntly varied te meet with laver among alt classes el buyer, aa well as theso whom fottune tins less tnvored. We Invite calls, that we may be atlorded a chance te show lust what we have. The make, style aud quality of our OLOTIIINO Is tutly up te the highest standard, and Is marked at (Inures that often make buyers of theso whoenly come te see. 9f Comparison courted, trade solicited. ) LKADINU LANCA8TKR CLOTHIERS, NO. 13 BAST KING STREETY LANCASTER, rA. M KUUUANT TAILOIUNO. Special Ter lailiei I have Inst received a line of the FINEST IMl'ORTKK i'ONUKKS In the market, which will be sold per piece, containing twenty yards, at f 10; the same quality et goeda are sclllnc In 1'hltadelphU at12 and 113. Special Ter Gentlemen. Just received. A Bl'LKNDlD ASSORT MENT OK" WOOI.KN uoeiis, suitable ler tbe hotweatbor, which will bu made up atsur prlsluKly low llKuresand supuiler workman werkman shlp, with trimmtnir te correspond with the goods both In quality ami slnum. 1'KlirKCT FITUUlRANrEKDORNOSALK. UlVOme a trial and bu convinced. D. R. WINTERS, NO. 23 JT. (JUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, l'A. A KAltG VUAHGK. Great Reduction -IN FINE CLOTHES -AT- E GEEEART'S, Ne. 6 East King Street. In order te red tire a heavy stock I will make up te order, ter the remainder et the season, all I.1UUT-WK1U11T WOOLENS at a l!ll Ol' 2010 25 PCfDt. This blu reduction Is l"OR OABU ONLY, ana will enable the buyer tn net a line suit et Clethes, made up lut he best style, almost aa low as u rtady-iupde shop Sult.j H. GERHART. L. u" .NjRIAN A 1SUO. GREAT REDUCTION -IN- We are new selling Pants at 75c, tl.00, 1.60, I10, liW, f iue, W.M and ll.oe. Men's Hulls at t.123, II 00, t.W, 5.00,(0.00, $7,10, li.oe, 110, II?, U and 18- Heys Suits at 1 23, (I 75.IJ.00, IJ.60, 13 00, 100, 15.00, ii UO, 17.00 und W U. Custom Department. Uoeds tn thu Piece, which we make te order at prlees te defy competition. Pants at tJ.30, HOD, $.W, I5.U0, $3.00, np I e 19.00. Suits at 110.00, f 12.00, 111.00, $15 00, 118,00 and upwards. We are always ready and glad te bee our Irlfliids and patrons, whether they wish te buy or net. We cordially Invite the publle te call and Inspect our Summer Clothing, new helme clnared out (every Karment a bargain) te make room for our New Fall Stock. LGansmanOre. iu f"lll''Jtt!x,liffiKWIA,l,"', Ne, 66-63 NORTH QDBIN STRUT, Itlgbt ou the Bouthwest Cerner leCOraage. LANCAUTKB, PA. -Onen EVERY EVKNINO uatU K o'clock, BfttuiMayuntUWO'clecK, IYER umm . ;.a 3 a